DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, 1875. NO. 25 THRO N ERA I.II.VOOT. OanYeK- - - - - - S2.C0 •Six HIonl - - - - - 1,G(] .HIM im - - - - - - a . 'ASH I'iSOM Liverpoii Q:;jenstown JONAS-, ol (jircat Western S Roofing si tin Ituijfa ii-|«h nnil Intlio most mili- 'ttaatiiil liianty part i)l tlio country. ' viln-.irliwdinaprlcci* reammttUn. O.-.li<.-u lefll.tts I. Hfill-lllf-, Iluvc tvlJI riirivu nlliJiUim. liroMi, lteil, Vnrii'Kaled, Marti an llliin Ki.iti-.u'litil retail. A K»o.l htalill laHt &lirj-tlmu,ftr.tiIs jinu-mraiii.0 nri.. ^ ^ JJHAKK. J ini.v r, sit:! Ooillor at Law ND' HASTE CIIANCUKY, 110VWAV, N. -T. ". i ril -in* ( ~~" uiii.-.i. Bim«;s t:a, N. J.- J. J.iELAND, (JitrptiiitoHl ISuihlor, Jobbing p.Iy attended lo. H.J.M un ULAO, St., nract lo GnceA Ilaluuurmill. tkitriu-ls fukoimtuinl furtiMu-il. ( n ,.r:i'.-r or It] nml Knew,* ttt«. 1.3. JOU Proprietor. Ili'i-rea n-iasca tnT.ct. iir •i 1 . r.i:i»t)i Ooimor at Law, AND JUST: CHANCERY. UUM in Hi.. Xatiiiou Hank H>.iilt11:tf- 3L.icFw.ti, Si DOVElt, K.J. j M-HIGIIIlOVIlilTlI. ATTORNEYS .fNSEIXOUfJ AT Cor. lllnrhil Sm l)i'Jjiii'mT2i.1i,18 K.~A. iiiixKi:T'i\ ni.jb II Ol\ I < EOPA TI-IIO rilVSECUN & SUlltiEOK, Cor. BJackv/dll & Warren Sts, »Inf-a:. ;i uf Women rtinl Clillil tyc nml Lar Bjitciii Offict! Jlmn-H: 7 to II A, M., 1to 3nnil7 Id H I 1 . M, SURVEYOR. Surveys Levels ami Grade* inaiiu for l'l.l.liiif.mi Pfivnto Tmiircvcmnit Orrios: (SUSSEX STKEET, Oy DOYEH, K.J. .7. M. DASSETT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, JU'CKAWAY, N. .1.- AJX OlllllCliS I'JlO.iriTIA' ATXEKnKP TO, Manufacturer of Sogars and niwi.mi IN urroin'ED l'li'jm, TOJSACCO and CICUIIS, U.inw.lu MANW0NJ1OUKK, 0. B. G-AG-E, JUSTICE OFTOEPEACE, Olllce au Siiaswx Sil-eet, In Iliu building roi-iticrly nccunitil un tin nnicu Htiiry Mel'n'rlan, Ifrellloiir, DOVER, N. J. CutUHfinii nltemiod. tu will, .lih^unrc. Almi, Agent for tlio IHIHI Ijfo undfiroInn acn C<iii!|i;tiiic». ll-iy L. W. THURBER, BI'KIUNTENnENT OF 1'uilUO SCHOOLS OF .MOHMB COUNTY. uw .nvr ai:n. IIICHAUDS ACO.'H STOim, DOVISH,. N. J. Kjiucinl uMeo linui a W00DP0HT HOUSH, THOMAS imiGJIT, Pruprietor WOOBPORV, MORRIS CO., W'; J. lHIH wnll !;nown prnpi-rty lisnreflPiillyliBiit "ho nccommoiliitioii of II10B0 Bocliini; a retired miiiiiHT rohliluitai. Kiluaful nl tlm lioad of ' * h l it is ono of tha tnoitt tlcHlvn- KlrcKiirt to bu f.mnd within niioorKow l'orb. -In tlid* ;M nioantniu Bccnery of North th 'colk>tit tmnttiiK nsililxU uov; w 1 driv tln;M nioantniu Bccnery of Northrn with ':-colk>tit tmnttiiK nsililxUiiiu, iven, it is not umpam'tl Iiyimy oile iiiu, and oilier in drin, H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in tlio nwriiint'. F til -' -"Bs'nsBijovc .Furnish, ;ijideptuker Aiior.lurBiuBntlitn.lua tu! fEWCLI, STHr.BJ Xtavfif, K. J. Carriages % Sleighs, PuifcuLr QOVEll I •iiEmnirru, D»voiri« CDUDIJ S. J. Allen Pal']? & Son, Carpenters { - ; Itiiildurs. EOVEIlJ. lobbing prompfitetidei! to. S.J.I'ALME|rcliltcc(. PIA Organs and Repairedal Jjlmin D. nail,.,,- •SHAVINGAND SAL-O SUSSEX S ('•••Minim MANSION "reign and Dom . Ar,n-iva ON 0R AH, HANCE & PORT ORA A ' "• n i l or "EE1UEII-&, ocleons Lined >mnl;. Ail- wniairr, Dover, K.J LAW, , jr. 'HEF.T, ,'H H.IXK. lli'S CUTTING JEET, (ETS >f slrtmnliitin .1 LOWEST VEE HOE. IRA 0. COOPER, 'Mason and Builder. Contract* lukm for nil Mm], of Huon WoiU ami JoliliiiK. I.IJUi, rLABl'EII AND CJiMEXT, - * FitrnlBlicil nt flhort notice. OInuo umttr "Tim Iron En OlUeo," Dovi N.J. • .. 17-12 S. R. OSMUN. Dentist, MOHIIISTOVVN, N. J., Solo Fnipridur fur HurrtaCunut.v ur F»le< pmciit nidge, tiolil Filling n Svecinlly. ,]ii!ilNiti-ous Oslilo tlr.8, i c , Ac, He. Mansion House. 100 YAT1B3 BEOMD. L. & W. DEPOT Win. 1UIOWN, Pioii'r. cclluut ucci>mii]iiiliitloi>H Tor trnnHiuiit or HValilo nttaehcil In Ili'uliouKD. l'nBSOiiccrfl taken to and from Umid'fl Lake anil l^ato ilopatconf; at reasonable charge*. K-lt ' ISTER'S AND ALLENIOWN SDI'EIl PHOSPHATE OP MME, AMMONIA TED DISSOL VED DONE, HL00J1 aUANO, POUUnElTE, TEllUVIAN S SVItUKUrt DENTIST, lotto iplcnilli Goodale & Vought's Drug Stor Wtitrt. lio will |,o jtltaBctl to Lttoiid iu til cni I'lfrtiiiiiinjj tu liisjirolVimioi!. Dr.Johnnlonli ilia iisj)criu!i.:u of ticrun Yearn' close uiiplluatli.. iilrilittpractlraofUAtiUfltr^J-'ira nf wltlcli lint bcnii 111 tliQ (;ity of I)o\or. I have Ukcimpccla: pa inn lii Uiu perfection of lbu. Nitrous Oxide G-as, illicit iy tlio IxiHtnnoHlliolio nnw In iiKofnr tin .miukim oxtrnctlnii or (eolli. I dimlino tlione On-., catloil t]njTJ.UH> nr CONDENSED OA1 Diloiluni]), n : Ilcauttful Sets of Teeth, Upjmr iiul liuclpr.fur M0, nn tlia Infest .Ii ^ pmved NiicLiu I'latcs, warmnted to glvo lutbfuo tluii. in mfurriJig tu thefullinvlj Itev. P.. C. SIcirM.% Dr.T. II. Crittmuluii, Dr. J. a King, M. II. Dkltwaon S. I). Johnston, . Opposite segur's New Bank, On>r Uuii.Inio ii Voiifrh'H Ilrii^ S(«m JJOV13K. X. J. •IV. S. & 11. F. DeOAHP, &J2Q0TIAT0It8 & PROSPEGTOliS Vox Iron Orua anJ.MiucrftJ Froportyj POWEItVILLE, N. J P. O. nt ]JO0NTON^N. J. IVM. IS. DUCAUV, FII. V. UECAMP, !2-ly. Miners' Oil Company. 122 & 1QA MAIDliN LAKE MBW YOR1C, onirii'il on mulnr tin II )ioronfti;rbokiiDwn(i ThuhnHlnoBB formerly umo of l 1 . W. MKAD Hill S'OIL-'GOKFANY Lubricating mid Burning; Oils for Miners' Use. EXTHA ENGINE. . , 'HPKJtSr COS[1''P MK0 Y, 1SXTUA TALLOW OOHP'D, NATDltAL WEST YIltUIHU. IIICBO Oils nro especially adapted'to Mining Machinery nml nra pusmntoed to suit, Huorm, "VJinlo, Oliro, Keaft Foot, LnrO, Lob,, Cornnil •IBII OIIH. . . Hamnlen furnkliril nn appllcntinn, and goodi Linpod in prime order, m.t 12J, MaldfiiLniio P. IV. JIEADtf, Ti-oBflUrcr. a. r. cn.via, Agent. MRS. A. BEEMER IH now ready with all tha now ntylcB far SPRING of 1875. Fashionable Millinery AMD TEE Latest Styles & Newest Designs EAIILY OPPOSITE NATIONAL UNION 3UN1E Tito i n<1ir il>lcta stool: of Hilli- iry (Hid Futiey Goods tu bo found in torcr, itaprlHlug omictR^ Huts, FloivcrH, F<mtl ci-s, RiUUoiis: L.ncos—real ami imitation—Neckties nml IIOWB, Collars. Lace and JLincii lets, Crnpcs. Mourn tug Bonnets aiiaitolls. , ' -A tlno asRDrtmcnt of ' htgnons, Switches, Braids, &c. AIBIP, B Tciy largo ynrloty of ZEPHYR GOODS; And a flno nlouk or Lndlcs' Ji'uniisliiiig Goods. Marri«to«n, K. J. JMOLLKIl & JIAOKOfP'S BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, •((MllSm OF BLPBKX JND €ASAIi n mt * DOVJGll, N. .1. nil llml« or FOIIEId:! nldDOMEDTIQ LIQUORS and SEGARS, Al«o, WACKESirUTII. AD.UI «; OO.'n oslo- rnli'rtl^Kor. ALlia.MIMiltALWATJlltH.otc, iiiLstniitlyoii lianil. M0LLE1V3 OFEICA IIOTJSE, 'A.'Boemer, . REAL ESTATE AG13NT,' Blnckwoll St., itiyir SIIKUM, DIIVOI*, N. J. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Fur (lOBCriptlonB of I'rcperty CDdnlront llo ofllcn. CONOL.W &. QUAIL, SLATE and METAL ROOFERS, QtU AVENUE, NE1V YOUR. . CONOLLY'3 PATENT FL1E PH0OF E00F8. Ttoa'rj rbpntrcdnmi pflinleJ. Galvnnizeil Itn ornlcci, 0nt tori", Juniors and Ventilators. £orn! wit. COSOLI.V. aeonon (JUAIL. EATIIEB IlELTING, HOID, Jlncliiacrj' Oils, do. * lokdne and Slining ToivJur, Ftiso, Drill Biecl, Huiiiuierfl, Ac. Canal JJarrotre, Sltovcis, Picks, Ao, . VOOIIIIEGS DllOa. 04:iii JIOHBISTOWN, N. J. "MVB AND J.ET 1AV11," ; la Tiiii siorro or "THE CANDY MAN," SUSSEX "STREET, ^ . DOVER, K. J., 1 tlio choicest BC- lectlui COXFEOTI0N131UES, Kuln, Oranfjoa, Toys, Pipes, nuvolojwii, Sta- tiouuty, da., tuUo louml in this suctiun. SAJTUEL TREWARTHA. niOBtlio Ij'ofit mnkriol and maag npotcnt ne THE WARREN St. BAKERY. T UE nubBeribqr having 'taken' this Blan (foriuorly occujiied byR. L. Pouiid) la no pwpaitd to supply iho publlo or Dover niih BREAD, OAKES, CONTECTIONEEY, etc 1 . A u-iigon will' lio run for (ho Kiipply of tlio •IDUII nntt vlolnlly,' A long cxptrionco In tlio biiaiiiCBH; will I bollcvo, cnallo mo to moot tlio prnutn or HIT cittitororrH. Win. HAIEHOUSE. M.».—A gooabal<er'a n-agon for palo.l5-3m CLOTHING HALL. J. W, BABBITT, PRACTICAL TAILOR. M XKY wnrti in tlio clotuing builunag in mokltlSTOlVN, h aB built ni>a. larg nnaincrcnslug trade ond now loads tdoclty i his Unawitli tlio laruat Btoro l c t B l k IMuu's all Wool Donlile mid Twist Suit's only - - 810.00 Suits - n? Pants - l.OO , £t extra 1.5O Go oil Working Panta Double - 81.75 CHILDHEN'S'BUITS ASPEOLVLTY FROM S2 TO §0. A liirso nHBOrlniDnt of TINE CLOTIIISOfor MEN, YOUTHS' nml HOYS. OVER 2,000 PAIR OP PANTS. . Don't fail to call nndBOOllio UAllQAINS and bo astonished al tlio low prleosfor EoodclQtbing. UNION rOUNDBY AND MACHINE SHOPS M. Hoaglnm), Proprietor, ROCKAWAY, N. J. • MANUFACl'UltEltH OF Chill and Dry Sand Rolls AuiUllklnilior ROLLING MILL WORK, Engines, Pumping Machines, ALI* BIZE3 OP aiSAUINU & PULLEYS, MINING MACHINERY AND Hoisting Apparatus doll Und. ..pooiilitv.aiiJ Furnished ot Shortest Notice. ROLLS, urned and Grooved to Order GAS PIPES ANDFIXTUltESGOTANDFITTED TO ORDER. BRASS CASTINGS 0 F E Y E M DESOIUfTIOS. ,OMEBTI0 DEP.U1TJIENT: 'PEOPLE'S STORE." ONE PEIOE ONLY-: D' l, l'lLLOW CAI1S0, T1CEINO •L.1NNEIJ", IIUNKETO, QU1I.TH U fiv cnirn AMI BTiTrurn; PRITS, sa, COTTON AKQ wnnsTED, nARp ma', OKNT'B, (ODTHB' ASD CUILDHEK'S OSDEJI- \\TM\. * \V. B, BABBITT, MOItHISTOWN, N. J. WILLIAM SIMON, Merchant Tailor, id dnalor in lion's and Cblldron'B Jlcady- - Ifttdo Clotllinff. T., (M door from Blnoltwoll,) D0VEI1, N. J., _ ncentotlio piihliotlintliia nUiek ofRnoflu omprlsos an nmunnly lino nmortment of llotiiy, Fancy Cnimlmcrci and Ycitiaga, by tliu art! out to lit without charge, or moda to ardor t tlto shortest notice. .AIHO constantly on mUlargav&Tlctyof Gents 1 rarniiililng Goods. I particularly coil attention to my SPEINO AHD SUMMER.STO0IC, ciuR oarefiilly solootod andoffered at nricoi nitilioilmpi. I consider mj-self In direct DiDiiotilionwith Newtrlc and Now York cloth- g IiouBei, and by reforcnen to mj prices tlio nLlio will readily Ola corn tuallamni. libcrnl tho mutt Ilbaral. . SUBBCI Street, Od door from Dlockwoll, «-ly WILLIAM HIMON. ELLOW PINE LUMBER! 17-Iy J. W. BABBITT. t rrom tlio nimufieluro luwannee Yellow Pine Lumber, mil Bocuroil Tory nd-atitascona frolgkt MIUB, ironowprcnarod to lurnlsli YELLOW X»Dfl2 FLOORINQ. - YELLOW HNE STJil 1 1'LANK, YELLOW PINE CEILING, otpricta which mafio It to llio luterssb of nil purclmaora lo giro ui a call. Having unrivaled facllltloa far drjiug -and drcflBing, wo arc atilo to guarantee drjnesi and quillty. All oriton promptlj dcllTored on cars free of charge. Tlio following aiiCB cDnitintij- on naail: 1 x 3-4 x & Ineb flooring Xa. 1 and9. . 1J x 12 Inch ati 1} x rj x u Inc ax 13x11 " | Inch coiling. " Ko. 1 p pluut Ko. 1 and 3. i «!op plank No. l o r d 2. BAILET, 0EA5E &.WEBSTEK, Foot of brldco S, 1 ., Hevark, and SIIO AVEKCE, Esit Newark. \ 45-3m 183( JOHN JELLIFF & Co FURN|TTJEE Ihlr, Iliml end I'ulm I.n,r MATTRASSES. HtlRCII, HANK, Ui>;GF. ANU OH'tCJ fi;ii\rruj!i:, Manic! mnll'ier COItNIGF.y, CUUTAIKS anil SHADES WqVlIH WlBE aiATTHESSEJ, best ill tll< world; NATIONAL WutK Si'tima BED, KVriinjo SLATS. Every mtlclo warranknl tlin (.cut or tliu hh !n tie State. Wo soil at nlartffl IIIHUHIIII t froi Now York nrlcop. Call on nn «nd eavo inoiicy. 794 &796 BROAD St. NEWAIIK, N. ,T. JOIIW JELLIPP. . UEKItY M. MH U'Stn ' ' WILLIAM HARBIS Sussex Street, Dover, N. J. H A.YIKQ romoiluM md roflltcd my atom am now nbia to moot tbo wauta ot m iUfllotnora with hotter aceoinmniklions nnd i "r stock or goods than uver licforD. WATCHES, CJ-OCKS SILVER PLATED WAltt a( DOIT <le«I(-nB—aaauqiftSBod in Iliin Bvction. SI'ECIAL ATTENTIOS GIVEN' TO "WORK. AH klndi of ruptiring carofullj ami nrompdy done. Fueling under obligations to tUo public tor past favori, I topo bygood work, ajyj .ftlr dealing to inoritftcontThnahcoor tlio aarao,. 11-tf WM. HABEIS. CHESTER. MARBLE WORKS. J. S. HILDEBRANT. Monuments, Tombstones, &c. KADE TO OltDIiU INEVUItV BTTLIS. R nndorfllcnnl iinjajrave ta aiitiuuneu U _ ;ho public tlmt lioYs now proparvd to man' ofaoturo and will kcop connlontly on linnd tho MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, Cemetery plots oncloaod of Orauitn ami Slor- bio Posts. Evary job varniutod to give com. BtUraction. Prices moderate. . J. S. HILDEBRANT, OrroarrB OitEaxEu House, 10-ly ' ' CHESTER, N. J. VELA-IRI-ipTTSE, (HUWJfcSaull TO K. ItAtUUOtlBG k lino.,) or, Blackwell &'Sussex Sts,, DOVER, N. J. A goncral reduction In prices of MATCHES, CLOOKS, JEWELRY, OLID GOLD IlINGS, ain,Ertfrrnvotl, EnnmclmlaudEnglnD-tcnicd. ITEIU CHAINS and GENTS' VEST CnAlNfl. .GOLD AHD BILVEE THIMBLI1S, BrE0rACLE3.nnd 3HTJ5 GLASSES of all do- Iptionn. Gold, Bllvor, Htool, llubbor and ill, THE PAinOEULD COLD 1'RN, uniinr- d frflnoncyand gouoml exeelllonco. [ an also adding to my stock now stjlea in ilclei of lolld Bllvcr and phtod waro, unltabtu wedding proHonts. FORKS, 8P0ON8, and ilclci for tabb mo at grcally redncod rrlci-i. HAIR JEWELRY. oBlgn« of ovory description contained in lca.l- lg pattern booha, can bo mada to onlcr. ttention glron totUo ' flSLajS 'WATCH MOVEMENT, calild tho Avoir Watcl. Alio «eont for tto "OWiltD, WiLTIIAM, BFIUNOFIELDmi inEIQN WAT0H. BoPairui8«.pB!l»ltj»ndn»rr«iitod. EHQEAYIHa NEATLY DONE. fHE CASH SYSTEM /.. ;:v;aC;E3S AT E, LINOSLEY & SON'S XJl'. a.niorniniirnnti'niiH tin \ ... ,::TI tJ,VHt<i[U Hrluplud ]jv us iu Jai SELL CHEAPER limn ovur lxruro, fur tlio renaon tliat wu do IUPU llio lutwvBl upon our money by trusting int, or llio ii.'fncljial hj cuiitractfiiy bad ilubl I t wiiiitd boimpuvBiblo to cnumornto o uiUro Bloi-b, but will briefly nay it compTlsea KVERYTHIMG IN XHJ3 LINE OP MERCHANDISE KEPT IN A GENERAL STOI1E. DRY GOODS, ' n full mid decant aswrhutnl. GROOEB^EES. I «|imlilk'H of IflON ami STUKL, Ii eluding JIi'diaiiicH 1 Toola. FURNITUKB. ALWAVS A CHlII'ljn'll STOCK. . " :o; OAIU'KTS &OIL CLOTJK of tlio inlMt andIiitudttomuBt iloalynj MINING MATERIALS, POWDHH, FUSK, BOOTS and SHOES, Lime, Cement and Fcrtllfzsrs. ... CDTLliltY, OU«S und PlflTOLS. ' Sporting Powilor and riHliing Taclilo, T11K CELEDnATED CUT PAPER PATTERNS >r Frank LcMve Lndlua' Journal. . Call an! Im convinced that itpayn you to Imy Tor ensb iiiHtond or ore Jit. E. LINDSLEY & SON. The New Empire lot-Air, Gas frB» ing Coolcing- Stove. 'HE BEST UAlfINQ STOVE INTHE WOULD. Aleo, a Largo Asaorlmimt of ntlior Htjlct of Cooking Moves. HOUROT. Parlor BtovcB, &i%, 'OR SUMMER & WINTER USE. Also, n clioico nloclc of Hardware, Cutlery, ii, Wooden, Copper, Plniti r.ntl Jiqi.-in TINWARE. OilClolliB, Curpota, LainpR, Taints mid Oils, ird Cagcn, roiitlitru, l'rmfu Autrnl Oil ( livo.) AIBO, • . DEALKIt IN COAL. .tooling, IHumDiiig: find J«l> Woili promplly attended tu. lonnell's Patent Straw Cutter, The lioBtnvcrnmilo. 'bniili'u Scales at MiLiiuTnc- ttii'i'r'ri prices; id Iron, Cippcr, Urn**, ,]>ml, lJ:itjn nm Uauka talicii In OMiIiancc fur K"|'IIB. JASIKS 11. Klil'lvN ,V CD., nocliairit.r. Sfarcli I, l.HTJl. lr SPRING FASHIONS. —:n: P. H. HOFFMAN, VIerchant Tai!or 5 HOHIUSTOWW, K. J., eceipt of tlio latest Hpi iiiR Fn^liioii . n d by Mr. J. U. Went, Union Kjuiat id Jtr Win. Olgucroaa, 737Urondmiy, S . Y. Tbo prli.dpnl clinncci to unto l ' I Hpritifr will bo tbo lu F nrno l M l l pp ritifr will no lMiilal ing n-oel; Coal and itniucli Tliu most fnshionolik gnoitri for Dress Knits ill bo llbck Dlagonnl Wuratt'dn, very diunll oil. LnrBO plnidM nnd llnnlij. nattunm iin- •ito»3 tbo Ililiifja IIMIHI past. ~ JtnHnePs KnllB tlio nowest slyk'B will im .- small check of dark aolorn, in rnncli il Anien<.-n» unoilx. Pniitalootin will hvmh.lu mtlvolmnnllclicoltaiid lino lialr llno^noda. very mil linn of llio aliovo-namcil K'iuua wilt r9unilliiiu7.»aokalalllltna. " - nKST nllli !,(.[,( SPRING GOODS overy vaviol.v, t i n t may Im found in tlila imrt tbo Mtalo. .Maliisig iiid'hio Chilliinc to mil IT myiiriiiclimlbuitltiuH*, but 1 ilo not tontliiu ivutlf lo Ibntuiitiitly.ni! tut cuatiimcrH will nd a larqo Block ot Cnn»Imcrt« Huitalilo fur UhlnoaR Snitil mid 1(OY«* WEAK, tlmt will lio Id by Iho rani VLVVclican. nnd citr rnrr. for Ilial wli.li It cit'to lmve it iniilnuiiihntn. TCH. Good Caa:iimciCH from 51) cunts to SI Tnr-1. Afull lino of Gents' Furnishing Goods, initinty on lisml. SHI11TH inndo [n order, ill warranted to 111. Ttiouirrnxd i»:i>ui-nnuiT under my pr-nianat clisrKC, anil all onlore will proinptly mica at Ibo Inwcitt jirtccS, and THbGtfuu RTinranlopil to nil. P. II. JIOFFAIAN, I!Mf MKHCRANTr Alison. [n.n THEmow LUA.] ii-s Tor Di-conilioii liny. Urinj; »;»-eri:rtfim nnd flowtra 11 ild To Htrtw Iliu lullow'il grunml, Wl.iTu rtsia ilio iiuv,- iiliiHlrlona iluiul In (,'l<'ry'n fl<-L-j> {irofoutifl. No iimrthl train, nor xouuiliui; Jniin Can over rpnao them more ; Hucurc'iir^" liuda uT Tanw" tlioy rent; Ufu'it *i!6rj inaroli in u'ur. Unrat on tbtlr enr tbeir country's call, AWUD tlio Imtllo plain, How fretly flowed Mu'a Tounlam tlicro l'ni n to n And renting noir, in (jrarct tmtnoivii, IIoiv mtiiiy tlifiusaml iilccv. iVIiero nu'er a rricuil, nur kindred dear O'er tliolr IUVIM] diiat may vcyi. And Hhall tbuy uiuup in graves unkiiotrn And iinrouitinibtrtil Itu; WliHu floral giiiiu on iiatlvo soil Adurn inch eliriib tied trao 7 Xo ; tuiim for earli tfluVAaii imten A vrcikth that will not die; Pitir cmblmn ariimiiurlnl rmiio - -. '"' IHO JACK SHAM,. [CONTINUED FBOil LAST WEEK.] yer— lio'll liolp yer carry wliat you'?) got." "Tlinnfc yon. You nro very kind irj deed," Bnid tlio revcrcud, na Lo innrcIiOL off, followoil by tlio gorgeous vad. mat) down tlio Btcuii otrtut ut tbo uiiuini town. Wliilo ho wns gono, ITr; Small, lihv nig nil tiling! in readineaa, proceeded ti itmiguten hii toflm BO as to tigbtoathi cliaim ai|d couplings whereby tlio groal whgunu nroutido to follow eaoli otlic: Jn order tlmt ho iniglit "be aura that evt rytiling alioulfl draw oven, strong, nn true Frcsuutly Mr. tiiahol aud On •aiao iianting nntl trotting round tli corner, out of tho street into tlio roiid, encU Laving liold of tho eiid of n, roll o, bedding ; tbo rovcronJ enrryiurn l>!ncl ovorcoat nnd jiurplo scarf on bis righl nriu, nuil Gov liiiving hia rojnl rev blanket nn IUH loft arm. Mr. Stunll, taking tho roll pained oi end on bii right pnlm, Btoadiud it vtitl hln left, nud shot it tu Ilia topof the bigh wagon-box ns if it bnd bs»^ n bag ot fontbora. "Thar, Qov, boup jimiii up—honii (1: 'em—little roiio—no fall off, You'iabo?" "Yoah—mo heap Bubo I" unid OOT, using liis prceiouu liliinket to tlio wag- i-toiJ, Kud ulowly ulluibing up after it, over tlio whoe! nud side. "All ready, Paujon ?" s&id Mr. SinalL, inteiTogativoly, m bo picked upliisba- ion of commimd. "Yes," timidly, "I—I—bolievo I am. ; Kapidly Mr. Bnmll atrodo forvanl, drawliug out in tho indescribable, iha- torio of his profossion^ "You l',o-wd-y 'i Turk I D»TO I Gee, Urigbaiu I" then iud- "* >nly, "Wlio-o-o-nli—ba-a-ack I" "Scoyero, Pitrson 1 Got nnytliing tc ertfc nbpurd?" "Noi sir, I linvo i)rcHuraod Icoulc iy provisions at tbo house wlioro wi V]}." "Houses, Ii—It O, excuso ILO, pa: n. Tlinr Imint no IIOUBOS to speak of, in* pf Ihnr w.aa, bnll-tonms don't liov aoibin' toJo.witliliousGa, 'tbout tlioy'ro ivlriahy-mills." Then uhoyiu^ up his nit, nnd scratching hia liDnd'witUii \ig- irotta iiil;o or two of bis hnid linger. inila, he pulled tho liul down ovor hit oao, and lcaiiingr baclc, looked at bht Sov. Mr. Sigbal, anil »nid, "S'yere, Pnr- ion, I'll grub yo, but my giub's light- ^lia'rr-tcaus, irettd,. b.icon^.cojroo, ftiiV can-tvuek. You go into camp, nu buy —rlo'mo BOD—wolf, buy n small eaclc o' intmcal, two .pnpura u 1 piuoly, a pouud i' black ton, nn' half a dozen cans o' condenuod milk. That'll yuiyo through. Yor liiu ensy. ketch up totho tonra Gco, BriRliiiin 1 Git un, Davol Yoi lloany 1 Ually 1 Haw tfinr 1 Roll out Boll' out I" And tho slow liuomovci I\ET tho racliy road nt n eunil's pace, lio wbcols grinding, ui most impcrcontl' ly, to tho top of HID uot largo stoues, ml th on dropping off at tlia othor eidc ivitliasiiddcnriiilmidnjar.'which.thouKh ho full ia but RU iuoli ur two, lunkcs tho lolling tiilk in vnvions voices as it set- lea more firmly to its place. Vp, slowly—ah, eo alowly, HOthutily i up nnd up tha mountain, by the canon >n<!, imnfiiuR nt intervals to lirentlio tbo luting herd, 'Mr. Small grinds nnd •UuliO3 cut a uliililiiy Vine, with hia mu- ^wbeGla,'in Lboporpbyry and granite list . Tbo dry mountain gtimniits riso i citlicr hnud, capped with the un- nmtod roclia, wliiob bavo dolled the vy of licitvoa before man iu any Mood ta witness tlio uhouk—tlio of tho sun converging upon tbo cnil olUigJfick Biimll/na lio mavcliea loutly up tho side of hia tcrna, to pause - bis eliciting atop, then up another Lch, and than pimdng nguin, lifting Eorpont-coilud baton nbovo bin head, lilting nnon thoname of nemo throb- iiug toiler of tbo yoke. Thus hcgaiuB 110 stimmit, nud hnlta todraw tho reur- •nrtl brakes. "Ah, Vaison I H'ist them things up .bar to GOT. Gor, you fix cui. Now o'ro off. Plenty tirau, though, 1'oraou, look nt tho scenery. You sco that -..nil panic yonder—way off? That's ;st eighty-two mites from'yaro. Can't co tbiit-n-way in Pounsylvauin, kin yo 'ec, Brigham 1 Git n-a-up 1" More rniiiilly, nnd with mticU clink iu id clanking of yoUa-ringn, linnkn, nm. iniiiM, nnd tho loud braving nnd howl* _tr of tlio friction of whool-tiro nnd nifce-block, tJia tenm winds doivntbo anon of thoopposite sido of tha moun- tain, tlio big wains rocking, reeling, nnd groaning, ns tliey crowded each other mud llio curves of tho declivity; and ovo ui!, tbo driver's voice, oclioing >ng tliu canon the tiritwlings words of immaud nntl uncourngement. Mr. Sigbal is behind, out of sight; xusing timiybnp upon saina bold out- op of L'nrlli'o fouiiaiiliuii-Btoiie, tognza ;u- iiiouud nnd nci-033 the uplifts of tha •Aiul ftirroiv.i vl.oro thu forgoltou foroca LVO ; plowed tlio ilcld that now lies f:il- w in thowisdoiti of nplnh wiuo beyond I thnt Hyet writton or revealed. O inmut of Iho faith, look well 1 It intlio -istocnicy ot imlure upon which you -zo. Bublimo it ia in tho reposeful ^nndsur of its iuriifiurenco to commerce, gricultiiro, or tho pretty nveuues of hu- un thrift, Loclicil in tbo coffers of o rocks nro tbo WJIRO3 of its cnrly daya labor. Stern niitl forbitldiug in tlio int )itud, sad nnd nuGocinl; but richin ) nbundaiico of thnt wbicli renders 311 lnnn unsocial, Btcm, nud forbiJ- ig- At the foot of tho inmmLim the team itilta where thowntcr sinks nnd tho dry -.llcy begins. It i» cut short work far ig Jack Small todraw out tbo bow- "us, rclcoso bis cuttle, nnd drop his ightyokes inn lino, with tho bright cavy chains linking thorn togcUiacin e grtivol nnd iliist. Jleautimo, Mr, Siglinl'iirriVcs in camp !tb oneh hiind full of fragmotits of vnri- lurcd nloiie,- ho linviuy tired his wits pruspccting for silver, "Hullo, Pin-son 1 Hov you struck it ill? 1 ' inluiTognled Big Jack, OHho lot n the grub-box itutl cooking utensils a tlio wngou-top to Gov Nye. Tliat's n, b.id bpRinniuir, Piiraon 1" so, Mr. Huiall?' 1 "Cause," tiutl JCL'II, iumpiug down 0111 thoivngoii nml cnuiinR up to taken ik nt tliu rocka in tbo parson's linnds "'cainu elyon oxer git quartz on tho .•aiu, vDu'ro a gi-uur 1 That nnacctill'- iuao in rcniisylvuny'll putcrapa ou llio loi'-luiob—shore 1 an' Mvcrliz fcr n jw xinrsnn. But yo'll not git qnnrtss on 10 bmiii—not muclt—3'long*s ycr^don't ad iiobHtur fitono* tlinn tlieso yero " id be, utter esnmiuing tljo collcctiou. "Ab I 1 vn.4 merely guca^ing ut tho oucs to uiniiso luysulf. Aro they not -irtz fmginonta ?" '!To fiir-co," said Juclt, no, driving his nxa into a pina log, bo made the wo fly in splits und Hnlintere—"not IH'.K Them's irou-ntnine<l porphyry. (;re< atone, black trap, an' wliito carb'mil of limo. Hold on till we git ncrons tl valloy an 1 git n-goin' up the next meu tain, 'a I'll show yer somo good quuri fjorr.o bully float-rock over tlmr, but w body baint found no mino yit—uovt will, I reckon ; I've hunted^ fur tha denr od thing twenty times. Yero, Gor, f ' a bucket o' water. Parson, d'ye ft wolfish?" added Mr. Small, alter had his firo lightod aud wai ptoceodi oulinftrily. "WoUishl" Bzeluimoa Mr. fiigl with scmo surpriee. "YOB—hungry." oxplainoi Jack, us in sawed with a dull knifa at tha .tougl rind of a side of bacon, ctlttiag dowu om fntnlicooftertho other upon tho litl'" tho grub-box uenr the fire. "Not unuaunlly BO." "Hain't ot notliiu' sinoo moiniu', hi i?" "No ; uot wnco onrly morning." "Must do bottcr'u that!" said Jad patting the frying-pan upon thefiro. "X usually cat but little, for fear ^ntinctoo muah." * "Well, e'puBo yer lieavo flway, thorfl roeiu/da* run thin fiyia'-pBii—jdot" tot appotito. Nothin' liko fncin 1 an iuomy, f yor want to git over beiti' ftfraid liin I" * Mr. Sighal immediately campliod, a . Hquntting by tbo nrc, poisod tho frying- 1 upon tbo uneven heap of burniui Ik*, inhia ilrst lesson a 1 , camp-life. •I don't nlloir yer kin out much th -uiii', ns wo'vo only traveled half dny, but to-morror we've got to croi tho valloy through the olkali-dust, ai make a long drive. Git a lot o 1 that nl ' ili into yo, nn' you'll hauler after U icon I" "Ab ?" naid Mr. Sigbnl, carefully bal inoing the pun oil tie llro. "Yes, sir"—with great emphasis 0 :hoBir. "Alkali nu' fat bacon goes tc gethnr liko a match yoko o' leaden Does tlmr mom to bn any coals minikin 1 in that firo, Parson ?" 'Tho woodeeoms to bum; I infe Lhoro will bo coalH." * "Inferrin 1 won't do, Pnrson ? We'vi ;ottohov'cm, 'cauaolmust fankotbii irond nftor supper, fcr to-morror, Allai ;ec[) ono bakiu' nhoad," ejncalntod, Mr. ItnnU, ns ho finished kneading broad -t :ho ptiu, aud quickly grospod thoaxe, iroceodiup to break up some more wood. 'Yer £oo, ParsQii, a bull-punober lies tc ao up to a Httlo of every sort 0' work, in ' 0 mountains. Gov, you look out fcr iftt coffac-pot, while I put this wood 00 10 fire. Drink coOco, Parson? No T Voll, tbon, mnico yer uoma toa in an •mpty oyster can—hain't got only oi ?ot fer tea nu' coffee.' 1 ' "No, Mr. Small, do uotrankonuy rouble for me, in that way. I driuk * r ator ot the oreuiag mont," "All right, thou i this hash ia ready crbizQoas I" The Bqvoi-ond Mr. Sighal, sitting •roH3-lcg(icd on tlio ground,. recoivod :ho tiu plata nud rusty steel knife aud 'ork into his lap from tho hand of Mr. Im&ll^and thou Mr,' Small sat down rcKa-leggcd opposite liim, with tha mrd loaf of yellow yeast-powder bread >ad tbo flizzlijg frying-pan, botwoon them, giirrounded liy imnir cotton sacks, containing respoctiTely salt, peppor, and sugar. "Noff, Parson," Sftid Mr. Small, 'pitcliinl" "Ooa moment, Mr. Small," Baid Ibo mrson, removing the bat from .his own end. "will you permit me aalc the leising of Qod upon thia fntaal repast?" "Oortatalyl" asientod Mr. Small, matching oQ hia bat, and slapping it on 'io ground beiido him. Then linppen- ig touota quickly tho Indian' sitting stlonoTy ofttbo'Dtber«t3ait>f ihaflro,he laid : "Yere, you InjiD, tnke p off yor -it; quiok." "Yash—beap take 'om 00," said tbo •boying Indiau. *' Now, Parson, roll on 1" The reverend, turning bin olosed eyes kyward, where the wide red glory oi he Bottiug sun WASreturning ibo eter- nal thanks, offered tbousual mild and ueasurod form of thanksgiving and pi :r for tbo Mosb HigVBbTeMingupoii.__ Toattire-comforts, at the andof which 10 replaced hia hat; but Mr. Small, bo* ing too busy with hia supper and with cogitation upon tho new stylo of cti- quotte, nnd being ! careless about Lit. id-covorinp in camp, uegloolod, or i. ! ttocl, the raplacemsnt of hia hat; •hicli state of tbe case bothered tho untutored savtgo" at to his own proper liavior, wlipronjioni lifting liii olier- iQtl "plug" from tho oarfcb ho held it his linnd, brim up, aud grunted inter- >gativaly.: •. " Uh, Jaok, put um bat om ? No put im hat on ?—ma no sabo I" "Yes; putumliaton." '' Uh 1 yosb, moheap put uin Lot on. 11right—all same modUtini (medicine) "hito-ii-ninn. Heap eabe 1" and rc- .pscd into silent observation, 'Xhopnr&DQ did not enjoy liis anpper. day bad baou ono of Uresoma ncrr* preparation for a. now kind of life; >ut Mr. Small waa in hoarty ujmpathy ritU all nature, wliioh include* a good ipotito (if it ia not loundod upon a good )potito),*and he ato witk a rapid aetion m akeen roliali, talking as ho nto, in a ay to provoke appetite, or if not to irovokc, at lenat.raiis a sigh of rogrtt n'r its absence. "Thar I" said Mr. Small, with sighing nnlinsis, '' thnt lota ma out on creature imforta, in the grub lino, till to-rnorrer. sr don't waltz iavery hearty on this •ub, Parson. AH rigbt;. I'll bato yor '. oatmeal cake Boon's I git douo iritk y bread, nn' mix yer a cantaon 0' milk r to-morrer's lunch." Thank you, indeed, Mr. Small." Yero, Gov."said Mr. Small, ns ho led tho greased frying-pan full of bro- u trend, and poured out a tin-dun of iffoo, "yere'B yor hash 1"—to which iv responded silently by carryiug the n andcup to the flro, and then sitting «*n between tbeni on the ground, to ; middrink in his own fashion. "Tbcso yero Iojins is curious," said '. Small, iu his running commantnry tilings in general, niho actively passed ini onepoint iu his culinary duties auothar ; "Uioy wun't cat bacon, but uy'H-ent baeoii-greaao jin' bread, or uf an' bncon-grenso; aa 1 thoy wuu't : cliooso, hut they'll eat dead IIOHH. I love tho way to conrtuor Injina would to load cauuons with Limbarg clieeso ' blaza away at em 1" 'As tho Chinese Bboot thoir enemies wnr irith pots of nbeminablo omelU," 'Yea; I've ueeni before o 1 tho Cbi- :o way o' makin' war, bnt reckon 'taint 0 Binalll tujins kcer for—it's mighty inl to knock an Injia \rith, a smell I l"ins, leaotwny this yero tribe, kain't 1110 noso for posies, They got tomo id o' uupcrstition about milk ah' IOCSO, though Ireokou tlioy munthor inked milk when llioy'a little." And -. Small ohuckled at .tbo dolionoy of 1 own allusion to tho font of nborigi- I mutoniity. : t - "Doc'tyor fluioko, Parson V' •. " Not of Into yL-ars," roplied Mr. Sigh- ; and pncod upand dtjflfn meditatively oat tbo flro, gnzing up nt the darkiaing ty. "I formerly enjoyod a cigar, icasionally, but my dyspepsia lias cut a off from that vico." "Woll. I've got tins broad balcm', an 1 ckou I'll tnka a smoko. Yero, GOT, ina yer onppor V Bcoot up tliar, an' ;brow down them beds, so yie bin nev a ioat." Tho silent and ready compliance if tha Indian enabled Mr. Small, as be '.os3cd tho rolls of bodding over by th iro, lo remark : "Yere, Parson, taka 1 ioat This yore's higli style—front sot' n'-room, fust iloor. .You'll want yor "a to-uiorrer, though jar kin rido ef *want to ; but it's powerful tcjus, rid- ubnlt-wagon." And bo ant down on is roll of bedding tocut his plugtobac- 1, fill lijs short pipe, nml vratch tbo "•less of broak-bakiDg while lio oujojod imokc. Tho reverend also Bat down on his bod. Tbo Indian sat on tbo ground, at tho opposite Bide of. tbo lire, humming tlio dm tow, buzxiiif;, diatual ditty uf his remote a u cos torn. The stars cania quietly nut iu tlio clear uby, ami tho dry Htill air secuied to lia- tou toibocoming on of the iutiumornblo hoet. So Btili—O, BOcrv.tftflino ntiil— is tho summer uight in Novftdn I "Yer BCC, Paraou,"begun Mr. Suiitll, iftor ii short, quiefc oounuTtation with hia [rilic, " they nay 'fit ball-puiichin's ulow lUsinosd, but they don't know. Pconlo :in toll what they don't know powerful ^Hck-liku. Lot aoiao 0' them talkin' fel- lurH what knows *11 about tbia busiuo3s iu threo squiutN from ostage-coach win- - dor— lot 'cm try it on. Lot 'em stand in once, im' chop wood, build ufiro,cut bacon, make brsad an 1 coffee, an' no on, all in U10 sumo minute—an' do it faiter'n they kin write it down in a letter, an' they wun't Ulk IU much with their loutb 1" "l'oa ; I was jaat, iu thu moment you began to spcal:, reflecting on the multi- plicity of your duties and the rnpil exe- cution of them. Does not your life wear •ipon you terribly ?" "Ho, sir. Hit's head-work does it. Seems to me wheu a feller hea a big idea iu his head, an' is isst c-boomin' with the f utur, an' lookiu forward, tlmt work doenn't hurt him a dcruod bit, Hit'B hangin' back on thoyoke 'at wears ", jfcllor out—an 1 a ox, too. When I isod to toiler 0 plow/by tlio dny'« work or wages, on' bavin' no pint ahead to tcer to—no placo to onload at—I wasn't 110 more acoouut than u cripulo in. a county poor-house 1" • * "What is your great aim at Uiii time ? —if I may bo no impolito aa to mato IUCII au inquiry ou so abort acquaiut- IUCC," queried Mr. Sighal, ia a soft voioe ,ud balmy man nor. "O, no; nothin' impcrlitd &boat it. Open out on me, Parson, when you feal liko it. I liain't got no seorots. My ireat aimis to play my gomo up to the [audio. Every feller's got a game. Home's politics, sorao's religion, some's •jfg money, soino's land, seme's keards, iomo'u ivtiuwun au' good elo'ea, somo's good, some's bad," said Mr. Small, rap- dly, nndpunctuating bis ramarka with .jufls of tobacco smoke ; **iin' my game is to hov tbo boat eight-yoko o' cattlo, on' the best wagons, an'pull tlia biggoat load to yoke, iu tbeso yero mountains; in' then,"bo nddod, loughiog sad strok- ing his long hronzo beard, ''I kinder f hiak tbore'a a solid aquare-buil. gal omo'rs what I ain't jest soen yit, that's ,-waitiu' is her daddy's front porch fcr , feller like mo—an' tha old man lie's fittia' too old, nn' hain't got uo othor ibiltlren, an' bo's jost a-walRin' up an' lown uuder lite shade-trees, expoctin* a illor nboufc my sizo an* build, what kia ing ink in the Bank o* CaUforny for bout ton tbousan' ciub, honest money, low's thnt fcr high, Parson ?" And Mr. imall roared with his loudest laiiffh, until 'ia parson aud Gov joined sympattioti- illy. . • "A very laudable onde&vor, Mr, Small; nd let m9 sny that I heartily wish you •lod-Hpeed." Amr.n, Parson 1 I don't know ef I in muko it. But tliat's mv gamo ; an' ; I can't make it—well, bit's better to w a gamo an' loio it thsn aovor to play all. Hain't it, Parson ?" " I t sorely in. No good endeavor is /or entirely lost. Qod, in Bis groat irowdoncQ, gives germinating power to 'as Ajnuto seed of tbo plant 'which grew •d died last year, though tlio sead may iard boon blown miles away." ' "Do you b'iiove," Baid Mr. Small, after long p»uie, in which be raised the nko-kottle lid with tlio point of a stick, ad piled more hot coals upon tho top—t doyotib'levQ, fer cortaia—dead sura— mt God looks nftor all these little ?" ' . wural/, Mr. Smtll, Bavi wo not ^ ti*'bless«3 piohiiass mtlia good bock ?" "X don't jest rock'lcot what -we've got tbo good book. But do you, as yer mammy's son—not as a parson—do you VIoTeit?" -"If I at all know my own thoughts and convictions. Mr. Small, I do." Aftor austher long pause aad Btrict at- mtioa to tbe baking broad ; "Paisou, ittin' slo«py !" "Not at all Mr. Small," "Thinkin 1 Tjout Bomothin', p'r'apa ?" •|I was refloating whether I had douo j wholo duty, and had anstvorcd y o o t - [uestiou ns fully as it should bo answer* 'Well, whsnovor you feel sle.py, jest ircad your Iny-out where you cliooaei L' turn iu. Keadn'bnriud me. I'll fass nnd yer.4 an' smoke a good %vhilo yifc. 'har linint no ceremony ut this ho•• tol— ,c ruuuitt.U till fuat-class 'partments. "Thank you, Mr. Small," Biid Mr. ighal; and then after Bomo pause, re- iming nudibly tho thread of bis own lought, ho asked : "Mr. Small, do not )u boliovo in the overruling providence Godr "Which Qoi ?" •Ihero Is but ono God."- "I don't BQO it, Pargoii. Oa this yero loifln Const, gods is numerous—Ohinoo ads, Mormon gods, Injin gods, Chris- . an gods, an* thoBant o'Californy." "Perhaps so, Mr. Small—it is written ere bo goda many; but. there is ono tly true God, Jesus Christ tho right- . 'Voa't eoo it, Parson." The Revorond Mr. Sighnl toae quick- to his feat, and pulled down his vest the waistband, like a warrior uncon- iousl; fooling for tha girding of his ar- ir. "Do"you deny tha truth of the flaered ripfcnrea, Mr. Small ?" 'Idon'tdony nothin,"copb ivhat tia imo before me to bo rceosizod. What avis, I don't sue it." ! 'You don't BOO it ?" 'Ho, sir 1"—emphasis ontfiesir. Terhapa not, vitb. tha natural eye> iglit; but with tho eye of faith, Mr. -nail, you can see it, if you humbly And IHCAUJT make tbo effort" "I hain't got but two cyan—nn extra a fer Suudtij use. What I can't see, irhoar, iior taste, nor smell, nor foal, ir inftko up out o' rock'lcotion an "ch together, hain't nothin' to me.— ftt'a my tneanin 1 whon I say, 'I don't 'I am deeply grieved to bear you Kfcao, Mr. Small."' "Noiv, look yerc,Parsoii," replied Mr, mil, nalio got up to bustlo obant bis iris, "fellers liko me, liviu' out o' ora, has got a God what couldn't git to ono of your meatin'-houfics." "Mr. Small—pardon me—there in a imrner of wlmt seems to bo moauingin ur remark, but really I fail to comprc- snd-you." "That's hit"—it will bo observed aa peculiarity ia Mr. Small's language (A culiarity common to unletlcred vent- •n bom Americans) that be sounds tho iphatio form of the pronoun it with nu pirato ft—"UiaVBUil I That's thohigh ,mt way to say, 'I don't BOO it' Now e'ro even, Parson—only jon've got a lillion o' moaliu'-bouso bolls to do the lin 1 for you, an' I hain't got nary Bat tueso yere mountains, au' cm bright stars, an' yonder moon illin' bright over the summit, would laud mo cf I knowod how to- talk fer iat m'ado 'am. Hush—listen 1" said Imall, suddenly pausing, and pointing/ nder tbe moonlight ncrosa tlio dim ml- >y. "That's a ooyote : I -wonder which " us ho*s lnHRbin' nt." "Yash ; laotoo. Ha heap talk. Meb- BO tabbit kclch nm," said tbe Indian, ling and gathering up his blanket to tiro, "iue lienp ahnocp" (sloop). "Throw down another Btiok o' wood tho wngon, Gov, beforo yer go to "Yosli; me heap uhuecpy," ropliod ) Indian, stretching aud yawning with iliftcd bunds, from ono of which his •d blanket drapod down for a moment ret his sliunlder, gorgeous ia tha dune- iRcani]»-Cro light. Wliilo tha Indian climbod tho wagon .lo for the stick of wood, Mr. Siglml imarkcd: "Mr. Small,, before wo ro- B, may I not ask the privilege of a few irds of audible prayer to God [or His iroicrvaUon through the niglit hours ?" ' [Contlnuca noKt irect.]

DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in

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Page 1: DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in



O a n Y e K - - - - - - S2.C0

•Six HIonl - - - - - 1,G(]

. H I M im - - - - - - a

. ' A S H I'iSOM

Liverpoii Q:;jenstown

J O N A S - ,

o l ( j i r c a t • W e s t e r n

S Roofing

si tin Ituijfa ii-|«h nnil In tlio most mili-'ttaatiiil liianty part i)l tlio country.' viln-.irliwdinaprlcci* reammttUn.

O.-.li<.-u lefll.tts I. Hfill-lllf-, IluvctvlJI r i i r ivu n l l i J iUim.

liroMi, lteil, Vnrii'Kaled, Marti anllliin Ki.iti-.u'litil retail.

A K »o.l htalill laHt & lirj-tlmu, ftr.ti Isjinu-mraiii.0 nri.. ^ J J H A K K .

J ini.v r , sit:!

Ooillor at LawND'


". i r i l -in* ( ~~"

uiii.-.i. Bim«;s t:a, N. J.-

J. J.iELAND,(JitrptiiitoHl ISuihlor,Jobbing p.Iy attended lo.

H.J.M un ULAO, St., nract lo GnceAIlaluuurmill.

tkitriu-ls fukoimtuinl furtiMu-il.

(n,.r:i'.-r or It] nml Knew,* ttt«.

1.3. JOU Proprietor.Ili'i-rea n-iasca tnT.ct.

i i r •i1. r.i:i»t)i


UUM in Hi.. Xatiiiou Hank H>.iilt11:tf-

3L.icFw.ti, Si DOVElt, K . J . j



Cor. lllnrhil Sm


K.~A. i i i ixKi :T ' i \ n i . jb

I I Ol\ I < E O P A TI- I IOrilVSECUN & SUlltiEOK,

Cor. BJackv/dll & Warren Sts,

»Inf-a:. ;i uf Women rtinl Clilliltyc nml Lar Bjitciii

Offict! Jlmn-H: 7 to II A, M., 1 to 3nnil7 Id H I1. M,


Surveys Levels ami Grade*inaiiu for l'l.l.liiif.mi Pfivnto Tmiircvcmnit




Civil Engineer and Surveyor,


Manufacturer of Sogars andniwi.mi IN ur ro in 'ED l'li'jm, •



Olllce au Siiaswx Sil-eet,In Iliu building roi-iticrly nccunitil un tin nnicu

Htiiry Mel'n'rlan, Ifrellloiir,DOVER, N. J.

CutUHfinii nltemiod. tu will, .lih^unrc.Almi, Agent for tlio IHIHI Ijfo und firo Inn

acn C<iii!|i;tiiic». ll-iy



u w .nvr ai:n. IIICHAUDS A CO.'H STOim,

DOVISH,. N. J.Kjiucinl uMeo linui a


WOOBPORV, MORRIS CO., W'; J .lHIH wnll !;nown prnpi-rty lisnreflPiillyliBiit

"ho nccommoiliitioii of II10B0 Bocliini; a retiredmiiiiiHT rohliluitai. Kiluaful nl tlm lioad of' * h l it is ono of tha tnoitt tlcHlvn-

KlrcKiirt to bu f.mnd withinni ioorKow l'orb. -In t l i d *

;M nioantniu Bccnery of Northth 'colk>tit tmnttiiK nsililxUuov; w

1 driv

tln;M nioantniu Bccnery of Nor th rnwith ':-colk>tit tmnttiiK nsililxUiiiu,

iven, it is not umpam'tl Iiyimy oileiiiu, andoilier ind r i n ,

H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlioim,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltiiTimu Now York in tlio nwriiint'. F t i l- ' -"Bs'nsBijovc

.Furnish, ;ijideptuker

Aiior.lurBiuBntlitn.lua tu! •fEWCLI, STHr.BJ Xtavfif, K. J .

Carriages % Sleighs,



•iiEmnirru,D»voiri« CDUDIJ S. J.

Allen Pal']? & Son,Carpenters { -

; Itiiildurs.EOVEIlJ.

lobbing prompfitetidei! to.S.J.I'ALME|rcliltcc(.


Organs andRepaired al

Jjlmin D. nail,.,,-




"reign and Dom. Ar,n-iva ON



A ' " • n i l or



Lined>mnl; . Ail-

wniairr,Dover, K.J

LAW,, j r .






>f slrtmnliitin.1 LOWEST



IRA 0. COOPER,'Mason and Builder.Contract* lukm for nil Mm], of Huon WoiU

ami JoliliiiK.I.IJUi, rLABl'EII AND CJiMEXT, -

* FitrnlBlicil nt flhort notice.OInuo umttr "Tim Iron E n OlUeo," DoviN . J . • .. 17-12


Dentist,MOHIIISTOVVN, N. J . ,

Solo Fnipridur fur Hurrta Cunut.v ur F»le<pmciit nidge,

tiolil Filling n Svecinlly.,]ii!ilNiti-ous Oslilo tlr.8, i c , Ac, He.

Mansion House.100 YAT1B3 BEOMD. L. & W. DEPOT

Win. 1UIOWN, Pioii'r.cclluut ucci>mii]iiiliitloi>H Tor trnnHiuiit or

HValilo nttaehcil In Ili'uliouKD. l'nBSOiiccrfl takento and from Umid'fl Lake anil l^ato ilopatconf;at reasonable charge*. K-lt

' I S T E R ' S AND A L L E N I O W N






lotto iplcnilli

Goodale & Vought's Drug StorWtitrt. lio will |,o jtltaBctl to Lttoiid iu til cni

I'lfrtiiiiiinjj tu liisjirolVimioi!. Dr.Johnnlonliilia iisj)criu!i.:u of ticrun Yearn' close uiiplluatli..iilrilittpractlraofUAtiUfltr^J-'ira nf wltlcli lintbcnii 111 tliQ (;ity of I)o\or. I have Ukcimpccla:pa inn lii Uiu perfection of lbu.

Nitrous Oxide G-as,illicit iy tlio IxiHtnnoHlliolio nnw In iiKofnr tin

.miukim oxtrnctlnii or (eolli. I dim lino tlio neOn-., catloil t]njTJ.UH> nr CONDENSED OA1

Diloiluni]), n

: Ilcauttful Sets of Teeth,Upjmr iiul liuclpr.fur M0, nn tlia Infest .Ii

^ pmved NiicLiu I'latcs, warmnted to glvolutbfuo tluii.in mfurriJig tu thefullinvlj

Itev. P.. C. SIcirM.%Dr.T. II. Crittmuluii,

Dr. J. a King,M. II. Dkltwaon

S. I). Johnston,.. Opposite segur's New Bank,On>r Uuii.Inio ii Voiifrh'H Ilrii^ S(«m

JJOV13K. X. J .

•IV. S. & 11. F . DeOAHP,


Vox Iron Orua anJ.MiucrftJ Froportyj



Miners' Oil Company.122 & 1QA MAIDliN LAKE MBW YOR1C,

onirii'il on mulnr tinII )ioronfti;rbokiiDwn(i

ThuhnHlnoBB formerlyumo of l1. W. MKAD Hill

S'OIL-'GOKFANYLubricating mid Burning;

Oils for Miners' Use.EXTHA ENGINE. . ,


• NATDltAL WEST YIltUIHU.IIICBO Oils nro especially adapted'to Mining

Machinery nml nra pusmntoed to suit, Huorm,"VJinlo, Oliro, Keaft Foot, LnrO, Lob,, Cornnil

•IBII OIIH. . .Hamnlen furnkliril nn appllcntinn, and goodi

Linpod in prime order, m .t 12J, MaldfiiLniio

P. IV. JIEADtf, Ti-oBflUrcr.a. r . cn.via, Agent.

MRS. A. BEEMERIH now ready with all tha now ntylcB far

SPRING of 1875.

Fashionable MillineryAMD

TEELatest Styles & Newest Designs


Tito i n<1ir il>lcta stool: of Hilli-iry (Hid Futiey Goods tu bo found in torcr,itaprlHlugomictR^ Huts, FloivcrH, F<mtlci-s, RiUUoiis: L.ncos—real

ami imi ta t ion—Neckt iesnml IIOWB, Collars.

Lace a n d JLinciilets, Crnpcs. Mourn tug Bonnets

• aiiaitolls. ,' -A tlno asRDrtmcnt of '

htgnons, Switches, Braids, &c.AIBIP, B Tciy largo ynrloty of

ZEPHYR GOODS;And a flno nlouk or

Lndlcs' Ji'uniisliiiig Goods.

• Marri«to«n, K. J.


•((MllSm OF BLPBKX JND €ASAIi nm t *

D O V J G l l , N . . 1 .

nil llml« or FOIIEId:! nld DOMEDTIQ


rnli'rtl^Kor. ALlia.MIMiltALWATJlltH.otc,iiiLstniitlyoii lianil.


'A.'Boemer, .

R E A L E S T A T E AG13NT,'

Blnckwoll St., itiyir SIIKUM, DIIVOI*, N. J.


FOR SALE.Fur (lOBCriptlonB of I'rcperty

CDdnlront llo ofllcn.

C O N O L . W &. Q U A I L ,



Ttoa'rj rbpntrcdnmi pflinleJ. Galvnnizeil Itnornlcci, 0 nt tori", Juniors and Ventilators.£orn!wit. COSOLI.V. aeonon (JUAIL.


HOID, Jlncliiacrj' Oils, do. *lokdne and Slining ToivJur, Ftiso, Drill Biecl,

Huiiiuierfl, Ac.Canal JJarrotre, Sltovcis, Picks, Ao, .


" M V B AND J .ET 1AV11,"

; la Tiiii siorro or



1 tlio choicest BC-lectlui

C O X F E O T I 0 N 1 3 1 U E S ,Kuln, Oranfjoa, Toys, Pipes, nuvolojwii, Sta-tiouuty, da., tu Uo louml in this suctiun.


niOBtlio Ij'ofit mnkriol and maagnpotcnt ne


TUE nubBeribqr having 'taken' this Blan(foriuorly occujiied by R. L. Pouiid) la no

pwpaitd to supply iho publlo or Dover niih


CONTECTIONEEY, etc1.A u-iigon will' lio run for (ho Kiipply of tlio

•IDUII nntt vlolnlly,' A long cxptrionco In tliobiiaiiiCBH; will I bollcvo, cnallo mo to moot tlioprnutn or HIT cittitororrH.

Win. HAIEHOUSE.M.».—A gooabal<er'a n-agon for palo.l5-3m



M XKY wnrti in tlio clotuing builunag inm o k l t l S T O l V N , h a B buil t ni> a. larg

nna incrcns lug trade ond now loads tdoc l ty ihis Una witli tlio l a r u a t Btoro l c t B l k

IMuu's a l l Wool Donlile mid

Twist Suit's only - - 810.00

Suits -

n? Pants - l.OO

, £ t extra 1.5O

Go oil Working Panta Double

- 81.75


FROM S2 TO §0.

A liirso nHBOrlniDnt of TINE CLOTIIISO forMEN, YOUTHS' nml HOYS.


Don't fail to call nnd BOO llio UAllQAINS andbo astonished al tlio low prleosfor EoodclQtbing.




M. Hoaglnm), Proprietor,


Chill and Dry Sand Rolls



Engines, Pumping Machines,




Hoisting Apparatusdoll Und. ..pooiilitv.aiiJ

Furnished ot Shortest Notice.


urned and Grooved to Order







•L.1NNEIJ", IIUNKETO, QU1I.TH — Ufiv cnirn AMI BTiTrurn; P R I T S ,sa, COTTON AKQ wnnsTED, nARp




Merchant Tailor,id dnalor in lion's and Cblldron'B Jlcady-

- Ifttdo Clotllinff.T., (M door from Blnoltwoll,)

D0VEI1, N. J.,_ ncentotlio piihliotlintliia nUiek ofRnofluomprlsos an nmunnly lino nmortment ofllotiiy, Fancy Cnimlmcrci and Ycitiaga, by tliuart! out to lit without charge, or moda to ardort tlto shortest notice. .AIHO constantly onmUlargav&Tlctyof Gents1 rarniiililng Goods.I particularly coil attention to my

SPEINO AHD SUMMER.STO0IC,ciuR oarefiilly solootod and offered at nricoi

nitilioilmpi. I consider mj-self In directDiDiiotilionwith Newtrlc and Now York cloth-g IiouBei, and by reforcnen to mj prices tlio

nLlio will readily Ola corn tuallamni. libcrnltho mutt Ilbaral. .

SUBBCI Street, Od door from Dlockwoll,«-ly WILLIAM HIMON.


17-Iy J. W. BABBITT.

t rrom tlio nimufieluro

luwannee Yellow Pine Lumber,

mil Bocuroil Tory nd-atitascona frolgkt MIUB,ironowprcnarod to lurnlsli




otpricta which mafio It to llio luterssb of nilpurclmaora lo giro ui a call.

Having unrivaled facllltloa far drjiug -anddrcflBing, wo arc atilo to guarantee drjnesi andquillty. All oriton promptlj dcllTored on carsfree of charge. Tlio following aiiCB cDnitintij-on naail:

1 x 3-4 x & Ineb flooring Xa. 1 and 9. .

1J x 12 Inch ati1} x rj x u Incax 13x11 "| Inch coiling.

" Ko. 1p pluut Ko. 1 and 3.i «!op plank No. lord 2.


Foot of brldco S,1., Hevark, andSIIO AVEKCE, Esit Newark. \ 45-3m




Ihlr, Iliml end I'ulm I.n,r




Manic! mnll'ier



WqVlIH WlBE aiATTHESSEJ, best ill tll<world; NATIONAL WutK Si'tima BED,

K V r i i n j o SLATS.

Every m tlclo warranknl tlin (.cut or tliu hh!n t i e State. Wo soil at n lartffl IIIHUHIIII t froiNow York nrlcop.

Call on nn «nd eavo inoiicy.

794 &796 BROAD St.


U'Stn ' '


Sussex Street, Dover, N. J.

HA.YIKQ romoiluM md roflltcd my atomam now nbia to moot tbo wauta ot m

iUfllotnora with hotter aceoinmniklions nnd i"r stock or goods than uver licforD.



a( DOIT <le«I(-nB—aaauqiftSBod in Iliin Bvction.


"WORK.AH klndi of ruptiring carofullj ami nrompdy

done. Fueling under obligations to tUo publictor past favori, I topo bygood work, ajyj .ftlrdealing to inorit ftcontThnahco or tlio aarao,.

11-tf WM. HABEIS.



Monuments, Tombstones, &c.


R nndorfllcnnl iinjajrave ta aiitiuuneu U_ ;ho public tlmt lioYs now proparvd to man'

ofaoturo and will kcop connlontly on linnd tho


T O M B S T O N E S ,

Cemetery plots oncloaod of Orauitn ami Slor-bio Posts. Evary job varniutod to give com.

BtUraction. Prices moderate. .


OrroarrB OitEaxEu House,

10-ly ' ' CHESTER, N. J.


(HUWJfcSaull TO K. ItAtUUOtlBG k l ino.,)

or, Blackwell &'Sussex Sts,,


A goncral reduction In prices of


J E W E L R Y , •

OLID GOLD IlINGS,ain,Ertfrrnvotl, EnnmclmlaudEnglnD-tcnicd.



BrE0rACLE3.nnd 3HTJ5 GLASSES of all do-Iptionn. Gold, Bllvor, Htool, llubbor andill, THE PAinOEULD COLD 1'RN, uniinr-

d f r flnoncy and gouoml exeelllonco.[ an also adding to my stock now stjlea inilclei of lolld Bllvcr and phtod waro, unltabtu• wedding proHonts. FORKS, 8P0ON8, andilclci for tabb mo at grcally redncod rrlci-i.

HAIR JEWELRY.oBlgn« of ovory description contained in lca.l-

lg pattern booha, can bo mada to onlcr.

ttention glron to tUo '


calild tho Avoir Watcl. Alio «eont for tto"OWiltD, WiLTIIAM, BFIUNOFIELD mi


BoPairui8«.pB!l»ltj»ndn»rr«iitod. •



E, LINOSLEY & SON'SXJl'. a.niorniniirnnti'niiH tin\ . . . ,::TI tJ,VHt<i[U Hrluplud ]jv us iu Jai


limn ovur lx ruro, fur tlio renaon tliat wu doIUPU llio lutwvBl upon our money by trustingin t , or llio ii.'fncljial hj cuiitractfiiy bad ilubl

I t wiiiitd bo impuvBiblo to cnumornto ouiUro Bloi-b, but will briefly nay it compTlsea




DRY GOODS,' n full mid decant aswrhutnl.


I «|imlilk'H of IflON ami STUKL, Iieluding JIi'diaiiicH1 Toola.



• " : o ;


of tlio inlMt and IiitudttomuBt iloalynj




Lime, Cement and Fcrtllfzsrs.

... CDTLliltY, O U « S und PlflTOLS. '

Sporting Powilor and riHliing Taclilo,



>r Frank LcMve Lndlua' Journal. .

Call a n ! Im convinced that itpayn you to ImyTor ensb iiiHtond or ore Jit .


The New Empire

lot-Air, Gas frB»

ing Coolcing- Stove.'HE BEST UAlfINQ STOVE IN THE WOULD.Aleo, a Largo Asaorlmimt of ntlior Htjlct

of Cooking Moves. HOUROT. ParlorBtovcB, &i%,

'OR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Also, n clioico nloclc of

Hardware, Cutlery,ii, Wooden, Copper, Plniti r.ntl Jiqi.-in


OilClolliB, Curpota, LainpR, Taints mid Oils,ird Cagcn, roiitlitru, l 'rmfu Autrnl Oil (

l i v o . ) AIBO, • .

DEALKIt IN COAL..tooling, IHumDiiig: find J«l>

Woili promplly attended tu.

lonnell's Patent Straw Cutter,The lioBtnvcrnmilo.

'bniili'u Scales a t MiLiiuTnc-ttii'i'r'ri p r i c e s ;

id Iron, Cippcr, Urn**, ,]>ml, lJ:itjn nmUauka talicii In OMiIiancc fur K"| 'IIB.

JASIKS 11. Klil'lvN ,V CD.,nocliairit.r. Sfarcli I , l.HTJl. lr



VIerchant Tai!or5HOHIUSTOWW, K. J. ,

eceipt of tlio latest Hpi iiiR Fn^liioii. n d by Mr. J . U. Went, Union Kjuiat

id Jtr Win. Olgucroaa, 737 Urondmiy, S . Y.Tbo prli.dpnl clinncci to unto l' I Hpritifr will bo tbo lu F

nrno l M l l

ppritifr will

no lMiilaling n-oel; Coal and


Tliu most fnshionolik gnoitri for Dress Knitsill bo llbck Dlagonnl Wuratt'dn, very diunlloil. LnrBO plnidM nnd llnnlij. nattunm iin-•ito»3 tbo Ililiifja IIMIHI past.~ JtnHnePs KnllB tlio nowest slyk'B will im

.- small check of dark aolorn, in rnncliil Anien<.-n» unoilx. Pniitalootin will hv mh.lumtlvolmnnllclicoltaiid lino lialr llno^noda.very mil linn of llio aliovo-namcil K'iuua wiltr9unilliiiu7.»aokalalllltna.

• " - nKST nllli !,(.[,(

SPRING GOODSovery vaviol.v, t i n t may Im found in tlila imrttbo Mtalo. .Maliisig iiid'hio Chilliinc to mil ITmyiiriiiclimlbuitltiuH*, but 1 ilo not tontliiu

ivutlf lo Ibntuiitiitly.ni! tut cuatiimcrH willnd a larqo Block ot Cnn»Imcrt« Huitalilo furUhlnoaR Snitil mid 1(OY«* WEAK, tlmt will lioId by Iho rani VLVV clican. nnd citr rnrr . forIlial wli.li It c i t ' t o lmve it iniilnuiiihntn.TCH. Good Caa:iimciCH from 51) cunts to SI

Tnr-1. A full lino of

Gents' Furnishing Goods,in i t in ty on lisml. SHI11TH inndo [n order,ill warranted to 111. Ttiouirrnxd i»:i>ui-nnuiTunder my pr-nianat clisrKC, anil all onlore willproinptly mica at Ibo Inwcitt jirtccS, and

THbGtfuu RTinranlopil to nil.

P. I I . J I O F F A I A N ,I!Mf MKHCRANTr Alison.

[n.n THE mow LUA.]ii-s Tor Di-conilioii liny.

Urinj; »;»-eri:rtfim nnd flowtra 11 ildTo Htrtw Iliu lullow'il grunml,

Wl.iTu rtsia ilio iiuv,- iiliiHlrlona iluiulIn (,'l<'ry'n fl<-L-j> {irofoutifl.

No iimrthl train, nor xouuiliui; JniinCan over rpnao them more ;

Hucurc'iir^" liuda uT Tanw" tlioy rent;Ufu'it *i!6rj inaroli in u'ur.

Unrat on tbtlr enr tbeir country's call,A W U D tlio Imtllo plain,

How fretly flowed Mu'a Tounlam tlicrol'ni n to n

And renting noir, in (jrarct tmtnoivii,IIoiv mtiiiy tlifiusaml iilccv.

iVIiero nu'er a rricuil, nur kindred dear

O'er tliolr IUVIM] diiat may vcyi.

And Hhall tbuy uiuup in graves unkiiotrnAnd iinrouitinibtrtil Itu;

WliHu floral giiiiu on iiatlvo soilAdurn inch eliriib tied trao 7

Xo ; tuiim for earli tfluVAaii imtenA vrcikth that will not die;

Pitir cmblmn ariimiiurlnl rmiio - -. '"'


[CONTINUED FBOil LAST WEEK.]yer— lio'll liolp yer carry wliat you'?)got."

"Tlinnfc yon. You nro very kind irjdeed," Bnid tlio revcrcud, na Lo innrcIiOLoff, followoil by tlio gorgeous vad. mat)down tlio Btcuii otrtut ut tbo uiiuinitown.

Wliilo ho wns gono, ITr; Small, lihvnig nil tiling! in readineaa, proceeded tiitmiguten hii toflm BO as to tigbtoathicliaim ai|d couplings whereby tlio groalwhgunu nro utido to follow eaoli otlic:Jn order tlmt ho iniglit "be aura that evtrytiling alioulfl draw oven, strong, nntrue Frcsuutly Mr. tiiahol aud On•aiao iianting nntl trotting round tlicorner, out of tho street into tlio roiid,encU Laving liold of tho eiid of n, roll o,bedding ; tbo rovcronJ enrryiurn l>!nclovorcoat nnd jiurplo scarf on bis righlnriu, nuil Gov liiiving hia rojnl revblanket nn IUH loft arm.

Mr. Stunll, taking tho roll pained oiend on bii right pnlm, Btoadiud it vtitlhln left, nud shot it tu Ilia top of thebigh wagon-box ns if it bnd bs»^ n bagot fontbora.

"Thar, Qov, boup jimiii up—honii (1:'em—little roiio—no fall off, You'iabo?"

"Yoah—mo heap Bubo I" unid OOT,using liis prceiouu liliinket to tlio wag-i-toiJ, Kud ulowly ulluibing up after it,

over tlio whoe! nud side."All ready, Paujon ?" s&id Mr. SinalL,

inteiTogativoly, m bo picked upliisba-ion of commimd.

"Yes," timidly, "I—I—bolievo I am.;

Kapidly Mr. Bnmll atrodo forvanl,drawliug out in tho indescribable, iha-torio of his profossion^ "You l',o-wd-y 'iTurk I D»TO I Gee, Urigbaiu I" then iud-"* >nly, "Wlio-o-o-nli—ba-a-ack I"

"Scoyero, Pitrson 1 Got nnytliing tcertfc nbpurd?"

"Noi sir, I linvo i)rcHuraod Icoulciy provisions at tbo house wlioro wiV]}.""Houses, Ii—It O, excuso ILO, pa:n. Tlinr Imint no IIOUBOS to speak of,

in* pf Ihnr w.aa, bnll-tonms don't liovaoibin' to Jo.witliliousGa, 'tbout tlioy'roivlriahy-mills." Then uhoyiu^ up hisnit, nnd scratching hia liDnd'witUii \ig-irotta iiil;o or two of bis hnid linger.inila, he pulled tho liul down ovor hitoao, and lcaiiingr baclc, looked at bht

Sov. Mr. Sigbal, anil »nid, "S'yere, Pnr-ion, I'll grub yo, but my giub's light-

^lia'rr-tcaus, irettd,. b.icon^.cojroo, ftiiVcan-tvuek. You go into camp, nu buy—rlo'mo BOD—wolf, buy n small eaclc o'intmcal, two .pnpura u1 piuoly, a pouudi' black ton, nn' half a dozen cans o'

condenuod milk. That'll yuiyo through.Yor liiu ensy. ketch up to tho tonraGco, BriRliiiin 1 Git un, Davol Yoilloany 1 Ually 1 Haw tfinr 1 Roll outBoll' out I" And tho slow liuomovciI\ET tho racliy road nt n eunil's pace,lio wbcols grinding, ui most impcrcontl'ly, to tho top of HID uot largo stoues,ml th on dropping off at tlia othor eidc

ivitliasiiddcnriiilmidnjar.'which.thouKhho full ia but RU iuoli ur two, lunkcs tho

lolling tiilk in vnvions voices as it set-lea more firmly to its place.

Vp, slowly—ah, eo alowly, HO thutily i—up nnd up tha mountain, by the canon

>n<!, imnfiiuR nt intervals to lirentlio tboluting herd, 'Mr. Small grinds nnd•UuliO3 cut a uliililiiy Vine, with hia mu-^wbeGla,'in Lboporpbyry and granitelist . Tbo dry mountain gtimniits risoi citlicr hnud, capped with the un-nmtod roclia, wliiob bavo dolled the

vy of licitvoa before man iu anyMood ta witness tlio uhouk—tlio

of tho sun converging upon tbocnil olUigJfick Biimll/na lio mavcliealoutly up tho side of hia tcrna, to pause- bis eliciting atop, then up another

Lch, and than pimdng nguin, liftingEorpont-coilud baton nbovo bin head,

lilting nnon tho name of nemo throb-iiug toiler of tbo yoke. Thus hcgaiuB

110 stimmit, nud hnlta to draw tho reur-•nrtl brakes.

"Ah, Vaison I H'ist them things up.bar to GOT. Gor, you fix cui. Now

o'ro off. Plenty tirau, though, 1'oraou,look nt tho scenery. You sco that

-..nil panic yonder—way off? That's;st eighty-two mites from'yaro. Can'tco tbiit-n-way in Pounsylvauin, kin yo'ec, Brigham 1 Git n-a-up 1"More rniiiilly, nnd with mticU clink iuid clanking of yoUa-ringn, linnkn, nm.iniiiM, nnd tho loud braving nnd howl*

_tr of tlio friction of whool-tiro nndnifce-block, tJia tenm winds doivn tboanon of tho opposite sido of tha moun-

tain, tlio big wains rocking, reeling, nndgroaning, ns tliey crowded each other

mud llio curves of tho declivity; andovo ui!, tbo driver's voice, oclioing>ng tliu canon the tiritwlings words of

immaud nntl uncourngement.Mr. Sigbal is behind, out of sight;

xusing timiybnp upon saina bold out-op of L'nrlli'o fouiiaiiliuii-Btoiie, to gnza

;u- iiiouud nnd nci-033 the uplifts of tha•Aiul ftirroiv.i vl.oro thu forgoltou forocaLVO; plowed tlio ilcld that now lies f:il-w in tho wisdoiti of n plnh wiuo beyondI thnt H yet writton or revealed. Oinmut of Iho faith, look well 1 I t intlio-istocnicy ot imlure upon which you-zo. Bublimo it ia in tho reposeful

^nndsur of its iuriifiurenco to commerce,gricultiiro, or tho pretty nveuues of hu-un thrift, Loclicil in tbo coffers ofo rocks nro tbo WJIRO3 of its cnrly dayalabor. Stern niitl forbitldiug in tlioint )itud, sad nnd nuGocinl; but rich in) nbundaiico of thnt wbicli renders311 lnnn unsocial, Btcm, nud forbiJ-ig- •

At the foot of tho inmmLim the teamitilta where tho wntcr sinks nnd tho dry-.llcy begins. It i» cut short work farig Jack Small to draw out tbo bow-"us, rclcoso bis cuttle, nnd drop hisightyokes inn lino, with tho brightcavy chains linking thorn togcUiacine grtivol nnd iliist.Jleautimo, Mr, Siglinl'iirriVcs in camp!tb oneh hiind full of fragmotits of vnri-lurcd nloiie,- ho linviuy tired his witspruspccting for silver,"Hullo, Pin-son 1 Hov you struck itill?1' inluiTognled Big Jack, OH ho lot

n the grub-box itutl cooking utensilsa tlio wngou-top to Gov Nye.

Tliat's n, b.id bpRinniuir, Piiraon 1"

so, Mr. Huiall?'1

"Cause," tiutl JCL'II, iumpiug down0111 tho ivngoii nml cnuiinR up to takenik nt tliu rocka in tbo parson's linnds"'cainu elyon oxer git quartz on tho

.•aiu, vDu'ro a gi-uur 1 That nnacctill'-iuao in rcniisylvuny'll putcrapa ou llioloi'-luiob—shore 1 an' Mvcrliz fcr njw xinrsnn. But yo'll not git qnnrtss on10 bmiii—not muclt—3'long*s ycr^don'tad iiobHtur fitono* tlinn tlieso yero "id be, utter esnmiuing tljo collcctiou."Ab I 1 vn.4 merely guca^ing ut tho

oucs to uiniiso luysulf. Aro they not-irtz fmginonta ?"

'!To fiir-co," said Juclt, no, driving his

nxa into a pina log, bo made the wofly in splits und Hnlintere—"not IH'.KThem's irou-ntnine<l porphyry. (;re<atone, black trap, an' wliito carb'milof limo. Hold on till we git ncrons tlvalloy an1 git n-goin' up the next meutain, 'a I'll show yer somo good quurifjorr.o bully float-rock over tlmr, but wbody baint found no mino yit—uovtwill, I reckon ; I've hunted^ fur tha denrod thing twenty times. Yero, Gor, f 'a bucket o' water. Parson, d'ye ftwolfish?" added Mr. Small, alterhad his firo lightod aud wai ptoceodioulinftrily.

"WoUishl" Bzeluimoa Mr. fiiglwith scmo surpriee.

"YOB—hungry." oxplainoi Jack, us insawed with a dull knifa at tha .touglrind of a side of bacon, ctlttiag dowu omfntnlicooftertho other upon tho litl '"tho grub-box uenr the fire.

"Not unuaunlly BO.""Hain't ot notliiu' sinoo moiniu', hii?""No ; uot wnco onrly morning.""Must do bottcr'u that!" said Jad

patting the frying-pan upon the firo."X usually cat but little, for fear

^ntinctoo muah."* "Well, e'puBo yer lieavo flway, thorflroeiu/da* run thin fiyia'-pBii—jdot" totappotito. Nothin' liko fncin1 an iuomy,

f yor want to git over beiti' ftfraidliin I" *Mr. Sighal immediately campliod, a .

Hquntting by tbo nrc, poisod tho frying-1 upon tbo uneven heap of burniuiIk*, in hia ilrst lesson a1, camp-life.•I don't nlloir yer kin out much th

-uiii', ns wo'vo only traveled halfdny, but to-morror we've got to croitho valloy through the olkali-dust, aimake a long drive. Git a lot o1 that nl' ili into yo, nn' you'll hauler after U

icon I""Ab ?" naid Mr. Sigbnl, carefully bal

inoing the pun oil tie llro."Yes, sir"—with great emphasis 0

:hoBir. "Alkali nu' fat bacon goes tcgethnr liko a match yoko o' leadenDoes tlmr mom to bn any coals minikin1

in that firo, Parson ?"'Tho woodeeoms to bum; I infe

Lhoro will bo coalH." *"Inferrin1 won't do, Pnrson ? We'vi

;ottohov'cm, 'cauaolmust fankotbiiirond nftor supper, fcr to-morror, Allai;ec[) ono bakiu' nhoad," ejncalntod, Mr.ItnnU, ns ho finished kneading broad -t:ho ptiu, aud quickly grospod tho axe,iroceodiup to break up some more wood.'Yer £oo, ParsQii, a bull-punober lies tc

ao up to a Httlo of every sort 0' work, in' 0 mountains. Gov, you look out fcriftt coffac-pot, while I put this wood 0010 fire. Drink coOco, Parson? No T

Voll, tbon, mnico yer uoma toa in an•mpty oyster can—hain't got only oi?ot fer tea nu' coffee.'1'

"No, Mr. Small, do uot ranko nuyrouble for me, in that way. I driuk*rator ot the oreuiag mont,"

"All right, thou i this hash ia readycrbizQoas I"

The Bqvoi-ond Mr. Sighal, sitting•roH3-lcg(icd on tlio ground,. recoivod:ho tiu plata nud rusty steel knife aud'ork into his lap from tho hand of Mr.Im&ll^and thou Mr,' Small sat downrcKa-leggcd opposite liim, with thamrd loaf of yellow yeast-powder bread>ad tbo flizzlijg frying-pan, botwoon

them, giirrounded liy imnir cotton sacks,containing respoctiTely salt, peppor,and sugar.

"Noff, Parson," Sftid Mr. Small,'pitcliinl"

"Ooa moment, Mr. Small," Baid Ibomrson, removing the bat from .his ownend. "will you permit me t« aalc theleising of Qod upon thia fntaal repast?"

"Oortatalyl" asientod Mr. Small,matching oQ hia bat, and slapping it on'io ground beiido him. Then linppen-ig touota quickly tho Indian' sittingstlonoTy ofttbo'Dtber«t3ait>f iha flro, he

laid : "Yere, you InjiD, tnkep off yor-i t ; quiok."

"Yash—beap take 'om 00," said tbo•boying Indiau.

*' Now, Parson, roll on 1"The reverend, turning bin olosed eyes

kyward, where the wide red glory oihe Bottiug sun WAS returning ibo eter-

nal thanks, offered tbo usual mild andueasurod form of thanksgiving and pi:r for tbo Mosb HigVBbTeMingupoii.__Toattire-comforts, at the and of which10 replaced hia hat ; but Mr. Small, bo*

ing too busy with hia supper and withcogitation upon tho new stylo of cti-quotte, nnd being! careless about Lit.

id-covorinp in camp, uegloolod, ori.!ttocl, the raplacemsnt of hia hat ;

•hicli state of tbe case bothered thountutored savtgo" at to his own properliavior, wlipronjioni lifting liii olier-iQtl "plug" from tho oarfcb ho held ithis linnd, brim up, aud grunted inter-

>gativaly.: •." Uh, Jaok, put um bat om ? No put

im hat on ?—ma no sabo I""Yes; putumliaton."' ' Uh 1 yosb, mo heap put uin Lot on.

11 right—all same modUtini (medicine)"hito-ii-ninn. Heap eabe 1" and rc-.pscd into silent observation,'Xho pnr&DQ did not enjoy liis anpper.

day bad baou ono of Uresoma ncrr*preparation for a. now kind of life;

>ut Mr. Small waa in hoarty ujmpathyritU all nature, wliioh include* a goodipotito (if it ia not loundod upon a good)potito),*and he ato witk a rapid aetionm a keen roliali, talking as ho nto, in aay to provoke appetite, or if not to

irovokc, at lenat.raiis a sigh of rogrttn'r its absence.

"Thar I" said Mr. Small, with sighingnnlinsis, ' ' thnt lota ma out on creatureimforta, in the grub lino, till to-rnorrer.sr don't waltz ia very hearty on this•ub, Parson. AH rigbt;. I'll bato yor'. oatmeal cake Boon's I git douo iritky bread, nn' mix yer a cantaon 0' milkr to-morrer's lunch."

Thank you, indeed, Mr. Small."Yero, Gov." said Mr. Small, ns ho

led tho greased frying-pan full of bro-u trend, and poured out a tin-dun ofiffoo, "yere'B yor hash 1"—to whichiv responded silently by carryiug then and cup to the flro, and then sitting«*n between tbeni on the ground, to; mid drink in his own fashion."Tbcso yero Iojins is curious," said'. Small, iu his running commantnrytilings in general, niho actively passedini one point iu his culinary dutiesauothar ; " Uioy wun't cat bacon, butuy'H-ent baeoii-greaao jin' bread, oruf an' bncon-grenso; aa1 thoy wuu't: cliooso, hut they'll eat dead IIOHH. Ilove tho way to conrtuor Injina wouldto load cauuons with Limbarg clieeso' blaza away at em 1"'As tho Chinese Bboot thoir enemieswnr irith pots of nbeminablo omelU,"'Yea; I've ueeni before o1 tho Cbi-

:o way o' makin' war, bnt reckon 'taint

0 Binalll tujins kcer for—it's mightyinl to knock an Injia \rith, a smell Il"ins, leaotwny this yero tribe, kain't1110 noso for posies, They got tomoid o' uupcrstition about milk ah'

IOCSO, though Ireokou tlioy munthorinked milk when llioy'a little." And-. Small ohuckled at .tbo dolionoy of1 own allusion to tho font of nborigi-I mutoniity. :

t -"Doc'tyor fluioko, Parson V' •.

" Not of Into yL-ars," roplied Mr. Sigh-; and pncod up and dtjflfn meditatively

oat tbo flro, gnzing up nt the darkiaingty. " I formerly enjoyod a cigar,icasionally, but my dyspepsia lias cuta off from that vico.""Woll. I've got tins broad balcm', an1

ckou I'll tnka a smoko. Yero, GOT,ina yer onppor V Bcoot up tliar, an'

;brow down them beds, so yie bin nev aioat." Tho silent and ready complianceif tha Indian enabled Mr. Small, as be'.os3cd tho rolls of bodding over by thiro, lo remark : "Yere, Parson, taka 1ioat This yore's higli style—front sot'

n'-room, fust iloor. .You'll want yor"a to-uiorrer, though j a r kin rido ef

* want to ; but it's powerful tcjus, rid-ubnlt-wagon." And bo ant down on

is roll of bedding to cut his plugtobac-1, fill lijs short pipe, nml vratch tbo"•less of broak-bakiDg while lio oujojod

imokc.Tho reverend also Bat down on his bod.Tbo Indian sat on tbo ground, at tho

opposite Bide of. tbo lire, humming tlio


tow, buzxiiif;, diatual ditty uf his remotea u cos torn.

