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Webinar begins…. shortly…. Alivemax. Giving People The Power To Take Control!. Summary. The Truth Your Options Finding The Right Product Income Opportunity How To Get Started How To Build Your Income. The Truth. Fact 1 : You will never get rich working for someone else! Fact 2 : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Giving People The Power To Take Control!

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• The Truth• Your Options• Finding The Right Product• Income Opportunity • How To Get Started • How To Build Your Income

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The Truth• Fact 1: • You will never get rich working for someone

else!• Fact 2: • Most people go through life working hard to

make a living, instead of trying to make a life!

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Option 1: • You could purchase a Franchise MacDonalds, Subway, Burger King, etc etc• You will need around $1 Million• Employ people• Long hours & Stress• You need 5 years before you start making a profit!

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• Start your own business • Find a manufacturer• Pay for research and development • Rent or purchase a warehouse• Organize transport• Employ lots of sales people • Advertise• Shops• Do you have $1 Million to get started?

Option 2:

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Option 3:• Start your own Alivemax business• Start for as little as $50• World Class Products, that people

WANT!• Unlimited Income Potential • Support & Training• Start part time • Build your own empire!

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Advantages of AliveMax

• Up to date top trend products• Ability to earn fast money• Extremely high product turnover• Products sell themselves• Choose your business partners• Work anywhere you desire• Choose when you work• Dictate how much you want to earn

YOU Have Total Control

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Security Is A Thing Of The Past!• Recession• Bank Crisis• Personal debt• Bankruptcies

So how do you find the right company and the right products?

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We Learn From History!• People always buy what they WANT, and

not always what they NEED.• Find a trend that has people buying what

they WANT.

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The Baby Boomer Trend• People born between 1946 and 1969.

• In the 50’s, Baby food was “The Trend”

• In the 60’s Music became the biggest “Trend”.

• In the 70’s Real Estate boomed and it was “The Trend” .

• In the 80’s came the computer chip and computers was “The Trend”.

• In the 90’s Investment and then Telecommunications became “The Trend” .

• For the last ten years, Baby Boomers have made Health & Wellness “The Trend”.

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So What Will Be The Next BIG Trend?

• Baby Boomers are getting OLD• What is it that people WANT when they

get old?

They WANT To Look YOUNG Once More!

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Anti Aging Trend• Anti Aging will the TREND for the next 20

Years!• Increase your chances of success!• Get ahead of all your competition!• Give Baby Boomers exactly what they


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Introducing ALIVEMAX


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Our World Class Products:

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Difference between Peroral and Tablets!

The advantages of Sprays were first introduced for Heart patients! (Nitrospray)

Because of the „First Pass Effekt“..

By means of Tablets and co the straight away effectiveness naturally sinks because the tablet has to first disolve inorder to allow any ingrediants to take effect .(stomache, kidneys, liver etc.)

Thats NOT the case using sprays, the ingrediants of sprays are instantly absorbed into the 200 cm² Mucus Membranes of the mouth.

Quelle: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/peroralhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peroral

Spray Facts!

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Slow Down Your Aging Process!

Veratrol Plus (Anti Aging)

With just 7 sprays each day under your tongue, and your body will work with the Resveratrol to help slow down your own aging process!

98% Absorption

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Resveratrol is a plant enzyme, which works antioxidativ and can regulate genes und but moreso it is now known to help slow down the Humanbodys **Aging process. (**BC)

June 2008 a young Research Co. called Sirtis had been purchased by a rather large Pharma company called GlaxoSmithKline for 720 Millionen US-Dollars. Sirtis had been founded 2004 so to Assimilate Resveratrol like medicine; Research was especially targeted on the effects of this enzyme as it activates the Sirtuin Gene.

Whats this to do with Alivemax?GlaxoSmithKline = Smart Trend Trupper!You dont even have to spend a fraction of 720 Million to get a Piece of the cake!

QUELLE: http://dgk.de/meldungen/praevention-und-anti-aging/resveratrol-zellenschutz-aus-der-blauen-traube.html

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Lose Weight Fast? Finally A Product Stop You Feeling Hungry!

Alivemax S.L.I.M

Hunger pangs are the biggest problem when trying to shed those extra pounds. Now with Alivemax S.L.I.M, just spray 7 times under your tongue and that hunger pang is GONE! Helps to also stimulate your metabolism.

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What exactly is a Hunger Pang?

Physical Hunger PangPsychological

Hunger Pang

S.L.I.M. is not a meal replacement!

Physical reasons for Hunger PangKarbohydrates is basically another word for sugar! Because of Karbohydrates (products produced

of flour , chocolates, polished rice, Pasta, Cookies) your blood sugar level sky rockets and your pancreas produces more Insulin, Ergo: the normally natural based Insulin level goes down almost just as rapid, and theres that Hunger Pang where those fries hit your face!

Psychological reasons for Hunger Pang

A Person intentionally deprives themselves of specific Foods which include sugar or refined Carbohydrates out of dietary or health reasons The result is a Hunger Pang. When a person deprives themselves of such, the Synopsis of the brain kicks in with a stronger Stimulus. Therefor the person can not resist the Hunger Pang which is directly sent from the brain ergo: Psychological.

