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International Business ConceptsINTL 220 - 002Summer 2015Contact informationMelissa [email protected]

Schedule and office hours will be posted on e.centennial when they are finalized. Class ScheduleWEEKCLASS DATEREADINGSEVALUATIONS 17-MayChapter 1, Course Outline214-MayChapter 2In-class Assignment #1 Quiz #1321-MayChapter 3In-class Assignment #2 Quiz #2428-MayChapter 14In-class Assignment #3 Group Discussion #1 Quiz #354-JunChapter 4In-class Assignment #4 Group Discussion #2 Quiz #4611-JunChapter 5In-class Assignment #5 Group Discussion #3 Quiz #5718-JunChapter 8Test #125-JunReading Week82-JulChapters 6 & 7In-class Assignment #6 Group Discussion #4 Quiz #699-JulChapter 10In-class Assignment #7 Group Discussion #5 Quiz #71016-JulChapter 11Group Presentations1123-JulChapter 9In-class Assignment #8 Quiz #81230-JulChapter 12In-class Assignment #9 Quiz #9 GC&E Assignment136-AugChapter 13In-class Assignment #10 Quiz #101413-AugCourse SummaryTest #2ReviewWhat is globalization? Pros/cons?


Chapter 2Describe the institution-based approach to understanding foreign environmentsExamine the relevance of the worlds political, legal, and economic systems for international businessAssess the implications of political risk for global firmsAnalyze the business case for the protection of intellectual propertyWhat do you think? True or False?People are self interested.Individuals are rational.People respond to incentives

What pillars underlie our decision making process?

Institutions rules of the gameRegulatory Pillar legal system, governmentNormative Pillar group culture, historyCognitive Pillar personal ethics

Uncertainty and Transaction cost

Political/Legal SystemsPolitical SystemsDemocracyTotalitarianismLegal SystemsCivil lawCommon lawTheocratic law

Property Rights, Intellectual Property RightsProperty RightsIntellectual property rightsPatents PharmaceuticalsCopyrightTrademarks

Benefits to business?


Economic SystemsMarket EconomyCommand EconomyTraditional Economy

Mixed Economy

Economic Goals?Entering New MarketsWhy might you want knowledge of the economic/legal/political systems?In-class Assignment #1http://www.dragonflygroup.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=43&Itemid=32&lang=enWatch Entering the Chinese Market by Eric Tarchoune of Dragonfly Group, Ltd. 1. In what ways did Tarchounes knowledge of the Chinese language contribute to his success? Why was it particularly important given the areas of China he visited?

2. Western businesses depend on documents and written contracts. What challenge did Tarchoune encounter and how did he cope?

3. What did Tarchoune mean when he said that the rules were not written on the wall? What does that suggest when doing business in other countries and cultures?

4. In many parts of Asia, respect is gained with age, but Tarchoune was quite young when he went to China. If a young foreign manager were to be sent to China, what could he or she do to improve his or her managerial effectiveness in that country?

Group ProjectA key outcome of this course is that students consider the key decisions facing international business managers. This project is comprised of two components: Online group discussions and a final group presentation. Group projects help build the interpersonal skills that are key to success in a business environment, thus students are challenged to prepare and deliver a formal business presentation describing the business environment of a particular country.

Group ProjectGroup DiscussionsPresentation: 15-20 minutes, Due July 16thStudents will choose a country and create a presentation to prepare a Canadian business person to work in the country. Groups should consider the following:Environmental/geographical points of business significanceBusiness etiquette (dress, gift-giving, business card use, handshakes etc.)Ethical differencesSocial differencesTrade Agreements/Trade BarriersEconomic/political climateThis list is not exclusive; meaning, your group should not focus on only addressing these issues, but should consider what is important in the context of the country you have chosen.

Group Project15 -20 minutes in length all team members must speak, though the duration of speaking time can vary between members.At least 2 appropriate charts/diagrams/graphs Minimum of 5 sourcesCorrect spelling, grammar, punctuation, flow of thought, clarity of ideas and creativity

For Next ClassRead Chapter 3Quiz #1 (over Chapters 1&2) Due May 20thIn-class Assignment #2Group Assignments