Whitnall Park Lutheran Church 5847 Lilac Lane Hales Corners, WI 53130 Pastor Michael Fazio Office Phone (414) 425-1169/ www.wplc.net Email: [email protected] Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 10:15 am Communion ~ Sundays and all Fesvals Services with Healing ~ January 13 Sunday School 10:15 am September through May

Whitnall Park Lutheran Church 5847 Lilac Lane Hales

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Page 1: Whitnall Park Lutheran Church 5847 Lilac Lane Hales

Whitnall Park Lutheran Church 5847 Lilac Lane Hales Corners, WI 53130 Pastor Michael Fazio

Office Phone (414) 425-1169/ www.wplc.net Email: [email protected] Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 10:15 am Communion ~ Sundays and all Fes"vals Services with Healing ~ January 13 Sunday School 10:15 am September through May

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Happy Holiday Bake Sale! Many thanks to all who supported WPLC Helping Hand Fund by shopping at the bake sale on Dec. 9th. It was great to see everyone’s oohs and aahs at the many colorful bakery items and gi"s which were for sale. Huge thanks to the bakers: Pat Suderland, Sharon Hause, Karon Hedlof, and Marg Groff (the krumkakas/rose$es maker) and other helpers. The sale raised $984 a"er expenses. The Ladies of WPLC’s Cookie Coffee Hour on Dec. 9th provided a great array of Christmas cookies to enjoy with coffee or punch. A number of people enjoyed the Christmas Punch and asked for the recipe. Here it is:

Christmas Punch 1 bo$le of Ocean Spray Cranberry Raspberry Juice (we used diet) 1/2 large can of pineapple juice 1/2 2-liter bo$le of ginger ale (we used diet) 1/2 2-liter bo$le of 7-up or sweet soda (we used diet 7-up) Ice (Our pink ice cubes were made from Ocean Spray’s Lite Cranberry Juice)

Church Decora&ng for Advent & Christmas: A huge Thank You! to Terry & Pa* Sparacino, Pat Suderland and her granddaughter Courtney, and Sharon Hause for pu*ng up the Christmas decora&ons on Dec. 1st and also placing the beau&ful poinse*as on Dec. 15th. The poinse*as were placed in special tribute or remembrance by our church members during this special &me of year.

P+-036+; V<-<0+0<3= Dear Church Family…I have a special request to ask of you: if you are sick (whether at home or in the hospital) and would like a Pastoral visit, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I’m not one to make excuses, however I will say that my call as the solo pastor of our congrega&on pulls me in a variety of direc&ons on any given day, and I’m not always cognizant of the folks who aren’t at worship each week. I try very hard to keep track of everyone, but the reality is that this is not always possible. If you are unable to contact the church, or me directly, please have a rela&ve, friend or fellow church member contact me about your situa&on. It is my great honor and privilege to serve you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, however if I am unaware of a need, I cannot work to help serve that need. Thank you and God bless, Pr. Michael

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All contribu&ons given to WPLC through December 31, 2018 will be included on your year-end giving statement and will be tax deduc&ble for 2018. Any checks received a"er December 31, regardless of the date wri$en on the check will be included in your 2019 contribu&ons.

To ensure the deduc&bility of your church contribu&ons, wait to file your 2018 income tax return un&l you have received a wri$en acknowledgement of your contribu&ons from the church office; these statements will be mailed before the end of January.

Thank you all for your generosity in suppor&ng our church, both prayerfully and financially; we could not func&on as God’s Church without your love and support. Please remember the church office may be closed on Monday, December 31st.

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S3_<+; M<=<-06`66` J+=X+6` C3{{|| H3X6 The proceeds from the Social Ministry Commi$ee’s Coffee Hour on January 6th will benefit the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Services. Milwaukee Homeless Veteran Services is an all-volunteer organiza&on and has been providing the basic necessi&es of life to Milwaukee area homeless, disabled, elderly and low income Veterans for over 10 years. For more informa&on, please visit their website: h$ps://www.milwvetservc.org/

M|6X P+60=|6-~<� Mt. Meru Coffee can be ordered or purchased on the cabinet near the kitchen or on the website at www.mtmerucoffee.org/collec&ons/order-coffee. All sales help improve the lives of the coffee farmers, their families, and their communi&es in the Mt. Meru Diocese of Tanzania.

