7. No. 33 -+*~ Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907. == = == = = = = = = ===asj » = = . -------- J. W. GREEN. Prop. MONEY SAVING Let no young young wan ever permit it to enter hi* bead that economy is meiraneM, or that it is to be desplsod. It is be who saves who can afford to give; and noth* ing is moan which is honest and which g « » to establish one's in- dependence We will receive your deposits from f l upwards, allowing you in- terest thereon at current rates from date of deposit to date of with. drawaJ. Compounded 4 times a year. Absolute Security to Depositors. Capital Authorized $ l , 000,000.00 Capital Paid Up 550,000,00 fteMirve undivided profits 1150.000,00 Asset© 6,000,000.00 Tlw Western Sink of Candi. lainlef Bruch. w B. WEST, Manager. CLEMENT & CLEMENT, H«»riat*ra. tMkliclUri. NoUrii.. Putl|c, C< 0n' Ttpnevi, Si H loitrrUton on iii.! **t+i*- E P. Ciaaant, K, C. E. W, ct rMCTT SCELLEN * WEIR. J. A . 8c*H«»>. B.a., L L. B. J. J. a . Wait. Uuur is Chsiu-ery. ihtrU Ux«, holicUor*. *ws. Mts»! w» lo*n- Ojgce»-^p*tsIt* in the Aoi*rlca.r. M « il . H. HILTS Dentist Wellesley. Office :—Oppopite the Furniture shop. DR. W. J. SCHMIDT, DENTIST ijflftc* up stairs, opposite the Post Office, King street, Berlin, Out. Albion Hotel WELLESLEY. H. K rKUTzWTRSER, MKXW1T01. Every Modern Accomodation Choicest Liquors Beat Stabling. W.FLAKIER, M. D. C- ». U.tlil »n .1 MIT«r w S«rc«/T. Toronto Oen*ral Uoapin Aw^ciat* Coronor lor Waterloo Co«u>cjr. Orrtcx Hoomi-* t« 10 o. m. O** two o'- oloek., p. w. and arialac*. fetter Qass of Customers Are QuicK TO DISCERN ACTUAL MERIT. The clothe® we sell you are made by modern method.* and possess the merit to m*iKB favorable first imprenvians-icnd enhance them in real service. See our stock of pat- terns lor Sprinpr and Summer Wear EH. PFEFFEF. Your Y ailor’ Lisbon. Social Reduclionv in All Lia*», 1 - 4 BK Suffering From eye strain EVER TROUBLED THAT WATT If to consult a skilled optic, tian. We'll be glad to attend to TOnr c»&0 and can guarantee the beat results. E y « tested and glasses adjusted to relieve the a train. A l l WORE GUARANTEED. Eyes teBtedFree J. Welsh & Son Direct Importers. STRATFORD. Marriage Licences, Confidential. * TIME TABLE. Of ibe Preslon and Berlin Elec- tric Railway, Timetable No. 3, effective Oct. 6th Leave Berlin for Preston, Hes paler and Halt A. M ,— 8,00, 9.0b, 10 05,11.05, if. M —*12.05, 1.03, 3.05, 3 05, 4.05, r, or. « nr. v o n r ok mnn « n* 11.05. (Preston ouly). Extra ex press cur will leave Berlin for O. P R, station, Quit, carry- ing passenger* a tail baggage, at 3.40 a.in. and 6 p.m. Leave Preston Junction for Ber- lin, Hespeler and Galt:— A. M.—(5.20, Hoapeleronly),(5,30 Galt Only), 7 30, S.30, a,30. 10.35, 11.35. P. M ,— 12.35, 1.35, 2.35, 4,35, 5 35, 0.36, 7.35, f* 35, 9 85, 10.35 Extra express car? will leave Free ton Springs at 9.03 a,hi,, and 0 35 p.m. fur B. P. R. station Unit. Leuve Galt far Berlin, Preston and Hespeler:— A. M — 7.00, 3.00, 9 06, 10.05, 11.061 P. M — 12.05, j 05, 3 .OB, 3,05, 4.05, 5.05: 6 05,, B.Q6, 10.05, (11 06, Preston only.V Extra express cur will leave U. P. B station going north oa arrival of the 10.25a. in. and 7.14 p.m. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. Council met at-Crossbill on Mon- day, Jane 3rd. All th® members present, the r w t» presiding. Minute* of previous meeting read and ndopfol- Moved by H N Hu din, seconded by W Hastings, ihm the sum of $3 be paid to Geo N Hoeha as re- ward for killingus dog in tho act of worrying sheqp; and tlutt the reeve issue an order accordingly —Car- ried. j Moved by J- Jjteidel. seconded by B Lintiok, that She sum or $G be paid to Geo lxjej u* reward for killing two dogs in tho act of vror- Tying sheep, and that tho reeve ia. sou Ms order for Baid-amount.— * Carried. ? Moved by H N Hnehn, seconded by W H-tatioga. Ihxt the following accounts be paid ami that the reeve udhub orders 1a payment Of the Same; John .Kouherr ropcnlvort, h p |1 ; Tfaos Burnett, work on road machine, pt p f 10; L B Frey ; rup road machine and new spring, $3,90; / B Hauatnond, rep 3 cul- verts and tilling In washout, $2.50; lhos Hillyard, $ loads gravel, 1904, 50c ; Ang, Herzog, salary us assess- or, 140, attending court of revision $2, total $43; W H Knight, salary as assessor *70. attending court of revision $2, extras $3. total $75 ; A. McDonald, salary ns Assessor 150, attending court of revision $2, to- tal $53.—Carried, Court of Revision «nd Appeal re A-HieOamen f. Holla. The coupcU nt^uce fortuad. lute a Gooft of BifivMSk. After taking the oath of ofBco A. B. Holiertann wuh mpde' chairman of said rnw- mlt$ee 00 motion by Measni Huehn and HaoMng*. Quito a n amber of appeals were received, and after due consideration by the Court the chairman reported ns follows : We the Court of He vision and Appeal beg to report that on the appeal of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. do action be tu ken ; that the assess mont of J. C» Shelly bo reduced $1200- that the total assessment* of the Lutheran and Methodist parsonages at Linwond b® struck off the roll, amounts $1200 and t&00 respectively; that tho assessment of Alex. Adxnm bo lowered $800 that Pb, BerdtlX'* assessment be reduced from $7100 to $6600; that a dog be strnck off the roll for each of the following: J M Helm, J F Re it aid, Ptttil Kieswettor, John Bpalir, Chafl Miller and Chr Kennel that the BssEwsiuent of W Marlin- eon be lowered $1000; that D Gascho, lot 13 c o a l, e s, assess merit $900, be now assessed to Jon- athan Lichty ; that the lands of J B Bchwartxeutraber, lot 13, con 2, 4 4.a Keren, miiiiiini iawii. be now assessed to Jacob Hoffmann ; that D YV Koehler be added to the roll as MF&FK in sub^ division No. 6; no action w taken in the appeal* of Jubn Myroskl and L Fieiburger; the appeal was held over until the Court meets again. Whereupon U wo* moved by H N Htiuhn, Hceonded by W Hastings, that tbia Court do now adjourn to meet again Tuesday the 2nd day of July, 1907, at 2 o'clock, p. tn, and that said Court ro«uma in open Oouncil.—Carried. Council resumed Tenders re the Dentinger bridge were now opened and considered by the Board. After comparing the conditions and. prices of the differ out tenders it was moved by H N Hnolin, seconded by W Hastings, that the tender of D H Chalmers and Borhn:— A . M ,— 6.35, 8.10, 9.10, l(U 0 r 11.35. P. M— 12 14,, 3J*. 4.15, 6.15, 6.15. 