CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION 1 Western Australian Local Government Convention + Exhibition 6 August to 8 August 2009 Perth Convention Exhibition Centre 21 Mounts Bay Road Perth Founding Partner Major Sponsor Convention Information + Registration renewal revival revitalisation renaissance regeneration innovation ina’veifan 2009

ZcZgVi^dc ^ccdkV€¦ · ^cV»kZ^[Vc. CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY 7 AUGUST 6.45am Delegate Service Desk open 7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason

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Page 1: ZcZgVi^dc ^ccdkV€¦ · ^cV»kZ^[Vc. CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY 7 AUGUST 6.45am Delegate Service Desk open 7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason


10thRisk Finance and Management

Western AustralianLocal GovernmentConvention + Exhibition

6 August to 8 August 2009Perth Convention Exhibition Centre21 Mounts Bay Road Perth

Founding Partner Major SponsorConvention Information + Registration






innovation ina’veifan


Page 2: ZcZgVi^dc ^ccdkV€¦ · ^cV»kZ^[Vc. CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY 7 AUGUST 6.45am Delegate Service Desk open 7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason


Founding Corporate Partner Local Government Insurance Services

Major Sponsor Civic Legal

Associate Sponsor Landcorp

Convention Sponsor Synergy

Convention Supporter City of Perth

This event is powered by Synergy NaturalPower - 100% GreenPower accredited renewable energy

WALGA appreciates the support of the following organisations:

Page 3: ZcZgVi^dc ^ccdkV€¦ · ^cV»kZ^[Vc. CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY 7 AUGUST 6.45am Delegate Service Desk open 7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason


I am honoured once again to invite colleagues to the 2009 WA Local Government Convention, which will return to the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre opening on Thursday 6 August and closing with the very popular Convention Gala Dinner on Saturday 8 August.

The conference program will highlight the journey of renewal already evident in our urban and regional communities, addressing some of the major challenges for the sector: building the State through infrastructure expansion, funding the development of regional areas, and encouraging people-friendly cities. The critical element of funding the future amid ongoing global financial turmoil will also feature in a financial health update. Further sessions will focus on the indigenous community, the challenges of offsetting climate change, and finally an uplifting session introducing four of our outstanding youth who will share their personal visions for the future.

Not unexpectedly we will present sessions on two political fronts: an update on the move towards Constitutional Reform for Local Government following the special national assembly Constitutional Summit held in Canberra last December; and, most significantly, the shape of sector reform being driven by the State Government. An integral part of our yearly gathering, the Association’s Annual General Meeting will this year be addressed by the Hon Colin Barnett MLA, Premier of Western Australia and the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Eric Ripper MLA.

The tradeshow is again well supported and will display a wide range of relevant products and services, and you are urged to take some time to meet these representatives and catch up on what is available for Councils. Partners are also well covered and can choose from interesting tour options, and everyone is encouraged to network with friends and colleagues at the Sundowner and Convention Gala Dinner.

In closing, on behalf of the Association I wish to thank the City of Perth for its continuing support for the popular Banners in the Terrace competition; and especially I wish to express appreciation for the valuable support provided by the Convention Founding Partner Local Government Insurance Services; Major Sponsor Civic Legal; Associate Sponsor Landcorp, and Convention Sponsor Synergy.

This is one sector assembly that should not be overlooked, so hoping to have an opportunity to discuss these issues with you in August.

Cr W (Bill) Mitchell JP�President

An Invitation


Page 4: ZcZgVi^dc ^ccdkV€¦ · ^cV»kZ^[Vc. CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY 7 AUGUST 6.45am Delegate Service Desk open 7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason

The underpinning focus of this year’s convention is sector renewal and innovation. Being at the vanguard of community services Councils are well-positioned to lead in the renaissance of our cities and regions, driving forward ideas for renewal and regeneration to ensure sustainability and ongoing development and growth – an essential if we are to meet future economic and social challenges.

The conference presentations aim to help Councils seek and embrace innovative thinking, how to stimulate more ideas, and develop their own solutions – including some peer demonstrations of what others have learned, and to encourage replication or adaptation into local programs.

