THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9 193 2 deemed It improper to discuss whether Sor not he would aeoept the offer It ve learned from an Intimate friend bOw Cer that General Rues may and probably will give a negative answer lie prefers ft ie saJfl to retain Ms as Commanderinchief of the Colombian forces which position he held before accepting peace envoy commission A temporary commander has been placed In charge during hie absence but upon his return General Reyes oan resume the command should he so de- sire He previously refused the offer for presidential election when the alterna- tive of cornroanderinchlef was offered him He has the otter under con dtra tion however Likoly to Leave Soon Concerning reports that Colombian troops bad landed on the isthmus it was stated at the Colombia legation that no advices had been received to that ef Jet but that It such a movement bad taken place it was in direct to the wishes of the Colombian ef- fciala here and oC General Reyes It is known that the Colombian envoy has re ceived a message from President Marro- quin Informing him that negotiations so hope to aeeontpJish the re tx rn of Panama to allegiance will be useless In view of this message it IB said commissioner may not remain long In Washington He has spent the last few days in calling at the as a fvrm of diplomatic courtesy CANAL TREATY SENT TO SENATE COMMITTEE cAnal treaty negotiated for the governments of the United States and Panama by Secretary Hay and Senor Don BunauVarilla was taken up by the Senate In executive session yesterday and referred to the Committee on For- eign Relations The sw nomination of Gen Leonard Wood was similarly re- ferred to the Military Affairs Committee There was no discussion in either In stance BRITISH RECOGNITION- TO BE EXPECTED SOON com- mission the contradic- tion which not the nil 1 l England Dec 9Th Birmingham Post learns that very BIRM1NGU ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ important confidential particulars re- garding the creation of the new republic of Panama have reached the foreign of- fice and that British recognition of the republic will shortly be announced TWO PATENTSLAST WEEK FOR DISTRICT RESIDENTS- There were 600 patents and U designs allowed last week the Patent Office Of the petents and designs 619 were al- lowed to citizens of the United States and 61 were allowed to citizens of for eign countries Two patents were al lowed to citizens o the qf I by Co- lumbia ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ National Body Gathers at First Con gregational pelegajtesjgiesent the country were present in the First Congregational Church today when the eighth annual convention of the Ameri- can AntiSaloon League was opened by James L HSwln chairman of the local committee and over to the president the Rev Dr Lnther B Wil- son Over M9 delegates State superinten- dents and representatives of indepen- dent antisalon societies zuade up the of the convention The sessions will continue Thursday and Friday President Roosevelt will give an in- formal reception for the delegates and Mrs tender an evening reception to the members in her home Boundary Castle Ont feature of the fc that most of the a majority of whom are clergymen are stopping at hotels which no barroom ad- junct The slocan of the convention is The Saloon Must Go session was devoted to the organization and reports of committees TVICE WON Wife Fell In Love With Husband All Over Again The wtfie f a wellknown attorney at law of Neb telht the tale worth readiag My husband was a solgler in the tvtt war and was aa he called him AT1ALO LEAGUE MEETS IN CUNVENJION ChurchOver if JI- PraG cGrs YrSrn IiIPp rts f turned d Today Seward Hun- died ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ rf self aa old coffee cooler ma bad al ways drank very strong coffee About a year ago he complained f a reeling of falntaeee every time ateri climbing his office stairs and was ilso troubled by terrible headaches that al- most drove him gradually grew weaker ad wecker until his affliction culminated in nervaot collapse and for weeks he seemed to be fading away from us in spite of all our efforts The physlciane nronevaced him strong and well with no organic trouble what- ever there seeaaed to be nothing matter except the coirplete giving out of his nervous system The doctors decided that coffee was at the botttom of all his trouble ned ordered Cereal in its place He improved daily since he quit coffee and began Postum and now sysi he feels better than he has for twenty yrs headaches are gone no more spells and Is gaining in flesh every day and seems so much younger heartier and happier than for years that I save fallen in love with him over Nrsv for brother case A few years ago he had a peculiar trouble tongue was MOM at the roots covered underneath with fes- ters He thought Ida affliction was of a cancerous nature Del hte doctor was of same opinion He scarcely eat became so poor and run down Tie was simply a nervous wreck He consulted various physicians but none was able to diagnose his case or help him In the least At last a doctor to whom fee applied said he believed my brother was coffee poisoned and advised Mm to quit coffee Poetum He gave him no medicine but told him to Poatum fair trial and return to him in six weeks My brother had ueed Postum only about ten days when the festers dlsaooeared tongue and at end or two weeks the soreness and swelling were and he began to up in flesh and spirits Ht has never touched coffee stncv but trlnks Postum all the time and has ev r had the slightest return of th trouWe To a to it aay wonder I ean write heartfelt i ii menial for PostumT Kame given by Poofom Co Battle Creek Look In aQh y of famts little to Well toe tUB felt he II won the rom the a book v11If wil- ds sad i the The BOdE ¬ ¬ ¬ < > BY SECOND FAILURE Scientist Holds Launching Device Responsible ANOTHER TRIAL SPRING Buzzard a Complete Wreck is Result of Experiment Near Arsesal- f Last Evening Despite two failures of his aerodrome Prof Langley cannot persuade himself that the machine is not alt right and would navigate the air if the launching apparatus could be made work prop- erly As in the first test two months ago at Wldewater the Inventor ascribes yesterdays failure entirely to a defect in the launching device Just what the defect Is he declines to say He has not abandoned hope and although there will be no more tests for the present It is likely that experiments will b re sumed next spring Nearly 5100060 has already been spent on the Invention No more complete fttUtfreV to the un- scientific eye than the attempt at flight upon the part of the langley Buzzard in front of the arsenal coukl be Imagined Instead of Roaring grace fully around Washington and astonish- ing the natives the bird plunged down ward and struck the water less than twenty yards from the Ark from which iMiad been launched Surprise is expressed that the wings did not support the machine longer They appeared to fall utterly In their mission of holding the body In the air and It sailed little farther than would any other object of the seine weight which had received the Initial im- pulse from the top of the ark The feature of the launching was the narrow escape from drowning by LANGLEY UNDAUNTED IN to Same 1 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Report and Discussion on Home Foreign Missions fficers Re- ports tOvBeJieadV MI8IOMARY SOCIETY IW SESSION AT I and FOUflllY > ¬ The quarterly meeting of the Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the District Is held today in Foundry Church Fifteenth and R SWeets north west The morning session was devoted entirely to the discussion of affairs rel- ative to home miesioiie