Warm-up Questions 10/02/19 Who would the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck? Who was the most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom period?

Warm-up Questions 10/02/19 - Alabaster City Schools

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Warm-up Questions 10/02/19

•Who would the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck?•Who was the most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom period?

Weekly Homework

•Monday – Study for your map test tomorrow. Make sure your article analysis is ready to turn in tomorrow.

•Tuesday – None.

•Wednesday – Study for your unit exam tomorrow.

•Thursday – None.

•Friday – Have a great weekend.

Ancient EgyptGame Review

Chapter Four World History

Today’s Learning Targets

•I will review the material in preparation for the unit exam tomorrow.

Warm-up Questions

•Who would the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck?•the pharaoh who was both ruler and god

•Who was the most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom period?•Khufu





I Want My

MummyGet A Life! A Capital


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Facing Denial

•What two words could describe the flooding of the Nile River?•Gentle and Dependable


Facing Denial

•What is the longest river in the world?•Nile


Facing Denial

•This plant grows along the banks of the Nile and was used to make paper.•Papyrus


Facing Denial

•Who would the Egyptian people blame if there was disease or the crops did not grow?•The pharaoh


Facing Denial

•What two regions in Egypt does the Nile River flow through?•Lower Egypt & Upper Egypt


Rule this…

•The unification of Egypt took place under Narmer. You know him as…•Menes


Rule this…

•Who drove the Kyksos out of Egypt?•Ahmose


Rule this…

•He is the most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom Period.•Khufu


Rule this…

•Commerce was her game and Punt was an aim…•Hatshepsut


Rule this…

•Warrior, builder, and a long reign, led this pharaoh to his fame?•Ramses the Great


I Want My Mummy!

•What is a mummy?•An embalmed body wrapped in cloth strips


I Want My Mummy!

•What did ancient Egyptians do to prevent a body from decomposing?•They embalmed the body


I Want My Mummy!

•What did the Egyptians use to help a person who died reach the afterlife?•The Book of the Dead


I Want My Mummy!

•What did Khufu do for an afterlife home?•He had the Great Pyramid built.


I Want My Mummy!

•What was the central focus of the Egyptian religion?•The afterlife


Get A Life!

•What did a majority of the Egyptian people do for a living?•They were farmers.


Get A Life!

•What is the correct sequence of Egyptian civilization development?•Farming to villages to cities


Get A Life!

•What do you call a series of rulers from the same family?•A dynasty


Get A Life

•Soil and surveying benefited from this…•The Nile River flooding


Get A Life

• Iron weapons and tools, ivory, gold, and incense…•Were all important trade items for Egypt


A Capital Idea

• It was a symbol of the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.•The double crown.


A Capital Idea

•What period ended when the Hyksos conquer Egypt?•The Middle Kingdom


A Capital Idea

• In which dynasty did the reign of the pharaohs come to an end?•New Kingdom


A Capital Idea

•Who was driven from Egypt by Ahmose?•Hyksos


A Capital Idea

•A united Egypt was created by this two named person…•Narmer also known as Menes


Double Jeopardy

•The following slide is a double jeopardy slide. You, as a team, will need to decide how many points you would like to risk on this question. You will write down your answer on a sheet of paper and place your team number on the paper. This paper will be turned in.

Double Jeopardy

•Who was the Egyptian frienemy to the south?•Kush
