VOL. VII. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1877. NO 40 THE1R0NERA t'obLiHUED E v x i r SiTDkoiT xt BENJ. H. VOGT. EDITOB AKD PROMETOB. OSSca aa Morns Street near TERMS OF SUBHCRlPTIOll IHVABIADLIIH AWUKOE. One Yeor, - - - - - - - $2, Six Mouths, - - - - - - - 1,, Tnrce m o n t h s , - - - - - - - 50 Dr. P. A. HARRIS, MUSICIAN and SUHOHON DOVER, N. J. OFFICE AT OESUEMUK OH OHCBABD aTBXIT. OHS F. BTICKLIC, Counsellor at Law AND MASTER IN CHANCERY, EOOKAWAY, N. J. J. J. VREELAND, Ciu'penter and Builder, Jobbing promptly attended to. Shops on BLAOKWELI* St., next lo Gage 1 Ualscy'a Innbsr mill. Cr ^' taota takon, and niftkrial rurulihod. a YAHSIO.V HOPSB. Comer of BlsckKel! and Bnasex Bis. DOVEE. N. J. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor, Horufli andCarrlsgoi to Let. nrT T. LI6POHT, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEB IN CHANCERY, the National Union Dank BuIIdlu v.b*BT.i - DOVER, N. J. 1 A. GILLE.Y, , OMICWI Furnishing Undertaker L1CENPET A0CTJ.ONEEH AND00MMI8- BK : HER OP DEEDB, All orilorw promptly tttonfled to: BUCKWIXL BTBEET, Dover, N. J. B BIoCKACItHK, Carriages and Sleighsi Of Every DtKrlpllon. . -. BUckvroli andBergw Bta) pOVEIl, W. J. lUon ptld to n p i u i n g «nfi Farticulir tttoi ili-lf. ' •. THE HAttDWABE STORE. OVHll LABOIMTOitY. ji iai Anainoi et all descriptions of UllES'AHO MINEUALS Payer Morris Oonpty M. J. kllen. palmer &, Son, nrpenters •", i AND Builders. ;. DOTEB, k J.,. L.,., obbmg promptly attended to. S. J. PALMER, ArcUlltct. ••••-Ui - • • • - • ' • JOHN DRCMMER'B HAVING AND HAIR CUTTING rSALOON, USSEX STREET, b«lw««Iilhs UAHSIOK HOUSEaudD.INt,)' , |,D0VEB,N. J. ';•; Tb8 place hat Ituen entirely Mfltt«diu »n»l yuuer. Tha wry best Brands of oreigri and Domestic Segara ivmXB ONBAUD. ao-lf GEO. A. PRESCOTT, CARPENTER and BUILDER, TABEIrtlAOIJS HALL, DOTCB, N. J. KPXB »7 XTKBI DU0BUTI01I DESIGNED tad executed, ind nitoniil (umltlied. •LANSandSPECIFICATIONS htnkind, »nd eoulraela takra Tor ill work. Ttoboil refenmcoa plren u 10 tspxtllj Ij •»J branch, o( He Endues., «Jn"'L 7" Jirantoed; DOVER, w. '• QE0ECW2W. DBAKE, .. the largeit and moit eneoowral d«ler Ii BOOTS and SHOES tbeierer didbnalnesa tn MOEEISTOWN. baa jnst finished stocking his store with arrjvnvLian OOODB, •MI .nrpu.M aujtlilDg In tie lisa, In pobt VARIETY of MAKE and STYLE, and SUPEBIOMTY OB IUTEBUL. ««r b«- Ior« orftrod. .TllEOtMBaiTED LADIES, UI8SES _ tofit,»fe to be fonna thli ftoron tha grwteit proMon .. or Btjlea ind muBoruineDti, >nd CHEAPER THAN AT AMY OTHER BTOBE IH MOBBI8 COtJNTY. Ql*> mil I •l««*>»tr». ^BOUTII SIDE THE PARK, \ THUEE" boons FBOM MABKET s*., HbiEISTOWHrK, JCirch lOlh, 1877. ', ': tt-tr TO LET M. & I. SEARING. Cards. 11. A. BENNETT, M. O , HOMCEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN & SUttGEON, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts, (Opposite Doror Hank,) DOVEB.N.J., )ls«aa»a of Women andOillorun, and ol tlio Eje and Ear BpeoUllies. Kn C |° H £ ° ? : J to 9 A. M., 1 to Dand 7 to 8 P . 11. •'Win. B. 0.HE01 SMITH & MEOIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFHCE OVEll PIEI180VS HAT BTOltE, 13UCKWELL 8TIIEET, ,, N. 3 L. W. THURBER, lOrEEINTESDENT OF PUULIO B0H00L8 or Monius COUHT*. Ifflco over GEO. MCHAItDS k Co.'i STORE, DOVER, N. J. \ | O S E S BLANCHARD, DOVER, N. J. ifQco OTer A. WIRIIIOD'H itovoin '7-ly Blickwcllitrcut. RA C.COOPER, Mason andBuilder. Ooulnclt Ulton or ill kinds of M M on Wort idJobbiuR. LIME, PLASTEB AND CEMENT, Furalibed it short notiao. - under "The Iron Era Office," Dow. «. 8. b E, F. DcUABIP, 1E00T1AT0BR 4 fBOSPECTOSS For lion Ores and Hineral Fropert;, OVEBVILLE, N. J. P. O. at BOONTON, N. J. f K. a. DEOAMP. FO, F. DEOAHP U PASSAGE TICKETS IT RAM, HANCE 4 Co.'s STORE, PORT ORAM, N. J. 11 .11 the principal linos of aronmnhtpi Iron) Vn 7oik IS Llnrpoo! >t LOWEdl LTEH. Also D1IACTS ON ORBAT BBITAIM IDinELAKD , 16-1 00BHEE8 BBOTHERS, WOOLSfAUC MB BKtilU DXALX39 IX ardwaro, Iron and Steel,' ItS, BtlLDEBS; HAnpWAl>E, CIIAVICfl 1 A1.D FAItMEIlff TOOLSAHD, (JAH1IU0E UASEll'S OrODS, OOB. WASOIhllTOIt AHD BA»» 8TBMM i . iOBJlISTOWN. N. Ji, ! : J U O O M P L r r i BTOCK OF ' •' ooflcii Ware nhfl .. • Housckeeiiiiig Goods, PAINTS, OIL^, qi/A.88, *and HsnuIMtamf AfUoJce gfaaTsU;. me* Cemerit^fjaster, ua Daat. Super Phoaphat. of Lima, and all,, .. otbar Fertilisers. . i. •>:;,: OBOKt-Tookncia. . ,, >>Aifis B. Toonnkn Horrialoirn,Bept.J3il,18J.. DENTISTRY; I S ALL ITS BB4HCHEB AT.,.,. | , . !.B. JOHNSTONS ) . ' . ! } ' ' ••' ' ' ; ' v SERTING, EXTRACTING, LTO aOdltlonal charge tor extrsetlng-wkers \ nowteeth are Inairted. We are no»tnak. ig beautiful aela of teeth tot./ ,: -^ ALL ,. r, September 2Sth. INK. 'ARMEB ? S 'HOTEL. ALEX. lvANOUBE, (act tb.l ho lu,takenlh» HOTEL, on BLAOKWELLSt, . J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu. WBUon, ompletely renoratrf B»d refnr- „„ baa completely renoratri Bad refnr- lahed It, BO BB to gi»e good jnoVBijple "™ • • 'obothnunatidbeut. ITU tied with the best branda ol LtouOBH ana&WAM. Boanl >Ui be far nlahodbv the d»j or week, on rfusOMll Itrmi. My Stable rfl be contlnned la connection irflW Uui Si». An In-riUtion la extended to idlw old friendB and the general .public UgLv ma > call. *°" u M. & I. Searing JARPENTERS, ; and BUILDERS BLiOKWBX BT., DOVER.N-.J. Plumed lBC»UUv .--Contrail itsdmiter!i]ifan>l> 1 iBtl. Jobbing in General Deeeml»r«thl870. UjI - J. BOEBABKB, rita the BtoUon of. U.. ladle, to as ? TOY ASD FANCY GOODS i POETIC. Tbe Lord Will I'roTido. Bt H. O. MI1J.EB, II. 11. [" Uothcr, I think God ilwim Inrn vli •a tcrtyo the bottom ol tlte barrel," niti .llu lioy to bis mother one d»T. His moth.. as poor, Tbej olton UBCJ up tlitir la«t Blink wood andtheir l u l bit oi Um«d bolort tliuv inld tell wtiiTO ttiu nuxt eaimlv wm iocur um. But tlioy bud BO often been prcvlq— I in nnuiimcled wtyn, juit wlti'U iliuv were u»t ID need, tint tha little boytUouufit Qo.l •aji beard wlien they icnjiou tlio huttom of 'J bough poor •> Unablotoboar Tiie croBi, and Iti bnrdeu Oriorrownndoire, Bo l!rm lo your Hoatnegi, Io«temra(oRHfu'itldu, With eyei lookiEg upward— TLo Lord will proTido. inanely iod wairj, Iloarulok *nd diitroiiod, Juit lein jour iiuad lonolj On Chriit'a loring brent, And Luow, by tlio prjiulso Of Oue who liii died, That In all ; iot Uoiibb Tho Lord will protide. I i (jlooin Injour collage— NabipplQoii.mlrtti- Toar liltlu onei bnngr;— Nu pleasure on earth— Kneel down in yonr cloiDt, And tbca dbnDtbldo The wanla of jour hounbotJ- Tbe Lord will proildo, Aro joa inaftllcllon, lour lieirtMdwiili grief, Wilh uo ODD to comfort, Anil bring jou roliof- AS KT QUIET FUiKM) I'» ••Stranger I" Tlie voice not not lond, but clear end penetrating. I looked vainly up nod Iowa tlio uarrow darkejiug tmi!. No IDS in tha tricge of nldisr uliuail; LO Doe on the gullied stope behind, '0! Btmnger,' TLis time a little impatiently. The C-ilifornmn vocative, ' 0 , ' always vacant p And cling to tlio lido OfJtsuF, ourBavioar— Tbe Lard will provide, Vo flonr ID the pin try, Ko flre on the hoartb, ThoootUfte libirren, Of all IbinK' <*P*rtli. Bat Jctai irill orer lietniiD byyuur Bide, And, iu till own Maioti, The Lord will proildo. ERA-DIATIONS. Mrs. Eortipfjton aa;a atov persooa iffer Irorn anggeatioii of the uraia now- Haya. It vita luiickeray wbo anld Hint a man * o lived ia a villa would prttbahfo be a ,ieti. ; Tiie Gbiepgo papers call tbat tornado aim "—probably because it made a astle ia too outekirts. . ; A fashionable "London preaoher Bald hcentlj:: " St. Pan! remnrkB, Bad I par- Ily ogtoe witu b!m ." , , To odopt tbat familiar proverb toButt !&o tinica it sliould read, " Trutli Is no of a stranger than fiction." ; Tbe jouog lady who beiltated betnoen jwero oud diamonds tinally cboae tbe ,Uer, OD tboe routi ^ °' eooDotpy* A man ia known "by tbe umbrella lie BOB—aod so few men manugo to keep ibrelliiB tbet we are ueotly all Btrau- itie Detroit Free Fraue feels tbat roal itflte muBt btoy dowu juat so long OB' the irtgtgea on it renain as beav; u they: i now.; < :'('.'•-i .'. ;'.'. /i..':i.i-i j.; •- alory is told of a lady of fnB>!on ._ ittidabe would like to go to'Rome liavo a portisit paiaM by one oCthe ' tiaasteii, - A HarHfib'iirg, eiehango tells' no tbni 'antobera tie,coming dowu inMbeir ice." Wbat 1B a good f»t butcher nth, anyhow ? TbemairinRfi of Adorn was a great ve—6Qt, and tbe people who follow, DIB :ample soon after begin, like their Ont irenle, to raise Cain. ' ' Ko," ihe ioid, nnd the wrinklea in er face Bmoothed out pleaBactlj, "DO, . do not remember Uie luBt Bovectecn rear locanto.. I wu SQ ' * A friend etb] ' whose'vit „• you pitying me^for?•• Hbe hasnt ie back," BQaxled the'neighbor. ' Deceit and Manhood, whatever ion- enienoes they may lor a tima protnise anise, are in the sum of life obsta- I lookol u|», and perceived for tbe Srat time, on tbe ledge, thirty feut above me. .mother trail pareltcl with myown, ind looking down upon mo through the mckeye bushes a email man oua bkek lorse. Fire things to Le bero noted by the iirenmspect mountaineer. First, tbe locality—lonely aud inaccessible nnd iway from the ngulur fariagol teem- and miners. Secondly, tlio stran- ger's euponor knowledge of the road. Irum tbo (net that tbo other trail was un- nown to the ordinary traveller. Third- r y, (hut ho was woll armed auil equip- ped. Fourthly, tbat be was butter louDled, Fifthly, tbat aoy distruat or imidity aria.Dg from tbe contemplation if these facts had better be kept to one- ilf. All this piuaed rapidly through my ind ae I returned bia salutatioD. 'Got any tobacco ?' be uked, I bud, and eignifled the fact, holding ip tlo ponoh inquiringly. 'All right, I'll onmo down, Bldo on, ind I'll jltiu ya ou (.be blMe/ •'The slide?' Here was a now gco- rophical discovery as odd as ttia eecond ruil. I hid ridden over tbe trail a doz- litnee, aad Been no cominuuicatlon between lie ledge and trail. Nevertue- I went on a hundred 5«rds or no, .;ben tbore was ft shiirp omok- ling in the under brush, a obowor of stone on the trull, and my frionu plan*;- id through the bushes to my side down grade tbat I should scarcely baro dared lead my horse. Iheeo was no doubt lie was an accomplished rider—another tot to be noted, i AB bo tanged beside me I found I WOB lot mistaken as to tbe size; ho was uite unilor the medium height, tad, i tut for a, pair of cold gray eyes, waB Lther commonpluoe in feature, . ' , ' •Sou'vo got a good horse there,' I ped in to pity a noigh- had IUQ away, " What f?Hb h't Bomaii'taws iueju«t like Bplder webai ie small and'feeble maj be caught and itangied in them, tot the rich>nd Ighty force thrungb snd despise them. ID thii world there is ode thing:god- —Ibe esBeDoe of all that ever was or ,.~.'.wi)l be godly in this.world—the •eoeration to hunma worth by tbe bcarte * uen,o yy^.,: i.v;'.; ^\i\ .:-.' 1 "We find," sold a "ootoner'a.'jury ont t t 'th Je»lh by ho „. Smith held four, ind i - a are five toomany in any pock, l ,• Notice to tquest^anB : Side : iajdloa a losing favor; ladies mnat either nee jntlemeo'B saddles, or ride no more, 'not I Gentlemen's fashion is to be THS fashion. . • ' / •• . " • • • • - •. • ' Morama, I \nim vhf Papa calls yoa joy," triompbanfly cried n yoanr'— Jccauao he thinks I nm aweet, d Ko, it'a. because yoa have BO muob >mb inyour" hair." . - . ; - ; '• Yet oaother warning. Joseph Bates, ,; Vermont, falls dead vbile carrying in in armfnl of wood. Show thin para- raph to yoar wile Nay, ont it bat ond In it to {be wood-nued door. • ' " F a 1" eaid a little .boy to bis.father i a church, "who iatbat woman who ing so loud?" "Tbatisthe^noprano, my boy." "And what' is soprano, father F*. "A aoprano U » lady :wh( ats on«irt."- ••• •:- : i -' -'•;;. : ' '•',; j' _ Tbe pftptra relate au anecdote oi a beantifnl young lady, who had becomo blind, Uf'wg recovered her wghl alter tarrige. It 1B SO /nbeommoD thing >r people's eyes to be opened by matri- m n y . ••• . ' • • • * •. : . . V'.;'.', 1V V : -' '!'.-! ( l ' There Is JOBI one thing*bonl U. The lily who inB.sla on carrring a good ibare >1 her dress in her band.hu got to keep .er Bhoea tied up, or let every, bo^ .now that dbe Mt home in a harry, . , It ia foolishnesfl fo'r »man to try to uuke gutne of a boarding bouse thicker bf looking at it, nndet the impruBsio! that o steady gare of the hnman eye wi] make Buy animal quail. ' „ ;.j t',;. "Pflpa,"asked boy, " what to meabt wPurBdise?" "Paradise, myaon.V re- ouri- He was filling hfa pipe from my pouoli, Hat' looked up a little surpriaod, .and said, 'Of oonrse,' Ho then puffod away with stbe'^nervous eogorneaa of a pan long deprived of that sedative. Finally between,the puffe, be asked mo whence enmo. . •' • • ; "^<' I replied from 'Lagrango.' He looked at me a tow. momonU >oaly, buton my adding that Xbad poly .Heil there for, a few boun.lie eftid : tbongbt t know every man botwecu igrange and Indian Spring, but some. bow Ifcorterdiaremember yourfoooand *ior,'name.' '<. ['- '.';" , - ,t \ Hot particularly caring that he should imeinber either, I replied, ball laugh- ingly, that as I lived the other Bide of [ndiati Bpring) U wai quitVnaturai. JHo ;ouk tbe rebuff—it, aaoU it- was—«o 4"!' jtly, tbat as an act ( of mere perlanotory ioliteDess, I'aslied.biin. wbere.be came : ^ /And y'oo are going-to-rr-* v,.. . 'Well that depondi pretty 1 macb on JOW tbiogo panout, and .whether I can make the riflo.' He let; bta'hand rest K/noooBscioDfllj on the ieitbarii bol- of hU dragoon iavolvert-yH with a 1lf>bUiij strong suggestion h ifl' t y . of 1ilsf->bUiij tl t d trong suggestion «.«f. of 1if>j to make the. rifle' H heirantdl to, and added: 'But just now I was reck'mV, m tafiing a little pwwr with yon.' j - 'i Thera was nothing'offensive in jbi Bpeecb, save, its; familiarity and tWre- flectiun, perbapa, tbnt-wbother I object- ed or Dot, be was quite able to do as' ho aaid. , I only xopliwl that if onrpowar WJB prolonged beyopd" Heavy tree Hill, I nbmild have to borrow his beist. To iy surprise, he replied quietly, 'That's BO/adding tbut'.lho hono ;was ol my disposal c*\>«a h e ^ a s o ' t UBing it, and "^f it when lie was. - -'Diok has car- r est," that Bill Thompson canteWbia ri&d double many •time before this,' )»lh by holding, five BOBS when Jack j , 0 opntina'ed,)i'afcd/kin' do It again; nith held four, ind wefindthat nine ^ m y^g'nm\WB ^m out, I'll gi« pfirf He hlher, »taIho l.tttr put ot Snmmer, wlen jonr Bother goes on s T»itloj"ntB I « I l d I ' t l " r '' . ' ' It i. «rj, «ij »> »J« «••»""!"' mitilea jonug ID"" >• " * « • « • sH"™ 1 fertlvnl «li»t li.'U too, «.a .ja-en, •• Ben "But iti Jolt «• \xi when^be iriTto Back n pb» tee cio>m wilh « u l t o w . - , - , - , ' . ' " FoUto bcpi «o Bbool Bgiin. They '.id KID be «en .InmpT - - «boDt the that oat, I'll give you a "lift, and room to spare.'. T oonld sot help stalling at tbe idea of appearing before the boys at Bod Gulcli en erovpt with the.stronger; tutoel- tber'oou.d I Iflip being oddly affectod by the Buggestion that. bis. bone-bad ddiio doublo duty,before. 'Onwhat oc- easioD, and ; why.? 1 HOB a qaeation I kept to myself. /NV« were,ascending the long rooky flank- of (be Divide; tlia Dinar- nees ol the trail obliged aa to proceed slowly endin file, BO that there won lit- tle ohaoee for conversation, had hebetn disposed, to satisfy ®7 cariosity. .. FWe toiled . on in alienee, tho t buckeye giving way to cftimifcoJ, the wtiteriug ann, reflected'again from the black walla beaida na, blinding oar eyes..with >1U glare. Tbe pine* In' the canon below were olive gulfv o( heat, over which a hawk here and there drifted,lazily, or rising to oar level, cast a weird and gi- gantic shadow of. *Iowly 'inovlDf. wings on tba monnUin aide. The nperioflty of theBtranger'B horse led him olten far inadvftooe, andxaade. me hope,that be might forget mo entirely,''or-pooh on, grown weary of waitinR:- ; Bat ngatitly aewoaldbaltby * boulder, 61 reappear fromeorae ebimsicdt, where ;bo had pa; tiently halted. I waa beginningtobaU him mildly, whoa at one of those reap- pearauoes he drew up to my Bide, am 1 asked me how I liked Dfok«w.|.;. Had heaekod tcy opinion ol Haxley or Darwin, Iconldnot have been more astonished. Thinking it were poeaiblr that he relerred tosome- local celobritj of LQgrange, 1 said, hesiUtlngly: ' "Yoamcan !' 'Obarlea Dickenn. Of coarse yon - readhin? WWOB o! bta booki do y« likebestr I replied wilh cot«idarabla etnbnrrai cent tbtt I liked them all—u I oertain pro rofeuioD of a tramp. He grasped my band' fora mpmroi white k fertor quite anliko hu' rj-iu, anil said, 'That's me, old mau. H un ain't no stouob. You can couo. >n him jmtf ty muob all the time. 1 WitU this roagh prefuoc, be liUiDclicd ito ii criliaism of (lip nuvcliiit. vbich intelligent sympathy and hearty ap- oiatiim I haJ rarely heard equiiled. [ot only did be dwell on tbe ember- nuo of liis humnr, but upon the powei hiapaUioB and tbe all-pervading ela- nt of his poetry. I lacked at the mo ID astonishment. I coumdarod oi,v- if a rather dilifrent Btudont of the ;reat mnBter of fiction, but tlio atraii- ;er's felicity of quotation and illuatra- m sluggeied me. It JB (rue lltat bit ought was not atwnyu olothed in the ioat UbguBRe, and often appeared in iio slouching, Blnogy uadross of tbe ice nod period, yet it never was rustic homespun, and sometimes struck me itu its precision and fltDets. ConBid- ibly aofteaed toward him, I tried him ith other literature, But vainly. Be- ind a few uf thelyrical and emotional letA, ho knew nothing. Under tbe fa- ience nnd enthusiasm uf hia owu poech, he himself bnd Boftonod eoDnid- rublj ; offered to change horses wilh ie, readjusted my'BaJJIa with profea- ional skill, treouferred my pack to hEs iwn horse, inoUted npon my sharing IB con ten la ol hut whisky flask, ant}. >ticlug that I was unarmed, pre&icd me a silvor mounted doniogw. hioh be QBsurod me ho could ' warrant.' !bese vnrious offloosof good will and tie diversion of hia talk beguiled no Dotiaing the foot that the trail was ling to become ohacare sud va igognizablo. We were evidently pur- ling a route unknown bofoie tomo. pointed out thefnot to mjr companion littlo impatiently. Ho icstnntty ra ' itned bis old manner sod diuloct ili, I reckon one trail's as good as uotber, and what Lev ye got ta Buy bout It?': I painted out, with Borne dignity, that l>rofcrred tbe oldtraif. 'Alabbee you did.. But you're JIBS w talkin' a pastor with tnt, ' This jor til will bring you light lots Itidian ;>ring, unnoticed, and no questiooa iked. Don't you. mind now, I'll see m through. ' It wai^ntcosBory here to make some inj against my Btrango companion, I Id firmly,'yet as politely as I could, lat I Uad proposed atoppinff over aight Ith a friend. . , t: ;'-': -Wliar? 1 . ' • ' • ; ! .'.. I hesitated. The frjond.was:ancc- ntrifi Eaaltorn man, veil kaow^iaUie '•My for hia fostidlousiieBa and; his tbihi aa a leoluse. A misnntutope. oi illy and ample means, be had ebbsen scoladed hut picturenqiie valley in the \errtia, where he -cOnltl rail ngaimb tbe irld witbaut oppoiuUoD.i.. libne YrJ- r,'or 'Boston Banch'.ns it WDB noru imiliarly called, was theone spot that IQ BVerage mioer bothjTospected 'and roared. "Mr. Byi vaster, Jis proprietor, id never affiliated with 'tbe bovs,'nor iDtl he ever Ioat their respect by 'any tthe opposition to their ' Ideas. If se- lion bad bet>n bis object be certainly run , gratified. Heverlhielcee, la ; tbe irkening shadows of the night, and ou lonely and unknown trod, I hesitated little at repeating hi> hade to & ntran- [erofwbdm, I knew,'BO little.. But my lyBterions companion took the ma'tBr >~nt of my" JiandH,' •-'•'••-'. •;.;.'.'..',! 'Look y o r / h e Baid, suddenly.. UbUr n't bat one plaoo twixt yor nnd Indian iptingwhar ye can atop, vadfiat's Bjl- ' e s t e r V ^ - . . " . " * ! . . ••>,- -i - [aagnn'^d, a-llttlflflalleiily. ' 'CJI> said the Btranger.'qaietly, and ithaeligltBaggefltlon of conferring a ivor on ito,- l Ef you're pointed for 3ylVB8ter's—why—T . d o n ' t m i n d Blop- infftharwitbje/ It'e n little off; the tod—I'll lose aome time—but taking it >y and large I don't much jniud,' ( ' I itated, as rapidly aad mBtrctiftfy on could, that my acquaintance with. Mr. lylvoster did not jnstify the iatroduc- on of a strangar to- bis' bospitulity— at lie was anlike mast; tbe. people icre—Iu- t)!ic.ri, that he was a queer mi To' roy surprise my companion an- iwerM qnletly: : 'O, that's all right yi> heard of him, Ef yon don't feel ikooheckiDgms through, or if yoii'd rather put '0, O. p , ' on my. back, wby "t'a all th'e'Bame io me. I'll play it aloue. >oly you just eonnt me in. Bay 'Syl- rcater' all the time. \ Tbtfi me I 1 ; " latobnld.I oppose to tliis.'iaaa'a , asanranoe.? I felt mTBelt. growing red with, anger and nervotni* willi em rmsaoieBt, - What Would the .girls—I u ajpnug man tb'on; and bod won an *n(r«to.their doineaUc circle bj my re- «rvo—known by * le&B'complimentary adjective among'tho.'b'oyB'—whut would .bey say to my new -acquaintance ? Ye! Ittialy ooald dot objoot; to hu as-, luming all risk 1 on* his owp; personal .re- cogaiioDces, nor oould I resist a certain teeling of ehaine at my embarrassment. We were beginning vto\descend."! In Sht dUtancd below a*- fjlready- twinklod tboligbta'In theBolitdry.fancuoon Lone Yulley. I.tarned to my- omapunioii. 'Sat yoa have forgotten that I don'i even know yoar name. What am I to 'Kenrney will do—Kearm-y'ti good enough for me,' cTumontiHl t'.in toi-dia a U Kearney half aloud, to in.r own Imv- ror and Sylvester'a«vt<leut luvatiflL'iition, and then ho blandly excusud hiniseif (or y a monicDt tbnt be iniglil pu i iall.y g p pervise tbe cure of bis own boust. When he was out of car shot, I drew the puz- zled Sylvester aiido. 'I have picked uj)—I tnoau I imve been picked up on tbo road hva «out)o msni- ac, whoso name it, not Keurutty. lie is well armed and quotes Diokins, With care, ucquiusctrnca iu bis viewy ou all subjectn, and general submission to bin catnmatide, ha wayhephottetl. Doubt tho upcalxiclo of jour ht'ljilcMS fntni- ly. the contemplation of your daughter's benuty end iuuucencu, mny toucb uifl 11no Bcnito of liumi-r and puthoa Moanwiiilo, Heaveu Iiolp you, aud tor- giro me.' I ran up slitii'B to tlio little Hen that my bospiUib.D host bad kept ulways rt> stirvcd for mo in my wanderings. I lin- gered some Lima ovnr mj ablutions, hear- ing tbe lauguid, gentloniunly drawl ol Sylvester below uiiugled with the equal- ly coot, ctiBy slang of tnv injstonoua ao- qualntanco. What I cume don't) to tbo the sitting room I was Bcrpviued, • how- ever, lo Hod iho soif-sLviuO Kenruey qiiioth seated oti the sofa, thu (rentle May Sylvester, the 'Lily of Lone Val- ley,' sitting with tnuiclGtily avts and un> affected inturost. on olio qida uf hiu, while on tbeother tbnt arraut flirt, her cousin Kitte, woHprnctianiE the pitilt'sa arohery of her eyes, will) nu eioitemeut thai ocemed almost rent. 'Who 1B your delioiou&ly tiool friend ?' she mnnaged to 'jrhispcr to ma ut sup- per aa I but utterly dazed and bi'witilorv od betnesu tlia enropt tifay SvUester, who seemed to linear upon bia words, and this giddy gill of the period, whc. wee emptying tl'Q Luiitiry of olinrms iu active rivalry upor. him. "Of entituo wa know bis uamu isn't Koaraay. But bow rotua'atio I Ant) i8B'thojwrtcot)y}oveiy7 And vrbo Is he ?' I replied with severe irony (hat I <vn3 not aware wlint foreign potentate wa-3 then travaliug inccqnUoixx IhoSioriMof California, but tbaf when b'ls Snynl Highnesa wnS plonsed to inform me, I Bhould he gliid to Introduce Lira prop erly.' 'Uutirtlen/IadJctl, -I fear tin a'oquuintunce munt ho Morganatic' 'You're only jeaJouBof him,' sbo w\h\ pertly, 'Look at May-^Hbo fseoihpl.Urly iaacinoted. .Aud liar 'father, .too." Anil iciually, tbo languid, -porid-sii'.,. oyn ical BvUcster w,att r.ugrirdiug uiniwltliJi This is emineutly the tnnutli of fairs nnd exhibitions. besides tbe Bpociul horti- cjltuiiil Fimwa, the Btato fuirc, ami iu many cases tiio locul or county fairs, IOYC: II npcuiiil dujjurtnuiiit fur Riirdun mi oiJ'31'1 f.rcidiicl, null Ihe cultivator mny properly Rive uj» a &nnl uburo of ith 1'J utteud llicnu piilliuiiii^— not uitogetlitT as u uinlti'r of recreation, •jut us at) investment forprofit. The irollt we 'refer to in not Unit wtiicti oiiieH intlio Klmjie of prtwiuina awiird- cd totlio.articlt'ahc exhibits, for while it is a luudublu nuibilioD to c.irry cilTm many as ponsible uf thw, this BIIOUIJ not ho tho fiule or londiog motive fur ut- udiug ihij fuiru. Tho [irinoipul profit nues Irom Bteiup; what others am do- ff, seeing new vuricilen of fruitfl, vt>t'«- tabloa. etc., iu eaaminpt new imple- I'jutn, end iibuvc all, in metling with ther culfivatdrt, mid iu tidfeing with them ui to their ways aud njoiliads. 'That BO/ he utid, maeingly. 'Now, lot'p B»e. 'Kearacy'wduia 1 be'a good name. It's short and easy like. Tbar'a a street in Triero the eame title. Kear- ney His.*' '...'..'.""V '.j, , ', ; ,"V, i ! ,,. >Bat——'Ibegan', impatiently., 'Kuvr yen leare all that tome," he in- termpted; with a auperb' eelf-eonftdetioe that I ccald not but admire. "Ih name' ain't no acobun t.'.; It's the mai that^ responsible.. Ef I was to lay foi aman that.I reckoned was named JonoB, and afterl.fetched biml fOand out :< ibe inqueat.that hi/iiealntuno wflsSmi —that wouldn't make no matter, as ltfog u'.Igottbe.mon.'.--' ( ,'.•",; .:'.'•. : ••'..-_• '. The illustration, forcible'at it was, di not strike me as offariog a preponsessini Introduction, bnt we were already at tin rancho, The barking of aagd brought BylTestfirto the'doarof tbo pretty H' tie cottogB'whtiib'.bii Ustehad adorne* I brie4y irtroauced "Mr, Kcarne; almost Yot I interest and enthuajobm acompatiblo witli lilfl oalgro, ubnait honestiy to tbo. clear rensnn of my o\yn aex, tlmt I could sec >thing more in tbe cqna.tliu.u I have al- ready delivered to She, ruadnr. ' In .the middle of an exciting story ol ;, ot which be, to the already prejudiced mind of bis fair auditors, wan ideutlj' the bcru, hostonped sudjonlj 'H's onlyBome pock train pateiog t tn irldge on'the lower trail,' explnfoed Wetter,"'Go on. 1 < •• 'It may be my horse IB a trifle onenb; tbe stable,'suitl tbe alleged Kenrney; , be ain't used to boards ^ covering. 1 Tln'a uioi)(li in the oiGliurriist's titid {iiidouer'u hnrvout liiuo—not HO HIDCII lit', inguthnritiK of fruit and ULIKT nmpn. liutfor tJm cullcutiug of the i'i|icni' if otlirra, mid tho bin in:itiou (but nlmll be .fuse ho ly-'iit'bt years old. aud iittulli- Ho ila<l (rora Ttixus about three t^i>, uud IIUH heun living withbin irolber in-luw, n-bo bus a roputation not uicb better tbnn Hurdin, in Penuncola unction. Alii., un Jcr tin? nssum'jd Damo Jubu Bnavnc. Uc bus killed one or ;o ninn tueru.us lm« his brother-iu-luw, uweu ; but, being connected with tbo nlg« of thu county unJ BIILTIIT, they md thus fir becu allowed to go uapiin- ed. fcjucli wua the cunditiou of of- 'uirs until Aug. 20, when Bwuyne bo- d i b The BueecHBhi} IOCIJ are ^cuer^Wy vn- •usiaHts iu their pursuit, or, as ofluii till—'*ridj liulihiea." Such men are illiug uud glad tn talk nitb otbers rn- aged in similar occupations, uud it if. tvAly posmhla for a wido-anake aiau » visit (Ven nn ordinnr^ fuir without 1 rniDgpometliinp tlmtlw mn turn tn it usei'ul account. Mailing thoucqiiaiu- lance of a variety of fruit or vegetables, Unit in earliuesH or otlior quality, IBsu- mierior to tbnt wo now cultivate, will ifteti p»t one un the ruad to [>ronj>er.ty. Butonealiouia viait tba fain to show, IH \\tiW ok lo aco. If every olio bold buck, becatisfl IIQ felt sure that some one would buvu EonictUing liettor, 111 ere wo 11]J be no show nt all.. It h very Oia- HBliDg lo (he innnoRcrN i-fair—as -o know from et]ietieijoe—to ho told by a visitor: "I've, got ot liomn bnttcr grapes, (cabbages, or nhLtovcr,) tliun any I BOO bero.' 1 —If youhave made a mistake io not exhibiting, do not eay ,Djibing about it, but renolvii to do ! bcUerni'Lt your. The proper course ia, o show tho boat you have from the irqt'urd or gurdcii, and i( ollinrs lmva bettur, try to learn thocausa of tbo iu- totiority o! yonr own. This is tbe gal^ year of the lmit grow- ers, as tlio bicnniul Qcssian of the Auacr- lonnPoiiia.og.ca? Society will bo held Sept. 12tb to Hth at Battimoro, Aid. Taiaianti asBoaiatloa whleh every one, orfiinull, aboutil join!. Tbo work pi tho fjocii'ly CODBUU.in recording n>iw frnitfl, ncd in cataloguing tbo success of •varietioB iu tbo different Btates. Cesides thia, and qui'o as itnportant, are the oilier tunnies [or eociul intercourse, aud tbo great udvautuges > tbat come from peisoual ucquuiatuuee wilb fruit-grow- ers frum every Btnto an3 Territory iu tho Union. We nlrongtj urge all tn- lin fruit culture, tv-liotber HB. aran- tenrs or as a. Itusiuc&f, tocounect tbem- Bel ' eB witu VL ' rv useful National Society.—American Agriculturist. leaven only knows what wild and ' icIbuB roveiiition lay in tbo statement of tiis fact! bnt thi* girlr looked at eaoli tberVJtli checks'rii&k'witli : exoiiomont _a KfiMney orofie, and,' with' qalol: uh- aenco of eerernopy, quitted the table. "'Ain't be. : Jiist lovely I 1 said Kate, graopineforbreatb,,'ana BO witty.' , 'Witty !' said, ibe geutlo May, i just. tho slightest trace of. defiance in ler oweet voice. 'Witty! my dear,? why on'tyousc* tbatbis heart ia juit break' ingwltUpalhbBf^'W.Hy, indeed'; »Jjy, wtien hB'vda speaking of tbat poor Mex- ican woman tbat was bang, I saifitbe .eiirb gather in. biB eycB. Witty, in- leod I' 'Teara; 1 laughed tbe oynicnl Bylveator, toars, idlo teara. yihy, you Billy obil- Iren, the man ia a man of tie world—a ihilosopbor, quiet, observant, unaa- imiugi" "TJuiiBsuminfi; I". Was By Wester inlox- oated.orhad thfl mjateriona straogi led the "insflna verb' with ths fami- pottaBO ? He returned before I iould answer this solt-iuked imjuity, and .-Mnmed coully hia broken narrative, finding myself forgotten in tbo man I lad BOlong baeitated to iutroduoa to py friends,.,I retired to.rest early, only io heor, through tbo thin jMriiUns, two ijoursJatw, eothvakstic praisen of 'the, new guest from tbe voluble lips of the gitlii, us they chattered ttigelbar in tho lext.room befote retiring. At miduigbt I waBstartled by :tlio land of horses'iioofe and Ibo jingling at spurs below. A conversation between av host aud sotno mjstoriocn peraonnge in the darkness waa oarritd on in &uuh a low tone that 1 oould not learn its im- port. Aa tbo cuvutaadfl rode owaj, I i\Bni the, window. ,.-,.. 'Wbai's'tho matter V •' ' '.'Notbing/said, aylveeter, caoly, 'on- ly another one of those' playful bnrnioi' dal freuki'peoutiar to tbe country.' A man was shot by.Ohe'rokee' Jcck over at Lagrange ihia morning, and tbat nas the Sheriff ol Caluvcrus -ami bia posse hunting him.' I told bim. I'd! 'Men nc body but JOB and ynor friend.. By (lie way, 1 hope .the' cursed noise bain'l tiiatnibed htm. Tbo poor.fellow lookr- In « Frenzy About FcJiclftn, . Tbo summer is about gone,' the ! VCP6 IB nearly oudod, and Ljilia Tbomp- COB is here.- lilbeniso a doicn'orJcas blondes with the UHUUI noocesarieBi 'a ho- is if be wanted rest' longht eo, too. iNesorthBle&v „ ( BoUly to'his room/ 'ItVas 'empty, My impretsion WOB tbfttLphod diataDO 'ed tbe Bbcriff vt 'Calaveraa ab'ouf twr - : , ••• : . B B E T HiBTB. Sentencing iler Husband tobo Ha Mrs. Morris, a woman Justice of thi Peace in Wyoming Territory, heoid case of Ecundalous character, inwhici s defendant. She tenccd him to be banged by tbeneol until dead, and was anxtuus to lava tbi sentence curried into effect at once, un- til thoattofneys tola her'tha.t aho sittinii ^fmpfy us an examining bourl Bbe then held bim in bauds of llS.uOO, 000 to await the sctiun oi the Urum Jury, and said she wuuid shoot tbe Ural mun who attempted to raise the sureties, -Virginia Oily Chronid$. it* of low-necked dresses, B&int drapery, flying, legs, gay ribbom uud slippers tliot aro n.iver batifiucd to bo in one pfauu at a tlate, Xt baa heed the, most gorgeous of summer?; and it could Kcurocly last too loog. But tbo IVl. hath apples and cidor,and later ou miheo pie,' md Btill later a succession bf dancing ;irls wi(h bafr like tbo' snnlfght and.a- iir suggestive otall that is rosy ind robust! This of'the stage and .of the yilia TbompsoDB], but moro ap'pf tbo irl of the period aa she eiinUin the 'all wilhout the aid of ooscnotica(or that if tbe cotton field., She has been oat ii be coaDlry, ViokiDR tbo doff from the ;raas, shaking her bead at the birtli jrowiug accidental BomcrBOuIU when aobody was lookiufe,r.olllngia the' shade, ooking through the fcranchoa of T ireca nt tho quiet Summer sky, falling 3tit of thogo olumsj boats, driving homo he cons, huEtiug.for eggs, wandering limlessly off after ibo faraway, tiakle of lioll, shaking tbo tree that him tbehnr- :C8t apples, going to Bleep at lazy mo- tncuta in nlmost any piano very much to er flstODisbment, fighting moBqaitoes, id being a vory pretty vng&boiid in goo r«I. Bbo hasrollaa through doet to tbi Whito . Monutains and hoard,ber fall .bare of tent pfoaohtng and has rolla through dnat bock agaio, sighing for lome.ond yet lamenting'that fiho gaesj tbure, *8bo has flirted at Sartoga uod lieana.eoo^ g"ri at camp meeting, ib other places, despite tbo attractions of that youthful m nee a Unify whiohlaac ,irqne to lead tbe mind into selfish chan- nels. She cornea home now, a <{ood deal ired and some vexed at various things but to-morrow she blooms as if all her honghfe bad been of pleasantness aa<} ill her paths of peooe, nudBhedreamsoi ,ho White MonnUiins, or of Saratoga, oi it theaamp meeting half Ibe rest of thi vcar; taking note to hegin with, of tin gruti/yicp fact tliaWbe has gained vari ous pouuda iiud all of it is plncrd in thi moBt apiirojiriato places. Thoso Enclist blabdu are not to ba mentioned lifiUtly, They'o. 1 * very sapttloof tooaadheel^nt as willowy ol body.us if they bad bee: brought up hy gentle wjnds, in an effor lo go and meet them. They are—let ns call it fictitious, to' some extent, how ever, nnd tbe porpetr- 1 - 1 ' 1! -'-* is not greatly provoci . American blondo is all tbaTfancy par her. She is an established fact from her hanged hair to the nethermost por- tion of her striped stocking. Sbo-ia round armfnl of health and lovelinei and all tbo virtues known to tbe ton com- mandmcuU and the books following am' prrcedlDB. She is not the turning wo- man.' She Is tlio perBoa wbo bos peeu long eipcctod and has finally arrived. Behold tho American blondo I She toils whenever required ; moreover Bbe spinr on occasion and sba romne likeacoj lust loose from tbo stabfo;butLvd: and tho perpetual glare of gaalighi tgreatlsprovocativeolbealth. Tb- o just loose from t foj Thompson, in nil her glory, is not ni rnved" Hko one of hor, , Behold'thi American blondo I sink or swim, enrvivt orpcrieh, xhe mast and nbal!"bopro fldtveds—Rcchttlcr Democrtrf. ' Murderer Hnrdin. Wesley Hirdin re cliod Austin, Tunis, few dnys ugi, itnJ was placed in jail. ieiit. Arnihlrniiff nml Private pinican d ffd v^ cnnie.l tbo V1,{KH) reward offortd tliplii-fislotiiic for In* arrest. The c'.iuruciL'rizeHbiinaB "tLe nntoriou^ iurderer,"thongh be bus not been triod. O O113 GUI) sTfOho U CuIDpiCto list Ol lllir- n'a victims, but tha nnmbor will not irobubly full Bhort of twenty-tur il K d fift i T iglit iu uud fifteen in Texw. iutoxit'akd.aad «< egio. CUirtiug bi y » trying lo about with J istol iu bis band ttirouRb and arci'nd ntdtion and botol, which aro oue ding, the nogro wadiJ &dush through ie d iti tug roam to evade his pursuer Bt ut IW instant tlmt Mr. Ghiploy, 8u- irintoniientof tbo PeusaooU Euil.-cad, IB fe'oing through the doar to bis offloe. VIIJ-**, ndrtresniug him eaiJ, "Why idn't you stop tbat. Digger for me?" r. 0. said, " 1 IIHVU pothiug to do wUU ur uiggot." Swayuo then s.tuck liis ietol iutu his ftiuo aud suid, "I will yon anyhow." Mr. C, being vcr» etivu and nowerfu), snatched tlio pistol ust aa tin; bummer fell, and struck ''avne over tbe bead with it several iU>8H. A fuvv duya aftcnvui'd two dctcolivcs oin Texiw appeared iu tbo Junction. [|er buiug told thut hn was at Pflnsa- >ln, tboy woro iuuWd by a few to uni they hnd iutjUBtod thoir secret,to id for uu extm truii;, un there is but mo train ench Tray a day on tbe Penw In lUilroful. Actiiig upou tills, aud Inding that Cliipl<y would be only too lud lo senil a train, or do anything to riil, the country of Buob a Bcoundrel, ltd train \r:is proaured, andtboy, Roipg Ponwicola, spotted their tnau anil iud him scaled ia the train fur homo, iteriag the car from, behind tbe scat which be was ac&lod; ho via'over- lowered, but. not without difficulty, as be was desperate. Tlio train bad not {•imnitted to eUrt, aud tho Sher- iff's posse wero watcliiug outside. One tiie four,men who were with ftv-asae tliQ cur bocamd irifthl onad, •Bprnng from the window, *vaa shot and ulubst iBtantly killed by some oho outaile, lio thought l.o wua Swnjne, Bwayne ras taken to the' atation, and, for a train, was a show for his Id assoaiotos. He talked freely ami tbe captors, owa ol whomhe bod been acquainted ivith in Teias. He [eels deeply hurt thai he permitted him' ilC to be surprised RaJ talton ; says that '.'is. the first lime tot tbrea yeuxa that he ioa been off his guard for an jhsicnt. He Raid io the detective:" .Tohn, yon mow VOD would not meet moon this ilatlorm tor $1,000?" ' ' \ ' \ Dsteclive—That ifl trno, espesiilly if ooa)d got yoa any other wayto lake. •on. -" Bwjyn liow 7 -How .did yon track DIP, auy- Detective—Ob, V hired oat to year r*tlipr-in:itt» as n.labowr, aa&' Berved seven months on bis farm, and two eiiaagu I SAW n letter directed to tbia il nca to tha Probate Judge; md kuew vaafor joa, ,. 'Bwajne—Did tbo old fool make each a undariiS that? , 1 : ; ' Detective—Ho did., .An'd.aow^ John, did von know that Jwo' taon wore eent out th^.yay for you once before ? , : i' Svfay'DB—Ten, Iknow.ihaLM.. --,' Zhtteotive—And do yoa know at 1069 men never came back.to Texas ? ' Sirayne—Yes, and I'ktjow that, they lever will come bonk. ^l>i^y IIB 11 was taken on binway home/i^^ :empt to release; him was made- through* ibmo technicality.^ Hia capton are paid 0200 per month to work up tbe cnee.and ,.<! «b",000.reward besides. Tbe irotbor-in-Iaw Bo wen has' dfiappeared !rom tbo county. Swaycc'a di>g comes tb meet the train from Fensaoola every ight, looking for his moator. Icaviug tho tvkule Quid to tile Bjd Bank- ers, Da Account of tbe rain the only lufuelier wbo remjined.DotoiDie Evaas, went off to viait the aick. The jabilea Itaud, who got their J>uy nut of the o.|- loction bagk«t«, reitad from Ibeirlabon*. There wttx uu attempt lohold the lego* Inr afternoon meeting, but pools settled on iho bunches aud water dripped from the trots. The women, therefore, ns- uibled iu Sinter Bus.tn Burbjr'u teat for a service of song. Siiitor buu Uiuber is a very big and cry bluck woraoc, who tells fortunes 'ttb cards for a living. Bbe joined Zion Church duriugu revival two years agi>, after vanquiubing tiie enl one in an uo- auully severe n ^ t in the basement of [he little churoh, nud U remoinbereJ by the colored peopluas tbe "pcworfnHwt 'rnstle " of tbat revival season. Biater Sue bos been a "shiuin* light" ever mace, bat she still tolls fortunes and ia Ihe beat easterner for ploying cards that tbe town stationer has. It is imposai- hle to convey an idea of tho singing, bat it wus earnest and not witbont nelody. Ouu chorus, as it waa; snag, ran as fol- lows ; Ai t illp-ih down de lloueiol timt-afa, (Ni-*.-ili) Lord, Lord, tan mcrcj; I m*tj.* to lr»ro tbe world t"vbiad-ab, Lord iitT j-th mercy un-»h my'ioul. One old woman, by common consent, lod in every song. She alont conld drone and exaggerate to pflriection the falsetto a iu which all nefrroes sing. Her Ati—glory Jo-Sb my tonl. ITB touched tbe heoi or hu ganuont Aod-tb. nil. blood lttK tnttdo mo wliola. (N-a-i-bJ Doc, ll'i glotj ir.-th my uoul Over inSilos HolnWs tent the men ireaed an inqniry meeting. As nBoal they quurrelted over their religions dis- ustlona. Hftrriebh Keluon, niuk-Dainrd becaosb be isorer>tallcati>A, gaged,old John -tVoBt ID B debate, ohn FirosV'b » great nan among his people. Hd is oreditei with holding the iegro vote of H«4 BanV'ih hi* pocket, md he trades on'bis ufla'eaoe., Tliare eonpiderable ngly talk about some of M transactions, but for all that he is Illor in ibe cbarcb, I don't cuss, V.I don't git drank, i 1 1 don't steal, 'a' I doD'tbes* false teadermonv,- do IT" Deeoon Froat askad. PBho I" the other replied ; " what's lo good obtacking out yo' ia de Lord'- lighty ? Boms niggers (turning on bit beel) dey wear de longest faces and talk le boniest words all day, and it night ley climb oofn At back winder and' lope >£ wid deir neighbors.' chickens." It is only atnightttitt nhat are known i " de ecsUcies " are reached. -Dominie TbompMn preached with wondrout fer* n o referzed'to the " wars of iht Lmorites and the OoAnyites and the Jo* iQsites," aod said, that onca when 'oshua ionght ".the sun run back three &Band tie moon aUepe<l bissslf in and crlod out, i Wall, this ia won-' lerfutl 1 " . ..... : :- .'., Wufio thd world baoamfi bid sgia, tbouban'yeflTftaBu/'said thepreaeh* er, "and de weenie' and. rtewailin' of de lamned rant de'blna walls ob heaven, Sod Baid i» oouaiellor was needed for His oiihappy people, 'Oh let mo go,' cried the greatest oonnsalltr ob alt, 'for ain't done nothin' for four hundred ° * * * - ' " ' i - l * . '••'•- - - . : .Dominie ErM^had evident reference o recent rolities vrhea he said " a big uatloa hex bin aold fo'..«ifew, doUats," ind to. the Freedman'e Savings fraud rben he added, V and to' a few dollars 16 e&min'Bob depoor habboeaotolei." •'•Yo'all know what U oomin next," Dominie Ennaeald, after ihe sermon. And everybody saw Utat the time for solleotion had. come, . v . . ' "Wocxixxit togit 826,ftDdlooktodo white people. for de moa' of it, for de Jjord baa ftiteh it to dem to have more in da euund people."' , ' ' Everybody-ww uknd to " npandpnt deir money on c and -After the few vain persona npon whom, calculation bjd been made bad made Pfblio the gift of a big allvnpieoe,' the eldenrw'edt iroand with the baskets. V ' Be sure sot to "give nobody no money"': jnless ho haa a hmtern," the Dominie said, and then added, " onless yoa give \ it to me, I am a minuter, »nd are onp- po&ed to be bonnt. ~Look ont for Br&d- d*er Thompsoa to,', see da* ba don't rufc . bis han's in de basket,'. Sister Simmons, roue'ona moa 1 alias put tometing-ln;. 'ba's de matter to-night f - Ah, a new - ounet, I GOD.- Won't yon know dat da good book speaitBpartionlarabont vaui- tty ? All things is irniu 1 Oraoious aabes 1 bmlderen,. do go 'roan 1 among Drfl.i<I-Tirc() Wbc«)B for Farm Vehicle*. Tho American AgricyUttritt has th< iltawiug socsible remarku on' this unb- ject; "This in another ptiiut we are apt to overlook greaUy to oar disadvantaffe. We enuec burafllTes to be guided by wagon-makers, nad' tbs nheelrigh! knows.veiy well that ho .HTM by his trade, andthat wear and tear is the life sf trade. He serves himself if va aro luitcd with nnrrow wbwls. A,; sot oi vheelfl with four inch or six'tach rims md heavy tires cost, to make, consid- irablo moro than, a set two and one- half inches wide; bnt an extra price it alw&ys put on them, they arowell worth it. 'Awagon or cart with a six inch tread-will taka heavy loads over soft meadows anl, bardly' leave Irack, whoip a Barrow-wheokd wagon with a Bimiiar load could not go at all, Ob country Toads BDoh broad-tread vo- hioles destroy rnts, and act like rollers, making tha 'roads agreeable for light carriages, and keeping them in bettoi order throughout tbe yvar. It would ben real blessing to every State of the Union to put BO heavy tax on narrow 'boots upou heavy wagons that tt odld become obsolete. Millions dollars would be saved to tbe people ol each State, in repairs of roads, in repair. ol wagons and in boreo-flesh. A Woudrous Camp BIcctlnir. Jnet when a band of jnbiloe sli £rom ihompBOL street. Dew York, hoc joined tbe colored worshippers in Hor- ford's Wuoda at RodBank, and modernized and made more artistio thei: homely melodies, on Thursdaj, thorail began ta fall. In this ooonfry of col ored people there is now no other cam] meeting. The mcoliug at Nevorainl which won a *' praiBO meeting," all ding ing anil no ecrmon, ended oa Sunda; de stan's—for God's flake, doyon expect me to do it all ? " ' " Start np the Linging." aeiextX roices . cried. • • • - • .'•• : " " '. •'••- "Ch, no, not jnst yet,", said, with a knowing smile ; **not v -ftflr the collection." . Tbe. flat procession : of .the elder* brought only $8. Thu ministers then pledged, themselves to gjS tmongt thd worshippers an! not return until tba m of 826 had hem mads up. " I have faith to get $6," said one of __3 elfrRvmen, ; 'bnt Til beantUfled to gelW." A bad 25 cent pieae vras found in one of the baskets, and Brother Holme* grew white with rage. " If there's any- way of pniilflhiDg de rascal who dons its" said he, t'tbey shall ncler nntodo extoEt uf de law." Porty-eight dollars and eighty cento—more money than bos ever beon collected at one time in a Monmouth county negro camp meeting was token. Thon the singing was start- ed—singing tbat began with a nasal sqneak in toe corner of the singers' paw, but grew in volume and melody, rolling In a wave of sound over tbe congrega- tion until Bver.T voice took part Tba "nvorite song bf the camp vas started : Dou't—don't-don't you git weary, Don't—don't—don't joa git wurv; A-i-i-li, dou'UJcm'L-don't joasliweUT, W«ltln' op<3« Lord, Eeep 7D' Bboe* opon jo*fo»t-»b, Wiltln'ondelora. Den-sh joa aaa.ll w*lk do goldio street, WMtltt'ondeLort. i , , Iton't, iu. ; - Wbit-ih kind ob lioei do de injfeli mir, W*ninondoIOrd nondoIiOrd_ can w>)k qpon da air, u'code Lordt Don't ke. He ioi' tie BOBI bntoaght he bad, ff«itta'ondol*r-i. JJon't Ao. And fluolly the inevitable verse ; Ii TOO git d u UK 1 1 do-ab; Ttll "*mI'mtflomln" loo-ib.