This year’s speaker panel includes US based Frans Johansson – an inspiring entrepreneur and writer who will open the conference on innovative thinking; presentations on building our future by Dorte Ekelund, Infrastructure Australia and Evan Jones from Brookfield Multiplex; the Hon Brendan Grylls on the Regions Development program; a précis of our financial health by well known commentator Dr Chris Caton together with a local economic update by Dale Alcock.

The Indigenous community also features strongly as we will hear from Lt. General (Retd) John Sanderson AC who heads up the recently established State Government’s Indigenous Implementation Board. The most hotly debated challenges of our generation, Climate Change, will be addressed by Allan Jones MBE, a highly acknowledged UK energy and climate change consultant, together with Peter Andrews with his fundamental insights into the natural functioning of the Australian landscape. Finally to close on an upbeat note we will introduce a session on emerging leaders – presenting four of our finest young talents who will share their personal vision for the future.

On a more personal level but in keeping with the theme of renewal, the keynote address will be presented by one of Australia’s inspiring film makers who after facing his own unique challenges as a child refugee from Vietnam has achieved great success and bestowed with the 2005 Young Australian of the Year Award. Our breakfast special guest speaker is a survivor of the first Bali bombings and former AFL footballer Jason McCartney. The former Kangaroos player who recovered from serious burns to play a comeback game is seen as the embodiment of the Australian ‘never say die’ attitude.

To facilitate advancement with the Elected Member Professional Development Program a selection of modules are available prior to the Convention on Tuesday and, Wednesday, and following the Convention on Sunday and Monday.

As always, the specially created Partner Program offers some interesting diversions, and to round out convention activities entries in the annual Banners in the Terrace competition will be on show along St Georges and Adelaide Terraces between Sunday 2 and Saturday 15 August - so take the time to view this outstanding display. Social highlights as always include the ever-popular Sundowner and the closing Gala Dinner on Saturday evening which specially should not be missed.


Full Conference Delegate fee of $1,250 covers the conference program, lunches, refreshments and a ticket to both the Sundowner and the Convention Gala Dinner. A limited number of Day Only registrations are also available Thursday, Friday (including Sundowner), and Saturday morning sessions.

In recognition of past service to Local Government Life Members are welcome to attend all conference sessions on a complimentary basis – an all inclusive package excepting the Gala Dinner which will be a personal charge.

Please register accompanying Partners for the social functions and partner activities on the Delegate Registration Form – all prices indicated.

A separate registration form is enclosed for the Elected Member Professional Development training sessions - individual locations and fees are indicated.

Submission deadline for all Registrations - Wednesday 1 July 2009

The Convention in Brief

Before the Convention

FOR INFORMATION: 2009 ROADS AND TRANSPORT FORUM ALSO BEING STAGED AT ThE PCEC ON WEDNESDAy 5 AUGUST. Separate registration required - enquiries to Emily Ward on 08 9213 2097 or [email protected].

2008 Banners in the Terrace

Overall Winner – The City of Bunbury


9.00am – 4.30pm Elected Member Professional Development Training Sessions


9.00am – 4.30pm Elected Member Professional Development Training Sessions

4.00pm – 7.00pm Delegate Service Desk open for Registration (PCEC Level 2)

5.30pm – 7.00pm WALGA Zone Roundtable (enquiries to Meredith Neilsen, Governance Policy Officer 08 9213 2013 or [email protected])





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7.00am Delegate Service Desk open for Registration (PCEC Level 2)

7.00am – 8.45am ICLEI Oceania Recognition Breakfast (enquiries to the ICLEI Events Team 03 9660 2265 or [email protected])

9.00am – 2.00pm WALGA Tax Service - Salary Packaging Workshop for Managers and Officers (see separate registration form)

9.00am Opening of the 2009 WA Local Government Convention The Journey of Renewal

Session 1 - A Renaissance – The Medici Effect

From ideas to innovation: why do so many world-changing insights come from people with little or no related experience? Charles Darwin was a geologist when he proposed the theory of evolution – and it was an astronomer who finally explained what happened to the dinosaurs. Breakthrough ideas most often occur when we bring concepts from one field into a new, unfamiliar territory – so how can we turn the ideas we discover into path-breaking innovations?

