War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2

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  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    War on Syria:Gateway to WWIII

    Copyright Tony Cartalucci & Nile Bowie 2012All rights reserved

    Nove!er 2012

  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    Ta!le o" Contents

    Authors Note ........................................................................................................................... 5

    Chapter 1: The Architecture of Insurgency ....................................................................6

    Chapter 2:

    Perception anage!ent an" Psycho#ogica# Warfare................................................15

    Chapter $: The Prospect of %egiona# War ....................................................................21

    Conc#usion.............................................................................................................................. $&

  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    Authors Note

    Than# you "or reading $War on Syria: Gateway to WWIII.%our interest andattention is highly appreciated !y the authors o" this !oo# The purpose o" this

    docuent is to provide an accurate historical record o" the con"lict in Syria This wasa challenging tas#' naely !ecause ( was approached to create this pro)ect while thecon"lict was still ongoing The individuals involved in this pro)ect "ound it necessaryto copile our various articles and conclusions into one de"initive product and'!ecause the "ighting in Syria has not ceased' it is necessary to produce e*pandededitions in the "uture

    This !oo# is !ased on the articles and research o" Tony Cartalucci' an independent)ournalist and editor o" Land Destroyer e!ort !ased in Bang#o#' Thailand +y role inthis !oo# was to e*pand these articles and copile the into a coherent narrative' a

    di""icult tas# "or any writer (nevita!ly' uch o" y research appears within thesepages to give readers the ost in,depth' "orulated' and critical account o" events inSyria we can o""er A"ter copiling the chapters' -ric .raitser' a New %or# City,!ased)ournalist and editor o" Sto!I"!erialis".co"#contri!uted !y editing andproo"reading the te*t ( wor#ed "or three onths out o" y apartent in /ualaupur' +alaysia to produce this docuent

    The authors o" this !oo# hope that this pro)ect encourages others to "orge tieswith li#e,inded people "ro around the world' and constructively colla!orate to!ring attention to copelling issues and in)ustices This !oo# isnt e*actly !edside

    reading' !ut it inevita!ly contains very iportant analysis and in"oration thatneeds to !e ore !roadly e*posed (t is written in such a way that ay initiallycon"use readers who are un"ailiar with the naes' locations' and events we citeur !est e""orts have !een ade to a#e this in"oration as accessi!le and wellde"ined as possi!le

    pponents and critics o" this in"oration will disiss our research andconclusions' and "ailiarly !rand us $conspiracy theorists3 or apologists o" theSyrian governent The a#ers o" this !oo# do not endorse any political party ororgani4ation' nor do we receive "unding "or this wor# "ro anyone These

    conclusions are our own' and ultiately' we !elieve in the priacy o" nationalsovereignty' respect "or international law' and the right o" the Syrian people to decidetheir own political "uture without such a "uture !eing iposed on the

    nce again' than# you "or reading this !oo# and we hope this in"orationiproves your understanding o" the situation This wor# is dedicated to thoseinnocents who su""ered untiely deaths in Syria and elsewhere

    Nile Bowie

    $u%ust 2 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    report states' $deonstra!ly draw a line in the sand to deter other Ara! autocratswho resort to attac#ing their people rather than dialogue and genuine re"ors3 Byre"ors' Broo#ings is re"erring to i!yas integration into the $international syste'3where protectionist econoic policies would !e pushed aside to allow "oreigngovernents and ultinational corporations to usurp the countries sovereignty andvast natural resources=

    The governent o" +uaar ;adda"i had !een accused o" using targetedairstri#es against gatherings o" unared deonstrators' as cited !y a concentratedstrea o" unveri"ied activist testiony' alleging the perpetration o" state,sponsoredcries against huanity (n late +arch 2011' "ollowing the passage o" 5N 8esolution1>?= which andated the en"orceent o" a no,"ly,4one over i!ya' NAT launched a!o!ing capaign in support o" i!yas ared re!els' under the auspices o"$protecting civilians3 6orer 6rench @resident Nicholas Sar#o4y would echoBroo#ings sentients'stating:

    ;,ery ruler s(ould understand# and es!ecially e,ery $ra+ ruler s(ould understand

    t(at t(e reaction o) t(e international co""unity and o) ;uro!e will )ro" t(is "o"enton eac( ti"e +e t(e sa"e: we will +e on t(e side o) !eace)ul !rotesters w(o "ust not +ere!ressed wit( ,iolence.?= aid the "irst reports o"insurrectionary violence in the southern Syrian city o" .araa While the ainstreaedia portrayed ared re!els instigating violence against Syrian security "orces as$peace"ul protestors'3 5S Senator oe ie!eran would threaten Syria with "oreignilitary intervention(n .araa' protesterstorched the Baath @arty headuartersanddestroyed cars par#ed along the street' while two protesters were reportedly #illed

    as they attepted to set a!la4e another governent !uilding in the city o" ata#ia (tis di""icult to understand how any responsi!le governent should !e e*pected toallow "oreign,"unded o!s to coit widespread arson and vandalis with thee*pressed goal o" reoving the standing governent "ro power 5ndou!tedly' theviolence e*hi!ited !y the protesters was designed to intentionally provo#e Syriansecurity "orces attepting to aintain order

    7owever e*cessively or appropriately the Syrian security "orces reacted to theviolence' the ainstrea edia and Western politicians attepted to leveragelegitiacy away "ro .aascus' citing the violence as the )usti"ication "or @resident

    Bashar al,Assad to step aside .istur!ingly' the continued perpetuation o" violenceand disorder has !een attri!uted to hired provocateurs' which are o"ten eployed to#ill protesters and security "orces ali#e' creating an internationally sensationali4ed!lood!ath' designed to escalate !oth the protests and international pressure on thestate An article pu!lished !y The Sydney

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    Instead o) listenin% to t(eir own !eo!le# resident $ssad is +la"in% outsiders w(ileseein% Iranian assistance in re!ressin% Syria>s citi6ens t(rou%( t(e sa"e +rutal tacticst(at (a,e +een used +y (is Iranian allies.

    While the Syrian governent initially credited$ared groups3 and roo"topsnipers with coitting acts o" violence against protestors and security "orces'reports !y outlets such as$l45a6eera relied solely on anonyous accounts o" the

    opposition' who have continued to push the o""icial narrative o" an unprovo#edgovernent crac#down on Syrias civilian population$l45a6eeras article' $DNine#illed at Syria "uneral processions'3 included testiony "ro one o" theircorrespondents on the ground who stated:

    ?eo!le "arc(in% on an o,er!ass@ were "et wit( a (ail o) %un)ire# "any !eo!lecertainly wounded directly in )ront o) us# cars turned around# and I can tell you it wasan incredi+ly c(aotic scene# and it see"s as t(ou%( !retty "uc( e,eryone down (ere int(e sout(ern !art o) t(e country is now carryin% wea!ons. It is unclear w(o was )irin%at w(o"# t(at>s !art o) t(e con)usion ... +ut clearly a ,ery ,iolent incident now +ein%

    carried out (ere in t(e sout( o) t(e country.

