37 o Prince Sekatane, 22 years old, originally hails from Secunda. He used to attend The Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, nicknamed Joburg Gen. He was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis. He urgently needs medical assistance. He lives in Mashishing and works for a contractor at Glencore (CMI), his mother is a domestic worker and she lives in Secunda. Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that disturbs cell growth in your nervous system, causing tumors to form on nerve tissue. These tumors may develop anywhere in your nervous system, including in your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Neurofibromatosis is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood. The tumors are usually noncancerous (benign), but in some cases these tumors become cancerous (malignant) tumors. People with neurofibromatosis often experience only mild symptoms. Effects of neurofibromatosis can range from hearing loss, learning impairment, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) complications to severe disability due to nerve compression by tumors, loss of vision and severe pain. Neurofibromatosis treatment aims to maximize healthy growth and development and to manage complications as soon as they arise. When neurofibromatosis causes large tumors or tumors that press on a nerve, surgery may help ease symptoms. Some people may benefit from other therapies, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, medications to control pain or physical therapy. If you are able to help Prince in any way, please call Themba Sibiya on 083 398 1955. Hoorhierso & Outoppie BL 4 Tel: 013-235-1303 l 19 De Clerq St, Lydenburg Crazy SPRING Deals for Everyone

25 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 37

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25 September 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 37

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  • 37o

    Prince Sekatane, 22 years old, originally hails from Secunda. He used to attend The Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, nicknamed Joburg Gen. He was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis. He urgently needs medical assistance. He lives in Mashishing and works for a contractor at Glencore (CMI), his mother is a domestic worker and she lives in Secunda. Neurofibromatosis is a genetic disorder that disturbs cell growth in your nervous system, causing tumors to form on nerve tissue. These tumors may develop anywhere in your nervous system, including in your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Neurofibromatosis is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood.The tumors are usually noncancerous (benign), but in some cases these tumors become cancerous (malignant) tumors.

    People with neurofibromatosis often experience only mild symptoms. Effects of neurofibromatosis can range from hearing loss, learning impairment, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) complications to severe disability due to nerve compression by tumors, loss of vision and severe pain.Neurofibromatosis treatment aims to maximize healthy growth and development and to manage complications as soon as they arise. When neurofibromatosis causes large tumors or tumors that press on a nerve, surgery may help ease symptoms. Some people may benefit from other therapies, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, medications to control pain or physical therapy. If you are able to help Prince in any way, please call Themba Sibiya on 083 398 1955.

    rag ofgeen krag?

    Hoorhierso &

    OutoppieBL 4

    Tel: 013-235-1303 l 19 De Clerq St, Lydenburg

    Crazy SPRING Deals for Everyone

  • Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - FriHours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri

    Rensburg Street 58

    The Heads Shopping Centre Lydenburg

    Busisiwe Adriaan de Beer (GM Two Rivers Platinum Mine), Mike Schmidt (CEO ARM), Gerhard Potgieter

    (Impala Executive), Matheas Sithole (group HR Executive Impala), Francois Uys (CEO ARM )

    Francois Uys (CEO ARM Platinum) Adriaan de Beer (GM Two Rivers

    Platinum Mine)

    Clement Maubelle (Full Time Health & Safety Rep), Adriaan de Beer (GM), Malejane Tshehla (Full Time Health & Safety Rep), Calvin


    Billy Selekane was the MC

    for event

    Two Rivers Platinum Mine celebrated two million fatality free shifts recently at Inyoni dam. Members of ARM Corporate and Impala, Department of Minerals and Resources, Health and Safety commitee chairperson and distinguished guests celebrated this milestone.

    2 million fatality free shifts for Two Rivers

    Rene Joubert (SSU DMR) and Adriaan de Beer (GM

    Two Rivers Platinum Mine)

    Pastor Kortman from the

    local community

    Rebecca Malope entertained crowd

    Mr Calvin Mathabatha, Employees Health and Safety Committee Chairperson) said: These achievements do not come easily. An intervention of several tough but rewarding strategies including the internal section 54s for non compliance and with the workers playing open cards to report every single unsafe act or situation thus preventing and stopping accidents before they happen.It took Two Rivers Platinum Mine two years and seven months to reach this goal, but like Mrs Rene Joubert (SSU DMR) stated: One can compare safety in the mining industry to the importance of sport in our country. Without a game strategy, our countrys sportsmen and women will never excel on the sports field. Without teamwork, dedication and rules, there can be no match and no winners. Last but not least, Mr A. de Beer (General Mine Manager) thanked everybody who attended the venue for their input and support to achieve this milestone and to keep up the good work and remember to keep on putting safety close to their hearts. Story and Photos by Reinet Bell

  • Struggling to get Finance?

    New or Used Vehicles

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    Email: [email protected]: http://[email protected]

    Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly;Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink;

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    013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555082 883 5342

    After Hours: 076 053 7178www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za

    STERKSPRUITVeterinary Clinic Dierekliniek

    Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24 Lydenburgwww.ganda.co.zae-pos: [email protected]

    Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware,Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar

    Skade in hoofstraatMaandagmiddag het drie motors

    in die Lydenburg hoofstraat skade opgedoen toe n ander motor in hulle vasgery

    het. Die verkeer raak baie knap

    oor die middaguur. Niemand is beseer nie -

    Michelle Boshoff

    A suspected rhino poaching ringleader and nine accomplices appeared in the Hatfield Magistrate's Court in Pretoria on Monday morning on several rhino poaching related charges.The suspected ringleader was arrested on Friday in the Pretoria North Magistrate's Court while appearing on a s e p a r a t e r h i n o p o a c h i n g r e l a t e d c a s e .The other suspected members of the syndicate were

    a r r e s t e d i n t h r e e d i f f e r e n t p r o v i n c e s .The syndicate is believed to have been mainly active in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.The group has allegedly mutilated rhinos, at both State owned and private game reserves. Police say the syndicate has illegally killed 22 rhino and obtained 84 rhino horns to the value of R22 million.

    We cant ignore the mindless killingof rhinos. World Rhino Day was celebrated

    on 22 September. Rangers with a lot of experience cry when they see how the rhinos are butchered. Please be aware

    that this is war againstpoachers and the conservation of our rhinos.

    These photos were taken at Alzu Petro Port. There is

    literally road trip eye candy next to the road.

    Motorist stop and relax to watch these wonderful

    animals. It gives everyone an opportunity to see the beautiful

    majestic rhinos up close. Photos Michelle Boshoff

  • vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists


    Highlands Panorama

    News holds

    accredited membership

    of the following bodies /

    Highlands Panorama Nuus is n geakkredi-teerde lid van die

    volgende organisa-


    Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City

    Deep Production

    Park, City Deep.

    Copyright exists on all material

    published in theHighlands Panorama.

    Written permissionmust be obtained touse it in any form.Kopiereg bestaan

    op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.

    Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

    Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

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    Office/Kantoor:65 Viljoen-Str/str 65

    (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Strs/stre);

    PO Box/Posbus 4418,

    LYDENBURG, 1120


    Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

    083 626 6305Editor/ Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

    Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:Reinet Bell

    082 450 4875Accounts:

    Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

    Grafies / Graphics:Lorinda De Klerk -

    013 235 2287Webtuiste:

    Carol MunroEmail: info@


    Member of


    Die OutoppieOmgeval

    n Mens spot nie met ander mense se verdriet en ellende nie. Maar die ineenstorting van die gastehuis by profeet TB Joshua se kerk in Nigeri, wat 84 Suid Afrikaners dood gelaat het, verdien kommentaar. Dit was die derde of vierde gebou ramp wat di kerk getref het. Hulle het die gastehuis wat ineen gestort het beskryf as n argitektoniese meesterstuk. Ja wel...

    Hierdie TB Joshua is natuurlik die een wat beweer hy kan ongeneeslike siektes genees, duiwels uitdryf ensovoorts. Dit is ook die een wat Julius Malema gesen het en beweer hier kom n bloedige rewolusie in Suid Afrika.En nawe Suid Afrikaners aanbid die grond waarop hy loop!Wanneer sal mense besef di man is so min God genspireerd as die man op die maan? Dit gaan vir hom en sy soort net oor een ding en dit is geld. En geld maak hy wel. Duisende l n pelgrimstog na hom toe af en moet dae

    of weke wag om hom te sien. Dit kos hulle n fortuin. Dit is n geldmaakfoefie soos die meeste van sy soort, met voete van klei.Na die derde gebou wat verwoes word, moet mense mos besef die Here is nie teenwoordig in daardie kerk nie.As my stellings jou affronteer, vra ek om verskoning. Maar ek wil pleit dat jy introspeksie hou en self besluit hoe jou spirituele verhouding met God lyk. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat jy jou Heil by sulke mense sal vind. Nee, as jy geld wil uitgee, vlieg Rusland toe vir n stamsel oorplanting. Medies gesproke het jy dan n beter kans. Ons simpatie gaan aan die naasbestaandes van die oorledenes.

    JEREMIA 5:31: Die profete tree vals op, die priesters regeer met hulle eie gesag, en my volk hou daarvan! Maar wat sal julle doen as die einde kom? Here help ons om die ware van die valse profete te onderskei - Amen.

    Me. Caty Sander, ne Nel (30), en mnr. Derek Sander (34) is op 6 September in Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal, getroud. Die

    egpaar vestig hulself in Lydenburg.

    Me. Elize Klingbiel, Sekretaresse CMR Limpopo, skryf:Graag wil ek u bedank namens die bestuur van die CMR Limpopo vir die advertensie wat u vir ons plaas in u koerant.Dis wonderlik om te weet daar is soveel mense wat steeds omgee en 'n oop hand het.Ons waardeer dit opreg.

    CMR bedank koerant

    Hierdie pragtige Lassy hond is gekry op die Dullstroompad

    deur dr. Marietjie Malan. Dis n ouerige

    teef. Bel asb. dr. Marietjie by 073 181 3022 indien die hond

    joune is.

    Pragtige hond gevindop Dullstroompad

    Gussie Sterkspruit Buurtwag skryf: Sies julle padbesmetters! Julle wat jul gemors op die Sterkspruitplotte se pad kom afgooi, julle het geen respek vir julself of vir die buurtwag wat jul gemors elke keer gaan optel nie - ons lewe nie soos varke in gemors nie, ons wil graag trots wees op ons omgewing want hier is baie mense wat draf, stap, fietsry of met hul honde gaan wandel vir oefening. Ons het alreeds n paar name van besmetters wat swartsakke vol gemors kom afgooi (jou rekenings is in die sak met jou besonderhede).

    Op soek na babadoeke, kondome, bierbottels en ander huishoudelike goed, tweedehands? Ons het dit vir julle opgetel. Kom na die Sterkspruitplotte - pad waar julle al die bogenoemde kan kry - gratis. Julle mense wat die pad so bemors, julle het geen morele waardes nie. Skaam julle want jou kinders sien wat jy doen en hulle gaan dit ook eendag doen en dink dis reg! Waar is jou opvoeding of het dit ook saam met die vullis by die venster uitgewaai? Is jou respek vir jouself so laag en dis hoekom jy ander ook nie respekteer nie? Ons inwoners saam met ons kinders tel jou gemors op. Dink daaraan wanneer jy weer vullis en gemors uit jou kar of van jou bakkie afgooi.Anonieme inwoner van Sterkspruitplotte

    Padbesmetters is vieslik!Besmetters ons gaan julle vang en dan sal daar teen julle opgetree word. Ons as buurtwag staan sterk saam om besmetting te bekamp, so ons sal dit hoog op prys stel as almal saam werk om ons omgewing skoon te hou en trots te wees daarop. Ons het n paar weke gelede 110 vullissakke vol gemaak van die gemors langs die pad en die koerant het berig daaroor, maar die naweek van 12 en 13 September moes ons noodgedwonge alweer 68 sakke volmaak met vullis wat hier gestrooi word. Nee maggies mense, jul kla oor riool in die water en geen krag maar die bietjie wat jy kan doen om jou vullis self na die asgate te neem gooi jy nou op ons skouers! Gaan stadsraad toe as jou vullis n probleem is en nie na Sterkspruitplotte toe nie, ons is nie die asgate nie.

    Varke wat pad bemors

    A Steering Committee to plan the formation of Bird Club affiliated to BirdLife South Africa has been formed under the chairmanship of George Skinner, a seasoned birder from Gauteng, who is shortly to be a permanent resident at Walkersons Private Estate near Dullstroom. Whilst the club is to be founded in Dullstroom, it is intended to be broad-based, drawing members from the Blyde River Canyon in the north to Chrissiesmeer in the south, inclusive of the towns of Ohrigstad, Graskop, Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Machadadorp, Belfast, Carolina and Ermelo. The owners of historical family farms held for generations( especially in the Lydenburg to Mt Anderson, Ohrigstad, and Long Tom Pass valleys) with exciting new habitats and birding hotspots are agreeable to these being opened up for the first time to birders accompanied by an Escarpment Bird Club member. A major project is a planned Bird Fair for Spring 2015 at which the club could be officially launched, but the priority for now is for birders and potential birders across the region (especially young people from the schools where School Affiliate Clubs can be formed) to contact George Skinner at [email protected] to register their interest in becoming members and potential representatives (in the areas of the region the club wishes to serve) on the formal committee to be formed to run the affairs of the club.The strategic objective of conserving wild birds and their habitats BirdLife South Africa would also like to encourage establishments to support the organisations conservation work and assist Bird-Life to achieve its conservation objectives of conserving wild birds and their habitats.

    A Bird And Conservation Club For The Mpumalanga Escarpment

    Braaidag was Woensdag,maar daar is geen rede om nie

    weer die vuur aan te steek hierdie naweek nie.

    Die braai begin met maak van die vuur, nie wanneer die vleis opgesit word nie.Vir Suid-Afrikaners is braai n soort van geloof (met n klein g). Geloof in die kole, vuur, aanpak van vuur, hoe lank die vuur moet brand en hoe lank die vleis moet braai. En boonop is braai baie terapeuties. Jy kan n stukkie kaas op n oop vuur smelt en jy sal beter voel oor jou dag se probleme nadat jy vir n uur in die vlamme gestaar het. En daar gee Erfenisdag toe vir ons die gulde geleentheid om een van Suid-Afrika se lekkerste erfenis-aktiwiteite te geniet. Braai. En omdat ons Suid-Afrikaners is, noem ons die 24ste nou Braaidag. Almal is vol braaidag idees, wat gaan hulle braai, saam met wie gaan hulle braai en waar gaan hulle braai? Eintlik maak die bogenoemde nie so saak nie.Braai net!Suid-Afrikaners weet van braai. n Luilekker braaivleisvuur. Ek verstom my as mense s hulle gaan sommer braai. Daar is niks sommer aan die gesis van vleis oor kole nie. Dis Suid-Afrikaans en eie aan ons. Soos n braaivleis-reuk. My pa het altyd ges: Sonde aan die ou wat my nie nooi nie.

