FOR HAIR: 1.Balayam Yoga (Rubbing nails): This yoga asana was made famous by Baba Ramdev. It is simple and highly affective. You can do this asana either sitting or standing. Curl the fingers of both hands inwards towards your palm. Bring the nails of both your hands in contact with each other and start rubbing them vigorously ensure leaving out the thumbnails. Keep rubbing your nails continuously for 5-7 minutes at a stretch. Besides hair loss, Balayam yoga can also cure dandruff and premature graying of hair. By doing this, the roots of the hair follicles connected to the fingernails pump energy to the scalp needed for hair growth. 2. Uttanasana (Stand forward bend pose): Stand straight with your legs close to one another touching your knees, heels, feet and toes. Inhale deeply. Now while exhaling, lift up your hands and bend forward, until your fingers and then your hands touch the floor. If possible, you can also bring your hands behind your heels. Hold on this position with some normal breathing. When you want to come out of this pose, inhale in deeply and stand back straight. For beginners, if you are not able to touch the ground with your hands, then fold your hands and hold your right elbow with left hand and left elbow with right hand. This asana it helps better hair growth because of two reasons:


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    1.Balayam Yoga (Rubbing nails):

    This yoga asana was made famous by

    Baba Ramdev. It is simple and highly


    You can do this asana either sitting or standing.

    Curl the fingers of both hands inwards towards your palm.

    Bring the nails of both your hands in contact with each other and start rubbing them vigorously ensure leaving out

    the thumbnails.

    Keep rubbing your nails continuously for 5-7 minutes at a stretch. Besides hair loss, Balayam yoga can also cure dandruff and premature graying

    of hair.

    By doing this, the roots of the hair follicles connected to the fingernails pump energy to the scalp needed for hair growth.

    2. Uttanasana (Stand forward bend pose):

    Stand straight with your legs close to one another touching your knees, heels, feet

    and toes.

    Inhale deeply.

    Now while exhaling, lift up your hands and bend forward, until your fingers and then

    your hands touch the floor.

    If possible, you can also bring your hands behind your heels.

    Hold on this position with some normal breathing.

    When you want to come out of this pose, inhale in deeply and stand back straight.

    For beginners, if you are not able to touch the ground with your hands, then fold your hands and hold your right elbow with left hand and left elbow with

    right hand.

    This asana it helps better hair growth because of two reasons:

  • If you have noticed, your head is hanging below your heart allowing allows blood to circulate properly in your scalp leading to proper hair growth.

    Another reason is that Uttanasana de-stresses you and relieves you of all anxiety and tensions which is a primary reason for hair loss.

    3. Sasangasana (Rabbit pose):

    Sit with your knees on the floor, hips on your heels in Balasana pose

    (child pose).

    Now put both your hands at the back and hold your heels.

    Place the crown of your head on the floor and slowly inhale and lift up

    your hips.

    Hold this position until five breaths.

    Exhale as you slowly unroll yourself back to child pose.

    Relax and repeat again.

    This asana is again beneficial because while the crown is on the ground, the blood flows to the head. Proper circulation of blood to scalp means good and

    healthy hair growth.

    4. Ustrasana (Camel Pose):

    Sit straight on the floor with your knees in a way that the calves of your

    knees form right angle.

    Keep hands on your waist, fingers in the front and thumb behind.

    Now bend your spine backward and hold the heels of your feet with your hands

    or you may also touch the soles of your


    As you bend your spine, also move your face upwards and try looking at the


    Hold on this pose for a few seconds and keep your breathing normal.

    Exhale while exiting from this pose.

  • Sit in baby pose or Balasana and relax.

    Follow some precautions while doing this yoga for good hair: For beginners, do not bend backwards too much as it may cause injury to your

    lower back.You need Flexibility for this asana, if your body is stiff, youll never be able to complete this asana until the end.

    5. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose):

    Place yourself with your knees and hands on the ground. Your hands

    perpendicular to your shoulders and

    your knees perpendicular with your


    Next push your hips up and alongside straighten your legs too,

    standing on your toes.

