With coach Marcus Summers Developing and creating environment for building a successful Junior and High School pole vault program

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With coach Marcus Summers Developing and creating environment for building a successful Junior and High School pole vault program McPherson Middle School-Sabetha High School Football, XC, Basketball, Track, Swimming, Soccer, Wrestling, Baseball Emporia State University XC, Track & Field Coaching Mentors/Inspiration Influences Doug Leiker, Mike Speilman, Mark Stanbrough, Dave Harris, Mike Smith, Denis Frazier, JJ Lawler, Jacy Holloway, and my parents. Why do YOU coach?... Service to others, there is no higher calling. Hard Work Talent is wasted without hard work Rewards are not given, they are earned through hard work Inspire others Give back was given to you Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm Mental Toughness Overcoming adversity, learned helplessness epidemic You already in pain, get a reward from it Humbleness The outcome does not define who you are Ordinary people striving daily for the extraordinary moments No limits You wouldnt limit yourself, would you? Never underestimate the heart of a champion Approach: If youve got the rhythm, youve got the rhyme Take off: Create Space, PUSH dont pull Safety first: Stay behind the pole, move the pole to vertical, MOVE THE POLE Catch the ride, let the pole do the work Mentality: Each failure is a success, wax on, wax off Perspective: Catching steps Its not about you Realize you are not vaulting, your athletic career is over, no matter what happens, care about them. Tough love Be honest, dont fake it Be transparent Share your successes and why, but share your failures and why. Mold the future - Grades, family, and life They are in high school, remember?!? Post high school Letters, keep contact - Arnold GCHS 2,200 students Demographics % of athletes in school 50% Numbers out for track team 64 in 2010, 186 in 2015 Development years for athletes 4-6 years? Type of athletes you have in your event tall, fast, built, gymnastic? Equipment/Facilities Mats? Poles? Etc? Time In-season? Out of season? Practice Planning Drills? Sprint program? Strength? Gymnastics? Weather wind? Administration/Coaches on staff support? Success/Failure History Good or bad? None at all? - Numbers I had 6 vaulters out my first year of coaching, 1 state qualifying girl, and boys NH in every meet that year except regionals. - Excitement How could I get more kids out for track team but more importantly, pole vaulters? - Time I noticed pole vaulting was a repetition sport, how could we spend more time working of the technical aspects of the vault in offseason to speed up the learning curve? Become a pole vault coach Talk, Eat, Sleep Being passionate Become a salesman, sell yourself Junior high involvement Be involved in athletes lives Create family environment EVERY kid matters in programwhy? Kids talk.. The high school athlete The best athlete on your track team? The multi-sport athlete? The gymnastic cheerleader type? 3 keys Kids that have decent running ability, a decent level of athletic ability, and usually ones that can spend most of their time focusing on the pole vaultHARD WORKERS!! The Junior High athlete Multiple sport athlete Sprinter or Jumper Basketball Athlete Wrestler Gymnast I let every kid that wants to pole vault try it and give them as positive of an experience as possible, you never know what they will turn into be someday. ENCOURAGE! Sell yourself, be positive and inspiring Sell the event, pole vault is fun and addicting!! Flyers Put up flyers in the middle schools and high schoolopen up to anyone interested Be persistent, keep open line of communication with those kids on the fence T-shirts Word travels fast, a cool shirt says Wow, thats a cool shirt, whats pole vault? Local Business YMCA, flyers for summer or winter program. Local gymnastics programs take a look! Family ties school history PE teachers - EFFORT Coach other sports or be involved in school activities Be involved, Be Present and Advocate for the event Wow, you sure do look like a pole vaulter!! Take the time to reach out with the personal touch, you might be surprised what you get back!! Travel issue WSU Thursday night Night at the Garden Create your own track meet, start small but create positive exposure Jump for Hally Street Vault Summer camps Middle school track meets - letters Middle school coaches/administration Junior High Camps Parent information sheet phone #, Parent group Send them schedules, important dates Call and communicate every so often Call to inquire information on grades, injuries, and check in on their kid with concerns Get to know them, background, let them know what help you