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  • 8/6/2019 16326627-Why-2012


  • 8/6/2019 16326627-Why-2012


    The Gospel Age has turned into the Age of Delusion; and professional deceivers occupy

    the pulpits as well as the reigns of government. Few suspect that Christianity has been

    hijacked by a bunch of slick hucksters, whose main objective is to sell hope to those haveno interest in adhering to the Bibles laws. The simple fact is this: the modern Judeo-

    Christian church is the very False Prophet of Revelation, a false church which teaches

    feel-good pop psychology instead of responsibility and courage. Those who fail to seethis will be overwhelmed by the End Times. They will be caught up in the futile attempt

    to patch holes in the dam that cannot be fixed. It is advisable to get out of the way, for

    the dam is about to burst.

    Here is how Paul describes the current age in which we live, speaking of the Second


    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, unless the rebellion

    comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposesand exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his

    seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be GodFor the mystery of lawlessnessis already at workand then the lawless one will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus willslay him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by His appearing and His coming.

    The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and

    pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish,because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends upon them a

    strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who

    did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. II Thes. 2:3-12, Revised

    Standard Version.

    Apparently, mainstream Judeo-Christianity is ignoring this warning, as precious few

    sermons are ever preached about this prophecy of mass delusion, certainly not from the

    televangelists. This prophecy is further amplified by Paul in his letter to Timothy:

    But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men willbe lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents,

    ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good,

    treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. - II Tim. 3:1-5, RSV.

    Id say this prophecy pretty well sums up both our materialistic, secular society, as well

    as our lukewarm churches! A time of stress, indeed global stress!

    Yahwehs Prophetic Timing

    In addition to such clear prophecies, the numerics of the Bible provides hidden clues as tothe timing of the last days. I will be quoting the relevant Scriptures throughout this essay,

    so you will be given the opportunity to decide for yourself just how close we are to the

    end of civilization as we have known it. Students of the Christian Identity interpretation


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    1,000 AD, there was Millennial Fear of the End. The failure of the Millerite prophecy,

    that Christ would return in 1844, led to the Great Disappointment. Many Christians

    had sold all their belongings in anticipation of this event, which failed to materialize. Afew years later, Ellen White chimed in with a prediction that the world would end in the

    year 1850. Another disappointment! Herbert W. Armstrong first predicted that the Day

    of the Lord would be 1936, then 1975! The Jehovahs Witnesses have a record of manyfailed prophecies. Those who falsely believe that the current Israeli State is the

    regathering of the tribes of Israel have made many erroneous prophecies in the past,

    based on 1948 + 40 years, or 1967 + 40 years, and other, numerous failed attempts to linkthe Israeli State with the Israel of Scripture. According to some of these pro-Zionist

    seers, the Rapture should have occurred in one generation (40 years) from the founding

    of the Israeli State. Nothing happened. Even former Identist Arnold Murray tried his

    hand at prophecy, having once predicted that the anti-Christ would appear in 1981. PatRobertson predicted 1982. Hal Lindsey predicted the Rapture would happen in 1988.

    The Millennium Bug of January 1, 2,000 AD also turned out to be a dud. In the last 60

    years, many pro-Israeli authors have predicted that the Israeli State would be the site of

    much Bible prophecy fulfillment. Nothing yet!

    Despite all of this disappointment, the 2012 phenomenon is building momentum, notjust among religious people, but among a growing cadre of scientists, historians, and

    social commentators. The signs of the times are such that End of the World prophecies

    (eschatology) are taking hold of the secular imagination as well as that of the religious


    Foremost among these prophecies is the Mayan End Date (MED), Dec. 21, 2012. That

    date has become the focal point of numerous websites, books, articles, forums, etc., withspeculations occurring in very diverse fields, from astrology to quantum physics. In fact,

    it is a phenomenon that is nearing the point of hysteria or, perhaps better, a media

    frenzy. Hysteria sells a lot of copy! Despite the hype, there are serious issues toconsider. I will deal with the MED in greater detail later. First, I want to document

    current evidence that we are, indeed, smack dab in the middle of the End Times.

    Fragmentation of Society

    We live in a world in which enlightened concepts, such as unity and peace and

    love and knowledge, are highly valued. Society, especially the secular world, hasalso operated on the assumption that technical knowledge of the world will yield the

    answers by which we can integrate society into a peaceful, harmonious whole, i.e., to

    live together in peace and harmony, the brotherhood of man name your favoriteclich. Politicians wear out the clichs, but none of them, in these unstable times, are

    capable of delivering the goods. The truth of the matter is that we live in a world in

    which the existing power structures of politics, science, religion, academia, economics,etc., have an unhealthy stranglehold on society. These institutions pay lip service to

    democracy and all of the afore-mentioned ideals, but they operate in a secretive,

    authoritarian manner. These power structures claim to be motivated by these great ideals.

    The fact is, however, they are not. The reality is that these groups have a special


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    interest in maintaining their authority. Their method of maintaining this authority is by

    withholding information from the public and by posturing as the sole experts in their

    respective fields. Given million-dollar advertising campaigns, these groups create apublic image which belies their obvious self-interest. I refer to this phenomenon as the

    tyranny of fraternity.

    Fraternal organizations, such as doctors, lawyers, bankers, government bureaucrats, and

    even unions are driven by a single, overriding force: the desire to maintain their income

    levels and their authority, especially when this authority gives the fraternity special rankand privileges that the rest of us dont have. In other words, fraternalism is actually a

    form of elitism. And this elitism militates against the very ideals which these fraternities

    publicly proclaim. Inevitably, these fraternities perform and function just like secret

    societies. The Bible warns us about keeping secrets for deceptive purposes. Thisbusiness of keeping professional secrets for profit is ultimately destructive of

    civilization, because the monopolization of knowledge and information prevents free

    thought and public debate. It also keeps the general public in a state of ignorance and

    blissful trust. The economic order of these fraternities is such that they can charge apremium for their services, because only they possess the knowledge and skill, which

    no one else has. Certainly, it is fair and just to be compensated for ones professionalservices. But these fraternities often go far beyond this requirement and actually try to

    monopolize their field of activity. This is plainly seen in how the American Medical

    Association has combined with the giant pharmaceutical companies and the Food and

    Drug Administration to monopolize the field of health care. The Journal of the AmericanMedical Association (JAMA), since its takeover by a Jewish quack doctor, a non-

    degreed Jew by the name of Morris Fishbein, was actively engaged in the business of

    establishing this monopoly. The AMA has also conducted smear campaigns against suchfields as chiropractic, homeopathy, nutritional therapy, etc. Starting in the 1970s, the

    AMA decided upon a campaign deliberately trying to destroy the profession of

    chiropractic. AMA publications were smearing chiropractors by calling them quacks.This attempt to discredit chiropractic was stopped by a lawsuit filed by Dr. Chester A.

    Wilk of Chicago. His lawsuit was victorious and it put an end to the AMAs smear

    campaign. The fact is that chiropractic has a much better success rate in treatingmusculoskeletal problems than allopathic medicine. The average chiropractor is just as

    knowledgeable about the musculoskeletal system as a neurosurgeon is, perhaps even

    more so.

    My personal experience revealed this fact when I had a serious case of sciatica. The pain

    was so excruciating, I was unable to sit or stand. Even lying down to sleep was a

    problem, as I had difficulty finding a position in which my body was not wracked withpain. After consulting three physicians, all of whom could offer nothing other than drugs

    and/or surgery, I went to a chiropractor. Getting into my car and driving to his office was

    like moving in ultra slow motion, because every movement was painful. The mere fact ofwalking up the 5 steps to his office epitomized the old adage of one step at a time. The

    physical acts of sitting down and standing up were extremely difficult, as pain would

    shoot up and down my leg and back with every change of motion. After taking some x-

    rays to see the orientation of my spine and skeleton, the chiropractic physician put me on


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    his table and began adjusting my spine and hip. The treatment was non-invasive, took

    about twenty minutes, and was immediately successful. When he was finished, I was

    able to sit up without pain. I was able to get up off his adjustment table without pain. Iwas able to walk out of his office and drive home without pain all without drugs or

    surgery! The long and the short of it is this: The medical profession DOES NOT have a

    monopoly on medical knowledge. MDs are good at taking care of broken legs andburns, i.e., trauma. As far as the rest of their practice is concerned, I am not impressed.

    The record of allopathic medicine, in dealing with chronic and degenerative disease, is

    actually quite poor. They actually do more harm than good. I especially stay away frompharmaceuticals, because most of these legal drugs rarely cure the disease. By their own

    admission, the vast majority of these drugs only mask symptoms, and their side effects

    can be just as debilitating as the disease itself. Only a very small percentage of these

    drugs actually help to cure diseases.