The stars cania quietly nut iu tlio clearuby, ami tho dry Htill air secuied to lia-tou to ibo coming on of the iutiumornblohoet. So Btili— O, BO crv.tftflino ntiil—is tho summer uight in Novftdn I

"Yer BCC, Paraou,"begun Mr. Suiitll,iftor ii short, quiefc oounuTtation with hia[rilic, " they nay 'fit ball-puiichin's ulowlUsinosd, but they don't know. Pconlo:in toll what they don't know powerful

^Hck-liku. Lot aoiao 0' them talkin' fel-lurH what knows *11 about tbia busiuo3siu threo squiutN from o stage-coach win- -dor— lot 'cm try it on. Lot 'em stand inonce, im' chop wood, build u firo, cutbacon, make brsad an1 coffee, an' no on,all in U10 sumo minute—an' do it faiter'nthey kin write it down in a letter, an'they wun't Ulk IU much with their

loutb 1"

"l'oa ; I was jaat, iu thu moment youbegan to spcal:, reflecting on the multi-plicity of your duties and the rnpil exe-cution of them. Does not your life wear•ipon you terribly ?"

"Ho, sir. Hit's head-work does it.Seems to me wheu a feller hea a bigidea iu his head, an' is isst c-boomin'with the f utur, an' lookiu forward, tlmtwork doenn't hurt him a dcruod bit,Hit'B hangin' back on tho yoke 'at wears", jfcllor out—an1 a ox, too. When Iisod to toiler 0 plow/by tlio dny'« workor wages, on' bavin' no pint ahead totcer to—no placo to onload at—I wasn't

110 more acoouut than u cripulo in. acounty poor-house 1" • *

"What is your great aim at Uiii time ?—if I may bo no impolito aa to matoIUCII au inquiry ou so abort acquaiut-IUCC," queried Mr. Sighal, ia a soft voioe,ud balmy man nor.

" O , no ; nothin' impcrlitd &boat it.Open out on me, Parson, when you fealliko it. I liain't got no seorots. Myireat aim is to play my gomo up to the[audio. Every feller's got a game.

Home's politics, sorao's religion, some's•jfg money, soino's land, seme's keards,iomo'u ivtiuwun au' good elo'ea, somo'sgood, some's bad," said Mr. Small, rap-dly, nnd punctuating bis ramarka with

.jufls of tobacco smoke ; **iin' my gameis to hov tbo boat eight-yoko o' cattlo,on' the best wagons, an'pull tlia biggoatload to yoke, iu tbeso yero mountains;in' then,"bo nddod, loughiog sad strok-ing his long hronzo beard, ''I kinderfhiak tbore'a a solid aquare-buil. galomo'rs what I ain't jest soen yit, that's,-waitiu' is her daddy's front porch fcr, feller like mo—an' tha old man lie'sfittia' too old, nn' hain't got uo othoribiltlren, an' bo's jost a-walRin' up an'lown uuder lite shade-trees, expoctin* aillor nboufc my sizo an* build, what kiaing ink in the Bank o* CaUforny for

bout ton tbousan' ciub, honest money,low's thnt fcr high, Parson ?" And Mr.imall roared with his loudest laiiffh, until'ia parson aud Gov joined sympattioti-illy. . •

"A very laudable onde&vor, Mr, Small;nd let m9 sny that I heartily wish you•lod-Hpeed."

Amr.n, Parson 1 I don't know ef Iin muko it. But tliat's mv gamo ; an'; I can't make it—well, bit's better tow a gamo an' loio it thsn aovor to playall. Hain't it, Parson ?"" I t sorely in. No good endeavor is

/or entirely lost. Qod, in Bis groatirowdoncQ, gives germinating power to'as Ajnuto seed of tbo plant 'which grew•d died last year, though tlio sead mayiard boon blown miles away." '

"Do you b'iiove," Baid Mr. Small, afterlong p»uie, in which be raised thenko-kottle lid with tlio point of a stick,ad piled more hot coals upon tho top— tdoyotib'levQ, fer cortaia—dead sura—mt God looks nftor all these little

?" ' .wural/, Mr. Smtll, Bavi wo not ^

ti*'bless«3 piohiiass m tlia good bock ?""X don't jest rock'lcot what -we've gottbo good book. But do you, as yer

mammy's son—not as a parson—do youVIoTeit?"

-"If I at all know my own thoughtsand convictions. Mr. Small, I do."

Aftor austher long pause aad Btrict at-mtioa to tbe baking broad ; "Paisou,ittin' slo«py ! ""Not at all Mr. Small,""Thinkin1 Tjout Bomothin', p'r'apa ?"•|I was refloating whether I had douo

j wholo duty, and had anstvorcd yoot-[uestiou ns fully as it should bo answer*

'Well, whsnovor you feel sle.py, jestircad your Iny-out where you cliooaeiL' turn iu. Keadn'bnriud me. I'll fassnnd yer.4 an' smoke a good %vhilo yifc.

'har linint no ceremony ut this ho•• tol—,c ruuuitt.U till fuat-class 'partments."Thank you, Mr. Small," Biid Mr.

ighal; and then after Bomo pause, re-iming nudibly tho thread of bis ownlought, ho asked : "Mr. Small, do not)u boliovo in the overruling providenceGodr"Which Qoi ?"•Ihero Is but ono God."-

" I don't BQO it, Pargoii. Oa this yeroloifln Const, gods is numerous—Ohinooads, Mormon gods, Injin gods, Chris- .an gods, an* tho Bant o'Californy.""Perhaps so, Mr. Small—it is writtenere bo goda many; but. there is onotly true God, Jesus • Christ tho right- .

'Voa't eoo it, Parson."The Revorond Mr. Sighnl toae quick-to his feat, and pulled down his vestthe waistband, like a warrior uncon-iousl; fooling for tha girding of his ar-i r . •"Do"you deny tha truth of the flaeredripfcnrea, Mr. Small ?"'Idon'tdony nothin,"copb ivhat t i a

imo before me to bo rceosizod. Whatavis, I don't sue it."!'You don't BOO it ?"'Ho, sir 1"—emphasis on tfie sir.Terhapa not, vitb. tha natural eye>

iglit; but with tho eye of faith, Mr.-nail, you can see it, if you humbly AndIHCAUJT make tbo effort"" I hain't got but two cyan—nn extraa fer Suudtij use. What I can't see,

irhoar, iior taste, nor smell, nor foal,ir inftko up out o' rock'lcotion an"ch together, hain't nothin' to me.—ftt'a my tneanin1 whon I say, 'I don't

'I am deeply grieved to bear youKfcao, Mr. Small."'"Noiv, look yerc,Parsoii," replied Mr,mil, nalio got up to bustlo obant bisiris, "fellers liko me, liviu' out o'ora, has got a God what couldn't gitto ono of your meatin'-houfics.""Mr. Small—pardon me—there in aimrner of wlmt seems to bo moauing inur remark, but really I fail to comprc-snd-you."

"That's hit"—it will bo observed aapeculiarity ia Mr. Small's language (Aculiarity common to unletlcred vent-

•n bom Americans) that be sounds thoiphatio form of the pronoun it with nupirato ft—"UiaVBUil I That's thohigh,mt way to say, 'I don't BOO i t ' Nowe'ro even, Parson—only jon've got alillion o' moaliu'-bouso bolls to do the

lin1 for you, an' I hain't got naryBat tueso yere mountains, au'

cm bright stars, an' yonder moonillin' bright over the summit, wouldlaud mo cf I knowod how to- talk feriat m'ado 'am. Hush—listen 1" said

Imall, suddenly pausing, and pointing/nder tbe moonlight ncrosa tlio dim ml->y. "That's a ooyote : I -wonder which" us ho*s lnHRbin' nt."

"Yash ; laotoo. Ha heap talk. Meb-BO tabbit kclch nm," said tbe Indian,

ling and gathering up his blanket totiro, "iue lienp ahnocp" (sloop)."Throw down another Btiok o' wood

tho wngon, Gov, beforo yer go to

"Yosli; me heap uhuecpy," ropliod) Indian, stretching aud yawning withiliftcd bunds, from ono of which his

•d blanket drapod down for a momentret his sliunlder, gorgeous ia tha dune-iRcani]»-Cro light.Wliilo tha Indian climbod tho wagon.lo for the stick of wood, Mr. Siglmlimarkcd: "Mr. Small,, before wo ro-B, may I not ask the privilege of a fewirds of audible prayer to God [or His

iroicrvaUon through the niglit hours ?"' [Contlnuca noKt irect.]

Page 2: DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in

'j-iije: IRON ERA.

Saturday, Jl'SEJtli, i^">.\

I'., t liurrb. V'lrei, H. Jiipr, Mr. J..n* J,TKM.E

57J, »1 i T l'I;IV.\Ti; SAUI. a ;.••—t - em, . II-JIII]1'er. .s. ; J\_ l-IA>U X a (•an.'di:.. -i 1;—1 CUift.lN'iid Hit* siuvfc, aiMULlji. u JIEDSTEAIIS : • *^d *-t

• ._• rsii fl. r:;tii ^ ! . I) .i.r. N. j /1 . . . m>wi . \ rtJi:,

— - - - - - : - - j * LI. ,«


Tin' Third Term. | A . fu-J »e»jo»t u.e(.t>.iii.» fur^ c-ruia l'j±^}^U- ._lJTOizuftt-TT note oiled Jiijit1 *ut loi^, iftiibjc; _ _ ~~ . -

iTfaidout Omitt lim writUu n Utter 1 iWnioi/ilii ifter 4a to 10 rtcwikr ..|>liL]uo < For Sale I

Gen. Henry Whit*-, President of the j " \ i ! ! t lK a , ! ^ V l ^ S.w J^yiiS^.V*"r""'

bi[>ri-ksi!){,r bis vitjua HJ.OU the "Xliird ; t^[j r j*,| .* ' ' ' i\ A. WlN'fKHUL

Term" qutatiou. He begins by laying; D»ttJ Jam 3J, laT3. ^ ^.

lie utlitntl it LosutlitLe dignity of hii '• STATKM J' N T(.tllce tu aiiawtr ilia cries of the pri*i iu : ,„ t l I E

l ^ t ^ ^ Z u ^ ^ iL*£ " Dover Savings Institution..lid tho fir,!. At tbf- ck.;uf the letterhe u t . .

Tu"r»cnpiti,l.t... I uu nol, nor ba». I j "',','?," "' J '1 '

tiijii. I would not accept a renomtiia- frum Ut; jit,tiitu it it were tendered uule&sj it ihouldcome nmlar sucli ciicainalaaccB is tolunke it uu itu[)i.-rn.iTe ilntj, circumstan-ce, not iitulv to arise.




Cor. BLAC'IilVELL mul WAKREN St 1. j

. DOVEK, _\. J. I


THF nFSTr i""-V-MLT,;;v f T ' V : ] L T T T P H - P " F I A T


CHEAP ,';S THE CHEAPEST, i^; ; ;^ ; ' ! , ; ; , : "^^ ' ; ;^ : , ; ; : ; ; ' - :^


ii-J it'"


ir.i. I.KCEIVC !•

vn y. S;irr

J . .

.vmivi i

•J.r o --.:>



>LIT, In a Nut Slifll.Darius VfclU died nt Pntdrann, Thurs-

Jay nig lit, ut tbo ugc of seventy five.II<> was a native of Amsterdam, X, Y.,und was Post Muster at Pateraou from18G2 to ibTO. He was ,t printer, and io1M7 inrt-iited »ood ITJ»O for job prio*tinfj. He was a prominent member vt

The bminesM part of Grc.it Bend wasburned Friday night. T i e Masonic)jflll, post office, printing office, a wago 11hhr»]», two dwelling liouhc-s, two banks,tut bt.»roH, where buracJ. The loss isubtnit 8100.000; insurance about ?G0\- i000. Tbe lire. \.ns tho r.orl «t

^atiiJpOiVKrti*.: l".H. C


r.il Mort-

unt 1km di

R . E 3 M O V A L • R 0 Y A L t'- »ADiAS »i MO.NTUEAL,

. . As.si.is cJ,e2-j,0(kt.

J. 4 H. VAN NOSTRAND A Co. ; A T L A S & f H A R T F O H P ,

! W B ) l i a i L E L E i l J ] ! < „ Assttd £udii,W2.1Si. i


• MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SUGARS, j ' Afc3fiUS37O,tti0. j

j ai.JaUliijdiofGIiOCZBIEiU^mLivp.110 j ST. NICHOLAS of NEW YORK, i

! 138 Clf AM11KBS STK12RT, ! A s r e L s MS5.0f*0. 1

I XEW Y O E K , ; GLOBE of CHICAGO, " 095,000. |: ..j.po.it^-iuosMni'OUTAS HoiT.1. ; PHENIX at NEWARK, " H0,fiK>. i


A. TAYLOR'Slppgp§:£gHX j J - l i i . L ' I i W H j l j J L j O t . , I ; . '.tLM vvtr «i-tliiT *li" U*M II. 1» tint 111.

I b^iUUirh°<Tok¥.lSt-C«i^tr.* while* tLe"

•i j o \r I-- -R *v J SHEH^Srt^Ei^Si






i luitjtutioireof, U-mg .

r tliei tbu "t\biDW>VpreHiit™°L\^>£ini?eVi% I SMOKE-STACKS, BLAST PIPES,.';VI:I:VJ iMNO in tiit DL\SISUSS.

iri.lv r.f II.Mltf! 1.111*. II.M.f Oint-


Stepliou Oraut haviug NUCJ the Port-lanll Prt-.« for 810,000 for calling him

President Jevrttt hh* l<een apiioluted jletuivurof the affairs u( ibu Etie iiuil-\t»y Companv, owing to its default toiU creditors.

A military Cuto]iftiif ftL-m Charlcoton,South Carolina, will participate iu thoIJutiker Ui!l ctlebraliDu at Uostuo onthe ITtli of June.

Tlie dian>['iou base ball club uf Bos-ton will uiipnrenUy Ay the whip peii-uant aiiotlicr ftetvtua. They get awaywith every thing the j cncouiiUr.

A fire in flpriugflifcltl, Ma a a., ou Hun-

ilar dfiitrovcil propprty Ttlawl at about

8DW.000. "

ricnc-rtil "Pkill" Sljuritlatt w«s mur-ried on Thursday to Mm Irine IlueLer

t C l i



Tbe ClinicNi-w JtrFi. fa. <]<

Tim 11JUNK 28tb11. »nd S u


io }• Suprn! boil, ft 11renn, 1874


It: uUuJii, A. 11. 187


SH£B]1 IUnkn* Com


tho jn-vmiif* i t Port l lorrn.•old in lott from k wap lrilh itllCl tOQa tttvi Tfi l x i w n t\f 1


fIJ t l It. GiijK.if lice ofthel 'cife

[FP'S SALE!TI. Natliin Divii.

'ftEl', Allorucj:

it->l to MONDAY.en tlio Lour,, uf laoil! lake place ontb» property Io l>cIlia lot* awnbered


CARPETS.1 am iiuw otTcrine at rtry 1'iw pricim i Urgeid cuiuplcto itock otCmiix.tt, Uil Clottii, M»t-)gi, oti-.. uf the Uteat itfiei.

from 45 cti . tu f 1.00 p«r. Til.I1.M5 iu fl.50 per. T<1.

I.W) to 1.3S j,er. jd,

A large nnuilicr of 1'euiiMjhauia coiminurH im TbunJiiy vrer< forced to (|uilwork by Htrikers who refuse to weep!Ibol675 ba th . At Malmncy City tinsheriff*H posiO wua fired ou, t fiffht en-sued, nod one man wan killed nnd «0Ternlwere i\otindtd.

— . _ +^t+.For the Ladies.

e t'»< ery Ur«initui ofnovultUfe fur lliu vkrdrub«, Leiv^ now »nJ tlivu camp, UJHIII new tLlngi of iutcrct) uur niJt-ri. lu new IsUirki i.vcrJrrittve Dnd inrictjf"' Algerlijii clntli. Iu 1'Uln err• trli*) »aJ iilaiJetl. twtjitf-tirrilucLiri wldo, itllu•L IWFUtj-.flie ccuta • j»rJ. WTita It !• re in t tubecJ ttiii l i »r»w "Ilk miltrUl.und VUIIM like l.ltttej tiiun.it), iU avtllalillity fur tjunimrr wttr willIIUI:P b<< ajiparriit. Tijtre »re »lii) to be found tillrtljnirwmil VfrT tltg»nt itoIuniUri, Ubllcri mrairuicB, inO utlier furmt oftLe uirrilic**. iu tcil.itUle luc work, wrought "with iltk »nJ limu III.II,lu rlcli Mtera* tf both ecru mil brltfbl ctilmt : L

. >Ur« cvtrr cum-etribla virlctr of ErfB^lltir. mluerr and embroiJcftJ orfrdrfUM. both uan*.inJ miJe a\i. vitb tuauj rare Itnpotttd cuol-cticiIn wnjrt ufall luliiontbla i lyln.

lUfftnljourttUnlioti hu httn rtlird to > Urcj(CliIne«* jln«h»!n«, iabm

tlful and ilrllraU color*, (*rticol»rlj-lu the country, *ud »< tb're" ur fur ]>Uld«l fsbrlfi, thnn ij'odi


ulUbl* fur

Dtcoinicg vurtpoiyutar »re fibrlci u( ttic lun•Ilk. or ill* jo*Jo by tbe wild or oaUcaf (*tiu• Uk-Torm. Some of tbtw gooJi KM efpUia tottDia« of i>Ulded ground, and lom* uf ttia tntnro oIdxktt-clolti. Thty aie ciertdloglj tkh »uJ Btri1,-filjl* f(jr uvi-rdrcuFi pirtlctiLirly. Ot* bumimiwrta tli* C*rli"ult* fiobllme da Noli tllk.oiit otbo ricbf#t im) moat dedntilc l.nud* ol silk

A JccIJtJ nrj.tllf for o*crJrc»tcn tiu *|>[>««rcJ IDblst'k lad wLlt^. «jtibo«ifld and iirli^J vrlTet. Tlitflect <f tLU. wlien lude up in toubiualioa withMick lilk, iti'l fiuiibrd with fringe, a blark illk•Mbindbowi. U u itrllib aa Uo moilfutiluoUt tntUJ Jtilrr. Tbli goodi,

*u<l K fii^si, [a

At lrUinif citj- ho• i>[ Unlcalne, J

Ulliui. Tliis 1 1utii uf cnififrt rut ami cexdeat Uiincatilciaaiiit for tb

lit* are tu be f.iiiLil nrt Tarie-aiiiaik a lid Clur«l gmitdliiM,

mbtrj eauin•nil (.iliertllk

u lain tb* vlifttgi f> hf founj.c fabrlri liotititl

• of the HeLtlitre la Daw a

Domestic Infelicity.It *M tswin of OBO dijr tliii luontlt, tlimt C«|>t.

I'tancn nf bnal >'•. WC, Uoriii Canal, returnedfrom a flait to Wilmington, In UnJ hi* wife bardworkbrtrawaab tub. Now tliecijiUlnbad noiJcction to bli wife wubiDf or doing »nj otber biwork only the rouit not orgtrct hl> n n l i . At tlilipirtlcoUr tlm* ilia . p p u n to hat* IMCD an ab*url»ul ID rubliltiit tba clothei llitt «bt TorfOt »U *bitbe uooo-di^ rtput, until her >••(* lord lU'pped Up-nn the dock with all till Kin or in old lalt.•Ls luraed »nd looked »t him, »hll« be, rtmllilngtli* bet tbat dlnntr w>» not reulf, gUrtA >treturn. He H1TIOC»J to tbe waih tul>, which hoifiinltiid threw OTcrboard. Hut nut jet waawrmtb appeatvil fur ht next ttirntd bin tttonlluithe WKIIMI and UDwiilivd clutkri lying aboutili«ck. Tti»i4r aUtn, 1*« Uld iLaiflnl Laudi on,

roudiined to tlie rajlnu wmtcri. Mow II wai tmliody «l»f'i lunl to got mad, and that imuebodj wai11 r». I'eirjuti. A> the anuful of clotLu dlupiHi ovtr llif aide ut tba buai, the threw bomlfIhe opUhi'i ejnbr»c» and |i*w«J •»»»gtly foityL-u and bair. Tlio ilruiiifle wai fierce aud deape.r»te but otreiigtbat Uil euJed the conflict In faiof UieEallaDt catiUIn, wlin flnltlirdup the fraj lij Ii

1/ with bli good rlgbt hand. A W.r of word* linn•uBd. bui In tbo conflict the raiilaln wai forcedauccuiub. Iliawlffl continued to jaw IOI'HIR alterbla tr.uunu rcfuafil tu rrjilj, tbat lie coocludli-arc Iheae partn iDd jonrocj (a tlie dtri-ctlou of th<i>pltin( BUD. Bo loading upon the b*ck cf bla fauna •itcln-l. aUw pan*, low llnei. ilretcben anJ otli.thlngi too numtrotia to lotation, be itarled iff.Tli!« waj Rhortlr >(ter the bour or noon and notbliliiorevaa .(cti or heard of tba captain until ]uiafter ml do Ig lit. It w*a tbea Ura.r»rioa «aromtd from k « aliiTnlif n by lh» hnwy tr*adthacai'taln upon tba deck of tbe boat. Ltkttvgoodand true wauiaa ilic hailed to luKt bim, and, oh.wbat a luectlutf 1 T-ara Hawed aa tho watrn, wbltue ulJ idnigft of iDnar^Ijtag loi« wsanft t«pf«t>d.It leenu Iieedle" <«r n> Io mdd tbat Uis eaplmlihlawlfi >renowaatiaii|ir aa two hurt in a littfi• unflowcr, auilbft|X! eter to rcniitn ao npltiilUrDRardlng tbelenonof tbn t««t, abould n111* dinner, lf\ tkat cue, the dnoicallc fclli:tba l'Mraon UmUjraiflbt !<• •e*lu dialurtwd.

Tbt toTegolug ii from tbe.WaabliBtun HUr,Praraoo all ode. 1 to la Captain of tbs "llurricaneDick," and Wlntf n wltb bla boat in thla place.


IF JUD lmvo Itlionni*ti*ta, Oont, or LumbmRogo to It, A & Klllgoru'i drng itore and gvt

a sauiple Lottlt of Dr. Durluu'a KliooraatkrotniMlj, frco of cliargct ur tho rogtitar ilzQatfl. It i i taken Internally and I) certain to givepermanent relici wbilo alt t i t t roai applicatiumgiro but temporary. Our object in Kinugaw*/faniplo bottles Ii to giro jon an opportunity totwt it froo of Chirac tbat you raaylKj convincedIt will <1u ali that in claimed fur it. Tr j il.


OH CODRII cut be cured in a few dayttkine Dr. Bni-ton'i VuRcUblo Co nil,

Kvnip. I t is poiDly YcsoUblo aud ii one of tbuliont reraedie* known for CoogLi, Coldn, Itroii-diltla and all aflection. at tltc Throat or LnnK»tlmt maylfultoComumpUoa. Bciiiff a f i rcr jlicsliog nitnrc, It cannot fail to be of erer'boiicili In all cnaes wliero tbo Loogi or Drochlaltabciarearne «1 from any cadce. Haipin totllc. am to 1K> litd 1'UES OF Clf AltOat Ilokrt- laillfiorort drugiturt.', Doror, it. 1.


BUPTUEE.{*"ir«raJlnbl>*rTfaniaro worn them to bo

boiother Trns* mado la auflleleot recommend i —for Ibem to Induce nn/ one irlio la obliged tonear* t ran to set ono. A full •lock ol tbencuaino "iligga" Hard Bttbber Truiwi of allKlzca, both *.PK)eaDiI doable, are kept bj


July nib, 187^ Bnwex fit., Doror, N. J.

ODYUHL'HSEIJi" 1.C5 to -J.M per. rd.ELYETH «ia AXMIXHTMW finally Lw. 'Churcbei, LoJfiei. and l'ublk Juitltutioua

furuithed at wltolekile pricn.

brit ti.-.th iu *U1!.'atuln the Kilti-rittiii'r bern crowrc,1

nilniK. varnut^ I

^auriab'Tn.l^V1- Tlicr^ i-.;in« t<>llorri* Cunnty, tLa

s.uJ uttirr l«»(» liave •><• prturaUv mi]11 a !)»*« fur w!fifi»| teeth, t i l t cv.<rrl-aira Boldtslate

Inrt ittht cbtijv


Uathitpi'f llic].!.. r-|*ir ulJ, L'U t.

i»c a* a i.Satr lorVr!

ibe uii><r Mi.iiivue but ill,-

.•li. 'ur ' . il , .r^

t hn.i*nill«"rlh.n.nii-,1 flilu the .kill I.:



our Kiuck'c^abir:; us (o i)!o«s« every-

.. ;• tKfi snvd f»v our !^.<is <':ie»ai-

•;E£^y PALMER,

S-araiiion^1 &• Bituminous

>rd DfKB i)UKT,


'n: ; : ; , WOOD,

'f'Klt BltlCK,

:i:lN<i, CKI.L.II-. HTIIIV

' * '

ages n.s to .Jii'.nwi'ftclura iVs'eK', tin:l we

thei'cf'oj'o ;idd coOur slock daily- ji'(:'

buy v/iiliout ('vanihiini;' tuii" good:-'.


- Onkr« b* mail promjitly alttnJe.l to.STKPHEN A. SI'KNCEH,

32J SIXTH k\1l.. near 'Jltb St., S. 1



Counsellor at Law,OOVEIt, N. J.

or Oiu National Cni.21'tl

A P A B I M E X T S T O L E T .

CriKN-Klt of HLACKWELL aud rNO.SI'KCTHt*., Iliiv.T, S . J. Jniiuirc o


to I bo building ou


lately UL'cniilcJ b>- It. H. Waller,., I ih.il be

cd to etc all inj old friend* at myquarlcu, where with lnertm.il room tnd ficll-lllct I am Utter able to meet tbeir wanti.

OYSTERSit all slyltm, aud by tLc (juitt nr <ount

PARTIES, BALLS, etc. «u]iplieJ.

JIEALS at all boar*. Suppcri fur partita at

luweit raU«. Ttiu belt brand- of

CMAliH alwaj-Bgn iiaiiil.

B S P R C T A L N O T I C E .

I am now engaged Iu trccting in aditilion ti

j btiildtiiKi and will opm, about May lit, a ne»

BILLIABD ROOM,with two fine tablei.

GEO. A. 11UNCIIAKD,Apr! atli, 1875. 17-lf



M A R V I N r>or>3;> &.co.,



HOUSEKEEPING GOODSgnat T»rictj, of bent qualitiu*, at populir

prioca. IJkactied and Ittu. MUIIIIIH ; llarnalojwdH«tiichTa!!iteLitiCDi;Ni!arliJt Fruit Clotlm;

^ u , , Towol. aud Towuliugi; While audCo lot o.l Ctuntii rp* ti e» j Liutu DUptrj, Ac, atmr Uiual low jirftLn.





Alpacas, Mohairs and BriyiaatinesGREY and P L A I D MIXTURES.

Alao.bt.t 1'iciflc rcrcalcs and Cambrics. 12



Atunuater, Volfot, Jlnnioti, 9-ply, Ingrain

Cott.fir, W(w!, Dalcti, lUg and Hemp Carptti

Ltnolvnmi, Oil Clotbi, of Englijb aod Amor-

ie*D nnuiifictote; H«ti, Ituga.Druggoti, BUids

Hollanui, »biilo Fistunn, l iro Qceuo Feath

oct., Cartaiti Material!, &a.

i maku and lay Carpet, cut and lay Oil

Cloth, malts and hirtg Shadei, and guirauleo

borkwol idoue .




JOIM or KYBIH D u c m m o x

DESIGNEDand executed, mil material furniilicd.


The b e t refer*...fcry liraocli or tuaraiilrcil.

and cutitraitN Uken for all w

f!TS! " '» «P«"T I'

Boot and Shoe StoreOP SOVEH IS

WILUAX LETCHER'S.S'eirly oppoiito tlio Kallooal Union Dank.

,\» EXCUXZKT SsLecriuM or

Gaiters and Shoes for Ladies.U i u e i u d Children, RDII

Men's Light & Heavy Boots.groat rariatr for CTtrj deicrtptloii of wear,J 3 - REPAIIUNG promptly attonded to.


LIGHT AND HEAVY.Oak Hj ukta, I j lu 3. Hickorr rSiK-keg, 7-6 tu H.Hobi, aj tu lUj. Hlmi 7-b to 2f. HLiflf, ligiilatidbeivr. I'ulw. heek Yckti. Unck Hnnntri.Slcirli ltuuccru. Cttriayo iluwa ; aim, Tru<:k.

.f ls'o'ail kiuir/or "* " ' * * a t ; t " r . v r * u ' ( -



IKvins hail a lull- uij-criencu in thuCarriagt

af»uy artido cmitjeL-tcd nilti tlic biulneii, tuillor |.eriotii fiTuriot: UIL' nilli their ordt-ra in»)-clr upon BIT /iintiibUif; tbt'm witli au arttc],juitaLlo tnthHr icatita, and at aa rcaxunabliprices ai can be oUiaiiitil at anr otbtr plat

Orderi bT letter fur f amine and Slcijfl•••• — *- will bo auitaUr filled by utatr

tiey are wanted, tail ti_.._tu covf r the amcjuiit. V<

il*ctfully Bulkited.

II. P. HXSUUV.HOS,Olipoiite Dover hep


Champagne Cider, Soda Water,'

G inge r Ale. &c.AND l'EJU;i:S I.S i

Bottled Ale & Porter

s.UBSCIIII'TIONS now received »

tlift new Circulntiug Librarv.

H avllioroc, Knuttiwick, Colliui, T.y.'orulmcs, DicLtim. Kuitt. Malock, lUrlsnd

* Uctd..-, Eliot, .in] otl.ir iiithoi..

BOOKS in duplicate enn be sup-plied ou Hhnrt notice.

BEADING matter o[ allkinjs Inclnd-in8 Bail;, Wonklj mij Monlhlj








IJOVEIt, N. J. ]J.|f

O. 13. GAGE,



(urnre.5i:sT TO THE ntvun,)


'I'liL- eulmi-rilior lia« niiDiiod bniiltn wlicrcln all?»un« dctirnm of iliapoaiiig of llidr housesod loti, or any real cutato of wliatover charac-

ter, may givo dcicnptioui of Ilitir jiroperty,id wlicro those deairou* of parcliftttlriu ma;

find a list of proiKrtk-H fur nalo.

properliei hara already been placeduiy Imndi for itilo, dcicriptlonn or which will

t k f

pj HARDWARE. HfA Acnnin]etoBtorkrorCA»Hat [h

Jj r

j E. Lindsley & Soil's.^





.PJWI ek. 13-tf


Apothecary,Dickersou Street,


Olh.M Tor xaL) a ncll Ki-k'[.ti'(] Hinrk ur



P E R F U M E R Y , T O I L E T

And Fancy Articlesici io.

Physicians' PrescriptionsOditfulh- co in pi) a ml ci] at all hours,

1HWES AND LIQUORSFor Medicinal Purpose*.

Sweedish LeechesCouitanllyonhanil.


E. & G. N. Ross & Breesc,GK.v«mi, FIDE AND LIFE

Insurance Agents,Office, Ola Irim jiiiiiRliiaiiilue,


A. J. OOE, Collector,


COMPANIES REPRESENTED.American Matnal Insa Oo., of Newark,

N.J. , AmU over $1,100,000MerohanU' Mntnal Ins. Oo., of Kowark,

N. J., Assets over .600,000Firemen's Hntual Ins. Oo-, of Hewark,

N. J,, Assets over C00.0O0Gcrmania Hatnal Ins. Uo;; of Newark

N.J. , OapiW, 200,000

JCtna Insnranco Oompanv, of Hartford,donn., Assets, , 6,000,000

Ooalincntal Iosarance Oompaor, of Ken, York. OapiUl, 1,000,000

Mntnal BencEt Life Ins. O.i.r of Newark,, H.J., Asseto, r



i DOVEIl, X. J.


HAVIXOolltlifliRnrntri.ti.L-i.ti. to c L.tnctthe

vritli|,» lu

•rsL-utnio _ ,..

furiiiflli » tiuttrr unk-lti tlian anv t'Staljlisluiifniu this pirVufthuStatf.

Order* \xr miil-cir otbentice liromptlv i\ttt-utlwl to. HUGH KESt ,

13-ly THOS. IlOfiElW.


POULTRY, FISH, etcA siK-tiilty IIIEII.- uf 1IAMH. All Liiiiln uf



C A R P E N T E R a n d B U I L D E R ,


PLAXS ami SPECIFICATIOXSPUIINISIIEO >|,J roalnol, lakcn f,.r allJ_ work. Jblisor t-viTyili-scTipliin. dtsiuntil- ' txccutc.l, and matcHal tunii.bcil. All or

ptrfinni.d with proiiiiilntsH. 23-lv




Tin* pubicriber now olTurs at privatu ualo, 21bufldlng lot*, altuatL-d lu-it to the RCIIU'Kprojiorty. oo lLo road from Diner to Jlorrigtoiru

c-^Qirteri of a mile from tbe It. 11, dopotat Dortr, Tho lota aro DO1100 fcot, and nri?offered at pricei rnosinf,- from

S5O to 815O.Tbo property ii lioalllifully locatcil, and

aristiacsono of tlto finest Rtreatnn of Hpring

water fn tbo County. Nn greater induccmeiilHttaro been beld out to persons of wuall means

Mocnrc a home tbau tliis, Apply to

Wm. II. JONES, .23-tr WAIUIEN Kt.", D0\XIl, K. J.






Hardware, Iron and Stool,


Cmii W.VHiiiMiTON ASI» H A S " ffrurirrs,


Wooden Ware and

Ilousekeepiiii! Oinoils.


Lime, Cement, Plaster,

Uouo Dum, fiiljicr 1'lmiililinic uf I.lmi-, ami

Jlorri*town, Kept. 23.1,1S74.

i-i tlit-ir EI

,\t tlii* in:l&titiy taki-n

al« a:»l Ilt-tail.

itfA curs is roi

>.• nml iiracllcal kiion-k-ili;lu-Itit'itiiiilt'iit Hint lionill .

iwr pa17-iy








I-O\VI;ST CASH i»iuci:s.


csMower and Reaper



To tlto Unjo flno store TWO D00I13 AP.OVF.HIS OLD 8TASD, (Ialolj nccuploil l .j .1. W.Thompson) snd ono.iloor rrom ititlrnril, Bon &Co.'s clolhinfr storc.nliorolio will ItQ ptc^Hod U

all bis old customers and many now OIICK.



Custom Work and Jobbing


Geo. W. DRAKE.


LICENSED AUCTIONEER.Order!left at BL II. Dkkerson'ii ntoro o ra l

my roiidonco on BEHOES Hi. wilj rewire im-"icdiato kttontloii. 21-Um


ROCKAWiY AXEMcKinnon Brothers,

• MAXUFACTUKEllS.TlioItoekowny Asn.sn vrottknown tlirotirilinu

joCounlyntulKlate for its mi|icrior nialorJiland make, a uil poctiiiarjiv of nhape, Is nowbeing maiuifactnrcd more ustuiiHivriy by thoBiiWrllH-r, BCI that purlitu may J upend IIIXJD.heir onlem IMJIIIRfilled lironipHvanil l o a mutcnt. Tlio ^utility (ir tlio Aiu in'oTtry reupcclla retained in Hi increased ma uu foe lure, and It'-'jeliovcil that

The Material Is Superior,jdillilo, lu tlmsa lion.tiifu.ro turnud out ,


il utlifi; cil:;>'il (O.I!M, will tic i!i«imr»clui

lius mailu tlio l.ovL'UaVny A i c »<t jinimtsr.

' I lHKKi : WUII.H will ncnmresmiie JIAliCl! IwJ. IMJ.'I. a i ; .WK;vi ' ( jSi- ;^ rm l MUNL'iJl-.ST

ill IK, {;.)[ up Ivri :w i«*t i3iiLli- ntid Granite, mietirt wlil nt lh.» |UMyi u In tail ,.,.r,ltt,will Liidwiir h. cel

.«1» Hiv mul, ns Mtll

TIIOS. J Agent6

, g e t3IO1UII? Hr'.i D6\EH, N. J

Xi-st ilonr t;> HiS lJSfN Eu.i «iHL'i>. Hi-Cii

Morris Circuit Court,

MILIIY.), fc«•VTOTICE ia h>mhf cinn' i V U n r i t »>r it-1 > tftHitittnt wa<ismiri]i)iiV(irt>uii CourtIlia antt or tlii« n!i<iv« laiiic;! i i lm Kii tdv n

t tl H t E H l lipj, ill


alw u l i i u inMHO Mr thOi B JM w r i t

a la tini « rclnniH. (1«1.V«I>I veil and txc'utrcutv-tlitril ilny t.r Fcllitmrj-, 1SJJ.

Mtft. Univli Tilt, 1«7J. . IT-OM-

Morris Circuit Court-

. r o i ( i i VAX ( I I U J E I , , - . i j t C M K .

ffilCF ifl.cnl^'k,,! thai1** writ""T"!

ilollarn, winch writ » a ,«ay or April A.D. 1B75.

Will. "

Rim. ur t ir dim ml m l'turned to Urn 'X '

22-lOwtill Shy nil, 1H75.


DOVElt, • J. *IE iiii(Uw.^nt-il haviiiR loainiil thi* t

l!.rl,nri;,,,."li^/..,1,"J.IU.W l " " l * « r f ' o

te..feinna or Ik. „ ,I orra kopl br ll.o ,Uy.nlit. hastkn nsj bs h

r r a kopl br ll.o ,Uy. well or monlli. At-i t . hastkn n s j bs huml al lbs BULIO.

licm in every iiajllculir.




Tl.UlIcatcr.il lundu of wrongl)! iron, N Inntirt.-t^tiri?, tt.-vtiunil, nnd iini|.pxii!uDivL-. Il tak,-ik-fij fQt-l that any titlicr Heating .MiparAlusr, ii

v»nt gjrl, Vu-ds aUct1ilion<«u.yB|>iicc o .byfn hif"Taut jjirl, needa atk-ntion tiuly oiii'c n Oav, ' "utlit-r Hi-aura require an citiirrituced cii»to run them. It i* adapU-J to BRUI! ilmlliii-saawcllnsto larKO ijnilditi^B. I'attntcd in t)1L-I uitfil Ktatc*, Great llritain, rrntice, Italxmni,Ctcruiaijy, Autttrin, ond 1£II E«JLI. UfiT ''II liLln-d n d in UBO, Kivinft tniitit s:.tinaction,further ii.irticnlar« opjily to





W«l ror cootlui; iiur|»»i». Aha. i™ havuin Htuck lliobcpl

PAUL On PDKNACK,ami ovtT fnrtv dillorpnt l.altprns or r.Mil.OH,HALL ami C'OOKIKO KTOVKrf i l"i;ilN.U;K.i,UANdliri, GHATi:s, ,W.

WOOD and IEOH PUMPSiiri'verrvatitly, LEAD an.l IllOX 1'11'K.


OLDfES1 EOOFKG PAEiT.Wi-lrottiQ OIIQ and all to nn ..inimiuUim of our



DOTEIi, X- J.P. H ftiiccaHiiiiiiaBiu! L'iiPflU.rKlK.pproiilinno




M O R R I S O N ,




Inronnini,' Uu. iml.lii! llmt Io oM an il V l l UnmTii ntun.l


DOV33R, JST. J.,nnd lias sloclicj il in a camp Mi; mai

Daily and Weekly Newspapers,


b)' carrier. A cotnj)ltto n

iinborofclioiefl tirnmls never xoM U-tna inthiH Boction. All tlio loadinc 8M0KLHO andCIIKWING TOUACCO8, PIPES anil fiEGARHOLDEIIH, TOBACCO llOXlltauil POUCniM

&B-. STATIONERY.A cumplutu aHiortiucnt r,f all linpera noil I'liveloiK1".

Vaitftr a.m.].-,utiuTv ami TiKlttViitiiml I'.-iii-iti- (

c()Nn-:m']osHj.Y-i.!ii(..j II,;:;.-M-;II.! ' " ' V

.•'"I'illal? ll'.^-r.'-iv k^'i'i!u':'i':'.i.tr;U,'r ii-i"i I?'rn'i ntijt]i!.v uf l.'AXUJll-i, *;i*T- L".' [••-..•I it,.•! I*-'luailittif t;.nifn-ii«inoin. in,- i-i- a i-.-II. V. t, ( r : -

miot liii.-rt (hit .ilil i,,.',v- till.) v f-i.-sv KI -in u: !jilai-i.. ( l 'J-in \v,:i. :,;u!'.!;!r;i;:;.

T O C A P I T A L I S T S . i

A Valuablo Proporty fop S3lc '.'•


M. -L. F E L L.Tiie People's Clothiers,




!:•-, i.-.l ti. if <1


j : u , N. .

klldUl A.I!


TOW.N OFn part nf it Iniilnul hi .

200 E L I G I U L E - B U I L D I N G LI

uitlt Htrccti opened ami praj.-.l. Tim I,,,inenl. arc a lino C o r f v u E In-irU r i'ft.-, ititli baruH and ntlier ontlitiildiiiV;!..This la 'one of tlie flneHt !nvei.tmi.|!

ocality in rasl IJuililinK nn-aliuut iu hm-.H"alaving been creeteil nn tins Ti.uiieiiy in n,,,

laHt Turn-years, l o r tennn, ete. ajijily'hi


1 * liOVEIi, >;. j .





Hi:KD &l>% JlOLLEJtS,,(,,





' mum:!-': i>i!ui liKiw,lUouuitmnvN, J.'. J.

, 18751Morris County

owers!.i;- TjIONF.I), TIIAKKFUI. VOIl)--[«• , wo'iltl rcHiwclfully c»lt IhcUl'ion .•ili:tfiiK ci( itov.f nml viriuitv

. .LANTSl^nniim Hliito. I liavo uii liMul a

II iif.:-oi>rrrisiit.i, Y.iK'E nml hlmib.

in'.'vif'io' «'ii ithort liotlci-, m:d ol u• -prieci •>" fmiiiti.

. .-ncAPLK AM!. Cor. PERItY ST.

• i s l o w n . ' N . .T.,,1, ra Tt-a Stor.!, mrnrr Warren and

lull" . C. JUIOADW.

Tliiutein House.

STIE & SWEAT,:oprietors,

j;;AcrocB Si'itixos, N. J.



Diiai—This hotel liaa boon Irailt;1 nrl for tlio special comfort sodivt'i of Summer boarders. 0u•ivnj guest will hu askcj kovlwoi lunliou, nntl if Jio say i1*

luitd F have liren jdnced npon (heknoll, •••tlitH1 down-towards tlio ril-h w , (ciition of tlie liouso will lieiiunioc r-iurg'istl. Comer frwutmomsfti.lV cjtm-iliglit, for en'iyJIii(;s;t.li, fens, ]>ut nud colil vralct,l".iniidu!lfi{;nii»li, l-csUnraut, fiw

niiifhl-aiiil ji'iitiin, n (itargyiuan. and;Jl otVjilei'n couvcuicucek in oycrj[•()om..ilF) overy miuiito, i[ desired,mil • 'qncnlly no second table.Ungli'rtsucli mid -Ooruinn dicltona-lici'fitea every guest, to mnko up»-i.cli i of fnro ii3 lie mny tlesiw,witlipiy rpfard to tlidbill-nOiiiritt-turwbi iho olllco, Woiters of nuj

color desired. Ever)-

J with A libretto, Iwtlmi-

liolo";t, full drca.1 suit, ball taWrt,ufttllir parted in the middle. Ev-fi-ygwill have tlio best neat inl!»V

iliiilfel,lionsAtiyb j d

iivo iho bestoent indlho best waiter in the

not geltlny lii


R. B. "WATERS, Jirsic AND KEV.-S E U U

M. & I. Searing:ARPENTERS, •

nndBUILDERS,• ltLAn:\va.LKT..


Jobbing in Gei;eral.DcccniLor'Jltli 187U.

• M r .



nml olber OIU^S SEEDS..' -Uin, arullauHirtuientnr


1 !1 ,ACK V \ ' i ; r , I . ST. .



s, ' , i . ioi ,mni;H, prun-jsK rn.'.Mi.vo.

N1-: W 1 X G- MAC; IIX M J.-2S,


[«.'.XS AT ALT, UiiUliS,



tlusio and Kusicai Instruments.