7.16, 8.16, 9.1*7 10.15. 10.40, Preston only). by J Reidol, that the tender of the Btratford Bridge andf Iron Works f,r the construction of the iron superstructure to the Dnntinger bridge at Hawkejvitle bo accepted. —Carried, A petition signed by H M Cnote and four others was received pray- ing this connoil to allow them to pu.y their assessments re the A. Boggs drain forthwith. No action was taken at this mooting. Alter takingthe evidence of Chas Bosch and bis witnesses re the kill- ing of bis sheep by a dog or does it w:u» moved by W Hastings, sec- onded by J Keidet that the sum of $9 be paid to Chas Busch as com- pensation for one sheep killed by a dog or dugs, and that the reeve sign an order in payment of (be same.— Oarried. The tenders re tho Goo Bronoor dram were opened and considered, which took up much of the after- noon's time. After % long discos sion tho council consulted Mosers. Heinbuch and Brenner and made: the tollowing proposition to thorn : That th is Board adjourn, to some later date and inatruot the clerk to re-advertise for tenders fortbocon- atructiunof the said drain. This proposition being aanotioned by the aforesaid two gentlemen, it wee moved by Mr. Reidef, seconded by Mr. Lintick thia council do now ad- journ to moot again at Linwood on Monday, Juno 24th, at 1.30 p.m., to open and consider tenders re the George Brenner drain.—Carried. P ktkk F. &UKUKKBB, Clerk. Mr. Jacob Bchmidt is laid np with sciatica at present, and hia daughter Alanna, is ill with th® measles. Our popular old resident. Thn*. Gloockler Luis made his round, again. Tho railway engineer and a party of Wellesleyite® passed through here lost week looking over the route from Baden or Ham - burg to Wellesley. Now then, as I advised the editor of the Maple Leaf some time ago, tho Now Ham bnrg fishing club mint do something to get their fi-li transported from Erb’s road to Now Hamburg by a boat route, this railway scheme might fit in when winter with it® ice difficulties interfere with the river traffic. Our general pro- prietor of tho Royal hotel U al- ready arranging with some of th® big firms for a 'bus or automobile to connect the hotel with the Phil- ipftburg docks and railway station . Goon, New Hamburg and Welles- ley! Philipsbturg La with you for tho improvement of the rivers, roods and and railways of our grand old county. And we'll furnish you with lots of business for all of them. £«wr Man His Own Doctor. The uventge tnau cannot afford to em pi.IV a physician for every slight *11111001 or Injury that may occur in his family, nor can hu afford to neglect them, an so slight a a injurv as tbu scratch of a pin has been known to oause the loss of a limb. Hence every man muat from necessity bo his o wn doctor for this clawt of fiilmeatR Bnecoss often depends upon prompt treatment, which can only bn had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Cham- berhiin V remedies have been in tho market for many years and en- joy a good reputation. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com- plaint, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ootiglv#, rolds, croup and whoop- ing oongh. ChpmlHirlttin'fl Pain Balm (an nn- tidcptic liniment) for cuts, broises, burn*, sprains, swellings, lmne back and rheumatic pain*. Chamberlain's Btomnch and Liver tahlotn for constipation, biliousness and stomach trouble. Chamberlain’s Halve fer diseases or the skin. * One bottle of eflch of these five preparations o«*ts only $1.25. For Sale by A. J. Sanndera. trains. Leave Hespeler for Preston, Galt ^5^ the construction of tba abut- ment* to th® Dentinger bridge, 'at $5.20 per cujIo yard, be accepted.— Oarried. Moved by H N Huehn, eeooaded rmLtPsmwto. visiting at Mr. P. Petri's, South East hope, on Buadny lust. Mr Brand has loft this vicinity to spend the remainder of his days with his son in Toronto. M-.ttsrs H. Doering snd Nelson Hoorle, and Silases Emma Haerie and Alms Helpel were visitors at Mr. P, Petri s on Sunday, Mr. H, F. Schmidt and family were visiting Sebastian Capliug the other day - Mr. and Mrs. Con. Heldmnn were the guests of their sous, John and Con , in Baden early in tho week. Mr. Milton Boettinger, of Bridge portkPaid par village a flying visit the ottrer day. He remained here long enough, however to buy a No. I buggy from onr carriage makers, H. Wagner A Lou. Misses Millie Doering. Ford, W*B»Hr and Ella Lant® wero visit- mg friends and attending Presby- terian services in Baden on Bun- day LIS DON. Wedding bells are ringing her® today (Jane llth), it beibg the event of the marriage of Mine Lavina Wagner, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wagner, to Rev. Wm. Eidt, Evangelical min- ister, of Dashwood. Rev. Gee, Wagn«r of Listownl. brotner oi me twfdv, tied Eh* «a]m al knot. A few Of the intimate friend# and the family were prosoot. The best wishes of th© whole community are extended to the bride and groom, who are both very popolac- here. BERLET'S CORNER. The following is tho report of B. 8. No 19, Wilnaot and Wellesley r for tho months of April and May. Names given in order of merit: (Those receiving 75 i>or o. or over marked : Br 4—Lilian Bnyder,-' Jr 4—Philip Wagner. Br 3— Amelia Wagner*, Thoodoro Hammer. Jr 3—Mt»ry Bosbari*, John Liohti*, Peter Bteckley, Noah Jantzi, Emma Hammer, Thoodoro Wagner, Frieda Koehler. Hr. 2—Katie Jantzi*, Clara Wagner*, Eleonora Koohler. Jr 3—Hilda Lot»«, Mattie Jantzi, Paula Wagner, Helga Bohmltt. P i 3—Abraham Heiner*. Ben- jamin Herner, Alma Bohmitt. Sr Pt 1—Lydia Uohti, Mattio i?tedcloy. Herrer, 0«epr Wagner, John Jantzi, Lillie Bos hart, Harry Knechtel, Saloma Both- Willie Bertel- Jr Pt 1—Henna Bosh art, Eman- uel Wagner, Mary Roth, Olga Wagner. Alfred Wngner, Anmu Roth. O live E. Freeborn, Teacher. Totter Cured. A lady customer of ours had. suf- fered with tetter for two or three years- It got so hod on her hands that she could not attend to her household duties. Onn box of Chamberlain's Balve eared her. Cbamberluin 'a medicines give rplcn- didsaiiwfsction in this oommujiity. M. IJ . Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamber bun's medecinee are for sale by A, *J. Baundors, Tonight. If you would enjoy tomorrow- take Chamberlain's Btomaoh and Liver tablets tonight. They pro- duooan agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and olunBU the stomach. Price, $5 cents. Samples free at A. J. Saunders’ drug store.

Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907. J. W. GREEN. Prop

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Page 1: Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907. J. W. GREEN. Prop

► 7. No. 33-+*~

Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907.

== = ===========asj » = = . --------J. W . GREEN. Prop.

MONEY SAVINGLet no young young wan ever

permit it to enter hi* bead that economy is meiraneM, or that it is to be desplsod. I t is be who saves who can afford to g iv e ; and noth* ing is moan which is honest and which g « » to establish one's in­dependence

We will receive your deposits from f l upwards, allowing you in- terest thereon at current rates from date of deposit to date of with. drawaJ. Compounded 4 times a year.Absolute Security to Depositors.

Capital Authorized $ l ,000,000.00 Capital Paid Up 550,000,00fteMirve undivided profits 1150.000,00Asset© 6,000,000.00

Tlw Western Sink of Candi.

l a i n l e f Bruch.w B. WEST, Manager.

CLEMENT & CLEMENT,H«»riat*ra. tMkliclUri. NoUrii.. Putl|c, C<0n'

Ttpnevi, SiHloitrr U ton on iii.! **t+i*-

E P. Ciaaant, K, C. E. W, ct rMCTT

SCELLEN * WEIR.J. A .8c*H«»>. B.a., L L. B.J. J. a . Wait. Uuur is Chsiu-ery.

ihtrU Ux«, holicUor*. *ws. Mts»! w» lo*n- Ojgce»-^p*tsIt* in the Aoi*rlca.r. M « il.

H. HILTSDentist

Wellesley.Office :—Oppopite the Furniture




ijflftc* up stairs, opposite the Post

Office, King street, Berlin, Out.

Albion HotelWELLESLEY.


Every Modern Accomodation Choicest Liquors

Beat Stabling.

W.FLAKIER, M. D. C- ».

U.tlil »n .1 M IT«r wS«rc«/T. Toronto Oen*ral Uoapin

Aw^ciat* Coro nor lor Waterloo Co«u>cjr. Orrtcx Hoomi-* t« 10 o. m. O** two o'-

oloek., p. w. and arialac*.

f e t t e r

Q a s s o f

C u s t o m e r s


■ The clothe® we sell you are made by modern method.* and possess the merit to m*iKB favorable first imprenvians-icnd enhance them in real service.

See our stock of pat­terns lor Sprinpr and

Summer W ear

EH. PFEFFEF. Y o u r Y ailor’

Lisbon.Socia l Reduclionv in A ll Lia*»,

1 -4 B K

Suffering Fromeye strain


I f to consult a skilled optic, tian. W e'll be glad to attend to TO nr c»&0 and can guarantee the beat results. E y « tested and glasses adjusted to relieve

the a train.


Eyes teBtedFree

J. Welsh & SonDirect Importers.

STRATFORD. Marriage Licences,




Of ibe Preslon and Berlin Elec­tric Railway,

Timetable No. 3, effective Oct. 6th Leave Berlin for Preston, Hes

paler and HaltA. M ,— 8,00, 9.0b, 10 05,11.05, if. M —*12.05, 1.03, 3.05, 3 05, 4.05,

r, or. « nr. v o n r ok mnn « n* 11.05. (Preston ouly).

Extra ex press cur will leave Berlin for O. P R , station, Quit, carry­ing passenger* a tail baggage, at 3.40 a.in. and 6 p.m.Leave Preston Junction for Ber­

lin, Hespeler and G alt:—A. M.—(5.20, Hoapeleronly),(5,30 Galt Only), 7 30, S.30, a,30. 10.35, 11.35.

P. M ,— 12.35, 1.35, 2.35, 4,35,5 35, 0.36, 7.35, f* 35, 9 85, 10.35

Extra express car? will leave Free ton Springs at 9.03 a,hi,, and 0 35 p.m. fur B. P. R. station Unit. Leuve Galt far Berlin, Preston

and Hespeler:—A. M —7.00, 3.00, 9 06, 10.05, 11.061 P. M — 12.05, j 05, 3 .OB, 3,05, 4.05,

5.05: 6 05,, B.Q6, 10.05, (11 06, Preston only.V

Extra express cur will leave U. P. B station going north oa arrival of the 10.25a. in. and 7.14 p.m.


Council met at-Crossbill on Mon­day, Jane 3rd. A ll th® members present, the r w t » presiding.

Minute* o f previous meeting read and ndopfol-

Moved by H N Hu din, seconded by W Hastings, ihm the sum of $3 be paid to Geo N Hoeha as re­ward for killingus dog in tho act of worrying sheqp; and tlutt the reeve issue an order accordingly —Car­ried. j

Moved by J- Jjteidel. seconded by B Lintiok, that She sum or $G be paid to Geo lx je j u* reward for killing two dogs in tho act of vror- Tying sheep, and that tho reeve ia. sou Ms order for Baid-amount.—* Carried. ?

Moved by H N Hnehn, secondedby W H-tatioga. Ihxt the following accounts be paid ami that the reeve udhub orders 1a payment Of the Same; John .Kouherr ropcnlvort, h p |1 ; Tfaos Burnett, work on road machine, pt p f 10; L B Frey ; rup road machine and new spring, $3,90; / B Hauatnond, rep 3 cul­verts and tilling In washout, $2.50; lh os Hillyard, $ loads gravel, 1904, 50c ; Ang, Herzog, salary us assess- or, 140, attending court of revision $2, total $43; W H Knight, salary as assessor *70. attending court of revision $2, extras $3. total $75 ; A . McDonald, salary ns Assessor 150, attending court of revision $2, to­tal $53.—Carried,

Court o f Revision «nd Appeal re A-HieOamen f. Holla.

The coupcU nt^uce fortuad. lute aGooft of BifivMSk. A fter taking the oath of ofBco A. B. Holiertann wuh mpde' chairman of said rnw- mlt$ee 00 motion by Measni Huehn and HaoMng*. Quito a n amber of appeals were received, and after due consideration by the Court the chairman reported ns follows : We the Court of He vision and Appeal beg to report that on the appeal of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. do action be tu ken ; that the assess mont of J. C» Shelly bo reduced $1200- that the total assessment* of the Lutheran and Methodist parsonages at Linwond b® struck off the roll, amounts $1200 and t&00 respectively; that tho assessment of Alex. Adxnm bo lowered $800 that Pb, BerdtlX'* assessment be reduced from $7100 to $6600; that a dog be strnck off the roll for each of the following: J M Helm, J F Re it aid, Ptttil Kieswettor, John Bpalir, Chafl Miller and Chr Kennel that the BssEwsiuent of W Marlin- eon be lowered $1000; that D Gascho, lot 13 co a l, e s, assess merit $900, be now assessed to Jon­athan Lichty ; that the lands of J B Bchwartxeutraber, lot 13, con 2,4 4.a Keren, miiiiiini iawii. be nowassessed to Jacob Hoffmann ; that D YV Koehler be added to the roll as MF&FK in sub division No. 6; no action w taken in the appeal* of Jubn Myroskl and L Fieiburger; the appeal was held over until the Court meets again.