VOL. VII. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ... · S 'HOTEL. ALEX. lvANOUBE, (act tb.l ho lu, taken lh » HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St,. J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu . WBUon, „„

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Page 1: VOL. VII. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ... · S 'HOTEL. ALEX. lvANOUBE, (act tb.l ho lu, taken lh » HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St,. J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu . WBUon, „„


THE1R0NERAt'obLiHUED Evx ir SiTDkoiT xt


OSSca aa Morns Street near



O n e Y e o r , - - - - - - - $ 2 ,S i x M o u t h s , - - - - - - - 1 , ,T n r c e m o n t h s , - - - - - - - 5 0




Counsellor at LawAND



Ciu'penter and Builder,Jobbing promptly attended to.

Shops on BLAOKWELI* St., next lo Gage1 Ualscy'a Innbsr mill.

Cr ' taota takon, and niftkrial rurulihod.

a Y A H S I O . V H O P S B .

Comer of BlsckKel! and Bnasex Bis.

DOVEE. N. J.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor,

Horufli and Carrlsgoi to Let.



the National Union Dank BuIIdlu

v.b*BT.i - DOVER, N. J.


Furnishing UndertakerL1CENPET A0CTJ.ONEEH AND00MMI8-


All orilorw promptly tttonfled to:BUCKWIXL BTBEET, Dover, N. J .


Carriages and SleighsiOf E v e r y DtKrlp l lon . .

-. BUckvroli and Bergw Bta) pOVEIl, W. J.

lUon ptld to n p i u i n g «nfiFarticulir tttoiili-lf. • ' •. THE HAttDWABE STORE.


ji iai Anainoi et all descriptions ofUllES'AHO MINEUALS

Payer Morris Oonpty M. J.

kllen. palmer &, Son,nrpenters •", i


Builders.;. DOTEB, k J.,. L.,.,

obbmg promptly attended to.S. J. PALMER, ArcUlltct.

• • • • - U i - • •• • - • ' •




, | , D 0 V E B , N . J . ' ;•;Tb8 place hat Ituen entirely Mfltt«diu » n » lyuuer. Tha wry best Brands of

oreigri and Domestic SegaraivmXB ON BAUD. ao-lf




DESIGNEDtad executed, ind nitoniil (umltlied.

•LANSandSPECIFICATIONShtnkind, »nd eoulraela takra Tor ill work.Ttoboi l refenmcoa plren u 10 tspxtllj Ij

•»J branch, o( He Endues., «Jn"'L 7 "Jirantoed; DOVER, w. ' •


the largeit and moit eneoowral d«ler Ii

BOOTS and SHOEStbe ierer did bnalnesa tn

MOEEISTOWN.baa jnst finished stocking his store with

arrjvnvLian O O O D B ,• M I .nrpu.M aujtlilDg In tie lisa, In pobt


Ior« orftrod. .Tl lEOtMBaiTED


_ to fit, »fe to be fonnathli f toron tha grwteit proMon.. or Btjlea ind muBoruineDti, >nd


Ql*> mil I •l««*>»tr».


HbiEISTOWHrK,JCirch lOlh, 1877. ' , ':




Cards.11. A. BENNETT, M. O ,


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts,(Opposite Doror Hank,)

DOVEB.N.J. ,)ls«aa»a of Women andOillorun, and ol tlio

Eje and Ear BpeoUllies.KnC|° H £ ° ? : J to 9 A. M., 1 to D and 7 to 8 P . 11.

• ' W i n . B. 0.HE01




,, N. 3


or Monius COUHT*.

Ifflco over GEO. MCHAItDS k Co.'i STORE,



DOVER, N. J.ifQco OTer A. WIRIIIOD'H itovo in'7-ly Blickwcllitrcut.

RA C.COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Ooulnclt Ulton or ill kinds of M M on WortidJobbiuR.

LIME, PLASTEB AND CEMENT,Furalibed i t short notiao.

— - under "The Iron Era Office," D o w .

« . 8. b E, F. DcUABIP,1E00T1AT0BR 4 fBOSPECTOSS

For lion Ores and Hineral Fropert;,





RAM, HANCE 4 Co.'s STORE,PORT ORAM, N. J.11 .11 the principal linos of aronmnhtpiIron) Vn 7oik IS Llnrpoo! >t LOWEdl



ardwaro, Iron and Steel,'I tS, BtlLDEBS; HAnpWAl>E,



iOBJlISTOWN. N. Ji,!: J U O O M P L r r i BTOCK OF ' •'

ooflcii Ware nhfl .. •Housckeeiiiiig Goods,

PAINTS, OIL^, qi/A.88,* and HsnuIMtamf AfUoJce gfaaTsU;.

me* Cemerit^fjaster,ua Daat. Super Phoaphat. of Lima, and all,,

.. otbar Fertilisers. . i. • > : ; , :OBOKt-Tookncia. . ,, > >Aifis B. ToonnknHorrialoirn,Bept.J3il,18J..


!.B. JOHNSTONS• ) • . ' • • . ! • • • } ' • ' • • ' • ' ' • ; ' v


LTO aOdltlonal charge tor extrsetlng-wkers\ now teeth are Inairted. We are no» tnak.ig beautiful aela of teeth tot./ ,: - ^

ALL ,.r, September 2Sth. INK.


ALEX. lvANOUBE,(act tb.l ho lu, taken lh»

HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St ,. J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu. WBUon,

ompletely renoratrf B»d refnr-„„ baa completely renoratri Bad refnr-lahed It, BO BB to gi»e good jnoVBijple"™ • • 'obothnunat idbeut . ITU

tied with the best branda olLtouOBH ana &WAM. Boanl > U i be farnlahodbv the d» j or week, on rfusOMllItrmi. My

Stablerfl be contlnned la connection irflW UuiS i » . An In-riUtion la extended to id lwold friendB and the general .public UgLvma > call. *°" u

M. & I. SearingJARPENTERS, ;


DOVER.N-.J.Plumed lBC»UUv . - - Con t ra i l


Jobbing in GeneralDeeeml»r«thl870. • UjI-


rita the BtoUon of. U.. ladle, to



POETIC.Tbe Lord Will I'roTido.

Bt H. O. MI1J.EB, II. 11.

[" Uothcr, I think God i lwim Inrn vli•a tcrtyo the bottom ol tlte barrel," niti.llu lioy to bis mother one d»T. His moth..as poor, Tbej olton UBCJ up tlitir la«t Blinkwood and their l u l bit oi Um«d bolort tliuv

inld tell wtiiTO ttiu nuxt eaimlv wm iocurum. But tlioy bud BO often been prcvlq—I in nnuiimcled wtyn, juit wlti'U iliuv wereu»t ID need, tint tha little boy tUouufit Qo.l• a j i beard wlien they icnjiou tlio huttom of

'J bough poor •>Unablotoboar

Tiie croBi, and Iti bnrdeuOriorrownndoire,

Bo l!rm lo your Hoatnegi,Io«temra(oRHfu'itldu,

With eyei lookiEg upward—TLo Lord will proTido.

inanely iod wairj,Iloarulok *nd diitroiiod,

Juit lein jour iiuad lonoljOn Chriit'a loring brent,

And Luow, by tlio prjiulsoOf Oue who liii died,

That In all ; i o t UoiibbTho Lord will protide.

Ii (jlooin In jour collage—NabipplQoii.mlrtti-

Toar liltlu onei bnngr;—Nu pleasure on earth—

Kneel down in yonr cloiDt,And tbca dbnDtbldo

The wanla of jour hounbotJ-Tbe Lord will proildo,

Aro joa inaftllcllon,lour lieirtMdwiili grief,

Wilh uo ODD to comfort,Anil bring jou roliof-

AS KT QUIET FUiKM) I'»••Stranger I"Tlie voice not not lond, but clear end

penetrating. I looked vainly up nodIowa tlio uarrow darkejiug tmi!. NoIDS in tha tricge of nldisr uliuail; LO

Doe on the gullied stope behind,' 0 ! Btmnger,'TLis time a little impatiently. The

C-ilifornmn vocative, '0 , ' always vacant

pAnd cling to tlio lido

OfJtsuF, ourBavioar—Tbe Lard will provide,

Vo flonr ID the pin try,Ko flre on the hoartb,

ThoootUfte l ibirren,Of all IbinK' • <*P*rtli.

Bat Jctai irill orerlietniiD by yuur Bide,

And, iu till own Maioti,The Lord will proildo.


Mrs. Eortipfjton aa;a atov persooaiffer Irorn anggeatioii of the uraia now-Haya. • •

It vita luiickeray wbo anld Hint a man* o lived ia a villa would prttbahfo be a,ieti. ;

Tiie Gbiepgo papers call tbat tornadoaim "—probably because it made aastle ia too outekirts. . ;A fashionable "London preaoher Baldhcentlj:: " St. Pan! remnrkB, Bad I par-Ily ogtoe witu b!m . " • , ,

To odopt tbat familiar proverb to Butt!&o tinica it sliould read, " Trutli Isno of a stranger than fiction." ;

Tbe jouog lady who beiltated betnoenjwero oud diamonds tinally cboae tbe,Uer, OD tbo e r o u t i^ ° ' eooDotpy*A man ia known "by tbe umbrella lieBOB—aod so few men manugo to keepibrelliiB tbet we are ueotly all Btrau-

i t ie Detroit Free Fraue feels tbat roalitflte muBt btoy dowu juat so long OB' theirtgtgea on it renain as beav; u they:i now.; < :'( '.'• -i .'. ;'.'. /i..':i.i-i j . ; •-

alory is told of a lady of fnB>!on._ ittidabe would like to go to'Romeliavo a portisit paiaM by one oCthe' tiaasteii, -A HarHfib'iirg, eiehango tells' no tbni'antobera tie,coming dowu inMbeirice." Wbat 1B a good f»t butchernth, anyhow ?TbemairinRfi of Adorn was a greatve—6Qt, and tbe people who follow, DIB:ample soon after begin, like their Ontirenle, to raise Cain. ' '

Ko," ihe ioid, nnd the wrinklea iner face Bmoothed out pleaBactlj, "DO,

. do not remember Uie luBt Bovectecnrear locanto.. I wu SQ ' *

A friend etb]' whose'vit „•

you pitying me^for?•• Hbe hasntie back," BQaxled the'neighbor. '

Deceit and Manhood, whatever ion-enienoes they may lor a tima protnise

anise, are in the sum of life obsta-

I lookol u|», and perceived for tbeSrat time, on tbe ledge, thirty feut aboveme. .mother trail pareltcl with my own,ind looking down upon mo through themckeye bushes a email man ou a bkeklorse.Fire things to Le bero noted by the

iirenmspect mountaineer. First, tbelocality—lonely aud inaccessible nndiway from the ngulur fariagol teem-

and miners. Secondly, tlio stran-ger's euponor knowledge of the road.Irum tbo (net that tbo other trail was un-nown to the ordinary traveller. Third-

ry, (hut ho was woll armed auil equip-ped. Fourthly, tbat be was butterlouDled, Fifthly, tbat aoy distruat orimidity aria.Dg from tbe contemplationif these facts had better be kept to one-ilf.

All this piuaed rapidly through myind ae I returned bia salutatioD.'Got any tobacco ?' be uked,I bud, and eignifled the fact, holding

ip tlo ponoh inquiringly.'All right, I'll onmo down, Bldo on,

ind I'll jltiu ya ou (.be blMe/•'The slide?' Here was a now gco-

rophical discovery as odd as ttia eecondruil. I hid ridden over tbe trail a doz-

litnee, aad Been no cominuuicatlonbetween l ie ledge and trail. Nevertue-

I went on a hundred 5«rds or no,.;ben tbore was ft shiirp omok -ling in the under brush, a obowor ofstone on the trull, and my frionu plan*;-id through the bushes to my side downgrade tbat I should scarcely baro daredlead my horse. Iheeo was no doubt

lie was an accomplished rider—anothertot to be noted, i

AB bo tanged beside me I found I WOBlot mistaken as to tbe size; ho wasuite unilor the medium height, tad, itut for a, pair of cold gray eyes, waBLther commonpluoe in feature, . ' , '•Sou'vo got a good horse there,' I

ped in to pity a noigh-had IUQ away, " What

f ? H b h ' t

Bomaii'taws iueju«t like Bplder webaiie small and'feeble ma j be caught anditangied in them, to t the rich>ndIghty force thrungb snd despise them.ID thii world there is ode thing:god-

—Ibe esBeDoe of all that ever was or,.~.'.wi)l be godly in this.world—the•eoeration to hunma worth by tbe bcarte* uen,o yy^.,: i.v;'.; ^\i\ .:-.'

1 "We find," sold a "ootoner'a.'jury ontt t ' t h

Je»lh by ho „.Smith held four, ind i -

a are five too many in any pock, l ,•Notice to tquest^anB : Side :iajdloaa losing favor; ladies mnat either nee

jntlemeo'B saddles, or ride no more,'not I Gentlemen's fashion is to be THS

f a s h i o n . . • ' / • • . " • • • • - •. •

' Morama, I \nim vhf Papa calls yoajoy," triompbanfly cried n yoanr'—

Jccauao he thinks I nm aweet, dKo, it'a. because yoa have BO muob

>mb in your" hair." . - . ; - ; '•

Yet oaother warning. Joseph Bates,,; Vermont, falls dead vbile carrying inin armfnl of wood. Show thin para-raph to yoar wile Nay, ont it bat ondIn it to {be wood-nued door. • '

" F a 1" eaid a little .boy to bis.fatheri a church, "who iatbat woman whoing so loud?" "Tbatisthe^noprano,

my boy." "And what' is soprano,father F*. " A aoprano U » lady :wh(

a t s o n « i r t . " - ••• • : - :i - ' - ' • ; ; . : ' '•',; j ' _

Tbe pftptra relate au anecdote oi abeantifnl young lady, who had becomoblind, Uf'wg recovered her wghl altertarrige. It 1B SO /nbeommoD thing>r people's eyes to be opened by matri-

m n y . • • • . ' • • • * •. : . . V ' . ; ' . ' , 1 V V : - ' ' ! ' . - ! ( l '

There Is JOBI one thing*bonl U. Thelily who inB.sla on carrring a good ibare

>1 her dress in her band.hu got to keep.er Bhoea tied up, or let every, b o ^.now that dbe Mt home in a harry, . ,

It ia foolishnesfl fo'r »man to try touuke gutne of a boarding bouse thickerbf looking at it, nndet the impruBsio!that o steady gare of the hnman eye wi]make Buy animal quail. ' „ ;.j t',;.

"Pflpa,"asked • boy, " what to meabtwPurBdise?" "Paradise, myaon.V re-


He was filling hfa pipe from my pouoli,Hat' looked up a little surpriaod, .andsaid, 'Of oonrse,' Ho then puffod awaywith stbe'^nervous eogorneaa of a panlong deprived of that sedative. Finallybetween,the puffe, be asked mo whence

e n m o . . • •' • • • ; " ^ < ' •

I replied from 'Lagrango.'He looked at me a tow. momonU

>oaly, buton my adding that X bad poly.Heil there for, a few boun.lie eftid :tbongbt t know every man botwecuigrange and Indian Spring, but some.

bow I fcorter diaremember your fooo and*ior,'name.' '<.['- '.';" , - ,t \

Hot particularly caring that he shouldimeinber either, I replied, ball laugh-

ingly, that as I lived the other Bide of[ndiati Bpring) U wai quitVnaturai. JHo;ouk tbe rebuff— it, aaoU it- was—«o 4"!'jtly, tbat as an act( of mere perlanotoryioliteDess, I'aslied.biin. wbere.be came

: ^/And y'oo are going-to-rr-* v,..

. 'Well that depondi pretty1 macb onJOW tbiogo pan out, and .whether I canmake the riflo.' He let; bta'hand rest

K/noooBscioDfllj on the ieitbarii bol-of hU dragoon iavolvert-yH with a

1lf>bUiijstrong suggestionh if l '

t y. of 1ilsf->bUiij

t l t d

trong suggestion « . « f . of 1 i f > jto make the. rifle' H heirantdl to, and

added: 'But just now I was reck'mV,m tafiing a little pwwr with yon.' j - 'i

Thera was nothing'offensive in jbiBpeecb, save, its; familiarity and tWre-flectiun, perbapa, tbnt-wbother I object-ed or Dot, be was quite able to do as' hoaaid. , I only xopliwl that if onrpowarWJB prolonged beyopd" Heavy tree Hill, Inbmild have to borrow his beist. To

iy surprise, he replied quietly, 'That'sBO/adding tbut'.lho hono ;was ol mydisposal c*\>«a he^aso ' t UBing it, and" ^ f it when lie was. - -'Diok has car-

rest," that Bill Thompson canteWbia ri&d double many • t ime before this,')»lh by holding, five BOBS when Jack j , 0 opntina'ed,)i'afcd/kin' do It again;nith held four, ind we find that nine ^ m y^g'nm\WB ^m out, I'll g i «

pfirf He hlher, » ta Iho l.tttr put otSnmmer, wlen jonr Bother goes on sT » i t l o j " n t B I « I l d I ' t l " r ' ' . • ' • • '

It i. « r j , « i j »> » J « «••»""!"'mitilea jonug ID"" >• "*«• « • sH"™1

fertlvnl «li»t li.'U too, «.a .ja-en,•• Ben " B u t i t i Jolt «• \xi when^beiriTto Back n pb» tee cio>m wilh «

u l t o w . - , - , - • , • • ' • . ' • • • " • •

FoUto bcpi « o Bbool Bgiin. They

' . id KID be «en .InmpT - -«boDt thethat

oat, I'll giveyou a "lift, and room to spare.'.

