What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell Active Learning Classroom Technologies IN COLLABORATION WITH PRESENTED BY

What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell Active Learning ... · or Blu-ray player coming in—hardwired sources plus wireless sources—and you have a very easy to use on-screen

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Page 1: What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell Active Learning ... · or Blu-ray player coming in—hardwired sources plus wireless sources—and you have a very easy to use on-screen

What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell

Active Learning Classroom Technologies


Page 2: What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell Active Learning ... · or Blu-ray player coming in—hardwired sources plus wireless sources—and you have a very easy to use on-screen



IntroductionThe active learning classroom (ALC) teaching style was

formally developed and began adoption in the mid-1990s.

Digital whiteboards started to appear in ALCs in the mid-2000s,

and a few years ago disparate screen sharing and mirroring

technologies were introduced. Until recently, providing an

integrated, easy-to-use, low-cost technology solution designed

specifically for active learning that could truly enhance the

overall teaching and learning experience simply didn’t exist.

Active learning classroom (ALC) pedagogies in higher education

are now rapidly replacing traditional teaching styles, and new

technologies have been developed to help support and enhance

the experience. The sale of these technologies requires a much

deeper understanding than selling flat panels and clickers.

This is where your expertise as an integrator and/or consultant

will shine. You have an opportunity to provide your customer

with a new technology solution they need.

What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell Active Learning Classroom TechnologiesThis paper provides you with the background you need to use the correct language with your customers

and to help them understand new technology solutions that are available to help enhance ALC pedagogies.

Through interviews with two integrators and their end user customers, learn how easy it is to add this new

technology category to your portfolio. by Cindy Davis

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First Things FirstBefore you call your college or university customer to pitch a technology that will improve student outcomes and change the way instructors teach—slow down. Institutions of higher education are very sensitive when it comes to the quality of education they already provide. It’s important to understand that pedagogy is paramount, and technology only supports different teaching styles, not the other way around—ever.

Check out the sidebars to help you learn some important terms and understand the background.

All of your higher education customers will be aware of active learning pedago-gies. Since the mid-1990s, foundational research from North Carolina State University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and other institu-tions for higher education have shown that active learning classrooms (ALCs) help increase student engagement and lead to positive outcomes.

Researchers at MIT determined that students in a technology-enabled active learning (TEAL) project made statistically significant gains across low, intermediate, and high academic levels.

These active learning pedagogies are rapidly replacing traditional teaching styles that are sometimes referred to as “sage on the stage.” This can be accomplished simply by rearranging the classroom furniture from the lecture-style format and creating a series of collabora-tive group tables. However, new tech-nologies have been developed to help support and enhance the experience, connecting instructors and students and

enabling them to engage at an even deeper level through sharing and collaborating on content across multiple classrooms.

COMMON ENEMY IN MULTIPLES Traditionally, classroom collaboration solutions have been cobbled together. “There had to be multiple products involved, often from different manufacturers. Products such as matrix switchers, control interfaces, and hardwired cabling,’’ says Mike Tada, Education Segment, Sony Professional Solutions Americas.

DO YOUR HOMEWORK Before making the first call! It’s important to understand these two terms were used long before the integration of technology.

Active Learning Classroom (ALCs) are defined as “student-centered, interactive, integrated, flexible, active learning spaces” (University of Minnesota, 2009). These spaces can take many forms,

but typical ALCs include:

4 Movable chairs and tables or tables configured into groupings (often referred to as pods)

4 Multiple projection/viewing systems4 Multiple whiteboards/writing surfaces.

The furniture and technology are designed to enable students to work in small groups and to enable instruc-tors to work more interactively with students during class activities.

Pedagogy (ped·a·go·gy) Defined as the art, science, or profession of teaching. The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.

This is an important term to know as it is often used in education when talking about different styles of teaching. The pedagogy is first and foremost in education, and technology only supports this. Don’t make the mistake of saying the technology will improve a pedagogy!

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During a recent university visit, it was revealed to the Sony team that a university department had spent well over a million dollars on a large collaboration room that had been built three years ago. “They have a rack of AV equipment that’s probably eight racks’ worth—so a good 16 feet in length—filled with AV appliances, a 64x64 matrix switcher, and thousands of feet of cable being pulled back and forth; physical cable runs to everything,” says Tada. “It was the only way that could have been done because there wasn’t a single product that pulled all of this together.”

In addition to multiple black boxes, a common complaint was that the collaboration system user interface was difficult to use. “Ease of use was the number-one request from all of the people we met—the integrator, the AV manager, and faculty,” says Tada. “No one wants to use an intimidating, overwhelming user interface.” He says, “There were many people that say, ‘It has to be @#!*easy to use.’”

