ji e- Jd THE INTERIOR JOURNAL VOL XXXIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY APRIL 21 1905 NO 15 Cold Weather In 1834 Most of us older people will remem ¬ ber Uncle Tommy Tuggle deceased father of Jerry and Henry Tuggle und grandfather of Cnpt Wm Sloan and the following statements bring him afresh In our minds Cnpt William Sloan and J A Dean Tompkins Esq handed us a time worn slip of paper on which was writ ¬ ten by Undo Johnnys own hand ver ¬ batim May II IG and 16 1834 there is a hard frost and ice one hnlf an inch e thick to These lines were evidently written by Uncle Johnny at that time nnd placed between the lids of his tam ¬ fly Bible where they have remained since and will be kept thereby his suc ¬ ceeding generations probably for many char on mountain from eating LUll and leaves killed by frost com was hIt to the top of the ground and corn wont up to- T 1 per bushel on the mountain Albany Gleaner Handed us by Mr JC lays Memorial of Garland James Uncle Garl la gone oh how we muw him How we miss his vacant chair How we miss his dear old presence And we miss him everywhere There hangs hh caneJite brother gave him Now about two years ago And it will hangar a family relic M miJJt1 jr JIltIIlr nsnJl thotr luta Weep nt children weep net for him For your low is his gain Of that crown for which he labored For which lio labored not In vain i In our minds eye we can sea hIm At the place that he dkl two Which was the place of jmbJI worship In the church of Pino Grove His aim was not for fame or fortune Only this ho Inward crnvoil Sweet assurance long endurance And a lame beyond the grave- F L DAVIS FLATWOOO Ebb Scot n bunch of hogs to W 1 Ijiwium at 4e J W Coldiron sold a work horse to John Mill ¬ er for 100 Wm Campbell sold Ebb Scott threw hogs for 11 J C Fox aught a cow and 10 white oak trees of J C Clouse for O he nbo taught 12 trees from T M Marsvo for 60 J C Clouse sold to W II Furr eight hogs at 135 School at Lnwsons s school house has been dismissed on account of sickness the teacher Miss Maud Spain bower and her mother bath being sick Dr W J Edmistun of Crab Orchard t was called to the bedside of Mrs Wm Pointer Sunday Miss Willie Cormincy nnd Mrs W H Furr visited Mrs John McCarley at Rowland This is to be nn nwful year accord Ing td a wildeyed Pennsylvania prophet who has just issued his bulletin of prophecies for 1905 Ho says the big spot that has appeared upon the sun is peatiI ¬ the earth The outbreak in Russia is v but a spark that will be fanned into a flame that will sweep the whole world The end of the world he predict comes in 1903 Somerset Journal 1 Rheumatic Pains Quickly Re ¬ lieved The excruciating pains tbnravturU tic of rheumatism anti sciatica are quickly unloved by applying Chair berialns Pain Balm The grunt pain relieving power of the liniment him boon the surprise and delight of thous ¬ nude of BiilTerors The quick relief from pain which It affords U alone 1 worth many times iu cost For sale by Lvno Broil Crab Orchard Ilonieseekert excursion to Michigan via Queen Crescent Route Tickets on sale May 2nd and 16th at greatly reduced rates to AuSablo Beaverton Branch Brethren Cadillac Gladwin Kaleva Manl tee Merritt Lewiston and St lichens Tickets are limited IG days from the date of sale Askagents for particulars or write E N Aiken T P A Lexington Ky or W C i Rinearson G P A Cincinnati 0 Down In the Platte river bottom is a threeroom cottage where live the pa ¬ rents of 21 children anti today with A 10 of these around them and three grandchildren they celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary They are Mr and Mrs Edward M McSpratton The family comprises 14 boys nnd seven girls The last baby is 33 days old New York Tribune Father But do think you can make my daughter happy i Suitor Happy I Say you should just have seen her when 1 proposed IDrook ¬ lyn Life S Keep your bowels regular by the use 6t Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets1 There IB nothing better Por sale by Lyre Bros OrabOrchard d- V N yt CHURCH MATTERS Rev P J Ross will preach at the Methodist church hero Sunday morning and evening Rev J M Bruce writes from Horse Cave that he will preach at Kirksville on the fifth Sunday in this month Instead tha regular services at the Christian church Sunday evening the young ladies of the Mission Circle will conduct services The C W B M held prayer meeting at the Christian church yesterday af- ternoon ¬ and will do likewise this and to ¬ morrow afternoon at 210 John