U=<0` LX0~|6+= C~X6_~ Please continue to bring in non-perishable food items for the Unity Food Pantry. Updated List of additional items to donate: Unity can use toiletries, towels and clothing for women/men/children (underwear, socks, t-shirts, pants, hoodies, seasonal coats and sweaters). With the cold weather, there is also a need for long johns, boots and warm blankets. WPLC serves at Unity the 2nd Wednesday of every month. WPLC volunteers have a meal prep crew starting at 1:30 pm, serving crew at 4:45 pm and a clean up crew at 6:00 pm. For those interested in volunteering, your help is always appreciated. If you are interested in signing up or have questions, please contact Jeff Girard via email

[email protected] or phone 419-346-3202.

Book Club b

Monday, January 14, 2019 There will be no Book Club mee&ng this month.

Monday, February 11, 2019, 7:00 pm Book Discussion: Paris by the Book by Liam Calahan When eccentric novelist Robert Eady abruptly vanishes, he leaves behind his wife, Leah, their daughters, and, hidden in an unexpected spot, plane &ckets to Paris. Hoping to uncover clues--and her husband--Leah sets off for France with her girls. Upon their arrival, she discovers an unfinished manuscript, one Robert had been wri&ng without her knowledge and that he had set in Paris. The Eady girls follow the path of the manuscript to a small, floundering English-language bookstore whose weary proprietor is eager to sell. Leah finds herself accep&ng the offer on the spot. As the family se$les into their new Parisian life, they trace the literary paths of some beloved Parisian classics, including Madeline and The Red Balloon, hoping more clues arise. But a series of startling discov-eries forces Leah to consider that she may not be ready for what solving this mystery might do to her family--and the Paris she thought she knew.

THE WHITNALL PARK LUTHERAN CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING will be held on Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 11:30 am


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All is calm, all is bright. Celebrate the 200th anniversary of Silent Night this Christmas 2018

On a quiet Christmas Eve in a snowy Austrian village, our most beloved Christmas carol was born 200 years ago. The collabora&on of Joseph Mohr, with the text that he had penned 2 years prior, and a simple melody from his friend and colleague, Franz Gruber, created a magical moment in music history. Gruber quickly wrote the melody and guitar accompaniment for Mohr’s 6 original verses in German to create a carol that would speak to the hearts of the rural villagers on that blessed Christmas Eve night. Recent finds have authen&cated the date, authorship, and &ming of the carol so that we can confidently celebrate this music milestone. So this Christmas Eve, whether you are at Whitnall Park Lutheran Church celebra&ng the coming of Christ on Christmas Eve or maybe you are at your family’s home church where you are visi&ng and celebra&ng, remember 200 years ago Silent Night was first sung by many that had no idea what this song would mean to so many across the world and in many different languages other than German. May you have a blessed Christmas and sing the songs you grew up with.

Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh! (Sleep in heavenly peace!)

WPLC Council Mee&ng Minutes 11-27-18 Members in A$endance: Pastor Fazio, John Just, Linda Shea, Jon Dietzler, Troy Vande Yacht, Jeff Girard

Members Absent: Kathi Ried, Mike Meyers, Corky Roe

The mee&ng was called to order at 7:08 pm by Pastor and he opened with a prayer.

Agenda Reviewed and accepted.

Secretary’s Report: October mee&ng minutes were previously reviewed and approved via email.

Treasurer / Finance Report: October financials are not available from the accountant. When Troy and Corky receive them, they will be forwarded to council members prior to the December 18th council mee&ng.