.FISIIIXG TACKLE,ntd < v.rylli::i:r tii:.t h "uvj.; In a i!rsUWi.ts


:p_OVKTi. X. ,T.


RI!, 1JIIASS, .'.I-.

W E L S H ' S ,i:LA(.'Kiri:u-.i:r.. iiuvri' viL


lirntlroil-liot, or exijerieiicing n (1-l:ty jt>ecoiK]s nftcr giving' liis onlcrford", will ploiiso tuontiou tho ' ~at. lljlec, nutl - the cook nml wwill,own from tlio mouth of atio.i'aut of the hotel nt once. Cliil;(Iron be weleoineil with doligltt,rrejwtoil tt> hring linop nud hi-.-ij to bang tlio carded rosewooJfinir, "especially provided for llialjia^iind pr^r tups to spin on tutvclrjrpcts'. They will bo ...

"urn tho ]iianu nt all hours, veilmils, ffjitle down tlio bunis!^

fti ' in Btnirs, carry away tlcWi: nahn- it email faintly iu their IKX*

inner, mul nmlic themsclvmaiah!n~iid tlin .fondest W&--s'l'iiH!. Waftbiu^ r.llowo;] n

'•]«! im a f!;it-irou" will ba .or.r linnr (>f tlio day or iiiflut-n

ii:. i iv:ii(.;r, vrlto btilunua to t-lio1

^r.ti.id rt-1i.nvs itntl Knights t.r "Situ) who win novcr Itnowii IicllltniD nf iliiy, lir.s becu cmt o y mill: pitncho! mid hot Ito >!»' rooms hi t !u cruning. -luilllbo cqnsiiln-cd tlio bcllo olhoi uml rn'u bova will answerbbliroinplly. Kliould any vnnfill upiic.tr ill 11 puests door will'.1

liit-cif ii:o-walcr, uioro toivola, a ?oatil, ami pen, ink nn«l paper wwthic.sfslinud hnaieft tlie boll-knolio. be hiinuleil " F r o q t " ou tlio lorhouidimprisoncil for life. T l i e« lIlOTlihng been careftilly M I C O H ' "[ill uvcvj'ljotly, nnd can lead io-ijt.v tlnnv iittlier, mutch wprsfLh.liago KIOIV, Khako for Hie ilMJiirdnyor night, piny bijlf".^aTtillzer, can dnnco tho ula. it fourth i i t 'encbro/ iimuilnmd repent tho Beeoher trial bin-f v, is ii good judge of horses, wBiiilwny nud BteMiiboat rofW»wl

faipcrior tn Applctou's or anyeHi, will tlirt with niiy yoimg ';utu t inhd being cut dead wliin jct-i down." - Don'tlaintlbeiuu"*11]

more than o Conncctw"'n

in forty people in the bOUMO when tho liotcl is

It io ilio niimmcintor, nud an"'.Itious in Gmok, Hobrow, CboJL, or r.n7 other polite bngi»P

polite bOgi».Pncnt, without turn"*

h .; allowed in nuy room«"Tie, iucludiug tbo w[li)iii "T6l d i ! U

nt,h !).•.;. allowed iTie, iucludiug tbo w6-lomcn cau drill!;,

bl t th

irJwaysbe hnppy to hoar ii""""<Vr lioti'l ia "tlio best house »litty." Special nllcntiuii s>T^

w'tliLlr'thint^tmi^ono in Ysi"! iirnnri?tnr vitl {nlia it n« n 1"1[^imt if ituv "tiost, pn Ipario?-{.(i dkimto limbtll, IL-II him tlw1'awiuiTUr—liii IIDU&O u barn—Hwrutclicfl—hi.-, wiuwrlk—i»n».''tlie^u-at, was never flu ir '"1^1

iu bin lifo, will i-ovcrin, nudmoaQft ta warn all

Yiwrk tnilr,

Hnmx V

Page 3: DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in



. w * Ht^chl, 4.:(M. M-; Vuu-r i:

r ru \ M • IlatlwttoloKii Mull, 7 .« A,

• ,',„ KMirPU, B.-I7 A. W.; BiDK>ifcini>tou

i 2J 3' H- i Thrnufih Mail, 2.KI 1*. JI.

" ' . FyirtiH, 8-15 V.M.; E W I I I a '

im,-8.35 P.M.


A. Ji-ll. HI10.51

ll.tHti.i;»cm .




, HUMcCidna

IMrt OmD


rivanu.1'. SI.acr,J.ml.ilfl4,414.&O6-KO6.100.2D

Weekly Statement of Iron Ore|> mil THE IlACKBTTHTOWS SCAIiEfl, VI



Kvwwfl. Juno 3.1, 187C. i

'HTION* »'«»'• «*»•• t W T

• tn ooI I -* 1 ^ 1 3 - ' sao ui

rrnru.'iiV.V.V.'.V.'. 9,«w«

iViuiiHIalio™,) L™ B5

, ' as i-i* ' , ' , ' 457 10

ik.-LiilKlti"!'.'-1 • a 8 S m

'J'oi'il 1 ' U 7 7 1 7


n<! Munis County liililo Horiety IIIOL-U t

Mr. Jlalilo" Col*1, of Mendhnm, has Bet nut

(itvi fniir tlii'Oiwmil peach, "* -•'••— *"•*'nlhor fruit

ctciiiiis. Vwitanl Hfsfi moo I luff' WeJilt

jiwlL-olMJiOjigo in li-aiiflfoniihig lliu1

,,r tliu lirot story ot bin hoiUio on Uhcliwoll 8 t .

inltiafiiiu store-room.

'i'lit! Chcalcr Iiun Coiiipilliy hlil'C built I'

,1[W ImunL'j) nt Upl*'1 ltwldt-'baniov, n"d u

ji,v.r wasufliicli-d ivilli only fifteen tlftinpa

ilnriiii,'the iii'Hitti or Mt iy- r in i tou falling

fiom A|*il, *1 UiBiuwuroaSi'l.

Tlic Dincloro t.f tlio National Unimi Hi

h u e iiwlvi'il tu liicKdso tliolr capital ntock

J5') Wlt-or from *I30,00(i lo 1200,000.

Tin' llulUlin my*: Tbo ninll l.olwoeu Burnt-

ion uiitl lltouli Valley Ia cawlod by an o r tomn.

IJuwU t'lal t*-11 tUlaiiniBcouiivoafjo ?

j j r \\; J. 11. Hrgc imn will com!net t!io n 'C"

larpraTi-MiiocllnS « ' tln» V.M. 0. A. lo-tiwr

row Kulilt'ct—HcbrowB, 4th chnp,, 10th vorno,

Tlio tuni! (if Um monthly drill of Iho flro do-

nirtuu-iit luu I*son changed from tlio flrBi

'fliureiliiyoivtihij,11» tlia third Tlinmlny oven-

inj; ul tlio nwlitln

A service t i eniig will he held in tbo rruaby-

Itrtoii .^iiiiilay Neliool room, on Monday evening,

June Till, at ft oviocli. All aro invited. Come

n r l r t" Bufiire (jooil scaltt,

Tlie Animal Meeting of tbo Horrid CountyF|)Oil;iiiaii'ii Club Kill Im hi'ld nt tha UnitcilKnit* llolel.iu Murrlulmru, on Monday eveningJinn-7th, at t ight o'eledi.

In tlio itimv window o[ l i ra . M. 15. Hi

Blute, tin Utackwt-11 Htrcel, mar be euen a couple

oniio llncBt ilowrlnff plants wo Imvo nol

thijtHPisoii-ali-aiiiiful flimlcr fitcliHia, aud a


lUv .U. l ' aaRKCha in i i a imr tho Ewcutivt)

(-•(iiiinilltrc, bns appointed J l r . a . dar rab

TuwiisliipKctTetaryof thofiuudny BcLools iu

Ihuduljib, tn fill Tflcancy ostiKOdby Iho rcuig-

lutluitof.V. It. I'erinc.

The curtouiers of Mr. J o l u ItctK'rcr will iimlilio uh] eliiul removed tu tbo r tn r ond of Ihtut, fronting on lVnrwn nlrcet, wht-ro ,bo v\

• ion tin ti e hm ilium until tliu itoir store ou thesite of I lie uld stttiidis fliiinhcd,.

Quite a Minn her from Dotcr vlntctl Nutv Yurktin \V?iU t*J?iv tuwi^QBH tin) pftvftdu Incltlf-nIII Ilia dwlk'ntbu of tho grant! UaHOnlu Ttn ip!HI tint ci te Tliirly-flTolhoiiiaiidMaaoiiH.wi1]lu line, anil the pageant was • brilliant our.

Win. Uurritt, fornuu'ly conductor of thn SUnI114HJ I-'nrtiacD cnKlno, cataii n t a r losing bin life011 llio 21 ult., iu Irylntc to giH on a coal traiin iiiDlinn. Howaa nearly tlirown under tbot i n , and luckily escaped with a tow brulaeit,

Tlm "Candy Hau" Authorized us soino titma;o to ».vlliivtlicvcould atop dclliiip hcor anBto'tanlibiiiock wascilmuncd. - Tha '•ntocVmusl ho pretly lar«o, liovorer, for bo hai ob-tiiitinl license for another year to sell i t out .

lVcnto repea led to call thont tont lnnof tholioinlnfriro Wardens to tbo fact that com-btiilihlfi nmttrial ia flloreil i n «. nniiiber o t pla*CM In t w n whore It Bhoultl not be. Tho FireUnrikns, ir an cQluictit body, HO aid sea totli»a tliingK irirbcnt much prompting.

y Lntlpo of tlood Templars will' ' aM.A.01uiu-hufthnt

jilacuuu Wcdocsday evening uoxt,~ Tbo excr-lists will fotisint of BiujtitiB by tho Qlco Clnb,Jiilnf-ucit, tablfaui, and a short .temperanceadilreis'bj ]!cv. Vf, O. Blakcalou. All ihonltlntlotid.

On Utroutlou Day, ulUwnali Wwta K M nol'ttlti! chuervaiien o( llio occasion in Doror, Ihoi;rsr« of tlie soldicr» who rent In our couelorioa<ttr« ojiiroprlaloly doconted, lo MorristoivntVro«»1 public dfrnnantrallon, with a nico't-"is to tlm part, at which HeV. J, II. dunning

The etiicnt traveling pubtic matt fttl'imderWJPJ oblifatloaa to Hicliard BtcpbenB, E«i.,to tbt eKrtiaot manntir In wkiok I10 u 1 epair-i((j the bscl: rind ft-oni thig pitco tn Ut. Hope.J-wliiipruvtiiiuuticiUiiil from Uwnoj OalU-(iLtr.liuuje.ou llio IlicljdHl'B Jill no toad, nil"II"-- itajr »crosa lo n,0 iutar(oc'llon with tlm'•oclanej. lm«pjkc, mnl for mating tbtiin Mr.fil'pbuiM i« i3,'*onlnB or e r o ' a( credit.

JnlmKfwioi), «JJO lull l i i ihonwin BIurriH-lonii al>out two wofllia ngn for Nawnrk; andwroiL- lo |,|H ,,-|fu Umt lio would ilrowu himaoll

^ovrnrk Uay, rctiirnL'tl homo on Tuesday'4'MoNastivc8ltin,i dulirious condition, and«s« lemaiticil ao ever' niuco, ]Io had an empty

Itft"111" L"l.U° U l l l ! l llKwU* ti a » a bbplijsicianililMh that Ken-ton tt»lt too much lautUnnoi

utve a fnUI tfTuct, loverly and sicbtiOBB

5|iu Btiulu Kiioii; principal, and Minn Mill*,

" U " n t , 6avo tho puplU of [ho Mt. ricRaant

.""OunvorjpIwiiBnt pfc-nfc Iu HI. PlciaanlUme °» Friday of hut vcc\i. Tho children

ili b » Eli b p t h(Jh ^ Qf a e Q ] U

'• Ud iniiiiod tbamHrt.,,. hmtilyin hpalth-^ 'WBwai i r i i t t t lwd^ . A1« R 6 portion

IJ r 11all° • " • » * * ina-parlicinated la tho

«n Ik wwlBff of May 22d Humo mon woroi" T t r i k i l l E ^ ™ t aorriatown, and tho

Mrin, at midnigbL went out,

urncd upon tlio priest and•0 strlko again, and,,upon the

tfP.ll « '• 1

« « u D t l " E Q b a i heca etM<»* tUla wou'k,

enumiT "Tt t r> l M l l i n f f i o t l 1 0 Randolph ball

^ pf l'h?Di d l r c C t I o n o f D ' U ' McD«it,

S u l ? i £ j I lu

I 1 j t l t <T* '*•"*'*"*«!«

" . itaf»•'•. " * o'oloiP.U. 1VM.

, * ' " "™ r ••>••»'•»••'or tal-f < t l '«»BPun ,o r a ,™il,toUl,«.

"o™ "lunU porob... II r?

f " ldllltto""irt»s.?.' >ta.p4«-° *i''hfs,S

'Ilio umruliii; or tlio lust ih j ojliiiusJy Tur Urn ticurtkmivtu SHlH prtiTlioi)nrt)-, iu their HJN..-;K1 fir, Ivlll i

1 ZZmain ttioronfclirnr*, wlitn a Mv ycnni agothin lime of Ihc iluy LuLdrwlu mii;\d have bem-i'ii, Tlm t' l ' l l l 'ral ftugunlion and nilcnthat ptrvudim ti t ' wliolu \I\HM IS lil.o thp iltso-l i

111, UN


iid (tliaron, wlm w

OPL 1 mi*.)* lh« u tritli lQ Ecoop tfliuvu], fiuv \>rlio mi^ht \tlicJutiiiiL-y. Tliu.uriival 0/ thosreamt;ovtr, itrcfuulcd innny ffuin IIIHIIIIIK tlic!'fiotij and all liutt-i.^1 atwurtl, dinUilmUus-—^HdviN iu Hit' viihin, iLi'uuiul llm Kldc, miditup. Aftor iiUaiuin^ Hliiivly up t b o , - ,tlirouyh lUo fi-tid'jr and lueli, they launclj^-'"it Iho hroud buhotii t.f IIIIH, llio moat b u R :

• if &'ow J t w r luhi.-a, l'lio nigfpd leaf*Una (jratiil npi'WiUL'n uf Nulure'j haudi$i t

thv IID Id pi uinontrirjRti, [ilacid iinreu, Ilic fud IIIIIH, thu liroad, lrmgiiliir oxpmiso of jgently ripl'lcd by HIP lifilil brcrzo, autl J ^

if-H Htm, cKcrcIucd an oxliiluinting lni| y ,overall, wLitlt fomid cipruusinn iu nutijand laugli. Homo of thu root ant io li'aC~'of tlio Lotml J^Jiinpoe, mid of tlidr utc\i.ol [bin diillithiriil Mpot werii ivctiivod Hi,torcHtbytlinviRftiiigalruiigcrii, nml wlij '

tutluuhlii ituoriginal capadtj) cnrno In:ittOM than cnu csiireaaod bla dolcri'iiunEa. - -bring hit family bcront Komo future lnricjha mado it lio^aqimrlcrs from nliich h<i Imore curcfully cinnilrto tho Iron niluiug'liDiti In HIIB Eccllon.a Tbe ritlv ou (lit.'steamer MUUJUH'IO hu'ro been aUogotb! 'bi-k-f whuu m Iiavo roaehetl Koltn'ii l'olttorruiuiiu uf Ihu O^iloji Mlno Ilallruadi•lilch pulut Hit' uri'H of tho luinoa a\i,a},_ ,

road, mo truiisrirrad from Ihu cars to th j * ( 'boatn iirnl tuLoiiatroas the Idl;o [o t ic ZCanal byHtoatn lu^s.

a find heru another Bpt-cial train 1%/.'"uimlxliii^oftij)enl]at uan upun wliiel • .IIITHIIK^II, ldiully furniihetl by I'p'

Corlrigl.l. J\:U mail lu ten nillcu In,md miin fn.in tho Ogtlou Mlnea to (haviiiJinj; Itu wiiy tbo wt i r t IIIHIHUCC l,A

tho ttila eevtifty of [ha BpnU nioutititi'llovea I1010 and tliora by win ing solllJ.10 iidu in tho open cars wo a all Ibat tU ' "tlio pluliiroKquo could wish, The firsilt'i over tlto'rotid ia vury tjuli-lily mai1 aliglit at llio Hurt! mine at II u id to

projwrly of HID Gleiulon Iron Company,Itluharila, Hunciiutuudctit. 1'lu tttlus

) cannot -he umlorratc-il. Tha oru Intho flntflt, ftvcrajiiiB about WJ porcunt

il, anil of n u h a quality us toniakuablo Tor iwo In tbo ltcMsomcr proeoEa-tttlniiig piobniily nut ono-lialf of DUO pui {,.ofHiilphnr. M(mC\ to tho rlcltiKsss of titnuutlier atlvanta^odorivodby tliuownorsjiniiio, U Ilio OHHO and olipapneH* with wfIn rained, Tlic Iron Wo arlHiuj; frumU'ir-which in ionic mini'ft IH thu mio or tlio greatiteim of cxponau, In thin 1111110 U m ctniill that

a tuu-inuh pump, with Blurt Btcul;o,ii, wliisli ia worlcd but nbont liair the timo,IIOM- At thiil. Tbu miuo in also Bimply ami)ly wu-ktdby a elnglc Blopo.BaUllobo Hiirt In tho Hlatr, out ot wliich tho oro I

At ptcHQ-nt tLor aru writingahout llvo hiiuilmdout liolun tho aurora and twolvo hiindrvil footipou the BIOJIC. Tho ruin nt pronont lg from'i>;hl to itu fool wlrfa, hut in vai-ioblo hi skimil nvcrngeH iu iorao plnrca ttvouty foot, 'illoro, wlildi la unnlly drilled, Ih many inslaucfprmntfl 1 beautifully pollalicd eurftcc, linvli)Ibo appcaranuoofbavins bion rubbed, whichIn altrlutilctl to tho action of tho w&tor rut


Goodale & Vought's Drug EmjareUewm biplcitedtait teDdtoi

srislniDK to bis proftuilou. Dr. JQUJJItba oiptinenco of Hovon Yoiri* CIMS tptilieain tbo pnwtlco of DonlI»tr*,Fi« of»bkl>]1lbaen Inlhe Citj nf Dotor, I bars taken ipi t-tur

I^itrous Oxide GTas/1011«bich ii the boutinoHtliotio now iu me fuD»liilesi axtnotioti of teeth. I also n«o tho3ai, oalbd tho FLUID or CONPEK8ED (

Te< tb aUedwllh gold, from oOur My centB la on?dollar.

dollar up,

It en utl fill Seta of Teeth,d d f 1 hUpper ind under, for 130, on the latcal

proved Suctlau Plate*, wirrtuteo lo gh

I t»ko plciaurd id nfenine to IhafeltovfBLtltun'n;

IIDV. D. C. Wogie,Pr. V, II. Critt«iid<

s.. Opposite s e 9 u r ' 3 New BaC

Over (Joodalc k Vont'li'x Draff Stow. ' ' "


Dr. J.C. King,1 ' ,

uKb tbo me. 'J'ho miuo m worked i t

[irescut proJucoa ahout 3,601 toiia at ceo perl d l th b k tnionlh, mid tlm upon tho bank 23,500 turn

l l d b I l S t ensft iiiiuxcclicd by any lu llio Slate.We mnyhcro alatotlmt tliu ltn«o cori'Hitortd nntlio hunks ol tlia ml HOB nlor.ptbls rontl aro not duo vntliuly tn tbo do]iicBiiiii]'ffocU of llio panic, liul It om tlio fact Ibat fuIho Hhlpinont nf thoir orcn tliey depend nponwater navlgatlnn, trhicli bulnu ckEod in tlioWinter causes tho ora to accumulate, allhorIho quantity in greater than I l iad Ut iliaemn, IB BOWO oro wan left ovur at Ibe cltm

n-ijjBtionlaHLfall, ^

After another brltk run nf two • nillca, ivovo »t llio Ford Minn, hituolo llvo ullda t.nt from Nc.lun'i Point. Tlio gtefttost Jontijro lo many uf tLo p u l y ii-os tho tupcrh 11

of Jfr.py

lt, r((ois,Rupcriiiti)ndijnt of tbo M

iig Ii-Qn Company, tlio oiiornt

t bia Urn! worked by IlipGtuu-rou Coni]wiiy, go 1110 15 to 1(1 yctirtiiboni it IVHB tmngrorroil to tlio Miia—U Iron Company. Tim mlno It nuw aboutot tlecpniid IH oponnd GOO feet in luuitlh

Ibo vein iii an unusually fflilo ono, nvorasiii(about 13 bol in iridtb, v/bllo tbo ore, wltick ii

nt (lualltr, vill jioldfn (urnnco avm50 per tout., und will probably nnslyzo 55 pcicont. Tho iiuautlty mined at prciunt ia nbont3,000 tons'por month, bnt tbo capacity of thomlno would ha about from 4,000 to 6,009 tansfor tlio Bnmc timo, if such ou amount iraiquired, - Tho machinery has boon enUruljiiincu within Ilio ptul two jeara, tfitli gloth lo tlto ei'cHtest economy and utility^

attntl of tbu blgli-presiuio ciigiuca goucrnllyutod about licrc, tliey 1I»TU a cbtnj'oupd engine,iiid a cotnbluod mirfuco autl Jut cumknscr, tlioobject nf the uurfaco coudennur being to nbtain

for uao In -tho fcoilora, Owing to.Lhotiuantlly of nator In tills mtnp tbo boot

niaclilnErj-fftiioodoa and used, Thepumping; is done with two plunger Dumps—one10 inclica and tho' other l'i. Inchbs-ordlURrllyrun. wltU 7 or 8 tcu-rcet atpkea jiur tultiuto.and

lialna in tho spring and 1'all from II) tn 13 bir-;li or water per mlnuto. In_tlio Hummer aud

Muter tho quantity of uourio Ia less. Thosopumpi aro worked inuLBnantly, nlglt and day,11 tbronub ihc yeor. ' Two liolBtina machines.ro lactlcO i t tlio uh ift, and tlio power Ii enn-

TPJ'CU to them trom tlio 0dlatan I, by lnvlHncli stuol .fviru oi»i, over ruii-

I tl, y

r-linuil pulleys nix feat in d Iain tierropes runiiliie at a Tuloeity of 1,61)0 ftet per

Tho n iclilit at tbo »lt» ft pro wot

cd with friction Rear. Thla ia calloil tlio TuluDynainlto8jstoni, or Ismoro Bonorilly knownas tho transmission uf pnwci- bj-wlro rupcu.'bo SJBIUIUIS ciloiiBli'ely njed in Europe, and» now coming into use in thin cutuitry. In.•at) plwo In fVfiSlioilanO, on U10 llliino, C00lorae power lias boon tarriod a tlintaneo of anlto ft-oni wliorc tho tiirbino whocl« ITWO loc.il-dToriin iiini;hIiiDry. Aiiutlior feature nf tbouacliitiorv IILT" ii thitt llio power iu UKun frombo main tug Inn, but il fi not In 11 eo, bc-auao it ia fnnndmorc ecioiirnilni! lo talu thowffcr fur limstlna illrcelly from tlioninlii 011-;lno, by iiiuAiis of iv caat Iroa uiilloy, 7 foot Inilauiolcr end 12 Inchon ficc, resllng direetly

uu top of HID tly-wlioc!, wlileli le Inugcd up withnittt ww«l and lus & uorrt-anouillug fuca of 12

ichoa iiMviiltli. Thin I a a Rroit (iiiBTCiilcncc.ihymoanaof a lover it can Lo hoisted from

off tbo fly-tvlieel wbon not lu utto, A nro pumpitlacbed lo tlio uiacblnory, which I* alao

worked by a friction wlicel bting croivtludtrjtlnatlliofly-wlieoVa rlmwlion required fornut. linn was put In especially ^o protect theongino house, but vr^s fonnd to bo very s i rvio-

" a fow tlaya beforo our- vieit, TVIIOU a miuo0 caught flro from Hi chitnuoy, Hy ils

monuii tlio anniEB wero oxlinRittBbod nilbouldoingfui'thor damago tlioo toils roof, and atItast WtO'worlhitf prnpBrlyiBnred. Wu'cn ftoatnto tliat Ihvy biro In oddlttun a IIOID carringoanilSOOR-otof IIOBC, and can, with t i o aid or

pipes anil livdrauts ot'v»iioua polnta roach''tfiliouaw awl bdllding,?ti Iho place, It may

bounn|(lncd that tboy havo rjnlta an efficient llrodejiartiaODt hero. A maclilna for railing coal

' itlractcd alientIon and oliultod oomidor-,hlocdnilratlon. A car in Qllodat tbo coiUlicdinlauinn wbo alandi tlioro merely placcv ltiiilantl U]ion B lever, wlien It Is n m n p an inrlinoilnno to tho lmllor«,-m lent tllalant(ffhero Its

it Is d in coal- bins aim the car

rotnmcdtoltBplnoe. Vj tuinarrinccmentman can tmiiafor onouBb coal in tiro pr threehoitrc to last a wcoli. Iu Bhiirt itmay bentatetlthat tlio machinery in operation hero iu moroeconomical lu proportion to tbo power devel-oped tlian npy in Iliia vicinity.

Thin company have also provided many fa-tilltioi fur tk-ir mincra for tlio purrwao ot goi-

jiw3niDiilioro,nnu kucplDg them—whloljtboy lmu nccamjiliihod to eucli an uxlant* ilialtho character of tlio commonity liaa baon com-pletely traiwrormed in tlio }aat fow y « a w . -\moug theso ImproTurnculi way bo mun'.fonod

sort ofcroton water arrangement for supply-ag tha tuincra* boa 101 with irnter, wliioh ii

Tory pure, U drawn from *u anmod jiart orthotnlnc, and au]>pllcil to the housos through

•trotzlas pnmpi, wliloli tuako them nhlu Iniihtaiu It Ia Winter aa well aa Summer.

Three now cylinder boiler* «•« houig ji«t !u,a tako tbo pteca of older Lot lor*, which did

it furnlali thu itenm otfonomlcally. Forrtalilng their or to they otnploj thmo Unrlelgbearn Drilli-ono largo and two of media in

to—and nan from 100 to 500 ponnJi of Qiant

powScrpor month. In Uaitlnjj tboj flro bymtinaofanelcclrto cattery when prictlcablu.

iitiu j.>.uHn „, jwuiita AOiim and Kvu, uttindliifiliko rjlixt icntlnclH lu Luo[» iratdi and wardoicr tliirt rula-at of nil our fair ralloys. "Tu;tu wearer .il.J^u, wo gut a splaudld vlirranbliii and Htiriltiij IIill; tlio heavy cnibnuk-moiild or ll,u Slid land Itallroad look MUMI Iicampniitou la thtlr real flier, Hiilo tho Wallkill, ulconitbg In Uie aim, nnd uowluj tnrongbrk-hout pnnluraH, loota hio a nilviT rlltiihnrdcrcd willi rureut groeu vulvfl, M we Juandumi Ihc wooded mountain aide, tunny poiutiof nrtiniralW wero nok'd, tmoi,R tlu-111 a llttl<([[•ni ofa CIRCHIB at (bo mniith of a glon, vhlolicaused many »x[>raHiJaiiH nf tlulight.

Tlio terminal Ion or thin ramanlio ride liriugaUB to Ibe Lyon Iluuiin, OgdotiilmrK, kopt by D.P.Lyon, Tilm-owo nlljrlit for dinner. Whilewaiting lha party tako possession of the parlorand two regnWl wtlU viwuiu!tho plttuo hy Jlnutor Dnviu Lynn, eon of Ihcproprietor, a Ind about 13 yoira of ago, who haappoaix'd Hurtral times r t Bt'dnway Hall, N01.Yurie, ana hM created emiBldcrablo intcreat iitlio-beat tuiiaicBl circles of thi) metropolis byItls oirpilaUoplnylng. lloiTaslaudlyipplaudod

for hiB solus, ax was R!BO a duet 111

atglor dSBiiUd bini. Koit our friend, Uon. A,C. CanflelO, utated hlmaclf at tho piano, andliugaii a nn lu , which brought on thu floorbumorouH rcchln anil tlm alalil 1'rof. Itaymoad,orPijinoiilh Cliuruli.ivluloovoii thovcuentbliIlolnrlcir couitltiot nltlutaud hia natural Ooruinit propensity for inuslo and llio ilnnco.

AHcr tlio dluuor—a vorj creditable one- ibe'again ocoupicd, and vo proceeded

to RUIU»K Uill, p H on ilio iho' hotIa wltiolt Jack Hugboi murdundhljwhk-h )ia Ii lu ho liuujt on tl'o 2d prox. Tb«kltraotlmiB at Stirling Hill aro tUi niiuoucnnblne norka nf lha No it Jemcy Zlno (

as Iho only ones in tha voild wboro red 0ofzlnolB found. -They arc alnn nauuUft beingtho host placo |u tlio country fur procuringnro HpocliniHiu of rnhiurnla—thuro Wi f r overarty different varict ten or minerals faiind In II1I1bill abao , from which a fircat many of tlieCIIOICCMI BiwcImciiR lu the Caiiflcltl col led It

Inlion. H I D while nillcnto nnd tod oxytlooreB mined here nro mhod with rranltlinlte,

aro crtiBlicilln tlio ,ranni,inctli cruuliing wortntt Ibe moiuh of tlio mines, ami sent lo the'oinpnny'n otrn furnaces at Jcrney CHy, atwliich placo they nro also ercctinp; rolling uilllifhttso crPililog worlti ara not ia operationIBW ; but (hoy nro remarkable- for llmlr pou-li-rotis niacbluory and tho rapidity wltli whichtliey do |Lg work required, Tbo 010 ia firat

rushed fine, and pnntod to rorolvlng tablesU[HJII nlilcli t nlroain of water Is p m o d , which

.rrlei olT llio 1[ 1110 ulo 00 was to ami convoys IIrinfill tfougha to tho moudnw below. Tho

zinol i nmuufartturod Into paint and updlaiiwl tlio residue of \\w miiiutal into BPEIOS'AHf.fi, «hi eh can bo uindo bardor Hi MO tha lit'tt Damascus steol, nad Is used In tbo mam

fnottiro of Herrings Bttett which nro inipOEsJb

burglars Ia drill because of tlio harduoB* ofUIIB motol. In tho rear of tbo vorka tbo com-pany bare a Trout aud a biclt vein on tworidges orrcdoxyflfl oru. Mr. T. Marshall, theRuporinlDtidont. while cugagod two weeks simin cDiiatrnoliDp; a tunnol frqm tbo bottom oltho front Toln, 180 fcut deep, acrogi to thebick vein, struct & largo ilopotlt of.whlte

Hlllcata of zinc, wliich they an orklnB.

Tho itrueturo at tliifl mini', and at tinJersey Xiuu'compnny'it Nino at Franklin Iiillicit tho unuiu ns of thn iron beds, tho zincilralum lylnQon cil^o hclno-n tho niuioatmrticnl Inysri of cry at alii a 0 uiucntnno 'tbound lu llio mclaniorphic rocks of tills>rn mineral bolt. tJiituouf Uiomoro opcitshibit mi extremely picliucuquc and IicautintlLVi>cnriiuco, tbo rocL'B being vory uliowy,- nnd>rcecnllii(; a vnriuty of colors nnd forms, l l ioarger portion of Ibo finii(;ii» is ovoi'*tvh'.rirty or oak! to in nhiuh tlia caiiwnat j olB mplacfil by carboitato of nma^anL'ge.

oemlnalcil tbrongh tliis, but not untforraly, srominirala nhich curry the tine, tho moat

Important ot vtiiuU ar* frinkUnlta.rod oiydoo!Kino and siHcnto ofzinc, Tills ora will prnducoabont 35 per cent of zlno and 30 per cent ofrun. AtSUrllns Hill franklinito abounds in;rcat moesoi, Aftor an hoar Bpont In viewing

ilio mine, and procurinp; tonio of tlio handsomeBpccliuonn to bo louiid liorc, wo start forFranklin, in company vith the UJrccton of theNow Jonoy Zinc Compiny, who joined us here.

Arriric? atFrntikliu woilnd that the Diroc-;ors hard bad the faro I bought to provldo far,1m party, a lino collation, consisting of sand-ivIcliOH, Champagne and oilier winoB, andlegnra, nil In unstinted n.uantlllott after par-taking ficoly of which, nador tho load of Kr .John Oeoifa-o, Superintendent of tbe Company,

i pum ilirotigli tbo tunnel to the opon cat of,orfno'mia«, Tlm Ttin.TilikUiaWfett-wide,inn flrei groen silica to / then rod oiyJc^ and

than if little vein -of carbonate. Next to tblsvein ot brown oiydo ten feet wldo—tmly t wondrous anil TAlimfalo deposit,irloua rulnred ores, wliich are beautiful

In aiipoaranco, am about tho sanio in quality; only in color. This mi no Is not

worked, to ft very great extent s,t prcsont becauseof tlio conl Btriko which deprives tho furnacesof Leliigh coal. Only about 18 or 11 men »ro

Juit now, but ao conroniont aro alttho arrangements hero that with, this limited'area thojr can miuo 1,000 torn of this talnubleiro [tor montli, which h sent tn the Now JerBey

Zinc Works nt Newark.Alter visiting tbfp point tho oxcurBion brealiB

ip.' Many ot Iho party, who ara desirous ofreaching Now York witliont naithip; tnu orthrco hours for tbo BUBBCI Ital^road to connoctthen with tlio D. L . .V W. Una, cbqHorcd aBpcdal eir on tho SlirllBud for (SO, which m»koa

of ftio cheaper tlian tlio otlior way,rs them to ranch the city lovornl lionn

earlier. A ncmbor of Dover gcnllcmon accom-pauy the party'to tho city. Tliebalanco or HIDparty, d wind led down to' a fuw aro compelled

u t hora for tlirco lours. V>v Improro (boby UMug a tlroU alioat llto place. Hut

w h a t a c a a t n t t It prouoati to tlm Franklin offoB-yoiia ilnno. Tboo It was taomlng wit It

[fa and prosperity, and nolnj- with tbo huayhum of fndnaliy. Kow n ta r l ; all Ilia mines ara

both (urn a pel aro out of blaat, and wliena solitary whlallo out of tho many bloir at allo'clock, huraiy'fl soul cccld bo seen upon the

Uut c, nil triuU nf (hiii ML-ftnirn; tiuir: .it utlu-r, MT didWL- l.-fi ct Hi.VIiwk l\ l\. mijtt-ipofnvt-r luu unil iilifllfliotniii ]I,.VIT iv.^ filially rcaiJ


mid .-

tint it Witt In all r^pi-clu Ibu W 4 mccllnK thIuulitiileliad tlmtj fur htld. Among tlio ROUllctueiior this vn'iuity vhn jmitii-ipated iu tho\ni Ja\'B L-ifiirhlmi \VI-K MttHra. Ik-o.lllchorda,llicbanl (iiurgi-. A, C. Ciinlldd, >'• A. CatiaJ.JIIU II. IVtcrs, Us. I). Uwin, 1'. K. MoOTuttB. D. Kymir of Uort-r, Iftin. U. D. Ilalsoy olIlocliDivuv, and SIcmrH. \ \ . H. PeCampaud E.]I.Mf>rriKi>iioM'oworvill<-. Thu local com nil

•niiiK.-njOtitHH'jrt Jlu-Hm-i. K, H. MliutttI!, and, F. A. Cnnliolt], Oivliifi 10 Illncwa Mr. K.~ 1L-M wan tumble tu set, ttit iliulrdid Uidr wi>rk BU fell Hint iu o m ytlio iiuutitiK of thu Iimtiiulu «j 'h


t- lo Itimlvr

During ihdr slay in Howr llm inntiibi.M1']W'1 t t tliciMati.iuii llon.i., uhum Mr. Julstored tu tlidr VIJIIIB in nndi an a ^ p t i ltntitncr on to gri'itly IIII'ITHHU ttiL-n-|iutalluiiURB enjuytd fuf many .\caiu of liiiiiu emu of tuttnubt nnccoHBfiil ami pojinbr IIUHIX uf tbo Hi&tc,

The in i t t r nut lictnj; aljle to rend theproofitit ivcik, n iiumbT nf crrora «f compwillr

tu'Uiii-rctl In our nrticlo unili-i- this lieni whii'uiitler iho clronuiiilancvs, KU liopo will I t t

CllBt'll, ^

Special Council Meeting-Tlm Cum won Cmiudl liL-hl a tpoclal uii-utl'

on Fridiiy uvenim; of lost vrouli, I'roituul—M«

Itlchanix, IL'cnriJor Ciiltvinlfi), AJd«rm

Bfiittd b;v I . B. Julliiy, H. I,. I'oniitl. Kaiing, (JliAd, Wnt?(iit. mid KiiuUL-l Tiuwartha,

.<!: Molloi-tllai-koff.liotr anil billiardiRO Mann, boor and bowlful alloy; OeorgcliirJ, bllllanli; and J . 11. Burcbell, Wm

II. Jonca, Win, HuL-kinfti >ud Juhu llmel, bearaaluotiB. Referred tu Liconso Connnitleo.

In tlio matter of the tppeul of Win. MattFrom the Judgment of Town Juetko I'rettnimWood, npou tlm apiilicaliou or A. <••• Hinlth, at-torney of tho apptllMii, to pDglpono, it w*tigrocd by tlm Corporation Cnuiicll Ikit tutloarlng tlioulil bo heard at any Bub*co,uunnee tills f'°»' 'bo datu of tltli in cut lug. nalringin/ iu<3 all iufariuality by roBBiin of tLU aj.pesnut having been lifnTdifltblu \\1\1ij iitya t>l iin

iling Ilicrcof,

10 Mlh of Iho Judges of Ek-ctlon fur 113,ami a bill of it. Wlugct for 112, rf tro rtfcrreJ

> tha t'iiiaaio Commlltoo, rcpurtcd corrout,

iJ anlerad pnld.

Tbo Pound Kucper'u ri-pnrt vrnu recdvetl one

rdered placed 011 file.Andrew Ilusei wai elected TownKurrayor and.

ALncr Williami 1'onnd Keeper, each by a iinao-bnnui vute.

Tba Llctuso CuiutitlUea reporLui], eiitue tUelliprovtil to all tlm ap|)1kutlon» fer LlL-onm

bo 'c named, ctcciit tliat ot Bainucl Trcwaitba, wliicb was changoil from a hotel lieeoso to* ualDOit liconic. Wltli tliiH modulation all

ero grunted,Tii«lrlro Committee *as antliorucd lo \e)\

Ibe old laddorsboloiigiug lo tlm town,

]t vns ordered Hut Iho i>ctitiunn c] M. Wolulimd D. H, Norlhoy be lott to tho License Cum-ulttco wllli puirtr tn»ct.'

Cfuui-il cdjournuJ,

Pod'Morris.Tba anlo IJJ Iho HIiurilT of thv property of

" Stjniro" DUTIS was bewail laat Saturday, irhcnabout twenty Iota ircro 10Id, at prices rangingrom iiZ \\> tBi t&ch, BBfirogbUng IBBO. TI11ala naa Incn ftiljourucd four weeks. Tito menrlio purt-liamd lots upon thlt property, andmilt upon them, unawaro of tho litcumbriirhleli roalcd upon tho wholo praporty, fool ruryjueli iilonaed OTLT tho probability that enough

lotu vill bo sold to moot Davls'a dobls, withoutlinn ths loti ui»n wblcli tliej aro located,

Tbo irliolo pro|iorty coutaius Bomo GO icrcs and1 paid butabout (700 for It when he bought

it. It la aaiil ibat those nien, when about tojurcuaso, visited tho Couaty Clerk's otnaa t tUorrlatotrn, nud examined tlio records, butcould find no incumbrancoi npou them recordedthoro. Y«t it Is assorted tbat (benojadgn 'havo botiii lying hi llio Now JCIBOT HupromoCourt aluco 1871. If tills bo IruO or what moi ino ClurVa oQlcc at Morrlitown to partliho contDiuplato piirdiasiug llorrli County


Mr. Stanley,of HuLokoii, tho boas carpenteriftlt»D. L. AW. ]t. It., in at thin pUca now,

With from 6(1 to CO mou, flushing Up Iho Ire*Uorurk far thu now lino of coal poclteta. WhanIIIM la cotnpletoil it la thought tho companylilts ablo to aloro tlio enormous aggregater one mil l ion lob a of coal horo.Tlio onglucen nro alau engagod Iu laying out

lien tMtnjje fo; tUo ate ommedition ol tbo coataftlo. • '

ThomtuihopoPoiliaailer hasrcmovud to Mia••;r poit oOlco building- in that place, wliicli 11

said to boa model of archlloclunl beauty I

Co/oretfo Potato Bugs About.TlipColoradoPoUioBugs, Ihoiotorriblo peati

DI. tha potito-fiiwcri of tho Weot, baTO madetbelr aprwaranco In tills section io such largonumbers tbat many are extremely fcarfnl thattheir ernnj will bo entirely tloBtroyed. UT,

an E W O U , iTho Is gudenl Bg on tho>pron-erty of Jir. John O. Maao, along tlio canal iuthin tOTii, skoivj UB about fifty of tucaa bags,

ikon from ton lulls of polHoea, wblca In siteid color aro ibo'exact counterparts o l tbsrartmem BQni UB from Mm tfeit Ust fill,ait year, no undonttnd, WUB were: saon hi

ths nohjhuorhdodorOarnunYatloy, bat nonenoticed iu tbo immedtaU Tlolnity ef this

>. Air, Kvcrctt »ys tlioy loom to t» iiilingBoulli-ward, dcpdeltiiig their eggi aa theyjo. Tbo lint 0110B who come da not doitrojIho tops, but tho e'es* wblcU tho; lcava W[hem hatch out with wondorfal rapidity, nud

B fair dnyi from thn timo iho egfiiitlcpoBited, tlio'yauni; luaools ara eating tliotopa. *wirmH of Ilia Insects float rjnon Ihowaters and creokn, nod cling In hvtog naistslo any Hosting'objects. In the Sontl/.m part

thd fitato thoy arc BO tlilok tbat 'ao oorks>f flulicrnioB become black rl l ' ; them. In3loiuestor aud dlher conntios it is .feared thatbe entire crc^i will bo wholly consumed byhem. Tbe only ronudy wo liaro heart] glvoua an followB: Tako ft spoonful of Paris Oreoaind dlfliolra it In a pall of water. Tben talo 1wl*p broom nnd sprinkle tho topi iritb tha mix-ture, repealing tlie operation sercrai timesiftor propor fntorrftls.

Gag tint Whistle.Abont nine o'c.^cic every evening, nhcnall

Rood babies are »)ifcp, a coal train paeeostbrongb our citj, ^Itaciicd to tlie migino ofirhicb iii tho loudojt Mid shrille'st ponnj whistlot l is tsnr engine dri<cn ever loved lo blow,Thit whistle xommamlfl tho attontlou of ourcitkoDB to th* exclusion of ororythlng also, atleast to long as lha fuho Is hoard acroarainp;over Iho-lillli and the vallBja, Mm with altloi-

' 1 proportions chuckle and laugh over thopenetrating effects vf that whlilje, but tblu

on ddteat It. l'uuiifi lad ion thluk it " awful,"it no pen can deuoribo IIIB torror of thositJIQI -nho I n o toUwte. pu i l c tWp. VTe call

tbo attention of the Electors of tho t l . ii E.kills Polawarp, LsoUwmnt and Wont ora It. H.

that whlatlo. Just think, gentlemen, of tbktilatlo »• It panes from on« end of Morrismnty to the oilier, wakipfi np at lcs.at aomaud babies, ind of tbo oonfuilon brought1 ant of tho stillncii of tho ulght. As we

writs ibis, tho bablBs in Madfioa irs juatbcgiunlnR la wtko tip, and If tbe ingcl of

lorcy could jmt fly » UtUo ID Ethanes ofIbat coal train i t it'proceeds oa down, howould lioar mob a wailing; as would tend Inslioart-atrinfis "cloar to Iluboken." ffoijm-

ithizo with you, tnolhors, m d If that engineerst got a. baby, wu Itisow 1 petition from you

fill havo {ho effect lo "dry np" tbatwlilsih,ind then "all quiet along tho lino" will 00leird onco mure,

+-*-+ !_It eliould ba the first ambiilon or oiir-peopb

> buildup our town and ulrance all iti com-larclnl and industrial hitorcati. To this end,

thoy slionld remcmlior that'as t ruin whathelps oaa Jtolps all.' Tho proiptrlty of eachadds to tbo proiperlty cf tbo irbolo. Tbo

gats Growth is mulo up of Individualparts, ind tbo tlsrelopmont of «*cli fie torintgvlftn tbo m m . Thor» ilwnldVie unnliyof fueling aud Interest, a, dlipoiitiou to unite

publio acllvItlM, a. dBterrolnation to pathfortmrd our awn local projoat. We ilioold en.

mrage our own miBufkctureri, buf of oarawn merchants, palronlso our institutions, indbear In mini a t ill tlmei whit will protnotoour ovra loci) growth ind prosperity.



