voL.vra. DOVEE, MOBRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SA.TUKDAY, AUGUST 10 1878. THE1RONERA iDBUSBKO ErESI BAIUBOJII XI BENJ. H. VOG-T. EDITOR AH» PBOUIETOB. OMDB on Morris Street new Blwkwell. TBRHB OF BUBBCRIPTXUH IKTIBUW'T IK kDVkVCE. One Year, - - - - - - - 82.00 Six Mouths, - - - - 1 . 0 0 Tliree months, - - - - - - - C O Dr. P. A. HARRIS, PHYSICIAN aim SURGEON, i DOVER, N. J. o 1 "* V. STICttLB, Counsellor at La/w , AND ' MASTKK IN CIIANUERY, B.OCKAWAY. N. J. Cunur of Blmknoll ioa Smioi BM.' boVBH. N. J. B. JOLLEY; Proprietor. JIcMo*ftudCarriascB to Lot. YKT T.LaponT. "• Counsellor at AND MASTER IN>C)H/L1(OEBY, Onico Ii.U.e "htlon.il H.iluu ll.i* Building,. 3LUTV^SSI., DOVER, N.3. C V.OH-I.KIV, v J ..... j •;>;• . : Furnishing Undertaker ' . LICENBEDAWDTIONEEBANDCOSIMIB. SIOSEB OH DEEDS, >.-All ordoti prompt!? attended to: HIUKIT,^ ..;.. Dorer. N. J. T \ i l V B U J.AUU11ATO1IY. , ;,. , . . Amjs Md Anil v*o« of ill aoHcripllona of (111 Kg AN J> .11 IK B It A 1.8 » V PAREFOIJ.V ft[ADB. AlUlorclurgifuriUbefilnilitheaon application, . •.. .,.,/.••.• .i .,L.o.ManwniTB, ^ Boror Morrii Ccnuty N. J. • Allen Palmer & Son, Carpenters I;;:::.;;::;; •!••••.• .•• • . , .••... AND Builders. ATTOBNEY8 &OOTJNSEiXOns AT . - LAW, I-.'-/ -v'-i- Cor. Blacknell ona Busse* St». ; :ll. Ai'DEMKKTT, M.'B ! Cor.' Blackwell & warren Sts,, Bl.oue.'or'mWra^ffiWilurcipaua of'ft* Ejo MM] JSir ipcoIalUm. OIBceHoorB>7toeA.M:ii'tp»Janil7jo8P.jl •la-aOpQ " " ' ' i' FOBS JK BJIITII.' ' : : SMIJH ,& MEQIEt.-, ;, r ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE OVEIl PffiBSOh'S HAT MORE," t r , STREET; i ••,&[ BNtew, orrOTiiioson , oif'soiiii*6biniTi. ;_• Onico ovor GEO IU0H/BDH k Co.'« > Bp'cclaiaiiii \um on «aiajdam n™»_>,* M. [lllUU. • ' 4 "•" ,ATTOIUIBYATLAW, m o MA8TEH IN CHAMOEBY, ;, , . . DOVER," N. j. .' . o m n OTIlt A. WlEllton'i •!•« and'tin «lo«, 17-ly .Brm*wcU«trcet. i>S,_, MARY d FORD, 1*1. D., HqrnoeopathlcrPbysiciaii;-: Om™ nt lio ro«l.l»n«,of. Mr, J»inM>ori, <.,,|.*iw9tJM.raV Hall;. P. 0rADDnK8S BOX'4CO, DOVEIl, V.I. . .' . »'? '• • 1 v , v >V.'B.'lt E. F. D POWERVIDLEiN. J W«.B. DttJAUt,- PASSAGErriCKETS: B9J TI1O.1I AH BR urcs,!, Pqr tbo Istt . ililuiu wnlk ; now !• c*n w»lk md.tleep, 3raywork as well'M e?or I'did, ftndit t*.y I owe It i i r t n your blood pnrifler, mo. . ••" WABOEia WELLS.]' rrmii— Tim (treit ineoeig of tbeVeftp* _j*o!einicr.Enil,pcrifler Pf' Uio blood li iwn tiovoiiii « doabi br tbo grail, nurn ben bo Itiviv taken tt, *ud rrcaired itattedU'a sHel, with ineL rom«rUbl«i eiroir'.-'- ! ,'- il - i |. WOODPOavV T lilt old eiUbllah»dHat«l l<opeotor(tb5Bi»Mj>« •nil li partloilarIT deilrtbln ror tlioaa Met ID E tld ldeiica BltmtnJ ft Uf»b« n WAOOM tod CAnWAQB WOOD TVO • orpomiB DOVEUI »KPor. : /uloww»7.00perBOtiJUl COLORS for carringa unOrtfu ' Also OILS and TABNISH, bo Do»"4 i 9' TUBTBITUIB, Van &te. Paint, Coloring and Varol esniiaStripingFoncilo, a^Iitoak ittliealwre goodafromthabutm bj wnton: T jPIBaT-OIi o bj IAGE and & ' g had nlnrga oipetienoe rotmorl . balder, from'a knowledgg QliU(lca OT9r *ny other dooler. VEGETINF' I WILL TKY VEGETINE. K, 0., Feb. 10,1817 DEIB SIB:-I will] toeUe you Ibli te»tlmony 170a maj If new. toil lit otben know, whit ne lor me. About tVoyetn leg t u iuoa' :I a maj If tlnebu dune lor me. About tVoye small acini onio ou mj leg t u iuoa j c » iwgB Ulcer, tottonbltBOnw t b » t r « _ ,t«d the do^or, Ul 1 got no relief. groirlD( one from d»r to d*y. Inn.-.., mid not roBl d»y or nigbt; 1 w«| , jjriinnl»ibongiit Iwuuld oortr recururj J laiulted a doctor it polatnlmi. .rro^owed Badviceiit did DO Rvo<ll, > I>MD^tral)i>ajJ H dlicournRnI. At -lift s t'ntfl #»*look*off or my new*n»per; Ittwyonradrertiiemeiit Vegollnu, tin. "Grout Blood Purifier" for •niinj HID Hood from ill ippnrtHem.f prin« itnon., Ulcen, &e, I Mid to tor fatullv.l II try mine ol lUe Vi-setloo, Won Iiud od the Ont Lnllle I began lo feel batter. J feel Iwtler. dlhadBoUlerJBliiniedio nowBleopwellnigUli. * c g the VegetlDfl. I took thirt MY hultb la good. Tit Ulc I am bl t tted t b l t f lued t s k h i g ' l b e VecetlDflT I took thirteen ..... ,._ ....... £ g0Q( i. TI,. Ulcer I; ultb la good. Tit Ulc«r if Q, Mid I am able to attend to boaluiiea. I 1 about four bonilreii dolUra fur medicine duotors lielorc I boojtnt the Vesotlue. 1 commendud VCJHJIIDO to ftbcnwltli i l k bttlfll recomm iocc bouas gcntlctn»D,or ibo rlnn o(¥. intbonl Sow*.- Mt. Aotbbci' !•' MtenalrriT known, ipcfllillj'unong thB-Qennwii. He li. well owe inCfntlonitl. fi rMpoolod by all. .rin4v.S3£.?Sntlffld^ 'egolluo, audonn Ibeaa »ffuotioni. Al» nod purlflor it baa no equal. Ita cbTenla ar« vrcfe f J)o»oufaii(4 Mm., Jonft 11.) If. It. B u m s : 1 em 8iB-I foal it my dnly lo »yona word n tliG me of one of thJTjnre'ttoitVoiHlcin pf world)- it: Ii -your Yegetlne.-1 hurt been n| got,, Th«V icli an extent, tliat my i /thrci. yi UMQediOB bake oat In 'cars I baTD not Better thanjtniJ[EpiCliEf t ItiM) my ff. ttiSi blood. alioJ mure Kve lakan. IleaderaoD, Ky, YEOETISE in cnoipiicd of Boots, Barks ina eibi. It Is torj jilcaiant lo take; etorj Love and Trouble on Ihe Wave. All Lands and tlio cook were ready, 'he engineer iu charge of tha propeller fere snrjgly perclicd oa tbe deck of the " rmont mule. Tba nan at tlie holm lad {ant spit on bii bnads and was read; grab hold. The captain was cowing ip (be odinr stain of the packet, wip- Dg lifl lijJB on tbo back of his tawny baiidi. His morning grog waa in tbe right placo and all was ready for tbo voyage. The chambermaid shook tbe table olotb oat .of tbe parlor bay-window and fed tlie flsbea with tlie crumbs of ha naval pastry for the lost time in port. VAboy.ye lubber 1" yelled tbe cap- •in to tbeman oa (be,, mule* bringing ts gtatu below tlio eye, as he, full over ben'coon, and flmaabtd tlie bottles con " \g tlio vesBol'a medicinal, -' •' 'Aye. aye ]' cams from tbe end ol tlie toy-line, BO tbe aleepy marine bit off o Town person's cbaw of navy tig-tag. 'Hunkidori t Ship cable auS let bei scud I' came from tliBiron lungs of tlie boojiy commander, as be picked liinmtlf p and kicked, tbe hired girl'a baud-box rerlward, "•' ! ' ' ; """ The floiMng. box-car, wag underway ai Oaahed throngb tbe slimy doap like policeman going to a riot. : ' Every ineb of ranviua wa* spread—over tbe peririfcblf frolgbt on tie upper deck. ' Th? taan at tbe brake was sober and iwipled. her around the Plnra street oor- witboot a away or a bump. r Bat hark t "A sqneak of dintresa from thojoo boiv 1,', The captain dropped bie barked BbiD, clambered r p o n tbopOB- senger'a trank, and bellawed;,' \ •: 'Wboa l^Heave to .1 Beef the bon- B and stop tbem mules.' Tbe team wai halted, nnd tho bark died np to the beach,, , ( '; , A-toiiriflod oonplecamo ranning for- ward, pbfflng and ilrheeziug.ttnd bound* on board (lie gallant bargs. 'Save us from'that nan in the blue Dotton OTtratlo,' Implored the youtb. 'We Iwant to bitch, and he can't eee it. herdttd. 1 -' 1 .' 3 : '^ , . : ; are yo' etiimps for your paesago looey ?' Bsid the. capta'D. 'Tliia sloop in't help DO eloper ou tick,' t - ; 'Take.'toy wdtcb and chain, Sol's ear rings, all,oar moaey. everything—onlj startupyanrold qlieefle.box aud gotoa iway'fcefoi'o the old man overtakes ua. Bee'1,'Out loose l' Shove out I He'll board u in n ininnte,' '••"•• : ' '. 'jUl; / tight,',&&(d the uaptniu. 'Sboll oat/and with a yol! that scared, tliefor- warfl.'maleinto a ten-tnindte'gait and Sepommended iy JS. D.'s. | jl.SnTum. .'..! tarBErpI.havo tola Tosotlnc for k lone i.udBnii ilnlvoimoitenclloniml.In- ,S. V.-» I V >A. li. Bl! IUSm, M. I)., J i<i:«S[l >j(- \ H«ilo'.on,Iud. , Boston, Mass: IS BOLD BI ALL DBDGOISm EWTIS O addltiontl charge Tor oitraoting where naw leotU ire imqrlpdf ffaare now uak- ljdiatifdl iWt» of (oetb tor i i LV WORK- WABKA1MTE1). loTCr,Septcniliera«th,*lBT5. „, ^' he Ladies' A3 a um of J878, f early Opposite the Fost Offlci t angry parent, viaa just enough 'bbluft.; HuVicltcd tl:ob.iuk'and liko a Bea'aiing nian, cried, shook j,iBatidon[n.,.onXBaltbQrrel, and _ t up andtried ,_tq IOQBSU a cobble toQe, :,He,.wfl».iaftd,and.diaconraged, and dlila't feel s bit sociable, BO he vent to aaaloonlAttd tobki'a-drink by Lim- came out sadder than'ever load,, of pork' Wu paaslng. _-j|5«J he win- beBido tho^ drifer ud piplaicod theiHtuntibn. Tho FM deapcrate bat bftwes ready and able J pay,' aud would fork opjiaadaoiuu if iry. "'And jon net in'the:shadel.aiid. rtittloall^hBBiiiiinier;:,^;, 1 ; 1 /: 1 , ; .... ,,} aoidiho ^river.:and the Tlie man drove, a tbo whip, bl B ^nt ... . onoo moretpndBi. fall ouil, junt aa tlo Jrsy'oamt,;iairly. atrcut and- tho /last afotber'ip'aWada'draj pin' and>u- t the driver to encourage the old to'Jfeifft blJl h S o h ^ D g i - ; VKe r^\{c\^o a h d ^ e onfii* nd(ir,. Tlo wna golniiig and would beflratat bridge. The lovers trembled and im- plored the cnpjAin,tq doaometiling.^ Ho Dt as even y behind. The ^orse.jyaa ^jn Tbe packet ahot ahead and was first al the-bridgc. ^BututrthD lotore b w k t a t ,tho mau at tbe bulkhead—*Low bridge 1 1 tba parent's an^ry'eye looked dow d riol. and wilfbo mft p and nqirrat dMigna. b/(<»' 'BILLIARrDi, OBt he squander wealth by boiling bi nto'lhe'b'rinv deep flud she jumped oi W e n s tho{reauolhngmdithe op; Uko on tlie b o / j W W # ' r 'Lucky foHmoi* aaid 3 tUo B dapi areTtho dripping p m D t u "'o^onl H/aggedl* Jo Iwok a Qli*ndj(at the f woddinfr rbV, 1 ' BI««t you, 'bby. Sussex St. Sd Door from Canal i f l y DOVES taJi!'" DOVES, Tbo p , fine drv Oba dotnoHtla Llquon " brands of Began. i , Groedineia dige iia owa grave.' •••'' The Prlnco or Wales- is AlirAMLlTY WHILE IS AUBIHCA 1 TLEWED BY Alt E-VOLlhUllAN. Tbe WhiUdinll Iicvi>:w. in no nrtii tbe nioiubilil; <if, ilio Vriuw of Vales, says of bin visit lo tint) country : 'This charming gift of euay affubility bowever, particoiarly noticeable Tuluable during the Prince's visit U> m States. Tbe attitude of the Qiieen'g Ideat son luwards lliu Vnulmcs at th» iticalmoment in wbicli llie ro.yal vifit as made van [>prl{citlarly^UuUoulc. aud liliougU tbe Pritiflo uo .doubt greiitlv >ono8tcd by tho a.lvice and eijicrienci. his governor, ot tha hitu Dnlip af iwciistle. and of the late Lord St. Oer- IBDB, there can he no doubt tint Imil ot tha royal pupil ncsflOKscd an exqui Us and extraordinary oppienialiou ui xe diffluultiQB of ttio uitimtiou, tlio let), ma would have all boon tanght io vuin. "It BOhapijcucd tliat lint limp In-ftiri JO nrrival of tbo I'rinco of WIIICH in few York a now o»ylum for tha OLMI nd dumb bad boon opened, unrl, no wiut atural enough, tbepreaident ftiid coni- ittee of tbla new oliarity Gurnoatly BU- ttted the atteudiinco of tbo ycutlifn) sir to the crown of Qrent nrilnin at n sotuie lo be given in lionur of tliu in nguration. Tho iuvitntinn wan gtn maly accepted, and His Royjil Higli- ieaa nnd Euilo patlQutty sut for twu lours listening to a dull nasal -ncrora on from BOIL? nm> of 'the most revahvV- ble men' of the Statea, probably whilti i a pulpit ou tho opposite side uiibtiicr leof tho're markublefl* nastranelatins io borongiio 011 his fingers to tba! dent 1 id dumb. "Whoa at. length all_ niu< rer, audIlia lioyai llighaohs andsuite, 'ter having congrntainted tbe ilirectora, ere about to leave the room, one of tbe notionariea btifppcd np to tho Prince id fagged him to wnlk ou to tbe plat- inn nnd sigu his name as a Houvoair to cherialied iu tbo nruhivos of Ihe .litai; XJnoocoseaty to say the Prince -eadily consented, and stopping on U> platform Bigno'l Lie naniB III,'.'tbe er, all bis suite following IIIB exa'm- ;Aa they were abuut to atop down 'hot wan ILeir horror, and fioiazemout 'bou tbe^uine.gauut director who bud oticcd (hem tothis j ^ c o peril of put his' Lod fniniliarly oil tboPriuaa's filiniild' aud fiidi l %aUfl,l)"il/ t 8ir, Justine iuuio,- ploftie'i'V aud: tliea hefuru - the ritlsbors could r recoTer from their ua- nishmDnt tiia outiito nnd prnotioal iiikee, with a present Bunium,' seiiotl^-a luching '3uc0P8Jfively each ouo of liis iotims .ou tliu bond on .if^.thcj rere wax figures, aununuced: 'Tiiis in JbertEdward, Pi-incp'o, Wnies, eldest Ron of Queen Victoria,•;•'£*!>.; . ic'., ' &o. ; 'Tliia is Hob'ryiPelljara Oiiiilon, flftli l>nkeofNewoastle,:,ic.j ftcj./Ttttejii idwurdarauyillii Eliot;;third Eafl*.of ' GeriaaaflV-' Sx.t A., tbo interureter tba while being busily 'CugageiJ iu ,raDBlQting op tlie fingers tlieau astoniHu- ug fuoln to' tbo poor deaf aud dumb, IFIIO Bat grinning with ploaacro/aiid de- . i g b t . i , : ' , \ \ . < - i •' •: '•• ; ; ' '•• ' •••,• 'Our informant osaurea/us that! tlie [acea of the illnstrions 'expotei viova- a ntudy. Tim Duke bt Nftircaatlc bit his ip almoBt to tbe blood, to hide bl«' up- Lord SL dermana' tried, to: turn iiis amiabto and handeomo faco\into> ih'urider blbiict; in al,ir6rdtt.all were er pted^annoyed'Bnd deeply voiod by tbo : enUBrfidenes8 and Vulgitrity -.of> (Jio ril Sinn t1irAliJ.M*tn fl \ IA ttrrrt rtTl ' JltT ^" 1") fi t ^J T>% 'xinco. Ho stood quite calm and quibt •'bile tlio Tanfcoo lind,.tlid J polo, on. his 1 iea*l and waa running through his; bio-- -,-. ^liiBfoaturea relaxed ifiom ivbou tbeDuVe of Newcastle's turn batnp; l>ut when tbo stlyor, jij; yyal Hlghupss ad'waa'Jorced'tn bov7 lid Io9e control oVor litnsolf altogether aiid burst oUb laush- 'TbH'aneciloleiandt only trua auil •aummngbutinatructive,!. Aa.Hii BoyW HighneaB was tlien, so iB he now. ;Htt, "eflrslgentlBman tft the- Eritisli Em- .ro, -will put up witli and aveu'Stuilo at annoyances which men inflnitnly interior tohim in ruuk ffiiE resent and complain ify'nnd DO mail can; over liavfl been inuohii the society.'of our lioir-appar- ont without being ublo to, testify, to.,tho ilh.of this' BBaortion, •ThoPrince .jognizfts but cue tlieory of lifo .which must be observed, one -nip of eoDduet may not; e'vor bo .brokon^r-thu codoofhouDr. AMfor bronchcB:,or;eti qnetto (when there is no suspicion jol mpcrlinence or vulganty,- of.coiirso] lie Will hot only panlon but inorfl often I ban not smile al them, .as afforded lilm iome relief from tho Boltloi'-niiUwralt? if his eiistcnoe." ''... j-'.','^ "•'''!' , Tlio Trinii'ol.ilfei';. .. - BeiweeE tlib.flgca of forty-five pn;. tya mnn wbb^hds 'properly.rcguluted bimself, may bo consldfji'od in the '^ ^ ofllfe. Ela'Wa'tur^d' strengih> of, stitution renders him iilmiiBt impor .90,11attack of dispiiao, ait'l '.exiJor IOB given 1 d is icfiolntci an ^i tfe'r;' heaRfluincs muitcryiover ness'i liui|ds •u^I'oi 1 jM^ai*«toW d'liVdiaa'lnid^in.e pdiaalnid^inearlyniitu ibbd ' and pflsfl^'tbrosgh 4'porJotlxiHifa Uied by raaiiy^BPntifi^i^^^ over a year tg . HOIf l\(.[*ltS()l.f, IXCH'KI). Col. Uob lugeraoll It.iwd nj.