^ i ;! \ i VOL. 1. NO. IT. WARREN, MARSHALL COUNTY. MINNESOTA, ^ARCH^V 1881. $2.00 rEE I£JL&. MKMSXX PF CONGRESS, W. 9. Washburn, - . Miuneapotfa UISTRICT OOVRT. pwtrict JMdjte, - O. V. Stearns, Dulutli. STATS SENATOR. Asdrew MeCrea,, - - . Perh-ini. KKPRBSKJITATIVKIJ. S O. Conutock, - - - Jtfoorliead, arkard Sampson, . . Crookston, COFHTt OJTICKR*. f robate Judfje, . - John W.-Sice. JUgiattr of Deads, ' - - - Thus.- Gregg/ Auditor, - - - ; 'O.'Taylor.' Treaanrer, - - J . B..Titus, Sheriff, - - - IT. T, Lacker; Attorney, - - - A. E. Flint. '•icho«l Superintendent, J. M". Brown. <W«a«r, - - Wm. Carre'se. ?mrvcy»r, - - ' - J. P. Nelson. ©•U»TT OOMJIISMOXJEKS, 1st District—A. P. Mclntyre, ..Warren. Hd District—F. D. Keve, . - Louisa. Hi District—A. Diamond, - Stephen. Btlollgietie TVotlca, Religions services >n the school house every Sunday at 10.30 a. ra. Society* Teaperaues Society organization meet every Fri (ay evening at the school house, BUSINESS CAKDS. 'WARBKN. O. TAYLOR. COUNTY AUD2TOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. Nelson, A. T r T o rtiv JS v. ft$al Estate. Pay$ Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, JUDGE OF pjROBATJJ Jurisdiction In ItOMJiSfEADanclFI^AL PROOF entries. Special attention to locating Gov- ernment and R. II. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co., •geata f«r RAILROAD LAND. Local Brevities. Wheat SO cents, ' The bootblack is a man of polish yet unwelcome in good society. Spirit photograph—that of a dis- tillery. . W. A, v Wallace received a car of lumber and will soon erect a barn on his place near town. AH persona interested in havingj across Snake River oil'section line a competing railroad, via, Label of sections 29-30 town 155 range -JO, Park to Crookgton, are invited tc4reje:te/i.' / attend a railroad meeting to be| Petition for a baidge across south held at Crookston on Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. ., 7 , iext|branch --* ^county of Snake Hirer, on the TAKEJHB^BEST"! THE FARM, THE FAMILY, ,..'\. BUSINESS OFFICE. Mr. Wm. Gamble goes around on crutches now. The effect of having a crooked handle in an ax. We furnish our readers this week with the published laws pass- ed by the last legislature. It will be noticed th t the time for hold- ing courts in the Eleventh Judicial district has been changed. ; The first tcym of court of Marshall county will be held on the lastlyJVVPeacHy. iraa appointed to Monday but one m May, which|^^ B. L. Griffith, brother=in»law of E. W. Rossrnan our lumber dealar, j tV*" jj" A/^!T" returned home Tuesday from, east the would be May 23d. Polk county has two terms they are held on the of June and the 1 second Monday in December, \ Good stock in considerable niiih- bers have been .brought to this the District Court, approved. <• ' i Adjourned to 9 o'clock,* Marcl pB"S^-*' : ^' {; March, 16, 1881. # Met pursuant to adjournment ijra The emigrant train tvliieh OUE town people have expected for aev- , , , ,. „,, i j . . . , -, , country for breeding purposes. The eral days past, is snow bound Oast L . /.„.,, .' k \TT ci V r ct -n i iastesi r.ddition is by Wm. Stephen ; of bt. Paul. ,,,, , i. j.- • •' i i- . . Lsq., of Stephen station, who has; Our public school closes Friday \ purchased in Canada and brought '^'^ionev next, at which time Prof, and Mrs. | to his-farm near that station, forty A'T>aimond 3 days services Brown will return to their home.! thorough bred Clyde mares, and a ^ and milage, as-(Jo. Com'r. on Tamaf-ac. Norman horse. Marsh all eountvi Wm Carrese assessing 2d $ i No. 2; A. M. Brown, No, 3, ;• Total receipts of W. T. Lacker, sheriff $62.30/ :; r '~^ : g^i-v^iy: •. BILLS. ALLOWED. Pioneer Press Co. blanks •SHEAF county printing J \v Slee express and posta w F I) Keye 3 daj-s services and milage as Co. Com. A P Mclntyre 3 days services and milage as county com- 7 00 1 50 11 00 Kissing'is-some what like seven- up. If lis be|s and she thinks she can make points in the game, si will give him one. v.