Welcome from Starbase 20 Issu… · Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 2 IN THIS ISSUE Welcome from Starbase 20 RADM RICHARD SAMS - REGIONAL COORDINATOR R [s welcome ----- page

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Page 1: Welcome from Starbase 20 Issu… · Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 2 IN THIS ISSUE Welcome from Starbase 20 RADM RICHARD SAMS - REGIONAL COORDINATOR R [s welcome ----- page
Page 2: Welcome from Starbase 20 Issu… · Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 2 IN THIS ISSUE Welcome from Starbase 20 RADM RICHARD SAMS - REGIONAL COORDINATOR R [s welcome ----- page

Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 2



RC’s welcome -------------------------------- page 2

In this issue ----------------------------------- page 2

Cwantum Geometries --------------------- page 3

From Dublin to Blackpool ----------------- page 4

Spacedock Birmingham ------------------- page 5

20th Fleet Strength ------------------------- page 5

Life aboard the Appleton ----------------- page 6

Periodic Table and Noble Gases -------- page 7

391st Marines Adventure ---------------- page 8

Doctor McCoy’s Career part 1 ----------- page 9

SS Independent Review ----------------- page 11

Mosaic Art Project ------------------------ page 12

Additional Programmes ----------------- page 12

Scotty’s Fruit Cake ------------------------ page 13

Independent meets Discovery -------- page 14

Final Frontier ------------------------------- page 16

I’m delighted to welcome you to another edition of our regional newsletter, which rounds off 2017. It’s been a great year for Region 20, it started with the launch of Space Station Independent, and it ended with the launch of Spacedock Birmingham - so we’re securely fixed between 2 orbital chapters! The highlight of 2017 for me had to be our Regional Summit in Edinburgh, a great weekend that saw us presenting our Regional Awards (3 of which went on to win at the Fleet awards in August), and the commissioning of the USS Appleton - the first time a Region 20 chapter was commissioned in person by the Fleet Chief of Operations. We started 2017 with 9 chapters and 287 members, and we finish it with 12 chapters and 393 members - that growth is all down to the hard work of our Chapters getting out and showing people how they enjoy their SFI membership. I’m looking forward to an even more successful 2018 for Region 20 - and I hope to get out and about and visit more of chapters “in action”.


RADM Richard Sams Regional Coordinator

With thanks to our contributors:

USS ALBA: LT(jg) Carol Paul (cover picture)



USS CUCHULAIN: FCAPT Frank Kiernan & 2LT Anne Grace


USS LIBERTY BELLE: LCDR Phyllis Seale Foynes

USS MERLIN: CAPT Tony Burr; LCDR Mark Logan; COMM Scott Peter

REGIONAL TEAM: RADM Richard Sams; COMM Scott Peter

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Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 3

Cwantum’s Curiosity on the Regional Starbase’s Promenade are displaying a new product called Cwantum’s Equilateral Dodecahedral Geometries. To assist with understanding the unified field. The first available dodecahedral shape to buy from Cwantum’s Curiosity is the quadrilateral dodecahedron. Cwantum calls it a Cosmic Egg.

Cwantum Equilateral Dodecahedral Geometries


The 60 piece Cwantum’s Cosmic Egg has a yellow outer level that’s a quadrilateral dodecahedron, not a pentagonal dodecahedron. Constructed from wood, the Cosmic Egg is a limited edition of 12, now 11 models are available for £4 plus p&p each. £1 goes to Regional Retention Fund and £3 to me for processing 60 cocktail sticks.

The current Cwantum’s Curiosity exhibits look like this:

Dodecaball A link to Cwantum’s

Dodecaball clipped in slow motion.


Rotation is clockwise from ceiling, anti-clockwise from


Spiked Icosahedron with inner Cosmic Egg.

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So I went to Blackpool for the first week of the Illuminations .. It was 1985 when I last did this so a bit of a gap between visits. A must visit while I was there was the Star Trek Exhibition, which is not far from the Tower.. Close to the Central Pier. It was a pretty good Exhibit.. It's small and you would get through it quite quickly but it did have some interesting items Including costumes worn on the various shows and movies and props..