    Gaan tik die woord braai in op die www.google.com bladsy. n Volle 14 700 000 resultate word gegee. Dit bevestig dit net weer aan my dat braai in almal se smaak val . Braai het ook nou al uitgekring na ander lande... nie as barbeque nie maar Engelstalige-lande wat die woord braai gebruik. Ont

    n Braaier mag glad nie alleen by die braai wees nie, onder geen omstandighede nie.

    hou ten alle tye braai is 'n eeue lange tradisie, en die hoeksteen van Afrikaner kultuur, hoe meer jy braai hoe sterker word ons kultuur. En onthou, ons is NIE Amerikaners nie, ons braai NIE viennas of hamburger patties nie. Ons mors nie met bosveld braaihout nie. ~ Michelle Boshoff

  • Longtom Farm Guest House, Lydenburg, is the provincial winner of the Lilizela Awards in the guesthouse category. It is evident why they were a favourite

    amongst the judges.

    Michelle Boshoff

    Local tourism hub, Longtom Farm Guest House, won the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency Lilizela provincial award in the guesthouse category. This means that this four star graded guest house is the best in the Mpumalanga according to the Lilizela Award organisers.80% of the marks were given by comments by guests on tourism websites. The other 20% of the points were appointed according to the star grading and one of 46 judges who visited the guesthouse and gave points according to their experience at the guest house. T h e s e w e r e i n d e p e n d e n t comments. At the event in Nelspruit it was said that tourism grew with 200% this year. And all the winners and nominees must see themselves as an advert for tourism for South Africa.In 2013 the Longtom Farm Guest House was also a finalist in the provincial category.We were not expecting to win and

    were very surprised, said Mrs Schoeman. Mr Jacques Modipane, Chief Executive Officer of the awards said: We congratulate these businesses who are an epitome of service excellence in various categories.The final between the nine provinces will take place at Gold Reef City on 9 October.

    Well-known Lydenburg residents Mr Thinus and Mrs Annette Schoeman with the

    awards they won.

    Longtom Farm Guest House,promotes tourism andwins provincial award

  • Jaarlikse Sakekamer Kompetisie 2013/2014

    Algemeen:Hierdie kompetisie het ten doel om die publiek kans te gee om hulle gunsteling besigheid in en om Lydenburg te nomineer en word onder die vaandel van die Lydenburg / Mashishing Sakekamer geloods. Die doel is om Lydenburgse besighede, produkte en dienste te verbeter en te bemark. Groot pryse is op die spel vir die wenners (met punte) en vir die publiek (gelukkige trekking) en sal later aangekondig word. Vir meer besonderhede hou die koerant dop.Kategorie 1. Beste Hardeware winkel; 2. Beste Motorhandelaar; 3. Beste Gastehuis4. Beste restaurant / kroeg / wegneemetes5. Beste Koffiewinkel; 6. Beste meubelwinkel; 7. Beste Apteek; 8. Beste eiendomsagentskap; 9. Beste motoronderdele / dienste (nie

    Beste Lydenburgse Besighede kompetisie:handelaars); 10. Beste klerewinkel; 11. Beste kruidenierswinkel / algemene handelaar; 12. Beste glaswerke13. Beste Sekuriteitsdienste; 14. Beste Paneelkloppers; 15. Beste Boekhouers / ouditeurs; 16. Beste Bank / finansile dienste verskaffers; 17. Beste versekeringsmakelaars18. Beste bouers / kontrakteurs / elektrisins / loodgieters; 19. Beste ander / kleiner / besighedeBeoordelingskriteria: (Ken 'n punt van 1 tot 10 toe) 1. Maklike / veilige parkering; 2. Vriendelike ontvangs / personeel / klintediens / telefoondiens; 3. Kundigheid van personeel4. Netheid van die winkel / besigheid binne5. Voorraad beskikbaar soos geadverteer6. Diens binne redelike tydperk gelewer7. Beste geriewe vir bejaardes (loopareas ens) / kinders / publieke toilette; 8. Billike pryse; 9.

    Voorkoms / netheid van straatfront10. Gehalte van naverkopediens; 11. Betrokkenheid by gemeenskap / lief-dadigheid ens.Reels: 1. Die kompetisie is oop vir enige lid van die publiek. 2. Inskrywings slegs op die amptelike inskrywingsvorm soos in die Highlands panorama nuus gepubliseer. Deelnemers mag fotostate maak van die amptelike vorm in die koerant. 3. Die beslissing van die beoordelaars is finaal. 4. Die wenner van die algehele groot prys (besigheid) moet 'n lid van die Sakekamer wees. 5. Inskrywings kan by Spar, Pick-n-Pay, en Checkers in die houer gegooi word, of faks na 0 1 3 2 3 5 3 0 7 6 o f m a i l n a [email protected]. 6. Sluitingsdatum is 31 Oktober 2014.

    Motivering voorberei deur Wessel J Venter, Voorsitter van die Lydenburg Mashishing Besigheidskamer:

    Hierdie kompetisie moet nie verwar word met die beste besigheid in Lydenburg kompetisie nie. Dit is slegs vir sakekamers en die onderstaande m o t i v e r i n g i s d e e l v a n d i e inskrywingsvorm.

    Met as slagspreuk: Saam kan ons 'n verskil maak het die Lydenburg Sakekamer, te midde van baie moeilike plaaslike omstandighede, dit reggekry om proaktief op te tree; die ledetal te groei; leiding te neem in die lewering van basiese dienste en op 'n uiterse professionele wyse die besighede in die omgewing oor die afgelope drie jaar bemark.Die logo simboliseer die rat van 'n wiel wat vorentoe beweeg. Die rat is in 4 dele verdeel en simboliseer die rol wat die Sakekamer, die Mynbou Forum, die Landbou Forum en die Plaaslike regering saam speel om die gemeenskap vorentoe te neem. Eersgenoemde drie rolspelers verteenwoordig tesame die privaat sektor inisiatiewe en saam is: 1. 'n Tegniese Komitee gestig wat betrokke is by die opgradering van die rioolwerke, waterwerke en die elektriese netwerk.2. Projekte suksesvol afgehandel om 'n 5 MVA substasie op te rig en 'n sentrale pad hoek te ontwerp en te herbou.3. Onderhandelings geinisieer met Provinsiale Departemente, die Nasionale Cogta departement en andere.Die Sakekamer het onder andere die v o l g e n d e b e l a n g r i k e d i e n s t e gelewer/gefasiliteer vir sy lede. 1. Gereelde lede vergaderings met besoekende sprekers om onderwerpe soos d ie nuwe SEB kodes , Toer isme ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe en geleenthede, dienslewering deur byvoorbeeld Vodacom, ensovoorts aan te spreek2 . Ve r s p r e i d i n g v a n b e l a n g r i k e inligting/nuus deur middel van die plaaslike koerante/media, e-pos en facebook inskrywings.3. Erkenning aan plaaslike besighede en i n d i v i d u e v i r b e s o n d e r e dienslewering/prestasie4. Bemarking deur 'n jaarlikse glanstydskrif vir Lydenburg en deur die webwerf5. Opleiding van entrepreneurs in samewerking met die AHI, en 6. Bedinging namens die lede in sake soos eiendomswaardasies, belastingsheffings en ander uitdagings danksy die plaaslike regering.