-. J. B. Titus, our County Treas- urer came home Saturday from a dying trip to Milwaukee and Fond- duLac'Wia., and St. Paul Minn. Norman horse. -Marshall countv-l Wm Carrese assessing can fully comp*to with any of much older counties. our 9 50 12 60 12 00 The programme for the Temper- ance meeting Friday euening, will be, General spaaking, and an Old fashioned spelling school. P. A. DUFOtJR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Crookston House, WM. BOX, - - - Proprietor. Crookston, Minnesota. MtmdquavUrx for Marshall County People. BUSlftSfiS biRSCTORY. WAP.REN. MKAT ttiltltlT: W. J. Mclstrre. HJERCHANTS. KcCREA BROTHXK?. IALOON. Fsrrei «kT)aJr. LUMMK. S. W. Kossinaa, 'Johasoa, Alku & Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. H. C. k*iitzer VASON MAKXI'V AND JOBBER; R. C. Snyder. HOTiCLii War re a S»HSS, Mark Stephens, Manager. CARPENTIR. T. S: Davit; BLACKSMITHS. U. *. lieC*«, C. L. Weber: TIN AND HARDWARE; McCre* Bros. Again wheat is booming down east. It ought to bring 90 cents per bushel here... And it would could the combinations sharks . be mildly czaro-switched. No better opportunity for estab lishing a .profitable brick manufac- tory can be jfonnd than right here. Brick is the building material OJ the future. Why is it that &o many of tli< settlers are shipping lumber int*. this country? You can buy lum ber eheaper from our dealers thai you can to send below. T. ©. IJOUISA, MERCHANTS. K«je, A. D. Verboaeswr. HARDWARE. Joka Au£Mstiae. LASD AOINTS. Mvleonb <k Kcrei. ATTORNtT. tleorje W. Holcoaab. AOXICULTURAL ?iACHINEHr. T. D. Keye. * HOTEL. Carl MeatseU iCiTICI OF THE PIACB; O. Barker. fcjmiciAH AND Dxuas, Dr. t. LaTaai. SALOOHS\ JL JCiTel, I. C«aaer. MS2CAAXTV SOTBL. Notices have been posted for r meeting, at the .office of j\ P. Nel- son for the purpose of organizing a eamctary association. This is R more in the right-direction, anr 1 something fjreatly needed. com r. District J \v Slee 3 months services *" ' as Judge of Probate. 25 4*Resolved; That the Co. Treasurer abate the special tax to the follow- ing named persons, ths same being a clerical error in assessment: E. K. Ross, $8.00; L. W. Ross §3.25; N. D. Ross, $1.75, and Warren While the states of lowa,^Yiscon- sin, Michigan and still south, have been buried in an unprecedented fall of snow, with all the sudden life distroying changes of that ter- rible climate, wo have been favored i as usual, with clear cloudless skier, j a*£it,h, $D a cold bracing atmosphere where j ^Adjourned to 10 o'clock March the most sensitive lungs gather} \h strength, and .the physical powers | |" March IT, lfc81. reach perfection. Throw away our i \ Meeting called to order pursuant unequakd soil, stir and excitement *£ adjournment. line between section 33 of Thn "Farmfrs f Union an1 Minneapolis Wcek- »«iJ ^ ™ „ 1K" ' m J ,• ' '- r Tribwije is now the leading and the licst pa- Sftld town 15o. range 46 and section | r - r for the Farm, theFan^lrand theBuain™* •1 t o w n 151 range 1(», veiccted. " • ! 7 a ,"' P"^ 1 "^ J"-*'" Sortuwe«t. in sixe; T « T £ -v- , ' ' I a!|r l»» quantity amlqiialiJy-ofrwUiHffiuaftar, JiOnttS Oi J . P . Nelson cleric of it "without a superior.- The News.—It is a complete Newsnawer— Jfivinu All the News from All the-WorlL* Its summary of State and Northwestern intslh- fenw, is-particullaryfiiJ!. The Farm.—It is i -flrst-cla^g Ajrrioultural Journal With the aid of that veteran Agri- cuUural editor, of Minneaota, Col J. H. Stevens The Farmers' Union unci Weekly Tribune is specially'ucispte-d to the wsnts'of Farmers in the Northwestern belr. In this repent it is ; greatly superior, for practical use, to ngricul* tural--pape'rs published-furthvr east and south., and designed for a difierent latitude, cUfl'ereut c-limate'/differcnt soil and diftbjvtit Lne of.farm product*. No farmer in Mianosota, Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, Dakota or Maui- toht caa air'ord to he without the hading agri- puU-ural journal of this rtj>ion, The Market.—Our full, scourate and impar- tial reports of Wheat and General Market*; at home and abroad, indispenstblc to the grain- grower, the stock raiser and the business man. Published at Minneapolis the leading city of Minnesota and the Northwest, where the bul< of the Minnesota wheat crop is now marketed and turned into flour, the Farmer*' Union and Tribune has facilities possessed hy no othf'• journal for making its market intelligence full and trustworthy. " In matters of thia kin.} it is always economy to got thebeot. The Family.