    Though cryptic' this description seeed to corro!orate the Syrian governentsassertion that they werent the only ones with guns As reports o" ystery gunenand roo"top snipers continued to eerge' events that un"olded hal"way around theworld in Thailand shared identical patterns with the state,sponsored desta!ili4ation!eing underta#en in southern Syria

    n April 10th' 2010' the Thai ilitary attepted to disperse red,shirtedsupporters o" !illionaire telecounications tycoon and e*iled political leaderTha#sin Shinawatra at Bang#o#s $.eocracy +onuent3 The ilitary eployedthe use o" water cannons and ru!!er !ullets when a group o" un#nown gunenintervenedwith a co!ination o" grenade attac#s and sniper "ire that #illed the Thaiilitarys Colonel 8o#lao and si* other soldiers Troops iediately "ell !ac# indisarray' while protesters were divided in con"usion and adulation The ysterygunen weaved through the protesters "iring sporadically at Thai troops whoreturned "ire (n total' 2= died While the protesters were entirely unaware o" thega!it' it is unli#ely that even the security guards #new o" the ipending attac#' asany iediately rushed in to protect "allen soldiers "ro aggressive protesters'while gun !attles continued elsewhere

    (t was uite clear that a highly trained' well prepared third party was involved'and unli#e in Syria where "ew "oreigners venture and "ewer caeras see to !esending !ac# "ootage' !oth "oreign and doestic' aateur and pro"essional "ootagecaught the elee on tape (nitial !lan#et denials !y protest leaders uic#ly !ecaepieceeal con"essions as "ootage o" these $en in !lac#3 "iltered out (nternationalspo#esan "or the protesters'Sean Boonpracong' told euters that eleents o" theary were with their oveent' including the !lac#,clad ystery gunen that too#

    Blood!ath New Threat to Assad'The Sydney +orning 7erald' April 2=' 2011

    DNine #illed at Syria "uneral processions'Al,a4eera' April 2=' 2011

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    part in the April 10th !lood!ath?7e stated' $They are a secret unit within the arythat disagrees with whats going on Without the' the !lac#,clad en' there wouldhave !een a whole lot ore deaths and in)uries3 The suspected leader o" thesegunen' renegade general /hattiya Sawasdipol' #nown as $Seh .aeng'3 "urtherdaned earlier denials !y aditting to coanding=00 ared en trained "orDDclose encounters' ared with +?> grenade launchers' !e"ore withdrawing his

    coent in later interviews9

    6ro April 10th' until the widespread arson that ar#ed the end o" the protestson +ay 1>th'daily and nightly gun !attles' grenade attac#s' and sniper "irewouldclai the lives o" >1 people This included > soldiers and police' a woan #illed !y an+?> grenade attac#' and at least one protester who died o" so#e inhalation whilelooting a !uilding lit !y "ellow protesters The reaining 90 deaths included)ournalists' !ystanders' edical wor#ers' and protesters caught in the cross"ire Toe*plain why such a !lood!ath was necessary' Sean Boonpracong' a"ter aditting theystery gunen were wor#ing on his oveents !ehal"' gave another !reathta#ing

    con"ession in an April 2' 2010

    >8eports o" "uneral' police shootings raise tensions in Syria'CNN' April 0' 2011

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    said they !elieve the people on the roo"tops were snipers "ro security "orces !uthave put "orth no evidence !eyond $witness accounts3 Chinas9in(uaNet reportedultiple incidents across Syria where ared gangs had clashed with security "orces#illing e!ers on !oth sides ne attac# claied the lives o" 9 !ystanders ""icialstate edia in Syria presentedevidence that groups had !een caught with non,Syrian S(+ cards in their phones along with euipent used to stage acts o"


    An April 2011 p,-d released !y the Broo#ings (nstitution titled' $(n Syria' Assad+ust -*it the Stage'3 descri!es how the cycle o" violence initiated !y $ysteriousgunen$ targeting "unerals is cited as the line Assad had crossed , which nowreuires his departure "ro power The article states:

    Wit( t(e cycle o) e,er4increasin% !rotests "et +y re%i"e ,iolence and t(en "ore)unerals intensi)yin% in all areas o) t(e country# it is ti"e )or $ssad# t(e A=a"let> o) t(e$ra+ world# to consider (is )uture. It is ti"e )or (i" and t(ose w(o in)luence (i"a+road to searc( )or a swi)t and orderly e/it.11

    By late April' NAT continued to en"orce a no,"ly 4one over i!ya whileconducting air stri#es in support o" the ilitant opposition As was the case with7osni +u!ara# and +uaar ;adda"i !e"ore hi' 5S Senators ohn +cCain' indsey;raha' and oe ie!eran issued a )oint stateent declaring that that Bashar al,Assad had $lost the legitiacy to reain in power in Syria3 They continued !ystating:

    at(er t(an (ed%in% our +ets or "ain% e/cuses )or t(e $ssad re%i"e# it is ti"e )ort(e 3nited States# to%et(er wit( our allies in ;uro!e and around t(e world# to ali%noursel,es uneui,ocally wit( t(e Syrian !eo!le in t(eir !eace)ul de"and )or ade"ocratic %o,ern"ent.12

    The 5S Senators stateents reain uneuivocally dishonest' as +cCain and;raha are !oth e!ers o" the(nternational 8epu!lican (nstitute' an organi4ationopenly iplicated !y theNew or Ti"esin "unding opposition groups who too# partin the $Ara! Spring3 i#ewise' ie!eran is a e!er o" the Neo,Conservativelo!!ying "ir deceptively naed the $6oundation "or .e"ense o" .eocraciesG6..H'3which "eatures a host o"@ro)ect "or a New Aerican Century G@NACHsignatories including Willia /ristol' 8ichard @erle' aes Woolsey' and @aula.o!rians#y' as well as Council on 6oreign 8elations e!ers' Newt ;ingrich and

    Charles /rauthaer While e!ers o" the Aerican political esta!lishentreadily denounce "oreign governents "or their general non,acuiescence' thesu!stantial support given to political opposition groups has wor#ed to "oent civilunrest and en"lae doestic tensions in target nations around the world

    10+o!ile @hones 5sing non,Syrian S(+ Cards' SANA News Agency' April 2=' 2011

    11(n Syria' Assad +ust -*it the Stage'Broo#ings (nstitution' April 2?' 2011

    12!aa 5nder @ressure to Call "or Syrian eaders uster'6I News' April 2>' 2011

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    Washington had seeingly reached a consensus regarding the need "or regiechange in Syria and' !y 2011' it !ecae clear that they were willing to eploy theirlong,standing connections to (slaist networ#s such as the +usli Brotherhood' to!olster opposition "orces and leverage control away "ro .aascus The Was(in%tonostreports that' since 200' !oth theBush and !aa adinistrations contri!uted"unding to Syrian opposition groupsa""iliated with the +usli Brotherhood The

    article cites how the capaign to provide support to anti,governent groups inSyria transcended two presidential adinistrations:

    T(e 3.S. "oney )or Syrian o!!osition )i%ures +e%an )lowin% under resident Geor%eW. Bus( a)ter (e e))ecti,ely )ro6e !olitical ties wit( Da"ascus in 200. T(e )inancial+acin% (as continued under resident 8+a"a# e,en as (is ad"inistration sou%(t tore+uild relations wit( $ssad. Syrian aut(orities 'would undou+tedly ,iew any 3.S. )unds

    %oin% to ille%al !olitical %rou!s as tanta"ount to su!!ortin% re%i"e c(an%e# read an$!ril 200 ca+le si%ned +y t(e to!4ranin% 3.S. di!lo"at in Da"ascus at t(e ti"e. '$reassess"ent o) current 3.S.4s!onsored !ro%ra""in% t(at su!!orts anti4?%o,ern"ent@

    )actions# +ot( inside and outside Syria# "ay !ro,e !roducti,e# t(e ca+le said.;d%ar asue6# a State De!art"ent s!oes"an# said t(e

  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    drawn "ro the Brotherhoods ran#s The +usli Brotherhood is an organi4ationalost as onipresent as +( or the C(A and coincidentally is wor#ing in tandewith other 5S,"unded $youth activists3 across the region1

    The +usli Brotherhoods history in Syria goes !ac# decades According to aBrandeis 5niversity pu!lication titled' $The Syrian +usli Brotherhood and theAsad 8egie'$ in 1>?> the Brotherhood' also called the $(#hwan'3 attac#ed and

    assacred =2 Syrian ilitary cadets This was part o" a larger capaign o" violenceconducted !y the Brotherhood that also included assassination attepts against theSyrian president The escalating capaign o" violence was the priary ipetus "ortheir cornering and destruction at the hands o" the Syrian ilitary in the city o"7aah in 1>92 A"ter their de"eat' any e!ers "led Syria and esta!lishedoperations in ondon1

    While corporate edia outlets and governent press releases accused the Syriangovernent o" #illing civilians' doestic Syrian press reported the presence o"ared terrorist groups' !randishing up,to,date Aerican and (sraeli weapons'

    roaing the .aascene countryside coitting !lind acts o" terror !y setting o""e*plosive devices and #idnapping civilians Theoriginal Ara! eague !server+ission to Syria reportconducted "ro .ece!er 2