T oonld sot help stalling at tbe idea ofappearing before the boys at Bod Gulclien erovpt with the.stronger; tu toel-tber'oou.d I Iflip being oddly affectodby the Buggestion that. bis. bone-badddiio doublo duty,before. 'On what oc-easioD, and; why.?1 HOB a qaeation I keptto myself. /NV« were,ascending the longrooky flank- of (be Divide; tlia Dinar-nees ol the trail obliged aa to proceedslowly endin file, BO that there won lit-tle ohaoee for conversation, had hebetndisposed, to satisfy ®7 cariosity... FWe toiled . on in alienee, tho t buckeyegiving way to cftimifcoJ, the wtiteriugann, reflected'again from the black wallabeaida na, blinding oar eyes..with >1Uglare. Tbe pine* In' the canon belowwere olive gulfv o( heat, over which ahawk here and there drifted,lazily, orrising to oar level, cast a weird and gi-gantic shadow of. *Iowly 'inovlDf. wingson tba monnUin aide. The nperiofltyof theBtranger'B horse led him olten farinadvftooe, andxaade. me hope,that bemight forget mo entirely,''or-pooh on,grown weary of waitinR:- ; Bat ngatitlyaewoaldbaltby * boulder, 61 reappearfromeorae ebimsicdt, where ;bo had pa;tiently halted. I waa beginning to baUhim mildly, whoa at one of those reap-pearauoes he drew up to my Bide, am1

asked me how I liked Dfok«w.|.;.

Had he aekod tcy opinion ol Haxleyor Darwin, Iconldnot have been moreastonished. Thinking it were poeaiblrthat he relerred to some- local celobritjof LQgrange, 1 said, hesiUtlngly: '

"Yoamcan ! ''Obarlea Dickenn. Of coarse yon -

readhin? WWOB o! bta booki do y«likebestr

I replied wilh cot«idarabla etnbnrraicent tbtt I liked them all—u I oertain

prorofeuioD of a tramp.

He grasped my band' fora mpmroiwhite k fertor quite anliko hu'

rj-iu, anil said, 'That's me, old mau.H un ain't no stouob. You can couo.

>n him jmtf ty muob all the time.1

WitU this roagh prefuoc, be liUiDclicdito ii criliaism of (lip nuvcliiit. vbich

intelligent sympathy and hearty ap-oiatiim I haJ rarely heard equiiled.

[ot only did be dwell on tbe ember-nuo of liis humnr, but upon the powei

hiapaUioB and tbe all-pervading ela-nt of his poetry. I lacked at the

mo ID astonishment. I coumdarod oi,v-if a rather dilifrent Btudont of the

;reat mnBter of fiction, but tlio atraii-;er's felicity of quotation and illuatra-

m sluggeied me. It JB (rue lltat bitought was not atwnyu olothed in the

ioat UbguBRe, and often appeared iniio slouching, Blnogy uadross of tbeice nod period, yet it never was rustichomespun, and sometimes struck me

itu its precision and fltDets. ConBid-ibly aofteaed toward him, I tried him

ith other literature, But vainly. Be-ind a few uf the lyrical and emotionalletA, ho knew nothing. Under tbe fa-ience nnd enthusiasm uf hia owu

poech, he himself bnd Boftonod eoDnid-rublj ; offered to change horses wilhie, readjusted my'BaJJIa with profea-ional skill, treouferred my pack to hEsiwn horse, inoUted npon my sharing

IB con ten la ol hut whisky flask, ant}.>ticlug that I was unarmed, pre&icd

me a silvor mounted doniogw.hioh be QBsurod me ho could ' warrant.'

!bese vnrious offloosof good will andtie diversion of hia talk beguiled no

Dotiaing the foot that the trail wasling to become ohacare sud va

igognizablo. We were evidently pur-ling a route unknown bofoie to mo.pointed out the fnot to mjr companionlittlo impatiently. Ho icstnntty ra '

itned bis old manner sod diuloctili, I reckon one trail's as good as

uotber, and what Lev ye got ta Buybout I t? ' :I painted out, with Borne dignity, thatl>rofcrred tbe old traif.'Alabbee you did.. But you're JIBSw talkin' a pastor with tnt, ' This jortil will bring you light lots Itidian

;>ring, unnoticed, and no questiooaiked. Don't you. mind now, I'll seem through. 'It wai^ntcosBory here to make someinj against my Btrango companion, IId firmly,'yet as politely as I could,

lat I Uad proposed atoppinff over aightIth a friend. . , t : ; ' - ' : •

-Wliar?1. ' • ' • ; ! . ' . .I hesitated. The frjond.was:ancc-ntrifi Eaaltorn man, veil kaow^iaUie'•My for hia fostidlousiieBa and; histbihi aa a leoluse. A misnntutope. oi

illy and ample means, be had ebbsenscoladed hut picturenqiie valley in the\errtia, where he -cOnltl rail ngaimb tbeirld witbaut oppoiuUoD.i.. libne YrJ-r,'or 'Boston Banch'.ns it WDB noru

imiliarly called, was the one spot thatIQ BVerage mioer bothjTospected 'and

roared. "Mr. Byi vaster, Jis proprietor,id never affiliated with 'tbe bovs,'nor

iDtl he ever Ioat their respect by 'anytthe opposition to their ' Ideas. • If se-

lion bad bet>n bis object be certainlyrun , gratified. Heverlhielcee, la ; tbeirkening shadows of the night, and oulonely and unknown trod, I hesitatedlittle at repeating hi> hade to & ntran-

[erofwbdm, I knew,'BO little.. But mylyBterions companion took the ma'tBr

>~nt o f my" JiandH,' • •-'•'••-'. •;.;.'.'..',!'Look yor/he Baid, suddenly.. UbUrn't bat one plaoo twixt yor nnd Indian

iptingwhar ye can atop, vad fiat's Bjl-' e s t e r V ^ • - . . " . " • * ! • . • • . ••>,- - i -

[aagnn'^d, a-llttlflflalleiily. ''CJI> said the Btranger.'qaietly, and

ithaeligltBaggefltlon of conferring aivor on ito,- lEf you're pointed for

3ylVB8ter's—why—T .don'tmind Blop-infftharwitbje/ It'e n little off; thetod—I'll lose aome time—but taking it>y and large I don't much jniud,' ( '

I itated, as rapidly aad m Btrctiftfy oncould, that my acquaintance with. Mr.

lylvoster did not jnstify the iatroduc-on of a strangar to- bis' bospitulity—at lie was anlike mast; o£ tbe. people

icre—Iu- t)!ic.ri, that he was a queer mi

To' roy surprise my • companion an-iwerM qnletly: : 'O, that's all rightyi> heard of him, Ef yon don't feelikooheckiDgms through, or if yoii'd

rather put '0, O. p , ' on my. back, wby"t'a all th'e'Bame io me. I'll play it aloue.>oly you just eonnt me in. Bay 'Syl-rcater' all the time. \ Tbtf i me I1 ; "

latobnld.I oppose to tliis.'iaaa'a

, asanranoe.? I felt mTBelt. growingred with, anger and nervotni* willi em

rmsaoieBt, - What Would the .girls—Iu ajpnug man tb'on; and bod won an

*n(r«to.their doineaUc circle b j my re-«rvo—known by * le&B'complimentaryadjective among'tho.'b'oyB'—whut would.bey say to my new -acquaintance ? Ye!

Ittialy ooald dot objoot; to hu as-,luming all risk1 on* his owp; personal .re-

cogaiioDces, nor oould I resist a certainteeling of ehaine at my embarrassment.

We were beginning vto\descend."! InSht dUtancd below a*- fjlready- twinklodtboligbta'In theBolitdry.fancuoon LoneYulley. I.tarned to my- omapunioii.'Sat yoa have forgotten that I don'ieven know yoar name. What am I to

'Kenrney will do—Kearm-y'ti goodenough for me,' cTumontiHl t'.in toi-diaa U Kearney half aloud, to in.r own Imv-ror and Sylvester'a«vt<leut luvatiflL'iition,and then ho blandly excusud hiniseif (orya monicDt tbnt b e iniglil pu


iall.yg ppervise tbe cure of bis own boust. Whenhe was out of car shot, I drew the puz-zled Sylvester aiido.

'I have picked uj)—I tnoau I imve beenpicked up on tbo road hv a «out)o msni-ac, whoso name it, not Keurutty. lie iswell armed and quotes Diokins, Withcare, ucquiusctrnca iu bis viewy ou allsubjectn, and general submission to bincatnmatide, ha wayhephottetl. Doubt

tho upcalxiclo of jour ht'ljilcMS fntni-ly. the contemplation of your daughter'sbenuty end iuuucencu, mny toucbuifl 11 no Bcnito of liumi-r and puthoaMoanwiiilo, Heaveu Iiolp you, aud tor-giro me.'

I ran up slitii'B to tlio little Hen thatmy bospiUib.D host bad kept ulways rt>stirvcd for mo in my wanderings. I lin-gered some Lima ovnr mj ablutions, hear-ing tbe lauguid, gentloniunly drawl olSylvester below uiiugled with the equal-ly coot, ctiBy slang of tnv injstonoua ao-qualntanco. What I cume don't) to tbothe sitting room I was Bcrpviued, • how-ever, lo Hod iho soif-sLviuO Kenrueyqiiioth seated oti the sofa, thu (rentleMay Sylvester, the 'Lily of Lone Val-ley,' sitting with tnuiclGtily avts and un>affected inturost. on olio qida uf hiu,while on tbeother tbnt arraut flirt, hercousin Kitte, woHprnctianiE the pitilt'saarohery of her eyes, will) nu eioitemeutthai ocemed almost rent.

'Who 1B your delioiou&ly tiool friend ?'she mnnaged to 'jrhispcr to ma ut sup-per aa I but utterly dazed and bi'witilorvod betnesu tlia enropt tifay SvUester,who seemed to linear upon bia words,and this giddy gill of the period, whc.wee emptying tl'Q Luiitiry of olinrms iuactive rivalry upor. him. "Of entituo waknow bis uamu isn't Koaraay. But bowrotua'atio I Ant) i8B'thojwrtcot)y}oveiy7And vrbo Is he ?'

I replied with severe irony (hat I <vn3not aware wlint foreign potentate wa-3then travaliug inccqnUoixx IhoSioriM ofCalifornia, but tbaf when b'ls SnynlHighnesa wnS plonsed to inform me, IBhould he gliid to Introduce Lira properly.' 'Uutirt len/IadJctl , -I fear tina'oquuintunce munt ho Morganatic'

'You're only jeaJouBof him,' sbo w\h\pertly, 'Look at May-^Hbo fseoihpl.Urlyiaacinoted. .Aud liar 'father, .too." Aniliciually, tbo languid, -porid-sii'.,. oynical BvUcster w,att r.ugrirdiug uiniwltliJi

This is emineutly the tnnutli of fairs nndexhibitions. besides tbe Bpociul horti-cjltuiiil Fimwa, the Btato fuirc, ami iumany cases tiio locul or county fairs,IOYC: II npcuiiil dujjurtnuiiit fur Riirdunmi oiJ'31'1 f.rcidiicl, null Ihe cultivator

mny properly Rive uj» a &nnl uburo ofith 1'J utteud llicnu piilliuiiii^—

not uitogetlitT as u uinlti'r of recreation,•jut us at) investment for profit. Theirollt we 'refer to in not Unit wtiictioiiieH in tlio Klmjie of prtwiuina awiird-

cd to tlio.articlt'ahc exhibits, for whileit is a luudublu nuibilioD to c.irry cilT mmany as ponsible uf t h w , this BIIOUIJnot ho tho fiule or londiog motive fur ut-

udiug ihij fuiru. Tho [irinoipul profitnues Irom Bteiup; what others am do-ff, seeing new vuricilen of fruitfl, vt>t'«-

tabloa. etc., iu eaaminpt new imple-I'jutn, end iibuvc all, in metling withther culfivatdrt, mid iu tidfeing with

them ui to their ways aud njoiliads.

'That BO/ he utid, maeingly. 'Now,lot'p B»e. 'Kearacy'wduia1 be 'a goodname. It's short and easy like. Tbar'aa street in Triero the eame title. Kear-ney His.*' '...'..'.""V '.j, , ',;,"V, i ! ,,.>Bat——'Ibegan', impatiently.,

'Kuvr yen leare all that tome," he in-termpted; with a auperb' eelf-eonftdetioethat I ccald not but admire. "Ihname' ain't no acobun t.'.; It 's the • maithat^ responsible.. Ef I was to lay foiaman that.I reckoned was named JonoB,and afterl.fetched biml fOand out :<ibe inqueat.that hi/iiealntuno wflsSmi—that wouldn't make no matter, as ltfogu ' . I g o t t b e . m o n . ' . - - ' ( ,'.•",; .:'.'•.: ••'..-_•'. The illustration, forcible'at it was, dinot strike me as offariog a preponsessiniIntroduction, bnt we were already at tinrancho, The barking of aagd broughtBylTestfirto the'doarof tbo pretty H'tie cottogB'whtiib'.bii Ustehad adorne*

I brie4y irtroauced "Mr, Kcarne;


Yot I

interest and enthuajobmacompatiblo witli lilfl oalgro,ubnait honestiy to tbo. clear

rensnn of my o\yn aex, tlmt I could sec>thing more in tbe cqna.tliu.u I have al-

ready delivered to She, ruadnr. 'In .the middle of an exciting story ol

;, ot which be, to the alreadyprejudiced mind of bis fair auditors, wan

ideutlj' the bcru, hostonped sudjonlj'H's onlyBome pock train pateiog t tn

irldge on' the lower trail,' explnfoedWetter,"'Go on.1 < ••'It may be my horse IB a trifle onenb;tbe stable,'suitl tbe alleged Kenrney;

,be ain't used to boards


Tln'a uioi)(li in the oiGliurriist's titid{iiidouer'u hnrvout l i iuo—not HO HIDCII

lit', inguthnritiK of fruit and ULIKT nmpn.liutfor tJm cullcutiug of the i'i|icni'if otlirra, mid tho bin

in:itiou (but nlmll be .fuse ho

ly-'iit'bt years old. aud iittulli-Ho ila<l (rora Ttixus about three

t^i>, uud IIUH heun living with binirolber in-luw, n-bo bus a roputation notuicb better tbnn Hurdin, in Penuncolaunction. Alii., un Jcr tin? nssum'jd Damo

Jubu Bnavnc. Uc bus killed one or;o ninn tueru.us lm« his brother-iu-luw,uweu ; but, being connected with tbonlg« of thu county unJ BIILTIIT, they

md thus fir becu allowed to go uapiin-ed. fcjucli wua the cunditiou of of-

'uirs until Aug. 20, when Bwuyne bo-d i b

T h e BueecHBhi} IOCIJ are ^cuer^Wy vn-

•usiaHts iu their p u r s u i t , or, as ofluiitill—'*ridj liulihiea." Such men areil l iug uud glad tn talk nitb otbers rn -aged in similar occupations, uud it if.tvAly posmhla for a wido-anake aiau

» visit (Ven nn ordinnr^ fuir without1 rniDgpometliinp tlmtlw mn turn tn

it usei'ul account. Mailing thoucqiiaiu-lance of a variety of fruit or vegetables,Unit in earliuesH or otlior quality, IB su-mierior to tbnt wo now cultivate, willifteti p»t one un the ruad to [>ronj>er.ty.

Butonealiouia viait tba fain to show,IH \\tiW ok lo aco. If every olio bold

buck, becatisfl IIQ felt sure that some onewould buvu EonictUing liettor, 111 ere

wo 11]J be no show nt all.. It h very Oia-HBliDg lo (he innnoRcrN o£ i-fair—as-o know from et]ietieijoe—to ho told

by a visitor: "I've, got ot liomn bnttcrgrapes, (cabbages, or nhLtovcr,) tliunany I BOO bero.'1—If you have made amistake io not exhibiting, do not eay,Djibing about it, but renolvii to do

! bcUerni'Lt your. The proper course ia,o show tho boat you have from theirqt'urd or gurdcii, and i( ollinrs lmva

bettur, try to learn tho causa of tbo iu-totiority o! yonr own.

This is tbe gal^ year of the lmit grow-ers, as tlio bicnniul Qcssian of the Auacr-lonnPoiiia.og.ca? Society will bo heldSept. 12tb to Hth at Battimoro, Aid.Taiaianti asBoaiatloa whleh every one,

orfiinull, aboutil join!. Tbo workpi tho fjocii'ly CODBUU.in recording n>iwfrnitfl, ncd in cataloguing tbo success of•varietioB iu tbo different Btates. Cesidesthia, and qui'o as itnportant, are theoilier tunnies [or eociul intercourse, audtbo great udvautuges > tbat come frompeisoual ucquuiatuuee wilb fruit-grow-ers frum every Btnto an3 Territory iutho Union. We nlrongtj urge all tn-

lin fruit culture, tv-liotber HB. aran-tenrs or as a. Itusiuc&f, tocounect tbem-

B e l ' e B w i t u V L ' r v useful NationalSociety.—American Agriculturist.

leaven only knows what wild and 'icIbuB roveiiition lay in tbo statement oftiis fact! bnt thi* girlr looked at eaolitberVJtli checks'rii&k'witli: exoiiomont

_a KfiMney orofie, and,' with' qalol: uh-aenco of eerernopy, quitted the table.

"'Ain't be.: Jiist lovely I1 said Kate,graopineforbreatb,,'ana BO witty.' ,

'Witty !' said, ibe geutlo May, ijust. tho slightest trace of. defiance inler oweet voice. 'Witty! my dear,? whyon'tyousc* tbatbis heart ia juit break'

ingwltUpalhbBf^'W.Hy, indeed'; »Jjy,wtien hB'vda speaking of tbat poor Mex-ican woman tbat was bang, I saifitbe.eiirb gather in. biB eycB. Witty, in-leod I'

'Teara;1 laughed tbe oynicnl Bylveator,toars, idlo teara. yihy, you Billy obil-Iren, the man ia a man of t i e world—aihilosopbor, quiet, observant, unaa-

imiugi""TJuiiBsuminfi; I". Was By Wester inlox-

oated.orhad thfl mjateriona straogiled the "insflna verb' with ths fami-pottaBO ? He returned before I

iould answer this solt-iuked imjuity, and.-Mnmed coully hia broken narrative,finding myself forgotten in tbo man Ilad BO long baeitated to iutroduoa topy friends,.,I retired to.rest early, onlyio heor, through tbo thin jMriiUns, two

ijoursJatw, eothvakstic praisen of 'the,new guest from tbe voluble lips of thegitlii, us they chattered ttigelbar in tholext.room befote retiring.

At miduigbt I waB startled by :tlioland of horses'iioofe and Ibo jingling

at spurs below. A conversation betweenav host aud sotno mjstoriocn peraonngein the darkness waa oarritd on in &uuh alow tone that 1 oould not learn its im-port. Aa tbo cuvutaadfl rode owaj, I

i\Bni the, window. , . - , . .'Wbai's'tho matter V •' • '

'.'Notbing/said, aylveeter, caoly, 'on-ly another one of those' playful bnrnioi'dal freuki'peoutiar to tbe country.' Aman was shot by.Ohe'rokee' Jcck over atLagrange ihia morning, and tbat nasthe Sheriff ol Caluvcrus -ami bia possehunting him.' I told bim. I'd! 'Men ncbody but JOB and ynor friend.. By (lieway, 1 hope .the' cursed noise bain'ltiiatnibed htm. Tbo poor.fellow lookr-

In « Frenzy About FcJiclftn, .

Tbo summer is about gone,' the !VCP6 IB nearly oudod, and Ljilia Tbomp-COB is here.- lilbeniso a doicn'orJcasblondes with the UHUUI noocesarieBi 'a ho-

is if be wanted rest 'longht eo, too.iNesorthBle&v

„ ( BoUly to'his room/ ' I tVas 'empty,My impretsion WOB tbfttLphod diataDO'ed tbe Bbcriff vt 'Calaveraa ab'ouf twr

- • : • • • • , • • • • : . B B E T H i B T B .

Sentencing iler Husband to bo Ha

Mrs. Morris, a woman Justice of thiPeace in Wyoming Territory, heoidcase of Ecundalous character, in whici

s defendant. Shetenccd him to be banged by tbe neoluntil dead, and was anxtuus to lava tbisentence curried into effect at once, un-til tho attofneys tola her'tha.t ahosittinii fmpfy us an examining bourlBbe then held bim in bauds of llS.uOO,000 to await the sctiun oi the UrumJury, and said she wuuid shoot tbe Uralmun who attempted to raise the sureties,-Virginia Oily Chronid$.

it* of low-necked dresses,B&int drapery, flying, legs, gay ribbomuud slippers tliot aro n.iver batifiucd tobo in one pfauu at a tlate, Xt baa heed the,most gorgeous of summer?; and it couldKcurocly last too loog. But tbo IVl. hathapples and cidor,and later ou miheo pie,'md Btill later a succession bf dancing;irls wi(h bafr like tbo' snnlfght and.a-

iir suggestive otall that is rosyind robust! This of'the stage and .of theyilia TbompsoDB], but moro ap'pf tboirl of the period aa she eiinUin the'all wilhout the aid of ooscnotica(or thatif tbe cotton field., She has been oat iibe coaDlry, ViokiDR tbo doff from the;raas, shaking her bead at the birtlijrowiug accidental BomcrBOuIU when

aobody was lookiufe,r.olllngia the' shade,ooking through the fcranchoa of Tireca nt tho quiet Summer sky, falling3tit of thogo olumsj boats, driving homohe cons, huEtiug.for eggs, wanderinglimlessly off after ibo faraway, tiakle oflioll, shaking tbo tree that him tbehnr-

:C8t apples, going to Bleep at lazy mo-tncuta in nlmost any piano very much to

er flstODisbment, fighting moBqaitoes,id being a vory pretty vng&boiid in goor«I. Bbo hasrollaa through doet to tbi

Whito . Monutains and hoard,ber fall.bare of tent pfoaohtng and has rollathrough dnat bock agaio, sighing forlome.ond yet lamenting'that fiho gaesj

tbure, *8bo has flirted at Sartoga uodlieana.eoo^ g"ri at camp meeting, ibother places, despite • tbo attractions ofthat youthful m nee a Unify whiohlaac,irqne to lead tbe mind into selfish chan-nels. She cornea home now, a <{ood dealired and some vexed at various things

but to-morrow she blooms as if all herhonghfe bad been of pleasantness aa<}ill her paths of peooe, nudBhedreamsoi,ho White MonnUiins, or of Saratoga, oiit the aamp meeting half Ibe rest of thi

vcar; taking note to hegin with, of tingruti/yicp fact tliaWbe has gained various pouuda iiud all of it is plncrd in thimoBt apiirojiriato places. Thoso Enclistblabdu are not to ba mentioned lifiUtly,They'o.1* very sapttloof tooaadheel^ntas willowy ol body.us if they • bad bee:brought up hy gentle wjnds, in an efforlo go and meet them. They are—let nscall it fictitious, to' some extent, how

ever, nnd tbe porpetr-1 - 1 ' — 1 ! - ' - *is not greatly provoci .American blondo is all tbaTfancy parher. She is an established fact fromher hanged hair to the nethermost por-tion of her striped stocking. Sbo-iaround armfnl of health and lovelineiand all tbo virtues known to tbe ton com-mandmcuU and the books following am'prrcedlDB. She is not the turning wo-man.' She Is tlio perBoa wbo bos peeulong eipcctod and has finally arrived.Behold tho American blondo I She toilswhenever required ; moreover Bbe spinron occasion and sba romne likeacojlust loose from tbo stabfo;butLvd:

and tho perpetual glare of gaalighitgreatlsprovocativeolbealth. Tb-

ojust loose from t fojThompson, in nil her glory, is not nirnved" Hko one of hor, , Behold'thiAmerican blondo I sink or swim, enrvivtorpcrieh, xhe mast and nbal!"boprofldtveds—Rcchttlcr Democrtrf. '

Murderer Hnrdin.

Wesley Hirdin re cliod Austin, Tunis,few dnys ugi, itnJ was placed in jail.ieiit. Arnihlrniiff nml Private p in ican

d ffdv cnnie.l tbo V1,{KH) reward offortdtliplii-fislotiiic for In* arrest. Thec'.iuruciL'rizeHbiinaB "tLe nntoriou^

iurderer,"thongh be bus not been triod.O O113 GUI) sTfOho U CuIDpiCto l ist Ol l l l ir-

n'a victims, but tha nnmbor will notirobubly full Bhort of twenty-turi l K d fift i Tiglit iu uud fifteen in Texw.

iutoxit'akd.aad «<e g i o . CUirtiug bi

y» trying lo about

with Jistol iu bis band ttirouRb and arci'nd

ntdtion and botol, which aro oueding, the nogro wadiJ & dush through

ie d iti tug roam to evade his pursuerBt ut IW instant tlmt Mr. Ghiploy, 8u-irintoniientof tbo PeusaooU Euil.-cad,IB fe'oing through the doar to bis offloe.VIIJ-**, ndrtresniug him eaiJ, "Whyidn't you stop tbat. Digger for me?"r. 0. said, " 1 IIHVU pothiug to do wUUur uiggot." Swayuo then s.tuck liis

ietol iutu his ftiuo aud suid, " I willyon anyhow." Mr. C , being vcr»

etivu and nowerfu), snatched tlio pistolust aa tin; bummer fell, and struck

''avne over tbe bead with it several


A fuvv duya aftcnvui'd two dctcolivcsoin Texiw appeared iu tbo Junction.[|er buiug told thut hn was at Pflnsa->ln, tboy woro iuuWd by a few touni they hnd iutjUBtod thoir secret,toid for uu extm truii;, un there is but

mo train ench Tray a day on tbe PenwIn lUilroful. Actiiig upou tills, aud

Inding that Cliipl<y would be only toolud lo senil a train, or do anything to

riil, the country of Buob a Bcoundrel,ltd train \r:is proaured, and tboy, Roipg

Ponwicola, spotted their tnau aniliud him scaled ia the train fur homo,iteriag the car from, behind tbe scatwhich be was ac&lod; ho via'over-

lowered, but. not without difficulty, asbe was desperate. Tlio train bad not

{•imnitted to eUrt, aud tho Sher-iff's posse wero watcliiug outside. One

tiie four,men who were with ftv-asaetliQ cur bocamd irifthl onad, •Bprnng

from the window, *vaa shot and ulubstiBtantly killed by some oho outaile,lio thought l.o wua Swnjne, Bwayne

ras taken to the' atation, and,

for a train, was a show for hisId assoaiotos. He talked freely

ami tbe captors, owa ol whom hebod been acquainted ivith in Teias. He[eels deeply hurt thai he permitted him'ilC to be surprised RaJ talton ; says that'.'is. the first lime tot tbrea yeuxa that heioa been off his guard for an jhsicnt.

He Raid io the detective:" .Tohn, yonmow VOD would not meet moon thisilatlorm tor $ 1,000?" ' ' \ ' \

Dsteclive—That ifl trno, espesiilly ifooa)d got yoa any other wayto lake.

•on. -"Bwjyn

liow 7-How .did yon track DIP, auy-

Detective—Ob, V hired oat to yearr*tlipr-in:itt» as n.labowr, aa&' Berved

seven months on bis farm, and twoeiia agu I SAW n letter directed to tbia

il nca to tha Probate Judge; md kuew

vaafor joa,,. 'Bwajne—Did tbo old fool make each a

undariiS that? , 1 : ; 'Detective—Ho did., .An'd.aow^ John,

did von know that Jwo' taon wore eentout th^.yay for you once before ? ,: i'

Svfay'DB—Ten, Iknow.ihaLM.. --,'Zhtteotive—And do yoa know at1069 men never came back.to Texas ? 'Sirayne—Yes, and I'ktjow that, they

lever will come bonk. ^ l > i ^ yIIB11 was taken

on bin way h o m e / i ^ ^:empt to release; him was made- through*ibmo technicality.^ Hia capton are paid0200 per month to work up tbe cnee.and

,.<! «b",000.reward besides. Tbeirotbor-in-Iaw Bo wen has' dfiappeared!rom tbo county. Swaycc'a di>g comestb meet the train from Fensaoola every

ight, looking for his moator.

Icaviug tho tvkule Quid to tile Bjd Bank-ers, Da Account of tbe rain the onlylufuelier wbo remjined.DotoiDie Evaas,went off to viait the aick. The jabileaItaud, who got their J>uy nut of the o.|-loction bagk«t«, reitad from Ibeirlabon*.There wttx uu attempt lo hold the lego*Inr afternoon meeting, but pools settledon iho bunches aud water dripped fromthe trots. The women, therefore, ns-

uibled iu Sinter Bus.tn Burbjr'u teatfor a service of song.

Siiitor buu Uiuber is a very big andcry bluck woraoc, who tells fortunes'ttb cards for a living. Bbe joined Zion

Church duriugu revival two years agi>,after vanquiubing tiie enl one in an uo-auully severe n ^ t in the basement of

[he little churoh, nud U remoinbereJ bythe colored peopluas tbe "pcworfnHwt'rnstle " of tbat revival season. BiaterSue bos been a "shiuin* light" evermace, bat she still tolls fortunes and iaIhe beat easterner for ploying cards thattbe town stationer has. It is imposai-hle to convey an idea of tho singing, batit wus earnest and not witbont nelody.Ouu chorus, as i t waa; snag, ran as fol-lows ;

Ai t illp-ih down de lloueiol timt-afa,(Ni-*.-ili) Lord, Lord, tan mcrcj;I m*tj.* to lr»ro tbe world t"vbiad-ab,Lord iitT j-th mercy un-»h my'ioul.

One old woman, by common consent,lod in every song. She alont conld droneand exaggerate to pflriection the falsetto

a iu which all nefrroes sing. Her

Ati—glory Jo-Sb my tonl.ITB touched tbe heoi or hu ganuont

Aod-tb. nil. blood lttK tnttdo mo wliola.(N-a-i-bJ Doc, ll'i glotj ir.-th my uoul

Over in Silos HolnWs tent the menireaed an inqniry meeting. As nBoal

they quurrelted over their religions dis-ustlona. Hftrriebh Keluon, niuk-Dainrd

becaosb be isorer>tallcati>A,gaged,old John -tVoBt ID B debate,

ohn FirosV'b » great nan among hispeople. Hd is oreditei with holding theiegro vote of H«4 BanV'ih hi* pocket,md he trades on'bis ufla'eaoe., Tliare

eonpiderable ngly talk about some ofM transactions, but for all that he is •Illor in ibe cbarcb,

I don't cuss, V . I don't git drank,i11 don't steal, 'a' I doD'tbes* false

teadermonv,- do IT" Deeoon Froat askad.PBho I" the other replied ; " what's

lo good ob tacking out yo' ia de Lord'-lighty ? Boms niggers (turning on bit

beel) dey wear de longest faces and talkle boniest words all day, and i t nightley climb oofn At back winder and' lope>£ wid deir neighbors.' chickens."

I t is only atnightttitt nhat are knowni " de ecsUcies " are reached. -Dominie

TbompMn preached with wondrout fer*n o referzed'to the " wars of iht

Lmorites and the OoAnyites and the Jo*iQsites," aod said, that onca when'oshua ionght ".the sun run back three

&B and tie moon aUepe<l bissslf inand crlod out, i Wall, this ia won-'

lerfutl1" . ..... ::- . ' . ,

Wufio thd world baoamfi bid sgia,tbouban'yeflTftaBu/'said thepreaeh*

er, "and de weenie' and. rtewailin' of delamned rant de'blna walls ob heaven,Sod Baid i» oouaiellor was needed forHis oiihappy people, 'Oh let mo go,'cried the greatest oonnsalltr ob alt, 'for

ain't done nothin' for four hundred

° * * * - ' " ' • • i - l * . '••'•- • - • • - . :

.Dominie ErM^had evident referenceo recent rolities vrhea he said " a big

uatloa hex bin aold fo'..«ifew, doUats,"ind to. the Freedman'e Savings fraudrben he added, V and to' a few dollars16 e&min'Bob depoor habboeaotolei."

•'•Yo'all know what U oomin next,"Dominie Ennaeald, after ihe sermon.And everybody saw Utat the time forsolleotion had. come, . v . . '

"Wocxixxit togit 826,ftDdlooktodowhite people. for de moa' of it, for deJjord baa ftiteh it to dem to have more

in da euund people."' , ' 'Everybody-ww uknd to "

npandpnt deir money on cand -After the few vain persona nponwhom, calculation bjd been made badmade Pfblio the gift of a big allvnpieoe,'the eldenrw'edt iroand with the baskets. V'

Be sure sot to "give nobody no money"':jnless ho haa a hmtern," the Dominiesaid, and then added, " onless yoa give \it to me, I am a minuter, »nd are onp-po&ed to be bonnt. ~ Look ont for Br&d-d*er Thompsoa to,', see da* ba don't rufc .bis han's in de basket,'. Sister Simmons,roue'ona moa1 alias put tometing-ln;.'ba's de matter to-night f - Ah, a new -ounet, I GOD.- Won't yon know dat da

good book speaitBpartionlarabont vaui-tty ? All things is irniu 1 Oraoiousaabes 1 bmlderen,. do go 'roan1 among

Drfl.i<I-Tirc() Wbc«)B for Farm Vehicle*.Tho American AgricyUttritt has th<

iltawiug socsible remarku on' this unb-ject; "This in another ptiiut we are aptto overlook greaUy to oar disadvantaffe.We enuec burafllTes to be guided bywagon-makers, nad' tbs nheelrigh!knows.veiy well that ho .HTM by histrade, and that wear and tear is the lifesf trade. He serves himself if va aroluitcd with nnrrow wbwls. A,; sot oivheelfl with four inch or six 'tach rimsmd heavy tires cost, to make, consid-irablo moro than, a set two and one-

half inches wide; bnt an extra price italw&ys put on them, they aro wellworth it. 'A wagon or cart with a sixinch tread-will taka heavy loads oversoft meadows an l , bardly' leaveIrack, whoip a Barrow-wheokd wagonwith a Bimiiar load could not go at all,Ob country Toads BDoh broad-tread vo-hioles destroy rnts, and act like rollers,making tha 'roads agreeable for lightcarriages, and keeping them in bettoiorder throughout tbe yvar. It wouldben real blessing to every State of theUnion to put BO heavy tax on narrow

'boots upou heavy wagons that ttodld become obsolete. Millions „

dollars would be saved to tbe people oleach State, in repairs of roads, in repair.ol wagons and in boreo-flesh.

A Woudrous Camp BIcctlnir.Jnet when a band of jnbiloe sli

£rom ihompBOL street. Dew York, hocjoined tbe colored worshippers in Hor-ford's Wuoda at Rod Bank, andmodernized and made more artistio thei:homely melodies, on Thursdaj, tho railbegan ta fall. In this ooonfry of colored people there is now no other cam]meeting. The mcoliug at Nevorainlwhich won a *' praiBO meeting," all dinging anil no ecrmon, ended oa Sunda;

de stan's—for God's flake, do yon expectme to do it all ? " '

" Start np the Linging." aeiextX roices .c r i e d . • • • - • . ' • • : • " " '. • ' • • - •

"Ch, no, not jnst yet,",said, with a knowing smile ; **not v-ftflr the collection." .