Smith a former preacher of Galloway county was sentenced to the Federal prison in Atlanta for 15 months for counterfeiting Archbishop Mcsmcr of Milwaukee has had to ask police protection against the importunities of beggars following an article in a local newspaper telling of hU liberality as a giver By n vote of 17 to seven the Louis ¬ ville Presbytery North voted In favor of merging with the Cumberland Pros ¬ byterian church For the first time since their separation the members of the Presbyteries North and South communed together The 40th Annual Convention of the Kentucky Sunday School Association wflllH > held in Somerset Juno 7 8 and 0 Noted speakers from various parts of the Union have beet engaged to ad dress the Convention The National Sunday School Convention will meet at Toronto Canada Juno 23 to 27 The Powers That Be Let tho oyas of the stars Anti tho face of the moon On my fetters and bars Freely look and commune Let tIw scent of the grass And the breath of the rose la tiwir wandorlngt IKH With n balm for my woes It the birth some ami rest la the sound of myiighn Lot them twitter and nest In the sight of my ojran But for man I will none Of his sofmotw and creeds For ht dogmas alone Put a ham on my deeds He would shackle mj soul Make me law nt its throne Road n narrow writ scroll That I never shall own I will lean to the earth To the mountains and sea To the source of my birth And the powors that be I will lay my heart bare As the breast of a brook I ems ahaped by their care Let them ponder and look Howard H Farmer Chamberlains Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular Mothers by It for croupy children railroad men buy It for severe coughs and elderly people 11IIlt for III JrlplctI say Moore Broil Kldon Iowa We sell moro of Chamlwrlains Cough Remedy than any othu kind It seems to have taken the lund over Kovornl other good brands There Is no question but this modlclno is tho host that can JHJ procured for coughs and colds whether It IH> a child arc an adult that In atlllcteil It always euros and euros quickly Sold by Lyno Bros Crab Orchard HlgginsMy wife saysif should die she would remain a widow until death Of course she might change her mind but it is sort of consoling just the same- JinksEVidently your wife thinks there Is no other man in the world like you HiggginsOn the contrary shes afraid there is and that shed get him Boston Transcript Bub You talk about table manners I dont believe you even know what a napkin Is Sis Yes I do Its n little sleep af- ter ¬ eating Bub Who told you that Sis I guessed itmy own self Mani ¬ kin Is a little man you know so nupBostonTranscript Cheated Death Kidney trouble often ends fatally but by choosing tho right medlelnu Mr E II Wolfe of Boar Grove In cheated death Ho says Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble which caused mo great palu Buttering anti anxiety but I took Kleetrlo Bitters which effected n complete guru I have also found them of great benefit Ingen eral debility and nerve trouble and keep them constantly on hand since I find they have no equal O L Pen- ny ¬ Stanford and Lyno Bros Crab Orchard druggists guarantee them at CO cents Green Cawoods home in Harlan county burned and his fourmonths old child was lost in the flames t n a NEWS tiOTESI Kissing was un foreigners introduced it Edward H Lear of the Wiedemann Brewing Co is dead nt Covlngton Samuel It Boyd prominent In poli ¬ tics and u lawyer at Cynthinha was found dead in bed Kentucky bloodhounds lead a hunt for burglars who caused a 100000 fire at Clendennin W Va Fifteen hundred pupils have been barred from school In Council Bluffs I until theyare vaccinated Following the arrest of his sister as II terrorist sympathizer a Russian army olllcor committed suicide The dormitory building of the Jessie May Aydelott College at Tullahoma Tenn was destroyed by fire Robbers sot tire to a store in Clen donnin W Va and every business house in the town was burned James B Fugate H prominent attor ¬ ney of Hindman was found dead in hit room It is thought heart trouble caus- ed his death Tho port of Antwerp will be enlarg ¬ edat a cost of 100000000 The im- provement ¬ will make it the largest cart In the worldt Ono man was shot and seriously wounded and another was beaten Into insensibility in Chicago ns the result of the teamsters strike M L Reddock former postmaster of Yazoo City Miss has been indicated by the Federal grand jury at Si Louis on tho charge of perjury In a fire which destroyed the