Weld Selector Guide

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  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide





    Effective March, 2003

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide



    This report lists recom m ended Lincoln Electric m atching strength M anual Stick (SM AW ), M IG (G M AW ), Subm erged Arc

    (SAW ), Self-Shielded and G as-Shielded Flux-C ored (FC AW -S, FC AW -G ) for AS TM , API and AB S classified steels. Also

    included is general inform ation on each classification such as tensile strength, yield strength and steel chem istry.


    Description Page No.

    Technical N otes, C odes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

    Am erican Society of Testing and M aterials (ASTM ) Specifications . . . . . . . .4 - 25

    Am erican Petroleum Institute (API) Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-27

    Am erican B ureau of Shipping (AB S) Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .See ASTM A131

    Special C onsum able Product Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-27

    Customer Assistance Policy

    The business of The Lincoln Electric Company is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consum-

    ables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations.

    On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for advice or information about their use of our products. We

    respond to our customers based on the best information in our possession at that time. Lincoln Electric is not in a

    posit ion to warrant or guarantee such advice, and assumes no liability, with respect to such information or advice. We

    expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, including any warranty of fitness for any customers particular purpose,

    with respect to such information or advice. As a matter of practical consideration, we also cannot assume any

    responsibility for updating or correct ing any such information or advice once it has been given, nor does the provision

    of information or advice create, expand or alter any warranty with respect to the sale of our products.

    Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is

    solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the cont rol of

    Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying this type of fabrication methods and service requirements.

    Subject to Change - This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to

    www.lincolnelectric.com for any updated information.


    The serviceability of a product or structure utilizing these suggested consumables is and must be the sole responsibility of the builder/user. Many

    factors must be taken into consideration when a filler metal is selected for a specific application. These factors include, but are not limited to, the

    type of steel, type of weld, loading on the welded joint, applicable codes, level of preheat, level of restraint, position of welding, condition of the

    steel, and service conditions. This guide provides matching strength filler metal options -- see discussion about undermatching below. The prima-

    ry focus of these suggestions is based upon the yield and tensile strength properties of the weld deposit as compared to the base metal yield and

    tensile strength properties. These suggested products may not meet all code or application requirements. Suggested filler metals may not always

    meet Charpy V-Notch (CVN) application requirements --reference comments below on CVN's.

    Reference is made to ASTM and API specifications and classifications and the requisite properties specified in those documents. These specifica-

    tions are subject to change, and the user should consult the latest version of these documents to ensure that these descriptions are up-to-date.

    These filler metal suggestions "match" the base metal properties; that is, the yield and tensile strength are expected to meet or exceed the mini-

    mum specified properties of the steel. Matching filler metal is typically required for complete joint penetration groove welds in tension. However, fil-

    let welds loaded in shear seldom require matching filler metal. Depending on the type of weld joint and loading, lower filler metal strengths may be

    acceptable or desirable for specific designs. Also, codes, specifications, or contract documents may require specific mechanical properties that

    these recommendations do not meet. In those cases, electrode selection should be limited to those products that meet the specific application

    requirements. Suggested electrodes in this Selector Guide include those that have deposit weld metal with different levels of diffusible hydrogen.

    High levels of hydrogen can cause weld metal and base metal cracking. The permissible level of hydrogen in a weld deposit is dependent on

    many factors, including preheat and interpass temperatures intended to be used. The user of this information must make certain that, for the

    suggested electrode that is selected, the preheat and interpass temperatures will be proper for the application. Suggested filler metals in this

    Selector Guide do not always consider notch toughness (example Charpy V-Notch properties) requirements. Not all welding products are required

    to have minimum specified levels of notch toughness. If code, specifications, or contract documents require notch toughness, electrode selection

    should be limited to those products that meet the specific application requirements

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide



    D ue to space consideration, these technical supporting notes are listed here. Each is tied to a code used in the body of the tables w hich com prise the

    rem ainder of this book. The notes and codes are listed below and m ay be used t reference additional inform ation regarding recom m ended Lincoln

    consum ables for each applications. Please be sure to use the notes as an aid in selecting Lincoln consum ables.

    SMAW(1) Any E70X8 electrode m ay be used. Excalibur 7018, Jet-LH 78,

    Excalibur 7018-1, and Jetw eld LH -75 are p referred over Jetw eld

    LH -70 for m ost pipe and out-of-position w elding. Jetw eld

    LH -3800 can be used in place of E7018s for flat and horizontalfillet, lap, and flat butt w elds.

    (2) Alm ost any E60XX or E70XX electrodes can be used. First,

    select electrode based on the joint requirem ents. If code,

    specifications, or contract docum ents require notch toughness

    electrode selection should be lim ited to those that m eet the

    specific application requirem ents.

    (3) Alm ost any E70XX electrode can be used . First, select electrode

    based on the joint requirem ents. If code, specifications, or

    contract docum ents require notch toughness, electrod e

    selection should be lim ited to those that m eet the specific

    application requirem ents.

    (4) B est Electrodes are Fleetw eld 5P, 5P +, 35 or 35LS.

    (5) B est Electrodes are Fleetw eld 35, 180, 7, 37 or 47.

    (6) W hen resistance to atm ospheric corrosion and m atching w eather-

    ing characteristics are needed (such as on unpainted structures),use Jet-LH 8018-C 3 M R (1% N i). The second choice for m ultipass

    w elds is Jet-LH 8018-C 1 M R (2-1/4% N i). For single pass w elds,

    m ultipass w elds w hich are not exposed, and m ultipass w elds

    w hich do not require resistance to atm ospheric corrosion and

    m atching w eathering characteristics, any E7018 electrode m ay b e


    (7) Fillet w elds are frequently m ade w ith Excalibur 7018, Excalibur

    7018-1, Jetw eld LH -70, Jetw eld LH -75, Jet-LH 78 or

    Jet-LH 8018-C 3.

    (8) Jetw eld LH -70 for fillets or Jet-LH 8018-C3 are recom m ended

    for general purpose w elding these steels. Jetw eld LH -90 can be

    used, particularly if the w eldm ent is to be precipitation hardened

    or high w eld strength is req uired.

    (9) U se Jet-LH -8018-C1, Excalibur 7018-1, or Jetw eld LH -75 w hen

    high im pact prop erties (C VN ) dow n to -75 F are required.(28) U se of Shield-Arc 90 should be lim ited to 3/8m axim um w all


    SAW(10) For single pass applications, any flux/w ire com bination m eeting an

    AW S F7AX classification per AW S specification A5.17 m ay be

    used. Typically, for single p ass ap plications, active fluxes such as

    760, 761, 780 and 781 are recom m ended. 860, 865, 960 and 980

    fluxes m ay also be suitable for single pass applications. The follow -

    ing flux/w ire com binatins are classified und er A5.17 and are rec-

    om m ended: 760/L-50, 760/L-61, 761/L-60, 761/-L61, 780/L-60,

    781/L-50, 781/L-60, 781/L-61, 860/L-50, 860/L-61, 865/L-50,

    865/L-61, 960/L-50, 960/L-61, 980/L-50, 980/L-61, & 980/LC -72.

    R efer to Lincoln B ulletin C 5.10 for flux operability inform ation.

    (11) For m ultiple pass applications, any flux/w ire com bination m eeting

    an AW S F7AX classification per AW S specification A5.17 m ay beused. Typically, for m ultiple pass applications, neutral fluxes such

    as 860, 865, 880M , 882, 8500 and M IL 800-H are recom m ended.

    960 and 980 fluxes m ay also be suitable for m ultiple pass applica-

    tions. The follow ing flux/w ire com binations are classified under

    A5.17 and are recom m ended: 8500/L-50, 8500/L-61, 8500/L-S3,

    8600/L-50, 860/L-61, 860/L-S3, 865/L-50, 865/L-61, 880M /L-50,

    880M /L-56, 880M /L-S3, 882/L-50, 882/L-56, 882/L-61, 882/L-

    S3, 960/L-50, 960/L-61, 980/L-50, 980/L-61, 980/LC -72, and

    M IL 800-H/L-S3. R efer to Lincoln B ulletin C 5.10 for flux operabiity

    inform ation.

    (12) 880/LAC-M 2, 880M /LAC -M 2.

    (13) M IL 800-H/LA-90, M IL 800-H/LA-100, 880M /LA-100,

    880M /LA-92.

    (14) 882/LAC -N i2, 880M /LA-90, 980/LAC -N i2.

    (15) W hen resistance to atm ospheric corrosion and m atching w eathering

    characteristics are needed (such as on unpainted structures), use

    960/LA -75, AXX X10/L-61 or 880, 880M , 882/LA C N i2. For single

    pass w elds, m ultipass w elds w hich are not exposed, and

    m ultipass w elds w hich do not require resistance to atm ospheric

    corrosion and m atching w eathering characteristics, other filler

    m etal com binations m ay be used.

    (26) 880, 880M /LAC B 2 m ay be used in place of the listed

    Flux/W ire com binations for m ost applications.

    (31) Filler m etals suitable for underm atching stregth applications use

    A709, G rades 70W and HP S 70W and A852 are:

    M IL 800-H PN i/LA -75, 860/LA -75 and 960/LA -75.

