« -^ —— m 1 ' — -^ +dkmmmmmmm THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, FRIDAY MORNING* NOVEMBER 21, 1947 a 41 Svee. to $ P. Turn.. Thun., | 405! Lineastir A v. Br Sa. 69th St. oToaMe.* •wUfaj-, 1 IVIR YIOD Y SAYS GET IT AT KARL'S 1 There's o Reosee J*. VJ* «rHILAOtU»HIAt LARGEST IAIV CARRIAGE OEALER* VM V 621 Marktt St. $ •Ml* | Whot CIEANER mokes L, wooeVrerk and walk look fresh as paint? answer- OAKITE THE GENTLE, GMASf-DISSOLVING CLEANER Oakite dissolves grease, washes ^Xiway dirt and grime, spots and \f stains. No rubbing and scrubbing. Enjoy the cleaning effi- ciency of Oakite >AKIT Women'sClub Activities The Mount Holyoke Club 0( Philadelphia will sponsor the pres- entation of an illustrated lecture, "Australia's Modern Curiosity Shop," by Commander John Hess, U. 8. Naval Reserves, tonight at 8 o'clock at Germantown Friends' School, Coulter at. and German- town are. proceeds from the lecture will go to the Florence Purtngton Visit- ing Professorship at Mount Holy- oke College. Mrs. Edward G Howe Is chairman of the committee which has planned the lecture. Commander Hess, a vetett$i of World War H, personally phot graphed animals and plant which he will describe. He has pre- sented the same lecture before the National Geographic Society, the Academy of Natural Sciences here and before other organizations. High school girls and their mothers in the local area are in- vited to a tea to be given by the Beaver College Alumnae Club of Philadelphia, tomorrow afternoon •t 2 o'clock at Grey Towers, on the PINKING SHEARS REPLACEABLE BLADES LIFETIME SERVICE Sold Exclusively by MELCHIOR CO. 37 So. 16th St. Rl 6-0867 H4K£S A 6<><k/M omm Than will be a tow of the in - stitution, and movies will be shown of the colle*e by BHaa Marjorie Darling, director of admissions. In the receiving line at the tea, which will be served at four o'clock, will be Or. Raymon Kistler. president •f Beaver Coflege, and Kisttor; Miss Ruth Hlggi of the college; Miss Grace dean of students; Mias Ruth Grant, president of the Alumnae Crab, and Miss Darling. lira. John G. Chappell, of Silver Springs, Md., governor general of the National Society Sons and Daughters of Pilgrims, was among Continued on Page 42, Col. 4 IFIT'S ITS TOPS Get Tartan at Fairlown Stores and Tortan Food Viorkcts • • . soy the women of PHILADELPHIA >! With this new Duff's Hot Roll Mix, you just add water— that's all. And you get perfect results a n hearty, delicious flavor . . . fine, light texture. (diets family will sing your whek you surprise'em uith their favorite rolls. • CONVENIENT • EASY-TO-USE •PERFECT RESULTS EVERY TIME/ IT'S FT* . . . IT'S EASY to bake with this convenient new mix. You'll enjoy mak- ing many different styles of rolls. Complete directions for forming the more popular types are given on the back of the box. Duffs Hot Roll Mix is made by the same folks who make those other famous Duff's Mixes—Gingerbread, Waffle and Hot Muffin - s o you know you can depend on finest quality and complete satisfaction. A best of Duff's Net Hell Mix makos from 12 to It* rolls, depending on me type and size you prefer. After tho dough is preparod, it can bo used all at ones . . . or part of it used immediately and the balance stored in tho refrigerator for as long as 4 or 5 days and used as needed. It will keep perfectly. Complete directions for both "Immediate Baking" and the "Refrigerator Method" are given on every box. O 1M?» American Home Foods, Inc.. N. Y. Sour Grocer has Puffs HOT ROLL MIA— ask for it today J not root eirTi MERCHANDISE $ a | 0 0 CERTIFICATES l w W**T aooroc asfSC SSMRrKOteh sj| THMKSfiJUf/ . . . bo at tared of Satisfaction—bsy oil yeer feed needs for this laaort oaf * " — - -* »•—• Headquorttri"—Yosr Convenient, Naio>borbood Amerleoi Enriched Family FLOUR 5 - Too Highest Grodo Foselly Hoar tdlllod. Try m boo. with oar 9l*d Seat Coke Flour *•. e* 3$ e Sunrise Flavoring Extracts 1o,brt 18c Best Pure Lard » 33c Rob-ford Mixed Nuts * *• 45c Diamond Calif. Walnuts / »*«47e California Seedltss Raisins "**** 12c Fancy Set dud Raisins 11 «> k « 14c Ideal Ground Cinnamon «*— *• 11 c 7-Minit Pie Crust • - >*• 16c Pumpkin Pie Spice v «••« pk « 8c OSCO, or Ideal Rrand Goldon Niw LOWER PRICI Oeeei Sprey CRANBERRY SAUCE 2-39' PAN* AS JESSEY CRANBERRYSAUlE PUMPKIN H.i Ne. 2 V, COO 35c LEAN FRESH JtanraAhk Bhand TURKEYS —better place yosr order at once to bo tore of C itttag on* of thee* plump, teodor. yoaof, Hover- I Lancaster Irand Turkeyi. As always, quality too finest and reasonably priced. PORK LOINS Whole or „ Rib Helf lb 51*&»55' Rib End Pork Chops Loin End Pork Chops Breast of Veal to Fill LAMB ROAST lb 53c Center Cut Pork Chops » 67c * 57c Long Cut Sauer Kraut » 12c »35c ROAST •*- c - ihoulder lb ,b 27c I Neck of Veal '•"•< P.. n uaro Cut houldor lb IM^.II I! .••,•...•,. •••••« —I Breast of Lamb "•»*"> 45 lb *3c Shoulder Lamb Chops ••-•'• »49c 43. BEEF Leas Fresh lb Loan Boiling Beef ™«» •> 25c | Lean Short Ribs of Beef IjL • 35c Fancy Nllttt Oonobw fillets CODFISH HADDOCK »>35c t »39c Jersey SEA TROUT »19c -Ok Large too SCALLOPS *75c OYSTERS -41c Mushrooms *«•• *«•>«• M j9 C Nabisco Saltines HE&&3L * • 14c Apricot Nectar H «» rt D « ,i « ht •»••«••• 37c Dole Pineapple Juice No 2c » n 15c OSCO Pineapple S.*d B VWh H %Z*2U Ho.r/, can Apple Scece TO* 2*^2fe Teatete Seep m$ 1 *»£« Ife Breed C r e m b s ^ a*o H Peerl Barley *"*» »» pej 14* Oyster Crackers f^llt Storliaj ledliod SALT 2 ^ 17c RED KIDNEY BEANS 2 v~' 29« •esf Hoot ood CRACKERS »-23c JUNKIT Powder so. l i t JUNKET Tablets so. 12c PITTED DATES r*-*,23« LAYER FIGS e«pa.17e MWK i2t?eoa* »»*ilfe EVAP. APRICOTS fttfe EVAP.PUCHES *«21s Ideal Peaches F •HX , r e , , ^ 0 S^.' , ' Calif. Fruit Cocktail H.fcvy Syru^ 38c 4SC0 Asparagus S pears H X 37c Ideal Fancy Sweet Peas •£,* 19c Farmdale Sweet Peas % 2 ^ 2 9 0 OSCO Golden Cora «~- «w ^ 19c Acme Whole Kernel Corn "**•*» IBc Rob-ford Sweet Potatoes •%? 18c Farmdale Tomatoes .££ rd 2 N c : n .29c $ahdm jA£Ah JAULU and OsqsJbabkA IDAHO U. S. Ne. 1 All-Purpese White POTATOES 1 0 * 65< ICEBERG LETTUCE » » 15c I CALIF. ORAHSES «ittU„ 5- 29c CELERY f& I?:.'19cI,,,;:,:.23e | FRESH CRANBERRIES »85c 2 ibi 25 c PEARS Luscious Anjou or Bete All Sites BOaDEN-S CHOCOLATI HE MO -59c Orlnk Tow VMooioa md ISn f » •*—47e 5T21c SnifdsUt'A POTATO CHIPS S? 27* .. 7b BsdisJi Bhwd Oaluu!-lhu Ifaml ENRICHED VICTOR V ^ BREAD ~10' Tbo fcoosorvottoa loof for tbo sioH fooaHy. ENRICHED SUPREME BREAD ' •• 13c SPICED RING vasitr VANILLA EAR CAKE <££*£& eaeh39e «»ch43c DUTCH COFFEE CAKE £S2ft£b •"" 3tc VIRGINIA LEE DONUTS ™2i»»fcs21c • . . Our heot-f/o roosfod Coffees PREFERRED by tbroo oat of fear of oar costoaaora heat.fla ROASTED ia Save Coupons on Sag* for Premiums. OSCO 42c: WIN-CREST "£, 39c : 3 $1.12 If yaw prefer a lighter body yet vigorous coffee taste. '•H»l4 .- i- igQai i .,•„,-.,.. •• .'ni.1,,1 n i i. i, , „ . , . 9d&al COFFEE v -— *•*•• **• 47c Prtf«rr»d by lovors of vacuum pock.d eoffo*. R.AR.PIemPeddleej ». 3te 9IUII04IW1IVOS -^ )|t>|) , ?^"#9C Sage or Tbysso oss t c Sweet Marjoram Sc Fritch't Poultry . SeeseeJeg sj^esaa l i e Pie Apples *-* 2^3Se Fmncy Hmmm Mtyt* APPLE SAUCE £f 17* Rob-ford Fancy Whol« Oral* RICE p ; 8 nc!2 P I 9 33« ARM fepj e j ^ rjnyjepk. 2U KEf»PeL-S CAN DY ^ Z . — rt- %Xm Atter Dteeer Mwts *JJ lee 4«*epe JeNy *£••- »-2Ie Preserves ";tJ»7 * J * r 19t VIRGINIA LEE FRUIT CAKE 69':H£d.yS1" SYLVAN SEAL PASTEURIZED FRESH MILK lisrt Bentalnir 19 EXTRA RICH FRESH MILK Svlvon tool QooH Homefonltotf Container Th.i. Milk Pricos Iffoctlv* in Our Pnlla. Sforte 22c FARMDALE EVAP. MILK 4 2. AT ARMOUR'S CORNED BIIF HASH 29 KING MIDAS EGG NOODLES s«f stead 6 • road or Fine 6 o'Clock Mix FOR CORN MUFFINS .v 16« 12 Pk« "33" BLEACH 2^27* Va-aolbotlSc Nabisco Old English Style Biscuits "> > k » 49c Del Monte Grapefruit Sections "• * •"• 17c Glenwood Blended Juice VMSi • — •• 23c Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice "*«• te«"17e Kirkman's Borax Soap Kirkman's Cleanser Kirkman's Granulated Soap Kirkman's Soap Powder KIRKMAN'S SOAP FLAKES 1 37- It-ox pea KIRKMAN'S COMPLEXION SOAP 3 «•*" 24« American Stores MNGS TOUR BELL" — Oer Mb Program ^ teetbrlat *LADYS WEfSTf R-Mee. ffcra Frldey, TOJ 5 A. kt^WCAU These Prices IfveetrVe la Oar Stores esMl Moot Morkots Is Pslla. osd Ylclalty Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

