Page 1: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with



What is Generosity?

Page 2: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

What is Generosity? it is not about giving out of excess.

it is not about giving what we do not need.

being a conduit of goods is not generosity.

being faithful with our tithes is not even an act generosity.

Page 3: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

What is Generosity?it is a disciplineit is an attitudea disposition of the hearta way of lifeIt is not about how much we have given but how little we have kept for our selves.

Page 4: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

What is Generosity?it is a recognition of our own blessedness

it is an act of gratitudeit is being dependent on God’s providence

it is an act of faithIt is an act of love.

Page 5: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

We can never become generous by simply thinking about it.

If we want to be generous, we have to

start giving.

Page 6: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

Matt. 14:25-32And early in the morning he came walking toward

them on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”

Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” so Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Page 7: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

Matt. 14:25-32Jesus immediately reached

out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

When the got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Page 8: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

Generous people…

Walk on waters...

Page 9: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

Matt. 14:25-32

1. Generous people recognize God’s presence.

2. Generous people discern between faith and foolishness.

3. Generous people get out of the boat.4. Generous people expect problems5. Generous people accept fear as the

price of growth.6. Generous people master failure


Page 10: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

WHEN IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE FAILED! Failure does not mean we are a failure; it

simply means we have not yet succeeded. Failure does not mean we have accomplished

nothing; it does mean we have learned something.

Failure does not mean we have been a fool; it does mean we have enough faith to experiment.

Failure does not mean we’ve been disgraced; it does mean we dared to try.

Failure does not mean we don’t have it; it does mean we have to do something in a different way.

Page 11: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with


Failure does not mean we are inferior; it does mean we are not perfect.

Failure does not mean we’ve wasted our time; it does mean we have an excuse to start over.

Failure does not mean we should give up; it does mean we must try harder.

Failure does not mean we’ll never make it; it does mean we need more patience.

Failure does not mean God has abandoned us; it does mean God must have a better idea.

Page 12: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

Matt. 14:25-32

7. Generous people see failure as an opportunity to grow.

8. Generous people learn to wait on the Lord.

9. Generous people bring a deeper connection with God.

Page 13: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with


Sure, Peter sank. Yes, he went under. But Peter walked on water farther than you and I have ever gone.

Page 14: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with


1. Strive for GROWTH not simply CHANGE.

2. PARTICIPATE don’t simply BELONG.3. HELP don’t simply CARE.4. Put into PRACTICE OUR FAITH don’t

simply BELIEVE.5. Be GOOD not simply KIND.6. Strive for RECONCILIATION don’t

simply FORGIVE.7. WORK don’t simply DREAM.

Page 15: it is not about giving out of excess.  it is not about giving what we do not need.  being a conduit of goods is not generosity.  being faithful with

We can give without loving but we cannot love without giving.