  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    i!ya and using unar#ed aircra"ts to transport ared "ighters to air !ases inTur#ey to assist the 6ree Syrian AryThe ;/a"iner reports:

    T(e )i%(ters are +ein% recruited )ro" t(e ,arious Li+yan "ilitias# w(ic( )ou%(t t(eGadda)i re%i"e. $+out (a,e ,olunteered to )i%(t wit( anti4$ssad )orces#acce!tin% t(e o))er o) E1#000 si%nin% +onus# in addition to a "ont(ly wa%e o) E&0

    !aid )or# accordin% to so"e uncon)ir"ed re!orts in )res(ly !rinted Acris!> +rand

    new $"erican E100 dollar +ills# leadin% so"e to +elie,e t(at t(is is 3S ta/!ayer )unds+ein% used (ere. 3!on landin% in Turey# t(e Li+yan )i%(ters and t(e ar"s s(i!"entsare o))loaded )ro" t(e !lanes and t(en loaded on trucs to 7ree Syrian $r"y +ases#"ost o) w(ic( are located in t(e Isenderun re%ion o) Turey on t(e +order o)nort(western Syria. T(ey recei,e "ilitary trainin% )ro" Western# Turis( and $ra+ar"y instructors# as well as ci,ilian security consultants and e/4s!ecial )orces trainers

    )ro" t(e 3S# Britain# 7rance# Italy# Saudi $ra+ia# 5ordan and Hatar.1>

    (n $i!yas new rulers o""er weapons to Syrian re!els'3 TheTele%ra!(reportedthat e!ers o" the i!yan National Transition Council et with e!ers o" the

    Syrian National Council to o""er oney' training and weapons to Syrian re!el"ighters20According to i!yan ilitary sources' A!dulha#i Belhad)' head o" theTripoli +ilitary Council and the "orer leader o" the ilitant i!yan (slaic 6ighting;roup G5S State .epartent listed Terrorist rgani4ation M29H' et with 6ree SyrianAry leaders in (stan!ul'on the orders o" +usta"a A!dul alil' @resident o" theNational Transition Council Belhad)' who had"ought with the Tali!an against 5Stroops in A"ghanistan' was captured !y the C(A in +alaysia in 200= and e*tradited toi!ya where +uaar ;adda"i had hi iprisoned Studies conducted !y theCo!ating Terroris Center at the 5S +ilitary Acadey at West @ointanaly4ing

    "oreign ilitants who cae to (ra to "ight Aerican and coalition "orces concludethat i!ya provided the highest nu!er o" "oreign "ighters per capita21The vasta)ority o" "ighters cae "ro .ernah' a town a!out 200 # east o" Bengha4i' inwhich an (slaic eirate was declared when the re!ellion against ;adda"i startedi!yan re!el leader A!dulha#i Belhad)would also adit that "ighters "ro hisi!yan (slaic 6ighting ;roup were the second,largest !rigade o" "oreign "ighters in(ra The Iris( Ti"eswould report that +ahdi al,7arati' a deputy chie" o" the i!yan+ilitary Council' had resigned "ro his duties in Tripoli to oversee the 6ree SyrianAry22This vast !ody o" docuented evidence and adissions show the directconnection !etween the Western,!ac#ed ilitant "orces that were tas#ed withtoppling the ;adda"i regie' and those wor#ing toward the sae outcoe in Syria

    1>5S helping to train and ar (slaic ercenaries to "ight in Syria'The -*ainer' +arch >' 2012

    20i!yas new rulers o""er weapons to Syrian re!els'The Telegraph' Nove!er 2' 2011

    21Al,Kaiadas 6oreign 6ighters in (ra' Co!ating Terroris Center At West @oint' .ece!er 1>'200?

    22i!yan,(rish coander resigns as deputy head o" Tripoli ilitary council 'The (rish Ties'cto!er 11' 2011

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    As Syrian state TE !roadcasted reports showingsei4ed weapons stoc#piles andcon"essions !y terrorists descri!ing how they o!tained ars "ro "oreign sources'Western edia entirely disissed the reports and continued to underine thelegitiacy o" the Syrian state edia Within the pages o" the$s(ar $l4$wsatnewspaper G!ased in ondonand "unded !y Saudi Ara!iaH' 7illary Clinton )oinedBarac# !aa' Nicholas Sar#o4y' and .avid Caeron in the unusual trend o"

    Western political leaders writing newspaper editorials in an attept to rein"orce theever,changing' contradictory o""icial narrative o" events in Syria Clintons articleentitled' $There is no going !ac# in Syria'3 states:

    I) resident $ssad +elie,es t(at t(e !rotests are t(e wor o) )orei%n insti%ators 44 as(is %o,ern"ent (as clai"ed 44 (e is wron%. It is true t(at so"e Syrian soldiers (a,e+een illed# and we re%ret t(e loss o) t(ose li,es too. But t(e ,ast "aority o) casualties(a,e +een unar"ed ci,ilians.2=

    Clintons own adission that Syrian soldiers have died indicates that indeed'ared individuals were aongst the protesters -*traordinarily' Clinton anages to

    !oth con"ir and deny the violent nature o" the protests !y stating that while Syriantroops have died' the vast a)ority o" the deaths Gaccording to unveri"ied reports !ythe protesters theselvesH were $unared civilians3 Throughout 7illary Clintonslengthy diatri!e' she "ailed to even once conden the violence she hinted at aongstthe opposition Articles such as the C(ristian Science

  • 7/30/2019 War on Syria _Cartalucci_Bowie2


    president Bashar al,Assad to resign !y en"orcing a strict regie o" sanctions againstthe nation2

    While the Tur#ish state condens the alleged reports o" state violence coitted!y the Syrian governent' An#ara itsel" has !een waging a decades,long capaign o"violence against its own ared uprising in predoinately /urdish areas !orderingSyria' (ra' and (ran (n "act' at one point' the 5S allowed Tur#ish tan#s to cross into

    Aerican,occupied (ra to attac# villages suspected o" har!oring ared /urdishseparatists in 2009' irroring the very tactics -rdoOan has condened Syria "orallegedly using The Guardianreported in a 2009 article' $(ra deands Tur#eywithdraw "ro !order con"lict with /urds'3 that the con"lict had !een raging since1>9< and had cost the lives o"

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    certain degree o" $plausi!le denia!ility3 By early Septe!er 2011'$l45a6eeraGanetwor# "unded !y the governent o" Katar'a nation iplicated in providing ars tothe Syrian oppositionH laid to rest the "a!le that Syrias protesters are $peace"ul' pro,deocracy deonstrators'3 !y aditting that they were ared and responsi!le "orthe urder o" over ?00 e!ers o" Syrias security "orces in a "eature titled' $Syria:The revolution will !e weaponised3 .espite aditting that hundreds o" Syrias

    security "orces died during onths o" in"ighting with re!el "orces'$l45a6eera>sarticleisrepresented the situation !y claiing that' $only now'3 were protesters thin#inga!out aring theselves and that the Syrian ilitaries heavy losses were the resulto" isolated' ared opposition groups2>(t is through this purpose"ully distorted lensthat calls "or ilitary intervention would continually !e ade

    A"ter onths o" denying the e*istence o" insurrectionary eleents within theSyrian opposition' the 5S,!ased Council on 6oreign 8elations issued reportscon"iring that' not only were the $protesters3 ared' !ut that re!el "orces on theground collectively "ored a resistance ary o" 1'000 "ighters The C68 claied

    this $6ree Syrian Ary3 was reuesting weapons and air support' despitedocuented reports o" weapons!eing suggled past Syrias !orders"ro "oreign,supporters' ost nota!ly' Tur#ey' e!anon'(srael' andi!ya=0C68s report then goeson to e*plore the options availa!le to NAT "or "acilitating $regie change'3 includingthe use o" $overhead surveillance assets' logistical ena!lers' peace#eepers' areddrones' co!at aircra"t' ground troops'3 and $suggled weapons3 The clais o" alarge' ared ilitant "orce operating inside o" Syria directly contradicted the Westsconcurrent narrative that Syrias ilitary is running rapant and #illing de"enselesscivilians With an ary o" $1'000 de"ectors3 attepting to sei4e the nation !y "orce'with the help o" "oreign oney' weapons' and diploatic support' one "inds itdi""icult to !elieve the Syrian governent would instead !e spending its tieconducting assacres 7rance2&reported that Syrias +usli Brotherhood wouldclai responsi!ility "or two suicide !o!ings in .aascus that #illed