W**T MELCHIOR CO. sj| THMKSfiJUf/fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA Inquirer... · PUMPKIN H.i Ne. 2 V, COO 35c LEAN FRESH JtanraAhk Bhand TURKEYS —betteCr place yosr

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Page 1: W**T MELCHIOR CO. sj| THMKSfiJUf/fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA Inquirer... · PUMPKIN H.i Ne. 2 V, COO 35c LEAN FRESH JtanraAhk Bhand TURKEYS —betteCr place yosr

« - ^ —— — m 1 ' — - ^ — — •


Svee. to $ P. Turn.. Thun.,

| 405! Lineastir A v. Br Sa. 69th St.

oToaMe.* •wUfaj- ,


621 Marktt St. $

• M l * |

Whot CIEANER mokes L , wooeVrerk and walk look fresh as paint?

a n s w e r - OAKITE THE GENTLE,



Oakite dissolves grease, washes ^ X i w a y dirt and grime, spots and

\ f stains. No rubbing and scrubbing. Enjoy the cleaning effi­ciency of Oakite


Women'sClub Activities

The Mount Holyoke Club 0( Philadelphia will sponsor the pres­entation of an illustrated lecture, "Australia's Modern Curiosity Shop," by Commander John Hess, U. 8. Naval Reserves, tonight at 8 o'clock at Germantown Friends' School, Coulter at. and German-town are.

proceeds from the lecture will go to the Florence Purtngton Visit­ing Professorship at Mount Holy­oke College. Mrs. Edward G Howe Is chairman of the committee which has planned the lecture.

Commander Hess, a vetett$i of World War H, personally phot graphed animals and plant which he will describe. He has pre­sented the same lecture before the National Geographic Society, the Academy of Natural Sciences here and before other organizations.

