W OLBOER W OOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the past week and increased significantly with the Cape Wools Merino indicator gaining 5,3% on the previous sale to close at a value of R129,76 (clean). On the Australian market, the indicator gained 4,2%. The Cape Wools All Wool indicator strengthened by 4,9%. Traders eagerly competed for the selection of good, fine wools on offer and commented that there is a decent demand from European and Asian buyers. Prediction research scientist Cobus Olivier says there is currently a very strong El Niño phase in effect and there is significant concern for South Africa’s summer rainfall areas. Olivier said this affects weather patterns all over the country, with the rainfall-bearing systems moving away and being replaced by a system not favourable to rainfall. The problem with drought is that we never know how long it will last and farmers need to be prepared. Visit the new drought management section on the NWGA website for valuable advice. Inform us about events in your area or if you want to receive the newsletter. Contact Karen Grobler 082 774 7008 or e-mail [email protected] or Bonita Francis [email protected], or call 041 365 5030. Remember to visit our Facebook page. The link is https://www.facebook.com/pages/NWGA/679678912058277 >>> Inhoud >>> Content 1. Advice on drought management 2. Deeltydse veeproduksiekursus nou beskikbaar 3. Harry Prinsloo in nuwe rol by Agri SA 4. Cost benefit of predation management 5. Jonges leer skeer 6. Richmond-studiegroep groei 7. Report unavailability of vaccines 8. Does meat cause cancer? 9. 2016 Calendar Foreword This e-newsletter is compiled from sources that are deemed reliable. However, the publisher accepts no responsibility for any errors or the effect of any decisions based on this publication. BKB is die hoofborg van hierdie nuusbrief.

WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

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Page 1: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the


Oktober/October 2015NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32

The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the past week and increased significantly with the Cape Wools Merino indicator gaining 5,3% on the previous sale to close at a value of R129,76 (clean). On the Australian market, the indicator gained 4,2%. The Cape Wools All Wool indicator strengthened by 4,9%.

Traders eagerly competed for the selection of good, fine wools on offer and commented that there is a decent demand from European and Asian buyers.

Prediction research scientist Cobus Olivier says there is currently a very strong El Niño phase in effect and there is significant concern for South Africa’s summer rainfall areas. Olivier said this affects weather patterns all over the country, with the rainfall-bearing systems moving away and being replaced by a system not favourable to rainfall.

The problem with drought is that we never know how long it will last and farmers need to be prepared. Visit the new drought management section on the NWGA website for valuable advice.

Inform us about events in your area or if you want to receive the newsletter. Contact Karen Grobler 082 774 7008 or e-mail [email protected] or Bonita Francis [email protected], or call 041 365 5030.

Remember to visit our Facebook page. The link is https://www.facebook.com/pages/NWGA/679678912058277

>>> Inhoud >>> Content

1. Advice on drought management

2. Deeltydse veeproduksiekursus

nou beskikbaar

3. Harry Prinsloo in nuwe rol by Agri SA

4. Cost benefit of predation management

5. Jonges leer skeer

6. Richmond-studiegroep groei

7. Report unavailability of vaccines

8. Does meat cause cancer?

9. 2016 Calendar


This e-newsletter is compiled from sources that are deemed reliable. However, the publisher accepts no responsibility for any errors or the effect of any decisions based on this publication.

BKB is die hoofborg van hierdie nuusbrief.

Page 2: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

Advice on drought management1

There is mounting evidence of a likely dry and hot summer season. These conditions may promote regional or localised drought. It is therefore advisable to monitor medium- and shorter-range weather forecasts for the development of conditions that may alter or strengthen the expectation of the current forecast.

In the monthly report on livestock disease trends for September, Dr Faffa Malan warns, “It is still dry in many parts of the country and nutritional value of grazing is poor. Protein and energy deficiencies are widely reported and numerous animals are so-called down-ers, unable to rise. As the condition score of animals deteriorate, so does their immune status. Parasites and disease will take their toll if supplementary feed is not available. Be on the lookout for green, toxic plants, such as gifblaar, gousiektebossie, tulip, slangkop and ink berry. If animals eat these plants, heavy losses may occur.”

As a proactive measure, the NWGA has added a new category, drought management, on its website to assist farmers with drought management. Links to articles relating to the effective management and feeding of sheep in drought conditions and the utilisa-tion of agave (garingboom) as additional feeding sources for sheep are but a few of the articles to consider in this looming dry period.

Visit www.nwga.co.za/drought/drought-management.html for drought-related articles. In addition, the Wool Farmer will also publish drought-related articles.

Page 3: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

Deeltydse veeproduksiekursus nou beskikbaar


In ’n poging om landbou te bevorder bied Vrystaat RPO jong boere die geleentheid om deel-tyds ’n praktykgerigte nasionale diploma in veeproduksie te verwerf. Heelwat voornemende jong boere wil hulle in ’n landbourigting laat bekwaam, maar kan nie voltyds by ’n tersiêre instelling inskakel nie.