A largo uunctiurie of peopla mot in tlio Prca-hvUrwii Oliuroh on the Slit ult., hi tctponactj the itatk'o given by tLo Bo Idiom' MouujrialAasotiBtlou. Tb« mtietliigwiB called to orderat three o'clock br Dr. Culuinbiw Jlcacli, 1'roil-dtint, ivlio in A few rvtiiurk* rcli-r.'i d In thu iiii'l-wiclioly «»lnro tif thu iiimtitig and mllml uponIii-*. IIr. Ili-)fariileoflur pr.Oi-r, wliiilt lit' did,dtpueiaUjr icmuinLt ring I Us u'lldlcrtt aud tliuirfitailian. Tbo SucrUwy, Mr. E. 1'. ik-urb,read thoinlnuks of tba lust inoelii^, aud Hon.£. U. Huliey, bliitonnu, mail an tit Lores liny pa-pur giving an iccount of tho bravo men tint

mt from UiiiUjiruiblp to nno uur countryla tba timo of Its autett mud. As tlm jiapor U

bu imbllihod I rcfraiu from further t-oniiiK'iU

Itev, Mr. Tuttle fium Muni it Unpo wai tln-UIntroduced, andprot-mlud ii. say iu Huuntuiicethat such ftHOBs.11 avrakuUH mliigk'il emoiiuuH,Ibiu ucuaiiim hut l>«uu rsfuni"! tn ax n «aduuo, bullnoldtru thai!* tlmao wliu died lu U.«HL/rvlcu vt Ihtir couutry vvcio ii'iuiUlorL'd Lapjfy.Hot o I lie wpssaker quulcj uuo nl Uie uui-lout |>u-du In jiruofoltlic foot utato.l, mid «ui.l IlialIUOSQ wiia uiiluttitu WitiJiud Buutuiian u munimud bavu 1 fuelinir of ghdnu.1 nilugled withtiK'lr iqrrai* wbun tlilukluK r,f tli.-ir valiantdua<!, ami specialty UIURI thu bu truu whin m-footing n]»]iitba fact that I hit tl teens': d frlendiWero L-iiiinuutuil with 10 yloriiim au udilcfD-

llad It not bceti tut Ibo jalriut Koldlun nurnation would hnvu burn mnt ililu frBgiUL-uttt.

Tbo i-rutvitud IIL' JH uf thu Old World undtli.Hr mitiluui would turn n-jjlcid il tlto tloivu-fail nfour Koimljlie, mi oveut thut nonld havufulfilled thilr prophuBliui und |>ruvc;n tho lintnLiliiv f>f ropuhll^u govu- uit, ar.d takefrum tiio world thu iuilucncu tnost patou

i- n>mumplii)[.B. a'he bravo nnl(Huri r aiiitdnt tinrdvlilpi and dangtsr

tiul wild uulilu ilirtiiu lh«j dlil lliulr vtor!ifoll/ and truly. Tho Union wai prtiauriolliu calling chatuB of nhiury fell from mil

lioiib ut once.rvu tho Uuluu a. iitcrlnco wai nccoa-^TY Juieoy did Lor part nobly amrecord of llookawsy towtihlp ina

ho takcu ana fair ludux, and ber report ;i9 todayresd) ttauds oullnhold mlicf. M&nyalati

loved ones will not allow Ihtlr gravewith llowois-in tlio far-off poflionii of our laud.

apcalter i m many regiments when theyled with brousEtfd bees and thlnnuiIrankH,

and wlilla many boarts were raado glad by throturn of tlear ones many others Borrowed

fur tliuao trim ruturned nut. Great, is tlio!icrifke anil slortoui tbe aeliiLV»meuU wranghlUtUorclij: Tlio p«T pot nation of 01


ltav. A. II. Udlia, fruui lliUrnfa, Mlowa] andsiid tho present ii s,n ocejsluu ol ducp Intorostto UB individually. Had reUoctlonsontl fuel-inga of ducp mturost (III our hearts as ire I binnr [hi past. Wo havo heard to-tby uf thutnho weut Irom our mhlst tu tike their lives Intheirliattdn and battlo for iho nation. Wo aronot bvra simply 09 thoso wbo nonld keepmemory tbo lovod aud valiaut ones wbo wiftora our BWB tu lurvu nvd Give pur conutliui muting Vkcandcs at our firesides, butiro' to consecrate their umiiury. Tlio menmeiuesa ocaao tlrnlr loll; in-day tliu ntitloiiV

Ind,UBtrjstanauBtllltopar tribute to Ihitlon'u dead,' I t IB a grand tiny and ononiiter ought to fall Into ai»tt*o, It la a. day iuwhich tho wliol* uitioE call uiourn ovor tho 110*bio thut woroalnln. Wo can ttrow tho gnwith flowers and ri'Jniito tliat thoy nerotraitors; wo can rejoice that our itusbinilH,

ithcrBBtid brothers helped do Uie groat workcccBBary lojuvnorre usenatluu. IVonre

rrltb our flowers, tho litliea md cblltlrcuillb tholr louqueli. W'a take the nilloa'a

floral tributa anil ttrow t i e graves of theUou'sdoad. Iftiro tbe poet was fiuotod who in{iindeui of eipttBsitsB eouimmidotlttii

To-day wo is 1 nation visit th» silent cities oltbe dead, ind why io wo do it? Decanibi &TO by their dco Ja of heroisn teach tbo worldnlcigon of fidelity to our republic. Let noni

A BATCH OF BURGLARIES.mint every ytar our t w n w

by a ca«x of bur«l»rii *buthuroufb iuvfsttKallou of 1" K t imy lcm.

Mi-.J. VV. tji-arlug, uftlii'fli-tii

v UU Hi!*1

rap dour nml pi^ht a 1 litrtiul v

i l

usually nul.v«al pr«in

!, j art t r llnib L


r-iiuiuml lo t i nin, JIUBU-IIIIIJJ to

ugh a chink lie11, vim liL'thiukB

luliavuriiiK lu pacify tbu duj;.ho huulLiiid tu pi'nctiro aid toUK him, Miring W1,IL-1I littii-LOiliiii^' ttiu tU'iiwy dravdr »( »

1 25 i- a iuml be lioarU vofiiL-

itif- t Ili-Lt tll« h|Urlier of l

. ,,f W• and llorrlH UU.,

am-iikTud Uiioiiglm fullitr wiuJow mid traptur in llio iluur, ami linlf a duziu be ies ofirdiiiiH anil ulfuut {1 iu uhiiugo weto taken.Hut tbe imittt during and kik-cusdut exploit

iL-rfuniiI'Siili'llIlit thuaigf- II!L

Im t tn llull bull

f Ul 10 fhi' ru.r

d by III gillljf Illinu nf Dr. I. W.-Cwidi


rixiiumu ttUUII

J Hour tif thinaiiariuuiitu-f}

night wai at tLe, ('it Prospect Htbouse aru Ibroo

ii! in front,ono in

d auulhur In the tnr, and 1 sinalat the top of luu alairg. In the

uu children wetlie Doctor a

a fclcanins ftwi Iiid Mra, Condlct

y pba forgotten ; tha liumbloat toldloitbo officer of rank iboald bo kindly r

well »i

II Is fitting that we dntbisand le11 koop np tbo cuitotn, QodbleaB tboao wh(tlood fur our country, their Mend* knit out


TUo 1'iBslutttt inBOUDCOtl VatX the ABIOCSBlion would proooad ID elect Dfficors for tho «nwing year, aud on motion of Dr. Jackauu (hostol laat year w»ro ro-uloclod. Avoto of thankiwas tondored to ticli or tho following; Thobletorlan', lb« upoakan, tbo Itockaway DrrrnBand, am] Hr. D. H, Hamilton; to the Usiaued for care boatoircil u)wn (he BU Idler.frtTos. On motion is wai il added to phco aitiitablo monument at tho gravodf Mr.Fredi

Jck Stir.a soldierdooouod wltblntho paatyeiThoroeotlngthenbrobBUp tu Iho church andft large procciaion formed with tho lum] at tinbead and proceeded to the cemetery la be*tottokens of respect upon tbo patriot dcid. Aftermaking * circuit of tbo burying ground thithrong halted Dear the plot dedicated to thosisoiuioratuitiroronoluniBght borne for Inter-ment. Here with tho flag wariDg Just beforeilm Dr. Beach midaifew romsrksiUting tin

fllltr-tbreobnvu nica wbo wont from our midstnuvtr rtlunicd, tbat ninetoon wero drowned iuthe OumborlRud at oaotlrao, and then Introduc-ed Her. Mr, IiUkeiloeof ltookawiy, who nilthai thoro ir» two things dear to bii hoirt.—Fint tbocbnrchofhla Savior »nd second Ihc"aUrBpsngled Banner" of I1I1 conn try. This

ro dated back tobojbood when ha lud followhl« cuanlrj's Hit! tJotriinlcs i i j » . He tuen

wandered wbutbor tbe timo would svur comewhon It would moot with. Insult, Tho time

ims and liaipist.- Tho grave baa al wayi boonigtrdcdae aiorfitl m d none is worn deservingrT»naratlon than tho ono containing tb<laluaof x 1 oldie r who scilodhls pat riot! 1ftttou to bii country tnd flag with bit Ufa. I t•aid tkatotery groat man lives two llvas.—

Tha flrst ends at death and th« second beglithoro, wlion Iho deptrlod llvea • life or nntoUoiefnlQciiiniarvitiiiffiaflnonco. Thatliottcitt ibat the taea whoso gr»v«s bad justbeen visited won) living tlio second life in theirgreat lonon ofpulriotlim. Hai l glad tbattn&uy atrivo to do thorn honor. Tbe snhliisscrlBoc ivai grekt. Sorao found fault at

ot account ol UIOB, Ac.^iuttboiowhn wont Into tbo icrvloo sicriflced in-finitely more. A visit paid to the hospitals atPetersburg, {during Ihi wir) wucroBfx or ae\...tbomaad sick and wonnded soldlors langulnbodWAS DonTineing proof tni t those nioa knaw woiltlto moaning of encrilloo. Doubtlen many

it know. Wlvef, moiliors and children wholoit doir oues knov vibat It means. Stay (

ily Father preiervo our Sag, and mayHie honcc'ortli d»r« lo inmUit . It ii a pleaa-

to thopUcO 10'ncii hy madebodies roBlfar away. A

dea tho hutiiin Iicart to be burled t liorneob an J Jowpli ot old lualstcd t int tiif-rrp-lains should bo taken lo (bub; ut'.'.vo laud, Iimat have been bard for tho soldiers to rottcot

Intbobour ofileatu lliit tholrgrovn mns; hoir from home. I t IK npprnpriiia that I JO fine;svo over tbe spot mnrod to their mojnorr.—

[lev. Mr. Apgtr tbiin npo!;o in iub?ir.=c.>ai fol-IOIVEI. I dlBcorn deep emotion Ji>|)ir..-.l on. thobronaofIbosuproaut wliu reflje: tliot their

iai'n aro entombed horo or in tlio far offsaulb, Vu ire htiro to liniior tliosn whose' llvoo

•re glvui tint our nation jiny live. Wo dnit thus aBpccislly bciuor our dead. IL In a trl-itc paid to coursgo. It required" csurago io3OdnttEcc and ducitli ou tbo Vatllc-ftoW, tti

mtlura tho bardslilps of llio camp ind thu hur-iftho priBOQ'pons, For th!B eourago VA

hunorour decoaaod soldiors. I t was for us thattheir birdibijjs wero endured, tb»« we unyatlll

jjoy tbe bleiilnfi of this free glcrloua govcru<mnt, and may wo ovor cucrtsh the memory ofIOSO who thus t?i!od, stcriflcod and suffered.

The Preiililont then offered ft reaolulioQ tbatprovIdDB for a inltablu oinnnmenl tabe roared

the gronnd above rolorred to. Ho reminded3SDi>roiautofthofaeL that tbo Lcgltlaluro« passed a ipoclal ict inlbodiingthaptoplo

if the township to rilso »3,000 for tbe pnrpoiu,indwnethor the money U raised or not cffurtu

inidbomadoto soenro tho inonumout. Attho closooftheiDrcmaiks tho maeilng was de-cU«d s.dloarnod to' ciect on Uu IlOtb flay olMay next, . iEois.

[Wo bivo wcelrod tho 'iHatortin'B Beport,

whlcuworcgretwaliKie not room to ]m1itipli

In thlalB.uo. It will appear ncil wwk,-Ki>.]

Tho Bulletin pays acouplo of ui tho fullonlngteat compliment:' From llorrinlnwu wo went

Dovor and calioil upon Brotner Yop. t, of tlioA. Tie IBOX E m ofBoc la ana of tho nest ar-

ranged country oCQcct in e Sti to; la fact, mdo notknow 6ran office, outside of tlio larger

IUOBJ i u eqnal. With a Urge atock of printingnwtcrhl anil «rit-«laii power prc.wi, run by

»m,Brolhorrogt turns oal flrst-cIiBJ irork".alio publlshcB an oxaellont local journal, at-

teaby the laet that hi* aabscrlptlon, liil UtUo IncrcMo, Whita la DoTsr, we had thosfnro of dining with Mr. Warren flegur,

oaahfor of tbo Dover Bank. He ia Pnililcnl oftbo Young Men's Cltrlatttn Aaaoolatlon ; and agentleman who takciadoeplmcreat IntUomoi-al s>aTsncemont of th» borongh In which ho re-

uut one o'clock tlm Doctor way awakenedliu .htldrcn, wlm liotli Happcnud to lell, anil onJKo to attmid tliBin, »ftcr whkh

ent tiuwn stairs to hla offlco, and to tlioklU'lieii. 'J'lto huusoivoB ilion all rifbt, and airiink ivlildi Ilka May Cimdiut had that daybrought from SUtihopo utuod at Iho Lutiout ofllm lull aUIrg uttdluturhud. Aftor ro tar Dingup Blairn, In coiundi-rition of tho illncm of tLocliildrat, Mm. Oondict rutlrod with mio ol thornIn tliu contra room and her Jiuiband took iboother with him la tLo rear room. It was aslate as two u'clock Wora tboy worn both ulccpagain, which Dion tha timo of tho burglaryb t tb d i,between tbeu and morning,

lu tlto tiwrning tlio UOUBO was Iid

IIII io tgoncrally diioidcrutl. Tim bur^larshad gained—'• ueo by flint forcing OJWD tho uhutlurs ofa

iw on thu porch, communicating with thohall. Tboy Mien forced out a small corner oftbo pano ufsr tbo raetcniiip; of tho mmli,luiut'tlng tlieir augers luiuitl the catchrniHt-d tba lower snub. A bright light, n.luft burning at night, at tho head of tlm ballnUirt, probablr asHlRtnd tlicni Bi-uatly in lliciioporntiuna, Tboy also uncd a. candle, 1iian found, partially burned, near tlic trunk, iutbe morning. Tlio truuk, In n-biuh tho koy wasleft, was rilled of Ita co 111elite, wbiub wore scat-ILUHI BIJOIII, aud a gold chain and locketbelonging to JHm Abblo fondle t tat on. PusIng Up it-irfltbGyprorflutloil through the eontiUtd voom lulo the tcavoiio, and Uicro HVBIISCICfrom tho pantaloon* of Iho Doctor, which werobanging over tlio foot of llio bod, bis pockethook, coittaiiiiUK a number «r notes and olhci|>»]»rs, and about $20 in money. The pnporisud pocket book vero Tonuu scattered slontho ball bed 10am, but tlia money wan gone, olcoanc. In this hall bo] room the burglanmot wltli what W&B to them no Jonlit an agreeiblo aurpriBC. A hoi of Jewelry, which theyjail lieen fti tha habit of keeping in a Irnnlr,had Uccu teinnorarilv dnpositcd ou B. IKtills ball bod room, and a heavy plcco ofB

SUGCASUNNA,1 tbuii^'Iil lw» uirkx EK<J that J bail Hnidicdiv my for tlio pn-Hetit, 111 regard u tbe run-•mplatod Htrjil-lKJintu 111 riuccaKuimn, 1>ut tht-rd published by Illindtr last I

n fronJii-tiona

the i^ignill whlL-b BOniU CO!


The card claims Bixti*ii nigiii.i'ri ;u t;iu

nn for liccnHL', when tliure wtru but lift"

eluding tbi t of Iho aupliatut, and unu t.f

nt crosfcud liv |iontil niorhn d it it n ting or

nd rcp.'iiluuwuu thi.- jinrt of tbo ujiiitT.IllUVOlllt't 8*Vimlff tllL'Wi ElglRTH, t

•bom (luclarMl that tbcyn~cre ao hatl^'urchouj]|ili:uut tlmt they w\;u<n\ his paper I

that Liw application wan hid usidoI am pkastO to b&vu it to my ihat no Ii

'row my constitution,!] authurity Vilatuvtiiijii craiitod any otic, t i OTICKI H bcur d loliiaplacD. TheU.B. Govcrnuiout hue ec0 lovy a ttx on iloalorn in Kpint un 11 it oud kr-

lun't prc-KUmu tu ititorfL-ro ivilli tbu'lilUMtiutl. BN a, receipt fur Llio payment of thi,,11 givuH no m-Ivilogo to vli

Slate, aud ;io jiratcc.ltou wltatov«r in nuuli "iio-itioh. Our neighbor would do well to tboiufbly post liiitiHolf on tlio Now Jersey Liqaor

LanisaBhofrlllbolikolytoiitodoll tho infur-latimi lio can ubtain uu this jioint.I t in told that tbo lonioimlranco cont nine

Tcr 40 slgmiurea, and that among theio notresident otellliDrHIUbrook, Flandcis, Itroa)Ijn, N. J-, or Brooblvii, N. V. Of tlieao slgnBi

have the names of 30; S3 of whom reiido Im.ictliatuly in tbo village, and ibo remaining 1

rcaldo within ttvo inilcn thereof. Among thenthirty-ail persons wo bavo IT rrcubaldors, 27irohcatla or families, 23 ero pledged teraner-LiiL-u mctt, and 27 are cliurchrcBjiecUble list twbo transcribed frora » betel:cglati.T In a country vjllngt) Utto tlila, IhoittougcisL eviAciict llitkv fan bo adduced, tliatDcCatnp kocpa nn *xeollcnt housi;, on which


EldotLeio BC,Ihavetliii]

opportunity been glvnholders, 18 ai


uiouBtranca lind thiof whom 11 arc two

a church

Ing tlin


nd took It. It c

r It.' Turning this

olbonvkc, tbuyci

aln<jd 10 piocDB of Jewelry,including a diamond ring and 0 locknia—mostlylite property of lie*. Oondict-rained at nearly1300. A lioi contaitiluR tho la bin itilvor, in tiuiiddln bed room, scaped Iholr notice. In th

•I bed room, occupied by Sllia Abhio Condict'ind Jllsa FalrtLitil, vlco principal ol ti

olild Bchool at Notvton, nothing «BB diiurbed.

On tba Drit floor a general search was niailrnrriluabk'H. In tboalttlng room tlioy iron

in BO far as to peer into tlio vatioB, which waaproved by tbo drippings of candlo greauo foundupon them. In tho Doctor's atudy a, t o i contaitilnp; micrascopu flilureu was ovorhaulod amtho lutcrlor of his dosk InvcNtigatoi, nhero thethlovoa probably overlooked a BavingB bunkbook, Mrs. CondlcL's dcak aud case of dr&woraIn tko dining room wero tboroushly ransacked,mQ tho tblcvcB oven procucJed up tbo backitafrs from tho kltcuou, as was atlciled by tbocandlo grcaso upon tha steps. But boyond thomoney and tlio Jewelry, nothing clvo was Ukon,

ptlUR a bat of Eddio OoudicL'H, from thoL&U, From the minuteness willt wUlch tlio

ii was icarclvd It ia eviJoat that thu viwera uono other thin Ilia moat cxi»

prof cantonal burglars.At IUckettdiown, Sslurdoy night, thu Am

»n Uouio WOB entered,- but nothing of vtluofcVcu, Miiloa Sunfliy tvenmg Vao mtd«n

of Col. 0, H. Valentino and Caloh faircio w

red. M tho houao of tbo former Ibcyf*ilod In aecnro anyvalufthlcs. At Pnlrclo'nflvo dollars ID money was tako 11.

Seitsnoe of Hughes,The Nairton Court Honiatvas crowded «• III

peopla'ou Monday last to heir tha sentence 0John Hughes, convicted for tha inurdor of hitwlfo on tho lib of January last. Aflcr'tho mnamotion b j tha Ptoucular, Judgo Boctt »Act1IIuglicB if be had any r«ason to give wliy ien-tenco ahoulil not bo.pronounced upaii him,wliBnheroplKKl.-

Well.Bir.Iamlnnocontoftliis crime, mullvenl;bellrea tbat Ibo Jury did not do mo jtm-Uco according to tba «*ldtmca. TWi deed wattdone darlns my abienco t ed latil to mo to xnltume, I am innocent.

Tha Court then began Iho aeiitcm> tbe fiirnots' of tho trial tho ability or his

Ing as follows :/ml tio«r, Jnhn uubci 1, Iho judgement tif

UiLou fo tlio jail ofAnd no«r, Jnbn ....„ ,

bo Court is, ttmlyoulio tuli z county, whence you catnc, audtlicro

ptluclDseconQnuinout until Iriday, t"i c m l diy of July next niiHnlug, and I hot 1that day you bo Uln-n'thencc to tlibpheoexecution, and there, between thu bouts uf t<o'aluck lu lha forenoon and two n'clock lu t_.afternoon of ihnt d«y, U- Intiigcd by tbo neckuiilil you ire (Irnil j oiid uiay Uod liiva merryen ynur boui,

Tbfl Sussex'Hogis lor says:Tho filenro In Iho court mom during the

eliTery of Iho Ben tone P, wliich was nompomncoiiBlr, wanlntonm\* At its cJo

prisoner Biid "unen," and tlio crowd Iwpir(jo a ml talk an if tboy had Jwt met fur n |>ic-

HngliCB lookjd wi!ok aud slightly unshodlicnWou^lit Into thu uini't room to rB H ^ - - J C . lln his !i>Bt cinisiJm-nbli

ning hl» dOtiQnement, but. in no thlines he look as haggard ua at thu

of tbe trial, lie Utold by 1

:hat ho could nrilolr put .


[•ape punish'

Hptriln, anda.va nine

lent, linitlmd i

•teadily fur tbroo.hours. Ho sajn thut it it•1 tu t'iyt nud ho intaim to die came.

Loic eonllttneil oITurlH to jiersuadL' him torilcau guilt? Ufore the trial, iu order tint liemight be sent |o Slatu I'rlBon, were unavnil-ng; ho uybig bo was Innecout, and wonlilMi adiuoivlcilgo that lio van guilty If liofire in be iiauscd on a tree at nluo o'clnck on

the-following morning. Whlla (.-oing tu (tincoll be said "lio didn't ctre 1 uuttoa, as many

good man would dlo beloro tliu 2,1, or July,"tuid meeting Dr. lllller, wbowaann luti«rtalitwitncHH agalnat him, ho politely ralEi-d his liat

1 he iiasHiid bluuUughta, nho In A lioimu rJatbul^, U not uucry (,'nod tcraid with FntliL-r HJcCoskur, oft-vieii,' aud ho i« lUcrerm'5 ri.ited twlro n

weok by FathorTraiy, af Washington.Sliwiff lltm lmvlng ben 11 reqooilt-d by tbo

roixir nuthorilies to niako tba oiceittlim otlubn Kuglioa us prhato is possible, tb'e fulloir-H- pommn, lo sea that tbe seuteneo In pmp>

criv cicculetl. Will bo entitled to tickets of ml-litmlou, and none olbcra, via:Jnilgeii of tba Court, Counsol ef Btalu and

r.conur, Jury in tliu Cnee, Hoard of ChoiutirtL-linlders, County OOlucrs, Itqwrtcn, tha

1:? Court.The abate lie! in published fur tbe Information

uf thu genera] public, and tbat Ibo iibcriirinayipwtil UIB finnuyancB of numcrom rcfus-

H pains us le slnlo tliat tbo |wr cuntago ofprollt fa small in tboito cants nhoru we receive

occntB by mail fora copy of tbo Etawra-ppnil,roctod and pout paid with n. tntwont stamp;t <VQ very nfleti aceommotlatc many frieudj

nthnt way, montlj tliono wbo Ulto so many'irujnixirB that they can't ttton\ m snlscriliotheir local Journal, which tliey can BO rnadll;

JUJ Wlltl 1 ttiey " seu" anytliiiiB in It that I'nkT-Iiat probably Ibo h curie*t profit

ocetiri in II10B0 lusUnccs of toturuitig tho IL' cantB eoupbd wlili the Information that

y cannot ba had. At any rsty, Uwc ihouldkeop tbat nmall sum for tho purpoao of navingIt from tha firaip of tliu pusUl ilepartmcnt wowonld be nuKlbomaUziid right hcartllv. Singleeopioi of tlio IQO» Un\ mnilcd to 1

r has V*oa r ii lor tuo iiiBtitu-r j r n t i r tuo iiiBtituUaa, at Sparta, of Proipbct Council, No, US,of tho Ordor of United American Mechanics,

ntemben, anil 11 are pledged temperance men.In 'itltlilion to theuhovo IJHIBI baro the nameoFSilothorB, rcaltlcnla uf tho vlllaRD, as aro lh<ahovo, wbo probably would liaro signed neltlicpiper, flinong wlnuinru 14 frocliolders atidiUbeads of famillcn.

Now in those thrco lUta wo Iiaro 70 licads <irainlllcB, which number mullfpllod by fivorqi-rcHont a population of 305, adding'llioHO ou tlupetition wo Iiavo 70 more, making HO, tbeaVuct on llio 1U0 Dlht-i siguers which Dliuilmniiyht Imvc badas wcllas not, and wo naro uleast 400iuore, making the aggregate papula.tlou ofSuecaiuDnaeiO,—flguita nhb;b trill antoulyli many of tbo inhabitants. Dill wo nilconio down a lit tie. There avo u few nn umlido of tlio IiouBovbo do not red Jo nilliiirltitiralls ol SiiccDsunua proper, Eight pt-rnwiiill told, md thcro aro five on Dlludcr'H nidirhoaroilsu Lsyoodlts lwunda, ono of 11)10111

liven oulildo or two miles ovon.

uclglilwr tuty llUuk tlmt we ur^ lulw-ferlng nltli that wlildi In uuuo or our bfninna,

prompted in Iho eonntu tubiu bymalice, envy, or Ill-will, or that ire dosiro toachieve n little notorloty at his eipciiBC, but

of Ihesfi motivcH. AH a man,a neiKlibor, and Mend, ho haa thoIho community lutlislly enters, and is for public ni>pi'obitll<nit orapplauBO, wo vrlll never i«i '" - - - -it. iraucli comes iuliii'idontally frmu fulVuiv-ing cur convictions wo'ro proilii of it, hut 1

,ithaut It, aud rcsiiuctliij,' the keeping ofapesthole, i t h a nmtlcr tbatevciyunn, weand child In the phec is Interested In. Kalior more properly, alugi-hmutt:*, aro too vMknown al this day, and particularly inBUUU&, TOT the people In 1>D Oocclveflby llio veryInviting names uf HMDOU, restaurant, etc.,whlib aro ejnouoiiioiiH willt proHinily, mlj;niIty, obticiinity, brawleand Einniblin ', and if*matter of aatouIabi.ionttLit two or mure pui

ana cm bo f.nitul iu n coiitmuuity liko thi'liowlll enter Intu'nbnt may fulr.ly bu eouuit

orcd t, conspiracy tofanloi ccLhigilitliynnlKtnco lu the phce. The history cr beerholoi la fittUdlil with hiimau tlognditlon

tint tho yoaroillurcd and (ako Um" first ImtMiiit whichin piupcriiim'Bud rain. And ills oxcoodiugtydonblfulto my mind ifaiuunj; the myriads ofIIICBO petty bells norr in operation, or whichhnvo hitherto eiinted, 01.0 insUneocan be citedin which thu good nceoiu]>U(tboJ irout-J coun-

JiWlnnce Iho ovu rautatlug therefrom.All tlio Inhabitants ut thla pin en ore ant onlyiterated In ihU saloon (inimllon, but nil have

a responjlbllilv In tho matter lo a. dogrnaccurdniiccullli their itivural Blatione suil In-fluence.

If it van ho iihowii that a beer tlic bony vilidd to tlie Iiiijinrtnui'e nud. proxpcrily of out

pi-oily Htllu \llhso, mid havo a tendency lu en-li(,'btun iiud'clt'Tnli tba jmaplo, then It BIIOUIIbavo ihulrdirect BMICIIOU aud support; lu t If

tlio coiitrwy it apiiodt-a Uio.tonly liaiut vnring front it, Ihat It will become as It mni

tbo center of evil hill noiit-ou nit d uurRory of inluorlali ty and vbo, nuno ylniutJ huuitalo to shutItoutunilcriiRli It fur llicir own pomonalcoiiiitaLllil3' in tbo thing, and Ihoii- ul.llgiiii.to tlio coinmtjnHy BO a wuoto, should uxcludo

Ii considerations la personal ncconinioda-tiou, IniUvldDal fricutlnhlp, pononat bafllnostrutifinctinna, and the liko. Wo rcltcroto oruformer uijircfiBt-d ku\>e, tlmt our neighbor Millibamlon his project of kocplug a Dlop-abon, foif lioneiaiutH In his avowed i!etorminatIon tu;o en with It, ho will cortainlv find It tu exceed-ntjly U-onbloiouio nud cxprtuslvo hiiBlncss, and

necj ux]icct no njmpatliy" from tlio public If lie

nog money in it.It ii duo, Al, DeCalap ir.d mytwU to s»y tliut

prior ID Ihc publication or my former cpiutlo outhin alieliBUg ntibjucl) vo lie J uot txebausedslitfilu ivoid with inrorcuco to It, nor hul Iecdved a blot 01-inliumtiou finm any direct I

coming from Mr. JJcCwnp, touching tho iiialLnor ilia Mr. DuOomp ilgn tho rcinonatruiumdmay further Hiy that In tcfio tbo slop milla sot In operation, If auntied tint tho slop

;rfl will givo hla hou:o a widu lortli boo hlinnulf no htthvr thought abnnt it.

l b l i f t hIn Iholiopo tb i f l xbali havo 110 furllicilon tn inciition this metier will dismiss it, butcur that CII'ID IUIIRIC in UIIH tllrcetlon bits nutmou half playeu out yet.

The polalo bug ban made Us an pear alien iuthis, soiition In uuinlicrs lo occaMon much aliiriii,

mlding »c»r U10 Uhel; liverban pickeil a larfio number from fiis plaulx, andSir. '• Jerry" Baler a day nr two ago saw a greatlanynlilch hail been picked from a jj.ml.'iiatch In H!ilppinBl«rt. ,

llov, Artbur Jobnson «r, Littleton, Morris:oniily, [irouphed lu tlio Prc8li)-tcriaii Clinrchu Kutiduy, mid delivered1 two vory nblc, Inlor-• tltif;, prntttcul uonnuiiH. Mr. JOIIIIHOII iis anitiig man liaviuB junt i>a-s«l hii Collu'elalt!nurw, and Rtvcs promise of bctvinftig u Tt<ryliio anil successful nilnintoi- of tlio ROBpcl.

The Rolling Milk Again Leased.Tho Itollinp; Mills In tills place, the prnperly

]f HettO' McFarlnn, Esq., were a^aln leusetl onWoductday last. Tlia hmwt tuts Urao tvtoCol. John. I . lVj-nkooii nnil Mr. J. Ii. O'Ctwor,

Hew Improvements.Sir. Huiuuel dm boa ft p r o p r itk-a

IwuiiiaiT adrantngo iif rtal i-blato iiii

uifiitHand avails liiumcir of every uppo

[hat offL-rs. Uo liaa already flailed 11

madu a lino tqiiare ul tlio lots n t i t

.•ami. butwecn liti-Rtii iiiidiCnBfibirctli.,

tti</r undertakiu;; A nrw (iitiTpriiO on thi'

aidu i>t Ut-rgi-u Htrtet, bet wera Mt-aduii

and Ihc i-unal. j i l t rc l io pim-haMod aowi-

liaco a ha of 4Wi tv.l front nn Bergon k

tl»l 200 |i'i:t dti'ji, fur f •/,()'}(», II wi^ tli

LllOlllwai-diiiipi.al.iln-1: a UK vv i\\\l-Y.h«l;

-,ow in a. nmililbi. t« alluw «f jiiowiiiff.

bi» pr»j)L'v tmiMiii



it tLisidi b:tail idii

3EB bail laid uid han Uftocu

8,000 fmt i>f Upored n-itlimnjliiy.

contrary to the Lii^'tiiliuua (ifdrpth a lurd grsvcllT bult'itn itlia fcoud water wlildi aboiiiidnaro at onco brought into Iho maliuillllUff lotri.

adUmiing on. tbu ikuth, foridich would lo ubuul tho MW.O ,.

;..] UH li;:.i-.aiv:it a

rifltoivu. Of tho f ut 0 pn

imlli.that in

ty of Ihu

il miilud Friday afturu

a busy Bcnaoii Ill Qiir

goodly n

ibo gr«at Interests of the pine;-, 1of the probability of its iucrcasliiK i ,-"""?'thin dircclion, nuno L-BU doubt. An itu hmnothing uf thin kind, mtflgroftHy need mic>i[IIBCC, Hit matter ti certainly worth r.niKi'iclift.


II11. Eoiruu:—Tlioexominalloii nf r.nr I'alil

1. NoUvitliatiunliii

olarit "iVflH In nllcnt'

rioK Itotli days, ami an (.'xauiinalion<:

Lhoitptiwrs uttowtd vury uitisfuclary ftaiilltItov. H. K, Boollltlo and llev.-D. W. l'at ivi-rproBcnt ou 1-Viiliiy itutt BBKlHtcd In ihc «-or!:f.

lllswri Mary Martin, AuunColcms:and Jciiuii! Sovciu'igu wero Ihu ItalicHL in tlicir

radon, tliuir gem.'i-«l nvL>rtgu bi'itip. nearly 1C0.Our nilurpriBbig lantiloitl, Mr."Ktevo" Du

[uid, haa concitulutl that n bachelor can't kachotel, nnd nucortiinylj- linn tul^n tint a liin

i;lf ft wifj. Tim iiiarriasa censmnny WBK peiaruicdby ltuv. I). \V. Foiliial Tuesday ninriiin

ahout fiiiui'lGC, ot tbo j-enidcna< of tho brideIn, ami Iliu bappy pair were fuon ofti

Tlm hrido'H iiiiinu van l'bttba Miller. Tho 11eppiiun oc cur ltd 011 Halnrdoy at Ihc hotel n;i\rftB ijullon grand nfTair.• Tito Anulvtmarj tif Uml l . F..Boi«\ay BuUotif tltU plnoo irlll lo coMtrated hi tlm Cliuix'>n Sunday, Jmio Gib. Several eminent fpi>ah<imil Hutidny Soli col irorltorx will bo prowi'iit nn

i Hi'hnotH, nud n lilossrjll ilino i

Tlio ri-cnhytt'1-inn Snitday ficlioolwill Im in itltGndntiCL', flti>I a Cu:iml wilt bu

\vn in thn CVOIIID;. I.

ib:j!i:;biti.-Itil, n-iiiciiU

•tiiit Iliui;

iposul to I

Another Spelling Match.A third upcllin^ match, tin dor thu auspli

i.rllioY,3[,C!.A,,\vaahcld in tho old M.E,Otmrcli on Tncudny evening. Mr. O. Onrra-

unit pr^itlcd. Uotirtiy [>nperlutt<i)uciit Tlittr-nr octal nBpcd.igogiiu, end HciiqniJJ. D. Gouldnd <\. 0. Smith iraro Captains of tlio res poet-

ii-oiiitlca. Aflfrt (tallont ttnigRto with "sur-cingle," W. J. 11. Hfgctunn won tbo primer for

lined her scot wltli •'gaiety," 0.1 ' , GigoHated "lyrical," ana "uiacmlo" tauscd A, C.Iniilb tn drop. Cltiorgo Ji'elson nm trotthlod

.aii"abflce«a"niulrclircd, 'Turalltlo^rain'too many fur fccm-go \Y. lluyiuoud. Ar-•Condlct dropped on "nlckt-1," Misa Flur-

libnott irns scaled by "parallax." Fred. Lcportmile n sad IUILM fur nn UpiAUtipnllan on "lit:

his C'utlfir. ]I. Ilitlsq- wax nnon nftut- iioah><l

i » very funny uiuuKir. \V. Me,;lo fft-nt dowait ••rublinia." Mirnt Iliididoy won confused byib-donluni-L'ur," and Minn Ahhiii Conilici

lic'ut'litlojsly utldod an "ti" to "anlhcni." 8,I, Gotild miHBcd "miiiieol-rurzol," lonvliit; W... Voiight tit Mr. Smltb'ti eiilo tho jvliiiior.Tlie prizes IVCTO tbcu prenculod-tlui

the, a copy uf "Livingstone's Lnst Jotirnnls,o llr. Yotight; tlio neconil, ahoxorfliieTroDcliinto paper and onvelojten, to Mr. Gould, and Hiiriuier to Sir. Hegoiuau.

o long,

A Fine Concert,Tiuf. Leo. Kollur of Monfalotni h »ituplotcd cvi-tLUgciucitU to RUO A gvau

and liinlrumcntiilconcert In Dover bcfoiwith tlio lent mualciil talont of tho.pb

j from nbraad, wblcli promifoa to lo r,meat BuecoBfiful affair; The i-holcopt «olut[Ion

in been nntlo of Boiminos, tcnoiii tind baii-istcB, ninl nlrn, iliwt*, trios nml (rnartottea wtl

y llio Dover Harmonic Club. Among theonlstH will he Prof. Kollor'n little ilnuitliltTiren veorn of nco, and llfwo Wary Sato of this

l>Inco. Tho rrcffanur biinsolf will also phy r

lilt COIICCft plot'O, TllO. flUll VO1CCB OHcBflM. Fred, narvcy a u d F . J . Cirifilfu will hiheard npon this occanlon. '

1 vocalist* nro jiickcd from' Mr. KuftVr'ihcKt pupils, anil all bavo flue, velMraiuct

aloca, AU lovurei «f music BUP\IW Mailil-iemJIVCB of this rare opportunity to hear goodmale, well rendered, nnd thus givo tholr aid:td encouragcnient to' tlio rrofcnnor. who hanon the cBk'Dtn of nil who know hira, bot'lt aa anicher acd an a gentleman.

Tho Concert vras originally intoiulocl fu

fa cuddy evening ntxt, but had to be poatpouot:cnimo of the Mlncea of one of hln beat soprancnfjers. Tho dale of llio eulErlohmbnt, irlikli111 bo given In Mollcr's Opera, Ifoiiao, will noon

nfl'otlivlllo, Pa., ID intention it in, ivo un-dcriitatitl, toformacompanyfurtbo trnnBactlnrnfRcneral rolling mill biminuig under tbo gen-m l [uffofthUHtate. The contract algncd bylliurn anil Jir, MuFurlan given them a leant' of

tilla Mr ono year vrlth the privllojju ofbuying the properly. Tho work of nutting Ihonull in order for rnitntng will bo commoncL-d im>

l l l d f thiHill ha aunt to tha plac

T U l i U D that

n Hut

giDiilaluly, mid fur thia jiurpusu a gang

h day neit., no IIOJI

Imtead of h(ing confjiellej to cbronlcln uliluro, ivo ahull bo able to announce tooiU mill ia ID BinweuBful opomlton. It van add in

uolittli) degree to (ha material prosperity otv to«n, and itam people flml Hint il ia run(-nod fntth/liy n eonipelitnt company, an wo

re no roimon to doubt It ivill bo, wo truHf(hey Trill giw tho aon comers such enenrat'o-.mentaa will iuduco thi'in lo fully nnlciitirvtbair Interest wltlt tkoso of the tonn.

A Railroad Suitllier rnilway rano [g to cpmo bofut, imdt.r the following cWumalauoca : A

;eti Human mailing a disit at tbo (own of Madl-',o\ In Vbla county, ]mrcb.aBetl a. tleltet tin10 olhor day for Xoiy York. On bm way boissoil, of conras, tio elly or Nowark, whoro hoippcncd Io haviJ Bome bunlucsa to look aficr,

stopped Ilioro, and on including bii* Imefnessgot into tlio uoxt tmiu of tho company to pro-coed loliUjonrney'aoiid. ^Vheiitboconductoriflltctiror Mid m-citcd tlio ticLot purchaeod by

i paaflcngoi at MatUsoii In tbo morning, ho•tared Ibat it did not cntitlo its holder tovel to New 1'orl; hy any other Ihnn tlio trainwhich lie had pectotmed tho a m part at this

Journey. Tliu passenger romonBtralctl that Inthe first pkcu be know nolhing uf tho company'sukfl slid In Ibe nest place, Dial AH lliu companylad conlrocti'il to carry htm fixiin JIailison toJew York, and bn.l recdred lila money In ad-•rmco for perfornib.;,- that ncrvice, it wo* prc-

pnattirnti T ot- watte, to exact a BOCDUEI paymentfor tbo tamo Kurvico, Thu conductor insisted

n ciillpiiUnR ibo swtmil Tare, anil finally, whenc found it could not Iia collected, ciopped lha•iiiit awl pnt hk iiaRHOitfer oir.'nml ho liuamnglil suit ngttiunt the can'puny, in.Ting 1I!BamacuB at $3,000.

<" Tlio Dover Musical Union."Wo lean tliftt Ibo organization of a Mumcal

Socle-.«lift! ucon pctltclcd In Dover, uniler-titotitlo or "Tho Dover Musical Uiilnn," Ui mtiu-bornhlp comprising tho bent mm-lcal talentofDover, iitcludlnc; also ropi-oaentntivcB of thobust talent or Jlockawayarid Mt. Hope—miikrtho. IcadorHhip of Prof. Kottcr of Morrtauwn,ibo in AVOII nud fuvornbly known In ihiii-.coni-

muaity. Tbu "Union"lian its incopUouiiiirtervery flaUurlnp umiplccs ana it Is tbodchiro of

:umpoalng tbo organization to placo it on(nntlalaud LicrniAiiunt UHBIF., and by Hiico U cultivate ami onconragu tho Ustt!'ncmbcro in tlio Hcitnco nnil ijrluy thontbo roflning influcuca ot the higher orJcsic. Its members Rro thrma who an

already proficient In inuilc, TIIE AtMiiEiya J;O-KX k flctiooL op iNHTnvcTirix POIISI'-V cunix-,b t touAtivnte anit

itiilitics of lliOKo nlreiuly anqnnlntL'd ullhtho nrt. 'Iho oulccng of tho Society

lTcBldaiil-Ar&Tnat.VicoI'reaidcnt-UlinB. V,

Pretty Good."Tummy" Dsttt sat nt ltl« lallio id tho

tucblLo shops tho oilier thy, va tthing his workud atlamlinc to it ai occasion rt>quircil, nlii.no WQIJ nccast«d Ivy v» oUeily man, wlio pri>-ecdedto rcgalo him irltli IOIIID very Itnsthytoriei npoti'varieui topioH. "Tommy" cn-

durud tho ordeal patlontly for an hour or two,b l f t naturally or a.miKlunt and retiring ills-position, until 0110 of his Mluir worltnuin, noted

irhliwittuil audacilv, tp[ireachBd blaiwlllBurravtfi]! fata (Tor ho waa a frlaml Ii

"Toinniy,"andpietnrcaof men whohsdliccntalked lo death arose bcturo him) and citcnil-inn hit hanit, laid In lugulirloiiH ton01: "aootlbjo, Tominj", old boyl I im gorry tot you, butI sco 11 can't ba helpod. Good byo." Tinluijnndoni friend notoit tho ]«int, hut na

hiiily undlatnvbcd, and remirked nllh tb<«t Boromty. "Jim,| HDI JuiUol Hatomcrcr, I'll flnlsh ray dory flrat," lliiiino much r o r \\,0 ^nwlty of the wholei.ind »ftcr a roir nr hunhtcr. tho Inter-ior was allowed to proceed with his story,

of its

TK.« t t r - - \ . M.TSat.Cxceutlvo Ootuiiiittca-lJ. J. Clrlullh, 1

Allen, Qcorgo ilttJmokcn.

