Standard Recipe Dish Name: Tartare of Venison with pickled mushrooms, chestnut, celeriac and radish. Photographs of Completed Dish Presentation: Ingredients Quantity for 4 Venison 400 g White Radish (Mouli) 20 cm Vinaigrette 2 tablespoons Beetroot 3, 2 roasted and one finely diced for tartare Shallots (Peeled) 2 Fine Diced Ruby Chard Leaves 60 g Rock Salt 140 g Plain Flour 100 g Egg White 100 g Celeriac ½ Grapeseed Oil 1 tablespoon Bay Leaf 1 Enoki Mushrooms 1 Punnet Shimeji Mushrooms 1 Punnet Grapeseed Oil 1 tablespoon Garlic Clove 1 Vinagrette 1 Tablespoon Chestnuts 85 g

week 5 method of work - tradfeast.files.wordpress.com … · Web view5 The Shallot and extra beetroot will be finely diced and added to the tartare just before service it will also

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Page 1: week 5 method of work - tradfeast.files.wordpress.com … · Web view5 The Shallot and extra beetroot will be finely diced and added to the tartare just before service it will also

Standard Recipe

Dish Name: Tartare of Venison with pickled mushrooms, chestnut, celeriac and radish.

Photographs of Completed Dish Presentation:

Ingredients Quantity for 4

Venison 400 gWhite Radish (Mouli) 20 cmVinaigrette 2 tablespoonsBeetroot 3, 2 roasted and one finely diced for tartareShallots (Peeled) 2 Fine DicedRuby Chard Leaves 60 gRock Salt 140 gPlain Flour 100 gEgg White 100 gCeleriac ½Grapeseed Oil 1 tablespoonBay Leaf 1Enoki Mushrooms 1 PunnetShimeji Mushrooms 1 PunnetGrapeseed Oil 1 tablespoonGarlic Clove 1Vinagrette 1 TablespoonChestnuts 85 gVegetable oil for deep frying 1 litreGrapeseed Oil 250 mlEgg yolks 2Dijon Mustard 1 tsp

Page 2: week 5 method of work - tradfeast.files.wordpress.com … · Web view5 The Shallot and extra beetroot will be finely diced and added to the tartare just before service it will also

Sherry Vinegar 1 ¼ tsp

Production Method

Mise en Place1 If The chestnuts come in fresh, they will need to be peeled by blanching them in the deep fat fryer, after the skin is removed the chestnuts should then be smoked.2 Collect all ingredients and equipment.3 Wash peel and rewash all vegetables.45 The Shallot and extra beetroot will be finely diced and added to the tartare just before service it will also be bound with some of the chestnut puree.6Cooking/Preparation7 Wrap the Venison in Cling Film and place in the freezer until firm. When firm and close to service the meat will be cut into strips and then into a fine dice. Keep in a fridge until service.8 Lightly sauté the trimmed mushrooms with the grape seed oil and crushed garlic. Allow to cool and then toss in some vinaigrette, season to taste.9 The celeriac needs to be cut into wedges and then the edges made smooth with a peeler they are then roasted in a foil pouch with oil seasoning and the bayleaf for 40 minutes at 170 degrees or until tender. When ready set aside to cool.10 For the baked beetroot, combine the flour egg white and flour together to make a paste. Place a quarter of this mixture in a small dish, put the beetroot on top and then pack the remaining salt mixture around the beetroot. Oven bake at 170 degrees for 45 minutes. When its baked, peel and cut into slices of 5mm thick.11 Peel the radishes and use the peeler to cut strips off of the mouli, season and allow to soften for a few minutes then add them to the vinaigrette.12 When the chestnuts have been smoked they need to be baked at 170 degrees for 40 minutes. They then need to be chopped roughly. Make a mayonnaise with the other ingredients and incorporate the chestnuts to make a smooth chestnut cream. Piping consistency.Presentation and Service13 Finish off the tartare14 Arrange the components for the plating of the dish15 The dish is garnished with a wedge of beetroot and ruby chard.16

Recipe Costing Sheet

Dish Name : Tartare of venison, pickled mushrooms chestnut, celeriac and radish.