    (32) 780 flux is recom m ended for roundaboutapplications because

    of its faster freezing slag.

    (33) 781 flux is recom m ended for m aking high speed, single pass

    w elds on clean plate and sheet steel.

    (34) 761, 780, 860/L-70. 761 and 780 are recom m ended for single

    pass applications. 860 is recom m ended for m ultipass w elds.

    GMAW(16) SuperArc L-50, SuperG lide S3, SuperArc L-54, SuperArc L-56,

    SuperG lide S6, M etalshield M C -6 or M C -710XL.

    (29) U se LA-75 w hen resistance to atm ospheric corrosion and m atching

    w eathering characteristics are needed. If the steel is to b e painted

    and atm osp heric corosion resistance and m atching w eathering

    characteristic are not need, SuperArc L-50, L-54, L-56,

    SuperG lide S 3, S6, M etalshield M C -6 or M C -710XL m ay be used.

    (30) LA -75 is certified to m eet 80 ksi m in. tensile strength w ith

    98% Ar/2% O 2 shielding gas. LA -75 w ith 75-90% Ar/balance C O 2shielding gas m eets a 70 ksi m in. tensile strength.

    FCAW-S(17) Any Innershield electrod e m ay be used, w ith the follow ing


    1. Innershield electrod es are not required to have specified levels of

    notch toughness. If code, specifications, or contract docum ents

    require notch toughness, an electrode should be selected to m eetthe specific requirem ents.

    2. .068, 5/64& 3/32dia. N R -211-M P are restricted to m axim um

    1/2thick carbon steel. .035& .045dia. N R -211-M P are

    restricted to m axim um 5/16thick carbon steel.

    3. N R -1, N R -5, and N R -152 are typically used for high speed

    applications on carbon steel up to a m axim um of 3/16thick.

    N R -131 is designed for high speed, single pass w elding on

    12 gauge and thicker steels.

    (18) Innershield: N R -203M P, N R -203 N i(1% ), N R -232, NR -305,

    N R -311 N i. (Excep tion: N R -311 N i is not approved for use w ith

    any A709 grade w hen A ASH TO /AW S D 1.5 is appliable.)

    (19) Innershield: NR -203 N i(1% ).

    (21) For vertical dow n applications, N R -207 or N R -207-H are the best

    choices. For vertical up applications, the N R -203-XX series is the

    best choice.(22) W hen resistance to atm ospheric corrosion and m atching w eather-

    ing characteristics are need ed, use N R -203 N i(1% ). If the steel is

    to be painted and atm osp heric corrosion resistance and m atching

    w eathering characteristic are need ed, any E7X T-6, or -8 m ay be


    FCAW-G(23) O utershield 70, 70-H , XLH 70, 71, 71M , 71 Elite, 712C .

    (24) O utershield 81K 2-H , 81N i1-H

    (25) W hen resistance to atm opheric corrosion and m atching w eather-

    ing characteristics are needed (such as on unpainted structures),

    use 81K 2-H or 81N i1-H . For single pass w elds, m ultipass w elds

    w hich are not exposed, and m ultipass w elds w hich do not require

    resistance to atm osp heric corrosion and m atching w eathering

    characteristics, any E7XT-1, -5, or -9 m ay be used .

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A27 C arbon Steel C astings All 60-70 30-40

    A36 Structural-36,000 M in. Yield Strength All, C arbon Steel # 58-80 36 m in

    A53 Pipe-B lack, H ot dipped Type E & S, G rade A 48 m in 30 m in

    Type E & S, G rade B 60 m in 35 m in

    Type F 48 m in 30 m in

    A105 Forgings, for Piping 70 m in 36 m in

    A106 Pipe A & B 48 & 60 m in 30 & 35 m in

    C 70 m in 40 m in

    A131 Structural Steel for Ships (Recom m endations are A, B, D, DS, C S, E 58-75 34 m in

    based on strength reqts. Im pact Test Tem p. (G r A Im pt Test Tem p @ +68F)

    reqts are as follow s: G rades B & AH xx @ +32F, AH 32, D H 32 & EH 32 64-85 46 m in

    G rades D & D S @ +14F, G rades D H xx @ -4F, AH 36, D H 36 & EH 36 71-90 51 m in

    & G rades C S, E & EH xx @ -40F. EH 40 and FH xx AH 40, D H 40 & EH 40 74-94 57 m in

    grades are norm alized, therm o-m echanical control FH 32 64-85 46 m in

    processed, or quenched & tem pered. FH xx grades FH 36 71-90 51 m in

    im pact test tem p are -76F FH 40 74-94 57 m in

    A134 Pipe See A36, A283, A285, or A570

    A135 Pipe, Electric-R esistance-Steel (5.563M ax. D ia.) A 48 m in 30 m in

    B 60 m in 35 m inA139 Pipe, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-W elded A 48 m in 30 m in

    B 60 m in 35 m in

    C 60 m in 42 m in

    D 60 m in 46 m in

    E 66 m in 52 m in

    A148 C astings-Structural 80-40 & -50 80 m in 40-50 m in

    90-60 90 m in 60 m in

    105-85 & 115-95 105 & 115 m in 85 & 95 m in

    150-135 150 m in 135 m in

    A161 L C arbon & C -M o Still Tubes for R efinery Serv. Low C arbon 47 m in 26 m in

    @ Elevated Tem perature

    (D iscontinued in 1999, replaced by A192) T1 (.5% M o) 55 m in 30 m in

    A178 Electric-R esistance-W elded C arbon Steel A (Low C arbon) 47 m in 26 m in

    & C -M n B oiler Tubes (5M ax Dia.)

    C (M edium C arbon) 60 m in 37 m in

    D (C arbon-M anganese) 70 m in 40 m in

    A179 H eat Exchanger (1/8-3D ia.) 47 m in 26 m in

    A181 Forgings, for G eneral-Purpose Piping C lass 60 60 m in 30 m in

    C lass 70 70 m in 36 m in

    A182 H igh Tem p. Fittings, Flanges, Valves, etc. F1 (.5% M o) 70 m in 40 m in

    F2 (.5% C r, .5% M o) 70 m in 40 m in

    F11, C lass 1& 2 (1.25% C r,.5% M o) 60 m in & 70 m in 30 m in & 40 m in

    F11, C lass 3 (1.25% C r,.5% M o) 75 m in 45 m in

    F12, C lass 1 (1% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    F12, C lass 2 (1% C r, .5% M o) 70 m in 40 m in

    F21 (3% C r, 1 M o) 75 m in 45 m inF22, C lass 1 (2.25 C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    F22, C lass 3 (2.25 C r, 1% M o) 75 m in 45 m in

    A192 B oiler Tube for H igh Pressure Service 7M ax D ia. 47 m in 26 m in

    A199 H eat Exchanger Tubes (1/8-3D ia.) T4 (2.5% Cr, .5% M o) 60 m in 25 m in

    T11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 25 m in

    T22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 25 m in

    A200 R efinery Still Tubes (2- 9D ia.) T4 (2.5% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 25 m in

    (D iscontinued in 1999, replaced by A213)

    T11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 25 m in

    T22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 25 m in

    A202 Pressure Vessel C r-M n-Si A (.5% C r) 75-95 45 m in

    B (.5% C r) 85-110 47 m in





  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, LH -78 M R (10) , (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (21) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (21) (23)

    (1), (2) (10) ,(11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1), (3) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1), (3) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880,880M /LAC N i2 LA75

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880,880M /LAC N i2 LA75

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880,880M /LAC N i2 LA75

    (2), (4) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (16) (21) (23)(2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860,960/LA75, 860/LA85 LA75 (24)

    LH -90 M R, Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R 880M /LA100 LA90, LA100, M C 900 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R , LH 100M 1 M R 880M /LA100, 880, 880M /LAC -M 2 LA100, M C -1100

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    SA-85 (34), (32) LA90 (21) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R, (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R, (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R, (16) (21) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    SA-85 (34), (32) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA92Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    (2), (4) (10), (32) (16) (21) (23)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) LA75, (16) (24)

    (10), (11) LA100, M C 1100




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide





    A203 Pressure Vessel - Alloy Steel, N i (N orm alized) A & D (2.25% Ni & 3.5% Ni) 65-85 37 m in

    C VN Test Tem p. shall be a m atter of agreem ent B & E (2.25% N i & 3.5% N i) 70-90 40 m inbetw een purchaser & supplier, m ay be as low as F (3.5% N i) ( 2) ( 2)

    -100F, w hich m ay change recom m endations. 80-100 75-95 55 m in 50 m in

    A204 B oiler & Pressure Vessel (.5% M o) A 65-85 37 m in

    Plates > 1-1/2N orm alized B 70-90 40 m in

    C 75-95 43 m in

    A209 C -M o B oiler Tubes (1/2- 5D ia.) T1, T1a, & T1b 55, 53, & 60 m in 30, 28, & 32 m in

    A210 C arbon Steel B oiler Tubes (1/2- 5D ia.) A-1 60 m in 37 m in

    C 70 m in 40 m in

    A211 Spiral W elded Pipe (Discontinued in 1993) See A570

    A213 B oiler Tubes (1/8- 5D ia.) T2 (.75% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T12 (1% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T17 (1% C r) 60 m in 30 m in

    T21 (3% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    A214 H eat-Exchanger Tubes (3M ax. D ia.)