and wa pre- sided ever by the president Mrs A D Lynch Enthusiastic reports were read by the several officers and committee chair men and the work of the society dur- ing the last quarter was moat favorably reported Am fig WOlfe who sefcmltta- drepoittvere Ms C A t lams Howell Bartla jCrs N Dwyer Eliza- beth BsafcShondlee E M J Mjs- li Stinemetz and Mrs D B Strict The Rev Robert M Moore made a brief address and a prayer and song service formed a of the meeting The society adjourned for luncheon at 12W and at 130 the foreign missions branch went into session Mrs J Ellen Fester president was in the chair During the afternoon officers reports will be read by Mrs Lydik H Hilton Mrs R M Moore Mrs W F Rodrick Ada A Fowler and Mrs S D La Fe tra The work of the several depart- ments will be reported by Mrs B L Harvey Louise Duvall Mrs A S Mitchell Mrs W F Dales Mrs J M Holmes Mrs A H Eaton mrs W I McXenney Mrs H A Hall Mrs J Fin ney Eagle and Mrs Charles Ernst SHOULD BE REPEALED- American Forestry Association Says Present Laws Are Defective Forest Protection Urged being h race JurP M lL RlC Wright art I TIMBER AND STONE ACT ets dwliVinos MItcheIlMra iI1a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Repeal of the timber and stone act and 1 number of other modifications of ex- isting laws were favored in the resolu tions adopted by the American Forestry Association at its annual meeting in the Atlantic Building today One resolution declares that existing laws under which mineral entries are made within ff rest reserves are a menace to the reserves and that they should be so modified as to prevent mineral entrfes for other pur- poses than the development ef mineral resources Officers of the association are directed- to make every effort to obtain a IMO XX appropriation from Congress for and trails in the national forest reserve The creation of forest re- serves in the White Mountains and tho Southern Appalachian Mountains is ask- ed Modification of th lieu land law is favored so as to provide that lieu se- lections shall be confined to lands of equivalent value or similar cOnditions The report of the directors indicates great advance in the forestry movement In the United States in the j a t year At the meeting this morning Secretary Wilson presided and later was succeed ed by Gilford Pinchot forester of the Department of Agriculture The fol lowing were President Secretary James Wilson frat vice president Dr B E Fernow of New Edward A Bowers of Connecticut treasurer Luebkert of Washington Nearly all the old were LINCOLN HALL ASSOCIATION MEETS IN BRIEF SESSION d O ads ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Llricoln Hall Association tff qy afi rnncr t he oBce of James R Caton on South Fairfax Street Al- exandria Va After routine business occupying but a feW minutes the meet Inf TO FLOAT THE MOCCASIN Another effort will be mMe to pull the Submarine torpedo Mocea Mil o t Seaash bel9w C3 ek where stranded last week I mitt yes i r tot Inlet she today S ¬ THE ARK r- ot I From This Queer Craft Lan ley Aerodrome Was Unsuccessfully Launched t Charles 3M Manly Prof Langleys as sistant who was on the machine He was lnhis seat controlling the engine and rudder and when the Buzzard took water he bacame so tangled up with the wires of the framework that he would have been drownetl had it not been Hewitt one of the Smith- sonian mechanics who dived oft the houseboat fully clad and liberated the aeronaut The remarkable part of the flight was that the machine when half way to the water pointed its nose up in the wind turned completely over and broke In two The result of this weird pro- ceedings w3 that Mr Manly landod In the Potomac head down which made position all the more dangerous and made necessary the heroic action of Mr Hewitt No aid to flight was furnished by the propeller making 1400 revolutions per minute or the which was sup- posed to enable the aeronaut to hold JUSTICE WRIGHT 11 TRY M BUTLER CASE Defendant Is Charged With Murd irra1fd the Cause Is on Calendar off Criminal Court No 2 for Mr hit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Justice WrigTit will enter actively on the discharge of his judicial duties on Monday next when he will conduct trial of James Butler fc negro boy who will be irat on trial ior the murder of his stepfather Joseph Green The case will be tried in Criminal Court No 2 The tragedy occurred on June 23 at 1405 Kings Place southeast where Green and the defendant who are both ne- groes resided It seems that about 4 oclock on the day in question Green eaitfe Tiad some words with his ife JQle iGjeenj boufrjggnie ig s that sh Sad sold Gtaefen tfSanieiahgrytik bUaid aand broomstick finally knocKtaff her when Butler going to defense of his mother struck Green with the butt end of an ax from which the latter died on the next day Butter will be roprespnted by Attor- neys Samoa A Toomey and W Stone Abert A PLEA OF GUILTY Action of Andrew Holland May Save Him From the Death Penalty- A good deal ef the lynching through out the country said Justice Pritchard tooa would be prevented by a proper enforcement of the law These remarks wore after Jus- tice Pritchard reluctantly permitted An drew Holland a negro to withdraw his plea of not guilty and enter a plea of guilty to a charge of criminal assault When the matter was presented to the court Justice Pritchard said JIQ was not t hom and u 11Iii a town the d made the j ternl ALLOERBYLIOtJRT ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ sure he would allow a withdrawal of the plea because it might be case in which the death penalty should be imoe d Assistant District Attorney Turner however informed the court that an in- vestigation of the circumstances of the case warranted the acceptance of a plea of guilty The judge then allowed the to be made James Jackson a negro elevator boy formerly employed in an apartment house in the northwest section of the city pleaded guilty to stealing a regis- tered letter addressed to a guest of the house George King pleaded guilty to house breakins As the Department of Justice has not yet selected a place for the imprisonment- of District convicts Justice Pritchard remanded the prisoner to jail to await sentence WOMEN OF ST STEPHENS TO REPEAT THEIR SUPPER- The women of St Stephers Parish Guild will repeat their oyster supper tonight at the parish hall Fourteenth Street and Columbia Road Young women dressed as Japanese will serve tea and others living In a basket will dispense attractive souve nine brought from England Fancy tables mystery boxes a pest and otheK booths occupy the again be a feature of evening ba under the direction of MoLeod chan prettily decorated hall A musical pre a homo ¬ ¬ HEIGHT OF HOSPITALS- The District Commissioners have written to Senator Gallinger recom- mending legislation that shall Include hospitals and dormitories In the list j that cannot be more than five stories high or sixty feet above I the sidewalk C AS T O R I A Far Infants asd Chiton The Kind You Have Always Bought ¬ the pf the machine in the wind so that the propeller could force it up into the Ur Neither of these adjuncts of the bird helped the cause although the propeller appeared to work prop- erly and the rudder moved aU right The maeHtae was a complete Wreck result of the disaster ansi was bent nd twisted out of all resemblance to the complicated device that looked so impressive Just before it left the ark It floated around on the water and was rescued last night and placed aboard the houseboat The attempt at flight wa made about 496 in the afternoon and was seen by hundreds of curious citizens who dropped work and hurried to the arse- nal wall and other points of vantage to view the most expensive of aeroplanes