10.15am Refreshments

11.00am Session 2 - City Revitalisation – Building Future Places for People

The building of State infrastructure is complex and requires input from all levels of government, the integration of service and infrastructure bodies, industry, and community participation at the local level. What are the implications from the Build Australia Fund for major developments in our cities – what role will they play in reducing congestion and providing job opportunities? And critically, how do we transform the practices of urban design to create quality places for people in our cities’ future?

Announcement of the 2009 Banners in the Terrace Award Winners

12.30pm Lunch

1.45pm Session 3 - The Big Bush Revival

The stunning announcement of the Royalties for Regions program heralded great promise for a substantial revival of our regional areas. Such a pledge drew wide debate, and continues to create headlines as funding and project implementations emerge. This update on current developments by the Minister is timely and will provide valuable insight into the future of our State and its regions.

Followed by On the Ground – local case study presentations

3.00pm Refreshments

3.45pm Session 4 - Local Government – The Next Generation

The surprising revelations behind the State Government’s agenda for sector reform were unexpectedly revealed by the Minister for Local Government at the State Council Meeting in February. The pronounced deadline for voluntary amalgamations looms large on our August 31 horizon - this session will review the current shape of sector reform.

5.30pm Mayors and Presidents’ Reception hosted by The City of Perth at Council House (by prior invitation)

Frans Johansson

writer and entrepreneur,


Dorte Ekelund

Major Cities Unit –

Infrastructure Australia

Evan Jones, Brookfield

Multiplex Group

Hon. Brendon Grylls MLA, Minister for Regional

Development; Lands







Page 6: ZcZgVi^dc ^ccdkV€¦ · ^cV»kZ^[Vc. CONVENTION INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY 7 AUGUST 6.45am Delegate Service Desk open 7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason



6.45am Delegate Service Desk open

7.30am – 8.45am Breakfast with Special Guest - Jason McCartney

Meet the former AFL footballer who became a national hero of the horrific Bali Bombings - a truly inspiring Australian and the embodiment of the ‘never say die’ attitude.

9.00am Session 5 - The Recovery – An Economic Outlook

A financial health update: where are we currently at - and what lies in the future? As a recognised commentator on global and national financial affairs, Dr Chris Caton will present his considered opinions on current global trends and the State’s economic outlook.

And more about WA: hear from one of our most influential private company executives. Dale Alcock will share his industry-specific perspective from the local housing industry – considered to be a major economic indicator.

10.30am Refreshments

11.15am Session 6 - Constitutional Reform Update

The political conversation continues. This session will outline the core issues which emerged from the Constitutional Summit held in Canberra last December, and will present progress so far in our shared vision for developing the right position for constitutional reform, including a summary of the research undertaken to frame

this position.9that

12.30pm Lunch

1.45pm Session 7 - Towards the New Reality

Awakening to the realities of the climate change era has re-affirmed the need for finding global solutions to a global problem - but what about actions at home – what part can we play to shape local solutions?

Allan Jones who received the Queen’s Award for services to energy and water efficiency will share his UK experiences in achieving dramatic reductions in carbon emissions, and groundbreaking work on energy and water efficiency programs – and will offer a perspective on how targets can be delivered through decentralised energy and other green infrastructure plans, and development of environmentally-friendly programs to tackle climate change at a local level.

And at ground level, Peter Andrews, author of Beyond the Brink and Back from the Brink will share his vision for the Australian landscape, and outline his common sense pioneering approach to land management to offset the effects of climate change.

3.15pm Refreshments

4.00pm Session 8 - New Beginnings – Closing the Gap

The recently established Indigenous Implementation Board has been established to close the gap on Aboriginal disadvantage in the community. As the appointed Chair, the former Governor Lt. General Sanderson will outline the framework of this significant undertaking commissioned by the State Government, and its plans for implementation of ways and means of enhancing Aboriginal involvement in local decision making and to strengthen corporate and non-government contribution to indigenous affairs.

5.15pm – 6.30pm Sundowner Reception

Dr Chris Caton, BT Funds Management

Dr A J Brown Griffith Law School, Qld

Dale Alcock

ABN Group Pty Ltd.