They also had a TNG transporter mock up you could get pics on or download an app to get a short beam out video.. There was also a pretty good classic bridge replica, not of the same quality as the one at Destination it was smaller

but still good for some pics..

There was also an interesting display of toys and games dating back to the 60s and they had Star Trek Bridge Crew running on the PSVR All told it was a fun visit, I could not say it would be worth travelling any great distance just for this but if you were going to Blackpool anyway it’s definitely worth it or if you are near enough for a day visit then yes I would say go. Of course there are many other attractions in Blackpool. We spent a day in Pleasure Beach which was a fun day and did most of the roller coasters with the Big One being quite the stomach churner as was one called Infusion.. during the week we did a few of the attractions, the Blackpool Dungeon was very good with live actors taking us through some very interesting historical scenarios.. We also did Sealife, and the

Tower itself, with high tea and ballroom dancing.. We did the Tower Circus one afternoon which was very entertaining and I have to say far better than expected.. On top of that were the shows and Spamalot in the Opera House and all in all I have to report a cracking time was had.. The Illuminations were gorgeous as usual and we were really lucky with the weather.. I can definitely recommend Blackpool especially for families as there is so much to do.. Frank Kiernan XO USS Cuchulain


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USS Alba

USS Appleton

Spacedock Birmingham

USS Brian Boru

USS Caroline

USS Cuchulain

USS Iceni

SS Independent

USS Liberty Belle

USS Merlin

USS Raven

USS Stargazer

Spacedock Birmingham - cleared to launch


20th Fleet Strength

Correct as at 29/12/2017

Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 5

Taken from the first edition of “Under Construction” the Birmingham’s newsletter: After planning for what seems like an eternity and a few bumps along the way Spacedock Birmingham is finally coming for the Star Trek fans in Birmingham and the surrounding area. The primary mission of the club is to provide a welcoming

forum for fans of all Star Trek iterations to join together to socialise, discuss their hobby and do some good for their community, and raise money for selected charities. Contact has been made and relationships with both the local Dudley sci-fi group, the U.S.S. Ranger and Starfleet International via Region 20’s Tony Burr and Regional Co-ordinator Richard Sams have been cultivated. Spacedock Birmingham was launched as a chapter in SFI on 13/12/2017. They can be followed on Facebook via their Arrivals Lounge & Social Club

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Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 6

Life aboard the Appleton CMDR LISA HOLLIDAY - USS APPLETON

Life aboard the USS Appleton has been fairly routine over the last few months. A couple of small away missions but the highlight of these last few months has been celebrating our first birthday. Yes, hard to believe but our ship turned 1 on the 10th November. So I thought I would give you a little insight into why we chose the name Appleton for our ship. Our base of operations is in Bradford, West Yorkshire, so what is more fitting but to honour one of Bradford’s famous sons. This is Sir Edward Victor Appleton, who was born and grew up here and even had a position as a lab technician at Bradford College (where he studied) between 1909 until the first world war began in 1911. After the war he held the position of Professor of Physics at King's College London and Professor of Natural Philosophy at Cambridge.

More notably and the reason his name was chose was when he won the Nobel prize in Physics in 1947. This was for his investigations of the physics of the upper atmosphere, especially for proving the existence of the uppermost layer of the ionosphere, which became known as the Appleton layer. This is described in the diagram. We could have chosen someone like Sir Fred Hoyle who was one scientist that came up with the "big bang theory", Composer Delius, writers the Bronte sisters... and the list goes on. Sir Edward Victor Appleton was the most fitting choice. I have tried not to go into much detail but you can find out a lot more on him on line. The Appleton and her crew have several exciting away missions planned with our sister group Leeds Bradford Starfleet in 2018 which we are really looking forward to, especially our flagship con Sci Fi Scarborough. We have the honour to run their Grand Raffle in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance on the Sunday but we are also debuting the Enterprise D bridge set (which was built for an event in Mirfield earlier this year) at this event. So if you want to get yourself on our bridge it would be fantastic to see you there. Sci FI Scarborough (SFS) is a very family friendly event which takes place in the beautiful setting of the Scarborough Spa. The building is 1/4 mile long and the event covers the whole building. This makes it one of the best (in my opinion) across the country. Unlike many events where you can feel a

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Life aboard the Appleton continued little crammed in this is very nicely spaced out but filled with lots of things going on. It is not every day you can step outside a con and see this!

