Wednesday’s Assignment Get a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) End of chapter 1 Review: Language – 1-10 Review what you learned - 1-6, 10 Concepts – 1-6

Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

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Page 1: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Wednesday’s Assignment

Get a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.)End of chapter 1 Review:

Language – 1-10 Review what you learned - 1-6, 10 Concepts – 1-6

Page 2: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6


7 slides of notes (sorry)Scenarios4 questions (wkst) on your own

If we get through notes today, we’ll have none tomorrow – I promise!

Page 3: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Chapter 2

Economic Challenges Facing Business

Page 4: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

To Get You Thinking – Consider the following scenarios

First, a household works together to do the chores. They cut wood for the fire place, cook meals, go to the store to buy food, and rent movies at the local video store.

Page 5: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Second, the managers of a large firm are deciding to produce a new product for line of electronics. They are making decisions on their best place to put their advertising dollars, either online or in traditional television commercials.

Page 6: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Third, law makers in Washington D.C. are deciding how to spend federal money. Should they spend money on preschool programs for minority children, or should they invest in a new military weapon system that could make the country safer? Additionally, how much money should the government spend on health care or what controls should be placed on the internet?

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All of these questions are about economics.

The first question that comes to mind is why don’t we fund them all? We would if we could. But we cannot.

Again, back to Scarcity!!!

Page 8: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Limited Resources lead to Decisions

THREE BASIC ECONOMIC QUESTIONS:Which goods and services will be

produced?How will these goods and services be

produced?How will the goods and services be


Page 9: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Economic Systems - Set of rules by which a nation decides how to distribute its resources to satisfy people’s wants.

Economic Resources - can be used to produce goods and services. Factors of Production - economic resources

that are actually used to produce goods or services. (Productive Resources).

Page 10: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

1st Factor of Production...

Natural Resources -- Definition - Things that come from the air,

water or earth. Replaceable natural resources are called

renewable resources. Examples -- trees, water, air.

Some cannot be replaced. They are called nonrenewable resources. Examples --oil, coal and minerals.

Page 11: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Human Resources-- Definition -- People who contribute

physical and mental energy to the production process.

AKA -- Labor. Examples--managers, gas attendants

and oil field workers.

2nd Factor of Production...

Page 12: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Capital Resources (Capital Goods) Definition - Other items other than

natural resources used to produce goods and services.

Examples - Machines, equipment and toolsLand, Buildings

3rd Factor of Production...

Page 13: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Entrepreneurial ResourcesDefinition -- The initiative to combine

natural, human and capital resources to produce goods and services. Example- someone who starts a new

business, introduces new techniques, products or services or improves management techniques.

4th Factor of Production...

Page 14: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Let us now look back at our three scenes from the beginning. What factors of production do they have to use?

One or more of the family members will work for a wage, which is labor, they are cutting wood to use for heat, that’s land, and anything they use to cut the wood is capital. They are using all of the factors of production.

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What about the business?

What decisions do they have to make to invest in a new product? Since, like all sectors of society, their resources are scarce, what do they need to do to fund the development of a new product?

They need to take resources, land, labor, or capital from something else they make, right? They can use profits to fund their research, or they can spend less on wages to produce other goods.

Page 16: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

How do they decide where to advertise?

They do not have unlimited resources to advertise so where do they spend their money? It all depends on the product.

If they are making a product that can record play digital music on a small device, you would probably want to advertise on the internet.

If it is an alarm clock that is really loud for people who take their hearing aide out at night. That is probably an older population that does not use the internet as much, so you need to advertise on television.

Page 17: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Finally, what about government?

Where do they get their money to spend?

The government must decide what programs to fund. Do they spend more money on military projects, or should they spend money on preschool programs for underprivileged children? Both are beneficial to the citizens. But which one gets the money?

Page 18: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

The answer to all of the scenes on where do the resources go is, what gives the most benefit to each sector.

If it is expensive to heat your house in the winter then spending resources on the production of wood for burning is in your best interest.

If you are a business you want to make a profit, so you advertise to the audience that will buy the most products.

Finally, the government wants one thing, to stay in power and to do that they must make decisions on spending to have people vote for them in the next election.

Page 19: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6


Definition - is the lack of something that can be used to satisfy the wants of a group of people.

Caused by limited resources.

Page 20: Wednesday’s Assignment zGet a book (Blue-Intro to Bus.) zEnd of chapter 1 Review: yLanguage – 1-10 yReview what you learned - 1-6, 10 yConcepts – 1-6

Quick Check

Read pages 29-31 Making decisions about production

Answer the questions on page 31 under the Quick Check heading.