real 1SW nr Jlejon Thrpshor of Adnir Hancock county her sixmonthsold daughter was burned to death Col Thomas Johnson aged 93 and thing at Mt Sterling is the oldest Confederate in Kentucky He will at ¬ tend the reunion in Louisville in June KsHotr the assassin of Grand Duke Serghis WM tried before the supreme court at Matcow and sentenced to death The date of the execution has not been fixed Cheater Boll of Muncie Ind was accidentally found to have cigarette pa prfn In his pocket and was fined2r and costs the first conviction under the new law Miss Harriettc E Col fax until her retirement last fall the oldest light- house ¬ keeper in the United StatOrS ser ¬ vice died at Laparto Ind at the age of 81 years Dr D K Pearsons the Chicago cap- italist ¬ and philanthropist has decided to give 260000 to poor colleges in Ken ¬ tucky Tennessee North Carolina and West Virginia The United States Supreme Court de ¬ dared invalid the statute requiring all national banks of Kentucky to make returns of nil shares of stock for tax ¬ ation purposes The third trial of Nan Patterson the former show girl charged with the murder of Caesar Young n bookmaker is In progress in New York By order of tho court no women spectators will bq allowed to be present- C D Billman n sculptor of Logans port Ind in broad daylight removed from its pedestal in City Park a statue of heroic size erected by tho citizens as a memorial to President McKinley Billmnn claim sit has not been paid for Four newsboys were killed and sev ¬ eral were fatally injured nt the Ma ¬ sonic Temple in Indianapolis during a rush to obtain free tickets to a theater which were being given away by a patent medicine agent Several of the boys fell down stairs as the result ofn panic caused by a false alarm of fire At n meeting of 200 managing agents of the Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety ¬ held in New York the State Leg ¬ islature was asked to exercise its plenary power by enacting an amend ¬ ment to the societys charter to give the policyholders admission to the di ¬ rectorate of the society Vice Presi ¬ dent Hyde was hissed by some of those present and President Alexander was indorsedIn court in the trial of James Hnrgia at Lexington Sheriff Wilkerson stated that an attempt had been made to intimidate certain witnesses for the Commonwealth Judge Parker ordered Commonwealths Attorney Allen to make nn investigation A number of witnesses testified for the prosecution among them being Capt John PatrickI Tom Cockrill and Anse White White gave practically the same testimo ¬ ny as given by him in tho hearing for lgelIargls him to killing five men in ¬ eluding James Cockrillt A Daredevil Ridet Often cuds in a slid accident To heal accidental Injuries use Bucklers Art nica Salve A deep wound In my foot from an accident writes Theodore Schucle of Columbus O caused mo great pain Physicians were helpless but Bucklcns Arnica Salvo quickly healed It Soothes and heals burns like tangle lid at G L Pennys Stan ¬ ford and Lyno Bros Crab Orchard druggists j S c 1 f JUDGE W R CARSON Judge W R Carson known by al ¬ most every man woman and child in this county died at the lame of his daughter Mrs S Porter Stagg in Fay otte county Wednesday evening at 730 aged 78 The judge had been a resident of Stanford for many years until he removed to Fayctte a year ago Ho was in feeble health when he left and many of his friends predicted that they would not see him alive again lie became stronger nftcra short sojourn with his daughter however and until the Illness that caused his death came he suffered very little Judge Carson was magistrate end jwlice judge for 33 years both of which offices he filled saddiary ¬ J reasonably successful in it lie was an unusually well posted man on current events and a great reader He loved Stanford and in his palmier days he did much for its advancement A trustee of Stanford Female College he worked hard for 1U furtherance In fact he took grunt interest in educational insti ¬ tutions and was always fur that which would redound to the upbuilding of his home town and the uplifting of his people Judge Carson married Miss Pormella Dodd who preceded him to the grave 23 years He is survived by chjldrcnKMesdatnes A A Warren of Middlesboro J E Portman of this place S P Stagg of Fayette Mr James T Carson of Louisville and Charles C Carson of Liberty and in their loss of n kind und indulgent fath- er ¬ they have much sympathy The re- mains were brought here lust night and at 1030 this