-r.iiibL tlic nil of the (juurtpnli'iil; of l\w pdiiii j yostofiliiv oft^rijoiju* iiliic upf.'iiiij] «j|iU-ini)l.iliii2 liji'burly- uf pri'purutifju fur "uiliii;,'. Uo id a white buuvei- vua carelessly punh- bnck from his forchoad. Air. Iu- solj and the Misses lugersoll, lilnom- mnuiens. tliB youngent. Icing an it eofteoeil andcolored likentiHS of bur ber, sat on a bencli ii»ur by, 'I uliall not lecture." he Kni:l, "iu iropo. Mont uf our time will bo 'spout lland, for I go to Europe jirinci- Uy to inquire into the life of ltobert m I regatd bim n« Kecoiid only to koHpeni'o in poetiT. Slinlcosjienro was puliioo, but. lit) wiw tliu cottage of uotry, and tbe bouses bet ween wore ut worth innoli. TL1011 Enrns ivns pruh- ily tbe stoutest oncuiy th;it Culvinlmii -IT hud. His 'Holj Willy's Pniyer' best argument ngniiiBt Ciilviuisni. n't liko Calviniad ; it in liidubnund, da great dim" htm attract ive'ttian itlmlicism, nlifcli it wan deigned to perepdo. CatholkuHin in willing to you have a good tim« hero lolow, if >n jiay for it , but Culvlnism is not, liethei you |)uy or not. I'liu pithinHl lion that wua ever esjucssi'd t>t Fat- ism is attributed t«> lMiu:iiii*av, when 'aid tlint tliu 1'uritrns objected to ill-Wit ing;, not beeaii.'-e it. was cineltj t'uo bulla, but UHMIIJB tliu spec tutors id it,* Now, I believe [Q enjoying 1 life rcaiorjubly, aocurriiug to the loans nt my disposal, aud I doii't; taku )k in any croud that keeps up worry, ig about wtutis beyond. Mo ono 01111 now .what is to come af terwiird. W by, would be just aareasonable for mo to :ry ujjualf ubutlt the future statfl ns it rould bo for me to rush ashore, Iny in a oavy. stock of tales nbont aprmliing bipwreche, and Hie tmatriiifti of sliip- rreched men' vbilo slmging for their vea' to spars and henaobpa, and lose tbe enjoyment tbut I expect to de< e'ftoia thoVayngo in reuderltigthoui. iB 1 is a Hclriud/aud' trim nh'p, aud lera's plenty _6f Iiecr abonnl—tliougb, f tbo way;' the'only bevtragea' that 1 ijoy'aro cbaaipagiio and clarot—and I in't'pruiioHe lo .iriuke mysolf iniserable, iut(Jiulto loaru, QoimiiU ; and .to ublo asli for whatever, I. want vvliuu Hand. _ o .,";Tbe— . . . od of Iraffile, imitcrinl, vanA-nt •Jepenii an : b6w'.ti8^HddonyhcUieri)t.be):id;'c ib'DMk., I ti3outiind "lipoplory ar« nlao ii 'i .. , . . T .... '•'. : J_1 Ai.' 4f. ja lYflifiilflt rtll tio tili tlirastHnilroin gira'oi/1ii«; in iotclj. anai"»i|Ii icrpcot. comtt To qnoto iiiotopliiir,lt;:ll!c tirn.ol life' is a turn'eitlioriiuto .tt >proli>ngcj -walk pr into tbo grave; Tbe system ami pow- ers having reached tbo.utmost erpan- sion,BUwb^gin r fiiUi9r.tp;;(i|o8O,:lilie o flower at sunset.'or break down nt onoo. One iniudioioiiBHtniiiiant, n Binglo fatal ' itbniBnt,'mny foroe it beyond iu mgth, wliilst ii careful Muiiply cfpror. , thovritbirawalof all'tlmt- tends ,1 io a "jjant" •»Jl Biistaiu it iu.beaul vigor n'ntil nigiit.has entirely sot ii years it-will 'rcqnin. , .... 0 that there W»B any i bU're-eloctioD, Will you malto any more spcedies io political fluld^OoIonel. wbcu yuti *-?"'!:' •?'';:';: y : ': : ' " ^urliiofc say p^a'ilivbl/iiow^ wliether ll or not. Tbe porty that la to cor' ometliing for-the worWngmon. Their eed 1Bthe vital demand qf. tbo "lioiir- iiUink,,Uu>t,a QovonmibUt'ot tbo•Uni- cd States thnt oaunot'assiiro ivcry i in- trioiifl mau,» houflo of Hjrcoj or four •on, and'plentj'of-'food,' ^ l b e n nehatfetnilltons npo'n mill- ma uf ooroa of laitd to yield food ; nnd tides of exchange, wltli Enrorie,- tins no ;litto exist." •* '• . : ' '•'Wonld yotretnmp for Grant?" "Idoa't belioTo tliat Grant, will lie io nomluca ,of the Republican party >r lBBt). Hayes has inado same peopli liink of Grant favorably as compared Itb' biuiself. Grant is .'tbo nan ou utiiies.' Hayes, tbrongh his we'ai-; icss, has been Grant's best frieud. X imit' that Elaine will be tba'atrmigost anil, enemies, nnd scud them clear nudoistandlng of how ii.iH«-u<uL.a toward tbetn." •"• ''•,"',"'',', l I rcad'iri a newBimpor t i n t ' S2,B0f),00f)' ?ortlj|'pf,bonds were talten'in Wnll/Sf.' •csterdnyi'Tliis is onu of the worst [iaaater.""liarioy ti]nt.mon.,who. intend o foil arc giving iaoiioy lj to tboir- wivbii: ('buy 'tiiead b'ouOa, becimso they are Tipftii flini T^ttiiMiM'lQ-1 Honest men pn'tlritflh forward ito'tftkef four!-per intereat o*i'tkeicmioii&y ivhdathcy in got ten witbtho heat Western fnrms tat tho BUtreVer shown pn as' seourity. 'Doy tolla no yon don^jiuode ehu'cli, said TTncla tlomas to Peglog Obarloy ibo othorduy. " •' 'f -'' ^ • 'Yes, M V respondeilLChnvley, gravely ' W e i l . r i n iriiRnfyj'EJiid pr^ult.'^re irkod'tTuoIulUiuuH witiriinotion. 'It >uttimB-JatIwns'Bpeoliii'ifor tohen PBB day whor ii"niggi?r f 8 gwino tor Ian.',! ' Y ' w'lfpn*?^ pl 1Br '<T 8 'r n 'B^ n p f p n ? ^ • p T r r g himself np'and sijeakiuu in ad'gn edjlpnp,j.'ye8lr i I I ui^xiu;toido itettor 'mi'jirepttrin 1 for I. to slinks Uvorlinesa. 'm done qiiit Bo'ahatin' will dost white wri b'ftys. p6y'Tp'l)ocnt rigoin'bncfc d" nio' 'toi rapidly lioro' lately, an' H 'ui,ii)5piu'.baehoii;t]enif' ,;• .•-,,.'.. 'iWolii'lef yoiidone bnd\loBpennoe rFn-mightygind.—Btyotrgot'lijjfiiii, in hotter brtlgojijt^ ItlUwJlt do lus"dn> 'i'lio li,ij IVIIU AdvlMd, -'lit- uvchiUd nln) jilau.s bigu front [fiUi a liuuau in in league ivitb certuin e who buve u "*t»i'K«f and nKsorted •l",,i mL'fltinL-^ Worn in tbrir uu- fa. Pruuf of tlih nin he found any in tbu we.-li in Iji;tri)it, iiud the Jut- IVIIH giillicicil iu no later tban Butur- duy iiftenioiiii. . A very nice young man, il in tbu nolibit-st ptylp, and Hpurt- if n cauo which ticvnr coit lew than a Dllur, wullnjil up tlif tii(,'h fruut HU'JIN U Joffttrfion nveuue inuiiniuii unri pull- tha boll. It wua pluiti miout;b even »a driver of a clrcct cur IL-iittliu .voung HID liad on nlTi'ction fur Home ono iu it hoiihp, and that bo wua ubnut to lout bis charmer. But it wauu't BO •lain to a miuh-uohvil boy whu woi iwing a jiicture offiii Lidimi warrior the fl:igst(i!!fisuit1) Djiit'co of Indiyu. o looked up, quit bia work, mid luatlny to tbe front gate lieculiud out: 'Them nir fulka don't wuutuuy put mi I b-piiKtu lo.duy. 1 The nobby young muu give a sudden irt uf surprise, hut be inatautly real- cd the vastuesa of tbo gulf sepumting iro andtbut street boy, uud bo did nut ' * . 'Our folks don't want auy clutfaeS' ingurs la~i\ay, and you want to bear ic,' called tbe boy. The young manliourd bim. Several .'diuLrianitalBO hoarut him and as they iked tlio young ciun Woudcred wby no ic answered tliu Lull. •I'm telling you fellow up tbere, 1 said le.buy, 'Hmt«(3 don't keep no board- ig liouao here. If you want cheap you must go arouiid llie corner id three blocks almight on. Do you «J to pay in advance ?' . As noone came to tbe duor the youug pulled thebell uginn, 'I'm telling ynu tlint you can't pnsn M off ou tin us a giunHlioppcrauf- frur I* shouted tbe boy. 'If you want inie cold viotuala, go nruuul to this side Tour pedeatrinua lifld halted on the ILT side of tbo etreot, aud tbo young in looked down on tbe boy and softly farrrDuri'.widtfoui/ia do tiny ti Ji: flu •tiiiilit : 'lJpioi i ' <> "H|t*ll l p.\v yoii|nl [n'^'plltioB,!!!!'fci"ypfi, .Maud ..iipjil in ongutcr, hit'll, liwt louKCr'u abune- Oli, Imij)in:.}p.^, q on k'iri pnt joiir'money ou dut. Des 6wn ; boys- cfin't-piny xio.nipic ura| ranita on' me. "'T'ui firwK ' Can't yo loml iUQa"di'uye>tluclejltemu3.,4o.,,]/nj nio a;i»io^ Tin 3 ^ hungry,tlf»t ,iny,3to. ui'tioiiisgattiu? readyto,BQiiiiKo«'nio^ ! 'y^cle Bgmus p y p d - a y j c Rmeut.wiiilc tlio Inttcr booked quiel tbielimbor too. Finally'tire old-ma , lemrae ypa p> enny ^ ^ ^ il'uf.long'natlfcriecgofroandjtakin' contnbritions.''.'; Wutt^ontwoli lymi «i HorU'r.HCflsonMli'liliei"aii^-tlei.'r Til lull out atrtp.«ir.;.lwo,:f«r you,- B^t yon-llisvy^iixcaittio^fjiVlj;!-'•;;;";•<'•'"'' icttliQ oldjmau \VntiermeloD.'' '• nnd ;tmid 'he' wonl APraibytertiin ba&temcd nhcoli cal Bantrflinin aNiitsbBtl 1 ; j-;'A DaptiHt pi iton nuuiieii.wiu ua.u.jupuu(iii H.IIL-L .ui J*M. »osci of inrlnkllng. Tbo Bsptut, hon bo Bn (lie B Tlicy were smite il tdfjetlicr, i:ido by BWC. on Ibe (ofii, in Itii: aunt approved lover fasliiuu, liia nriu eiiciiclin^ liur tu- per wuifct, f-tc, *Li:'.xii',' liuatiid, 'j'uti niutiL buve reitil iy hwrlmu this, you must \u,uw huw eurlj' I lovoyou.' •YIM. Frwl, you ccituinly buve bcun cry iiltuiitivo,' tiuid Lizzie, 'but, hhzie darling, do yon love me V Will you be my wife?' 'Your wile, Fred I Of .ill things, iu> ! 'Buy, cmi you catch, ten 'Wo don't uign no potislmns hero, for a itiomtl mnmitneub to the iiiyentor of io dinti ininj*'ji!pljed'tbe boy, 'Whnt iu talking'tnynnNs'liiutyouWBtittogo 'ounil to tbe back door.." ' Tho j»ini'n'nitiu : wished a'wiuli can- iniug J18 grains fine tlint Vlho builder, tlioso high etops hud * boon deiiil for irty years, but luo-dtjor didu't open ud tlio dopt cluing o]>oii ( and tbo boy nig right to him, culling out: 'Hniii't I becu . tolling $6$ that yon m't'gct in there I' Yuti'may bo tho pri- ito Matob limn on this liluck, but ytiu in't go around [Hilling frontdoor bellB nil putting on nirs 1 If I buve argy inch longer I'll call the police. •X'vu got a linlf dollnr here, boy 1' Raid lie young roan OB Lo turnod nronud. ; 'Let's eoo liow it loolts I' softly replied io lad.. tl "'' , ... ., Dut ibo liull dollar was at.bnmo. . llie >ung man searched for it in vain, and io: disgusted boy .turned, to.tbo mou •rose,tlie Etrpotaml called out; '• 'Isn't it iigia tbe law for a fellow to be iking a. beeswax impression' of a front loor look iu the tiny time V ; Tbflf started to coinB over, and tli OUDR man harricd^dqwn the stepa urn m tbo street Jfs gavfl tbe.boy jnatono ajikl It 'was it lobk.in. which railroad biiisfonB aud steamboat" blow-ups were quallymixed and tlien frosted with a 'ogardua kiokor. ''' 'Obi ye enn wink at jnq and iry, to my iae off?' growled tha boy, .'buttliGW irinoinlea ,of hpnoaly jW.oro. paintefl ,all ivcr mo wlion I was n,baby,,and they isn't be rubbed put neir bougbt.up,,J Just then n young ladj ihmyt open ie door and srailod aud bowed, and got iBfariu: /Why, Fwed!' when sliadis- nbvered he wasn't tUerei'" The footman was ant and 1 BUG had waited to'fix up,' Iniu" *Pived' bad "'gone;'' "She tacied in lUd'almt tbfl 'door, and theracanboy I down lo finiflli his'ludian, muttcr- •If lio : conld'truiso fifty e'euts to re- irtl me, liow'd^lio ever nmnngo to .U'jjal-otio a 1 tUoin corsets with a hi Ir'uJ and 1 ninety bon'W in it?*—Detroit Areporter went on Sunday to I lie Kav. "Dr,.Artbui\ Miicboll. ot Chicago lo nsk for tbc.uianiiHcript of tbo saituon be liad just prencbed. Dr. juT.ia.teU. refuBed to riyu iL lo him, on tho-eronnd thnt, tlie ;o of it would hoSundnyhraalting. He id tliu reporter .oould.iluive.it on any pek,duyt but (bat bo;.did not intend to !i]ntari.nnao..6p''niach.Sanduy labor as Diild boin voiced in putting the riernion iu typo for. ITpUjlay's popenl^Ti liortor vaiuly .urged tliat Monday.pn. i> it iiGccBstity. ami that mcch ofitbo irk.qu them, .must; .ueods .bo.d.one.ion mday..^ "ffojeD-. MHcbelVJooV Usne Ili .h[m(-.ami' said rtlut <the iMondny onglit,, ta.be prnp.are<i1 u.u 8at- JQ doctor paid, l>qwever, tbi kiwu ijis sermon on F ddiYQL'ed, ho alHiplMijniake no r wing eiiliri'ly with'. the sb.orthanil innr. "" fact tiwt pttiiir. Cliicngo ^olergymeu ccclygivo Ibeir niaiiufioripts:to ropi iau"iMWi-lghtwlth4>r.Mitohb«. i'Af ATA& Pn-oa.—Oharles 0. MHohel w'ltttlD Imy who was severely pincbedbj Mm. ChrialiiiBMojcr, onthf Bth-atlittt OcioW, died S.itunl;iy morning it lito )tue, 278 lAlicoiiiiiift-. street, from tbc- RictH cf tlie. injuries.'•'Mitcliell.'wlm taniled Buglfah Grammar' School [9 bad » aunrrol withnopnof Mrs. VLayi tliii hitler pmo^to;tho school, durin i.s and guv'o bim.a shaking. >A ID nfti;rwurd..be> becamD' Baddenly ill hi» arm was,^utly swollen.., Xbt nts refnsiiig fn.have th^ ann. nm P a- Intetl, tlio swe}ling,j'e'xleniled : to ., tbt lioul' 1 "^ nnii,,caiiaed Lis ,doiltli.• i ™* liailily" viRiblo'ou tba'iihn. ( ^hq, w«i welful soou.'ittor tbo piiicliiug OCCOITO\ mi wub..i!*djtid^'d"ff.!il!y of a coramoi s^nlt. —iiftijJnure, Qaxetla, . , "George," "hciinaid. to 'the per&i.ir n| young "mniii "I love ym'jnBfthirnine but lut'otirolty relaHvcsaro comiliff ncx wool*, mbtUer Ithiilkflyou'd'bettor: BUI; away, becnuBfl yoar long hair and frcck ledlunmlsbt make them think oui-fli ijnaititancca -weren't "very bigli'-'Uin 'Xboybun^mania'stiiying.-'• -' Philip Phillips has been giving somi ofhis "dong Bprviors" at Ocean Qrovi with great nceeptance. o, indeed, nor auy e «IM 'Lizzie, wbat do you menu T 'Just what I nay, Fred. I have two 'Ctutuliily ! and Mrs. Hopkins and vs. Kkinner have very goml bimbuuds, '.So peojilu Hay, but I wouldn't like io Uind in either May's or NCJII'B ahoea, lint's all.' 'Ijijaic, you nstoiiiuh me.' 'Li)ok linre, Fruil, I've badovur twi'u- 'flvuBluigh rides Urn winter, thanks to iu andmy oilier enutlnnrtti frieiul«. FreJ winced a. little lien;, wbelhur at ie rcniiunlmiiitieor tlnit unjuiid livery ill, or tliu idea of Lizzie's afcighing ith other gciitlmnun friomla, I C'MUUA isaibly answer. 'How mnny do you tliink my smtw'H ive liad ? Nut tlio si«ii of one, eitlior f tlmni. Sueh prutty gh-Is an May and fcllio were, too. uud su inucb uttuution ioy useil to have,' 'Now, Lizziu—' 'I aui fund of going to tlic the tlie.itre )ccasiouully, as well us a lecture or can- 't aometitnei, ond I tibouldu't like, ifl ipoiKu] nttecdiog any micb i?utortuiu- oient to be invariably told tbut tiinps nero BO hard aud my uunbaiid coul'l nut ifford it, and then to have Iiiiu sneuk itff lone.' 'Lizzie, Lizzie—' 'And tiiGii if ouoe in a dog's age be did indeKoend logo auywheru with me in e eveuiiig, I shouldn't liko to bo left pick my way along tlio Blifipcry pla- 8, nt tbe rink of breaking mymick, lie liking iitotig imeonseioUHly at my tni\a, um of a dopandent, clinging nntnro ; id I need tlie protection of a strong •111.' ' ' 'I am tlio yuuiigek in tliu fniiiily, anil rbniis I've bccn'iipoiliui. At all oventt, kliow it would bioiik my lmnrt to lmve iy busbmid vent nil IIIHUI temper wliich couceala .from thoworld ou uiy do- insolosa liead. 1 •Bnt IJiezie, I promise yon that I—' 'Oli, yen, ProJ, I know what vmi are ling to sal, that von will bo dilTureiit; it May nut! Nell told mo ogiiin and [ttiu tbat no hotter' Inabauda tlmn leira" over livcil, no, Fret), as a lover, DU are just perfect, and I shiill hate aw~ illy to givii yon up. Still, if you are bent bu. marryiug, there nro plenty of girls ?bo huva not married sisters, or lio.are not wise tmough to prolU.if lisy lmvo. Ami don't frut about mo, or I've DOdoubt I can flud some ona to 111your place—' . .. , . But before liizziohad concluded Fred made for. tbe door, 'mattering'son ilug uDinenlioualile to oars polite, 'Tbore,' exclaimed Lizzie, &s tbe &< ilosed -with, a bang, 'I knew he was no iiottor than tbo rest. That's the olid and'Alex aweor and Blam doura, 'ben things'don't;.'go jnst rijjht. U< iron Id make aperfect bear of a husband but I am' sorry bo came to tho point so soou, fur be watt just a splendid beau.' Didn't Tliink He Looked UU & Granger.' " Mr. pchonairej tie elder, baa been & great(tmvelor, and, takes a good deal uf pleasure iu the thought that, he poEseat- es as mnoU . informntiou conoerning. al civilized quarters of the globo aacan IK fouud.;auyjivliere:ontBide the guide books.