    Pressing your palms to the ground, straighten your spine more.

    To exit from this pose, pull down your hips gently and come back to the first step.

    6. Matsyasana (Fish pose):

    Lie down straight on the floor with your legs together,

    both your hands should go at the

    back of your thighs with palms

    facing downwards.

    Now with pressure on your elbows, pull the mid

    portion of your upper torso dropping your head a bit more backwards such that

    the crown of your head touches the ground.

    Your body position will be such that an arch will be formed between your hips and crown.Breathe in deeply and try filling in as much oxygen possible to your

    respiratory organs.

    7. Uttanpadasana (Raised feet pose):

    Lie on the yoga mat with arms by your side and palms facing the floor.

    Stretch your body and slowly raise your legs at a 45-60 degrees angle from the ground.

  • Keep your legs raised for a minute or even more if

    you can hold it.

    This asana allows blood circulation to the scalp and

    thereby hair follicles allowing

    it to regrow.


    1. Concentration meditation:

    In concentration mediation, you have to focus on a single point. You can either

    repeat a single word or a mantra for a long time, or focus on a single candle flame.

    Silently count in your mind or count the beads of the rosary while concentrating on

    your breathe. For a beginner, focusing your mind on a single point or activity can

    be quite challenging. So initially try to concentrate for few minutes and gradually

    increase the time duration.

    Whenever you feel that your mind is wandering away from the point of

    concentration, you need to refocus your attention on the chosen object of your

    concentration. Through regular practice, you can meditate for a longer period of

    time and thus improve the concentration level. This is

    one of the simple meditation techniques.

    2. Mindfulness meditation:

    This technique is just the opposite of the concentration mediation. You need to

    regulate thethoughts as they come. It helps you not to jump to conclusions and

    reserve judgment.

    You need to sit with your legs crossed or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes

    and let thethoughts pass through your mind. Breathe slowly and focus your

    attention on your breathing.

    This technique of mediation is extremely popular if you want to indulge in

    introspection. It also helps you to analyse which direction your thoughts and

    feelings drift.

  • 3. Transcendental meditation:

    This is an alternate technique of relaxation, in which you concentrate for 20

    minutes on calming your thoughts every day. To further ease the mind, mantras

    can be rhythmically repeated.

    In this technique, the mind should remain passive instead of focusing on a single

    object or thought. There should not be any conscious effort on your part and the

    mind should be left alone. You should be constantly and unconsciously be infused

    with the power of self-being. This technique is known to increase intelligence, creativity and reduce high blood pressure.


    1. Gyan Mudra:

    How to do?

    Practice this mudra when doing meditations. Its perfect when you do it early in the mornings with a fresh mind. Touch the tip of your index finger with the tip of

    your thumb. The other three fingers, you may keep it straight or just keep it free,

    doesnt matter even if they are slightly bent. This is a very commonly used mudra when practicing meditations.


    This is a very beneficial mudra and anyone can practice this.


    As the name suggests, this mudra is meant to increase your concentration and memory power.

    This mudra sharpens your brain power.

    It has the ability to cure insomnia.

    Practice this mudra regularly to heal yourself of all mental and psychological disorders like anger, stress, anxiety or even depression.

  • 2. Vayu Mudra: How to do?

    This mudra can be practiced in a standing, sitting

    or lying down posture. Its easy to do. Fold your index finger. As you fold your fingers you can see

    two bones. These are called phalanx bones. When

    you have folded your index finger the second bone

    that you see, you have to press it with the base of

    your thumb just as shown in the above picture. The

    rest of the three fingers should be kept extended as

    much as possible.

    Do this at any time of the day as per your

    convenience. There is also no compulsion of doing this at an empty stomach. You

    may also practice this mudra with a full stomach.


    Once you achieve the benefits from this mudra, stop doing it. After a certain time,

    it may cause imbalance within your system.


    As the name suggests vaayu mudra, it balances the air element within your body.