    Friday night (18h00 21h30):Brain (How the Brain Works, How Thoughts Form and How Thoughts Can Become Toxic Leading To Disease (1 h 10 min)How Long Term Fear, Anxiety and Stress Affects the Body (30 min)Allergies (An Example Of How The Symptoms Of A Disease Can Develop As A Result Of A Long Term Mindset) (1 hr 10 min) Ministry For Fear Saturday morning (09h00 13h00):A Journey Through The Bible To Find The Cause of Disease And The Condition For Healing (2 hours)Cancer And Other Diseases Caused By A Relationship Breakdown With Others (1 hr 30 min) Ministry on Forgiveness Saturday evening (17h00 - 21h00): Source of Thoughts (How Disease Begins In The Spiritual Realm And Develops Through The Spirit-Soul-Body Connection; How Healing Comes Through The Same Pathway) (4 hrs )Sunday morning (9h00 13h00) Diseases from break down with self (1 hr 30 min)Who you are in Christ (1 hr 30 mins)General Approach and Miracles (30mins)Genetics (40mins) Sunday Evening (17h00 21h00):Overview (35mins) Michelle teaching on Father (30mins)

    The Role of the Father (Ps W. Nel) (1hr 1 1/2hrs). Ministry Monday Evening: (17h30 21h00)Psychiatric diseases and occultism (45 mins)Ministry for involvement in occultism: Viruses and HIV (45mins), Tammy thank you's, End time message (10mins), Song by Lou with skit (5mins), Final praise and worship song by Lou.

    NO DISEASE IS INCURABLE CONFERENCE(3 October 6 October 2014) - Lydenburg

    Gorgeous hou weer hul gewilde mark op 27 en 28 September. Soos in die verlede beloof dit weer om 'n gesellige twee dae van kuier te wees. Heelwat meer nuwe uitstallers met gehalte produkte gaan te sien wees. Van klere, juwele, dekor items, houtwerk, ens, tot heelwat vir die kleingoed gaan beskikbaar wees. Die gewilde teetuin bied 'n verskeidenheid watertand eetgoed vir groot en klein. Wyn en bier sal ook beskikbaar wees. Kom geniet 'n rustige dag in n lieflike tuin te Lydenburgstraat 4. Tye - 9h00 tot 16h00. Toegang gra t i s . Kaar t fas i l i t e i t e beskikbaar. Gaan "Like" ons op Facebook by Gorgeous Handmade Gift Fair.

    The Lewende Woord Church in Lydenburg will host the No Disease is Incurable Conference from 3 to 6 October. The conference is free, but everyone must reg is ter a t the church . P lease emai l [email protected] or phone Marinda at 013 235 2463

    Oudergewoonte sal die Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se kermis, met 'n optog afskop deur Lydenburg se strate.Die optog vind vanaf 12:30 op 26 September 2014 plaas.Outydse motors, perde en ossewaens. Kom koop vleis by die grootste vleistafel ooit met die beste pryse. Wanneer? Saterdag 27 September 2014. ONTBYT R30.00 BEGIN REEDS OM 7:00Behalwe al die eetgoed en verversings sal daar 'n naaldwerk, groente, witolifant en koektafel wees. Kompetisies vir hoede, baba's, kleuters, tieners, ouma, oupa en die 'man met die grootste maag' word ook aangebied.Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie.Skakel Jeanetta Kruger: 013 235 3858 / 013 235 2146 / 082 579 2962.

    Rusoord se Kermis is Saterdag

    Fun day at TumbleweedEnter now and win a free professional photo shoot for Little Miss and Mr Spring. It will be held at Tumbleweed Nursery Tea Garden on Saturday 4 October at 10:00. It will be hosted by Batoka Photography, Tumbleweed Nursery, Azure Blue and Janas Gift Box. All little girls and boys between die ages of two and four years old are welcome to enter. Entry fee is R50 and moms must bring a contribution of eats towards the toddler picnic. All entrants will receive a professional photograph. For more information phone 013 235 4732 or 079 503 5451.

    Gorgeous Handmade Gift Fair















    Inskrywingsvorm vir die kompetisie links verskyn

    volgende week.

  • n Baie skaars vissie, wat as die Snawelvis of varswater dolfyntjie in die volksmond bekend staan, is onlangs deur mnr. Andre H o f f m a n , s p e s i a l i s a k w a t i e s e wetenskaplike van die Mpumalanga Toerisme en Parke Agentskap, versamel.

    Dit was vir hom baie spesiaal om na 27 jaar se monitoring van ons riviere, vir die eerste keer 'n albino vis op te spoor. Hy het dit in die Mhlambanyathi rivier, 'n sytak van die Lomatirivier, op 19 Augustus 2014 versamel. Die spesienaam is Marcusenius pongolensis.

    Die spesienaam is Marcusenius pongolensis.

    Di baie skaars vissie word ook

    n Snawelvis of

    n varswater dolfyntjie genoem.

    Varswater-dolfyntjieSaterdag 20 September het Lydenburg Leersentrum se graad 10 en 11 leerders hul gasvryheid prakties gedoen. Alles het

    plaasgevind te Laske Nakke oord. Agt van die sentrum se leerlinge het hul gasvryheid prakties, onder leiding van me. Aley Storm en me. Janette Jansen afgel.Die leerlinge moes al die beplanning self doen, van die aankoop van bestanddele, spyskaarte uitwerk, tafelbeplanning, die verkoop van kaartjies ens. Die leerlinge is beoordeel deur Sjef Christemari Halbisch van SA Chefs Training and Innovation Academy. Dit was die leerlinge se eerste praktiese

    eksamen en die senuwees het behoorlik geknaag, nie net vir die leerlinge nie maar vir die personeel ook. Elke leerling wil die hoof mnr. Barry Venter en sy personeel bedank vir al die geduld en ondersteuning gedurende die laaste twee maande se beplanning. Spesiale dank aan die ouers wat hulle met baie liefde en geduld gedra het. Elkeen het Saterdag baie geleer by die sjef. Lydenburg Leersentrum wil ook graag vir mnr. Rudi en me. Gerda Hartser bedank vir die gebruik van die perseel en hul personeel se geduld om die breekware aan te dra. Dankie aan Sjef Christemari wat spesiaal van Pretoria gekom het vir die geleentheid.

    Die Lydenburg Leersentrum se gasvryheid prakties, wat n smaaklike affre.

