Zombie 40k

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  • 8/10/2019 Zombie 40k


    MiniWarGamings Zombie 40kan unofficial Halloween game for Warhammer 40k

    many rules borrowed fromhttp://awakeningynnead.blogspot.ca/2010/10/halloween-40k-zombie-night-


    This game uses the normal 40k rules, except where listed below. It is intended for any number ofplayers. It is not balanced, and will probably fall apart if a min-maxer jerky face plays the game. Its for

    fun, so have fun!


    Each player will have one squad (as detailed below). This squad needs to get across the board and

    embark on an escape vehicle. The first player to accomplish this with at least one model wins.

    Building Your Squad

    Each player can spend up to 75 points.

    There is no minimum requirement for squad sizes (so an Eldar player could take one Fire Dragon, one

    Striking Scorpion and so on).

    Out of the models you take, you can upgrade one to a sergeant if it is normally allowed, paying the

    required cost to do so. That model can take whatever upgrades are available to sergeants (paying the

    points cost of course).

    Two other models can take different weapons than what they come with by default, according to the

    rules and points cost of their unit entry.

    All models are then joined into one squad, and must stay that way for the game.

    After selecting your team, you may assign one Universal Special Rule from the list at the end of this

    document to one of the models.

    For codices like Space Marines or Imperial Guard who purchase squads as groups, some math will be

    involved. Divide the points cost by the squad number to get the individual points cost of each squad

    member. If upgrade characters (such as sergeants) are included in the cost of the squad, you may

    upgrade the sergeant model for free (still only one model)

    Other Restrictions:

    -no HQ choices

    -plain Infantry models only (i.e. no Jump Infantry, Beasts, Calvary, Monstrous Creatures, etc.)

    -no vehicles of any kind (including Dedicated Transports)

  • 8/10/2019 Zombie 40k


    Set up

    The size of the table depends on the number of players. However you play, the players need to travel

    close to 6. For example, if you play on a 4 x 6 table, you would need to travel length-wise across it.

    An escape vehicle of some sort should be placed at the edge of the table in the middle of one side. Theplayers will deploy within 6 of the other table edge, no closer than 6 to each other.No Infiltrating,

    Scout Moves, or Deep Striking, or anything else that would modify deployment is allowed.

    The Zombies have 2 squads of 5 zombies for each player, deployed randomly throughout the table. One

    Zombie Boss is deployed by the Escape Vehicle.

    Changes to normal 40k Rules

    Player Order:

    -each turn the players will roll to see who will go first

    -Zombies go last

    Respawning Phase:

    -if a players squad was previously wiped out, they can respawnanywhere on the table that is at least 6

    further away from the Escape Vehicle than the player whose squad is currently the furthest away

    -after a respawn you can roll on the Power Up table and apply the result

    Movement Phase:

    -all units roll normal Leadership for regrouping, even if below 25% strength

    Psychic Phase:

    -roll d3 for Warp Charges

    -target of power can Deny the Witch, Zombies deny if no target

    Shooting Phase:

    -cannot shoot another player, unless they are within 18 of an escape vehicle or have already shot at


    -as long as the rule above applies, you can shoot into close combat, randomizing which model is hit

    (except for blasts and templates, which hit the models they cover)

    Assault Phase:

    -you cannot join another players assault

    -consolidation is only d3, and not d6

    -can only assault another player if they are within 18 of an escape vehicle, and if they are not alreadylocked in combat

    -assaults only occur on the zombies turn and on any player turns where the player has modelsin an

    assault (i.e. you will only have two assault phases for your fight per game turn)

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    Zombie Turn

    Reinforcement Phase:

    -any fully destroyed zombie squad is brought in from reserves, and is allowed to assault the same turn

    they arrive

    -roll a d6 for each squad when they arrive, and deploy them as follows:


    Player starting edge


    Edge to the left of the Player starting edge


    Edge to the right of the Player starting edge


    Zombie starting edge


    Deep Strike (rolling 3d6for distance if an arrow is rolled, but always scattering if a hit is rolled)

    from the centre of the table, following Drop Pod rules


    The player who is the furthest away from the Escape pod can Deep Strike them anywhere on the

    table, using Drop Pod rules.

    When Zombies enter a table edge they will enter the closest spot to the nearest player squad that is

    currently unengaged in combat with other zombies.