morning they will be in ¬ terred in Buffalo cemetery Rev P J Ross will pray and make a few remarks at the grave MATRIMONIAL J E Jones n widower of 40 and Miss Margaret Stephenson wore mar ¬ ried on the 19th Miss Lillian Colvin and James Muir Carothers each 17 and both of Bards town were married in Louisville The engagement of Miss Margaret Worthington Cecil and Mr Jesse Wal lace Embry both of Danville has been announced The date of their June wedding Is to follow soon after the graduating of Miss Cecil at Campbell Hagerman Colleget About Rheumatism There are tow diseases that Inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of reme- dies have been suggested To say that it can be cured Is therefore a bold statement to make but Chamberlains Pain Hahn which enjoys an extensive sale has met with great success in the treatment of this disease Ono appli ¬ cation of Pain Balm will relievo the pain nqt hundreds of sufferers have testified to permanent cures by its use Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle For sale by Lyric BrosCrabOrchard In the Hargis trial at Lexington Mose Feltner again detailed the alleged plots to take the life of Cockrill while Dan Bush a new witness said that Hargis asked him to assist in the murder of Cockrill Bush is serving a term in the penitentiary for horse stealing W W Vaughn a former attorney of Jackson but now of Oklahoma alMt gave dam ¬ aging testimony against Hargis For a Weak Digestion No medicine can replace food but Chamberlains Stomach und Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food It Is not tho quantity of food taken that gives strength and vlgpr to system but the amount digested and assimilated If troubled with weak digestion dont hill to give Tablets a trial Thousands huve been benefitted by their use They only costa quarter For sale by Lyno Bros Crab Orchard The steamship Minnesota the largest freight carrier afloat broke all records for the voyage between Yokohama and Seattle Wash making it in 13 days t 21 hours and five minutes r it + f t MArte manythat this conclusion ljrJLJLtf 350 and 400 Shoes ARE THE BEST YET They cater to wear as well as to sty3 to comfort as styleThey the satisfaction that can possibly be bestleathers ALL AMERICAS are the kind of footwear that makes- a Y man declare Im glad I bought these shoes Every wearer is enthusiastic Your style and size await you here SA ROBINSONSTANFORD J 1 We Sell WARRANTED PURE VINEGARS t Nothing In inori uiiwlmlrnoiiK uiul diiiiKeroiu to houltli dare tin rhciiti iirlcl frtquiiitly ottYrtil for HIIU lint you xliould know hint II KINK VJNKuAllH comply with the mhxalIOWnfevrryHiatt In tin tnlon iiiiil ewer country 11 the world They urn sot only utrlctly nod nliioluttly nodsarebuttheyerrprolwrlyUgt1smoothanddellentnIn 1118 Hilux white pickling vlnciiiir dUtlllcd tram groin Ililnx pure mult F clue tr lirwd from nmltitl Imrltv W H HIGGINS STANFORD KY LaPorte Vehicles z > Honest Work Attractive Styles Over 300 of these pleasure vehicles have been sold in Lincoln county which is of itself evidence of their merits Tho follow- ing ¬ list of representative citizens who are using Lalorto Vehicles is nettle tip from memory there are many others to nlfof whom we refer as to evidence of the worth of this work Preston Deck lion J S Sr McClaryJasF Hon M C Saufley I B Paxton lion H C Warren Rowan Saufley john Beck Beazley Livery J H Boone RCo Livery I M Bruce Livery L R Hughes W P Grimes S hocker Dank Presdt LynnDr OBannon Andrew Gooch Cicero Reynolds J F Holdam M S Baughman Jas II Baughman BaughmanHenry T D Newland Col T P Hill J W Brooks BeazleyWm Luther Underwoodt Crit Eubanks Robert Sims john Bingaman- James VanArsdale Hays BaileyThos Porter Robinson Sidney Dunbar 4 E P Woods Robert Woods James Woods HigginsJ Sam W Menefee S J Embry Sr E T Pence E C Walton C V Gentry W C Shanks W W Withers J C Hays James Lynn BaileyV A C Carman C Vanoy H J Darst Full carload of these popular vehicles re ¬ Agentsfor To popularize their new business in new Iniihliugs with New Stocks and New Lines being milled J G Weatherford Co I Asks you to eaUancl you will be convinced that they can feather your nestiim We Are Showing From The Best innnufiicturcrs in the country a fine and well selected line of Ladies High Shoes and Oxfords Every lady in Crab Orchard andvicinity is invited to call and see our stock and be convinced that you do not have to leave the East End to dress the feet in an uptodate style W E Perkins I I t I L d Crab Orchard Ky r iS