Whereupon U wo* moved by H N Htiuhn, Hceonded by W Hastings, that tbia Court do now adjourn to meet again Tuesday the 2nd day of July, 1907, at 2 o'clock, p. tn, and that said Court ro«uma in open Oouncil.—Carried.

Council resumedTenders re the Dentinger bridge

were now opened and considered by the Board. A fter comparing the conditions and. prices of the differ out tenders it was moved by H N Hnolin, seconded by W Hastings, that the tender of D H Chalmers

and Borhn:—A. M ,—6.35, 8.10, 9.10, l(U 0 r 11.35. P. M— 12 14,, 3J*. 4.15,

6.15, 6.15. 7.16, 8.16, 9.1*7 10.15. 10.40, Preston only).

by J Reidol, that the tender of the Btratford Bridge andf Iron Works f , r the construction of the iron superstructure to the Dnntinger bridge at Hawkejvitle bo accepted. —Carried,

A petition signed by H M Cnote and four others was received pray­ing this connoil to allow them to pu.y their assessments re the A. Boggs drain forthwith. No action was taken at this mooting.

A lter takingthe evidence of Chas Bosch and bis witnesses re the kill­ing of bis sheep by a dog or does it w:u» moved by W Hastings, sec­onded by J Keidet that the sum of $9 be paid to Chas Busch as com­pensation for one sheep killed by a dog or dugs, and that the reeve sign an order in payment of (be same.— Oarried.

The tenders re tho Goo Bronoor dram were opened and considered, which took up much of the after­noon's time. After % long discos sion tho council consulted Mosers. Heinbuch and Brenner and made: the tollowing proposition to thorn : That th is Board adjourn, to some later date and inatruot the clerk to re-advertise for tenders fortbocon- atructiunof the said drain. This proposition being aanotioned by the aforesaid two gentlemen, it wee moved by Mr. Reidef, seconded by Mr. Lintick thia council do now ad­journ to moot again at Linwood on Monday, Juno 24th, at 1.30 p.m., to open and consider tenders re the George Brenner drain.—Carried.

P ktkk F. &UKUKKBB, Clerk.

Mr. Jacob Bchmidt is laid np with sciatica at present, and hia daughter Alanna, is ill with th® measles.

Our popular old resident. Thn*. Gloockler Luis made his round, again.

Tho railway engineer and a party of Wellesleyite® passed through here lost week looking over the route from Baden or Ham - burg to Wellesley. Now then, as I advised the editor of the Maple Leaf some time ago, tho Now Ham bnrg fishing club mint do something to get their fi-li transported from Erb’s road to Now Hamburg by a boat route, this railway scheme might fit in when winter with it® ice difficulties interfere with the river traffic. Our general pro­prietor of tho Royal hotel U a l­ready arranging with some of th® big firms for a 'bus or automobile to connect the hotel with the Phil- ipftburg docks and railway station . Goon, New Hamburg and Welles­ley ! Philipsbturg La with you for tho improvement of the rivers, roods and and railways of our grand old county. And we'll furnish you with lots of business for all o f them.

£«wr Man His Own Doctor.The uventge tnau cannot afford

to em pi.IV a physician for every slight *11111001 or Injury that may occur in his family, nor can hu afford to neglect them, an so slighta a injurv as tbu scratch of a pin has been known to oause the loss of a limb. Hence every man muat from necessity bo his o wn doctor for this clawt of fiilmeatR Bnecoss often depends upon prompt treatment, which can only bn had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Cham- berhiin V remedies have been in tho market for many years and en­joy a good reputation.

Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com­plaint,

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ootiglv#, rolds, croup and whoop­ing oongh.

ChpmlHirlttin'fl Pain Balm (an nn- tidcptic liniment) for cuts, broises, burn*, sprains, swellings, lmne back and rheumatic pain*.

Chamberlain's Btomnch and Liver tahlotn for constipation, biliousness and stomach trouble.

Chamberlain’s Halve fer diseases or the skin. *

One bottle of eflch of these five preparations o«*ts only $1.25. For Sale by A. J. Sanndera.

trains.Leave Hespeler for Preston, Galt ^5 the construction of tba abut­

ment* to th® Dentinger bridge, 'a t $5.20 per cujIo yard, be accepted.— Oarried.

Moved by H N Huehn, eeooaded


visiting at Mr. P. Petri's, South East hope, on Buadny lust.

Mr Brand has loft this vicinity to spend the remainder of his days with his son in Toronto.

M-.ttsrs H. Doering snd Nelson Hoorle, and Silases Emma Haerie and Alms Helpel were visitors at Mr. P, Petri s on Sunday,

Mr. H, F. Schmidt and family were visiting Sebastian Capliug the other day -

Mr. and Mrs. Con. Heldmnn were the guests of their sous, John and Con , in Baden early in tho week.

Mr. Milton Boettinger, of Bridge portkPaid par village a flying visit the ottrer day. He remained here long enough, however to buy a No. I buggy from onr carriage makers, H. Wagner A Lou.

Misses Millie Doering. Ford, W*B»Hr and Ella Lant® wero visit- mg friends and attending Presby­terian services in Baden on Bun- day


Wedding bells are ringing her® today (Jane llth ), it beibg the event of the marriage of Mine Lavina Wagner, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wagner, to Rev. Wm. Eidt, Evangelical m in­ister, of Dash wood. Rev. Gee, Wagn«r of Listownl. brotner oi me twfdv, tied Eh* «a ]m al knot. A few Of the intimate friend# and the family were prosoot. The best wishes of th© whole community are extended to the bride and groom, who are both very popolac-here.


The following is tho report of B. 8. No 19, Wilnaot and Wellesley r for tho months of April and May. Names given in order of m erit: (Those receiving 75 i>or o. or over marked :

Br 4— Lilian Bnyder,-'Jr 4— Philip Wagner.Br 3— Amelia Wagner*, Thoodoro

Hammer.Jr 3—Mt»ry Bosbari*, John

Liohti*, Peter Bteckley, Noah Jantzi, Emma Hammer, Thoodoro Wagner, Frieda Koehler.

Hr. 2— Katie Jantzi*, Clara Wagner*, Eleonora Koohler.

Jr 3—Hilda Lot»«, Mattie Jantzi, Paula Wagner, Helga Bohmltt.

P i 3—Abraham Heiner*. Ben­jamin Herner, Alma Bohmitt.