But next years event will be extra special because the lovely Dominic Keating (Malcolm Reid in Enterprise) will be attending. Along with a whole host of other fantastic guests. The event will be held on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd April (10am -5pm) with the

Party on the Edge of Forever on the Saturday night. This will have live music, Magic, Quiz, and a puppet show, this is from 5.30pm until 2am. Check out their website at scifiscarborough.co.uk and their Facebook page for more information. I hope we can see some of you guys there so we can all Geek beside the seaside. CMDR Lisa Holliday XO USS Appleton

Here is a square representation of the seven full electron shells

of the Noble Gasses in the periodic Table, with nothing added

and the shells divided by two.

Top to bottom

Helium 2

Neon 2, 8

Argon 2,8,8

Krypton 2,8,18,8

Xenon 2,8,18,18,8

Radon 2,8,18,32,18,8

Oganesson 2,8,18,32,32,18,8

Can you guess the element number of the next full shelled Noble Gas?

Periodic Table and Noble Gases CAPT TONY BURR - USS MERLIN

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The 391st Marines Go On An Adventure 2LT ANNE GRACE - USS CUCHULAIN

Stardate 95498.14 DOIC Marine 2LT Anne T. Grace Reporting: Mission Log 1st Contact has been made with the beings of the Planet of Adven Turer Ooms! Due to a transporter malfunction only 6 members of the away team made it to the planet, myself, OIC Marine Capt. Sharon O'Neill, Marine Stephen O'Neill, Crewman Peter Mulhall and two civilian members of the 1st contact team, diplomats John Kelly and Jake Grace from the planet Tee Nsknow Severything in the Omgcron cluster. (never heard of it, really cos OMG its right there)

On arrival we found that all our weapons and communicators were missing or disabled. We were greeted by A Oom Anbeing who briefly explained that

what we were about to face were a series of mental challenges, in which we would be closely observed to determine our suitability for further contact in the future. We then found ourselves left in a locked room where Capt. Sharon O'Neill immediately took charge and we agreed this was now a military mission to protect our civilians and escape as soon as possible but certainly before the countdown timer on the wall ran out. We proceeded through a series of puzzles and gained the key to the door

only to find ourselves in another room where the process was to be repeated and then to a further room. Several unique skill sets were revealed by the team and special mention must go to our diplomat John Kelly for his linguistic skill in deciphering an ancient Japanese Numerical puzzle to reveal an item we could have used

30 mins prior! I have asked our CMO Pete Meaney to follow up on some unusual observations made of Crewman Peter Mulhall's ability to open locks! It appeared at times that he simply held them for a time and they immediately opened. We were grateful for the particular assistance of Diplomat Jake Grace for deciphering the colour coded hieroglyphs on one very difficult puzzle. Marine Stephen O'Neill was exemplary in his ability to find technology and use it to our advantage. Both Marine O'Neill and Crewman Mulhall were an extremely effective team. While Capt. O'Neill and I have continued to work on our now almost intuitive command. Upon the completion of the timer, The Oom Anbeing reappeared and while we were in possession of the final key we had failed to use it to escape to "freedom". The Oom Anbeing said our ability to focus was unique and they would welcome further delegations in the future as we were a singularly fascinating species Instantly we found ourselves back in transporter room 2 of the good ship USS

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Cuchulain, with our weapons and communicators restored and where we discovered that mere seconds had elapsed. LLAP 2LT Anne T. Grace Mission log supplemental - Find your next adventure here at http://adventurerooms.ie/

Diplomat John Kelly, Marine Stephen O’Neill, DOIC Anne T. Grace, Marine Capt. Sharon O’Neill, Crewman Peter Mulhall and Diplomat Jake Grace.