—As a weekly' visitor to the home and.the fireside, this journal is invalu- abK Its e iitorihls discuss ell current ques- tions fearIe«My and eaniLIy. The home 'circle Department; 'theyoung folks department; the complete- story each week; ths btter-bos, in which everybody's questions are'answered j ancMhesev-ral pages of interest'*!g and instruc- tive, misceli tnr for readers of »il1 ages are care- fully and specislly prepared and constitute al- most a family library." Ths Farmers' Union and Weekly Tribune is not crowded with- pot- tical chall" to th« exclusion' of iii'ore impo-'^nt and more read'abl- matter, Th* paper is cL-*!i Nothing is permitted in either its. reading or advertising columns that can damwral.zc or offend ths readar. ... "TTocey to E.o&is. On improved fuins. Long tir^« anl at reasonable rates. H. C. MEITTZK. of our business life, it would yet be the sanitenum of the contincnt y glory eiibugh of itself. "~ "~~ Specisi Xlocting of tlni SioarA to? F. D. Keye was authorized tc rchase fixtures for a pile driver. uj?ned-t© 8-j.vra. •* *• "^ Met pursuant to adjournment, O. Taylor, County Auditor's new bond approved, provided the cleri- cal error is corrected and referred to the County Attorney* , Adjourned. A. P. MCINTYRS, Chairman Board Co* CornV. 0. TAYLOR, Clerk. Ed. Slee, of Kenyon, Minn., ha-- the lumber on the"gr'6*und and wi r soon have his store erected. W;: understand it is to be %lx60 with r hall over heail. His brother J. W. Slee is "boss" of" th6 carpenter work. WARREN, March, 15, 1881. Present A. P. Mclntyre, F. D. Keys and A. Diamond. PETITIONS GRANTED. For ft road beginning at Red Ri- v-er on township line between town 155 and 150 range 50 east, on the raid line between sections 32-5, 33- t, 34-3, 35-2, 36M, and into range 19, on said town lisie between sec- tions 31-0, 32-5, thence south into town 155 in said range on section : ine between sections 4, 5 and 0. then e«-ist on section line between sections 9-16, 10-15, 11-14, 12-13, then entering into range 48 in said town on the line between sections j orders on this county, registered 7-18, 8-17, 9-16, then south on the} before Dec. 24, 1879, will be paid on presentation at the County Treasurer's office No interest will FaniKi* dixirmg -i Triump 1 ! **>eder f.->r 1M1, cm have the same of Vv*. ::, G.Lwrtat Wa-rsi' Freight SK. E. M. Watsh, . General Dealtr in Hardware, Terl^is of «Uha«jrIj5tfon. WceVJ <-, one year postage paid. " six months " " *1.1S ,05 Daily ?ma Tri-rrcekly 'Vi-il>un«. Tlic Da'ly Morning Tribune is no* - the j .'ail- ing Republican daily of the the Northwest and i* unsurpissL'd a^ a ncv. bpaper: Dr*ly, one yejr, " per mo/lib. Tri-We-klj., one yea". " " sixinontha. " " three months. , Staves, Bar Iron, Steel and Builders' Material, -.Agent for the CELEBRATED MOJTITOI PLOWS. Everything in Tin, Iron or Brass, ;?, Ornaniehtal or Practical, usu- ally k«pt by th« Trade. :.. Pric*s Ra^uc#d. '[ /SOCKSTOK", Mi»7£T. Tom Morris, —Four hundred acres of first- class land, ready for seeding, will be let for cultivation on shares by Chicago parties. Apply to the un- dersigned at Warren. J. P. NELSON. l.Oo 6.00 S.00 .1,50 TV> e^cli new yearly subrcriber thepul-IVjer* will send) postage paid and free of *tl cost any one of the followiug nam*d premium's: 1. A superb, correct and life-like crsyon- iilhograph portrait of President Garfield, 2l> inchts by 2-G in size, and a haildsome orament to the home. -..,'' a. Either of the following fKmousani strnd- ard books, prints :l on good paper, with clear ijandsome'tyr.e and paper blhdi'ng: History of Nineteenth Century, V.. McKenzie. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Last Day" of Pompeii "by Bulrrer Lvtton. John Halifax, Gentleman bv Miss Mu1-»ck. Pickwick Papers by Charles Dicker". Wordsworth's Stlactcd Poem?, by Arnol . NOTICE:. Notice is hereby given that' all Some enterpising mail with frorr $10,000 to $20,000, can build s flouring mill in Warren and walk of with fifty dollars clear profit daily. This is no visionary state- ment, *we can prove it by indisput- able facts and figures. Auditor Taylor is as constant and regular in attendance at his office as was "Gfand-f&ther's clock." He says the county finances are in a prosperous condition and may show up favorably when compared with neighboring counties. section line between sec. Id-i6, 22- •31, 27-28, and entering into the own road at the section post be- tween sections 34 and 33 of said town and range, and also to a bridge across Snake River en the above described road. , ^ ^ 5 J f ; u The descriptions of the land over which said new road pa-sses- are as above and the names of the owners of the land that arc known are as follows: Christ JErlanson, 0. Oseth, Geo. Land, Math-. Swenson, 8wan- be allowed on such orders