Tbe. flat procession : of .the elder*brought only $8. Thu ministers thenpledged, themselves to gjS tmongt thdworshippers an! not return until tba

m of 826 had hem mads up." I have faith to get $6," said one of

__3 elfrRvmen, ; ' bn t Til beantUfled togelW." •

A bad 25 cent pieae vras found in oneof the baskets, and Brother Holme*grew white with rage. " If there's any-way of pniilflhiDg de rascal who donsits" said he, t'tbey shall ncler nntodoextoEt uf de law." Porty-eight dollarsand eighty cento—more money than bosever beon collected at one time in aMonmouth county negro camp meetingwas token. Thon the singing was start-ed—singing tbat began with a nasalsqneak in toe corner of the singers' paw,but grew in volume and melody, rollingIn a wave of sound over tbe congrega-tion until Bver.T voice took part Tba"nvorite song bf the camp vas started :

Dou't—don't-don't you git weary,Don't—don't—don't joa git wurv;

A-i-i-li, dou'UJcm'L-don't joasliweUT,W«ltln' op <3« Lord,

Eeep 7D' Bboe* opon jo*fo»t-»b,Wiltln'ondelora. •

Den-sh joa aaa.ll w*lk do goldio street,WMtltt'ondeLort.

i , , Iton't, i u . ; -

Wbit-ih kind ob lioei do de injfeli mir,W*ninondoIOrdnondoIiOrd_

can w>)k qpon da air,u'code Lordt

Don't ke.

He ioi' tie BOBI bn toaght he bad,ff«itta'ondol*r-i.

JJon't Ao.

And fluolly the inevitable verse ;I i TOO git d u UK11 do-ab;Ttll "*m I'm tflomln" loo-ib.

Page 2: VOL. VII. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ... · S 'HOTEL. ALEX. lvANOUBE, (act tb.l ho lu, taken lh » HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St,. J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu . WBUon, „„

THEJROX ERA. ] c ^ ^ l ^ ^ o u~ B H T H . V U C T . Editor ..„, .T,,,V ' " ^ ' ^ - " t D^ocratic b , T..000

Saturday, Stpt-jotjM S77. ,^,ft, , ' M t | lta

TLat tbete b&s been a most JttidrT • a * i * *"* 'T *TH*"II t .Q aAl tup Tanoni tr*iijclji\st truJt? io bbnn^&otf^ i^rovcii bv tiaiptH^irancc 10 ft. 7 . tbonjQgbfare9 <numberless drayi and trucks tiMvilaiK-o witb ell lin.ls of iflt-re'j..nJi.->'ut biDce tbe daw before tbo panic of .1&73 baa Broad™/ j w e u t ' - J s a d a !scene of ijustJe and activity as it does atpresent during the bt]«.t.tS5 !i"!irs of;pach day. I t votiM stem as if tbe re - ;cent ilajH of strike*. and r.ot were tht'•darkest buunt" in the commercial l.U-t'Tvuf this couctrr. and that tbey Ladiaiicdiately preceded tLe dawn of "U>t-U-r Jayi,." All the SILJIIMJ/ the tiiuts in-dicate that tbe boj-w ia'liilgid in b \the niercbaute of tbe land—ho\Kf> whichh:.v«; .H-'eB deferred (IUEI &ea>'iL t'j s*-a-SML—are about to be realize.-.], aud tlijt

Ja.it "cume to s tar ." L-aJing uer-clu.Lts ftow all parts uf tht'toiiutry t.-jltlitfiiirn! btory of eucotinita-iceut. Tin-OJI.UHJD gcnera.lv obUiua tbat t i e fullt*Mun of 1877 will bf< t i e most j.n>«*r.out, hinca that of 1872. We lure (.band-aut faith in tbe sarioUK "jirrijjLct'ien forgi«>J" that reach us from till wulious;we bolieve that tbe ncovery hota stig-uatiuD of nil tbe inUrtsla of ibe coun-try nill be elow but fcure. The cif.atencouraging sign of t ie times i tbattbe farmer is getting a good price forhi- crops, which have been more thanu-uaNy abuudaat this year.

TLe v.LtU'ie of tbe mineri at Wiikcs-

M^i.-ie (cent Republican OL Unaiaybv aYx'ut fe.'>JO majority.

Tw(-.--J ib g'jiusb ck I".a hii old frictnUand is U-!;IGC- ul) he stu'ws.

The anav woroj is dev-tsiaiiug the

Ei>otb*3 Thpatre, NVw Y'>rk, is to 1-et,Lvertt.l into a. bu.sinL*3 blot*.

on i»f wnritby the

U Wire S*-'naiel cjtcf Ti:s:r Ri/lruiJ- j* TL* cQttiLg clT uf couvL-i.itct nulrihLtl.c'jQiBiBuicsitioii iru^i Wet Omuge. Bloom- !

• fl-'U. Eiid * viiaj olkti pb.Cc ia iLut 1-nsJi- •|ry l.y tb-rrfi:^.! ..f t^t- M •..vL.ir li.i:.«-.v i

jtory.J r.ulrujjl luiML-.j in this (K.C{I-U lv

I Coanty w&s "Joae" oni of a ntilnxJ. TLe !

<kt:c\ r^a.oim.i.aliva with New York bjI m l and .wiuw- t m wiib Se«»rk, iu 1^&

lh. 1 iht-y uld(.abs

Th-, Warren County Agricultusl Fair fca*au h'Ai tlii. wetk. j

ill be $10ptT Sl.m.0.

Tight bills of tudicUuent wera found byht Sus&:i Grand Jury I»*i week.

TLe Warren Frtvhalders h&ve vottd

Allen C. Laros. the Ea4ou poisoiier, basb*i-n r^ ' r i iT^ to tLt; lith of October.

The £ui*ix Co. Trcipnancemt<-\6 at Xtwton, ThuriiiT. Sept -Tth.

TLe Norih N. J. Baptist Association n

Partnership Notice.Notice is hereby gi«n tb»t the partner-

siip hiTttofore iiifcting as " C F. tfiaE,i the lumber binin'*", u dis6alr«d. BUI! th

bscxibtT appointed Ki-fiver of tbe ftsst-tcKof, with «-hoin «U purtic* intertsUd »Miuenled to w*kt immediate «cttli.-inent.

LUAC S. C*az, E«viver, i c .Dover, K. J- Sept lath, le". 1-w

(Lvhigh Prillif ihji comjuty KUUIJ coc^inict nate a r.iilr.w<i tbatwuUJ gite ibew

In Cha.ice.y of New Jer .e/ .To Jauift Cabill and CilUiim- CiLiil hi* wile.

BY urine of an order c! TLe C\mrt o'. Cbin-ctrtof SBW JIT«*V, m*il. on theilMy of

I tit- i!ite Ltrt-uf. in a riO(**Li nin Ji-lioHiDCtii CUUIJ liimui, mJ .Toa «od t-ibr* u t Ji'ien-diuta. TOO are r<v)oin-d to ipp.-ar Sni plead,ikmurii: IDFUIT to ilic run)pumaut's bill, ODf.r Ixiotf the nclili i'ij ot StivfmLer of it , «:tbi u i J UU I I I I W tafciu »*couJt6«J agaiuHt

:> tret ii mile in 2^0 iof Lafayette, Iud.

[.ill of ' t o w ocftineil i;Rl 'ork , Mund;.ytiigLt

|itt their j

•w YorkantlK.I O I >iuugBU-.l

•Ji.,.,.1l,-,rt.. Ti.tnn brus s

tsou WeJut-5-

iitfd fur Utah.

lUvuiiy It-nuil \\\*

at tit «.i,!nil lLat cuu*iu

MurpLy's t

The- D-mocr-tcuiitor by crying

a Ckitfd Stattstbe Cali

.America le«!n Alitad.

The iot^rnationd rifle match Wtweentht Uritiih and Americ^Q tf-anuibt^aiinl(.'rri*Jm«or on Tburtulay nod wiw conliij-tu-J ;t!st«rdaj. Tbe British t ^m.•. mmpofled ot tbe crnpfc ul.ota nf tin-Knglhb, Irifih and Scotdi trnmH, in^king the finest combinstion ut marksmenthat CUD Id be found iu the world outbid?of America. Tlio teams consi.-U-d ofright men each, und em.'l. rflemao niudelive shots at 800, 900 uod 1,000 vardn.Tbi-result of tbefin,t iluj's sLu-.tiLg &tthe differt'iit ranges vas BB fullows :

800 900 1,000 T<American, &68 M7 &40 1.651UiJti.-Ii. C5S 507 52^ 1,02

It will be teen that the America us wthe first clay's con lest by 26 (K.inTheir nggreg^fe Bcore was the bighiever made, and was led by C. E. Bljden^arg, who m&de 213 out of a possiUe 225.

LATEST.Uy telcgnpn hut evening we rccoivi

the following : 800 jards—Amerii570. Brilisb D59; 800 yards—AmericaiK4 . British 530. '

Fr.iLk Lt-.-iic, the woll-ltuown pullislicr, Las Iiiil^j. His pub.it'ationa wb« cuatinnwl.

S-.-niit.ir Morion'* miud is as cU-ar-pi-ing uuter. but liU truatle wurkstill a little shaky.

T. i t rvare nvtr 8U0 Cijintte h n u J rin New York citv. civing emjjlojmtWubout 4.000 iXai-Kiiis.

The fir-t tljjup a S.m F r a u d s IudtJiucht lifter ln-c.nwalk, is how to thrcsti-iiit-.s at a Chioamau.

Ninf tlirjiif-aud fewer eiaicrant;e.l ;.t fii.-tle (Jjrdeii last month thiduring August ofJasUear. |

Tbe "twplve Bpostlt-s." rsiiitof tin? i lnimon chnreli, iitttti Bri^hayiim:g'»EUCc.\S!:(ir win be chosen.

The vfllaalirm <>f t!if- whole Stat'Mii'bipao i» 540,^10.001. and the Stnl

' ibwjoir ia $1,071,021.30.

> Stiu'-r, tf-a mcrcbant.V.Tk. IIUB ftllwl. LiabilitieB ;L"*-.I-K in rea! wtate are KiviJ IU bo tlc-aiise.

FLANOERS.In wnnpftDjwithllev.Mr. Appnrit wu

jiririlige to attend religious wmiwi iinr.ernoon and * temp«n*nce meeiiiiR iievening on S*bt*th the Dtli in*t.. nt Dnk1'iwo. The sermon waa drawn fron tlie !<iifjav.iiK vo id t : " Ik tbe ynnug mnn AL*»1h-'i/e.™ Th« apptal wfta to jouug UID, Bthe clergyman deuouitr.it^d Iu A certnlitltutaudi lire for fnna (safety if by any•luL-etnetit they are lod tu tipple or mnkt Iof ulebfhul ui a bereruye. The time hetwir. u. and evening sorvices waH njitiit ut 11Aytrs, and by his lavitatiun a fuw inwere tpeot in Ills •[ilendiil ppaeh orchat'X-di^ht more grulifjicg to the eyes UHI-ILICmet with. Iu tLe eveiiliiK a • liberalvonfTtgutioa VBJI fooni) in waiting,among tboc prcMiut was Mr. Godwin,1-hiLtdelpbta, aud Ur. Hunt, of tk-faook;MouutJiin. Mr. G. is tha co-worker n>'i-iiDcui Uurpliy. U« conwnted to Kpcak igive an eameHt and interesting rvddikliowiug t ie power ram t i e to woik the oithrow nnd otter ruin of oicn potsAcuedHnjicrior mentul forth sko tie ei tndepth of nUery to which it leads. Tlie ne:speaker Introdaced was "Yours truly,'aJfiiDCO of time fnrbaJe roore (tali a ftitnnrlui and then Mr. L. H. Dilky. of Mrtywti, whose experience in the wuyn nferr by the tue of strong drink promptedto work tcrofKtly for others, epoke fteliand well Ue uarrated *omtthlug of liiHo<life much of which wa§ Hpent in theiMirhorxl of Drake town. A high degree <interest continued Ibrongbout, anddoubllcignoft was effected and uuy the good cum

Tliere is to be» praiw meering inPreHbvUrian church neit &>bhath ereuitbe ICth init. be nature of the *jtrciI am not informed, other than Mr. If.Hance, of Hackettstown, is In bo jirtaent anIbat singing will be an important feat

On Thnnriny the II. E.. nnd P/eabjterL. Bublath Schsols ijuted with tlie one

Drakttowu and enjoyed a very pl«uutDt pinin at Iklroont Hull nn ScWiIey'sU'i

Hie two school* went out of Flnndeiheaded by & t*am bearing » banner and filowed by • fine procession. Tlio wowere trimmed with eTcrgreem and othtBbrubbery, while the bones were decoratewith wreath* of flowers. Mr. Samuel Whii-KM Harshfll and rode on horse lick doigood aerrice. At Flock town the Drakclschool fell into lint and all moved on in gooorder to the place of doitination wkiud reception was met with and tbe plo«&igrounds with ample (bade wastbo ftceue& large and happy dinner party. Notbinttecmed wanting to make pleasure compleUljut «W.nt threa o'clock «mno thought t i tmust hear some speaking and the bulyvit«il all to a conrenlcot place front tug <of the lorga parches where Hinging wastvrspeTBed with abort tpeaches from IEoFox, Apgar and Stouteuburg, closedwith a few remarks by on amateur.

A hearty reiponu to a *ol« of thank? ten-dered to Mr. D. A. Crot!, told how well LikindBcaa and tbat of hl> Udjr was appreciated. Truly this is an excellent place in allreaped* to hold picnics- The home triwin Tia. Oonnaa Taller. Nothing bappied to mar the pleasures of tbe day, eictthe fact that one little boy (jot bis vetsprained in jumping from a wagon. Ttipreftencu of a band ot music would bare elivened (he occ-ifiion some. AEOIB.

MiinltTrd by State I'rlsnn Coirleln.Several ntgoU sinoa a convict in tbe Con

n'-cticut Stats Prison at VfcUierofic-M got ouof bis cell by means of a fftlso key wbiclke haJ manufactured, and released anotherconvict by the nuae mean*. The wjtchmaicoming toward them, fired his rcToIter,whcone fell and pw I ended to U shot, anbegged htm not to fire agr>in. On hin coming•u they seized his rerolver and Khot htm, gothat he ditd In the courw rf the ni^bt.Bt-ing unaUt) to effect tbeir escape from theprison, they unrremlertd. It h&fl Rtnce be,found that they hod two revolvers of theirown, which bad been furnished them by J.H. Davis, one of tbe leepers. The pistolswere found in the attic to which the pris-on cm took refngfl. They were both loaded,nnd by their ada were a doien cartridL-tM.Them together with tome othir tools bodbeen sent by express from New "York toHartford, where t iey wer* delivered to Da.TI», who gsTe hJ« receipt for them under afake » • » • . D«TUi h « fled U> e«»pe arrest.

oouccing a nc^ro pirctrjUL'sted. personsIipir ntz>rs and pisi

nic in Teunessee

it home.

Uaml'Ptta has beea fentenced tofine of $400, aud three muntlia irapriiomneot for icsultiag Prwident MiMahoo.

Mrs. Sarah Kewcomb, of Illinois,ccntly ruined a handsome l>ed tn>atdashing oat the brains of her baibaDritb it.

It bus been discovered that the av<age lit&iue hotel keeper gives n mandrink utd then charges him ten ceolfor a cmcker.

Dr. L. K. Hcrrick, the inventor of tlwell-known pi)U and plasters,, diedRochester, N. V., !atst week. He <iiity-tno yearn of agi*.

The rbiiudfijihia papers are congrotilaling tbcmselvai and tbe public thai

tbo Permanent Exhibition is at laet be-Waning to pay expeci

In Don duy tost week, tbe marketmir>f Now York Bold &50.000wfltetmeloETbis. is their estimation, in tbe large

Miles Parker, late State TreasurerSouth Carolina, bos mide ii confnsa

, licatiogEi-QorH. Moses and Cliam-Iwrloin, and other Itepo.bl.cunB io Treas-ury frauds.

The report oa ibe ntnonct of torntransported over .lie Erie Canal dunAugust flhowsagiiin nf 148,047 lonaduing tbe month, and of 2,293,808 toduring tue Beaeoo.

Tbc Tarkieh Minister to tbe TJoiStates sets at tent all storien nbont Iman Pusha, by Btntingtbat tbe Geneiol tbat name was born in Asia Minor,Musaalman pntcnta..

Mr. W. H. Herndon, once the Iipartner of Abraham Lincoln, atterapto commit suicide at Oimnufieli, 1]\Iiiit Saturday, by taking landauum.is very ill in coasequence.

Tlie debts of ope bund rod and tbity American cities have trebled inyears. In tbe same time, the valuntand tnxatinn hta rianbicd and tbo popktiorj has increased one-third.

One of the ladies wlio lecently leftMansion Hoose, at Long Branch, loiwiib her 32 trunks, a child, it maid atfamrdrcf-scr. She goes now lo themoitains in defiance of bnrd times.

Tho cost of dying ia North Caroliiissiiromfd np at a low figure: TktaiDtalnpes and a ha'f buahel of penchitwenty cente; one visit from a docti£2 ; pine coffin, 83 ; total 85.20.

A young man. 17 years of ago, direcently at Charlestowo, Mass., of beiorrhnge, resulting from tbe extrcctiiof a foolU. Nine of the young naairelutiveabnve died from Bimilar caui

President Hayes haa bean makingbrief visit to his bouse at FremontOhio, and in company with same of tinmembers of bis Cabinet n to make ai

nded tour in some of the SoatberStates.

Two young men, named JosephJolinaton and Fitzhutdi Lee. are learn-ing tbo machinist trade in tho Pcnnnylcunta Bail road machine fhops at Altoo-ua. They are nephews of tbe Coo fed.crate offlcera whose natncti they respect-ively bear.

GlottM or mittens should be worntime who dig potatoes this aeasoiMost vines bare Paris Ureen ou tboiiu sufficient quuutities to poison pcraowho hnDdlo then, with bands npiwhich them is nnv abrasion of the ekiiA case of Ibe kiud bus occurred iuneigh Dcring couuly.

The U. 8. tronjrfj nnder Qen Hovaie still ID pursuit of tho IadiaoB

Montana, Accounts of fresh masaacrof whites !mve Iieen received. A p r

ittticke<1 add seven men wdro killciOf another party of ten, nine were klrd. Some takeo captive were releaseSitting Bull ia in Canada.

The Twelve Aposlles of tbe llorrnom[two ouly bcinK nbsent) have issued at?pistle to the Motmou people, ctaimiDsD hnvn received a revelation from Godm the 4tli ioRt. directing them to pro-ido over the (.hnrcb without electing new Propbct. John Taylor, SenioiLjK>nMe, and Acting Prcsidebt of thiwelrc, isBustaiocdiu that position.

Mr. E. W. Blyden. the new Liberiatnlt.iKsndur to Enclnnd, is the firstinjster ever accredited to that country

iy n ncgrn Slate. Ho t« of pore, nejrroi?ood, and VHB educated chiefly in Li-p.nn. Ho Tins eicoifent nl.ilitv. haspen a professor it tbe College of Liberia,us contributed very clever articles to'rater, nad bus ~crred iu the LiberianlovernmenL He bos jast been received

Lord Derby.

Mrs. Gen. Sherman does not approveF "rnand-dancinjj," and does not aJ.<w her dntighleralo parflcipa'e in it.be says : Tti« advncales of this danceive had their own way long enough—ewing upnn end ridiculing those whoik-tly decline to participate. IboyITO been ridicallng, and Booming, andghting every modeat and obedient

who failed lo participate, withi, for them many years."

t nmiii'iiUtnrs of tbiMidUndwtre g«itii

j tlifcir jr-jti-t tiiJt-r way. Tli.-y comtct, li"liU-l .Li: LniMiug of a new rtud fro| M.n.iil,ir lo St-w York, to conu*ct T I

liuk their r.*nl wuul 1 he u-^lrw. T.iis pr

they cun-iiiTi-d a great blow to tlwiu,with lk.\t the people would not take t

ock iu the HouULiir ti!t»n,i'ja of.i-ll^Lil, ^Licb wunl<i th(:a he buiK.rddcj

T.n re wtJf among tlie p.*nits inttrtesttilivt-ver, lbi*>« wlio were \x

e 1 iti ull tie sLirji tricks of railway com pin;.' tiaiziij . uml tlie K-tjt.tl ijrTjVt-d tLut tht1

cstern iL<1..*rstJ iLe nction of the M>rl Ks.fJ in the matter of the Ctldrt.ul surveys wtre m^l°, ami ever;»,<<} t't \T'imi>e n rjilrua-1 through liorl!

era K-«wx Connly in a viry few nionTh*? TT.i>.|K!tt VAH m bright iu diet, thileelitm of the oiucktiulden Wiui called ft

criptio.ix lo tLe Ct\{>.UU iUwk. The move]u the prt'ject were sirprised an well u>ighK-d afti-r isMiing the call for tltu ctig, l/> Tt:ct'y\6 iaotit<* frrjiii fevt'fil promi'tut Imderi in the Ne * Jer»ey MiilUud tunlbej d^sirtd the cotjetrnctKn of tbe O.ie!l Riwd, and would be willing to aid itibeml unbwriplious to iis stock.- When taeetiug van held, accordingly, tbe*e Miud parties were present and receivedrarin veicoute. Oue after another tinubecribed to stock, ei.ch giving his checa Turioiw lianlta fur tlid amouut, uulil t

table was piltJ with paiwr of thw kiud n

glibly entered iu tlin sob^riplioa book, iiwhen tbe subacriptii>ns were nil iu the me

ig proceeded to organize n company.as then that the innocent railroad build

ofCnldwell ».v how they bad been mThe Midland inoa bid a Luge majoritythe tlock, Tue original projector of tJaldvell ftnJ UmtoUir Railroad vilected President, but tbera &tl C .#«ll iEt*reat iu the (irgnnitiljon cenwj. 1Midland bharpers elected thcau-clvea tBoard of Dlr^itirs. They look entire CLUEof tliB book", the cLecks tboy Imd bouglibeir stock with, ond were in a moment tintupreme coutioilers of the wliolu company.The origimd nroprielan of the charter

il HAW thnt Tiiinnble itiKtrumentnppcar with the I t id IUD den, ami no b

illed upon to faouor the cbeckxtlint had been to Reneroanlj drawn to hitbe road along. The "Board of Dircciom"votud annutmonsly not to procetj wilbthe construction of the mad, but proposedlo give Ilia people a mil mod by auotheiroute provided thoy would piy them flS00U in owli. Tiii« Uioy decliued to do, ithey have been ever linoo at the mercytlila cllqno of railnxvl BhaTpera ot their rreuentattves.

Stale Kewn,A umn'iwr of entile lave died In JlnnUr

don county of plcuro-pneumonia, and il Iifeared that the diaeaae will becom epidemic

Folo will be Introduced at the approach.!)|fair of the New Jere«y Hlate Agricultandciety, to he held ot Waver]? the hitter pinof thia mouth.

T i e Yoang Uen'a ChriEtian ABsotiatJon <Hew Jersey, wiU uievt in luiuial conventiuat Flainfield, on Wednenday and ThundftjOctober lHh and 18th.

The dead lock In the Common Council <IUhway, which has huted rince April, wbr ken on ThureOay night ty tho election»Mr. Loiberry, a-Republican, President

Mrs. Irene House, who was crazy loajenough to shoot her hutband, the notoriouidivoroo lawyer, has recovered h<r rnindbeen relciucd from t i e Trenton iwvlum.

Water bas been let into the new rcscrv.at Nen-aik. It will tako three months toH, IU capacity being 22,000,000 galloThe feeding main is 24 inches in diatnet

A shock of corthquako w u felt at MotIlolljr. Burlington couuty, at 10 o'olcMonday morning. H»UHCB were ftuiiken anicrockpry broken, but otherwlso uo dwan done.

Tbo flrio of Soleliao A Sons, silk tnanufiturers at Fat«rson, N. J., mode an iaienton Monday. The firm employed SIhands. The company's liabilities areported at *2O0.0OO--«B8«ts. $75,000.

A base ball nine, composed of oripples-chlefly ona-ieggcd men—is being organizeIn Poteruon to play In a grand match withsimilar nine In Newark, for t ie benefit ofSoldier's Home. The game will be play<October I .

The ju t j (mpaneled by Coroner Basset,Newark, to Inquire into tbe manner of thedeath of Jacob Kranmeyer, who w&a pushed

ito tha river by Frederick Toeske, and whoas drowned before uaiatauce oonld be

rendered him, returned a verdict convicting'oesks of murder is tho second degree.The first Installment upon tho Centenubi

stock held by Hew Jersey, amounting$19,683.83, has been paid into the Treasuryof the Centennial Board of Finance. Therewill probably be Another small divldemmaking the drawback to tho State ibeat

rcnty per cent, of tho original f: 00,000.

Tho Educational Exhii ' t of NewJcraejrhlcfa attiutctl NO much attention at theCentennial Exhibition last year, is beingimaged intheapartmentoonthsthlrd

the front portion of the State Housethe geological exhibition rooms. Tbe

uoms will probably be open t~> the publiohiibont a week.

If tho Freesc Tax Reform Conventionill aominsta Freose for Governor tbeiject far Which the movement was in-nguratcd will probably be gained. 'We'onder what this political refrigeratorillFrcesetonoxt?

Crazy Horse, oue of tho obstinatelioor cbieb! who haa been a prisoner atpotted Tail Agency, inade an attempt

escape and was stabbed with a bnyo-it. He. died on tbe&tbimt.

Mr. Wm. H. Tanderbitt on Tnesdayhis team Small Hop'ee dnd I^dy

c, to a road wagon, ft mile in229, thatest doable team time on record.

H-. v. A. A. Hains was tlectfd Pmsident ofthe Su=Aei Co-jtlr SuLd-iv School Aasocia-

Among tbe stutleuU at th'1 Kt-wloa (i:tiati- Inslitutc nre two from Cuba KQ<

om Jamaica.The Gdzttte and Jouix.il &M idiowitig thiilackctL-tawB and JK-lvidtre are a coupleiayed out town*.L. M. Hol^in , of Btlvirfere, has n»

gated the Delaware in a Khoouir, from Beiiitre to Cape \l.-.\.

Aaotber uewiijiijj>er is talked of iu Wash-i^on, unilt-r the luonogeiueiit of Mr. M

'onatrly of the SUr.Tlie eounly tai in Warren will be at thi

rate of £3.:!<>'on tauli $1.(J0O—hh iacrea.selit* iutwo jturb.: do not know what (he Warren Couui_.- p>ij>ers will do fur iums when tin

A ten yejtr old toa of PLUI Irvia, a Stew.arUville boattnuu, ~wa* drowntd in the canalat Port Delaware Lu,t week.

Tbc valuatiou of rvol £KUU> ia Wtmi

.wo and a luilf mllliouA feitice lmt year.The neitanuualencaoijiuieutof the Gram

Araiy of tLe It^pulilic trill ba held upon tinu of Gcu Kilputrick, at Detkertowa,John Kurz, a n-lvidL-rt bukcr, lias di«aj

peared, leaving liin wife, and takingproperty and a pretty German «irl with bun.

The clothing store of I>ewis Halm on,Decktrtown, vs dtbtroyi.d by fire on Moi

iy nifcht. Loe«, ij.'t.DOO; inttiirauw, $3,3(XEcv. P . Iliztr, ot fitiv. rtiville, has reived and acccpL-d a cull from St. Paul'

Evaugtlical Lutheran Church, of Onwego

x. y.Thoa. Shields, of Btattj-stown, had a vali

able lior^i killed hy the nctidcutAl dischargeif a gun which a carek-ea fellow w u carry,ug ojrfin his BliouldiT.

Iloracfl Byraiu, of Andover, whileinntiug the other day, dropped his gun,••as tihot througli the foot GO badly thatmtatiou was found necessary,

A greenback Club, with 1C0 members ai'l-Ttlayor Titus, President, woa organized

I'LUlipiburg the other evening. We expecbear of a commune next In Warren couuty.

The house of John Quiun, near UocketUtown, was destroyed on Thursday of lasweek t>y a fire caused hy a little chiliplaying with mutches. Loss. $800;iiumnuice.

The Belvidere Water Company will bociloperations as soon aa a clear title to landbo giveu by the Delaware Bridge CompanyTho Water Company offers the town flfteeifire plugs for ffiOO per annum; addition*ones at the rate of $25 each per year.

The Belvidtre Journal Bays tho hard U)we had tbo effect of reducing the ratal*

ot acres returnable, by the Assessor",compared with Luit year, Franklin diminish)

acres, 801; Hope. 1,800 {'Greenwich,and several other townships of from one

:n. '

Walter Kichline, President of the.Firemen's Association, and leader in the recenlstrikes, was on Tfanmlay of last week found

eted in bis -father's houw, at VuUe;station, on the Central Railroad, bv Deltivo J . H. Oifmun. of I[ack^ttfitown, i

littd him and conveyed him to tha Wiren count; jail. r

A shocking affair has just occurred in Fbil-lipRburg, Iy which « three months' old childof Mr. Andrew Brinker was terriblyaled. It Beems that while tbe mother waitemporarily absent from tha bouse, thogot out of the pen by some means orothiand made Its way into, the house, wherefound the child asleep in Its cradle, bit it*off, aud hud hold of the nose when Bomo <came In and drove It away. The none is on

itlv hurt nnd the car will get well ifcliild liven, •

L*t)(tcrs remaiuinx unclaimeIn tbe Post OfUce al Dover, W.

SKPTZHBZB IS h, 1877.Isaac BarUo, George Burton, -T.'H. Fowler, John Grady,Wm. Mcllen, W. V, Jlaloney;Thoiuan Mojlo, Jnlla O'Neil,Mary I t OluHteoJ, Margaret Smyth,

Louise Richards,Tonbtnlnnn.v uf the «WTO Ictturs iiv "ad.nrtlaed" snd give ditto of thlt Mil.


A I A l l I U K l ) .

VALENTINE-SALHON—At the residentof tl.« tirido'fl parenU at Drakeaville, on the1-ith iunt, by the lUv. Batnuel Bproal, as-HiRted bv the Itevs. E. W. Stoddard and O.F. HcndrickBoi, Ma. ICOBEBT II. O. V.EKTIHI, of New York City, to Mm IviA., daughter of A. D. Salmon, Esq.


COOPER—In Rockaway, JJondnT mornliSept 10th, UK. W I L U I K Ooopxa, agedyears and 8 month*. -

tscvK—At Buccanuniii. on the flth JoelitAcuiu^ relict of Ibe lain F. T. Beovo, i81 yea: i .

.YONS-AI Boonton, Bert, lffifa, UARTS*-]LTOFS, wire uf N. B. Lvona, anil daugbter •CharloiMix. ' . '

POPE-At Port Orira.SopL 6th, Mm. '.inn Port, aged 64 jeara and 1 monttii.lvrvud ii peace. , .. |

- ELEGANT CAHD3. Hitwoaiiko, Wil\J name. tPots. roitpald. BCNTZDITCnac, New York. • ,,40-iw

VEGETIKK.' Soura SALEH, UIIS. , Nov. Hlh, 1874.

Us. n . B. BTrvEXM.Dcir HIr-I have beoo troubled with Bcrful

linker and Liver Com pi tint fur tbrcv years.-ihiDRCver did ma tnv Rnod nnUl I ~

d minit tbo \rEQETINQ. I im _Hntr ili>n<( first raid, sad sill] tulng tbi

EOETINF. Icon«li)erth<iroiiDoth!nK*(]a«lit for saiti cnmplalntr. Can netrlily rac<nnrcoult to evertbodv. -' . ••:--iConm irql.T, 'Ur>'. LJuie M( PacUrd.

No. lCL*Rn»nKc Et., Booth Balein, MIHR.

'cgctinc is Sold by all Druggists

Oreat, Inyention !"jumliertson's Combination

Lamp Fixture,"he only perfect nnd mTa Lamp Fixture,its all honsi Lnnipa. Prevents all* eiplo-

ionjj. • • • • I ' . •. '-1

ill not heat or break chimneys. - •rilh it your lamp can ba lighted, e:gnlthed or filled, without removing tbeIrarner or sliadd. • . , . . . • •

pnU \luh\i out when npset, and kceepsback nearly all the oil. . , • , ,is Hiinple nod dumble; prices 40 and SO:entu ; Eent by mti(l on.rccttlpt of price.cnls wnuteil in every I own In HorrU, Stu-

sex snd Warren Counties. Address, j

JOHN W. BEARING, Genl Agent,".'"Dover, Uorria Co., N. J.

uid bill ia nit.) ti

n^raie'i^wti.Wp'of 1 »h. llorrii

jr r.i'u, 3^aiH CibiU »od "ift, tu Jam<aoliirLtr, d-i*--<t June Lo.bT 1671, mil rccirded

IVK.1 L' 2, uf JI..itfi*RH. wire 51C. whubarigjge i< now ..wnid Lr aid John H»nct;

.id Ji(u«-< CiliiiliuJ "ift.- lu md J"bu Oinc*,iud OCIOIHT 37, lS71,»uil recotilwl iu UookI ot MorlKasu, jage 4.11, A". ; hUil J00

init* Ciliill c -.U O«D « i J 1ai* ;

mnit a dtti mliataid J»mts (Jiliill ie tome inUrpet ia


Ira (!.-filj(l«i.. i^L^irn.-nii yoo Caljcnni> Cahiiltxxiu^* JHQ art- (lie wife

• •id th>'rkljj maT claim ini MiJ tauJt.

i-itors of C»rapl*ina'ntn . Morn* County, N. J.

TsmxsaW.ru A COLD IS \L'.fAW UASuEIii

USEHELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETSi <ni>- n-raf .It fir COLT,!1*J, tod all <.<M>EH. UiW-IJi«O4T*. LLSGS, CUFeJ mJ UUCOCl

t c r cy ONLY is BLUKBUSKS.a .LO BT UL BKCS«l'lil.

C.S. CKl'fTIMuK, THiitl. i ve , Xcw V


. but!of fJ\"E COLOIIS UT euiui-ntsig. Al»u OILS aiiilr ot"ifu and f'orn'Ktic. TOSPJSTTL a n , i.tc. P»iiit. Coloring and VunilBi^hlta aud blripiog Teuulii, a full stock.

Ail of l i e ulrtjvu* g.ijcLs Irum tht- buit amrs luowt Ly itilm i i . n i^T- t r JaS i

jAUhiAU E aud sLtuih ORNA;:;.K .S .

H.vii.g li*l ii Urvv cxjM ritMia-e r, rmfrlr

i h.iVri mlv^.itt.{;t* oiir miv ouiei- J^.U-x.

SHERIFFS SALE!Chancery of Sew Ji-rwy.—Fi. fa. for sala of

luortffiged prcmi.M, wbtrciii Hn-odorc Llit, Executor of George Vail, daceatetl.

Curwin aud Tbeudore P. Blrltiucer, are iftDi*rit». llwQriblPto (ifii.lMt Trrm, A.Idl7. 8. H. LITTLE, fiol'r.

