All you need to know Your Smart Energy Tracker

Your Smart Energy Tracker - SSE

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Your Smart Energy Tracker
17952G_SSE_IHD_Full_Guide_AW_Cover.indd 1 18/11/2015 14:29
17952G_SSE_IHD_Full_Guide_AW_Cover.indd 2 18/11/2015 14:29
Meet your Smart Energy Tracker A few safety rules
2 Getting Started
Walk me through it How to fit the battery What does it do? Connect to your Smart meter Your contents map
3 My Energy
How do I set targets for my usage? How do I know what to set my targets to? Understanding your energy use Cost, Energy or CO2? How do I compare my energy use?
4 Do More
I want to change the way it works How do I change the brightness? How do I change the timer? How do I change the way it looks? How do I change the standby screen? How do I change my alerts? How do I check my account?
5 Any Questions?
Help. I'm having trouble. How to reboot your Smart Energy Tracker I have a question... Specifications DOC compliance Contact us
17952G_SSE_IHD_Full_Guide_AW_INNER.indd 1 18/11/2015 10:12
Your Smart Energy Tracker connects with your smart meter and gives you lots of useful information about your energy use. It can help you to:
You can carry your Smart Energy Tracker around the house, switch off appliances as you go and see straight away how that affects the amount of energy you’re using.
Important: Just make sure you put your Smart Energy Tracker back on charge – if the battery goes flat, it will take a couple of days to re-load your historical energy usage.
If you stray out of range and lose your connection, bring the Smart Energy Tracker closer to your Smart meter.
Meet your new Smart Energy Tracker
See how much energy you’re using
Translate kWh into pounds and pence
See how much you’re spending
Watch target performance through coloured lights
Set targets for your energy use
Take control of your energy use
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Safety Information
• Only use the provided USB adapter with the Smart Energy Tracker
• Do not immerse the Smart Energy Tracker or battery in water or any other liquid. If the Smart Energy Tracker comes in contact with any liquid wipe immediately with a soft cloth
• Do not subject the Smart Energy Tracker or battery to excessive force, shock, dust, temperature or humidity
• Do not tamper with the Smart Energy Tracker internal components
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any components
• Disconnect USB adapter before cleaning
• To clean Smart Energy Tracker, wipe with a damp cloth
• Do not use cleaning agents, benzene, solvents, abrasive or corrosive materials
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• The Smart Energy Tracker contains a rechargeable lithium ion battery. Exposure to battery contents through leakage, destruction or incineration may cause injury
• Remove battery when storing for extended periods, and store in a cool, dry and well ventilated place
• Dispose of product and batteries in accordance with your local recycling scheme
• Do not expose to, or dispose of the battery in fire
• Do not use any equipment not specifically designed for this device or battery
• Avoid shorting the battery terminals
• Do not use the battery in conjunction with different makes, types, or models
• Keep out of the reach of children
1 Yo
I'm ready. Walk me through it. Check you have all the right bits before you get started. You should have:
Your Smart Energy Tracker
The full picture of your energy use appears after two
days. Make sure you keep the battery
Your Smart Energy Tracker comes with its own rechargeable battery. You’ll need to fit it yourself, but it’s straightforward. Here’s how to do it:
How to fit the battery
Remove the battery cover and slot in the battery that came with your Smart Energy Tracker.
Your Smart Energy Tracker should be plugged into the mains to charge up the battery. For that, you’ll need the USB adapter. Please only use the USB adapter that came with your Smart Energy Tracker.
Make sure the USB adapter is the right way round, then push it all the way in. Now plug the other end into a wall socket.
Your Smart Energy Tracker should power on itself. If not, just press and hold OK.
How to plug in your Smart Energy Tracker
1 Colour display Here’s where you get to see all the information about your energy use.
2 OK button Press and hold this button to switch on. Use it to confirm your choices when you’re scrolling through the menus.
3 Up, down, back buttons Use these buttons to work your way through the different menus.
4 Usage light Glowing green, amber or red, you can see at a glance whether your electricity use is below target, on target or over.
5 Battery cover Remove the cover to slot in or take out the battery.
6 Charging point The Smart Energy Tracker comes with its own USB power adapter. Plug it in here to power the device and charge the battery.