-Iloiaii polinhed, dignified ROD tlcmnn, with'a' cosraopolitan air, her generally keeps strangers 'at his arm's length. ' ' .' '' : The otlier day day be rhebei] into tlie liftukwbcre bis son DfUciatos as cashier, very much flurried and agitated about soinetliuf-. anil blurted out as he augri- ' pnet'd tbo tiling, t ... .: . •Charley, do I look lilto.a confouudc coru-florotoliiug grangpr V 'Certainly ; not/ replied bis son willi rauchaarpriae. : 'What maken yon ask aiich aa nbBiird question, father ?' 'Do you see nay bay seed in tn j hair vebemouily demanded tlie old Rontle- mn, with red fnoo and savage eye. : '"Why, no, of coin-so not, what n ridii loiiB idea. Ua 1 ka I lm I Only think of it I' lesnonded tlio wouiior-struck sou, with ala'tigl). ,'(Jfiill you noticu any stiiiwa. or liorso lialrs', cliuging to my coat ?' urged the a^itat'ed parent, with a wilil-glere, bit- iug his oigar. in two, ; : ..•iTWliy, "futiier,- how you talk. Notli.ne of:tba kind—certainly not.';' Your dress is porfeot^-all right. Wlint'fl tbo row, iinyway ?' asheil the yonng man with a ice'full'of perplexity. ' ' ;7 , 'Well, Hiea I yiiutto know—without BDJ decoi>liorinb6jl-tlie stfaieht tnitb, jind-^cfln'you'atnollniiylbingliko asta bio nra. clibeae honfie about tnycMh ,.ig ?'., Dpii't di'tjoivo, yoitr fatber. Char ley ;.)ct, the .truth come, if. it kills me. laiteratod tlio wealthy gentleman as lir drew noar. bia son with a Btraugely mor tifiednud Bubdncd nir. • ' ' •-••<« " •Ncior I not u bit of it. Out with it rbut'e np, anyway I cainmt Bland tliii iinpeuseany lanfier,' eaid Ctmrloy. ; •'Woll'-IMIV, right hMo in Cincinnati flbrond day'ligbt.a mnn with appar ntly Bood'.oyeslgiit. bus uctually taken jo for au iglioramnfi or a couutrv green lorn, ond tried to rope me in with an ,| t] woiu ont contUleiiCQ gnwo tbat'H n.ea sliowu np iu nil the r»l> u « uu drcJs aud, iiumlreds of timoa ME 1 in,in that's traveled tbonaauda of milen, md ciroumnavigutxd the globe 1 Hudu' ' better sell mj clothes, buy a cbpnj •iibia and go' aud bo a bermit some whore?,, .1 could haw killed tho scoiia- drd. ii-Tlie outrageous scalawag. I neve received snob in insult in nil my life' I And the olilgcutK'innti went into tb' rivato rifflcennd BoanncJJiimself Ioii| and oritdoally i" tbo pier glns«. ' "A now liipn ormm vllli H-itecu Htops. n d no aL-bt upon it," ti wlmt h just wv nakinff a MnssachnHctta churoli partlc Tber'o is imuivt'rsity in Now.ZoiiIiiin rbich confers degrees, n.ikl tf> nc us s.ojt - auyin EoRknd. Lot tbe yet iintitle. Jergymcn of this land givo attention. Ohs'of tbe aiffurouccs. bet ween tn moon and the boueyraoon is tbnt oi attraoli tlie tides and the oilier the I e ; Many a maHi baa been pr^vcnlcd fn iftaWiiB Hie ladder of fnut! becauso 111 patch imbis pantnlouiis. A CICHT For. On a K'IIIIIIIIT dny a (;r-iill«'i lyiiiK under tli.: H1»:I1(T ul iwnnts Mirulm »n tliv hniikM nf iln> Jiiver Twwd, wli lu> H*Wti iiilge bnx.d uf .lilM.s, whir!) intil lii'in iniiile to rise on tliu wing by the ilrifting of a lir brauuh among l\,cm, Aftisr ciiuliitfjin tlm air for n liltlc tiui (boy uguin HcttltiJ down on tlieir fcmliu {froimd. i'lierc waa a pause for (wo or thru tiiiiinhM.inic" tlii'ii UIB siime tbiugtoo jitiiie ngiiiit. A hraneh drifted Joiv tbe Ntreiiin into the mid.st of tl.e ticks, and Hindu tuTui tako to uci^ more. Hut wh.m (bey found tLut iebout{!i bud drifted by, uud dune nc inn, they UL'IV down to tbo Wider ait Tbo no. After fuiu or live imugliH liuddrif(<d >y in tilts way, tlin duck a gave no heed tlicm.iiiid lianlly 1ri.nl to fly out of •sir way, oven when they were near t iu|f tu unlied. The gentloniiiu rvlio had been obser\ -4 nil (liin naW watched for llm CUHK tlio driftiugof tbe liougits. At leng.l ie saw higher up tbu bunk of thcHtreuui fox, which, Laving net tbu bough: rift, was wutclilny for the uiomeii •boa theducks alioulil ceuat to bo Hturt- ;d by them. This wiat> and clever fox at lest stem- tiBficd tbut the muuicnt bad came, but did be du bat tulte a larger •uuch of spruce fir tban bad yet been led, and, sprcidiug himself ilowu upon is to bo almost biddun fruui bin ijjbt, sat it adrift aa Le had dune tlie orn. The ducks, now having ceiinud to fear liouglia, linrdly moved till tbe fax -tiH in the inidtit af them, wuoti, making lid aiiii[ra right uud left, he snizeJ two inu young ducks uabiapray, niid fli»|toJ d in li-iuiupli on his raft. The Hew nil' in friglit, but did not come nek. Tliat lux uiuut liavo bad a fine dinner tat day, I think. Tbe geutlemiiu who iw the trick pititnl the poor ducks but 111KI not help laughing ut Ibo fox's can- RiiHHlan I'rurerbs. Tlio wolf asked the goat to dinner ; it O10 gnat, declined. A fox sleeps, bnt conuts liens in MB I reams. lie wolf changes his b&ir every year, mt rouifiinB a wolf. Dog, wby do you bark ? To frifjliten iviilvos away. Dog, wbj dc» you cep yuur tail between your legs,? I am ifraiil of-tbo wolf. Love, fire mid cough cannot ha bid. Make friends with a bear, bat keep told of the wolf. Meiumro ton times, you can only out mce. Everything is bitter to him who has gall in liis mouth. ' 'Brcud uud salt humble even it robber. A full stomach is deaf to instruction. If you hunt two, htirea you will catch neither. God is not ia baste, but bfe aim is sare. Yon mny shut the door on the devil, but lie will enter bytho wiudow, Praise not the crop until it is stucicu It is not necusBarylo plow and sow OOIB—they grow Df themiolves. "With God go even over tbe sea ; with- 1111Mm, not over the threshold. Truth is not drowned in water ; nor Imrned in fire. A fool may throw a stono in a poud ft may take seven Bages to pull it out. No bones oxi' broken by a motber's 1st. 1 '-,- Many will give advice ; but few Dip.', To whom Qpd gives employ, he gives ndcratauding. * "Whose bread and whose salt I eut, hia iraifcsl sing. A good DOB science is God's eye. Lies mulch ou rotton legs ( who lies ill steal. When you walk, pray once; wheu you get to sea, twice ; whon you go tt be married, three times. Why MIIB SU»|i|ieJ, Her Paper, ho came bonnciug tbrougb ttie snnc nloorlikea canuon ball, nnd with- uMsllig to BUJ, "How d'ye do?" she 'imnglit her umbrella down on tbe table !tb a mighty cmsli, nca shouted : " •I wnrit you to stop my paper f 'All right, matlnm.' •Stop it right off, loo,' she pcreiBled, vbaolting the table ngaiu, 'tor I bave iiicd long euotigb for "y 011 ^ do tIia uare tiling.' Shu quieted down for a mnment. as we 11 our flugor. down tlio Hat of names, il «liei) we i-uuoLeil hcr'aand sbe fiuid : 'There, now mehbe you'll doas you'd >uglit to after this, ond alight*« woman 1 'cuuso she's poor. If eoine rich foik3 wen to have a little red-beaded, Toiu- id, squint-eyed, wheezy-Kfluailei born ti> them, you puff it up jo tbo skies, uud luiikq it out an angel i but wben poor peup'le buve a buby, you don't Bay void ubimt it, even tt it ia tho nqimre- .jd, blaokest-bairetl, biggast-heudei." ittlekid tb'at ever kept a tvomnn awaki mbls. That's wbaffl tl-e matter, nuil nit'H why I stoppt-d my paner." An * ia diuibi'd out us wpld'y uu she came *-"• Useful Tnforiiiatlon. Qiyceiine and lemou jntce will niJ in tan from tbe fuco. liapr Hbo i.houmatism andeont can ho cured >y tliii free use of nsparngns. Gold in tbe bead can bocured by in uliug harUihorue aeTen or eight times 1 fivo minntfls. Cujcnne popper is death to bod bugs Dust tbo bedBteailB. crevicca and nicbci well with tbe condiment. ToBweolena tain tud meat .barrel, nf jr wnshiug uml teliding to remove the Teaw, fill willi fresh soil and let it re lain n week or tan days. To clean black silk, ojsbmBre or alpa- ui, taku a tcaspoonful of borax loaquart of tepid, water ftiifl apply with a black woolen rag or nail brush, Tlio Fa We do ii.it op iilinut viiift ilii! * »iu ulij.-.d. :iilld lic-i'ji IIL'II may lt( It-sf, UI11I V crnd bt-foi 1 011 reudor inillj 1 ).-!;<• wln-r Lu (JII I _' nsL-; t-liR-ii f. till; llH MudId ru W) iu .•: L'vt-r yj lie ui 01 1 t vciv i.iuJ ii f<il in <M IMII he t diirtor CiJiuiug NO v.r, 3 tin IITVJ 11 g< if iii \\U ft-ff ses ( nil nun "8 >, in r. 1 ,f. 'y1 net eci 11 flriig nor of !!• lioil- luulliin- nifdi..'.s >U:1(lcIJ .Jrniji- 4, and jssary. bfcMJ uiii Giiiniiliur, iarcf, eimiiit. The Uri.Uhii::k' ulw.0» ith cure, uii cjVcrdoML* acting tly on tliu IK>IVUIIH HVHU:U\. i.iw. b u w , v . r , itlKjuld b- uiii-ii- dlvU. L^u>iider «uJ vuleri.m iirviiiWi, if there liu n ]Itljili n tl.c artofun invalid urugud l>c-raon. Hut IWJJ,* nnd jiiiiiuica f{iii(;ur, nnd u liuniing )iupuund u.illi'd comjiusiliiiu, nhf>nhl a iu tho family ob«it. So sboiild a 111of tlie iifst unJ btroijge.it mnslard, id a roll too, of the cupuicuni planters, liub may he < wh thtdi', if llure bildien wlm uro iiddiefetl to lb(i uao *.f >:ivc», Iberti ELODIJ ha a box of HO tint ood Lt'iiling wilw, unil 11bottla <.! jmiii illm f.ir binbea, uu tlie motliur'a uhelf, Ivory mother ucedsu little ktiuwlfilgu >f jinicticul surgery, for her boyn me uut uyiab if ILL;V nuvur meat with ucci- LiuU, If tbo bube in neixeil with con- JIHIOUH, pal it iuto 11 warm buth uud mdatouce for 11 physicimi. If u per- >u l>u xeuldcd or- Wintered by u burn, rup tliu uffuetud pint ut uucu in flour ind exclude the uir. Wlintever tilw you luvt) not ID tbe lioimo, be Hiiro to never ne your pi'ui<-ijce of uiiuil, Tho lli-itish cotijuny ,,f New Teata- iciitrevisei-s have oumplcted thefirHt ivmou. uud lmvo Btjnt it ov«r to tli a mericitu Cuuioiiltcc. The latter havo >vi»ed all eiuept tlio Ituvclatious aud four of tbo aiuuller opiatlcs, and lmvu mt over Ihe largur part of tbnir work, ; is utiited t*iut Lbcre coutluues iu bu miarlcuble coiiiciiieuce of judgment on ie part of the revisers on both sides of ie Atlnnlio aa to the changes recom- jcmkd, The enterprise compmefi aeveuty-flve of tbe beat scbolura of Eue- Innd uud America, and it is said thut tbo rk laid out-Trill be coneideriibly rrcuter tlmu that eineuded upon tbo Kiugjiimes version. Tbo grand rythui Jftberii-li old English will flverywliero »preacrvcl, and only words change! •at lifl-yo lust tbeir original ineuuing, or lo not conform to the must on then tic texts of ancient mauusoripts. Tbeex- of the anterprlne ia England are paid by the Oxford and ' Cambridge University preasea, iu.tbis eonntryby »rivi«te subscription. I t ia hoped tbnt e work will bo fliiislicd within 3 years, An EccENTHia FABUSB.—iNew Uritain WDBUip, Baolta county, eoutaius an occenLrio old farmer by tbe name of Elins Blnck, who believes in keeping 'crytbiug oa his place. Ho has not sold any hay for years, and his bam being full, ho stacks it oa tho fields, svbero it rota down iu time. Some of JIB hay stacks have so wasted mvay tbat they now are no larger than ordinary bay cocks. He never threshes more grain tban lio can j\ne, and tbe rest in allowed to Btaud in tbe stacks tor mice ind vermin to feed oa.. Onefield,of about tout acres ia literal"j covered with stacks, some of them folly fifteen years old. Orer two hundred itacks may bo [onud on tbe place. Our informant, -bo recently rode past the plu«, uaya it 1 tbe most novel Bight be'ever wituemed n ft farm to see hundreds of tttackii nil closely huddled together, reminding one if tbo pictures we see of an Indian Lodge or un Ali-icm Kraal. His neigh- bors any be is well off and doqa not need the money for bis crops, nnd benco ia permitted to bumor liiy whimft. IT JVIAKJB SOME DIFFERENCE.—Pcuni- Ies3 loafer, addressing a Commtiniut •eliog: "As I suid before, gontlumeu, I urn with you, Lenrt nnil eon!. Tbo propertv ot tbe country flhould bo equally divided. Tlio ricli must bo comjiollod to sfiare their boarded wealth with those whom nBomcwlmt cureless iiud inatten- tive Provideiioo baa blessed with noth- ing. Why should one be poniiilcas wliilo ' ither bus bia tboustinds ? Wbyahonld" it this poiut a telegrajih mosaeugcr nbea his imy through tbo crowd, and hands tbo speaker a dcsnaloh, which reads as follows; "CoiosEL Div%-x—Dear Sir: Your inutin Pen 11 Yuu has just died, leaving 'on a legacy ol *12,(MK). ATTOIUJEY." Tho Buoakcr devours tbe glad tidings liltaitly, nnd then soys : ( ' Hum—1m— yes—woll—gcutlcmeu, I shall be coin* to coucludo my speeott at Bomo future day aa I bivo been summoned ftwuy on important bugincsa,"aud Col. Divvy isn't with tbo Cotnmuoisbi as nmcli aa he waa. THE GIIEAT CURSE.—"No man will -er prosper who bos tha curso of a mined womuu upou bim. Tbo niurOoret of tht- body can be tried and executed hy tbe world's laws, bnt tlio murderer of the soul is triod by Heaven's luw and thu execution is ns sure ua diriue 'untie?." Aunt Alary KM thti.tis flho folded tbe bite bnud.i of a beautiful girl, and put tlie white flowers and gieou leaves about the murble cold forehead. There nan a tiny bubo bunide tbe girl-uiotbor. Tbe IQ was builifidandtlioro wan mourn- lug such tw low know. Half glnd that the niDtlier aud child were dead, tbe rest of tbe family must perform the lust aad oOlui} of buiinl and benr tho fumily nhnzne. A bitniilcd housr 1 A ruined home 1 God tbo architect and mun tbo despoiler. Tlio curse is tliere, and the Jostrover cannot; fiscniic. ie city clergyman who (old tho Hi'ng- ors iu a coucLry choir tlint the nnguls ^'bt to come down From benren and -ing their necks, VIXB consiilerej to Iiuvo 1 tuimiu iu bis soul* Tbu ytiiutHoprauo saidsbc would like to go for Mm and wring bis neck wilh out culling for tbu %B natiiuoe of any of tho HUgel?. An Irish bricltliiycr was' ono iln> rought to tbe Edinbiirgli iriflnuary, se j verly injurea by a fall from a liouaetop. Tbo medical man in attendance asked tho sufferer ot wlint time tbenccidcnloc- Cured. "Two o'clock yer honor.*' was tbeicpiy. On being asked liow ho came to fix tbe honi* so ucourately, be niisvrer- "Bccaiiao I snw tho people at din- throa'h a window »a T vim comhig " I wuut you »" ni"kp aa a sliort i t H SCU1IIS III thfl UECk A Bosloninn is ]cctnriugi)U tho "trii Is jf wealtll." Tba follow li:i* no ilonht stolen tbo nntobiogmpby vl soma coun- try editor. If tbe HOI of tin ])liouogrnpb hoB not been iletfirmiiiitLl, wo su^'LHt t t m t i t b j (ullcil "Jl]ii,"f(>r itulwiiyrt luis tbe "Ia*t word," BDfft.ininfj aguin. Wtini a man is nliin- \f\o in a nidotv bu n'wuys feels _i if he had to begin wbcre tbo other fellow Mt nit "D ,tl, lmvo yon ovor Iweo to a muse, um?' said a ton-ycnr-old. "No, my aon -" "Well, gii ond awiition my nnmo t ' 1 « (l ' ! i | «r, ami lio'll take you roqu^ IUW you UVUIALliiuiTi 11