BY virtue ot tlio alxiro itatcd writ of tief.,<:ni iu mi- bauds, I ibail cipote for ta

: Public \eoJurv, at I ha Uuiicd MaUi Ho'

M0SUA11' i|i« lStb day of OCTOBER,eil, A. D. mi, LflwetH |li# [juiira of Viaa 5 uVtock I*. i\., lli»t ii iu n r , at 1 oVloi I lie iltemo-'Q of fftiJ dav, aU'lbat tractireel of Innd tut] jirtujiiei, bL-rvinafier dirtUcrl, litoaic, ITIHK anu btiag ia tbe Town>orrr. In the Couuty ot Murri* and tit ate

IMnj; ih'e aamc lot oDanil convened to lllid TiiMKfure ?. tiktllenjter by Mirhiel Fnliad vifa.Lyteed tk.lt <\ April ijih, 1«3, aLtfirilt d In the Worm tViunt* !>•'('< ril of Iken th.- 2Stb d»j or April, 1W, iu Uvok 1>si'i. l.a. atD-ldcMribeiiluaaiddred aaf<

at ItiPamilh-eastcorm'rorCb

n-^iuniud tornerof ibe fir*t l<>l In a din) fn^licniJi a), llalnej DXI wife In tbe tfortciroli/y, and tlienco (1) »ionp tie eaul tideirlif Slirtl fonlli. tortv-ihrea (U1 green nrnncly (ret to the tccono Ci>rni>r ol tbe flratD&aid Ualteydcod; tlicuce (2) aiuiiKlbctiilue* or catti or Hiid tluc; lota ami iiaralk'.Ilieatntit Blrwsl south, fifty-1 no iltgnen etBb tiunilrfd ai>d oiif fett and fo'aii1 iui:lit>afar third eairuer ufllip third lut in Mid dtroni »ai<l Habry; thence along tbn tbird Urn

'o *jfii Gulil atrei-riine ^'"uorib, *fony-tSrli'criH* t'»ft, ninctT feet to the potlili aide.'liti*tDut S'rcet, being tlio fnurtb cornerdid (bird lot; lliuuci? aliii" I lie aoutli aide•aiil Clu-itluut a I reel pjr»!lul tu ibowmndljereof, and uiim the fonrlli IIUI-H•art. of raid three loin ; (4) north, fiftj-tU'^rci'S neat, one liuudreu and one feet aIi'ur fDclit-H to tbo twpinDfnp. Also, all tl-fgbt. iiburtv aud iirivllcgo grin ted iudreyed t«. inil at Hie tiger conrerolrn theiDdcujiiymuntnl a cerlajn well ..fwilrr ,.iriilatly dmrril^l iu deed frnm Ttiuin

Pint -OS A.'ri.EEMAN,8hL....Dated Aug. a, XH'1. • (Pn. fn. ID.

Rtimiil 0o

SHERIFFS SALE!few Jorrey SDpreme Conn-Morris Countv,Jaroh O. AIILP V*. Tbo tilckcttiitowu Lanaud .mpruvemeDt CumnauT, Morris Wataud Clmrles N. Wado. Pi. fi. de IIOQ. ct teIu cane. On Docketed Judgment, Rtiturable to November Term, A. D., 1877.

J. C ALLEX Att'y.By virtue of tlio alwve Htakil writ of fio

iciis io my bmdd. I vbmll eipoto foraale'iut>hc veudue, «t tbo UuitedBtatei Hotel,lorrfuloiTD, N.J., on

UCNDAY. tbe lfitU diy of 0CTOQEIInit, A. D. 1877. bttneen tbe lioora ot 19

" " cloik P. U., - - -fieraooa of .parcel or land and premlut*, bo._

arierparilcnlarly dmarlbci], ditnale, IVIHR aiue.np In ibe Tuwiifliip of \yaibinnloa, Iu tlUouqty of Morrii «Dd m«te or new # t nboundoil aud difacriheil aa follotva: lfc^iuo• t a wbllo oak tree cotaer la Wm. Tvwbtinland, ami ruontbeoce (1) iioitli.Cfty-llirvout-nicN weit, two cbiios and tbtrly-six link* tu•lake; (2) nortl), thirty degrees west, tour Icbami to a. red oak; |3) aobtli iii'j-four[•rciiia west, five chaliia and aoveuleoi, liuka> black oak: (4) aonlb, ecveniy-four doRrcwts(, eiclt: cnaiua aud Qrly-twu liuks to fltcue15) sonui, ibtrly-t'lglitaiidabilldtKMC'bMfive chains aud iliiy-m linki to t, oorni" "• woud lot; tO numli, fort.v.el"ut

welt, three obalua and forty-lurce liu• Mil wood It'...it, BlX CbBlL ,

lolher coiucr of win lot; (8) south, fn_.ven nnd a half dp«rf.» wtit, twelve obaand tbirlMli liuka to itmin, corner to H

u'alaod; (9) aontb, Kvcnty-tine de^riHt, tKcaty-aii clinina wa bnap of fcU'ii<

{10) Dnrtli, filty-flvo drgrceg eaat, CIRUKuhikioa and nlnciy-nii Ilnkato a lionp of mom(11) uurlb. filty-flvo degreu caHt, IWHDIV-CiliaiDsand twcnly-flveiinki in a»UJp ; (north, noveuiy-fets and a balf degrwa weiTour cliaiui aud tbirlfcn linka Iu a st») o In tl

five degreea west, twn cli'aini and fofty-tiilinks to a stakp; (U) rorth, fortr-flie andliatrdi-nrcen weii, ooe cbalD and Inrte tints ta stake on tbe tide o( the road ; (IB) norlForty dogre^a eaat, one chain and flfty-foilinks lo a while oak : (18) north. Iblriv-tTdofircet wen, two clialni and nlDttT-four lin!In a atakuin Ilia fence: f 17) nunh, Hiirty-lDr.defircef. emt, four chifoi Ion stake in the bar«irner lo Willlsm Tenabar.*^ land ; (1B> aloeTerclM'rrv's laud north, forly-ibreo dnsrcWUKI, eleven cbalm and nlnety-fonr links

lid twentj-flvo acrus' of land, more or*I.«ing lbs taniuland ronvejed lo th»IIae!ieljwn Land and Improvement Cotnpauv

<1ecd rpjm Qtorgo W. King anil wife and WnU. Johnaon ana wife, dated Jane 8.1, 1B7laid deed ia weordeii in Ibe Morris ConnlHward of Deeds: fo Donk Q t>, TU,B^* 600 Ac

PIEIWON A, FteKlIAN, HbBriS.Dated Anj;. 7,1B77. IPr/U. Sl<

SHERIPESSALE.Mnrria Circuit CoarL—WilHam Bartloy

Htepheu.tttiki, bniMer, Ht.pl.en V. SiaudOforge W.atiles, owocri. General ittpcoial. §i. fa. do bon: et tcr. In cue.Lien Claim. Itotaruiulo to October ToiA. D., 1B77. fiiBPHEH H. IaTTTLX, All'y.

Morria Clrrnit Ouort.—Hngh Dirtloy viStephen Sliloi, lioilder, Hleplipn D, Sttand O«orgn W. Stilos, owners. General ai6[i«dal, PI. fa. de bon. ol tor. In -ciiOn Lieu OUim, Butomablo to OctoberTenA. L., 1877. • , 'B.n.LrrrLB,Atfy

Morrla Circuit Oinri,—Bitnnel Parry iStephen Htilo*, builder, Sk-plien D. BitaudGeorfre W.Stilus,owDen, General aBpre»l.-%. la. de bon. et ler. In caiOnlienraaim. Jteturnalilo to October te.rtA. D-, 1BT7. If&A, ZABBIWIE, AU'JB.Byvlrluaof theahova alalid writaof fli

facias In mT haudR. I nhall expn*« for •»]«inblio veodui* al tbo United tititea Hotel

MONDAY, Ibe Hlhdayof 00TOI1ERnext, A. D., 1877, bo I wean th« honrs of 12 U.aoa o o'clock l>. 11., tbat is to »v, at 3 u'clocIn Die arternoon of f aid dav, all that tmiliiiand lot or earlibg. of UndVn which t ie « Lt. erected, Bltnate, Itlng anil being In thi

TownihlporiUndotpb, n thoConntvof Horru d HUte nrWow Jerwy. TI.e s»ld liollJinff o,mill Is a two itory and attic frame bolldW wilatona cellar, thirty, hoi wide In.front aoi, reaand sixty Ject d«*p, cn-ctcd OD a lot or cunll« » ot land.indiwHIcnlariy dtsenbed ai fot

B'SBIMI'IM'HS11"'!11^*111?111 | D lk*rT]

the neMlle boars north, furtj-nlno ilecrcea aulen rninutci wcit, to tlio centre ofa nap^ '^J' .^ir,1"1 , ' " " A ^ h t links Iderc

HUPTITEE.• »», Si W Vi-rh, nr *cml fnr In* nrw ln^ok, I'i-lltl imUlilC llKtl il.IT ot ili.ll C I K I IK:.t'r,.*riil-lj Dr.VL.r'uijn'-'trM'hii'-M!"'1'1'"

aiKUK ljiuim.it Ur. W. 6 . Crsuj(>ii.-u, it iu«i•:i i- -Tip|j;ti< ot I'r. f". tnil iiviilk irial foi

i centreweaty.tfKht! U>o teedle

lnbi lucre-Pllnt! U>o teedle bears a!,(

o doerceB we-t, lo tbeof StUt' d l l d

. from _.'*** lor'y^iiiv tic a: IT"VB> if B . I .

- e r l . rom.r ol SIH..' dn l ln> , . a j fr^,»ald pdm rnn. ttaun, (1) i,or||,. Jf,.. lw0 d e .Krwa andlblrij nlnattBt.aat.tijrM) cliaiDa aori

Ur linaa lo a j» | , , !„ , „ , m.'adlo or 1b" road;(2) norlli, aiaty-nlDO deerwa-aad flre1 ° " 1 . «'* clialna lo a ^ R ; tfaouco |8j

.g; tbenco (a) anatb. .Izlct

Inka; Ibrat. (I) aoolb.'.orra , ! , , „ „_ — mtnntes pant, one ontlo and cineh

ii links to a pea; thence (C) aontli, thirly-fai

f,jnTinbi. „,reillb. of .nacrfliir Und

. . . 'A. FI1EEMAH, BlitiilT.


otliuJJ^i-itioii, ct/rrtct* all i• tarlaacta of the Stomach i

Bowel* anil cure* Crampt. Ctii

Gfnger. IZZh.'Si,™""- AS-

Aa lliHirai

Ibil-lload .ml Sibii, witli aHiilory ofCoflnunDium aud Traijus. Ilv tbe popular tutbur Him. J.IIIL-T. ilU!iB.ts«aut lliMl»Hik,clei>1clrefcu uf Itrror iu t<-u States. The be

iii^ liiiok for A scut*. Niivreidy. 55)nij;111natration:, l l Mend GO ccnti for oul

Icrniorv. i;. Xi. TBE.lT, l*ubliib- r, BiilwttT, XcwYurk. SS-i

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!(n Clianccrr or Ntff JLTBCT. Fi. fi. fur aalo

nioji**ijznl infmiies *• lujreiu Utury VFor.) and Uiilfin Punl, tro»tec» ut.Jer tlie laiwitl and Uatamirui of Htnry A. forJ . d?c iwire coinphiuinli. and Claude M. Oi^nouand Amlba M. fiicn.mi h\« wife wt-re ircuduiitH. Buturusulo to M*y T«rni, A.1SI7. JACull VASATTA, Hol'r.The tale on behalf or tbe iboTt-tiiniM part!

l adjourned to take IIWB at (lie D.NITKD HTi"UOTKL, in Uorrlitown, N. J..on

MONDAY, Sept. 17th,V. D, 1877. tctwocn the burn? of U ll. baj'i!uL-k I* M. ' '

I'lERSOV A. FHEEMAN, flhetlff.Dated May Illli, 1S77.


— r o o - •

SEED!* LARGE fiUrrLY JBKI received dine I

t \ . frttn MICHIGAN, edoctrf by Ool. IrfHiHif, tu pemoj, mid cart)/nlly rt-cleanedpremty for Sued, free front live, Cockle aud iloxlnna neetli. Mr. Moore M J I ol It: "Y<*UI nod It tlio flnest I evtsr tnnt to New '-ey.and all railed bv ono ro»o." Tliia (lirated Wlitat ban ftfrfad* cfttabllilied ft .hlch rt)iot*tif)ii. and ia truly a vtlaablu *cqifiifun lo our neruala BB H rvaltta oar av*.Viulcra. Yletda mom largel.v, with a. »ti-tt«w, Ibiuner br»u, and H prnlneoa % wtiflour than tbo old vtrieiiea. All i»rderul icn .dto . WM. W. WOODWABD.

Nswwn, V.ITN] receive prompt ttleotlon. 88-4

rriDE anbtcrlbers liavioR withdrawn IheiL boBiuew from Snecaionna toChcaleraui

Uuvtr, reii'tctratly rri|aeil tbat all Indelitlo tbetnoiiibooki account will call and Htbe Bimo lmraedlatelv al oni1 store in Dovm35-tf • " • • ALLEUAiiOSlNGT

FOR RENT CHEAP.The Canal.Stow aod SUblea nea

guard lock, Dover,*., TLIB IB on old, eetailinhed canal biiGia^ss. (Hand and Is al'sure of a good kride," 'Apply to '84-tf eAMUEL COSS, Bover, H.


i P r t r k l t i , Tan, JUolbpateb, am, all dlMOjorations of Ibe l>kin.

. II .aperfcollvBAItMLBSH,wIllI injnre tbe xkin iu Ibo slif[bte>tI UUNI accardinR to directioni, iI an'.t «nrcly du Hi work, Icavins tI oomploxlon imootb and olcir.- TilIconUabnttle. UnldhjalUruuiiiilJ at the Brick Drna Htore, W.

O U , Dover.tN.J. .i • -


RESTAURANT STANDaod BILLIARD nOOal kept bv ILi* enWcion Blackwoll street. A flnl-c[au locatioitoe preiionlbiu.iirss or a afore. .


~m«"AruoN'i* C H B A H uir B E A U T YlYX oliarmins. lfcioty if firs', ana Toromoiuallrankaoraoelety TbMetawbura aalg.has been leu genercni iu regard to beaut*t

'Piyinaareat n>aunr<t linSdoDcIenulii

iAJVl UJ^ictt! known aallie

b i dchcn i lBi .VjJJcJA U 1 X del lSachirraiDg application,'which baDlohea allpintitioni', rurrowii, Fcarit. Un, freckles, anecoloration* from tbo okln. leaving Us dell

cate tcxtoro clear, velvatv and imooib. "by J . n . BROWN,Tiover.H./. ' . ' '


WO0DP0RT, fflORRIS Co., N. J .rrihla old e.UbH,htd HoUl ..Op*n for me •«».' J . and la partlaitartT dulrabls for thott aaeklt]• ratlMd anmoer. rMidmoe. , SUnatad at lh« brtof Laka UopHonD* |u fcalum of Uke and nraln awnerr, aioeuant hunllnnuwl Bthlnff, and

drl*wro*ke It «um)rpa*iad b j w j fu tliat reflloro»p«rtlcuUn addresa at abme. .. » l f

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!NowJeraoy aupTen)B ;Oonrt. Auittln'snewiei

Trciaaror , va. Anointai<F, A. I 'radcn. Ffa. do boo .c t ter . fu caie n t "Jnno T e r m , A . D ; 1877; •• '

;npHG laleonbebilforthf ibovonampti p»rJ . tiea la adjunrncd to Uke placo nl the UniktUtea Uotol.'ln lloi-rlaUmn, N. J., on ; .

K0NBAY, October 1st,,!>'. 1877, between the hours or' IS M. and

" ' 1'IEIWON A. FREEMAN. Steriff.Dited Jnne 4ih, 1877. " "[Pr . h . fl,

SHERIFF'S SALE!;a Chancery of New Jt-rtey—Fi. fa, for sale nmortgaged prttnlMiB. rViiKrcin lticbanOeorse Ii complainant, and Pbllin N. Wattiia dcf.ndsnt. Bclttraable lo October TA.D.1S77. ' : -

• . -•'•• MILLSACinntCH.Boi'ni.yt virln'i of tha above stitod writ ur tin> facltB in ray bantlrt, I nhall einote Tor PilePobllo Vondue, at tbe Dnilod blatea Hotel,MorrlitowD.S.J., oBj ,. .

MONDAY, tie 8*lb day of bbrpZU.Vli|ttcxt.. B . 1877, bntwee'n the honn of 12 II. nnd 6•clock P. M.; tbat ii la sav at 2 o'clock in liertonwon i.r uid lUy. «H -^brt tract nr parcel'lint] anu premUca hereinafter particularly>f.crll*dt Bllnato.'lylng a«d:bfiing fn tlioiwuilipofClicatrr, in iho Conoty ofUnrriiiid Stale of K,W Jireey, bnlttd •nilnanndi-afolio*n: Buin&lair «l a point ono hun.lrrf

iu flllr fett ilintant from tbutortur of Mnnlorenneanil Porrviitreet,alone Mid Perry HI.i * ennne sevsth, thlrt*-Flx depm:* ant] tenDti.ri.wral ami run* llprnre | l ) north flfir

Mi) onn hundred tndfifiv fet't; thenceb t b i r t j J i d U h i l l t

tent alitvHinf fei-t; thence t3) Olt.t.thrr-e do'reeaasd filly mlnntoifistoi-e hundred andirly feel; tbenco (4) nnrtii (blrty-rix d<ndtontalnnlPB^riit flftv tjMt.taJbe 1










i ' A U H H I .

COritiiK OF STUDY.iL-Kftpfng, (Kiuplp and IlonMe Entry,)iu£f«Ci niiiiijii*ifiii41 ('DiuiniJiiPi Gr^nimar.ie-cial LiW, 1'ractiial and Mental Axitli-

ilneea corrrtpoadence, Actual BukincM,

o> Colleges in Kvw Yurk. ruilaiklutila,^r . ja and Clik-igo.Btudt-niBetit-iiu^ for iDylonstb of lime ant

al ilje end ol oue tuutitb are Dot

FDLLY SATISFIEDoar Bchool is whit we flairo (nnu of the BE*Ttbo full jmouni of tnontf pitJ irlll bo rufiibclid

The bcni-fitr of a amnv with ax and the tfflcicncT ol our Ttielicm will bo fullv ciplainctl.y T. Vi. Orem aud II. iluntoo "Bearing (oltover.

For dialogue mil Inrtber firticalira, ad

' ' W. p. OHEGOIty.Piiucipil and Proprietor

719 IIItOAD SXItEET.Pcjilcioltr 1st, 1877. 30 tf



BOOTS AND SHOEn J n O S I E R V will It- k< |>t on Land arid wi l l l .e BII14 a t TOIV L

CASH SYSTE(ill U'Hri(Ml.vai.L<iidlfi. wliiclt ttlmio will mi.be it ponaililo fur ur tu Ku a l ,

j-I:lCl^ nh.Ut we iuitud xliall [.rtmil. A supply of


Morris Female Institute!The TrOBlcee of Ibe Jlorrit, Ftiualo luetiluti

CLI cocstmlncd to unlmlt Ibe f-jllowitiff state-nent for tbo ccntiJcratloD of Ibe ci I ileus oiiorriBtovn.

"Tbo Morrii Female Institute-in 18tW, (willthe cicoptioo of oue ycir)fl tiaiiKL-uof.'Uiiit

« a fciiool, ard uo uiotit baa IK.1 en toUKUt t'CCivi'd from ft by 10c itockbolrfers.In NorciDbor lant, (be poswaiion of throperty having been iinrrordctcd by Mi

L'CIIIL1 upuu iti future iliapoBitlnu. Itupreaiill ibo cnnvictn.n ibit if dirt-rt-.l from i

riginal di^lgn, mauj veara would tlapif bcforii i fur I nut-ell

Hoarding and Day School fir Oirln wi>uld boprovided, the HtoctliolJtn dieldcd ID vrtheir prtieot pfcunUryiuteast, mi J trakemure effort to Bccnrcaucli B ecbc>o!,»DjOirctlioTruiicv* to tiko tueitttr*-* for tbal |urp

Tba Trnstees have nccordin^lj leaiedpropcrtv, lor a nomiuil ri-nt, ID MI8i £ E

a similar rcliool al Dubb's FI rry, In the Plateor New Tort, aud who comes to u* Kith tliohighest testimonials.

The ailTiintigei of haviog such a fchool iour town null nowcontomplfttcd, art-too man-ifest tu need mention. There can, however, beno Micccia witbont pupils, and it row retniliwith uurcilixuut to decide whether tbe HchovnUall lie BO patnioited is touent »QCO:IB, or whether tbt> propcrly^ual'beitolj and the proceeds retomed to tht Stock*holders.

To Ihono residing outride 'lie llmlti of thetown who have daughters to educate tie Truitees feel warranted In giving Ihi- aunranrthat this school will not disappoint any reuon<able ttxpectationa.

Ai-mEDMiLU.II. O. Minsu,

• Tnio, lim.u,WM. C. C u t n ,

Angnsl 20tb, 1B77.

SHERIFFS SALE!In Cbanccry ot New .Tinev-Fi. fa. for Hale.;niur!K»Btd pretniact. Wlierciu Lonia I..

Condetti* coiuplainint, and James I). Mel-lick, Bern? W. Hmtlh and Caroline C. huwife, *ru dctruiljDtii. IteiurmbioioOctnburTerm, A. D. 1077. A, 8. IluYB, Htl'r.

BX virtue or tho above Mated mil of fieri> facias in <n> hands, I iliall e f l

UOKDAV, tbe Stb day of OCTOBERB3xt,'A."U. 1B77, between Ihn honra oflSM.and ft o'clock e. II., tint is to say, at 1 o'clock- " - - • - -Boon or Bald day, nlftbat certain

. reel ol ltud i,nd Ewiniatii, hereintarilcularly described, situate, lying and

..., in tbn Tonniblp or Jtfforaou, ut tCouuly tf Morris iind.Stato of New '—

KiatB witG a Iditc and tlircu UDTCIICS'IIat the stcond comer of a tract or luirtr acnand furly.tbnMJhLindrc.llhs of an aero, ret a meto John DoLancoy, anil recorded in buik H;

K3; Ibencs atmtu ciuhtT-Bloe'tleKt«.... ten chuimand fifthly links; lueiict £jtirty-flve d«i>recs and Ibtitv tuiiintei niwfnty cbaioaanil Sfty linkg; tbrnct; nortb H.logn.es eaat twenty -one cbilne aod sixty lintbt'Roo north ciflhty-ciKUt depr, ot and tiltminutes ent nlua fhalnt elity lia' ti j ibe

mco nortfi BL'vontv«nfQo dcGreos and tbi__.jotcs writ fourtoenohtinjanJ tueplt 111Hence noath ten flfRrccn we*t len chtCuittwenty link*; tbence north MTtnty-MToogrt-eo and tony minntfis west eight cbima andtwenty links;_ tbenre lonth twelve de«r«B

r, -.-y acna and. fifty-6«TIJdredtbdoranacre.

PIEI18OV A. FKEEMAN, Sheriff.Daled AUR. 1st, 1B77. [Pri. ft. $7.

«l!l a l to t r l:ipi ou liaul. Gill ind aircTliin onrpricea before purclarinf-C3«-*LU





G-3E1O. FESHClothier and fccfrant TailMj stofk of clotbing embrnebs snits from <t cliild t > a innu. wliicli I bave t

^jrentpiiins mainigL'd to BF-ciirp fnjutr an to bEL/j.YiSBY ADVANTAOEOiam thtse Imrd timoa. Mr rmcEi ABE AS FOLLOWO :CASSIMEBE SDIT3 . Iroin ' • :DIAGONAL COATS ouil VESTS, IromCASSI51EI1E TANTS Irom - -CHINCHILLA O r a i i O O A T S , • ••DIAGONAL OVERCOATS, ; . • • ,YODTHS'BDITS, torn . . .BOY3 8 C I T 8 ,C H U D B E N ' S SUITS, trem ; - -

S7| , |o tcn,,6 |

l t ,


FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODSof all grndosacd materials Slrici atteutiou is pnid to t my Custom Dcpnrlua n d l w i l l cmiratitee a good fitor. uo Enle, aafl defy cJmjmtiHon throughoutseason. I have also ou baud a full liuo of . , , . , . , ,, .

GENTS' FURNISHIWG GOODS.Remember I poll n Rood, wnrrn undershirt for 85 oonts. A full nlook of MsYputQs' And Boys' HATS ami CAPS jnet arrived. I earnoetly iovtte the nnbfrcome to thn old atatiJ, NEXT "TO T1IE POST OFFICE, and be clothedhead to foot for very littlo monej, tjf -f-'1 " - •"•

J - i! GEORGE FEDKRw, Maj llth. 1877> r.A BLAOKWELIi QT.I DOVER, I



SHERIFFS SALE!n j'^ianciry o( POT Jcney—Fi. fa. for BaleniortRagwl preuiiBtn; WbereinBimnclTrirrtitrlscumpuiiiinit and Willlim U;st

;and Caroline 0. hm wife. AtJdla I>. Jf(1.Ouarduuor Mary ! ! « « / a n d ' " -"'

Rotatntble to Fi'brnarv Itrm, A. "D. 1877.

BV virtno ofiljrnbuvo «tit'eU writ- or 'fiof.cii- fn my bindx, t H1I.II ripnso for si

at I'obllB VcrnJoo at l! « United b'uies Ho™InJlorriclnnii, N. J. .«n: •

• MONDAY, the (fib diy o( OTTOBERno^.A. p . 18774 bptwctn tba hjni* of 12and 6 o'clott P. ll., that i« to HV at 3 o'do- *be aflrrnonn or said day, all 'tltni tract

. ecl of laud and nrtnilwn, jJlnitt-, Irlne uliem^jn t!ie Lor.D*h<puf Chuter, In tho coo

ol Now Jcrsejr, buttoDdtMinnded »• followa;

i cornn of Hioalow) aobool aoawiwiiit at iba public road leading frum Pain^Chester, and rannine thoneo icoorJlni" rvwnt btariug or ibe compaBM (1J DQ

oue deyreei east down tUe l i t t le - - -a Anfilcmaa'a c • "

jniT-tlgbt decrucfl and foftv-eig- o a t tneuiy cbains-and thirtMo?en

Inks to x ttone heap: thoncu(4)nnrth fliti-lufoo [jeerofs snd thirtwthree -mintitts eai!f eut/.rine cbaiaa aatl Iblny lieu t» Wn. '

lick . u id j Ihma IS) uudi, |o,tr (htm;-Jl tlilrlj cbaiDa and Dineloen Ifoaa to r

cbrttngt tr«j;'tbenco (01 nonh BrimnB dc-•~!B and flltvonc raiaatni caat CIDO okalt

IlilrlJ linka i tlieute (7) nortb Uiltlj.nli>Sfi«a .ad tblrljt-olne iiiual.i wrai , |laloa aot! rorl.^Do liukaUitbomlddkicltb;acl; Ibcnte (6) aunlb ertr J n r i i . a n d l-ii«.Innlea Kcat iffootv-lwochain. alldflri*.tb" a l o l b e midllo ofibe rtiad-, Ilieiet

•raibalilitan dqi .msia l lliirtj ii'lnnlc. 0 , ,'••»=b;io» tnd fhiv-fonr llnka; Ib.oco MO;

I <l 8t"nl •fl™1 • " " ' t ' " ' ° < "'

W »!.l"nociia*'oa*auJ l"i'lj.|»o'ii'ii'lTied (12J aomu fllty-tlireo degnwa twrnonlea «e.tali rluim aau foMj-O.c link

jnUiflnyoDBflpgrnAawextUcD..B and oinBtf-fccvcn linki to a Lean

r BtoDC, rattj'a eornerKH] aootb' t w tIfiffreoa east c ) U T c n cl,hln« aud .plnely^ink* to w r r « u jxial; tbeoM 115)iriv-nte and a tialf degreca e»ai iwn chiinp

md clRhty-in link* ioio the mart Ifadrnc horn-pack lo.CbMtcr; thf nc-e (10) narUi eirtuegrecu *n(l forty miuntca cant Uo cbninvicvciitj llnjii to a eornpr ofa post »nd rail

chin nd eightr-two'lliika to » Btakainthene (i8) nortb l t a t t d

d eightrtwolliika to » Btakaio ; thence (i8) nortb rlfftaty.two mcnc-NoMtMorlitiiiBaDdaiDotv-Mfot D a ' i " o i d d I b i

iiiBaDdaiDotvMforiroad t Ibonio (19,

lnff; conUialnRm»nd»fventv.t)in«

nrc or k i t . Heine

Ihoj have jaet rpcoived for SPKINQ and SDMHEII, comprising everytHnew and desirable for ladies wear..jAcompletp now Btock ot

D R Y A N D ' i ^ A ^ ' i



i AND ' y" ' CANNED EltUITSfi 1' S XliCROOKB





^Uii futrvptakHOU tbe TBAbK.aIA.lK limt will bo IUDUII -arm of Every Gtnulnn 81nHc. Btivltiff-U«tliltir. TUof "Tlio Bnij;er Msnnr*3iurinn Cotnpinv" le aiao print ft (iiop of ili* arm t i l l olber* not beirine [liii trailr-nirktiiO

wtbloanImltatiODB. Buwaru orthem. Bnvotily ofournti ,Thf Pinswhia lor yeira been I lip treat pojia'ir

more of Item in ooW ilian at nil MUlar BRenti. ,Thf Pinswhia lor yeira been I lip treat pojia'iriliinc, and more of Item in ooW ilian at, nil MUtt* put tuft!'.ml yaar it* aslai nmouDled to 309,3111 ui a (In Dec It vn "'"flxliqg mactiino at HID OENTESKIA L,andcairie(l OSCIDKIKK•liftninyotlicr, bavinR received FODIt AWABDS«udai»nlt!tftlianksfrom tbu Cuntonaial •nthot-llcft. am] n "KTOIIOIICIfrom tholadini ctitiocled willi tlio Womrn's Dcn*rtmonl rf!EihlliiUun. Tbe Sinner, teadioi; i u compelitnra in overvtlmfrileil Ihcmalaoin ro.lncinff prifo*,'(iv itwtog tbo micliictH


/COMMISSIONERS'; SALE!•' H» vtrta« or in oMor or the Orpbau'a' Coior the County of M-irrli, fn tho Htatu of MmJersey, tbe inbuei ib«nt CoraraisiiIonpM ar"iioted b j said. C.nui, will soil at" PDBL

;vTHURSDAY, October 4th,jtwMii tha honra or tnulve and fivo u'clnel

n tbaaricmoou at the lato.realdence of JobiDirL-oberger, dni'd, in tho towuBl.ip ol Winston, iu Kald tonuiy »t JIurrlH, tlii> Uloii.'il-e*lite which belonged lo widTckccai

itci] in caia towmUip. -L».t .sVlTiieijwad farm c>r said Johu: Dawuhorj,.

•dlolufiig tlie Belmont Hull'pmrwrty oiSchaole^B Mouatafn, con Ul alas one linndrband ejehtcen sens of land o ^ t b t w . Ssuitably praponinncd In tillable and wood Un

-tt umul water and fruit Ibereojtrarra buildings in HOOUCOUI]

Hon.- .TLalBltttilion is oi:o ofdbi motl pliaianl^and h wit by in tbe contflyiua the locnUo

:oalaiDiibo[it oni> hnndredandflfU-en av.»iriand ilnljf pronortiontd in tillable mad woodnil wltligowl fait .and water and an (lin mi Imtdtngt.: TbewtsrOlKitwo above HOKTIlBbeFoBed to John DeronburKor. deu'd.Irfit Na3 sdiointlhe.l<'pnrTnrnpiko oppole Ifeitli Euitifld on SobrxilcyTa Mfiiiut.Ijontiiilf a mile: from tbo flrst dcictibtdndlotonBPd tiVUarj Dorenberccr dmgi.

md cuaiiim Bbom-BUlf-Bii,acres lor Un(•»rtly enlttvaled and p r i h o^en-d with timKT. Bone or which 'a Lenry and talnaLle. •


i i l l O S IIOCfeUTSON, .

A. Beemer, - '~iiEAiO; ESI'ATE AGENT,

:lidtwiilist;,ii«ir'S'oMci,IloTor, N. J.'


r deicriptfoni orFroperljsndpartlcalil

Horrm County Surrogate B Office.ADODST 9lh,loJ7.

In tho ru lit fir or John D. Lsnrcncf. Adoiatrator of Francta V. Unrencc, dccM. 'niKalo'a Ordor to Limit Crediiora,

{J iBtratoriti«or(l(;rcdby(l»u8nrroK».flul Adiuiubtrilorcivo pubiio uoltco to

..iidlttin ortbuosuui of said drccdciil ''lbI

iti tliclr dobls, demands and clalam apluBl'Bame, under, oslb, nilbtn nino rooniln "thuditciVyMltlngnpa copy of tb!i.«<].;witbm'twenty day«"hereafter; in ii*e qf Jniosl pnblio places iu Iho County or Horn*two mtmthB, and aim within tfio HI<1 "days by advertising tbe santa tn tbe JUMuno el (be newspapers or tills Slatr. fur il*Bpaoeortlma (!bn aurrogaleJadsluB •".» ,ther notfee (o ba uauecesHiry) ;acd it tux attor sbill neglect to eihlblt bla orlifenlebt,itnandanaclitniwitliui the uid penud ut DUmont(iB,1niibUrnot!ceboinSgiTcii«•!»"«••itch creditor shall bo forever delMtrml ofor her ictioii thnrpfor BRainit tho »M "

' l o r . A true copy from Iho mlnr"

•In. Chancery.ot.New Jersey.TO ANDREW T. HATES, WALTER & W°'

BV virtue of mi order of the Court •Chancery "of' New Jmey,( mz&t« u.

dny of tha data koreof, Jn & causa ««™L. Fordbiim C<irwid in coUplniiiBut,i»I^andothcreare defendaots,yon flren1rl[lllo appear and pltiid. demur or i"16*'! v; i,TcomnUlrimifs till, on or before tk«'*Hor October next; or tho said bill will U »»•aa cqcfeiOK-d ngniimt YOU. ,r.-

The said hill, is - filed ia foreclose »fmorfgagb • given by1,' I.aJloy 8. G«™Fcrdbum Corwin, on lands in Itoiburj

• •- • - r ,N . J . , a a kd»«*

Slerk'a Offlca, in book V 2 - „inge tOO, Ac.) and JOB AnflrewT. W ^ « "mado.a.defenrlMit.becouBa you 0(rJ,.T.,lnnasorsoiaeparttiilereoft nnilyou «« '& Lopm are made a defendant becao» J "own Eoid lands or some port there" irou Mrs. •Walter S. Logan are " J " " . 1 ^

claim1 to bAvTionio Inlcwrt ui said lai*-

, . . , , , - „ .Dover, Morris Co wtT.«;J-ibid Aagast'7tb. 1877..! **

Page 3: VOL. VII. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ... · S 'HOTEL. ALEX. lvANOUBE, (act tb.l ho lu, taken lh » HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St,. J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu . WBUon, „„






I IUull.

1 Column.J "

i "! ••

4 "

i Column.

1 "


# 7rl a:.l r.>•i USa 758 .11]4 51fi .U

10 00H MOB.

$ a r>ofi oi;0 5(;B 00

10 00rj r>o15 0(118 50aa oo

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aoti11 00in ooHi 2fi10 no25 0041 00


8 WKfl.

$ 1 COa ci)» A)4 fill5 OJ7 OU8 IHI

10 »10 Oil

U uos .

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14 0018 OU21 OU25 60"11 fill87 CO

l u o .

* 1 7fa su4 COC ttle coB;.(

111 0112 COsa oui n ,

$10 UO17 OC'22 OL27 OtflO 01US 00*r, oo(15 00

05 oo|iau ou



Tliron(;li Mull, B.25 A. M . ; Oiwogo £ ip ro t i .1.55 A .M. ; EinUm^Et iMiH.I .SaP. l l ; EaslonExpress, E.2D V. S t . ; 0-wpgo Eiprum, B.07P.J I . ; HacketUluwn Exprcw, 7.20 I1, U . ; Harrliburg tipcrfal, 10 .15P .M.