Sr Pt 1— Lydia Uohti, Mattio i?tedcloy. Herrer, 0«eprWagner, John Jantzi, Lillie Bos hart, Harry Knechtel, Saloma Both-Willie Bertel-

Jr Pt 1—Henna Bosh art, Eman­uel Wagner, Mary Roth, Olga Wagner. Alfred Wngner, Anmu Roth.

O liv e E. Freeborn , Teacher.

Totter Cured.A lady customer of ours had. suf­

fered with tetter for two or three years- It got so hod on her hands that she could not attend to her household duties. Onn box of Chamberlain's Balve eared her. Cbamberluin 'a medicines give rplcn- didsaiiwfsction in this oommujiity. M. IJ . Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamber bun's medecinee are for sale by A, *J. Baundors,

■ Tonight.If you would enjoy tomorrow-

take Chamberlain's Btomaoh and Liver tablets tonight. They pro- duooan agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and olunBU the stomach. Price, $5 cents. Samples free at A . J. Saunders’ drug store.

Page 2: Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907. J. W. GREEN. Prop

Wellesley Maple LealparEI* R.VKHY TUl KHriAY *

If there is a carriageto

Office: N ext th e A l b u m H o te l .

**•£* l*,«« «■' ’rill m.' rh' " p ' ! « lOn^tplj, cockurel.t few W liil«• niiii iJufT rtjck <t/U*

JOUS H L A1U‘13E1.L,'O n* shill.

------^AJteERTTKIkQ EATES:^------Oi>v Sis Tt rrt

Yt»r. Months.Iful.tlJr t s i s O l o m r . r£i i j j WJ Half ........ f *Oumrtai Column.... «■' “* ?Urr-Eiirht h Colwwn IF i 3Professional l>r.J fl ita,I 3 IktHMrt U rsU l!»r to U |H-r Hu*each io »iLe«r*f$<rtirMfiii***nr*d N’eni»«*«<n>y **•- t»T

UM for first ir*eriwn :4u. pvrluivLr sn.b»#i|iu-iLN ia^rrtlsu.AH cbanv** of w fnr ailrerritriJirnt*

m**3lMbibiv£«*iu)i l*t«r 1lo»n M^n.i«r

C. F. Ot t m a nn (0DEAIER IK

All kinds o f single and double harenss, trunks, valises, suit cases, and Ladies’ satchels of all descriptions and styles, curry combs, brushes.

this spring,WSJSM talk it over

J with us.Buying a carriage is pretty im­

portant business with most men— and yrtn can't be too careful about the carriage you decide on.

That's why we want you to talk over your wants with us— aud sec the Tudhope line.

You know, you don’ t have to buy unless you feel like it—but you will feel like it when you see


Farm for Sale>1 9, fit-si i-nQtrMIon «H t aei oualpul WVIlcmJ.,- luOMi "•ub ,.ua iriUMIan. tW*. Ally ten* erase, tw*i u.1 l.wb, liy a u*v,i ol »|»rk'i« Wlhtwf,


You Have Confidence


The earliest signs o f coming gen­eral elections are beginning »to ap- ]>car. Members are explaining things to tbeir own constituents; Cabinet Ministers are arranging tours; nomination* for next term are already being mmle; vacant fat offices are left open dangling; the faithful, foolishpiialuux of “ hide-bounds'’ wto being wheedled intoJine; arguments are hsTult'd out to prove on the street corner that -the Ollier fellows arc j fU us bad,’ ’ and soon the old tricks will lie used to make the elector toe the Party mark instead of Using liis own in­telligence in voting for the country s good - Bure thin g, elect- j ions can not bo very far off.

Fortunate Is the business nm who lias won the reputation for dependability, and for giv, iugtlie boat and most satisfying bargains.

Fortunate 1? th « public thnt deal in each * store.

Christian Jantzi.

Treats all Diseases of Domestic Animals.

D e n t is t r y n s iic e to lty .

Residence— third house south of Miss. Lutheran chuivll.

W k l u m l k y .


B u s in e s s ^ o l le g cV R BERLETMerchant Tailor,

............. L INW O O DEnter at aaj

Whilootir spring term opens on A |»ri! 2nd, now students art' admitted « t any time.

I f you outer this school you enter the b; st school in west­ern Ontario The prof iso here. Our graduate* getpos- i lions.

. D. EULER, Principal.

tJos Lnilt his business up along this lido, and i t ’sstill growing.

Tliis y c «r h i« stock of Suiting-, h sirnniv Elegant, T li« prices mo is low and the workmanship is h# food as tho best, *

Tho voliuteer military camp ut London this week is making things lock lively in the forest city. There are reported to be fully GWW VO un- teera in the camp, and they era nil o f the 1 Britons once” variety.


— Agent for—


N aTIOJULCream Separators,

K AYM uX D *

Sewing Machines,ALn Klniirh , i utici-4 nf’n. for

Will You Help It?Tha C. P. R . brunch lino from Lin wood to Listowel i* expected to bo completed early In the full. Tho officials wero at Listowel the other daT and promised that town a flnu station and a splendid train ser­vice.

THE HOSPITAL FOR sr it SICK CHILDREN, —-r latiiii; in on in

ki-dp this remedy in his tumie. Bqv it bow. It may wire. Ijfn.

Price, K C s %.Also Blcighs, Lull era, ufc, for

CROSSBILL, r)UTThe dollar yon impend with tho local business man is liable to get hack into yonr pocket in a day or -two in tho course o f business. It may bo if. reaches you through tho medium of a subscription in aid of your church, yonr society, your hand or yonr afflicted mcighbor. I t is pretty sure to find it* way hack to yonr purse in exchange! foi your produce.or labor. Bat- whnt bsoaxne? of it when you ship it to the doi*rtmentul store? When yon do that you can safely bid it h last, long, fond, lingering, farewell and If money is scarce in your com­munity you have thus inude it one dollar a career. You always find the locU dealer ready to bundle the goods for which there ia a demand. Ask him for the goods yon want and If not la fate stock he'll find the way to get tt for you. He’ ll get it at a fate price, too, for he cannot afford to treat easterners unfairly. Yon will by dealing at home keep your money ia the neighborhood and yon will have the knowledge that yoa are getting what yoa pay for instead of trusting to the douht-

'fu l chance of your mail packagepIO'-iuB, tv bv aviuuHiiug jubL nsgood, the goods you ordered b»ing out o f Btock nt present.” The few cents yon save (if you do) in a mail order purchase is generally the most costly savings of the year If tho goods cad be got at home.

Do Not Neglect tho Children.A t this season of the year t he

first unnatural looseness of a child’s bowels seonld have immediate nt tention, The beat thing that can be given i» Chain be Main's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy followed by caster oil as directed with ouch bottle of this remedy. For sate by A . J. Bantu dors.

For It Carea for Every Sick Child In Ontario whins* Parent*

Cannot Afford to Pay For T rea im eu t.

i* W 4TTil# Rwpital f « Blok Children, Col1eg*

• tr«t . Tamo to, tppmli to the fathers and median at Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nur.-c* within ltd walla *vary year.