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23/11/15 21:55 75%
Your Smart Energy Tracker connects wirelessly to your smart meter. Our technician will take care of this for you. If we've posted the device to you, just give us a call and we can connect it remotely. For this to work, you’ll need to place your Smart Energy Tracker within 2 metres of your smart meter.
Connect to your smart meter
Your device will refer to a SmartView+. This is the same as your Smart Energy Tracker.
Here’s what you’ll see on the screen when it’s connecting
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SmartView+ are now paired up.
SmartView Tutorial
Skip Tutorial
updates every 8 seconds
When you first switch on your Smart Energy Tracker it’ll give you the option to run through a quick tutorial to show how it works. Try that and then return to this guide to find out how to get more from your Smart Energy Tracker.
If you want to skip the tutorial for now you can come back to it any time – you’ll find it under ‘About’ on the 'Main Menu'.
When you first connect, you’ll only see the usage for that day. If there’s an upgrade, change, or your battery runs out, it could take up to two days to re-load your usage history.
Remember to keep your battery charged.
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Source Custom
406W Threshold
The great thing about your new Smart Energy Tracker is that it really lets you take control of your energy use. To help you do that, you can set targets for your household and see how your actual energy use measures up.
How do I set targets for my usage?
When you set a target, your Smart Energy Tracker will set a threshold which appears at the bottom of the screen.
Below target On target Over target
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Your usage light also glows different colours to let you know if you're under target (green), on target (amber) or over (red).
So amber's the one to aim for. Or better still, green.
Set targets and you can quickly see
if your energy use is on track
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From the Home Page, press ‘OK’ to access the Main Menu. Use the up/down arrows to select ‘Electricity’ or ‘Gas’, then select ‘Daily Target’.
At the top of the screen, the ‘Source’ section will highlight five different ways to set your targets.
Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the options and press OK to go into your preferred target option:
Daily Budget: With this option you can set a target in £/p for the day. The 'Set Target' section will be highlighted and you can use the up/down arrows to change your target amount. Press and hold the up/down arrows for faster increments or decrements. Once you’ve entered your target amount, press ‘OK’ to confirm.
For guidance on the sort of figure you should be aiming for, see page 20.
Save 5%: This option works out how much you used yesterday and sets a new target based with a 5% reduction in kWh. Of course, this only works after you’ve used your Smart Energy Tracker for at least two days.
How do I set targets for my energy use?
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Save 10%: As above but your new target shows a 10% saving
Save 15%: As above but your new target shows a 15% saving
Custom: Set up in kWh rather than £/p
Off: No targets set
These amounts are just an example. See page 20 for help on setting targets.
Main Menu > Choose Electricity or Gas
Use up/down arrows to scroll through target options
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To give you an idea of the sort of target you should be aiming for, follow these 3 simple steps;
How do I know what to set my targets to?
Electric annual kWh's 1,800
Gas annual kWh's 8,000
Heating and electrical appliances mainly used evenings & weekends
Using the following tables, work out which energy average your household falls into: low, medium or high usage.
Heating and electrical appliances being used all day
Electric annual kWh's 4,300
Gas annual kWh's 17,000
Heating and electrical appliances being used all day
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National average daily Gas and Electric expenditure
• Total kWh’s (1,800) X Price Per Unit (PPU) 14.13 = 28,260
• 25,434 / 100 = 254.34
• 254.34 / Amount of days kWh’s is calculated over (1 year – 365 days) = £0.70
Once you know your usage level (low, medium or high), refer to the below table to select your daily target for electric and gas.
Please note these daily targets are based on general averages and are just intended as a guide. Each household will vary and you can adjust your own daily target to suit your own usage whenever you like. Here's how we calculated these target amounts:-
Once you’ve set a target for your energy use, your Smart Energy Tracker can let you know at a glance how you’re doing.
Home Screen With a target in place, your screen should now look like this. This is your home screen and it shows how much energy you’re using right now. If you don’t have a smart gas meter, you’ll only be able to see electricity readings.
Current gas use (updated every 30mins)
Electricity use indicator
23/11/15 21:55 75%23/11/15 21:55 75%23/11/15 21:55 75% Now
£0.78 Today
5 p/hr
Low Usage Medium Usage High Usage
The arc moves from green to amber to red depending on whether you’re below your target, on target or over target. Remember, amber’s good, green’s even better.
Usage light Your Smart Energy Tracker also has an indicator light at the base of the unit which glows green, amber or red depending on how your electricity use compares against your target.