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    OMDB on Morris Street new Blwkwell.



    O n e Y e a r , - - - - - - - 8 2 . 0 0

    S i x M o u t h s , - - - - 1 . 0 0

    T l i r e e m o n t h s , - - - - - - - C O


    i DOVER, N. J.

    o1"* V. STICttLB, •

    Counsellor at La/w, AND '


    B.OCKAWAY. N. J.

    Cunur of Blmknoll ioa Smioi BM.'

    boVBH. N. J.B. JOLLEY; Proprietor.

    JIcMo* ftud CarriascB to Lot.

    YKT T .LaponT . "•

    Counsellor atAND MASTER IN>C)H/L1(OEBY,

    Onico Ii.U.e "htlon.il H.iluu l l . i * Building,.

    3LUTV^SSI. , DOVER, N.3.

    C V . O H - I . K I V , • v J . . . . . j • ; > ; • . :Furnishing Undertaker '


    SIOSEB OH DEEDS,>.-All ordoti prompt!? attended to:

    HIUKIT,^ ..;.. Dorer . N. J .

    T \ i l V B U J.AUU11ATO1IY. , ;,. • , . .

    A m j s Md Anil v*o« of ill aoHcripllona of(111 Kg AN J> .11 IK B It A 1.8

    » V PAREFOIJ.V ft[ADB.AlUlorclurgifuriUbefilnilitheaon application,

    . •.. . , . , / . • • . • .i . ,L .o .ManwniTB,^ Boror Morrii Ccnuty N. J. •

    Allen Palmer & Son,C a r p e n t e r s I ; ; : : : . ; ; : : ; ; •!••••.• .•• •

    . , . • • . . . A N D


    ATTOBNEY8 & OOTJNSEiXOns AT. - LAW, I-.'-/ - v ' - i -

    Cor. B lackne l l ona Busse* St».

    ; :ll. Ai'DEMKKTT, M.'B !

    Cor.' Blackwell & warren Sts,,

    Bl.oue.'or'mWra^ffiWilurcipaua of'ft*Ejo MM] JSir ipcoIalUm.

    OIBceHoorB>7toeA.M:ii'tp»Janil7jo8P.jl•la-aOpQ " " ' ' i '



    OFFICE OVEIl PffiBSOh'S HAT MORE,"tr , STREET; i ••,&[

    BNtew, o r r O T i i i o s o n, oif 'soiiii*6biniTi. ;_•

    Onico ovor GEO IU0H/BDH k Co.'«

    > Bp'cclaiaiiii \um on «aiajdam n™»_>,*M. [lllUU. • ' 4 " • "


    . . DOVER," N . j . .' .o m n OTIlt A. WlEllton'i • ! • « and'tin «lo«,17-ly .Brm*wcU«trcet. i>S,_,

    MARY d FORD, 1*1. D.,

    HqrnoeopathlcrPbysiciaii;-:Om™ nt lio ro«l.l»n«,of. Mr, J»inM>ori,

    V.'B.'lt E. F. D


    W«.B. DttJAUt,-


    B9JTI1O.1I AH BR

    urcs,!, Pqr tbo Istt .ililuiu wnlk ; now !• c*n w»lk md.tleep,3 ray work as well'M e?or I'did, ftnditt*.y I owe It i i r t n your blood pnrifler,mo. . ••" WABOEia WELLS.]'rrmii— Tim (treit ineoeig of tbeVeftp*

    _j*o!einicr.Enil,pcrifler Pf' Uio blood liiwn tiovoiiii « doabi br tbo grail, n urn ben

    bo Itiviv taken tt, *ud rrcaired itattedU'asHel, with ineL rom«rUbl«i eiroir'.-'-!,'- i l- i | .

    W O O D P O a v V

    Tlilt old eiUbllah»dHat«l l«•nil li partloilarIT deilrtbln ror tlioaa Met IDE t l d ldeiica BltmtnJ f t Uf»b«

    n WAOOM tod CAnWAQB WOOD TVO• orpomiB DOVEUI »KPor. :

    /uloww»7.00perBOtiJUlCOLORS for carringa unOrtfu' Also OILS and TABNISH, bo

    Do»"4i9' TUBTBITUIB, Van&te. Paint, Coloring and Varol

    esniiaStripingFoncilo, a^ I i toakittliealwre goodafromthabutm

    bj wnton: T jPIBaT-OIio b jIAGE and &' g had n lnrga oipetienoe rotmorl

    . balder, from'a knowledggQliU(lca OT9r *ny other dooler.


    K, 0., Feb. 10,1817

    DEIB SIB : - I will] toeUe you Ibli te»tlmony170a maj If new. toil lit otben know, whit

    ne lor me. About tVoyetnleg t u iuoa'

    :Ia maj If

    tlnebu dune lor me. About tVoyesmall acini onio ou mj leg t u iuoa

    jc» iwgB Ulcer, to ttonbltBOnw t b » t r « _,t«d the do^or, U l 1 got no relief. groirlD(

    one from d»r to d*y. I n n . - . . ,mid not roBl d»y or n igbt ; 1 w«| ,jjriinnl»ibongiit Iwuuld oortr recururj Jlaiulted a doctor i t polatnlmi. .rro^owedBadviceiit did DO RvoI>MD^tral)i>ajJH dlicournRnI. At -lift s t 'n t f l #»* look* offor my new*n»per; IttwyonradrertiiemeiitVegollnu, tin. "Grout Blood Purifier" for•n i in j HID Hood from ill ippnrtHem.f prin«itnon., Ulcen, &e, I Mid to tor fatullv.lII try mine ol lUe Vi-setloo, W o n I i u dod the Ont Lnllle I began lo feel batter. Jfeel Iwtler.

    dlhadBoUlerJBliiniedionowBleopwellnigUli. * c

    g the VegetlDfl. I took thirtMY hultb la good. Tit UlcI am bl t t t e d t b l

    t f

    lued tskhig'lbe VecetlDflT I took thirteen..... ,._ ....... £ g 0 Q ( i . T I , . Ulcer I;ul tb la good. Tit Ulc«r ifQ, Mid I am able to attend to boaluiiea. I1 about four bonilreii dolUra fur medicineduotors lielorc I boojtnt the Vesotlue. 1

    commendud VCJHJIIDO to ftbcnwltlii l k b t t l f l l



    gcntlctn»D,or ibo rlnn o(¥. intbonlSow*.- Mt. Aotbbci' !•' MtenalrriT known,ipcfllillj'unong thB-Qennwii. He li. wellowe inCfntlonitl. H« fi rMpoolod by all.

    .rin4v.S3£.?Sntlffld^'egolluo, audonn Ibeaa »ffuotioni. Al»

    nod purlflor it baa no equal. Ita cbTenla ar«

    vrcfef J)o»oufaii(4 Mm., Jonft 11.)

    If. It. B u m s : 1em 8iB-I foal it my dnly lo »y ona word

    n tliG me of one of thJTjnre'ttoitVoiHlcin pfworld)- it: Ii -your Yegetlne.-1 hurt been

    n| got,, T h « Vicli an extent, tliat my i

    • /thrci. yi

    UMQediOBbake oat In

    'cars I baTD not

    Better thanjtniJ[EpiCliEf

    t ItiM) myff. ttiSi blood.alioJ mureKve lakan.

    IleaderaoD, Ky,YEOETISE in cnoipiicd of Boots, Barks inaeibi. It Is torj jilcaiant lo take; etorj

    Love and Trouble on Ihe Wave.All Lands and tlio cook were ready,

    'he engineer iu charge of tha propellerfere snrjgly perclicd oa tbe deck of the

    " rmont mule. Tba nan at tlie holmlad {ant spit on bii bnads and was read;

    grab hold. The captain was cowingip (be odinr stain of the packet, wip-Dg lifl lijJB on tbo back of his tawnybaiidi. His morning grog waa in tberight placo and all was ready for tbovoyage. The chambermaid shook tbetable olotb oat .of tbe parlor bay-windowand fed tlie flsbea with tlie crumbs ofha naval pastry for the lost time in port.

    VAboy.ye lubber 1" yelled tbe cap-•in to tbe man oa (be,, mule* bringingts gtatu below tlio eye, as he, full overben'coon, and flmaabtd tlie bottles con" \g tlio vesBol'a medicinal, -' •''Aye. aye ]' cams from tbe end ol tlie

    toy-line, BO tbe aleepy marine bit off oTown person's cbaw of navy tig-tag.

    'Hunkidori t Ship cable auS let beiscud I' came from tliBiron lungs of tlieboojiy commander, as be picked liinmtlf

    p and kicked, tbe hired girl'a baud-boxrerlward, "•' ! ' ' ; " " "The floiMng. box-car, wag underway

    ai Oaahed throngb tbe slimy doap likepoliceman going to a riot. : ' Every

    ineb of ranviua wa* spread—over tbeperirifcblf frolgbt on t ie upper deck.' Th? taan at tbe brake was sober andiwipled. her around the Plnra street oor-

    witboot a away or a bump. rBat hark t "A sqneak of dintresa from

    thojoo boiv 1,', The captain dropped biebarked BbiD, clambered r p o n tbopOB-senger'a trank, and bellawed;,' \ •:

    'Wboa l^Heave to .1 Beef the bon-B and stop tbem mules.'

    Tbe team wai halted, nnd tho barkdied np to the beach,, , ( '; ,

    A-toiiriflod oonplecamo ranning for-ward, pbfflng and ilrheeziug.ttnd bound*

    on board (lie gallant bargs.'Save us from'that nan in the blue

    Dotton OTtratlo,' Implored the youtb.'We Iwant to bitch, and he can't eee it.

    herdttd.1-'1.'3 : '̂ , . : ;are yo' etiimps for your paesago

    looey ?' Bsid the. capta'D. 'Tliia sloopin't help DO eloper ou tick,' t - ;'Take.'toy wdtcb and chain, Sol's ear

    rings, all ,oar moaey. everything—onljstartupyanrold qlieefle.box aud gotoaiway'fcefoi'o the old man overtakes ua.Bee'1,'Out loose l' Shove out I He'll board

    u in n ininnte,' • '••"••: ' ' .

    'jUl;/tight,',&&(d the uaptniu. 'Sbolloa t / and with a yol! that scared, tliefor-warfl.'maleinto a ten-tnindte'gait and

    Sepommended iy JS. D.'s. |jl.SnTum. . ' . . !tarBErpI.havo tola Tosotlnc for k lonei.udBnii ilnlvoimoitenclloniml.In-,S. V.-» I V >A. li. Bl! IUSm, M. I)., Jij(- \ H«ilo'.on,Iud.

    , Boston, Mass:



    O addltiontl charge Tor oitraoting wherenaw leotU ire imqrlpdf • ffa are now uak-

    ljdiatifdl iWt» of (oetb tor

    i iLV WORK- WABKA1MTE1).

    loTCr,Septcniliera«th,*lBT5. „, ^ '

    he Ladies'A3 a

    umof J878,

    f early Opposite the Fost Offlci

    t angry parent, viaa just enough'bbluft.; HuVicltcd tl:ob.iuk'andliko a Bea'aiing nian, cried, shookj,iBatidon[n.,.onXBaltbQrrel, and

    _ t up and tried ,_tq IOQBSU a cobbletoQe, :,He,.wfl».iaftd,and.diaconraged,

    and dlila't feel s bit sociable, BO he ventto aaaloonlAttd tobki'a-drink by Lim-

    came out sadder than'ever

    load,, of pork' Wu paaslng._-j|5«J he win- beBido tho^ drifer

    ud piplaicod theiHtuntibn. ThoFM deapcrate bat bftwes ready and ableJ pay,' aud would fork op jiaadaoiuu if

    iry. "'And j o n net in'the:shadel .ai id.rtittloall^hBBiiiiinier;:,^;,1;1/:1, ; .... , , }

    ao id iho ^river.:and theTlie man drove, a

    tbo whip, b l

    B ^ n t . . . .onoo moretpndBi. fall ouil, junt aa tloJrsy'oamt,;iairly. atrcut and- tho /last

    a fotber'ip'aWad a'draj pin' and>u-t the driver to encourage the oldto'Jfeifft blJl h S o h ^ D g i - ; VKer^\{c\^o ahd^e onfii* nd(ir,. Tlowna golniiig and would be flrat at

    bridge. The lovers trembled and im-plored the cnpjAin,tq do aometiling.̂ Ho


    as even ybehind. The ^orse.jyaa ^jnTbe packet ahot ahead and was first althe-bridgc. ^BututrthD lotore b w k t a t

    ,tho mau at tbe bulkhead—*Low bridge11 tba parent's an^ry'eye looked dow


    riol. and wilfbo mft pand nqirrat dMigna. b/(:w. in no nrtiitbe nioiubilil;

    m States. Tbe attitude of the Qiieen'gIdeat son luwards lliu Vnulmcs at th»iticalmoment in wbicli llie ro.yal vifit

    as made van [>prl{citlarly^UuUoulc. audliliougU tbe Pritiflo uo .doubt greiitlv>ono8tcd by tho a.lvice and eijicrienci.

    his governor, ot tha hitu Dnlip afiwciistle. and of the late Lord St. Oer-

    IBDB, there can he no doubt tint Imilot tha royal pupil ncsflOKscd an exquiUs and extraordinary oppienialiou uixe diffluultiQB of ttio uitimtiou, tlio let),ma would have all boon tanght io vuin."It BO hapijcucd tliat lint limp In-ftiri

    JO nrrival of tbo I'rinco of WIIICH infew York a now o»ylum for tha OLMInd dumb bad boon opened, unrl, no wiutatural enough, tbe preaident ftiid coni-ittee of tbla new oliarity Gurnoatly BU-ttted the atteudiinco of tbo ycutlifn)sir to the crown of Qrent nrilnin at n

    sotuie lo be given in lionur of tliu innguration. Tho iuvitntinn wan gtn

    maly accepted, and His Royjil Higli-ieaa nnd Euilo patlQutty sut for twulours listening to a dull nasal -ncroraon from BOIL? nm> of 'the most revahvV-ble men' of the Statea, probably whiltii a pulpit ou tho opposite side uiibtiicrleof tho 're markublefl* nastranelatinsio borongiio 011 his fingers to tba! dent1

    id dumb. "Whoa at. length all_ niu<rer, aud Ilia lioyai llighaohs andsuite,'ter having congrntainted tbe ilirectora,ere about to leave the room, one of tbenotionariea btifppcd np to tho Princeid fagged him to wnlk ou to tbe plat-inn nnd sigu his name as a Houvoair to

    cherialied iu tbo nruhivos of Ihe.litai; XJnoocoseaty to say the Prince

    -eadily consented, and stopping on U>platform Bigno'l Lie naniB III,'.'tbeer, all bis suite following IIIB exa'm-;Aa they were abuut to atop down

    'hot wan ILeir horror, and fioiazemout'bou tbe^uine.gauut director who budoticcd (hem to this j ^ c o peril of put his'Lod fniniliarly oil tbo Priuaa's filiniild'aud fiidi l%aUfl,l)"il/ t8ir, Jus t ineiuuio,- ploftie'i'V aud: tliea hefuru - theritlsbors couldrrecoTer from their ua-nishmDnt tiia outiito nnd prnotioaliiikee, with a presentBunium,' seiiotl^-a

    luching '3uc0P8Jfively each ouo of liisiotims .ou tliu bond on .if^.thcjrere wax figures, aununuced: 'Tiiis inJbertEdward, Pi-incp'o, Wnies, eldest

    Ron of Queen Victoria,•;•'£*!>.; . ic'., ' &o. ;'Tliia is Hob'ryiPelljara Oiiiilon, flftlil>nkeofNewoastle,:,ic.j ftcj./Ttttejii

    idwurdarauyillii Eliot;;third Eafl*.of' GeriaaaflV-' Sx.t A., tbo interuretertba while being busily 'CugageiJ iu

    ,raDBlQting op tlie fingers tlieau astoniHu-ug fuoln to' tbo poor deaf aud dumb,IFIIO Bat grinning with ploaacro/aiid de-. i g b t . i , : ' , \ \ . < - i •' •: '•• • ; • • ; ' ' • • ' • • • , •

    'Our informant osaurea/us that! tlie[acea of the illnstrions 'expotei viova- antudy. Tim Duke bt Nftircaatlc bit hisip almoBt to tbe blood, to hide bl«' up-— Lord SL dermana' tried, to: turn

    iiis amiabto and handeomo faco\into>ih'urider blbiict; in al,ir6rdtt.all were er

    pted^annoyed'Bnd deeply voiod bytbo:enUBrfidenes8 and Vulgitrity -.of> (Jioril S i n n t1irAliJ.M*tn fl \ IA ttrrrt rtTl ' JltT "̂ 1") fi t ^ J T>%

    'xinco. Ho stood quite calm and quibt•'bile tlio Tanfcoo lind,.tlidJ polo, on. his1

    iea*l and waa running through his; bio--- , - . ^liiBfoaturea relaxed ifiom

    ivbou tbeDuVe of Newcastle's turn batnp;l>ut when tbo stlyor,


    yyal Hlghupssad'waa'Jorced'tn bov7

    lid Io9e control oVorlitnsolf altogether aiid burst oUb laush-

    'TbH'aneciloleiandt only trua auil•aummngbutinatructive,!. Aa.Hii BoyWHighneaB was tlien, so iB he now. ;Htt,"eflrslgentlBman tft the- Eritisli Em-.ro, -will put up witli and aveu'Stuilo at

    annoyances which men inflnitnly interiortohim in ruuk ffiiE resent and complainify'nnd DO mail can; over liavfl been

    inuohii the society.'of our lioir-appar-ont without being ublo to, testify, to.,tho

    ilh.of this' BBaortion, •ThoPrince.jognizfts but cue tlieory of lifo .which

    must be observed, one -nip of eoDduetmay not; e'vor bo .brokon^r-thu

    codoofhouDr. AM for bronchcB:,or;etiqnetto (when there is no suspicion jolmpcrlinence or vulganty,- of.coiirso]lie Will hot only panlon but inorfl oftenI ban not smile al them, .as afforded lilmiome relief from tho Boltloi'-niiUwralt?if his eiistcnoe." ''... j - ' . ' , ' ^ "•'''!'

    , Tlio Trinii'ol.ilfei';. .. -BeiweeE tlib.flgca of forty-five pn;.

    t y a mnn wbb^hds 'properly.rcgulutedbimself, may bo consldfji'od in the ' ^ ^ofllfe. Ela'Wa'tur^d' strengih> of,stitution renders him iilmiiBt impor.90,11attack of dispiiao, ait'l '.exiJorIOB given 1

    d is icfiolntcian ^ itfe'r;' heaRfluincs muitcryioverness'i liui|ds •u^I'oi


    ibbd ' and pflsfl^'tbrosgh 4'porJotlxiHifaU i e d by raaiiy^BPntifi^i^^^

    over a year tg .