XXXIII tiOTESI t MArteji e- THE INTERIOR JOURNAL Jd VOL XXXIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY APRIL 21 1905 NO 15 Cold Weather In 1834 Most of us older people will remem ¬ ber Uncle Tommy Tuggle

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Page 1: XXXIII tiOTESI t MArteji e- THE INTERIOR JOURNAL Jd VOL XXXIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY APRIL 21 1905 NO 15 Cold Weather In 1834 Most of us older people will remem ¬ ber Uncle Tommy Tuggle

ji e-


Cold Weather In 1834

Most of us older people will remem ¬

ber Uncle Tommy Tuggle deceasedfather of Jerry and Henry Tuggle undgrandfather of Cnpt Wm Sloan andthe following statements bring himafresh In our minds

Cnpt William Sloan and J A DeanTompkins Esq handed us a timeworn slip of paper on which was writ ¬

ten by Undo Johnnys own hand ver ¬

batim May II IG and 16 1834 thereis a hard frost and ice one hnlf an inch

e thick to These lines were evidentlywritten by Uncle Johnny at that timennd placed between the lids of his tam ¬

fly Bible where they have remainedsince and will be kept thereby his suc ¬

ceeding generations probably for manycharonmountain from eating LUll and leaveskilled by frost com was hIt to thetop of the ground and corn wont up to-

T1 per bushel on the mountain Albany

Gleaner Handed us by Mr J C lays

Memorial of Garland James

Uncle Garl la gone oh how we muw

himHow we miss his vacant chair

How we miss his dear old presenceAnd we miss him everywhere

There hangs hh caneJite brother gavehim

Now about two years agoAnd it will hangar a family relic

M miJJt1 jr JIltIIlr nsnJl thotr lutaWeep nt children weep net for him

For your low is his gainOf that crown for which he labored

For which lio labored not In vain

i In our minds eye we can sea hIm

At the place that he dkl twoWhich was the place of jmbJI worship

In the church of Pino Grove

His aim was not for fame or fortuneOnly this ho Inward crnvoil

Sweet assurance long enduranceAnd a lame beyond the grave-


FLATWOOO Ebb Scotn bunchof hogs to W 1 Ijiwium at 4e J W

Coldiron sold a work horse to John Mill ¬

er for 100 Wm Campbell sold EbbScott threw hogs for 11 J C Foxaught a cow and 10 white oak trees ofJ C Clouse for O he nbo taught 12

trees from T M Marsvo for 60 J C

Clouse sold to W II Furr eight hogsat 135 School at Lnwsons s schoolhouse has been dismissed on account ofsickness the teacher Miss Maud Spainbower and her mother bath being sickDr W J Edmistun of Crab Orchard

t was called to the bedside of Mrs WmPointer Sunday Miss Willie Cormincynnd Mrs W H Furr visited Mrs JohnMcCarley at Rowland

This is to be nn nwful year accordIng td a wildeyed Pennsylvania prophetwho has just issued his bulletin ofprophecies for 1905 Ho says the bigspot that has appeared upon the sun ispeatiI ¬

the earth The outbreak in Russia isv but a spark that will be fanned into a

flame that will sweep the whole worldThe end of the world he predictcomes in 1903 Somerset Journal

1 Rheumatic Pains Quickly Re ¬

lievedThe excruciating pains tbnravturU

tic of rheumatism anti sciatica arequickly unloved by applying Chairberialns Pain Balm The grunt painrelieving power of the liniment himboon the surprise and delight of thous ¬

nude of BiilTerors The quick relieffrom pain which It affords U alone

1 worth many times iu cost For saleby Lvno Broil Crab Orchard

Ilonieseekert excursion to Michiganvia Queen Crescent Route Ticketson sale May 2nd and 16th at greatlyreduced rates to AuSablo BeavertonBranch Brethren Cadillac GladwinKaleva Manl tee Merritt Lewistonand St lichens Tickets are limited IG

days from the date of sale Askagentsfor particulars or write E N AikenT P A Lexington Ky or W C

i Rinearson G P A Cincinnati 0

Down In the Platte river bottom is athreeroom cottage where live the pa ¬

rents of 21 children anti today with

A 10 of these around them and threegrandchildren they celebrated their27th wedding anniversary They areMr and Mrs Edward M McSprattonThe family comprises 14 boys nnd sevengirls The last baby is 33 days old

New York Tribune

Father But do think you can makemy daughter happy

i Suitor Happy I Say you should justhave seen her when 1 proposed IDrook ¬

lyn LifeS

Keep your bowels regular by the use6t Chamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets1 There IB nothing betterPor sale by Lyre Bros OrabOrchard d-



CHURCH MATTERSRev P J Ross will preach at the

Methodist church hero Sunday morningand evening

Rev J M Bruce writes from HorseCave that he will preach at Kirksvilleon the fifth Sunday in this month

Instead tha regular services at theChristian church Sunday evening theyoung ladies of the Mission Circle willconduct services

