Life Kickstart your

y o u r Life Kickstart - practicalfamily.org · need, and t he obst acle t hat of t en holds us back. N o t A n o t h e r T o D o L i s t We t end t o put t oo much emphasis on beginnings,

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We All Need a Little KickstartA little boost.

A little push.

A little motivation to keep moving forward after the hustle and bustle of

the holiday season.

If your family is like mine, not likely to turn down a good meal and

tasty treats, then you may be thinking about weaning off carbs or sugar.

Maybe you've thought for a while about hitting the gym again, but

figured it could wait until the new year. Maybe Christmas has left your

bank account a little leaner and your waist a little wider.

Maybe you would like to create new habits in your home, to be more

organized and not have so much clutter. Or as the year ends, you may

have personal goals like making more time to read or learning a new

hobby. Maybe you've been thinking about reviving time with God and

getting back into a regular quiet time.

At Practical Family, we love to encourage busy moms and dads to

build healthy homes from the inside out. The four categories of health

we focus on are:Physical




Care for your body through

movement, nutrition, & rest.

Invest time to learn new things &

confidently grow in wisdom.

Reflect on personal behavior &

evaluate relationship patterns.

Give every area of life to God, get

to know Him better and pray for

guidance, discernment & peace.

Whatever your reason, you know that something needs to change,

so let's take these first few steps together by recognizing the areas of

need, and the obstacle that often holds us back.

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Not Another To Do ListWe tend to put too much emphasis on beginnings, and not enough on the

follow-through. We tend to quit when the result isn't perfect. This will be the

number one most self-defeating mindset on a journey to kickstarting your life:

giving up on the workout when you miss a day or two. Giving up on the

budget when you miss a receipt or two. Giving up on de-cluttering when the

mound seems insurmountable.

Don’t let a perfectionistic mindset convince you that any effort

isn't good enough. Continuing to function in this mindset will

hold you back from living a whole and healthy life, from making

necessary changes away from toxic people or circumstances, or

learning to adapt to the ever-changing tides of life.

At first glance, this list of practical tips may come off as a "to do" list, but it's

really not. Think of it more as a gentle nudge, ideas to get you started. By no

means must you feel obligated to complete all ten, because that may feed an

old habit of striving for perfection. That's not what we're going for here.

Instead, we're looking for little changes, little goals over little amounts of time

is the key. In fact, my experience as a professional starter can testify that

success does not come from starting, but finishing. Make it your goal to start

and finish one thing on this list completely, and work your way down on the

others. Some may come easier to you than others, and that's great!

That's finding your strength and running with it. Do what you do

best, take time to work on the rest, and don't wait around for

applause from others - they're trying to work out their own

stuff anyway.

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How to Use this Workbook

In this workbook, you will find a Plan It Out page after each tip, which will

help to engage your personal goals. Some questions will ask how you

will reward yourself for finishing certain tasks.

As we learn to be self-motivated, creating little

checkpoints for ourselves makes progress seem

more attainable. It's not like getting a trophy for

every little thing, but to practice being intrinsically

driven instead of depending on outside motivators (like

trophies) and "good jobs" from people that may likely

never come. The goal is to practice propelling forward,

to focus on the goal by creating breadcrumbs along the


Some fun reward examples could be as simple as a short

break, a tasty treat, an episode of your favorite show, or

basically anything else more attractive than focusing to finish

a task. Build the habit of delaying gratification to finish instead

of being compulsively distracted, and kickstart your success.

So what is your "why?" Why do you want to change some

some of your habits today to live a healthier life? Keep

that in the forefront of your mind, write it down or take

a picture and place in front of you every day. Start

making small changes to hit your goals and live a life that

honors God & His purpose for your life.

Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for

something we love is called passion." -Simon Sinek

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Live With Less1

Tackle one area of your home at a time, maybe one area per day or

week, and rack up small goals you can be proud of. Reward yourself with

a small treat after each decluttering session!

ResourcesKathi Lipp | Clutter Free Academy

Clutter is nothing

more than postponed decisions.

Have you felt overwhelmed lately by all the stuff? Every time you turn

around, it's like something else needs to be put away. Closets,

drawers, and paper piles loom over when you walk in the

door, and the guilt of not getting to them eats away at you

more every day.

Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions. We

can easily allow all the stuff to control us if we have not developed

a habit for putting things back in their place, or deciding to toss

them altogether. Someone needs to decide where things go in

the home, and if that may require creative storage solutions.

But before you invest in more stuff to hold all the stuff, trying purging first,

and consider this:

The more things you own, the more they own you. This year, strive to

own less, separate the things you need from the things you want, and

then check your motives for keeping them. Fear & guilt should never be a

reason to hold onto clutter.

Joshua Becker | Becoming Minimalist

Less is More | Practical Family

...and clear your mind

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing

into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. (1 Tim. 6:6-12)

Take Action

Why Mess Causes Stress | Psychology Today

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Plan It Out1. What are three areas of your home you would like to clear out soon?




2. What time frame will you give yourself to complete these projects?

(list the project next to the time frame & schedule it in your calendar)

Hour | Day | Week ____________________________

Hour | Day | Week ____________________________

Hour | Day | Week ____________________________

3. How will you reward yourself for finishing? (Make it small and tangible

i.e., piece of chocolate, an hour to relax, dance it out to your favorite song)


4. Choose one person to share your goals with:


Call and tell them when you finish!

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing

into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. (1 Tim. 6:6-12)

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Get Moving2

Take small steps to get your body moving again. Begin with stretches in

the morning, and before bed time. Slowly graduate to simple lunges,

squats, pushups and sit ups, and take a light jog around the block.

ResourcesMichelle Spadafora | Faithful Workouts

Exercise because you love

your body, not because you hate it.

...and love your body

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom

you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So

glorify God in your body. (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

Take Action

We were made to move! Our bodies function in a specific and special

way, and when we're not not moving and burning the natural calories we

take in with food, the body stores it up like a bear hibernating for the

winter. We carry that around vital organs and then they stop functioning

as they should.

Having a regular exercise routine gets our muscles and

lungs use to working as they should, and sends

messages to our brain to clarify our thinking and

give us more energy throughout the day.

Exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it. The problem we can come against is how we

measure success in fitness. It's easy to get caught up in comparison, &

feeling defeated when our bodies don't look a certain way. Having a

strong, healthy-looking body will come as a result of working out faithfully,

but it’s not what our main focus should be. Have grace for yourself in the

process, notice how much better you feel after, and celebrate the small


70+ Christian Workout Songs | Creative,

Clever, & Classy

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Plan It Out

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom

you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So

glorify God in your body. (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

1. How many days a week can you commit to moving your body? Give

yourself a clear start and end point (i.e., one hour, three days a week)


2. What time frame will you give yourself to complete your first

routine? (i.e., one month, three months, six months)


3. How will you reward yourself for finishing?


4. Choose one person to share your goals with... or better yet, do it



Living Room WorkoutYou can do it anywhere!

20 Squats 1 Minute Plank

30 Jumping Jacks 10 pushups

10 Lunges (each leg)Repeat 3-5 times then cool down

Clever, & C

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Cut the Sugar3

Focus your meals on more natural fats, proteins and vegetables, they will

fill you up and satisfy faster. Go for chocolate that is 70% cacao and

higher. Slowly purge the unnecessary sweets from the house and opt for

water or fruit juice instead of soda.

ResourcesSugar Free Product Guide | Pinch of Yum

Eat less sugar, you're sweet

enough already.

As tasty as those treats are, sugar can have harsh effects on our body

when consumed regularly. You may notice that you're more tired

during the day after you've had a some cookies, or coffee with

extra sweetener. You may find yourself reaching for

another candy in the jar, and that's because sugar is

also highly addictive.

Eat less sugar, you're sweet enough already. Sugar can be

found in most comfort foods, including bread-based items, and it's

no wonder that we turn to these when we're sad or depressed, or

when we gather with family & friends to celebrate. Recognizing

these triggers can be an important step to cutting back & creating

healthier habits.

Over time, the instant gratification that sugar brings will fade, and enjoying

a piece of pie or a holiday snack won't be as guilt ridden. Use your

freedom to choose food that is good to your body, & indulge sparingly.