    Smaaklike Praktieshis year's SAHGCA (SA Hunting Game Conservation Association)

    camp will take place from 31TOctober to 2 November. Promising a fun filled weekend with loads of adventures on a Bush Camp near Burgersfort.Die kamp is gerig op jong mense tussen die ouderdomme van 10-17 jaar (Skoolgaande kinders). Die naweek sal gerig wees op die Juniors se skietvernuf en

    Junior Jagterskamp Oefening Ramkat 2014

    oorlewingstegnieke. The camp concentrates on all the facets of ethical hunting. Th i s inc ludes p rac t i ca l shoo t ing , identification and survival techniques. New shooting exercises have been included to make it more fun and competitive for the Junior Hunters.The fee per child is R300-00 for the weekend.For more details please contact;Ramon Bell at 0836006114 after 18H00

  • Pick n Pay Centre53 Kantoor St.LYDENBURG

    Trading Hours:MON-FRI 08H00 TO 19H00

    SAT 08H00 TO 17H00

    Tel: (013) 235 [email protected]

    LIQUOR NOT FOR SALE TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18Prices valid from Thursday 25 September 2014 up to and including

    Thursday 02 October 2014 or while stock lasts.All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit quantities. *E&OE

    KYK net hoe geniet die dames van Hibiscus tak VLU die maak van Tokreen artikels!Me. Hantie J van Rensburg het al die pad van Steelpoort af gekom om vir ons di kunsvorm te demonstreer en aan elk n emmertjie en benodigdhede vir die proses gebring. n Hele paar dames van die tak kon dit weens persoonlike omstandighede nie maak nie en ek is seker hulle is baie spyt dat hulle die demonstrasie gemis het. Toemaar, volgende maand leer ons weer iets nuuts!Ons innige medelye gaan aan me. Gertruida v d Berg met die afsterwe van haar broer, asook aan me. Sandra Coetzee wie se susterskind aan kanker oorlede is.Ons volgende vergadering is 8 Oktober om 9:30 by die NG Gemeente Lydenburg Suid.Enige dame wat belangstel is welkom om saam met ons 'n koppie tee / koffie te kom drink en n stukkie koek te kom eet.

    Tokreen as kunsvorm

    Alle Dames en Mans van Lydenburg en omgewing: Kom ons vat hande en loop saam die 25 Oktober 2014 vir Borskanker Bewusmaking. Ons gaan by Longtom Spar parkering begin en deur die dorp loop tot by NG Suid gemeente.Koste is R 150 per persoon ingesluit gholf hemp, ete en hope pret en inligting.Kontak my nou al om in te skryf asb. Inskrywings sluit 11 Oktober.Almal wat belangstel om te kom uitstal kontak my ook asb. 084 329 8737


    8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120, 013 235 [email protected]


    [email protected] 626 6305

    This prime advertisingspace is available.

    Contact Reinet Bell on082 450 4875 for a

    special deal that willhelp you grow your



    [email protected] 626 6305

    This prime advertisingspace is available.

    Contact Reinet Bell on082 450 4875 for a

    special deal that willhelp you grow your


    LET's get a few definitions straight here: the world's fastest street-legal quarter-miler is not a road car. Street-legal, in this case, does not mean standard. It doesn't even mean based on standard. What it does mean, is that Larry Larson's 6.16-second bakkie has certain parts of a Chevy S10 one-tonner body on it, and a Chevrolet-based aluminium V8 block. It has a permanently attached steel body with working doors and wind-up windows, not a one-piece carbon-fibre lift-off replica shell - but under that there's a genuine honest-to-Christmas-tree drag racer. The big deal is that it has also been assembled in such a way - with lights, mirrors, safety glass, bumpers, a hooter, treaded (sort of) tyres and a road-legal 82db exhaust system - that it was able to pass a roadworthy inspection in its native Missouri and be driven for 1600km without requiring outside assistance other than refuelling. So it is, by definition, street legal, and it is registered for the road. But it's not a street car. Oh no. What Larson Race Cars has done is to bolt most of a 1998 Chevy S10 pickup body on to an SFI-approved tubular-steel racing chassis; the cab, doors and load bed are original, as is - most important of all - the original windscreen frame, to which is attached the donor S10's VIN certification plate, without which it is almost impossible to register a vehicle in the United States. Under the remains of an original S10 steel bonnet, there's a 620-cubic inch

    (10.16-litre) V8, built by Pro Line of Ball Ground, Georgia using a GM-based Brodix aluminium block with its bores spaced 125mm apart, a 'stroker' crankshaft specially cut from a solid block of steel by Sonny Bryant, DME rods, Diamond Custom forged pistons, a Pro Line billet steel camshaft, Brodix cylinder heads, and two 98mm Precision Turbo Gen 2 Pro Mod turbochargers. It has two complete fuelling systems: on the street it runs ordinary petrol (and Missouri petrol is very ordinary) supplied by two Aeromotive fuel-pumps inside the fuel tank, one feeding a set of 100kg/hour Precision fuel-injectors in the upper row of the Edelbrock inlet manifold and the other a set of 250kg/hour spritzers in the lower row. On the dragstrip, however, the Doomsday Machine runs pure methanol, supplied from a separate fuel tank by a belt-driven Aeromotive fuel pump. Its exact specs and power output are a closely-guarded secret, but insiders speak of 'several thousand horsepower' and Pro Line actually advertises a similar engine at 2400kW - yours for only $43 900 (R480 000) ex works - a not-inconceivable number for a methanol-burning 10-litre V8 running heavy boost. The rest of the drive-train is actually quite ordinary; it has a three-speed auto transmission with a conventional torque convertor, with an external overdrive to lower the revs for highway cruising, a 3.89:1 Strange differential and conventional steel brake discs all round. What it can do, however, is not a secret - it's a matter of record: on Saturday 13 September it ran the standing quarter at Hot Rod Magazine's Drag Week in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 6.16 seconds, crossing the line at 350.4km/h. And then Larson drove it home. iol.motoring.co.za

  • FORD Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) showed its commercial vehicle line-up at the Electra Mining Africa 2014 exhibition tlast week, at the Johannesburg Expo Centre, Nasrec. On show was Ford's new Transit range, as well as an entry-level version of the Ranger, the Ranger XL-Plus, that has been designed to deal with harsh mine site environments. Visitors experienced the 2.2-litre and 3.2-litre Ranger variants throughout the day on a custom 4x4 course, to put the vehicles through their paces in a controlled environment.Our presence at Electra Mining was to reiterate our commitment to the mining community, said Dawid van der Merwe, Fleet Operations Manager at FMCSA. We worked with mining companies to develop the Ranger XL-Plus, ensuring they have access to dependable, high-quality vehicles that meet strict safety requirements.Ranger XL-Plus meets stringent safety rating standards, along with a number of enhancements that helps it withstand the punishing environments at mine sites. These include a frame that has been tested to safely tow a maximum load of 3 500kg, and an additional 300kg payload. Mud flaps for front and rear wheels, as well as stone guards for the rear suspension, mitigate damage from flying debris, and the revised universal joints are optimised to work in heavy mud environments.Recognising that mine operators often require additional equipment, the Ranger XL-Plus is also fitted with a second, heavy-duty battery and an expanded wiring harness coupled with a Crew Chief bracket. This allows for easier fitment of radios and external lighting modules.RMA, Ford's approved quality vehicle modifier (QVM), has assisted in modifying a Ranger XL-Plus for the stand display. Working closely with Ford, at the Silverton Assembly Plant, RMA is able to fit aftermarket accessories at the factory, reducing complexity and waiting times for customers who require vehicles in fleet as soon as possible.Transit range the backbone of businessRecently-launched Transit models were also on show, alongside Ranger. The Transit Panel Van, Transit Chassis Cab and Tourneo Custom offer business a versatile range of vehicles for their fleet requirements. Transit Panel Van can accommodate up to 14.8 cubic metres or 2.6 tonnes, while the Transit Chassis Cab offers a customisable option for businesses that have specific needs. Ford also offers a full size Tourneo, with seating for between 12 and 18 passengers depending on the model."The new models are part of our expansion into the commercial vehicle market," said van der Merwe. "Ford has grown from strength to strength over the last 18 months, with successful passenger vehicles and Ranger, and now we want to offer the same excellent products to our business customers."Also on display was the Transit Connect, 2014 International Van of the Year, which is due for introduction in South Africa early in 2015. The compact panel van is the perfect choice for inter-city deliveries and small businesses. Transit Connect will be joined by the Tourneo Connect MPV, which seats between five and seven passengers.Transit, Ranger XL-Plus, and Transit Connect will join other Ford commercial models at Ford's specialist commercial vehicle dealerships, which will assist business with their requirements as well as catering to fleet customers.Quickpics.comContact McGee& Co for prices, warranty info and vehicle specs.



    Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, LydenburgTE HUUR:

    R10 000 / maandR5000 / maand

    R7000 / maandR17 000 / maand

    TE KOOP:R280 000

    R880 000R785 000

    R890 000

    Luukse 3 slk woning - by Laerskool 2 Slk meenthuis - 3 Slk woonstel, 2 badk, kompleks - 4 Slk luukse woning + w/stel + swembad -

    2 Erwe @ elk - Baie goed gele! 3 Slk meenthuis, sentraal gele - o.h.b. 3 Slk woning met erf - 4 Slk dupleks meenthuis met erf -

    Verkope: Werner: 082 776 9347 / Verhurings - Annalize: 084 512 9393

    013 235 4890 / E-pos: [email protected]

    Annalize: 084 512 9393


    TE HUUR Nuutgeboude 3 slk huis in The Heads. Oopplan leefarea/komb met aparte opwas. Patio met ingeboude braai. Dubbel motorhuis - R9100pm 3 Slk, 2 badk w/stel met ruim oopplan leefarea/komb met enkel motorhuis - R6100pm Moderne ruim 3 slk huis in The Heads - R12 600pmTE KOOP 3 Slk, 2 badk huis in Sterkspruit met oopplan leefarea/komb en dubbel motorhuis - R1.2 miljoen Moderne 3 slk, 2 badk huis in The Heads met ruim oopplan leefarea/komb. Onthaal area met ing. braai. Dubbel motorhuis metdubbel afdak. Gevestigde tuin met besproeiing. Alarm en elektriese heining - R2 385 000 Plaas te koop 9km buite Lydenburg. 115Ha - R2.1 miljoen

    DIE Afriforum vergadering van 16 September in die NG Suid saal was goed bygewoon. Leon De Jager, voorsitter Lydenburg tak, het die vergadering geopen en terugvoer verskaf oor die lede en hulle werksaamhede van die Lydenburg tak. Dit het ingesluit die keer van die afskakel van krag, neem van watermonsters en die stigting van takke op Sabie en Graskop. Hoog op die agenda nou is die stortingsterrein en die plasing van die munisipaliteit onder spesiale administrasie. Daar is ook noue samewerking met die Lydenburg / Mashishing plaasl ike sakekamer.Flip Buys, Uitvoerende Hoof van Afriforum het die ineenstorting van staatsfunksies bespreek, maar ook n boodskap van selfhelp hoop gebring. Hy het uitgewei oor waar Afriforum begin het as vakbond (Solidariteit) en die verskillende vertakkinge soos Helpende Hand, die Tegniese Kollege, Maroela Media, hulp aan armes, die werk op taal- en kultuur fronte, radioprogramme, beurse en voorleggings aan die VN en oorsese menigsvormers. Toekomsplanne sluit n klein universiteit en spesifiek ook verplegingsopleiding in.Daarna het Ian Cameron en Ivan Herselman gepraat oor veil igheid, gemeenskapsake en die bekamping van misdaad. Verskeie videos is vertoon. Die gesprek het ingesluit kommunikasie stelsels, o en ore op die grond, plaaslike veiligheidstrukture en ander oplossings.Daar is ten slotte n beroep gedoen op die mense teenwoordig om betrokke te raak by

    Afriforum. Hulle kan lede word deur bloot n SMS aan 45350 te stuur en Afriforum sal hulle kontak en alles aanlyn doen.Tydens die vergadering is mnr. Riaan Louw ook tot die plaaslike tak se komitee verkies. Deur Andre Coetzee.

    Afriforum verteenwoordig gemeenskap

    Op die foto verskyn agter v.l.n.r: Leon De Jager (Voorsitter Afriforum Lydenburg tak), Ivan Herselman (Afriforum Hoof Gemeenskapsake), Ian Cameron (Afriforum Hoof Gemeenskapsveiligheid), Ruan Lottering (Afriforum Mpumalanga Koordineerder).

    Voor v.l.n.r: Riaan Louw (Lydenburg tak Gemeenskapsveiligheid), Flip Buys (Uitvoerende Hoof Solidariteit), Erich Venter (Ondervoorsitter Lydenburg).

    mnr. Flip Buys.

    So lyk jou lidmaatskapskaartDie vol saal by die vergadering.

  • Withthe right

    you can get whatyou deserve


    Bruce NelVerkoopsagent061 045 9170

    Yolanda SchoemanKantoorbestuurderes/

    Verkoopsagent079 695 7967

    Bernadine vd BergVerhurings-/

    Verkoopsagent083 642 6446

    Erika KrugerVerkoopsagent082 879 8081

    FOR SALEAll the space your need!

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    REMAX WINNERS013 235 2653

    Anna - Marie : 0839604775Kobus : 071 872 9323

    LYDENBURG R1 944 000 For all your rental needs contact:Elize Pienaar: 084 851 6705

    Bianca Coetzee:078 235 0999

    Marietjie Ramsay:083 922 0675

    Anchen Erasmus:082 708 0105


    De Jager:083 960 4775

    Kobus Skeen:071 872 9323

    LYDENBURG R4 320 000


    RE/MAX WINNERS: 013 235 2653

    *3 Slk huis met 2 bdk, groot erf en 3 m/huise met afdakke - R8600*3 Slk huise met erwe beskikbaar naby Tweeriviere myn*4 Slk, huis met 3 bdk,studeer kamer, sitk, eetk, groot erf met rondawel en swembad - R9500*3 Slk huis met 1 bdk en klein bachelor woonstel, groot erf - R5500*Groot 3 slk meenthuis met 2 bdk, erf en dubbel m/huis - R9200*3 Slk meenthuis met 2 bdk, erf en enkel m/huis in veilige kompleks naby dorp - geen troeteldiere toegelaat - R6300*Groot 2 Slk woonstel met eetkamer, tv kamer, groot kombuis, 1 badkamer, klein erf en toesluit motorhuis - R4500*3 Slk huis naby skole gelee met 1 bdk, eetk, kombuis en toesluit m/huis - R6700*Plaas huis te huur met 4 slk, 2 bdk, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot erf en dubbel toesluit m/huis - R11400*Groot 1 slk woonstel met tv kamer, eetkamer kombuis in veilige kompleks - R4000Verskeie winkel en kantoor spasie beskikbaar

    R1 630 000 3 slk, 2 badk, 4 mhuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot stoep, groot tuin, waskamer, stoorkamer, alarm, lugversorging in Lydenburg dorp. R1 050 0003 slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, kombuis, sitkamer, eetkamer, 2 slk woonstel in Lydenburg DorpR940 0003 slaapkamer, 2 badkmr meenthuis met enkel motorhuis nuut gebou.R850 0003 slaapkmr, 2 badkmr, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en 1 motorhuis in kompleks.