The C W B M held prayer meetingat the Christian church yesterday af-


and will do likewise this and to ¬

morrow afternoon at 210John Smith a former preacher of

Galloway county was sentenced to theFederal prison in Atlanta for 15

months for counterfeitingArchbishop Mcsmcr of Milwaukee

has had to ask police protection againstthe importunities of beggars followingan article in a local newspaper tellingof hU liberality as a giver

By n vote of 17 to seven the Louis ¬

ville Presbytery North voted In favorof merging with the Cumberland Pros ¬

byterian church For the first timesince their separation the members ofthe Presbyteries North and Southcommuned together

The 40th Annual Convention of theKentucky Sunday School AssociationwflllH > held in Somerset Juno 7 8 and0 Noted speakers from various partsof the Union have beet engaged to address the Convention The NationalSunday School Convention will meet atToronto Canada Juno 23 to 27

The Powers That Be

Let tho oyas of the starsAnti tho face of the moon

On my fetters and barsFreely look and commune

Let tIw scent of the grassAnd the breath of the rose

la tiwir wandorlngt IKHWith n balm for my woes

It the birth some ami restla the sound of myiighn

Lot them twitter and nestIn the sight of my ojran

But for man I will noneOf his sofmotw and creeds

For ht dogmas alonePut a ham on my deeds

He would shackle mj soulMake me law nt its throne

Road n narrow writ scrollThat I never shall own

I will lean to the earthTo the mountains and sea

To the source of my birthAnd the powors that be

I will lay my heart bareAs the breast of a brook

I ems ahaped by their careLet them ponder and look

Howard H Farmer

Chamberlains Cough Remedythe Best and Most PopularMothers by It for croupy children

railroad men buy It for severe coughsand elderly people 11IIlt for III JrlplctIsay Moore Broil Kldon Iowa Wesell moro of Chamlwrlains CoughRemedy than any othu kind It seemsto have taken the lund over Kovornl

other good brands There Is noquestion but this modlclno is tho hostthat can JHJ procured for coughs andcolds whether It IH > a child arc an adultthat In atlllcteil It always euros andeuros quickly Sold by Lyno BrosCrab Orchard

HlgginsMy wife saysif shoulddie she would remain a widow untildeath Of course she might changeher mind but it is sort of consolingjust the same-

JinksEVidently your wife thinksthere Is no other man in the world likeyou

HiggginsOn the contrary shesafraid there is and that shed get him

Boston Transcript

Bub You talk about table mannersI dont believe you even know what anapkin Is

Sis Yes I do Its n little sleep af-


eatingBub Who told you thatSis I guessed itmy own self Mani ¬

kin Is a little man you know so

nupBostonTranscriptCheated Death

Kidney trouble often ends fatallybut by choosing tho right medlelnuMr E II Wolfe of Boar Grove Incheated death Ho says Two yearsago I had Kidney Trouble whichcaused mo great palu Buttering antianxiety but I took Kleetrlo Bitterswhich effected n complete guru I havealso found them of great benefit Ingeneral debility and nerve trouble andkeep them constantly on hand since Ifind they have no equal O L Pen-ny


Stanford and Lyno Bros CrabOrchard druggists guarantee them atCO cents

Green Cawoods home in Harlancounty burned and his fourmonths oldchild was lost in the flames



NEWS tiOTESIKissing was un

foreigners introduced itEdward H Lear of the Wiedemann

Brewing Co is dead nt CovlngtonSamuel It Boyd prominent In poli ¬

tics and u lawyer at Cynthinha wasfound dead in bed

Kentucky bloodhounds lead a huntfor burglars who caused a 100000 fireat Clendennin W Va

Fifteen hundred pupils have beenbarred from school In Council Bluffs Iuntil theyare vaccinated

Following the arrest of his sister asII terrorist sympathizer a Russian armyolllcor committed suicide

The dormitory building of the JessieMay Aydelott College at TullahomaTenn was destroyed by fire

Robbers sot tire to a store in Clendonnin W Va and every businesshouse in the town was burned

James B Fugate H prominent attor ¬

ney of Hindman was found dead in hitroom It is thought heart trouble caus-ed his death

Tho port of Antwerp will be enlarg ¬

edat a cost of 100000000 The im-


will make it the largest cartIn the worldtOno man was shot and seriouslywounded and another was beaten Intoinsensibility in Chicago ns the result ofthe teamsters strike

M L Reddock former postmaster ofYazoo City Miss has been indicatedby the Federal grand jury at Si Louison tho charge of perjury

In a fire which destroyed the real1SW nr Jlejon Thrpshor of AdnirHancock county her sixmonthsolddaughter was burned to death