    HOIf l\(.[*ltS()l.f, IXCH'KI).

    Col. Uob lugeraoll It.iwd nj.-r.iiibL tlicni l of the (juurtpnli'iil; of l\w pdiiii

    j yostofiliiv oft^rijoiju* iiliicupf.'iiiij] «j|iU-ini)l.iliii2 liji'burly-uf pri'purutifju fur "uiliii;,'. Uo

    id a white buuvei- vua carelessly punh-bnck from his forchoad. Air. Iu-solj and the Misses lugersoll, lilnom-mnuiens. tliB youngent. Icing an

    it eofteoeil and colored likentiHS of burber, sat on a bencli ii»ur by,'I uliall not lecture." he Kni:l, "iu

    iropo. Mont uf our time will bo 'spoutlland, for I go to Europe jirinci-

    Uy to inquire into the life of ltobertm I regatd bim n« Kecoiid only tokoHpeni'o in poetiT. Slinlcosjienro waspuliioo, but. lit) wiw tliu cottage of

    uotry, and tbe bouses bet ween woreut worth innoli. TL1011 Enrns ivns pruh-ily tbe stoutest oncuiy th;it Culvinlmii-IT hud. His 'Holj Willy's Pniyer' i»

    best argument ngniiiBt Ciilviuisni.n't liko Calviniad ; it in liidubnund,

    d a great dim" htm attract ive'ttianitlmlicism, nlifcli it wan deigned toperepdo. CatholkuHin in willing toyou have a good tim« hero lolow, if

    >n jiay for it , but Culvlnism is not,liethei you |)uy or not. I'liu pithinHl

    lion that wua ever esjucssi'd t>t Fat-ism is attributed t«> lMiu:iiii*av, when'aid tlint tliu 1'uritrns objected to

    ill-Wit ing;, not beeaii.'-e it. was cineltjt'uo bulla, but UHMIIJB tliu spec tutorsid it,* Now, I believe [Q enjoying1 life rcaiorjubly, aocurriiug to the

    loans nt my disposal, aud I doii't; taku)k in any croud that keeps up worry,

    ig about wtutis beyond. Mo ono 01111now .what is to come af terwiird. W by,would be just aa reasonable for mo to:ry ujjualf ubutlt the future statfl ns it

    rould bo for me to rush ashore, Iny in aoavy. stock of tales nbont aprmliingbipwreche, and Hie tmatriiifti of sliip-rreched men' vbilo slmging for theirvea' to spars and henaobpa, and lose

    tbe enjoyment tbut I expect to de<e'ftoia thoVayngo in reuderltigthoui.iB1 is a Hclriud/aud' trim nh'p, aud

    lera's plenty _6f Iiecr abonnl—tliougb,f tbo way;' the'only bevtragea' that 1ijoy'aro cbaaipagiio and clarot—and Iin't'pruiioHe lo .iriuke mysolf iniserable,iut(Jiulto loaru, QoimiiU ; and .to ubloasli for whatever, I . want vvliuu Hand.

    _ o . , " ;Tbe— . . .od of Iraffile, imitcrinl, vanA-nt •Jepeniian:b6w'.ti8^HddonyhcUieri)t.be):id;'cib'DMk.,Iti3outiind "lipoplory ar« nlao ii' i .. , . . T . . . . ' • ' . : J_1 A i . ' 4 f . ja l Y f l i f i i l f l t rtllt i o t i l itlirastHnilroingira'oi/1ii«;

    in iotclj. anai"»i|Ii icrpcot. comttTo qnoto iiiotopliiir,lt;:ll!c t i rn .o l life'is a turn'eitlioriiuto .tt >proli>ngcj -walkpr into tbo grave; Tbe system ami pow-ers having reached tbo.utmost erpan-sion,BUwb^ginrfiiUi9r.tp;;(i|o8O,:lilie oflower at sunset.'or break down nt onoo.One iniudioioiiBHtniiiiant, n Binglo fatal

    ' itbniBnt,'mny foroe it beyond iumgth, wliilst ii careful Muiiply cfpror., tho vritbirawalof all'tlmt- tends ,1io a "jjant" •»Jl Biistaiu it iu.beaulvigor n'ntil nigiit.has entirely sot ii

    years it-will 'rcqnin., . . . .0 that there W»B any ibU're-eloctioD,

    Will you malto any more spcediesio political fluld^OoIonel. wbcu yuti

    * - ? " ' ! : ' • ? ' ' ; : ' ; : y : ' : : ' "^urliiofc say p^a'ilivbl/iiow^ wliether

    ll or not. Tbe porty that la to cor'

    ometliing for-the worWngmon. Theireed 1B the vital demand qf. tbo "lioiir-iiUink,,Uu>t,a QovonmibUt'ot tbo •Uni-cd States thnt oaunot'assiiro ivcryi in-

    trioiifl mau,» houflo of Hjrcoj or four

    •on, and'plentj'of-'food,' ^l b e n nehatfetnilltons npo'n mill-

    ma uf ooroa of laitd to yield food; nndtides of exchange, wltli Enrorie,- tins no;litto exist." •* '• . : ''•'Wonld yotretnmp for Grant?""Idoa ' t belioTo tliat Grant, will lieio nomluca ,of the Republican party>r lBBt). Hayes has inado same peopliliink of Grant favorably as comparedItb' biuiself. Grant is .'tbo nan ouutiiies.' Hayes, tbrongh his we'ai-;

    icss, has been Grant's best frieud. Ximit' that Elaine will be tba'atrmigost

    anil, enemies, nnd scud themclear nudoistandlng of how

    ii.iH«-u !

    'Buy, cmi you catch, ten'Wo don't uign no potislmns hero, for aitiomtl mnmitneub to the iiiyentor ofio dinti ininj*'ji!pljed'tbe boy, 'Whntiu talking'tnynnNs'liiutyouWBtittogo'ounil to tbe back door.." 'Tho j»ini'n'nitiu: wished a'wiuli can-iniug J18 grains fine tlint Vlho builder,

    tlioso high etops hud * boon deiiil forirty years, but luo-dtjor didu't openud tlio dopt cluing o]>oii( and tbo boynig right to him, culling out :'Hniii't I becu . tolling $6$ that yonm't'gct in there I ' Yuti'may bo tho pri-ito M atob limn on this liluck, but ytiuin't go around [Hilling frontdoor bellBnil putting on nirs 1 If I buve t« argyinch longer I'll call the police.•X'vu got a linlf dollnr here, boy 1' Raid

    lie young roan OB Lo turnod nronud.

    ; 'Let's eoo liow it loolts I' softly repliedio lad.. tl " ' ' , ... .,

    Dut ibo liull dollar was at.bnmo. . llie>ung man searched for it in vain, andio : disgusted boy .turned, to.tbo mou•rose,tlie Etrpotaml called out ; '•'Isn't it iigia tbe law for a fellow to beiking a. beeswax impression' of a front

    loor look iu the tiny time V ;

    Tbflf started to coinB over, and tliOUDR man harricd^dqwn the stepa urn

    m tbo street Jfs gavfl tbe.boy jnatonoajikl I t 'was it lobk.in. which railroadbiiisfonB aud steamboat" blow-ups werequallymixed and tlien frosted with a'ogardua kiokor. ' ' '

    'Obi ye enn wink at jnq and iry, tomy iae off?' growled tha boy, .'buttliGWirinoinlea ,of hpnoaly jW.oro. paintefl ,allivcr mo wlion I was n,baby,,and theyisn't be rubbed put neir bougbt.up,,J

    Just then n young ladj ihmyt openie door and srailod aud bowed, and got

    iBfariu: /Why, Fwed!' when sliadis-nbvered he wasn't tUerei'" The footmanwas ant and1 BUG had waited to'fix up,'Iniu" *Pived' bad "'gone;'' "She tacied inlUd'almt tbfl 'door, and the racan boy

    I down lo finiflli his'ludian, muttcr-

    •If lio: conld'truiso fifty e'euts to re-irtl me, liow'd^lio ever nmnngo to

    .U'jjal-otio a1 tUoin corsets with a hiIr'uJ and1 ninety bon'W in it?*—Detroit

    A reporter went on Sunday to I lie Kav."Dr,.Artbui\ Miicboll. ot Chicago lo nskfor tbc.uianiiHcript of tbo saituon be liadjust prencbed. Dr. juT.ia.teU. refuBed toriyu iL lo him, on tho-eronnd thnt, tlie;o of it would hoSundnyhraalting. Heid tliu reporter .oould.iluive.it on anypek,duyt but (bat bo;.did not intend to!i]ntari.nnao..6p''niach.Sanduy labor asDiild bo in voiced in putting the riernion

    iu typo for. ITpUjlay's popenl^Tiliortor vaiuly .urged tliat Monday.pn.

    i> it iiGccBstity. ami that mcch ofitboirk.qu them, .must; .ueods .bo.d.one.ionmday..^ "ffojeD-. MHcbelVJooV UsneIli .h[m(-.ami' said rtlut A IDnfti;rwurd..be> becamD' Baddenly ill

    hi» arm was ,^u t ly swollen.., Xbtnts refnsiiig fn.have th^ ann.n mPa -

    Intetl, tlio swe}ling,j'e'xleniled : to ., tbtlioul'1"^ nnii,,caiiaed Lis ,doiltli.• i ™*

    liailily" viRiblo'ou tba'iihn. ( ^hq, w«iwelful soou.'ittor tbo piiicliiug OCCOITO\mi wub..i!*djtid '̂d"ff.!il!y of a coramois^nlt. —iiftijJnure, Qaxetla, . ,

    "George," "hciinaid. to 'the per&i.ir n|young "mniii " I love ym'jnBfthirninebut lut'otirolty relaHvcsaro comiliff ncxwool*, mbtUer Ithiilkflyou'd'bettor: BUI;away, becnuBfl yoar long hair and frcckledlunmlsbt make them think oui-fliijnaititancca -weren't "very bigli'-'Uin'Xboybun^mania'stiiying.-'•

    -' Philip Phillips has been giving somiofhis "dong Bprviors" at Ocean Qroviwith great nceeptance.

    o, indeed, nor auy e «IM'Lizzie, wbat do you menu T'Just what I nay, Fred. I have two

    'Ctutuliily ! and Mrs. Hopkins andvs. Kkinner have very goml bimbuuds,

    '.So peojilu Hay, but I wouldn't like ioUind in either May's or NCJII'B ahoea,lint's all.'

    'Ijijaic, you nstoiiiuh me.''Li)ok linre, Fruil, I've badovur twi'u-'flvuBluigh rides Urn winter, thanks toiu and my oilier enutlnnrtti frieiul«.FreJ winced a. little lien;, wbelhur atie rcniiunlmiiitieor tlnit unjuiid liveryill, or tliu idea of Lizzie's afcighingith other gciitlmnun friomla, I C'MUUAisaibly answer.

    'How mnny do you tliink my smtw'Hive liad ? Nut tlio si«ii of one, eitliorf tlmni. Sueh prutty gh-Is an May andfcllio were, too. uud su inucb uttuutionioy useil to have,''Now, Lizziu—''I aui fund of going to tlic the tlie.itre

    )ccasiouully, as well us a lecture or can-'t aometitnei, ond I tibouldu't like, iflipoiKu] nttecdiog any micb i?utortuiu-

    oient to be invariably told tbut tiinpsnero BO hard aud my uunbaiid coul'l nutifford it, and then to have Iiiiu sneuk itfflone.'

    'Lizzie, Lizzie—''And tiiGii if ouoe in a dog's age be didindeKoend logo auywheru with me ine eveuiiig, I shouldn't liko to bo leftpick my way along tlio Blifipcry pla-

    8, nt tbe rink of breaking my mick, lieliking iitotig imeonseioUHly at my tni\a,um of a dopandent, clinging nntnro ;id I need tlie protection of a strong

    • 1 1 1 . ' ' '

    'I am tlio yuuiigek in tliu fniiiily, anilrbniis I've bccn'iipoiliui. At all oventt,

    kliow it would bioiik my lmnrt to lmveiy busbmid vent nil IIIHUI temper wliich

    couceala .from tho world ou uiy do-insolosa liead.1

    •Bnt IJiezie, I promise yon that I—''Oli, yen, ProJ, I • know what vmi areling to sal, that von will bo dilTureiit;it May nut! Nell told mo ogiiin and[ttiu tbat no hotter' Inabauda tlmnleira" over livcil, no, Fret), as a lover,DU are just perfect, and I shiill hate aw~illy to givii yon up. Still, if you are

    bent bu. marryiug, there nro plenty ofgirls ?bo huva not married sisters, or

    lio.are not wise tmough to prolU.iflisy lmvo. Ami don't frut about mo,

    or I've DO doubt I can flud some ona to111 your place—' . .. ,. But before liizziohad concluded Fredmade for. tbe door, 'mattering'son

    ilug uDinenlioualile to oars polite,'Tbore,' exclaimed Lizzie, &s tbe &<

    ilosed -with, a bang, ' I knew he was noiiottor than tbo rest. That's theolid and'Alex aweor and Blam doura,'ben things'don't;.'go jnst rijjht. U<

    iron Id make aperfect bear of a husbandbut I am' sorry bo came to tho point sosoou, fur be watt just a splendid beau.'

    Didn't Tliink He Looked UU & Granger.'" Mr. pchonairej t ie elder, baa been &great(tmvelor, and, takes a good deal ufpleasure iu the thought that, he poEseat-es as mnoU . informntiou conoerning. alcivilized quarters of the globo aa can IKfouud.;auyjivliere:ontBide the guidebooks.-Iloiaii polinhed, dignified RODtlcmnn, with'a' cosraopolitan air, hergenerally keeps strangers 'at his arm'slength. ' ' .' ' ' :

    The otlier day day be rhebei] into tlieliftukwbcre bis son DfUciatos as cashier,very much flurried and agitated aboutsoinetliuf-. anil blurted out as he augri-

    ' pnet'd tbo tiling, t ... .: • .•Charley, do I look lilto.a confouudc

    coru-florotoliiug grangpr V

    'Certainly ; not/ replied bis son willirauchaarpriae. : 'What maken yon askaiich aa nbBiird question, father ?'

    'Do you see nay bay seed in tn j hairvebemouily demanded tlie old Rontle-mn, with red fnoo and savage eye. :'"Why, no, of coin-so not, what n ridii

    loiiB idea. Ua 1 ka I lm I Only thinkof it I' lesnonded tlio wouiior-struck sou,with ala'tigl).,'(Jfiill you noticu any stiiiwa. or liorso

    lialrs', cliuging to my coat ?' urged thea^itat'ed parent, with a wilil-glere, bit-iug his oigar. in two, ;


    ..•iTWliy, "futiier,- how you talk. Notli.neof:tba kind—certainly not.';' Your dressis porfeot^-all right. Wlint'fl tbo row,iinyway ?' asheil the yonng man with aice'full'of perplexity. ' ' ;7 ,'Well, Hiea I yiiutto know—without

    BDJ decoi>liorinb6jl-tlie stfaieht tnitb,jind-^cfln'you'atnollniiylbingliko astabio nra. clibeae honfie about tnycMh,.ig ?'., Dpii't di'tjoivo, yoitr fatber. Charley ;.)ct, the .truth come, if. it kills me.laiteratod tlio wealthy gentleman as lirdrew noar. bia son with a Btraugely mortifiednud Bubdncd nir. • ' ' •-•• Jiiver Twwd, wlilu> H*Wti iiilge bnx.d uf .lilM.s, whir!)intil lii'in iniiile to rise on tliu wing bythe ilrifting of a lir brauuh among l\,cm,Aftisr ciiuliitfjin tlm air for n liltlc tiui(boy uguin HcttltiJ down on tlieir fcmliu{froimd.

    i'lierc waa a pause for (wo or thrutiiiiinhM.inic" tlii'ii UIB siime tbiugtoojitiiie ngiiiit. A hraneh drifted Joiv

    tbe Ntreiiin into the mid.st of tl.eticks, and Hindu tuTui tako toucî more. Hut wh.m (bey found tLutiebout{!i bud drifted by, uud dune ncinn, they UL'IV down to tbo Wider ait Tbono.

    After fuiu or live imugliH liuddrif(y in tilts way, tlin duck a gave no heed

    tlicm.iiiid lianlly 1ri.nl to fly out of•sir way, oven when they were near tiu|f tu unlied.

    The gentloniiiu rvlio had been obser\-4 nil (liin naW watched for llm CUHKtlio driftiugof tbe liougits. At leng.l

    ie saw higher up tbu bunk of thcHtreuuifox, which, Laving net tbu bough:rift, was wutclilny for the uiomeii

    •boa the ducks alioulil ceuat to bo Hturt-;d by them.This wiat> and clever fox at lest stem-

    tiBficd tbut the muuicnt bad came,but did be du bat tulte a larger

    •uuch of spruce fir tban bad yet beenled, and, sprcidiug himself ilowu upon

    is to bo almost biddun fruui binijjbt, sat it adrift aa Le had dune tlie

    orn.The ducks, now having ceiinud to fear

    liouglia, linrdly moved till tbe fax-tiH in the inidtit af them, wuoti, making

    lid aiiii[ra right uud left, he snizeJ twoinu young ducks ua biapray, niid fli»|toJ

    d in li-iuiupli on his raft. TheHew nil' in friglit, but did not come


    Tliat lux uiuut liavo bad a fine dinnertat day, I think. Tbe geutlemiiu whoiw the trick pititnl the poor ducks but111KI not help laughing ut Ibo fox's can-

    RiiHHlan I'rurerbs.Tlio wolf asked the goat to dinner ;it O10 gnat, declined.A fox sleeps, bnt conuts liens in MB

    I reams.lie wolf changes his b&ir every year,

    mt rouifiinB a wolf.Dog, wby do you bark ? To frifjliten

    iviilvos away. Dog, wbj dc» youcep yuur tail between your legs,? I amifraiil of-tbo wolf.

    Love, fire mid cough cannot ha bid.Make friends with a bear, bat keep

    told of the wolf.Meiumro ton times, you can only out

    mce.Everything is bitter to him who has

    gall in liis mouth.' 'Brcud uud salt humble even it robber.

    A full stomach is deaf to instruction.If you hunt two, htirea you will catch

    neither.God is not ia baste, but bfe aim is

    sare.Yon mny shut the door on the devil,

    but lie will enter by tho wiudow,Praise not the crop until it is stucicuI t is not necusBarylo plow and sow

    OOIB—they grow Df themiolves."With God go even over tbe sea ; with-

    1111 Mm, not over the threshold.Truth is not drowned in water ; nor

    Imrned in fire.A fool may throw a stono in a poud

    ft may take seven Bages to pull it out.No bones oxi' broken by a motber's

    1st.1'-,-Many will give advice ; but few

    Dip.',To whom Qpd gives employ, he gives

    ndcratauding. *"Whose bread and whose salt I eut, hia

    iraifcsl sing.A good DOB science is God's eye.Lies mulch ou rotton legs ( who liesill steal.When you walk, pray once; wheu

    you get to sea, twice ; whon you go ttbe married, three times.