    A216 C arbon Steel C astings - H igh Tem p. W C A 60-85 30 m in

    W C B 70-95 36 m in

    W C C 70-95 40 m in

    A217 Steel C astings, H igh Tem p. W C 1 (.5% M o) 65-90 35 m in

    W C 4(.75% C r,.5% M o, .9% N i) 70-95 40 m in

    W C 5(.75% C r,1% M o, .8% N i) 70-95 40 m in

    W C 6 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 70-95 40 m in

    W C 9 (2.5% C r, 1% M o) 70-95 40 m in

    W C 11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 80-105 50 m in

    A225 Pressure Vessel, M n-V- .5% N i C (> 2N orm alized) 105-135 70 m in

    D (N orm alized) 80-105 60 m in

    A226 H igh-Pressure Service (5M ax. D ia.) 47 m in 26 m in

    (D iscontinued in 1997)

    A234 W rought W elding Fittings for M oderate & Elevated W PB 60-85 35 m inTem peratures

    W PC 70-95 40 m in

    W P1 (.5% M o) 55-80 30 m in

    W P11, C lass 1(1.25% Cr,.5% M o) 60-85 30 m in

    W P11, C lass 2(1.25% Cr,.5% M o) 70-95 40 m in

    W P11, C lass 3 (1.25% C r,.5% M o) 75-100 45 m in

    W P12, C lass 1 (1% C r,.5% M o) 60-85 30 m in

    W P12, C lass 2 (1% C r,.5% M o) 70-95 40 m in

    W P22, C lass 1(2.25% Cr,1% M o) 60-85 30 m in

    W P22, C lass 3 (2.25% C r,1% M o) 75-100 45 m in

    A242 High Strength, Low Alloy Structural-Cu Shapes-G roup 1 & 2, (Plates 3/4& less) 70 m in 50 m in

    (.2% C u m in.) G roups listed are for Structural Shapes-G roup 3, (Plates O ver 3/4 to 1-1/2) 67 m in 46 m in

    Shapes. For Plates & Bars, Tensile requirem ents Shapes-G roup 4 & 5, (Plates O ver 1-1/2 to 4) 63 m in 42 m in

    are based on thickness.

    A250 C -M o Tubes (1/2- 5D ia.) T1 (.5% M o) 55 m in 30 m inT1a (.5% M o) 60 m in 32 m in

    T1b (.5% M o) 53 m in 28 m in

    T2 (.75% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T12 (1% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    T22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    A252 Steel Pipe Piles 1 50 m in 30 m in

    2 60 m in 35 m in

    3 66 m in 45 m in

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    LH -8018-C 1 M R (10), (11) LA75

    LH -8018-C 1 M R (10), (11) LA75(10), (11)

    (10), (11)

    (34) LA90

    (34) LA90

    (34) LA90

    SA-85, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R LA90, (16) (21) (23)

    (2), (4) (16) (21) (23)

    SA-85, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (16) (21) (23)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)LH-78 M R

    (1) (10), (11) LA75, LA90 (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) LA75, LA90 (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) LA75, LA90 (18) (23)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R (10), (11) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860, 960/LA75 LA75 (24)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    SA-85 (34) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    (1), (6) (10), (11), (15) (29) N R -203N i1% (25)

    (1), (6) (10), (11), (15) (29) N R -203N i1% (25)

    (1), (6) (10), (11), (15) (29) N R -203N i1% (25)

    SA-85 LA90 (23)SA-85 LA90 (23)

    SA-85 LA90 (23)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11), (32) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11), (32) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11), (32) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

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    NO. DESCRIPTION GRADES (ksi) (ksi)

    A266 Pressure Vessel Forgings 1 60-85 30 m in

    2 & 4 70-95 36 m in3 75-100 37.5 m in

    A283 Structural Plates Storage Tank C onstruction A 45-60 24 m in

    B 50-65 27 m in

    C 55-75 30 m in

    D 60-80 33 m in

    A284 C -Si Steel Plates (D iscontinued 1994) C & D 60 m in 30 & 33 m in

    A285 Pressure Vessel Plate A 45-60 24 m in

    B 50-70 27 m in

    C 55-75 30 m in

    A299 Pressure Vessel Plate M n-Si 75-95 42 m in

    A302 Pressure Vessel Plates > 2N orm alized A (.5% M o) 75-95 45 m in

    M n-M o (G rade A & B ) B (.5% M o) 80-100 50 m in

    M n-M o-N i (G rade C & D ) C & D (.5% M o, .6% N i) & (.5% M o, .8% N i) 80-100 50 m in

    A328 Steel Sheet Piling 70 m in 39 m in

    A333 & Low Tem perature Pipe 1 (C VNs @ -50 F, 13 ft-lb) 55 m in 30 m in

    A3346 (C VNs @ -50 F, 13 ft-lb) 60 m in 35 m in

    7 (C VNs @ -100 F, 13 ft-lb) 65 m in 35 m in

    A335 H igh Tem perature Pipe P1 (.5% M o) 55 m in 30 m in

    P2 (.75% C r, .5% M o) 55 m in 30 m in

    P11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    P12 (1% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 32 m in

    P15 (1.4% Si, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    P22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    A336 Pressure Vessel Forgings, F11-C 1, C 2, & C 3 F1 (.5% M o) 70-95 40 m in

    (1.25% C r, .5% M o), F12 (1% C r, .5% M o), F11-C 2, F11-C 3, F11-C 1, F12 70-100 30-45 m in

    F21-C 3 (3% C r, 1% M o), F22-C 3 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) F21-C 3, F21-C 1, F22-C 3, F22-C 1 60-100 30-45 m in

    A 350 Low Tem p. Forgings, etc., R equiring N otch LF1 (C VNs @ -20 F, 13 ft-lbs) 60-85 30 m in

    Toughness Testing for Piping C om ponents

    LF2 (C VNs @ -50 F, 13 ft-lbs) 70-95 36 m in

    LF5 C lass 1 (C VNs @ -75 F) 60-85 30 m in

    LF5 C lass 2 (C VNs @ -75 F) 70-95 37.5 m in

    LF 6 C lass 1 (C VNs @ -60 F) 66-91 52 m in

    LF 6 C lass 2 (C VNs @ -60 F) 75-100 60 m in

    LF 6 C lass 3 (C VNs @ -0 F) 75-100 60 m in

    A352 Low Tem p. C astings for Pressure C ontaining LC A (.5% N i, .5% C r, .2% M o) 60-95 30-40 m in

    P arts, Low Tem p erature S ervice, C V Ns for LC A LC B & LC C (.5% N i, .5% C r, .2% M o) 60-95 30-40 m in

    tested @ -25 F, C VNs for LC B & LC C tested LC 1 (.5% M o) 65-90 35 m in

    @ -50 F LC 2 (2.5% N i) 70-95 40 m in

    A356 Steam Turbine C astings 1 70 m in 36 m in

    2 (.5% M o) 65 m in 35 m in

    5, 6 (.5% & 1.25% Cr, .5% M o) 70 m in 40 & 45 m in

    8, 9 (1% C r, 1% M o, V) 80 & 85 m in 50 & 60 m in

    10 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 85 m in 55 m in

    A366 C arbon Steel Sheets Type A, B , & C (D iscontinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1008)

    A369 H igh Tem perature Forged & B ored Pipe FPA 48 m in 30 m in

    FPB 60 m in 35 m in

    FP1 (.5% M o) 55 m in 30 m in

    FP2 (.75% C r, .5% M o) 55 m in 30 m in

    FP11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    FP12 (1% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    FP21 (3% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    FP22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in


  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide




    (1) (10). (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (24)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (34) (16) (18) (23)

    (34), 880M /L56 LA75 (24)

    M IL 800-H /LA82 LA75, LA100 (24)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, 882/L50 LA75 N R -207 (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M RExcalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, 882/L50 LA75 N R -207 (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R

    LH -8018-C 1 M R

    SA-85 (34) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M ,8 82/LA 92, (26)


    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    (34) LA90 (23)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 880M /L56 LA75 N R -207 (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M RLH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 81K2-H

    880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 81K2-H

    880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 91K2-H

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) LA75 N R -207 91K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 (24)

    860/L70 LA90 (24)

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880, 880M /LAC N i2

    (3) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R (34) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (4) (10), (34) (16) (21) (23)

    (4) (10), (34) (16) (21) (23)

    SA-85 (34) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8 018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93


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    A372 Pressure Vessel Forgings, Thin-W alled, G rade A 60-85 35 m in

    Type IV (.2% M o), Type V (1% C r, .2% M o) G rade B 75-100 45 m in

    G rade C , G rade E (C lass 55) 90-115 & 85-110 55 m in

    G rade D , G rade E (C lass 65) 105-130 65 m in

    A381 H igh Pressure Pipe for Transm ission System s Y35 60 m in 35 m in

    Y42 60 m in 42 m in

    Y46 63 m in 46 m in

    Y48 62 m in 48 m in

    Y50 64 m in 50 m in

    Y52 66 m in 52 m in

    Y56 71 m in 56 m in

    Y60 75 m in 60 m in

    Y65 77 m in 65 m in

    A 387 P ressure Vessel P late, C r-M o 2 (.75% C r), 11 (1% C r), & 12 (1.25% C r) 55-85, 65-90 30 m in, 45 m in