Pastor’s Report: Lead Worship & Preached 6 Services 8 Hospital visits 5 counseling appointments 3 home visits 25 home/hospital communions 41 pastoral phone calls 1 Healing service All Saints Sunday – Recognized 6 Saints 3 Funerals – Jan Swan, Vern Vorpahl, Wayne Baumgart at Hartson Funeral Home

1 Bap&sm – Mila Schwenker Thanksgiving Eve Worship at Emanuel UCC Bi-weekly staff mee&ng Friends Group mee&ng Worship and Music mee&ng Endowment mee&ng Bible Study – O.T. Stories – Suffering Servant from Isaiah Veterans Day – Veteran Recogni&on Gave Children Sermon on Nov 11th Veteran’s Task Force mee&ngs with local pastor’s – discuss ideas to increase support of the Veteran’s Helping Hands Fund balance as of 11/27 - $1,024 Upcoming Dates: 12-2 First Sunday of Advent 12-9 Choir Music Sunday 12-16 Sunday School Christmas Program 12-23 Children’s Music 12-24 Christmas Eve Worship at 5:00 and 8:00 pm 12-25 Christmas Day Worship at 10:15 am

Chris&an Educa&on: Report provided by Kelly & Robin

Commi$ee Reports: Endowment: Met in November and voted to increase High School Scholarship award from $750 to $1,000. Endowment fund performance is doing well, so the commi$ee voted

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WPLC Council Mee&ng Minutes 11-27-18 con&nued to raise the spending cap from $6,000 to $12,000, because of the projected large gradua&ng classes in 2020 and 2021 (10 each). Changes are effec&ve in 2019. Mo&oned raised by Pastor to approve the increases, seconded by Troy. Passed unanimously. The spending cap increase will be placed on the March Annual Congrega&on Mee&ng agenda for vote. A seminary student will preach the sermon on December 23rd (Pastor will preside over the services) and Endowment will donate $100 to the student. Request made of Social Ministry to provide Endowment via email with the names of organiza&ons to consider for year-end giving.

Worship and Music: Did not meet, the schedule is all set.

Property: Parsonage Roof – received three quotes ranging from ~$13 - $18K. One vendor stated the repair is not urgent and can wait un&l next year. Property will do more research and then make a recommenda&on to council prior to the March Annual Congrega&on Mee&ng. Parsonage Driveway – roof repair is a higher priority than the driveway repair. Need to develop a 10 year plan. An&cipate significant funds to be spent in coming years to address Lights outside, church brick and mortar repairs, etc.

Social Ministry: December 2nd coffee hour to benefit Project RETURN December 2nd, 9th, 16th, Mt Meru coffee holiday gi" sales December 12th Unity Lutheran meal serve. Approximately 48 bags of food was donated in November. Request $360 for 2019 Social Ministry budget to purchase school kit bags Pastor received a le$er from Southwest Interfaith (SWI) for 2019 giving. Organiza&on was merged with SET ministry in 2018 and formed UNISON. Recent news of alleged misuse of funds by UNISON CEO caused concern. Diane May of SWI provided info in wri&ng that all dona&ons specific to SWI are not shared with UNISON. UNISON gi" policy reaffirms it. Pastor mo&oned to have $550 (same level as 2018) be donated to SWI, John seconded. Unanimously passed.

There may be an opportunity to donate addi&onal funds with a 2019 Social Ministry coffee hour, matched by Endowment.

Old Business: Space Planning ongoing

New Business: Shepherd Staff so"ware – used for repor&ng purposes; last upgraded in 2013. New upgrade would be $525, discounted from $700 if it is purchased by end of November. Request made for Pastor to check system and hardware compa&bility requirements to upgrade the so"ware. He will check with Roger B too as he helped set up the office computer worksta&ons. Pastor will also check how long Shepherd Staff will manage so"ware updates for the new version.

Human Rela&ons – no updates.

Cons&tu&on – performed review, Pastor will update and send the final dra" based on feedback from Kathi (prior to the mee&ng) and those in a$endance. Will drop “by wri$en ballot” in C11.02. A"er council approves the final dra", the congrega&on will have to vote on the changes. Copies will be made available by email and printed copies at church.

Next council mee&ng scheduled for Tuesday December 18th, 2018.

