Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M


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Page 1: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M

Page 2: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M

Introduction to Westin

 Lifestyle strategy change of WESTIN  But…What is Lifestyle?,

 Buying choices are driven by psychological factors which are: Motivation, Perception, Learning, Beliefs and attitudes,

 …and then Motivation is based on Maslow model

Page 3: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M

Maslow model



Love / Belonging


Self Actualisation

Page 4: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M


 Strategic: ROI, Brand trainers.

 Tactic: Processes, Transfert.

 Operational: Training, Objectives.

Page 5: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M

Marketing communication strategy 1/3

Web (Stickiness model)

Ofoto Online Dictionnaries

(Britanica) Personnal websites

Domain name speculation CMS

(Content management system),

(Sources: Web 2.0 Principles and Best Practices, John Musser & Tim O'Reilly and the O'Reilly Radar Team, O’Reilly Media, 2006)

Web 2.0 (Syndication model)

FlickR Wikipedia Blogging

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


Web 2.0 (Syndication model)

Web 3.0 (Mix model)

Page 6: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M

Marketing communication strategy 2/3

Hospitality 2.0 Hotels 2.0 Reservations 3.0

Page 7: Westin

Group 5, including Audrey B., Jc M., Joël F., Lionel K., Yacine M

Marketing communication strategy 3/3

 When ultimate tools become ultimate nightmares