make a record as the ojt flyers Because of the darkness Thomas Miller tl official photographer Mtd not obtain pictures of of tile Buzzard Returns From Washington N C at the Instancejof Detective Weedon and i i a Uhited States Warrant I I S PATTERSON IS HERE- TO MEET AU8E8II nose as- a V 5 = Benjamin Franklin Patterson Ute al- leged pronwter and layerdeiwii of bank which is said to hay come baek protested is in Waafehtgtofi hav- ing come in the custody of Detective Ned We Ion Patterson is the man who te declared to have paid several small debts with bask drafts taking the rest In cash The net of Washington is as foUo s Andrew W Kelley head of the commission firm of Keller Co who cashed a draft for 300 Judd Det weller the printers who got off with 7 Benjamin P Kdwar6fli 4hV lrfn b broker who took up 88f7 I athan Horn the tailor who Js aut sK nd COD plainuts A paper k ¬ ¬ S La Fetra a amount LA Petra accepted his draft it is said in payment for board paying oat 80 in cash Edwards talked lumber with Patterson who it is said assured him h was the owner of Hfiiekfltone Railroad running from to Chase City Va whereby he could lay down lumber here at a greatly reduced rate When therefore he is supposed to have sold three carloads of lumber and 100 cords of Wood to Edwards and asked a trifling accommodation Ed- wards had no hesitancy in taking it up Horn is reported to have made Patter- son some clothes and paid the seat in this alleged tansa tton came to light Patterson had Ief the city and Mr La Fetra sent telegram telling him his was sick Patterson replidd he would come by special train He did not do so however and Detective Weedon was sent down with- a United States warrant A little trou ble was experienced with persons who believed Patterson innocent of the charges but the detective brought back his man JUDGE SPRINGERS WILL ADMITTED TO PROBATE- The will of William McKendrie Sprin- ger dated June 21 1900 was today of- fered for probate He directs his body to be Interred Jn Oak Ridge Cemetery Springfield Ill and that the body of his wife Rebecca Ruter Springer burled beside He also directs that- a plain stone be erected over this rest- ing place and that the names of the books written by his wife be Inscribed on the tone and for himself the In- scription Member of Qtngreas from Illinois 1S7618K and judge of United Staves Court for Indian Territory March 18W5 to December 11 He leaves to his brother Anson Wal lace Springer a gold watch to his brother John Springer a silver headed cane The remainder of his Is left to his wife Rebecca Ruter Springer CLAYTON TO ATTEND COMMITTEE MEETING Gen Powell Clayton United States ambassador to Mexico arrived In Wash Ington today to attend the meeting of the Republican mitional committee of which he is a member He will be the guest of the Belgian minister and Baroness Moncheur The baroness is a daughter of General Clayton General Clayton was in a railroad wreck between Atlanta and New Or- leans The Pullman car In which he was a passenger was overturned He soaPed and no lives were lost in the wreck GEN BLISS RECALLED IN GEN WOOD INQUIRY some tone When He wu located in N 14 him I iCu be 1 Edwin WaabiuQn a him es- tate ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Senate Committee on Military Af- fairs investigating matters in connec- tion with the Leonard Wood nomination met today and heard Gen Tanker H Biles U S A General Bliss was re called testify to his knowledge con fernlnr statements on Wood made by other witnesses who have appeared before the committee since Bliss testified previously Boars the t t 79- of u ¬ ¬ ¬ CONVICTED OF FRAUD Government Scores Its First Victory THEPOSTOFFICE Bryan and Eeskie Counsel D- efending File MotToh for BAIMMORK Dee J After a trial lasting six fermer Postal Clerks Thomas W McGregor and Coluriibu E Upton were convicted In the nlJLI States district court yesterday on the charge of conspiracy o flefraiM the United State in connection w1th nlshing teauijr pouches in the city free delivery service Having deliberated fortyrtve minutes the Jury its foreman Alonzo MGREGOR AND UPTON IN CASES J New TIa1 11 fur tor use for days ¬ Lilly roues known varOlet Upton and McGregor vcre both in court when the decision was announced and neither gave any outward exhibition of feeling New Trial Asked Immediately utter the verdict became known William S Bryan Jr and A JJ Leckie Counsel for the defendants a mofetwi a trial Jiidge lorrisk agreed to hear the arguments on the nuK- tion next Saturday Sentence was until this argument Is bail of was renewed with his brother Benjamin F Upton and Mortgomery F W Weidemeyer a A Washington bonding com- pany furnished bail for McGregor Interest in proceedings Increased yesterday and the attendance was lar- ger than on any day of the trial Holier Conrad of Washington who was engag- ed t the request of Prealrfeftt velt to prosecute the parttcfpanto ln ilid postal frauds throughout the country with Mr Bonararte occupied a seat at the trial of the orowecutlon Rose Opens Argument On J o the Government John C Jnitetl States district attorney opening argument beginning a few minutes afte Judge Morris took his seat on th ench He spoke for an hour and a half Mr Rose went into the de- tails of the various count of the indict meat against Upton and McGregor He claimed that as the evidence unfolded Itself it had been clearly shown that the defendants were gjllty- A B L Leckie of Washington made- a strong plea in btbalf of Upton and McGregor For an hour and a halt he faced the Jury and argued for the ac- quittal of hla clients Leckie Throws Bouquets In beginning his address he had this to say about the counsel for the Gov ernmeat Mr Rose is an attorney who has no in all Baltimore He has been ably assisted by Mr Soper a young man who for his age has no superior in this or any other city The Government has called into this case Mr Bonaparte one of Baltimores ablest lawyers who will deliver here the address of his life Mr Bryan and Mr Bonaparte fol the toe new Upon ClOG bo1 men tale halt R made e superior I I sus- pended mae the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1140 aja DM 9 JLRY RYAN oond wife at ThewM R Rjaii- PuMntl FWdty 9 a flee H at St Ahoy sin OKnch k DRTDEN On Tandar DeeraAer 8 at 416 pm WALTRR W DRYDEX aged twentY leVee yean Funeral at late midenee SI6 Sixth Str DortheMt Thursday at 2 oclock itm Baltimore paper pleaii copy It EXERY OB Moodaj Dee 7 190S at 724 pm at her 907 I Street northwest MARY KrmUDGE EMERY wits ot the Matthew Oauit Emery Funeral jrom her late reaideaee Thursday Dee 10 at 280 pm InUrme C private Je62t- BLL MM of Major Janet A McDowell tw Mytwo yean at Foaeral from his late reatdeaee 22S E street aoiiliweat on Thursday Dec 10 at 130 pm Interment at Arlington Cemetery deBt matter how inexpensive your gift let it b good buy it at Mc and you are sure of the quality Linen Handkerchiefs Alllinen Handkerchiefs Be Ladies Alllinen Corded Tucked Fancy and Plain and LaxMtrimmed at U o and 25c quality Alllinen Embroid- ered and Lacetrimmed Handker- chiefs at SOc to 109 Fln Imported Ducheese Lace Childrens Initialed Gift Handker chiefs S in a box for 28c Ladies and Mens Sheer fand Plain Alllin n Handkerchiefs with handworked initials 120 S5c and Me Reliable Gloves Each in a nice box Indies Fine Guaranteed KM Gloves in nIl the new shadee light and heavy weights at 1 128 1SO 175 tOO and 231 Art Leather Goods Carriage nap Me to 51000 Netsuke w K60 400 7M Mens Pocket Baoks We to 871 Card Cues Me to tXl Leather Purses lOc to 100 Car Ticket Cases iSo to Mo Black Silk Shopping Bags Soc to 150 German Silver Bags M to 150 Opera Bags 1M to 278 Boston Bags Me Combination Pocket Books Sic to 600 DIED RYANAt Eo late frPOWFLLOn Sunday eft1 