Jason McCartney Former AFL footballer

Allan Jones

MBE, UK Climate

Change and Energy


Peter Andrews, Natural Sequence


Lt. Gen. (Retd) John Sanderson, AC


Implementation Board

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Post Convention


10.30am – 12.30pm State Council Meeting8.30am – 4.30pm Elected Member Professional Development Training


9.00am – 4.30pm Elected Member Professional Development Training (EMRC)


7.00am Delegate Service Desk Open

7.00am – 8.45am ALGWA (WA) AGM and Breakfast. Registration required on the Delegate Registration form – for other information contact Cr Janet Davidson JP, President ALGWA (WA) on 0417 974 936 or [email protected]

9.00am Session 9 - Re-generation – Emerging Leaders

This will be a lively, uplifting moderated session showcasing four of our very talented young citizens. Be confident Australia’s future is in safe hands with this representative panel of highly educated and energised emerging leaders. Moderator: Anthony Quahe, Managing Director, Civic Legal.

10.15am Refreshments

11.00am Session 10 - Convention Keynote Address

Be inspired by Khoa Do, the 2005 Young Australian of the Year who came to Australia as a 2 year old Vietnamese refugee on a tiny fishing boat crammed full of people and faced all challenges – an amazing journey of courage, resilience and hope amidst incredible opposition.

12.00pm Lunch

1.00pm WALGA Annual General Meeting Parliamentarian addresses from Hon. Colin Barnett MLA, Premier of Western Australia; and Hon. Eric S Ripper MLA, Leader of the Opposition

3.00pm Refreshments

3.30pm WALGA AGM continuance

5.15pm Close of AGM and the 2009 Local Government Convention

7.00pm Pre-Dinner Drinks and Gala Dinner, PCEC BelleVue Ballroom


Cr Lisa Schofield - City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder

Tim Goodwin National Indigenous

Youth Movement Member

Elizabeth Shaw 2008 Youth

Representative to the UN

Albert Jacob JP MLA – Member for

Ocean Reef

Khoa Do, Film Director,

and Teacher

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Please complete registration form enclosed to enrol for all training sessions.

Elected Member Development Program Training has once again been scheduled to run during this year’s Convention with sessions scheduled before and after the event. Courses will be held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre and also at the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) offices in Belmont – refer to individual courses for location. Course notes, materials, refreshments and lunch will be provided for all attending.


9:00am – 4:30pm EMPD Module 1: Legal Responsibilities of an Elected Member

The primary aim of this module is to keep participants up-to-date with the ever increasing accountability and compliance requirements in respect to the Local Government Act 1995 and the general legal responsibilities that come with being an Elected Member.


9:00am – 4:30pm EMPD Module 2: Land Use Planning

This module introduces participants to local government land use planning functions and decision-making whilst clarifying the roles and responsibilities of all parties who take part in the planning process. It addresses the strategic and statutory planning framework operating in Western Australia and highlights the scope and limitations of Elected Member’ roles in relation to land use planning, subdivision and development control.

9:00am – 12:30pm EMPD Module 9: Ethics and Conduct of an Elected Member

The standing of a council and how it is perceived by its community is of vital importance. This module critically examines universally held views, theories and principles on ethics and provides a positive framework which Elected Members can utilise in order to ensure that they follow appropriate and professional work practices.

1:00pm – 4:30pm EMPD Module 7: Local Government Finance

The purpose of this module is to inform Elected Members of their roles and responsibilities in financial matters within their Local Government. It will provide Elected Members with the skills to understand, interpret, develop, plan and more effectively manage the financial resources of their Local Government.

Elected Member Professional Development Opportunities


8.30am – 4:30pm EMPD Module 17: Introduction to Environmental Management

This module enhances the knowledge base of Elected Members so that they may actively participate and be assured of a more informed decision-making process regarding Environmental Management issues related to their council. Elected Members are given an understanding of key legislative frameworks in Environmental Management, given a review of contemporary environmental issues and are educated on such topics as Natural Resource Management, Waste and Recycling and Climate Change.

9:00am - 12:30pm EMPD Module 6: Strategic Planning

This module defines the purpose and aim of a strategic plan. Elected Members will develop strategic thinking tools that will assist with ‘fine tuning’ their capability to actively participate in community development and contribute to sustainable governance.