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    travesty3 The opposition Syrian National Council said it held +oscow and Bei)ing$responsi!le "or the escalating acts o" #illing and genocideP it considers this anirresponsi!le step that is tantaount to a license to #ill with ipunity3 =2==

    The diploatic divergence that had un"olded at the 5nited Nations would lead tothe "oration o" the $6riends o" Syria3 group' aid calls !y "orer 6rench @residentNicolas Sar#o4yto "or a $group o" li#einded nations to coordinate assistance to

    the Syrian opposition'3 adding' $6rance is not giving up3 =

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    By +arch 2012' the very saeBengha4i courthouse "lew the !lac# "lags o" AlKaeda=?+cCain attepted to deceive the world in the pursuit o" supportingoperatives o" 5S State .epartent,listed terrorist organi4ations' ilitants "ro theeastern regions i!yan (slaic 6ighting ;roup G(6;H' who "ought in !othA"ghanistan and (ra against Aerican "orces +cCain would not only rhetoricallysupport terrorists' !ut also provide the with aterial support including weapons'

    "unds' training' and air support in direct violation o"5SC R 2==>A&2==>B'$providing aterial support or resources to designated "oreign terroristorgani4ations3 +cCains organi4ation' the (nternational 8epu!lican (nstituteG(8(H'was entioned !y nae in the New %or# Ties "or contri!uting support toopposition eleents throughout the Ara! world' prior to the events o" the $Ara!Spring3 (n an April 2011 article pu!lished !y the New %or# Ties titled' $5S ;roups7elped Nurture Ara! 5prisings'3 it was stated:

    $ nu"+er o) t(e %rou!s and indi,iduals directly in,ol,ed in t(e re,olts and re)or"sswee!in% t(e re%ion# includin% t(e $!ril out(

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    +cCains role in the attepted desta!ili4ation o" 8ussia would pale in coparisonto his !ellicose rhetoric on Syria' where he has ta#en every opportunity to call "orassisting Syrian opposition "ighters !y suggesting the use o" "orce against .aascus+cCain would call "or 5S airstri#es on Syria' prooting the use o" Aericas ilitarywhile !eing una!le to cite any credi!le or iinent threat to 5S territorial security' aseeingly punisha!le o""ense or' at iniu' a sign o" ental insta!ility and

    grounds "or disissing the ageing Senator i#e +cCain' i!yas newly appointed@rie +inister' "orer@etroleu (nstitute chairanA!durrahi el,/ei!' would"latly deny allegations!y 8ussian 5N A!assador Eitaly Chur#in that i!ya wasdirectly "unding' training' and aring ilitants in Syria -l,/ei!s denial stands indirect contradiction o" reports li#e the Tele%ra!(s $eading i!yan (slaist etSyrian Ary pposition ;roup'3 where it was reported' $the new i!yan authoritieshad o""ered oney and weapons to the growing insurgency against Bashar al,Assad3

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    under the watch o" the unsta!le National Transition Council in Tripoli BBCs $i!yailitia Dterrorises pro,;adda"i town o" Tawargha'3 reported that an entire town oncepopulated with =0'000 residents would !e a!andoned' due to terrorist ilitiastargeting ;adda"i loyalists

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    used in an attept to esta!lish an occupied $sa"e haven3 on Syrian territory' where"urther attac#s could !e launchedsre%i"e and +olster t(e o!!osition.

    The Broo#ings +eo highlights Washingtons coitent to overthrowing theSyrian governent using the ost cost,e""ective eans possi!le While 7illary

    Clinton and others paid lip service to supporting the cease"ire proposed !y theAnnan @lan' the report would state in re"erence to aring the re!els:

    $lternati,ely# t(e 3nited States "i%(t calculate t(at it is still wort(w(ile to !indown t(e $sad re%i"e and +leed it# ee!in% a re%ional ad,ersary wea# w(ile a,oidin%t(e costs o) direct inter,ention.

    T(e (o!e is t(at t(e 3nited States could )i%(t a Aclean> war )ro" 10#000 )eet andlea,e t(e dirty wor on t(e %round to t(e 7ree Syrian $r"y# !er(a!s e,en o+,iatin% a"assi,e co""it"ent to Ira4style nation4+uildin%.

    The o!scure docuent released !y the Broo#ings (nstitution serves as a

    testaent to the underlying politici4ation o" the $8esponsi!ility to @rotect3 in Syria'as atrocities would !e orchestrated as a prete*t to protect civilians' to warranttoppling the Syrian governent and "urthering Washingtons geopolitical o!)ectivesin the region As the unrest in Syria continued' it !ecae increasingly ore di""icultto deny the Wests intentional desta!ili4ation o" Syria !y perpetuating e*tensive!loodshed through radical ilitant groups operating on Syrias !orders' as well aswithin Syria itsel" (n late +arch' +ichael - 7anlon' .irector o" 8esearch andSenior 6ellow at 6oreign @olicy and e!er o" ;eneral .avid @etraeuss -*ternalAdvisory Board at the Central (ntelligence Agency would author an p,-d titled'

    $What Are ur +ilitary ptions in Syria$ proposing several contingency options tosuit Syrias geopolitical predisposition' as 5S,!ac#ed uprisings' ared ilitants' and

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    sanctions had all already !een set in otion to no avail' leaving only overt ilitaryoptions on the ta!leThe ilitary easures 7anlon envisions to achieve theoverthrow o" Syrias governent include:

    A puniti*e na*a# or air operation to encourage a coup against Assa"thatwould right"ully !e considered an outright act o" war' designed to copletely cut o""Syria' including its illions o" civilians' "ro iporting or e*porting anything

    7anlons article also proposes airstri#es designed to psychologically sha#e Assadsallies and panic the into de"ecting and instead' $share power3 with the 5S,!ac#edopposition

    A +roa"er ,a#-ans#i-e ca!paign to he#p "epose Assa". By this' 7anlon isre"erring to a capaign siilar to that which !e"ell i!ya' with the editorial "ocus onthe Bal#ans' due to its place in historical hindsight and nuerous attepts torewrite its historical outcoe as $"avora!le3 -vo#ing the NAT,led operation thathad )ust un"olded in i!ya' coplete with the destruction o" several a)or cities'would !e a star# reinder to potential de"ectors in Syria o" the cost that coes with

    allowing a nation to !e su!)ected to NAT,led international intervention That costwould !e the plunging o" Syria into perpetual division' insta!ility' violence' and anuncertain political "uture

    / The creation of a safe 0one for Syrian ci*i#ians!ears stri#ing siilarity towhat Tur#ey has !een elected to create' with such a 4one !eing e*ploited as a !ase"ro which increasing hostilities could !e conducted' as suggested !y the Broo#ings(nstitution' which stated:

    $n alternati,e is )or di!lo"atic e))orts to )ocus )irst on (ow to end t(e ,iolence and(ow to %ain (u"anitarian access# as is +ein% done under $nnan>s leaders(i!. T(is "aylead to t(e creation o) sa)e4(a,ens and (u"anitarian corridors# w(ic( would (a,e to+e +aced +y li"ited "ilitary !ower. T(is would# o) course# )all s(ort o) 3.S. %oals )orSyria and could !reser,e $sad in !ower. 7ro" t(at startin% !oint# (owe,er# it is

    !ossi+le t(at a +road coalition wit( t(e a!!ro!riate international "andate could add)urt(er coerci,e action to its e))orts.