Dee 6 1- wenIY at Grattsi W Ya dLARK A Ie McKNEWSG- IVE QUALITY GIFTSN- o Knew Hem tltcl1ed Em- broidered tip Bag lOs Ladle Hand- kerchiefs Fine ¬ ¬ ¬ Gift BncaBrac Vases Pitchers Bon Eon Dishes Cracker Jars Pin Trays Puff Boxes Hair Receivers Re- ceiver all odd designs and beauti- ful oolorinm- 2Sc o Bath Robes f400 to 1809 Gift Umbrellas H to 100- 6Wm Ii McKnew oar Avenue i 300 Pennsylvania ¬ mm STREETS Colonel Biddle Has Drafted Bill Confer- ring Authority Upon Commission ersrifiuch Confusion at Present The JSnghieer Commissioner of District has drafted a bill which will be presented t Congress which provides that have authority granted them to rename streets ave- nues alleys highways and reservations lc that part of District of Columbia outeida the city of Washington Upon by Commissioners Ma far rra and West the bill will be transmit ted to Senator CaHtnger and Babjeock with the recommend ti on that ij be enacted into a law True Commissioners consider ttwtt some system of names for streets in the cone jty is At present It Is stated much confWon existS because of th lack of system in naming the streets in the outlying districts For Instance one direct and continuous street passing through Brookland seven blocks in length has four different names Hart ford Austin Galveston and Fulton Such instances It is said are ccmmon The proposed bill provides that the Commissioners shall select definite system of naming the streets in the county They have already a pro- visional system but intend to give thb matter further consideration before act fng Jlnally In the matter and adopting the system proposed to bo recorded un dfer the hiS NO DETAILS OF ATTACK ON U S CONSUL DAVIS The Stato Department has had no IN SUBURBAN tile th 9 mmlssl nor the J Fa preY I quite It 8ETIOW8 5 Represen- tative further advices from Minister Lrfsh man at Constantinople concerning the attack on United States Consul Davis at AlexandretUu Syria W DvSEARLE PROMOTED TO APPOINTMENT CLERK w D Searle has been named as ap- pointment clerk for the War Depart- ment to succeed Francis W Ford Mr Searle has been the assistant appoint- ment clerk for several years FINED FOR LARCENY Frank Carter charge with the larce- ny of a bicycle and lamp valued at 27 from Rutherford T Belby was fined 60 or IS days in jail by Judge Scott in the Police Court today Commencing Thursday Decembar 10 OPEN AT NIGHT The Citys Jeweler and Inducements to Jewelry Buyers Here Two Special Guff Button BargainsB- uy Now as They Win Be Sold Out Very Shortly Solid Cuff Buttons heavy and large abe worth 3 For These Solid Gold Cuff Buttons with genuine dia- monds worth 4 For 198 917 Pa Ave N The Store That Saves You Money Special Money Saving Values 7R for fine Solid Oak iSSB irs Bedroom Suite large dressing case French plate mirror cost elsewhere 52200 37 PS A handsome Quar Oak Bedroom Suite cost elsewhere 600- 0OQ 7R for Handsome Roll a effect Bedroom case massive oak bed fin ish cost elsewhere 4000 SSB25 for Heavy Golden Oak Cobbler Seat Rocker Cost else- where 260 S395 for Massive Polished Oak Saddle Rocker Cost 600 Credit and Easy Payments The Huh Furniture GoB S E Cor 7th and D Sts fJ W Always the Same THARPS PURE 12 F SIN W Phone Main II II Special Private Da II vary I M j J CAlLLISHER Xmas Offerings Are Gold set I i CALL SH R for iJJ U tered suite large swelledfront dressing fi eat else- where I I B erkeley Rye sI75- A VtT n5 nsij IijlDwJiJI C S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < SPECIAL NOTICES for December u s Concerning the Last Generation AU written juUou answered SPECIAL C Fay has re moved his law offices to the Corcoran third floor corner Fifteenth and F Streets northwest u SPECIAL NOTTCE Zd W Jerkins will not collect forus after thts date J T VALKER SONS SH Tenth st nw ATTENTION A meeting will be held at my office ith nw NIGHT AT 8 OCLOCK to discuss ways ad m to compel the enforcement of the jf l law the street railway com- panies with the same aa is x against the automobilist t every automobile man amend HL TON R GORDON 14th st nw deT4t WILSON MAYcRS Aucflonesrs 1227 and 1229 B Street HM The unclaimed articles accuraolaUd in i OAce will be mid at public n i within the aalnrocm of WILSON ft MAY KRS- 1X27 sad 122 w cooHneaciag on MON- DAY 0ECEVBEK 14 lees AT 0 M AND 7 PM sad cftBtfawiBg daily at hours cbrreafter until the whole i iM waed a will be furaiabed for dijtribouon daring the sale By order of the Potmaatr D T LEIPUARDT Superintendent Drad Letter Office PostoMce Derartneat Sorentber ia NOTI studies at Ute Masonic Temple Sub t NOTICEJohn to nil C1J AUAL Letter Sale I Dead G same CU3 delivery Cat logaN rent SPEcIAl everIsig B- at Bead Letter s Terms en 15 ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR SPOT CASH HOWS THIS Pea Gsal for a Few Days 475 per Ton OUR OTHER PRICES ARK AWAY BELOW EVERYBODY EIRES Chestnut Coal White Ash Egg ttat prices White Mb Stove an the ShawoUai Stove Rout Stove Send pedal or phone Ea t 2M John Kennedy Son 4th and F Sts K E A O UUTTERLY 612 C ST KW Before the wont weather oonjel cover pipes with we MIJTERAL WOOL We also sell Asbestos for pipes 1 T 20410th SL M lYalKBl OOnS PhoaeUain7M SEWING MACHINES U you need a sewlnfr machine SOW ia ywr chance to buy OB account of making a change in our tusinrss we ekes out at about highgrade sewing mtchiftej at actual cost price from 1S to 16 regular 40 and f5 You win find Uteee raacfeiaes slightly de- faced from being ROBERTSON BIOKBR7ON 58 H STKKET N W Open till 9 p wt Phone B 4Y ao2SU WITHOUT PLATES NO ex act and last longer than mttwu teeth fliers made normaL Palsies PUliar Dr J I WILSON JOB F at nw Phone Maja ilSSif- no3030t contains a grmtcr of relies than tho tolerates which is way 3 Doss it pay COMPANY SIS Uth St X W EDUCATIONAL Education for Real Life K64 Far and Daughters at 15C2L Business College Academy of Music tfth and D N W Beautiful spacious bell Entrance 403 9th t For new Anooun Biei t or full Wonnatioa courses and t iw call at office or addreaj Mrs Sara A Spencer Priadpal sad ropf tor Leonard Carfteld Spencer Secretirr TelepboM- XaiB 4HOM jr eI8tt The Modern Busln Training Sotioai THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF COMMERCE- D K CLARK Business Mamager HARPER BC1LD1NO i 7 O St N W DAY AND SIGHT SESSIONS STUDENTS ENTERED ANY TIME THE OLNEY SCHOOL 115X Eighteenth Street Primary Aewtamie Md C3oU gePrap rator- 7atilesw Mfca Virgteia MU B Miss Laura Dor- seriOWETH Bearding school f lacHfi Buihtng OTW- looMBg Dupoat circle elrvBt r gjTmaiima- eteam aclKolrooins practicerocau a refined and well appointed home Addreis- PR1KCITALS 1327 New Aren- neUJSEPHILLIPS Dai 281 CONTJBCTICUT AVE Private or Class Insiructiwi French Culture without eztri charge Telephone 418B- HALFBUHKEB COAL white on top and then go hearing quite a quality ol partially coniumed co l If yo want to know the reason and remedy for tiLl ak TIlE ALLEGHENY COMPANY 815 11th St- K W deo- tfAt Pyles 7 Stores Seeded RaieiM iv Clouted Cumate Citron 1 Mixed IfnU Ue 8 MK for SlOd Candy 1 and lie Choice Figs 12 T- XI its Gras Sugar lnu Prunes ac reaches 7 Apricots UVjjc 4 cans Tomatoes 25 Ex Silted Peaa 10t J T D PYLES Seven Stores Including 948 Louisiana Ave J WILlllAM LEE UNDERTAKER AD LIVERY 832 Penn Aye Washington D a sell lee spot nub 1891 our e8it lowest lab Furnace 00 1b i Xmas sad hoe Did the VI- I I I mist forty fund k Teeth Loot J 3 SLATE you to buy coal which containa even at THE deQtf Sons It- o n Lee young heat i J end Yam out U 1 Pure Dates t ff Ji vfl251 69i We shy LID 73P makeaveryaooptabe DflUUUIIt Weearry alve pesFree once tractiug no pm tee Shrunk- en nut v f We will not accept uliI l which las I tbouh lea mosey ALIZGBENY ota54j e large Select School lot Girls Does veer fur r turn 5 ¬ >