Die RPO het in samewerking met die BathoPele-landbou-ontwikkelingsinstituut ’n kursus ontwikkel vir ’n nasionale diploma in diereproduksie wat deeltyds in plattelandse gebiede aangebied word. Die diploma word oor 24 maande verwerf.

Die modules sluit die volgende temas in:• boerderybestuur• agrimarkte en bemarking • personeelbestuur• infrastruktuur en hulpbronbestuur • plaastegnologie en meganisasie • gewasproduksie• veeproduksie • finansiële bestuur • ondernemingsbestuur.

Die praktiese sessies sluit in ’n wolkursus, reproduksiemodelle, beste praktykplaasbe-soeke, ’n skeerkursus, voedingsprogramme/modelle, lewendehawe-bemarkingsmodelle en ’n besoek aan ’n abattoir.

Die eerste groep studente het reeds hul diplomas ontvang. Ses nuwe programme word in Februarie 2016 in Bloemfontein, Cradock, Ermelo, Vryburg, Hopetown en Kokstad begin en nog programme in ander streke volg later. Vir inligting, besoek www.rpo.co.za of skakel 051 451 1120.

Harry Prinsloo in nuwe rol by Agri SA 3

Harry Prinsloo, voormalige voorsitter van die NWKV, is as voorsitter van Agri SA se bedryfs-kamer verkies. Harry sal in dié hoedanigheid verantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir affiliëring en disaffiliëring van bedryfsorganisasies, die vestiging en toepassing van protokol vir ledegeld en regskoste, die toepassing van die grondwet ten opsigte van allokasie van stemgeregtigde afgevaardigdes na die Agri SA-kongres en die hantering en uitvoering van opdragte vanaf die kongres en algemene raad.

Harry is ook voorsitter van die kommersiële beleidskomitee binne Agri SA. Die NWKV wens Harry alles van die beste toe met hierdie belangrike pos binne georgani-

seerde landbou en vertrou dat hy net die beste vir landbou in Suid-Afrika sal beding.

Page 4: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

Cost benefit of predation management4

In his latest annual report, Niel Viljoen has calculated the cost benefit of predation man-agement on 29 monitor farms in South Africa. He used all available data between 2008 and 2014. The predation on each monitor farm is managed according to its specific set of predation conditions. The management tools used are those best suited to that farm, including non-lethal and lethal.

His report highlights the following: • It takes approximately three to four years for the management plan to

reach the break-even point.• Thereafter, the benefit outweighs the cost of the management pro-

gramme between 6 and 56% per year, depending on the initial magni-tude of losses.

• Isolating a farm from surrounding properties, as well as internal isolation of specifically lambing areas, with jackal-proof fences and/or electri-cal fences, is probably one of the best long-term tools in the predation management toolbox.

Jonges leer skeer5

Die Hoër Landbouskool Marlow bied jaarliks, gedu-rende die laaste week van die derde kwartaal, kort kursusse vir graad 10- en 11-leerders aan. Dit sluit onder meer kursusse oor ongediertebeheer, junior Boerbokbeoordeling, sweis, trekkerinstandhouding, KI by beeste en skeer in.

Die skeerkursus vind in samewerking met die NWKV plaas. Die hoofdoel van die skeerkursus is om leerders te leer skeer om moontlik ná skool in die buiteland te gaan skeer asook om toekomstige boere in die skoene van ’n skeerder te plaas om te besef wat dit behels om te skeer. Izak Klopper, bestuurder skeerderopleiding by die NWKV, en twee van sy in-strukteurs, Themba Khosa en Andries Nkahile, het vanjaar die leerders op Marlow laat bloed sweet.

Vyf Marlow-leerders het ná ses dae se opleiding, reghelp, sweet en oefening die kursus met vlieënde vaandels geslaag.

Die seuns het teen die sesde dag elkeen gemid-deld 25 skape per dag geskeer. Een van die seuns het opgemerk dat hierdie die moeilikste taak was wat hy nog aangepak en voltooi het. Die laaste oggend moes elkeen drie skape binne 30 minute netjies kon afskeer om die kursus te slaag.

Juan Venter besig om te skeer en slaag die kursus met ’n brons medalje.

Page 5: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

Richmond-studiegroep groei6

Dr Louis du Pisani en Gawie van Wyk het in Oktober met lede van die Richmond-studiegroep vergader om terugvoering te gee oor bestuursinligting wat ontleed is. Daar is bevind dat sekere uitgawes binne boerderystelsels baie hoog is en aanbevelings vir moontlike aanpassings is aan die vier deelnemen-de boere, Albertus Geldenhuis, Johnny Watson, Van Zyl Naudé sr en Van Zyl Naudé jr, gemaak. Nog twee boere, Izak Naudé en Eduan Viljoen, beoog om volgende jaar deel te neem.

Report unavailability of vaccines 7

The NWGA welcomes the recent report released by OBP on availability of vaccines. For wool sheep producers, the Rift Val-ley fever vaccines Clone 13 and inactive are available. The blue-tongue vaccine is also available, with close to 40 000 units ready to be packed for distribution.

Most other vaccines seem to be read-ily available. The NWGA urges producers to report on the unavailability of any vac-cines to NWGA production advisors for follow up with suppliers and distributors.