after this date, March 23, 1881, J. B. TITUS, Co. Treasurer* Warren, Marshall County, Minn. " 'T* the Pttblia. —The racent appointmont bf a Clerk of the District Cotrt, for Mar- shall county, gives pre-emptors and homesteaders locfcl facilities for son-Malborg, Skay and Dahlqmat. securing homesteads and making F. D. Keye, A. P. Melntvro and final proofs. Hereafter, J. P. Nel- M. Swanson are appointed to ,vie7M son, the clerk of the district Court for this cchuty, by authority ves« ted in his office, can take applica- tions for or final proofs in home- stead and pre-empti'oh claims, at his office in this place, excepting town ISS range 46, thence north to' when the District Court is in ses- the north-West corner of section 19, said road. *- To organize a school district to bfc composed of the following de- scribed territory, beginning at the south-west corner of section 31 thence east to the nortli-east cor Mr. Mentzer se^tiori arrived yes terday to take his place as a per manent citii-sn. lid brOight some fine horses, which he otTer! for sale. Parties looking for profit able investment can catch on to J i ng sections 19, 20, 21 veral handsome bonanza's right! ai ? 32 and 3M. • j, A vprbfll ppij<ion .ier of section 21, thence south to the south-east corner of section 33, then- weat to the plaee of beginning. Ths same district being three miles j square, ^embracing all of th« follow- 30, 29, '2% bfn fvr sion, when the presiding judge will in open court, take final proofs. Aliens who wish to become citi- zens of the United States, as th'ey must before taking government land, will gd before the sam* offi- cial, take the oath of allagie&ee aiid receine naturalisation papers. ; j Hs alone can issue Carriage li- hrida;*» ! p^n^e for ihh z<y,v\t\--, t i... . Clubs and Agent*. Beside* furnishing any one of the above named ntluabte'r^-enivums' to each n»'w yearly subscriber we w.li present the'G'artM.l portrait or either one of the books tn ;i ny old subscri- ber or other person who will send us the name* of three new subscribers for one vear accom- panied with the cash ($.?.4.V. Any one who sends ns a tlnb of twenty-live new subscribers ••it PAty each will revive for hi* services the Uarii: 11 portrait and all *ht *ir books named m the hstv No oftyr so liberal as Ibis is ni-.iie bv any other paper in America* Send in th? club*. Remittances should be made bv Pi.st-offlce Monf-y Order, bank c'.ieck, or reglsten-d litter Sample copies will be sent frcK on appl cation by postal car \ All postmasters are authorized to receive an I forward in Ihe abore mann»", subscriptions to The Farmers' Union >uri Weekly Tribune and the Dnily and Tri-Weekly Tribune. -Address all letters, to •"; , , ( THE TRIBUNE CO., Minnsapslis, Mmn» Farm for sale, only a short distance .from town. For furthtr particulars call or write to this office-. The SHEAF and Minneapolis Farmer's Union and Weekly Tri- bune for the sum of $2.?5 per year. (/. P. HEL80N, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AVarreh, Marshall Co., Mi&n, NOTARY PUBLIC, Cotf * T T SCEVSYOK l-iaxliuiaoc and. Ytja.1 JS*ta.t«. DEEDED UNbS FOR SALE. PRAI&E AND WOOD' LANDS. Choice Lands Selected aad : } ' A*y '>rll: JEntries Made"/' tVMy; Mi A's-ti t a^U'Ktif t . j *.vu ',: i ~>i$*yh g'-'p-'iA v>-;, *j<$% Agfa C«<.l.?r in itlkm, woksion fV3inn. Fine Watch Repairing Care- fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Rockford Movement ar$ our especial Stock. This is the .elimination «f l£«chlcio*l l«- genUity in WRtchftf. They are cheaper, better hsnes raofs aesw rate and durable than any other yat intents*.. Alargs and well sei»cte«l stock ef Clocks from 92 up to fancy prices. A practical Watchmaker vnystif, I gK?r*ate< ,il ma; .rial sold as represented. And J l *«rk undertaken perfect as can he iion*. Watches or goods for rcrair can bt hft at the SHILAF C£ice IU War ran. " R.CSNYDER, Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters MADE TO ORDER. Jobber and Repairer 1 Mattresses and Spring Beds FOR SALE., Neck Yokes and Whiffietrees Ironed Ready icr Use, Anything wanted in Wood done on Short Notice. ! ---' i C.MENTZER, D»ii?r in roimn. Fish Eros'. &Milburn Wagons, - -. Deere & Monitor Plows, McCormick Twine and Wire * Binders, Harvesters and T Mowers, ?- J, I. Case Engines and '''''Threshers. 4 —- r Superior SP^STII. . >£• •v3fT>s fcgaUuv 1 -, fc W9VX£3H"l ^^mU& ULVM»MltuMMSf i 1 . 1 " Ji'jJtiiu^jUM -w^^m "jmmmh&^Kk^