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-12-09 [p 2]. · 2017-12-26 · resume the command should he so de-sire He previously refused the offer for presidential election when

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-12-09 [p 2]. · 2017-12-26 · resume the command should he so de-sire He previously refused the offer for presidential election when


deemed It improper to discuss whetherSor not he would aeoept the offer It ve

learned from an Intimate friend bOwCer that General Rues may andprobably will give a negative answerlie prefers ft ie saJfl to retain Ms

as Commanderinchief of theColombian forces which position heheld before accepting peace envoycommission

A temporary commander has beenplaced In charge during hie absencebut upon his return General Reyes oanresume the command should he so de-sire He previously refused the offer forpresidential election when the alterna-tive of cornroanderinchlef was offeredhim He has the otter under con dtration however

Likoly to Leave SoonConcerning reports that Colombian

troops bad landed on the isthmus it wasstated at the Colombia legation that noadvices had been received to that efJet but that It such a movement badtaken place it was in direct

to the wishes of the Colombian ef-

fciala here and oC General Reyes It isknown that the Colombian envoy has received a message from President Marro-quin Informing him that negotiations

so hope to aeeontpJish the retx rn of Panama to allegiance will beuseless

In view of this message it IB saidcommissioner may not remain long InWashington He has spent the last fewdays in calling at the as afvrm of diplomatic courtesy


cAnal treaty negotiated for thegovernments of the United States andPanama by Secretary Hay and SenorDon BunauVarilla was taken up by theSenate In executive session yesterdayand referred to the Committee on For-eign Relations The sw nomination ofGen Leonard Wood was similarly re-

ferred to the Military Affairs CommitteeThere was no discussion in either Instance







which not




l England Dec 9ThBirmingham Post learns that veryBIRM1NGU





important confidential particulars re-

garding the creation of the new republicof Panama have reached the foreign of-

fice and that British recognition of therepublic will shortly be announced



There were 600 patents and U designsallowed last week the Patent OfficeOf the petents and designs 619 were al-

lowed to citizens of the United Statesand 61 were allowed to citizens of foreign countries Two patents were allowed to citizens o the qf








National Body Gathers at First Con


the country were present in the FirstCongregational Church today when theeighth annual convention of the Ameri-can AntiSaloon League was opened byJames L HSwln chairman of the localcommittee and over to thepresident the Rev Dr Lnther B Wil-son

Over M9 delegates State superinten-dents and representatives of indepen-dent antisalon societies zuade up the

of the convention The sessionswill continue Thursday and Friday

President Roosevelt will give an in-

formal reception for the delegates andMrs tender anevening reception to the members in herhome Boundary Castle

Ont feature of the fc thatmost of the a majority ofwhom are clergymen are stopping athotels which no barroom ad-junct The slocan of the convention is

The Saloon Must Gosession was devoted to the

organization and reports of committees


Wife Fell In Love With Husband All

Over Again

The wtfie f a wellknown attorney atlaw of Neb telht the tale worthreadiag My husband was a solgler inthe tvtt war and was aa he called him




if JI-

PraG cGrs YrSrn IiIPp rts f















self aa old coffee cooler ma bad always drank very strong coffee

About a year ago he complained f areeling of falntaeee every time atericlimbing his office stairs and was ilsotroubled by terrible headaches that al-most drove him

gradually grew weaker adwecker until his affliction culminated innervaot collapse and for weeks heseemed to be fading away from us inspite of all our efforts

The physlciane nronevaced him strongand well with no organic trouble what-ever there seeaaed to be nothing

matter except the coirplete givingout of his nervous system

The doctors decided that coffee wasat the botttom of all his trouble nedordered Cereal in its place Heimproved daily since he quit coffee andbegan Postum and now sysihe feels better than he has fortwenty yrs headaches are gone nomore spells and Is gaining inflesh every day and seems so muchyounger heartier and happier than

for years that I save fallen inlove with him over

Nrsv for brother case A fewyears ago he had a peculiar trouble

tongue was MOM at theroots covered underneath with fes-ters

He thought Ida affliction was of acancerous nature Del hte doctor was of

same opinion He scarcelyeat became so poor andrun down Tie was simply a nervouswreck He consulted various physiciansbut none was able to diagnose his caseor help him In the least

At last a doctor to whom fee appliedsaid he believed my brother was coffeepoisoned and advised Mm to quit coffee

Poetum He gave him nomedicine but told him to Poatumfair trial and return to him in sixweeks My brother had ueed Postumonly about ten days when the festersdlsaooeared tongue and atend or two weeks the soreness andswelling were and he began to

up in flesh and spiritsHt has never touched coffee stncv

but trlnks Postum all the time andhas ev r had the slightest return of thtrouWe

To a to it aaywonder I ean write heartfelt i iimenial for PostumT Kame given byPoofom Co Battle Creek

Look In aQh y offamts little to Well







rom the






theThe BOdE







Scientist Holds LaunchingDevice Responsible


Buzzard a Complete Wreck is Resultof Experiment Near Arsesal-

f Last Evening

Despite two failures of his aerodromeProf Langley cannot persuade himselfthat the machine is not alt right andwould navigate the air if the launchingapparatus could be made work prop-erly

As in the first test two months agoat Wldewater the Inventor ascribesyesterdays failure entirely to a defectin the launching device Just what thedefect Is he declines to say He hasnot abandoned hope and although therewill be no more tests for the present Itis likely that experiments will b resumed next spring Nearly 5100060 hasalready been spent on the Invention

No more complete fttUtfreV to the un-scientific eye than the attempt at flightupon the part of the langley Buzzardin front of the arsenal couklbe Imagined Instead of Roaring gracefully around Washington and astonish-ing the natives the bird plunged downward and struck the water less thantwenty yards from the Ark fromwhich iMiad been launched

Surprise is expressed that the wingsdid not support the machine longerThey appeared to fall utterly In theirmission of holding the body In the airand It sailed little farther than wouldany other object of the seine weightwhich had received the Initial im-pulse from the top of the ark

The feature of the launching was thenarrow escape from drowning by














Report and Discussion on HomeForeign Missions fficers Re-

ports tOvBeJieadV






> ¬

The quarterly meeting of the Homeand Foreign Missionary Society of theDistrict Is held today in FoundryChurch Fifteenth and R SWeets northwest The morning session was devotedentirely to the discussion of affairs rel-ative to home miesioiie and wa pre-sided ever by the president Mrs A DLynch