Eastern Cape: Juan Venter, 079 693 1953

Northern Cape: Gawie van Wyk, 083 270 3161

Western Cape: Jannie Fourie, 082 564 1105

KwaZulu-Natal: Bom Louw, 082 652 2243

Bloemfontein: Jan Louis Venter, 083 650 1131

Mpumalanga: Ermelo Office (Lynette Cronje), (017) 8193183

NWGA head office: Bonita Francis, 082 413 6416

return on your investment.

100% targeted communication to ALL wool producers and stakeholders!

Wool producers must make money. With this in mind Wolboer/Wool Farmer print and digital magazine is the only dedicated and 100% targeted publication for the South African Wool Industry and is the official voice of the NWGA.

Advertising your products, services and auctions will give you maximum exposure and targeted media coverage. Your message is sent to thousands of farmers, wool producers, and industry stakeholders. We make it simple to get your message out quickly and effectively.

Please contact Ilse Liveris and her team to discuss targeted advertising solutions to suit your needs.

• 012 843 5717 | 072 708 4401 • [email protected]


Van links agter: Albertus Geldenhuis, Van Zyl Naudé jr, Eduan Viljoen, Izak Naudé. Sittende: Van Zyl Naudé (voor), Johnny Watson (agter) en Gawie van Wyk.

Page 6: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

Does meat cause cancer?

Herewith an extract from a statement released by Prof Hettie Schönfeldt of the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Well-being at the University of Pretoria.

The following key messages have been released by the International Meat Secretariat (IMS) (http://factsaboutbeef.com:)

1. Based on years of scientific evidence, no food – including red and processed meat – can cause or cure any type of cancer.

• Based on our understanding of the science, there is no causal relationship be-tween the consumption of red and processed meat and cancer.

• In addition to providing high-quality protein, red and processed meat are impor-tant sources of nutrients.

2. The best way to minimise your cancer risk is to live a healthy lifestyle. • Do not smoke, maintain a healthy weight, enjoy regular physical activity, accom-

pany red and processed meat with plenty of vegetables and whole grains, and if you do, drink alcohol responsibly.

• Genetics and aging are risk factors we cannot control. • Cancer is a complex disease and many factors may affect one’s risk. 3. Enjoy red and processed meat as recommended in your country’s dietary guidance. • Some segments of the population, such as children, teenage girls and women of

childbearing age, may benefit from an additional serving of red or processed meat. • Other people, particularly men, may benefit from keeping their meat portions in

check and replacing some of their meat calories with additional vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

4. Be a conscientious cook. • When braaiing, turn the meat more often to avoid overcooking and possible char-

ring of the meat surface. • Avoid direct exposure of the meat to an open flame. • Panfry red and processed meat over medium heat. • Use marinades containing citrus juices such as lemon or lime and add spices such

as garlic or onion.


Page 7: WOLBOER - NWGA - The National Wool Growers ... WOOL FARMER Oktober/October 2015 NWKV Nuusbrief 32 / NWGA Newsletter 32 The wool market has capitalised on its recent gains over the

2016 Calendar 9


2 KZN regional meeting Lunenberg/DundeeJean Visser: 058 6221511 /

Bom Louw: 082 652 22433 KZN regional meeting Mooirivier/Bergville

4 KZN regional meeting Underberg/Cedarville

9 – 10 NC congress/management meetingFanie Dippenaar: 082 561 2732 /

Gawie van Wyk: 083 270 3161

10 – 13 WC small farmers tour to Port Elizabeth

Tania Lusse: 028 212 3160 /

Jannie Fourie: 093 564 1105

17 WC regional meeting Laingsburg

18 WC regional meeting Swellendam

24 WC regional meeting Porterville

25 WC regional meeting Malmesbury


1 FS regional meeting HarrismithJean Visser: 058 6221511 /

Bom Louw: 082 652 22432 FS regional meeting Vrede

3 FS regional meeting Reitz

3 WC regional meeting Mossel BayTania Lusse: 028 212 3160 /

Jannie Fourie: 093 564 1105

8 FS regional meeting SenekalJean Visser: 058 622 1511 /

Bom Louw: 082 652 2243

9 FS regional meeting Bothaville Hannelie du Plessis: 051 447 3023 /

Jan Louis Venter: 083 650 113110 FS regional meeting Brandfort

15 EC NWGA executive meetingLynette van der Walt: 049 802 6756

16 Eastern Cape congress


12 FS regional meeting Jagersfontein Hannelie du Plessis: 051 447 3023 /

Jan Louis Venter: 083 650 113113 FS regional meeting Zastron


11 EC PMFLynette van der Walt: 049 802 6756 /

Juan Venter: 079 693 1953


1 – 2 National annual congressPatricia Myburgh / Adele Rhode:

041 365 5030


10 NC mid-year management meetingFanie Dippenaar: 0825612732 /

Gawie van Wyk: 0832703161


14 WC mid-year meetingTania Lusse: 028 212 3160 /

Jannie Fourie: 093 564 1105

14 EC executive meetingLynette van der Walt: 049 802 6756 /

Juan Venter: 079 693 1953

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