Upton's New Moral Sensation,',-tl and versatile exhibition, will nppear

MOUOV'BO^wra Howsa oa WortaesiViy.uvcn'mrjsxt. Tho Union lire-then, Genrga ami Iill appear In oQOOttlieirdrawinn.rooiiiBoiirfonnlng tliu most aaloundinp; fenta of motl-•n magic anil IlintlooBportH, and Prnr. Leonard

vcutriloiuiHl nnillmnioriBt, -will aniimo nil ivillihia. wopdcrlul Bpeclallfos. After n long ain:

tcrrHliug i)ru;nuinu>, tho onlcrtninment uillinclude with a -Rcnoiiio* Londuii l'cuch sml

JudyBhow. Tickets, M ami 60 els. Ilrscm-da for *alo at JlQfriHOii'B IJOOU slon-.

lllmuiuatism, Neuralgia, Lumlngo, Sii.itlea,Ncn'oni and Kidney IJiaensen poai lively r.nar-Biitecdcnrnll*yPr,ntltr'«JlbfUiiia(icltL-nii.'dyMia Win. Roiinrt Killsor«,BuIoagciit for llnvtr.

Fruit flavoring—extract lemitrawherry-Dt Hnpcrior Blrciiglh, at(IriiR Btfire, H Dover, N.J-

nilla n

rtn-1, i'.-1-.i..iii;: quite mi csritemt

Police Nen-3,

o ilambal Imnujbl liiiB ili;i( liiic.uif to her

tciiljjiit IH;I(,IV, ^alh-il l

fruity ilriitii;M M . Hmlmi

» lli(!i-oi'.dcurKinK vic

uiphiiit, v,lioivu\vinidHrJir.rtip.iifn-'r

t hi

mlilii't liiili.-n to.",wi.>'»tlu tlm l

pa--nll/o ho

ice, fiu-bfius ilrtiul; autl disorderly, In llio

cvenint'lie v.-anii?!iiii bruug'jt 1'iJforc llio Jui-

lice, lined f, autl COBIS lor lirenLing ilio town

ty jail in tbliiuimr bail to apjitfirol a huatln?of MM (Jirn aB!;l[i^, w lie re ha wan tula-it Ihc next

•ortiiiifj.lliri brolbcr, Juliu JlaiiUuii, cUu been mo

him ho Khuukl cmuml him for Mutimipt, atWu'ch Jolni.ioidi-lcdas fait us his l«g* could

ry lffln. II in Haidtlifiio hvo fcllowu .wore

nimeiilal In procuring tlio rceuiit ludict-

it ofMni.fi:".l'iii for tocpiug 1 tllaordcrly •

llOlleO. ' ' ,Tlio Hiindiijl o:i Vi'L-dueniliy nii-csttid (lcorgu

Tuttlw—iutuid iir^-in;; ubout toivn—on suspicion,lies! illuming tlio Just ico discharged him,a. cjtilioti (o Ic.-n'o tuwti..want Kcll.v, 1 duly 1OBUIII0 you 113 man,110yer.ru (irigo, wan brnugbl in by Ihoilinl, fur T.i i;r an cy. lio said lie hailed from

birt lio woi-t.-. Tito Justice nr.k-red lihun«1 oTi<r niyht, iiik-txilnff to n»ud U u

dawn licit ihy. llut fliidin^ Ittui a foolUU 'follow *l!m noit muriiitiff ho concluded to ttm-

wilh charity. Ho ho euttipelleJ him[0 tnlio it KOO'1 bitli, Btippliud itJni ivilli a clean(ltlrt, ami tin rial him on tho ton" patli tn N'oir-rl;.

AJorn'3 County'Courls,Tlio two or Mibitablo flulwy -vs. Win. J,

la ("ill a) 1 wits continual last week until Ratnr-iluy and Iho Court then udjoumed until jcslcr-

iniing^ tvlf'Q tho CA&Q ITQH ii^^lu tiUcu

.truck jury uauo of Iho Iron Uink vs. H.It, Condlct wna kid over uttlil Jlotuby morning

:iiitiviil probably bo put off for tboterm. -

iu l\ie CDWHIUI] l'lciiH, la tlio CBBO ol Ucr-nard O'ConncIl, nii«ollirat, and Mc-nry H. Sovc-

tgn, uiipuHco, tlio Jndgciuout ItdtiwwaB ro>ij-imd, autlaitcwjodguietit In favor of tliaap-illit", who was tho plaintiff below, foi-fS3.«, '


Don't Fool YourselfHiig lust jcaj-H1 style of lint* for

in tixU section. Milkiiulo for Sumnirr wliinds of geiils1 fnr

i h iyami in

, tho way from

lio moht ccniplttu aaijort-clegftiit tlylDB to bo !bmiu

ulraiv audfLlt liufsof nilar, and a new st<x-kofnLI 'iEhing conds-unrivjillnd

tiha*always tlmpr u:i(lcrftri!d.

'Into Ilollohuio Bpriniilud on po-itl cucmu'jor vluefl, currant, buahce, Ac..

irill IimUntly kill Hie bugs. YonrjhUlio dnic-.stliss It. " i f


IViday t!io fitvt L«o;il train of Wi eevtt yaosotl:cr tbo Ea.iion A Amiioj ItitilrniK], leaving

PliIllIliBourgat6:50A.5I.,ro!loivca t)y a pas-train cotitaliifnc ofikcre of tho conpany.

Tho road u esptclcil fa he In AtII operation l>ythe first nr July, nud will divert a largo nraouutorc;al freight from the N . J . Central, tho Bel-fitlere, nud Morris CausI, but tlieao nvcnuoHvill erinHimo to bo uaed for Iho eupply orwints (t'.ong llieir Unco. Tlie Unco roaflgil)ovo jiniuud rcct'ived tact year from tlio Le.itgli Vallev l-irail 1,830,513 tons, idiich will ,now ~:;o dvor their nctv ntonBion.. Tlio paBBunjyjrradc, inBteailoriiernff.iriinflrcrrrd to tho Con-

1ml ruad nt litstmi, will gn directly ovor tliinjilcnaioiianil mvltuli on to the renusylrauiatond ot aicttuhou; Tor S«w Ytirt. Tlio Leliigii"alley Company b'naospcmhtl f3,OOO,00O 011 Ibii •ilcneioajMid f2,O0Dt0a0 will !;o n-ipiircd IofjuiplhuworU.

Tho nttu Uuiuii-ctti lilcihday of tUt1 VMiciabteHciirt- Botliin, fptatliaily luoini as "PiitlicrRochin,"of thoNcivatli Conffroiitc, will uccur

Tliur.itlay, Jtma 81b, nud tvlll tic a ti occasionpfgrLMl mlorcst to tho memijerit of Ibirt Con-

linn tbo JJctbailiat Chur.-h I,ril will U cdobi-nlcd vrilh


n tlioby tho

ily M. K. Cluirdi,

Eoi'liin uoiv vesidos. I

nrvvai-1l.->Jl to tlio Btiatx

mitmnt rlrrgyincii of


Bmhopa, ami all iiJf. I!. Cliiirlrh.

Xlio Toil Murray con-ctpsadunl: gf ItioApsllant wool; isnya: Tho IVqutat Funlaco Coin-antf liaTo itMseil the miuo on tho farai ufilr..niosllolty mid commemied opcratlotia. Mr.SliaricaS.Wbilp, ofUsctaltiitowii, la Bbkiuguliaft nn Iho Ej-bert farm. Tlio olil Muooo-ctrtiiB Mrnfng Co. linn been rcorganiecd, aud

will KOnnrcueivwurlE nu thn Sliiiffur firm. The1'c.V'ioat Co. Iiavo also leaned tlinprtmiscnor J-

slnor, au(i':s\iot't to camiu«ue^.\7cirk nasi. • .

or tbreo tlu.n*itnl California Malmon havoput into thn T:iulinH Kill ntdHF.'rentiiumij

between Columbia ami HarUshoro, Wan-onCounty, bjL.WulLiMbul'iah warilcn.a diatam.>L<if tiilrtocn inilos. Theiio iiah A'CI-U broasjliLram TroBidale in that coimty, and Mr. MVllur

lliiaga that sot HVL-I1 twnly-flve died in tliU ro-l

All tho


papL'1-n in .ihiM vititiHy i n h-Jiliat "tbo umliVi-Un man ami Wn ivlfo"lull at Kuntoii. Tills U prctlv rausli toJtuaitiHof ml Uiu uniliiTlta men iitul ic«i HICBO lira iToaliucK, va' think. Wo woiiderwhoto Djvcr'a ' n i ib ro rn man csid liinwif*?"

A bi-nlieiiiiui on ihol) . L..I W.-ll. 1!., by ll

imo of KlmnbtTcur W.-.s !a,;tinljy hilled, Tnuit b j OVi'liinpr, nflaul m!L.t, nt riiilli'pil.urj;. Jl

•11 upon tha Intli liavmu lout Imtit] the wltulu train rait OVIT lam. 1enru ul r.u- anil bjiv a KC'il n>;ut;i.ti


Tlic tl il.'bi

,. full nr July, and I.-Ml fu!cl.,-j|- tin; ••l'-onilli1"on


nlk'i,'i»liniL'iii-.iiicul uf Ihu IlnckctMtm-n

sjtiiulo tiitt-E \A?xa on Juno 23(lt.

S ltuaii uov,- can-ica, eiu-Ii iljy, upon

S S U r i l l l


Page 4: DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in

M I E IKON ERA.HKXJ. 11. V(I.J1\ Ktlllui- itiiO I'ruii'r

Saturday, i, IST5.

1'rtisiiimit Grunt Inia written u lutiorID lion. Henry White, rrc-idfltit of the

ig bin upo tlio "'Him!p g p

Term" question. HD befcpuu by sayinglie be!if vid it Luieulh the difitiHy of biiofhYu to aiiHwir tlm cries of tho pru-. illlugtird to tlio wutltr, und anja lia Joe-nut lvniit a tbini term any more than bedi.l tlio fiwt At tlio c lcu uf the letterhe Buya.

To rwcupituInU', Imu not, nor have Ieverbt'eu, n cftuduiato fur a I uuoiuiua-tiou. I woulil nut accept a roaomiua-tion if U wore ten Jor.d unltiuij it shouldcomo under Mich circuui-t-iice- os toiiinko it IIU iiupviiiLirc dutj, circuinstan-ces not likoly to arise.

Xi>VH In a .Nut Shell.Darius Wills Uiud ut rutcraon, Thurs-

day uight, ut thu ago uf serenty five.IIo was a native uf AinHterdniu, N. Y.,mid wan Post Master at l'nterson from1H02 to 1«75, Uo was u printer, nnd in1827 invented wood typo lor job prin-ting. He was H ]iroininciit member ufthe Masonic order.

Tlio business part uf Great Vend wanburued Friday night. The Masouicliull, post oflbe, printing office, a wagonl p , two dwelling houses, two banks,

t h b d Tl l i


ALL \miuur arc liort-1>y caution*-J ami i»>ti-11 t j .(,'aini.t tirguliatiiiK for a Ltrtaia

(jroiiiiBinr*1 nuto ilitoJ Jura1 'id, 1B7J, imjalileilino mou'tlis ufttr lialu to tin; urdir cr ilalilauII lli'i'cr fur furtj-livt'dollar* at tho Xntloual

u Haul, Ihirer, N. J., signi- li/ C. A.

nil liau ktujifial namn-it of tluC. A. WlS'X'KllSIfi'li.

J 7S U55


fur IlioBid riJlu. C.Daittl Jutiw 3J, 1H7S.

* Dover Savings Institution."DI>VJ.U,K. J., June h i . 1H73.LIALILITIE.S.

iaucu vt JijioiiilB uu hand Muv l i t ,

4 T I'lllVMTj: SAl.i:, o a 1 M-i-ni.l t.-jj.V. l'JASU iilu l-arfiuin. A »;.««. COOldX

1DVE, 2TAHUX. a UliJJSTiiAlJri i o^iii'iHi

i iiiTi-Tii (it. jiuii'r, N. J .A. Jl'lJWiN CO!:.

Am-tii.HUT mul tl.'slu in M-CIIIUI limi.. u«od


uil 7l n ,

'Kv Pal

IIM, are ail l faul

I cxrL!lL-t>t f:trmlt 01 bk'inihli. AliII cO:il]i|Lt^. tiltl li1». (,. IIIJHTUN,

frum l l .y lit,

Ain't IJMJ iloin>»il<III* Ut, lHT-t,]»t, 1»7S,

__74, totlfl.OlU

r i fromJ


176, SHI

il liouilu and Murl-

dlmp, two dwelling houses, two banks,ton btoros, where burued. Tlio loss isuuunt SlOO.000; iiitmniuw about €00,-000. The iiro wns the work of HU iuccn-diary.

The b i s dock and bdl wliie_ will striketlio dinnor hour from tlio belfry of In-ilpiicmltiictf Hnll, Ju l j i. 1870, cost82[>,-UW. It wns nnitent to tlio city of 1'liil-iidelphm by the tieybert family.

Btopbou Grunt having MIUHI the Furt-IUDU 1'rcss for $10,000 for calling liiIko bifiguKt linr in Mnin,o tho jury,Sadtrd.ij-, giivo their verdict fur thedefendant.

Loau on Qovorumont lkin Jalit.: V. H, CM n f - 1 !£0,<X>Q 1)0

Cash on tiami 14,700 HU(7

ut number of a IT ore of Nuw Jurawy,

Ik-nr. tinker, M. II. Die I. WHOMCrillutKlLii uid JftuieH li. Lewis, T,llorur Snitigl liislUutioii. am) Warren HCL-UITriftnurur lliercuf, M I I K HUVLTUIIV ntvurn, Jutuacli iiL']>nauati[) lay tint tlio abuvu ulutuuiuiitIruo tu tliu bust uf tils Lnuwludgu and Liluf.


WJ.IIi:> x S tum, TrcmiiiKuluuibnl ••,<! BWDIU Intuit me tlili Ton

President Jewett hui f fl'i

iippuiutodE i I t i l.roftliouiluiniof tbo Eri« Hall-

way Conipaiiy, owing to )tB default tuits cruditors.

A mill ton1 Company from CharlcntouSouth Cnroliim, will lurticipate in tbiUuukor Iiill celebration nt Boston onthe 17th of June.

Tho champion baau hall club of Bus-ton will apparently ily tho whip pen-nant unotlier ficonon. They got awaywith every thing they cuuouuter.

A Are in Sr.riugi.ield, Masa., on Him-tiny destroyed property valued at uboutS5W.,0<10,

General "1'hill" Khuriduu wus uiur-riod on Tlmrailay to Miss Ir«no Buekcrof Chiengo,

A lnrgu number of 1'cnnnyhnnia eou]lninera oil Thumduy wer« forced to quitwork by .strikers who refuuo to acceptIho 1875 b a i k At Mahnncy City tli«KIIOHITH posso wn« flrcd on, a fight ensued, ami one man was killed.aud Hcvunwere wounded.

For- the Ladies.Tlie time liivlD|[ laug iluce v»'t, f»r • Tory Urji

lutlui uf nttvultlc*. fur tliu wardraliu, IIVH »tiJ tlionwo uovr aLtl tUiLU coma upon ntvr Ihlujfa of iuicrriIt our rcadurif. In nun* faiirlt* uvtrilr^iflf:we nml a vai-luty nf Altfuriuo clutb, lu i>ltlti CLTU,uliiliei auil iilililvd, tweiilj-twu liicliei wltlo, ivlllnuat twuiity-Avu ceuU a yard. Wlieli It it reinembor-t J tlilu la a nw nlllt mitrrUl.iail watlitu lliu blMth*ed munlln, Us avdlabllilr fur Bumnif r wc»r will attiu.R bo anmrfiit. Tbcco arc *Uu io be found *n.tirnlynvwand very I'legint imlomlic*, UblUn audmlruM*. and ollior furmi of lliu ore nice in, lu ecruIiatinto lace wurk, wrougbt witb illk mud Hum flow,lu rli:h litterUK (if botli ecru and briulit color*: lie-piilf K every LMia-BlralilH ' variety uf grrnulltie, cull*win1 aud ruibroIJtrtJ ovctJrciioi, both uumailoBIKI maJe »t>,' with unuy riro liuporti'J courvctlmiDIn wnpn of all f»»lilonilli! ttylci.

BoDeutly our alleiitlou Iiu becncilleil loalirjie

tlfnl ami dolicito uulura. iiartlciilarly mlUblo fur»p« lu the coiiiilry, aud • • tlicic* In at iiruint afutciir for i>UliU'd fabrics, tbi>se (jiuda are tleitlnrdtube very l>i>]>ular.

BtcowiOB WTJ popular a n f i lrki ut tbe tmia•Ilk, or illk made by tbe wild nr oak-leaf callus• Ilk-worm. Homo of ibcic gomla • » ofviUlu andtome ur I'laUlol uruuuJ, aud uomo of tbo ttituro otbtAtt-clolb. TUcf arc eici-tdlogly rlcli and eerv.UnWa fur uviTilrciBc* jurticulirlj. Ot,e liuunImport. thoC.obi'mlre Subllmo do Novl •Ilk, ..no otbt rlRbmt aud iiioit dcilralilo brauili of nil)

Tha Clinton National lUnk TI. Nalhio DavlNow Jvner Uupnuio Court, Jlurrii CountKi. ft. do Lou. r t U T . In cwo. ItulurunblinJiinDTorin, 1H74.

OSCAH JEKFltliV, Atlunmy;Tliit tslu >tauili RiljnuviifMl to'MONDAY

JUNK L'titli, A. U. 1H75, Letwecn the Lourn of 11it. and a o'tluck I>. U and wilt Uko place ontho itrt-raiiei At Port Slorrii, Hie nropurty to heitiM in loli from *. nisi)with tha lotn numberedthoiooQ. i l ip to bo loua »t tlio n»le.


CARPETS.I mi now odorlng at very low price* a lnr(ii complete ilock of Carputf, Uil Cloths, Mi

tings, oU-., or t h o l i t t a t n t r l n .INQltAlNS fnim 45 cli. tu 11.00 per. j dTllltKE W.YU " H.30 to |1.50 m-r. «1.TAPEUTltV •' 1.00 to 1.95 per. jABODY 1IKUB8ISL8" 1.G5 to 'J.00 pur Id

.VKTtianilAXMIN'HTEItS rnuallrfoir,..jurdioi, tMdgt; and I1 lib lie Iiuiltill

furuUliiul nt whuleHalc prk-tH.»r Onltrn by mail promptly ttttmiieii It

STEPIIEN A. SI»J-3NCK1.,B9U BIXTH AVE., near 2«U Ht., N. V,

L»to of Columbian lUl!,li8t UrandBt. M-8w

• p a . . . . AMIKItSUV,

A T T O I t N 10 Y

Counsellor at Law,J)OVJ:II, N. J.


lu tbu tinililltJtj uu

BLAOKWELIi STREET,itely u<.>ci!]>iu<] by 1L 11. Wallum, I ahull Lo

ptfiscd In sen ell my old frieudd at my noI

it lut iulry.Adci-ldcil tiovcllf f»r

blirk aud white. ciuliOHiod aud atrliiett rclvcl. Tbeeffect of tlilu, wlitu made up in toaibiuilluu wlllililatk ailk. and (\Ululled witb frJnuo, a Mack allksauli ami boir», I, i> utyilub at tlifl HiDit fanl[dl(iliafaaliloaUt could lie el re. Tbla KIHWII, . with i l a

plaliUd LHUIBIHO sllki aud ijrvnadliiPH. U illnmtlna

imjuiUrU)-. "At Wliau city linuara are to l>o foiiud rare viris-

till tit Uuilcalnc. Uamart and Cliatuliery «1U«>,t'laldoil or rrosi-liirrcd grmadlun. and otbor -IlkmuiUua. Thli lifStiE llir ifnon wbcu cuualdcra*tluua or couifurt mu into tlie flection of tlic liglit-oat and coolcit thlu(j» «> be found, tbgroil driiiand for tlic f.brk-i iiatlcml.

Domestic Infelicity,It waa tiouu or ono day tbla luuntb, tLit Caiili

Petraon or bnat Xa. H'U. Uorrla Canal, returnfrom a rlilt to W*ihlngtou, tn flud bla wlfu bardwurk over * wmh tub. Now tlie ofUIn b.il m> iJi-L-lion to Wo wife wmlilng or iolag may ullur bardwotlt unly iht muit not neglrct tila infill. At tbl*jurtlcuUr time ibo appeari to bav* been »o auil io rubbing tbs cluttiei that nUt fur got nil iboulIhc lirwn.ilsjr reput, until her I1*B« l ^ J lt«pp«d

on tbo dock with ill tb* air* of an old "It. Tlitiaha turned and looked i t him, wlill* lie, Killztbefacttbitdlnarrwai not reuly, e'»«'l itbeireturn. Ha advanced to the wa.U tub, wblcU•Hied and threw cTcrboard. llut not jet waiwntb iiiiwitLd fur lie next lunixl IiU iltuutluuHIE vtHlinl and uuwtibcd dotlif• lyitm about tLi<leuk. Tbcit*. «lno, be Uid vlultml luli.U oilrou.ljnod to tlio njlntf water*. Now II wailiiHly «!»«'• turu to «ct ina.1, »ud tUt loiurbady winMM. 1'eiMOii. A* the iruiful of clotbii dlupptir-iil over tbe aide of tbe boal, ihe tbrow bsrifUtbe cajitahi'it cmtince and ]>awed i»aatlr foieym aud balr. Tlio alriluuia waa fturca aud diritd but (itrcnytb it lilt euded tlio tonlllrt lu Iotttie gallant ci^tiln.wbulluiiUrdiiptbafitybj1"B tlie •'otiun arrini hli knee «nd tpinklllgber 1ly with IiU BO<id Tlglit bind. A war of word* nr» m-•utJ, lmt In tbe cnnfllcl Ibo fiptiin w«i. mr<

•U(cutiib. IIU wlfo contlfiuod to Jaw to lon{til* tone"0 re fill rd to rt'ldy, that he concluded t'li*ivc tlieio path andjourney lu tlie dlrrctluu of fhifrUlag auu. Bo loa.tlug upon tbe birlt of LU borna satchel, ntew paui, tow Unfi. itretchen and othriililnjji too numeruui to mention, be itirlcThin wa« xbortiy arter I lie hour of noon md not Linginorewn» .fen or liemrd of tha c>t>lmln uulll Ioafter midnight. It w n tlien lira. Fearion waromtd from ber iliunberi bj the beiTj treidtho CIJItain upon tho deck of tbe boat. I*lks aso-and true wotniu slio buited to meet him, and, oh,Wh»t a uicetinR I Tuar* flowed ai the witrn, whll<tbe old pledge of a tinar-dylne lots waeoft rtpeated,

hinwlfe are nowislupiiy u two beet In aauuflowEr, and hope cter to remain io nnltu iliiJUrtHforJinB Iba lemon of the i>ut, iliauld Dtiglihl« dinner, tn thit cue, the doaieiUe Wlcltjttin l'tirion fitullj mlnht be again dliturtied.

Tlia forcsoluit it from lbu.Wulili.glua iiUr. TPeinon alluilnl ta U Cipliln of tha ••llurrli-iDeck," and Wluteri with bin 1MMt iu tbl* place.

y yquartcra, WLITO witb Ineremcd roum mid farIIlllei 1 am uetlur ablu to meet tboir wanti.

OYSTERSll Ht.vli.-ii, aud by tho ijuuit ur .omit.

TAItTIES, B A L I S , etc. mipplieJ.

ME.VW at all bourn, buWILTS for jwrlliis tttluni'st ralKN. Tbo bf»t briiudd uf

OIGAlt» alwnynoii banJ.

E 8 P K C I A L N O T I C E .

im now L'DKORcd In trrctiug au addition t<my builtllnc, and will opi'ii, about May 1st, a uev

BILLIARD ROOM,with two lino tablii,

OEO. A. JILAXCHAKlt.Apri 9ili, 1B75. 17-tf

RHEUMATISM.r yoa liavo IluoumiUsm, Goat, nr Lumbae

Co to It. .V C. KillKorti'a drrtg sloro and fta B&mpie bottle of Dr. Burlon'a Itbonmaikrcmctlv, free of cbargo, ur tharcijUlaraiiaittt. 1(1, taken Internally and ii certain to RUCpermanent relitf wbllu all fttcrnal application!fnra but temporary. Our object In Rlnngaway•anipio bottltJH f* to pWo you an opportunity toteat it tree of charge that you may lie convincedIt will da all luaf in claimed for it. Try it.IVcparcd by Robert KillRore, DOTCF, N. J .

•SEVERE COLDOlt Cough can bo cared in a few Java by

taking Dr. llnrton'* Vegetable CoaguByrup. It is pnrcly VoffoUbloand iionoof thebent icmediei knowa for COURLI, Coldn, Ilrou-cliitis and all affections of tuo Throat or Lnngithai may lc&*\ to ConiumpUoo. Btinc of a Toryhc-iUnff natnro, It cannot fail to be of Rroatb f i i ll l tb I 1 WhciUnff n n r o , It c a o t fail to bbenefit in all caao* irlioro tbe I.UDCchia] label «ro afTw* ed from any cause. Hampie uoltlcN aru to bo had F l t E E O F CHAltUEat Holwrt Kiilgorc'fl drag store, Dover, N. J .



U conceded by all»lio Lara worn tbcm to boUio bolt, clcuneit and oailnst trnea to wear thatIn undo. Tint they u e now beln? used fn tbobest English HoiplUU in prefcronco to tnjother Truss tnado la auQleloiil r •ndatlofor them to iuduco any one who It obliged towear a trail to get ono. A full stock ol tbepcnulno "lUcga*1 Hard Bobber Tr-iies of allKizcB, both SIDRIB end doable, ara kopt'jf

EO13EBT EOLiaoriE,July Utli, 187^ Batuax Bt, Dover, H. J.




059 BR0A1) STREET.



prlcua. UUacliud anil llru. Mualllia; Uarnslo;

KapaliK, TuwuU aud Tuwuliiiga ; WhKu uudColonil Counturpanc. ; Lluoii Uiaporp, Ac, atunr uaual kir prlcua.




Alpacas, Mohairs and BrmiantineeOREV mid PLAID MIXTUKEa.

ANo, biit 1'aciUu 1'orcalL'S and Cambrlci. 1




and all liiuh urUHOCElUE.S \m\c intivcil li



• Tl'»«il» Hii'1'U.illnTOI.ITAN HoriX.



WE CAS convince you thai )nii can naincm.-y tl.ii Kgirliii: ami Higitnur liv Inur ijuold and Kli.ica at ULO. W. D'rul:ijuot und Sluic Ki.ir.., Our nuw Itutk

I and wa« i.uvtT more cuiiii'luto in u u.t than ut iitLKuuL Uvrr^ di-HluiMc bl;

llulluii, La'tu aud COUICIVKH (iMvti and Kliuciwtati.ly mi haml. li. U. UUltTH HHOES cai

- lil.l only ut O. W. UltAKK'K d i t a l . Iliioand tilmu store. CUSTOM WOKK and Juljbini

•l.ll}' iitti'iidL'il tu. Oui! dour nr,iu MtilronV LWa CIotliuiK Hh.re.

H. P. SANDERSON£aiu fur tlio Fall and Wu.tihrgcly ItiL-rcaicd tluck of

WAGON AVOOJ) 1VOHKLIGHT AND HEAVY.uVe., It l o a . Hit.kurjB|«il:uB, 7-E

iloisli Iliiuncra. CarrlaKo U.iwa; aim. Truck.I.1KM and Heavy WIICCIH, at wlibi'l factorvratcH,

Aim, all kindu ot • '


vlni' hail a l<mj> L-iporionco InIK'HB a111hh111110toIwftc01.1i

t i l titct.a nlth tin,l ih hi

tbu CnrrJug,.tHit Jildfc'inBiiiPss BIII) clo coi.titct.a nlth tin, bnBiiiPss

iny [icrBuiia fnrnrliin mu «ith their urduraTIVUPUU m j fnritiHliliis tlicm vlth ua aimUblo tn tlicil- a-untv, and at ax rtanuirici-a an cun he olilaincd at auy oilier place.Ordcri br IttttL-r far CarriaKD aud Htcik'li Ur-

Miienls Kill bo lultaWy flllwl bj utatiiiR flut iiunwsa th.y aronanlcd, aud nci.Uii••ney utibugh to cover tho amount. Vm

sgu IK nn|icct/iill.v Nulidtet],H.r.HANIJEHHON,

Oppoiitf Dovor lH'pu| UBSCIIII'TIOHS uow received

tli« new Circulutiug Libntrj".

H awlliuruc, Kmitliwick, f.'ollliu, T«y!iUIIIICB, DlchuiiH, Rt-nU, .Muli>ck, Harlat

1 ncitde, Kliol, nnd oilier anll.nri.

3 0 0 K S ill tlnplicuto enn he mip-J-* plied ou sliort notico.

READING tmltcr ol nil Itltlda iiiol.nl-ing Daily, Weakly nml llontltly






DOVEII , N. J. 17-lf




SUSSEX St., D0YE11, N. J.

Thu auliacrlbor lias opened hooka whnroln allilciiitoun of ilinioaing of lliulr houece

id tuts, or any real cat 11 to of wlulover char nomay givo duscniitiom of their property,uhcro thane dcmroui of iinrvhaalne nity

ul a tiat of propcrtiiiH for Halo,cToral pro|)i-rtlca ln.ro already hcon placedny bands fur Bale, ilcacriptloiiH ur which willour nuxt Wcoti. 19-tf



Ainutiitcr, Vvlvol, finliadi, 3-i>l]r, IngraiCotlaRe, Wool, Dalcli, HIK and Hemp Carpeti.

iiDlmimi, Oil Clolha, of Eiifll.b and Amor-Icao uianuflcturc; MatB, liligB, Drognotl, SbaIloliinili, tjliulo Fixtnrei, Liro Occio Feitlien,

u.l., Cumin UalorUla, fa.0 maVu and lay Carpet, cut anil lay Oil

Ololb, nitaand hangBhado., and guiraulegtint mrk i i l l due .



Jims or s r in r suBcnirriox

DESIGNEDaud executed, and material furniihi..

PLAXSand SPECIFICATIONSfuruiahod, and contracts taken tut all mirk.The bcit reference* niton aa to canicit* in

wcty hrancb of tho bnnlnon, and aU work» » r » n t f P . l f ) O M l y J


Boot and Shoe StoreOP COVER IB

WILLIAM LETCHEirs.Nearly oppoiito the Kitional Union Jlauk.


Gaiters and Shoes for Ladies,Hiiiei and Children, and

Men's Light & Heavy Boots.groii Taristj for ovirj doaeripUonof wear.

,MT BEPAimNOprompUyattandod to.

Dr. H. It. C1L-MB11E,

Apothecary,•ickorsoit Street,


Oflum for xulo a well tAucivi nto..k at



P E R F U M E R Y , T O I L E T

And Fancy Articlesicl Ao.

Physicians' PrescriptionsCare full j- co in poo mlcd At all hour a.

'WINES AND LIQUOESFor Medicinal Purponi'»,

Sweedish. LeechesConitaiitlyonhand.


E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,

Insurance Agents,Omcc, Oltl Iroitiltuiullliilcliii^


En»ixHosrt, QEO. H. Hoa«, KTKrtlEX.BnCESK.

A. J. COE, Collector,DOVEB, N. J.

COMPANIES REPRESENTED.American Mutual Ins. 0Q., or Kewark,

H.J. , AuctsoTcr $1,100,000

MtrcbunU' ilntnal Ina. Co., of Hawatk,IT. J., ABSOU over .600,000

liremon's Uutnal IDB, OO-I of Newark,K, J,, Assets over 000,000

Germ&nia Hntnal Ins. Oo., of NewarkH.J . , O.piUl, 200,000

£tn& Insuniico OompaOT, of Hartford,• Oonn,, Aauti, _ 6,000,000Continental Insurance Company, of Hen

, York. Oapita], 1,000,000

Mutual Benefit Life Iru. Co., of Newark.N.J . , AiacU, 20,000,000


!i •

"j O. L. LEPORT. :I

Cor. 15LACKWELL null WAUEES .Sts.

. I 1 U V K 1 1 , N . ,(.




ASKI-IS 8500,042.111.











TANKSaml 0EE BUCKETS,liuiihtaiitly ou linml.

A1HISU I'llOMITLV AlTIINDIiD TO.lk-rcr_ Io iiorriH County Maetiinu A Iron l.'u

KENT & BOGEES,(Hni;j;sminH TO wmir i KKNT)

liampagne Cider, Soda Water,

Ginger Ale, &c.

Bottled' Ale & Porter

IAV1NO all t1.i> luul,vti mnrliintrv nut! im-J>r«v«.,til.|itH tocmlnot tl.o IXIBIIKKB, tmr

ilili<.'ri art] uncli HH ID luinblu UH ID ficwitu a'.urw ni trtt tit tnl tuiiH \viUMirojiiiitni.'iir»niJtl vnvt

littcriutr nurhi'lviK i-lwi that wu nn< I'ttnlikd I

'OrJiTB tipr iiisil-nr otlicnviso prompllv it I•mledtu. HUoJf laiJi 'r,!!!-]>• TJI0.S.]tO0I<:it».

EC ^ _ 3=M^T DES S SS




Al.ir|;.-:iiul.v.ll".K.t.-.l d.-.l. ..f


HOUSE CLOTHING,NlicotM, 1'iv Ni-tJ, Curry f.'iuiil.a. lliiirilicri. HIIIBR

& Sitspt:;;;!?i1}; v i . .

iuu vurii-iv i.r IlutnoKfl Uito, Hoof Oint-i-. Tim U'WVL (i['<>.b, lil,t' nil HHU ll.wo

J, huvu Imil u lu-»vy full in j.rii-i! and will>«-• «nlil nt Imvi'Ht llHiin-n.


M E "E"Mi»iltE" "jfiKKKT",

Di% .inns & Tf

ImTC arrai>i:< •! t o \1M i - f -pl . - c t t l i . I r h o i n c i « . . . n

\\it,\, j.]-:ci:ivji I-IIU.MIT ATn^'nux. i

(li'jiciuil (if itiL (jrukv^loikHiirL AHii|iji|yiaK ^ J^JL^I I )




' mn!i-r»

l> rail n i n


1' III!



VI'II It I'llniilin- L

nlvniiUmi'.<T wmllii-i

(1..- 1inlllk'ith> Ir

1'}' vt-arj


irnl»ir,i'ii'IV. U f a m ' .

a vU'\v M tin' ir.plif,

D imilr win.





i'Ml'>fiiii'IrMini I lit1>ailmlulnti

iiKililBptiyKlntu^lniti-ITnlH.iti-., wliilo tlio olli

i>ttlui iipitiiralYwitfi'iwliit'li1 IH ur Hliiitilil'lic'n!"rIUIKKI.IH ..f tliL-ili-utiitl.) «« ImT,. Ulini i-Hjin-lai.'.UjuttVLTjtldiiK ji.-Haiuiim tlmi-Hd, i« nt lliu v.l>^t Iti cv.rj- jarll. ulnr, ulxl tin HU.T-BB uH.-,,,liii'k'our (iiHTathim hi lUllnj,', iviirratiln I he lii'lk-f ,nJu»tlllL-9 tills imlillc nimiTtlmi, Hint mum 1ml il).'Htl>otlilii Bklll.'iuiiU-rlilii nu.1 ,a|i]>llatii-i>n, cmftlialti llifiHuUtrlniitii!"'cc»inlili wlii.'li mir <l[u.

L']»nlr • j[fiTil l.intii IH D t]*lr»|f nf Ifou I>:IN{. Wi'tri^ prt'anil not utily to r<l>ulr olil. lmt t'i /UMIIMII ni'V

inliTlulx muv In ii su an n plain for urlillrlnl t<

Wu a1

E. L. EMMONS,A R P E M E R and B U I L D E R ,


itroulH lahfii tor nit


THE CHEAPEST IN DOYEH.Tin1 nubscribor now olTorii nt prlvalii nalu, 21iilliliiijf lotn, uituatal nvxt to tho Hcilu'tt•opcrly, on the road from Dover to Morrhitowu

:c-<iuarter8 of a mile from the It. It. dqiutloTcr. 'Ibo loin a r o CO1100 foot, mul nrured at iirlccs ranging from

S5O'to 815O.'DID proiwrt? Is hcaltiirully locatcil, and

DHBOISCH ono of tho finest Btrcnmn of IHprhigatcr In tlio County. Nn creator inducoiiiunlNivo IIQCII hold out to portions ofBmnll mcannHocnro a lorae thnu tliis. Apply to

Win. H. JONES, .WARItlSN Ht.-, DOVKIt, K. J,

HARDWARE; IA complete Block fur CAfiH at [

E.Lindsley&Son's.JBinLDER'S HARDWARE, H






POULTRY, FISH, etc.A *i>"u;t]ly inc..I.- nf UAMrf. All Limln of


11: ii-r:t it ILu ulli

MILLS *.tK.r II W.


i thu Wh.il

ul mcjU/uml tin lu-. HleTor by miBim ur luuj

'inihiii" " M I d"uil!iiinai.|]Vl|liatl|io\vi'll''|!.ottil.Iu 1L|ilunKi. nil win. m:.y fjv.ir linn trith Iliolr |mt-Ir imt


! = 1



Hardware, Iron and Steel,AILS, UUHiDEKS' IIAUmVAHE,

X , N . .T-

roii(len Wave andlloiisclicc|ili]:v UIIRIIS.


ime, Cement, Plaster,i.uo Dil.t, (ittjtor riio.iihstc nf l.liup, BIKI all

other VurtHUur.. -

lorriatowti, KL-JII. aj.l, 1S74. ,


BOOT and SHOE STOREtlie larKo flno Btoro TWO D00H3 AUOVE

S OLD STAND, (lulolj occniiied lij X. W.Dmpiou) a n j ono door rrom Miiironl, Son J:'• clothing *toro, vliorf lio wIII bo ploaeod tooil bia old cualoiiiora onj many no\t ones.








3 AT



>Mower and Reaper.


BOGKAWiT AXE,McKinnon Brothers,

MANUFACTURERS.ThoIloetnwny Asn.no n-ellknown tlirmiRhmit

tlio Comity DtiilKtaUi fw its unporior inaluriilan<l rink.-, uuil pccuiinrily uf nhniif, Is nowbeing manufactured more L-xtcimivdy liy thaBiibHcnlKir. Hn tlint i)!irtk-H mny dqiend ii|wn,liuir onlt-n, UOSIIR filled promnlly and to nnvixtcnt, Thy qunlity of thu Am i n W r y rwippc tjsbellovi'il thiit*"11'""1'1" """'"•"' " r t l B "

The Material is Superior,Miililo, to thnso hrruloforc liirnsil out.


ml olh('( cil-dl too].4, will bo inuiiurscturcl nf. 1Hj n i ( h t ) l u MJ||]0 c m ) . t l ] t t (

MUU,Si: w,,,!.K ,vl|| acnui U-KIIMK MAUt'tl Ut,J i«7.». L;I:AVJ::VIXIM:H nui MOXUMKXIVi.rCxtlicflt lMt'()liTi:iJ nu.l AMKIIK.'AN lUi-tlv an.1 fiisitili.;i «id 1.111 l»> K.,t n;. t» w.Iw•nut b.ilil ul (],„ l,,lu.Ki ,,whhit,i,. rut.-ti. I iuviU-yiii In u,!I t-,.roi« i:urth»hiiic drew lit re, us Iwill i-iidcRVtir Ki KPI n- luw M tlio IIIVI-H IIIKI.ilt>iu>ni>ikBiin'l]utliPl>t-«t.

T1IOS. JOIINSOA', Aitviit.• . , , iroiuiB H*;, K0VI:H,K.JNL-S( tlonr tu the | j ;ca liIIA"olllw. lli-Uni

Worrls Circuit Court,.IOI1K KANltV I Altaclitnutl.

JAlIESjnUiV.J. TfieasiLXTOT1CE li l ^ h y K1T.1I l l . aUnr l t of nt-

thu Bull of Hie nliiivc iwiimd Jiilm Kan civ amili l t

f , i , 7 \ dll'-v H 1 w t l s l n d "" tu lwl tn ihiventv-llilnl iky vt Fctirtuir.v, lsro.,, , , „ . Win. M.i'AHTY, l i n k ,K, M.M litre, Alt'miL'r.a t . a s b i 7 h l S 7 -

ustom Work'and JobbingPROMPTLY ATTENUED TO.


LICENSED AUCTIONEER.Irderi left »i M. H. DipkcrBon'« ntoro, or

Morris Circuit Court..JACOB C, VAX OIL»r.U I •. Is Q K

i;mvAi:n\"iiEM'ixT,. ' r.,r»ii,,,»(ud,n,c

fft .tacbincnl Ijaa Imu innnl onl of lCircml Umrl or tbnCtmnly or Jlorrl*, nt t•ml orjicnb C. Van [Illrlrr nS«in»l II,,, c.l.or BI..B1 Orenf.ll Tor tliu «m"i ot t.vohum n






Tills UenkTin mndo ofivrotif;ht iron, In ImvHCBfliiri', UL'ctii.nal, mid iii>ii-[>x[>lu»k(.'. It tnk(>ntBs fut'l licit nnv otlitT Healing AiiiiaoihiH, h

•anleiri|lii!eilriulluiU.\?iM"Hly\utlitT lK-atcrs ri-.|iiire mi psiiui-iciitril L'iij;iiicurIn run thi'in. It IH aduiitt-a Io mini, (hv^lliti-oim will as to luruu Iniililiii'-H, I'aktitcil in IIJLUIHIMI Klulvii, (h-L-nl itrilaiM, Franco, JlulK[nm,(k'niiany, Aimirio, and IIIISHIH. Ovrr HLX !nin-ln;«l in lino, (jivttiB cntlri! twlisfai-tlmi. I'm-ui'llitT imrtit'iilarri ojijily to






PAllIwOIl FTJltNACJO,ami over fortvilifiL-ivnl imltcriiB of I'AULOtt,HALL ami C.'OUKINO STOV]»; lr/nSACKS.l.AN(!KH,aitATlW,AL-.


evi'iy variiity, LEAD nn.l IROS l ' l l ' t .


i|>«. LaiitiiniK nnd Lamp 1'ixlincc Tin,C<in;>i>r nnd Irmi Ware. KOPIIIIL', HuUtTu, \e.IIDIIL' at lonx'st uiurkL-t rfltca, A»fiiU for


Wflcome onu nnil nil to nti oiaiiiiii-itii'ii nt ii


DOVER, N- 3.I1. S.—SiipenHUini!. nnd ClicHti-rKlmiiec(,nl!iinu

A'I1 TT-fli






DOVER, 1ST. J.,nml has atockctl it in a oompldo maiim-r.

Daily and Weekly Newspapers,MONTHLIES ASD OTHER rEKIODICALS,

t tlie Htoro of Bnppllnl to cimlomb i A kt t





v.:k,u-.'•'« •'• "ft"in

I'-jir-iUoiif1 Si Bituminous


«vcry-of on,1 S tack •c:i;il)lf.'i us ».o pSs

hody. Th;> «! :s.:iiKS for >mvt^n

ages us Io t.iiii)«]!?>etiir« sVcdv, ami \va V/JI!

ther<!f«i-ft add Ut'ouv sioc-k daily. Dn isot

The People's Clothiers,Next to WASHINGTON HAIJ.,

N. J.


n.vi ,.I.I;SI:II A / /

aAnn \<s\sphim?j.± HARDWARE STORE./c?*/'"'1""'

: BLACKWELL St., / f \ f\ / ^ ^ /.viii:ic:-i:i'ri:Ai,v \ DOVER. / € > /«A v . / / . /'nip



\. J. j

A.S Jiil.un. V,-I:;IHIV:



\PIUKfl, HAKKS, <:l!ri\VIIAl!D,


lioiisi; UIKIJS ».,<]

.NAIT.'l. c\\l:i:lAtu-

/ K1X01IKN MU> •rw.LV. llsu. \ «rt>

f \ ';'j.\l:,' .r:;> (n::;.\:.ii:;.rAi, v.-ji:;; HO(I|-:I,.IL-. \ <*r

nt tlie Htoro of Bnppllnl toby carrier. A enmnkjto

botli P0I1EION tnil DOMEKIIO, „ _number (if cliulro brand, IIUVLT nolil UiA.n, inIlila nolliin. All tlio Irailire SM0KL1O nmlRllliWINO TOBACCOS, I'll'EH anil BEGAHI1OI.DE11M, TOBACCO 110X1Wand l'OUCHE.4.