    7anlon indirectly adits that this option ay only !e accoplished as a resulto" the success"ul applications o" one or !oth o" the a!ove entioned options7anlon did not write these options "or the consideration o" the @entagon' !utinstead' "or Western pundits and edia outlets that used e*tortion against Syrias

    esta!lishent' preying on the "ear o" Assads political allies and those across Syrias!usiness counity who had stood !ehind their nations governent Syriasopposition had !een entirely dependent on "oreign "ighters' "oreign ars' "oreign"unds' and an international consensus that allowed such "oreign resources tocontinue "lowing to the una!ated While the alternative edia reported on a!usescoitted !y the Syrian re!els since the start o" the uprising' =u"an i%(ts Watc(G78WH would issue reports coending the opposition a"ter twelve onths o""ighting 78Ws +arch 2012 report titled' $Syria: Ared pposition ;roupsCoitting A!uses'3 would detail how Syrias ared opposition conducted a

    systeatic capaign o" #idnapping' torture' and ass urder0

    While the reportattepts to "ocus ainly on atrocities carried out against security "orces and

    What Are ur +ilitary ptions in Syria' The New 8epu!lic' +arch 1>' 2012

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    governent supporters' the ention o" civilian victis is ade as well The reportstates:

    $+uses include idna!!in%# detention# and torture o) security )orce "e"+ers#%o,ern"ent su!!orters# and !eo!le identi)ied as "e"+ers o) !ro4%o,ern"ent "ilitias#called s(a+ee(a. =u"an i%(ts Watc( (as also recei,ed re!orts o) e/ecutions +y ar"edo!!osition %rou!s o) security )orce "e"+ers and ci,ilians.

    =u"an i%(ts Watc( also e/!ressed concern a+out 7S$ ?7ree Syrian $r"y@idna!!in%s o) Iranian nationals# so"e o) w(o" t(e %rou! (as con)ir"ed are ci,ilians.

    =Ws report descri!es the Syrian oppositions practice o" rounding up suspectsand #illing the without trial' generally on the grounds o" con"essions coercedthrough torture ther e*ecutions are siply carried out as reprisals with noapparent o""ense !eyond suspected a""iliations !eing cited The report indicates thatSyrias ilitant opposition groups' li#e the NAT,!ac#ed re!els in i!ya' werelawless' unprincipled' sectarian e*treists' who were !eing ar#eted as $deocracyactivists3 and $unared civilians3 in the Western ainstrea edia 6ro the earlystages o" Syrias unrest' the alternative edia would cover the tactics o" systeaticviolence used !y the opposition' "ro vandalis and arson'tosniper and !o!attac#sandared insurrectionary capaigns o" violenceThe "indings o" Gandreactions toH the =u"an i%(ts Watc(report were uted' with ost edia outletselecting to downplay' spin' or o!"uscate the true iplications o" the war cries !eingcarried out !y Syrias opposition , war cries which iplicated NAT' led !y the 5S'5/' 6rance' and Tur#ey' as well as their pro*y $Ara! eague'3 in !ac#ing torturers'#idnappers' and ass urderers in their capaign to topple the Syrian governentBy early April 2012' the $6riends o" Syria3 group et in neigh!oring Tur#ey to devise

    a ethod to rear and redeploy ilitant re!el "ighters' while deanding Syriantroops !e withdrawn "ro cities recaptured "ro re!el "orces +ore speci"ically' BBCreported in their article titled' $Syria crisis de!ated at (stan!ul tal#s'3 that ways were!eing $e*plored3 to $step up pressure on the Syrian regie and !olster theopposition3 The report also a#es ention o" calls to ar the opposition' ando""ersto pay salaries to re!el "ightersin an e""ort to entice Syrian ilitary o""icers tode"ect1While +oscow and Bei)ing received harsh criticis and accusations o" !eingcoplicit with the !loodshed in Syria "ollowing their veto at the 5NSC' the $6riendso" Syria3 would openly call "or putting pressure on a governent attepting to

    restore order across the country' while $!olstering3 and aring the oppositionWhile allied nations provided "unding and supplies to indiscriinate re!el

    "ighters' Western leaders hypocritically claied the oral high ground !yephasi4ing their $responsi!ility to protect3 unared civilians !eing #illed in theensuing cross"ire The 200 5N initiative' the $8esponsi!ility to @rotect G82@H3doctrine "ollows that i" a nation is incapa!le o" providing protection "or its ownpopulation' it relinuishes its sovereignty to direct intervention !y the $internationalcounity3 .espite the o!vious inconsistencies !etween the alleged narrative andthe realities un"olding on the ground in i!ya onths earlier' NAT evo#ed the 82@

    0Syria: Ared pposition ;roups Coitting A!uses' 7uan 8ights Watch' +arch 20' 2012

    1(stan!ul suit tries to increase pressure on Syria' BBC' April 1' 2012

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    doctrine and !egan its ilitary intervention to $protect civilians3 6ar "ro providingassistance to civilians' NAT provided air support "or re!el assaults' intelligence andspecial operations assistance to re!el ilitary units' and carried out the systeatictargeting o" ;adda"is political inner circle' which included !o!ing the hoes o";adda"is "aily' #illing his children and his grandchildren in NAT airstri#es

    Allied nations granted diploatic support to governents led !y e*iled i!yan

    politicians and acadeics' in e*change "or lucrative contracts with the newgovernent once ;adda"is regie was toppled The 5nited /ingdo !udgeted J00illion on NATs intervention in i!ya 7owever' according to the 5/ .epartent o"Trade and (nvestent' contracts to re!uild the nation in areas varying "rohealthcare and education to electricity and water supplies' were valued at upwardso" J=00 !illionover a 10,year period2(ntervention in i!ya was ade pro"ita!le notonly !y redevelopent contracts' !ut also !y the opportunity to gain greater accessto i!yas vast natural resources 8eports issued !y the 5S ""ice o" the .irector o"National (ntelligencewarn o" an international "resh water de"icit !y 20=0' a#ing

    i!yas Nu!ian Sandstone Aui"er Syste' the worlds largest #nown "ossil wateraui"er syste'a vital and highly strategic dispensary "or e*erting control overA"ricas water reserves=i!ya !oasts the largest proven oil reserves in A"rica andthe "i"th largest in the world with ?< !illion !arrels as o" 2010

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    Clearly' NAT ade a cruel oc#ery o" the $8esponsi!ility to @rotect3 doctrine'using it to visit catastrophic horrors upon the i!yan people' overturning a uni"iednational governent and plunging the entire nation into division and chaos .espitethe "ailure o" NATs operation in i!ya' calls "or ipleenting the 82@ odel inSyria were ade !y the allied nations that too# part in toppling ;adda"i 6ro thevery !eginning o" diploatic e""orts to de"use the Syrian crisis' 5S policy a#ers

    aditted that /o"i Annans $peace ission3 in Syria was nothing ore than a ruse topreserve NATs pro*y "orces "ro total destruction !y creating $sa"e havens3 "rowhich they would operate' prolonging the !loodshed while pressure ounted on theSyrian regie internationally An April >th' 2012 posting on NATs o""icial $$llianceNews Blo%$ titled' $5S Dalready coitted to helping Assad "all'3 would con"ir the5nited States coitent to the overthrow o" Syrias governent' stating that the5S is $already coitted to helping U@resident Bashar al,AssadV "all'3 !ut is $erelyloo#ing "or the least violent' lowest cost way to get there3 9

    The article "ully disclosed that the 5S had !een euipping the so,called $6ree

    Syrian Ary3 "urther aditting that the /o"i Annan !ro#ered $peace deal3 waserely a ploy eant to lay the "oundation "or regie change' stating:

    I) t(e !ace o) t(e illin% slows# t(at could +uy ti"e: ti"e )or econo"ic sanctions tounder"ine t(e re%i"e# ti"e to caole ussia to switc( sides and (el! !ull t(e ru% out

    )ro" $ssad# +ut also ti"e )or t(e o!!osition and its new ar"y to or%ani6e t(e"sel,esinto a "ore e))ecti,e )orce.