The mee&ng adjourned at 8:35 pm. Respec�ully Submi$ed, Jeff Girard

Council President: John Just Council Vice President: Kathi Ried

Secretary: Corky Roe Treasurer: Troy Vande Yacht

Council Liaisons to the Church Commi$ees;

Endowment: Jon Dietzler, Linda Shea Fellowship: Pastor Fazio

Finance: Corky Roe, Troy Vande Yacht Property: John Just, Mike Myers

Social Ministry: Jeff Girard Worship and Music: Kathi Ried

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God definitely has a sense of humor. When I began this LEAF ar&cle last week, I was si*ng at my kitchen table looking out at gray skies and sleet. I was thinking of the words to, “In the bleak mid-winter . . .” which opens the Milwaukee Rep’s version of Dickens “Christmas Carol”.

The weather certainly was appropriate to the song, and January o"en is the bleak mid-winter. Today as I am finishing my ar&cle, it is a sunny crisp day in Wisconsin, and it seems like the beau&ful beginning of winter.

I don’t know what the weather is going to be like when you read this, but the song speaks of snow on snow, water like a stone, and the earth as hard as iron. That pre$y much describes winter in Wisconsin.

Yet Jesus came in the bleak mid-winter, and as the song says to a stable to a very young mother and an inexperi-enced father. He was given gi"s by shepherds and by kings, gi"s that few of us could match.

Some Chris&ans celebrate his birth on Dec. 25, some on Jan. 6. We refer to the la$er day as Epiphany, and our tree stays up at least un&l then. Growing up, I knew it just as Uncle Dan’s birthday, and this year is par&cularly bi$ersweet because my Uncle Dan has died, and Jan. 6 has new meaning. Now we celebrate Epiphany.

It is the day to celebrate the coming of the Magi, and in some churches it signifies the bap&sm of Jesus. It also signals the end of the 12 days of Christmas and the beginning of the new church year.

As we celebrate the bleak mid-winter, we think of the final verse of the song—“What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; if I were a wise man I would do my part, yet what I can I give him—give him my heart.

Even today most of us have an abundance, my 26 tubs of Christmas decora&ons tell me that. Yet, God does not ask for anything but our hearts—just as He did when He sent his only Son—in the bleak mid-winter long, long ago.


As you are wri&ng your New Year’s Resolu&ons, perhaps one could be teaching Sunday School this year. Six slots s&ll remain open on our poster.

Thanks to all of the families who did such a great job sharing the Advent litany and the ligh&ng of the Advent wreath with us this year. Thanks to all of the church “decorators” and all those who keep our church looking so welcoming. Thanks to all of the musicians and the directors who make this season beau&ful.

Thanks especially to the new Christmas program directors who took my script, enhanced it and sent a wonderful message to the Sunday School children and to the congrega&on.

Thanks to all of you who share your hard work in service to others and who generously give of your hearts.

To all of you, a blessed New Year!

Robin Nehring Brodie

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We have put another holiday Toy Collec&on and Veteran’s Wish List Collec&on behind us. A huge “Thank You” to those who generously donated gi"s. To say that we had another successful year would definitely be an understatement. Not only were all of the veteran’s wishes granted, but we ran out of room in the Toy Box! Thank you for con&nuing this great Christmas tradi&on with me. I hope you joined us on December 16th for our Sunday School Christmas Program during the 10:15 worship service. Fellowship and refreshments were held downstairs in Hibbard Hall. Thank you to all for a wonderful program. Reminder: December 23 – NO SUNDAY SCHOOL December 30 - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL We return to Sunday school on January 6th. We will be con&nuing our Route 66 journey through the Bible, as we study the books of 1st & 2nd Chronicles, 1st & 2nd Kings and Ezra. May God’s love light your way And lead you into a new year That shines with His special joy. Happy New Year! Kelly Brown, Sunday School Superintendent

The Trinity Snowman

When you see a snowman Three snowballs round,

He is reminding you That in God, Three in One are found.

The bottom reminds us of God the Father, Our strong rock and foundation. The creator of all living things. People, tribes, and nations.

The middle shows us God the Son With His arms spread open wide.

Who died on the cross for each of us. Our sins Jesus’ blood did hide.

The head reminds us of God the Holy Spirit. Who is our counselor and friend,

He speaks to our hearts and minds Transforming us in the likeness of Him.