    G rades 2, 11, & 12-.5% M o (C lass 1 Low er Tensile) 22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 60-85, 75-100 30 m in, 45 m in

    (C lass 2 H igher Tensile) 21 (3% C r, 1% M o) 60-85, 75-100 30 m in, 45 m in

    A389 H igh Tem p. C r- M o C astings C 23 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 70 m in 40 m in

    C 24 (1% C r, 1% M o) 80 m in 50 m in

    A405 H igh Tem perature Pipe P24 (1% C r, 1% M o) 80 m in 50 m in

    A414 Pressure Vessel Sheet {G rades A,B ,C , & D - A, B , C , & D 45, 50, 55, & 60 m in 25, 30, 33, & 35 m in

    M ax. Ten. = M in. Ten + 15 ksi, G rades E,F, & G - E, F, & G 65, 70, & 75 m in 38, 42, & 45 m in

    M ax. Ten. = M in. Ten + 20 ksi}

    A420 Low Tem perature Fittings W PL6 (C VNs @ -50 F, 25 Ft-Lbs) 60-85 35 m in

    W PL9 (C VNs @ -100 F,25 Ft-Lbs) 63-88 46 m in

    A423 Low Alloy Tubes (1/2- 5D ia.) 1 (.75% C r, .5% N i) 60 m in 37 m in

    2 (.75% N i) 60 m in 37 m in

    A426 H igh Tem p. C ast Pipe C P1 (.5% M o) 65 m in 35 m in

    C P2 (.75% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    C P11 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 70 m in 40 m in

    C P12 (1% C r, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    C P15 (1.4% Si, .5% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    C P21 (3% C r, 1% M o) 60 m in 30 m in

    C P22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 70 m in 40 m in

    A441 D iscontinued 1989, R eplaced b y A572

    A442 Plate w ith Im proved Transition Properties 55 55-75 30 m in

    60 60-80 32 m in

    A455 Pressure Vessel Plate C -M n 70-95 35-38 m in

    A469 Vacuum -Treated Steel Forgings C lass 1 75 m in 35 m in

    C lass 2 (2.5% N i, .3% M o) 80 m in 55 m in

    C lass 3 (2.5% N i, .3% M o) 90 m in 70 m in

    A470 Alloy Steel Forgings C lass 1 75 m in 40 m in

    C lass 2 (3.5% Ni, .75% m ax C r) 80 m in 55 m in

    C lass 3, 9, & 5 90 m in & 90-110 70 m in

    C lass 4, & 6, 8 105 m in & 105-125 85 m in

    A486 H ighw ay B ridge C astings (D iscontinued 1989)

    A487 C astings-Pressure Service 1A,1B ,1C ,2A,2B ,2C ,4A,4C ,9C ,13A 85-115 53-65 m in

    1s V, 2s M nM o, 10A, 4B , 8B , 13B 100-130 70-85 m in

    4s N iC rM o, 6s M nN iC rM o

    8s (2.25% C r, 1% M o) & 9s (1% C r, .3% M o) 11A, 12A 70-95 40 m in

    10s, 11s, 12s N iC rM o 9D ,11B ,12B 100-130 70-85

    13s & 14s N iM o, 16A Low C , M nN i

    10B ,14A 120-145 95-100 m in

    16A 70-95 40 m in

    A498 H eat-Exchanger Tubes See A199, A213 & A334

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide





    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -110M M R 880M /LA90 LA90 (24)

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (2)

    SAH YP+, Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    SAH YP+, Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    SA70+, SA80, LH -75 M R, LH -78 M R 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    SA70+, SA80, SAH YP+, LH -D 80, 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (24)

    LH-D 90

    SA70+, SA80, LH -D 80, LH -D 90 860/L60, L61 (16) (21) (24)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    LH -90 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA92, (26) LA90

    (2), (5) (10), (11), (33) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11), (33) (16) (17) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, 882/L56 LA75 N R -207 81K2-H

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LAC -N i2

    LH -90 M R (16)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R LA75 N R -203N i1% 81N i1-H

    SA-85,85P (34) LA90

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)


    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H ,880M , 882/LA93

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H ,880M , 882/LA93

    (1) (10), 860/L61, 880M /L50 (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), 860/L61, 880M /L50 (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , (1), (8) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) L56, SG S-6 (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880, 880M /LAC N i2

    880M /LA100 LA100 91K 2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880, 880M /LAC N i2

    882/LAC N i2 LA100, M C 900,M C1100

    LH -110M M R (12)

    860, 880M /LA100

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100,

    M C1100

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100,

    M C1100

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860, 960/LA75 LA75 N R -203 N i1% 81N i1-H

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A500 Structural Tubing A 45 m in 45 m in

    B 58 m in 42 m inC 62 m in 46 m in

    D (SR 1100 F for 1hr/in,, .5hr m in.) 58 m in 36 m in

    A501 Structural Tubing 58 m in 36 m in

    A508 Pressure Vessel Forgings, 1 & 1A 70-95 36 m in

    Q uenched & Tem pered 2-C 1 & 3 (.75% N i, .5% M o) 80-105 50 m in

    2-C 2, 3-C 2 (.75% N i, .5% M o) 90-115 65 m in

    4N -C 3 (3.25% N i, 1.75% C r, .5% M o) 90-115 70 m in

    4N-C 1 & 5-C 1 (3.25% N i, 1.75% C r, .5% M o) 105-130 85 m in

    4N -C 2 & 5-C 2 (3.25% N i, 1.75% C r, .5% M o) 115-140 100 m in

    22-C 3 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 85-110 55 m in

    A514 Q uenched & Tem pered Plate All G rades > 2 1/2 100-130 90 m in

    All G rades 2 1/2& under 110-130 100 m in

    A515 H igh Tem perature Pressure Vessel Plate 60 60-80 32 m in65 & 70 65-85 & 70-90 35 m in & 38 m in

    A516 Pressure Vessel Plate 55 & 60 55-75 & 60-80 30 m in & 32 m in

    65 & 70 65-85 & 70-90 35 m in & 38 m in

    A517 Pressure Vessel, Q uenched & Tem pered All G rades 2 1/2& under 115-135 100 m in

    All G rades 2 1/2- 6 105-135 90 m in

    A521 C losed D ie Forgings AA,AB ,C E,C F & C F1 75 m in to 85 m in 37 m in to 55 m in

    AC , AD & C G 82 m in to 96 m in 48 m in to 58 m in

    C A, C C & C C 1 60 m in to 66 m in 30 m in to 33 m in

    AE 95 m in to 105 m in 75 m in to 80 m in

    A523 H igh Pressure Pipe (4-12D ia.) A 48 m in 30 m in

    B 60 m in 35 m in

    A524 Seam less C arbon Steel Pipe, for Atm ospheric I 60-85 35 m in

    & Low er Tem ps.

    II 55-80 30 m in

    A529 H igh Strength C -M n Steel of Structural Q uality 42 60-85 42 m in

    50 & 55 70-100 50 m in & 55 m in

    A533 Pressure Vessel, Q uench. & Tem p. M n-M o-N i C lass 1, Type A, B , C , & D 80-100 50 m in

    Type A (.50% M o)Type B (.50% M o,.55% N i) C lass 2, Type A, B , C , & D 90-115 70 m in

    Type C (.50% M o,.85% N i)Type D (.50% M o.30% N i) C lass 3, Type A, B , C , & D 100-125 83 m in

    A537 Pressure Vessel Plate C -M n-Si 1 (N orm alized) 2.5- 4 65 m in 45 m in

    2 & 3 Q uen & Tem p 2.5- 4 75 m in 55 m in & 50 m in

    2 & 3 Q uen & Tem p >4- 6 70 m in 46 m in & 40 m in

    A539 Tubing for G as & O il Lines 2-3/8M ax. D ia., 1/8M ax. Thickness 45 m in 35 m in

    A541 Pressure Vessel Forgings, Q uenched & Tem pered 1, 1A 70-95 36 m in

    G rades 2 & 3 (.5% M o) 2 C lass 1, & 3 C lass 1 80-105 50 m in

    G rade 4N , C lass 3 (1.5% C r, .5% M o) 11 C lass 4 80-105 50 m inG rade 11 C lass 4 (1.25% C r, .5% M o) 2 C lass 2, 3 C lass 2 90-115 65 m in

    G rade 22 C lasses 3, 4, & 5 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 22 C lass 4 105-130 85 m in

    22 C lass 5 115-140 100 m in

    4N C lass 3 90-115 70 m in

    22 C lass 3 85-110 55 m in

    A542 Pressure Vessel Plates, Q uenched & Tem pered C lass 1, Type A, B , & C 105-125 85 m in