    This mudra releases excess wind from stomach and body thereby reducing

    rheumatic and chest pain.

    3. Agni Mudra (Mudra of Fire): How to do?

    Fold your ring finger and press the second

    phalanx with the base of your thumb. Keep the

    rest of the fingers straight. This mudra should be

    practiced only in sitting position early in the

    morning with an empty stomach. Maintain this

    mudra for atleast 15 minutes every day.


    But if you are suffering from acidity or

    indigestion, avoid this mudra.


    It helps to dissolve the extra fat boosting metabolism and controls obesity.

    Quickens digestion.

    Improves body strength.

    Reduces stress and tension.

  • Controls high cholesterol levels. 4. Varun Mudra (Mudra of Water):

    This is the best yogic mudra for your outer

    beauty. It has a positive effect on your skin

    and keeps it away off all problems. A very

    effective yoga asana for your overall health

    let us learn to do this mudra with perfection.

    How to do?

    Lightly touch the tip of your little finger

    with the tip of your thumb. The rest Of

    the the fingers should

    Be kept straight. There is no specific time to

    perform this mudra. You may do it at any

    time of the day and in any position, but

    sitting cross-legged when doing this mudra

    is preferable.


    Take care not to press the tip of the little finger near the nail. That will cause

    dehydration instead of balancing the water level in your body.


    A number of benefits can be achieved by doing this mudra:

    Varun Mudra balances the water content in our body.

    It activates fluid circulation within the body keeping it moisturized always.

    It cures all skin issues like dryness, skin diseases and skin infections. Moreover it alsoprevents the appearance of pimples for a longer time.

    It adds a natural glow and luster to your face.

    Varun Mudra also relieves and prevents any muscle pains that you may suffer from.

    5.Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun):

    How to do it?

    Press your ring finger and press it with the thumb

    just as shown in the picture.


    It is quite beneficial when it comes to reducing bad cholesterol.

    Want to lose weight? This mudra comes handy.

    Reduces anxiety.

  • 5. Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life): This is a very important mudra as it activates

    the energy in your body.

    How to do it?

    This yoga mudra pose should be accompanied

    along with padmasana. Bend your ring finger

    and little finger and touch the tip of both these

    fingers with the tip of your thumb.

    There is no specific time to perform this

    asana. Any time of the day will be suitable.


    This mudra improves your immune system.

    It also increases your eye power and also cures any sort if eye diseases.

    It reduces fatigue and tiredness.


    1. Breathing exercise: Control your breathing through counts that will rejuvenate

    your mind and that is what makes this

    pose of yoga for beautiful skin so


    Sit on the floor with legs crossed.

    Close your eyes, relax and breathe normally.

    Now breathe in deeply through both nostrils with the count of 10.

    Hold your breath, again by counting 10.

    Count another 10 to release the breath.

    Practice this breathing technique for 5-10 minutes. This breathing exercise will help you control your mind and you wont get stressed out easily.

    2. Shirshasana (Headstand):

  • Shirshasana is a bit difficult pose but is

    great if you want to maintain a long-

    lasting glow and healthy look in your

    face. Since you are standing on your

    head, blood starts flowing downwards,

    thereby improving blood circulation in

    your face. By reversing the flow of

    gravity, a headstand simulates a face lift by letting your skin hang in the opposite direction, which means getting

    rid of wrinkles. The inverted position of

    a headstand also flushes fresh nutrients

    and oxygen to the face, creating a

    glowing effect on the skin.

    3.Bharadvajasana (Twisted seated pose):

    Sit on the mat cross-legged with both hands extended on the mat on both

    your sides.

    Inhale deeply and strengthen your spine.

    Shifting your left hand from the mat place it on your right thigh and twist

    your torso to the right. Exhale when you

    twist your body.

    Hold this position for 30 seconds.

    Now turn your torso to your left while placing your right hand over your

    left thigh. Stay for another 30 seconds.

    This asana of yoga for fair and glowing skin is great for anti-aging.