Col Thomas Johnson aged 93 andthing at Mt Sterling is the oldestConfederate in Kentucky He will at ¬

tend the reunion in Louisville in JuneKsHotr the assassin of Grand Duke

Serghis WM tried before the supremecourt at Matcow and sentenced to deathThe date of the execution has not beenfixed

Cheater Boll of Muncie Ind wasaccidentally found to have cigarette paprfn In his pocket and was fined2rand costs the first conviction under thenew law

Miss Harriettc E Col fax until herretirement last fall the oldest light-house


keeper in the United StatOrS ser¬

vice died at Laparto Ind at the ageof 81 years

Dr D K Pearsons the Chicago cap-


and philanthropist has decidedto give 260000 to poor colleges in Ken ¬

tucky Tennessee North Carolina andWest Virginia

The United States Supreme Court de ¬

dared invalid the statute requiring allnational banks of Kentucky to makereturns of nil shares of stock for tax ¬

ation purposesThe third trial of Nan Patterson the

former show girl charged with themurder of Caesar Young n bookmakeris In progress in New York By orderof tho court no women spectators willbq allowed to be present-

C D Billman n sculptor of Logansport Ind in broad daylight removedfrom its pedestal in City Park a statueof heroic size erected by tho citizensas a memorial to President McKinleyBillmnn claim sit has not been paid for

Four newsboys were killed and sev ¬

eral were fatally injured nt the Ma ¬

sonic Temple in Indianapolis during arush to obtain free tickets to a theaterwhich were being given away by apatent medicine agent Several of theboys fell down stairs as the result ofnpanic caused by a false alarm of fire

At n meeting of 200 managing agentsof the Equitable Life Assurance So-


held in New York the State Leg ¬

islature was asked to exercise itsplenary power by enacting an amend ¬

ment to the societys charter to givethe policyholders admission to the di ¬

rectorate of the society Vice Presi ¬

dent Hyde was hissed by some of thosepresent and President Alexander was

indorsedIncourt in the trial of James

Hnrgia at Lexington Sheriff Wilkersonstated that an attempt had been madeto intimidate certain witnesses for theCommonwealth Judge Parker orderedCommonwealths Attorney Allen tomake nn investigation A number ofwitnesses testified for the prosecutionamong them being Capt John PatrickITom Cockrill and Anse White Whitegave practically the same testimo ¬

ny as given by him in tho hearing forlgelIarglshim to killing five men in ¬

eluding James CockrilltA Daredevil Ridet

Often cuds in a slid accident To healaccidental Injuries use Bucklers Artnica Salve A deep wound In my footfrom an accident writes TheodoreSchucle of Columbus O caused mogreat pain Physicians were helplessbut Bucklcns Arnica Salvo quicklyhealed It Soothes and heals burns liketangle lid at G L Pennys Stan ¬

ford and Lyno Bros Crab Orcharddruggists



c 1


Judge W R Carson known by al ¬

most every man woman and child inthis county died at the lame of hisdaughter Mrs S Porter Stagg in Fayotte county Wednesday evening at730 aged 78 The judge had been aresident of Stanford for many yearsuntil he removed to Fayctte a year agoHo was in feeble health when he leftand many of his friends predicted thatthey would not see him alive again liebecame stronger nftcra short sojournwith his daughter however and untilthe Illness that caused his death camehe suffered very little Judge Carsonwas magistrate end jwlice judge for 33years both of which offices he filledsaddiary ¬


reasonably successful in it lie was anunusually well posted man on currentevents and a great reader He lovedStanford and in his palmier days he didmuch for its advancement A trusteeof Stanford Female College he workedhard for 1U furtherance In fact hetook grunt interest in educational insti ¬

tutions and was always fur that whichwould redound to the upbuilding of hishome town and the uplifting of hispeople Judge Carson married MissPormella Dodd who preceded him tothe grave 23 years He is survived bychjldrcnKMesdatnes A A Warrenof Middlesboro J E Portman of thisplace S P Stagg of Fayette MrJames T Carson of Louisville andCharles C Carson of Liberty and intheir loss of n kind und indulgent fath-er


they have much sympathy The re-mains were brought here lust night andat 1030 this morning they will be in ¬

terred in Buffalo cemetery Rev P JRoss will pray and make a few remarksat the grave