The 391st Marines Adventure continued

Dr Leonard H. McCoy - A Career Reviewed


Dr. Leonard Horatio "Bones" McCoy Starfleet Career Summary 2266 – As lieutenant commander, named chief medical officer under Capt. James T. Kirk 2270 – Retires to private medical practice 2271 – Returns to duty under Starfleet reactivation clause, promoted to commander as chief medical officer on refit U.S.S. Enterprise for V'Ger mission 2285 – As Academy medical faculty and training instructor, forced into Genesis mis-sion; detained over leaks regarding secret Genesis Project 2286 – Charged but cleared with shipmates in theft of U.S.S. Enterprise 2287 – Returns to active Enterprise service under Kirk 2293 – Participated in Khitomer peace mission after liberation from Klingon Rura Penthe prison 2364 – As retired admiral, gave inspection tour of Galaxy-class U.S.S. Enterprise upon

departure . Leonard H. McCoy, the son of David Andrew McCoy and Eleanora McCoy, was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, Earth on 20th January 2227. His grandfather, Thom-as Jackson "T.J." McCoy, M.D., was the Chief of Medicine at Emory Uni-versity Medical Center in Atlanta in the 2220s. One of his great-uncles was a proprietor to one of the top productive plantations in the South during the 19th century. His ancestor's advantage was a self-mixed form of herbicide. McCoy still had the recipe on Enterprise, and synthesized the concoction in his lab. He later used the "weed spray" to immobilize the swoopers of Phylos.

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Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 10

In 2231, at the age of four, Leonard accompanied his father on a trip to Aber-deen, where he briefly met young Montgom-ery Scott, thus giving birth to not only their shared tastes (such as alcohol), but their smooth delivery in performing as scientist and assistant on 20th century Earth. The two also had done a convincing act while on the android world of Mudd, and when on jury duty during the Kirk/Lester trial. Disaster struck McCoy at the age of seven on August 17, 2234, when Leonard and his cousins built a raft and sailed down the Chattahoochee River. Leonard's cousin, David McCoy drowned when the raft broke apart. In September 2236, Leonard, aged nine, and his family moved into another southern town on Earth. Leonard met Mark Rousseau at school, and the two became best friends. The two parted in 2243 when Rousseau entered Starfleet Academy. At the time McCoy was determined to enter medical school. While in Texas in 2243, McCoy was thrown from the horse that he had been riding. McCoy suffered a concussion and bruised ribs, and was treated at a hospital in Waco, Texas. After suffering another head injury in 2268, McCoy briefly forgot everything that had occurred from the time of the first accident until the time of the second accident. McCoy first became attracted to his future wife, Jocelyn Darnell, at a high school social in early 2244, when Jocelyn forced McCoy to dance with her to counter the jealousy of her over-possessive boyfriend, Clay Treadway. Treadway brawled with McCoy there on the dance floor, but McCoy knocked him down and left with Darnell. This began their

relationship. In late 2244/early 2245, McCoy, aged 17, entered college at the University of Mississippi ("Ole Miss"). During his time there, his roommate was a Tessma, Sinnit Arvid. In 2245, McCoy met the Trill, Emony Dax at a gymnastic tournament in the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium, and the two had a brief relationship. Undecided at the time on his choice of career, Dax suggested he should be a doctor, because he had "the hands of a surgeon." Later that year, McCoy served as an observer aboard the USS Hood before officially enrolling in medical school, though he studied at his home in Georgia. While he was a medical student, McCoy often took skiing trips to the Alps in Europe Startrek.com states that McCoy's med school time was from 2249 to 2253. Shortly after receiving his doctorate, McCoy married Jocelyn, and around 2249, their daughter, Joanna McCoy was born. In 2249, McCoy commanded an inoculation program to combat a virus on planet Dramia II. However, when the team left, a plague broke out, wiping out half the population. It was his second extrasolar assignment and his first medical command. Part Two to follow in the next edition.