  • 4. Sharvangasana (Shoulder stand):

    5. Shavasana (Corpse pose):

    Lie down straight on the floor with your eyes closed.

    Relax thoroughly and throw out all negative thoughts and tension, be it

    your office pressure or any disturbance

    in your family. Think good and positive.

    Now, stand up straight and firm with your legs apart. Cover your face

    with your hands and take 10 quick


    Rub the skin on your eyes, forehead and face. Again take 10 quick breaths. Then rub entire face with your

    fingers. Breathe properly at the count of 10.


    1. Tadasana (Mountain pose):

    This asana is easy to do and very beneficial.

    It increases body suppleness, strengthens

    your spine, legs and arms. This asana is also

    believed to help in height gain. If practiced

    right form childhood, it is extremely


    Stand straight with your feet together and spine straight with hands by your side

    palms facing the thighs.

    Now clasp both your palms with your fingers and as you inhale deeply, lengthen

    your spine while taking your hands and

    stretching them above your head. Your

    palms should be facing the ceiling.

    Lift up your heels and now balance yourself by standing on your toes.

    Standing on your toes, stretch your entire body as much as possible.

    After you have stretched yourself, return back to stand on your feet bringing your hands down. Exhale.

    2. Tree pose:

    A beginner pose, this yoga posture is helpful in

    strengthening your calf muscles and your entire

    legs. It also improves your balance.

    Stand with your spine straight holding your hands together in a Namaste stretched over your


    Your feet should be kept together.

    Once you have positioned yourself, now lift your right leg bent at the knees and place the sole

    of your right feet on the inner thigh of your left leg.

    The knees of your right leg should be outwards.

    Close your eyes and stay in this posture for 30 seconds.

    Breathe normally.

    Repeat with your left leg also.

  • 3. Janu Shirsasana: A seated yoga posture, it strengthens your overall body by

    stretching the shoulders, arms,

    legs and hamstrings. It also

    stimulates the kidneys and

    liver and also improves your

    digestive system. This head to

    knee stretch also is beneficial

    if you have high blood


    Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.

    Now fold your left leg at the knee and bring the left foot closer to the innermost part of your right thigh.

    With the right hand extended forward, hold your right foot.

    Inhale deeply and extend your spine.

    Exhale and bend forward to touch your forehead to the knee.

    Stay for 15 seconds.

    Repeat with the other leg too. In this asana with each inhale, you extend your spine and with exhalation, you

    bend further forward. However if you are facing difficulty in stretching with legs

    straight, you may even bend your knees slightly to get into posture.

    4. Cow and cat pose: This two poses are done together in continuity.

    Sit on the floor with your knees.

    Bring both your hands in front of you supporting yourself

    on your palms facing the ground.

    Keep your back flat like a table top.

    Look towards the floor such that your neck is aligned to your


    With a deep inhalation, lift your buttocks towards the ceiling

    and look up. Let your belly drop.

    Now again exhale and return back to the table top position.

    From here directly you can plunge into the cat pose.

  • For this, lift your back towards the back towards the ceiling and pull your abdomen in.

    Tuck your head between your arms.

    Both these poses are beneficial for your spine and can also cure back and neck pain.

    5. Trikonasana (Triangle pose):

    Stand with your legs about 3 feet apart.

    Now raise both your hands keeping it at a straight line with your


    Bending towards the right side, touch the toes of your right leg with

    the fingers of your right hand.

    Alternatively some yoga schools may

    also teach you to touch the toes of

    your right leg with your left hand


    Raise the left hand towards the ceiling and look up towards your left


    Hold position for a minute.

    Repeat the same with the left side too.

    6. Side stretch: Very simple to do and one of the basics of yoga routine, this

    exercise is believed to increase

    height and also help you get rid of

    love handles.

    Stand straight keeping your feet grounded at a 2 feet distance

    from one another.

    Keep your spine aligned with your neck.

    Place both hands on your waist with the four fingers facing

    forward and the thumb backwards.