• • • High school girls and their

mothers in the local area are in­vited to a tea to be given by the Beaver College Alumnae Club of Philadelphia, tomorrow afternoon • t 2 o'clock at Grey Towers, on the



Sold Exclusively by

MELCHIOR CO. 37 So. 16th St. Rl 6-0867


6<><k/M omm Than will be a tow of the in -

stitution, and movies will be shown of the colle*e by BHaa Marjorie Darling, director of admissions. In the receiving line at the tea, which will be served at four o'clock, will be Or. Raymon Kistler. president •f Beaver Coflege, and Kisttor; Miss Ruth Hlggi of the college; Miss Grace dean of students; Mias Ruth Grant, president of the Alumnae Crab, and Miss Darling.

lira. John G. Chappell, of Silver Springs, Md., governor general of the National Society Sons and Daughters of Pilgrims, was among

Continued on Page 42, Col. 4

I F I T ' S



Get Tartan at F a i r l o w n Stores

and T o r t a n Food V io rkc ts

• • . soy the women of PHILADELPHIA

>! With this new Duff's Hot Roll

Mix, you just add water— that's all. And you get perfect results

a n hearty, delicious flavor . . . fine, light texture.

(diets family will sing your whek you surprise'em uith

their favorite rolls.




IT'S F T * . . . IT'S EASY to bake with this convenient new mix. You'll enjoy mak­ing many different styles of rolls. Complete directions for forming the more popular types are given on the back of the box.

Duffs Hot Roll Mix is made by the same folks who make those other famous Duff's Mixes—Gingerbread, Waffle and Hot Muffin - s o you know you can depend on finest quality and complete satisfaction.

A best of Duff's Net Hell Mix makos from 12 to I t * rolls, depending on me type and size you prefer. After tho dough is preparod, it can bo used all at ones . . . or part of it used immediately and the balance stored in

tho refrigerator for as long as 4 or 5 days and used as needed. It will keep perfectly. Complete directions for both "Immediate Baking" and the "Refrigerator Method" are given on every box.

O 1M?» American Home Foods, Inc.. N. Y.

Sour Grocer has Puffs HOT ROLL M I A — ask for i t today J

not root eirTi MERCHANDISE $a | 0 0 CERTIFICATES l w

W**T aooroc asfSC SSMRrKOteh

s j | THMKSfiJUf/ . . . bo a t t a r e d o f S a t i s f a c t i o n — b s y oi l yeer f e e d needs f o r this l a a o r t oaf * " — - - * » • — • H e a d q u o r t t r i " — Y o s r Convenient , Na io>borbood Amerleoi

Enriched Family

FLOUR 5 -Too H i g h e s t G r o d o Foselly H o a r td l l lod. T r y m boo. w i t h oar

9l*d Seat Coke Flour * • . e* 3$ e

Sunrise Flavoring Extracts 1o,brt 18c Best Pure Lard » 33c Rob-ford Mixed Nuts * *• 45c Diamond Calif. Walnuts / »*«47e California Seedltss Raisins "**** 12c Fancy Set dud Raisins 11«>k« 14c Ideal Ground Cinnamon «*— * • 11 c 7-Minit Pie Crust • - >*• 16c Pumpkin Pie Spice v«••« pk« 8c

OSCO, or Ideal Rrand Goldon Niw LOWER PRICI

Oeeei Sprey





Ne. 2 V, COO



JtanraAhk Bhand

TURKEYS — b e t t e r p lace y o s r o r d e r a t once t o bo t o r e o f

Ci t t tag o n * of thee* plump, teodor . y o a o f , H o v e r -I Lancaster I r a n d T u r k e y i . A s a l w a y s , qua l i ty

too f inest and reasonably p r i c e d .

PORK LOINS Whole or „ Rib Helf lb 51*&»55'

Rib End Pork Chops Loin End Pork Chops

Breast of Veal to Fill


lb 53c Center Cut Pork Chops » 67c * 57c Long Cut Sauer Kraut » 12c


R O A S T •*-c-ihoulder lb

,b27c I Neck of Veal '•"•< P..

nuaro Cut houldor lb

IM^.II I! . • • , • . . . • , . • • • • • « —I

Breast of Lamb "•»*"> 45

lb*3c Shoulder Lamb Chops ••-•'• »49c

43. BEEF Leas Fresh lb

Loan Boiling Beef ™«» •> 25c | Lean Short Ribs of Beef IjL • 35c Fancy Nllttt Oonobw fillets

CODFISH HADDOCK »>35c t »39c




Large too SCALLOPS

*75c OYSTERS - 4 1 c

Mushrooms *«•• *«•>«• ^« M j 9 C

Nabisco Saltines HE&&3L * • 14c Apricot Nectar H«»rt'» D«,i«ht •»••«••• 37c Dole Pineapple Juice No 2c»n 15c OSCO Pineapple S.*dB VWh