“Bones” McCoy - A Career continued

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Space Station Independent Review CAPT MARTIN STRANG - SS INDEPENDENT

As we draw to the end of 2017, I would like to share some the things that the crew of the Space Station Independent has achieved: 1) We were launched the 17 January 2017 with ten crew members, and we now have 24 members, making us presently the fifth largest chapter in region 20! 2) We were commissioned 24th September 2017, and have crew members from the UK, Italy, USA and Japan! 3) We have achieved the Bridge Crew Vessel Readiness Certification 4) We have a regular news-letter – The Rogue Tribble! 5) 90 members have joined our welcome deck and we have regular participation in our Tee Tuesday and Anything Thursdays. 6) Our 2nd Officer Maryellen Strang completed the race to Ben Nevis challenge where she had to climb five munro’s before climbing Ben Nevis at the end. 7) Our Chief Science Officer and Chief Engineer raised

money for the homeless charity by completing the Big Sleep, where they spent the night sleeping outdoors in freezing temperatures. 8) Our XO was given a re-gional position as Chief of Cadet Regional Support and promoted to Commander, possibly one of the quickest promotions I have known! 9) Myself as Commanding officer retained the position of Transplant team leader under the new command staff of the office of the chief medical officer… oh and did you know I was a gold medal winner?? The crew have had three meet ups so far, and another one is planned for the Edinburgh Christmas market! 38 exams have been taken and passed with honors and distinction! All in all, it has been a very productive and exciting year. None of this would have happened of course without the support of the Independent’s crew, and also the help of the support ship, USS Alba and FCapt Eilidh

Montgomery who without her help and support and also the help and support of Commodore Scott Peter, and the late night skype calls to both, my head would look like Captain Picard’s – bald with all the hair pulling! I would also like you to spare a thought for our chief of security, Keven Peters, who is constantly on the road in his big wagon – drive safely Kevin! In the meantime, myself and the crew of the space station Independent wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous 2018! Thank you all Captain Martin 'Haribo' Strang, SFMD CO, Space Station Independent SFR 2001 Vice Regional Co-ordinator’s Chief of Staff - Region 20 “libertas omnium” – Freedom for all www.ssindependentr20.org.uk

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I have been taking part in a local art course and the teacher is very good at letting us go mad creatively. I asked to try mosaics and thought that the tree of life would be nice to try. It is still in progress but I'm very pleased with how it's coming along. It has aspects of my life represented in it. Can you find the Star Trek Delta? If you fancy trying it then buy some tile adhesive and grout from your local hardware shop (comes ready mixed). You can use any tiles you like but preferably not too thick. When finished I'll grout it and then apply a clear varnish. I didn't think I could do it but I'm glad I’ve tried. The moral is to try new things, don't doubt yourself and enjoy it!

Yours in service, LCDR Phyllis Seale Foynes.

XO USS Liberty Belle NX 75033.

SFI Additional Programme Options in R20

SFI has a number of additional programmes that can be enjoyed by members in good standing. In Region 20, we have a number of options you can choose to partake in. Just click on any of the links that take your fancy. STARFLEET Marine Corps (SFMC) 20th Brigade. (more info on SFMC available here) Region 20 Chaplain Corps. (more info on Chaplain’s Corps here) Region 20 Assistant Surgeon General (STARFLEET Medical) You can download the R20 Medical Handbook from this page. (more info available on STARFLEET Medical here)

STARFLEET Strategic Operations (SFSO) – there is no regional level for SFSO, units exist as part of chapters. More info on SFSO available here That’s not all! We also have pages run by Region 20 members to enhance special interests: Region 20 Replicator (cookery & food) Region 20 Science Club Region 20 Cosplay Region 20 Gaming

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Method Grease your cake tin and preheat your oven to 170.C

(150.C fan). In a saucepan big enough to take all the ingredients, place

your dried fruit, glacé cherries, orange juice and 120ml of the whisky. Bring to the boil on a medium-high heat, then reduce to a simmer for five minutes.