    After you are in position, now start bending to the right side

  • as much as you can. Hold for 5 seconds and then bend to the left side again.

    Repeat 15 times


    1. Awkward Pose: This asana is also known as Utkatasana. Stand on

    the floor in Tadasana position. Raise your arms in a

    perpendicular line with the floor. Join your hands

    in prayer position. Take a deep breath. Inhale and

    exhale properly. Now bend your knees a little. Try

    to bring your knees in a parallel line with the floor.

    Do not give any kind of strain to your legs. Do not

    bend it beyond your capacity. Keep your spine and

    shoulders firm, and your back straight.

    2. Eagle Pose: This weight loss yoga pose is also known as

    Garudasana. Stand in Tadasana pose. Bend your

    knees, lift up your left leg, bend it a little and

    then try to wrap it around your right leg. Do the

    same trick with your hands too. Place your hands

    in front of your face; lift up your left hand, bend

    it a little and then try to wrap it around your right

    hand. Remain steady for 30 seconds and then


  • 3. Pavanamuktasana This yoga asana is also known

    as the wind releasing pose. Lie

    down on the floor on your

    back.Keep your legs straight.

    Lift up your left leg in a 90

    degree angle in the upward

    direction.Stretch it, fold it

    from the knee and bring it

    close to your body in such a

    manner that the leg is pressed

    firmly onto your stomach. Lift up your head off the floor and try to touch

    your chin to your left knee. Try the same activity with the right leg too. One

    can even do the same activity with both legs at the same time.

    4. Virbhadrasana: Stand straight on the floor. Move

    your feet 4 inches apart from each

    other. Hold dumbbells in your

    hands. Raise your hands up in the

    air, stretch them. Turn your right

    leg to 90 degrees on the right side

    & accordingly turn your left leg in

    the same direction. Keep your back

    straight. Look upwards towards

    your hands facing the sky.

  • 5. Kite Pose:

    This pose is also known as Patangasana. Here,

    you have to stand on the floor in straight pose.

    Hold dumbbells in your hands. Raise your

    hands sidewise, parallel to the floor. Raise

    your right leg from behind and bend forwards

    (Your leg and your head should be in a

    straight line,parallel to the ground). Remain

    steady for some time and then release.

    5. Double Angle Pose: This pose is known as Dwikonasana in yoga

    terms. For this one needs to stand on the floor

    in a straight pose. Look straight. Raise your

    hands upwards from behind your back.

    Stretch them. Keep holding the dumbbells all

    the time. Remain steady for 10-15 seconds

    and then release from the pose.

  • 6.Padahastasana:

    Stand straight on the floor. Hold dumbbells in

    your hands. Bend downwards from your hips to

    touch your feet with your fingers. Keep your

    arms stretched in the whole process. Remain in

    this position for some time and then release.


    i. Lie down flat on a mat with your

    knees bent and feet on the ground.

    Alternatively, you can also lift your

    legs off the floor at a 90 degrees

    angle. (See picture).

    ii. Now lift your hands and place

    them behind your head or keep

    them crossed on your chest.

    iii. Inhale deeply and as you lift

    your upper torso off the floor,


    iv. Again inhale as you get back

    down and exhale as you come up.

    v. Do this for 10 times as a beginner.

    vi. Repeat another 2-3 sets.

    One small tip for you:

    As you lift your torso, do not just sit up straight. You should be at a 30-40 degrees

    angle off the ground. Thus, youll feel pressure on your abdominal muscles.

  • 8. Twist crunches:

    Once you get used to the regular crunches,

    modify the basic crunch to get an even more

    effective tummy exercise!

    i. Lie down on the floor with your hands

    behind your head.

    ii. Now bend your knees as you would do in

    crunches, keeping your feet on the floor.

    iii. As in a crunch, you would have lifted

    your upper torso; in twist crunches you just

    have to lift your right shoulder towards the

    left, keeping your left torso on the ground.

    iv. Again alternatively, lift your left shoulder

    towards the right, keeping your right torso on

    the ground.

    v. Repeat for another 10 times.