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On the home screen you’ll be able to see your current energy use as well as the total amount you’ve used today. You can look at your energy use in a few different ways. You can see:
Electricity 1. What it’s costing you in £/p 2. Your energy consumption in W/kW 3. The amount of CO2 you’re generating
Gas 1. What it’s costing you in £/p 2. Your energy consumption in W/kW 3. The amount of CO2 you’re generating
Which do you prefer? Cost, energy or CO2?
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Cost: Energy: CO2:
Cost: Energy: CO2:
£1.19 today
5 p/hr
£1.19 today
5 p/hr
Another great thing about your Smart Energy Tracker is that you can look at your energy use today and make a direct comparison with yesterday – which means you have greater control. Here’s how it works:
How do I compare my energy use?
You should now see usage for 'Today' & 'Yesterday'
Press up/down to switch between your Gas and Electricity usage
From your home screen, press and hold the back button
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23:00 - Now
So far Today
£0.95 8 kWh
60% Below Target
Check your History: From your Gas or Electricity menu, Select ‘History’
Select ‘Today’ and you’ll see an hour by hour breakdown
Select ‘Daily’ and you’ll see the total amount for the day Press the 'down’ button to look at yesterday’s usage here too.
Today Daily
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Want to change the way the display looks? Or switch off the energy usage light? Need to switch on a couple of alerts? You can.
Get into the 'Settings' menu and you can tinker a little to make your Smart Energy Tracker work just the way you want.
I want to change the way it works
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Make your Smart Energy Tracker work just the way you want
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On Mains 50%
On Battery 50%
How do I change the brightness? Screen brightness You can choose your own settings for screen brightness when running on mains and battery.
When running on the battery, if you reduce the brightness, you’ll save energy and the battery will last longer.
Settings > Display > Brightness > Press OK
Use the up and down arrows to select brightness
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23/11/15 21:55 75% Display
Brightness (Battery) 50%
Brightness (Mains) 50%
Usage light (shows energy use at the base of your unit)
You can choose your own settings for the usage light brightness when running on mains and battery.
When running on the battery, if you reduce the brightness, you’ll save energy and the battery will last longer.
The usage light is at the base of the unit and shows how your electricity use compares with your target by glowing green, amber and red. You can alter the brightness.
Use the up and down arrows to select brightness
Settings > Display > Usage light > Press OK
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How do I change the timer? Home page Your Smart Energy Tracker automatically jumps from your current screen back to the home screen after a period of time. Here you can decide how long before that happens.
Standby After a period of inactivity, your Smart Energy Tracker will go into standby mode. It’s set for 3 minutes but you can change how long before it switches to standby.
Keep your battery charged
and today
Display > Press OK
Timers > Press OK > Choose Home Page or Standby > Press OK
Use arrows to change the time > Press OK
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Within themes you can change the appearance of the display on your Smart Energy Tracker. You can invert the colours, which may help if you are colour blind.
How do I change the way it looks?
Home page
You can change the way the Home Page looks, and switch between 4 different styles by using the up and down buttons, although your device is pre-set to Arc.
Settings > Display > Theme > Colours
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Cost Now p/hr6
23/11/15 21:55 75%
When your Smart Energy Tracker goes into standby mode after a period of inactivity, by default it’ll display a summary of your energy use.   You can also switch off the 'Standby' display in your 'Settings' to save energy and extend battery life:
How do I change the standby screen?
In Standby Screen, the display shows a summary of your energy use.
Turn standby off Settings > Display > Standby Screen > Off
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How do I change my alerts? Your Smart Energy Tracker will let you know when certain things happen. You can use the up and down buttons to select what option you want. You can also switch off pop-ups if you prefer.
Approaching Target When your energy use gets close to your target, a pop-up window will appear on the display.  
Approaching target Settings > Alerts > Pop-Ups > Target > Off
Approaching target Settings > Alerts > Pop-Ups > Target
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23/11/15 21:55 75% Pop-Ups
Weak signal Settings > Alerts > Pop-Ups > Weak Signal > Select option
Low battery Settings > Alerts > Volume > Other Alerts > Select option
Weak Signal You can set an alert to let you know if your Smart Energy Tracker is too far away from your meter. A pop- up window will appear telling you there’s a weak signal between your Smart Energy Tracker and your meter.
Low Battery When your battery starts to run low, your Smart Energy Tracker is set to give an audible signal – a ‘beep’.
