Workplace Safety: Safety – Be Part of the team Grade 9 Health The purpose of this unit is to examine issues surrounding health and safety in the workplace. Brainstorm: What is workplace safety, and what are some of the effects of unsafe practices in the work force?

Workplace Safety: Safety – Be Part of the team Grade 9 Health The purpose of this unit is to examine issues surrounding health and safety in the workplace

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  • Workplace Safety: Safety Be Part of the team Grade 9 Health The purpose of this unit is to examine issues surrounding health and safety in the workplace. Brainstorm: What is workplace safety, and what are some of the effects of unsafe practices in the work force?
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  • Workplace Safety Answer: Are all injuries at work or play preventable? Do you know someone who has been injured at work or play? How could the injury have been prevented? What are some characteristics of a good team player? How does being a good team player affect job safety?
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  • It Only Takes a second It Only Takes A Second Discuss: What is the human and financial cost of workplace injuries and fatalities? Why are young workers injured more frequently than older more experienced workers?
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  • Complete Answer Booklet Complete fill in the blank answer booklet. This completes Activity 1.
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  • Activity 2: Hazard Alert What were some of the hazards in the It Only Takes a Second video? Do these hazards exist in all areas of our lives? How do you recognize and evaluate these hazards? Hazard: action or situation or substance that could injure, kill, make sick, or affect mental health. Risk: probability or chance of an accident or loss.
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  • Evaluating your environment for safety The following are items that may be included in a health and safety inspection of a work environment. Air quality building and structure fire prevention Furniture emergency procedures first aid kits walking and work areas personal protective equipment guards on all moving parts of machines house keeping environmental conditions proper lifting in all areas ladders and climbing devices eye wash stations
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  • Answers Gas Bar Attendant Food Service Worker Retail Clerk Outdoor worker Robbery, abusive clients, toxic substances, late nights Slippery floors, hot equipment, sharp objects Violent crimes, lifting, stress Cold, heat, noise, eye, respiratory, skin
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  • Answers Receptionist Farm worker Harassment, work station, lighting Chemicals, equipment, noise, animals
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  • Controlling a hazard There are three steps to controlling a hazard: Recognition Evaluation Control Easy way to remember: Stop Think Do
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  • Complete Booklet Workplace hazards Bloody Lucky What were some of the recurring issues you noticed in the videos? Choose a video. How would you fix the situation? Were all of the accidents avoidable? How?
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  • Bloody Lucky
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  • High School Video Contest Students showcase their creativity through videos demonstrating safe work practices. Watch the following 3 student videos. It's your job to take proper safety precautions Expect the Unexpected It's your job to know your job Which video did you find the most effective? Why? What was the lesson? What would you change to make it better. Brainstorm a video you would do.
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  • Activity 3 Everyone is responsible for safety What if?
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  • Why are young workers at a greater risk of injury at work? Worker inexperience Type of workWorker attitude Lack of preparation Lack of confidence Lack of training and work experience Dangerous jobs Pace of work Wont ask questions Feel invincible Distracted, thinking of other things
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  • Pop Quiz What are the 4 types of hazards? Answers on next slide
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  • Answers Physical Chemical Biological Ergonomic (Health)
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  • Discuss Who is responsible for safety in the classroom? What rights do students have? What responsibilities do students have?
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  • Scenarios In groups, discuss the responsibilities of the worker and employer in the scenario and record your findings. Remember: safety of workers is everyones job.
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  • Responsibility for Safety Scenarios Employee ResponsibilityEmployer Responsibility #1 report that it is unsafe to block fire exit Clean up spills Wear rubber shoes Organize time accordingly Follow safety rules and procedures #1 ensure fire exit is clear for emergency access Ensure work area is safe and clean Provide training Correct hazards Supervise workers #2 report unsafe work conditions Do not put yourself at risk Follow safety rules and procedures #2 repair or replace old ladder Properly train and supervise workers and activities Inspect equipment regularly Ensure workers report unsafe conditions
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  • Responsibility for Safety Scenarios #3 take stretch breaks Report injuries Report ergonomic issues Follow safe procedures #3 ensure workstation is ergonomically correct for worker Record and report worker injuries Ensure staff take regular breaks #4 wear PPE Follow procedures Report headaches to supervisor #4 provide proper breathing protection Ensure adequate air flow Report worker injuries Provide training #5 ensure safe work procedures Ensure work is conducted with proper fall protection Do not overextend Report unsafe conditions #5 provide training Ensure workers are supervised Ensure fall protection is worn Correct hazards promptly Regularly inspect work area
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  • Responsibility for Safety Scenarios #6 follow safe procedures for violence Do not argue Report situation Do not provoke angry customer #6 ensure workers do not provoke customer Provide violence training Ensure workers are treated with respect Ensure violence regulations are followed #7 do not wear protective gloves if there are holes Report unsafe conditions Follow safety rules and procedures #7 correct hazards Ensure procedures are followed Ensure workers do not take risks #8 ask for noise assessment Wear hearing protection Follow procedures #8 reduce noise exposure Establish hearing conservation program to all affected workers Ensure hearing protection is worn
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  • Responsibility for Safety Scenarios #9 ask for assistance Do not operate equipment without training Follow safe procedures #9 provide training Ensure equipment is operated safely Provide assistance Ensure proper training and supervision #10ask for bins that can be carried properly Follow safe procedures Ask for assistance #10 provide safe bins Ensure safe procedures are followed Correct hazards Provide training
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  • Activity 4 Are You in Danger - video
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  • Are You In Danger Answers 1) Less experience, tend to rush, lack of training, less responsible, wont ask questions, cant recognize hazards. 2) 3 legal rights 1) right to know 2) right to participate 3) right to refuse dangerous work 3) Take precautions, training, provide safe working environment, supervision, comply with Occupational Health and Safety, maintain equipment 4) Take precautions, comply with Occupational Health and Safety, ask for training, follow rules, report injuries and unsafe conditions, wear safety equipment
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  • Are You In Danger Answers 5) Identify hazards, avoid injury, stay safe 6) supervisor, health and safety, coworkers, friends, family, employer Part 2 1) What kind of job? 2) What training will I receive? 3) How fast have staff been turning over? 4) What kind of equipment, chemicals, and materials will be used? 5) What kind of supervision?
