Im Restaurant You will learn how to: •talk about food and meals •describe flavors

You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

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Page 1: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

Im Restaurant

You will learn how to:•talk about food and meals•describe flavors

Page 2: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Kellner/e Kellnerin

Page 3: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Koch/ die Köchin

Page 4: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

die Speisekarte

Page 5: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Rechnung

Page 6: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

das Besteck

Page 7: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

das Glas

Page 8: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

die Flasche

Page 9: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

die Tasse

Page 10: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Löffel

Page 11: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Teller

Page 12: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Teelöffel

Page 13: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Esslöffel

Page 14: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

das Messer

Page 15: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

die Gabel

Page 16: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

die Tischdecke

Page 17: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Pfeffer

Page 18: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

das Salz

Page 19: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Wein

Page 20: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

das stille Wasser

Page 21: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

das Mineralwasser

Page 22: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Tee

Page 23: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Saft

Page 24: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

der Kaffee

Page 25: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

die Milch

Page 26: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

side dish

e Beilage

Page 27: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

first/second course

der erste Gangder zweite Gang

Page 28: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

main course

e Hauptspeise

Page 29: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


e Nachspeise

Page 30: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


das Trinkgeld

Page 31: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


e Vorspeise

Page 32: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

at the restaurant

im Restaurant

Page 33: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 34: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


das Frühstück

Page 35: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


das Mittagessen

Page 36: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


das Abendessen

Page 37: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors


der Snack

Page 38: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 39: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

talking about food

Essen beschreiben

Page 40: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

flavor; taste

das Geschmack

Page 41: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 42: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 43: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 44: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 45: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 46: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

rich, heavy


Page 47: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors



Page 48: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

I would like..

Ich hätte gern

I___ h___ g___

Page 49: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

to be on a diet

auf Diät sein

a___ D____ s___

Page 50: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

They order.

Sie bestellen.

S___ b___.

Page 51: You will learn how to: talk about food and meals describe flavors

The soup tastes good.

Die Suppe schmeckt gut.

D___ S___ s___ g___.