Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to To think, to remember, to guess. guess. To tell, to smile, to say To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite words. only good and polite words. To see, to watch, to read. To see, to watch, to read.

Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

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Page 1: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Your HelperYour HelperTo hear, to listen to the teacher To hear, to listen to the teacher

and friends. and friends.

To think, to remember, to guess.To think, to remember, to guess.

To tell, to smile, to say only good To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite words.and polite words.

To see, to watch, to read.To see, to watch, to read.

Page 2: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Rules of WorkRules of Work Be positive!Be positive! Help ... !Help ... ! Try Try to be... !to be... ! Think about ... !Think about ... ! Work ... !Work ... ! Be successful !Be successful !

Page 3: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

If there is right in the soul,If there is right in the soul,There is beauty in the person.There is beauty in the person.If there is beauty in the person,If there is beauty in the person,There will be harmony in the There will be harmony in the

home.home.If there is harmony in the home,If there is harmony in the home,There will be order in the nation.There will be order in the nation.If there is order in the nation,If there is order in the nation,There will be peace in the world!There will be peace in the world!

Page 4: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

A happy person is a healthy person!

Page 5: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


1. Низкого качества2. Традиционный,

обычный3. Интерьер4. Обильный 5. Отличительный, особый 6. Стремительно7. Качество

Page 6: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


1. inferior2. customary3. interior4. abundant 5. distinctive6. rapidly7. a quality

Page 7: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


Page 8: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Our Motto

Page 9: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Work in Work in pairspairs

I rowI rowWe We shouldshould

eat eat ......

II rowII row We We shouldn’t shouldn’t

eat eat ......

III rowIII rowWe sometimes We sometimes maymay

eat …eat …

Page 10: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite





Page 11: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

The Problem QuestionThe Problem Question

Do we Do we livelive for for

eating eating


eateat for for livingliving??

Page 12: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite



Page 13: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite









Page 14: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


1.GRAMMAR POINT (p. 108)

2.PRACTICE (p.108, ex. 1)


Page 15: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


Rewrite the sentences in reported speech:1.“Buy the sausages, please!” he asked me.2.“When did you cook the cake?” my friend asked me.3.“Were you eating in a café when the accident happened?” she asked.4.“We have never tried British pudding”, they said.5.“They are going to a family restaurant tomorrow”, said my Mum.

Page 16: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

DIRECTDIRECTPresent SimplePresent SimplePresent Present ContinuousContinuousPresent PerfectPresent PerfectPresent Perfect Present Perfect ContinuousContinuousPast SimplePast SimpleFuture SimpleFuture SimplePast ContinuousPast ContinuousPast PerfectPast PerfectPast Perfect Past Perfect ContinuousContinuous

REPORTEDREPORTED Past SimplePast Simple Past ContinuousPast Continuous Past PerfectPast Perfect Past Perfect Past Perfect

ContinuousContinuous Past PerfectPast Perfect Future-in- the Future-in- the

Past (Past (wouldwould)) Past ContinuousPast Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect


Page 17: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

CHECK UP1. He asked me to buy the sausages.2. My friend asked me when I had cooked the

cake.3. She asked me if I were eating when the

accident had happened.4. They said that they had never tried British

pudding.5. My Mum said that they were going to a

family restaurant the next day.

Page 18: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Active RelaxationActive Relaxation

Page 19: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


Page 20: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Say if true or false:1. There are 16 basic food

groups.2. Fast food is usually high in fat,

cholesterol and sugar.3. It is natural that you prefer

some foods and hate others.4. Cola is nutrition. 5. It’s better to choose reduced

fat food.6. It’s good to eat in a hurry.

Page 21: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Check up1. False2. True3. True4. False5. True6. False

Page 22: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Complete the sentences:

1.Good nutrition is good for …2.To eat the healthy food is

especially vital for …3.To be healthy all … groups of

food are important.4.Fast food is usually not …


Page 23: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

The Problem QuestionThe Problem Question

Do we Do we livelive for for

eating eating


eateat for for livingliving??

Page 24: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

HomeworkHomework Write a composition Write a composition “We Eat for Living”:“We Eat for Living”: as a letter;as a letter; as an e-mail;as an e-mail; as an article to the English as an article to the English


Page 25: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

I have known ...Now I understand ...It was difficult ...It was interesting ...Now I can …I could ...

Page 26: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Health Is Health Is WealthWealth

is, Sport, good.is, Sport, good.

food, healthy, Eat.food, healthy, Eat.

proverb, The, says:proverb, The, says:

“ “is, Health, wealth”!is, Health, wealth”!

Page 27: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Health Is Health Is WealthWealth

Sport is good.Sport is good.

Eat healthy food.Eat healthy food.

The proverb says:The proverb says:

““Health is wealthHealth is wealth”!”!

Page 28: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


A happy person is a healthy person!

Page 29: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite

Adelaide Adelaide CrapseyCrapsey

Page 30: Your Helper Your Helper To hear, to listen to the teacher and friends. To think, to remember, to guess. To tell, to smile, to say only good and polite


1) Food(the subject) 2) 2 adjectives 3) 3 verbs4) A sentencе (4 words)5) 1 noun (rename the subject)