Enthusiastic reports were read by theseveral officers and committee chairmen and the work of the society dur-ing the last quarter was moat favorablyreported Am fig WOlfe who sefcmltta-drepoittvere Ms C A t lamsHowell Bartla jCrs N Dwyer Eliza-beth BsafcShondleeE M J Mjs-

li Stinemetz and Mrs D B StrictThe Rev Robert M Moore made a briefaddress and a prayer and song serviceformed a of the meeting

The society adjourned for luncheon at12W and at 130 the foreign missionsbranch went into session Mrs J EllenFester president was in the chairDuring the afternoon officers reportswill be read by Mrs Lydik H HiltonMrs R M Moore Mrs W F RodrickAda A Fowler and Mrs S D La Fetra The work of the several depart-ments will be reported by Mrs B LHarvey Louise Duvall Mrs A SMitchell Mrs W F Dales Mrs J MHolmes Mrs A H Eaton mrs W IMcXenney Mrs H A Hall Mrs J Finney Eagle and Mrs Charles Ernst


American Forestry Association SaysPresent Laws Are Defective

Forest Protection Urged


h raceJurP

M lL RlC Wright





MItcheIlMra iI1a







Repeal of the timber and stone act and1 number of other modifications of ex-

isting laws were favored in the resolutions adopted by the American ForestryAssociation at its annual meeting in theAtlantic Building today One resolutiondeclares that existing laws under whichmineral entries are made within ff restreserves are a menace to the reservesand that they should be so modified as toprevent mineral entrfes for other pur-poses than the development ef mineralresources

Officers of the association are directed-to make every effort to obtain a IMOXX appropriation from Congress for

and trails in the national forestreserve The creation of forest re-

serves in the White Mountains and thoSouthern Appalachian Mountains is ask-ed

Modification of th lieu land law isfavored so as to provide that lieu se-

lections shall be confined to lands ofequivalent value or similar cOnditions

The report of the directors indicatesgreat advance in the forestry movementIn the United States in the j a t yearAt the meeting this morning SecretaryWilson presided and later was succeeded by Gilford Pinchot forester of theDepartment of Agriculture The following were

President Secretary James Wilsonfrat vice president Dr B E Fernowof New Edward ABowers of Connecticut treasurerLuebkert of Washington Nearly allthe old were



d O









The Llricoln Hall Associationtff qy afi rnncr t he oBce of JamesR Caton on South Fairfax Street Al-

exandria Va After routine businessoccupying but a feW minutes the meetInf


Another effort will be mMe topull the Submarine torpedo MoceaMil o t Seaash bel9w C3 ekwhere stranded last week

I mitt yes

i rtot






ot I

From This Queer Craft Lan ley Aerodrome Was Unsuccessfully Launched t

Charles 3M Manly Prof Langleys assistant who was on the machine Hewas lnhis seat controlling the engineand rudder and when the Buzzardtook water he bacame so tangled upwith the wires of the framework thathe would have been drownetl had it notbeen Hewitt one of the Smith-sonian mechanics who dived oft thehouseboat fully clad and liberated theaeronaut

The remarkable part of the flightwas that the machine when half wayto the water pointed its nose up in thewind turned completely over and brokeIn two The result of this weird pro-

ceedings w3 that Mr Manly landod Inthe Potomac head down which made

position all the more dangerous andmade necessary the heroic action of MrHewitt

No aid to flight was furnished by thepropeller making 1400 revolutions perminute or the which was sup-posed to enable the aeronaut to hold


Defendant Is Charged With Murd irra1fd

the Cause Is on Calendar off

Criminal Court No 2

for Mr






Justice WrigTit will enter actively onthe discharge of his judicial duties onMonday next when he will conducttrial of James Butler fc negro boy whowill be irat on trial ior the murder ofhis stepfather Joseph Green The casewill be tried in Criminal Court No 2

The tragedy occurred on June 23 at1405 Kings Place southeast where Greenand the defendant who are both ne-

groes resided It seems that about 4

oclock on the day in question Greeneaitfe Tiad some words withhis ife JQle iGjeenj boufrjggnie ig sthat sh Sad sold

Gtaefen tfSanieiahgrytik bUaid aandbroomstick finally knocKtaff herwhen Butler going to defense ofhis mother struck Green with the buttend of an ax from which the latterdied on the next day

Butter will be roprespnted by Attor-neys Samoa A Toomey and W StoneAbert


Action of Andrew Holland May SaveHim From the Death


A good deal ef the lynching throughout the country said Justice Pritchardtooa would be prevented by a properenforcement of the law

These remarks wore after Jus-tice Pritchard reluctantly permitted Andrew Holland a negro to withdraw hisplea of not guilty and enter a plea ofguilty to a charge of criminal assaultWhen the matter was presented to thecourt Justice Pritchard said JIQ was not

t hom and

u 11Iii atown













sure he would allow a withdrawal ofthe plea because it might be casein which the death penalty should beimoe d

Assistant District Attorney Turnerhowever informed the court that an in-vestigation of the circumstances of thecase warranted the acceptance of a pleaof guilty The judge then allowed the

to be madeJames Jackson a negro elevator boy

formerly employed in an apartmenthouse in the northwest section of thecity pleaded guilty to stealing a regis-tered letter addressed to a guest of thehouse

George King pleaded guilty to housebreakins

As the Department of Justice has notyet selected a place for the imprisonment-of District convicts Justice Pritchardremanded the prisoner to jail to awaitsentence


The women of St Stephers ParishGuild will repeat their oyster suppertonight at the parish hall FourteenthStreet and Columbia Road Youngwomen dressed as Japanese will servetea and others living In a basket

will dispense attractive souvenine brought from England

Fancy tables mystery boxes a pestand otheK booths occupy the

again be a feature ofevening ba under the directionof MoLeod


prettily decorated hall A musical pre





HEIGHT OF HOSPITALS-The District Commissioners have

written to Senator Gallinger recom-mending legislation that shall Includehospitals and dormitories In the list

j that cannot be more thanfive stories high or sixty feet above

I the sidewalk

CA S T O R I A Far Infants asd Chiton

The Kind You Have Always Bought


the pf the machine in the windso that the propeller could force it upinto the Ur Neither of these adjunctsof the bird helped the cause althoughthe propeller appeared to work prop-erly and the rudder moved aU right

The maeHtae was a complete Wreckresult of the disaster ansi was bent

nd twisted out of all resemblance tothe complicated device that looked soimpressive Just before it left the arkIt floated around on the water and wasrescued last night and placed aboardthe houseboat

The attempt at flight wa madeabout 496 in the afternoon and wasseen by hundreds of curious citizens whodropped work and hurried to the arse-nal wall and other points of vantage toview the most expensive of aeroplanesmake a record as the ojt flyersBecause of the darkness ThomasMiller tl official photographer Mtdnot obtain pictures of oftile Buzzard

Returns From Washington N C at theInstancejof Detective Weedon and

i i a Uhited States Warrant











Benjamin Franklin Patterson Ute al-leged pronwter and layerdeiwii ofbank which is said to hay comebaek protested is in Waafehtgtofi hav-ing come in the custody of DetectiveNed We Ion

