Whisper Falls A Horror Rules Adventure Script by Chris Weedin

Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

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Page 1: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with


FallsA Horror Rules Adventure Script

by Chris Weedin

Page 2: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

Author: Chris Weedin

Editor: Kimberly Weedin

All Cover and Interior Artwork: Chris Caprile

Horror Rules Project Team: Sarah "PB" Hoselton, Jessica Jenkins

Special Thanks To: God, in whom all things are possible; also to Kimmy (and the rest of the family) for supporting the obsession; and finally, to all of the countless characters who have lost their lives, and continue to do so, so that the world may be safe from evil.

Copyright © 2004 Crucifiction Games, All Rights Reserved

Copyright Notice: No part of this script may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

Permission to Photocopy: Any user of this script may photocopy or reproduce for personal use only any Cast or Bad Guy pages as well as any charts or tables that make play easier. In fact, we insist.

* Author's Note: the makers of "Horror Rules" in no way condone the worship of or even a casual night out with any of the evil creatures, demonic beings or sinister demi-gods alluded to in this game or any of its supplements. We also don't condone wanton violence or destruction (in the real world) as an effective means of solving problems. In other words, it's just a game.

Horror Rules and Horror Rules Adventure Scripts are published by Crucifiction Games

P.O. Box 654Selah, WA 98942

Page 3: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

Table of ContentsStory......................................................................................................................4



Character Limits...................................................................................................4

Style of Play..........................................................................................................4

Bad Guys..............................................................................................................5


Plot Pushers.........................................................................................................6

Chain of Events....................................................................................................7

Page 4: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

Whisper Falls

StoryWhat starts as a relaxing weekend in the woods with friends quickly turns deadly with the arrival of a strange amulet. Dropped off by some unkown source and fueled by dark magic, the amulet is responsible for the centennial rebirth of a horde of flesh-hungry zombies who are intent on devouring the group (and anyone else they can find). The only hope to end this harrowing experience is a mad midnight dash through zombie-infested woods to a mysterious place known only as Whisper Falls...

SettingNorth Cascades WildernessThe Cascade Mountains in central Washington State encompass several thousand acres of dense woods, scenic views, snowcapped peaks and bountiful wildlife. Crisscrossed by hiking trails and dotted with cabins and campsites, they make an excellent place for a weekend retreat, a simply day hike or fleeing for your life.

Hot Spot 1 – The CabinA simple yet well-furnished log cabin far out in the woods. The cabin can only be reached by a rough logging road followed by a one mile hike. It has several rooms and is decorated with old-timey antiques and hunting memorabilia. It belonged to one of the character's grandparents.

Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls CaveAn isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with the murmur of running water and the whisper of wind in the trees. A narrow passage leads behind the falls onto a treacherous ledge above a deep crevice. After a hundred feet, the ledge opens onto a small cave about 6MP across. In the center is a stone altar on which rests the other half of the mysterious amulet.

GoalQuestThe only chance for survival is to find the other half of the amulet. If the group can put the relic back

together, all the bad stuff will go away.

Character LimitsAll of the characters are friends, and have known each other for several years.

Style of Play• Limited Victims• One Event

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Page 5: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

Whisper Falls

Bad GuysName: ZombiesGrip Check: FreakCOR: 2 Move: 5Health: 8 Weak Spot: 5Fighting Skill: 6Damage: Contusion (punch) or Light (bite)

Powers • Just Plain Stinky - Before every fight, PC's must

check WIL or suffer -1 from the horrible stench.• Parts - On any Death result other than

Completely Dead, part of the Zombie is considered to have been blown/cut off or otherwise severed and will return to attack its foe. The Part has a Sneak 7, Health 4, Cor 2, Grip Check Freak and attacks as appropriate (Punch for arm or foot, Bite for head).

SkillsWatchfulness 4Sneak 4

Vulnerabilities Faith Attack - Smiting, Light Damage

DescriptionThe walking dead, in all their glory. They look just like you or me, except for the rotting, stinking flesh, broken yellow teeth, black fingernails, empty gaping eyesockets, wormtrails and the bits of tattered clothing clinging to their bloated bodies.

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Page 6: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

Whisper Falls

Mood1. Anyone Care For Some Crazy?