    Why MIIB SU»|i|ieJ, Her Paper,ho came bonnciug tbrougb ttie snncnloorlikea canuon ball, nnd with-

    uMsllig to BUJ, "How d'ye do?" she'imnglit her umbrella down on tbe table!tb a mighty cmsli, nca shouted : "•I wnrit you to stop my paper f'All right, matlnm.'•Stop it right off, loo,' she pcreiBled,

    vbaolting the table ngaiu, 'tor I baveiiicd long euotigb for "y011 ^ d o t I i a

    uare tiling.'

    Shu quieted down for a mnment. as we11 our flugor. down tlio Hat of names,il «liei) we i-uuoLeil hcr'aandsbe fiuid :'There, now mehbe you'll do as you'd

    >uglit to after this, ond alight*« woman1 'cuuso she's poor. If eoine rich foik3wen to have a little red-beaded, Toiu-

    id, squint-eyed, wheezy-Kfluaileiborn ti> them, you puff it up jo tbo skies,uud luiikq it out an angel i but wbenpoor peup'le buve a buby, you don't Bay

    void ubimt it, even tt it ia tho nqimre-.jd, blaokest-bairetl, biggast-heudei."

    ittlekid tb'at ever kept a tvomnn awakimbls. That's wbaffl tl-e matter, nuilnit'H why I stoppt-d my paner." An *ia diuibi'd out us wpld'y uu she came

    *-"• Useful Tnforiiiatlon.Qiyceiine and lemou jntce will niJ in

    tan from tbe fuco.


    Hboi.houmatism and eont can ho cured>y tliii free use of nsparngns.

    Gold in tbe bead can bo cured by inuliug harUihorue aeTen or eight times1 fivo minntfls.Cujcnne popper is death to bod bugs

    Dust tbo bedBteailB. crevicca and nicbciwell with tbe condiment.

    ToBweolena tain tud meat .barrel, nfjr wnshiug uml teliding to remove theTeaw, fill willi fresh soil and let it relain n week or tan days.To clean black silk, ojsbmBre or alpa-

    ui, taku a tcaspoonful of borax loaquartof tepid, water ftiifl apply with a blackwoolen rag or nail brush,

    Tlio Fa

    We do ii.itop iilinutviiift ilii! *»iu ulij.-.d.:iilld lic-i'jiIIL'II may lt(It-sf, UI11I V

    crnd bt-foi1

    011 reudor


    1 ).-!;rought to tbe Edinbiirgli iriflnuary, se j

    verly injurea by a fall from a liouaetop.Tbo medical man in attendance askedtho sufferer ot wlint time tbenccidcnloc-Cured. "Two o'clock yer honor.*' wastbeicpiy. On being asked liow ho cameto fix tbe honi* so ucourately, be niisvrer-

    "Bccaiiao I snw tho people at din-throa'h a window »a T vim comhig

    " I wuut you »" ni"kp aa a sliorti t H SCU1IIS III thfl UECk

    A Bosloninn is ]cctnriugi)U tho "trii Isjf wealtll." Tba follow li:i* no ilonhtstolen tbo nntobiogmpby vl soma coun-try editor.

    If tbe HOI of tin ])liouogrnpb hoB notbeen iletfirmiiiitLl, wo su '̂LHt t t m t i t b j(ullcil "Jl]ii,"f(>r itulwiiyrt luis tbe "Ia*tword,"

    BDfft.ininfj aguin. Wtini a man isnliin- \f\o in a nidotv bu n'wuys feels

    _i if he had to begin wbcre tbo otherfellow Mt nit

    "D ,tl, lmvo yon ovor Iweo to a muse,u m ? ' said a ton-ycnr-old. "No, mya o n - " "Well, gii ond awiition my nnmot ' 1«(l'!i|«r, ami lio'll take you roqu^

    IUW you UVUIA LliiuiTi11

  • THE IKON" ERA; •"ANrJ f:\CAHtFME\7'.

    •- r/iii'isuy. .;uv..

    V . : . ' . • • . 1 . . i l . ' • ' .

    , • : .',•. , - ! t - - . l ! ' - V . : . . :.•• • l - ' ^ '

    • , , ; „ ; ,\..\, - n . i l j i U . i i t . . i ! e i , V I ' n : i : ^ •'"•' :


    I . . . . . i i ' - . i . i i L . - i i l . - r . I J l . t . A - t h , ' v i . v < ; \ . . . i

    : : , . • i , , . n i n ! : i i : i t l i < l i s i l l . i r . : i n n . : i « i . - . - n - i

    ,. i n i i , - v , 1 , : l l » t t i ' - . V l i - i ^ . 1 < • • ' I . . -

    :, , , 1 . ' . . i . . : . U i » n i i I . . - , - . . I . v . . \ - , t i i - t i - . . i »

    , . , , , „ ! , | . . . , - ! > , - , , : „ - l l m l i . - l . - r l . . « u m -

    i t ' \ , ! i , - » . - . H i ; , ! . » • : « • H i * t n r . i t - M i " - ' -

    i ; : | 1 ] ; i t l i p , . l . m . .n . i m ^ l M r . U n i t t . .

    , | , | | ,> - . , I M I - . I>il1 Ji< Ih i . l l j j l l t h " llld

    , (f \ - i! u . n .11 :.^ Ki ln l u t i a i . m i r n

    :!,'• I ' L - I I . t i n - M H I I I P I I t u r n t i / r J w i i i i r M i .| . , . , S . l . . * : i n l l l . o . r ; M , i , » t r i f c . i .B h i * li«-si.|

    . • , i : . l ' - i « - " i t ! i i ' i M i - H i u i t l t l i r . » H i i i | i h i i i .

    • M l : , . ' . H I i . . . I K f l m - r o f l . v . - j . l . V - l H . - ,.,

    l i , - ( | \ l i < 1 . I t 1 , ' , i ; p | 1 0 M - , l H l . l t l l t i . T ! | .

    < k - n . i n i . !". . r i l « ; ! ! > l i l t . T i i i i v : ; i ' ' i i t m ! h .

    . „...,„ T U - h .*ci ' , 1- i n - fivr.1 r - ' i n: i , . . »•...«.», .-iiiii ' li.u-li ; i , - i . . J - , tU ' l . n . l ^ -: , U ran u p l.liii'kwi-U M ». "I ' J •*..>

    Vi-Tl-i II lluiu-Li, lirutliJi-iu-lAW "I .Mr,


    • ;••;,"'ntVi'.'^i-iii k i c k to tli-- li..!:tlitv "itli.- i ic i 'uki i t . U-i |.:ei;ii!K .Mr. L i n k U|itt.L> n-.iiu uii'ii fmilii. I hat i»> liiul ln 'on

    .-Mt-ii.'.l in hi., skul l . Wfuii-MlfiLriiNiiiLV.,].:„ it .s-,1|. |».SMl tllilt I i iu l l . -L 'kVi l sd i^ l

    IVi".-'Î .'I111."̂ et 11U• r**.ii Ji iiiff Im111 rii-«a--I-i"ii =«,:.,;,! ,ti,-i , ! i t n : tin* ll'ilili ..;..L-1JWI ll»> j

    l,i'< h ' h r r - n h.w, Ji-Hi" the r,i-fc)ol.T W I I . - I V . I M - I . was twuntt-MX y.-st t - I j

    nVi.rt ' i>i, in,.ii. U-. " : . - UMiTiril a ji-:il '


    will !.,• h.M:U Hi

    lieaJy imuo'au>P »"O j be ]>ut up on it*; grouudu wtot v. JH-t'lflLiu I rick itftimiuu. Slcqiiug ruom fur uau-ly «uo

    t mill stuff, who lihoiimiuU will boprovideJ (orwitiiiu tUL*ono

    u overland route, | i , w .

    lu>r*« nml Hie I Lutlier C ih io , ft Tamer liviai! oi Kreilon.

    litiiuiiuii. wio will j n u i v r x««iotu u-Lo for some time kid lituu 11

    h i l |i Jitli uud 5.9 th. That out

    , mid tha pr

    : tutu early 1.


    uip, stud \.iUtuar-1 *

    .- I'm 141 at thiu bom*,' I l l

    ysi t ing Ma tliroatcuFriiityiiiKlt of l

    .,•1 uud Wniat Uomw fu

    .ul .-rut Use iney r.'Vi- ilim liic ljbii

    nndih lit

    nf 111


    ii:i.v nii.ruiun HiluH I*-iif!Mie nt Wiwiiitifior, fnrni tlin t-ilW-t.s tif w

    briif un lu.iir ll.rri'nUt

    i wi l r imi l DUO L-liilil.VuMijim Hi-hiiuiiui. r HliipmuiiH-IKllltl .•1>lll|ll.iilit luifltn! ItllUkillHl w j . , tli-j ulltor day, ajj'tuurjt mil'

    Boli, who imd tla-E'itUiiit'd to liilimul i-liililri-ii. and I In; 'H^uiie ai-nt.Mu'Tistiiwit ID mvuit. t he iii'lion

    .\\:iy]n-ny t\U-A :it Stun lii>i)i? on

    o' "i-ilf theul.itiiarysri>|itinn o! tlio Ciiiciimi

    and Kt. Louis) Districts. Tlie i.rojHimi.

    itHwitf Iliu two PintriL-w nnuitii iH»ovt

    i-r.iisi'tl liy t1n< Itir^n nuiouiit nf vdiiiik

    ^uioiiM. hoff.iv.-r. am sold liy Collator Hi

    hum (him Ly iuiy othtr District Colluotor

    t lf country, owing to tliu largo iniiuuut

    1..•••rand tcitwt

    7. i:- O[ this Himi 41S.72.UO was collect-

    ;H XM ut>on KpiritH ilistiUod in tba Din-

    tA, *:!,•! M.IKWK̂ tS ou iiutnuinctured toi

    of the Chuirn

    I.v MM. Kil|Mtrick. n

    c from the porches

    uilli l i r

    durk Lutr. wlm-li. whils

    iili'[ij{ tin* cntirt' fnill

    wliiiL ah.- i- . i i .t i . l i

    .luti* idrcuily l'ii•<

    If jnii »,iut to tiiiyii ilrow iuvt, rtuhlcr,

    ivliilu vt-.it •>( it ibiii i:mit. fit) to Pifflrson'.t,

    and you will wive inouey. Hu in nulliuj; mF

    riantlera.Tt sofjius that thu " aemiunr.T,

    which sumo uni; of yuiir corrcHpoudctitrciri'ijtly rcfen-ud, in to lie u fact, aa th.house is reeeivinu its (titnitiiro, liraparntury to the opt'tiing ou Siiptembur 9tLU'purt s:iys tiint unite n ntiDilierM-IUIIIH-S liuv-o Iweu enrolltd, nnd yet tlioits more mom.

    Tlie f.ic(?3 of out- {iirmnrH havo Wtperceptibly Iiiugtliuued by tbo hein

    . wpnther of tlio lust two wtft-ks. In IUIIH;jluld.s (wits have begun to t^iront, whilein olburw, if not ho nunrly mined, lmvebccoiiit* HO iliKColori'il as lu li'aaen clianccsfor roailv wtlrs,

    D. A. NicholfiE, Esq.. iut«nda totlnupoL tbe n])iu:imia Rroundfi niioat hihomo to n Luwn ytJtmljlL', for tUa Tbvlpriuti Church, on Tiiesiluy evei....Augnst 131*). Under tlio illuminntcttrooh rtifrefllmiftit!! will Jie Kervail, wlrilnjtibio anil gfiiieral litornry nxereiitca vnteuil to LUUTCU tho cvauiiig. Thin whn Mio l i n t t:»ti'ituiiiniL-ut of tho hiudthis vicinity, untljt isboliovci tlmt thnovelty -will ilm»v togetliiira largo ernweSo may it bs. "V.

    Our rci:»r>i flood hua passed uvrr, niwe nronll rejoiciiiR in flio simshinockar waitthcr n^uin. Corn IB looltiisplendidly, and tho prouinc for a tincrop was never bettor, and tho ro«erains Lave saved tliu jiututuea and ban

    Mr. Diivid fjliarp lout a valnubk- boran few ilny.H ngo, his tluath biing c;iiylniK He had just refused aprice for tlio nninml.

    News is rather Htiirce,liy the wny, it is rtmcred that tlie cor

    iCHjHinilent of tho Index Ims -'got up oihid ear," and gives Observer "flLi," IJP(•(uise bin aiticlc in reference to the irnfor cf Smith wan ralluil "senflntional,"nnd that lie gives OIiBftrrcr much sngenilvicc. wliic-b perhaps bo lind better krepnt hunir. Obspi-ver hua only to BBV thatit W.-.8 wholly "Konfiiitioual ;" but if yonwill neml Obwrvnr a copy of tho Index,Observer will he ulilu t'j spwtk advisedly,I don't like to ask tlin correspondenttbe Index for A is copy, and (Ics)iuirfindiiiR nny other copy in Ibis seotioii

    Tho.40 who prencrte tliPStoitutTnbBrJ.ortl will ltavc *i huuld vinit this tjuliocl u|>au tha iwc

    sinu of ouo of tl.oir concerts and rtsviot

    ii OL tin; lint SabbuUi cvoniog of cucl

    ith. I^iat tjitbbntU eveniug was one

    tntso occiwionH and TTUB inout QEJoj-ablo

    lliuse present So thoroughly hiid the cbi

    dron been instructed that tbey were oblo

    lectte in concert tba Scriptural luHaonjoftl

    oroiiiog, all tha golden texts nnd tnpira

    tbe monUi, aud tha hymns nungr oa well

    give correct nnswem to nil t i e qaunticnB pal

    to Umm in lha reviow of the lennonH. In lh

    respect it in tUp beat drilled and infuriia-

    S.ibbntb School we hayo ever Beau. Tli

    tcliiml is nlso carefnlly instrticted in Hinging,

    nnil their unison and perfe-stiou in ttla

    ipeel in nlHD Rruutl. For tho excellent con-

    ilition of thmr gaoil work among tha cbi

    rtren, llor. Ur. Miij-luuo, Snperintendei

    Peer and ibo other ofa';ers nud leuclers ol

    school nro vforthy of tho highest proiec.

    The Morris Actdemy.This olil-titne nnd welt-known inntitutioi

    if letrrninf! in Momstown hn« lut4 tlmt will probably remiltln theling of BOTcral of onr boys to thin BohooLiK n ̂ traoKor nmoDg us be waa anable to

    visit nil «ho have boys In edacnto, bnt any

    nrjos i.ilurcsHeu to him At Alonlsto1

    wib bo promptly nnmverea/ either by letterir in peraan. Wo i'iilii>u lor railroad bmiiicxa.M% on WRDNKSDAy, August Till, 1878, %\

    ii- luiuriu ur Mrs. Edgsr Oraoo.in VVaflhlnRtoniwublill), Mitirii Cuuiitr. httwecii tlio buunriwdvcsnd live o'clock In tha »f to moon ofiiii Uflv, tliu full«witj({ iloioribod lots snil fkt-flf. ., | hud, Hilnstcii in Horrir Onnntv, N. S.Nu. t. Hi scrus of fend ftl.ont Imlf tilltble

    i * Kwl nluta uf cultivation, anil tislr woodmil.willilnbtlf siiiilu of tlio town limiti of

    Ilsckutbloirii, KlJohnuR - laud* of Anrlravi-r,Uiaiio it Price. »nd olliwii.•1. Wood tot of five Benin, in Morrii

    Cnouty. on IWs tnmplko luadmK la Bcliuoloy'sMiittuiiiiu Bprlngs, ailjmnine lamia of JnsupbK. Itiuo, Ocoive Dereuersnd Dtliera.

    Ho. a. Wood lot or U l-G aorea, situstea ncalio Kcservolr of the Hacketlstowa Watur Uo.iiljoiniuit land! or Mm. E j g t r Ornne, Joba!k

    3U, being ptrl of tnetdoed from Uunrad Puppi

    kid Oui

    i th« DQokF8f iauU doscribfc

    DMjrj»-At Beaoh Glen, Angtost fith,1878,Mary E. Deeksr, ng«i one year and threemonths,.

    BICHABOS-At Bibernia, August 8ll£ 1878,John Kicharda, aged fifty-eight years andfive months.1

    Funeral services' in the Hibernla Church,Sunday Afternoon, Aug. n th , »t 2 o'clock.

    FOB BALEiA t r a r p l s o a a t Maton, Morrio Cotthtr, H.

    S yoko young working o 2 f hwith

    S yoks young working enra, a fresh oow*calras, 10 bead young Itornoi, one pair

    mules, Bhoata andable ufforfaraiij

    d voangf pigs. NQof tho above wiU bo


    New Plated Forksand Spoons,

    lor nla at 8. H. BBEE3ITS, BOTO, K. J.

    s d iOumnany,NomtHlJerlil.lSCT,Book % 7. iiajjo 127, am! Ufl^od'!riot t " * J '

    'ina wife t_ndrocori]-

    Lot"No.aronara»p (lf'usia CoBipaH?1*'portOram Unda, mtde in HUM, »nd ViJlns ivt I

    he on isld Trodorick attest dlmwt imndred ind flflT feat nn a unarm mmtli tlilrtvbtiberacieut from tlia finirtli oornerof iof had add to Pater W.Williliui nun SDIU wreier tv.wilkiiun suiilpnr-

    nsr being tlio the etsterly corner of Thomii»Qd A«3sri>'k i l rn t ID I I U Titian of I-o"Oram, and runs thence u tbe ne«dlo tnverapdIn An gait, 1871. (Ij along ibo nortli HidoofFredeno^street .outb 1tiirtyX"» , Ceut any feet to th» flrtt curnerofLotNosold to Kdwrd Jtouonill: thenre (2) nu»rty-twouuBreeicirtone hundred foetto

    belna sliontlie third corner of tlio lot soliVillfitm Champion, Jr.; Iboncu nlonir sChampion'.fldJd Une.snd st r l s | i t«5 l^ 'the.eeood oaana (B) north thfriwlghtd

    " " " ' " ' * " ' tbo fonrtn corner


    y Buying ol the Manufacturer.

    J. Q. ROCKEFELLER.viiiycotiinieuiMl tie innnufiu-ture ot

    Rubber Valve Chain Pumps,



    ed to funi.Kli IlieM v r y nu>fuli m . Iliirly d«y«i'trial

    d l d f

    pn?]i.rticlw nt nili

    >'eii on all i'ltiujif, nnd noniinr^oH inaaiwinij UiHii iu poHltion. Ttil* pumptfrewc fvt>n iu the ciilduia cliaiate. It,itt'B nnl



    1 Inch.

    I ;;

    r>l tiuluia

    1 "


    8S4 '*

    | Column.

    I '•J .l

    l w « .

    * lK1 7"'2 '25

    3 CO\ COfi CO

    W O O

    2 MM.

    M nos ooG M)8 00

    1(1 00IU m>15 00is fit)83 00

    2 \vxa.

    j 1 20

    JSn so-1 nr.

    C 50B 00

    15 00

    a won.

    $ 4 fiOG flO!) (K

    11 OO11) 00IO 2r19 0-25 0041 00


    $ 1 JiOji fill3 504 GO» fiu7 008 1)0

    io aoIU UO


    « U4 COr> G O0 CO8-AU

    i o no

    22 00

    1 IB-

    $10 «17 00•M 0027 0090 00ac ooin ooOff Of

    or. oo|i30 oo

    The family of Bov. Sir HaUo**y i » atAnbury fork.