_ Th* Hospital Is nosa local institution—

| but Provincisl. Th*A t j v ? sick eh ltd from any

f l u y L 1 place In Datsrio wha e«n‘t afford to par

w B baa tha asms pnvin S H M legw at the child|¥tw R W tiring i a Toronto aa 1

i, treated free.The Hospital had

last year in ite buds and oot* 761 pattenta.267 ot thuso *er*

r from 145 pikers out­side of Toronto.

The east Is OB cents per patient per day, and there were *tuli little ones a dsj

“ won dst. n o m * . ' la the Hospital.Since its femuda- «■ ■ .

lion the Hospital 1 *suhoe treated »0,37l | \Bhildren — abou t 'CJv7.600 of thou were * enable to pay and —'13 M v I Swere treated free. (1 3 1 3 1

rour kind thoachteinto the lltciHUl kind deeds.

KTarybody'edol- Ur may Le th a 1


Maple Leai

j ^ VAflp any aide ebild in" ik jH L A your neighborhood

** **°* or crll”B^r pled or has clubfeet land th* parent’a name to the

— — ----------- -J HaeplUL*"*■ wwrrnso Bos tb* example

ol what can ne doq* for clab-fwt children, ffbsre wen J i like caaa* last year and ban* lreda in 38 years.

s o c \ t $ *

OfficeFOR BALE B Y -




The parties who removed the lumber from tho property wheru 1 am building are known, and unless the lumber la retm ned. or replaced tho name will bo made known.— J ob* P jcpelxr.

A little flve-ccnta n-line adver­tisement in the Maple Leaf will help you buy or sell that horse you

-ore thinking about c

aamita a r mPtaaaa send contributions to J. H*w*

Kobunsoa, (Thairmkn, or to Douglas Pavil- %r.n, Sao.’Trcaa., of The Hospital for Hick Children, Colloga Suret, Taronte-

Page 3: Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907. J. W. GREEN. Prop

LOCAL ;NEWB. 1 P. B Inspector Shepard wan vU-— — , itlng the Jahools or this village

Mr. nnd Mrs. M Scbitab visited sad vicinity last week.B Everything is being sold at n bargain as I am going ont of busi­ness here. Jko. Bi’AHK.

r her mother inSebringvillc over Sun1 last.

The brick and cement work on the Royal hotel ^tables is now about finished.

Thereto talk of holding a civic -holiday sports in this village In the near future.

Mr. and Mrs* Allen Bechtel, of Baden, S|ient Sunday with Wel­lesley relatives,

A dozen or so our villagers nre taking in thd Niagara Falla ex­cursion from Tavistock to day.

Mias Louisa Keibling gave a idfMiHajjt birthday party to her young friends t be other evening.

Smscjr.KK roH Bale —A cur-load of shingles just received. Prices from 75c to 00c per bunch. I. M. Clemens, New Hamburg-

Giant Triplets -Currency’ ‘Bobs' nd 'Stag' Chewing Tobaecoos, in

big pings. Quality always the same.Fan Bale .— A tutby carriage, in

good condition, also a folding crib. W ill be bold cheap. Apply at Ihlb office.

Mr and Mrs. C. Ziegler have re­turned to their home at Elmirn after spending a week the guest of their daughter, Mrs. (Rur.) Batten- berg, in ibis village.

Partins having kegs or bottles be longing to me are -hereby notified to return them without delay.

Petes Glebe.Mcwm Chas and Wil'tom Miller,

lof this village, were in Ay ton on ;Saturday attending the funeral of their aged aunt, Mis. Jacob Weber, who died on Tuesday of last week. They returned home on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs J. U. Homer left 'uffterday for North East, Pa*, to ttond the wedding of Mi*-* Dub- irnell, daughter o f the pastor of & Miss. Lutheran church here ibny years ago.A pprentice W anted— A smart

ve boy, at once. E. J. Pfeifer, lor. Lisbon.

Mr. John Kapfman hua charge of subscription list to purchase

inch-needed instruments. The tnd boys certainly cta&rvo the jod sneep-ss Mr. K. is meeting. Tho Union church choir drove to t. Clements on Tuesday can in g ■hero they were entertained by Ira. H E. Rate- They report hav- lg had a moat, enjoyable time.The throe lady teachers of the

Vollealoy public wchool haveremgn Buttcnborg,Norman Vent, Christian il. to take effect at tho antnm-m-fl, Stretcher, Katin Pnth. ComolldayH. Tlie resignation* have

>ecn uccopioc by the trustees and ew teachers are being advertisedir.Mr. Chris Kennel and bin mother

■eturned last Wednesday from n brec wcekg visit to hia Pinter, Mrs.

Jausi at Carthage..’ and Mrs ohn Lehmann at Crugau. in Now ork State. Thoy were delighted ith the trip and the fneml* they lade,Mr. Fred King, superintendent

t the Arnott Stammering Institele iorlin, accotnpuniod by Miss impeon, and Mr. Geo. Heningor,■ It,- r.# **,- H- r.V

rstford. with O ’Loan, were eats of Mrs. J. W . Green, Wei- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Becker, ol is village, vi-itod her brothorMr

Bernard Schaefer, iu Berlin, on unday Inst The marriage of Mr. Chas Fleisch- auer, foreman Of the hardware ad tinwuro department at iteii.er iron. & Co.’s, and Miss Emma ojh r occurred at the home of tho ride's parents in Berlin on T u&f- ,y, in the presence of a large

umber of relative® and friends1, uny of whom wore from Wol ji*ey. The bride rocei ved a costly nay of presents. Mr. and Mrs._ ji«hhauer are. taking tip their Hidmlco in Mr. Yo-uig's cotsage the south side.

Collo and Diarrhoea.

For quality <*od quantity ask your dealer for the new big pings of “ Bobs” “ Stag'’ and “ Currerv‘y ” Chewing Tobaccne*,

HORSE KILLED.A reepliar accident which result­

ed in tlm loo* of a valuable horse belonging t j Mr. Joseph Ilorgntt, whose farm is on tho boundary lino, south of Bamberg, occurred in freuit o f Reiner Jteoft, & Co ’k gen­eral store in this village, nn Thnrs- day evening of last week. The horse had been hitched to one of the low iron posN in front of the store, the tie-line from tlie bit to the post being quite long. The young animal became frightened at something and spring forward across the post which entered bis abdomen making a fearful wound. On being released it wart seen at once that there was no hope ol saving tho horse's life ns the in te.-tinea were broken nml (railing on the ground, Bo tho tine young benat was Led away to Miller’s bosh vvostof the village and mercifully shot- Since tho accident the poet* in front of the More have been ro. moved and replaced by high wooden one*.