    Type A & B (2.25% Cr, 1% M o) C lass 2, Type A, B , & C 115-135 100 m in

    Type C (3% C r,1% M o,+V,Ti,B ) C lass 3, Type A, B , & C 95-115 75 m in

    C lass 4 & 4a, Type A, B , & C 85-110 55 m in & 60 m in

    A543 Pressure Vessel Plate, Q uenched & Tem pered C lass 1, Type B & C 105-125 85 m in

    (1.5% C r, .4% M o) C lass 2, Type B & C 115-135 100 m in

    Type B 3% N i, Type C 2.75% N i C lass 3, Type B & C 90-115 70 m in





  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)(2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    882, 8500, M IL800-H /LA82

    LH -110M M R 882, 8500, M IL800-H /LA82

    LH -110M M R LA100

    LH -110M M R (12)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    LH -110M , (7) (12) LA100,

    M C1100

    LH -110M , (7) (12) LA100,

    M C1100

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)(1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (7) (12)

    LH -110M M R , (7) (12)

    960, 860/LA75, 860/LA85 LA75 81N i1-H

    (14) LA90 91K2-H

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 780/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , 780/L60, L61 (16) (21) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)LH -78 M R , (4)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 882, 8500, M IL800-H /LA82 LA75 (24)

    LH -110M , (4) 882, 8500, M IL800-H /LA82 LA90 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R 8500, M IL800-H /LA82 LA100,

    M C1100

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), 882, 8500/LA85 LA75 (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R M IL800-H /LA-71 (16) (18) (24)

    (1), LH -8018-C 3 M R M IL800-H /LA-71 (16) (18) (24)

    (2), (4) (16)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 (10), 880M /LA90 LA90 (24)

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)882, 8500/LA82 LA100, M C 900 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100

    M C1100

    M IL800-H, 880M , 882/LA93

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100

    LH -110M M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    M IL800-H, 880M , 882/LA93

    LH -110M , (7) (12) LA100, M C 1100

    LH -110M M R M IL800-H , 880M , 8500/LA100 LA100 91K2-H




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A556 Seam less, C old-D raw n Feedw ater H eater Tubes A2 47 m in 26 m in

    (1-1/4M ax. D ia.)

    B 2 60 m in 37 m in

    C 2 70 m in 40 m in

    A557 Electric-R esistance W elded Feedw ater H eater Tubes A2 47 m in 26 m in

    (1-1/4M ax. D ia.)

    B 2 60 m in 37 m in

    C 2 70 m in 40 m in

    A562 Pressure Vessel Plate, Carbon Steel, M n-Ti, for 55-75 30 m in

    G lass or D iffused M etallic C oatings

    A569 H ot-R olled Sheet, 0.15% M ax C , Type A, B , & C N one Specified N one Specified

    (D iscontinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1011)

    A570 S tructural Sheet & Strip, H ot-R olled 30, 33, 36, 40, & 45 49,52,53,55,&60 m in 30,33,36,40,&45 m in

    M ax. Thickness 0.229 50 & 55 65 & 70 m in 50 &55 m in

    (D iscontinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1011)

    A572 H igh Strength Structural C olum bium -Vanadium 42 60 m in 42 m in

    50 65 m in 50 m in

    55 70 m in 55 m in

    60 75 m in 60 m in

    65 80 m in 65 m in

    A573 Structural Plate of Im proved Toughness 58 58-71 m in 32 m in

    65 65-77 m in 35 m in

    70 70-90 m in 42 m in

    A587 Low C arbon Steel Pipe, C hem . Industry 48 m in 30 m in

    A588 High Strength Structural, w ith Atm ospheric All Structural Shapes & Plates 4& Under 70 m in 50 m in

    C orrosion R esistance (R ecom m ended consum ables Plates over 4to 5

    are the sam e regardless of thicknesses) 67 m in 46 m in

    Plates over 5 63 m in 42 m in

    A589 Seam less & W elded C arbon Steel W ater-W ell Pipe B utt W elded 48 m in 30 m in

    A 48 m in 30 m in

    B 60 m in 35 m in

    A592 Pressure Vessels, Q uenched & Tem pered, A (.75% Cr), E (1.75% Cr,.5% M o), Up to 2.5 Up to 2.5

    Forged Fittings F (.5% C r, .5% M o) 115-135 100 m in

    > 2.5 - 4 > 2.5 - 4

    105-135 90 m in

    A595 Structural Tubing A 65 m in 55 m in

    B 70 m in 60 m in

    C (W eather R esistant, C u,C r,N i) 70 m in 60 m in

    A606 Sheet, Hot & Cold Rolled, High-Strength, Hot Rolled [As Rolled & Annealed or 70 & 65 m in 50 & 45 m in

    Low -Alloy, Atm ospheric C orrosion Resistant N orm alized]

    C old R olled [C ut Lengths & C oils] 65 m in 45 m in

    A607 Sheet, H igh Strength, Low Alloy 45 60 m in 45 m in

    C o or V or B oth 50, 55, & 60 65 & 70 m in 50 & 55 m in

    C old R olled or H ot R olled 65 80 m in 65 m in

    (D isconinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1008 & A1011) 70 85 m in 70 m in

    A611 Structural Sheet A & B 42 & 45 m in 25 & 30 m in

    (D iscontinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1008) C Types 1 & 2 48 m in 33 m in

    D Types 1 & 2 52 m in 40 m in

    E (Full H ard Product) 82 m in 80 m in





  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 960/LA75, 860/LA85 LA75 (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 960/LA75, 860/LA85 LA75 (24)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) LA75, (16) (18) (23), (24)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , (1), (6) AXXX10/L61, 880,880M /LAC -N i2 (29) (22) (23), (25)

    960,860/LA75 (15)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (17) (23)

    LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (17) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (17) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -75, LA75 (19) 81N i1-H

    LH -78, LH -8018-C 3 M R

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA90 (24)

    (14) LA90 (24)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (14) LA90, M C 900 91K2-H




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A612 Pressure Vessel Plate for Low Tem perature 0.5 & U nder 83-105 50 m inService > 0.5 81-101 50 m in

    A615 B illet Steel B ars, C oncrete R einforcem ent 40 70 m in 40 m in

    (0.376-2.257D ia.) 60 90 m in 60 m in

    75 100 m in 75 m in

    A616 R ail-Steel B ars For C oncrete R einforcem ent 50 80 m in 50 m in

    (M ax 1.410D ia.) 60 90 m in 60 m in

    (D iscontinued 9/99, replaced w ith A996)

    A617 Axle-Steel for C oncrete R einforcem ent 40 70 m in 40 m in

    (M ax 1.410D ia.) 60 90 m in 60 m in

    (D iscontinued 9/99, replaced w ith A996)

    A618 Low Alloy Structural Tubing Ia,Ib,II, 3/4W all Thickness 67 m in 46 m in

    III 65 m in 50 m in

    A620 Steel Sheet, Draw ing Q uality, Special Killed 40 m in 20 m in

    (D iscontinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1008)

    A 633 N orm alized H igh S trength Low A lloy S tructural A 63-83 42 m in

    C 70-90 & 65-85 50 m in & 46 m in

    D 70-90 & 65-85 50 m in & 46 m in

    E 2.5- 4 80-100 60 m in & 55 m in

    E > 4 75-95 55 m in

    A656 H igh Strength, Low Alloy Structural 50 60 m in 50 m in

    60 70 m in 60 m in

    70 80 m in 70 m in

    80 90 m in 80 m in

    A660 C ast Pipe, for H igh Tem perature Service W C A 60 m in 30 m in

    W C B 70 m in 36 m in

    W C C 70 m in 40 m in

    A662 Pressure Vessel, Low & M oderate Tem p. A (C VN R eq - 15 ft-lbs @ -75 F) 58-78 40 m in

    B (C VN R eq - 15 ft-lbs @ -50 F) 65-85 40 m in

    C (C VN R eq - 15 ft-lbs @ -50 F) 70-90 43 m in

    A668 C arbon & Alloy Steel Forgings A (U ntreated) 47 m in

    M inim um Tensiles & Yields Requirem ents vary B (Annealed, or norm al, or norm al & tem p.) 60 m in 30 m in

    w ith size of forging. C (Annealed, or norm al, or norm al & tem p.) 66 m in 33 m in

    D (N orm al, annealed, or norm al & tem p.) 75 m in 37 m in

    E (N o rm al& tem p , or d oub le norm al & tem p) 83 & 85 m in 43 & 44 m in

    F (Q uench&tem p,ornorm al,quench,&tem p.) 82, 85, & 90 m in 48, 50, & 55 m in

    G (Annealed, or norm al,or norm al & tem p.) 80 m in 50 m inH (N orm al & tem p.) 90 m in 58 & 60 m in

    J (Norm al&tem p, or norm al,quech,&tem p.) 90 & 95 m in 65 & 70 m in

    K (N orm al,quench, & tem p.) 100 & 105 m in 75 & 80 m in

    L (N orm al,quench, & tem p.) 110,115, & 125 m in 85, 95, 105 m in

    M (N orm al,quench, & tem p.) 135,140 & 145 m in 110,115 & 120 m in

    N (N orm al,quench, & tem p.) 160,165 & 170 m in 130, 135 & 140 m in

    A672 Steel Pipe for H igh-Pressure Service at M oderate G rade designates type of plate used to

    Tem peratures m ake pipe. See ASTM Spec. for plate

    m aterial inform ation.