Patterson is the man who te declaredto have paid several small debts withbask drafts taking the rest In cashThe net of Washington isas foUo s Andrew W Kelley head ofthe commission firm of Keller Cowho cashed a draft for 300 Judd Detweller the printers who got off with7 Benjamin P Kdwar6fli 4hV lrfn b

broker who took up 88f7 I athanHorn the tailor who Js aut sK nd

COD plainuts






S La Fetra a amountLA Petra accepted his draft it is said

in payment for board paying oat80 in cash Edwards talked lumber

with Patterson who it is said assuredhim h was the owner of HfiiekfltoneRailroad running from toChase City Va whereby he could laydown lumber here at a greatly reducedrate When therefore he is supposedto have sold three carloads of lumberand 100 cords of Wood to Edwards andasked a trifling accommodation Ed-

wards had no hesitancy in taking it upHorn is reported to have made Patter-son some clothes and paid the seat in

this alleged tansa tton cameto light Patterson had Ief the city

and Mr La Fetra sent telegramtelling him his was sick Pattersonreplidd he would come by specialtrain He did not do so however andDetective Weedon was sent down with-a United States warrant A little trouble was experienced with persons whobelieved Patterson innocent of thecharges but the detective brought backhis man


The will of William McKendrie Sprin-ger dated June 21 1900 was today of-fered for probate He directs his bodyto be Interred Jn Oak Ridge CemeterySpringfield Ill and that the body ofhis wife Rebecca Ruter Springerburled beside He also directs that-a plain stone be erected over this rest-ing place and that the names of thebooks written by his wife be Inscribedon the tone and for himself the In-

scription Member of Qtngreas fromIllinois 1S7618K and judge of UnitedStaves Court for Indian Territory March

18W5 to December 11

He leaves to his brother Anson Wallace Springer a gold watch to hisbrother John Springer a silverheaded cane The remainder of his

Is left to his wife Rebecca RuterSpringer


Gen Powell Clayton United Statesambassador to Mexico arrived In WashIngton today to attend the meeting ofthe Republican mitional committee ofwhich he is a member He will be theguest of the Belgian minister andBaroness Moncheur The baroness is adaughter of General Clayton

General Clayton was in a railroadwreck between Atlanta and New Or-leans The Pullman car In which he wasa passenger was overturned He soaPed

and no lives were lost inthe wreck





He wu located in N 14him















The Senate Committee on Military Af-

fairs investigating matters in connec-tion with the Leonard Wood nominationmet today and heard Gen Tanker HBiles U S A General Bliss was recalled testify to his knowledge confernlnr statements onWood made by other witnesses who haveappeared before the committee since

Bliss testified previously

Boars the


t 79-of





Government Scores Its FirstVictory


Bryan and Eeskie Counsel D-efending File MotToh for

BAIMMORK Dee J After a triallasting six fermer Postal ClerksThomas W McGregor and Coluriibu EUpton were convicted In the nlJLIStates district court yesterday on thecharge of conspiracy o flefraiM theUnited State in connection w1thnlshing teauijr pouches in thecity free delivery service

Having deliberated fortyrtve minutesthe Jury its foreman Alonzo




New TIa1


furtor use




Lilly roues known varOlet Uptonand McGregor vcre both in court whenthe decision was announced and neithergave any outward exhibition of feeling

New Trial AskedImmediately utter the verdict became

known William S Bryan Jr and A JJLeckie Counsel for the defendantsa mofetwi a trial Jiidge lorriskagreed to hear the arguments on the nuK-

tion next Saturday Sentence wasuntil this argument Is

bail of was renewed withhis brother Benjamin F Upton andMortgomery F W Weidemeyer a

A Washington bonding com-pany furnished bail for McGregor

Interest in proceedings Increasedyesterday and the attendance was lar-ger than on any day of the trial HolierConrad of Washington who was engag-ed t the request of Prealrfefttvelt to prosecute the parttcfpanto ln ilidpostal frauds throughout the countrywith Mr Bonararte occupied a seat atthe trial of the orowecutlon

Rose Opens ArgumentOn J o the Government John C

Jnitetl States district attorneyopening argument beginning a

few minutes afte Judge Morris took hisseat on th ench He spoke for an hourand a half Mr Rose went into the de-

tails of the various count of the indictmeat against Upton and McGregor Heclaimed that as the evidence unfoldedItself it had been clearly shown that thedefendants were gjllty-

A B L Leckie of Washington made-a strong plea in btbalf of Upton andMcGregor For an hour and a halt hefaced the Jury and argued for the ac-

quittal of hla clientsLeckie Throws Bouquets

In beginning his address he had thisto say about the counsel for the Governmeat

Mr Rose is an attorney who has noin all Baltimore He has been

ably assisted by Mr Soper a young manwho for his age has no superior in thisor any other city The Government hascalled into this case Mr Bonaparte oneof Baltimores ablest lawyers who willdeliver here the address of his life

Mr Bryan and Mr Bonaparte fol


toe new

Upon ClOG



haltRmade e



sus-pended mae








1140 aja DM 9 JLRYRYAN oond wife at ThewM R Rjaii-

PuMntl FWdty 9 a flee H at St Ahoysin OKnch k

DRTDEN On Tandar DeeraAer 8 at416 pm WALTRR W DRYDEX aged twentYleVee yean

Funeral at late midenee SI6 Sixth StrDortheMt Thursday at 2 oclock itm

Baltimore paper pleaii copy ItEXERY OB Moodaj Dee 7 190S at 724pm at her 907 I Street northwest

MARY KrmUDGE EMERY wits ot theMatthew Oauit Emery

Funeral jrom her late reaideaee Thursday Dee10 at 280 pm InUrme C private Je62t-

BLL MM of Major Janet A McDowelltw Mytwo yean at

Foaeral from his late reatdeaee 22S E streetaoiiliweat on Thursday Dec 10 at 130 pmInterment at Arlington Cemetery deBt

matter how inexpensive yourgift let it b good buy it at Mc

and you are sure of thequality

Linen HandkerchiefsAlllinen Handkerchiefs

BeLadies Alllinen Corded Tucked

Fancy and Plainand LaxMtrimmedat U o and 25c

quality Alllinen Embroid-ered and Lacetrimmed Handker-chiefs at SOc to 109

Fln Imported Ducheese Lace

Childrens Initialed Gift Handkerchiefs S in a box for 28c

Ladies and Mens Sheer fandPlain Alllin n Handkerchiefs withhandworked initials 120 S5c andMe

Reliable GlovesEach in a nice box

Indies Fine Guaranteed KMGloves in nIl the new shadee lightand heavy weights at 1 128 1SO175 tOO and 231

Art Leather GoodsCarriage nap Me to 51000Netsuke w K60 400 7MMens Pocket Baoks We to 871Card Cues Me to tXlLeather Purses lOc to 100Car Ticket Cases iSo to MoBlack Silk Shopping Bags Soc to

150German Silver Bags M to 150Opera Bags 1M to 278Boston Bags MeCombination Pocket Books Sic to




frPOWFLLOn Sunday eft1 Dee 6 1-

wenIY at Grattsi W Ya dLARK A Ie




Hem tltcl1ed Em-broidered






Fine ¬



Gift BncaBracVases Pitchers Bon Eon Dishes

Cracker Jars Pin Trays PuffBoxes Hair Receivers Re-ceiver all odd designs and beauti-ful oolorinm-

