USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. 2008 297 References _____________________ Abella, S. R.; Covington, W. W. 2004. Monitoring an Arizona ponderosa pine restoration: sampling efficiency and multivari- ate analysis of understory vegetation. Restoration Ecology. 12: 359-367. Abella, Scott. R.; MacDonald, Neil. W. 2000. Intense burns may reduce spotted knapweed germination. Ecological Restoration. 18(2): 203-205. Abrahamson, W. G. 1984. Species responses to fire and the Florida Lake Wales ridge. American Journal of Botany. 71: 35-43. Acker, Steven A. 1992. Wildfire and soil organic carbon in sage- brush-bunchgrass vegetation. The Great Basin Naturalist. 52(3): 284-287. Adger, Neil; Aggarwal, Pramod; Agrawala, Shardul; [and others]. 2007. Climate Change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the 4th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [Online]. Ge- neva, Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Producer). Available: http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM13apr07. pdf [2007, July 12]. Agee, J. K. 1993. Fire ecology of Pacific Northwest forests. Wash- ington, DC: Island Press. 493 p. Agee, J. K. 1996a. Achieving conservation biology objectives with fire in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Technology. 10: 417-421. Agee, J. K. 1996b. Fire in restoration of Oregon white oak wood- lands. In: Hardy, Colin C.; Arno, Stephen F., eds. The use of fire in forest restoration: A general session of the Society for Ecologi- cal Restoration; 1995 September 14-16; Seattle, WA. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-341. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 72-73. Agee, J. K. 1996c. The influence of forest structure on fire behav- ior. In: Proceedings, 17th annual forest vegetation management conference; 1996 January 16-18; Redding, CA. Redding, CA: [Publisher unknown]: 52-68. Agee, J. K. 1997. The severe weather wildfire—too hot to handle? Northwest Science. 71(1): 153-156. Agee, J. K.; Bahro, B.; Finney, M. A.; Omi, P. N.; Sapsis, D. B.; Skin- ner, C. N.; van Wagtendonk, J. W.; Weatherspoon, C. P. 2000. The use of shaded fuelbreaks in landscape fire management. Forest Ecology and Management. 127: 55-66. Agee, J. K.; Huff, M. H. 1980. First year ecological effects of the Hoh Fire, Olympic Mountains, Washington. In: Martin, Robert E.; Edmonds, Donald A.; Harrington, James B.; [and others], eds. Proceedings, 6th conference on fire and forest meteorology; 1980 April 22-24; Seattle, WA. Bethesda, MD: Society of American Foresters: 175-181. Agee, J. K.; Skinner, C. N. 2005. Basic principles of fuel reduction treatments. Forest Ecology and Management. 211: 83-96. Agee, James K.; Huff, Mark H. 1987. Fuel succession in a western hemlock/Douglas-fir forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17: 697-704. Ahlgren, Clifford E. 1979. Emergent seedlings on soil from burned and unburned red pine forest. Minnesota Forestry Research Notes No. 273. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, College of Forestry. 4 p. Ahrens, J. F. 1975. Preliminary results with glyphosate for control of Polygonum cuspidatum. Proceedings of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 29: 326. Ahshapanek, C.C. 1962. Phenology of a tall-grass prairie in central Oklahoma. Ecology 43: 135-138. Ainsworth, Alison. 2005. [Unpublished data]. On file at: Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, Hawai`i National Park, HIi. Ainsworth, Alison; Tetteh, Michel; Kaufmann, J. Boone. 2005. Relationships of an alien plant, fuel dynamics, fire weather, and unprecedented wildfires in Hawaiian rain forests: implica- tions for fire management at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished report. On file at: Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Hawai`i National Park, HI. 12 p. Alaback, P. B.; Herman, F. R. 1988. Long-term response of under- story vegetation to stand density in Picea-Tsuga forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 18: 1522-1530. Alaska Natural Heritage Program. 2004. Weed ranking project, [Online]. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska (Producer). Available: http://akweeds.uaa.alaska.edu/ akweeds_ranking_page.htm [2005, January 15]. Albert, M. 2000. Carpobrotus edulis. In: Bossard, C. C.; Randall, J. M.; Hoshovsky, M. C., eds. Invasive plants of California’s wildlands. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press: 90-94. Albini F.; Amin, M. R.; Hungerford R. D.; Frandsen W. H.; Ryan, K. C. 1996. Models for fire-driven heat and moisture transport in soils. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-335. Ogden, UT: U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Reasearch Station. 16 p. Alexander, Janice M.; D‘Antonio, Carla M. D. 2003. Seed bank dy- namics of French broom in coastal California grasslands: effects of stand age and prescribed burning on control and restoration. Restoration Ecology. 11(2): 185-197. Alexander, M.; Stefner, C.; Beck, J.; Lanoville, R. 2001. New insights into the effectiveness of fuel reduction treatments on crown fire potential at the stand level. In: Pearce, G.; Lester, L., tech. cords. Bushfire 2001 conference proceedings; [Meeting date unknown]; [Location unknown]. Christchurch, New Zealand: Forest Research: 318. Alexander, Martin E. 1982. Calculating and interpreting forest fire intensities. Canadian Journal of Botany. 60: 349-357. Allaby, Michael. 1992. The concise Oxford dictionary of botany. New York: Oxford University Press. 442 p. Allain, L.; Billock A.; Grace, J.B. 2004. Plants of the USFWS’s Midcoast Wildlife Refuge Complex. Unpublished report on file at: U.S. Geologi- cal Survey, National Wetland Research Center, Lafayette, LA. Allen, C. D.; Savage, M.; Falk, D. A.; Suckling, K. F.; Swetnam, T. W.; Schulke, T.; Stacey, P. B.; Morgan, P.; Hoffman, M.; Klingel, J. T. 2002. Ecological restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems: a broad perspective. Ecological Applications. 12: 1418–1433. Allen, E. B. 1998. Restoring habitats to prevent exotics. In: Kelly, M.; Wagner, E.; Warner, P., eds. Proceedings: California exotic pest plant council symposium, Ontario, CA. Volume 4: 41-44. Allen, Edith B. 1995. Restoration ecology: limits and possibilities in arid and semiarid lands. In: Roundy, Bruce A., McArthur, E. Durant, Haley, Jennifer S., Mann, David K., comps. Proceedings: Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. Las Vegas, NV. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 7-15. Allen, L. H., Jr.; Sinclair, T. R.; Bennett, J. M. 1997. Evapotranspira- tion of vegetation in Florida: Perpetuated misconceptions versus mechanistic processes. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings. 56: 1-10. Allen-Diaz, Barbara; Bartolome, James W.; McClaran, Mitchel P. 1999. California oak savanna. In: Anderson, Roger C.; Fralish, James S.; Baskin, Jerry M., eds. Savannas, barrens, and rock outcrop plant communities of North America. New York: Cam- bridge University Press: 322-339. Alley, Richard; Berntsen, Terje; Bindoff, Nathaniel L.; [and others]. 2007. Climate change 2007: the physical science basis—summary for policymakers. Contribution of Working Group I to the 4th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [Online]. Geneva, Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Producer). Available: http://www.ipcc. ch/SPM2feb07.pdf [2007, April 3]. Ambrose, J. P.; Bratton, S. P. 1990. Trends in landscape heterogene- ity along the borders of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Conservation Biology. 4(2): 135-143. Amor, R. L.; Stevens, P. L. 1975. Spread of weeds from a roadside into sclerophyll forests at Dartmouth, Australia. Weed research. 16: 111-118. Anable, Michael E.; McClaran, Mitchel P.; Ruyle, George B. 1992. Spread of introduced Lehmann lovegrass Eragrostis lehmanni- ana Nees. in southern Arizona, USA. Biological Conservation. 61(3): 181-188. Anderson, Bertin. 1998. The case for salt cedar. Restoration and Management Notes. 16(2): 130-134. Anderson, Bruce. 1994. Converting smooth brome pasture to warm-season grasses. In: Wickett, Robert G., Lewis, Patricia Dolan, Woodliffe, Allen, Pratt, Paul, eds. Proceedings: Proceed- ings of the thirteenth North American prairie conference: spirit of the land, our prairie legacy Windsor, ON. Windsor, ON: City of Windsor: 157-160.