    Most other modalities of healing stress maintaining a healthy immune system. The

    problem with most drugs is that they adversely affect the immune system. As such,

    traditional medicine is counterproductive. I avoid MDs like the plague. I consult themonly if I have a trauma situation that cannot be corrected by any other means. Since

    every traditional MD has been given ZERO HOURS of nutritional instruction, it goeswithout saying that a typical doctor knows absolutely nothing about nutrition. And since

    most of our diseases today are caused by environmental poisons and toxic chemicals in

    our food, an MD is the last person I would consult about the nutritional/chemical causes

    of disease. As such, organized medicine is a MONOPOLY OF IGNORANCE. How darethey suggest that we should avoid other modalities and submit to their own questionable

    and often false practices!!!! Given this state of affairs, it is easy to see that the medical

    profession, guided by this spirit of self-serving monopolism, can never be the public-spirited, service-minded entity that it claims to be. That public posture is an egregious


    This type of posturing is not limited to the medical profession. Thanks to the nature of

    paid advertising, it has become part of the fabric of all professions. This self-serving

    tactic is made infinitely worse when the government grants these institutions legalmonopolies that suppress true competition. The end result of this false dealing with the

    public is the fragmentation of society into competing monopolies, few of which actually

    serve the public. Fairness, honesty and truth are thrown out the window in this relentless

    drive toward monopoly. So, while the experts and professionals in these fields loudlyproclaim their value to society, they are, in reality, helping to undermine its very

    foundation. Instead of creating peace and harmony, the tyranny of fraternity has the

    opposite effect: the fragmentation of society. The glowing image conceals a sinisterreality. The medical profession was once highly regarded. Now, its reputation has sunk

    to the level of lawyers and used car salesmen!

    As the industrial revolution gave rise to these fraternities, they were useful in establishing

    standards of legitimate practice. But as these fraternities have become more firmly

    entrenched, the industrial, technological, scientific world has become permanently

    compartmentalized and monopolized, even to the extent that new inventions and new


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    technologies are often suppressed rather than encouraged. This is why society has been

    unable to shift from an oil-based energy supply to a solar-based energy supply. The

    existing Corporate State does everything in its power to maintain its profit-making statusquo. Thus, new and safer, less polluting technologies are suppressed and their potential

    benefits are denied to the public. Since the existing order is based on lies, greed, and

    corporate profits, there is no way that our current institutions can provide peace andharmony. The exact opposite is happening. Those individuals who are employed by the

    Corporate State are blind to this reality. They cannot see the Big Picture. For them, it is

    both their livelihood and their profession. What none of these professionals understand isthat the whole system, contrary to its stated ideals, is based on institutionalized injustice.

    Pledging their loyalty to the Corporate State, they have actually become the enemies of

    truth, freedom and justice, as the Corporate State becomes ever more powerful. While

    imagining themselves to be serving society, they have actually been cleverlyconditioned and conscripted by the anti-Christ, being thoroughly employed in the service

    of Satan, the father of lies.

    It is not Free Enterprise that is the problem. The problem is Corporate Fascism, which isinternational in scope and seeks to undermine national laws in favor of Free Trade,

    which is nothing more than a euphemism for exploitation and lawlessness. Theinternational corporations have superseded nations; and the United Nations is also

    deceptively named, because its main purpose is to make the world more profitable for its

    corporate membership.

    Today, the tyranny of fraternity is evident in all of our institutions, as they incessantly

    strive to maintain dominance in their respective fields. The corporate structure of these

    institutions is also obvious. More and more, this corporate structure strives to maintainitself and legitimize itself via subtle, yet firm control of the institutions of higher

    learning: the college and university system. The epitome of this corporate

    monopolization of education is the latest outcome-based education scam, the statedpurpose of which is to create workers, bureaucrats and functionaries for the Corporate

    State: McFeudalism. Thus, the Corporate State (monopolize business), in partnership

    with the Bureaucratic State (monopolized government), guarantees its self-existence bydecreeing that all education should have only one goal: to provide worker drones for the

    beehive. The elitists call this system of monopolization global governance. I have

    another word for it. It is tyranny. But few people perceive its tyrannical nature, because

    they have been programmed to be mere worker drones, while the Queen Bee exploitsthem for all they are worth. The Orwellian Police State is operating swat teams,

    stormtroopers, and even private, corporate militaries in plain sight, yet few people see it

    for what it is, because we are told that these developments are necessary for oursecurity. Of course, this song has been sung by every dictator in history. The amazing

    thing is how many college-educated people are unable to see the parallels between the

    modern Corporate State and Imperial Rome. These highly educated people actuallybelieve that the globalists are working for democracy!

    Above all of these fraternities is one particular fraternity, that is, by far, the most secretive

    of all. It is both covert and pervasive; and it exerts economic and political power in every


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    its staggering interest payment. The days when the husband goes off to work and the

    wife stays home to raise the kids are gone. With costs rising and incomes falling, the era

    of two breadwinners has arisen, with neither parent having the necessary time orenergy to devote to raising children. Stress, exhaustion and quick fixes are the order of

    the day. Personal health suffers from inattentiveness, drugs and fast food. Day schools

    and babysitters are the new family. In this hurry/worry atmosphere, parents try tofind ways to have private time for themselves, so the television set, with its attendant

    vices (the image of the beast, Rev. 14:9, 11; 16:2; 19:20), has become the babysitter,

    even while the parents are at home, with disastrous results. Rap I hesitate to put theword music after the wordRap - and video games represent todays new culture of

    degeneracy. The lifestyle projected from the Boob Tube, and from mainstream

    entertainment sources in general, utterly lacks spiritual and moral values, even attacking

    these values, as children learn to become good little consumers: soulless zombies withbig mouths, lousy attitudes, and ravenous appetites for entertainment and junk food.

    Increasingly, the values especially Christian values - of the older generation are

    constantly mocked and ridiculed. Once considered of exceptional value for their wisdom,

    the elders of society are rejected as obsolete, uncool, or even a nuisance that should berelegated to a nursing home, in order to stay out of the way of the modern world. The

    Generation Gap leaves the Old and the Young with little in common, and nothing to sayto each other.

    Consumerism and materialism, along with the latest technological forms of

    entertainment, isolate individuals from social intercourse as never before. If we cant seeeach other in person, we talk on the phone. A heart to heart talk, which can only be

    done in person, is a once in a blue moon rarity. Nobody has time. Families live in the

    same house, but conflicting work schedules dictate that their paths rarely cross. Theevening meal, once attended by the whole family and begun by saying grace, is a relic of

    the past. Like ships passing in the night, family members hardly see each other, as

    schedules infrequently mesh. Nobody is at home for dinnertime. The American Dreamof having a big home for the family has turned into a parody of itself. Its no longer a

    home; its a rooming house. Corporate jobs require grown children to move far away

    from their families. These people see each other occasionally, once every few years. Thelucky ones get to come home for Christmas. Instead of the old gang getting together

    for card parties and dances, people meet each other while surfing the internet, and their

    principal entertainment source is a pair of headphones or a video screen, further

    increasing their isolation. Modern living has become a feast for the senses, but a disasterfor interpersonal relationships.

    With virtually all elements of society encouraging sex outside of marriage, children arehaving children; and maturity, responsibility, self-control, and patience are rarely found in

    the Me Generation or the Slacker Generation. The Age of Entitlement discourages

    the Work Ethic. Why work when the government will pay you not to work? Children areaimless, having no ambition to accomplish anything. Many see their parents working

    like dogs and still unable to make the mortgage payment. Why bother? The drive to

    excel is discouraged by educators, for fear that Whites, who possess this trait in greater

    proportion than Blacks, will score higher on tests, thus shattering their pet theories of


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    equality. Thus, education has become diseducation. Instead of raising test scores for

    minorities, public diseducation makes every child dumb and dumber.

    Along with the Nuclear Family, the Extended Family is being destroyed as well.

    Traditional life, with aunts, uncles, grandparents and other relatives around to take an

    active interest in the lives of teenagers, is gone. Children growing up today either donthave such relatives or they rarely see them. Without role models from the extended

    family, teenagers are left to emulate sports heroes and the like. Lacking the advice,

    friendship and encouragement of such people, teenagers grow into selfish, immatureadults, who lack civilized behavioral skills. Large family gatherings, once commonplace,

    are now called family reunions. Professional sports has taken the place of these family

    gatherings, which get less and less play. As the family structure crumbles, so does


    The globalists promised that their ONE WORLD VISION of technology bringing us

    closer together would make life simpler and provide us with lots of leisure time. On the

    contrary, we dont even have time too raise our own children. Cold technology takes theplace of warm bodies. Their vision has been a total failure. Instead of bringing us

    closer together, it is driving us further apart. For many children, public school is the onlysource of interpersonal relationships, while their parents are too busy working and taking

    care of the technical details of life: paying the bills, making repairs, mowing the lawn,

    maintaining the fleet of vehicles, and paying taxes. These public schools teach various

    forms of humanism: communism, socialism and the welfare state of multicultural bliss,i.e., authoritarianism wrapped up in the swaddling clothes of paternalistic government

    and dumbed-down to meet the increasingly lower standards. Abandoned to the world

    of materialism, these children often turn to drugs or gangs. These creatures of the publicschools are little more than self-indulgent zombies. The likelihood of their becoming

    productive citizens is very low.