    A675 Steel B ars 45 45-55 22.5 m in

    50 50-60 25 m in

    55 55-65 27.5 m in

    (A675 continued o n next page) 60 60-72 30 m in



    NO. DESCRIPTION GRADES (ksi) (ksi)


  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    LH -8018-C 3 M R , C 1 M R (10) LA75 (24)LH -8018-C 3 M R , C 1 M R (10), 880M /L56 LA75 (24)

    (1) (16) (18) (23)

    LA90 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R LA100, M C 1100

    LH -8018-C 3 M R LA75 (24)

    LA90 91K2-H

    (1) (16) (18) (23)

    LA90 91K2-H

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R(2) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , (1) (10), 860, 882/L61, 880M /L50 (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , (1) (10), 860, 882/L61, 880M /L51 LA75, (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , (1) (10), 860, 882/L61, 880M /L52 LA75, LA90 (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 880M /L56, AXXX10/L61, 860/LA-71 LA75, LA90 (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 880M /L56, AXXX10/L61, 860/LA-71 LA75, LA90 (24)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), 880M /LA-71 LA75, LA90 (24)

    (14), 880M , M IL800-H /LA 100 LA 90, M C 900, 91K 2-H


    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)LH -78 M R , (4)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 8500/L-S3 LA75 N R -207 (24)

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 8500/L-S3 LA75 (19) (24)

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 8500/L-S3 LA75 (19) (24)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) LA75, (16) (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA75, LA90, 91K2-H

    M C 9 00

    (14) LA75, LA90 (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA75, LA90 (23)(13) LA90, M C 900 91K2-H

    (13) LA90, M C 900 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R (14) LA100, M C 1100

    (14) LA100, M C 1100

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A675 65 65-77 32.5 m in

    (contd) 70 70-85 35 m in

    75 75-90 37.5 m in

    80 80 m in 40 m in

    90 90 m in 55 m in

    A678 Q uenched & Tem pered Structural Plate A 70-90 50 m in

    B 80-100 60 m in

    C [ < 3/4, 3/4- 1-1/2, 1-1/2- 2] 85-105, 90-110, 95-115 65, 70, & 75 m in

    D 90-110 75 m in

    A690 H -Piles & Sheet Piling 70 m in 50 m in

    A691 C arbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, (> 16D ia.) G rade designates type of plate used to

    m ake pipe. See ASTM Spec. for plate

    m aterial inform ation.

    A692 Seam less L.A. Steel Tubes, 1/2% M o. 64-84 42 m in SA-85

    (5M ax. D ia.)

    A694 C arbon & Alloy Steel Forgings F42 60 m in 42 m in

    F46 60 m in 46 m in

    F48 62 m in 48 m in

    F50 64 m in 50 m in

    F52 66 m in 52 m in

    F56 68 m in 56 m in

    F60 75 m in 60 m in

    F65 77 m in 65 m in

    F70 82 m in 70 m in

    A695 B ars, for Fluid Pow er 35 Type A, B , C , & D 60 m in 35 m in

    40 Type A, B , C , & D 70 m in 40 m in

    45 Type A, C , & D 80 m in 45 m in

    50 Type A, C , & D 90 m in 50 m inA696 C arbon Steel B ars - Pressure Piping C om ponents B 60 m in 35 m in

    C 70 m in 40 m in

    A706 Low Alloy B ars for C oncrete R einforcem ent 80 m in 60 m in, 78 m ax

    A707 C arbon & Alloy Steel Flanges for Low Tem p. L1, C lass 1 & 2 60 & 66 m in 42 & 52 m in

    Service Im pact Test Tem peratures - L2, C lass 1, 2, & 3 60, 66, & 75 m in 42, 52, & 60 m in

    L1 @ -20 F L3, C lass 1, 2, & 3 60, 66, & 75 m in 42, 52, & 60 m in

    L2 & L3 @ -50 F L4, C lass 1, 2, & 3 60, 66, & 75 m in 42, 52, & 60 m in

    L4, L5, & L6 @ -80 F L5, C lass 1, 2, 3, & 4 60,66,75, &90 m in 42,52,60, &75 m in

    L7 & L8 @ -100 F L6, C lass 1, 2, 3, & 4 60,66,75, &90 m in 42,52,60, &75 m in

    L7, C lass 1, & 2 60 & 66 m in 42 & 52 m in

    L8, C lass 1, 2, 3, & 4 60,66,75, &90 m in 42,52,60, &75 m in

    A709 Structural Steel For B ridges. For bridge 36 (Sim ilar to A36) 58 m in & 58-80 36 m in

    fabrication, AASH TO /AW S D 1.5 is often 50 (Sim ilar to A572, G rade 50) 65 m in 50 m in

    applicable. The filler m etals listed for A709 50S (Sim ilar to A992) 65 m in 50-65include those options thatm eet both the 50W , Type A , B , & C (S im ilar to A 588) 70 m in 50 m in

    strength requirem ents for theapplication, 70W (Sim ilar to A852) 90-110 70 m in

    as w ell as m eeting the requirem ents of H PS 50W 70 m in 50 m in

    D 1.5-2002. H PS 70W 90-110 70 m in

    100, 100W ,

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA75, LA90 (24)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R (13) LA90, M C 900 91K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) LA75, LA90 (24)

    LH -110M 8500/LA85 LA100, M C 1100 91K2-H

    LH -110M 8500/LA85 LA100, M C 1100 91K2-H

    See A588 See A588 See A588 See A588 See A588


    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75, LH -78, (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH-8018-C 3 M R

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , LH -D 80, LH -D 90 (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R , LH -D 80, LH -D 90 (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -90 M R , LH -D 90 880M , 882, 960/LA92, 880M /LA90 LA90 81K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (3) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (11) LA75, LA90 (24)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R (13) LA90, M C 900 91K2-HExcalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , (16) (18) (23)

    LH-78 M R

    LH -8018-C 3 M R LA75, LA90 (24)

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 960, 860, 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 81K2-H

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 960, 860, 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207 91K2-H

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA100 LA75 N R -207 91K2-H

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA100 LA75 N R -207 91K2-H

    880M /LAC -N i2

    (1) (10), (11) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)(1), (6) (15) (22) (25)

    M IL800H PN i/LA85, (31) 91K2-H

    (1), (6) (15) (22) (25)

    M IL800H PN i/LA 85, (31)

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100

    LH -90 M R 880M /LA100 LA100 91K2-H

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 N R -207

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA100

    LH -90 M R (14) LA90 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R (13) LA100, M C 1100

    (12) LA100




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A714 Low Alloy Pipe I 70 m in 50 m in

    Type F- Furnace B utt W elded II 70 m in 50 m in

    Type E- Electric-R esistance W elded III 65 m in 50 m in

    Type S- Seam less IV (.2-.5% N i, 1% C r) 58 m in 36 m in

    G rades I, II, & III- C lass 2 Pipe V, Type F & Type E, S (2% N i) 55 m in & 65 m in 40 m in & 46 m in

    G rades IV, V, VI, VII, & VIII- VI,Type E&S (.75% N i,.33% m ax C r,.15% M o) 65 m in 46 m in

    Class 4 Pipe (Class 4- 4 tim es Corrosion Resistance VII,TypeE&S (.24 - 1.3% Cr,.68% Ni) 65 m in 45 m in

    of C arbon Steel) VIII, Type E & S (.5% N i) 70 m in 50 m in

    A715 H igh Strength, Low -Alloy Sheet & Strip 50 60 m in 50 m in

    (D iscontinued 8/00, replaced w ith A1008 & A1011) 60 70 m in 60 m in

    70 80 m in 70 m in

    80 90 m in 80 m in

    A724 Pressure Vessel Plates Q uenched & Tem pered A 90-110 70 m in

    C -M n-Si Steel B 95-115 75 m in

    C 90-110 70 m in

    A727 N otch-Tough C arbon Steel Forgings 60-85 36 m in

    A732 C astings, for H igh Strength at Elevated 1A, 2A, 3A 60, 65, 75 m in 40, 45, & 48 m in

    Tem peratures 2Q , 5N 85 m in 60 & 55 m in4A, 6N (.4% M o) 90 m in 50 & 60 m in

    3Q , 13Q 100 & 105 m in 90 & 85 m in

    11Q (1.75% N i), 4Q 120 & 125 m in 85 & 90 m in

    A 734 P ressure Vessel P lates, H igh S trength, Type A (1% N i, 1% C r,.35% M o, for use @ -80 F) 77-97 65 m in

    Low Alloy, Q uenched & Tem pered Type B (for use @ -20 F) 77-97 65 m in

    A735 Pressure Vessel Plates Low C -M n-(.4% ) M o-C b C lass 1 80-100 65 m in

    for M oderate & Low er Tem perature Service C lass 2 85-105 70 m in

    C lass 3 90-110 75 m in

    C lass 4 95-115 80 m in

    A736 Pressure Vessel Plates A, C lass 1 90-110 80 m in

    Low -C Age-H ardening A, C lass 2 60-80 to 72-92 50 m in to 65 m in

    G r A (.85% N i,.75% C r, +C u, M o, C b) A, C lass 3 70-90 to 85-105 60 m in to 75 m in