«®T STATIONERY.A compluto ari^irlinciit i>f nil lit

UOOKR-TLu w.11 fcnnnn v.ill.ur...

rmnvry ilinl Tn'ilVt .Irtiul.'i's. 'MV.! I'll'l.'il^i.i.'i'l^V'M ..ml I'-IIHI^, (1 tn:^. I'!: -.\.v* I ..HI,,... hit-ii-. 1V11 KtilvrH.ni..! I'.,.-!;.'. 1).,,^.-; I'III.TIM,


A Valuable Property fop Sale |i

T"S,; .nWJUir !,„„„ ,fc>ir,,..,mn Dover, olf.i-s ror iulti i


TOWN OF D.OV.EIU .apart of II laid olil in .



R. -B. W A ' I E S S , illl'HIC ,1MJ NEWS BEALER.




D O V E R , NT.,I.

Jobbing in General.Ito:cmU.r21!li ism. . . . .

T I M O T H Y . T!KI) TOJ» ,anil otlior QRA$S SEEDS.




! r.Nvruiw:; „„] taaijtp.iKi.tj. SOTC,

I Elusicand Kusicai Instrprnenis.

; UALLM AM) BATS,i .wsimra TACKLB,

i '; ™

FO! iDIf is „,.„! DOMESTIC! S niAIJSION H0DHI-: T'.LOOK,) •

WA1JTEI)7 TOlfaVSH,"7 '.1 Ull, j liAlfS, l'APElt, 01,1) JIOOKSTOCK.'•':-Xi!d j LEAT), COPPEH, U1IASS, i...

. I ' OTOIIAEL w l i L a r s ,

D A P S ICE CUE .AM,»"»R«iwt ,„,!,.„„, „:,„,„,„, AND GAUDEU SEEDS,

iia or ICE ciu:.\r.r i

D HI, y fipttit».

.OWEEUKJa1 P1HCE8.•,-•! ol ni.iHl^iill.v cm inn,], o,,,

.t.-Iinn'J to J tlio oily oi- vinnity.

J!U, K. .1.

O.U'.VATORS,si:i:i}B<S, HOLLERS, ,t-,,


m a us, HAY TEDUEHH,J HAKES, ill.

1I0R', I SPADES, SHOVELS,(.'AN, DIET ll.nillOWrl,

SCRAl'I'.llS. if.AT TUB


itu;nr.r.i; iiinniiKitM,

1;J ll.li. JIottutaTowK, N. J.

rs of Morris Counlj

owers!.nil". DIOXF.1), TIIANKl'DI. ni l1 ra.lm wo.ilil rMjimtrally call lli>'iJullun-'illsrtiit «l l lnm nml virlulb

. LANTSi i l , , . r .Hll .»«tutc. I liavo on linml»nil n^mir 1-lMits, Vines mid t-lirnk-IITV KiiitjllilH ClimiitA, itliidi I n m \m-,;,,;,,] \ o MI fihoi't iinlici', nnd n( n(tiv i>iIt*ui l>o found.

dn .cMicAl 'U: AYK. Cor. PlSltltY ST.

Th'iiitem House.

STIE & SWEAT, |:oprietors,


jJi>ai—This'liutul lins h^uul nv.l foi- ilio Hpocinl ooiufort Mil'imvov ot Stimmoi' bonrdera. Oinrrivil' Riicfit will hts askeJ liowlieiiiio.i t-unlioD, itnd if.lio KIJ-B VK^liolcl i linvo 1)OOU plnood upon Ibeiknoll,'.'tliei' itown-towards lliu vil1

lii' i!, icitiou ol tlie lionso vrilllBin'niifj' t-:i:u;gj(l. Corner Inmt;logins only ouQ-iliglit, forRiuist-lii fins, liot and coldliniiijtt-'legntijh, vgBtmirant, .....nliu'itt-ruom, tlnily paiior, tiuwirerinarlihiinl i>iimo, a clergyman, nnJ

(iiV)ilcfn convenioiioea in

uiLiils every minute, if d-...J t'qucnlly uo Bccoml tab!?.EngU'raicli mill-Gorman iliotiu

3S ftlGfl OVfil-y gUCflt, tO lltttliUcli|l of faro na lio mny 1 "itliOij rpganl to tliO liill-1.—•rtvii Iho ofilco. Waiters otiliir' or color tlosiroti. I----,litetiiilied -witli " libretto, buttailnm, fnll (liC33Hi.it, balltnblel

inil jir parted i» tlio middlo. Evcry will Imvu iho lieatsCflt in I

1, mul tlio boat waiter in Hi. Aiiy guest not getfuig 1"i rod-liot, or experiencing A I(>ccantls nftor giving-lila orJi'i', villpicnao montiou tho fm

at fl Ice, mid • tho cook nml wai;will own kom tlio month of ft «iionbut of Uio hotfl nt onco. CLiircif bo welcomed with doliglit, inr rop lcd to briny hoop nnd liorlvy d to bung tlio caryctl rosoww''avi't, 'especially provided for tit:urjund jipg tops to spin "tilclfjrpots. They will bo nllonilJtJM Ilia piano ut ul! hours, ii JUIIB, (.lido clown ilio lwnislfl1 : '» stuirs, cnviT uway <1«=i

iiGiiiiill family iu their iw.IT, mid niiilio thcmselvrt^••ivi ilio fimdest nn«

'oii.tc.ii'o. Wnshiugr allowed•Hijiiiid ];nlii'3 giviu;* uu orifar'iJiM'ii a (Jut-iron11 will bo I'"'1

m* lioat ,,r Ilio. d;.y or iiifflit.!i=u w.-.iUi1, who IJUIOUKS to tlio M

Kill 1'i'llinvs and Kiiiylita nf l'jlVvlio wiia ncvL-i: liuuwu I"''1

. ilmu ut iliiv, liiia boon empl'1.'Lvmill; ,,U]iclie3 tuid liottmlS

.. f-s' l'untus in Ilio cruning. E(i

iiitlll be conwdarcd tlio bi'llo *'fl

lioUwl ntu'l invi will ouswor incl-rompLly. Should any run I'lititppcnr nt n guests door viiniit- of ice-wiiter, indro towols, »I?soj.il, mid pen, iuk nnd panor Mhjosit'H Iwnd has left Ilio beH-kPJui hobiiiiuiod "Froot" on 11ia*:iiu1 imprisoned forllfo. -la ii'lt lina been cnredilly .B0.1f

ili ovcrjbodj*, and can lead i•ivy draff polter, match wpimilage store, shako for Uionpnr Jay or night, play bill'fjiivnllzor, can dnnco tho G-"^iiiu ft fourth at 'euchre, iu»»w-lfi

—id ropcat tho Uceclicr tn.uM

,*, is a good jndgo of lw""11 'iivay Mid stcaniboat rol

L.erior to Anijlcton's or n.','will flirt ivith nuy jounB

down." , Don't mind bciug',uy nioro tliau a Connecticut n

>om flirty pcoplo in tho br* f

IIOUM wlion-tho hotol iato tho annunciator, fl"1],,1

Diis in Grnek, Hobron'.or au,7 other polite laiu

tmo moment, without turm!).<;;. flowed in nnv room''

,«, including tho 'w{li)in° r

iloiacn can drinl;, Binokcr, (jrimbltj, stare nt tlio new.1

inilnlgo ,in any oilier •iomcnt common to iviileringiv part ol tho lintel. Tho i'hvnyabe bnpny to hear IU«*

. liotcl Is -'tho host h o w * "itry." Special atloiition

-vho cau niv« infornin


r tlic

it if nnp vill l»ko it aa » V",

... ilispnlo" KiBbill, tcll l"!"*?,iiwintlUr—liia liouio nlwru""»r l . l cW_l , ta vvil.o.lTik-tbG Hiiosl, waa Hover so imp0

in bin lire, will niTcr ,s!»lnul u I Wflva nil I'1*l

(1 uicauii lu Wflvu sYnr.t-i, tnily,

r ,s!»l,'ri iil I'1*ln |

Page 5: DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in


jj o O^"L^li^^X ^'.

„ ,,,,„'. ' fi|«d.l, 4JOA. Jl.i IJiin-I l i -

" 'M A.M.; i te ' """ 1""" "•"• ' • M A '

f'! ^"i'.'ati'l'''''*'''1''"'""-'1'''""'2'53 ' ' • M j :

» '" ' " 'CSMTEB MUNCH:.

S «' '.ift'.r «' 1 0 . 5 1 < ! • • ; j ' L j f t ' 7.0i! 4.110I'111 L , ^ ii ceiKiiltim 7.07 4.4Uie.;il ^i M S H V I I I I ' ' • " • 4J»I"--' H i v ftl-;.Juncli(inT.lfl 6-05m.ii.» k | U . '., ...... • 7.9r. fi.-js7M e*'

Weekly Statement of Iron OrePtfsCMl TUB IlACKBTWTOWS S D A L I S , VL'

M A 13. H. It- T0 PaJ*»«n.TA»u, wi' „ ' - 1-1ST WEEK IHD1KO TlItliyUJA

J 31 *875


M i l

rim Jl«l

~*~« -»

tnfAl lOTTINQiUJ\JAL visi 11/WOK.

Is County llll'la linet i t TuoHdoy-

Mr. Jblilou r.ilf, of McniUlinntmaiid iieacli, ]»oara

. . . . Si 1-1

•1.077 17

ioly incut* II

I, h*n net nutid other frnl

Justii-e C 1J. Uab'C In iraiiffwittinS I m

link ilml utorj- ol lii» huniio on Ulsckwull St.

iiitu ft lini-' utoK-room.

ill,. CIH-BH-T Ii»n Company b » « bulll t'

ECU- Lmiwu-s* ul UI>IKT lhefclubuniov, nwl u

s nfllli'tfd with only fll'teii tra

lmmlb or Mu)-<i<illQ " hllliR


'llic Din-elorn df the fttloml Union Ban!liai, itiulvwl lu itieWBBO their c»|iitnl nlwl

!jr|,(*il-er fKJiii #100,0011 lu *20ll,OO0.

Tln'I'iillfli'"0)'81 TboninillJstiVBCii Booni«'i mil lliiiuli Valley In uarrlod by an nx leainlinn in tint for thiu proarcualvo agor

Jir. W. J. It- Ilfftiiuan "ill conduct Iho WRIIlar |iinyer'titeeliii({ of tlm Y. SI. O. A. to-niur<IIHV. Subject-Hebrew, lib chap., lfllh HOMO

TLt- timi' t>f tho monthly Ui-iH of tlio flro dc

in r I im'hi Inn Icon fliaitgetl frnm tbo first

Tliiimky m-ulim 1'" Iho llilrd Thnrsilay i

A tcrvice ol miK will ho UelJ In tlio Tn

JUIIP 7*i l», ol S o'elorli. All aro invited. Como

url j lim-mrc snoil anal*.

II,,' Amiiift! JktUiitf iif Ibo MonlH Cutinly

Cprtriiiiau'* Club will hu held at Iho United

KistfK Iloh'l, iu MoniiluiYii, no Mondny CKI

In Ibo rfiow Hindotrof Mrs. M. V,. Ilitrd'u

stoic, on Hlaekwi-ll street, may ho mwu a cc

oniio finest iluBTrlnjj plants WD bavn notlcod

tl.i* iiatnn-a licmiliful chiller fin-hula, ami a


Ik-r. It. Veaght, Chairman of Uio Excel

('•mimittcc, It us Rjipolutod J f r . a . QnrniLraut

Tuwmiilp MpL-rctary of thn Sunday Bo hook lu

Ihuilulub, In fill vacaitcy oaimndby Iho r

lutluuofA. It. I'erinc.

TlwewiomersofMr. Jolin Itodtrer will findtl.o old ilund removed tu tbo rear olid nf tin

lul, frontier on Warren Hlreet, where bo wil- (onlitiutliuuiimuiuuill tho now ator'o mt thi

site uf Uie old stand li finished..

Uoili. a iiiniil.or from Do tor vititod Nnw Yorkmi Wediietday totvilnmii tlio pm-ndo Inc!tn th» ddllpslin'ii nf tho grand ihtHOnie Tcn.plulntlutciir, Tlilrty>ilro Iboutiaiid3IBJOHB.iu line, and the piganut wai • brilliant a no.

Wm. liurrili, funavtly conductor of tho Sinn-

III[\Q 1'iirnsfo eujino, csmc near lo^hif; bin llf(

fliitiia5iiilt.,ititrj-iiis{tD |e t on & coal train

in motion. Ho nni nearly thrown under tb(

cm, and luckily tumped wllb a few Itrotacs,

Tl« "Csnily Mtu" anlhorltoa as BO mo Hint»;a lo f ay llmt lie ^oulJ nlop ncllliif; be or a;•co'i M lil* itock Trnaciliouuei]. Tho llHtocli*IUUKI Im prctly large, however, for be hat ol>i.iinul liuuino fornnotliL-i' ymr toioll it out.

We»te rcHitntBil lo cnll tlio aliontlun of tbcllou.lofFiro WsrJtiiu to tho ftct tUat com-Inutile milerinl U ntorcd In A number of pla-ccj in Uirn nlcro It should not Im. 'JTio FireWorditm, if nn cftleictit body, wottlil si) tnIIicso Iliiugj without nuicli prompting.

'i'lio Itoi-kuray Lndfio of Oood Tomplurn willgin- iti I'xhlLiilon In tlm SI. E . Church of lhat|ilacu nn iVuilnesday evening iioxl. 'Xhe criiM mil rniiBUt of Hinging by llio Oleo Club,"liltoRUM, liblonax, a.nl ft short temperance•ilroii-ny Itev. l\*. 0. OIIISBIM. All iboulilntlcntl.

On Dwoi-ilioii So}-, ahliiinttb lbor« wai noI'litlicobserrancD of UIQ ocmnion In Dnior, Uini:«v« »f Hit Boldlcrw wlio rcit in onr ciiuotorloaww «PI)fqirialoly donnt id . In MurriBlownJ*ro rant public domnnstrnlion, with a nwu't-

rk, al wbieli Itev. J. II . dunning•'hujuont oration.

I'lientDCttl travolliiir public muat fu-l'uwWwiny uhlifntioBB lu Hichard Stephens, Eiq.,l"t llit txecllont uiBnucr i u «bicb ho 1.1 cp»ir-H »io back road from thin pUco to Mt. Hnpo.7 " "pronmetiti otliud from Barnoy Galla-i^"-»|t0UWi o n m,, Hicbard'a Mfiio rond, nil1

''tnjiiiiirf tH (l iurvlnrf of croit crc<lit.

lu"n iliom i w o irooUa ngn for NownrV; and

[» Sewrk Hay, ntnnoil homo on TuetJct;i.i'i't•iflialtTcekin.i dulirlnua condlllnn, mid, " , " " " l r 1 ' . 0 ™ ' ' • ' » = • . H . l . d . ! 1 ™ p l I

nlwtliit Ketvlni took too ranch laudanumi" linvt a ra |a | ctf(,ctt r o V ( . r ly BU(j gicijnegg

J l i " Su*io Niion, principal, and Mies Mills,tT ' ' 1 1 ' . mo tba pupils of the l i t . Pleasant7 • l l V u rJl ' lwwnt uic-nlD Iu Mt. Fkaiant

™»«n rtldny of laet week, llin cbUdren' hurt i " l 0 8 I " ° la liat- ma<l0 b^ joinlnsout lo ft r O j , C i a n j 1 ] l 0 n j , l r t o 0 | ( o r a C 0 | | n .

IBUI i*mUi°d t l i em"e t" !" ' '"rtllj in health-"f lli n* aut'tlff t t o ' '•?• •*• IllrK6 portion

C W U l - - " - ' « i ; ( n d p B r t l c , p » t B d I n t b 0

'"""»«?• Will, .M, ,rep,,ca

n " i i ° ' l o t e < " n Ibl. ntction.s««. ..a » .E-,cl""«l'T"'P"tj. »Dcrol"»««r T™ i «'*. •»"•••«« by llio*» IL. im ,"•" P""'10 'He"", on s»tir-"liipra.,i »'•' " * "'•'•okP.SI. WMo""•«»., , f n i m j "«»•«•• Ibrliml-'•'llniir™ ,*?, E ' " " " " i ™ "'Ink «»t

C l ""• •»»« itaUd patcbuo it rprV ? ' " " " l

• « ' * » l» Hi.school


'I'lio liioriiiiig (if Iho lanl day opciu'dii'»i:<iy Tor UitJ cicurfi-jiiml* iw its jirtiliTbo iMirly, in tlieir n])ceiui mr, k-ft U'half-past BUVMI ii'tlui'li. amInter wore on thubotil; or HicuitK Uttlioti. imoilhifj Ike nrrivd at illnlcai)irr "St,-llu," muiLt<iiif{ • llnm^lvn JJII(? io i\-Qti'hi njf tho itiiiVL-tiieulft of A j '

aeon- In jHfcj,. I airunn Ibe wator, wit

HUCUO^MIIUVL-], any nliu mif;li[ ivi.ilithe joiiimy. 'J'liii.iiriiViil nf tlic hU-amui'tr, in-uvuiilctlniaiiyircitu mailing thi:eion, mid oil Ijurm-d nbuiril, tiialrilmlili;-—•

t(>]i. AHui- iilcmiiiiij- Bimvly up tlUimiiuii Iba fiicd'.T and lucl;, they luui

| mi Ihu hroud buHOiit (J Ihia, tbu uiiut..f Now Jt'i-ucy lulu*. Tlio nifBci!• hiH firaii'1 Hpt-L-imun of Nature's 1tlie IJDIII pt omotitoritiu, plat Id <:OVL>«, tboed hilln, thu lirnad, Ir.-L'Kulur o span BO tit •Sunlly rljiiiled by tlm light braczo. nml L *lint; '••••• ullver tdieocu under tho clnrioiiK,1'*itK HUH, c ie rdml an uilillurutiii},'ucer all, which fun nil cxi>misi<m in mand IttigU. Homo of tbu romatitio (raf—nftlioLeniilUnipcn,»iiilor tlmir oct-n.j'of tbiH tU'lii'htrtil xpotitrro rued veil n i .turudt l y tlm vlalliujj ilrnngc-iH, and «h •Lcautliul J.al.o Viuff Hottuo (rucottly on-y,ludoulilu iUurifliiftl cnpneity) onnic In™^

ho mode it liuitd(|iiarlcr< Trnm lvliich In

B 111 Iniil.d Ibu li

. Tinr o n nmiliiff ». iJ.

rl<h ODUJ/So iiHoao tli*• VRtonnief1 ^utniu'lo liuve boon

btfuf wlmii wo have roaelicd Kolui'n i'»|—tcraiiuiiH uf llin Oudun SUno Itnibund,.wileli puiut tlic MfH nf tlm tiiltiiiB nlnni'jroid, aro trailtiforrud from Ibc- cars tolhiffboats nn J Intcftii acruss Ihi3 J ako io tlio ?\Cmial by Ktemn ItiiTB. r

Wo flndbcio atiolbti-siieclal Irniii uv jin, Citiiainliiy of njieii lilt can itpnu wbicl^,re (UTatiRed, UiiuUy furniuhccl by l 'n-jkorgo Itieliards, mid Kiil)uritittml;itt if-

aii-lrif,'lit. 'll:ia Mind is ten mile* In?-;' iitliH iVi.ii) tba Ogdon Mined to Iliujf,lliih' HH wuy tbo entire dJHlaucc l<f;wilil xcfiicry of tho Snarli ninuntaiij- •-,.ivod here mid thoro by mtuing fiolllipi,

Tlie niiu In iho open oars \\m all thaiiuia U'IHII. The fli-a

DENTIU^k> in

B I ' U 1 in i ncpoll

Goodale & Vought's Drug StJ1^;ii Vthbra ho will t « plcdsej to tttend to fcll'oCtii

ptrnunnK lo l^iprofowion. Dr. Johjiiic-iui,,,ilio cipunonoo of tiovcti Yosrn' cioie kppllcaID tbopnujtkfl o/Doiitistfj, Fir« gf whicli"!""?'been In tbe City nf Doror. I hava t»ktnipal«ve'jjp^o*lBiliajiorftoaonoftlio p ^

Nitrous Oxide Gasp01"nhioh Ii the boiUnenthctiO now ln uio tpilulcsi SKtraotlaa of teolb. Inlto n*» tbt i n , called tbe FLUID or CONDEKBKD

uvor ttio'roml it very quluiily mjli tnt liiullurd mlno nt Hindi

proper I y (if Uio Okiidou lion CUIUJImrda, Hupci inloiMlent, TLu Iocnauot-hc-Uiidorrated. Tbc

tho fluent, avcrogiiiB about CS periidul, and of Kiicli a quality nu to malic i1

iblo fur mo In tho I t awnualniiif i>roUbly not oun-liolf of m

of ittlphur. Added to llio riulinosnuntliL'r E(li'nnta|;o dorivod b/ (bi/olino, iu tlm ra«n and diMpnem vri

Is rained. The troubla ailniuj;ivblcli in aouiD IIIIIIUH IH tbu uuo of the (•reatoiitciiiH ofcsponsu, lu thiB tuino in HO muall tinouly a. ton-Iucb' iiiiinp, ivltli ehort Hlrohc,itvcd, tvlildi ia workod but it tat t liair tlio time,nml slow at tltitt. Tlio mlno is alto simply amiL'hcaply ivorlid by a dnglo tl^M, Raid lo bo tlilonguitin tbo Htalo, out ot which ibo oro isJrau-ii in earn by an tliitian tilr powerful oiifiluo.i.1 pi-csunt tliny oro working about llvu luiinlroifuutiieluiv tlic Burfiiea and twelve hundred foolupon UIQ slopo. Tbo rein it prouout is ftalijlit to t tn rcci irido, but in varlahlo in eizo,iiiilnvcrogGBln Batnci'Iicca tnonly feet. 'Ibn>ru, wblvb la uneily drllloti, ill manyiroDots a btnutlfully poliubcd sutfacu, bnvlnglidappcamncu or hiving ULOU rubbed,a atlrlbitloil In Iho a d ion af ilio imtor ruuniiigliroit^htba tociuii. 'Ilio nil no m narked iircicnt ]iroducos about 2,300 tons of oro piuonlh, and tliuro it upon tho bank 2J,G(X) toi—arlekitinnomioxewlletl by any lu llio BtatiIVrmny hero sti to that Iho InrKC mnnttntaiW i slorcil (in tlio bunks ot Iba miuoi ulucpbin raid aro nut duo enliroijlu llio doprosaiu'fliseta of ibo panic, hut from tbo faet tbat fu

tlio xbipluotit i>rtheir urfH tlioy depond ujnnalnr navigation, wbieli holn^ cloEod in lbWinter MUBSS Iho oro to nccniniihtL>, nltboiiEtho quantity Ugroiltr titan unanl ht this sotnan, us soiuo oro wts left over at tbo dOHitt

ivlgatian last fall,,

Afler auothor brink run of [no' milen, wo atIveat Uio Ford Sllno, kltitalo ilvo mllea dis-

tant from Nulnn's Point. Tbo greatoslfeaturebore to many of Ibo party tvas tho lupcrb ma-chincry, crcekd utidor (bo Etiporvinioii of Itrlolm It. rc ton, Rupt'i-iiilGiiduiit of Uio Mnacunileens Iran Coni|inuy, tbo opcratora of tlio

initin, "Thu mlno nan fir*! ivorkudby tiioOlun-doii Iron Uuiujiaoy, BOIUU IS to ID yoara ayo,from whom ltwau Iroiiarerrcd to Iho flltisuon-eluong Iron Company. The mlno li nuir Vbout2(10 fuo't (lL-opnua Esoiwiipd COD foot In !ou«th.

wlila ono, averaRliibout 13 ftjot in width, nlillo Iho oiu, wldcli

ftlitr, will jiold in iurnoco ovSO pdr uout., and will probably analyze CS p

Tlis qmnlitj niinod at proncnt Is about1,000 tens'pormotilli, but tbo capacity of llio

would bo about from 4,000 lo D,O0D toiTor tlio same tlmo, If such an amount mm r

ilrcil. - Tlm niacbitiory has boou ontlri'ly m-itred wilbin tb

M b lu tlio greatest economy and utility^ Iu-

if th s teoth wburo nowotits u o Initrtod.• Tet lit filled with guid. from on» dollar up,

•ilrer ifty ccnti to one doliii.Beautiful Sets of Toetb,

Upper ind imdor, Tor IM. on tlio latoitpper ind imdor, for IM. on tlio lateprond Buct'oo Plitca, w*rr»u(eU to B

»atlif»otion.i plcasuro in rsfcuring to tbefolloion:

IB pro*

yB goutrnllyitcnil of tbu high-iircHHUio oneii

Uicd about hero, they liind»combined atirfuoo ond Jet condenser, tlioobject of DIG surface eoudeDHor boiiig tonhtalu

itorfoi-UBo In 'tho bailors. Oniugihoquuutity of 'ndlor in tliii minp tlic boutpumping machinery is needed and unod. Tlipumpiiig 1B dono with two plunder jnimiia—uno10 Inchon itnrt the' otltr JJ. itich'cH-ordiiinrilyrun with 7 or 8 ten-reel n I r olios fur atinuto, and

a in tbo h\nia£ anil Tall from 10 lo VJ b.ir-•oU or water per mlnuta. In^tlio Sumuur andiVlntcrtho quantity of course ii teen. Tboao

pumps are worked iuccwsuitly, night anddaj,all tliroujjli tho year, ' Two liolBtiiij; machinei

ro locatotl ut Iho slitft, ind llio poxor li coaeyed lo tlicin from tho cmgliio bouso, 400 feel[slant, by bnlMncb atocl.wiro rojwa, overer-lincil pulleys tlx foot In alum tier-Uio

8 .B ,Opposite segur's NewBaCi!

OII-I llowlalo & Voucli-fl Drug Slorp. !''

J)OVEn.N..Jr,,y ,„«„„„"iwui•i.£»-B*Jl luullTiin Adum and Kva, Btwidiuj-liku (limit lontluclK bover this hlrval of all our fair valloyn. Turnitig|o noirer obJeclB, we j;ot a Bjiletidld viow oPnnkUi anil Hlirllnif Hill; tbc heavy oinbulcmoot a of (bu Midland Itallrond look amnll iicoiupariHon |o their real size, n-hita (|!0 VailKill, gloaming in Ibo njn.sml tloiviug tbrotigbriulitit pifltnroit, IOOIIB Jtlio a nilver ribbonImrdorod with rarest groeu whet , AH no pawtown tho wooded mount a la BIUU, tnany polutiof admiration wero noted, amoiiR tliom a little

L'm of & cmcQilc at tho mouth of a eloii, wblcliU9od many pxpresxlonu ofdiiligbt.Tbo Icruiltialion of thin romantic rhlu brlugit to the Lyun llouue, Ogdonaliiirtr, kept by D.. Lyun, Tvliu-o wa alight for illniior. WlilloailiiiR HID pnrly Inko possession of tho parloinil aro reyak-d wllb uuvural iierfoiuiauecB onio pianu by Jtantor DHVIO Lyon, BOB or tbo

proprietor, a lad nliout 12 yonra of ago, who hippoarcd Hovcml tiiuca ri Bl'tinway Hall, N(i'orlt, and lias eroatej coiiBlileiablo Intcreatibo-bcBt tutt«icnl circles of tho molropolts byIIM o»qulHl[o lil»yiti(f. Ha iros laudlyapplsudodfor bis ROICM, ax was IIIEO n duot in which binllMtor nsuletoil liim. Next ^ur friend. IIoii. A.C. Can Quid, ticalotl bimaclf >t tba piano, andbegan & ttnllx, which brought on tbu door IbokuciorouH Pocbin and Ilia etahl l'rof, ltsymoiidif riymoiitli Cburdi.-ttliilo ovon tbo venerablellcinrich- could not withstand h\a nalural LL-r-man proponnlty for inuslu and tho dmico.

Aftor tbo duinor-n very crcdltubio one—tinngODS wciro'agalu occupied, and wo proceeded

to Stirling Hill, paBbing on tbo way tba liousoin wbleb J:tck Hugbo umrdorud bin wlru;iorvliieb lio in to bo liung on llio 2d prox. Th«aftractlotm nt Siirllug Hill aro tiio mlucs andtrnibfiiff ivorkB of Iho Koff JcrBoy Zlnu Com-pfttiy. Tbo Zluo Mints nf (hii section aro notedaB tlio only ones in tlio world uhcro rod oiydoof zinc la found. *Thcy aro altio noted BB beinptlio beat placo in. thu eoCntiy for procuring

of inltiorals—thiiro Doing ovorfifty dlflcroiit varlelieKof wlnernla fulind In llilnhill nlaac, from will eh a firoat tunny or tin

ipccimcim lu tha Catifletd colloctioiaro tnltou. Tbo while Bilicato and led osydo usine oi-t-H mined here nromlxod with fraiiklluiloiro orushed la tbo^tnanimulh crashing worlipil tbo inoulli of Ilia mi nee, and emit to tba

company'* own furnaces at Jomoy Cily, altbich placo tbey nro BIBO erecting rolling wilit.


mtrninu a t a vduclty ol 1,UK) fvet purTbo inacbiiica nt tbo shaft

d witb friction f^ar, Thla ia callal tbo Ttiln>yiiainltoByntem, or lfl more j;i-nor illy kuowiu tlio truiiBTiii«aliii] or power by niio ropcn'bfi ajBtuni la uituii£l>cly UJUII In l'utu;i«, amu tiaw coming into mo in tlilit conntrj'. It

DUO iilaro in RwitEcrlatiJ, on tlio Itblno, CODliorso pnwer lina bocu caniod a dlHtntieu of iniilo from tvhorc tlio turbino wliucln wero local-id To run machinery. Aiiolbcr fentnre r.f ibaludiinurv- here ii tbit tbe power in taken frto itiuiii engine, lint It in not In nso, bu-insa It ia round more cconriulral lo t ab thujwef fur hoisting dircclljr from tboiunln on-

glno, by nienim of n cast Iron pnlloy, 7 ftel bi"iinoiornnd 13 inclicu faco, resting directly

top of llio Uy-wlicel, wliich ii logged up wltbvlllt wood ntid has « correnpomlJiiff fuco of 13ICIICB In width. Tlilnia i great ciinvenience,ihynicaiiB ofi lorcrlt caii bo 1 iota ted fromIT tlio fly-nhcol when not in use. A flro pump

attached to Iho m.icbliipry, wliicb ia claoorksd by a friction wbctil btitiff crowilul

igiinst tbo fly-irbcol'u rlui'wbon required furITimwBBpiitincBpccicillj ifl prattct tiic

hoUBii, but wia found to bo very aervicn-ablo a fjw days befnro nur viiit, whon n mtuo

caught Uro from Its eliluius.v. Ily its' i t l d h l

tbo itlihailng rmtlior (hmaea llwn to »a roor, mul at

oast fJiliO'wortli ofproporty.Bared. When weito that Ibcy liavo In addition a IIOBO carriage

ind £M foot of hoBC, aud can, with tbo ild ofIron pipea and hydrauti al various points roach'ill tlm bomea and building, < n llio place, It maybo imagined that tboy bavo quite an cfflelenl lire(Icparlraont bem. A mnclitno for raising coalalso illrflcicd attention and cBellcd consider-

ilration. A car 1B nllodat tho coil abedin who itntitltt thoro merely places bin

bund upon a lever, when it i amuupan luclinnpiano to tlm boilorfymjftcl distant, wbcro itsIroiglil in discharged in coal-bins aim the car

od tolls place. Dy (Ms arrangement otmHi transfer enough conl in tiru pr Ihrcu

lioure tn b*t A nook. Iu short it may lie HU tedHint llio machinery in operation licru la moreconotnjcal in propotllon to tbo power liov.'l-ped Ihan any in thii vicinity. t

Thin (.'ouipauy iwToalno protided many fa-:!IItiDi fur Ibi'ir uilucrs lax Iho purposo uf get-

liggooil inon liora. and keeping tboni—whichthey liavu accotnpbshail to such an extent- that

ckaraclor of tbo community baa bocn eom-ilotoly trauufortnod In tlo Init fow ycirsUnong tho»o itnprortmonli may bo muntlocodeort of eroton n-aler arrangement fur supply-,g tlio miiiorH' homos will) water, which li<ry pure, is drawn from an nnuccd pirt ofio mine, and supplied lo llio lmusoi throughpp g

pumps, which malo them alia tbtain it In Winter as well t» Summer. •Tlirea noir cylinder boilers are bomg jiirt in-

to tako llio place of older bollnri, which didnot furnish tbn slcata cdoDomiciilv. Forbreaking tbeir ores Ilicy oraploy throo Dorlclgb

Erilli—ono large ind two of media mliro—and mo [ram iOO to SDO pounds of Giuntonder per nontb. In blasting tboy flro by

f l t l l t I practicable.

Tho so cm siting work a lot In operationnow; but thoy aro romarkablo for their pun-

cry and tlio rapidity witli whichfork, roqiiircJ. Tho oro is firstn i l pBBBod to revolving tables,

upon vbich a ntrcani of water Is pasaod, whichcarries off tbo liniostontJ wtalo and convoys It

_li troiiBhs (o Iho meadow bclov, TlioEIIIC is nnuufarturod into paint aud find tho rosliluo of llio mineral into BI:UiE.y, tThU'li can bo inada harder tbau Ibo fin-

citPatiiaBcua Bluol, and'Is used In (lio.nwnufautura of ricrrlngs Safed, which uro iiupossfbloTor burglara to drill bocnuae or tlio JioniiitB* nftills metal. In tlio rcarol tbo worts tlio comuy lavo a front and a back TCIU on t

rliigi-s of rcil Dxyihi un>. Air. T. HB rah all, tlioMil ?c HII Ion dent, wlillo engaged two n-ouku sincuiu comtruotlng a luuiiol fiijm Iho bottom ofthe froni vein, ISO'foot deep, acroas to tbcbock tein, EtrttelcA lorgo dojioait of.wbite

if zlno, wliieb Iboy am 'Tlio itructuro al tliifi uiuu, and nt tho NowJersey Zluo Company'u Hi no at Frank 111

-li tho untito as of tlin Iron lit-.li, tlio :stratum lying on Dd;;o 1iotivo>n tlio ntmottvurtieal luytrs i r orj-BtallinB UmcHtoiio winch[bound iu llio mctnntorpliic rocks of this weut-

Drn mittoral bolt. Homo uf Iho tnoru open eulscilillilt an eifrcmely pictiueiuiiic and beautifulaiijiearnueo, ibo rods bclns very utiowy; and

resenting avnriutyofcoluraanil forntB. Tbo,rgor portion of llic gattpuois ovorynberonirlcty of calcilo ia wbiuli ilia carbonaU of limo

is replaced by carbo'noto of mangauuso. pti-scminaiod tlirough this, but not uniformly, aro

io minerals which curry HID zinc, tbo moetlportsut ofKhieh ara rnttitlinilo, rod oiydo ofne and Bilicato ofzlno. Tills oro will producelant 35 per contof zinc anil 30 per cent ofun. At HUriing Hill fraiiklbiito abounds in

,-rcaI inasflti. Afler an hour npant in viowinRlino, and procuring tonic of tbo liandsoum

ipccliucim to bo Jouud bore, ITO blort foriklin, in conipmy wllh (lio Directors or (be

Now Joreoy 21 no Company, who joined us hero.•rlclng at Franklin tve Jlnd tbat tho Dlroc-liavo bad tha foro tli ought to pro v Wo for

Llio party, a flno collation, coneiiting of sand-ichon, ChampaBTie nml other irinoi, aud>gtra, ail in unutltilod quantlttofl, after pdr-iting frcolj of which, under tbo load of Ur.:>un Oinrgc, SupcruilonJent of tha Company,

we pass through tbo tunnel to tbe open cut oftbo zino mine. Tlio vein, wJilch Ig CO feet vide,runs flnt firoeii silicate, then rod oifdo^anilIboti it lilllo vein-of carbons to. Next to thiscomoB a vein of brown oiyda ton feet wido—

' ig truly a irondrons and valuable deposit,vtrious colored ores, which aro beautiful

in ippenratice, aro about tho sumo In qnallty|inuring only In color. This mlno it notorbed lo a very groat extent at present becauser |ho coal Blrllca which deprives tho furnaces

if Lublgh coal. Only about 13 or H men Braintploycd Juat now, but so conv'onlont aro allho arrangements hero that with tills limitedaico they can rnino 1,000 tons of Ihi* valuableroper nionUi, whlclt h tcrnt to tlio Now Jorsoy'.ino Works ut Newark.

After visiting thl? point tbo cicutilon breaksip.' Many of tho party, who arg desirous of

;liinE Now York without waiting two or:o hours for Iho Snsiei IlaUroad to connoctn with Uio D. L. 3e W. Hno, chartered a

Bpecial car on tboHWIond fur $50, which makestbo ruto of faro dieiper thin tlio otlior way,and allows thorn to reach ibe city sorornl hourscarllpr. A nunibor of Dover gentlemen ancom-pauy tho parly to Iho city. The balance of lb(

yrty, dwindled down to a

it bora fur tlirco hopel!od

Wd Improvo tbb

o wa pimo by taking a •troll about tbo place But

whit a contrail it presents to tlm Franblin offew yam since Then It wns teeming wltb

ifo and prosperity, and ooiay wltb tbo bus;um of Industry. Noiv nearly all Ihc mines are

closed, both furnaces aro out ofblist, andwLcnilitary wbistlo oat or tbo many blew at sixoclr, hardly'a soul could bo scon upon Ihc

muiu Iboruutlhran-, v\n;n A few ;IbiH tioiL- nf ihu day humlrcdi ini^Lui't-'ii. Thu gcfK-rfll utujj'ualioii

Uutcsiill trinlji>rilii«ti'(:L.()in(.

We U t r.l H i.VliH-I; I>. M. sun] otter

train Ii,ni-r tv.su finally nattitil, a

Al l i iml l ik -OTW' , . , ujix pcrhi

I K B B « Bimvcb

> tUc id

nlow tu

iil rxpr

tin. ItUtfiifBiijrkluilrur ln'ld i:inauy L-ijiruwiuna wiv heard

tlmt il wn« In all riiiji,-cltf tin. bust maetinj; HiXiiMtilutu b.id tin:, fur lirld. Among the gen-t i u i i or tiiiH wciuity wlio pavtifipatcdin th

lot il e Mt;tKiel.oi.l (Jtoige, A. C. CanPold, F. A. CaiiQultlJubu It. IVtem, Jan. Ii. Loir in, i:. H. WoUatt aM. D. Kyuur nT Dum, Jl.m. K. li. IIulBiiy

nivny, and JIcreiN. W. ». UtCunipauil Ji.aiTimiiiufl'uwcrvilte. Thu locii timinilriLiif,'i'iuniilii wun JiLMBrs, E, ti. Ml>Halt4 K A. CnnndJ. OrtiiiK lo illoMB Mr. Ii.

Cunfii-ld WUD nnalilc to net, but ihcir HRDIIIIH*did lbeirwi>i-km> will Hint In uvcry pnrliviiltlio iDi-L-lhi); of tin- lnutiiiilo «ii). in VHHpcrfuel Mtea-Hs, without a ringlo dranku-k

ifni'luijulc nee lit mice tn hinder ur m!tr tin

During their shy In Dover thu inoisiopjud t t tho Min.iuii lliiuxi', uhmoMr. Juliuy

itered Id Ibcir \\un\* in uueh an nctcptiiMemanner c« to greatly IHITL-IIKII IIIL- repulcti '

eiijii}<:d fur many yrara of hi 1115; nne of tlietmiccuHiifnt uudpopubr liuatH of tbo Htatc.lio tvrilcr not liring oWo lo rend the pilvei'lt. a nuinbiT or crrotu or compositorsirrfilinuurnrllida uiiik'r ibis LcnJ wliieli,ur Ibo cirrittiiulancuu, wo I.UJ.L will be


Special Council Mooting.Tim Cuminnii flniinril hild a tpucinl inct

0)1 Friday evoninc (if lasl wueb. 1'roaunl—liny

llirbirdii, Hucordur Cilltcuduu, <y(b

Hancoand lleach, x.itl Coiiti^-ilitibii invrU,

•id Oouiiclt.

Tim inluuli'so! tlio Itmt niuoliui; ir;ru

ApplieulIiiitB fur hotel lii'iitrtvn K<r« Ihonpru-Uted bvl . ] | . J,,l:L-y, K. L. riiiuul, Kai

(iiifing, Chan. VViitfiin, aildtJa-niiiel Truwnrtlta,lio following (pjilu'^lioiii lor saloons wcrapr

ucuted: Moller.VliflekofT, heir ami btlltardihoar and bowling alloy; Ocorgi

DlaiiL'tisn], billiards; and J . II. Burcliell, TVtII, Jones, Wni.irockliiK, ami John ilmcl, 1>CI

II.HJIIS. Ikforrcd lu Lleunso Contiaitlra.In tba inattar nf tbo appeal or Win, lUtjbon

from tho judgment of Ti>wn Jimtleo PrccuiaWood, upou tbu aiiplluallou of A. 0. Smith, at-tui-nty uf llio appullftttt, to poalpeno, it wagreed by tbo Corporation Council tbat thpbearing tlinuld lo beard at any subscqimuotinj[ from Uio dato of tbis meollug, waiving

id all informality by roaann of tbis anot having boon bpurd-ivilhin thirty dnjsof thu

ranting thereofTbo bills of tbo Judsos of Eleotlait fur tl3,

ami a bill of ii. Wiugct ror tn, mm roferroiilia Pinanio Cnmraittjo, roporUd corract,

ami urdurud jiniil.Tlio round Keeper's report WHB rouulved

or do rod placed otiulo.Andrew ltoisi was elected Town Kurvoyor aud

.liner Williams Pound Keeper, each by a uimn-nuuu vntc.TboIiicvimeCamniitteo ropartud, giving tliei

ipprovnl to all iho application* fur Lkousoibovo named, except that ot Samuel Trowar

blch svflB L-bmtKud from a hntol liccuso t(a aaloou llcouac, With thin in o<] Id cat Ion al

in ted.xcd to IO'bo Plro CoimnltUo was authan

ic old hddortibolnttgiug lo Iba lowiIt wan ordered tbat Ibo nelitbnu ol BI. Welsh

and D. H. Nor I boy be loft to tho Liounno Cumlilteo with power t-isct.Cnuucll oJjnnrncd.

Putt'Mom'a.Tbo snin ly tbo fiherlff of ttis property oHqnlio" Saris was began last Saturday, when

about twenty lota wore sold, at pricaa rang ingfrom t2i to HI each, figcrogallns (880. lliosab) was tucn adjourned four vrcebs, Tbo menwho purvbasL'd tutu upon thii jiroperty, tut'uilt upon them, uu aware of tbo ificunlbraucoirliicb rested upun tbu whole praiwrty, fool Turyiiuch pluaicd OTIT tbo probability that onougbOIK will bo sold ID meet Davin'n dablg, withoa

selling tho lots upon which, tbey aro locatod.Tbe whclo propurty contains some GO acres tnu

aviH paid but about (TOO for It when lie bough. It is said that thosa men, when about to

purchase, viuitoU tbc Countj Clerk's offloo aJlorrlitoivii, and examined tbo records, bu

mid Hud no incnnibrancci n\yaa tlicm recordedKtro. V«tUisai*urtedthat tboie

Lflf o been IJ-IIIH iu Ibo- Kow Jcraoy SupremoCourt Bbico 1871. If tbii be truo of what usei tbo ClcrU'a ofllce at Blorristown to pirtliibo contemplate jmrchatiiiig Morris Countyproi»rty?

Sir. Stanley, of Holoton, luu boss cnrpontoior tba D. L. & W. n . It., ii at tbU place now'lib from fin lo CO men, finishing np Iho trestli;orlt for tbu now lino of cotd pockotg. When

thlH id complotad it fa Ibougbt the ronipunyill b« ahle to sloro Ibo enormous aggregate

of ono million toiiHofcoaltai'Xho ongiuccri aro also engaged lu laying out

non sidings for Ibo nccommodatton of tbocoa•afllc.'XboStaJilionoPottmaiterfaas removed to tho

eff post ofilco building In that place, which isslid to bo a model of. architectural boiuty I

Colorado Potato Bilge About,Tlm Colorsdo l'otato UugB, thoso tcrrlUo nesl

of. tbu potato-groircrs or tlio Weal, hnvo ranilotlicir appearance in this section in lucli largo

tbers timt many Are •xtromely foarfnl thattbeir crop* will bu entirely ilostroyod. Mr.