J E Jones n widower of 40 andMiss Margaret Stephenson wore mar¬

ried on the 19thMiss Lillian Colvin and James Muir

Carothers each 17 and both of Bardstown were married in Louisville

The engagement of Miss MargaretWorthington Cecil and Mr Jesse Wallace Embry both of Danville has beenannounced The date of their Junewedding Is to follow soon after thegraduating of Miss Cecil at CampbellHagerman Colleget

About RheumatismThere are tow diseases that Inflict

more torture than rheumatism andthere is probably no disease for whichsuch a varied and useless lot of reme-dies have been suggested To say thatit can be cured Is therefore a boldstatement to make but ChamberlainsPain Hahn which enjoys an extensivesale has met with great success in thetreatment of this disease Ono appli ¬

cation of Pain Balm will relievo thepain nqt hundreds of sufferers havetestified to permanent cures by its useWhy suffer when Pain Balm affordssuch quick relief and costs but a trifleFor sale by Lyric BrosCrabOrchard

In the Hargis trial at Lexington MoseFeltner again detailed the alleged plotsto take the life of Cockrill while DanBush a new witness said that Hargisasked him to assist in the murder ofCockrill Bush is serving a term in thepenitentiary for horse stealing W WVaughn a former attorney of Jacksonbut now of Oklahoma alMt gave dam ¬

aging testimony against Hargis

For a Weak DigestionNo medicine can replace food but

Chamberlains Stomach und LiverTablets will help you to digest yourfood It Is not tho quantity of foodtaken that gives strength and vlgpr to

system but the amount digestedand assimilated If troubled with

weak digestion dont hill to giveTablets a trial Thousands huve

been benefitted by their use Theyonly costa quarter For sale by LynoBros Crab Orchard

The steamship Minnesota the largestfreight carrier afloat broke all recordsfor the voyage between Yokohama andSeattle Wash making it in 13 days t21 hours and five minutes


it +f

t MArtemanythatthis conclusionljrJLJLtf350 and 400 ShoesARE THE BEST YET

They cater to wear as well as to sty3 to comfort asstyleThey the satisfaction that can possibly bebestleathersALL AMERICAS are the kind of footwear that makes-a


man declare Im glad I bought these shoesEvery wearer is enthusiastic Your style and sizeawait you here



tNothing In inori uiiwlmlrnoiiK uiul diiiiKeroiu to houltli dare tin rhciiti

iirlcl frtquiiitly ottYrtil for HIIU lint you xliould know hint II KINKVJNKuAllH comply with the mhxalIOWnfevrryHiatt In tin tnloniiiiil ewer country 11 the world They urn sot only utrlctly nod nliioluttlynodsarebuttheyerrprolwrlyUgt1smoothanddellentnIn1118 Hilux white pickling vlnciiiir dUtlllcd tram groin Ililnx pure mult F

clue tr lirwd from nmltitl Imrltv


LaPorte Vehiclesz > Honest Work Attractive Styles

Over 300 of these pleasure vehicles have been sold in Lincolncounty which is of itself evidence of their merits Tho follow-ing


list of representative citizens who are using Lalorto Vehiclesis nettle tip from memory there are many others to nlfofwhom we refer as to evidence of the worth of this work

Preston Decklion J S SrMcClaryJasFHon M C SaufleyI B Paxtonlion H C WarrenRowan Saufley

john BeckBeazley Livery

J H Boone RCo LiveryI M Bruce LiveryL R HughesW P Grimes

S hocker Dank PresdtLynnDr OBannonAndrew GoochCicero ReynoldsJ F Holdam

M S BaughmanJas II Baughman

BaughmanHenryT D NewlandCol T P HillJ W Brooks


Luther UnderwoodtCrit EubanksRobert Sims

john Bingaman-James


HaysBaileyThosPorter RobinsonSidney Dunbar


E P WoodsRobert WoodsJames Woods

HigginsJSam W MenefeeS J Embry SrE T PenceE C WaltonC V GentryW C ShanksW W WithersJ C HaysJames Lynn

BaileyVA C CarmanC VanoyH J Darst

Full carload of these popular vehicles re ¬AgentsforTo popularize their new business in new Iniihliugs with New Stocks and

New Lines being milled

J G Weatherford CoI

Asks you to eaUancl you will be convinced that they can

feather your nestiim

We Are Showing From TheBest innnufiicturcrs in the country a fine and well selectedline of Ladies High Shoes and Oxfords Every lady inCrab Orchard andvicinity is invited to call and see ourstock and be convinced that you do not have to leave theEast End to dress the feet in an uptodate style

W E Perkins

I I t

I L d

Crab OrchardKy