Take off the heat and stir in the butter until it has melted. Leave till the mix is cool enough to hold your finger in.

Add the dark brown sugar, the remaining 75ml of whisky and the eggs and beat with a wooden spoon until really smooth and glossy. Sieve your flour and baking powder over the wet mix, add the flaked almonds and stir again until everything is fully incorporated.

Tip the batter into your greased tin and bake for 60 to 70 minutes until a skewer comes out clean. Leave the cake to cool in its tin on a rack.

Take the cake from the tin and put on a serving plate. You now need two medium-sized saucepans. In one of the saucepans, melt the apricot jam

and the whisky over a medium heat until it is hot and runny. Sieve this into the second pan, discarding any lumps of fruit from the sieve, to get a smooth glaze. Heat the glaze again until it is hot, then brush about half of it over the top of the cake. Garnish the top with nuts and fruit as elaborately (or not) as you like.

Heat the glaze up again, adding a little more whisky if it is too thick to pour, then drizzle it slowly over the top of the cake until it is well coated. Leave to cool before serving.

The whisky fruit cake lasts for three weeks in an airtight container at room temperature, but it also freezes really well if you have some left over! Give it another wee (or large!) drink of whisky once it has defrosted.

Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 13

Montgomery Scott’s Whisky Cake COMM SCOTT PETER - USS MERLIN

Serves 10–12 Cake ingredients 300g mixed dried fruit 70g glacé cherries 400ml orange juice 195ml blended whisky 190g butter, diced 250g dark brown sugar 2 large eggs 470g plain flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 150g flaked almonds

for the apricot glaze: 280g apricot jam Scotch Whisky (amount will depend on your own taste!)

Garnish ingredients (optional) pecans flaked almonds pistachios glacé cherries mixed peel 23cm springform cake tin

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Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 14


So there I was sitting at my desk at work contemplating insurance renewals and insurance new business quotes when an email pops into my inbox from the missus: “Netflix invites you to a secret screening of Discovery with a talk by the stars and canapes on the 5th November at Mill tower, London.” Ok, is this a scam. Thinks I…. A quick google search and I notice another nerdy type website is offering two tickets as a competition. Now, bearing in mind I am in Scotland, and Milltower is in Central London, it didn’t take me long to decide to book my flight for the Sunday morning! The missus couldn’t go as she had a 4k run to do (oh dear)…. So I arrive in London at oh my god its early hour and two tube changes later I am at Pimlico. I arrive at Milltower at around 1030am to find a queue already forming. I am wearing my Starfleet issue First Contact uniform (showing Region 20 patches of course) and who do I

bump into but Adam Dolphin & John Hancock of the Iceni! There were a few uniformed individuals, including a chap who had a full blown tailored Discovery

uniform that he said he had got from the USA (I was tempted to do a nerve pinch and liberate it…) I was in the queue when a woman in a scooter rode passed and looked at me. I thought I recognised her and she zoomed off down the street. A few minutes later, she comes up to me

and says. “ are you Martin?”, “why yes I am, you look familiar..” it turns out it was a person my wife and I met at DSTE Birmingham in November 2016 (Nisha) and we became quite chatty, however we lost contact. I had asked by email if there was any way I could get an aisle seat in the auditorium as I have problems with some mobility, and whilst we were in the queue a steward came out with a list of names of which mine was on it and took us inside first! To say Netflix made us all feel welcome was an understatement. Nisha and I were the first people up on the 28th floor. The lift door opened, and we were shown into the observation room, where we had a fantastic view of central London. The millennium wheel was to the right, and the Houses of Parliament to the left, stunning, and the weather was fantastic as well, and quite warm for a November. The ‘canapes’ turned out to be a full smorgasbord of food, from rolls, cakes, beer wine and soft drinks to cup cakes with the Klingon and Federation logos and little truffles in the design of Vulcan and Romulan flavours (strawberry and chilli, mint and other amazing flavours)

There was an exhibition of Discovery props, from a phaser to the comm badges and a selection of uniforms.