    Amazingly, the priesthoods of the various religions are blind to the disaster that is

    coming. Their focus seems to be butts in the pews and shekels in the baskets. Even

    religion, once the major bond keeping communities together, is now a force offragmentation. With over 40,000 Christian denominations to choose from, we can see

    that, instead of having One True Faith, we have a myriad of false ones. Life is a

    religious candy store. Pick a denomination that suits your lifestyle.

    The Book of Revelation speaks of Seven Ages that will occur between the Crucifixion

    and the Day of Judgment. Each one of these ages is referred to as a church. Johns

    Apocalypse gives us capsule descriptions of the nature and character of these propheticchurches. [For a thorough discussion of the prophecies of the Apocalypse, please see my

    comprehensive survey,Revelation Unfolded: http://www.anglo- The Seven Church Ages are discussed indetail therein.] The Church of Laodicea is the last of these seven church ages. Of the

    Seven, it is the only church age which is described as being lukewarm. Thats what we

    have today: lukewarm Christianity. According to my reckoning, this last age occurs from

    1918 (end of World War I) until the Day of Judgment.

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    these prophecies could be related to actual end-time events. This unsealing is proof that

    we are in the end times.

    As science has become more and more theoretical and less practical, scientists have

    become philosophers as well as experimenters. Indeed, theoretical physics is almost

    exclusively occupied with mathematical models, for which little or no experimentationhas been done. The more exotic the theories become, the more difficult it is to devise

    experiments to test the validity of these theories and mathematical models. Also, these

    new, state-of-the-art theories of astrophysics and subatomic particle physics demandhighly specialized equipment that comes with an astronomical price tag. Accelerators,

    cyclotrons, antenna arrays, cosmic ray detectors are not things you build in your garage

    or basement. They require huge construction projects that cost millions and billions of

    dollars; and these are built in the hope that they will measure the theoretical particles ofthe latest theories.

    DNA analysis, drug therapy, telecommunications, space flight, and many other fields of

    science and technology dominate the current world of science. These things are greatadvances over the rudimentary science that was the springboard of the industrial

    revolution. There is no doubt that Daniels prophecy that Knowledge will increase hasbeen literally fulfilled. But the latest crop of thinkers and philosophers is beginning to

    have doubts about mans ability, in spite of this wealth of technical knowledge, to stave

    off self-destruction. Today, many members of the scientific community are reaching the

    consensus that the development of mans head has far outpaced the development of hisheart. As we are also actively engaged in the process of destroying the earths

    environment, these secular thinkers are beginning to raise the alarm.

    The question is: Can the locomotive be slowed down before it crashes into the wall?

    Scripture tells us that the answer to that question is No. Thats why it is best to exit thetrain while you can, because this train is going to crash. Mystery Babylon, with all of its

    materialistic trappings, and those who support it, will be destroyed. There is nothing thatcan prevent it, because it is based on various forms of erroneous thought and entrenched,institutionalized evil; and Yahweh means to destroy this evil. Thats why we are

    counseled to remove ourselves from this system before it is destroyed. (Come out ofher, my people. Rev. 18:4.) For those who overextend their stay on this runaway train,

    the end will be nothing short of devastating and catastrophic. It will be a repeat of Oct.29, 1929, but probably a hundred times worse. Those of us who understand Biblical

    prophecy know that these things must come to pass. Lately, secular historians and

    analysts are beginning to agree with us, regarding this eventual outcome.

    Even for those who are unfamiliar with Bible prophecy, the signs that the runaway

    locomotive will soon crash are becoming very obvious. By studying historical trends andcycles, it becomes possible to predict when certain cycles will repeat, also when these

    cycles begin and end. One of the major drawbacks for most of the secular analysts is

    their utter failure to address the problem of international banking, secret societies, and

    Zionism. Hence, their language tends to be filled with cautionary statements like, We


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    have to grow spiritually, or We must learn to live together in harmony. These are the

    usual suggestions and platitudes, which are of a highly general nature. Lacking an

    awareness of the root cause of evil on this planet, they can only offer vague solutions.Since they are clueless about Gods Law and His Plan for the redemption of the Adamic

    Race, they have no idea that this crescendo of conflict was set up 7,000 years ago, with

    the Fall of Adam and Eve. As this crescendo of evil infects larger and larger segments ofsociety, only chaos can result. Any corrupt system, such as the Federal Reserve Bank,

    must self-destruct, since it is, by its very nature, inherently unjust and tyrannical.

    Deception succeeds only as long as its victims remain unaware of the deception. The congame ends when the victim realizes that he is being victimized and stops participating in

    his own enslavement.

    Though unaware of such institutionalized deception, nevertheless, many of these secularanalysts have valuable insights that are worth considering, especially with respect to new

    interpretations of old myths, so I will mention a few before getting into the Bibles Signs

    of the End.

    The First Popular Study to Deal With the Year 2012.

    The McKenna brothers, Terrence and Dennis, wrote a book which was an attempt to

    unify trends of thought in various fields, from ancient metaphysics to DNA to nuclear

    physics, quantum mechanics and fractal theory: a broad, eclectic study with far-reaching

    implications. It has the imposing title: The Invisible Landscape Mind,

    Hallucinogens, and the I Ching. (1975, 1993.) It is a survey of the current general

    direction of scientific, sociological and metaphysical thinking in various fields of

    research. In doing their analyses, they became aware of certain physical and historicalcycles, at least two of which are likely to end in 2012. These references are just

    mentioned in passing by the authors, without any fanfare or sense of alarm. Their writing

    has a certain charm, because it is a discussion of reality ranging from the very abstruse tothe frighteningly real. In a sense, it documents societys journey from charm to alarm.

    Their book is about numerics in many ways, as it deals with numerous mathematicalmodels in various fields, from psychology to astrophysics to statistical probabilities, but

    the main number they deal with is the number 64, which is common to the I Ching

    method of prognostication and, interestingly, DNA. The idea is that there is something

    built into the reality of all these systems that is evolving or leading to some ultimateclimax.

    An important realization is this: All cycles have a beginning and an end. Even thoughthe cycles may repeat themselves eternally, many have a clear reset position. And these

    reset positions can be predicted. Interestingly, Yahshua tells us Iam alpha and omega,the beginning and the end. (Rev. 21:6,13.) Is He telling us that He is the one who is incontrol of all of these natural cycles? I believe that is what He is telling us. (John 1.) If

    this is indeed the case, then any scientific theory which tries to explain reality without

    confronting the Consciousness and Teachings of Jesus Christ is just so much futility, for,

    in a moral Universe, Knowledge, by itself, cannot provide ultimate Truth. In His


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    Universe, Love and Compassion are just as important as Knowledge. In other words,

    True Knowledge cannot be gained by those who lack true brotherly Love. They simply

    cannot be entrusted with it, therefore, it will always be denied them. Or, in other words,those who try to ignore Gods Plan of Salvation will ultimately be relieved of whatever

    power and influence they have.

    (Speaking to the evil husbandmen, who had purely selfish designs for their temporary

    authority, Yahshua said, The Kingdom shall be taken from you and shall be given to anation which shall bring forth the fruits thereof. - Matt. 21:43. The current false systemthat we live under is the result of the usurpation of the Scriptures by the scribes and

    Pharisees. Their modern successors, the Talmudic rabbis, combined with the

    International Banking Mafia, have created a tyrannical system of government that

    Yahweh has promised will be destroyed. (Deut. 7:23; Isa. 51:19; Matt. 13:41-42; Matt.24:38-39; Rom. 9:22.) Since they will not willingly or peacefully relinquish the power

    they have stolen by deception and fraud, its end must necessarily be violent. As much as

    people hope for a peaceful solution to this worlds problems, the fact is that Satan cannot

    be appeased. As his agents have taken the Kingdom by force, so the Kingdom will betaken from them by force.)

