YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Reasons Office Desi… · YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan

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Page 1: YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Reasons Office Desi… · YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan
Page 2: YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Reasons Office Desi… · YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan

YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan of sterile cubicles, or would simply prefer a more modern look, it’s obvious when something needs to change.

What you may not realize is just how much a custom redesign could

benefit your business, on all levels. After all, environment does more than

just influence how we feel, it determines how we interact with others –

and when it comes to the long-term health of your business, nothing

could be more important.

This is why we’ve compiled a list of 5 reasons your current office design

could actually be hurting your business.

Conference rooms are great for planned meetings, especially those

involving potential clients. But what about providing space for employees

who want to collaborate off the cuff? After studying the inner-workings

of companies from various industries – from pharmaceuticals to finance

– emerging data is showing face-to-face interactions are by far the most

defining factor of success. These sort of serendipitous encounters are

where questions get asked that might have otherwise been forgotten,

creative solutions delightfully emerge, and employees gain a sense of

company ownership. As recently reported by The Harvard Business

Review, Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor was able to

shift from a state-run monopoly to a competitive multi-national carrier

with 150 million subscribers, largely due to strategically placed coffee

machines. Shortly after incorporating “hot desking” (no assigned seating)

in 2003, the company redesigned its headquarters, shifting the number

of coffee machines available from one to every six employees to one for

every 120 employees. The initiative involved ripping out the old stations

and replacing them with a smaller number of large and strategically

placed machines. The immediate result? Cross-engagement between

employees from multiple departments and increased productivity due

to more efficient meeting space options.


Page 3: YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Reasons Office Desi… · YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan

According to a recent Monster.com study, the improving economy

will continue to favor passive and active job seekers alike. This means

employers will have to more competitively position themselves in the

years ahead. You can separate yourself from the pack by providing a

modern office environment with lifestyle amenities (i.e. fitness, cafe and

lounge areas). The more competitive the industry, the more important

such factors will become. Look no further than tech companies like

Google, Yahoo, and Facebook to get an idea of just how far you can

stray from the “typical workspace”, while still yielding great results. Such

businesses often have reputations that precede themselves, as their

physical decor only matches their forward thinking philosophies. You

too can create a desirable company culture by putting employees first,

fostering an environment of trust and showing staff their opinions are

valued by providing well-designed, collaborative workspaces. Not only

can an attractive design help you attract more ideal candidates, it can

also save you the expense of training and re-hiring that often comes with

excessive turnover.

With more than 50 percent of the U.S. workforce now being made up

of Millennials (ages 18 to 34), outfitting your office with convenient

electrical outlets and tech friendly furnishings is important. Today’s young

people are accustomed to multitasking between devices and accessing

information as needed and on the go. Lack awareness for this innate

preference and you’ll risk discouraging half your staff from getting work

done the way they’re accustomed. Even older generations have come to

enjoy the convenience provided by pulling up an email on a smartphone

or reviewing a report on a tablet. By making your furnishings and office

layout “tech friendly,” you can increase productivity across the board.



Page 4: YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Reasons Office Desi… · YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan

Though most of us can now technically work from anywhere with a

wireless connection, we don’t actually want to. Studies show people

strongly prefer working in environments with natural light, fresh air

and privacy options. What used to be considered an optional perk, is

now being supported by science as a high-performance necessity.

According to the Northwestern University study “Impact of Workplace

Daylight Exposure on Sleep, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life,” there

is a strong relationship between workplace daylight exposure and an

office worker’s sleep, activity and quality of life. Compared to workers in

offices without windows, those with windows received 173 percent more

white light exposure and slept an average of 46 minutes more per night.

Workers without windows scored lower on quality of life measures as well.

You can use this information to your advantage by intentionally designing

community spaces near the periphery; making window views available

to all in the form of break-out spaces, lounges and cafeterias. Another

factor that routinely arises in employee grievance surveys? Sound privacy.

The good news is that a well-designed, open office can facilitate effective

solitary work solutions without having to sacrifice the benefits an open

office concept provides.

Take these points into consideration throughout your next office redesign

and you’ll avoid some common pitfalls that end up hurting far too many


How much space do you really need? If you’ve already been through the

process of securing an office space, you know it’s one of the first questions

a real estate broker will ask. Estimating office space requirements can

be tough. Lease too much space and you risk over-spending precious

dollars that could be better used elsewhere. Lease too little and you

may have moving expenses far sooner than you would like (provided

your staff continues to grow). Avoid both tendencies by partnering

with an architectural design firm upfront – someone who knows the

right questions to ask and can save you significant time and hassle. Of

course, a large part of efficiency has nothing to do with square footage

and everything to do with design. A qualified designer can advise you

on how to make the most out of every inch. Meaning, if you’ve been

begrudgingly thinking you have to move, there may be some innovative,

space-maximizing solutions you just haven’t thought of.





Page 5: YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Reasons Office Desi… · YOU KNOW YOUR OFFICE COULD USE A MAKEOVER. Whether you’ve literally outgrown the space, are no longer a fan