    G r C (.85% N i,+C u, M o, C b) C , C lass 1 100 -120 90 m in

    C , C lass 3 90-110 to 95-115 80 m in to 85 m in

    A737 Pressure Vessel Plates, H igh-Strength, Low -Alloy B 70-90 50 m in

    C 80-100 60 m inA738 Pressure Vessel, H eat Treated, C -M n-Si, A ( 2.5Q & T) 75-95 45 m in

    for M oderate & Low Tem perature S ervice B (A ll Thicknesses Q uenched & Tem pered) 85-102 60 m in

    C (All Thicknesses Q uenched & Tem pered) 70-90 to 80-100 46, 55, & 60 m in

    A739 Steel B ars, for Elevated Tem perature B 11 (1.25% Cr, .5% M o) 70-95 45 m in

    or Pressure C ontain Parts B 22 (2.25% C r, 1% M o) 75-95 45 m in

    A757 Steel C astings, for Pressure C ontaining, A1Q , A2Q (C VN s @ -50F) 65 & 70 m in 35 & 40 m in

    for Low Tem perature Service B 2N , B 2Q (2.5% N i), (C VNs @ -100F) 70 m in 40 m in

    Q s-Q uenched & Tem pered C 1Q (1.75% N i,.2% M o), (C VNs @ -50F) 75 m in 55 m in

    N s- N orm alized & Tem p ered, D 1N 1, D 1Q 1 (2.5% C r,1% M o) 85 & 115 m in 55 m in

    D 1N 2, D 1Q 2 (2.5% Cr,1% M o) 95 & 125 m in 75 m in

    A758 Pipe Fittings w ith Im proved N otch Tough. 60 60-85 35 m in

    70 70-95 38 m in

    A765 Pressure Vessel Forgings w ith M andatory C VN I 60-85 30 m in

    R eqts C VN Test Tem perature - II 70-95 36 m in

    G rades I & IV @ -20 F, G rade II @ -50 F, III (3.5% N i) 70-95 37.5 m inG rade III @ -150 F IV 80-105 50 m in

    A769 C arbon & H igh-Strength Electric R esistance 36 53 m in 36 m in

    W elded Steel Structural Shapes 40 55 m in 40 m in

    W indicates Steel G rades having Atm ospheric 45 60 m in 45 m in

    C orrosion R esistrance Approx. 2 tim es that of 45W 65 m in 45 m in

    C arbon Structural Steel w ith C opper. 50 65 m in 50 m in

    C lass 1 - G eneral Structural use for Static Loads 50W 70 m in 50 m in

    C lass 2 - Structural use w here Fatigue Loading 60 75 m in 60 m in

    O ccurs 80 90 m in 80 m in

    A782 Pressure Vessel Plates, Q uenched & Tem pered C lass 1 (.75% C r, .4% M o) 97-119 80 m in

    M n-C r-M o-Si-Zr C lass 2 (.75% C r, .4% M o) 107-129 90 m in

    C lass 3 (.75% C r, .4% M o) 115-136 100 m in





  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860/LA75 LA75 N R -203 N i1% 81N i1-H

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880, 880M /LAC -N i2

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860/LA75 LA75 N R -203 N i1% 81N i1-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860/LA75 LA75 N R -203 N i1% 81N i1-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 860/LA75 LA75 N R -203 N i1% 81N i1-H

    (2) (16) (17) (23)

    (3) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 LA75 (24)

    LA90, M C 900 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R 8500/LA85 LA100, M C 1100 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R 8500/LA85 LA100, M C 1100 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R 8500/LA85 LA100, M C 1100 91K2-H

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (13) LA75 (24)Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R (14) LA90, LA100 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100, M C 1100

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 8500, 880M /LA85 LA100 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 8500/L-S3 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (34) LA75 81K2-H

    880M /LA90 LA90 81K2-H

    880M /LA90 LA90, M C 900 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R M IL800-H ,880M /LA100 LA100, M C 900 91K2-H

    (14) LA100 91K2-H

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 1 M R (14) LA75 (24)

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100, M C 1100

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100, M C 1100

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (10), (13) L-75, LA90 (24)LH -8018-C 3 M R 860, 880M , 882/LA-71 LA75 (24)

    (14) LA75, LA100 91K2-H , (24)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA75, LA100 91K2-H

    LH -90 M R , Jet-LH 8018-B 2 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA 92, (26)

    Jet-LH 9018-B 3 M R M IL800-H , 880M , 882/LA93

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 (19) 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LAC -N i2

    LH -8018-C 1 M R 880M /LA75 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -110M M R (12) LA100, M C 1100

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    Excalibur 7018, 7018-1, LH -75 M R , LH -78 M R (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (18) (23)

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L56 LA75 (19) 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA75 (24)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (3), (6) (10), (11), (15) (16), LA75 (17) (23), (25)

    (3) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (3), (6) (10), (11), (15) (16), LA75 (17) (23), (25)

    LH -8018-C 3 M R (14) LA75 (19) (24)

    (13) LA100 91K2-H

    (12) LA100 91K2-H

    LH -110M M R (12) M C 1100




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A808 H igh-Strength, Low -Alloy, Structural 60, 65, & 65 m in 42, 46, & 50 m in

    C -M n-C b-V, C VN s @ -50 F

    A812 H igh-Strength, Low -Alloy Sheet, Pressure Vessels 65 85-110 65 m in

    Specification w as discontinued 1997 80 100-125 80 m in

    A822 Steel Tubing, H ydraulic Service, 1/8-3 D ia. 45 m in 25 m in

    A832 Pressure Vessel, C r-M o-V-Ti-B G rade 21V (3% C r, 1% M o, .25% V-Ti-B ) 85-110 60 m in

    G rade 22V (2.25% C r, 1% M o, .25% V) 85-110 60 m in

    A 841 P ressure Vessel P lates, TM C P C lass 1, up to and including 2.5& > 2.5 70-90 & 65-85 50 m in & 45 m in

    C lass 2, up to and including 2.5& > 2.5 80-100 & 75-95 60 m in & 55 m in

    A 847 Low A lloy Tubing w ith Im proved A tm ospheric 70 m in 50 m in

    C orrosion

    A850 Steel B ars, C -M n C lass 1 70-99 50 m in

    C lass 2 70-99 50 m in

    A852 Q uenched & Tem pered Low Alloy Structural Plate 90-110 70 m in

    A 858 H eat Treated Fittings for Low -Tem p. & C orrosive C VN R eq- 20 ft-lbs @ -50 F 70-95 36 m in

    Service, M ax .60% N i % , .30% C r, .35% C uA859 Steel Forgings, Age H arden C lass 1 65-85 55 m in

    N i-C u-C r-M o-C b C lass 2 75-95 65 m in

    A860 H igh-Strength Fittings W PH Y 42 60-85 42 m in

    C VN R eqt - 30 ft-lbs @ -50 F W PH Y 46 63-88 46 m in

    M ax. N i 1.0% , Stress R elieved W PH Y 52 66-91 52 m in

    1 hour @ 1150 F W PH Y 60 75-100 60 m in

    W PH Y 65 77-102 65 m in

    W PH Y 70 80-105 70 m in

    A871 H igh-Strength, Low -Alloy, Structural, 60 75 m in 60 m in

    w ith Atm ospheric C orrosion R esistance 65 80 m in 65 m in

    A873 Steel Sheet Pressure Vessels, 2.25% C r-1% M o C lass 1 60-85 30 m in

    for use @ elevated tem peratures C lass 2 75-100 45 m in

    (D iscontinued in 1997) C lass 3 85-110 60 m in

    C lass 4 95-120 75 m in

    C lass 5 130-160 100 m in

    A 907 S heet & S trip , H o t-R o lled , S tructural Q u ality 30, 33, 36, & 40 49,52,53, & 55 m in 30,33,36, & 40 m in(D iscontinued 6/01, replaced w ith A1018)

    A913 H igh-Strength Low Alloy Shapes of 50 65 m in 50 m in

    Structural Q uality, Produced by 60 75 m in 60 m in

    Q uenching & Self-Tem pering Process 65 80 m in 65 m in

    70 90 m in 70 m in

    A935 Steel, Sheet & Strip, H igh Strength Low - 45 60 m in 45 m in

    Alloy C olubium or Vanadium or B oth 50, 55, & 60 65 & 70 m in 50 & 55 m in

    (D iscontinued 6/01, replaced w ith A1018) 65 80 m in 65 m in

    70 85 m in 70 m in

    A936 H igh Strength, Low -Alloy 50 60 m in 50 m in

    Sheet & Strip, H eavy Thickness C oils 60 70 m in 60 m in

    (D iscontinued 6/01, replaced w ith A1018) 70 80 m in 70 m in

    80 90 m in 80 m in

    A945 H igh Strength, Low - Alloy Structual Plate w /Low 50 70-90 50 m in

    C arbon & R estricted Sulfur for Im proved W eldability 65 78-100 65m in

    A984 Steel Line Pipe, black, Plain-End, 35 60 m in 35-70Electric-R esistance-W elded 45 65 m in 45-72