YV.011 DOVEK C01H0 EiBT !

llnrriitlitirjr Special, 4.14 A, I I . ; De t e r Eip r o n , 7.t>0 A . M . ; Ilarlcoltatonn Mill, 7.82 A.M. i Easlon E ip re s s , B.42 A. I I . ; Bin fill »iEiprosn, 3.07 V, W. i Tbroupti Kali, 2.17 P . II .Byrucuao Express, B.Ofl P. W.; Em ion Ailu'otlalton, 8 . 8 7 P . M .


iv EarnA.M.10.B711U7]0.i!710.X7ID. 1710.0ftHUB10-00

AIlD.i\ H.8.B5fl.470.42n.H7(1830.240.25(5.20



. BuceanuntiftBlcCataavllli


• s r .AK, Jnnotu7.13Port Orampcvei




UP TltAA. U.8.457.80


HIQII ERIDOE BRANCH.INR.P. »,'4.008.300.10a.2T

cm0.630,53-* -

New York,Pliilailulpliia,Hipli Drldge,

Middle ViHer,

Niugbrlybt,linrtley,Flanders,KrllTii.Toi l Omm, •



V. Mfl.BS6.M4.404.19

iraa.saa.838 Sia. laS.BIt



M. & E . It. R. Ta P E N K B X I V A N U , FOB


INII , Sci»t. lOtli, 1877.HTATIOMI rnnir. TOCH, OWT.

nnriuvnv GE9 ISOliRilor It. It, IHnrloii s, Cnrrrln's,

BIICCBBUIIUS, Vanilla and Chea-ter Jnnvtion Btnllons,) 7M 00

ParlOnin K» 00Wotcrluu, l i i 18llouuloii S» I"

Tula) M» "


Thfl peach supply ]B falling off.

Cranberry days have eorae, tbo sourest of

the yew. . - / ,The Bulletin BupporU Hayes" policy. That

eettlca it, : ' ' :

Autumn leaves BTD gelling ready to bltishandlctlooso.

There are still about twenty.fin fatnilleHat Mount Tabor.

Bt Mary's annual fair bos been find Jortho EiUioftlilimonih. ' • ' ''-> j

Our thanks are tendered Congressman Qut-. ler for the census of 1800. i'/.i, ;

: ; ' jMr, Tbllip Dufford and Wife, of SchoolsJ'B

i, arevlBitirig Iowa. • ' i •.-i. Al.' Richards and Ed. W, West

. , id next week nt Conarflle.-- i I

I t will tax all tlio locomotives in tlie coun-try lo Ing the groin crop eastward. :

A cnt at Yowng'B bnkerv on Biindny lastcaptured two mica In one mouthful.

Tlie walking match between Cnin, Tillyermid Oill«n takes plnce this afternoon.

D,, L. & W. Railroad stock la now vergingon 00, und Morris A Essex lias reached 60.

Mr. Geo. Nelson, ticket agent nt the de-pot, In vloltlng Kansas and oLhar point* West.

Tho to'ol number of people on the Dela-ware Water Gap excursion last week waa1,800. . "

I t la luoky lhat poaches do not give con-sume ni tho crdiups to the aiiue citeiil theydo tho baskets. . ' ,

The dnncing feBtlral ot tlio Randolph bandon WcducBduT nvcn'jig was largely attendee]and very KucceBfifuL

In a tea, putty of six at the house of Hr,0. A. BamtniH tbo olhor evening four gonerations wore represented.. . >

Tho planet MATS seems to bo putting on agoad many airs for boo who onmea a redface ond BlnyB out so late o1 nights.

Tha FreBbjtery of Mewton metat Newtonon Monday last and tronirfciTed Rev. Thos,Bouper to the Presbytery of Morris Mid Or.ange. :

The contractto rebuild tie bridge at LowerLougwooti, near tbo LOUBO of Mr. AugustusIlarUogli, will ho sold to-day by the True-tees of Jefferson and ltandolph. i

Mr. Vtm. Ayreo, the milkman, yesterdojpresented the craft of tho Etu with o suppljof tha largeet and beet eating peaches thatever entered this office, lUhy Hanks.

Theodoro li t t le is spoken of for the IUpnMlcan nomination far.State Senator, onit !H Raid that Hon. John Hill will ben enddata should ho lose tha Gubernatorial nom-

The receipts at Mount Tabor during thecamp mooting were *S,Q70.'- A comtaittliatt been appointed iu reference to anationpj inoeting aua Sunday School CoDgress up-

.on the grounds.^; jv. .. ; '

U e m George HichardB, Ilobert Richards, Samuel Tippott, Tin, H. LambertThoH. Bright, W m . T . Leportond'otherfrom this Beetion attended th funeral of Wrrinnstoue, at Gloudou, yesterfdy.

Hr. ChM. Oriffln l a s opened on SusstBlreet, oppowto the Engine Hense, a necarriftgo pniuUng cBtablishment, vhcre•will be glnfl to seo his old friends, or ivho derfro good work done at reauouabprioea.

Quo. llorrow and other officers of tbo 1!Inrantrj^nESLBtationeaatBcranton.fo,visit Eooutoa nagoettsof llr. JameB HolmMd will then'visit VaBhiD^on'B Hemqnartera axil the sow Asylum tt MoiriaiBB;-BnlleUiu . • . . ' , } :

A seTtn-jftir old Eon of "Willlani Lance,High Bri<Iga, wna kicked in tbo Btoiuachn horse several weeks ago, oid it wu thou'iloot WB icjuricB were not seiious, uselortly alter mnuned hia play, but a 1<Wys ago he was taken sudddenly illanddji

Mr. 8. P. TompkinB, of Franklin, iweeks ago missed a Talnnblo AideratyT&lucd at tweuty.flTe dollars, and BUppmmeboay hod stolen i t A few dsy»»gofound its head an i blOa »bcot % quarter omile away from his place where the thtetad killed and ikinned it.

Mr. E. W. Beach, of Eoclnway,ve for Gtorffia BOOU.

ITIO Port Oram furnace in being filled'imrntory t« restarting.Mr- E. D. HiUBL-y him alraightenta and

greutly iiuprored Arckbtreet in Itockmmy,Ilie regular meeting of Accacia Lodge, A

- «t»d A. U., occura ut-it IVediitidny'8-

lir. N. HuUhiugs, of Bermuda, is viif! brother-in-law, Mr. JIaUori WilliaaiB oiit. Hope.

Ira Litllo fell adiatauceotfortyfeitlnthLreIdoD Mine on Monday, and Btrange lo say,

eacojied serious iujury.

MtDavlt, J. E. Hurd, E. W. Wiud otbcrH from this flection, attended thoittmatiouiil riU« mutch.The Built-tiu tells of a great deal of drunk-mess existing in that town, wbtre no

iceusGB are granUd. It looks bad.Hov. A H. Young, of Jemy City, willipj the jiulpit ot tlio Itoclutwtvy Prubyte-in Churuk next Sunday moruiug and even.S-

To-morrow evening Ht-v. I. ThomM.pnslortlo Hoekawny II. E. Ohurch, will pronoh

to young ladici. Subject—" Theyoung woman."

TJIE IBON EBA bos the niorf reading mai-ler, tbe largest local depnriment, nrld tin

rgaht cash paid oirculntiou of any nownpsia Northern Hew Jcrecy.

A Helf-openiog envclnpn, with a thread inedge of tbe upper flap, b? palling whichenvelope ia quickly and neatly opened, innewest Invention in stationery.

Mr. Abram Eagles, of.Uillorook on Wcil-f evening mot in Dover a brotherhe hnd not neen in 18 yearn, and who

id corns from tho \Vtnt to visit liliMr, Cbfls. I I . Tunis, for many years onotba most rennccted renMunts of tuisjilftcc,ioved to his now home al Minuoniiolis,

HUMS, onTbureday, Buoecss attend him.The HcFarlan street M. E. Babbatli School

rypleasaut plo-ulo to McCuituvilioTliureday, going by vay of the Morrisinl, accompauied hy tho Ilandolph Baud.

B. and B, mcaus thnt Before Buying >ouuld BOO tho Big Borgniua at Baker &liner's in dress doods, groceriea andrything needed to clolho and foed the

ilr . Donjaniin F. Fhdpe, of Chatham, anilH. H. Becker, Director of the Board of

rueholdoni, are Buid to bocundiiktUiii for tbefemoemtJo noraiimttoii for Rurrogao. Mr.

Is inoutiontd iu connectionrith tlio Senatorship.

Tack Davenport was arrested on Tuesdayofficer Button for ic3ultlng 'the wife

Simon Colo and thau threatening tha lifo ofJustice Gngo rcijuired him to

iroish eeourity in the sum of $300 to kocppeace for B!X mouths.

The ladies of the Hooknway M. E. Churchbald a feHtival In Eticlle's Hall on lueseroiilDg next, at which • peaches, ice

in aud oysters will be furnished in un-ited quantities to the hosts of friends whoba Bure to be with them. ;

Hr. Win. H. Pollard, who for tie or sixire has boon a clerk in the utore of ViliU

<ck & Lewis, and Is wcU and favorablym by all our people, Is about to leave ustoko up" Ills residence laltutlund Vt,,-a we wish him all possible success, •

)n Monday tliree litUe gtrli from tho publBohool, from eigbf.to ten yean of age,

playing in'* boat aloeg tho cannl basin,i ono of them, a, daughter of Mr. John

luckley, fell out. With groat presence ofid, however, the clung to the log* of the

and clambered onC : ;The JeroeymoQ » few weeks since laughedtho idea of a hoae jumper and coal cartig bnllt for «85, and yet two mibstantial

of tlio kind named are now beingIt in this'town'for Uiat money. Eoon-

Is wealth, neighbor; and that's tbo rea-wby some of ns are not rich.Billy" Carlyo appeared hofore Juittice

ige last SaWany with a fearfully; battered•which lia.aaid waa tha work of Tom

:llcy, hostler of the McOninBviHo hotel,donoattbelnKigtttionofMr. Vortman,proprietor. Both of the tatter were ar-

>ttcd and gave bail to appear at Court. ;

J r . b.'s&nfordUorrisoB,' of Uitaplua, onigtohla noonday menl on Wednesday

inBl week was surprised to find that hiahad been taken jioBseiwion of by about

My of his relatlvoB >ud friondfl,' wbo hodn>ad a bountiful repast In honor of his;tielh .birthday, vpon which they -warmly

congratulated him.

Tba organization of the "Firemen's Be-Association, of DoTer," was perfected on

Imrsday erenlng. Its offlDeru aro now anoUowst Prenident, John B. Qibsoat Vice'remacnt, Jas. S. Meliok( Secratory, Wrn.

Ltportj TMaaurer, Frank H. IJndsleyfiiatees, '\fm. S. Collnrd, Bedgwlck K.

lennolt anil Win. H. Lambert.

Mr, Wm. A. BIghter, of Newark, brotherMr. Geo. E. IUgbter, of Fareippany, U a

cnndidaU for the Douiocratio Qubemalorla)_ilnation, and will probatly carry a largoajority of tbe EHBOI: delegation. Au effortabut being made to aectra him the deleca-on from this county, where ho formerlytided and still bos many friends.

« were frightened the other day »t thejrrivnl in Dover of two largo prewes hilledfor Washington, Morris County, for we

it this county wos lo receite anotherInfliction In the way'of a newspaper. Wo

luontly.learned they were intended forngton, Warren County, where a

iper U to be slarUd.fa "opposition to the

lar. , • : • 'Tlio Democratic primaries to Bend dele-.les to the State Convention will be hold 'iy and tho BepubHcan primaries next'cdnesday. The Ilandolph Democratic

irimariea will be held at ton Stickle- Housot 4 o'clock, P. M. today; tho Kandolph-;epnblican primary TTDI be held in the old

Council room at 8 o'clock, t. u . , next -We«l-

!S(I»y. ' ; -r / \ '•'. ; /•.";Tho young ItanilolpbB of Ibis placa beat aJanior nine of Mine HIU on TueBday by a

«ora of »-to B. Tha first atx Inningi werehe best pliyed of any wen in Dover In a

ag time, tbe score standing 2 to 2. I n thoseventh both clubs got somewhat demoralised,

i e Dover bojs Bcoring 1 and the Mine lullI afUrwhloubothfailedtOBcoratothe

llcv. T. O. Mayhuui, of 6UuOiope,y recor-jriug.

Coupreaa fcasiirodly niocla in October, ontbe lr.th.

H. H. IlickenoD has Kceiyed hia first in.•taUmeut of Cloaks.

Tbe Fort Morris Subbath School had a finepie nic on Tuesday.

Tbo K. J.* Midland mihxad is Mid to haveearned $GL',000 last mouth.

Presbytery of Morris and Oraugo meets atPleatant drove next Tuesday.

HOT, W. U. Bulden luu accepted the callto tbo 2d Presbyterian Ohurch, of Scranton.

Hr. John H. Mane has booked another oe-count aguinHt thloves—ten bushels of ooU.

A psiiy of Chcsteritoa eto campiug in tbituountaius near Canisteer, Sussex County.

Thos. E. fiouper intends takingcbarge of a home missionary field in Teias.

Hon^Jobn Hill stands one chance in twoof bring the Eepublican nominee for Gov-ernor.

ftinio of our torn youths did not bear tbi1*11 ths other n'ght when tlie wbito neck-lieuEvere called In.

A little eon of Baker lliley was occfdentally1 truck upon (be head yeutciday morning bya ball bat and badly cut.

John Cunningham, s canal boatman, UIOW in the county Jail for stealing some

carpenter's tools at "Btavertown.

Olin B. Coit, son of Rer. O. B. Coit, for-merly of this town, linn been called to act OB'ice-PiJucipalofthe Now Orleans University,.Sonic-very heavy eels wore broujbt to

town OD Saturday from Middlo Forge EndBerkshire Valley, One weighed over sixpounds.

A lady visiting at Mr. Ribble'B,on Orcharditrect, either last or bad stolen from her, apocket book containing *7fi, vrbila comingto Dover on a tialu hut Saturday evening.

Ifiiilh Hnffniau of Pottcrsville, lost tworoluablo cows from eating now corn f onelied or Tuesday morning, and tho other

Wednesday afternoon of last wock. Hovalued them Bt $100,

Tho Synod of New York and Now Jerseywill convene in tba Lutbnrau Church at Ger-

lau Volley on Thursday evening next andJiitlmio tho eessloa until tba Monday even-ig following, holding preaching servicesrery evening.

Tlie Democrats of thU BtAte era makingp (Italr raimbj that t i e little coterie of

pollticinns at Trenton, known aa the StateHouse Ring, shall not make the next Demo,cratio nomination for Governor. It is tlmithat all parties freed thcmaalTes of such,bamaoloa.

Nothing 1B more atinigbtlythan afoot madeluniBy by ill fitting BIIOBB. YOU can boativold thin by getting nent-fitting booti or

shoes made at Wright & I lei ill's, or select-ing from their extensive Fall stock of ready-lode goods, tbe largest and finest' ever

brought to Dover.

Tlie nouso wife needs it, tho children cryfor It and the washerwoman will bavs&oneither. l a foot Tompkia's Boap lias got to

be a universal favorite in this section, andevery merchant who has an eye to businessceeps it. It exnlts the character of tho hum-ify, establishes cleanliness in every part of

the domestic circle, and brings peace to thecouiohold. ; .

A, party of tea members of IndependentHOBO Company, of Worristown, made a trip

Lake HopatcoDg on Thursday in a four-lorso itflge, Their fife and drum corps

created oousldenble amusement, and onthoir reinra home in the eTBnlag they spent

faw hours In social intercourse with tbelrfriends of Protection Hook and Ladder Com-pony, In this plnce.

In reply to a correspondent, who sakewhat constitute! a month by Now Jersey

law arid cuBtom I" the Kewwk AdTertleerTJpon consultation with several

leading Uwycra, we learn thnt where a con-tract ia not 'msde for a specific time a> monthin construed t« mean fenr weeks, o r a Hunar1

lu&tcod of a coltmdar month. This 1B not thecaeoin'luring l e n u i l i , or houseB, crupoiinotes, but the courts have tualnlii&fid, where

ttBtom does not provide to the contrary.thatUiemonth isSadf tyA" ' ''• - •••'- ,

Last Monday the M. E . Sabbath School iOolifon made a pls-nlo to Par t Oram, whichwould bare been a pleasant affair bad It, notbeen for a parly of the notorious For ; Hillroughs that accompanied it, These got par.tially drunk and began their old game ofinsulting and annoying people, whieb' tbey

irrlod to each tm eiUnt that in theif ether authority a party waa organised

the fnrnaoe which went out and gave thescoundrels K drubbing that they will not soonforget...Many of them were taken homajfllh bimcUged heads. • ' ' * ' '

LL. D. of Columbia;ge, Washington, D . O., died &t tbi

He&tb H6use, Schooloy'aWonDlain, on Mo:aayafkmpon, of general debility and oiaager He w«t bora In ItoohestM-, tSsM.,- in1600, graduated at Brown's. College, beingclassmate of ex-Preaident OaeweU, who be-came -with him one of tbe Instructors at theqpeningofUiBbMtllutionuilSSa. HeretoineahlflpoBitionoa'prbfeBSorof mtth'emutics un-til hia death.', , A ;brother and niece surrivehim, tiio latter bsing.the wife of Judge Pra t tof tha New York Supremo Court.

Superinten-dent of the Morris and Essex railroad at Ho .bokenVwainoUftedoa'TueBday that WalterKlehline, lata Chairman of ithe GrievanceCommittee. of the-attikino; fireman on theiwdy had been arrested at FhlUipeburg, N,J; , for i n d U n g i riot during tho lot* airlke,aa4,token^o'the W a r w n C o u n ^ Jail at Bel.-vidore. ^ABhort, time ago Klehline disappeared froip Phnilpsbnrg ana it was allegedthat be bod 4< sold o u t " to the railroad com.pony for from $3,000 to $fl,000, and that

' hia brotho"

md of the gam«.

The full moon which occors n tho 2Bdinst., will ba a wonderful tldng, the harvestnoon. For several succeBsive evenings th«

.noon will iif" at dark, shedding aoroae thoearth daring the whole night IU mUdbeunB.Most generally there ifl an hour^ differencefrom one niBW to another l a the- rising r 'the moon, but for a few dars after llje Be]tember foU moon thui will not ba«o.

The Oratorio of '• Esther, the BeautifulQueen," will be « ! « » i n « « CongregnUonalChurch atCherter, on Wednesday and Thurs-.Inv eteulQR«of a i i t * c e k > ! u n d f i r tto d i t e e 'Uon of Mr el H. Oampbell, atsiBted b j Mr.M W BeeleY, anil a grand douhle chorus ofabout' forty voice*. . The ringersjrflltaatUred in f ull Fenian, Jewish .and Medeicostnnws, eihibitlng the aplndon, ; i r e - . ,« d manners of tha ConrtofKing AhiBuuus,and QneBn Eather, twenty threa centuriesa m . CheHUrU to be cengretulaUd uponhHingwcnred thfl promise of ibis nwalcaltreat, i nd«s imvenoaonb t tha t i twUlmi ie t ,

a il ahould, the hearty support of the ««•»»-•

The United freibyterUn in an article <titled " Ploi ic neligion " Bpeaking of campmeetioga and other like .arrangements fcSummer Berrioagaya: "All these plansreligious ruraUzlng are of doubtful creditout Christianity, - la Mine respecti they aio|uriona. Thay inbjeet the ohurch to 1charge of seeking sensual pleasure under th<guise of piety 1 andmore than thlB,thereis, itmany hutanoea, a shrewd financial operationIn the conventicle Burraundinga. A manirithcs to malte money pioualy,, and invlleshis fcUow-belioven to como together to worland worship, the main chanoe all the whilioverehadowinginhis thought the devoUotLaisprofmlnB.'"Among current ecandalsnone are so Bcaudalous as these worldly poll,ales, coakd with A thin Tarnish al piety/,1

Boss" Tweed on Wednesday made_oaf«Bi°n a n d r eadaUs tn f thonaperBons and flrmB who hid presented fraudulcntbUU for work done and supplies fuinWicd to the city. Among those wera tw.

V H h t AOone fo r»74nWicd to t y gbiHaof 2 . V. Haughwout AOo.,onefor»70G6.31 and another for «sa,M2.GS., Th.icad of this finn, Mr. Hanghwont, it wlU Irememberccl, Is a resident of thil Count;

rt l t d Connty OoUetf_ elected County OoUitb fill the uneipired t«nn of the lute A.Brittln. He l ived ingrands ty laa tMsdiabut owing to a recent fuJlun In bnsiiieas,ele'gaat residciiofl « u sold a t p n b l l o a iTVtcd'8 confeBslon i h o w i ' v p t.numberDcmouratawhobaTO escaped aUention' 'fore, and now and then a XUpabllcaii,Hr . Baughtwout '

mod dog UOH bitten man ; other caninesHanover Heck.

Mi. L. C. 8tlloi,"of the Jencymauj is vk-iting Connecticut. ' \

The gnuia Is actually growingln the bed ofUoakntray river.

Mr. Saw Coss is building about smile oftoard ftmce on big property.

The price of bread has been reduced to 9'•nta per loaf in Morristown.Mr. £d . Ooudict, of this place, is touching

public school at Forest Hill.Mr, H. M. Dalryiupla, lumber and coal

lerchant has ma4e an ssignment.David Bow, of Morriiitown, has a pumpkin

foet and ten inches in oitauiafereuce.GommuiUciLtioo [elating to Warrsi

!ct will appear and bo answered iiext

M. H. Dickertton has the new Galloonimtufags aud Fringes. All shades of Ger-mtown Yarn.A Tery sneeessful teaaDu was brought to I foovt, Ijut wo::lo*u at the Lake View Home, LokoUopat-ig, lost Saturday.

Her, Mr, Ilolloway will preach, a BonoonYoung FeoplD on BsbboUi evening in t i ecNbyUrlou Church.

The finder of a watch chaiu charm audwill receive the thanks of the owner by

tvfcjg it at this office.mbrio, Bsyeu-eighta of a yard wide, new

les, fall color, a t B conU par yard at W. 8.i)bitt'a, MorriBtown.

WoabiDgtAn hand engino of MorriBtowngivou a trial on Wedneadny atening,

icb proved a failure.hi, U. Dickenon has opened tbiH week »

lat of Fall Dress Goodu which are nowin for your inspection. " "

mother eicundon will he run from Hobo-to the Water Gap on Wodneudny, Sopt.i. Tickets from, all polutd thin Bido of

:1burn, * 1.2.1.

L. OOBB Carpenter, Reronua Collector ofiiinbus, South Carolina, Is lim'ting thisinty. : He was formerly a school teacher

Washington. Valley.

Hall, Morristown, -will be opuiiutlthe evening of Sept. SlBt, by ouo of the

ieBt companion of voealisUt in the country,udiug Mlsa Emma 0. Thahby .. fcntlvftl will be given for UIB benefit ofMilton Band, in. tha grove near Konuau'B

xl next Wednesday afternoon and .evou-Hufrc*hraBat* of all kinds owl eicel<

facib'ties for danciag.Tbe Democratic- County Convention, to

ilnate candidate* for State Senator autiirrogata, will be held in Mormtown (ulUTsday, Oct. 4th. Tbe priaiaries will br>

on Saturday, Sept. 2Dth, ;

We lack the space td mnko proper mentionthe new inveutlon advertised on the oppo-

p«'ge of ibis sheet, and can only referreaders (A it as being Important to everyi, woman nnd child En tbe land.

k tempemnoo. service was held in thoraktatawn M. E. Ohtirch hut Sunday—Iter,

Apgor preaching in tho afternoon, andmt. Oodwin of Fhiladolphii aud L. ILij, of Morristown, speaking i n the evea-

Do not forget tlio festival of the ladies ofML Freedom M. B. Church, next "•' "

icsday afUrdoo'u and evening. Besides tho'lual abuudanoe of good things, the ladies'111 prepare one of the finest teas ever, seon

that pUee. Should OIB weather provetormy it will be hold the next fair day.Detective Bkloner on Wednesday captured<m. Btoiy, of Newton, late of' Dover, andihn Irvey, J r . , of this place, charged with

icing implicated with Watson and Mulvey intheft ot bruits from tbe D., U & W.

[lailroad Company, In default of bail Judgeood committed thorn, to the County Jail,

understand that 'other arre»U are to

w. _ • '<

The' Newark JConfereaoe Camp MettlngAssociation baa appointed the followingHanding Committees!,Finance—V»nhciichmUon, Ccit, Tuttlo, BouBill, Itansbin.ceoaUve-Canipbell, Brice, Coit, Labaw,lots, Fitzgecald. Tenta—BJIOB, Coit, I A .*. TransportaUoti—Tuttle, Hishardson,lice—BlohardflOD, Klotx, FitSgirald.

•Vachorno,', JUnaoni and Camp,

PQttT MORRIS.Toli about your pic-uicu 1 We had otic of

! our own in the woods bock of the roundbouse on Tuesday, which was as pluOEont and

.joyablou any I bave been to. Mr. audUrn. Day kindly invited yours truly to Uk<diuner a t tbe pic-nic, and I could not nay noto a flnt^laWdbncr thcaa tiutcn, you know.If Ike Shield* »te 18 earn of corn at a mcu»how much chicken did Charley Dakar, Jon

nd I eat at tho pio-aio t That is the us wwit! critbmetical conundrum. Well, it was 6

1 terrible temptation " tcuiptiugly displayed,' aud our Fort Morriu bdiea know how to cookgood victuals 1 there was enough and tospare, and tbe men folks know how to eat'am. Tha UtUc folks for whose esptoialbenefit the pic-nla was gotten up had a verynice t ime; they had swings, a row on tbereservoir in bonta, peanuts, coudj, peaches,pears, watermelons and—I have not heardof any cholera niorbuB yet. The table did sotbreak down either.' I noticed BCTcral BtOra

What a Peterson/an Thinks of Ue.Auitizeii of our ueif;hboring city, Putor-

son, nitule n flying vinit lo LnJte Uoputcoug,liud COOt]Ll 1>Utilt\ UU lIli 'TU'StlU^ DCCUUut OIbin Irtp tu [be 1'titen.ou I'r.wi. MV extiucttiiefulliiwing:

"We Htojipcd at Buonton. Tinmuch to sue Utire uow. TWy liuvu u livelylittle paper, brother Gurmuu'n Itulletiu, afew eultrpiiniug ^roctra. it tuunl ^IUUB atti arulliuti mill tliut onco mipplied work forhundreds of hutUlled and hupj>y workiuuleU) but thikt uow B , if fc •udB up

a wreatb of saiake to give life to drearyBoonton's uky or a wiiilo of gludueua to coyiubabituut of that hard-time blighted plaa- t h a y live there, uud tfaU w all. The trainiturU off again and we uear Douville, now

ago Urn

thoiiisiiuilii cf rtiliginuN oulhi U) uud guuu-C i i

gfriends of religion ant) of tbe Curiutinii

irnb. Hura WB clutuge CJIIU and aro off

Muchaiilos of Stanhope have changed thnight of meeting from Weduettday to M|day n i g h t

Youngand convi

"But can you livo on £2.50 a week ?"iJuatico Duffy asked.11 foll)g Andrew McCahe, who WBH to11™ "M>nomicaliy.

nviatcd of breaking Into Enquire KhDUHme* it ."

"Como, I want tohow you

'Sou know, tho basoiuocU at tlio oor-iteocec ner bero ?" and ihe tana pmuted iu a

"aoutbooeterly direotiau. Tbe ma«iBtratouodded, oad Hull aoutiauud, "Well, I

offloe ot Stanhope, at the present BCHBIItbe SoBaej Conuty Courts, was BThursday to the State Reform fha is 21 years of age, Ho la now 15. Itltho wlsost and bent thiug to do with hinj goaa tbcro of a mornin', and makes myI wero B, preacher, now.what a grand soil bveaalfusl off u roll uud a bowl o t cofiuo,

Wo bftw a splen'dldhreeoh-lottdiDgdooble-milod shot-Ban that cost »WB and which1 wen hni little wrvioB. , p We were abpntntlvertUo it for lale this, week, but *a

lend BaggoBta the Idea that we ofTor U <w aize to the individual who will relorn to «bie largoBt number of new Habseribent to the

_B* by tbo lBt of January next Wo' don'tthtuk the banting-groundi of Morris Countyare of a very "huppy" inture, now that theambition of our boyhood in ouly a reraeui-

\ce, mH hntlug no use for the Bbooting-__ we will dispose of Has above, providinglose who wish to enter for the prlsa wilfinfer with na soon. . ; . , ''.', .'.' i

h a l l Goods •' • • • • " J

Among onr complete assortment of Fallj d Winter goodB, attention Is cnUed to onr

jtock of mlBSendud ohildraoBsohoolBboea, jW*<bave.four grades and twoVidths, allmadi'Vourcwnspccia lorfer and Bolcoted fromtook specially adapted for oiunble wear tntloeping tb» feet dry.' Tbhi latter qoaJUy is

j very iniiwrlaut one, and pnrenta should ,nigreet care thnt their children's shoea | n »eompoHed of material tba(they will repclthedampnens u two-thirdfl of the diseases prev-ilect among children a n caused by wet feet,nd shoo bills are more desirable tbaa Doc-brhills. Our prioea have always been anilire Btill generally oonceded lower than aujolb^r (wlablishment in Hon i s Comity, nfadoaully proTed by an examlnatioa of oar stock.

HODSBEB & Huo*w. opposite depot.

might ba ffifdo out of tbln littla iDou'jfor flvo

But I am not in preaching humor-(o.nis|'They Bay young MoOabs was a bod i

It would liave been a miracle if ha had beenanything1 else. ' There is material in him foi

id I hope tho authorities Hithe llofonn Bahool will take pat&a to developtho laUntgood there ]B in him, trent'hiuwith kindly gentleness, aud encourage himuow and' then with a word of sympathy,which he bos rarely heard tluco be was ababy except from bis poor mother., lie has

more than his share of the kicks audTets of tho world. Try a little human

adness on him, gentlemen, Just by way ofI n m goinc to watch the ro-

Won't you Dover folks take tho fight outyour whiskey? ~ We came' within.'ring ft prize fight UIIB morning ull OD no-mt of the Bluff of which Dover wbibkey iiIe. Fighting is a very foolish businessb :nt, boys, and if you oau't take a drinkDOTOL* whiskey without tnnlrtug fools ot

>ureulvei, don't drink Dover whiskey.Borne of our boys are going to try board,

on the corporative plau whilo Ibe strikeils and they are only making 0 or 8 trips

mouth. If they will plcato keep an aeour.account of thoir eipenBOB and let me

iow tbe result, I will be glod lo publish itthe information of " the lBboring>cUss,1

I am not mistaken they will £ud a betteriedy for low wages than, a strike, (whichays has been and always will bo folly;) aer phin than following Rome fool of %

mel or scamp of a fifth-rate lawyer into.mo wild politloal scheme1 which-wiU be

i.to amount lonotbing.for^the laborersigh the coloucl and lawyer may got ahundred dollars for their Influence, and

>livor them over, bound hand and foot; tb"political party." D. J.

.' 'jjr/ii Herfe/i Story) e:!

In December, 1873, Misa_ Josephine Her-i, of Wost Brighton, S. I.', won ehut up. in

IiiBana^ Aerlurn, at Trenton, N, J-, her(her, John1 Heiley. her'brother-in-law,

ohn Portington, and her Kiatcr, ElU Port-inRton, having aigned and aworn to a d

H9U.that she was Insane.'^Bhe remainedtheTieuton ARJIUDJUDIII Aagut,,1878,ien shg w u removed to the A1orris I'lalns,- and hure detained .until Miijii, wbeu she' was libemtea^'hut withoutneivlDg proper dinebarge papers. Shi

JOW Bays1 she was fnUek Impiiaoned and willbring' af suit' againBt- her' itlotlVea. From

r sturji her.relutWcB wished to get her euftho way on account of Ler clnim upon

rtofan estate left by hergnmdfatber'lnlunicBi Weat'lndlea.* Her grandfather w

'homaa.EUlfl, aBr(tVb,p01fBr, and the w-tte^he'left ctrnd^'d ofJieVDriJ.ih0DiUlc()

rs .of voluable. sugar BUA eotton luudit,"yoong hidy'aoyB further timt ha hnd

knowledge, of certain natters conneniiug the'ortlDgton famUy, which h^i rebllons wiuh-

to hush np beyond perndveulure. 8h<declares that O&' Ihe day of her arrest sitesuffutod an extreme inault ttcta her brother-

i-law, and when she BcrcatDed he silencedirby eibibltliig;a dagger.'1'To concent liiu[tempted crime wtia au additioual reaaouir awcaring to her Insanity.' MissHerluj>yatb«tsbewaB.tTeated inhnajanly. bollral'roDlon and at Morriatawn, and Unit tbo Wiataut ualroV Miss Uoe','beat her omul):id repeatedly, ^tihobas phioed her ease'iu0 luiuds of lawyers ia New York.' 'Ciiputiu

Faino* Kent, a retired, British,nav4offic«r,the executor of tbo 'Jamaica' esiaie; npoi

rhlch, it la anl<l, tho Dacueaa of Kent has

Morris d i m o n , a notorions thlflf bns thaiia not been1 out of the State Pria50jbats4m(1 mouths, commenced his thietr ""'

after he retarned from prlaon,flay evening, the ]at inet, he vaa oiDborge of forgery to the amount of $20 amcommitted to jail by Justice' Gray, H e w

silvered over to lh« Sheriff and keeperie Jail on Sunday morning by officer Eii

yon. Wbthinkiftherewaaaomefourorflaf his colloiigues arrested and confinedlaxi laborfor some eight or ton years, thie-.ngmight.be Hopped toadegree in ti ls nlacaud o»er thiB mountain. There L—1^~jea t , cream, milk, butter,sheep stolen through this Valleyeither mounlaiu for the last nrrMr. Jacob Naughright, we Jandihail two aheep butchered ia hia f

weeks, tho thieves leaving for' _ _ ^the bend «nd nkin. Wo ehonld tblnffoaihacould Bift out the nwo ur men wbo dl3'ti)tdeei. There U living not far from hlifamily ana porhapa.two families, who art injoslly honest. His brothi ' ' " " - " - -akrtaA Ibe BomeWyBome'gnawed right the fint timerthink it is Vucle Juoob's turn to gneua.

It U reported that State BuperlnUndenlpirn-has discovered an attempt by the an.

thorities of the township of GuttenhuriHudson oountji, to STrlndlo . th« .Btate,"reporting about ltW flctitioui nunei oa 1•chool oensuB. Ai | 4 a jeariBpaiafor.e*clichild out of. the Btata sobool fund,, t 'amounts to »*0O. The SchoolTnurteeihiboencalled upon for an exptamUon. m«ia thought that a thorough examination WU

DEFABTMXNT or Aa&icuiorru, :

W A 1(1 1B77

. J . Cs.ttlo.and PoutUyJifameB.Congreiiman Oatler;'huvlng<re«iivad tki

_ ollowiog letter fiom' the Commissioner 0Agriculture; desires' thar alFpersouB intere«ted in tho : subject- mnttei" will send him;helr names aud postofSce address, whichio will place at unco in the hands of tho

O o m m ) » i o n e f c - : C ' i . ' i i U J J IDEFABTMXNT or Aa&icuioru,

.WlBHDtOTOJI.Aug. 1(1, 1B77.JSM.AWVSIUB,W,.OuOer,;-.,- T . ; i v Ll .

^ • Morrtstowu, K. J . ;S n t ^ T h l i . Depar tmen t , i s deBlroao

mak lba ' a thorou'sn iuvesUgutioD into tbicauses of the uuuy dlHCHiwB now aud foiBomevearv post provaillng with such fatf1

effect among tbe farm aninahi of the oonitry. I n onUr tiut this work may be fncilltateribaadth'B.deptrunentpat in poseof informaUbn 'tbT( will Vuible it tocorrect undentanding of the extent, natcreand cbaraater; of: thwecdiseaoea, and Iberemedies Indicated theretor. IwouMthaukyou fortiifi' names aud post, office addnwa ofBoin8«of the more promlwmt »Wk end poul-try fane'don ana doalew of your dUtriet, andfthio'iheaddrtKHeBof'reapocuible veterinaryimrgaons who have hud eiperlouoe in Uilndirection,

ThCHB names should include those of per- J M redding ,tn localities whero discasea 0geiieiul 'or local" charBOte'r' provatl, eilheamoug hoiHes, cuttle, sbeep, hogn or peal

r t n , , An early answer in'icg/ientad. I n"'" " ' very teBpocllulIy.

igned)' .WmiAM O. Idt D , ,OomuiisHioner.