    What the McKenna brothers seem to be saying is that, as physical systems run out of

    energy, they begin to fall apart, kind of like a spinning top running out of spin: The top

    starts to wobble and shake and eventually hits the floor and is thrust off in the direction

    determined by where the spin hits the floor. The top is given its energy by the personwho spins it. Likewise, all of the systems in the Universe must somehow be restarted

    after their cycles run out. This is the Creators Secret. Science will never discover it,

    because Science is only one of its many effects. Science is only able to study suchsystems while they are stable, between cataclysms. But, O man, who art thou which

    pleadest against God? Shall the thing formed say unto him that formed it, Why hast thoumade me thus? - Rom. 9:21. Yahweh does not divulge His Secrets to the unworthy, soonly the worthy will see the apparently chaotic restart operation in progress. That is

    when His Remnant will see the new heaven and the new earth coming into being. (Matt.

    13:43.) Oh, glorious day!

    Plotting the events of history on a series of graphs, which they refer to as Time WaveZero, they show that the frequency of historical change speeds up to a crescendo that

    ends in 2012. (p. 172.) I wont quote their words here, because the discussion is aboutfractals and how smaller fractals are embedded in the larger fractal of history. (Fractals

    are the latest theory of mathematical physics. They represent a sort of invisible

    blueprint/shape theory of space/time, in which matter derives its shape from theembedded, invisible fractals (recurring geometric forms), while atoms and molecules

    provide its mass. It is like a cross between Platos forms and the atomic theory of matter,

    in which the matter is organized around the fractal/blueprint.) Their hypothesis is thatthere is a space/time fractal, or pattern, which determines the advances of civilization and

    that, over time, this fractal wave is getting shorter and shorter, as knowledge increases.

    Without realizing it, they have hit on a technical analysis of Gods Plan! The Hindu Yuga

    system is also such a model, as it postulates four separate ages of time. The first age is


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    the longest and most peaceful. The second is shorter and more restive. The third is

    shorter yet, with violence and confusion emerging. The final age, the Kali Yuga, is ruled

    by Kali, the goddess of destruction. The Kali Yuga is the shortest of the four ages andthe most violent; and it ends with the destruction of everything we know. This is the age

    we are currently in.

    Returning to the spinning top analogy: Societys projected collapse is the equivalent of a

    spinning top running out of energy. When it no longer has enough energy to maintain its

    spin, it begins to wobble violently. We see this happening right now as all of our existinginstitutions are collapsing from their own self-corruption. Everything is becoming

    destabilized. Food shortages, mortgage foreclosures, currency collapses, medical

    liability, natural disasters, etc., are all accelerating at an alarming rate. Nothing is

    working like it should. Everything man has created is falling apart. It is actually acleansing process, as that which is corrupt cannot survive the wobbling and the shaking,

    which is taking place at all levels of reality! Eventually, the top is going to run out of

    gyroscopic spin, fall over and hit the floor. There is nothing anyone can do about it. All

    existing institutions, except those established by Yahweh through His Son, Yahshua, willcollapse. A consuming fire will sweep away all of the corruption. Those who teach that

    our problems can be solved by preaching peace and love are seriously deluded.

    See that ye refuse not him that speaketh...if we turn away from him that speaketh fromheaven, whose voice then shook the earth, but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once

    more shake I not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, Yet once more,

    signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, thatthose things which cannot be shaken may remain. - Heb. 12:25-27.

    Sound frightening? Yes! But Scripture guarantees that those who keep His

    Commandments (Rev. 12:17, 14:12, 22:14.) and call upon His name (Rev. 2:13, 14:1,

    22:4.) will be saved. We have the sure word of prophecy! (II Peter 1:20-21.) It is clearthat only Bible-savvy Christians will be totally prepared for what is coming. For

    everyone else, There will be a wailing and a gnashing of teeth! (Luke 13:28.) Will

    you be shaken or unshaken by the coming meltdown of civilization? How do we survivedestruction of unimaginable magnitude? There are times when you have no choice but to

    ride the wave until the storm is over. Those who try to fight against this wave will be

    swept away by the tide of events. It is the Day of His Wrath, when we will all be

    changed in the twinkling of an eye. (I Cor. 15:51-52; Isa. 29:5.) Baruch also foresawthis event: And it will come to pass at the selfsame time, that a change of times will

    manifestly appear to every man. Bar. 48:38. Despite the general incredulity, this is

    the awesome message of Biblical prophecy!

    As this system called civilization nears collapse, many will say, I never asked for this!

    But the Bible says, Your forefathers did. And you are the direct result of their DNA atwork. And our decisions and actions all have consequences, despite what the cynics say.

    Since the current tide of events is being dictated by unopposed corruption, error and

    deceit, there is no force but Yahshua and His angels that can root it out. Thus, it

    behooves all of us to study the Scriptures for ourselves. If we leave this matter to the


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    priests, they will only teach that portion which they want you to hear. Balancing

    Knowledge and Love really isnt that hard, but you have to show a commitment to both

    Love and Law in order to be rewarded accordingly. Those with BIG EGOS think theUniverse is their personal property. But that Ego, which is out of Harmony with the

    Creators Will and Plan, is out of luck. It will be overwhelmed by the fractal wave and

    smashed against the Rock of Reality. The message is this: Get your act together NOW,because there isnt much time left before the Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the

    Lake of Fire. If your identity and life are bound too closely with Mammon, then you too

    will be dragged down into the maelstrom, along with it.

    Egotism is alienation from Creation due to selfishness. It is a SELF-DESTRUCTIVE

    energy pattern that cannot be granted ETERNAL LIFE. It must be destroyed or it will

    infect the beginning of the next cycle. This cannot be allowed to happen. A newbornbaby must be protected from infection. By acknowledging that your very existence is

    DEPENDENT UPON YOUR CREATOR, you gain sufficient humility to qualify as a

    child of God. The meek shall inherit the earth. The selfish and acquisitive, such as the

    descendants of Cain, are actually part of the disease that needs to be cleansed before thenext cycle of life can begin. But as God gives to us, we have to give in return; thats why

    Christianity is a religion of service: service to ones family, community and race. Eachrace has its own terms of service. The most enlightened of each race will survive; but

    Judaism will not, because Judaism is a cultural and religious selfishness that is rooted in

    its own supremacism. As such, the practitioners of this religion will never humble

    themselves before the Creator. It is Luciferian rebellion, which would rather die thansubmitor serve. On the contrary, Talmudic Judaism is a religion that demands that

    non-Jews must perpetually serve it. Judaism is a dictatorial religion, which anticipates

    the day that the goyim will serve the Jews like slaves. Jews are taught to expect this bytheir rabbis, who have invented and daily encourage this form of ethnic chauvinism.

    This, they are taught, is the only solution to the problem of Jewish persecution. These

    persecuted Jews have begotten two rotten, bastard children: Communism and Zionism.More human victims have been sacrificed on these two pagan altars than by any other

    cause, yet the Kosher press never allows editorial space for Dissent. This arrogant elitism

    and sanctimonious piety demands to be worshipped like a god. Unrepentant self-worshipcarries its own death sentence.

    The Judgment Day marks the end of its existence, as prophesied in many books of the

    Bible, especially in Obadiah. Like the Jews, who are a completely materialistic culture,for those who are caught up in the affairs of this world, the impossible will happen.

    Their empire everything they hold precious - will collapse. For those of us who know

    who the true oppressor really is, the end of this world will signal our liberation. GloryHalleluYah!

    Try to keep this in mind as everything falls apart. Pray like George Washington prayed atValley Forge.

    The McKennas put it this way:


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    Like this [end time] myth, all ideas of salvation, enlightenment, or utopia may be takento be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the limitations

    of three-dimensional space and return to the Father, that is, return to the

    uncontaminated essence of itself in an epoch of realized concrescent satisfaction.

    Concrescent satisfaction includes the notion of energy unbounded by space and time

    This revelation and its integration into the field of shared experience is a process oftransformation of the previously limited ego. (p. 175-176.)

    Replace their word concrescentwithpersonal, and their statement will make more sense.In other words, although it sounds self-contradictory, Freedom is achieved only by those

    who deny themselves. They have to give up their egotism, their selfishness. This does

    not mean that the Self ceases to exist. What it means is that the Self no longer regards

    itself as the most important object in the Universe. (But from the Egos perspective,these two concepts, denying oneself and ceasing to exist, are identical! This is why the

    Jews are so fanatical about preserving their own traditions.) The mature Self accepts

    the fact that its Existence is dependent upon the Father/Creator. That is, the mature Self

    has developed a healthy sense of humility and has stopped pretending to be the mostimportant thing in the Universe. The Self that fails to mature in this direction is always

    trapped by its own Egotism, limiting itself by selfish desires. The pleasures ofselfishness and profiting at the expense of others are inherently evil. Pure Selfishnesscannot accept its subservient, dependent relationship to its own Creator. This is the

    metaphysical and moral struggle between good and evil, love and hate, Yahweh and

    Lucifer. Those who are unwilling to let go of these selfish demands will not be allowedto make the transition from this age to the next. Capiche?