1:00pm – 4:30pm EMPD Module 10: Change Management

This module has been designed to enhance the ability of Elected Members to manage change in the most effective way possible by understanding the causes of change and identifying methods or styles of coping with change.


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Registration required for all activities – prices include GST


9.00am – 5.30pm hIDDEN vALLEy Shhhh! this is the one to discover a little known destination within two hours of Perth. The journey begins with a walk

through the city to the train station to board the Australind to Harvey. Here we will be met by a local coach company for the drive into the Ferguson Valley. Nestled in this lush rolling countryside are some boutique restaurants and up and coming wineries where we will taste some of their gourmet delights. If we are lucky we might see a gnome or two before heading back to board the train for the return trip.


9.30am – 12.30pm LEARN ThE SAUCy SAMBA Calling all dancers. We can tango, jive, and belly dance. Now let’s put on the frilly skirts, think feminine, cheeky and

flirtatious, throw away the inhibitions and come Samba-ing. Forget the men, this is the girls only version with an expert to tutor us. Morning tea will keep up the energy levels, and we’ll walk to and from the dance studio in trendy King Street. (bring your frilly/ swaying skirt if you have one.)

� �Includes:�Escort,�Tuition,�Morning�tea,�“extras”�$75�(minimum 15 – maximum 30)

10.00am – 3.00pm TRAFFIC CONTROL Ever been stuck in traffic or irritated late at night, no other car in sight and the lights turn red? Here is a chance to

visit the heart of the Main Roads Department Traffic Operations Centre to offer your good advice while seeing the city’s labyrinth of roads high-tech style. Then shift a gear to the slower, more relaxed past and enjoy lunch and other light activities in the lovely surrounds of the historical Tranby House on the picturesque banks of the Swan River.

� �Includes:�Coach�and�Guide,�Tour,�Lunch,�“extras”�$110�(minimum�15�–�maximum�30)

1.30pm – 4.30pm A DRESS UP AFTERNOON TEA Enjoy a sumptuous afternoon tea at Nedlands Golf Club followed by a fling with fashion – a parade of the latest in

gorgeous sports fashions�–�not only golf wear, but great smart casual gear with plenty of dash.

� �Includes:�Coach�and�Escort,�Afternoon�tea,�Fashion�Parade,�“extras”��$75�(minimum�25�-�maximum�60)


7.30am – 9.00am Breakfast with Special Guest Jason McCartney

8.30am – 4.30pm ADvENTURE OUT Pin back the hair and fasten the seat belt and get ready for the ride of a lifetime. Among the white sand dunes of

Lancelin, and aboard the world’s largest 4WD tour coach , we’ll defy you not to squeal with delight (or terror) as we race up and down the dunes. And that’s not all. If you like, and if you want to show your kids and yourself that you are not a wimp after all, hop on a sand board and get your heart pumping again as you race down the dunes. Lunch will be at Guilderton, a lovely little spot at the mouth of the Moore River, and a short river cruise will also be available.


Partner Activites


9:00am – 4:30pm EMPD Module 15: Sustainable Asset Management

The Sustainable Asset Management training module has three key focus points with which to assist Elected Members in understanding asset management issues and improving asset management capacity within their councils. This includes understanding their stewardship responsibilities, being proactive in recognising the financial capabilities of their council and moving from annual budgeting to long term planning.

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8.45am – 1.00pm BEAUTy ThERAPy – AN ENCORE Our massage morning returns. Relax and enjoy a therapeutic back massage followed by the ultimate in manicures -

the paraffin wax manicure – bring your own favourite nail polish if you wish. The venue is the International School of Beauty Therapy – a very popular place where students learn all there is to know about beauty therapy. Morning tea will follow and then some free time for shopping before the coach returns.

� �Includes:�Coach�and�escort,�Beauty�Treatment,�Morning�Tea,�“Extras”,�GST��$105�(minimum�15�-�maximum�20)

9.00am – 12.30pm WhAT’S COOKING Beaumonde Catering is a market leader in the catering industry with many awards to its name including 4 time

winner “National Caterer of the Year”. Be prepared for anything. This is a working operation so we will either see behind the scenes of a catering project in real time, or a dedicated demonstration from a master chef of how to cater for a finger food and canapé event. Not only that, we get to TASTE the goodies – washed down with Champagne.