    9. Side Crunch:

    This is the same as the twist crunch

    exercise. The only thing that you need to

    do is tilt your legs to the same side

    simultaneously with your shoulders. The

    side crunch focuses on the muscles on

    your sides.

    10.Reverse crunches:

    This is the same as the

    twist crunch exercise.

    The only thing that you

    need to do is tilt your

    legs to the same side

    simultaneously with your

    shoulders. The side

    crunch focuses on the

    muscles on your sides.

  • 11. Bicycle exercise:

    No, you dont need a bicycle for this. Thinking how? Well tell you.

    i. Lie on the floor and keep your

    hands either by your side or

    behind your head as we do in


    ii. Now lift both your legs off the

    ground and bend them at the


    iii. Bring your right knee close to

    your chest, keeping your left leg


    iv. Now take your right leg out and bring your left leg close to your chest.

    v. Alternate bending your knees this way as if you are paddling a bicycle.

    12.Lunge Twist:

    This is a beginners workout for starters who want to reduce belly fat fast.

    Stand with your legs hip width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent.

    Lift both your hands in front of you keeping them straight with your shoulders and

    parallel to the ground.

    Lunge forward as shown in the picture. Take a big step forward with your right leg and

    sit yourself down as if on a chair so that your

    knees are at a 90 degrees angle from the floor.

    The left leg should be backwards supported by

    the toes.

    The spine should be kept straight. Dont bend your spine forward. That is a very wrong

    way of performing lunges.

    First twist your torso to the right and then to the left. Twist just the torso, not your legs.

    Continue repeating this for 16 times.

  • 13.Rolling Plank exercise:

    This exercise is useful for training

    the muscles around your abdomen,

    hip and lower back.

    1. Position yourself on the floor

    with your knees and elbows resting

    on the ground.

    2. Keep your neck aligned with

    your spine. Look forwards.

    3. Lift the knees upwards and

    support your legs on the toes.

    4. Contract your knees and keep

    breathing normally. This is the

    plank pose. Stay in this

    posture for 30 seconds.

    5. Now start moving to and fro for

    the next 30 seconds. This is the rolling plank exercise.

    14.Side Plank:

    Lie down on the floor sideways.

    Support yourself on your right elbow and right leg.

    Your elbow should be

    perpendicular to the shoulder

    and the left leg should be

    above the right leg, keeping

    them together.

    Keep your knees straight. Your hips should not

    be touching the ground.

    Hold this position for 30 seconds. Once you get

    comfortable, you may hold this for 1-2 minutes.

    Repeat with your other side too. While in this position you may also lift the leg placed on top and bring it back

    again. This makes the exercise more effective. In that case, it works not only for

    your abs but also for the thighs and hips.

  • 15. Kapalbhati:

    Also known as the Breath of fire technique, this breathing exercise made popular

    by yog guru Baba Ramdev is a very helpful weight loss exercise. Let us learn how

    to do it.

    i. Sit cross-legged on your yoga mat.

    ii. Your body should be straight, an

    elongated spine, neck and chin up.

    iii. Close your eyes and place hands on

    your knees in a comfortable position.

    iv. Your abdomen muscles should be

    completely relaxed, dont strain them. v. Breathe in deeply and exhale the air out

    of your nose as if a sniff. When you sniff

    out the air, youll feel your abdomen pulling inwards.

    vi. If you are a starter, practice this

    breathing exercise upto 30-50 times.

    Slowly increase the pace and continue upto 5-10 minutes at a stretch.

    16.Bhastrika Pranayama:

    This pranayama is meant to provide enough amount of fresh oxygen to your body.

    i. Sit comfortably on a yoga mat.

    Your legs should be crossed, one

    over the other in a padmasana.

    ii. Place hands on your knees with

    palms facing upwards, the tip of

    your thumb and ring finger pressing

    one against the other.

    iii. Take normal breaths and relax.

    iv. Now breathe in deeply with all

    your strength so that your lung is

    filled with oxygen.

    v. Then breathe out forcefully

    though the nose such that a hissing

    sound is made.

    vi. Repeat this for 5-10 times.