Warren sheaf (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.) 1881-03-23 [p ]. · complete- story each week; ths btter-bos, in which everybody's questions are'answered j ancMhesev-ral pages of interest'*!g

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Page 1: Warren sheaf (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.) 1881-03-23 [p ]. · complete- story each week; ths btter-bos, in which everybody's questions are'answered j ancMhesev-ral pages of interest'*!g



;! \



MKMSXX PF CONGRESS, W. 9. Washburn, - . Miuneapotfa

UISTRICT OOVRT. pwtrict JMdjte, - O. V. Stearns, Dulutli.

STATS SENATOR. Asdrew MeCrea,, - - . Perh-ini.


S O. Conutock, - - - Jtfoorliead, arkard Sampson, • . . Crookston,

COFHTt OJTICKR*. f robate Judfje, . - John W.-Sice. JUgiattr of Deads, ' - - - Thus.- Gregg/ Auditor, - - - ; 'O.'Taylor.' Treaanrer, - - J . B..Titus, Sheriff, - - - IT. T, Lacker; Attorney, - - - A. E. Flint. '•icho«l Superintendent, • J. M". Brown. <W«a«r, - - • Wm. Carre'se. ?mrvcy»r, - - ' - J. P. Nelson.


1st District—A. P. Mclntyre, • . .Warren. Hd District—F. D. Keve, . - Louisa. Hi District—A. Diamond, - Stephen.

Bt lo l lg i e t i e TVotlca, Religions services >n the school house every

Sunday at 10.30 a. ra.

S o c i e t y * Teaperaues Society organization meet every

Fri (ay evening at the school house,



Pays Taxes for Non-residents.

J . P. Nelson, A. T rT o r t iv JS v .

ft$al Estate. Pay$ Taxes.


Jurisdiction In ItOMJiSfEADanclFI^AL

PROOF entries.

Special attention to locating Gov­ernment and R. II. Lands.

A. E. Johnson & Co., •geata f«r


Local Brevities. Wheat SO cents, '

The bootblack is a man of polish yet unwelcome in good society.

Spirit photograph—that of a dis­tillery. .

W. A,v Wallace received a car of lumber and will soon erect a barn on his place near town.

AH persona interested in havingj across Snake River oil'section line a competing railroad, via, Label of sections 29-30 town 155 range -JO, Park to Crookgton, are invited tc4reje:te/i.'/ attend a railroad meeting to be | Petition for a baidge across south held at Crookston on Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. ., 7 ,

iext|branch --* ^county

of Snake Hirer, on the



Mr. Wm. Gamble goes around on crutches now. The effect of having a crooked handle in an ax.

We furnish our readers this week with the published laws pass­ed by the last legislature. It will be noticed th t the time for hold­ing courts in the Eleventh Judicial district has been changed. ; The first tcym of court of Marshall county will be held on the las t lyJVVPeacHy. iraa appointed to Monday but one m May, w h i c h | ^ ^

B. L. Griffith, brother=in»law of E. W. Rossrnan our lumber dealar, j tV*" jj" A /^ !T" returned home Tuesday from, east


would be May 23d. Polk county has two terms they are held on the

of June and the1

second Monday in December, \

Good stock in considerable niiih-bers have been .brought to this

the District Court, approved. <•'• i Adjourned to 9 o'clock,* Marcl

pB"S^-*' :^'{; March, 16, 1881. # Met pursuant to adjournment

ijra The emigrant train tvliieh OUE

town people have expected for aev- , , , ,. „,, i j . . . • , -, , country for breeding purposes. The

eral days past, is snow bound Oast L . / . „ . , , .' k \TT ci V r ct -n i iastesi r.ddition is by Wm. Stephen ;

of bt . Paul . „ , , , , , i. j . - • •' i i-. . Lsq., of Stephen station, who has;

Our public school closes Friday \ purchased in Canada and brought '^'^ionev next, at which time Prof, and Mrs. | t o his-farm near that station, forty A'T>aimond 3 days services Brown will return to their home.! thorough bred Clyde mares, and a ^ and milage, as-(Jo. Com'r. on Tamaf-ac. Norman horse. Marsh all eountvi Wm Carrese assessing 2d

$ i

No. 2; A. M. Brown, No, 3, ;• Total receipts of W. T. Lacker, sheriff $62.30/ : ; r ' ~ ^ :

g^i -v^ iy : •. BILLS. ALLOWED.

Pioneer Press Co. blanks •SHEAF county printing J \v Slee express and postaw F I) Keye 3 daj-s services and

milage as Co. Com. A P Mclntyre 3 days services

and milage as county com-

7 00 1 50

11 00

Kissing'is-some what like seven-up. If lis be|s and she thinks she can make points in the game, si will give him one.


J. B. Titus, our County Treas­urer came home Saturday from a dying trip to Milwaukee and Fond-duLac'Wia., and St. Paul Minn.