SOLVING PROBLEMS AND SHAPING TODAY After gathering research and speaking to several end users within higher education, nearly two years ago Sony engineers in Japan began work on a device that would connect BYODs to a display in a meeting room.

“Our engineering and product planning team from Japan came over with this little prototype box hidden underneath a cupboard at InfoComm 2016 saying, ‘This is what we want to do,’’ says Tada. “When educators who were attending InfoComm saw the system, they were interested in the fundamentals and provided excellent feedback on what is required in education for active learning.”

Sony’s Tada and the team from Japan traveled around the world to gather feedback.“I visited 12 universities and collected the voice of the customer,” says Tada. “I went back to Japan and told everybody that there is a demand out there, and that this was

ALC BENEFITS ARE PROVEN On average, students taught with active learning outperformed those taught by lectures by points on their exam.

Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics.

Active learning raises average grades by a half a letter, while failure rates under traditional lecturing increase by 55%.

Source: Freeman et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)



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going to be a good solution for three use cases: interactive lectures, active learning, and conferencing.” The result was the basic fundamentals of Sony’s Vision Exchange active learning classroom solution, which was announced at InfoComm 2017.

SIMPLIFIED SOLUTION Rather than a hardwired video network and multiple AV devices, Vision Exchange facilitates active learning through one box over an IP network.

The way the Vision Exchange works, says Tada, “is we have the main Vision Exchange unit, which is the hub of the whole system. It can be used as a stand-alone

small switcher so that you can have various types of sources such as a document camera, faculty laptop, or Blu-ray player coming in—hardwired sources plus wireless sources—and you have a very easy to use on-screen graphical user interface to switch it.”

This eliminates the need for matrix switchers or third- party user interfaces, because everything related to Vision Exchange is presented on the screen. “At its core, as a single-station collaboration device, it allows a facilitator to manage the content without having to plug and unplug devices, to be able to preview the content, to show it on that one screen or two screens attached to the main unit, and even in full-screen mode,” says Tada. “A lot of that is due to our team in Japan—I give them kudos because they really worked hard listening to end users and they made a very good user interface that’s clean and simple for the facilitator to work with.”

To add the active learning component, all that’s needed is a “pod PC” per student group table, which can be any third-party Windows PC with Vision Exchange software installed. This helps overcome concerns from IT depart-ments, and it allows them to have complete control over what goes on the pod PC. “We tell the IT department that underneath the pod PC is a Windows operating sys-tem, but it’s effectively an appliance where applications

are protected and you can’t install anything on it except what’s approved,” says Tada.

There are two components to Vision Exchange. “You’re going to have a hardwire component between the main unit and all of the pods, because of all the video and communications transferring back and forth,” says Tada, “and then any BYODs are brought into it through a Wi-Fi component.”

What about that university that spent a million dollars on a large collaboration room? “They asked me, ‘Where were you three years ago? We could replace all of this with two of these boxes,’” Tada says. A room of this type might cost $125,000 today, but Tada estimates a room with a main Vision Exchange system and six pods would cost between $30,000 and $40,000.


Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter. Source: flippedlearning.org

TEAL Technology-Enabled Active Learning is a pedagogical innovation established in a technology-enhanced multimedia studio, emphasizing constructivist-oriented teaching and learning developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

SCALE-UP (Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs) is an initiative based at North Carolina State University, SCALE-UP has inspired active learning development at scores of universities.

STEM Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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Success Is in the InstallationsMatrix Video Communications, headquartered in Calgary, had some early success with two Vision Exchange installations. Bill Redekop, account manager at Matrix’s Saskatoon branch, explains that the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) had an inside track because they had been using an early version of Vision Exchange and were able to provide feedback that helped shape the final product. “They worked with Sony when they came with their engineers and gave all the pros and cons,” says Redekop.

One area the U of S provided input on was the pricing structure. The IT acquisitions department supports everything that’s on campus, Redekop explains. “It’s one thing to call them and say, ‘Hey, this is what we want to do. Can you find the hardware and make it work?’ And they can do that,” he says. But they were concerned that we might

Students at the University of

Saskatchewan Edwards School

of Business, Allsopp Learning Lab,

using Sony’s Vision Exchange.

U of S photos courtesy of David Stobbe / stobbephoto.ca

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call to say, “‘Here’s a solution but you have to pay a subscription and then it’s ongoing and you have to incorporate that into your budget.’ The idea of buying something once was a better model, so that’s what they’ve done.”