So when you see a snowman, In the midst of all the wintertime fun,

Listen carefully and he’ll tell you, “Remember God is Three in One”.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAYAY Ralph Cook 1/02 Adam Fiedler 1/02 Daniel Hareng 1/04 Michael Oberheu 1/04 LaVerne Mueller 1/05 Bruno Schwenker 1/05 Megan Rakow 1/07 Janine King 1/09 Dolores Porath 1/09 Rose Palmersheim 1/10 Richard Staats 1/10 Kennedy Huseonica 1/11 Gregory Douglas 1/12 John Hembrook 1/13 Georgi Llanas 1/14 Jimmy Gaffney 1/15 Diane Remington 1/15 Marilyn King 1/16 Mark Sparacino 1/17

Sandy Abraham 1/19 Alyse Benn 1/19 Lois Essers 1/19 Roger Brinkmeier 1/20 Bernice King 1/20 Nancy Blachowski 1/21 Patrick Leon 1/21 Riley Hause 1/23 Dylan Kruschke 1/23 Jack Freeman 1/24 Jerry Pagel 1/24 Pastor Michael Fazio 1/25 David Cotey 1/26 Erin Arneson 1/27 Soren Fiedler 1/29 Mila Leon 1/30 Bri$a Bukowski 1/31 Benjamin Larson 1/31

John & Be$y Hembrook 1/23 John & Be$y Hembrook 1/23


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8:30 am Worship Assis&ng Minister: Marjorie Pagel Acolyte: Jackson Bussler Ushers: Jim Gaffney, Duane Hause, Lyle Lance Greeter: Ellen Dallmann Altar Guild: Janel Oberheu

10:15 AM Worship Assis&ng Minister: Kent Brodie Acolyte: Craig Lindenstruth Ushers: Jerry Pagel, Jerome Thome Greeter: Kris Laposki Altar Guild: Sandra Mar&n

Readings Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 Psalm 19 The teaching of the Lord revives the soul. (Ps. 19:7) 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a Luke 4:14-21

January 27

January 20 8:30 AM Worship

Assis&ng Minister: Jeff Girard Acolyte: Abigail Slieff-Vogt Ushers: Jeff Dietz, Jim Hendrickson, Linda Shea Greeter: Dean Strom Altar Guild: Sue Schicantek

10:15 AM Worship Assis&ng Minister: Mike Sparacino Acolyte: Gabrielle Ried Ushers: Larry Pfeil, Jerry Rakow Greeter: Karon Hedlof Altar Guild: Elaine Johnson

Readings Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm 36:5-10 We feast upon the abundance of your house, O Lord. (Ps. 36:8) 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11

8:30 AM Worship Assis&ng Minister: Jerrijo Cowman Acolyte: Lucas Dietzler Ushers: John Dobogai, John Hembrook, Ken Perkl Greeter: Kathy Sonntag Altar Guild: Erin Arneson

10:15 AM Worship Assis&ng Minister: Laurie Sorvick Acolyte: Emily Biloff Ushers: Tom Laposki, Brian & Kris& Peyer Greeter: Genevieve Fuss Altar Guild: Bernice King

Readings Isaiah 43:1-7 Psalm 29 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. (Ps. 29:3) Acts 8:14-17 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

January 13

8:30 AM Worship Assis&ng Minister: Sharon Kaempfer Acolyte: Abigail Slieff-Vogt Ushers: Jim Arneson, Mike Oberheu, Sco$ Ried Greeter: Pa* Sparacino Altar Guild: Barbara Meyrose

10:15 AM Worship Assis&ng Minister: Tom Laposki Acolyte: Maggie Aderman Ushers: Greg & Paul Saari Greeter: Janet Fazio Altar Guild: Jane Presco$

Readings Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 All kings shall bow down before him. (Ps. 72:11) Ephesians 3:1-12 Ma$hew 2:1-12

January 6

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1 New Years Day Office closed



4 Pastor off


6 8:30 & 10:15 am Worship/Temple talk 9:40 GYV’s 11:15 am Kid’s bells

7 7:00 pm Dartball - away

8 9:00 am Dorcas 1:00 pm KniUng & Croche"ng 6:30 pm Property Mtg 7:30 pm AA Mtg

9 WPLC @ Unity (1:30 pm cooking crew, 4:45 pm serving crew, 6:00 pm clean up crew) 4:15 pm Confirma"on class at Unity 7:00 pm Choir

