What’s the Whisper Verse? “A child is born.” “Lord, thank You for keeping Your promise to send Your Son. Help us prepare our hearts and minds for Jesus’ birthday. Amen.” “Isaiah the Messenger!” Isaiah was one of God’s messengers. God told Isaiah He promised to send a special baby. Pretend you are Isaiah. Think of a special message about Christmas you can deliver to someone in your family, then find that person and deliver your message! To celeb rate the coming of Jes us, create a fami ly Advent Wreath using a circle of greenery and four candles to stand for the four Sundays before Christmas. Ligh t th e first candle as the Pr omise Candle and read Isaiah 9:2-3, 6. Talk about ways your family gets ready to celeb rate the birth of Jesus. Unit 10 Bible Memory Verse “Give thanks t o the Lord , for He is g ood.” Psalm 118:1a Unit 10 Challenge Verse “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: a nd the governme nt shall be upon His sh oulders: and His name sha ll be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, Eve rlasting Fa ther, The Prince of Peace.” Isaia h 9:6 (KJV) Unit 10 Lesson 48

What’s the “A child Whisper Verse? is born.”resourcewell.s3.amazonaws.com/children/prophetsandpromises/PP.U1… · What’s the Whisper Verse? “A child is born.” “Lord,

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What’s the Whisper Verse?

“A child

is born.”

“Lord, thank You for

keeping Your promise to

send Your Son. Help us

prepare our hearts and

minds for Jesus’

birthday. Amen.”

“Isaiah the Messenger!” Isaiah was

one of God’s messengers. God told

Isaiah He promised to send a

special baby. Pretend you are Isaiah. Think

of a special message about Christmas you

can deliver to someone in your family,

then find that person and deliver

your message!

To celebrate the coming of Jesus,

create a family Advent Wreath

using a circle of greenery and four

candles to stand for the four

Sundays before Christmas. Light the

first candle as the Promise Candle

and read Isaiah 9:2-3, 6. Talk about

ways your family gets ready to

celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Unit 10 B

ible Mem

ory Verse

“Give than

ks to the

Lord, for

He is go


Psalm 118


Unit 10


e Verse

“For unto

us a child

is born,

unto us a

Son is

given: and

the gove

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all be upo


His should

ers: and

His name

shall be c



ul Counsel


The Migh

ty God,


g Father,

The Princ

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Isaiah 9:6


Unit 10 Lesson 48