    This is an absolute must view property,

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    Houseof theWeek


    G . A . P I E N A A R & K I E Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

    LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

    A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

    KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

    J.CS TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026

    AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

    THE PINK APRON CUPCAKE shop. Amanda 073 242 2674

    DA VISSER PLUMBERS: Reg BZ2877. Burs t geysers , maintenance etc. 072 598 6532.

    M V G L A S & ALUMINIUM:Instaleering & vervanging van vensterglas, veiligheidsglas, aluminium rame, skuif & sort deure, w i n d s k e r m s . L o o d g i e t e r dienste. Fanie Maritz 082 490 9805 / Phillip Warricker 082 499 5432

    F L I G H T C E N T R E LYDENBURG For any travel arrangements. Ronel 072 560 6511

    BOUPLANNE JC POTGIETER SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615

    KALERO EXPRESS - Meat, Cold drink, Fruit & Veg. Burgerstraat, Shop1. 079 113 2701


    SEWING: New / alterations, Four bs. Beryl 073 223 6876 Delsie 083 422 4182 Lizah 078 303 5564 . Beehive Centre no 13, c/o Burger & Voortrekker Streets, Lydenburg.


    DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

    HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

    CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN BY CHRISTELLE - Training & Nails. 081 086 3961/ 081 016 0469

    CREATIVE NAILS & BEAUTY Jene 072 566 2545

    PERMANENT MAKEUP & eyelash extensions. 076 153 8912


    SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, meubels, motors en droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

    No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105


    I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & m a i n t e n a n c e , u p d a t i n g hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


    ATLAS PANEEL- KLOPPERS- Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

    C O R D U A U T O M O T I V E ENGINEERING 17 years experience. 3 Chroom Street, Lydenburg. 013 235 3131

    G S A U TO E l e c t r i c a l & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


    I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

    EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, kombis & dubbelcabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te

    tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ Aflam 072 203 1614


    LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


    ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

    PARTE TE KOOP van Ford Granada GHIA 076 563 5892

    KRUIEMIDDELS, kruie boeke. 074 916 8778


    ALLIS CHALMERS WD 45 trekker. 076 563 5892



    PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

    DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941

    D O G T R A I N I N G [email protected] 072 621 7371

    DOGGY PARLOUR 076 153 8912


    & SELL


    LYDENBURG: ou woonhuis. R4500 pm, W+L ing. 082 786 1651

    3 SLK WOONSTEL 2 badk R4800 pm, zero deposito. 072 762 8562

    FLATS TO RENT 2 bedroom, Lydenburg, f rom R4000. Contact 082 460 3000

    WOONSTEL: 2 slk met toesluit motorhuis, geen troeteldiere. R4000 pm. Johan 082 828 1211


    LOSIES 084 346 7911


    OPSOEK NA jong betroubare boerseun wat kan grind/weld. Maryna 072 255 2944


    Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919. G e r e f o r m e e r d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. Volle Evange l ie -kerk . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . Die Gemeen te van Chr i s tus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van S A ) . S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463.

    Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 lydenburg [email protected] Sunday morn ings 09 :30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Sha lom Church Cen t re . Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. A . G . S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. Sewedag Adventiste Kerk -Sa terdagoggende, Methodiste Kerk, Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444. Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. New Apostolic Church, Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.


    Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006 Amendment scheme no: 161/2006I, Marole Arivhashu of Luvhone Environmental Consultants, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of the Erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (a) (i) of the Town P l a n n i n g a n d To w n s h i p Ordinance, 1986 (ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to t h e G r e a t e r T u b a t s e Municipality for the amendment of Land Use Scheme, know as Greater Tubatse Land Use

    Scheme, 2006.Amendment scheme number 161/2006: R e z o n i n g o f E r f 2 2 5 6 Burgersfort Extension 21, from Residential 1 to Residential 3 for flats. Plans and particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office to Town Planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, Greater Tubatse Municipality for the period of 28 days from the (first day of publication). Objectives and/or comments or representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication 19 September 2014. Address of the agent: P.O. Box 2134. Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell :( 072 649 1974) Email; [email protected]

    G r o t e r T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema 2006 Wysigingskema nommer: 161/2006 Ek, Marole Arivhashu van Luvhone Environmental Consu l t an t s , s ynde d i e gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerdeeienaars van die erwe hieronder genome, gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 (1 ) (b ) ( i ) van d ie d ie O r d o n n a n s i e o p Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tubatse Munisipaliteit vir die wysiging van die Grondgebruikskema, bekend as die Groter Tubatse Grondgebruikskema, 2006. Op d i e v o l g e n d e wyse:Wysigingskema nommer: 161/2006: Die hersonering van E r f 2 2 5 6 B u r g e r s f o r t , U i t b r e i d i n g 2 1 , v a n a f R e s i d e n s i e e l 1 t o t Residensieel 3 van die w o o n s t e l l e . P l a n n e e n b e s o n d e r h e d e v a n d i e a a n s o e k e l e t e r i n s a e gedurende kantoorure by die k a n t o o r v a n d i e S t a d s b e p l a n n e r , 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, GroterTubatse Municipality vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf (datum van eerste publikasie). Besware en/ of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan d i e m u n i s i p a l i t e i t b y bogenoemde adres of Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie 18 September

    www.lydenburgprop.co.zaKerkstraat 41

    Verkope & VerhuringTel: 013 235 1986

    Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

    Tiles Baths Taps Toilets

    BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362

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    Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

    Blinds Vinyl Laminate Carpets

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    CONTACTCircle Catering

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    LYDENBURGProfessional Architectural

    Draughtsperson drawing plans for houses, shops,

    warehouses, alterations. All

    drawings done on CAD, prints are available at

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    Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike

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    ketels, jy noem dit. C.O. inspeksies op

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    van elektriese

    Gerrie082 898 0563

    39 RensburgstrLydenburg

    Wooden FlooringWall to Wall Carpets

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    Under Carpet HeatingJohann 083 600 [email protected]

    IMPROVEMENTS Thatching Property Maintenance Fibreglass splash pools Kitchen Cupboards Painting Shade net carports Steelwork

    Pieter072 132 3241

    George073 211 4913

    [email protected]


    Batterye & Toebehore

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    Franz - 082 775 5134

    Ronel - 072 622 5333

    2014. Adres van die agent: Posbus 2134, Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell: (072 649 1974) E-pos:[email protected]