Norman horse. -Marshall countv-l Wm Carrese assessing can fully comp*to with any of much older counties.


9 50

12 60

12 00

The programme for the Temper­ance meeting Friday euening, will be, General spaaking, and an Old fashioned spelling school.

P. A. DUFOtJR, Counselor and Attorney at Law


Crookston House, WM. BOX, - - - Proprietor.

Crookston, Minnesota.

MtmdquavUrx for Marshall County People.

B U S l f t S f i S b i R S C T O R Y .

W A P . R E N .

MKAT ttiltltlT: W. J. Mclstrre.


IALOON. Fsrrei «kT)aJr.

LUMMK. S . W. Kossinaa, 'Johasoa, Alku & Co.



R. C. Snyder.

HOTiCLii War re a S » H S S , Mark Stephens, Manager.


BLACKSMITHS. U. * . l ieC*«, C. L. Weber:


Again wheat is booming down east. I t ought to bring 90 cents per bushel here... And it would could the combinations sharks . be mildly czaro-switched.

No better opportunity for estab lishing a .profitable brick manufac­tory can be jfonnd than right here. Brick is the building material OJ the future.

Why is it that &o many of tli< settlers are shipping lumber int*. this country? You can buy lum ber eheaper from our dealers thai you can to send below.

T. ©.

I J O U I S A ,

MERCHANTS. K«je, A. D. Verboaeswr.

HARDWARE. Joka Au£Mstiae.

L A S D AOINTS. Mvleonb <k Kcrei.

ATTORNtT. tleorje W. Holcoaab.


* HOTEL. Carl MeatseU

i C i T I C I OF THE PIACB; O. Barker.

fcjmiciAH AND Dxuas, Dr. t. LaTaai.

SALOOHS\ JL JCiTel, I. C«aaer.



Notices have been posted for r meeting, at the .office of j \ P. Nel­son for the purpose of organizing a eamctary association. This is R more in the right-direction, anr1

something fjreatly needed.

com r. District J \v Slee 3 months services *"' as Judge of Probate. 25 4*Resolved; That the Co. Treasurer abate the special tax to the follow­ing named persons, ths same being a clerical error in assessment: E. K. Ross, $8.00; L. W. Ross §3.25; N. D. Ross, $1.75, and Warren

While the states of lowa,^Yiscon-sin, Michigan and still south, have been buried in an unprecedented fall of snow, with all the sudden life distroying changes of that ter­rible climate, wo have been favored i as usual, with clear cloudless skier, j a*£it,h, $D a cold bracing atmosphere where j ^Adjourned to 10 o'clock March the most sensitive lungs gather} \h strength, and .the physical powers | |" March IT, lfc81. reach perfection. Throw away our i \ Meeting called to order pursuant unequakd soil, stir and excitement *£ adjournment.

line between section 33 of Thn "Farmfrsf Union an1 Minneapolis Wcek-» « i J ^ ™ „ 1K" ' m J ,• ' '-r Tribwije is now the leading and the licst pa-Sftld town 15o. range 46 and section | r - r for the Farm, theFan^lrand theBuain™* •1 town 151 range 1(», veiccted. " • ! 7a,"' P " ^ 1 " ^ J"-*'" Sortuwe«t. in sixe;

T» T « T £ -v- , ' ' I a!|rl»» quantity amlqiialiJy-ofrwUiHffiuaftar, JiOnttS Oi J . P . Nelson cleric of it "without a superior.-

The News.—It is a complete Newsnawer— Jfivinu All the News from All the-WorlL* Its summary of State and Northwestern intslh-fenw, is-particullaryfiiJ!.

The Farm.—It is i -flrst-cla^g Ajrrioultural Journal With the aid of that veteran Agri-cuUural editor, of Minneaota, Col J. H. Stevens The Farmers' Union unci Weekly Tribune is specially'ucispte-d to the wsnts'of Farmers in the Northwestern belr. In this repent it is;

greatly superior, for practical use, to ngricul* tural--pape'rs published-furthvr east and south., and designed for a difierent latitude, cUfl'ereut c-limate'/differcnt soil and diftbjvtit Lne of.farm product*. No farmer in Mianosota, Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, Dakota or Maui-toht caa air'ord to he without the hading agri-puU-ural journal of this rtj>ion,

The Market.—Our full, scourate and impar­tial reports of Wheat and General Market*; at home and abroad, indispenstblc to the grain-grower, the stock raiser and the business man. Published at Minneapolis the leading city of Minnesota and the Northwest, where the bul< of the Minnesota wheat crop is now marketed and turned into flour, the Farmer*' Union and Tribune has facilities possessed hy no othf'• journal for making its market intelligence full and trustworthy. " In matters of thia kin.} it is always economy to got thebeot.