2Sc oBath Robes f400 to 1809Gift Umbrellas H to 100-

6Wm Ii McKnewoar Avenue

i 300




Colonel Biddle Has Drafted Bill Confer-

ring Authority Upon Commissionersrifiuch Confusion at Present

The JSnghieer Commissioner ofDistrict has drafted a bill which will bepresented t Congress which providesthat have authoritygranted them to rename streets ave-nues alleys highways and reservationslc that part of District of Columbiaouteida the city of Washington Upon

by Commissioners Ma farrra and West the bill will be transmit

ted to Senator CaHtnger andBabjeock with the recommend

ti on that ij be enacted into a lawTrue Commissioners consider ttwtt some

system of names for streets in the conejty is At present It Is statedmuch confWon existS because of thlack of system in naming the streets inthe outlying districts For Instance onedirect and continuous street passingthrough Brookland seven blocks inlength has four different names Hartford Austin Galveston and Fulton

Such instances It is said areccmmon The proposed bill providesthat the Commissioners shall selectdefinite system of naming the streets inthe county They have already a pro-visional system but intend to give thbmatter further consideration before actfng Jlnally In the matter and adoptingthe system proposed to bo recorded undfer the hiS


The Stato Department has had no



th 9mmlssl nor


J FapreY I






further advices from Minister Lrfshman at Constantinople concerning theattack on United States Consul Davisat AlexandretUu Syria



w D Searle has been named as ap-

pointment clerk for the War Depart-ment to succeed Francis W Ford MrSearle has been the assistant appoint-ment clerk for several years

FINED FOR LARCENYFrank Carter charge with the larce-

ny of a bicycle and lamp valued at 27

from Rutherford T Belby was fined 60or IS days in jail by Judge Scott inthe Police Court today

Commencing Thursday Decembar 10OPEN AT NIGHT

The Citys Jeweler

and Inducements to Jewelry Buyers

Here Two SpecialGuff Button BargainsB-

uy Now as They Win Be Sold Out VeryShortly

Solid Cuff

Buttons heavy andlarge abe worth3 For

These Solid GoldCuff Buttonswith genuine dia-

monds worth 4



917 Pa Ave N

The Store That Saves You Money

Special Money Saving Values

7R for fine Solid OakiSSB irs Bedroom Suite largedressing case French plate mirrorcost elsewhere 52200

37 PS A handsome QuarOak Bedroom

Suite cost elsewhere 600-0OQ 7R for Handsome Roll

a effect Bedroomcase massive oak bed finish cost elsewhere 4000

SSB25for Heavy GoldenOak Cobbler SeatRocker Cost else-where 260

S395for Massive PolishedOak SaddleRocker Cost


Credit and Easy Payments

The Huh Furniture GoB

S E Cor 7th and D Sts fJ W

Always the SameTHARPS PURE

12 F SIN W Phone Main II II

Special Private Da II vary


M j J


Xmas Offerings







foriJJ U tered

suite large swelledfront dressing





B erkeley Rye

















for December u sConcerning the Last Generation AU

written juUouansweredSPECIAL C Fay has removed his law offices to the Corcoran

third floor corner Fifteenthand F Streets northwest uSPECIAL NOTTCE Zd W Jerkins willnot collect forus after thts date J TVALKER SONS SH Tenth st nw

ATTENTION Ameeting will be held at my office ith

nw NIGHT AT 8OCLOCK to discuss ways ad mto compel the enforcement of the jf llaw the street railway com-panies with the same aa is x

against the automobilist tevery automobile man amend HLTON R GORDON 14th st nw


WILSON MAYcRS Aucflonesrs

1227 and 1229 B Street HM

The unclaimed articles accuraolaUd in i

OAce will be mid at public n i

within the aalnrocm of WILSON ft MAY KRS-

1X27 sad 122 w cooHneaciag on MON-


7 PM sad cftBtfawiBg daily at hourscbrreafter until the whole i iM waed a

will be furaiabed for dijtribouondaring the sale

By order of the PotmaatrD T LEIPUARDT

Superintendent Drad Letter Office

PostoMce Derartneat Sorentber ia

NOTI studies atUte Masonic TempleSub t





AUALLetter Sale





CU3 delivery

Cat logaN







Terms en






Pea Gsal for a Few Days 475 per Ton


Chestnut CoalWhite Ash Egg ttat pricesWhite Mb Stove an theShawoUai StoveRout Stove Send pedal or phone

Ea t 2M

John Kennedy Son4th and F Sts K E


Before the wont weather oonjelcover pipes with we MIJTERALWOOL We also sell Asbestos forpipes

1 T 20410th SL M

lYalKBl OOnS PhoaeUain7M

SEWING MACHINESU you need a sewlnfr machine SOW ia ywr

chance to buy OB account of making a changein our tusinrss we ekes out at about

highgrade sewing mtchiftej at actual costprice from 1S to 16 regular 40 andf5 You win find Uteee raacfeiaes slightly de-

faced from beingROBERTSON BIOKBR7ON

58 H STKKET N WOpen till 9 p wt Phone B 4Y ao2SU


act and last longer than mttwu teethfliers made normaL Palsies PUliar Dr J

I WILSON JOB F at nw Phone Maja ilSSif-no3030t

contains a grmtcr of relies than thotolerates which is way 3 Doss it pay



Education for Real LifeK64 Far and Daughters at 15C2L

Business CollegeAcademy of Music tfth and D N WBeautiful spacious bell Entrance 403 9th t

For new Anooun Biei t or full Wonnatioacourses and t iw call at office or addreaj

Mrs Sara A Spencer Priadpal sad ropf torLeonard Carfteld Spencer Secretirr TelepboM-XaiB 4HOM jr eI8ttThe Modern Busln Training Sotioai


D K CLARK Business MamagerHARPER BC1LD1NO i 7 O St N W


THE OLNEY SCHOOL115X Eighteenth Street

Primary Aewtamie Md C3oU gePrap rator-7atilesw Mfca Virgteia MU B

Miss Laura Dor-

seriOWETHBearding school f lacHfi Buihtng OTW-looMBg Dupoat circle elrvBt r gjTmaiima-eteam aclKolrooins practicerocaua refined and well appointed home Addreis-PR1KCITALS 1327 New Aren-



Private or Class Insiructiwi FrenchCulture without eztri charge

Telephone 418B-

HALFBUHKEB COALwhite on top and then go hearing quitea quality ol partially coniumed co l If yowant to know the reason and remedy for tiLl


K W deo-

tfAt Pyles 7 StoresSeeded RaieiM ivClouted CumateCitron 1

Mixed IfnU Ue 8 MK for SlOdCandy 1 and lie

Choice Figs 12T-

XI its Gras Sugar lnuPrunes acreaches 7Apricots UVjjc4 cans Tomatoes 25Ex Silted Peaa 10t

J T D PYLESSeven Stores

Including 948 Louisiana Ave


832 Penn Aye Washington D a

sell lee spot nub1891 oure8it lowest

labFurnace 00 1b

i Xmassad


Did the





Teeth Loot



you to buy coal which containa evenat THE







heat i









ff Ji


69i Weshy


makeaveryaooptabeDflUUUIIt Weearry alve



tractiug no pm teeShrunk-


nut v f We will not acceptuliI l which


tbouh lea mosey ALIZGBENY




SelectSchool lot Girls

Does veer furr turn