    GreJtt Ixirgains in all Haia of dry goods atSI. l i . Dicketdjo'H.

    Sir. Julkn nBirhattae will sing at the"Red Ridlug IlooJ" Concert.

    'Bed Hiding Hood's Rescue," Tueedttjand Wcdiu'wd/iy eTenings nrat

    Brulbur (raiHwn, ol EtJonlou, In said toa candidate Tor tLc Assembly in his dis-

    trict.Rov. H. K. Una Imen iuvitcd

    yrnga 15 msHTB p g a I

    ^^D.l . t f f .E. E.TIMS TABLE,raou i»T*a ooiwo » M I ;

    mote D O T H OOIR

    7 'ooXM.J HMketU

    W U T W A B D . ••A.M. P . H .10.57 fi.35 -10.17 6.4710.S7 C.4J,lOtf 0.17



    10. if


    » A. M.t Dover E iUtovm Hill. 7.82 A.


    1 A . M .clicilor 0*1Hortcn 0.07IronU 7.03Biicei.unna 7.07HeOAlttaTilli1. 7.10M. * E. JnnBt'n 7J5rortOnm- 7.18Dow



    P T . U I K " - i •':•"•• • . DOWK T B i . ! » 8

    S"irt* **'m New York/ " ' ' . i n ' « ' »Philadelphia,Hieh Bridge.

    MfcMlLW/''Gcrumn VallL-j,


    jiJta12.P312.09 , 7.18


    FUnderi,Ttenrti, "

    10207.48f 4.417.37 - *.13T.ifi iM7.07 B.557.01 BJ3


    make the biaUiiical speech at tlie Biuitb taxuily plo-nic.

    There will be another grand variety entcr-Uitmie.it at EockolTi tbia—• Saturday—«ven.

    ig. No boys will be admitted.Mr. W. K. Yought and family have gom

    to S u w « and Mr. 8. U. B e n ? and family.*Cheuangd County, IS. Y., to upend their ta-


    Tlio mod enticing Orens we have sees InDover or violnlly, came, we are told, fromW. 8, Babbitt's, Morrlstowu. It looked

    ilentlid. . 'M. I I . Plckerson in cloflliig out tbe bal-

    ance of ]>U stock cf ladwa'.nnd ohildnms1

    summer suit* Mow la tbe time t o bay *mil cheap. • 1-

    Go nod sco tlici olildi-oii'H wnd.tlnn inof the nuntery tale of "Bed Biding Hood,"ia WUUockfe null on Tuesday And Vfednei-tiny cTcnings next.

    A New York get.tlc.iaai. by the name ofCarat]] tlie other day caught three bltickLam. In Budtl't Lake, lha lamest of wblcltweighed just five pound*. | '

    W. 8. Babbitt. Morrlstown, baa an enorous Btock of block cashmeres nt rery l^w

    prices indeed. They are always Lupin's;ho 1B liondiuartors lor them. ~ • ,

    Tho well-known l i t , Hope and RockawB?Chair, tlint formed sucli fi pleasant features,,the last camp meeting, will again oondtictlha filngiug nt the coming meeting.^ : |

    t . U. Baymond, John HiggOt,Jr., and E. M. Qnlinby havfl boon appoint)*delegates to attend a ©ouvontion to be boldin Newark; Aug. 8th., to enforce Uu ganielawn. • , ' i;

    A fine quarWto And a full chorus ofWen.

    Q.49 .3.ISJ

    Common Council laeatsSiiexlUauddye

    Bclvidera hoe received 1,000 feet of ruthow.

    Mis* Addio LiucUIoy wil sing nt the '•.Biding Hood" Concert.

    Eclipses are all tho rage nowudaju. Lookout for on eclipu of the moon on tbo 10th.

    A pftrtj of joacg men f.'biu IlnckoltHtipropone cainping ct Budd'l Lake for eeveml

    Thoeanufll electloiu of, the difftreut c&:paaleaof l i e HIM deparjnient will be heldneitllomli.y oveuing. V

    It Is reported that a jumticr of Morris-towa'a colored oiUzena wll pic-nic HI«n Wednesday nex t

    Tbe meniben of the Hiatlon of FaUTVott gave Ca complimentary dim

    Be* Mr, Vausant, of Ito Camp Tabor hut week.hare given him ft FKCHUOI

    A curiosity to be ««Pktelephoue which oonnectaof Bolomoo and lUyer SafecUyiudbvortltaThiil

    The family of Jaa. H. fiito Asinjry Park On Thanrioot toapand a KMDD.ladj tare juut returned fiB«ort: .^Boonton felloltatei 11M


    Drook, tuovodHit congregationof three weeks.Eorrlstown ia tin

    establishment!.It workfl per-

    yBoa, E*j.t wealwhere they ox-

    upon thfl prrpeot of a bran new brase ond. Althon'iUr. John Green ia to be ho leader, -wa arenot Winter that the b u d till be composedof greon-homa.

    8. 8 .4 J._ A. .factor; anwgamaDe with'continue tbair bvsineHnow that they are freeranmente can offer greeparobuert than CTer.

    A 1I(U« ohlld of Jaffliill), met with a fltngnlar

    aay"fl*enlag. '• The mothermhw (he cUW oocldentalljedlntbapaaof boUlngbai w, and receivedteniole, thongh fortunate), tot fatal burns.

    Gapt. JoMph Hanaon, ta he past twelve

    ty-flic or thirty children will* t iu tt»

    12.40 • •1 .M


    OoanA eee ' . -:

    In'yfJiUlaaVa 'null, .,;."•> '.'•:]. ;VTbiro. are mmerottB. case* of malariallovor: at Dovfliy1—BOJB tho Jerwymwi.; Who

    Jnatioo Alfred ileed, of tifliSuprpirte.Courli•wan married to a-PWladolphla Udy onFr i -

    • Vixcatin nnraeronain thonolghboriiood| of Ilrockalde, ond are bMsDr Bngaged in do-

    Dpnlatlng the hen rodste. •6i,.q.i Jenaon has. w'tarncd! to'Dovor. andih ~t*Mlnli n Rtwun dveinit eBtablisbnient

    produotion of "Bed Bitting Hood's Rwonq,"(n WlitloeVs Hall, Tuesday and WcdntHdi;

    renings next. . .: . . jThe barn of Charles Bodlna at Peapaek

    was struekby lightning on Monday and ea-tlrelyconrameilvrltliliUoonteiita, eonsiatlAsof ha>, grain and farming utensiU. • LOM,18,000j'tntnnd. , • -,' • •••••• ^y--,:- j ^

    The operetta of "Bed Biding Hood'* Bw-ue," to be (jirf-n in WhiUocVl Hall do

    Tuesday and AVednouday evenings next, w)Hbe participated In by 1# obildran, and willafford a rich treat to all who atiandV ; .. ;

    y pton Mill", dledSaadayatdtaeoaa. Deeeaaed wasH«Dty OlayXodge, A. 7 . A. M. of H.

    well-known .̂bls county.ly on-

    Urged by taking pat A partibj and uuitinpjthflwo'w U5 the roar' with ji« aiiditoriun;.'Tlie stage h « been i " J "naw appointmeata In yiawji!

    Uood'VBeacae," onToei

    Tbe beautiful. cJulldreoBiding' Hofldy Beseiie,"wltli' home t*lant trader

    Mr. Daniel 0. "Wig'ginB has. been appoin>- Meaan. OampbeUand;!ed Suparlntandont of t ie mining operation. -flV of ihe ' SWkwell street

    • • •- - — school, ioTVbWook'i Hall, cWednesday evening! aeiL Itafof themiielTes should ba Vor both of these niglta. |

    loiSspewleat Hose Cctown, rocelTed thel| new oday otad' celebrated the 'ere

    ' 'jUation. The'carrla_iapalntttd In^ermiEloi

    aejimitot the reel, b«Ui,-b|tppointmenta ,a» aUv«r " 'teaa'tueUL' It bJuialsb*.irbVeiflehl that will odd'to

    • may weUJ

    p pof the Bethlehem Iron Oompany, a phe is well qualified to fill by reMon of hliability and long experience In mining mat-

    a r B . 1 "'. • ' .' ;'• ' ; "'• :' • ". •• ' • • 1 . : ':••' \

    Nearly every ilay lha newspapen note out-rogefl by trarapn on women and girl* - Thtnomaaio dieooM has grown to such an extentthat it bf gins to look aa if frequent doww ofcold lead would be needed for UIB relieT Ofs o c i e t y . - • - ' • / ' ; • ; ' ; ' . . ' ' / " ; • ; '

    T̂he* Jemym'an. note?: that » B y ?of that plaoe has recently pnt la 110 barre|lof flour. A Pdver. flmi • fjuttn Jrtit« Ihu tfforiol tho driver to prevent it, wbcu Le took dJ-Bgonully ncrOKS tlie side valk, ou Ihe CONof Ticinl'ii liter wtloou; thouglt iLoie i

    Utwueu the irou tiitoli poutand the comer ]>08t, he did not "t^taer c\va

    stop, wiieu aftiistiince wu* rouderwl auilttieired uutilJi " " ""

    tlicn beyun to rear.nnd plunge to extricatelimself, but wan held aud finally cooledlown. Tbu only dnmiif{R wan llio breaking

    ofthetinftiiiidnltliwbi-e].* In standing on ttif platfonn %ni witno««.ng tbe eauualty we thought it n imrrow 'A wordto the wise Is BufBcicnt." - •

    I ' '• • '_ " -V^AsjEtEWi

    10TIHB KCKiWir ij TUB (

    It U BOid that lightulug iwver Blrlkes twic<in the sonie place. Whether tliio bo so oinot, the adage wvunot bo/.piilicd to rnun,ways, as the one wo nrc about to ctroniclo Isihe Bucond that lias occurrld Io tlio same finn

    A Co.—within.a week. As Uicir

    Itcd pidlnsWednesday

    Boooton, one atterooonort'placed an infant cfitidtiipBtatn, the jnatroia1

    Rhort« than t i e L d t d ~was usually MT

    th^FalliidiumrflJbartypfyAU arevorj interartiugandTwe

    d d tl l Q

    p', 18lUi

    be*& iemoveii by A

    roithful driver, " Mike,-bad jijrt baclcedhirga team, writh the heavy utoro^ wngoc; upit« • accuslouied place • at ' UM Mc'itot on

    Thursday morning, ond wns about, to. cpm-meiice'loadiugj 'a lwnd-onr oauib''tniudtingip the track, frightening the hones. Aasoon tut Mike heard it he jtiniitrfTin tbewagon and secured tbe rcius, but Iliey. hadstarted and obtained nn adyanfago wblcb hecould not regain, and' they ran fall 'speed

    ru Wfirrcu street. As It if> difficult to de-) as to tlie best course to pursue u'udfr

    such oiroutnutAUCoB, tlia usnally jolly ai>dwitty Jelio of, tlio Mjnfl" pill etorowoB for

    iee ptittoblB ''wit's cud" to knew wbloli(o'guide hia tcoiu. Thitiitliig

    otherupa St^d-

    rp: id of

    lia^e to make as, short a trip as possible, asalso to avoid the risk of running1 into otherteams along the Btreet,lia drew upy_for theentrance of the yard of CQX'B livery stable.Failing to turn them In soon enough, how*

    . .. _ . . JjaplMrinijm.wing DUG of Uio fore vlieeU, nnd breakingoff Uie polo. TnkiDg all things into consid-eration, USms'ft.jcij'gwllaBi, as tlioro vnnother property thot vas ia dongor, nnd had

    would have boen nm in(o, and doubtlessxasiB a aompletA wreck; i <

    ,Wth».l«M thDother

    Fen Bketchet. of prominent pastors andIsyipen wU) be^mblLihed aach ^ hi theMoimtTiftorEelord'" r * *"* * ;

    Isli n steam djeioi esu

    Daiid -BaWat,"of Boontoii, bas Imd MriIliduieli'siiillh' amil id f « 'nasBoWiig Mawifi.'; Hfl couldn't Jtomt any longer. '^; i -

    A New.Um party, compoeod. of tw.lvs coo-plM, tare established 0 two •e«k's Bncaop-

    John 0 . i l i l o»i W. S. Taimttoe n«»«tooghta too b u t ot timber of I|..:L L e *of Ohottir, »bllU tloy aro ioV oatUng. o«.

    Thowant of matWbiA to th«ceiling, above the table,'

    OoWn U. Part., fomtrl j Deptty'Sherifot:Morna,«iunty,;'wlth hU -family,,;»»BonoU> DtBh M aneyangelisj, ondte t r 'lu"nomoMU»io.n.work.-. .".;.'•,'£ . ; ' . ; • .-Tho'ladiM'/and. frienda'^bf the M.\E.

    Ohuroh'of Hurdtown, proposa to hold a feH;llvftl for thB benefit of the oanrcb 6a^Thurs-day oyoning, Au«. aoth. ',' " ,' i.i . V]• '•' j

    Onr renders will bear to mlod tlili.meetljgot y.t«mn» In MeDatit's .Hnll.thla -Bator.a«y-oyenliig to, ma*"1, arranEe"*'" *>„ "̂ itendtlje'Kilpitrick enaunpmenti'^'i:l.j,'.


    LnrgVqoantltiM of graycl are' being takenfrom t ie oal'nenr^rlew-Foniidlnnd on tboMlilliiid'liiilroad'td'aH, in.the^ hoayjtns.tlca nt Shiekholm and Ogdensbnrg.

    Tho Uoimt.:'Tabor»Iiltorary?a»dsMji«ioalUnion 'win ijit'e S iubpo Wfcriauiment InBethel rarillpi, at;'lIooi^.Tnbor, on Uon,day oyeniig next) Admlrilon fhe. i y • j

    The distressingiiowH feaohea'ua.thatDyerono hundred fron'mlncr.aid-.workmen'baWLoen la ldo l at Wt:Hopi.'i.Weioail"onlyhope that tills BtaU of affairs will jiroyobnt

    The^gmnd tnusioaj enteruunueiit' at theliillbrook 1LE. Ohuroh, on Mondar,'«*»-ing,Aog. 12,«iderth"edlreoHon oi Prof. Otle,promises to be one of the best treats In thisseflltcro this season, and1 one whloh all, ourreadorsahouia attend., ftbfs. Ounpbeli andSeeley will both b» present and partiointla.Proceed, for the toneflt of the ehoreb.; 'Ad.misaionSS cents..,' •-,,, • ,' j . . . /^ h,

    The fifth annual gathering of theof Ur.-Wm;r: • w l i i i ' a s h i i d ' a t t h

    'of U r . W m ; r : w l g g . tideno'e of that gentleman, .at Sueoasunns, Dig

    : tet ected ongent lem, . g

    Wednuday: A large tent was erected onthelawr,; niaerntaththe sheltirrbf which .«mort sumploblts dinner was prepared. ' Theday was .pint, (n 'pleasant •messment, and

    l r f b f w f l , ^

    froit crop ia Ibis Stau: aty. jam;n^r

    dcane Hill.'w'jisarrested last. weak,for rteal-Injl'old iron/ pnUeya, eb)., to. Uia amount ofanontltoh/iinJ iUaU.toe proprfy o^ihoOruielren.OomrinynttM^alrjrmplemne.lie wai fiondd to; nppoar at a hearing beforeJuSee asge oi''W«iii«aday, hot he did notappear, exit .it wa. aald Bat h . M ^ «••crops' iwiytho'day before,»od;y»pUhrf1The stolen propnrty wis foono on SU pram.

    — - j excitenient'and aXoeUngofjinseIf •;Obserrei'ittaewmerebeCBUjbof Iliedol^ailon;bo«hluH,n4t,t>e tooAstiBniatize what others know 'with'

    BKOOto C l f x g

    , grand.

    1 in the BeV, atUSTesl-

    eon of the Into a.n. Oolfax, «

    ghtien} . •,.,denee in Pomptonlaat Taeaday night He

    politician In tho tWhlg andiBepnblloan par-

    in'thb'L D —,-. .... ,gtoUjMarahai; k'l/nited Biat« j

    An items'of intoretn'transpiruig~:ab(mp grMd, rm bepnbllidiea;intl

    ?:Vi'!..'. ' - « >"B>;!-,| ,.••;;!;;•.A Btirary ent'BB'J 8- n -Oonkllng, A. 0. Sinitli and J. W. Briont, oftlie toplo, ''•Whose duty in It to engage inSsbUth School Work r followed with slnp;

    . e.as.ji a^iiiKn^ioq 'bj HcT.-«,V. ̂ Y-I|hJloway, Jr., U 0. Elerworth,,and >Ber.PMWCO Itogers'; toplo, ''IniportmiM of theStudy of tha Ward*"

    Beooss for ̂ ve.ml8:M to 9;10^I)iBcossloii1by 0. D. Oage,'*id, Jenkins'and. D. A,;Deny, topic,

    Wbat.ShanW lie done to IntereBtSohnlMs.'1

    ag tfv,i j•O,ip t« S:fl5-rA Normal Clots, opoDed by

    iuom H. Neighbonr and oontlnn«d by^IUr.1

    J, L Morrow.9;4O—DonedlcUon by Ber. Georm T.

    pAll tha-campWfeeiing bewBiornish'ed br

    ,m»l •*•.•. { w a ^ ^ . ^ l ^ ^ r w andliulf cents' iiunlny. Send SBoantafor thoMount labor Uuoard, >hiioli"iriU haTb'ion:

    fiulaware, liMskavaniaud TVoatcm JWlrooO, JIOW Duttavlllft. n dis-tance of between fire and Ktr.inilM,- in(omplatod.1 It is a tanehVlj*n^r jju'.p

    ye(V "niflo years'aad woill4 not mx W wall,. The Onuie IranOompaoy are getting out 0, Tory 0uo

  • T • -,|- „ , ! „ . ;• i a y - U ' I 1'ail- T l i , ' r n ' l u w i i i j : ih tli,- i sp in i i iu ' i . ' ,,i u

    Io.,.l1li.It''H,il...l.'l|.l.i...'t7.:S.-, ™. W,'l.!|.,lv „:,„:,•!, »itU..-l.l. l.»t »"l»

    , , ,MVIV luMi-uiiiit. l t . - "m. i i:=i-ueli I " li.»,li»liii|!..i»l..'.l !»'••«•« » ' I " " " 1 " " 1 .

    Jrrw.v('ir.v ,!!,• |..-.ur (mil fifty-f. in

    ui r , nud the rl l l ' l ' l l ' l " i l U l l ( I I ' 1 I ' i l T - ~ l l . ' h ' l r * hL:*- ' . •** • • ' j S i * " i * » , , . . - —

    lM..'.,.n''!'M'...i.-i!"-.'' l'i!!.lu.."'«'il'!iW ! !'•',',. ",'j.l' f.',".iii,.i -.1 ''M'.lii'.v Miisli.' IT

    ^ m - ' " u ! ' " l I , ! ' " " i i ' X ' . . l t1 '•'fi,i,.H.ri'',,l.!',"ii'i']Jlii"ri,,"i'i:taiire in tin-- sl.w

    ;::," i, x,». i , , i . . . i - M . ;,„„•••.. i-,,,i»,h,*«t\,.M,,K», »„" < - * . . . I.. . . .HI . . . V . l l l l . l l ,


    BILLIARD ROOMS, rlitll'' '"r DOVEIi, i\. J.i |

    H >i Ti nt.,-1 ,,u t i n , ' ' ivn'r/ I I H I I I I iisiniii^'.' | , , IM*UI . ' , wi l ie r" | ' ' l "il •ii.'.n.l ' i ll . ' r, |.-ii 'i ' ,.- wit »il l i ; , l i l l l ral i I" iul.-llitil'l.v ilratrilii ' . Tin-

    1 . ' i , ' . , , , l , , , 1 i l i . . | ln . . t l l , - . . r ! ' .• n.K'i"'- uu'r.' .inii.'ipulii'li llntliT.'.t n i j ': ! ii'llV,.:J...,..-il, I'l.ll...