The whole thing with the amulet and the hidden map and the bizarre zombie army attacking... it just doesn't make sense! And it shouldn't. Things happen so fast and are just so weird and crazy that the PC's heads should be spinning.

2. The Dark WoodsWhat could be a better setting? An isolated, lonely cabin way out in the middle of the woods. This one is served up on a silver platter.

3. Whisper FallsThis secluded waterfall way out in the middle of nowhere should hold a feeling of hushed expectancy, like the characters have intruded on a sacred and secret place. They should definitely feel watched and jumpy, as if the spirits of those long dead are hovering about.

Plot Pushers1. Hot Potato

The open-eye part of the amulet doesn't want to be closed. It wriggles free from whoever's got it and drops to the ground. Have the character make Watchfulness checks each Round (-2 difficulty) until she realizes it's gone.

2. Hellooooo...?During the confusion and excitement of the dash through the woods, the Pusher gets separated from the rest of the group and lost. Roll Detection for any attempt to find him, or have him roll to find the group. Prayer would also be appropriate at this point.

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Page 7: Whisper Falls - crucifictiongames.com · Hot Spot 2 – Whisper Falls Cave An isolated falls fed by a nameless forest stream, this grotto is a hushed, secretive place filled with

Whisper Falls

Chain of Events1. The Amulet of the Eye

The characters are on a weekend getaway in a secluded cabin in the North Cascades wilderness. The cabin is owned by one of the character's grandparents. One night, there is a single knock on the door. Investigation reveals a golden amulet lying on the doorstep, obviously ancient but of uncertain origin. The amulet is covered with strange markings and has the image of a half-open eye engraved on it. It looks vaguely familiar to everyone, and a successful Detection check will lead the character's to a similar design etched into the coffee table. There is a secret compartment inside the table containing an aged hand drawn map and a piece of parchment. The compartment is well concealed and requires Technical or Thief to find and open. The map gives directions to a place called Whisper Falls, which seems to be located in the woods not too far away, and includes directions for finding a secret passage to someplace called “the Chamber of the Eye.” On the parchment is written this riddle:

“The dead will rise,The sky will shake,Close the eyeFor heaven's sake!”

At this point, Watchfulness reveals that the eye is now fully open. This creepy fact entitles everyone to a Startle check. Then a sudden boom of thunder splits the sky outside, prompting another Startle check. As a patter of rain starts to trickle down, there is a noise from the back bedroom. The zombies have been awakened by the amulet and now attack. There is one for each PC, and they will also break through the windows and front door (if there are enough). Once they've defeated the undead, the characters will have to move quickly. Noises outside will call their attention to an army of zombies approaching through the woods, moaning and groping hungrily. To solve the mystery, the group must flee the cabin and

travel to Whisper Falls. The trek through the dark woods is dangerous, to say the least. Halfway there, a random PC will be grabbed by a zombie hand thrust up from the ground and must be freed. The character is considered grappled with a BLK 3 and can escape by normal grappling rules or attacking the hand (4 Health to destroy). After one Round, three zombies will catch up to the group, followed by three more every Round. If they escape, the characters still need to find Whisper Falls with a successful BRN check (following a crude map in the dark woods while being chased by hungry zombies ain't easy). Once at the waterfall, they can use the map to find a concealed passageway behind the falls. The passage leads to a narrow ledge above a deep chasm. Everyone must pass a COR check or slip and fall into the chasm, which has the dual effect of killing them and ruining their weekend. The ledge eventually opens out into a small domed cave 6MP across. In the center sits a carved stone pedastal, on top of which rests the other half of the amulet. Guarding the relic is a sizable pack of zombies, three for each PC. They are standing silently with their heads down, as if asleep. Characters may Sneak through them to retrieve the amulet or just make a run for it. Sneaking characters move only ½ Movement, but the zombies will awaken and attack only on a failure. For the mad dash option (or if attacked), the zombies awaken instantly and try to dogpile the characters. Either way, as soon as the amulet is touched, they awaken and attack. To defeat the zombies (and save themselves), the characters must correctly fit the two parts of the amulet together, effectively closing the eye and terminating the source of the evil magic that fuels them. This is easier said than done, and requires a successful Detection check. Make sure to apply a -1 or -2 difficulty depending on how deeply the character is embroiled in the fight. If the amulet is rejoined, the zombies will crumble into dust and the characters are saved, and everyone should back to the cabin for s'mores.

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