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Daily Target
Your Account
With your Smart Energy Tracker it's easy to check a few important details on your account. Always good to know.
Check your Meter Info Under this option, you can see the details of your meter, including your current reading.
How do I check my account?
Meter info Home page > Main Menu > Electricity (or Gas) > Meter Info
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Daily Target
Your Account
Check prices Here, you can see your current Standing Charge and your Unit Rate.
Your standing charge Home page > Main Menu > Electricity (or Gas) > Your Account > Prices
You can view your current meter
reading without needing to look
at your meter
If you’re having a spot of bother with your new Smart Energy Tracker, you can always talk to our Customer Services team.
to help. But first, try our troubleshooting guide. It might be something really simple...
Help. I'm having trouble.
What's up What to do
Did you press the right button?
Press and hold OK for 2 seconds
The battery may not have enough charge
Connect the USB adapter See page 9
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy Tracker, see page 49
If it refuses to switch on, the battery or USB adapter may be faulty
Give us a call and we’ll sort it out
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Just call us on 0345 071 3991 and we’ll do what we can
What's up What to do
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy tracker, see page 49
My Smart Energy Tracker isn’t showing or updating my energy use, or my history
What's up What to do
We only update your gas use every 30 minutes
Leave it an hour then try again
The signal icon will appear red
When your Smart Energy Tracker is connected, the signal icon will appear white
Your Smart Energy Tracker may have lost its connection to your smart meter
Move your Smart Energy Tracker closer to your meter - within 2 metres
If the signal icon is white and the problem continues it may be a connection problem
Restart your Smart Energy Tracker. Press and hold OK then select Restart from the menu
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My Smart Energy Tracker doesn’t work when the USB adapter’s disconnected
What's up What to do
The battery may not have enough charge
Make sure the battery’s at 100% before disconnecting the USB adapter
The battery’s not connected
Connect the battery See page 8
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy Tracker See page 49
If the battery’s fitted correctly and it’s showing 100% charge but the problem continues, then it may be a faulty battery
Pop the battery out, give us a call and we’ll send you another. Until then, you can still use your Smart Energy Tracker with the USB adapter.
The battery icon is flashing
What's up What to do
The battery’s not connected
Connect the battery See page 8
If the problem continues and you’re sure the battery’s fitted correctly, it may be faulty
Pop the battery out, give us a call and we’ll send you another. Until then, you can still use your Smart Energy Tracker with the USB adapter.
Only fit the battery that came with your Smart Energy Tracker or one we give you
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What's up What to do
Have you done it properly? Press and hold OK for 2 seconds and choose 'Power Off' from the menu
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy Tracker See page 49
You don’t have to switch off your device every time. If Standby is active, it’ll simply go to sleep.
You can choose which of the alerts beep by going into 'Settings'
What's up What to do
Audio alerts, ‘beeps’, only work with some alerts
Check your 'Alerts' set-up in 'Settings' See page 41
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy Tracker See page 49
Alerts are set to silent Check your 'Alerts' set-up in 'Settings' See page 41
There are no beeps from my Smart Energy Tracker when an alert pops up
Nothing happens when I press the buttons
What's up What to do
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy Tracker See page 49
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Keep your device charged. If the battery goes flat, you’ll lose your data and it will take a couple of days until you can see your full energy use again.
If the problem continues your Smart Energy Tracker may be faulty.
Give us a call on and we’ll sort it out.
Usage light isn’t on
What's up What to do
It’s been switched off in 'Settings'
Switch on in 'Settings' See page 33
It may be a glitch Reboot your Smart Energy Tracker See page 49
We’d suggest you leave the Usage Light on. It lets you see at a glance whether your electricity use is on target.
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OK, let’s start again. A lot of the time, glitches can be sorted out simply by rebooting your Smart Energy Tracker. Sounds technical, but it isn’t. Here’s how it’s done:
How to reboot your Smart Energy Tracker
1 Disconnect the USB adapter and remove the battery cover
2 Pop the battery out carefully Wait 60 seconds. Remember taking your battery out will lose your data history
3 Replace the battery
4 Replace the battery cover
5 Reconnect the USB adapter
6 Your Smart Energy Tracker should re-connect within 2 minutes, but it may take up to 30 minutes for your current energy data to appear
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Just a sec. I have a question...