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  • All Employees Have Responsibilities on the Job - Follow rules and regulations - Ask for training you need to do the job safely - Report all injuries and unsafe working conditions - Wear proper protective equipment - Do the job safely
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  • Are you in danger Top 10 Health and Safety Pics Workplace Quizzes
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  • Activity 5 Dying to Work video Complete video response sheet Complete Make the Job Safer scenarios Lost Youth Video and Questions Background Test: review and write.
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  • Lost Youth Discussion Discussion starters What are some of the reasons Michael, Jennifer, John, and Nick were injured at work? What safety messages/issues were conveyed in the video? What role does the employer play in keeping workers safe at work? What role does the worker play in keeping himself or herself safe at work? What can parents do to help keep their kids safe at work? What are some of the potential hazards at your place of work? What strategies could you use to keep yourself safe at work?
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  • Lost Youth Questions 1) List 3 rights of all workers. 2) Why do you think it takes an accident to change how things are done in the workplace? 3) Why do young workers feel the need to prove themselves? 4) What are some issues with training? 5) How could each accident have been prevented? 6) What are some things you would have to change if you were injured? What would you have to give up or learn differently?
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  • Poster Project Task: Create a safety poster for the workplace. Poster should be neat and attractive, present an important safety message, and be easy to understand. Needs to be colored, but you will not be marked on artistic ability. Should incorporate things you have learned in this unit. i.e. hazards, rights, responsibilities, etc. Should try to be creative and original. Marked out of 20. Rubric See following for examples:
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  • Test Review Know the following: Three rights of all workers What is the Workers Compensation Board (WCB)? What is Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)? And what does it do? Who can you talk to about health and safety on the job? What is personal protective equipment (PPE) and some examples?
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  • Test Review What are some responsibilities an employee has with regard to on the job health and safety? Who has the responsibility for providing training? When should you practice the right to refuse? WCB believes what % of accidents can be prevented? What is the series of symbols used to identify workplace hazards? What is an accident? What are some responsibilities of the employer under OH&S?
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  • Test Review Name the four types of hazards and give an example of each. What are some examples of health and safety information a new employee should receive? What are some unsafe acts or conditions that may cause a slip, trip, or fall? There will be 10 true and false questions. You will complete a case study, breakdown equipment and materials, rules and procedures, PPE, and speaking up.
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  • Ask yourself three questions.
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  • How could I get hurt at work? All workers have the right to know. Your rights are outlined in the provincial Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Go to www.wcb.pe.ca for this information. www.wcb.pe.ca
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  • How could I get hurt at work? Your employer has a responsibility for your safety by: Providing training Pointing out hazards Developing safe work procedures Ensuring that you are trained to use and wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as required by the task Providing proper supervision
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  • How could I get hurt at work? You have a role to play in staying safe by: Learning to recognize hazards Looking for hazards everywhere Thinking of all four hazard categories Physical Chemical Biological Ergonomic Reporting hazards to a supervisor
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  • Do I have a say in my workplace safety? All workers have the right to participate. Your rights are outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety legislation of your province. Go to www.wcb.pe.ca for this information.www.wcb.pe.ca
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  • When do I say, no! ? All workers have the right to refuse unsafe work. Your rights are outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety legislation of your province. Go to www.wcb.pe.ca for this information.www.wcb.pe.ca
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  • When do I say, no! ? To refuse unsafe work: Step 1 - Talk with your supervisor Step 2 (If that doesnt work) Talk with your Health and Safety Representative or someone on the Joint Health and Safety Committee Step 3 (If that doesnt work either) - Call the OHS Division