WWF Tanzania Country Office Plot 350, Regent Estate Mikocheni P.O. Box 63117 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel. +255 – 22 - 2775346/2772455/2700077 Fax: +255 – 22 – 2775535 Mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.panda.org Media Release World Elephant Day: Conserve and protect the Elephant from the numerous threats it faces The world is presently witnessing brutality & annihilation of one of the most charismatic mammals on earth, the African Elephant at a shocking rate in human history. Poaching, habitat loss and other cruelty are alarming. Tanzania being a treasure of elephants in Africa has recently revealed its catastrophe. The recent elephant census conducted in the main elephant ecosystems for seven months consecutively from May to November 2014, indicates a significant decline of current elephant population in Tanzania from 2009 to 2014 survey by 60%. At independence in 1961 there were 350,000 elephants and in 2009 were 110,000 and by 2014 the number dwindled to about 43,521. ‘The increase in elephant poaching is highly linked to an increase of ivory prices and illegal markets in the Far East and South East Asia’ Says Dr. Amani Ngusaru, WWF Tanzania Country Director on marking the World Elephant Day, 12th August 2015, in Dar es Salaam. Elephant poaching and trafficking of wildlife has increased dramatically in recent years, threatening the three pillars of life on earth: - sustainable development, peace and human rights. It is now more urgent and important to come up with interventions that address the root causes of elephant poaching through more and improved international cooperation in source, transit and consumer countries as well as to identify and address any gaps in the current anti-poaching strategies for better protection of wild elephants. There is also a need for improving enforcement policies to prevent the illegal poaching and trade of ivory, conserving elephant habitats, better treatment for captive elephants and when appropriate, reintroducing captive elephants into natural and protected sanctuaries. These are the goals that elephant conservation organizations are focusing on around the world.

World Elephant Day 12 August 2015 WWF

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Its World Elephants Day 12 August, 2015, WWF Tanzania has issued a Press Release to the media partners so as to mark this day and give an organization position on the Elephants status in Tanzania.

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WWF Tanzania Country OfficePlot 350, Regent Estate MikocheniP.O. Box 63117 Dar es Salaa, !an"ania!el. #$55 % $$ & $7753'6($77$'55($700077)ax* #$55 % $$ % $775535Mail* in+o,--+t".org.e/* http://www.panda.orgMedia Release 2015-08-12World Elephant Day: Conserve and protect the Elephant from the numerousthreats it facesThe world is presently witnessing brutality &annihilation of one of the mostcharismaticmammalsonearth, theAfricanElephant at ashockingrateinhumanhistory. Poaching, habitat loss and other cruelty are alarming. Tanania being atreasureof elephants inAfricahas recentlyre!ealedits catastrophe. Therecentelephant census conducted in the main elephant ecosystems for se!en monthsconsecuti!ely from "ay to #o!ember $%&', indicates a signi(cant decline of currentelephant population in Tanania from $%%) to $%&' sur!ey by *%+. At independence in&)*&therewere,-%,%%%elephantsandin$%%)were&&%,%%%andby$%&'thenumber dwindled to about ',,-$&.

.The increase in elephant poaching is highly linked to an increase of i!ory prices andillegal markets inthe /arEast and 0outh EastAsia10ays2r. Amani #gusaru,33/Tanania 4ountry 2irector on marking the 3orld Elephant 2ay, &$th August $%&-, in2ar es 0alaam. Elephant poaching and tra5cking of wildlife has increased dramaticallyin recent years, threatening the three pillars of life on earth: 6 sustainablede!elopment, peace and human rights. 7t is now more urgent and important to come up with inter!entions that address theroot causes of elephant poaching through more and impro!ed internationalcooperationinsource, transit andconsumer countriesas well as toidentifyandaddress any gaps in the current anti6poaching strategies for better protection of wildelephants. Thereisalsoaneedfor impro!ingenforcement policiestopre!enttheillegal poaching and trade of i!ory, conser!ing elephant habitats, better treatment forcapti!e elephants and when appropriate, reintroducing capti!e elephants into naturaland protected sanctuaries. These are the goals that elephant conser!ationorganiations are focusing on around the world.2uetopoachingbetween&)8%sand&)9%s, theelephant populationinTananiadeclined to --,%%% but then the international ban of sale of i!ory and other elephantproductstogether withhighlye:ecti!eanti6poachingoperationsthrough;perationo!ernment of Tananiae:ortsandcontributetocombatingpoaching at the grass root le!el while working with local communities in implementinggo!ernmentinclusi!emanagementpolicies. Therele!antpolicyapproachesinclude4ommunity?ased#atural @esources "anagement AB4?#@"C throughthe3ildlife"anagement Areas B3"AC, community based forest management B4?/"C,participatory forest management BP/"C and Doint forest management BE/"C. 7n someareas, e!en ?each "anagement o!ernment led #ational campaigns that are well researchedaimedat beha!ior changeanddemandreduction. 7t isimportant alsotoconsiderincreasingthecapacityof local communitiestopursuesustainableandalternati!eli!elihoods as well as enhancing local communities1 rights and capacity to manage andbene(t fromwildlifeandenablesthemtoli!einmoreeIuitablesocio6 economicconditions. 7f successfully conducted, the integrated approach will pro!ide network ofsympathiers at the grass root le!el that would feed into the national anti6poachingintelligence network more e5ciently and with less in!estment costs./or more info please contact: 33/ Tanania, 4ommunications ;5ce, 2ar Es 0alaam,[email protected]