    What is coming will be REAL CHANGE, the kind of change that Barak Obama canneither imagine nor achieve! Real change requires that we align ourselves with the Will

    of the Father and the Son.

    When the system runs out of energy, there are two choices: Either Let go and let

    God or hold on to what youve accumulated in this world and perish with it. As the

    old saying goes: You cant take it with you. The revolutionary event that we will soonbe facing is this: If you dont let go of IT, IT will take you with oblivion. Our

    whole planet will be facing this decision simultaneously. Those who will not allow

    others to be free cannot themselves be granted freedomotherwise, there is no freedom.

    Jesus puts it this way: For what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose

    his own soul. (Mark 8:36.) That which is corrupt must be cleansed. There is no other

    way! Why cling to the corruption of this world when truth, justice, freedom, and eternal

    life await on the other side? In this coming event, everybody gets transformed, whetherthey want to or not! In this way, the Luciferian rebellion, which, eons ago, created this

    epidemic of selfishness and egotism, will be swept away! There is no use fighting

    against it. The Tide of Judgment is a pre-destined COSMIC EVENT, the climax ofScripture. It is BIGGER than we are, so we had best not oppose it, for it is the Will of



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    The McKennas relate that many of the ancient myths of the end times are related to the

    precession of the equinoxes. In discussing the idea of the precession of the equinoxes as

    the possible BIG CYCLE of time, they say this:

    It is useful to examine winter solstices on which solar eclipses will occur over the next

    two hundred years, during which the earths solstice node will be slowly transiting thearea of the galactic center. When this is done, the most likely heliacal rising of the

    galactic center with the rising of the sun occurs onDec. 21, 2012If a causalconnection were shown, it would implicate the galaxy itself as a major formative

    influence upon the structure of the molecules that maintain and define life. - P. 196.

    In simpler terms: Just as the Sun gives life to our planet and solar system, the Galactic

    Center gives life to our Sun and galaxy. Both are focal points and distribution centers ofmassive amounts of energy. This energy consists primarily of visible light and invisible

    electromagnetism. On the morning of Dec. 21, 2012, there will be an eclipse/conjunction

    of the Galactic Center by the Sun, cutting off the light and electromagnetic rays of the

    Galactic Center, which we are only dimly becoming aware of. In our solar system,during a solar eclipse, the moon positions itself in front of the sun and cuts off its light.

    This always creates an eerie sensation in those who behold it. This eerie feeling is thedirect result of the disruption of the light and electromagnetic field. Our minds and

    bodies sense this, because our own electromagnetic fields are disrupted by the eclipse!

    On the MED, there will be an eclipse of an entirely different magnitude. The sun shall

    be darkened and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven.(Matt. 24:29.) Just talking about these matters gives us an eerie feeling!

    This sudden darkening of the sun will strike fear, panic and terror in the hearts of thosewho do not anticipate it. Even those who anticipate it will be severely challenged not to

    be overcome by fear. It will be a time when the laws of nature will appear to have

    disintegrated. (Recall Daniel 9:1.) Thats how frightening it will when therollercoaster flies off the track! But the Bible compares it to a birthing experience. The

    woman in travail is overwhelmed by the act of giving birth. When the delivery is

    completed, she goes back to normal. This is how we are supposed to view theJudgment Day experience. Dont let it overwhelm you even though the earth is shaking

    and your mind is quaking, even while you see those around you losing their grip

    because it too, will pass. When it is all over, There will be a new heaven and a new

    earth. I expect it will be somewhat like the awe and spectacle of the extraordinaryevents the Israelites experienced while going through the exodus, except that it will be on

    a planetary/Galactic scale. Just like Oct. 29, 1929 caused many people to commit

    suicide, the coming MED event will cause all of us to question the reasons for our ownexistence! Many people who have had near-death experiences say that they saw My

    whole life flash right before my eyes in a few seconds. The MED may be a time when

    we all have that experience simultaneously.

    While the Old Physics reacts to such speculations with a collective yawn, the intellectual

    community of catastrophism and the New Physics is anticipating 2012 with bated breath!

    No one knows exactly what will happen, but all eyes are turning toward the MED.


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    The Mayan End Date (MED)

    John Major Jenkins, in his book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, comparing Mayan and

    Toltec mythology, says this:

    Both cultural traditions joined in a powerful proclamation that what we call the twenty-

    first centurywould be a great era of transformation for humanity, one in which an oldworld is destroyed and a new world rises from the ashes. - p. 149.

    The origin of the Mayan Calendar is shrouded in mystery. Just who built the various

    stone observatories of Central America, such as Palenque, Chichenitza, Uxmal

    (pronounced Oosh-mal), Teotihuacan (Tee-oh-tee-wah-kahn), Tenochtitlan, and dozens ofothers, is a hotly debated issue. The oldest traditions identify the bearded White men,

    who are said to have come and gone, leaving the locals with a legacy of great stone

    monuments, legends of coming cataclysms, astronomical knowledge, and various

    calendars. Much of the astronomical knowledge is focused on the precession of theequinoxes and the great story in the sky, the Adamic Zodiac, of which I wrote in great

    detail in The Prophetic Mazzaroth. Suffice it to say that the Mazzaroth (Hebrew forZodiac) was conceived and illustrated by none other than Adam, Seth and Enoch, our

    forefathers, who were bearded White men. Its intention was to illustrate, in

    pictographs (imaginary pictures) and in the names of the stars and constellations, the life

    and purpose of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This Great Prophetic Story in the Sky includesdetailed symbolism for the First and Second Advents, with special attention being

    focused by the archer of Sagittarius upon the Galactic Center, who aims his arrow

    precisely at that spot.

    This is also the focal point of the Mayan End Date.

    Various researchers in this area, such as John M. Jenkins, Maurice Cotterell, Jose

    Arguelles, Adrian Gilbert, Carl Calleman, and many others are all saying the same thing.

    After much debate as to a specific date, a consensus appears to have been reached: theMayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012. The specific event that occurs on this day is the

    sun in the crosshairs. On that specific Winter Solstice, the Sun will rise in Sagittarius,

    directly between the earth and the Galactic Center. The crosshairs are the plane of the

    Milky Way and the ecliptic of our Solar System, which is the plane defined by the orbitsof the planets. (Our Solar System is tilted by 23 degrees to the plane of the Milky Way.)

    This event, which is part of the Great Zodiacal Year (the 26,000-year Precession of the

    Equinoxes), has been singled out by the Mayan Calendar Long Count. According to theMayan counting system, the date on that calendar day will be

    Here is how this five-digit number, with the decimal points in between, reads:

    13 Baktuns (each lasting 144,000 days)

    0 Katuns (7,200 days)

    0 Tuns (a year of 360 days)


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    0 Uinal (a month of 20 days)

    0 Kin (representing 1 day)

    The sum total of days in this Long Count is 1,872,000 days.

    The last time the Mayan Long Count had this date ( was Aug. 11, 3114 BC.That was the year that this count began. The entire time span is 5,125 years. On Dec.

    21, 2012, the Mayan Calendar will start a new Long Count, so it does not mean the end

    of the calendar, but it does point to this specialEclipse of the Galactic Center by the Sun.

    All of these researchers are convinced that the Mayan Calendar is telling us to pay special

    attention to this Galactic Eclipse. The question is, What does it mean?

    Carl J. Calleman, in his book, The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation ofConsciousness, believes that the historical patterns of major developments in civilization

    can be deduced from these 13 Baktuns, as they are called. Each Baktun is about 394

    years. Callemans dating is slightly different from the other MED researchers, althoughhe now appears to agree with the other authors that the Long Count of 13 Baktuns ends

    on Dec. 21, 2012. I will use his dates as given in his book. Beginning in 3115 BC, thesethirteen Baktuns are divided into 7 days of heightened human activity and six nights

    of slower development. (Note that the First Baktun of 144,000 days occured right after

    Noahs Flood, of 3245 BC, and it coincides with the beginning of the dynasty of King

    Menes in Egypt. In Christian Identity, we teach that Noahs Flood was NOT global,although the Deluge {many months of rainfall} was global. Noahs territory was also hit

    by an earthquake which caused a major upwelling of underground aquifer water, making

    the flood much worse where he lived.) Callemans focus is major advances in humanthought and civilization, such as Hebrew monotheism, rather than the exploits of

    kingdoms and kings, which is the subject matter of most history books. Below, I will use

    his Baktun periods, as given in a chart on p. 66 of his book, and I will add comments tofill in historical details of these kingdoms as well.