A n n u a l


O . A.C.F R I D A Y j

JUNE 14th.G .T .R . regular

1907A d it Ch In

Eiimirn..............St. Jacobs....... .7.30



Hoidelberg....... . 7.43 fl-i*e 3wjWaterloo . . . . . . ,7.55 5 Tie 3()cHlfiir ____ . . . . .7 30 a &c 35<t !boon ,.. . 7 35 05C 35cGornmn Mills.. .7 11 5!te 30c

Uunncotineat Berlin with NewHamburg Spccinl

G .T .R . Sjx*c:ialNew Hamburg. 7.K3 70p :tricBaden ............ JoCPetersberg....... 8.10 Q5<; 33cBerlin .......... .8.25 noe 2«eBreslau........... .8.35 Ho 20cBr.ineliton .8.30 B.’»c 36cG a lt ........... .8. *5 55cPreston............ .8.65 6dc 23cHrepeler. . . . . . . .9.05 Rk- 20cSpecials leave Guelph ut 5.30 pm

C. P. R. RegularWiillensiein ... .7:30 fi.'fl - 20cElm ira............. 550 33cWei«onbcrg.__ 33c 20cGrwwl returnihg Jane Nth any

regular train.

BORN,Iu Wellesley, pd June 9 th, to Mr

and Mrs. Harry Kelterbom. a daughter.

SCHOOL REPORT.The following ih thu report of the

Wellesley Public School for the month of May.

Djv. 1.5th ClatM—Nornin Green. Ermn

Green anil Mary Rimlux (equd), Hcruhl Bt-lllngpr.

Rr -Ith— Ezra Hammer, Katie Wagner Arthnr -fcuuler** O-ivn Globe, Fred Egardi, Edward Ging- ericb, Helen Walton. Ivan Bcbopp.

Jr 1th—Laura W hIwiuI e Lydia* , Knoup, IIIi Grcnrebaoh, Herbert Berxdit and Florence Kroutzvreirtor Coqua.1).'Joseph Ltd% Clarissa Lips

Sr 3rd—Irwin Fletoc filmier Elwsrd Deitz, Albert Of! maun, George Bellinger. Froida Forint, Gcorgo Miller. Stewart Boviuhr, Joseph Roth, Abel Ottqiann

Jab. K erw, Teacher Dtv. U,

Jr 3rd—Helen Glnister, 0*car

Hammer, Beatrice Green wood, Emuit Miller, Clara Kennel

name Ltuhty, Theodore Stable. Ruth Bcrdax. Lydia Ruth, Mary Lcto, Edwin Ottnmnn, Christian H Brreiehcr.

Sr 2nd—Eram Pepplor. H ittiw Gingerich. Charlie Ye tit. Ethel Walton, Ethel Banders Charlie Lips, Edgar Heipel. Alex D.iwkr, Adn Lips, Jacob B ith, Ernes Lu Sp-ihr, David Bast, Sylvia Koohlcr, Men no Roth, Gertie Woiwade, Jaoob Lluhti, tr ie la U iu n ir, Ruth Bchunb, Irena Waltun, EcklnmH Ottmann.

Mi.ss F. E, Mtlle.n, ToucherD iv , i l l ,

Jr 2nd—Willie Gincurich, Edna Eckstein, George Egcrdl, Ea-rton Wilhelm, W illie Deitz, Burl a a Wagler, Valentino Haberiuohl, Walter Berdnx, Emma Smith, Mary Haber me hi and Connie Berg, W illie Eckstein, Milt-on Lola,

Sr. Ft. and—Lydia W aller. David Hel| ©1. Walter Batten berg, Annotta Yent, Louis Uttumnn. Bara Kennel Emma Ottmunn, Johnny Gascho, Fanny Leis, Arnos Liohty. Persida Ottiuann. Ezra Leis, Anderson L’o-A'nr. Esther Forler, Wilfred Uerscbt. Nancy Hinge rich, Noriuan Grtihin, Violet Harucl.

Misrt B Fka.vkish, Teacher


Farm for SaleEast liair lot -tint-'-onci-aatan * n l >n o f the tova in ip of IVaUtalrjr. Vv boim

Piiiiu iu tho btomaeh, c .It.. ,.r„l W S W S S T & 'S W S i B r S S s rrh ee ft S S f t !

Iho non of Chamberliiin a Loll!-, iaiUn*»tr*am oraprln* w»t*r.■olera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 Snap to quick bnjvr. jff sale by A . J. Saundera. A- B ROBKHT^k .

N. B. Th< »c wishing to go frsm Linwotxl should buy a rogohir re­turn ticket to Wellnubtum and an excursion ticket from that point. Effortrtare being made however to seenre an excursion rate from Lin, wood-ALLAN 8HANTZ,

Seo'y N. W F I.WM. SLATER.

tW y . H W. F I.

Special Sale of

Ladies’ New


Wo cleaned out a manufacturer tbit week of his stock cf spring Jacket* at iOC on tho I and will offer tho samo on Friday and Satur­day At less than half price. Road the following price list.

20 Ladies' Tight.fitting Fawn Jackets sizes 31, and 3B. Regular price #!- each

Bpocial on Friday and Saturday H.95.

30 ladies' Light Gray Fancy Tweed Jackets, % lengths loose fitting 32, 34, 3fl, 38, 40. Regular prico #*.00, #9.00, #10.00.

(special on Friday and Saturday #1,93.

5 dozen Ladles' fine White Shirt Waists fancy embroidery and To™? trimmed, sires 32 to 42. Regular price #L.?5.

Special Saturday ilia*

21 Ladioo Grey Tweed skirts, Rcgulur price #3.50 each.

Special Saturday $1.9$.

Public Notice.belukU*iil|>Ar UVIK.Vj ..I. lhr >iMli ill; " " “ Ilf 7. [>Tttvkitn* tf>T tbr in-ilM 1,1 'It-lirU*

th« nmonnf of fUU.1V lv>r purtUMe-l. Kh-I ll.nl »nrli Bx-f am n . r.-iri*- lefuA (n tn» RsaUtry OflLrn of r»..- r.m»iiy, I WntoTtao ON THK 8EVXXTKKXTH PAY OK MAY. iac.

A in m>i1lon tu iian^h or »ot ilu- m iw t m«iy p/irt |t|ijn „l a w l 6 * ‘ mm-lr

tlin-.- moii'li- Imiu tbciUtaol JlrXiniraiLuki, ini oaun >t In- ma<lr thi ri-aln r.UntM t in la*n tJmr i'f Jlmr.•Hi ilmy of Mar. W ‘

1-KTKft K. HCHIMMKClerk.

EARL^ t:j*OSlN.G 1907.W h tho upderfligiicd lucfchants

and businea<* men of rlie village of Wollortioy horciij]irniniae and m,ltpp to close our resi»ective plarcs of hnsi • iib!s3 at 7 j ’clcK'k p in sharp. ov«yy evening, commencing Mjiv 2nd Wodncfulay, Kniordnv, mul even- inga bofuro public Ho'uhivs. except­ed.