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The Highest Level Of Nutrition Available Today!

Multi-Vitamin Spray

Just 7 sprays each day under your tongue, and your body receives the vital vitamins and nutrients to help keep you healthy.

98% Absorption

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If you sometimes feel tired, just spray Vitality 7 times under your tongue, and feel revitalized within minutes. Perfect for busy people on the move or those who play sports! From Weightlifters to Office personnel…

Extra Natural Energy, Whenever You Need It!

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Anti Aging Serum with 24k Gold.

With this incredible Anti Aging Serum, not only can you help to get rid of those wrinkles over time, but

with the 24k gold, you can regenerate your skin and speed up

your skin cell renewal. 24 K anti-bacterial! This truly is a perfect

product for baby boomers who want to keep those youthful looks.


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Highlight Feb 2010

Revolution LiftThis "Revolutionary" Skin Care product will produce

almost instant results. This truly is like having a Facelift

WITHOUT having the surgery!

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Alive Max REVOLUTION30 min.

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Why doesRevolution Instant

Face Lift work for you?

All outside influences are blocked for 30 min. Nutrients can be absorbed. Your skin is not flooded with water,

but rather your facial muscles get a „real training“!

As you know: Muscles are under the skin, so therefor under the wrinkle.

Logical & natural prozesstakes place.

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30 min. later

Alive M



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Alive M



34 Min. later

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Our Perfect Skin Care Set Exfoliating Cleanser, Moisturizer and Toner.

The perfect match for young looking skin .

Imagine the possibilities!

.Anti Aging Serum with 24k Gold.Instant Facelift. Exfoliating Cleanser, Moisturizer Toner

Your Complete Skin Care Set For Youthful


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How to Earn Money?

Fast Start Bonus

Retail SalesProfit

Welcome Bonus

SEVEN Streams

of Income !

Dual TeamBuilding

Matching Bonus

Infinity BonusLeadership


Freedom To Choose

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Getting Started..First Steps..• You start your AliveMax Business• Choose the product package that is

right for YOU, $50, $100, $199, $499..

Don‘t forget…YOU are in control !

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Where Are Your Customers/Partners?

Easy Answer!• Anyone you meet or talk to• Anyone who notices a change in your appearance• Anyone who wants to start or has their own business• Anyone who wants to make a change• Anyone who wants to invest 30 minutes to view an

online presentation in the comfort of their home.

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I want to do Home Parties!

OH! I really want to

start a company and

share these cosmetic

products with people!

I want to sponsor others

and get Matching

Bonus checks!

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Income Example…

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Within 30 Days (1 Month)• You find 4 people who want to start a

home business• You purchase your own business pack• i.e. $200 x 5 = $1000 Group Volume

Circa 10% BV. Earnings: ca. $100…

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90 Days (around 3 Months)

• You find another 4 people• You help your people find 4 others each• Everyone has a personal $200 BV…• You earn ca. $600…

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150 Days (5 Months)• Everyone in your group finds 4

other people.• Everyone has a personal BV of

$200• You have over 130 people in your

group.• You could earn approx $2500!• NOW THAT IS WORTH THE


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Let‘s dream a little here, and see what happens after 210 days (7 Months)

Everyone finds 4 other people …

Everyone has a personal $200 BV, and with over 500 people in your group,

you could earn approx $10,000!

Incredible! With just 500 people in your group, you have the potential to earn

over $10,000 PER MONTH!

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Ok, But What If…• Not everyone finds 4 other people …• Maybe some people only have a $100 BV..

• You would still make $5000 a month• What if it took 12 months?• What if it took 2 years?Important Question: Does your current job offer you the

chance to make an EXTRA $5000 a month in two years from now?

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Please Understand …• This is only an example• You MUST take action• But it could happen if you choose to

say YES!

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Please Relax And Do Not Worry!

• People truly WANT our products because they really do work!

• Everyone over 40 WANTS our products!• Use the products yourself!• Show people our product range!

Do not try to become a sales person!

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How Do I Get Started?• Speak firstly to your Sponsor.• Decide which package you want, $199 recommended.• Invite people to our conference calls, online and

offline.• Find 3 and it is FREE!

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Example…• You purchase the $199 Pack • Find 3 other people who also buy the $199 pack• 3 X $30 Fast Start =$90 • 3 X $15 Bulk Order Bonus =$45 • 3 X $30 (doubling Fast Start 2010 promo)= $90

Total $225 income scenario

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Income Disclaimer

As with any activity your results may vary depending on your background, your desires and motivation. We make no guarantees as to the degree of success you can achieve. All reviews and examples used are exceptional results, and do not apply to the average customer, and neither do we guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. There is the possibility of unknown and unpredictable risks that may affect your results. We are not responsible for your actions.

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Nothing Ventured,Nothing Gained!

• Don‘t miss the next BIG TREND!• Don‘t let other people control your future!• Don‘t let others decide what house you live in, what

car you drive, what vacation you take and what freedom you have!

It is time YOU made the decision to take control!The Time Is NOW!