Ingredient Purchase Unit Purchase Unit Cost

Quantity for 4 Portions

Cost for 4 Portions

Venison Grams € 14.00 400 g € 14.00Mushrooms Grams € 2.93 + 0.46 450 g € 3.39Chestnuts Grams € 1.14 350 g € 1.14

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Egg Yolk Each € 0.50 2 € 0.50Dijon Mustard Grams € 0.01 5 g € 0.01Beetroot Grams € 1.54 750 g € 1.54Celeriac Grams € 0.05 600 g € 0.05Mooli Each € 1.00 1 € 1.00Shallots Grams € 0.14 350g € 0.14Ruby Chard Each € 1.07 1 punnet € 1.07Grapeseed oil Millilitres € 2.93 450 g € 2.93Rock Salt Grams € 0.25 140 g € 0.25Plain Flour Grams € 0.10 100 g € 0.10Egg white Millilitres € 0.25 100 ml € 0.25Garlic Grams € 0.01 25 g € 0.01Sherry Vinegar Millilitres € 0.72 140 ml € 0.72Bay Leaf n/a € n/a n/a € n/a

Food Cost € 27.10Miscellaneous Costs

€ 2.00

Total Cost € 29.10

Cost per 4 portions= € 29.10

Cost per Portion=€ 6.77


Calculate the Selling Price at the following GP percentages:

@ 55% = € 15.04

@ 68% = € 21.15

@ 72% = €24.17

Labour Skills and Labour Costs (1)

Source and Justify current market labour costs from reliable sources.

Skill Level Cost Per Hour Source

Unskilled € 8.75 OwnerSemi-Skilled € 9.50 Owner

Page 4: week 5 method of work - tradfeast.files.wordpress.com … · Web view5 The Shallot and extra beetroot will be finely diced and added to the tartare just before service it will also

Highly Skilled € 11.80 OwnerSpecialist Skill € 15.00 Owner

Based on current labour market costs, asses the time required for production for the dish and calculate the costs incurred according to the skill level identified in the table above:

Dish Name: Tartare of Venison, Celeriac mushrooms, Chestnuts, radish.

Skill Level Cost Per Hour Approx. Hours required for production


Unskilled € 8.75 20 minutes € 2.90Semi-Skilled € 9.50 30 minutes € 4.75Highly Skilled € 11.80 20 minutes € 3.90Specialist Skill € 15.00

Total Labour cost for this Dish = € 11.55


Labour costs could not be altered here as the level of skill and knowledge for this dish is high.

Training Needs

Identify any specific training needs which may be required for the successful completion of the task to the standard required.

Dish Name: Tartare of venison, pickled mushrooms chestnut, celeriac and radish

Training Needs:Knowledge of different smoking techniques, flavours and flavour combinations that would only come from experience of use.

Resources and/or Specialist Equipment Required

Dish Name: Tartare of venison, pickled mushrooms chestnut, celeriac and radish

Resources and/or specialist equipment required:

Smoking equipment such as a Bradley smoker, smoking gun, wood chips or brickets. Alternative homemade methods could be applied with the appropriate training.

Page 5: week 5 method of work - tradfeast.files.wordpress.com … · Web view5 The Shallot and extra beetroot will be finely diced and added to the tartare just before service it will also


Identify any alternative methods of production/skills/or sourcing of prepared commodities available to achieve similar results which may be considered to produce the dish to the required standard at a lower cost, without compromising presentation or eating quality.

Method of Production:Using a homemade smoker, using the appropriate equipment.

Labour Skills:

More training of unskilled labour.

Prepared Commodities:

Using prepared commodities that have been smoked already.