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Independent Meets Discovery Continued

Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 15

There was also the Captains chair from the Discovery with a background of the crew where you could sit in and a member of staff took a photo on your phone or camera. At the other side of the room was the Spore chamber. You went in, stood behind the console and then special effects made you look like you disappeared in the spore drive. This was then emailed to you as a video. Next to the captains chair was a compartment where again special effects made it look like your face was in the logo as in the Discovery poster, very cool! We were shown back downstairs to the auditorium and once every one was seated, Jason Isaacs, Sonequa Martin-Green, Shazad Latif, Aaron Herberts and a compere arrived. A brief introduction was given and then we all settled down to watch episode 8, the pre-season finale episode, exciting stuff! Once the episode was finished there was a question and answer session with the stars. Questions asked were things like how tight were the uniforms, to which the response was “you will notice our arms don’t ago above shoulder length… otherwise they would rip..” and yep, someone asked the question… ”what’s the deal with the Klingons!”.. the answer was due to a separate storyline and bigger budget! Season 2 has been given the go ahead,

although an actual script hasn’t been decided on (or it wasn’t at the time of the screening). Once the screening was finished, we were able to back upstairs for more refreshments. As an added bonus, the first few people in were allowed a meet and greet

where we received a poster and got this signed by the stars. As I was the last person in, I was told to just get an autograph. As I was chatting to the director, I mentioned I flew down from Scotland and he said that that certainly deserves a selfie and passed the word along to Jason and Sonequa!

I chatted to Jason Issacs, and he was the most down to Earth person you could ever meet, although he took a look

at my first contact uniform and said “you need a new uniform!”.. yep, thanks for that Jason! I asked if I could get a selfie, and he said on one condition.. if he did it, and with that he took my phone and took a picture of us.. absolutely brilliant! Sonequa was great. I asked about her hair (she

has the most amazing long hair) and she said on set its actually a wig, and it can be quite uncomfortable! We all received a standard poster on entry as well. This was truly a day that money couldn’t buy and thank you to Netflix and CBS for putting this on for the

fans. Captain Martin ‘haribo’ Strang, SFMD Commanding Officer, Space Station Independent SFR 201 Region 20

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Please remember that the Editor only edits the magazine so unless you make submissions, the Runabout will be very small indeed. All submissions are welcome, but the Editor reserves the right to edit, postpone or not to publish a particular item. Submissions should be sent to [email protected] . Submissions can be almost anything: whole articles, pictures, jokes. Text can be supplied in any format that can be copied and pasted, and photos should be sent as JPGs by email as this gives a higher quality image that can be enhanced if needs be. Please, no ZIP files. Issue Date Deadline for Submissions SPRING 1st March 21st February SUMMER 1st June 25th May AUTUMN 1st September 25th August WINTER 1st December 25th November

The Runabout is the newsletter of STARFLEET International, Region 20. Unless otherwise stated, all articles are the property of the author. Any opinions expressed are solely those of the author and may not reflect the opinions of the editors, STARFLEET Region 20 or STARFLEET International.

Star Trek and all related trademarks are the exclusive property of CBS. They are used here without permission for entertainment purposes only.

Issue 24 - Winter 2017 The Runabout Page 16

RUNABOUT: Issue Dates & Submission Guidelines


I’m delighted to advise that the next Region 20 Summit will take place over the weekend of the 10th - 12th May 2019.

We will be taking over the Marriott Hotel in Windsor, a stones throw away from this historic town, and easily accessible by plane, train and automobile!!

The weekend will follow the same format as the immensely successful summit held in 2017 in Edinburgh: The President’s Supper on Friday night is a formal meal followed by some truly awful jokes!! Saturday until 3pm is free time, and attendees can visit Windsor or simply relax. Saturday afternoon and evening sees the summit sessions, intermixed with games, dinner and the Regional Awards. The evening ends with watching a Trek film and a late night “something in a bun”. Details of costs will be announced early in 2018, but please put the date in your diary now!