� �Includes:�Coach�and�escort,�cooking�demonstration,�food�tastes,�Champagne.�$90�(minimum�15�–�maximum�20)

1.00pm – 5.30pm AUSTRALIA POST AND MEN OF ThE TREES � �This is a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes of the Australia Post mail sorting complex. By special

arrangement, we will have an exclusive tour of this amazing place, which ensures you get your mail on time. The timing is to fit in with the mail vans bringing in the mail, and when the machines are operating.

� �Beforehand we will visit “Men of the Trees” – to discover who they are, what they do, and how they do it – think climate change, water restrictions, carbon neutral, animal fodder and shade, and that other big one, salinity.

Includes: Transport and Escort, Tour, “bagged” Afternoon Tea, “extras” $80 (minimum 15 - maximum 30)

5.15pm – 6.30pm Convention Sundowner


11.00am – 12.00pm Keynote address: Khoa Do

9.30am – 3.30pm KARRAGULLEN AND ARALUEN Illawarra Orchard has been in Tom Price’s family since the 1899. Tucked away among State Forest, it holds many

special stories and lots of history. Tom is a leader in the world of fruit and what goes onto the supermarket shelves, and he will share his history with us and, if you have the energy, show us through his orchard.

We have lunch at Araluen Country Club before heading to Araluen Botanic Park to enjoy the tulips.

Includes: Coach and guide, Picnic Morning Tea, Entrances, Lunch, “extras” $140 (minimum 20 – maximum 30)

9.30am – 12.00pm ENTERTAINING AND SOCIAL ETIqUETTE “You are cordially invited to attend”: Rediscover the lost art of hosting a successful dinner party and entertaining.

It is not just making the table look pretty, it is knowing how to seat who next to whom, and keeping the conversation flowing – a definite art form. Also we will be brought up to date with the contemporary social do’s and don’ts - a veritable minefield.

� �Includes:�Facilitator�and�Etiquette�expert�Louise�Percy,�Morning�Tea�(at�the�PCEC)�$85�(minimum�15�–�maximum�50)

2.00pm – 4.15pm hAIR-UM SCARUM Our bubbly friend Bernice Baker is back to unlock the secrets of the locks… hair care being the final beauty care series

which has included perfume, skin care, makeup and wardrobe magic. Bernice will share all there is to know about hair care – which shampoo to use, how to look like your friend who never has a hair out of place, the difference between cheap and expensive products. She will answer questions about any of your beauty problems – lots of fun.

� �Includes:�Facilitator,�Hair�Care�Expert,�refreshments,�“extras”�(at�the�PCEC)�$70�(minimum�15�–�maximum�50)

7.00pm for 7.30pm Convention Gala Dinner


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General Information


A range of accommodation options were earlier announced with several booking forms being available from the Members site at www.walga.asn.au. Reservation arrangements are to be made directly with selected hotel: all hotels reserve the right to release space so please confirm room bookings early.

Please note that city hotels have limited guest parking so it is advisable to clarify when booking.


Limited daily coach transfers between convention hotels and the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre for the conference and the gala dinner will be provided: the transport schedule will be displayed at the Delegate Service Desk.

Delegates and partners may also find it convenient to use the free and frequent bus services operating within the CBD: details are available on www.transperth.wa.gov.au and hotel staff should be able to offer some local advice.

For metropolitan based delegates and those staying at city hotels WALGA can arrange for a multi-entry parking space in the City of Perth underground car park at the PCEC at a daily cost of $24.00 (24 hour access). If you wish to secure a parking space please indicate on the registration form – the non-extendable deadline for these arrangements is 1 July 2009.


Deadline for registration - Wednesday 1 July 2009 Cancellations must be advised in writing prior to registration deadline – thereafter full fees are payable. Alternatively a registration may be transferred to another member of Council – to be advised in writing.

All registration enquiries to Emily Ward, Marketing and Events Officer – WALGA

T 08 9213 2000 F 08 9322 2611 E [email protected]

Information in this brochure is correct at time of printing but may be subject to change

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15 Altona Street, West Perth WA 6005

Telephone: (08) 9213 2000

Fax: (08) 9322 2611