    Movement Phase:

    -roll 2d6 once, all zombies move this speed (ignoring difficult terrain)

    -each unengaged zombie squad will move towards the nearest players squad (even engaged squads)

    -zombies will ignore player squads that are completely surrounded by zombies in an assault

    -if they move far enough to reach base contact, count this as an assault (with overwatch fired as normal,

    and zombies getting the bonus +1 Attack)

    Shooting Phase:

    -Zombies will shoot at the nearest unengaged player squad

    -if there are no unengaged targets, Zombies will shoot at the nearest player squad, randomizing hits inclose combat as normal

    Assault Phase:

    -zombies will attempt to Sweeping Advance

    -zombies will Consolidate towards nearest player squad, using rules for Movement Phase above

    Zombie Profiles

    Profile WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type

    Zombie 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 5 - InfantryZombie Boss 6 5 4 5 4 1 3 10 2+ Infantry


    -Terminator Armour (Zombie Boss only)

    -Blight Grenades (Zombie Boss only)

    -Close Combat Weapon (Zombies only)

    -Manreaper (Zombie Boss only, +2 S, AP 2)

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    -Autogun (one Zombie per squad)

    Special Rules:


    -Feel No Pain

    -Slow and Purposeful, kind of (i.e. they can Sweeping Advance)


    Power Ups

    Whenever a squad destroys the last member of a Zombie Squad, roll 2d6 and consult the following

    chart. If a squad dies and comes back, they lose any special rules they gained from this list.

    If the player squad is currently the one furthest to the back they can roll twice and choose which result

    they want to keep. Alternatively, instead of rolling, they can instead elect to move the player who is

    closest to the Escape Vehicle d6 back (including any zombies currently in combat with them).

    2: Zombie Bile: You are treated as the only target for the next Shamble Phase. If two or more players

    have this then the zombies will move to whichever is closer of those players. If another player is in the

    way of the zombie movement, the zombies assault that unfortunate unit as they just happened to be in

    the wrong place.

    3: Banana Peel: In your next turn, you move as if through difficult terrain.

    4: Ork Boy Tag Along: An Ork boy has decided to join you for some reason. He is armed with a pistol

    and a choppa and is treated as a member of your squad for all purposes.

    5: Duct Tape: Whether it's a chainsaw taped to a kayak paddle or a duct-taped-over-under gun, you

    may give one model either +1 attack or +1 shot per turn. Permanently. Until you die.

    6: Chainsaw: The ultimate zombie close combat weapon. One model may be equipped with this

    item. Requires 2 hands. Hits on a 2+, and if it hits instantly takes a wound (no saves or FNP) off any

    zombie in close combat. If you roll a 1 the chainsaw has run out of fuel and is discarded (but any hitsyou got in this round still count, if you roll a 1 and get a reroll it does not run out of fuel unless you roll

    another 1).

    7: Medpack. May be saved, one use only, you may carry any number of these. You may ignore one

    suffered wound.

    8: Shotgun: There is no better tool in an zombie invasion. One model is armed with it, and that model

    does not need to have a ballistic skill. The shotgun has a range of 6" and hits on a 2+, instantly taking a

    wound off a zombie with no FNP or cover save applicable. It is an assault 1 weapon. If shot at a player it

    is treated just as the Imperial Guard version of the shotgun.

    9: Super Mushroom Speed Pack: You may carry up to one of these in your squad. When activated all

    members in your squad may add an extra +1 to all their movement, which includes movement, running

    and assaulting. The squad's initiative is also increased by 1 for that turn.10: Defibrillator: Counts as a Medpack but may be used to bring back one model in your squad who has

    previously died. If that model had multiple wounds only one is restored.

    11: Sweet Aviator Shades: In the next Shamble Phase, zombies will ignore your squad for the purposes

    of the closest target.

    12: The Blessing of Chuck Norris: Your squad receives the blessing of the Great Red Bearded One until

    the end of their next turn. Your squad may reroll all rolls they make (if they already have a reroll they

    can reroll that reroll as Chuck is that awesome).

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    Unit Rules (you must still assign these to one model, but the unit will benefit from it as long as that

    model is alive):

    And They Shall Know No FearCounter-Attack


    Move Through Cover

    Night Vision

    Preferred Enemy


    Slow and Purposeful

    Split Fire



    Model Rules:

    Blind, CC only

    Feel No Pain


    Furious Charge

    Hammer of Wrath


    Poisoned (4+), CC only



    RelentlessRending, CC only

    Shred, CC only


    The following USRs are not in use in the game, even if the models come with it:

    Hit and Run