'feV «ek3'a8O a Mr. Uktlcr, who kee[c r t a t Mount Horeb, in Warren tovi

ipl lcitVpocketbook eontairilng »15bills, and noteu aud obeclu.amouuting in

'llOtt 'AHr . A-aiTrinuner foanietbook. and j^o'ntenjB and^

•euniluiileB t« rutltra it. When be hatul<it over to tbe owner tho generouB mercbanlheart at once oiernbwed-wiUi.thomilk'huuntn- kindness,Jand lmtneiSlnUjly ham]over to Mr. Zrimmer: a Ttfri m a r oxain :

i i m a heat ra*e at Uonnouth^ParkBday,. | « 4 TJmriaay, for. hones tbi

bad never bcatou S : « , 2 . O. Querin'a Vkvwood.to.-k' Boceiia. fe)o4ey;fifth and shth h t a U

Crigham .Young was the hugest^dcposltbut two in the Bank Qf Enghuid.'

hope people who arrived too lato for he acknowledged tukiug two drinks be- t |a treated to what was Itifcaaea lie was angry ai, bis LOBS, a Wash-

ington etreet plumber. Why was lieI hope the ladies and gentlemen may ^ugry ? Hie boss bad kep t 81 baok out

to eee many annual returns of their picibut o f $a wages to insure hia attoudaucoand that the little people may reiooia Lfilonda? morning. His regular wagespeop1ejniitaalongaBtheyeanBndhavelwerf la2.60A week, so that be was 60of fun a n i lots of friend to look out t f l n { s w o r a e o f ( h n n m m V . m a S a t l l | .

ielr interest*. .anyuiobt . Wttan't that enourii lo mnkoI am requested to Bay that the Amerit b

it on t b a t till ooan ?"

-tilling and about half punt nine wan pro-' ig for bed. Wblle BloouUig over jiikiuga boot, and with his body refloated onwiudow curtain, he-wauBtiirikil hy tin-

sharp report of a pistol jimt ouUirto nml thoif tho bnllet throuett ihp wtudo*.

.UBhing nutbidu t o ahtnned Mr. HuOiunu's' and that gentleman together withof tho. neighbors Iu»Htilted n close-

iwh of the neighborhood, but the niurdcr-roscal who urud the shot hnd of coun,ela good his oHoujio. Ou. inves[ign)iou it

r.ia diacoverod thiit tbo bull pnasod throughwindow pituu, culling a eluuu tonud bulo

Ihout crucking the ghiHH, and puiHibg inmtof tbe inteuded victiui wont ever the

of huihcd anil iuio a board partitionnays ho known of no one whi

lid duuire or, liiis auy <uiuna to tunuult himidiBeutirely in thei l i i rkWtd w; - 'it oontompLiicd ench a, crime. Tho dus-

Brudo's iuU'ulious ennuot be inislukeul thigilt Belecleil ww) a (It ono for buab a ilirk

oed, and ull that now remains to 1>B doiio iii flxerolM of Jenaey juitice if tho putty cunany possibility bo dh>covere'(l.

Telephone Experiments.ad and Hulttbizor,', of tlio

tf>Iegmph offloB, tabu in keeping vrithmo of their friends along the Hue,' luive

.'ocurari a telephone, nud tlio other eveuingnk(d us in ! foj ^ItDeai soini^ experi-

lunts. After a«ki'iig tlio' oitcrutor nt Forlnrria to fnvor us with n soug, the room wuililud, nnd'pretty BOpio U10 nqtea, of "liiilil

;bo Fort" CUILB floating clear aiid distincttrough the room, -.coming seeai)ugly Iron:meat* tbe floor. Other tnufls^iUllyjdiH-act followed, among them one' ouufninlug

Lcoarate imiuitioiui,of tho crowing of chick'nil tneii Newton rrgnled us with sev-

iral aim, which, althcvgh not BO clear noUow of Port M'trris, were pcrfeclly Inlelli.ib!e. ^ThenMr.'IlnymDniltookup'hiB tot^houo—apluiu.tin cylinder, covered withbladder skiu a t ,one end tirougli which

lo tho telegraph instrument s pldti-ran wi r* -and fuvored Mewton. with Beinesbj singingln the cylinder." * w 'Tbe tronnmUaiDn of sound by Ulep>nph la

iraly a wonderful discovery und thb ptsr-iction of U may lend to Important results.ft ohio learn from scientific papers that, ii'rfluee photographs are acenrateiy trausnill

ted hy telegraph, And thH ducovery greutlyLcltitotea tho work of detective* ia tbaountry. We may next expect to benrlthat 1wr man In Mow Jersey will be able to (okiluuer by telegraph with hia rich relitiou1 n h f n •-•'•'•-' - '' -: " •'• • • ' > ' ' • • .

Morris County Peacfica.Thi) crop of jiLiicbtn iu Murrk cuunt/ (Li

r hiut been uiiufiuullv HUIHIJ, uot uuo-liulfniuouiit of bimkclu projuocti luut

ling this year tc miUcrily. Thin in ocoi-lud by two aiuucB, the grunt crop of itJTC

id tha locusts iu tho early j a r t of this Hisr. Muny of the peiich growera were;er inxt year toprodntn .hirge crops thnt

ay rcfuiKit] iu pruj>urly pruuu tbt ir 1id tin 11 PunwijUfLCe tunny (if the treen act-,ly boia tlienibtilR'H to diwth orbcuumi

•tiled that tliuy pruaurail fcw Jieuiis year whii'li (mine to maturity. Suchiea foil woro Bovtrely Uum thobo properly

ied the uliugu ut tlio IUOUHU, nud uot on-Lbt nil the fruit ou the liinbu thnt were

Ug but ulito full tlio jKiixou of the IOCUUIH'liuga thruiighout Ibo oiitiro tree, ami thus

gruuud heiieuth thuiu hucauie literallyrud with tho green fruiL

Vhe Khipuicubi by ruil from Uorrktowu,'bend ceutrnof Iho peach district, buveu very iumguifiuiut im couipitr") witli

yeur. During ths piuil mmith of An-1t Imt 3,4G2 boHkcU woro nhip]>ud iu nil,ilo it WIIH a common prncticu Iiwl yenr to

3,0(10 kmketa* thy. Tlio pt'iiob 1 *couhititud or eijjht to ten mn, wlulu lliin

ir on hut one dny htm thcro bi'eu u fulliliijiped. On AiltfUHt 21ut, 187U. S,27ioln were flhipjwd, but cu tho corrutt-

udiug day this jeiir there wero but 020~iols. August Ulut, 1870, there uero I,-luskolH shipfwd whilo ou thowiino AnyLhiJt yuur tliuy umubcrud ouly COO tow-

H. Tliu tnrguht nli 1 pin out oti i)i>y oue dnyjCEir WIIH uu AuguMl 27111, whuu C51 ba«-wcrutihi|)pei], but 011 tbe sumo iluy hut

•theiiiiniborwiua,JU9. f

i fur thin j'eiir mure thiui onu-hnlf of thuChen from MurrUlowu huvo buou veut townrk, the miirktit htiru bem^ a better ouo

IUU Nuw York, iw tbo hitter viw overlondedIho Di'lawiiro jjcftcliea. Ifnl, now thnt

I'ure about itouo with, tho New Yorkers1 unking iiuHpcrnlu ctt'nrlH toKccuru tba* m d UtiCHt iicuolies of MurriH conuty forr DWU ninrkct. • nnd have numbent ol'ilH llironuli tho uuutily timkiug cDurlK totnct fur nil they CIVD got. TIJIH IICUUHSII-iin cnuaud mi iuhani!o iu prices nud every

the fruit yocH up a fuw CLiitH. Theikes" are Jum coming In, and tliis linoit In in Biiuh demiiml for cnnuiig that tboich growers expect to g<-t very high fig-

>r their lale crop.

growers BIAIU that though tbe crop inmull Iho nut sum realized thcroou will

uliuoHt cqiinl to their returns oflnet yunr,lien (boy lutd so htgo a crop. They linvo«lved excellout prices nud ready Mile faribulr fruit; n i t A banket hns been thrownr the docks, which KIW so common urrunce Innt yenr Iu cnuucfjueuce of an cluil imirket; the comiiiisaiaui merchnDtH

ivo beou lew) cxturtionnto is their chargesid'mure prumpt to return tho auih, aud,an tu thoM) ndvuutiiytiH nre addod thu fuit tho growers luid loui LiwkolB to buy,ikon* to employ nud tonuiu to hire to dmwuir penches to thu milrwxl du- Kiui, it will

1 that thoir lows ou t ie oue slda ban[moat lieeu equaled by their gain. ' Mont 0

•III uct withiu twenty per cent of thiounts they received limt yenr nnd BO,

ouuh Ibe crop ofJIorrw couuty pesobcuiy Weaid thin year to bo not mm third

product of 187C, yet iho punt proOts arcOHt equal. Thin in a godxoud to 1!11 ty ID tliexe httrd tiiuew, uud the rendy

ciudi in founii lo be very ncccptuble.

. 9 One HuudrcdXhea Lost.LONDON! September 12.—Information of 1

irrible diBOBttir iu (he Euglbfb Channel hiist been received here. The'Bri fifth ah I]

.vnUnche, Captain. Williams, from Londoileptember 4 for How Zealand, enlllded with10 Brllinh ship Foreft, aiptain Lnckliart,ora London for Hew 'York,' off Portland,

and both Tesnoht foundered. NinDty-eU

tere drowned.. .The Forest was in bal-last and hail, a crew nnmlcring Iwenty-om

iptnln Ijockhflrt, the chief innte and sove.there wera saved. The A vain t oh e badnew of thirty-two and &ftv passiingers. Tlii

third oIHcer and two Kenmsn only wered. The Fnrent atruok the Avalanche between

main and mizien; mast, nearly cuttlnher In two. Three boulB wero hiunchetl Troi

r, only one of which bun yet been BUVCI)no boat waa washed obbore hnd aluo eovunDodies. The other boot, it is feared is lout'no Avniauche had Biity-tbroo rniwenge]

Lwentj-eix •1I0011, uoventfea second«hu«ind / twnity third-chujs—nnwily oolonistB.Tho aeoidsnt Dccurred at 0-30 o'clock losllight, seven miles 18 Purtliind.'

Tbo latest partictilim «bow that uvermnJrud pereont-We drowned. ••

Common Council Proceedings.The September meeting won hold on Moa.

day. Present—Mayor Itlchardg, Beconl<Irittouden, Aldenun. Hance, and Ooom

mun Brown, Bennett, Felver ami All'be minutes of hut ni«otlug wWo read 1

approTed. '•

BfollowlnBbilht wero referred to ;Finance Committee, reported correct anilordered p a i d : : P . J . Coch ran , f5 ; Jos .Eelley, *G0; Amlww BosU, $G ; U. O. Bi

#19.70: H. a Byram, $70.45; Corp<ration pay roll for August, $387.76.

The Fire Committee reported two bids fathe building of tbe . sew Jiose jumper antcoal cart— J73 and $86.—favoring tbo lutter.Oa motion tha Committee was a n t h ito puruhnso it.

The Street Committee reported tho wnla the west sldo of Uurrls birpot, fiom th<

railroad la tho flagging in front of tbe I01honue, in a very bad condition. In ruin;

iisoau Ibe wuter runs over tho walk.Council adjourned.

Tba Iron Market ;Ths Engineering and Mining Journal says

hut week of American pig 1

bcre are rumors of several lots of iibft i iB been sold at prices under tbe murki•upposod to be by companies wfcow) financinecevnitics are prosBlng. Pig iron baa myet felt tho improvement in demand thatnoticed in many branches of trade, but the]in among & number of the lea-ling fui

unnlea a dhinclinntion to sell for fntmdci l ie ry i t pnsen t /rices. Some of thnare closely told up and others well 1nbcnd—lbe Tliomos Iron Company ha\..ordcraon its boclti eufQcient to kei p ita fiiinces now Iu i lusl | ruun[ug until tbu endtbayeaW 'Wcobntinue to quote No. 1 fomdry at 418 aud $19 J No. 2 foundry $10 on<

1 1 7 . I :

• •••'* :

Hibernia.Altboiif{h many of our fcfood jwople ha1

loft UK on account of t w r i timeH, st i i l w*

tichoulH of nemo 70 Kcholnra each . TheseSCLOOIH HIT kitowu HH Hiboru iu nnd Uppe]Uibeiuiii Subbutb Sclioola. On Monday,S e p t lUtb, we lit-ld t-nr nunaii l pio-nio inthe grove near tbu

Lung Lut'uru l i t- apiioint^d t i m e lor meet-ing the chi ldren Lc^uii tognthcr, anxious :


For; tho:Utf/63.;'.ew stylns of wmpa have maile

sir nppournuco in tbo cloak deparlmcnla.ie, a long sboqua with very ittntlgbt tutTaniinululed doubiq-breoRted front, form-gA pliwtron about Alx iuclies 'wide, whichttoiiB on with baudiioine ornnmontal but-

HIS on each edge, A loop in tho plastron,mt hulow the waist HUB,, forms a sumlliff, wlitcb in vrarnily vadt\<id and Hi

it uot trimmed, with fur. The culls beingfur, (five tho appearance of-n.fur trim'

nfj wliun tha jinndjj on io tlio muffir collur to- mntdi in tbo' ouly trimming ofiln kind ou tba clonk. Tho targe, nqnareocket on on* side 1B studded with pnuuoiu-iterie ornntneuts, brightened witlt ckir d<luuo jet, wbicb crops out also on the but-

the few fringes aud other

lUlH-Another clonk is an Ulnter of soldiercloth,ilh n iniiifiiry shoulder enpe, nnd half high,ilf rolling collun onak formed of the j

idofof the«16tb fumed' upon tba aleeve,•1 a"n1ightly bouffant drnpery, mndae side of tbo bock hy a greater length >ol,0 aide of tbo back breadth than tho other,ie ndditiauul length being caught t ip: iniree deep pleats. Largo buttouH of bornid bindings of heavy titan braid are the

inly trimmings. Lending houses displn;Dine very haudflomc circulurs cf thick Him'nyan cloths. Orientiil dataoBsccs, and baa-it-woven Animkhun cnmvl's hair goods.:icso circulars hnvo a uoum In Ihe hack, andpehiipsd to tho fignro'io na^tolookfdmoel

ike a;long Baoqtie ;in the,buk>| f Some bavrtoods,-~otben-eoliaTG. •^So'me'-Vre trii1th fur, others with linon-bncked foulher

bftndn.otliera with fringe, and others, sLUwith np trimmlugs nt u l^ouly a.biudiug.|Itfln braid, matching.the co lorof tbnol«ug nin.torliil.ri Black baakeUwoven elooklnjibrlca'&rfi nj*o tando-np In atrcuhinr tunIchly Iriinmed with dUtir de W'la'oe jot , 'IDI'IB, fringes anJ tassels.Tholoug, severely niOHoullne-lookicg gar

lents, which are culled 1mlIt corsages, am'rhich ore destined to become very popali

this winter, ore In reality pelunaises, tbewer pnrte Wiiig cat of irreguhr shapeid lengths, instcad'ofhciiig dr»]>edasfoi

inerly. They will bo made of velvet, to biwbru'oWr pliiiu Bilk' |or dfioaaiee aklrts, or.

' w ve/sa, of dftmasBoe, plnin fitlk or basketiven stufls, lo wenr over velvet aud V '

voUen skirls.

New liucn collira and cufo nro vcryhtrgiThe collnra nro throe inches deep, perfeotl;

DUUII, with Biinaro pur i tan come re, embroiered in colors," or ia while or black ehaiititchirig; the cuffs to match being wnruver the slcere instead of within. Othei

Unea colkurs ond eufili ctrae It sets attaijhemiBettes and undcrsleevefl. Th

chemiMttes>nd cuffs lace tip Vith" cotilsof colored si l t , or.withcolored silstring braids, with metal points to rugh the eyelels, and dnngling, after 1

ilriugsare tied, liko tassels.

Thenovelt; -inilerwoor fa a returnthe Old opOL £ wheels In etnbioideriiror flounces of skirls instead of tho elose BI

stitch which has been worn. \ The cut:flounce of nmny of" the new skirts Is co:po«eJ of this wheel work, one wheel nilnlng into another nnd forming au exceed

tiouiti 150 childrenu£ on luid march*

id to tho grove iu due order.1'ioftiBMor Miller, of Ituukuwtiy, lioving

kindly como lo our iwHlituucc, hud practice!the SuuUuy Kchoul so thnt thu woodu noon

cguu to ring with the suectuHt utmiiiBmale. Prayer wn§ nETercd by our ufilcient

Sujjt-riufeiidoiit, Uro. liowdun, followed byig. Dtit jUHl UH the puulor wantrod mo tln-Itur, I. Thomas ol

Iiocknwuy, ns thu orator of tbo duy, a gru;came over tho programme, for thepint for ID 00 which the orgiiu, or-

gauiBt, I'ruf. Miller nnd uomo 10 or 50 chil-u wero Btiitod, uuildouly save wny audorgan, I'rcf. nud tbildrun uimo down to-!n:r in miner u confuted conditiou. IIiip•forall coucurued uo one wait sortouHliI nud the orynu wiut noon righted, audr nnutlicr xong llro. TlioninK gave nu »

irringaud intcreuting ndilress with whiohtvuro jiletwud, Thou cumo the diuuur.:h received a yood win ire of uurnttentiou.1 tnuia ructra dingluj', Bwlugiiig, and

leaking, nnd then tho «runii uloniug per-nice ciuue which oonsistud iu giviupidioliiniil liberal nupply of coufactioi^mlu ; mid all loft feuliug tbut they had

ioyqd n ood dny'u ploaHiiro. But uoiue ofyoung people iiuwilliuR to go liorae, ro-(id to thu Catholic plntforni, ttomo quni-oi a mile dititimt, where they spent theuing tripping the light ' liuittuitlc tor.

m't think, Ur. Editor, t in t wo nre diiucMethodiKt* up here for thnt in not th>!, fur thin WON n [mrtof tlio iirogniuiBie; we bud no control of and which wtit will not ba repe-ated. H.

fr The Striking Miners.luring the latter part of lout week a dep-Liuti of uiluora from (kiniitou vaXuAin President Sloan, who informed .them

it he could not negotiate with them untilbiul resumed work. In couveiuoUona reporter ono of tho duputatiou naid:

"Few people outside of the coal regioniow tho Btmighta to which we have been

ocd. Wo aro no longer musters of ourbread audbuttcr. Those of us who haveH aud PUU3ren, end some property and

tercet in the institutions of UIB country,nt tlie heck nnd mercy of a few fellow*3so Uea bind them OK Btrgugly to Jorusa-im on they tlo to Bcnuiton. Boine of usstarving.' We waut to go to work. ThcBeowt, know it, but, with admirabls fore-

ylii—if it were a batter cause—they have:d tbcir enrniugs, while wo have investedu nt homo, nud uow inaiat that wo shallIlnue to BUind out ami titarvn. Vii

-ill go back to ScranUin, of course. Weit go back. If wo did nor. do so inUmn two days a dozen rueu with coseas!eUth:hounda would start on the hunt

or UB all round tho world. When wo goick I shnll get *ij> and any: 'Mon, let ua

•ork.' I havo a wife aud children whoand tho ntengrd contents of thi

boi which boldft my savinga aro aboutlauHted. You auk where I will say thlsF

at iu an olegantly furnished lodge-roam,with tho'gnu turned on aud tho he»d man

ngiug hia gavel in kid gloves, but underlea of some abandoned cool-breaker, oraeholoin the itide of the Ull, wliera,

idiBtnrbcd, a colony of BnakeB might ordin-arily hida aud brood foi a hundred centuries,

intend to toll these man that I am going toark. What then ? If a nujority are ofiy mind—if they have been pinched long

ough—they jump up and say, 'aud I too I1

it if Borao ouo docs not' speak quickly I:uow tlint I will never live to'get hoaio,

'assa/c County TeacherB' Aaaooiation.'atonic Couuty has an Association of Teach

tn, .which is accomplishing much . good,[orris County shonld have such an oseocio-ion. At a lole meeting of'the Powalo Conn-rAmoohition, Mira Surah Stanbnrraosh, whoill b« remembered ns a successful teacher

the pabllo echoois of MorriiitownIIRplace, but.cofv.of Pufisalo, very aptlyitroduced a paper entitled Tho" ThreeQhool-musters. ltu..o paper which appear-

i d l n a h t t e number "of thp New. Englandouroal of Education rouuded .'on. the l*le:rike,'ant! illustrating three phases of eon-luct on the part of tba great railroad cor-

:. The imperious, the iiosaillabani-ions, snd tho Voudetbtlt: or the unli

tempered with moderation. She,pnim lo the Litter In the iohool

inster, as well us the railroad nuuiagcr,leofied tlie audience highly by her nntiTi

manner of rendition. . - • "rTtie mteliug closed with a few able

tirrlug1 remarks ' from County; Baper-tendent Cruikshank, who taki rg the reoenfstrikes as the basis of l ib ndilress, in "ing terms deduced the noecssHy of educa-tion for tbe poorer classes. His patriot!*seutimbuLt cnmWnea with his eart

iinner.tlirilled hifi hearers.

ingfy effcBtho pattern for the swork. ^ ^ _ ^

A Correction,

Jin. Enuon:—In your hist issue, overcognomen of JEgis, appeared the most oniBided statement that any man ought t o*guilty1' of Bending abroad, j He Bays WiVandyke was etruok with'a ' stone sent byboy nami-d Cockling. Bo for so good; ncfor tha factsi Both of tbo said boys v "itoning a toad; each boy had thrown

stono iind bent down for.another. Williibeing A little Blower than the other raisedhead Just in time to receive the Becocd st<sen t There was no intention of hnrtiiWillie or any otheriboy. O, B . Oomami

T A W t o f tbe comrocnication of the abowoi cut out, because it w threateningiU cbaracter, and contained personal alBicna which would net rectify the matteW B have no doubt our correspondent wiwbnt ho dit3 honestly, and if mustakenmiainfonned would feel as BOrry asWi.-rEl>0 • • . • .

ng Iboio ara tbe painful symptoms tbatGB of tbr approach of BJimw. Many

••'U.*uda inETar the miseries of Headache,Jiiipeitloo, Comtipitlon, Acid Stomacb, howpuit i . Nervoumeas, I i r e r Complaint, Coatedoflgpe, Cramps, Diarrboia and Bowel Sisor-arn, Heartburn, Debility, Ptlpit* Moa of tboeirt, Waltefuiness, Btieunutlo aod Iteoralitloiioa, and do not know that tbeia Dyspeptiompioiui may lenuln»l« in duifiat"oai dlwi--1 ir too long cegleeled. Parker's OiogorJic, bj \actaitlag the lecretioD of tbs g u -

:1B juices, and arousing all the- fonetioci ofie atuaiacb to liealibfol meliyitj, en tare* tb*in luriion of food into pare, rich bluod, givesrooeth to all lh» orgaos, and loon diiilcsteseie dlsordert. Ladies Buffering fiom t do-iUted •MU.-m will flnd this T-iuir *otider-l beneficial. It is plcuaat to tanle, inrar-

lablr rwtores regularity and relleres paiufuiperiods, soolbej tbe narrcs, intttei refretalngi and rtihcwi tba glow of health to tbe

clteek. By PirUkiiift frealr of it ererrill comfort d t l h e u botb Jior

Ufullr blablr r


' ' Death of Willi&m Firmstojw.W n . Xinuntone, one of the mart promi

IOUI iron men of PciiuNylvAula, and gemlly known In -thiH sectlun 1-y reason of hia

louuection with tho Olendon Iron Oompa-i ^ d i e d n t his home in Glendon, near E

nt 4 o'clock 011 -Tuesday morning, aged07 yearr, i."o bad been tha manager of thiQtondon Ir«n Company for mnny years, buan account of ill hailth resigned that posi-ion- about. six months ago, when hifl

Mr. r rank Finnstane, was chosen hUccfisoT.' U s was a goniul. kind-hearted man,

inemlly esteemed by all who came in CODU»ct with him, and having a,perfect knowledge of the iron bnsraeBB, amnsBOd a hi!Toriune. Tae causo of his death was & o»i.jrous tumor on the buck of bia nook. Thiuinor had eibtcil for ; a number of yean,but sever gave him any tronble natilaboiaycomgo. About six months s ince. it IM

so pniufnl that be concluded to undooperation, ia the course of which

waa dittoovercd' that the tanior m i cano\niC From that period he was' a grout wftrer until tho time of his death. Tho 1uaral ncrvlces were observed at- Grcenwoayesterday afternoon.

, Hnckeneack Public School.A largo nuinber of persons gathered at thi

school bonne grounds on State street, Satuiduy, to witiioufl tbe laying af tbe eomerstoiof the now building. Everything passedpleasantly nnd as arranged, except tho nil

which it was impowiblo to hmJnrigo Banta presided, and excellentdreKses were mado by Hon. A. W, Call*Dr. Howo nnd EX-OOT. Trieo, Mr. O.Durnnd making the opening prayer. 1Cutler wao particubaly well liked. He 1tocated the selection of womeu OB trustees

one of tho bast schools In his distriihad women i s the board, and paid a Ltribute to motburs. ' Ha nUo cxplainad h ethe Suite School fund was, mined, whatwas for, anil raid i t amonntcd to about (1000,000; this monoy the State was boundb a n for the erection of new school housesand the loan would be perpetual, the osobligation resting with tha borrower bolthe payment cf the interest. There canno mlHtnke as to thin penflcmana positiwith n-furonco to tho Bible in tbo pulsohoolB-hB ia on tbe right rido. Mow *sey Republican,

will comfort aud strtoRlheu both hoiJf ind iiursIiiK babe, and »t the d»n|torou«iriod or t*«tb«ig can aurelj pnvent and care

,0 bawel disorders tli»t so often prore h ta l ._. » 11 hcittlo from your dniggiet, Vottjnt Aillgore, Dover; Onvo, H»nee A Co^ Portrara ; f. K. Jeaklua, Chester; W. H. cUrd» .~^e, Htaabopc, or »iBinple battle at IS eta

test iti extraordioarv mariU.

r ime- l luBorcd •petlflc—The long KDdiBwfuJ career of Dr. ffumrt P i « T»«n

__ COEDUL, as coulrasted with tbe speedy>ilspso of nostrums doroid of efficacy wbiobiTe from time to time been puffed mto a brief

aty daring the twenty odd years tbatilnbrated mcdJciao b u boon sold, affords

.iroof that the American public coutiauei topoie Its couQdcace in deserring articles only,

•itie Tree Tir Oordialhai loutc bneo recot-m u the leading; specific for Consumption,oncliilia, DOUK&I, Colds, Asthma, Diptb«ri«,1 all other diicaies of tlio breathing orgsna.io, moreover, s. certain, epeudj, ana ial*onlo remedy furDyipepala, Lirer uiaordera,ifutuos, ARuctlonM, ifniutrTTroubleaJlrsvel,mt, DebiHty, CoQatipation, and Femalenplalnta. CoDsUntlyaceumuifttlnfteTldeQe*31 unimpeachable character esUbliahea Ibetbat it uot onlr entlrelv eradloatea tbe

xoasea to which it la adapted, but olio Ibat1 action Is remarkablr prompt iod thoroueh.

JO crucial testof experience)!as aemoaiiratea* rohabilUr in eTory partioolar. Hold by allruKRiHtii. Priociual depot Ho. 910 Filtwrt St .uiKliclphia.

A a gnat Via wer,'he moat miserable bolDgs In the world ire10 auffuritiK from Djapcnaia ind Ltrarplaint. More ttian deveuty-nve peroent.je ptonle In the L'nitfd BtiUs ar<* afflicted

j Uioio tiro diseases apd tbelreffaota; ouohSour Utomach, Hick Headache, Habitual

ose,l'»lpiutlon ot. tbe Heart, Heart-rater-brasb, (tnawlng and burningthe pit of tbe Hmratcli, Volloir Skin,

ited TOURUO and disagreeable taite in lbsoiitli, coming up of food after citing, low•irila, ke. Oo to your, druggist, Yoagbt h,"Iftoro, and net a 76 jent bottle of AOOCST

>KKB or a sample bo11la for 10 o«uta. TryTwo dotes mllrehoreyou.

cake of Olenn's Sulphur Soap and au bath-tub, the Tiotira of thronlo

upliouB can I l l

With aiimutU ._-, .__jaocona crupliouB can ItnproTiseaanlpuur

,tb, wliich no prarmsed bithlnj eauiAtib-ul can supply. Bold at Droggists. HilTaIr and Whl.lor P*c, black o r Irowu, 90 eta.

Schinck'* Falawiilc fly r a p ,i TBI CURB or Coxiuxmox, Couoiti AND• • ' • ' O O U H .

The Kreat virtue of thli medicine Is that Itpon» tbe matter and throws It out of tbe

tem.purincs the blood, aud thus effoctaa.e , - f - i ". •• , -•inNoi'i 6 u WBXD TONIO, r o i T O I C u u o r

D n r z n i i , IXDICUTIOK, AC.'he Tonlo produces a healthy action of tbo .

.micb, creatiDg an appotiU, forming objlo,id curing the moit obatlnate CMOS of lodl-'Uon.lEKOt's UAXDBUE PlLtJ, FOR TH* ODM OF

Lm«a OOMPUWT, A cThese pills aro alurative, and pnrfuoa ault l iy action of the liver wit boat ths l u s tingt-r, n they »ro free from oalomil, and yetore iffleacloui In reitorioff a te t l lhy Miioavtio llrer.bene lemediea are a certain c u n for Con-iptlon as tbe Pulmonlc Byrsp rlpeua theiferindpuriQeitheblood. TheHandrake

. .ssolupou tbe Uver, create a healthy bile,id remove all diseases of the liver, often a,pao of OonsDmptlDC.' Tbe Boa Weed Tonlo

Ivei touf) and streoglh to the atomaeb, makesgoifd digcalioD, aud enables tha organ* tuirui good blood; and thui ereatet » tea l tbrIronlttioQ of besltliy blood. The combinedctlon of these mediolnei, as thun BipUlued,rill cure every ease of Consumption, ir taken- time, and thu ass of tho medicine* per-

'"fuhenok Ii nroreiBlonaliy at bis principal>ffloe, eorncr Bizth and Arub sU., Pbllieelpola,iverr Monday, where all letters ror idTfwnnit be addreaiod.'- Bohenck's modiciuea fur

Persons deitriDg to Welt' tbe IirrKsiriTioxA tTIOH, the' great American Industrial

lUce-tho largeiti gnodei t , and most com-ole eihlbitiou in itie wor ld - t t thaCenten-

iial Rronnds, Philadelphia, can secure etcur*' in llskela any day, on application to the

llway agent, at greatly reduced rates. Tbosa'hoareviilting tbe olty should bear thU In' id and profit by tbe arrangement, .

IDBB nima EEEE EEKE sssa EEEH1 'i B B E • E B 8 E


D 11 B ' B * SB

Is eihibltlng an elegant stock of


Household 'Ornaments.

Confectionery,always puie an

BOOKS,BLANK BOOKS,Stationery, &o.

Th; btitbren4iif . . .



% • ' • - ' '

7-U D O V E R , N. J.1


•Walttmm Watches from $18upwards, best qaality F. B.BiETLETT with ohronomet«rbalance in 8 oz. oase, reduced

todies1 solid gold AmericanWatches from $30 up.

Gents' solid gold. AmerioanWatches from $85 ap.

Ail GRADES and STYUES onhand to select from.

8PEC-fcc. lit

.. , Cullor'writc for price-Hit.N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St.,

NEWARK, N. Ji(?PP. M. 4 E . K.B. DEPOT.


"PortfoUo,""What to Wear,"

and "Magazine."AasartniontorratloniR. Strni] rorculugiu.

W. S. BABBnX M U t

Page 4: VOL. VII. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ... · S 'HOTEL. ALEX. lvANOUBE, (act tb.l ho lu, taken lh » HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St,. J.;Utnlj »«P' 1>J Ohu . WBUon, „„

Par l j Soir lng o f Urati* ami ( 'rain.Winter grain and gmua sved may, nod

should be sowed afl earlj as the groundih dr.<ar aft«r t h e Unit of Au(j.isl. G r ^ 'fcntl earlier. When laud i» to be lui^ |I1, .HL to g n u , I 6nd that t-arlj c e d i n g •— i«y sowing in July rather t h i n in K i p - ,trmbt?r, if tlie ground is rich, makes a!! jtin; dilTurcuce between ft fj.ir crop of;l u T and next lo none tbe first .ve.tr. jjCue rich piece of moiat land well ma- Lgum2iurt.il, »*a liat year towed with Timo-1 [ 0 tt)T nuii SwuJas, about t l* in id.life ^'{itcliJuly. A big crop of roots was takeuoff, ', g re i l t

A Salable ETPDI .j \ i c j 4 t e ai.>enilj!.v of invited Governors

a t , [ i e i u t e ; national Exhibition of PLilu-del i ' l iu , together witb their IEOBI cordialimlorbuuieul oi its JIUD, scojie, ando].j .-w. btucrforib. places i t under thea u ! 1p ] C . is, a s it vet*, ol our u:Ao& nation, j^ j t i ^ IS eminently pro^e: , seeing tdat |,|,,. Inh ib i t i on , tinJrr tbo eucrfn-'tic di- jr t . c ! j , J U «,f j u present s a p c i o u s tnan-


U this j*jur, liuiotby bay,of twu loos to tie acre, I sin

it tbe rut'aid

'Ibe CJorer *owtd in the spring making j f,,r,

no great figure.Laat jear a piece of laud of oni

iiiv near neighbors waa manured in Juljfur turnips, with manure fmm the l-ariivj.rJ which bud accumulnted since thiv..rd bad been cleared out iu tlrtnJ during tbe extreme drouth fromv.'l.iuli we solerel, A pool part of tbelii inure was rye chaff miieJ wiil.au.-lu.il droiipiogs. Grass seetl WMSO»H1ut the some lime, but lite all ibe rest of' a t f l n ) ,tliL- grass in this section, it wits burneJ | c 0 | a n ) l

out and mode no sign, Sotaetbirig S t . ] | t . r ,

aid ia desired still mor*j the future, not ua\y a vuat col-

of varieJ atiruetionB, but il:liuul of iiitttruL-tioD fur tbe entire:in jienji]ff as vel! an a pojiQlurmrt and commercial cai{juriati) jchants ami liusinc-ss uieu. :


1 Dt d-aia t ier i imit <>f ibt'OouutrT, utaratidjruI? duUut, lu'cliti^ H Hch<»««r#t i t v t rbi . - ;Ttar" fureprtbentcd. fur tbe txatmriation aridi | j

i n .

ot ail tLf rariims htylof munufiietured guods. A <Inv

ipfiit there before inn king hispnrcli.ase will pQflbli* tlie shrewd", ititclli-(rent buyer tn ctiler tlie market at greatailfautiipe. C'oiiif"rt.ib!? act] apprujiii


hUrt td , it waa taken lur "barn grass,"or some coarte grass of tbe kind. Tin;nips yielded well, and the grass to theMirprtse of ever jbod; , did tint wiuturkill, and Mia ao green in the sjirine.tha t it WM suffered to stand to t e e » huti t would come to. It proved lo be rye.The chaff contained ligbt .-.ml whichdid not decay beeanne the s<?asuD w*is toh u t and drr, BO i t was sown with tLeluaDiiro earljf io July. I t was tbe eaili-c-.-t, fullest ao<l finest rye cut in ourvliole neighborbootj. I conclude nottbat shriveled need ia the beat— thoughMJine iHiople might possibly argue tbat ,fur jxirTersitr, but that v;e can hardly

. Mw too early.