    During the First Day, 3115-2721 BC, Egypt, Sumer and Meso-America had their culturalbeginnings/revivals after the Deluge. These were the areas where rudimentary

    agriculture enabled large cities to be built. Without plentiful food, civilization remains at

    a primitive, subsistence level. This is why hunter-gatherer societies never develop into

    civilizations. Then there was the First Night, 2721-2326 BC, a period of steadypopulation growth. Then, for theSecond Day, 2326-1932 BC, Calleman especially notes

    Abrahams occupation of Canaan as the mean point of this day. (Yahweh is preparing a

    place for his People, Israel.) TheSecond Night, 1932-1538 BC, saw the steadypopulation growth in Mesopotamia, along with advances in agricultural techniques. The

    Third Day, 1538-1144 BC, is highlighted by Moses giving of the Law, as well as the

    Vedas of India, which were/are Aryan (Adamic) literature. The Third Night, 1144-749BC, witnessed the decline of Egypt and Assyria. New kingdoms, such as Davids Israel

    and Nimrods Babylon, developed in their place. The Fourth Day, 749-355 BC,

    Calleman assigns to Isaiah, Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, Pythagoras and Lao-Tzu. The

    Fourth Night, 355 BC 40 AD, witnesses the trials and tribulations of the house of


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    Judah in Palestine, culminating in the sacrifice of the Messiah in 33 AD. The Fifth Day,

    40-434 AD, he assigns to Quetzlcoatl in the Americas, Christianity, Talmudic Judaism,

    and the emergence of Buddhism in China. This, of course, is also the time during whichthe Gospel was delivered to the Dispersed House of Israel throughout Asia Minor and

    Europe. This was the era of Christianity overcoming all odds. During the Fifth Night,

    434-829, Islam emerges in Arabia. This was also the beginning of the Dark Ages inEurope, which was brought about by the Roman Churchs policy of feudalism, which, in

    reality, was a rigorous type of caste system, which tied the serfs to their little plots of

    land, with all power being retained by the Church and its feudal lords, thus making theserfs land-slaves of the system. TheSixth Day, 829-1223, is the expansion of

    Christianity in Europe and the beginning of the Crusades. Christian Europe begins to

    break out of the Dark Ages of feudalism, as independent city-states emerge and break

    away from Roman authority. TheSixth Night, 1223-1617, an era of intense religiousconflict, contains the Protestant Reformation of Huss, Tyndale and Luther, religious wars,

    and the Second Wave of Islam under the Ottoman Turks. TheSeventh Day, 1617-2011,

    marks out the Industrial Revolution, with its explosion of science and technology and the

    European Settlement of America, with its promotion of Freedom of Religion and theideals of Personal Liberty and Limited Government.

    Although Calleman believes that this historical cycle ends in late 2011, he nevertheless

    agrees that the Mayan Long Count ends on Dec. 21, 2012. Callemans synopsis of

    cultural history is very similar to the analysis presented by the McKenna Brothers: there

    is a cyclical pattern to history, but that pattern comes to an abrupt end around 2012!

    The Sun Worshippers

    Most archeologists and historians tend to look down their snouts at the ancient world and

    dont give those ancient civilizations much credit. They see the ancient world as

    populated by Stone Age cavemen and filled with ignorance and superstition. They reducethe ancient worlds religions to sun-worship or moon-worship, depending upon the

    culture. The fact is, however, that the ancients were acutely aware their astronomical

    surroundings. These primeval astronomers kept very detailed records of the motions ofthe sun, moon and planets. This fact belies the notion of their assumed primitiveness. I

    think modern analysis has oversimplified this relationship between civilization and the

    sun, reducing it to a form of sun-worship. It is probably more correct to call it

    appreciation, what the Bible calls fear, for these astronomer-priests, and the farmingcivilization that developed along with them, were keenly aware of the Suns role in

    providing light for plant growth, meaning food, and for providing warmth, not to mention

    daylight! The fact is that we moderns tend to take the Sun, and nature, for granted. Itjust is; and we ignore it. But without the Sun, there would be no life on this planet; and

    too few of us bother to take the time to thank Yahweh for its blessings.

    The ancient, pre-Christian cross symbols represented the Sun. These symbols represent

    their appreciation of the suns role in giving us life. This means that they were acutely

    aware of the forces of nature. It is simplistic to write these symbols off as mere idol-

    worship. The fact is that the astronomers of the ancient world had an extremely


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    sophisticated understanding of astronomical and global cycles; and the Mayan calendar is

    merely one example of that sophistication.

    The basic argument from all of the 2012 proponents is that these ancient astronomers

    have left us, in their monuments, mathematics, geometrics, and heiroglyphs, a warning

    about a coming catastrophe: Something is going to happen to the Sun on or about Dec.21, 2012. What could that be? Is it just a reference to the Grand Eclipse of the Galactic

    Center, or is it possible that something may happen to the Sun itself?

    This item, from David Wilcock(www.d, may help us to understand what

    is currently happening in our galactic environment:

    "That the Suns magnetic field is over 230 percent stronger now than it was at the

    beginning of the 1900s, and its overall energetic activity has sizably increased, creating a

    frenzy of activity that continues to embarrass NASAs official predictions. In the last 30years, Earths icecaps have thinned out by as much as 40 percent. Quite inexplicably, just

    since 1997 the structure of the Earth has shifted from being slightly more egg-shaped, orelongated at the poles, to more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the poles. No one atNASA has even bothered to try to explain this yet.

    The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently

    increased 1000 percent. Russian andNASA data has confirmed that the front end of theSuns magnetic field has become over 1000 percent brighter in the last 30+ years. We

    know that if you rub a piece of metal fast enough, you create what is known as friction,

    and the metal will begin glowing red-hot. In the same manner, the extra dust and energyin this new galactic energy zone is colliding with the Suns magnetic field, causing

    friction and creating a visible static charge of plasma energy at the front that is

    rapidly increasing in size and brightness. As of 1997, Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev and other

    Russian scientists observed that the Galactic space we are now moving into is showingsignificantly higher concentrations of matter and energy, including charged particles of

    hydrogen, helium and hydroxyl, in addition to other new combinations of elements. In

    August 2003, an ESA/NASA experiment calledDUST, launched with the Ulysses satellitein 1990, has discovered that there is 300% more dust entering the Solar System now than

    there was throughout all of the 1990s."

    If this item is an accurate assessment, then global warming has a cosmic cause; and the

    present acceleration of catastrophic weather (melting glaciers and polar ice, hurricanes,tornadoes, tsunamis, wildfires, earthquakes) cannot be blamed only on earthly causes,

    such as SUV exhaust emissions!

    The Cycles of the Sun

    Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, in their book, The Mayan Prophecies, tell asimilar, cosmic story. On page 2, regarding the Maya, they say this:

    They believed that they were living in the fifth age of the sun: that prior to the creation

    of modern men there had been four previous races and four previous ages. These had all

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    been destroyed in great cataclysms, leaving few survivors to tell the tale. According toMayan chronology, the present age started on Aug. 12, 3114 BC and is to end on AD 22

    December 2012.

    Throughout their book, the authors recall how difficult it was to get this material

    published. Maurice Cotterell relates how he was thrown out of various museums, whichrefused to listen to his major discovery: He had solved the riddle of the inscriptions on

    the mysterious sarcophagus lid at Palenque. This richly decorated, rectangular lid was

    full of Mayan inscriptions that had previously defied interpretation. In addition to themajor symbols contained on the canvas of the Palenque lid, the surrounding the border

    of this lid was covered with mysterious symbols as well. One day, it occurred to Cotterell

    that these border symbols could be half symbols, which, if paired up with other half-

    symbols along the borderon the other side of the lid, might yield complete symbols. Sureenough! That is what he found. Not only that, but, to his utter astonishment, he found

    that by creating transparencies of the lid on celluloid, and arranging one transparency

    over another (of the same picture of the lid), more and more intelligible pictures stood

    out!!! Amazingly, whoever designed this lid had designed it in such a fashion that itcould not be understood without an overlaid complementarity of half-images. The

    celluloid transparencies of the lid allowed Cotterell to determine the designers intent .

    Carrying on with his overlay technique, Cotterell was able to find over one hundredimages and even stories on the lid that he could relate to Mayan mythology. - p. 85.

    The book then tells the story of how this discovery was received by the establishment.

    One door after another was slammed in Cotterells face. Established archeology,

    operating on the presumption that the ancient world was populated by grunting cavemen,was simply not interested in a story which proclaimed such ingenuity existed before

    Plato, Socrates and Pythagoras. While he was being rebuffed by the archeological

    establishment, he was gaining notoriety in Mexico City, after having presented histransparencies on local television. This caused an absolute sensation, with notable

    people, such as the Mayors wife and the ladiesauxiliary, inviting him to gala parties and

    receptions, during which he explained how he developed the transparencies and whatthey meant.