...and eat real food

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me,

but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Cor. 6:12)

Take Action

11 Weird Things Sugar's Doing to Your Body | Prevention.com

25 Sugar Free Desserts | FitfluentialLiving Whole Series: Eating Real Food | Practical Family

Made to Crave | Lysa TerKeurst

Dena Norton | Back to the Book Nutrition

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Plan It Out1. What are three sweet things you can cut out of your regular routine?




2. What are three naturally healthy things you could eat instead when you

get a sweet craving?




3. Want to try a sugar detox? How long will you commit to staying away

from sugar altogether to get your body back to it's natural state?


All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me,

but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Cor. 6:12)

Recommended Sugar Intake Per Day

Moderately Active Women | 6 tsp Moderately Active Men | 9 tsp

*According to the American Heart Association

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Budget Smarter4

Save money by meal planning: shop for one week's meals at the

beginning of the week. Cut back on luxury items for a certain amount of

time and focus on savings goals. Download the easy EveryDollar app to

plan out expenses & plug in transactions.

ResourcesDave Ramsey | Financial Peace University

Tell your money

what to do or it will


...tell your money where to go

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. (Prov. 21:5)

Take Action

Meal Planning | EMeals Ruth Soukup | Living Well Spending Less

Crystal Paine | Money Saving Mom

-Dave Ramsey

Money can be a major point of frustration for many families, and new

expenses pop up all the time. If you've had a difficult time

holding onto your money, it may be time to make some

changes in how you manage it.

Budget is not a bad word. When we put ourselves

on a budget, all we're doing is telling our money where to go. It's

a game plan. Budgets are meant to be fluid, so there may be

changes made to your new year that allow for paying off debt faster

by saving on other things.

Tell your money what to do, or it will leave. When there is no plan for

how to spend money, even down to "unforseen" expenses, you may be

tempted to overspend, or use that credit card to save you. But the

spending cycle can get out of hand unless there is a plan to save, or say

"no" to unplanned opporunities.

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Plan It Out

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. (Prov. 21:5)

1. What are three goals you would like to save for this year? Place in order

from least to greatest dollar amount.

____________________________________ $ _______

____________________________________ $ _______

____________________________________ $ _______

2. How much money can you put away each month toward your first goal?

Based on that amount, when would you reach your goal?




3. What tend to be your three biggest triggers to spend money impulsively?




4. How would your life look different if you were able to save toward your

goals? What freedoms would you have that you didn't before?




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Clear the Calendar5

Consider cutting things out of your schedule that keep you from quality

time with the family. Practice saying "no" when asked to take on more,

even if it seems like a simple favor. Measure every "yes" against the

value of your time, people, & direction from God through prayer.

ResourcesThe Overcommitted Family | Practical Family

"Lack ofdirection,

not lack of time, is the

problem. We all have twenty-

four hour days."

"There are just not enough hours in the day!" Family life can get busy with

work and school schedules, extra curricular activities, and last-

minute opportunities we don't want to miss. But

when appointments pile high and pull at your time,

overwhelm can set in, and anxiety can make you

feel like you're spinning your wheels.

It's common to feel stuck in calendar commitments when we're

trying to meet others' expectations and prioritize obligations above

what is better for our family. Other times, it's a matter of

underestimating how much time a task requires, and then we

work harder to catch up with the ongoing to-do list.

The key is to keep your values connected to the direction of where

you spend time. The less commitments to other things, the more time for

things and people who matter most to you.

...and prioritize your people

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be

added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be

anxious for itself. (Matt. 6:33-34)

Take Action

-Zig Ziglar

Get Organized | The Happy Planner

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Plan It Out1. If you could drop one activity this year, what would it be?


2. How much time would be freed up in your calendar?


3. What would be gained from letting go of this activity? (i.e., I would have

more time to read or work on a hobby)



4. Are there doubts about letting go? Which of the following might you be


disappointment from others fear of failure

sad to make changes missed opportunity

other _________________________________________________

5. Read the scripture below. Do you trust that God will give you good

opportunities at the right time? What do you know about God that allows

you to trust Him?