  • 17. Anulom Vilom Pranayama:

    This breathing technique is also known as alternate nostril breathing. Lets learn

    this breathing technique.

    i. Sit with cross-legged on a mat and


    ii. Close your eyes and keep all your

    muscles relaxed.

    iii. Now press the right nostril with the

    thumb of your right hand and breathe in

    through the left nostril.

    iv. Count until 5 to retain the breath.

    v. Then close your left nostril with the

    ring finger of your right hand and leave

    the right nostril to let the air exhale

    through the right nostril.

    vi. Now again inhale through your right

    nostril while still keeping the left nostril


    vii. Retain the breath until 5 counts and release air through left nostril.

    viii. This way you complete one round of this pranayama.

    ix. Repeat some 10-15 rounds more.

    This exercise should be done in fresh air before having your breakfast.

    18.Bhramari Pranayama:

    i. Sit on a mat cross-legged in a


    ii. Straighten your spine and relax.

    iii. Now with your thumb, close both

    your ears.

    iv. Use the middle finger of both hands

    to press lightly on your closed eyes.

    v. With the index finger, press your

    temples lightly.

    vi. Place the ring fingers and little

    fingers on the bridge of your nose.

    vii. Now breathe in deeply through nose

    and exhale slowly through nose while

    making a humming sound and chanting OM in your mind.

    viii. Do this exercise for 11-21 times.


    Face exercise 1:

    This simple exercise will work on your

    orbicularis oris muscle (Muscle around your

    mouth),zygomatic arch (cheekbones) and

    modiolus muscle (Muscle on either side of


  • Close your mouth pressing your lips together and blow air under your upper lip. Hold at the count of ten.

    Transfer the air to your left cheek and again hold for another 10 counts.

    Now transfer air to your right cheek and hold for another 10 counts.

    Repeat this transferring of air from one cheek to the other for 10-15 times.

    This exercise is quite easy and very effective to delete the chubbiness of your cheek.

    Face exercise 2:

    This is another simple exercise for face that will not only reduce the chubbiness

    but will also tone your facial muscles.

    Inhale air deeply with your mouth.

    Transfer the air from one side of the cheek to another as if you are swishing mouthwash

    inside your mouth.

    Face exercise 3:

    Vent your lips in O shape and blow air out of your mouth.

  • Face exercise 4:

    This exercise is called the Smiling fish face.

    Suck in your cheeks and lips to make a fish face and try smiling.

    Hold on for 5-10 seconds and repeat for another 5 times.

    Face exercise 5:

    Lift your face upwards and look towards the ceiling as much as you can.

    Now blow air out of your mouth.

    This exercise will firm your jaw lines and will also tone down cheeks making it


    Face exercise 6:

    Move your lower lip over your upper lip as much as possible, try bringing your lower lip closer to your nose.

    Hold it for 15 seconds.

    Repeat this exercise 10 times daily for effective results.

    Youll feel a strain on your jaw muscles and your chin. This exercise tones your chin muscles and will rid you of double chin.

  • Face exercise 7:

    Open your mouth as much as possible and hold it.

    Youll feel a stretch on all your facial muscles and gradually the muscles will tone.

    Face exercise 8:

    Another very well-known facial exercise, which we have often heard of, is sunken


    Suck in your cheek and feel the muscles on either side of your mouth sink


    Hold this position for 15 seconds.

    Repeat this exercise for some other 10 times.

    Also you can use a straw whenever you are

    drinking any liquid. Sipping liquid with

    straw will automatically sink in your

    cheeks. This exercise will reduce the fat

    from your cheeks and emphasize cheek

    bones. Practicing this exercise regularly

    will help you get a sculpted face.

    Face exercise 9:

    Try pulling in as much air possible with your mouth.

    When you pull air, you see your cheeks automatically sinking in.

    Then release the air from your mouth slowly and gently.