    The archeological pariah was becoming a local phenomenon. But even this ray of hope

    was soon to fade away. You see, the natives of Mexico City were preparing to celebratethe achievements oftheirancestors, which Cotterell was perceived as discovering; but

    Cotterell had a different story to tell. It had become apparent that the Mayans were not

    natives to Central America. They were foreigners who had come and gone. They hadcome to Mexico in ships from the Atlantic Ocean. They were not Mexicans. They

    were bearded White men, not native Amerindians. When he dropped this bombshellon the enthusiastic citizens of Mexico City, they completely lost interest in his

    discoveries; and Cotterell was once againpersona non grata. In other words, their

    interest in archeology was limited by theirracism!!!! And we are told, repeatedly, thatonly Whites can be racists!!!


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    In order to get their book published, Gilbert and Cotterell had to downplay the race

    factor, since the very word, race, has become taboo for scholars. Given the pervasive

    anti-racism in the sciences, academia, and publishing, any discussion of race ispractically verboten. Describing the image of the Walker, a bearded White man, Gilbert

    says this, somewhat apologetically:

    To me the Walker looked very much like the Egyptian Orion, except that instead of

    holding a staff he held a flagThere was no explanation, however, for why he shouldhave been bearded. There are quite a number of bearded sculptures by the Olmecs and

    other early peoples, including some of the dancers of Monte Alban. In that it is a fact of

    genetics that full-blooded Amerindians do not grow beards, this is a matter that continuesto perplex archeologists. p. 161.

    Since White men grow beards, they are often accurately depicted that way. Why should

    archeologists find this perplexing, unless it is their political correctness that prevents

    them from accepting the evidence of their own eyes? The irony of the current

    rediscovery of this ancient knowledge is that it is being deciphered by modern beardedWhite men!! Its as if our ancestors coded and placed this knowledge in the past, in full

    anticipation that their descendants (us) would eventually find it and decipher it. Now thatwe are deciphering these ancient messages, we find that they were trying to warn us of a

    coming cataclysm!!!!

    The Sunspot Cycles

    The idea that some ancient inscriber of stone could have come up with such a marvelous

    coding technique was startling enough. The story that the Palenque lid revealed was evenmore amazing!!! This roller coaster ride of discovery and disappointment was to have an

    even bigger surprise for Cotterell, a surprise that knocked his socks off!

    It turned out that Cotterell had previously published detailed accounts of the Suns 23-

    year cycle of sunspots. This was his area of expertise. In previously plotting the

    historical data of the Suns past sunspot history, he found that the ebb and flow of thesunspot cycle mirrored the ebb and flow of history itself. Just as Calleman noticed that

    the ebb and flow of history mirrored the ebb and flow of the Baktuns of the Mayan

    Calendar, Cotterrell noticed that the Sunspot Cycles were intimately related to this ebb

    and flow. You can imagine the daring hypothesis emerging in his mind: Is the cycle of

    history related to the Sunspot Cycle? Even more daring: Does the Mayan Calendar

    reflect this pattern of knowledge?

    Gilbert and Cotterell conclude that the answer to both questions is Yes.

    Callemans Seven Days and Six Nights scenario of the Mayan Calendar now had aquantifiable relationship to the Sunspot Cycle, although the theory is still highly

    speculative. Of course, proving such a proposition is quite different from having good

    evidence for it. One thing was for sure: the scientific establishment was not interested in


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    such speculations, nor was Mexico City. The only choice left was to publish this fantastic

    information and present it to the public.

    One of Cotterells most important discoveries was that there is a relationship between

    high sunspot activity and human fertility. High sunspot activity provides great fertility

    while low sunspot activity means low fertility. It turns out that the magnetic field of theSun and the magnetic field of the Earth have a complex and dynamic relationship, which

    is driven by the Suns solar wind. The earths magnetic field actually provides us

    protection from the direct effects of both the solar wind and cosmic rays. Its not just theatmosphere that protects us from the harmful effects of these rays, the Earths magnetic

    field also provides similar protection.

    The stronger the Suns activity, the greater Earths magnetic field is energized. This is adirect, causal relationship. The weaker the Suns activity, the weaker the Earths

    magnetic field becomes. The stronger the Suns output, the stronger the earths

    electromagnetic reaction. Cotterell explains the fertility phenomenon in terms of the

    harmful effects of cosmic rays, which do not emanate from the Sun. Cosmic rays are thebackground radiation of outer space; and they can come from any direction.

    Quoting from Appendix 3:

    Evidence exists that female humans, deprived of solar radiation for a length of time,

    experience disruptive changes in their endocrine systems. Such disruption in turn

    severely affects the production of the timing hormone melatonin and the fertilityhormone oestrogen (estrogen) and progesterone.

    (If this information is correct, then women who are having difficulty conceiving need to

    go outside and get some sun. Sunlight is also the best source of Vitamin D.)


    Among such evidence is a report in theNew Scientistof June 1989, which illustrates

    endocrine dependence upon solar radiation. Stefania Follini, an Italian interior

    designer, spent four months in a cave in New Mexico. Italian scientists watched how sheresponded to the isolation because of the implications for space travel. Her waking days

    lasted 35 hours and were punctuated by sleeping periods of about 10 hours. She lost 17

    pounds, (7.7 kg) [Now, get ready for this shocker:]and her menstrual cycle stopped.

    Follini believed she had spent two months underground, not four. - p. 250.

    This is a good illustration of how the human body is dependent upon sunlight for proper

    endocrine function. Clearly, we are creatures of the Sun, but we have forgotten this

    fact, which was, at one time, common knowledge among the ancients. It is actually morecorrect to say that we are creatures of the electromagnetic environment: that combination

    of light, solar wind, electromagnetic fields, cosmic rays, etc., all of which directly affect

    the functioning and hormonal output of the endocrine system. This being the case, we

    need to envisage ourselves, not just as earthlings, but as sunlings, creatures whose


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    physical existence is totally dependent upon the energy produced by the Sun and how it

    affects the earths all-encompassing electromagnetic fields. The next time you gaze up at

    the Aurora Borealis (northern lights), armed with this knowledge, you should appreciatethe life-giving properties of these forces, not just their beautiful colors! Thus, we gain a

    fuller appreciation of the dynamics of life on earth, as designed by Yahweh and

    implemented through His Son Yahshua. This type of knowledge is very humbling, as itreveals how much we take for granted. This complex interrelationship of Sun, Light,

    Space, Electromagnetism, Atmosphere, Environment, Chemistry, Rain, not to mention

    Dirt, is what goes into sustaining our bodies, ie., providing us with LIFE.

    Have you been sufficiently humbled by this wholistic (comprehensive) appreciation of

    what it takes to sustain your being? It is even more humbling to know that the ancients

    understood this dynamic eons ago; and we are just now rediscovering this complex. Theastronomers of the ancient world, be they Mayan or Parthian, kept meticulous records of

    the cycles of the Sky. They would have noticed the relationship between certain cycles

    and human fertility. They may not have understood fertility in terms of endocrinology,

    but, as keen observers of the Sun, Sky and cyclical patterns, they would have noticed therelationship between fertility and the Sun Spot Cycle. Given this perspective, we can

    now appreciate why the ancient world worshipped the Sun. Theres much more to thisthan mere superstition. We moderns should develop the appreciation of natural forces

    that the ancients did.

    Cotterell theorizes that there is an inverse relationship between fertility and cosmic rays,which are the background radiation of Outer Space. No one really knows what the source

    of these rays is. When the Suns activity is too low, Earths magnetic field allows more

    cosmic rays to penetrate our atmosphere; and this results in lower fertility. One of the

    mysteries of Mayan civilization or what was left of it after the bearded White men

    departed, leaving the locals with the legacy of the Calendar is the sudden collapse oftheir civilization. The Mayans disappeared just as mysteriously as they appeared.Archeologists have speculated that drought or a pandemic might have been responsible,

    because there is no evidence of war or some other violent end. If there is this complex

    relationship between the Sun and humans, then it is quite probable that plant growth andfood production will also be affected. All scientists are familiar with this process. It is


    To put it in its most basic terms: There would be no life on earth without the Sun.Without sufficient Sunlight, plants will not grow; so, drought was probably also a factor

    in the disappearance of the Maya.

    Cotterells solution to this puzzle is that the Mayans experienced a dramatic,

    catastrophic decline in live births due to a reduction in fertility rates. The vestiges of

    Mayan civilization came to an abrupt end in the middle of a very low period of sunspotactivity. This, combined with drought, could be the solution for the mysterious

    disappearance of the Maya. Recall that the Long Count is a period of 1,872,000 days.