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be

added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be

anxious for itself. (Matt. 6:33-34)

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Clear Digital Distractions6

ResourcesTechncology & Family | Practical Family

"Technology is a useful

servant, but adangerous


Just as physical clutter can distract us from productivity in our spaces,

digital distractions can easily take the rest of our attention.

Most of us keep our cell phones close for instant

communication, social media, and the occasional game.

This is compounded when you need to rely on devices

for work commitments, ready to receive &

respond to emails. That little rectangle we hold in our pocket does

not have to be as anxiety inducing as we allow it to be. We can

take steps to clear our digital spaces to make room for

uncluttered mental space time to develop our relationship with

God & not be so concerned with others.

Social Media Habits. Allow yourself to check social media only at certain

times of the day, maybe set a timer for every couple of hours instead of every

5-10 minutes. Remind yourself that you're not missing anything you can

check on later. Remove the apps from your phone for a while to detox and

reset your brain from constant checking.

Emails. Schedule yourself an hour to go through and "unsubscribe" from the

email lists filling up your inbox that are not adding quality information or

encouragement to your life. It's okay to go without coupons, in fact, it may

curb your online spending to be without those sales reminders. Stick with your

top three favorite communicators and leave the rest for now.

...and clear your brain

The seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they

go on their way they are choked with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and

bring no fruit to maturity. (Luke 8:14)

Take Action

Arlene Pellicane | Calm, Cool, & Connected

-Christian Lous Lange

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Plan It Out1. What are the top three digital distractions that take the most of your time

and attention?




2. Would you be willing to commit to a digital detox by removing apps from

your phone or not checking for a day? What could you focus on instead?


3. Give a specific date and duration for this detox, schedule it, and stick to it.


4. Choose one person to share this commitment with, write their name here:


5. Like any addictive behavior, it takes resisting temptation over time.Read

the scripture below. How can digital distractions be related to "worries and

pleasures and riches of this life" when it comes to your time and attention?



The seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they

go on their way they are choked with worries and riches and pleasures of this life, and

bring no fruit to maturity. (Luke 8:14)

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Make Learning Goals7


Audio Books | Audible

"The capacity to learn is a gift, the

ability to learn is a skill, the

willingness to learn is a


The moment we stop learning is the moment we stop growing. It's

like a stream with no outlet, the water just collects in a stagnant

pool, growing bacteria & getting bitter. A fresh

stream stays fresh when it runs freely, collecting

new minerals & giving life to others as it runs.

Learning is keeping our minds fresh, flexible, ready

for new adventures, & healthy enough for others to receive.

Learning can also take the shape of support from our community.

being with others to share in experiences, get helpful tips, and

know that we don't have to navigate tough seasons of life alone.

There will always be more to learn, whatever season we're

going through. Experiences & knowledge build upon each other

and give us the wisdom to help others get through what we've

gone through.

Growth Mindset. Individuals who believe their talents can be developed

(through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth


Reading Goals. Make a list of the books you would like to read this year.

Start small to build on successes, or join a group to stay accountable.

Build on Experiences. Take online classes, invest in traveling to discover

new places. Opt to learn something new every week, get unstuck &

discover new things!

...discover and grow

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and

instruction. (Prov. 1:7)

Take Action

-Brian Herbert

Recommended Reading | Practical Family

What Having a Growth Mindset Actually Means | Carol Dweck*

How to Read a Book | Practical Family

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Plan It Out1. What kinds of book topics catch your interest? Are they related to your

work, hobbies, parenting, family, etc.?



2. Make a list of the top three books you would like to tackle:

______________________________ _____________ ______________

______________________________ _____________ ______________

______________________________ _____________ ______________

3. How will you reward yourself for completing each book?


4. Choose one person to share you goal with, and ask if they would like to

join you. Celebrate together!


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and

instruction. (Prov. 1:7)

Reading OptionsLocal Library | paperback, some have books on CD,

Overdrive app to borrow electronically Amazon | purchase paperback, Kindle edition, or Audible

Title Topic Complete By

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Develop a Quiet Time8


The Spiritual Life of a Busy Mom | Focus on the Family

"The heart cannot love

what the mind does not know."