UK1KKR URirr A CO.WM. KHLTKH In -UN .lulls CKaHH h . k rum.Kit C. KABMKR tt. W O W a I'E C. D. K<KilLt:ir C. F. OTTMANX J. J. KLEIHl'H |I! L'ltR L. rLKtoOHftA^KUr u n nivounJ. A. DRUAtt JOHS LOKPKKK JIOBT. KdHK rate dr ri.Kiw iniACER



Repairing' Tbf all kinds of Machinery Iron­

work such as—RlSUKKH. MtlWKlffl, G AfUH.INK


-----AGENTS FUR-----

Massey Harris Imple­ments, and Repairs, Page wire fence, Wood- stock, wire tence, Lon­don Hay Slings, Iron Pumps.WILKER Sc DECHERT,


H a i r g K e lte rb o m BUTCHER

Dr.Ai.Kit in all. kiniwFrosh and Salt Meat*.

Sumuicr Raufkigc and Wieners on Hand.

Highest Price for Hides and Furs.VtAi. Calves W anted .

Fut Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Eta. Bought*

H. KELTERBQRN, Wellesley

Come early and oecuro firat choice,Take Elevator to 2nd floor.

SMYTH BROS.South aide King Street.

B E R L . I 1 S T

Cash and one Price Cheap Cash Store

MORE MILKThe row for the dairymen fc the one that can taaVe the meat profit

In milk, butter, or ckctxe for the food coosuuinl. A Inrye ninnber of cmi-K ore kept Tor dairy purposes that don't yield cufficieut milk to pay for their keep. They consume as much at profitable outs arid require •i-i much lime mid care in tbc-if milking. AlsC many a good ,4 Milker ’• luugoue to the bulchert block owing to improper ear* and feeding. Matty of the milk producing qualities of lilt feed are lost owing to im­proper diccntion and assimilation. This caw be overcome by the addition of Clyd«(liile Stock Footl to the ordinary fred ns it pats The stomach In siiiiii shape aeto help her to digest and assimilate her food, beside* cn- ahliug Itct to cut mure of it, as it is made more ftjjpctiwng. This makes 1h-t capatdeof secretiug more milk, and, ia nuny instances, ncher milk. If it c«*uld be demcnwtriUcd U»at mure bushels of wheat could be grown on a piece of ground timrt Ordinarily, And without injury to the land, in fact improving it, and at an extra profit, wouldn't yon take up the proposition. Clydesdale Stock Food will odd to the milk pro­duction, and with e»tm profit, aijd without injury to the " Milker,be­cause it gives a tone nml aleck ness to the animal that cannot otherwise be had. The n«e of Clydesdale Carboline Antiseptic will keep the stables in a healthy condition ensuring healthier milk. If after using the above, you find you arc not satisfied, your tncinev will bee heerfully refunded by our dealer. Clydesdale Stock Food is «d<l in your district by:


W e have now a flue display of buggies to pick from in the old Deering wareroom opposite the Drug Store.

Intending purchasers should see our stock betore they buy.

W e also sell the Adams and Chatham Wagons, the Wilkinson, Fleury, Form and Lkickaliutt plows, the Stratford and Woodstock: windmills the Raymond, Now Williams and SiugOr Sowing Machine*,* the Bissell Disc uml Laud Roller, the Tubular Cream Seirtiator and Separator Oil*

Hammond & FreebornAsents tor all kinds of Agricultura Implements,

s Vehices, Etc,W ELLESLEY .

Page 4: Wellesley, Thursday,. - June 13th, 1907. J. W. GREEN. Prop


Our Spring Millinery must be cleared within the next two week* the clow of oar RpHnir 8uv>n 'f > acc unpin1 this all good* will be reduced from JO to ?3 per cent,—Onr lo«» means your opportunity to secure a Stylish drossy ha for a very moderate price. Call early and secure a good Selection, at Special Value-----

We hare in stock a speciul fine range of Ladies’ sh> e+—in Patent*. Kids and White and Black Oxfords—Styb Quality and Values are B igh t-----Call and see them.

Headquarters for Whitewear, I-'nd rwrar, Cortot* and Hosiery.

Look in and see our line of children’s wash und Tweed Suits---- they will please yon.

= 2 = FOR Sf-LE BV


has there beeu shown as large and good an assort­ment of 1907 goods as we have this year and at prices so low.

TOILETTES FASHION CO.172 Flfit At:., Car. 5?J St.. Sew Yc k.

Wellesley Maple Loaf subscriber.*, who order extra copies for tbier friends in the United States must hereafter pay 00 cents additional,ns the government now compels u9 to pnt a onc-cent postage stump on oacb single copy to a United Slates address.

rH B W fflk* Give us a call and be con- ^j vinced. ** H K FORLER’S]^ Wellesley, Ont. US REINER BROS. & CO

KTEWChopping Mill

IN W ELLESEYC. D. BeckerHas jnst placed a fine chopper

in hi« Plaining mill near the School.First-class work

Promptly done. Open every day.

Give me a trial. All Kinds Of Plaining,

Moulding, Etc.Done to order.

Estimates given and Contracts taken

for Buildings.C. D. BECKER.


School Books, Stationery. Etc.


In Advance

[(Otherwise $1.25)Pure Helleborn,

Blue Stone,Slug Shot.

---- For Sals A t-

Job PrintingCirculars

$ Pure Drops, Medicines, Stock Food, Etc. &

Wftllealev Machine Shopand Cider Mill

AH Kinds of Bicycle Repairs Kept on Hand.

Ready F o rBUSINESS.

PamphletsO f f i n g S W i ^ T l f t T V

Blank Forms.Or any thing in the line

JOB PRINTINGPromptly And Correctly Done At Reasonable


cortinaa, Cymballa, Clappers, Columbia Zithers, Cornets, Drums, Dulcimers, Edison Phon­ographs, Flutes, Fifes, Flagoolots Folios, Guitars, Guitar Zithers Harmonicas, Harps, Jews Harps, Ko/.ooh, Mandolins, Metronomes, Music Books, Music Boxes, Music Bags, Music Hatobels, Mtnio Paper, Ocarinas, Orgnns, Oboes, Pianos, Piano Boarfs, Saxophones Hewing Machines. Sheet Music TarahovHnes, Tuning Forks, Trombones, Victor Talking Mac­hines, Violins, Violas, Fiolonccl- los, Washbvrn Guitars and Man­dolins, Xylophones, Zithers, Zoboa.


llNYing purchased the abovo bu.ineM, formerly conducted by the tat* John 3 Zalit beg toantwunen that Ibe ehop it opentc-r butinen u usual.

Engines and threshing MachineryRepaired and put in flnt-claaa condition.

Lawn Mowers Sharpened.Saw gumming flUng: setting and straightening

Cultivator teeth, plow points binder and mower girths and knives, shears

axes, .etc., sharpened and repaired. ■

It Covers the Field.It's Advs. are Read.

It Pays to Advertise [in thec t Maple Leaf