    According to Gilbert and Cotterell, the Mayan calendar either predicted or recorded this

    disaster by specifying another countfrom Aug. 12, 3114 BC. This period was a day


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    count of1,366,040 days. In other words, Mayan civilization disappeared 1,366,040 days

    after the beginning of the Long Count, as predicted by this second count. The various

    Mayan Calendar counts are referred to as Rounds. In addition to the time periods ofthe Long Count, the Mayans also employed a 260-day count, called a Tzolkin, which is

    related to the cycles of the planet Venus; and they had a conventional 365-day count

    (calendar), which is called aHaab. These two counts combine to form a Round of18,980 days, at which point the two counts resynchronize. 260 * 365 = 18,980. 20 is

    the number of days in a Uinal, which is an integral part of the Long Count. 20 * 18,980

    = 1,366,040.

    The Aztecs also had a traditional prophecy based on the Mayan Calendar, according to

    which Aztec civilization would also end. Aztec religion eventually degenerated into

    human sacrifice. According to the reports of historians, the sacrificial victims had theirhearts cut out of their chests while fully conscious! Apparently, the Aztec priesthood

    believed that such sacrifices to the gods would stave off the impending doom of their

    civilization. Little did they realize that this practice would lead to its destruction! This

    prophecy was related to the return of the bearded White men. This prophecy was alsofulfilled when Hernando Cortez landed in the New World. Through a combination of war

    and diseases brought by Cortez and his men, his band of bearded White Spaniardsdestroyed the Aztec civilization! If nothing else, this historical development put an end

    to the brutal form of human sacrifice employed by the Aztecs.

    The Suns magnetic field is a very complex mechanism. It is not like a simple barmagnet, with a positive pole at one end and a negative pole at the other. The Suns

    magnetic field is dependent upon its axial rotation. At the Suns poles, the magnetic field

    rotates once every 37 days. At the Suns Equator, the field rotates more quickly, onceevery 26 days. This means that the Equatorial Field rotates much faster than the polar

    fields. As the Equatorial Field outpaces the Polar Fields, an unstable dynamic is created.

    The best way to visualize this is by imagining a piece of rubber which is fastened at thepoles, running through the equator in a straight line. As the Sun turns, the field (the

    rubber band) is stretched at the equator while the poles lag behind. Thus, the rubber is

    stretched in the middle, winding around and around the equator, as the equatorial fieldturns faster than the polar fields. As the rubber band is stretched to its limits around the

    equator, it creates tension which must eventually be alleviated. This field is stretched and

    stretched and stretched until it finally snaps (collapses); and the process starts all over

    again. This is what causes the Sun Spot Cycles, which average about 22-23 years inlength.

    Only in the last 50 years has astronomy developed to the point where we can understandthe electromagnetic field of the Sun, and its 22.5 year polarity reversal. It is usually

    referred to as the Sun Spot Cycle. It is becoming increasingly apparent to these

    researchers that the astronomers of the ancient world were acutely familiar with theseSunspot Cycles, from both solar observations and from the effects that the highs and lows

    produced here on Earth. The ancients were not the ignorant cavemen, carrying clubs

    and eating roasted dinosaur for dinner, as they are popularly portrayed in science

    books. The ancients had a much greater knowledge and understanding of the Sun than


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    we have ever imagined. As star-gazers and Sun-watchers, their astronomers had become

    very familiar with the cycles of the Sun and the impact of these cycles on our planet. We

    are just now catching up to their level of understanding.

    The Cross at Hendaye

    The Cross at Hendaye is a most fascinating Templar/Masonic structure. It is a monument

    located in the small town of Hendaye, in the far corner of southwestern France, near the

    Basque country of northern Spain. As a monument to the end of time, the Cross atHendaye is quite unique and extraordinary, because of its mixture of Templar,

    Rosicrucian, and Christian themes. At the heart of the story is the fact that the Knights

    Templar were the custodians of hidden knowledge. Whoever carved the symbols into

    this Cross employed symbolism which is evident and common in the statuary and bas-reliefs of Europes most famous cathedrals. Few people understand that it was the

    Templars, not the Catholic Church, who built these monumental cathedrals. {Here is a

    link to a website which gives some of the history of the Knights Templar: } Although theTemplars were originally commissioned by the Pope, they were a very independent order.

    Their construction projects were financed by the treasure they brought back from theirexpeditions to Jerusalem. Eventually, the Knights Templar and the Papacy became rivals,

    with a total break occurring in 1314, when the King of France (who was in debt to the

    Order) and the Pope conspired to steal the gold and relics that were in the possession of

    the Order.

    Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, in their book, A Monument to the End of Time:

    Alchemy, Fulcanelli, and the Great Cross, have deciphered the symbolism of the GreatCross; and it tells the same story as the MED. In this book, Weidner and Bridges tell the

    story of a mysterious European alchemist, Fulcanelli, his apocalyptic writings and his

    interpretation of the Cross at Hendaye, a monument to the end of time.

    Regarding one of the underlying themes of their research, they say this on page 11:

    The first current, which we will call the Priest/Kings, believed it had the right to possess

    the secret based on ancient traditions and bloodlines. In contrast to this basicallyOsirian position were the nihilistic Setians who wanted to possess the secret exclusively

    and were willing to destroy everything to get it, or to keep anyone else from getting it.

    The ancient myth of Osiris, the rightful King, whose power is usurped by his evil brother,

    Set, and then revenged by his son, Horus, echoes this struggle over control of the secret.

    If this description is reminiscent of the struggle between True Israel (Jacob) and his evil

    brother, Esau (Edom), then we know we are walking on apocalyptic ground, for the

    resolution of the struggle between these two bloodlines is the theme of the Bible. Fewoutside of Identity suspect this to be the case, but there is no doubt that all roads lead to

    the Judgment Day. The nihilistic Jew (Esau) is daring Yahweh to take back what he has

    stolen from Jacob. By denying that Yahshua is the Messiah, Esau/Jewry is denying the

    validity of the Jacob/Israel bloodline!!!! Esau will not let go of his presumptuous claim

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    to kingship, which he sold to Jacob for bowl of lentil soup, proving his unworthiness for

    the birthright. (Gen. 25:27-34.) Verse 34 plainly states; Thus, Esau despised his

    birthright. Esau is that nihilistic (denialistic), despiteful man, who married into the raceof fallen angels, when he married two Hittite women. (Gen. 26:34.) His descendants

    were henceforth called Edomites; and it was these Edomites of Idumea who put Jesus to

    death. These Edomites are the same people that the New Testament calls Jews. (TheJews of the Old Testament are Judahites, not Edomites.) The modern Jews still possess

    Esaus spiteful mind. Esau is still trying to take back from Jacob what he so foolishly

    gave away at Gen. 27:34. And if he cant have it, then he is going to take as manypeople down in flames as he can, for out of spite, he will destroy that which he cannot


    What is the secret of the Hendaye Cross? It is the prediction that the current world orderwill end on Dec. 21, 2012. In their book, Weidner and Bridges detail the story of how

    they decoded, using clues provided by the mysterious Fulcanelli, the symbolism of the

    Great Cross. The base of the Cross has four faces, each with apocalyptic symbolism.

    {For a selection of photos of the Hendaye Cross, follow this link:

    stage6&va=hendaye+cross&sz=all This link provides an excellent image of the fourfaces, along with Jay Weidners story of how he researched the meaning of the images:

    26fr%3Dslv8-stage6%26xargs%3D0%26pstart%3D1%26b%3D21%26ni%3D20&w=196&h=255&img }

    The most obvious face is the Solar Cross symbol, a circle divided into four quadrants byan inner cross. This is one of the oldest symbols of mythology. One of the interesting

    features of the Hendaye Cross is that the four quadrants each contain the Alpha symbol.

    Thus, it is an Omega enclosing four Alphas. This immediately brings to mind Yahshuaspronouncement, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. According to

    Weidner and Bridges, it symbolizes the four Evangels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as

    well as four world ages, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron. Three of these ages have come

    and gone, and the last is ripe for destruction. In fact, the meaning of the Iron Age isDeath.

    The second panel is the Sun panel, which depicts an angry or agonized sun face in anagitated or explosive state. They believe that Fulcanelli chose this symbol to point

    toward the ecliptic on Sept. 22, 2002, which happens to be the midpoint of the last Katun

    (1992 2012) of the Mayan Calendar. [Sunspot cycle?] The four stars in the corners ofthe panel refer to the four planets which were aligned with the ecliptic at sunrise on that

    day, thus completing the symbolism. According to the secret code of