    Copounding their criinality was the "act that' instead o" ta#ing advantage o" acease"ire to !ro#er a peace deal and !egin reconciliation' NAT o""icially endorsedusing the lull in "ighting to prepare the ne*t round o" opposition,"ueled violence'

    which they theselves were "ully prepared to "und and ar NAT would adit thatilitary intervention is not a atter o" $i"3 !ut a atter o" $when3 depending on apredeterined nu!er o" o!)ectives that ust !e achieved "irst These include theSyrian opposition getting !etter organi4ed' assurances that ilitary aid wouldnt "allinto the hands o" $radical (slaists'3 and "or Tur#ey' )ust as Broo#ings (nstitutionsdocuents previously stated' $to esta!lish sa"e havens "or the opposition along its!order with Syria3

    (n late April 2012' /o"i Annans $peace plan3' though pu!licly endorsed' was "ullyre)ected !y !oth the Syrian re!elsand their Western and Ara! eague !ac#ers who

    would continue openly pledging cash' weapons' and support "or re!els whocontinued "ightingeutersreported in' $5N see#s Syria nod "or a)or aid operation'3that the 5N was see#ing to !ring in $aid wor#ers3 and open o""ices all across Syria inorder to carry out what they called a $a)or huanitarian operation3 >(n "ullviolation o" the proposed cease"ire' the Western edia would instead accuse theSyrian governent o" "ailing to eet its o!ligations Neo,Conservative ledthin#tan#s li#e the 7enry ac#son Society G7SH' would accuse the Syrian governent o"$serially violating3 the ters o" the 5N proposed $peace deal3$l45a6eeraregular'+ichael Weiss o" 7S' openly adits that $diploatic options3 were erely !eing

    95S Dalready coitted to helping Assad "all' Atlantic Council' April 0>' 2012

    >5N see#s Syria nod "or a)or aid operation'8euters' April 20' 2012

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    peddled to satis"y pu!lic opinion and that ultiately NAT will act unilaterally'outside o" the 5N' to ilitarily intervene As the West continued to "uel the violenceand pressure "or the approval o" $huanitarian access3 inside Syria' ilitaryintervention would routinely !e proposed to co!at what will !e claied to !eSyrian governent $!elligerence3

    n a nearly daily !asis' the Syrian opposition continued carrying out vicious

    attac#s not only on security "orces' !ut a terrorist !o!ing capaign across Syriathat #illed and aied scores o" civilians While the Syrian opposition claied itlac#s the a!ility to carry out such attac#s' its ilitants would !e e*posed as very wellared with personnel sheltered in NAT e!er Tur#ey' its leadership sheltered inWashington and ondon' and their "ighters wielding not only an endless supply o"sall ars' !ut roc#et propelled grenades' ortars' issiles' and even tan#s TheSyrian governent claied that it had docuented a long list o" cease"ire violations!y the re!els , a list that would !e con"ired daily in headlines "ro across the!iased Western edia' still attepting to depict the violence as one,sided

    Three onths a"ter (rai Al Kaeda leader Ayan al,Qawahri called on +uslis"ro across the Ara! World to o!ili4e and support the 6ree Syrian Ary!yencouraging the use o" "oreign "ighters and roadside !o!ing tactics' euterswouldpu!lish an article titled $utgunned Syria re!els a#e shi"t to !o!s'3 whichincluded adissions "ro the re!els theselves that they were !ehind the spate o"!o!ings ravaging Syria01Western press and Syrian opposition leadershadpreviously claied that these !o!ings were $"alse "lag3 attac#scarried out !y theSyrian governent to underine the re!els legitiacy2euters>article concedesthat while the 6SA o""icially is $upholding3 the 5N truce' its "ighters have outright

    re)ected it and are indeed openly in violation o" the cease"ire The report alsocon"ired Syrian @resident Bashar al,Assads stateent that his security "orces were"ighting ared ilitants , not protesters and civilians , in security operations acrossSyria !e"ore the 5N cease"ire cae into e""ect The reports states:

    Since t(e ar"y routed t(e" )ro" t(eir stron%(olds in cities# so"e re+els said t(eyreali6ed t(at e,en in %uerrilla street +attles t(ey could not +eat $ssad>s tans orartillery. T(e Syrian Li+eration $r"y>s s!oes"an Hde"ati said (is %rou!>s )i%(terswere now )ocusin% "ost o) t(eir attention on A"anu)acturin% )acilities> )or +o"+s. 'ouare %oin% to start seein% an escalation as we i"!ro,e our tec(niues o) +o"+4"ain%

    and deli,ery.As the Syrian re!els resorted to indiscriinate terrorist tactics' an e*plosion in

    the city o" 7aa in late April #illed ?0 people' devastating uch o" a city !loc#eutersuoted one re!el "ighter as saying' $We are starting to get sarter a!outtactics and use !o!s !ecause people are )ust too poor and we dont have enoughri"les' it is )ust no atch "or the ary' so we are trying to "ocus on the ways we can

    0eader o" Al Kaeda calls on +uslis to help Syrian re!els' 6o* News' 6e!ruary 12' 2012

    1utgunned Syria re!els a#e shi"t to !o!s'8euters' April =0' 2012

    2Syrian opposition suspects regie !ehind !o!ings'CTE News' +arch 1?' 2012

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    "ight3 eutersattepted to allay the "ears o" its readers !y claiing that the re!elsthey interviewed insisted that' $unli#e al Kaeda' their !o!s were aied at ilitary'and never civilian' targets3 @arado*ically' however' the eutersstory revealed thatthe re!el !o!ing capaign was !eing carried out !y $Sunni insurgents3 wholearned their !o!ing s#ills "ro "ighting 5S troops in neigh!oring (ra , or in otherwords' the very $al Kaeda3 the re!els clai they are not li#e A $Syrian i!eration

    Ary3 spo#esan also aditted that his "ighters were operating $anu"acturing"acilities3 "or !o!s While theBBC originally reported that the Syrian governentindiscriinately "ired a $SC5. issile3 at the city o" 7aa'reports later sur"acedthat in "act' the e*plosion was caused !y ishap at a re!el !o!,a#ing "acility=

    While Syrias re!els have !een noted as terrorists' !oth "oreign and doestic'since early 2011 !y the alternative edia' ainstrea edia outlets con"ired thatSyrian re!els were anu"acturing and indiscriinately deploying e*plosive devicesnationwide over a year a"ter the initial reports sur"aced The Western pressattepted to o!"uscate this "act "or as long as possi!le' irrepara!ly underining

    their legitiacy in the processThe 5N would !egin to aditthat indeed' the Syrianre!els were in violation o" the cease"ire' only as the violence ran deonstrativelyrapant and out o" control' with ars' "unding' euipent' training' and politicalsupport "or the re!els "ro the $6riends o" Syria3 cadreincluding the 5S' 5/' 6rance'Saudi Ara!ia' and Katarth' the Broo#ings (nstitution predicta!ly declaredthe Annan $peace deal3 a "ailure and that the tie to $stretch3 Syrias ilitary to the!rea#ing point through e*panded "oreign,!ac#ed unrest had coe (n an articletitled' $Annans +ission (possi!le: Why is everyone pretending that the 5N plan inSyria has a prayer o" succeeding$ Broo#ings .oha Center director Salan Shai#hdepicted the cease"ires "ailure as solely the result o" the Syrian governents!elligerence and !rutality' while entioning nothing o" the Syrian oppositionsdocuented' and even aditted' atrocities' stating:

    W(ile t(e international co""unity continues to )ocus on $nnan>s e))orts# it isun+elie,a+le t(at $ssad and (is re%i"e are still not seen as international !aria(s. T(eSyrian %o,ern"ent (as lied to t(e international co""unity at e,ery turn. W(en willt(e world reali6e t(at any atte"!t to ne%otiate wit( $ssad is utterly )utileM T(e $ssadre%i"e (as so )ar success)ully e"!loyed a strate%y o) +uyin% ti"e# a%reein% to t(e

    $nnan !lan w(ile doin% e,eryt(in% it can to under"ine it. s (ands +y +uyin% into t(e )anci)ullo%ic t(at t(e introduction o) unar"ed 3.N. o+ser,ers will esta+lis( cal" inside Syriaand "oderate t(e re%i"e>s +e(a,ior.

