World Art II Paper

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  • 7/28/2019 World Art II Paper


    Salami 1

    Olawale Salami

    World Art II

    Dr. Mckeown

    24 April 2012

    World Art II paper

    The painting chose isMadonna and child with St. John the Baptist, a Renaissance

    painting from the 15th

    century. There are many paintings I saw that had the same title, but

    this particular one was different. This painting was made from tempera on wood and

    created by a follower ofLorenzo de Credi, at the Florentine school(1456/60-1537). The

    painting is fairly large and still in good shape. As presented in front of the viewer

    Madonna has her hands clasp kneeling, while looking at her child at Christ. To her left

    and right are angels looking at Christ as well. The angel to Madonnas right is also

    kneeling and looks as if she is about to clasp her hand like Madonna did. The angel to her

    left has her hands placed on her chest while kneeling looking at Christ. Beside the angel

    to Madonnas right side is a child holding a cross looking at the angel. In the far back of

    the painting St. John the Baptist is sitting on a rock that appears to be 15 ft. tall. For some

    reason, he is looking away from the action that is happening, as if he saw something

    flying in the sky. The entire scene appears to be a building with columns beside St. John

    who is outside of the shelter. Something interesting about this painting is while Christ is

    looking at Madonna he is holding some kind of bird. It doesnt seem like people would

    have caught that, because you have to really look close to the painting in order to see it. I

    dont know if that was something symbolic orit was a reference to the painting.

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    From the evidence Ive explained clearly represents Renaissance paintings

    because of where it was created, the artist that created it, and the design of the painting. A

    painting like this I would normally see in the past made in Italy. The technique and style

    presented in this painting looks like the use of realism seen in other Italian paintings such

    as, Parmigianinos paintingMadonna with long neck, Sforza Altarpiece, andMadonna of

    the rocks. All of these paintings period of time was between 1400 through 1500. This

    selected painting I choose style is typically a Renaissance painting because back then the

    general paint selected was egg tempera. Another reason is other artists made the same

    painting, but in different styles, painting, and characters in the painting. Some have just

    Madonna and Christ or those two and another child giving Christ the cross. There are

    other paintings where there are angels and people in the painting. Most of the best

    paintings back in the past came from Europe and they almost always had a religious

    feature to the painting. Also stories that were told about society back then about their

    religious views caused them to create such magnificent paintings, but thats not the case.

    Actually it wasnt the religious views of society back then that made them create

    religious paintings. It was the new aesthetic view, creative mind, and values that the artist

    had that created these exceptional paintings.

    This painting style reflects to the artist and the worldview by its general

    appearance, style, technique, what was used to create the painting, what it referenced to,

    its purpose, who created it, (and if so was it a famous artist), the period it was created, the

    place it was created in, and etc. There are many more worldviews art expresses that are

    seen in paintings and what it reflects to. This particular painting may have been reflected

    by other similar paintings from different artists who created the same painting, but in a

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    different way. Either they had added some features to the original painting or recreated it

    their own way. For exampleRaphaelsMadonna and Childmay have been influenced

    byLeonardos Madonna and Childand passed down to other artists that were influenced

    by them as well. These artists lived in Europe where Renaissance art is commonly looked

    at, which definitely expresses art in a worldview.

    The second painting I selected was The Slaying of Medusa, created byLuca

    Giordano in 1680. This painting is a Baroque style of art created by oil on canvas. I could

    tell because of style it shows, its appearance, what it was created by, and the time period.

    This painting was very wide because of the many scenes depicted in the painting, as if it

    were a series of stories put together and action was presented throughout the whole

    painting creating mass suspense to the viewer. I think it would make the viewer want to

    know what was to occur next, but the people will generally have a point what was to

    happen next. Presented is (I believe from the story) Perseus trying to make his way to

    slay Medusa. To the left side of the painting are corpses that have been slain by Perseus

    on hard rocks, as if they were battling near an ocean. Something interesting about that

    side of the painting is one of the corpse looks like there is a hammer lodged into the

    shoulder, or maybe it was dropped during battle. Either way it shows some of the

    effectiveness in the painting. This scene of the painting will catch the attention of anyone

    who views it because it shows Perseus about to attack a soldier. The way Perseuss

    position of attack is the main focus of the painting, which attracts all of the attention to

    the viewers. The soldier that is about to get attacked has his shield ready to block the

    attack, but doesnt seem that it will work. This whole painting shows some graphic parts,

    but the fierceness that people like to see in a painting.