H%Z*2U Ho.r/,


Apple Scece T O * 2 * ^ 2 f e Teatete Seep m$ 1 *»£« Ife Breed C r e m b s ^ a*o H Peerl Barley *"*» »» pej 14* Oyster Crackers f ^ l l t S t o r l i a j l ed l iod

SALT 2 ^ 17c


BEANS 2 v~' 29«

• e s f Hoo t ood

CRACKERS » - 2 3 c JUNKIT Powder so. l i t JUNKET Tablets so. 12c PITTED DATES r * - * , 2 3 « LAYER FIGS e«pa.17e M W K i 2 t ? e o a * » » * i l f e EVAP. APRICOTS fttfe EVAP.PUCHES * « 2 1 s

Ideal Peaches F•HX,re,,^0S .',' Calif. Fruit Cocktail H.fcvy

Syru^ 38c

4SC0 Asparagus S pears ™ HX 37c Ideal Fancy Sweet Peas •£,* 19c Farmdale Sweet Peas % 2 ^ 2 9 0 OSCO Golden Cora «~ - «w ^ 19c Acme Whole Kernel Corn "**•*» IBc Rob-ford Sweet Potatoes •%? 18c Farmdale Tomatoes .££ r d 2 N


$ahdm jA£Ah JAULU and OsqsJbabkA

IDAHO U. S. Ne. 1 All-Purpese White

POTATOES 1 0 * 65< ICEBERG LETTUCE » »15c I CALIF. ORAHSES«ittU„ 5 - 29c CELERY f& I?:.'19cI,,,;:,:.23e | FRESH CRANBERRIES »85c

2ibi 25c PEARS Luscious Anjou or Bete

All Sites


HE MO -59c Orlnk Tow VMooioa md ISn f»





.. 7b BsdisJi Bhwd Oaluu!-lhu Ifaml ENRICHED VICTOR V ^

BREAD ~10' Tbo fcoosorvottoa loof f o r tbo s i o H fooaHy.


eaeh39e « » c h 4 3 c


• . . O u r heot- f /o r o o s f o d C o f f e e s PREFERRED b y tbroo o a t o f f e a r o f o a r costoaaora

heat.fla ROASTED

ia Save Coupons on Sag* for Premiums. OSCO 42c:

WIN-CREST"£, 39c : 3 i£ $1.12 If yaw prefer a lighter body yet vigorous coffee taste.

'•H»l4 . - i- igQai i . , • „ , - . , . . •• .'ni.1,,1 n i i. i, , „ . , .

9d&al COFFEEv-— *•*•• **• 47c Prtf«rr»d by lovors of vacuum pock.d eoffo*.

R.AR.PIemPeddleej ». 3te 9 I U I I 0 4 I W 1 I V O S -^ ) | t> | )

, ? ^ " # 9 C

Sage or Tbysso oss tc

Sweet Marjoram * £ Sc Fritch't Poultry .

SeeseeJeg sj esaa l i e Pie Apples *-* 2 ^ 3 S e

Fmncy Hmmm Mtyt*


Rob-ford Fancy Whol« Oral*

RICEp;8nc!2PI933« ARM fepj e j ^ rjnyjepk. 2U KEf»PeL-S CAN DY ^ Z . — rt- %Xm

Atter Dteeer Mwts *JJ lee 4«*epe JeNy *£••- » -2 Ie

Preserves ";tJ»7 *J*r19t


FRUIT CAKE 69':H£d.yS1"


FRESH MILK lisrt Bentalnir 19

EXTRA RICH FRESH MILK Svlvon tool QooH Homefonltotf Container

Th. i . Milk Pricos Iffoctlv* in Our Pnlla. Sforte 22c






s « f s t e a d 6

• road or Fine

6 o'Clock Mix FOR

CORN MUFFINS .v 16« 12



2^27* V a - a o l b o t l S c

Nabisco Old English Style Biscuits "> >k» 49c Del Monte Grapefruit Sections "• * •"• 17c Glenwood Blended Juice VMSi • — • • 23c Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice "*«• te«"17e

Kirkman's Borax Soap Kirkman's Cleanser Kirkman's Granulated Soap Kirkman's Soap Powder



37-I t - o x



3 «•*" 24« American Stores MNGS TOUR BELL" — Oer Mb Program ^

teetbrlat *LADYS WEfSTf R - M e e . ffcra Frldey, TO J 5 A. kt^WCAU

These Prices IfveetrVe la Oar Stores esMl M o o t M o r k o t s Is Ps l la . o s d Y l c l a l t y

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