    And' while portraying the Syrian governent as irrationally carrying out acapaign o" !rutality against the Syrian people' Shai#h aditted that the $6reeSyrian Ary3 was operating ilitarily out o" Tur#ey and that the Syrian National

    =Syria: +assive e*plosion in 7aa D#ills ?0'BBC' April 2' 2012

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    Council GSNCH represents "oreign har!ored and in"luenced leadership While Shai#hportrayed Syrias inorities as $on the sideline'3 he declined to e*plain why they hadnot )oined the "oreign,driven unrest (n reality' these inority groups were thehardest hit !y re!el atrocities'including Syrias large Christian counitiesChristians in Syria have !een su!)ected to what should !e descri!ed as $ethniccleansing'3 not !y Syrian security "orces' !ut !y NAT,!ac#ed death suads under

    the !anner o" the $6ree Syrian Ary3 The Los $n%eles Ti"esreported in their article'$Syria Christians "ear li"e a"ter Assad'3 how Syrias Christian counity "ears theeergence o" what they descri!e as $a new dictatorship !y the Sunni +uslia)ority3

    Shai#hs article also revealed another truth with the clai that $oppositionleaders inside and outside the country do not have the resources to unite their ran#salone3 Surely' any opposition group that represents the vast a)ority o" the Syrianpeople' as the doinant narrative o" the ainstrea edia clais' would not havetrou!le "inding the resources inside o" Syria $alone3 .espite Shai#hs insistence to

    a!andon diploatic attepts to de"use the situation in "avor o" openly topplingAssad' the unrest in Syria has !een undenia!ly driven !y a "oreign,!ac#ed violentinority and carried out !y a co!ination o" violent Sunni,e*treists "ro Syriaand any "oreign "ighters !rought in "ro a!road +any o" Syrias less ac#nowledgedopposition groups' such as the National Coordination Coittee' a coalition o" le"t,leaning political parties staunchly opposed to "oreign intervention' who representSyrias internal opposition Gas opposed to the (stan!ul,!ased Syrian NationalCouncilH'"ind the $6ree Syrian Arys3 colla!oration with "oreigners $unaccepta!le?

    By late April 2012' it !ecae clear that NAT and its pro*ies e""orts to topple the

    Syrian governent were "ailing' priarily !ecause the oveents sei,covert"oreign !ac#ing was still not enough to turn the tide The Broo#ings (nstitution called"or ore overt !ac#ing o" the Syrian opposition , not e*cluding "oreign ilitaryintervention , while the ainstrea edia continued "raing the violence as one,sided when' in reality' the $6ree Syrian Ary3 was conducting a vicious capaign o"terrorist violence' even attepting to attac# a convoy consisting o" /o"i Annans 5Nonitors'leaving Syrian security "orces with no choice !ut to continue "ighting torestore order96ollowing the incident' 6rance ine*plica!ly !laed the Syriangovernent "or not providing adeuate security to the 5N onitors' a"ter a year o"condening the governent "or attepting to restore order in the "ace o" the veryilitant violence "ro which the attac#s resulted A concerted e""ort was !eing ade!y outside "orces to sa!otage the 5N peace plan in every shape' "or' and anner'especially through increased violence and particularly in cross,!order incidents tohelp !uild support "or NAT,!ac#ed' Tur#ey,led incursions into Syria to carve out$sa"e havens3 6ro there' a steady strea o" weapons and "ighters "ro around the

    Syria Christians "ear li"e a"ter Assad'os Angeles Ties' +arch ?' 2012

    ?$6ree Syrian Arys3 colla!oration with "oreigners'8(A Novosti' April 2' 2012

    9Bo! hits Syrian ary truc# escorting 5N tea'Al,a4eera' +ay 10' 2012

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    world would !e "unneled in' in an attept to' as Broo#ingss Shai#h puts it' $stretch3Syrias "orces to the !rea#ing point

    5N onitors were continually targeted and attac#ed' narrowly escaping roadside!o!sthat continued to roc# .aascus' as the opposition and edia again teaedup to disavow any responsi!ility ust as the re!els aditted to euters' the !o!ingsin .aascus targeted a governent intelligence !uilding' the very sort o" target the

    re!els claied they were loo#ing "or The idealistic coents ade to euters!yre!els o" $only targeting ilitary "orces3 "ell "lat' when Syrias ilitary "orcesattepted to aintain order in populated civilian areas Bo!s targeting a ilitaryconvoy or a governent !uilding are )ust as li#ely to #ill and ai civilians' as theyare governent troops This is why there are strict' internationally,recogni4edprohi!itionson using iprovised e*plosives' !oo!y,traps' and car !o!s o"" the!attle"ield and in populated areas , and why people who ignore such prohi!itions arecalled $terrorists3 eutersadits that re!els are $channeling3 outside donations into$!etter aterials3 leading to $ore sophisticated !o!s'3 and that the re!els are

    "ighting "or a cause $that has widespread support UaongV Sunni Ara! states and theWest3 What euters"ails to ention is what support' i" any' the re!els havedoestically' !eyond e*treist Sunnis' and how that support will !e a""ected !y"illing the streets with "oreign,"unded' indiscriinate terror and carnage

    (n early +ay 2012' the @entagon itsel" aditted that Al Kaeda is present in Syriaas reports sur"aced indicating that "oreign "ighters' weapons' and cash were "lowingover Syrias !orders' creating an eruption o" violence in northern e!anon(ndigenous e!anese "actions "aced o"" against each other along sectarian divisions'with initial in"oration indicating that e*treist groups !ac#ed !y the 5S' (srael' and

    Saudi Ara!ia were "ighting "actions connected to 7e4!ollah -*treist leaders acrossthe attepted to "rae the violence as $Sunni verses Shia'3 a ploy 7e4!ollah leader7assan Nasrallah warned against in 200? as docuented !y )ournalist Seyour7ersh:

    Nasralla( accused t(e Bus( $d"inistration o) worin% wit( Israel to deli+eratelyinsti%ate A)itna#> an $ra+ic word t(at is used to "ean insurrection and )ra%"entationwit(in Isla". 'In "y o!inion# t(ere is a (u%e ca"!ai%n t(rou%( t(e "edia t(rou%(outt(e world to !ut eac( side u! a%ainst t(e ot(er# (e said. 'I +elie,e t(at all t(is is +ein%run +y $"erican and Israeli intelli%ence. =e did not !ro,ide any s!eci)ic e,idence )or

    t(is.O =e said t(at t(e 3.S. war in Ira (ad increased sectarian tensions# +ut ar%uedt(at =e6+olla( (ad tried to !re,ent t(e" )ro" s!readin% into Le+anon. Sunni4S(iitecon)rontations increased# alon% wit( ,iolence# in t(e wees a)ter we taled.O >

    Eiolence raged in and around e!anons northernport city o" Tripoli While !eingdepicted as chaos $spilling over3 "ro Syria Gwith !oth sides identi"ying as eithersupporters or opponents o" the neigh!oring Syrian governentH' it is clear that theviolence there was indigenous' sectarian in nature' and directly related to the largercon"lict envisioned !y 7assan Nasrallah This prevailing $sectarian3 aspect revealswhat has !een stated !y geopolitical analysts since the !eginningo" unrest in Syria ,

    that the violence was driven not !y $pro,deocratic3 aspirations' !ut !y sectarianviolence e*ploited "or the sole purpose o" advancing the agenda o" "oreign eddlers ,

    >The 8edirection'The New %or#er' +arch ' 200?