The Family.—As a weekly' visitor to the home and.the fireside, this journal is invalu-abK Its e iitorihls discuss ell current ques­tions fearIe«My and eaniLIy. The home 'circle Department; 'theyoung folks department; the complete- story each week; ths btter-bos, in which everybody's questions are'answered j ancMhesev-ral pages of interest'*!g and instruc­tive, misceli tnr for readers of »il1 ages are care­fully and specislly prepared and constitute al­most a family library." Ths Farmers' Union and Weekly Tribune is not crowded with- pot-tical chall" to th« exclusion' of iii'ore impo-'^nt and more read'abl- matter, Th* paper is cL-*!i Nothing is permitted in either its. reading or advertising columns that can damwral.zc or offend ths readar. . . .

"TTocey t o E.o&is.

On improved fuins. Long tir^« anl at reasonable rates.


of our business life, it would yet be the sanitenum of the contincnty

glory eiibugh of itself. "~ "~~

Specis i Xlocting of tlni SioarA to?

F. D. Keye was authorized tc rchase fixtures for a pile driver.

uj?ned-t© 8-j.vra. •* *• "^ Met pursuant to adjournment, O. Taylor, County Auditor's new

bond approved, provided the cleri­cal error is corrected and referred to the County Attorney* ,

Adjourned. A. P. MCINTYRS,

Chairman Board Co* CornV. 0. TAYLOR, Clerk.

Ed. Slee, of Kenyon, Minn., ha--the lumber on the"gr'6*und and wi r

soon have his store erected. W;: understand it is to be %lx60 with r

hall over heail. His brother J. W. Slee is "boss" of" th6 carpenter work.

WARREN, March, 15, 1881. Present A. P. Mclntyre, F. D.

Keys and A. Diamond. PETITIONS GRANTED.

For ft road beginning at Red Ri-v-er on township line between town 155 and 150 range 50 east, on the raid line between sections 32-5, 33-t, 34-3, 35-2, 36M, and into range 19, on said town lisie between sec­tions 31-0, 32-5, thence south into town 155 in said range on section :ine between sections 4, 5 and 0. then e«-ist on section line between sections 9-16, 10-15, 11-14, 12-13, then entering into range 48 in said town on the line between sections j orders on this county, registered 7-18, 8-17, 9-16, then south on the} before Dec. 24, 1879, will be paid

on presentation at the County Treasurer's office No interest will

FaniKi* dixirmg -i Triump1! **>eder f.->r 1M1, c m have the same of Vv*. ::, G.Lwrtat Wa-rsi' Freight SK.

E. M. Watsh, . General Dealtr in


Terl^is o f «Uha«jrIj5tfon. WceVJ <-, one year postage paid.

" six months " " *1.1S


D a i l y ? m a T r i - r r c e k l y 'Vi-il>un«. Tlic Da'ly Morning Tribune is no*- the j .'ail­

ing Republican daily of the the Northwest and i* unsurpissL'd a a ncv. bpaper: Dr*ly, one yejr,

" per mo/lib. Tri-We-klj., one yea".

" " sixinontha. " " three months. ,

Staves, Bar Iron,

Steel and Builders' Material,

-.Agent for the


Everything in Tin, Iron or Brass,

;?, Ornaniehtal or Practical, usu-

• ally k«pt by th« Trade.

:.. Pric*s Ra^uc#d. '[


Tom Morris,

—Four hundred acres of first-class land, ready for seeding, will be let for cultivation on shares by Chicago parties. Apply to the un­dersigned at Warren.


• l.Oo 6.00 S.00


TV> e^cli new yearly subrcriber thepul-IVjer* will send) postage paid and free of *tl cost any one of the followiug nam*d premium's:

1. A superb, correct and life-like crsyon-iilhograph portrait of President Garfield, 2l> inchts by 2-G in size, and a haildsome orament to the home. - . . , ' '

a. Either of the following fKmousani strnd-ard books, prints :l on good paper, with clear ijandsome'tyr.e and paper blhdi'ng: History of Nineteenth Century, V.. McKenzie. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Last Day" of Pompeii "by Bulrrer Lvtton. John Halifax, Gentleman bv Miss Mu1-»ck. Pickwick Papers by Charles Dicker". Wordsworth's Stlactcd Poem?, by Arnol .


Notice is hereby given that' all

Some enterpising mail with frorr $10,000 to $20,000, can build s flouring mill in Warren and walk of with fifty dollars clear profit daily. This is no visionary state­ment, *we can prove it by indisput­able facts and figures.

Auditor Taylor is as constant and regular in attendance at his office as was "Gfand-f&ther's clock." He says the county finances are in a prosperous condition and may show up favorably when compared with neighboring counties.

section line between sec. Id-i6, 22-•31, 27-28, and entering into the own road at the section post be­

tween sections 34 and 33 of said town and range, and also to a bridge across Snake River en the above described road. , ^ ^ 5 Jf; u

The descriptions of the land over which said new road pa-sses- are as above and the names of the owners of the land that arc known are as follows: Christ JErlanson, 0. Oseth, Geo. Land, Math-. Swenson, 8wan-

be allowed on such orders after this date, March 23, 1881,


Co. Treasurer* Warren, Marshall County, Minn.