Sony’s Vision Exchange is an all-in-one solution with a Software Upgrade Program (SUP) with an annual fee that can be purchased up front. One of the benefits of the SUP is that it ensures BYODs will always be connected, as those operating systems are updated without warning, and often.

Optional add-on licenses are also offered with the Vision Exchange Active Learning License. The Sony Vision Exchange Streaming Output License allows for streaming output from the VE main unit for recording, lecture capture, or live distribution. A Sony Vision Exchange Remote Communication License allows a presenter to share the

“main view” and easily receive content from the “far side.”

Although U of S had been working with an early version of Vision Exchange, it wasn’t a foregone conclu-sion that they would choose the system when it came time to outfit two of its rooms in the Edwards School of Business.

Kyle Berezowski, CTS, consultant, Equipment Services, ICT Client Services at

U of S says, “You’ve got to keep an open mind and see what else may be out there.” He and another team member checked out solutions being shown at InfoComm 2017. “We looked into Sony Vision Exchange as well as a few other manufacturers that were claiming that they had active learning solutions.” Vision Exchange met U of S client needs and the criteria of the team. “The Sony solution is just very intuitive, very simple and straightforward.” The user interface was a key differentiator that sealed the deal in choosing Sony Vision Exchange, Berezowski says. “You get out there and start swiping, and very quickly a user of any skill level can get out there and start teaching in an active manner.”

Flexibility and scalability were also key. “Vision Exchange can expand and mold to how-ever you see fit, so it was really simple to say we wanted to do four pods today and then in a week’s time or a month’s time, we can add another four. That scalability was unmatched by any other manufacturer I had seen. It became apparent that Sony was in a league of its own and raised the bar quite high. In my mind, there was really no one that came close to doing what Sony was doing. I was up there testing the product

Room 45 at U of S Edwards School

of Business, Allsopp Learning Lab,

has a Sony Vision Exchange

connected via IP—over the network.

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and within a few minutes after pushing a few things, I was able to very quickly wrap my head around it and figure out how to use it.”

The U of S has its own installation team, but Redekop and the Sony team were on hand to help ensure all the pods were configured with proper IDs and IP addresses. “The two ALCs are full, from 8:30 in the morning to 10:00 at night,” says Melissa Hildebrandt, PMP, project manager, Enterprise Project Management Office, Strategic Program Office at U of S. There was little time for formal training from the time the system was installed to when classes began in the fall. “Sony was on-site just before classes began in the space, and they provided training to faculty who were available, and to some embedded IT support staff in Edwards. But the reality is that this product is very easy to understand once it’s there and installed and ready to use.”

INTEGRATOR TRAINING During InfoComm 2017, Sony provided training for sellers that would be carrying Vision Exchange. “The Sony team gave us a few more tips about the product, and what we needed to know to sell it, how it is integrated, and about what the path going forward would look like with software that could be added,” says Redekop. “It’s not difficult once you understand active learning—this product just follows suit as far as that whole concept.”

Jerry Allaire, account manager at Matrix Video Communications’ Winnipeg branch, also attended the training during InfoComm and agreed. “Once active learning was

Afra Bolefski, acting head of the

Albert D. Cohen Management Library

at the University of Manitoba (UM) is

teaching a financial literacy workshop in a

breakaway group using Vision Exchange.

UML photos courtesy of Mike Latschislaw

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explained to me, it’s a pretty basic understanding; it’s a new way of doing some teach-ing rather than your standard lecture theater,” he says. The simplicity of the Vision Exchange product and execution helped solidify the active learning concept. “Learning the system was very simple, given that there’s one box, and it has the ability to move images from one display to another. The main feature is to be able to bring an image from any of the pods—any of the small working groups—up to the main screen so that the whole class can see it and discuss it.”

Not that a sale is ever easy, but Robert Legal, supervisor, Learning Technology Solutions, Infrastructure Development, Technology Services at the University of Manitoba (UM) called Matrix Video’s Allaire when he sought the right ALC solution for their renovation of the Albert D. Cohen Management Library.

“He had looked into a couple of other solutions, so he knew the different components that were required. When I told him that Sony had one, he was very interested in learning about it,” says Allaire. Legal attended InfoComm 2017 and viewed an operational demo of Vision Exchange. “Shortly after that is when I got the purchase order,” says Allaire.

Above: UML’s Bolefski annotates on the

main display, and it is mirrored to other

displays around the classroom.

Inset: Students can create “sticky notes”

on their BYODs for their own reference

without sharing (mirroring) them

to the main display.