Just as our bodies & minds need to be exercised, fed, and rested, our

spiritual walk with God needs the same attention. In fact, what

we believe about God is a result of how much time we spend

in His Word, getting to know Him better, learning to trust His

promises. That trust will lay a foundation for how

we operate and make decisions every day. That trust will settle

our souls & confirm that there is power & peace beyond our

own abilities - and that can be so freeing.

Do you believe He created and called the universe into order?

(Gen. 1) That He created all things including us, and cares for

us (Matt. 6). Do you believe He has the power over sin and

death & made the ultimate sacrifice for you? (Rom. 5) Then how much

more does He care about the little things and long to be in relationship.

(1 Jn. 4) He is patient (1 Pet. 3) and in His divine power has given us

everything we need (1 Pet. 1).

Spending time with God puts everything else into perspective. Hit the

reset button by pausing to read the Bible, pray and ask God to help you to

be close to Him. Pick a time of day and stick to it for a consistent amount

of time during the week, & watch how your attitudes and perspectives

change. The power of God changes hearts & lives, because He is good.

...and get closer to God

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like

eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isa. 40:31)

Take Action

Bible Reading Plans | Back to the Bible First 5 App | Proverbs 31 Ministries

Choosing Real: When Faith Meets Real Life | Practical Family

Finding Time for Bible Study as Busy Moms | Practical Family

Women of the Word | Jen Wilkin

-Jen Wilkin

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Plan It Out1. Pick one book of the Bible to study over the next week (consider shorter

books like Paul's epistles or chapters out of Psalms & Proverbs).


2. Journal using the S.O.A.P method after each chapter:

Scripture | Pick one scripture that impacted you the most

Observation | What was happening in this passage?

Application | How might the concept in this passage apply to

you? What did you learn about God's character?

Prayer | Praise God for what you learned about Him, ask Him to

help you grow in an area related to what you read, and

thank Him for His faithfulness, or another attribute that

3. How will you reward yourself after getting through one book?


4. Schedule a specific amount of time each day to breathe deeply &

meditate quietly with God. Be still and listen. How much time will you

commit to this week?


5. What do you need to talk to Him about today? This week?


But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like

eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isa. 40:31)





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Prioritize Family Time9Learning to be more productive, organized, and efficient are great things

but when all that beautiful productivity is directed toward

projects outside the family, it's time to shift gears.

Uninterrupted time with the ones you love most is key to

forming bonds that last beyond momentary wins. It's

the long-term investments built on memories, laughter

& tears, celebrating crazy milestones, traveling to far off places

or just the neighborhood park.

Family values are taught and caught when we spend intentional

time learning from and loving each other. This year, be aware

of the quality and quantity time you make for your family. Be

present, proactive, and fiercely protective of any distraction that

creeps in to steal that gift.

ResourcesDaily Broadcast | Focus on the Family

"If you want to

change the world, go home and love your family."

...make it happen!

Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, Your children like olive plants. around

your table. Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord. (Ps. 128:3-4)

Take Action

-Mother Theresa

Date your spouse. Whether you call a sitter or cuddle up with a movie

after bedtime, set aside time to be together

Play with the kids. Face to face pretend, tea party, board game, or

crafting. Engage their little imaginations and have fun.

Plan a family vacation. Memories don't have to be expensive, although

planning and saving toward a destination is a great family goal!

Share spiritual connections. Attend church regularly & talk about the

message over meal time, do family devotions, and ask about how each

person senses God working in their lives.

Practical Family Podcast | Practical Family The Happy Home Podcast | Arlene Pellicane Today's Family Devotional | Josh McDowell

Page 22: y o u r Life Kickstart - practicalfamily.org · need, and t he obst acle t hat of t en holds us back. N o t A n o t h e r T o D o L i s t We t end t o put t oo much emphasis on beginnings,

Plan It Out1. What is one of your favorite family memories, either past or present?




2. Can you commit to spending undistracted (no device) time with your

family this week? If so, how much time and when?


3. Who will you tell about your plan?


4. How did it go?! Write down your experience here and the memories

made. Did you learn something new about a family member?





Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, Your children like olive plants. around

your table. Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord. (Ps. 128:3-4)

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Make Time for You10

Set aside time to do things that bring life to your soul. Step into a world

that is all your own & tap into joyful activities that are unique to you.

Spend time with friends who encourage and lift you up.