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    This painting reminds me of theDavid by Donatello,Judith slaying Holofernes

    by Gentileschi and for some reason the Oath of the Horatii by David. I say this because of

    the muscularity of Perseus reminded me of the David, when Judith almost removed

    Holoferness head and for some reason when the sons of Horatius raised their hands to

    their oath. I think that because as I mentioned the muscularity, new style, technique of the

    painting, and also when Horatius raised the swords in the air, (not really similar to how

    Perseus raised his, but because both of them raised their sword in the air. Most of all the

    painting Judith slaying Holofernes reminded me because of the tone and style of the

    painting. The painting doesnt fully have a typical subject matter similar to other Baroque

    artwork besides the style, the time period, and the region. It still shows evidence of a

    Baroque painting by the tone of color used; it makes some difference between

    Renaissance and Baroque artwork.

    Society in the Baroque period started a new way of artistic style. Some of it was

    borrowed ideas from the Renaissance, but more was added to it. Baroque consisted of

    new artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to

    produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture,

    literature, dance, and music. The style started around 1600 in Rome, Italy and spread to

    most of Europe (Fargis). Peoples Ideas and values were also political instead of all

    religious. This new act influenced a different kind of aesthetic view to artist, which they

    created perspective in art.

    In a way this paintings style has reflected the artist and the societys worldview,

    because of the action displayed and the type, the detail, and the material used to create the

    painting. This painting doesnt really have an impact on society worldview, but only

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    when battles have occurred in the past. Also the theme of the painting doesnt match wait

    people do on an everyday bases. The content of the work reflects to the artist by drama

    and conflict with their lives. So, this painting doesnt quite impact society or the artist

    themselves, but the way the painting style, proportion, feature, realism, naturalism, and


    Both of the paintings I have selected are very good types of Renaissance and

    Baroque paintings that would be considered well created. I say this because of the quality

    of the work and what it was made out of.Madonna and Childis more famous than The

    Slaying of Medusa, mainly because it was commonly re-painted by many other artists and

    more people are fond of hearing it more. That doesnt mean that it is better than Slaying

    of Medusa. The Slaying of Medusa has more quality, action, space, and drama, than

    Madonna and child, but Madonna and child has a more calm, peaceful, caring, religious,

    and natural setting than the Medusa painting. Both of these paintings also have features

    that you really have to look at closely to see a reference that the artists are referring to.

    They both have to have a moment of time to be looked at to understand what really is

    going on, instead of what is seen. The style of painting is different of course, because of

    the time periods and the material used to make the paintings, but certainly does not

    clarify which painting is better. Though the Baroque painting was made later than the

    Renaissance it still doesnt make it any bigger difference than the two, even though The

    Slaying of Medusa is wider thanMadonna and child. They both are linked to the past and

    have, but Slaying of Medusa has an interesting Mythological reference.

    Comparing these two pieces has definitely clarified different worldviews of both

    societies, because of their origin, time period, artist, style, and etc... Renaissance art made

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    a huge impact in society back then and it still does know because of the major difference

    of work, artists, and movement that impact Europe and spread across the world. Many

    other ideas were borrowed, used, copied, and re-created because of it. This is one reason

    that Baroque art was created because of Renaissance art. Baroque as well made a big

    impact as well of the drama, perspective, dance, and music it brought to the world. If it

    wasnt for these movements these two paintings would have not been created. So

    comparing these two paintings have a different worldview in both societies mostly

    because of its origin. The quote Art expresses the cultural worldview of the society in

    which the artist lives is correct mainly because of the origin of the art, because of where

    these paintings where created drags the attention of the people and when it does it spreads

    to other people and influence other artists as well. When this happens more people will

    become interested in learning about it to create their own or people will want to purchase

    more of it and study about it as well.