  • Job Title: Field Service Technician

    Key area: Carrying out on site field service ad inspections on Deutz Engines and filling reports with the aim of promoting spare parts sales. Assisting customers with product support and technical information including engine installations.Qualifications : Qualified Artisan Trade Test pass (Diesel Fitter or Diesel Mechanic qualified in terms of section 13) At least 2 years post apprenticeship experience. Valid driver's license and passport Ability to qualify for the mines Red TicketArea: SteelpoortClosing Date: 30/09/2014Forward CV to Should you not receive feedback in 2 weeks time after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful

    [email protected]


    Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet: Oor n Graad 12 / St 10 beskik Ondervinding in verkope sal as aanbeveling dien Goeie kommunikasie-vaardighede in Afrikaans & Engels Administratiewe en rekenaarvaardighede Effektief met mense kan werk Onafhanklik kan werk Psigometriese toetse is n vereiste vir suksesvolle kandidate

    Sluitingsdatum: 11 Oktober 2014Handig u CV in by A1 Droogskoonmakers, Langestraat 29a, Lydenburg

    Vakante betrekkingA1 DROOGSKOONMAKERS Winkel-AssistentRequirements:

    At least 2 years IT experience A+ Certification N+ Certification Valid Driver's Licence Characteristics: Hardworking, honest and well spoken

    A competitive remuneration package, commensurate with relevant experience will be negotiated with the successful candidate.

    Closing date for applications: 26 September 2014Applications accompanied by a detailed CV are to be sent bye-mail to [email protected] note that correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted before 30 September 2014 please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.

    AVAILABLE VACANCYBarko Financial Services is seeking to recruit a

    competent, self motivated and enthusiastic candidate for a position as IT Technician.

    BENODIG DIE DIENSTE VAN VERHURINGSAGENT EN VERKOOPSAGENT:Minimum vereistes van posisie: Graad 12 & tweetalig Rekenaarvaardig (Word, Excel, Outlook ens) Vorige ondervinding 'n sal 'n aanbeveling wees Bestuurslisensie en eie vervoer Goeie menseverhouding, vriendelik Betroubaar en netjies Moet druk kan hanteer Salaris / Kommissie onderhandelbaar Aanvangsdatum: begin Januarie 2015Handig jou CV persoonlik by my af, Maraistraat 70, Lydenburg (oorkant die hospitaal) Tussen 14h00en 17h00 weeksdae of kontak my vir verdere besonderhede.Ina 082 775 6369 Indien u binne 14 dae na die sluitingdatum niks gehoor het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

    Sluitingsdatum 3 Oktober 2014



    Vacancy for a cashier Previous computer & retail experience advisable.Mail CV to [email protected]

    orHand in CV at 5 Kerk St Lydenburg

    13 September :28 Vrede J051. Danie Botha2. Jan Venter3. Jan Venter4. Danie Botha5. Danie Botha

    29 Vrede Ope61. Gert Roets2. Jan Venter3. Gert Roets

    Posduif Uitslae4. Jan Venter5. Jan Venter

    Standerton Blits 111. Jan Venter2. Jan Venter3. Jan Venter4. Danie Botha5. Gert Roets

    20 September:

    Standerton Blits 121. Frans v Niekerk2. Gert Roets3. Jan Venter4. Jan Venter5. Frans v Niekerk

    30 Senekal J041. Frans v Niekerk2. Frans v Niekerk3. Gert Roets4. Danie Botha5. Frans v Niekerk

    31 Senekal J051. Jan Venter2. Jan Venter3. Jan Venter4. Jan Venter5. Jan Venter

    32 Senekal Ope1. Gert Roets2. Jan Venter3. Jan Venter4. Jan Venter5. Jan Venter

    Job Description: Review and manage overall company financial results Steer budgets, business cases and forecasts Responsible for financial statements and interaction with auditors and tax authorities Identify revenue opportunities and cost reduction

    Requirements: Bachelor's Degree in Accounting Strategic Management Experience Experience with: - Pastel Evolution Accounting - Pastel Payroll - Bookkeeping Excellent proficiency in Excel Must be able to function methodically and accurately under pressure Ability to prioritise Must be absolutely eager and willing to make a difference and a success in your role as Chief Financial Officer Aged between 28 45 years

    A competitive remuneration package, commensurate with relevant experience will be negotiated with the successful candidate.

    Closing date for applications: 30 September 2014Applications accompanied by a detailed CV are to be sent by e-mail to [email protected]

    Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted before 3 October 2014, please accept that your application

    has been unsuccessful.

    The Barko Group seeks to employ a competent, self motivated

    and enthusiastic candidate for a position as

    Chief Financial Manager in Lydenburg, Mpumalanga


    ATBARKO Barko Developments is a property development

    company with an established track record

    as a developer of innovative retail,

    commercial, industrial and residential properties

    for rental purposes

    Barko Financial Services (BFS)

    is a leading micro-finance

    institution in South Africa.BFS currently operates in

    five provinces through more than 120 branches. The Group offers ethical

    and innivative credit solutions to customers

  • Vodacom to your door 072 072 1914 we deliver all your needs.

    Tel: 013 235 4406 Opposite Taxi Rank, LydenburgTel: 013 235 1636 / 7 Shop 26 The Heads Shopping Centre, Lydenburg

    Tel: 013 231 7979 Shop L70 Tubatse Crossing Mall, Burgersfort


    Cornel Oosthuizen en Steven Kruis.

    JD Nel met sy vangste.

    ede van die Gone Fishing Hengelklub het die afgelope tyd behoorlik die lyne laat sing en die L

    katrolle laat skree. Om in hengel te presteer verg oefening, opofferings en geduld wat beloon word met ure se plesier langs die viswater. Met wisselvallige vangste kon Steven Kruis en Cornel Oosthuizen daarin slaag om die 100kg perk vir Vis Gevang die Jaar te oorskry.Ander mooi vangste na die winter wat vir opwinding en glimlagte gesorg het is gemaak deur JD Nel met n paar tiervisse van meer as 2kg. Armand Oosthuizen is baie in sy skik met n baber van 9kg en n pragtige swart baars van 3.25kg. Geluk met julle goeie vangste. Ander lede moet onthou dat die jaar einde se

    Lyne sing vir hengelaarsmet vangste

    kant toe staan, dus go fishing.

    HE ASA Metal's athletes competed in the Musina thMarathon in the 10 and 21,1 km races, on the 13 of TSeptember 2014. This is their first race after the

    Comrades Marathon this year. Here are the results: 10km race: Isaiah Magabe time: 36 min; silver medal. Elneth Thulare time: 45min; silver medal. Rufus Malepe time: 58 min; silver medal21,1km race:We have a junior winner under 18 years. Tshepo Sekgobela, who is under the age of 18 years, finished in a time of 01h23, and achieved a gold medal and prize money. The other results were:Pienas Magashule time: 01h24; bronze medal. Abednigo Tjie time: 01h32; bronze medal. Ronny Maroga time: 01h36; bronze medal. The athletes thanked the ASA Management Team for supporting them with transport to the race.

    Pienas Magashule, Tshepo Sekgobela, Isaiha Magabe, Ronny Maroga, Elneth Thulare, Abednego Tjie. Insert: Rufus Malepe.

    ASA Metal's athletes competed in the Musina Marathon