Wildland fire in ecosystems: fire and nonnative …...Anderson, Howard G.; Bailey, Arthur W. 1980. Effects of annual burning on grassland in the aspen parkland of east-central Al-berta

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USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 6. 2008 297

References _____________________Abella, S. R.; Covington, W. W. 2004. Monitoring an Arizona

ponderosa pine restoration: sampling efficiency and multivari-ate analysis of understory vegetation. Restoration Ecology. 12: 359-367.

Abella, Scott. R.; MacDonald, Neil. W. 2000. Intense burns may reduce spotted knapweed germination. Ecological Restoration. 18(2): 203-205.

Abrahamson, W. G. 1984. Species responses to fire and the Florida Lake Wales ridge. American Journal of Botany. 71: 35-43.

Acker, Steven A. 1992. Wildfire and soil organic carbon in sage-brush-bunchgrass vegetation. The Great Basin Naturalist. 52(3): 284-287.

Adger, Neil; Aggarwal, Pramod; Agrawala, Shardul; [and others]. 2007. Climate Change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the 4th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [Online]. Ge-neva, Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Producer). Available: http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM13apr07.pdf [2007, July 12].

Agee, J. K. 1993. Fire ecology of Pacific Northwest forests. Wash-ington, DC: Island Press. 493 p.

Agee, J. K. 1996a. Achieving conservation biology objectives with fire in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Technology. 10: 417-421.

Agee, J. K. 1996b. Fire in restoration of Oregon white oak wood-lands. In: Hardy, Colin C.; Arno, Stephen F., eds. The use of fire in forest restoration: A general session of the Society for Ecologi-cal Restoration; 1995 September 14-16; Seattle, WA. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-341. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 72-73.

Agee, J. K. 1996c. The influence of forest structure on fire behav-ior. In: Proceedings, 17th annual forest vegetation management conference; 1996 January 16-18; Redding, CA. Redding, CA: [Publisher unknown]: 52-68.

Agee, J. K. 1997. The severe weather wildfire—too hot to handle? Northwest Science. 71(1): 153-156.

Agee, J. K.; Bahro, B.; Finney, M. A.; Omi, P. N.; Sapsis, D. B.; Skin-ner, C. N.; van Wagtendonk, J. W.; Weatherspoon, C. P. 2000. The use of shaded fuelbreaks in landscape fire management. Forest Ecology and Management. 127: 55-66.

Agee, J. K.; Huff, M. H. 1980. First year ecological effects of the Hoh Fire, Olympic Mountains, Washington. In: Martin, Robert E.; Edmonds, Donald A.; Harrington, James B.; [and others], eds. Proceedings, 6th conference on fire and forest meteorology; 1980 April 22-24; Seattle, WA. Bethesda, MD: Society of American Foresters: 175-181.

Agee, J. K.; Skinner, C. N. 2005. Basic principles of fuel reduction treatments. Forest Ecology and Management. 211: 83-96.

Agee, James K.; Huff, Mark H. 1987. Fuel succession in a western hemlock/Douglas-fir forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17: 697-704.

Ahlgren, Clifford E. 1979. Emergent seedlings on soil from burned and unburned red pine forest. Minnesota Forestry Research Notes No. 273. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, College of Forestry. 4 p.

Ahrens, J. F. 1975. Preliminary results with glyphosate for control of Polygonum cuspidatum. Proceedings of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. 29: 326.

Ahshapanek, C.C. 1962. Phenology of a tall-grass prairie in central Oklahoma. Ecology 43: 135-138.

Ainsworth, Alison. 2005. [Unpublished data]. On file at: Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, Hawai`i National Park, HIi.