10 8:30 am OWL’s at the Forum 7:15 pm Bells

11 Pastor off


13 8:30 & 10:15 am Worship, Healing 9:40 am GYV’s 10:15 am Children’s message 11:15 am Kid’s bells

14 February Leaf ar"cles are due 7:00 pm Dartball - away

15 2018 Annual reports are due 9:00 am Dorcas 1:00 pm KniUng & Croche"ng 7:30 pm AA Mtg

16 7:00 pm Choir

17 7:15 pm Bells

18 Pastor off


20 8:30 & 10:15 am Worship GYV’s @ services 10:15 am Roffers Bap"sm 11:15 am Kid’s bells

21 7:00 pm Dartball - home

22 9:00 am Dorcas 1:00 pm KniUng & Croche"ng 7:00 pm Council Mtg 7:30 pm AA Mtg

23 6:30 pm Confirma"on class 7:00 pm Choir

24 7:15 pm Bells

25 Pastor off


27 8:30 & 10:15 am Worship 9:40 am GYV’s 10:15 am Jerabek Bap"sm 11:15 am Kid’s bells

28 7:00 pm Dartball - away

29 9:00 am Dorcas 9:30 am Friends 1:00 pm KniUng & Croche"ng 7:30 pm AA Mtg

30 7:00 pm Choir

31 7:15 pm Bells


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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In early September, it was decided that our communion prac&ces should change. When I started my tenure as the Pastor of WPLC, the church would have communion on the first and third Sundays of the month, and on Fes&val Sundays. Our ELCA policy (as spelled out in the document, “The Use of the Means of Grace”) states that every ELCA church will have communion every Sunday; not necessarily at every service, but every Sunday. This had been my policy, up un&l that fateful day in September when I was leading a service that didn’t have communion and I felt like we were missing out on one of God’s greatest gi"s. From that point on, we have had Holy Communion at every service, whether at the rail or by in&nc&on.

Right at that same &me, I received a le$er from the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA which answered some o"en-asked ques&ons surrounding communion. I want to share this with you so you can gain a li$le more background as to why we do what we do regarding the Sacrament.

1. Why can only ordained pastors preside at Holy Communion? Since the eucharist belongs not to any one congrega&on but to the en&re Church, those who are ordained best represent the interconnec&ons we have to the Church Universal.

2. If a pastor is going to be absent for a given worship service, why can’t they just consecrate the bread and wine in advance or use the remaining elements from the previous service? While some Chris&an tradi&ons have an understanding of a reserved sacrament, o"en held in a tabernacle for future consump&on, Lutherans refrain from such an understanding. The general advice is that any bread and wine le" over a"er a eucharis&c service is to be consumed or disposed of immediately.

3. What about bringing communion to the homebound? Congrega&ons o"en extend their weekly table by bringing the communion elements to those who are ill or homebound, and this distribu&on is o"en done by trained laypeople. This prac&ce does not apply to holding over the elements for next Sunday’s regular service.

4. Why can’t interns or other seminarians preside at the table? There have been situa&ons in which an intern is serving as the primary pastoral leader for an extended period of &me and they have been granted status as a Synodically Authorized Minister. In general, however, interns are not yet authorized by the church to be ministers of Word and Sacrament. This occurs when they have completed their prepara&on, been approved for ordina&on, and have received and accepted a regular call.

5. If a layperson can’t preside at the table, why can they preach from the pulpit? While some laypeople are invited to preach the sermon during Sunday worship and at other &mes, we would encourage all pastors to exercise care in their oversight of the preaching ministry in the congrega&on, helping to prepare and support any lay leaders invited to proclaim the Gospel.

The celebra&on of Holy Communion is something that I take very seriously and hold it very close to my heart as an Ordained Minister. It is the gi" of God in the body and blood of Jesus Christ that blesses us with life, peace, hope and everything that our good and gracious Lord sees that we need for a life lived in Him. As we receive this gi", we receive the living Word of God!

God’s peace and blessings be with you always,

Pr. Michael


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