" 'T* t h e Pttblia.

—The racent appointmont bf a Clerk of the District Cotrt, for Mar-shall county, gives pre-emptors and homesteaders locfcl facilities for

son-Malborg, Skay and Dahlqmat. securing homesteads and making F. D. Keye, A. P. Melntvro and final proofs. Hereafter, J. P. Nel-

M. Swanson are appointed to ,vie7M son, the clerk of the district Court for this cchuty, by authority ves« ted in his office, can take applica­tions for or final proofs in home­stead and pre-empti'oh claims, at his office in this place, excepting

town ISS range 46, thence north to ' when the District Court is in ses-the north-West corner of section 19,

said road. *-To organize a school district to

bfc composed of the following de­scribed territory, beginning at the south-west corner of section 31

thence east to the nortli-east cor Mr. Mentzer se^tiori arrived yes

terday to take his place as a per manent citii-sn. lid brOight some fine horses, which he otTer! for sale. Parties looking for profit able investment can catch on to J i n g sections 19, 20, 21

veral handsome bonanza's right! ai? 32 and 3M. • j, A vprbfll ppij<ion

.ier of section 21, thence south to the south-east corner of section 33, then- weat to the plaee of beginning. Ths same district being three miles

j square, ^embracing all of th« follow-30, 29, '2%

bfn fvr

sion, when the presiding judge will in open court, take final proofs.

Aliens who wish to become citi­zens of the United States, as th'ey must before taking government land, will gd before the sam* offi­cial, take the oath of allagie&ee aiid receine naturalisation papers.

; j Hs alone can issue Carriage li-hrida;*»! p^n^e for ihh z<y,v\t\--,ti... .

C l u b s a n d A g e n t * . Beside* furnishing any one of the above

named ntluabte'r^-enivums' to each n»'w yearly subscriber we w.li present the'G'artM.l portrait or either one of the books tn ;iny old subscri­ber or other person who will send us the name* of three new subscribers for one vear accom­panied with the cash ($.?.4.V. Any one who sends ns a tlnb of twenty-live new subscribers ••it PAty each will revive for hi* services the Uarii: 11 portrait and all *ht *ir books named m the hstv No oftyr so liberal as Ibis is ni-.iie bv any other paper in America* Send in th? club*.

Remittances should be made bv Pi.st-offlce Monf-y Order, bank c'.ieck, or reglsten-d litter Sample copies will be sent frcK on appl cation by postal car \ All postmasters are authorized to receive an I forward in Ihe abore mann»", subscriptions to The Farmers' Union >uri Weekly Tribune and the Dnily and Tri-Weekly Tribune. -Address all letters, to •";

, , ( THE TRIBUNE CO., Minnsapslis, Mmn»

Farm for sale, only a short distance .from town. For furthtr particulars call or write to this office-.

The SHEAF and Minneapolis Farmer's Union and Weekly Tri­bune for the sum of $2.?5 per year.

(/. P. HEL80N,

Attorney and Counselor at Law,

AVarreh, Marshall Co., Mi&n,


l-iaxliuiaoc and. Ytja.1 JS*ta.t«.



Choice Lands Selected aad : }'

A*y '>rl l : JEntries Made"/' t V M y ; Mi A's-ti

t a U'Ktif t.j *.vu ',: i ~>i$*yh g'-'p-'iA v>-;, *j<$% Agfa

C«<.l.?r in

itlkm, woksion fV3inn.

Fine Watch Repairing Care­fully Done and Guaranteed,

The Famous Rockford Movement ar$ our especial Stock.

This is the .elimination «f l£«chlcio*l l«-genUity in WRtchftf.

They are cheaper, better hsnes raofs aesw rate and durable than any other yat • intents*..

Alargs and well sei»cte«l stock ef Clocks from 92 up to fancy prices. A practical Watchmaker vnystif, I gK?r*ate<

,il ma; .rial sold as represented. And J l *«rk undertaken x» perfect as can he iion*.

Watches or goods for rcrair can bt hft at the SHILAF C£ice IU War ran. "

R.CSNYDER, Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters


Jobber and Repairer 1

Mattresses and Spring Beds FOR SALE.,

Neck Yokes and Whiffietrees Ironed

Ready icr Use,

Anything wanted in Wood done on

Short Notice.!---' i

C.MENTZER, D»ii?r in

roimn. Fish Eros'. &Milburn Wagons, - -. Deere & Monitor Plows, McCormick Twine and Wire * Binders, Harvesters and

T Mowers, ?- J, I. Case Engines and


Superior SP^STII. . >£•

•v3fT>s fcgaUuv1-, fc W9VX£3H"l ^^mU& ULVM»MltuMMSf i1.1" Ji'jJtiiu^jUM -w^^m "jmmmh&^Kk^