Ainsworth, Alison; Tetteh, Michel; Kaufmann, J. Boone. 2005. Relationships of an alien plant, fuel dynamics, fire weather, and unprecedented wildfires in Hawaiian rain forests: implica-tions for fire management at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished report. On file at: Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Hawai`i National Park, HI. 12 p.

Alaback, P. B.; Herman, F. R. 1988. Long-term response of under-story vegetation to stand density in Picea-Tsuga forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 18: 1522-1530.

Alaska Natural Heritage Program. 2004. Weed ranking project, [Online]. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of

Alaska (Producer). Available: http://akweeds.uaa.alaska.edu/akweeds_ranking_page.htm [2005, January 15].

Albert, M. 2000. Carpobrotus edulis. In: Bossard, C. C.; Randall, J. M.; Hoshovsky, M. C., eds. Invasive plants of California’s wildlands. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press: 90-94.

Albini F.; Amin, M. R.; Hungerford R. D.; Frandsen W. H.; Ryan, K. C. 1996. Models for fire-driven heat and moisture transport in soils. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-335. Ogden, UT: U.S. Depart-ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Reasearch Station. 16 p.

Alexander, Janice M.; D‘Antonio, Carla M. D. 2003. Seed bank dy-namics of French broom in coastal California grasslands: effects of stand age and prescribed burning on control and restoration. Restoration Ecology. 11(2): 185-197.

Alexander, M.; Stefner, C.; Beck, J.; Lanoville, R. 2001. New insights into the effectiveness of fuel reduction treatments on crown fire potential at the stand level. In: Pearce, G.; Lester, L., tech. cords. Bushfire 2001 conference proceedings; [Meeting date unknown]; [Location unknown]. Christchurch, New Zealand: Forest Research: 318.

Alexander, Martin E. 1982. Calculating and interpreting forest fire intensities. Canadian Journal of Botany. 60: 349-357.

Allaby, Michael. 1992. The concise Oxford dictionary of botany. New York: Oxford University Press. 442 p.

Allain, L.; Billock A.; Grace, J.B. 2004. Plants of the USFWS’s Midcoast Wildlife Refuge Complex. Unpublished report on file at: U.S. Geologi-cal Survey, National Wetland Research Center, Lafayette, LA.

Allen, C. D.; Savage, M.; Falk, D. A.; Suckling, K. F.; Swetnam, T. W.; Schulke, T.; Stacey, P. B.; Morgan, P.; Hoffman, M.; Klingel, J. T. 2002. Ecological restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine ecosystems: a broad perspective. Ecological Applications. 12: 1418–1433.

Allen, E. B. 1998. Restoring habitats to prevent exotics. In: Kelly, M.; Wagner, E.; Warner, P., eds. Proceedings: California exotic pest plant council symposium, Ontario, CA. Volume 4: 41-44.

Allen, Edith B. 1995. Restoration ecology: limits and possibilities in arid and semiarid lands. In: Roundy, Bruce A., McArthur, E. Durant, Haley, Jennifer S., Mann, David K., comps. Proceedings: Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. Las Vegas, NV. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service: 7-15.

Allen, L. H., Jr.; Sinclair, T. R.; Bennett, J. M. 1997. Evapotranspira-tion of vegetation in Florida: Perpetuated misconceptions versus mechanistic processes. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings. 56: 1-10.

Allen-Diaz, Barbara; Bartolome, James W.; McClaran, Mitchel P. 1999. California oak savanna. In: Anderson, Roger C.; Fralish, James S.; Baskin, Jerry M., eds. Savannas, barrens, and rock outcrop plant communities of North America. New York: Cam-bridge University Press: 322-339.

Alley, Richard; Berntsen, Terje; Bindoff, Nathaniel L.; [and others]. 2007. Climate change 2007: the physical science basis—summary for policymakers. Contribution of Working Group I to the 4th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [Online]. Geneva, Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Producer). Available: http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf [2007, April 3].

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