ResourcesTeaching from Rest | Sarah Mackensie

Self care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty


Just as exercise helps to maintain a healthy physical body, reading to

maintain a healthy mental state, & quiet time to maintain the

spiritual, stopping to rest will support our emotional state. We

need rest from the doing, the busyness, & the distraction &

sometimes from the people were care for. So much of our energy is

poured out during the week that we need time to replenish, at least a day,

a time for sabbath to recharge & reenergize in order to give our best.

God was actually the first one to model rest, when He

created the world & rested on the seventh day (Gen. 2).

The Bible speaks constantly about God giving us rest, from

enemies, from enslavement, from hardship. He cares and

He made us to have that margin in our lives (Ex. 33;

2 Sam. 7; Isa. 14; Matt. 11).

Self-care does not necessarily look the same for everyone. Caring for

yourself means choosing activities that are most fulfilling for

you. Someone who finds outdoors calming may feel stressed about being

cooped up inside, just as one who prefers solitude indoors may not find

joy on a hike.

...because rest is important

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11:28)

Take Action

-Eleanor Brown

5 Kinds of People You Will Meet in Life | Practical Family

The Rest of God | Mark Buchanan

Page 24: y o u r Life Kickstart - practicalfamily.org · need, and t he obst acle t hat of t en holds us back. N o t A n o t h e r T o D o L i s t We t end t o put t oo much emphasis on beginnings,

Plan It Out1. What are you three favorite things to do, just for yourself? Two can be

at home or cost-free, and one can be outside of the home.




2. Schedule yourself to do one of your favorite things for the next three


___________________________ _____________ _____________

___________________________ _____________ _____________

___________________________ _____________ _____________

3. Anticipate distractions. Who might you need to talk to for You time to

happen? (i.e., find a babysitter, make sure spouse is on board)



4. Write down how you felt after You time. (remember, it's not selfish!)


Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11:28)

Activity Date How Long?

Page 25: y o u r Life Kickstart - practicalfamily.org · need, and t he obst acle t hat of t en holds us back. N o t A n o t h e r T o D o L i s t We t end t o put t oo much emphasis on beginnings,

Resource ListLive with Less1

Get Moving2

Cut the Sugar3

Budget Smarter4

Clear the Calendar5


Kathi Lipp | Clutter Free Academy

Joshua Becker | Becoming Minimalist

Less is More | Practical Family

Why Mess Causes Stress | Psychology Today

Michelle Spadafora | Faithful Workouts

70+ Christian Workout Songs | Creative, Clever, & Classy

Sugar Free Product Guide | Pinch of Yum

11 Weird Things Sugar's Doing to Your Body | Prevention.com

25 Sugar Free Desserts | FitfluentialLiving Whole Series: Eating Real Food | Practical Family

Made to Crave | Lysa TerKeurst

Dena Norton | Back to the Book Nutrition

Dave Ramsey | Financial Peace University

Meal Planning | EMeals Ruth Soukup | Living Well Spending Less

Crystal Paine | Money Saving Mom

The Overcommitted Family | Practical Family

Get Organized | The Happy Planner

Illustrated Faith Planner | DaySpring

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Resource List

Clear Digital Distractions6

Make Learning Goals7

Develop a Quiet Time8

Prioritize Family Time9

Make Time for You10


Techncology & Family | Practical Family

Arlene Pellicane | Calm, Cool, & Connected

Audio Books | Audible

Recommended Reading | Practical Family

What Having a Growth Mindset Actually Means | Carol Dweck*

How to Read a Book | Practical Family

The Spiritual Life of a Busy Mom | Focus on the Family

Bible Reading Plans | Back to the Bible

First 5 App | Proverbs 31 Ministries

Choosing Real: When Faith Meets Real Life | Practical Family

Finding Time for Bible Study as Busy Moms | Practical Family

Women of the Word | Jen Wilkin

Daily Broadcast | Focus on the Family

Practical Family Podcast | Practical Family

The Happy Home Podcast | Arlene Pellicane Today's Family Devotional | Josh McDowell

Teaching from Rest | Sarah Mackensie

5 Kinds of People You Will Meet in Life | Practical Family The Rest of God | Mark Buchanan

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