    ,1,1, ,-11,11,1 i n . - I ivliuMi- .-iiiiiii. ••>•- »'•••

    i M i n i . l , . ! n i l l , 111.- lu -h . H n i , . i . , l liu--

    l , , r l i lit'li • Ll >,'.u> in 11.'' ' ! ' . " . ' ' s i t ' 1"

    "'l!"'.,,,..,,,.!-,,:;.- g JJilK mo Jiin.-

    ui.-ii. u t i ' i i O-tiinu.l fill inmclliillM, l n t . ' , | l i . ' i ' i l " l i i - " ' « y WiiiMitli h im, amili,,. ,,1'Lt iimliint I..' »n« l.vins lirOHtmti', , . , , ! „ ,.|,Blii,! lu front uf irlii-ro tlio ™l,ii.ni IK.. l i . It will kll.'.'Ui'il !UtO pit'l'l's

    Tl i . - .ns i i i . ' , ili-1'nv.nl uf lii« cm.lnil .l i i l l ini ' i l livsli Inin'tus uvi . ) nii'iin'iil, , , „ , , , |a ,,,,,.,i Imltl , . . O •-. I. luiltslun 1, luj f.,r a Ki'uiuiil till hi 'It ' l l Ihnt

    s.f nr... T I H I I ! was u linrn " r : « . . mill 4n'i.1,1 in- IV.II, lint lie .li.l ""I ''•"» « " " " ""lirnoo, lill.l Biil.lj "itli tbii vlnirl,«triiiiBi', »»•,•..I Iln-ill *™M »lm»» '•'frmii lii'iul l.i f.i."t, liiuvili;; mp wruli williilui.»t IIOWITICIS iiml ri'iilly ol.liKoil li,ili'lipnii f..r MiptKTl on tlio [inn wliMidii'iii-li-il mi'. If niy pintni-T f.iil'''l[ „ , „ iBi,,,n , lui'k lit still, or limn-, ,.,, Io i.roim- llu.».., t " mo, '""«'|,',.;IMIIVIII1.. Kin-Millions, I ili'l n.'l 'In""1

    "'••! ,!!,',",l»',,u'ii'iL'"oi..'i'i>: »»i r"f"k|-v

    .111,1 \ f tlits men th.'iiihvlviM.TIHIH f hi-cami' abimniiiilly tifvel-p-

    «1 in my lowoht iintnru. I e^w bolder,itiul frum bt'iiif? nbli1 'omy tbnwqi i a r .' tevs of nu hour lute witli truiu ilG mi

    "Wmliiesiluy nioniiiig.

    A I li;lit Wllh 11 Rnltk'HUiiko.

    [leorgc Un.sc, a cmistnMo, a. few d lor the csj>oricuoo which, will'asiri'dly ho the means ot preveuting myItlo diuiglitunt from indulging in anyit-h duudernus iilen«iire. But, ifmug girl, pure nud innucciil in Hie he-

    ;iuuiiig, cnu bo biuiig.it to feul wlmt I•o confcHscil to linvc felt, what must

    ha tho nxperititicc i»f a miirrii'd woniShe knows what every ghineu of tho eye,very bend of tlie hond, ovory ellasji menus, nnd knowing tliut. rcciji(.tos it and in led by swiftor ntcpH midsurer pntu down tlio diitiReioiiB dis-

    liouorublo l-oad,"

    The Toad*Tlie toad is not u beautiful nnimal t

    [lie oyo ; hut he is very sorvioenblo tiij Iitrmer in liis. way, and ho should be

    kindly rogardud. The Ohio Fur[>11 reunrks tl'mt tho ntimhor of insects

    Unit a tohd will eat is almost inercdiblo.A finv of them in a garden will-keep itwell rid of bugs, phut-lice, e tc • Thoy1

    llyspcuil the dny iu soum iatk,Bijduded spot—often a hole untlor thenod, or clod, or the othor aide of a rooknnd in tlio evening thay oomo out am

    jpiiboutin Bcarch of IL supper ofliviisecfa. Tbov niny bo itidnccd to take

    up tlicir residence in tlie gardei by cou-lining them for two or Unco diiys to tliilnea ; wlion thuy will beaoiirie iiuito we:untonted. . A board Inid aboot two iu-shi'sfrum tho ground.is,just tlieliiiltugiliieo Unit suits tlie'rn. .'i'hoy'iire lo'(ig-ivcil, luting often lit) own twolvcmil hisleen jcjraulii, aud it in miid oneivi'd to ho thirty-Kix yearn old. . ]On no'oiuit of lliuir projionsity for ilcntt.IIRCCIS, tnnds Bliotild be oiicniirnged tiincinnopcrmmiciit residents of oiirgmIUIIH ami tlutda.

    zy wlmn found. H— Winitentucca Siltn

    A SOFPERLVO MAS.—A uiun was pick-nd up recently by the J«ew York jiolicc,•wluiEOCiiicd to bo snfffring from metid nbcimtion, but on recovery gaMiisnccountof blmsi'H: When he IcIns lapjiy ht>wo onrly in the moriiiug,]I!H wifo itiKSPtl him gnod b\a m wns bniHtoin, when tlio wiintei? any errantperformed nnd tlien asked hira"togo t<theilrfss-caoktT-nnd tell her that BImd cbnngcd licr mi ml, nnd"wnnld lintlio watered milk miulo ii]» insteadtlm pojjlin, ami be nurc to ti>U In"dour," Ihnt it would look better' to']:on tni liiits flouneca without puffinR.niniiux i.lcntcd 1IP1»W the c-1Uatnr,slmnlil lin gntlieial in liem-stinh-giidg.cons up nnd down tho scams with puwsn-inriitnrin liclwcrn ; slip can mnkn it «in that wayjnxtcud o[ tlnLing 11,0 IUHWing nnd piorcing out with point nppliquns I snggisted ycstcnlny.

    A Httlo Elko girl surprised u corapnuof visitors by her knowledge of the Cro

    l r ' w k s At tho riinnertublo hisitors by her knowledge of the Cro's works. At tho riinner-tublo ah

    cUiniDtl: "OnH imide all Ihia hi,orld in junt nix iluya. God rendo md b l l H dmid everybody c H a

    too, bat lie forgot to put any batr nn hci

    Loo, bat lie forgt to put nny hair on hci

    liuid, nnd papa bad to buy it for har.?1

    Wlnui tbo mother got tlirongli intcr-i i t l l ft h. . . „ . tfter thi

    OtaperHcd, the littlo one wish*autilindbtuu built libo u vmh-boilar.

    Anecdotes of Britiah tradpamon : Anan weut to Hoby to bo' liicasurod foiiiairof Loots. 'Wlien tlieycaind.liomihey did not fit ; HO ho called at Hoby'i!o comjilfiin, upon whicliitho ''luitocrat1

    unaweicd ; "Sir, I undertook toyon a pnir nf btiota^but not n pair oifeet I" A' gODtlciiitm, or gout, weut .U'

    fashionablo well-Ituown tnilor's, anilĵo ^juifit^y Bftid;: "I bcl'u

    you mnlto for •• tlie-'Prince of Wiilos'••Widea, "Wales ?" repeiited tho, ?uipoolively; thcu calling to bis clerk, B«'tjikp tlio-lodgor'cloWnndlook urn

    Wlnntl BDO if we Lava got n oustoiculled the Prlnco of Wales.'* , : '• '•'•''

    iirriiB?e Bra climates wliero pliysicnature is no ntrong that moral laws ar<univailing ngainst her. Iu these landdicy need insload of precepts, bolts.1

    I t would not bo easy to select a civilicountry to which' tbeso lines -arp

    i tliuta-. .Ujp.,. Spain!, oE thitS?;' The licentious gal

    gantry prevalent in the .highest societybnt especially in that of the court,. ha<jjnuluolly pnsaed into tbo dnily bnbiof all olasscqaod become at last a na-tional characteristic ' •

    Whoro oiirroad-throiigh lifo isgod, i t softens its aspertiesby quiet tornper or forbearance, anil oniidat tiio BUI-Itin .Kiicnro of tha brooding tetnpQfit.

    lliur a Btorin of the elemeula over as,or (be most furious and ileBlruotira IIL•icnue of mail's bosom, i t ia ttonderfof wbnt importnoco this ;ia r oourtnoamenity, . I t atenls a Buubcam over tmoat gloomy parts of n'ntnre nnd societyand adds o my to their brightest apleidors. Like tlie divine qiiolityof raoroy,it ii twice blessed. I t blesses Mm tkalgives aud him that lakes.1 . . / - 'r. Blafjwell an

    INBb>iNCE A

    E. 4 J. H. Ross d Breest),

    I.ienaL'nnr. urD U R ' '

    Instance Agents,Omce, Ul Iron Bank Ilulldlnf.

    rbrristown, N. J., '.!'^>«Lt HOHI QEQ. n.HOBB, ^.BTKniEH DlUXBB

    A. J3OE, polleotpr,


    l Tail do!, of Ketrailtilljiinumttt•'•_ .S1.00.000'har.ti Urttiiil In>. Co., of

    fl S^Auxitmi'"'':

    a. i,AtBBta over'Of,'

    600,000of Newarl,600,000

    3ecin!« Mutual ID!.1 On., of Heivart1. J.i !0aytal, '.. •'„ 100,000

    Instranoe Oompan [ ol rlartrard,OonnjAwots, . ; : 6,000,O;0

    Oompany, of New'• i" 1,000,000

    . . . I u , Oo,. ofNowark.:,, ia.ota, : 0,000,000

    'iToik.b>p!tal.i | f ~ ••

    'HE'.OLD'S31 AND. .

    )N HALL BUILDING!»ckwoll8tr'oot, DoVor, ' , /

    )t AirvFurnaces,;,

    latest and must Improved itylei, foipublicfciHlprivalo bqlidiug«.,A lurgeirtmenl of BIOVOB, cliosp for cnali,

    OK.PABLOE, H E A T I N G '




    A ral assorlmcDt or

    & JAPAN WAIIE,OAKS, Ac., -• ! - " ' ; ! " • :


    8; anil all kludanfjriljljiiig In nijllno,

    I(iB p*.d for aid Iron,

    Ick l iad powtot taken.ID uxchHiKi

    ALEXANDER WIGHTON'"raberiith.lBTO.' / ' M W


    Bedull M ,Omuo, William H. WebnU'r, JJ b Will A d r w lions

    Itjmi,EJncob Willsey, Andrew lions, Uyram E

    itiimiiii. Wiii.am li. Jl'UtJin, Jl< s, urndcfifiiflniisS. Pi, fit. forKnliur iiiortifiiK^d])rniiiHi!K. lli-liinialiiu to Out- l e r Tt-rm,1878, NEianiiocii &, SMITIJ,

    BuliuilorH for O(Jui[)lniii(iut.By virtue or tlin nhovo utatcd writ of flurl

    win* tn me ditvutnl nnd deliveriiJ, 1 film.)iposo for HHIU nt I'ublic Vundue Us th,ighcxt hiddor. At tbo hot-;! ut ChitrlcH KinIOIIB, lu the villngfl of Chester, Oouuty ufI'irriB nud Stnto of Now Jorao/,

    THUESDAY, the lath duy of KI

    , bjt.Ciiii tli" hours of 12 a, nud fir. if.tliat in to Hiiy nt - o'clock iu the aftt-nmon of

    Lid (lay, ivH'thoHo certain imrcola or tniclH ufludatid promlsoB, mtri.t«, lying niiilheln

    iu tho t o m i b j p of Cliistot, County of Morin and HlnU of New Jtru.y.

    T H E FIKHTTRACT 1Bboiimlednnildcwiribodi follows, viz: Beginning nt a Btftko on Ute

    -vest nld« of I'trry street t«"o hundred feel•nor of 1'criy Btrunt and MnlD St.

    i c o u ; n | o l l 6 I'orry utrcet xoiith tliirly-iimllhrDu-tiiiaTtcr degrecu cant

    from t

    lrcd foet; tliuncc (a) HOUUI fifty-two degroesMt niuoly^ovcii feot to the enst slfle of (hot _t. . (I.... «' ̂ «î , . 1 ^ . , , . tllO t?AAt Rlllfl of UIO

    „ „ .._ wid n half loHcrihcd in n mortgngo from Hory lii-owo t'i« id John O. W^loU, dilod June Hth, 1B7H,mil recordud In Hie Morris Ouitmy.Rcgttitryof MortgngCK iu hook O 1] iingea 3O!3, &o.,and will bn sold iu tho follown-g lmrccls nndorder, tlin t In to my -.••••• • . • . .

    Fmaiv-l iuit portion of the lot of laiiileocondly obovo dcfmrihod having nbf two hundred foet o n ' t h e « (*_ .„„Tnrnpike, otherwise kuown as Miiln atrcef,.tnd a dopih of ono hundred feot dosorlljed OHfollows: IlogitmiiiK nt a corner forrnod bythe Interseclion nf tlin weslprly line of 1'erry-treet with the- south^ititorlf line of thoWtukliigtoti Turuniko rond or Mnin i l roet ;ibaoM'runntnK (1) along tho VTaaUngfTurnpike road Konth-winiturly oue linndL—tud HixtcQn feet'; tlionce (2) imrAIt-i to P o milreot ono hnnilrod feet; rlionca Cl) uorili

    Truupikod uixttcn

    it to tho weslorly «ida of-Poiry- Bli-eot,

    Irp6t,oue buaurod, foot ,tu tha pluco of hiqiuulng, contiiltiing dJvcu IlioiiHimil ni:nnndred sqnnr • fe«t cf hind, i.elne jmrt ofdie innd. niGiitionod in Gunipliiinniit'M hil] ofaoniphaiut andcrnbmood in llm unit] r^m'g ic»

    il to tho ooinplulnnut hy P^iilju A.. . toge ther Iwithith-j'bnllditig eric led

    thoruou knoKn ns llio.Oontoi rjiul, i-iiildiBg,miljn9lndiiig iu Uio above deacrlption aililloy-wny Hiitoeu foet wide, tha etitiro dopilli f a i l d lo toh tieuouth-wcsterly end of wildOeutennint Buildliiff. • '- i . i' ;

    SK^OHDI-Y—The reHldue of tho sniil lot ofInnd fronting two liuudrod foot ou Wanhiug-ton Turnpike nud having n depth of onohundred feet on Seminary atmot, Uoiiig pnitof the laud embraced iu Uio mid lnort^ugoiisslgned by tho saiil Puebe A. Woud ID thow\t(l coinplftliiatit, nml part of tlio lot aoo-omlly nbove described.'< I... •••.-••> '• [

    "* T—All that part of, mid raortgngodbegiuuiug n t n slake oil tlio wea|— Btreot two handrail feet from

    •ometroet 'and Mnlu street!

    reet nnrod e t ; rlionco {Htcrlv pnmllel. Io, Wiuliiugton Thd or Uitin'Rtreotona lmmlnld niidt t tb t l id f p

    p r e w i C ,Hide of Ptbo ooirerh (1)

    errr Btr or* P) l

    tbo ooirer or P o m etroetand Mniu street |thence (1) nlorg,Perrj,.Blrcet'«uu(h thirty.IWe olid thnie^iunrter degreoH oast ODD hun-dred fJot :i thebra(Q) eoath 11 fly-two dcgra<west riinoty-BoVon foot to the n u t l ide ofditch (,theuco.(3) along the east aidu of.ditch north | thirty-aix nud a half dcgreiwest one hundrou feet; thouco (4) uortfifty-two degrees emt ninety-eight test ncine.iDcbea Io the beginning, contalnintwenty-lwo liupdredtha ofun. nqre of ]a.mmore of l e u ' 'Being the intao.lot 9rat n b cdeaotibed in ooroplnlnnnt'a inortgn'ge niwtuuitoh imbyeo ldp t ebeATWood ;. >i


    l l I I " ; l ' ' ! " ;B'Ut liultliu vullill iformtiiH

    ut rfffi.1 U l c * with «.Id BlMkirdl \ Satunjl • line aruld M ot north lurw .g«on went ono htmdrudfoet; lhouue (3) nuni,c-llllHyjoven degrwi enstflflyfaelt i l l o J " ^POII tit Hired decrtoB «ant one !i nnd rod tvc.in(he ..orll.Mty *ideof Blaekwolt .irSSt? K j(4)nloi»K tlio northerly *lda o. BIRCLWI wRiiulb oiglilf.BBVen dvgreek weit Bttj foti id

    MM\ nqimra (jot of land, more o r l e n . tml ].llib wninu lot or land and pramiui convemu!Unity MeFnrlan ftiul wifo to »!d Jfic «Wnlrtb, bv fleet, bearing dt ta February aaii,lflTJ.siid limit yet recorded. • '., '

    TUK SKCOMD LOT liogina e,t the nortlieiuicorner of tho «nld fimt lot before menlloiiiilon tho nortli eido of Blackwell Blroet, in Mljjtowu of Dovnr, aud on a courso north tlinadgrceii west one hundred foct f i

    Dovnr, aud on a courso northegrceii west one hundred foct from haij

    Htruut lino, nnd runs (1) north throe dt'creriwctt fifteen feet to tho northwest corner ofthe lot Henry MtiFarlan caoveyei to SUninnnd Inniui Scnrlug, by deed dated March Ut18CH; Ibeiico (L') north sBTOnty.flTe and onehnlf degroGB went fifty-two feet to tho nortlienrt corner of n lot of land that UtmnMeFnrlnn conveyed to one Blmeon D. lloeuby dflcd dated Unrck lut, 16(101 thence nlotij)the lino of the snuio (K) BOUUI three (l>.gn the corner y deed dated Fqlrunry 2d, 1H»1,rticoidcu ID tlie Morris County Record ofDOPJJR, in lionk O ti, at pnRGs 4fi2; Ac. Tlinpart beroby conveyed boRinj nt a point inthe flr-t lino of tliti whole lot of saldBowimuBlIukk'H diittiiiit ono hundred feet on a COUTH.Bontb forty-four degrceii went from the BWond coruor of Bald wiiole lo t nnd TUDB thenct( i ) KOiith nix flogrecs PHHI pun huudred nndton foot; thence KOiilb forty-four dogriiiwcat one hundred lout; thence (!() nnrlhforty-nlx dogreuti went oi iolmmlrcj nnd tenfeet, more orleas, I " . J the first lino of tlinwhole lot i ibtnuQ (4) nloafi Bttlil flrat linonorth foiiy.fnur 'l«r or 1 Loiua.; wniotsi AimlnLlra.lor of Matsaret WIIWB, dotoaanl.- Hnl»of Undf C*"'° ' 'l'°™ "f100.1^ not bo a sail'HOMAS .WIliallBJ >';iumlnl.lralor.