might needEx, flyers, forms, events, travel them the positives in the group, be positive!! Thank them for everything they do to help 7 th grade 8ft PR jump 10 th grade 14-6ft PR jump Poles We had 4 poles when I first started in We have over 65 now. Audrey Story Mats Tore up and filled with dust!! Scary! Bungees & Bars Bags Pole trees Ropes/Gymnastic rings Drill boxes Tape Jaybird Fundraising Identify what you have in your community, track team, and what type of kids you have to do this. Examples Head track coach School Post game clean up, work concessions Car washes Enchiladas Summer/winter programs Donors local businesses Families School staff members Poles Mistakes Stiffer not longer, develop series Ex. 13-6ft 155lb, 14ft 160lb, 14-6ft 165lb? 13-6ft 155lb, 160lb, 165lb Flex numbers KISS method Identify needs/Production Practice poles Stiff poles vrs. Flexible Greater than or less than!?!?! Be persistent Keep trying different things Advocate Advocate for the need and relevancy of your event. Stand your ground You may not be relevant yet, but keep advocating to improve kids. Stretch Be unsatisfied, keep identifying areas to improve upon with equipment needs Advocate Now let people know why you are success, share the positive stories with others. Be humble Its not about you, its about the kids and creating opportunities otherwise not possible without all of this. Keep moving forward Constant positive feedback positive strokes Volition of will Ill try, I can try, I can, I will Highlight the small things everyday Future buff stars Role playing And now, your gold medal champion, Brian Rodriguez, aka Cookie!! State CHAMPS game 3 rd and final attempt, state title on the line, the crowd puts their hands together, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, JUMP! Share personal experiences Shine a light on their future possibilities state champ, college Videos a lot of good stuff out there Have them sign up for a fun pole vault camp Maggie Vaults over the Moon book Give them articles to read Feedback on videos of them jumping New challenges, constantly challenge them Class records, 9-12 grades Drill PRs Handstands, Pull ups, Steering drill, Half turn Ex. 4 step close grip drill, clear handgrip, compete against anyone Coach, I want to jump 17ft and break the state recordmy reply Thats it? Family Love and care about your kids Every kid matters and deserves equal attention Have fun, jump high Constant competitions side bets (kaitlin sprints) Play games KU vrs that other team, KH vrs HG Support one another clap, catch steps, film Support others not on our team Love your kids, show it, teach them to love and respect one another as a person As stated earlier, start with the pole on the ground to get them jumping early, excited. Talk about pole carry, drop, and plant Now, put a pole in their hands with low grip Then progress to jogging with high knees Then progress to full run Finally, full pole carry running full blast NOTE: Eventually, by preaching rhythm they will begin to feel more competent and comfortable, step progression. -Coaching Emphasis- Jump up Over the top of the pole Align pole with body, feel the stretch Land on drive knee leg, point trail leg Coaching emphasis - 3 step approach with Rhythm -Pole tip up, eye level or slightly above -Tall, pick knees up, dorsiflex toes -Jump up at take off -BIG knee Cookie -Flexible yet long sweeping trail leg -Over rotate trail leg -Eyes on hands, dont cup hands or pull Coaching Emphasis -Pole tip on runway - Grip on shoulder -Rhythm run 3 step -Jump up tall at takeoff -Tall top arm -Chest comes through -Feel the stretch in top arm -Stay behind pole, move the pole to vertical - Pole aligns with body Coaching emphasis -3 step approach, same as 1 arm -Feel the stretch -Swing once pole rotates to vertical -Over rotate swing -Swing past the pole -Pole in your pocket -Powerful, fast trail leg -Dorsiflex that foot Goal To Create Space on the plant Palms up at take off, push Utilize bottom hand shoulder Big knee, PUSH with both arms. Jump up at take off, stay behind the pole, move the pole to vertical. Keep hips back behind pole. Initially bottom arm will lock, over time the pole vaulter will learn to come through with chest and use shoulders more as the elbow will slightly flex to keep from loading the pole with the bottom arm. Use a pole that bends or gives more. 2 examples of how to work on this specific skill. Jump up and Hang out Monkey Jump up and kiss the sky Skywalker The symptom of the plant starts before the very first step out of the back Rhythm Knee Drill, Bounding, Full Rotation 20/20 drill not high knees!! Cycle 1 handed steering drill Get out and run! Mini hurdles/Wickets Pole runs Add weight, uphill, 9 step all out rhythm Support one another