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WHAT ARE THE TARGET MARKETS FOR VISION EXCHANGE? Vision Exchange is a collaboration tool that has been designed for higher education active learning environments and corporate customers.

CAN IT BE SOLD TO CORPORATE CUSTOMERS? Yes, but it’s important to understand that it was designed with educators in mind. Some corporations have training facilities where this technology may fit. The main unit will fit into a conference room or a board room to serve as:

■ A powerful switcher to accommodate both physical HDMI sources and mirrored BYOD sources

■ A collaboration tool (annotation, whiteboard, and sticky notes)■ A tool for traditional video conferencing or Skype for Business (V1.1 or later)

The Pod PC can be useful in a huddle space for collaboration and Skype for Business capability. The streaming option could be used to record corporate meetings.

WHAT ABOUT OTHER EDUCATION LEVELS? HIGH SCHOOLS? PRIVATE SCHOOLS? Demonstrations for these institutions have resulted in very good reactions to the product. Typically, the issue at high schools is funding. In some cases, schools still share projectors. Private schools can be a different story if they have the enrollment base and the funding. There has been more than just passing interest at these institutions.


■ AV department ■ Learning spaces manager■ Faculty and dean ■ Media services■ Center of education ■ Procurement team■ IT department ■ Library services

WHAT DO YOU SAY? Start the discussion around AV solutions and mention that you’d like to discuss technology for an active learning solution that has been designed for education. It’s a collaborative teaching tool that would engage the students in learning, change how they learn, and help them to retain more.

NOTE: “Active learning” is the key phrase!

OK, NOW THAT WE HAVE THEIR INTEREST, WHAT COMES NEXT? Contact your Sony account manager to arrange for them to be on-site with you with a Vision Exchange Kit to provide a full demonstration of the product to the customer.

“This was going to be a good solution for three use cases: interactive lectures, active learning, and conferencing.” The result was the basic fundamentals of Sony’s Vision Exchange active learning classroom solution, which was announced at InfoComm 2017. — Mike Tada, Education Segment,

Sony Professional Solutions Americas

Active Learning

Interactive Lecture

Conference Room

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Four Simple Elements of Sony’s Vision Exchange™ Active Learning Solution




3 Wireless Access Point 3rd Party Industry-grade

4 DisplaysTouch-screen Preferable

1 Main Unit Active Learning License

2 Mini PCPod PC Software

THE VISION EXCHANGE collaboration appli-ance comes equipped with software that will get you up and running immediately with:■ Annotation■ Whiteboard capabilities■ Digital sticky notes■ Snapshot features

BYOD mirroring is active out of the box, as is the wire-less content control, which can be operated from a variety of control input devices including wireless mouse and keyboards as well as Android and iOS tablets and smartphones.

There are three optional software bundles that add even more functionality to the same appliance. No need to buy more boxes!1: Active Learning 2: Remote Communication3: Streaming Output Capability

Page 12: What You Need to Know to Effectively Sell Active Learning ... · or Blu-ray player coming in—hardwired sources plus wireless sources—and you have a very easy to use on-screen



ConclusionColleges and universities are looking for ways to engage students more deeply through active and collaborative learning spaces and teaching pedagogies. A tech-nology such as Sony’s Vision Exchange is a clear solution that leverages students’ desire for hands-on experiences in the classroom. Students and instructors share and collaborate on content from their own devices. This capability enables both instructors and students to engage in more cooperative relationships that foster vital mentoring, paving the way for students to enjoy productive careers in the fields of their choice.

Sony’s Vision Exchange is a flexible and scalable solution that provides a dynamic solution not only for active learning classrooms, but also for other teaching spaces such as interactive learning and meeting room applications including conference rooms and huddle spaces.

THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH WAS USED FOR THIS PAPER: A Guide to Teaching in the Active Learning Classroom: History, Research, and Practice by Paul Baepler, J. D. Walker, D. Christopher Brooks, Kem Saichaie, and Christina I. Petersen

“NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition.” Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium

EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research report, “Higher Education’s Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2017”

International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2017, Volume 29, Number 1

“How Does Technology-Enabled Active Learning Affect Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of Electromagnetism Concepts?” The Journal of the Learning Sciences.

© 2018 NewBay Media Inc. Logos and trademarks are the property of their respective companies. All rights reserved.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Cindy Davis is a contributing editor for AV Technology magazine and producer of the AV/IT Leadership Summits. As chief content officer @CustomMediaCo she has been creating custom content for her clients for more than two decades. From 2000 to 2009, she helped build the Electronic House consumer print and online brands connecting with readers and sharing her passion for AV and smart home technologies. Connect with Davis at [email protected]