Where do I put my Smart Energy Tracker? Ideally, somewhere you can keep an eye on it, so you can check regularly how much energy you’re using. It needs to sit about 2 metres from your smart meter (but it’s OK to carry it around the house with you). And it needs to be kept dry.
Does the Smart Energy Tracker factor in the energy I use from alternative sources, such as solar panels or windmills. No. It only measures the energy supplied by SSE.
How long does the battery last? If it’s fully charged, the battery should last around 8 hours – whether it’s fully on or in 'Standby' mode. If the standby screen is switched off in 'Settings' and your device shows a blank screen, then the battery can last up to 130 hours.
How do I get a new battery or power adapter? Give us a call on
About my Smart Energy Tracker
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How do I clean my Smart Energy Tracker? Disconnect the USB adapter and wipe the unit over with a damp cloth. Don’t use any other sprays or liquids.
How do I switch the Smart Energy Tracker off? Press and hold OK to show the power options. Scroll down to 'Power Off' and then press OK again.
How do I stop it beeping? Switch the alert off in the 'Settings' menu. See p.41
How much gas or electricity have I used today? You can check your 'Home Page', 'Recent Usage', 'History Today' or 'History Daily' screens. See p.28
How can I see how much CO2 I’m generating? You can change the units on the home screen so it shows CO2. See p.26
About my energy use
The serial number for your Smart Energy Tracker can be found in the 'About' section of the 'Main Menu', under 'Serial and ID'
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How do I get into the System Menu? You’ll probably only need to do this if asked by our Customer Services team. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
You now have a number of options:
Return home This takes you back to your Home Page.
Default settings This clears all your settings and returns your Smart Energy Tracker to its original set up.
Unpair IHD This disconnects your Smart Energy Tracker from your smart meter. All your other settings will stay unchanged.
Burn in mode This tests the LCD display.
1 Press and hold OK
2 Scroll down to 'Power Off' and choose 'OK' (Your screen should go blank)
3 Press and hold 'OK' and the 'back' button at the same time
4 Release 'OK' but keep holding the 'back' button
5 Finally, release the 'back' button
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The nuts and bolts for those who need to know.
Smart Energy Tracker Display Type: Transmissive Active Matrix TFT Screen Resolution: 240x320 Dots Screen Size: 2.8in (diagonal) Display Brightness (max): 4000Cd/m2
Display Viewing Angle: 60 degrees bottom, 70 degrees top, left, right
Sounder Volume: ~85dB Main Sounder Frequency: 2.7kHz Resonant Frequency Transmit Power (max): 10mW erp Frequency Range: 2.39 – 2.507 GHz
Operating Time on Battery (max): 10 hours Standby Time on Battery (max): >130 hours DC Supply Voltage: 5V DC Power Consumption Charging: <2W
Product Weight: ~135grams Operating Temperature: 0~45
Smart Energy Tracker + AC adapter AC Adapter (input): 100-240Vac 0.2A AC Adapter (output): 5V 1A
Smart Energy Tracker Battery Battery type: Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery Capacity: 1100mAh 3.7V
5 A
Unique identification of this DoC: E
We, Waterside House, 46 Shore, Leith, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH6 6QU
declare under our sole responsibility that the product:
product name: Smart Ener r r trade name: SSE type or model: e Smart Ener i to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC). The product is in conformity with the following standards and/or other normative documents: HEALTH & SAFETY (Art. 3(1)(a)): E 4
(title and/or number and date of issue of the standard(s) or other normative document(s))
EMC (Art. 3(1)(b)): E E 4 , E 4
(title and/or number and date of issue of the standard(s) or other normative document(s))
SPECTRUM (Art. 3(2)): (title and/or number and date of issue of the standard(s) or other normative document(s))
OTHER (incl. Art. 3(3) and voluntary specs): ............................................................... (title and/or number and date of issue of the standard(s) or other normative document(s))
Supplementary information: Notified body involved:
Technical file held by: ome is a s Ltd , Waterside House, 46 Shore, Leith, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH6 6QU
Place and date of issue (of this DoC): n Home is a s Waterside House, 46 Shore, Leith, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH6 6QU
h tober
Signed by or for the manufacturer: ................................................................................. (Signature of authorised person)
Name (in print): e Hut ison Title: tor
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Need help?
If you need to talk to us about your Smart Energy Tracker just give us a call on:
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Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Sat 8am-2pm