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    sectarian violence that has now ani"ested itsel" in attac#s on Christians' .ru4e' andAlawites' as well as oderate Sunnis across Syria in the idst o" this so,called$deocratic revolution3

    By +ay 2012' the involveent o" the 5nited States' Saudi Ara!ia' Katar' and other;ul" States in supplying weapons' cash' and logistical support to terrorist "orces inSyria was "urther con"ired !y the Was(in%ton ost' in their article' $Syrian re!els

    get in"lu* o" ars with gul" neigh!ors oney' 5S coordination3 The Was(in%tonostnot only aditted the involveent o" "oreign powers provo#ing unrest in Syria'!ut con"ired the clais ade !y Syrian @resident Bashar al,Assad' that Syriashistorically violent +usli Brotherhood is also directly aring and "undingcontingents o" e*treists coitting acts o" terror across Syria' particularly in areasthat had !een portrayed as centers o" $pro,deocracy3 protests?0These$"lashpoints3' which had !een rac#ed !y violence depicted as $repression3 !y Syriantroops' were now aditted !y the Washington @ost to !e areas where $aterial is!eing stoc#piled3 These included the "lashpoint city o" (dli! on the Tur#ish,Syrian

    !order' in the su!ur!s o" .aascus' and along Syrias !order with e!anon whereweapons' supplies' and cash provided !y the 5S and Saudi Ara!ia were used toperpetuate the increased violence in Syria in the idst o" a cease"ire the West hasattepted to disingenuously use to de"ae the Syrian governent (n the idst o" a5N cease"ire' the ilitant Syrian re!el "orces continued to do everything possi!le tohaper the governents a!ility to restore order' while continuing their capaignwith new weapons' in another attept at violent "oreign,!ac#ed regie changeinareas controlled !y Syrias /urds F a group that had largely reained out o" thepredoinately "oreign,!ac#ed con"lict:

    T(e e))ect o) t(e new ar"s a!!eared e,ident in s clas( +etween o!!ositionand %o,ern"ent )orces o,er control o) t(e re+el4(eld city o) astan# near =o"s. T(eBritain4+ased Syrian 8+ser,atory )or =u"an i%(ts said re+el )orces w(o o,erran a

    %o,ern"ent +ase (ad illed 2 Syrian soldiers.

    @arado*ically' the 5S and ;ul" states continued "unneling weapons and other"ors o" aterial support to the Syrian re!els' even a"ter the @entagon aditted AlKaeda presence in Syria?1This cae a"ter terrorist groups claied responsi!ility "ora series o" !o!ings that have #illed ostly civilians (n the idst o" an adittedattept to increase violence and chaos' the Was(in%ton ostalso declared that

    NAT,e!er Tur#ey would !e pressured to invo#e Article (E o" the NAT Charter'allowing NAT to ilitarily intervene to $stop3 violence that outside "orces areopenly credited with "oenting 5nli#e previous con"licts' the 5S adission is not awhispered o!"uscation o" the their intentions' !ut an open declaration o" intent toprovo#e a war o" aggression , a Nure!erg o""ense "or all involved 7ere' we seedirect parallels !etween Adol" 7itlers Septe!er 1>=9 capaign o" desta!ili4ationin C4echoslova#ia' and NATs attepts to desta!ili4e Syria

    ?0Syrian re!els get in"lu* o" ars with gul" neigh!ors oney' 5S coordination' The Washington @ost' +ay 1'2012

    ?1Al Kaedas War "or Syria'The Wall Street ournal' uly 2' 2012

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    The 5nited Nations reained ine*plica!ly silent over revelations that the 5nitedStates' Saudi Ara!ia' and other ;ul" states' were directly responsi!le "or aringilitants in Syria in direct violation o" a 5N,!ro#ered cease"ire Additionally' the 5Sopenly threatened to ar /urdish ilitants in Syria to $rise up3 against thegovernent While in reality this constitutes a greater threat to neigh!oring Tur#ey'and perhaps an attept to otivate An#arato ta#e a ore aggressive stance against

    Syria' the threat o" purpose"ully inciting ore violence in a con"lict that has allegedlyclaied $20'000 lives3'sees not only grossly irresponsi!le' !ut a violation o"international peace?2As clashes !ro#e out in neigh!oring e!anonalong thee!anese,Syrian !order' )ournalist Seyour 7ersh e*posed a )oint 5S,(sraeli,Saudioperation to create a violent (slaist,"ront and direct it at 7e4!ollah in e!anon'@resident Bashar al,Assad in Syria' and at the (ranian governent years earlier7ershs 200? article $The 8edirection'3 would report the "act that these e*treisteleents' used as pro*ies !y outside "orces' had direct ties to Al Kaeda' with any o"the ilitants having either participated in "ighting 5S troops in (ra and A"ghanistan'

    or a""iliations with groups that did:In 200# accordin% to a re!ort +y t(e 3.S.4+ased International Crisis Grou!# Saad

    =ariri# t(e Sunni "aority leader o) t(e Le+anese !arlia"ent and t(e son o) t(e slain)or"er ri"e

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    !ehind 7ariris "action' then led !y 6ouad Siniora' augenting the creation o"ilitant "orces:

    T(e 3nited States (as also %i,en clandestine su!!ort to t(e Siniora %o,ern"ent#accordin% to t(e )or"er senior intelli%ence o))icial and t(e 3.S. %o,ern"ent consultant.'We are in a !ro%ra" to en(ance t(e Sunni ca!a+ility to resist S(iite in)luence# andwe>re s!readin% t(e "oney around as "uc( as we can# t(e )or"er senior intelli%ence

    o))icial said. T(e !ro+le" was t(at suc( "oney Aalways %ets in "ore !ocets t(an yout(in it will#> (e said. 'In t(is !rocess# we>re )inancin% a lot o) +ad %uys wit( so"eserious !otential unintended conseuences. We don>t (a,e t(e a+ility to deter"ine and

    %et !ay ,ouc(ers si%ned +y t(e !eo!le we lie and a,oid t(e !eo!le we don>t lie. It>s a,ery (i%(4ris ,enture.

    $"erican# ;uro!ean# and $ra+ o))icials I s!oe to told "e t(at t(e Siniora%o,ern"ent and its allies (ad allowed so"e aid to end u! in t(e (ands o) e"er%in%Sunni radical %rou!s in nort(ern Le+anon# t(e Beaa alley# and around alestinianre)u%ee ca"!s in t(e sout(. T(ese %rou!s# t(ou%( s"all# are seen as a +u))er to

    =e6+olla(- at t(e sa"e ti"e# t(eir ideolo%ical ties are wit( $l Haeda.

    CNNreported that $anti,Assad clerics3 have !een shot !y e!anese soldiers$ and')ust as was seen during the assassination o" 8a"ic 7ariri' deagogues and outside"orces attepted to draw Sunni +uslis into a con"lict with Shias?

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    reported that al,Kaeda terrorist groups were responsi!le "or the #illings in anattept to su!vert the peace plan' 5N investigators proposed that governent,hiredAlawite ilitias #nown as $Sha!iha3 were responsi!le "or the #illing

    (nitial reports issued !y Western edia organi4ations had claiedthat Syriangovernent shellingwas responsi!le "or the >0 $con"ired3 deaths !y 5N onitorswho later arrived on the scene 7owever' con"licting reports "ro across ;ul" State

    ediaclai the deaths' particularly those o" children' were caused !y $#nives3 andother short,range weapons (ages !roadcasted !y !oth the opposition and theSyrian governents SANA News networ#showed slain "ailies laying dead withinintact structures' the result o" a co!ination o" !rutality including close range sallars "ire and !laded weapons as claied !y ;ul" State networ#s?SANA Newsargues that terrorist groups coitted the atrocities' as it consistently aintainedthroughout the duration o" the unrest The West and its allies however' havepresented con"licting' and ever,shi"ting narratives to o!"uscate the increasinglydepraved atrocities coitted !y their own pro*y re!el "orces6orer British

    intelligence o""icer Alastair Croo#ecoented on the nature o" the attac#s' and howthey were not characteristic o" the cultural region to which Syria !elongs' suggestingthat the assacre had its tactical and ideological roots in the (ra war:

    T(is ty!e o) illin%# +e(eadin%s# slittin% o) t(roats o) c(ildren tooO# and o) t(is"utilation o) +odies# (as +een a c(aracteristic not o) Le,antine Isla"# not o) Syria# noto) Le+anon# +ut w(at (a!!ened in t(e $n+ar !ro,ince o) Ira. $nd so it see"s to !oint,ery "uc( in t(e direction o) %rou!s t(at (a,e +een associated wit( t(e war in Iraa%ainst t(e 3nited States w(o (a,e !er(a!s returned to Syria# or !er(a!s Irais w(o(a,e co"e u! )ro" $n+ar to tae !art in it. I t(in t(e attac is "ore close to ' 2012

    ??6rance' 5/ 5rge Support "or Syrian pposition' Bloo!erg' +ay 2' 2012