    Your cheeks will sink in and your jaws will also tighten.

  • Face exercise 10:

    Place your index fingers on either side of your eyes and the thumbs on

    both sides of your mouth.

    Pull the skin upwards with your fingers so as to feel a stretch on the


    Relax and repeat again.


    1. The Namaskara Mudra:

  • 2. The Ardha Chakra Asana:

    As the name states, this asana is a half-

    moon shaped asana. We bend

    backwards with our hands stretched

    overhead. Breathe in slowly while

    reaching this position. Do not over exert

    yourself. Bend only so much that you

    are comfortable with. Breathing is very

    important. Take a slow deep breath IN

    for this asana.

    3. Paada Hastha Asana:

    Paada means foot. Hastha means hand. In

    this asana, we bend forwards touching our

    feet with our hands. Breathe out while

    bending forwards. Again, do not over bend

    yourself down. If you cannot touch your

    feet in the beginning, do not worry. Slowly,

    with regular practice, you will start

    bending more. Breathing out is very

    important here. Release your breath as you

    bend forward.

  • 4.Ashwa Sanchalana Asana:

    Ashwa means horse. In this

    posture, we take up the form

    of a reigned horse. This

    posture requires us to breathe

    in. From the Paada Hastha

    asana, move your right leg

    backwards, keeping the left

    leg as it is. Place your hands

    on either side of your left leg

    and look up while breathing

    in.Breathing in while doing

    this posture is important.

    5.Parvata Asana:

    Parvata means mountain. In this asana,

    we take up the posture of a mountain.

    From the Ashwa Sanchalana asana.

    Bring your left leg backwards to join

    your right leg and lift up the central

    part of your body to come to a mountain

    pose. Breathe out for this posture. Make

    sure that both your feet are firmly on the

    ground. The heels of your feet should

    not lift up. If you find that your heels

    are lifting up, shift your hands closer to

    your feet. With regular practice, you

    will find that your heels will no longer

    lift up. Breathe OUT during this


  • 6. Ashta Anga Namaskara:

    Ashta means eight. Anga means limbs. In this posture, we are saluting the sun god

    with eight limbs.

    From the Parvata asana,

    go down onto the floor

    such that your feet,

    knees, stomach, chest,

    palms, chin, nose and

    forehead touch the

    ground. These form the

    eight limbs that we salute the sun god with. Make sure your bottom does not touch

    the floor. Keep your mid-section raised. Breathe in while you are entering this


    7. Bhujanga Asana:

    Bhujanga in Sanskrit means snake. This posture resembles the snake when it is

    ready to strike.

    From the Ashta

    Anga Namaskara,

    relax your legs onto

    the ground, lower

    your mid-section

    and raise your torso

    off the ground

    keeping your hands

    flat on the ground.

    Breathe IN while

    entering the cobra


  • 8. Parvata Asana:

    Again, we go back to the Parvata

    asana from the Bhujanga asana. Lift

    up your mid-section while keeping

    your feet and palms where they are

    and breathe out to enter into the

    Parvata asana.

    9. Ashwa Sanchalana asana:

    We go back to the horse posture from the

    Parvata asana. This time bring your right

    foot forward leaving the left foot behind.

    In the first Ashwa Sanchalana asana, we

    had the left foot forward. Now we do the

    Ashwa Sanchalana asana with the

    opposite foot. Breathe IN while entering

    this pose.

  • 10. Paada Hastha asana:

    Bring your left foot to join your right foot

    forward. Leave your hands where they are

    and lift up to enter into the Paada Hastha

    asana .Make sure to breathe OUT for this


    11. Ardha Chakra Asana:

    Lift your hands upwards and bend backwards to

    enter into Ardha chakra asana. Breathe IN while

    entering this posture.

  • 12. Namaskara Mudra:

    Release your breath, relax your breath and come back to the Namaskara mudra

    This completes one repetition of the Surya Namaskaras. It is advised to perform

    twelve repetitions of the above set of exercises for maximum benefit.