    55 70 m in 55-80

    65 75 m in 65-85

    80 90 m in 80-97

    A992 Steel for Structural Shapes for use in Building 65 m in 50-65

    Fram ing

    A996 R ail-Steel & Axle-Steel for C oncrete R einforcem ent 40 70 m in 40 m in

    50 80 m in 50 m in

    60 90 m in 60 m in





  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    A1008 Steel, Sheet, C old-Rolled, Structural, H igh S trength C S,(Types A , B , & C ), D S,

    20-40, 22-35,

    Low -Alloy. H igh-Strength Low -Alloy w ith Im proved (Types A & B ), D D S, ED DS 17-29,15-25

    Form ability. SS, G rades 25, 30, 33, & 40 42,45,48, &52 m in 25,30,33, &40 m in

    SS, G rade 80 82 m in 80 m in

    H SLAS, G rade 45 C lass 1 & 2 60 & 55 45 m in

    H SLAS, G rade 50 C lass 1 & 2 65 & 60 50 & 55

    H SLAS, G rade 55 C lass 1 & 2 70 & 65 m in 50 & 55

    H S LA S, G rade 60 C lass 1 & 2 75 & 70 m in 60 & 65

    H SLAS, G rade 65 C lass 1 & 2 80 & 75 m in 60 & 65

    H SLAS, G rade 70 C lass 1 & 2 85 & 80 70 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 50 60 m in 50 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 60 70 m in 60 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 70 80 m in 70 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 80 90 m in 80 m in

    A1011 Steel, Sheet, H ot-R olled, Structural, H igh StrengthC S ,(Types A , B , & C ), D S ,types (A & B )

    20-40, 22-35,

    Low -Alloy, H igh-Strength Low -Alloy w ith Im proved 17-29,15-25

    Form ability. SS, G rades 25, 30, 33, & 40 42,45,48, &52 m in 25,30,33, &40 m in

    SS, G rade 80 82 m in 80 m in

    H SLAS, G rade 45 C lass 1 & 2 60 & 55 m in 45 m in

    HSLAS, G rade 50 Class 1 & 2 65 & 60 m in 50 & 55 m in

    H SLAS, G rade 55 C lass 1 & 2 70 & 65 m in 50 & 55 m in

    HSLAS, G rade 60 Class 1 & 2 75 & 70 m in 60 & 65 m in

    H SLAS, G rade 65 C lass 1 & 2 80 & 75 m in 60 & 65 m in

    H SLAS, G rade 70 C lass 1 & 2 85 & 80 m in 70 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 50 60 m in 50 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 60 70 m in 60 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 70 80 m in 70 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 80 90 m in 80 m in

    A1018 Steel, Sheet, H ot-Rolled, Structural, H igh Strength SS, G rades 25, 30, 33, & 40 42,45,48, &52 m in 25,30,33, &40 m in

    Low -Alloy, H igh-Strength Low -Alloy w ith Im proved SS, G rade 80 82 m in 80 m in

    Form ability. H SLAS, G rade 45 C lass 1 & 2 60 & 55 45 m in

    H S LA S, G rade 50 C lass 1 & 2 65 & 60 m in 50 & 55

    H SLAS, G rade 55 C lass 1 & 2 70 & 65 m in 50 & 55

    H S LA S, G rade 60 C lass 1 & 2 75 & 70 m in 60 & 65

    H SLAS, G rade 65 C lass 1 & 2 80 & 75 m in 60 & 65

    H SLAS, G rade 70 C lass 1 & 2 85 & 80 m in 70 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 50 60 m in 50 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 60 70 m in 60 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 70 80 m in 70 m in

    H SLAS-F G rade 80 90 m in 80 m in



    NO. DESCRIPTION GRADES (ksi) (ksi)



    ** For G as Shielded processes (G M AW & FC AW -G ), the type of gas shielding used w ill affect the electrod e operability characteristics and m echanicalproperties. A ll suggestions listed in this guide are based on the resultant m echanical properties w hen the electrode is used w ith the shielding gas

    required for AW S classification. C hanges in shielding gas m ay m ake the suggestions inappropriate, or create new op tions. Selecting the correct

    shielding gas is beyond the scope of this docum ent.

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -90 M R 880M , 8500/LA90 LA90 91K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -90 M R 880M , 8500/LA90 LA90 91K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -90 M R 880M , 8500/LA90 LA90 91K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 8500/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -90 M R 880M , 8500/LA90 LA90 91K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -90 M R 880M , 8500/LA90 LA90 91K2-H

    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 8500, 8500-H 2/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 8500, 8500-H 2/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -8018-C 3 8500, 8500-H 2/L-S3, LA75 81K2-H


    (2) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    (1) (10), (11) (16) (17) (23)

    LH -8018-C 3 8500, 8500-H 2/L-S3, LA85 LA75 81K2-H

    LH -90 M R 880M , 8500/LA90 LA90 91K2-H




  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    2H C -M n S teel p late for O ffshore P latform 42 (C V N R eq uirem ent 25 ft-lb s @ -40 F) 62-82 42 m in

    50, 2.5(C VN Requirem ent 30 ft-lbs @ -40F) 70-90 47 m in

    2W S teel P lates for O ffshore S tructures, 42 (C V N R eq uirem ent 25 ft-lb s @ -40 F) 62 m in 42-67

    Produced by Therm o-M echanical C ontrol

    Processing (TM C P)

    50 (C VN R equirem ent 30 ft-lbs @ -40F) 65 m in 50-75

    50T (C VN Requirem ent 30 ft-lbs @ -40F) 70 m in 50-80

    60 (C VN R equirem ent 35 ft-lbs @ -40F) 75 m in 60-90

    2Y S teel P lates, Q u enched & Tem pered, for 42 (C V N R equirem ent 25 ft-lbs @ -40 F) 62 m in 42-67

    O ffshore Structures

    50 (C VN R equirem ent 30 ft-lbs @ -40F) 65 m in 50-75

    50T (C VN Requirem ent 30 ft-lbs @ -40F) 70 m in 50-80

    60 (C VN R equirem ent 35 ft-lbs @ -40F) 75 m in 60-90

    5L W elded Steel Line Pipe Product Specification Level (PSL) 1

    A25 45 m in 25 m in

    A 48 m in 30 m in

    (5L continued on next page)





    Product Specification Levels (PSL) w ere added to the specification January 2000. P SL2 has m andatory requirem ents for carbon equivalent, notch

    toughness, m axim um yield strength, and m axim um tensile strength.

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    Excalibur 7018-1, LH -75 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (19) (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    LH -8018-C 3 M R 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, 880M /L50, L-S3, LA85, LA75 (24)

    960/L50, L61, LA85, 960/L50, L61, LA85,

    882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3, 882, 8500, 860/L50, L-S3,

    L61, LA85 L61, LA85

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761, P223/L61, L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA81, LA 90

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761, P223/L61, L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA81, LA 90





    Longitudinal & GMAW** FCAW-S FCAW-G**Spiral Seam*

  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761, P223/L61, L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    FW 5, FW 5P +, S A H Y P+ , S A 70+ 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P 223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    FW 5P +,S AH Y P+ ,S A 70+ ,S A 80, 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P 223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    16P 997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    FW 5P +,S AH Y P+ ,S A 70+ ,S A 80, 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P 223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    16P,18P, LH -D 80, LH -D 90 997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    FW 5P+,SAH YP+,SA 70+,SA 80, 860/L50,L61 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 L56 N R-207,-H

    16P,18P, LH -D 80, LH -D 90 997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    SA 70+, SA 80, 18P, LH-D80, 882/LA-71, LA75 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 N R-207,-HLH -D 90 997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    (2), (4) 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    FW 5, FW 5P +, S A H Y P+ , S A 70+ 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P 223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    997/L61, L70, LA 81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90

    FW 5P +,S AH Y P+ ,S A 70+ ,S A 80, 860/L60, L61 780/L61, 761,P 223/L61,L70 L50, L56 N R -207,-H

    16P 997/L61, L70, LA81

    995N /L70, LA81, LA90

    995/L61, L70, LA 81, LA 90





    Longitudinal & GMAW** FCAW-S FCAW-G**

    Spiral Seam*


  • 8/10/2019 Weld Selector Guide


    5L W elded Steel Line Pipe X60 75-110 60-82


    X65 77-110 65-87

    X70 82-110 70-90

    X80 90-120 80 m in







    Product Specification Levels (PSL) w ere added to the specification January 2000. P SL2 has m andatory requirem ents for carbon equivalent, notch

    toughness, m axim um yield strength, and m axim um tensile strength.

    * W elding on 2H , 2Y, and 2W grades is assum ed to be m ultipass and longitudinal only. W elding on 5L grades is assum ed to be single pass.

    ** For G as-Shielded processes (G M AW & FC AW -G ), the type of gas shielding used w ill affect the electrode op erability characteristics and m echanicalproperties. A ll suggestions listed in this guide are based on the resultant m echanical properties w hen the electrode is used w ith the shielding gas

    required for AW S classification. C hanges in shieldin