The Modern Mabiw-lah.Felix Bojaa, of the city of Tulca,

Chili, has undoubtedly reached the ageof 133 yean. At an early age l e enteredt h e •iTDj, in a Bpanish Hue regimeWhen Carlos H I . issued the historicluaudata expelling tbe Jesuits, llojftook io cbargc tiro members of t be ordiuud carried them from Limiro* t o Santi-ngn. l i e served forty-eight years in theChilian ftrmiea. >Up to one year ago Lowas remarkably vigorous, although forleu ypara he bos been carried alioiit in BporUible obair. F o r a year bo lias beenfulling rrpidly, and now soMom leaveshia house, bis physician prescribingnlrnoHt nbsolnte quiet aa tbo only meansof prolonging life. He amokea a pipa.nnd boa used tobacco eteadily for 120years. Ilia eye* ore weak now, b a t he

" lins never used spectacles, ond is peiier-Rlly able to read largo print . l i e is Dotii largo man, being scarcely five feot five

: inches io height, and nuver weighing- 1130 i>ounda. He is remarkably well-

proportioned, his Load being unusuallylarge and finely shaped. Bojaa has livedt o this ripe aid age in defiance of many

. vicissitudes and habits that aro believedto abbreviate a n a n ' s term of life. Fromt h e ogo of 30 till he was 70 he wns auhabitual drinker, and for a long part of

• t lmt t ime suoh • confirmed tippler tliat: liis liealtU WIB urioualy affected and. i t

-wiis belited tbat h e cocld not IITO long.F o r sizty-sii y e a n he has not tasted in-toxicating drinks, except aa a tneilicico.H e is the son of a Spanish noblemnn

.. v,bo fled .his country fur a political

• offence, and settle*! in Chill under on- anautned name. Tho son lived almost

n half century before he found out tbei t rue Uistory of hia father, aD<l, upon the,., i^ii^overr. LB made a trip to Spain, and

obtained from the Qorerotncnt tbe title- noil possession of yaluable property• -which h i d been confiscated.

iiu ;-iv now titteJ U|> a? arcinl exchange, wbcre buyerau mtct—wberc papers, tatnj

list.-*, benil where tbe

viU-J to coiue aud at o-l timi-s (etl him-self per/eclly at home.

Tlie unatrtioc ia tinueN.lat.ngly madetbat thin ia t ie largest. prnDdest, andmost cf.mi-lete Extiibitioo in the world.Il i)i)(]iiL-jtiouitbly boa never in tlievroiKKs history liud any Jieer, cicept iuthe Biatcliless ContiDiiiul, of wbosew. aitb it is the natural iuleriUir, and of

Xo less .ban thirty-eight States ami Ter-ritories, uud all the principal foreigncountries are represented iu this im-mt-Dse display, by over two thousandtiliibitdrs. Not estimating tLe wondersofurt and natnre stowed away in Me-morial and Horticultural Halls, whichare attractive adjuncts to thi! Exhibition

DII constant display no>nty-une acres of varied andixlibitM, rejirtsenling everyof art, ficiuuee, educatiuu,


Subscribe at Once!


proper, there areless titan tweinteresting e

nd industry.

lAUiLixa A.f OLTI HAU>.—k -vhonp-,g sort da boy, with loetaa broad

aud flat as a pie tin, trotted throughIbe Central Market, yesterday, till beeaclied a stall kept by a single woman.bout thirty yu.ru uid. Halting there,

ho yelled out:Say I say ! Tour Httlo boy baa beenover and killed, uF to the City

Hall 1""Oh ! oil 1 Heavens—oh I oh—I" She

screamed aa Bbe made a (live cutler thecounter, came up on tbe outtude, andstarted to follow tbe boy. After goingten feet she baited, looked very fooUbball of a audileu, and remarked.

"WhaLa gooae I am I Why, I ain'tCVCD married I"

Wub for their fettnr


, agemeut are now oiganizing a grani)National Fair, to take pkca ia the firsthalf of Norember, and to follow' hardi:[>on the State Fairs, which arc beinglield all over tbe country. A system ofiiu Alibi trill b* adopted, arranged morovith regard to high valao tban touuraber. - I t » nropoietl ^haf'the medalaawarded ahail represent tlie highest char-acter whiohcan possibly he given tomanolactorod (roods. , In tbii Tuir our

Vfiole peopl'j aboald beinteresied, Bnd,if po&sible, lend their attcnd>inco. ThTawtjijuohinaryMtia motion'uy tbe lastiCuntenniai has been utilized lor the[present International Eihibitioa,|by adding, ^improving, and-modifying! whe?e^ae*eS8kry71l has now come to be

p { j j |thp;i|q^ 'departureuur nation took on entertug the secon

Uentpjx^of "its existence. The spreadfeast is now ready for and eotirely worthyof its cordially invited guests.

Several Jcreojmen, among whom UGeorge Shepherd Puge the temperancereformer, have built a factory lor con-verting coal duet into a foci that can be:Bcd. Tbe duntor culm ia transferredirora the canal boat* by electors each» are use<l in nnloadinj grain. Teniwr cent, of bitumen ta naed to Btiokninety per cent pf calm toRether, tbebitumen being crushed acailj as fine aathe dust and mixed with it be/ore it hasa chance to solidify. The mixture iathen transferred to a cylinder where at

temperature of 800 the bitumen isliquified and fused with the coal dust,and is immediately placed in moulds,o& anbjected to a pressure of thirty thou-land pounds ; the. bricks tbus formed

being then transferred to canst boata.Eaoh brick weighs fifteen pounds. Thecapacity of t i e work* is 260 Urns a dayworking doobie time. The coat brickshave been nsed saccossfully in locomo-tive engines.

' Why He WM Impolite.

About A o'clock hut evening a young•woman, carrying a babe about a year oldtntor^da car bound for Weal Pbiladel

'plila, tdd dropped into a Vacant seat bc-uide » Bpruco- Ipoking young man. Asf be was busy searching for a ticket, tbe

. .jouDgBter, attracted by tbe glitter of tbe• vouog man's 'watch ebatn, made a grab

for it tnd fell over into bis lap. Thimotlter quickly reached for tbe childanil aa alio did so noticed a heavy frownsettle on the young man's brow, so Tritb

• -with trembling voice she muttered anapology, Jnatendofreceding, tbefrownon bis brow grew deeper, and, rudelytarningbis back upon her, he snatcheda paper from t i i socket and pretendedto read,

A few blocks farther on, aa a tall,Hbam-featnred woman arose aud left the

„ car, tha young man beared a ligb ofV 1 relief, folded np hia paper nod turning"_,( U»>bediiwCD1flledmotber, be whisperedl ' . •'Ercusp me, madam, for behaving so

much like an idiot; but I bad to pretendto be awlul cross, for that wall-eyed

ft - •womnrj who just left the car lives nextdoor U) tbo young lady I call upon, and

!>'• jf I biidb't pretended to bu very angry,K.ie would bars kicked np i muss by

H} lelliagmy giri that eho wassaie I wasmarried, for abe saw me IJQTO my wife

- j.andibaby withniein the tsars. ItJit Tery^rnde, tkiio'v; but I.hope you will

exebse'tne vheu l tell you thft the girl's,d I don't

IcelingBt inthcr is'worth over $40,000, emi-'^ant-sbythEDg io cao&o hard


" A man can't help whatl« doncbe-d his back," ae the tramp said when

V ' i i

I t is a comtnoa error with ladies tosqueeze their bands in too small a glove;

, it .gires tha hsnd a dislorled painful• look, and'then notiah* ia gotten from

' too IDMJI » glore.

jen la a I rice'ike the *&itea

Written belov—

Tbo fact tbat life is short ia not owingto the hnxd times. •

Kotliing looks mora contented thandog tied to the axle of a wagon whenthe family is moTing, anleai Its a manh u the baby while his wile issplitting wood to cook tho breakfast.

A judge, joking a young lawyer said1 If you aud I were turned into n b o m

and an ass, which would you prefer tobe ?" " Tbo aBB, to bo Buie," replied thelawyer, "I've heard of an OBS being madea Judge, but a horse, never I" '* The triumph of a woman lies not iitlie admiration of her lover, but in threspect of her husband; nnd that onlycan be gnined by a constant cultivationof those xualities which she knows thewont values.

1ES. A. BEEMERIs now reidj with all tba new itylei far

. SPRING of 1877.

Fashionable MillineryAMD

Fancy Goods.TEE

Latest Styles & Newest DesignNUHLX OPPOSITE MAT10HAZ. 0H10K BAN!

BIUIiDIHO, SOTKB, N. I.Tbo Urgoit anil mo.t comply Itock ef MUli-

neiy •id F " ' ' * * "priiip

Bonnets, Hud. Flowers, Feat-era, Utbliotis; l^acea—realand lraltntlon-IVeuktlei

nnd llnni, Collar!,Lace and Linen

Sets, Grnpes. Mouroiuf Bonnetiand HollB.

A flDO uwrtmtnt of

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, 4c.Alio, > rtij UTRB ririity o

ZEPHTB GOODS,And •> fin* itook of

Ladies' Turnisliing Goodsrtlilng of tho twit mitoriaiie mult competent m l i l m l * .

irgoit »r1 Fmcy Ooods to t)B foand Iu Don

Uorris Coanty Sorrogato's Office,AUQDBT 30lb, 1877.

ID the matter of Jimcs H. Nutfflibonr, Admin-Jitralur of GbirluB Q. Cr»no, uco a . Snrro-a»te'i Order to Limit Creaitar*~VN tiipllcatlon of the tbon-named Adrafnfi-' tn lor . It i i ordered by ibe Snrrofi»ta ibit

-— nJro PnUfa Hotice to toe~ Id decedent to bring

u Jnlor.lt iiordored••id Adminiitrstor RJTS

d l t r t h l MIn their dnlils, <lerain<li iml clalmi agnlnit tbei*mo, nndf>ri>alh,w.ttilDDln8maDtbirrom t i l l<l»te. br icttlof; up • copj of tbii order, wllblatwenty JIIJI beretlter, in Ote of thn rooit pub-lic pltce* ia-tbo rouoxy of Uarrii far twomoatb*, and lino within the ni t l twenty d i j iby kttr-rtUiDK Uiei iroein Ilia Unv E u , oof the tnwipipon of tbii SUte, Tor tbo MIflptoe of time (lbs Surrogate MglDg »nj far-tbtr notice to bo uooeceRUry); tnd if an;creditor ihill nrelect to cxblMt hli or her debtdemmnd and elilm within tbo u id period or

'- tnnntbi. pablie notJe» bdoa g i t en uuid , tacti erodltor ihall be foreierxrid cfLImr htr*etiup thhiefons agkinil

tbe laid Adminittntor.E . E. WULIS/florroKtU.

i trai oopy from tbe rnlnntei. '


i Boa^ljt,•orGuId!jaDiilst; Hold,i ia \piirai8C,

unictit,il*urthjiiifl a Tet—

l o u j or Bear,licodliuund or dp'r«e trnm Fill,

'.leziDt C_ Jpnleat 1

Pity, Cone«rt

Cjrv f»r Diibandy ValmMmliii t.'lici



g«y criJ4tare»DiirooDtla,

To bat » D J oi7t tell any od


i c t t»*t Ll Trade,\ n l c , Ook* nwl Wo»Metnrt*,Lectnn-i,All Modi of Food,Wwki to TtiMtogy,M»Rtc i. 'Wfillb o

brm-iftirt-orOollin,Altofgbljr DalUn,Hoawi lo B « t .Mote, Tenement,Cub ta be Lout,Caih ta bt Spent,Semi.Tent,Bomw Cement,OoEteid tbe *dTt«'Far bejond priceWrit I en below—















DRESS O00D3, SHAWLS, i c .


Lisss, Cinirii a:d hmh S'JIIS,

•It urn i;'7. DOVKII. K. J.

y y S . BABUITT,







«^ Silk. BflurettAS,i B . « ™ ™ , Stripes, Brocade*, Lustres, Pop-lins, E«i>&nKles, Din^ooaLd, Al]iai-a£, \eiung,Sac<tutn){. Kidrt, i c . Kovelties are (iddeafrom timu Ut time M tbev app-ar in market.In WHITE GOODS, a very full line, pur-chtudd of inrporU-ni and at i t c n o s , and FOIlSALE CHEAP. Dowe.Uii*, Sheeting, Tick*,Sbirtins Stripes, D^ainu, PrinU, Battu,Warp, GiogbouM, Ac. Tbe recent adrtuicein domestic could not be Buitained. AUkiniit of guada we some«)i4t lower snd someare cheapt-r than bt-fore tb* ndfanfe. AllOJO bent prlnU I N sAtiag «t 7 eta. per j-ard ja n d ! wide onto* CIHDBIC, new style andcolon* for 8 cU. Our LAUGE CARPET

~Th". dot t le anJ Ju,,n.d a « <J>owi » O 0 M » '""^ ^ ^ ^ " ^Hiu-ketMowuiiutUklvidtre area M C A R P E T 8 . OIL CLOTHS,

L. M. Holikui, of UelTiden, Ii. M U n o B|1U1IIU!L, CaTCT beginntoo atBated iLe D,l.»-.r. i» r, . t a n , tr. , „ M A . 0 ^ ^^rtin.nl i ofvliltra to Cape JI.J-. ' "

ntr, fn p o ctH pL.r fc.0Oj B.ssortiuf n t ; of relU-I tie maker in good style for * 1. I^rge line

mgtou, undt-r tLe luauagviuciit of i l l f o f | U i l n j yian. We keeu the gforuitrly of tliu Star. wn&e iu tliU country. V>e meautire apart-

rate of *:i.^-on «L-1I t l , n w _ n u i n a ^ ^ ^ &,, and piarantifi » fitUD t-entH iu two yeum. Our assonuieat iu alldepartraeufask much

We do not know what the Warren l*rBer t u u n ^ *** f o u a t l o u t B i d f i t U e '"K6

couutj [)up>:rs will do for itoms \bluck lima beacon in our.

A ton jeur old sou of Piftir Irnin, aartoville boutmuu, woa druwntd tn tbtat Port t wet-k.

Tho Tolu&tion of roal estate in w!ty is *18,;J4r,:int, a decrease of

two andTho next annual eiicamjtiuaut

cities, and DO one ui


M0EEISTOWN.N.J.irtown, K. J. . April 7UJ, .877.





Glenn ' s Sulphur Soap, besides eradi-iting load diitaits of t ie skin, brushes de-

fects of lac complexion, and ttnporu to itgmtifjing clcarncsi and smoothnets.

Sulphur Baths are celebrated for caringcrantioas «nd othtt dKCtuet of the skin, uwell u Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn'sSulphur Soap produce* tlie same effect!^ a most trifling txpense. This admirablepecific alio ipccdiljr teali torn, brviiti, ttatdi,

term, s/rtitu and cult. It removes dandruffuid prevents the hail from falling out andturning pay.

Clothing and linen used in the side roomdisinfected, and diteuet comtmmicable fcy

conttct with tbe person, prenntedby it.The Medics] Fnternlty unction its me.

ices—25 and 50 Cents per Cake: perBox (3 Cakes). 60c. and $120.

*18,;j4r,:,ni, o decrease of f-t T T T J3

w< ,duio.. .bee •« F r e e m a n W o od,:t annual encarnptnaui rtj\ie C" '


TUEKISH v v i i n

Affonts "WAXLtodLIFur ibU CompreliL>ni.».Superul7lI]i.slntcd

liilnrj of tbe pre»i-nl m'nnonirmn etrucpla Inlie Em!. Iti icoiraii- Mipw, I'lann *ud manv:leK»nl Kn^nvlnji^ arc a special fen I arc. It(in.-* a UrtiJhio History of each Onuatry, ivfth

ii uric and DeMnptivcKkotclies ol tbe imm-iTe tninncrs, picuirfrtque ciifintns *nd do-

ncitlc Ufa of liie conic* taut a. DeictiUe* tbeDREADFUL MASSAOnE OF CRIU3TIAN3

ifiitU; ihe Frightful Tiirkinb Atrocitleonolb«rBl.tciis; tbe uprning ot t h o u m m i n'urziguiiui. It Klve* Ibu Km)ing Itittlut. d Tlirillins Incident* nf tlie war, and to tht.

tuoit r»"O,DitiiiK anil oxciti tig work uT lLo v.Agfcti are sure or prompt ind rotdy ialei.

AIM) Agentb WinleJ nn our GH\KD COM-BINATION PH03FECTU8 re^ruHeuling

150 Distinct BooksireriillntGreit. It iaclddea ARrieutmrtl.

-. ^.apiiicil, l l l . ionc-l . HeliBlano inii Mitcd-

af'eieb'lkKik, H|Kcimon 'P*gM and SpcclmonIlloKrttiont. Hik-a madeFrnmtbEi Pra«puotawhto ill wngle booliB mil, Alto on our

PINE FAMILY BIBLES,ENGLISH and OEnitAN, PROTESTANT andCA'lHOLIC. wilh invaluable Illmtrated txld*tod urptTb biuiliusH. Ke»r)j 100 xttrles. Supe-rior U) ftll oiberi and iuiiispcoaable to ererjrimily. I irlienltrt Irce. Aililre's

J O H . N B . K m E B f c . : o . . PubUitheri,StVly 1'iULADEU'iIIA

1877. SPRING. 1877






Legally sulliori]u..d sgont of the rolleffltiR flrarUss companies-tile best in lUe world:


GLOBE, Capital S20.(100,000.

LANCASHIRE ol MANCHESTER,Capital £10,000,000.

STATE FIRE KSUBAX0E Co.,CapiUl, 8300,000.

BOYAL OF LIVEBPOOL,Copiuil $10,000,000.

J'ilANKLJN OF PHILADELPHIA,Cupim 8s,ooo,ooo.

" 600,000.


UUD30N COUNTY, Jersey City,

Capital $300,000.

STANDARD, Tropton, " 800,000;

PEOPLE'S. Newark. « 800.000.

HIBEBNIA, ' " •' 200,000.

HOMBOLT, " " 200,000.





imi, WAiiuAnrKU TO r n . AUIUS







of mj owii maaufadoreu C H E A P ss thoCHEAPKST, anil madaio A

rriLB. Cill and eoe them.

i \ l l . IIOFP31ANUorriitonn, M*rcU 16th, 1H77-


Morris County Mutual

, N. J.,

Olurtorod in




JA3. M. BONSAIi; Seo'y,


Ideemltjnitljdo«theHufriiOoaDtjHntn'Life mil Firo IaauroDce.Conpuj. Uut thispablle icknowlnlRjnenl W nii'de at tb^recetptfrom them tfati da? or the foil imooat of ikeiDiaranon (J1,BOO) on tbtHontlt Slrort GfrVwllhoat rebate of inlertit, (or Ion byon ibe 10th fnit.. and to expreaa one R

pcmiatioD ot tbelr liberal u d prompt aclloo,,: ' . II.O.UAKiH,,: Trewarer Booth St. Preibjteriin Cbnrch.

Horriitown. M. J., Jinnirjr Mtb, 1877. '



nddriBi bj anil

HOME, - -

STAB, Jency City,



Choice Lots in Dover,forialaclitu.p.ind .• :'


Freeman Wood,

Jutlce of the Peace aa4 Police Us. iktr




. . . . bas a conpleb) atock of


Builders' Hardware, •




Brass Band and Siring'Musicfrom 1 IP 20 pieces, for all OCCJUIOQI.

BIIEBT MOSIC for brui bands Uli S.U UrnI inBtiuniDiils M>)d. ' - '

,1-tt - eDBSBXSTREBT.Bi.nl, N.










A SFE01ALT7, snd cmploj onlj I

PLTJltBEUS for Uii. bnneh of the t;

FhDI a p


st loyeit tdulet rates.

Wood and Iron Pomps and Pine

, , »tsn kinds. ,r;., _.


FlttiDKS of all kinds for DK1YKN-WELU3.

Oar nmiy yrars expenenee la tiiof sore tradeenattlas Hi (o aasctl *tth coofiilenca aarmbmble do anj and all »ori in IHi Imo 6(*a,lj£l i t ««tli«saMs(sellon of tbe em»lojer.r-' T i '

Sstlsfaaton nfereaea cilia . l ira reqo'irei

V; 9. ALLUf.





i'UOXl1 liltlCK.f l l i E L'LAX, FUSS DlifcJI




Capital, - §200,000.



Bone Dust, Guuuo. I'oudrctte,


WOOD sawed in stove lengthsOOAIJ,


Tuwti dflivt-rj 40 rt«.; Mtim Hill 75c t .Ordrn miy be aJdrt-isfd ttmingb tlicPnal

)ffiee Lock Sox 23, or lclt i t A. Jl-jciiicr'tuftk-eBlc l .*e l la i . , i i t ar atm^i, urat tliu v»n).

CKSUITirs COALconattvntlvou b»nd.




I, MTEJTOJ, Frop'r, 7 Siitl 1T,,I.I.



. Dealera in




Glass Ware,

Wood & Willow, Ware


Iron and Steel,

Ins Pipe and Fittings,,



Powder, Fuse arid Mlnfiis

Mitteriuls constantly on

Stoves StovesTHE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDINGBlack we 11 Street, Uovcr,

Hot Air Furnaces,or 'llio latent tan most litiprDvcd «tylfg, fm'axinlnt; public aud private liull.litigt. A Iarg.


STOTES, RANGES,Ac. Also & micty of

, liand,

Cor. Black well and Morris Streets,

rmMARACKlIITTBtiBis tha best tonicX " in use.' A nra comblriatlon of raedici

propeMios tnd material!, orobibly luo moirar^ in uw, lurclr tba, moat •uecfMful cumblmt.oir of rn i %» i T> i p v modical «

ack JJittora.. In tUii Vreat regotiblean blendBd; In tbe raott barntonlouB

p o r t P * 1 1 " 1 * 9 W to b t iparity p o f r t - P * - 1 - 1 " 1 * 9 Wo to obtain.:tio moat KlUraiWo, Inrigoriting and panfyinc

uk-inenti tbat can be aelcoted from Ibe vegota-hle tintp'oro, Sold Ly J. II. IIEOWH, OO

/Af i l lnnKB^ siAofo OATAnnit'\J RXVKLLER loslanUy diilo-lsea wlO npulaall unnatoral secretions from tue hcsil, nuse,tbruat, and'brancbia. elearinfl the macone-membrane f-AT1 A I t l t l l "nd ™!'«ln8

orRSns 16 a natnral and u^allby condEtion,r_.iiyi0K tbe oCttualve braalb, oouDteractlugall Ibo poiaunona Raica originating in \he ach,

• | 1 | i | | f 7 S i V 1 * B k V f r 1 W V k — J.A— 1 . _ .

moUnR health, pleasure, comfort, und tsippi-HOM fur tbo •ntturer, «od fort one [or the orig-mitur. Rent b j mall. Plica SOets, Aflrliew33BORNK * &.,*716 UroidwaT. New York.Bolt) fcj J. E . DUOWN, Dover, N. J . '

Frank Cox's


BMdgairttn for*)) Undi ot ttfh unl plckltd


STbe best In n. ket, now uU> Dais,ing for'J

. 14OBNTS!;;:perponnj. AllUndiof


roodred freah eTerj dny, upon tltelr arrivalla market

LIVEBY.LTD attached to my butdneBB at tha

B&dd« House Stables, across tho VBJ, *fiwtdjwa LI VEBY STABLE and will keepoiTlwnd th: l Summer » flue lot of driving

The Jlineis' Suviiigs Uaiik

Ol ' UOVKIt, N. J .

,'aic.. t will tio paiJ OD dcixiam mada nn orL Wfvreltn firetdajaof JUiicn, JUHE, HEf-a n a s and DECCHBEB.4?- Opca ilaily tri'iu 9 o'clock A. %. to 1?!t*'k p. M.



HE.NBT IIcFAU'J,7, Ptc.Uent.EI'lIItAlU Ii;.'DSLEY, Yicu Prc.lilent.

JAVS. TI1KAT, Tiranrei.Dnver, Ft-li. 17.1B73. 12-tf


BHIITANLV WARE,A fill assortment of



LEADERS, ind M kluds ofJobLiup in ra7 lino,lono iu tlie bust mauner and at the uliortcslot ice. Hlfhctl prices pail fur old Iron.

Copper lea l and pnvtcr taken in cicliau' - guwla.

AXEXANDER WI0HT0N.OccemLei- Siltli. 1870. Mn





Ikipainnij clicaply ilouo ind w i m n t


E. & G. H. Ross 4 Breese,G^XEii&L FlBf. AUD LITZ

Insurance Ageuts,omce, Old Iron Dank UutMlng

MorrisTown, N. J.QEO. U.Hom, BrxriiER Buotat.

A. J COE, Collector,


COMPANIESAderican Untnal Ina. 0o,, vf Hewa

H, J , Auets over $1,00.000

Hsrobants' Hutnal I u . Co., ct XswaiB, J/, iiBouoioi P00,0»

oiBn'B Mntnnl Ins.- Oo-, of Hewai]V.3., i u e n over 600.000

Germania Untnal* Iiu. Go., of ITow&rlH.I., Capital,! I M 0 ! ?

iEtnn iMnranoe Oompan , . ^Con, Assets, B,O00,OW ^

Oontinental IosuraBOe OompftQ/, «f Re1

Tori. Oapiul, . 1,000,000

Motaa! SeneSt lift Iiu. Oo., tfHetrojkB.I., Aiseti, 6,000.000



The largest aasortmont of l?AT0tIE3 ANDCLOCKS between New York and Eiatou.

Another great rcdnolion In WALTHAMEMmandSPKISOFIELD W4TCHE3. Tbeqniok-tmia moTement, nwmfcetamil io Bock*ford, Illinois, UkcB tba le*J; t-b« beat.fapUtq railtr'aj timo keeper made


JE1VEIJIT of mil (lescTtptirmi.^ Ik»ntlfu[ delgm of BILYEIt PIATED-WARK te*erjtbtng

tuukud down to ut>r iH)» P I U C B . Afor the DIAMOND Hl'ECrACLK AND EKEQIsiBSES. . , . . . , , . - . . .


NEATLY DONRnly Btb, 1877. ., . . . ' , .

pStove and Tin Ware Store,


sn3.po inpBBmb«cnl t ittct pleamre in (nronnlni

L - the dti ie i . . * fBtiMtf onoa and inrronDil-i conntry, t t i b i haa eitatiliihod a itui

nd tin wars tnaotlebmcnt at the ibOTo BtmtiTbe atook o goAdr coniiiting of tbe latciid moat UDprotfd } • ) • / , . . , , . - : : '

?ARLOE &KIHKEK STOVES,hkrts j o l t been put

B I Y RBWEBT•.Tjeaias. .RWPi^o.Pi.wMnii»o *»<DUD1NO, t t tbetowtrat HARD-PAN PHesK1

ar iWck or tiD- %tire of oxery- denripHoa fal w n«Wr *»4 ehoBp.-' OtU dul **m ott Ooodi

f l i l b '

, JOS. J.1" 0OBTV3N;

' ; Adjoumod Sheriffs'Sals !• '^ID CliiDcerj n[ New Jerpcj—?i. fa. Tor i i l e ol1 mortgiRud prembeir, wiicnln Bor»ita§L.

BrytiJl U compiainaiit, and Tbo JroaU Lamana Improvtmcnt CnraninT, I'btbe U. Vail,Edmund Canfleld, Ira TlYrp » d l U b i r U.Jbjrp, AdmiDiHtratuii ot. P i t t / O^ Tliarp,

; Ntnnan Wl Dodeo, Thai B . l l « k Otorge

A. Couradn, luha Via Koitr»iid, "tlie DurerHani., L«wl*Kaielicr,'Jr.; Oenrge Eoteber,

. John It. Piper, The National Unlop Hank u(Dour . Fraucin H. Frcptnsn, Jolm O. Hill,Hn.ei'Ai'JtrootaHrt, Edintrd Wi HebarrtQcoTgeJliehnTlgJUchirdGeorgc. James H.KImi«(in. Willlstn Rmiili, Joactili ilvQaex andFrederick A. DoMntl are delendiati. Be-lttn.ablet«OotobfrTerin,J87T. >•- '•• •

Tbe M>1O au b*hairof the aboyo-iuiDeil par-ic*, Ii siijnnmtd id tako plica at tbe UNITED

MATES HOTEL, in1 Mbrri»lrtw»,K. J.i On

l). lB77,'bett<eeotbo bo

; : -*: piHIBOK A; FREEMAN, Sheriff. -d Jnne I6tb, 1B77. ., j : - . ; .,.,;.[ 8 M

COLUMBUS IJK.VCH, Prcn't.AY. a. TltEAT, Oxihlcr.

I) 111 E 'J T O It S .LOBOB RlCil


JAH. \V.UllC»ini:»TI>K


I J a i i K j ,

Capital,-5ilOO,ttC.A1"JXNTI(>S GIVKS TO TUl i I U:.i j -, »

ami tali- ..f jsll li(,,idi -

- Ii.

DIliECTOIfo.31. H. 1>ICKI:'.IUJUN, JO1IK JJA.ScIVSSKY IlAKEli, JAMUi II LVM. v. wii i iLucK, a. a. i'AXjii

2C-tf SIM OS MIrillL.


re now i n r c d to (uriiisli FAUMEllS AD.olhtn in ear-load loU an extra qiuliiy »t

BBOA\riSr LIMEr.H.j the StctcarlPTJIlL' Qaarri.s. Tbii Lino I

I In' ,wl<l at lui» Moiria A Esae Cbtcltlll l Mi

tie line or l

lCrescent Bone Dust,

HQrth River Barrel Lime.DELIVERED Al DOVER.

nut- in cat bai3g,pci bustid, (A0 lbs.) 12] cl,•liaun1* I'luwplisic.iwrcwl. il.OJi(me Diitft. JILTI-WI. l.W

. urib Hlvr LIIIII|I Limn jter bbl. l.V!5Xoilb Itittr riuislnng Limy, j»tr Lbl. 1.75

ujno (luliitrtid Iu any pulii. uu tlioCUtilcillmlrr>a<!at 11^ d s . |«r'bu».icl.

A flnfl quality of WHITEWASH L I M E .linnd and bold in any quautiti«.Orders trill neeive prooipl itlgntiun, Addrcn:

BBHItlKIl it PALMEI1,F o i b n a r j till, 1 6 7 7 . .-• : < D O V E R , K . J







FORGIN&.of aU DEBOBtPTlbHSCOKNS an the imwt plentiful kind of gralLi market. Everj one hu a inpplr, ftum tbs lii

JelDne-Tar-oiaebUd ta IUB *&od Hnndalr wIni an to a hundred. aVlUli. liuiilauijialidles who dilly pn.raen.de fi.bluunbU (*BDM«mldate-iged matroua ; old nuida, drmed up ttappearjaunifaudliay '. itandlei. witli their P*l»u1luatbnn, klU gloTca. aud Hurt (able walkluft itUk;tllrej'naincKbatlawfeiGhiliMdmbanh



The subscriber would' most reapeclfull;inform the dtiHSiu of Dover.and vicinit]that ha baa opened a GROCERY AJJD PRO.VISIOH STOBEon . . .... v




in Soaaon.

All gaodn Tmrraulcd and gunnmtccd to beaa reprcBoaled. '

J0HNAENDT.Dover, N. J., April titli, 1877. il-tim j

BARNUiyiSTCC n x e s r tusnwkt or BEADT-IUDS


Oar Sprint anil Summer •Ivlct of Striped,Plitil and Billed Caimnioro Halt* are ontirelinew and Terj attracdfo.f l » B DREBB AND BUSINESS 8U1TSF20&T

McrcbaDln. DafineBi liva, LaboHoRircn, a]claHiea, etn get jnat iba ihing thej notd

inttewayof ?

READT-MAPB CT,OTHING.in largrat won aavn mnch tronbie li; coining

ircct to ns , I I Me are tAmtjn pirparud to fit:bnm. BOYS' DEPARTMENT complete inIvor? rcipect. CnBlomDcpartnictttUotiBaillr.ttntetlto this Semon. Jflo IODR continued

be tbu rctolt ol "

Hare fof SO yean »\**rt tnlil' Rood fooda atm pncei, but are aim iulline at lower prices(an e»et" known before. . WB .OllALLtNOE

riOS . - Bamplei of gpoHn wjtbjirictu. raflliipnplain , and iBitrt.ot.ona Tor leir-meaBaronitctlent irce onipplicttion t o . .

; P^ C. BAUMIMA. Co., -196, JOH UID 100 CIUTIUK B q u u x , Nxw Yen*.


$55 to $77P, O.TIOKBBT,'••>

Dover Savings Institution.


i n U H T S E b i. ...y Baker. Jolu UBQU

litSinlcrittb^Lii, Si!Cn.IslIk:hi

AIL-X. Wifibton, . CliftH. 11. TuuiJOB. Jioderiir, HlnijinC ){,.,

iiuiiMuiiLiiiH, fiiRHtu Mh'[IDaviJ I). Jar.1.111'. Jas. A.V,nojB|'tiU-hariJ KlM.bulU!1' Ji.'lif Born'aiVWilliam H . fiaktr, (ii-oifb FlttJii

t b J . MkclluiiRcr, MartinV. I! s

TJiin Imtitutiou Ii now orKam/cc] amlu ,,•r bit tin urn. ''OOicc, In Dover Dank.IiitcrDfil etiial) comtiiotici* ruuniTip upnu nl1

*nm iIj[M>iitDil on the first dayof Min-l,,Jut!«"Dd on the first davof Minil DcL-cmlicir, wblch

Feb. 11,187J.

The New Empire(lot-Air, Gas & Base-burn.


THE ItES'i' MAKING STOVE IS THE WORLDAlso, a Urge Ainrlmetit of otiicr Kljlei

of Cunkiug Biovrs, RaiiKC. ParlorStoves, i c ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE,Also, a clioice fltucb of

Hardware, Cutlery,

OlaKB, Wooden, Ooppcr, Plnlu and JapBDUtTISWABE.

Oil Clotiis, Carpets, Lntups, Taints snd Oil-,ulrd Cacci, Feathers, Trait's As ln l Oil (n- u

iploslvo.} Also,J>EAl.En IN COAL.

Hooting, Plumbing and JoliWork prompt!? attondcj ti).


Vnl rbank 'd Scnlc* af AlnuiifnoturerU prices;

OkV Iron, tioppor. Brats, 'Lead, Hans snflQreenbocsa tnaen In eichanftc for goodi.

JAMES Ii. DUUE» & CO.,! | 1 8 7 S


The Old Reliable Market in


«T. R. BEEMERtiavlng ntmored hi* tnarkot—(Le oldest n

Dover—lo lilt

NEW BUILDINGon 8CSHEX BTBEET. liro ilMfa sontli or III

old stand, will hereafter fDrniab choice




CINCINNATI HAMS,tlia boat in tho market. Wo make t> Bpctialtrul killing ill our own meat, and tbcrorote knotthat It Ia or tlw btsHt. Allkludsor


kept on lund an won e i tlier appear In lh<murkila, aud iold at rcasonabli. prici«.

The bigbcHt market prices paid Iu caili, '("Beer Hides, V«al Skins and Hlioop Skins, liuugliat tli* market. Coatomon stipplivd bj nat;uDon Tueadtjra, ThoradayB and BilnrJay*.



(Qottfcon VfOrhcos Oros. Card warn 3ioro andNilionri Iron Bank.)








Pharmaceutical Preparations.



Proicnplloni onrofnlly prepared. *KOB( W3HKDBDOI asedor tbo buit quality sndpn '

pared according ta Ilia Dnitttd States PIi>ro»-cppaila, or Ibe most approTOd formula.','A. foil aiiortmc'nt or


Lnd OTorylliinB nsnally found ID a drag itor°*


[nrrialowni N. J., Jona 7th, 1877.

/ Mule for Sale!"Thi .rfacHbSr his > food MULE »bW

he irlll idl at • »eiy res«oii»llle pnoc. AOJpemoo dedrtag to jmrohao. s«oi an aaluialilldllbJlinponia.

i , ,B<ik.Va>,l3oPt.ast,lB77.