Icr a on Evcrolt, who la garden! ng nn thotjiro|>.•tv of Mr. John 0. Uaso, along tbo caniin to-vti, Bbovrs us about fifty of tbeso bugs,ktu from Ion lillla or polatoei, irbich In lisaid color aru the enot countorparts of tL»

ipoclmeua lout ui from tho West lait fall.istyear, no undoralMid, (oma wen, ieou lie ni)iu1iborbifodnra<rinin Vtiloy, but nes<,ro uotlcod in tlm iramediiU vicinity of thii

piiico. Sir. Everett lays they soom to be irar-cling Botilh-ivard, deiwsiHng tbolr etrgs as tlioygo. Tlio first DUOS who come do not destroytha tops, but tho eggs which tboy Icavo behltdthem hatch out with wonderful rapidity, and

A few days from tbo,time the eggs aroipositeil, tho'young IUSCDII aro eating tb

;ops, •Swarma of ihd Inflects float open thoitern and creeks, and cling In living maussany Quo I lug objects, In the Honthem part

iftlia Stale they are so thick lhat tbe corksat fiahormen become black wltb tliom.QloiiL-uitoi- and Otbur eonntioi It I» foartii Hut

mire crop will ba wholly cuuiumedtbrtn. Tlio only rencily wo liavo hoard git

) follow* t Tnko a vpoouftil of Paris Ondlssolvo It in a pail of nat«r. Thcu taUn

vUp broom and sprinklo tba topi with tbo muro, ropc&lfofi* Uio oparallon aovcral Uu


Gag thai Whistle.About utno o'clock every erening, when all

good babies are mloop, & coal train poisesigh cur city, atticbcd la tbe cngina of

rhlcU i* tbo loudest and shrilli'st ponay whistle>ny engiue driven ovor loved to blow.

That WUIIIIB commands tbo attention of ourUizeni to tli* exdiulun of ovcrrlbinf,' ilso, at

lent to long *j tbo euho Is beard seroainingover tlie-billi and tho vallo;]. lion with >Ucr-

Btilfl proportions cbuoklo and Uugh over thometrating cfTocls of that wbfitli?, hut thinen (latest it. Young ladies think it " atrfol,"

ut no pen can deacribo tbo horror of thosoiadioi who htvo bablos to put to #]ifp. \Yo calltbo Dttentlon of t ie Directors of tbo il, & £ .allis Dolavarr, Lackairanna and Wottorn H. It.to tbat wlilstlo. Just think, geutlomen, or tbatitbistli) ai it pisics from.one ond of JlorriiCounty to tho other, wakirp up at hu\ athousand babici, aud of tiio.oonfuilon brought

mt of tbo stillncaa of tho night, As wowrite this, Iho baliics In Madison are Juat

tnninff to walto up, and if ths ingcl orcy could Just fly a httle In advanua ori coal train as it'proceeds on ilown, hoild boar inch a walling as would soudhiirt-striiign "clear to Hobokon." Woijm-iixo with yon, mothers, «nd if that onglaoorgat a linby, wo Lnow a petition from youlmro (l,0 effect to "dry up" tbatwhlstlo,

ind then "all quiet along tlio lino" will bo

should bo the first ambition ut our peoplni juild up onr towu and adfaaae all Its ooni>larcial and loduttriil intorcsls. To this ond,hoy ibonld reraeinhor that'as a rula whatelp» ono bolpi all. Tlie prosperity or etcli

to tbo proiporltj or tha nhola. Thel growth is made up of individualgerfigale growth is made up of individual

parts, and tho daTclapmoat of each factornagniflea tho mpn. Them slioold Iw a unityof fooling and interest, % disposition to ucitoIn public sctlvitlet, i doienninatlou to poshfortrord our own local project. We should en-courftgo oar own manufacture ri, bny or our

mercbanls, pitroniio our institutions, and.• in mind at all linei wlitt will promoteomi local growth d JpeKj

A Inr^o UUD courts of people mol lu the Tret-vUrJan Oiiuroti on the Slst ult.. In rcaponin

t,i tho notice glvou by Ibo HuldiBrs' ttoinumlruin linn. TUB ineelitiff was t-alltd lo orderbroe o'clock by Dr. Columbus Ikaoli, l'rcni-

dutit, who ui a few rrmurki refur.cd In tiiu inrl-unrbuly n»turo of Ibu met!tint; md failed UJ.UJIItrr. Ur. Iloifiii-J lu oll'iT i'r.iytr, nbii l Im ilid,L«pi'eiiilly rciiiombiring tha >olilii<m and theirfuiuilioif, Tbo rlucrLtuiy, Jlr. 11 1'. Itfacb,KM* lliutnlnuU-i of tho l&it imiL'tiliK, and Hun.£. D. Ilulscy, hUtonun, r»id an iiitcr.isiing pa-

giving an account or the bravo tneu thatit from this township to oervo our cuuulry

in tlio lime otiis surest nodd., At Urn paper \*lu bo publlihed I refrain from further (Mmimnl

llov. Ur. Tuttlo from Muuiit IIopu nu> llu-u

iu. I reduced, »iid procveilud I" tmy iu tiuWuiu'«

This uciiiuiou liiw liuaa rtfurii'il to OH « md;, bul iu (iMcu tlmt-a Iln.uo u)iu tiicj in Ibe

vici.' of th'eir cinintry win1 uomider.'il bappy-irutbu KjumlitrqiiultJ iiiinuf tlio undent JJU-I in proof .if Ihu fuel Hlate.l, nml KDII! tin.I

»o ivhountorlaiD kinJrvd acntinion s mniil.,lUv..'Bf<:clii,,:or uMiwt* tuinglod wilb

their s'tjroiv when tliiuliiiin (if tlieir valinntdead, and eapeciallr must ih\t b\- truo whin r>'-

flechuir upon tho fact ibit ihu dmam-d frlmidswero conut'otud with en fJorions au tmhiuvo-titeul as Ihu uialiililnanci) of our yuroniinciit.

Had It not been fur Iho jalriut coldiuru curnaliou would lidvu lorn rout intu rrifiut'UtH.

ied IIUIJH ur thu Old World undttiiilr minloiii wiuil'l liav.t rcJuiCLd ut thi; IIUKII-full nr our Kepulilie, uu OVI-QI that wuitlil hiultllled their |iMJ|)h(jsii<ii und pruvun tbo Imilil.tr tif inpiiblUnn u'lVWnini'iit, Bf.d takciIOIU liio World luu iiilbti'Ci.itiHt lln:lr MHKUiiipti'iti*. Tlio bravo soldlunliii not vom-r amidut liardnbips and tlangciut with nuljlo during Uiuy did Ilioir worjiilifitll* ftnd truly. Tbo Ui<ii>u was pruacrvcml tbu liiilliue cbalus or rinvery fell frum ml

Tu pn-dorvu tbo Unluu a saeriflca was neccitry and New JuiBuy did her part uully anell. Tlio record ofllockawny township ma0 taken as a lair index, and her report Jos to-

day read) RtmidB out ia bold roller. Many sloopvhoru loved ooeu will not etrow their gravesvlth flowers—In ibo lar-pff porl Ions ol our land.

Tlio xpcakci- saw many rogfuiontB whon thejelttruDd with brouzed tsoei and thinned raukn,ind nbilo many hearts wero made glad by tlihu return of dear oneB many otliurB porrowe

fur tboso who ruturned not. Oioal is Inchsacrifice ami giurtoui the a ch I twine:out thereby; Tbo porpetuallon of

tidlrhled.ltor. A. II. IklliB, from Hibornii, follone] and

ild tho prcsont ii an occisluu ol Uuoji I1 us individually, Hud tullculioatand foel-if;i of duop tutoroHt fill our buai'ls as wi think

of Ibt past. Vfo have heard to-day of thotoit from onr mii'ial to lake tbeir llvci

thcirbaudB and battle for tbe nation. Wuuot liuro simply ai tlioso who would keep

:j tlio loved aud valiaut ones vha vur sldo lo Morvo aud snvo our couu

Ibiwmnbing v»caut'lea at our nroaldos, ljut.to Ibcir memory. Tlm tiioiitholr tnil; to-day tbu itatlc

Induotiy stsnda still to pay tribute la (lielion's dead. * It Is a yraud day and ono lnorcr ought to rail into dlsuso. It is a day iuwliieh llio wliolo uallos can uiouru over tbo no-blo tbat w<.-re ilaln, Wo can itrow tbiwith Sowers anil rejoice tliat tboy were not

altors; ne can rejoice tbat our busltandii,fathers auiliirolbcrahvlpod da tho great work

eeeisary to prcaorvi UB a nntlou. WD I•ilh ourfloweri, tbo ladles and child]era with thoirbouquets. Uo lake tbc mllou'a

fiord tribute and strnw t ie graves of tlio na-tion's doid. Hore the poet was quoted who iugr*ndeur of oxpreisUwcommciidud tho custom

To-<1ay wo BB a nation visit ,t1t» Bflaut cities o;hv dead, and why do wo do tt T Bocauae ouii aro hj their Oeods or b oro lien teach Iba worklesson of fidelity to onr republic. Lot noni

« forgotten; tha huniblosl sotdlei »i VKW.IAtho oNcer of rank shonld bo kindly rememberod to-day. II li flttfug that wt un this and k

ikospuptbeamtom. Qod bleis thosa i rkilood for our country, Iheir frlentls aud ouriHterlmd. • '

Tho Troiideut annonacod that tbe Atloa wonld prooood lo oloct offlcors lor t ie en-suing year, aud on motion ot Dr. Jaekson tlioso

ro-olectod. ATOIO or thankswastonderadto rack of tho following: Tbihistorian^ tha spotkors, tbs Itockswiy DrdasBand, and Ur, D. II. Ktinllton; to tlio lasnamed ror-cars baalowed upon tbe Botdlungraves. On motion is was decided to place.iniUblo monument it tlio gr»vo of Ut. Fredor-ickSlar, a soldier doceModwItbfn thu pantjear,Tha taeotina; than broke up In ths church anda forge procciebn formod with tlio bant) at tbohead and proceeded lo tbe comotery to bcstoiiokoni ofreaptct upon the patriot dead. Aftci

laklng ft circuit of tbo burying ground thethrong Iialtcdnuar the plot dedicated to thouololdlars tbat woro not broagbt home far Inter-inent. • Hero witli tbs flag waving Just beforohim UT. Beacli made % few remarks slating titseixly-(turea bravu men who wont from our mldsl

A BATCH OF BURGLARIES.About i id lu bu



uryycar (lurlby a jiaiijf of burglars

gh luvfstigaticjii ut etvi-raltbey leave.

welvi' «'cl(wk«iu I'riiiny t;ij,-lit ofMr. J . XT. Bearing, uf tin- i inu ul i\. I'. .V J , W

iSJJLT, trh'i isiix-i'S ovi-r Ih:1 1' H; \«rt uf llicL- on liii^ifi Hltui't, II'UK nUHknsc.l by tliiiH liii-l,ilif[ i>r Hit' ili^' rlmiiiLHl to tin

ci' hi H

i ilncii* iti^ lhII. JlaBleuin;; tii -li B think h(

. nun, »bi> lie I hi uk,iK I-, pacify the dug.

b L-I'IIIH in clangii' lu'aicl vui.'cs I

IJIH. r (hat tlm

rud (liru

is t i l Urn

ghdl a

AI :i

cellar window nud Irsit tlic i W , mid Imir a du^i u boxes ((•* and obiiiit (1 in cbtngo wero lutcii.tlm moKt during and HUt'ecsuful oxploiti'dl<>'l!iu Kiiug tliJM itigbt w:ii at tbiict ur Ur. I. MVCmi'Jit, on I^aiinoct St..' wi-uiij Huur iif tbiH liOuuo aru tbrooleijiiiig h|iiirluiiiiils—ono iu front, cIIIL-, and nnulliLT in tho rear, and ad imim at thu tup of ibu glair*. I:r.miu two cbildrcu wi-ro Kli-ojiinff i,r rujiu the Doctor and Km. Coudlct.

children,oVloefc tha Dot awakened

never returned, that ni no toon wero £ iwnod iithp Cumberland hi ono tlmo, and than Introduc-ed Her. Mr, Ulakvilsa of Boofcaway, whothat tlioro arc two things tlosr la his boirl,—First Ihacburdi of his Havior and socoml tbc"StarBpungledBaaner" of his country. Thiilava dated back to boyhood when lie had followed his country's fUg on training days, no tbenwondered whether tho tlmo would ovor iwhon it would moot wltb [mult. Thocamoandhaaps.it. Tho grava has alwaysregarded as ncrod and nans )• mora deservingofTenaratfon than thsoDO oonfaialnp; tha ro-mains of* soldier who icalodhla patrlatiovotiou to Ills country ind flag with bis b'fu. ^ Itii aald that overy groat maa lives two livos.—Tbe first endi at dtitli and tha locond beglmthere, wlicn tba departed lives »lifo of untoldUBefulneis in aurvivlnjr inflaonco. llio apcahnr

ht that lbs men wlioto grufos bid jnstbBCD visited won living tha second lite in tbcli

rcatluison ofpitrlotitm. Ho is fjlad that BIany itrivo to do thorn honor. Tho mhUcr'n

iicrifloc was great. Some found fault at Ihiburdens of war on ioccount of taxes, ie.'/bu'tthono who wont Into.ttio scrvloo sicriQacd in-fliillcljworo. Avlii tpsldto the hospital ut

ilersliurg, (during tho war) wboro els or flt-Totionsaad sink and wounded soldlon langulshodis conTlncIng proof tbit those men kttowo moaning of saciilico. Doubt leu many j

out know. Wlvce, mothers and childrenlost dear ones know what it inoini. stay

eavenly Father proscrvo our flag, and main hoacorortb dtr« to ioanlt It. It Is a pleas-ra to noto the placo so near by madn tacr:IOSD whoBObodica roalfar away. Adwiropci-idOB tho bnman hoart to be buried at homo,

facob md Joseph ol old Insisted that thp!r rp-IIDB should bo taken to their m.:'.fc laud. It

must havo bocn hard for Iho solders to rctlect

tho boar of death tbat their graveir from lioino. It IH appropriate that x ' flair

spot s«e:-odio thoiiHer. Mr. Apttar Ihon «jm!;o in flub5!i.-?f t i foi-

Idincorn doup ttuotion dqik.-.l on tl.flironaoflhosujiro-icut nho rcfl.'c; tbat their

itombcd boruorin tlio far offDUlli. Uo are bum to honor those WIIMO livencrogtctm that onr nation jiiay iivo. Wo doit Ibus especially houurour dead. II IB a tri-itepaldtocouragu. It required* courage lueodaiigar and dc»th on tbo bat tic-fluid, inidura tho hardships of Ibo camp and Ibu lio:-

•on of tho priaon-pcni. For this,courage n^lorour dceoaied toldiors. It was for us tbatilr lttrdsblpa woro eadurod, that wa may ntili

IUJOJ Ibe blessing of tills froo glorious govern-inl, and miy we ever clicrieU tlie memory ofjso who thus tplloil, sacrlflcud nud nufforod.

lio rrcsidont tlon offered a resointioa thatfor a lulUbto aionuraent lobe raircd

in tho ground above referred to. He remindedthose prosout of the fact that the Logiilaturojfti passed a apodal act autboHiine tbe people

tha township to raise $3,000 for tlio purpose,and wnotbor tbe money Is ralsod or not ettirlHshouldlMJnitdo to soouro tho mouumout. AtIta close of theso remarks thomoetlngwaau'e-:Urod sdjonrnod to meet on iba SOIQ day rf

^ O l B .

(We bavoreeelvod tho 'Historian's Heporl,rliich wo regret wo bav« not room to publish

this Issue. It will appear noitwook ED,]

Tho Bulletin pays i couplo of ui tbe Mowingoat complImoHt:' I r a n JIorrlBtowu wo wenta Duvor and called npon Brother Vogt, of tlmittA. Tlio IBOK En* offloe Is ono of tho bust ar-auged country office* In the State ; in fact, wolonotknowofMi office, outside or tho largerliliDB, its equal. Witli a Urge stock of priming

itorlal and Snt-claes power preisoB, run livmo, BrothorYogt turni oat flrst-dass Trork.j alto publishes sn osocllont local journal, at-

tested liy tholactihat hli subscription list ia- "•-increaao. While In Dover, we had thu~~.ro or dining with Mr. Warren qegur,iiuTcr of Iho Dover Hank. He is President of

the Younff Moil's Christian Association; ftCd a;entlep»a who talcs a deep interest in tba mor-il adiancement of the boroash in which bo IO-ides.

11, and arouo lo attend them, after whichcut don-n stairs to hie ofilco, ond to tho

liitiliun. The IIOUBOKBB then all richt,trunk which Jliws Mny Oundiot bad tbat ilayIjl'dimlit from Rtunbopii stood at Iho botl(tlio lull stalm uudltiturbud. Aflar returningup ftairn, in cuiuiduration or tlio illness of thochildren, Mrs. Condiet retired with one of themIn tbo centra1 room aud bar husband took Hiolbor with hi.ii to tl,u rear room. It was «late as two o'clock before thoy woro both aslcc,again, nhlvli Dica tho tluto of tbu burglarybetween thou and morning.

Iu tlio morning tha house wan found to bogenerally disordered. Tito burfilare bad gainedcntrnucu by II rut forcing open tbo uliutturi ofwindow nu the porcb, conimuuicatfng will tinhall, They Ibun forced out a email cornerotho pane tinr tbo fasloubig of tbo null, amiu Burling tlitir Uugors undid tlie catch nutriincd tho lutrcr BBHII. A bright light, ahvayItft burning ot nlgbt, at tbo btad or Ibo ball

lirs, probablf aBMiBlnd them greatly iuupcralluiifl. Tboy ft I HO imcd a. candle, iwafl fiiuud, partially burned, near llic trunk, inthu ninniing. Tho trunk, In wbieli Ibo koy wasleft, vai rifled of its con Ion la, tvhtch wcroIcred about, and a gold chain and lockelbL-lurifjinc to HIBS Abble Condiet taken. Poming up st-irs tloy Froou'dod llirouHb lha centrabudruGinintotbcrcarono,anu there abstractedfrom tlio [untalooni of tho Duetor, which wcrobanging over tho foot of llio bod, his p<book, containing a number of notes and etherpapers, and aliout 120 iu mousy. The paporsiud pocket book nore found scattorcd aboii

Iho ball bed loom, but tbo money ivan gono, oluiirac. In this ball bei room tho burglannot with what wan to them uo doubt an agree-bio surprise. A box of jowGlry, which tbey

bad been in tbo habit of keeping in a tlhad been temporarily tinposltcd on a bed in

liad roum,Kud a heavy piece of Bhcot-Ing ibrowu ovor it. Turning thin orer, sccl-lutit ally or otlierwloc, Iboy vanio across tbo boxmd look it. 11 cDtitafnud IG pieces ofjcwolrv,

fududing a dlamnml ringand 0 lockots-mibo properly of Sim. Conflict- valued at nearly1300, A box containing ilio tablo uilvor, in tboinidiiln bod rnom, escaped tiioii- notice. In tinfrort bed room, ticeupicd by Miss AMtlu Condli:t*and MISM Fnirehlid, vice principal of tbpaiocliial school at Now ton, nothing «as digtut-bed.

Uu tlio tint floor & general search wis nutdfor vitluables. In the sitting room they wentivon BO far as to peer luto the vases, which wss

.iroved by tho drippings of candle grease Tonnaupon them. In tho Doctor's study A box

_ mlcroBcopu tixluroB was overhauled andtho interior or Itia dosk investigated, whoro ihoIhiovcB probably overlooked a Savings bankbook. Mis. Conflict's dosk and case of dmwerBIn tko dining room vero thoroaRhly rausaoked,md tbe tbloves cveu proceeded up the Lack

stairs from llio kitchou, as was attciUid by thicandlo Krca«e upoii Uio steps, I>ut beyond tbi

loncj aud ibo Jewelry, notblug else was takon,cxEoptitig a bat of Eddlo Coudiel's, from tbobull. From the mi nut ones* with whisb Iba

:bod It IB evident tli at tbo visi-tors wero nono other than Ibo most eipotlprofoBnlonal burglars.

At lUckotlntow!), Saturday night, thu Amor-:an Qouso was euterod.but nothbgor value

taken, and on Sunday ovoninff the r«siilencccor Col. 0. II. Valentino and Cnloh Paircb wereentered. At tbu bouao of tho fnrmon theyfailed to secaro any-valuables. At Fairelo'flQve dollars ia inonoy was takoa.

t l Q[l. I l l , A BIU lUilUUQUfe Ul »JJ>B UilJI.only btlived tbat tho Jury did not doUco according to the ovidenoo. Tl '-done daring my absenco and laid time, I am innocent.

Tlie Conrl thun bagi

Sentence of Hughes.Tbo Kenrlon Court HoUBOwas crmrded wltb

people" on Moadnj last to hoar tbo sculoncc cJohn Hughes, convlotod for tho murdar of biwifo on tbo 7tb of January lait. After tho um»motion by tha Prosecutor, Judge Itocd askedHughes i fbebadany reaioa to give lrlivieneo should not bo.pronounced uinn hwhen be replied.* . - •

\it\\ ijr, \%m innocent of tula crimo, and I

deed -„-io lo fipfto

intcnco, iLlludlagtbofilrnoBe'af the trill the abllily of hi!icmel,andbia approval or Ibu vciiliut ,i'oncliid>g as foIlowH :Anil now, Jnhn II no lion, the judgement or

•he Court is, Dial you bo titLoit to ibo hil orHUHSGC county, whence you en mo, aim therebo no|)t In close conflncmont until Friday, the(Bcrinii ilaj of July ncit luiHiiius. and Iliat onthai day you ha tnken'thi'ii • ••• •monition, nml tliere, bctwet-no'olui:kln Urn forenoon mill \\\ __ __aftoruoon nr that day, bu Imngi-d hy ll>n ncftuntil you are dead; cud uijy Uud have mercyun your ioni.

ThoSuasox'Itcglstiir tuys:Tlio (Donee in the court rnnm during the

le]ivory of tho sentence, wiiieb was dotio o:empomnoonaly, was inloimf.' Al its clone thirlaonur naid "aiuun," nud the crowd brgait tuurgo ami talk an ir tliuv bad Jimt met for a pioilc.Hughes JookoJ weak ami 'slightly fkuhwl

ihen lircn^ht Into the court ro'»n to roccivoils ncnl«u;p. JIo his lost voiioiilutablo tlcsh

l. b

cither dncsbelo..k aor tbo trial, liewhon told by IIIHhat hfl could nnt

,ta\y put on atoadilyfor Ihru

] It) cri,

» II.nfn MCFlIenM npirilu, andruuiiHol a Tew dnjs since

cscniw miniHlitncnt, Imme.a Jolly expression and sang. Itonrs. IU tiayn tbat it Isud ho nitauti to die came.

Long continued odortH lo persuade him loplead pulltj Imfnro the trial, In order that liemight he Bunt lo Btalo l'riion, were imavail-Inp;; Im laying ho \ DCOllt, E to ill d

that ho van gnllty if liebe iiaiigca en a tree at uiuo o'clock on

t ie -following miirnlug, White going to IIIHcell be said "Ilo illdu't enro a button, as many

good man TTOUIII ilio before Ibo 2J, Df Jply,"ud nicotine Dr.MIlb-r, nhuhiiKOii important•itncH* agtlnnf, him, bo polilcly raised his bitabL'paseodhltj.

Hughes, irho id a ltumnit L'alhulic, U not ondr>- good torm.1 with Father MU-CDBUI-, of;L.wtf)!i," ami ho IK tlicrori.ro vUltod twli<i> a.eck hv Father Tracy, of Waihingiuu.SI IL-riff ltiii 3 having been requested by tbo

|itoiler autburillcB lu mako Iba eioculidti ofluiiti Ii itches as prirato as poisibic, tlie foilow-

porsotiB, to BOO that Ibe BL'utoncu in prop-erly executed, will bo entitled io tick tin or ml-liasluti, and none others, Til:Tmlgesiifthe Court, Counsel or fitalu aud

rismiur, Jury in tbu Cose, Hoard of Choaenri'L-linlikTH, Cuuttty OQlucrs, ]tc]iortcrs, tlioecusKiny number of pbyacians arid dfllcurB of

The above list U pablishcd for tlio iuforinsltonnin)genyr»ltmblii3, tnd Ibat ihoKhcriffniayo yparcil tbo annoyance nf iiuiiicroiw refus-

paiiMtt* l» stale that tbo porrafit ii small in tliono cases wboru

Ivo cents by ml l

t ii small in tliono cases wboru wo rccoivoents by mall fora copy of Iho Eiu wrapped,tal anil noht paid with a two-cent stamp;ro very often aei:onimudnto many friends

lhat way, mostly tlioao wlio talio so manyTsimwrfl that Ihry can't affortl iu subucribotheir local joiunnl, wjiich tbey can so readilyy when lltcy " sec" anything in It tint inU-r-s Una. Dnt probably tbo lieivlest prolllmi* in ibuso InsUnccs ol returning tlie flvonix conii couplBil with t)io iuformatlon that

y cannot bo had. At any rate, Jf we g htm IdIbat am nil nun for tbo iiurpoao of Baringm tbo grasp of tb« poital department wod bo a n t h t i d ht b l i i S i l

. .rom tbo grasp of tb« poital departwonld bo anathematized tight bcarliij-copies of tlio I B H E l l j f

d b anathematized tight bcopies of tlio IBOH ERV mnllcj


tiny addre

A charter has been gran tod for tho iuBtltu-:ian, at Sparta, of Prospect Council, No. 119,if tbe Ordor or United American Mechanics,

iCiv imprQi'vmonts.I CUB* lias a proper vivv.

rautagt! tit rtul ci.ti.to i

.ild hiujHilf ttt wry up;*! that ulTuri. Ue ban airuady \;n.Atnli iiiiido o fino niiiaie of the lots next

.-Anil, lrttwwn BiirRfii nnd Emci Btroet:iu7.' iindtrtaliiu;; u new tntLpr|irine on IIa'dii r.f UtrgMi utrtet, butweou Meaduimd thv cnnal. .Hero lio piin-bnso<l conlince B b>t ur 40U tvi front en IScrgi::itid 2(Xi fi'ut dei-p, fill- J'.',(KJi>, ]l w:!« '

md has fifteen liti- l.uilitin

>itii(!. Wil

ul-u di«

idjoiui ' Kill:,g Hiiutb,would be ubout tliii«iJ!O*jf tlmt i

•istoicu, Or tbo ruinre prosperity ot Um t;nva•oiiHideriiitf iho frost inturtalu of tie IIIJICI , «

of tho ptobabllitv or its iuureasiiiR fn ally iithis direction, uono vtu doubt. AH WO bar.

ihin« of thin kind, and greatly nccl muh i])laco, tlio matter is certainly wortli (.IDKKI-.'I

FZander e.Hit. UuiTusi—TLoexamination nf r.nr I'uhli.liod coinaienL-Dd on Tbud endL-d Friday arioniou

ltlio LtiEys. n in qnr

SUCCASUNNA.I tbougbt two wi;ck« r.|;o that 1 liad liniilicd

jy tiiy for Iho pi.-Hcnl, iu regard lu Iho ron-L-nipl&teil tirill-buusL- iu fiuceawunn, Imt the

rnrd published by Jiliuder last wotl; HI.

lUfcmciitwiilsppeiir.'Ilio taid clfliiiiB hiilit-ii biginiA KJ the

inu fur haiasc, uln-u tliere WITO but lift*dtilling Ibat ol lbs applicant, end one i.f

ised bv puiteil marks (Jotiolinjf ('iand repMituiiet'ou tbc [rnrt of tho ugiwr. all out waul a;

] luve met ittvtral of llteao BiyiiiTu, two uf now in a n>ii'lill'>>i Ut iilirjv,- ut ploi

bum deelaicil Ibat they tvoro no badgored byihu aj'l'liimil t in t they uigni'il bin japvrid of liim, aud t-ij.rL-^til Hindi Ki.li,hfit liiN ppiilicaliQii wn> hid utii.lc

I am plemcd to bare il lo suj tliat uu

'ruai any conutituliuunl authority wbatuvur has iborouglily. Thu tup H'.'ll i" **>"=*

x-uii Kmule-d any one, to epcu a bt-er

hiu JiIacL-. The V. ti. UuvcriitiiGtit hu

o Jcry n tax uu ilcalern in tipiiituoiis

lon't iirminn» tn lutcrf.-ru willi tin

liiGBtion. 8u a receipt for Ihu payment of'thii A n.ttiEivca no privilege to violuto tho laws nf Iho eligibility ofthia lUMpt-rt v, P-I'.II II t.hpitatc, and uu protection nbutovvr in uin:b vi.alioii. Our ueiifhbor would du well tu tlior-

(Jtigbly pout himself on Iho Now Jcrsoy I.IquoiLQWH, at bo will bo likely to need all tlm iufor-

atiun bo can obtain on tills point.I am told tbat tho romomttranco cuntnbrev 40 nigunlurcn, and that among lueso iu>sldcnt of.cilhor UIIIbroQlt, Flanders, llrook-

lyn, If. J., or Brooklyn, N. Y. Of tlieHO eifjuerthave tbo names of 30 ; 2U of whom rcsiile liu-lediottily in tho village, and tho remaining 13anldo within mo tiiilen Ihorcof. Among thci

Iblrtyuix persons wo unva 17 frcoliolderfl, iaro beads of families, 2J are plodgcd tctuiie

ii, ttid 27 aru thureli nioniborn, a verybit lial lo bo transcribed frorti a bololin a country village llku this, tho

alrongoatovidelioothit can bo adduced, IbatDuC'atnp keeps an excellent liousc, on wblcliwe tendar him our hoarly coiifrttulttlions. Bo-sldo tbtso EG, I have ilio mlracB of 21 otlior a wlicrould havo Blicncd tho re in on S franco hud tlic

opportUDitj been given, of wlmm licrcfroo-18 are heads uffuinilitis, lfl uro cburcli

mombcrs, aufl 11 aro pledged temporanco men.Iu addition to Uio abovo lints I bavo tbo namesif30othori, residents of tho vilhtfco, as aro tlioibo«J, who probably would havo slgucd ndtliciuper, among wlism oro U frochobkrs and ti

Noit in tbofto threo lists MO hnvo 73 Leadt ofrnnllles, which number multiplied^ by five ri p-

rcBon t a population of 3C5, adding'thoso ou Ihopotitlan wo bavo TG more, making UO, thi-a

,cli on the JM other aignortf which Ulimlurlight haro bod as well an not, And wo liavo at

leant 100 more, inakiug tlio nefjrcgalo popiila-tlon of Suceanunna810,—figurcH wh|fb will nu-toulub many of tbo Inhabitants. Dill wo will

»o down a littla. There aio a few on nuroof tbo bouao who do not rcaldo nitbiullieita or Siiccafliinna proper. Eight pert OHM

ill told, and thoro aro five mi Minder'* aiilulalso beyond Its hound a, ono of tvbomitsldcaftwomiloBovon.icigbhorinay Ibink that wa nro inl.r-

Tering nitb (hot wbleh IH nono of our blhat WO aro prompted fn Ibo cmiruu I

.llco, envy, or ill-will, or thai IVB i1aebiovd a little uotorloty at bis (.'ipcnijc, bul voarc guided by none ofiheen motircn. As a mani neighbor, and Mund, ho bn» the esloo'ti utbo community in which tlm iindiTflicniid-corilially cntore, uud as for public approbation, oapplauso, wo will novcj- i-n'rifleo a friend to gah

irsuclieoniosiniitc-idciitnll.v from follmr-utr cur convictions wo'rn proud of it, but

livo without it, and reijpoiitint; tlio l;i;ep|t,B o r apcfltbde, ilia a mailer tiiatcvcryinnii, «-<•>»<>-. ""itiU child In lha placo In ID leictitud iti. rir more properly. Rlop-luiiiscti, aro li

va at this day, and piriiuulurlr Inua, fur tlic people to bo deceived by llio n-tj &•'tins names uf Hnluin, i-tfutuuruitt. etc.eb aro sjuonomoiiii wltb profiinlty, vulgarobicoulty, brcwlsand Kumblin};, and JL'sn,lorof a a Ion i ah in out tb&l tiro or nioro pun

eotiB cm bo found in a community liko (bib

wLoivilt ontur into what may rufr.lyba coneld- thoughth^h- miiloilan "n" lo "anfliciered a conspiracy <»ftili>n sueli arccklng filthy IJ- Goul11 m i s M ( 1 "mangM-wurMl," iDt.vlnb- W.

lu tbo place. The history of boerIOICB in fraught tilth bumnu dograditlun am

erty. 'Tin in tbosn ylxees timt the youngallured BUII take llio firat lEusntis vvhiob cui

.)atipcriitu and ruin. And It is cicocftlugl)loubtful to my mind If among the myriads ol

cse potty bells uow in operation, or whicliLVO hitherto (Jlisted, or.c inslancocan be cltci'

In wldiili the good necompiishod ivoutj utinii-torbahnco tlio ovtl radiatiug therefrom.

All tlio inhabitants of 1MB place are not onlyilereulcd in tbU mloou ([iiohtiou, but all lii wspunaihilily iu tho matter to a degree inicourdntift- will) their aoveral slollons aud ii

!• i .

' i ; ::••.•. 'J'im

• " ' i - i : . l , ! » • ' ,

L.-l iy I.LJi-i

" ' " i - M i i i i i i i il ••= J- :\'-n t i o i i - m . ! : i i ' . r l i ' i r i l -

goodly wimbcr of llio uoholatd vva» In ntk-mi duritif; belli daj-H, nud au cxfliiiiiinlioii (

theirpapurH almwfil very HatiKf«clorj( itHtiliItov. B. K. Duolittlu mid licv.' D. W. Tax wi-ipresent on l-'nduy nud aBhisifi.l iu itio work teradiufi- Mi^crf Muiy Miirltu, Amm Coltrna

gradeH, their genernl avomgu ludiip nearly ]f;(Our eiiterjiriHiiiB laudioi'd, Mr. " Ktevo" Uu

ird, liaj cuncludeil ibat u bachelor can't km-lintul.otul accordingly line taUon unto bin;]If n wife. Tho niprriagn ceremony vvna |.eirmoil l>y ltcr. I). W. Fox JUHI Toesday nioniinliopt sniirlKC, al tbo residence of tbo lirlik-arcnltf, and the bappy pair \vuro foun nttcrlvoBtoDrattvIlluEsnocTKfortlioMttropoli

The hrhlo'B nuno wan 1'lioilw Miller. 'Jim r eccpliuu utTuiTL'd (iii Saturday at (lie liotul i>:

.piito ft grnnd ufTuir.o Anniversary uf llio M. R. Hiinibv (juho

uf IhiH pinto ivill bo cukliratcit lu tlio CliiinSunday, JtiucClh. Bovcral cmlucnt Kpcntic

and Huuilny tehnol workers will ba prc^.-ut ai£M tbu KelinoliT, nud a plcaiuint Ibic laipatiid. Tlio I'roHlyteHan Sunday RuliIm hi nltonJniitu, and A Co:ici.<it will bu

iriiuwu that a beer sliobaiig willidd lo tbu liiiportaiiL't nml. prwporlly of oiKitty little Tillage, and liavo a tendency to ei

igbtuu aud'ck'vntt tho i^oplo, then It ehouto tlitirdiroct sanctlou and support; but IIthe contrary it appears tbat only harm ITI Iing front it, lhat It n-iil hoeomo as it inttuii ccitlor of uvil lulluouuDuaud uurnory of Iinrtaiily nn.lvicfl, nnno oliould lu.>nltatu la abutml and friiflli it fir tlicir own pornoiml av-

:ouutiibllity In tbo thine, and tbeir obligation*Ibe community an a whole, should on:li con R I durations as pcraounl accommoda-

tion, individual fiicndublp, peiioual busiiios' ' liko. Wo reltcrato on'

armor expressed hopi-, tliat uur neighbor wi!ibamloii bin project of keeping a ekp-Blif>p, for

lio persist* In bin avowed dotcrminitio ') on with it, lio will certainly find It an exceed-igly lionbloioiuo nod cxpniisivo business, anilocd oipcct no uyinpatliy from tlio public If haBOB money lu it.It is duo Al. DiiCuup and injnolf to my tbatb r lu tho publlcntlou oriuy former cNhttlo on•Is abebaug aiibjoct, no Iial uot ei clanged anglo word with rofcrcueo to it, nor bud Iicoivcd a blot or Intimation frotii atijdlrectiui

omlng from Sir.DcCamp, touching Ihc matterior did Sir. DcOonip sign tbo rLinonslniiico

iy furllicr say that lu to so tbo slop mi!optratlou, if njsuied Hint the «!op

ilomtrswrill givflhim«u]f no farther

Ibobopalhatlnbeil liiv

% wiJo tcrtb hillioiifilit nbnnt it.nn fiirtli

u it, hutition this matter will dlthai ebln mnslc In thlfl dirccli

iicn half played out yet.Thcpolalt) bug lian mado its appi-araiicc'inis Bcvtloti ii> Dinnbcra lo OCCABWII much ninriu.

Mr. Lautcnnai reeiding near llio IllacU riverpicked a lai-KG tiutnLnr Trom bis plants, and

Ir ." Jerry'1 IlalmrJi iiaj or two ago saw a greatlilcb bad I cen pfcUM from a jjirdon

itdi in KhippinBi»rt. .Ik-v. Arthur .lolineon nf Littleton, Morrisunity, preuched In tlio Pvcjst^tcmni Church

.Sunday, and delivered two very nu'c, Intcr-iU,K, Fadii-vl uormuuH. Mr. Jubntmn IH ainif,' mau liavillg JUKI pauBwl bli CulIconicatec, and RIVI-H prom bit of beimmliig n vory

Mr ntid mwcsafut niluintor of Uio Rtmjttt.


The Rolling Mills Again Leased.Tbo HoiUtiE Stills In tlilfl place. U.e propprfy

y a r l a n , Esq., were nsatn icuseJ onroJuaidty last. Tito Icsaeos this time aroal. John. E. Wynkoop end Mr. J.Il.O'Couor,rotUvlilu, Fa., whoso intention it In, iva utt-

luraland, to form a company fur tlis traueactiouf nLTHi lulling millbusinuia under Iba gen-

uu- uftlilnSlnto. Tlio contract signed byandllr , Mot'ortun gires them n lcaeo of

,'uo mills for ono rear wltk tho privllcgu ofg property. Tho n*ork of pulling tbo

uuJl in orfler for rntining will bo commenced ira-inlntL-lj, Bud fur thin puqioxo a gang of menII bo sent to tbo placo uu Muudaj nuii.HiiB Io»ki liko buaincss, aud wo hnpo thatikad of Ixlng conrjidli-'d la chroiilulo auotiicr

itlnre, TTOSIIHII IJO nlilu to announce soon lhatis miil is In BnceesRfuloperation. It can add itilittlodegroc to tho ma tu rial prosperity ofrloiTn.andifour puoplo find thai it U runpood faith, by n compi'lcnt company, an iru

ivo ito roanon to iloubt it will he, n-o tnintleywillslvc the ocw comers such I'licut-agE.-mt na will indues them lo fully indonlilyair iuttrcets with tkoso of tho town.

- • Pretty Good."Tummy" IHvii eat at bin lullio in thoickincihnps tho oiborday, watching hiaivnrlrd attonding to it oi nceaiiou roqutreii, win nwan accosted by na elderly man, trlio pro-

•edL-d to rejialo him irlth some very lengthyitorics ipon arlous topics. "Toimny" cn-

ml Iho ordeal pntkntly Tor an lionr or I ivo,ting naturally of ajuodent nnd rcliring<uV

Ition, nnlil oua of lib JVllim n-ovlimon, notednr Ills wil and audacily, approacbed him will, torroffful faco (for bo was a. friend le"Tommy," and pictures of inun wlio had bocntblkcd lodMlb arosu bororo blin) and extend-

his bum, said in lugubrious tones: "doodi, Tommy, old boy I I am sorry for you, but:eu it can't bo helped. Good bjo."uidotit friend uoluil tho point, bt

iirkcd wllli lhaifronity. " J u g , i i

I'll Q l lJ u i t i Bnt,y

r, I'll Qnlnli my Btorj arst." ThistoD much for tbo Gravity of tbo wbglo

p.anil after a rosr or tannbtor. ibo intcr-uior v is allowod to proceed with Ills story,


Another Spelling Match.A t Li id spelling mutch, under tbo mti

nrtboi ' ,Sr.C,A.,waslicld in tbo old Si. E.Clinrcb DU Titendiiy cvoiiing. Mr, 0 . Oarra-bi'iint pf.isliki'j. Couffly fiiipoi-iutendnut Tbibcr acted as pejago^uo, end Mofitrff. I]. D. Gould

id A. O.fSinitli ivoro CopUiiiBiif tlm respectivo Hides. After a. gallant struggle ivitli "ourcingle," W. J . 11. IK'fjcniun won tbo prlihcr fornilDiiugtiiofli'Mttvnrd. Miaa Ktrublo noxt re-BtittiDd licrsent witli "j-aiely," 0 .1 ' . dago mutiiatotl "lyrit-'nirnnd "niacento" (aimed A. CSmilh to drop. Ucnrgo Huifou r.'nu trouhlei

mmtoo many fur tii-orgo W. Kayino

r Condiet dvoppuil on "nicVi-l," JIino Wootl HI icil tu onpar,

» PloinlJ. 8

uii-flsti«ati;.l1)yt'rn nml miiirt for nil Ephicopatlati u,nd "j>;irni]o\" fonud nuoilici- v

issCntl^r. IJ.JIulfleywaiNni.il afte"i-nllifl," and \V. A. Blrykci- «pcll«(l

ai'cry funny inauucr. Vf. 5Tc|{io wt"futlMia." Miaa LiudBloywan fOBfusoJ byi?-.li)iil.inri-iix," nii-1 JUGH Abbi C i i

A. Vongbt of Jlr. Smith's eldo ibu jvliTlio pilzcs were than pruKoutad-tlii) l!r~t

prize, a L'9py of "Livingulono's Laut Journals,to Mr. Vooght; tlio Bccoud, a hux of flneTroneU

sic papcrniidonrdopcH, lo Ut. Gould, and ibrprhnor to Mr. ilegoman.

A Fine ConcertTrof. Leu. Holler of 1 [orris town Im« nboal

couipluied arrungomciits to give a grand vocaland instrumental i-oncert in I3ovur beforo long,wtth tbu UcHt musical laluiit or thorplaeo amictliurn frotii nbrand, wlikli piomlsca ID hu tvmoat uncconsfut afTalr:bos bciin niadn of aoprauon, ten urn and bari-tone!], aud airs, duote, trloa end :;"-i tellta wibo rotulcrtd, togclliem-ilb a- couplo oftrboriiflLby Ibe Dover list in on I o d u b . Amcng tlipiaiilBtH will lii; l'rur. Kcflor'A lit tin <1auc;ut<<:aoven yoare uf aj;o, and Minn Ulary HOBO of Hi1

placo. Tlio ProfcHMir liimsoif nil! alxo pinybnllluut concert pieco, Tho flno VOICCH IBlesflrB. Fred. Harroy aud F. J. (Iriffllli will litbeard iipmi tbii ocoaaian.

Tho vocaliats nro piukod from' Mr. KuftVr'tbent pitpiln, nnd nil hnvo flue, ivcil-trnitivi

ex. All lovurs oriunetc sbotild a*nil them>n or Ihia rnro op]jortunity to bear gooiic, well rendered, and thus glvo tbeir tlirucourajcinent to tbo ProfoBBor, wlio batbe esteem or nil who know him, both as a

toucher and as a gentleman.Tlio Conuurt was origin ally inlondod ft

Tncsday livening next, bnt bad to ba postponcilbecat


will I * Piv

oof tlic IHOfO!

< of (bo uutcrlairn In Moller'n Opcm Hot

uncoil. -

nt, wliich, will noon

A Railroad SuitAnolhur railway cato Is to conio beforo llinour in, iindtr tbo following cirouiiiGtandcB : A.siilkmian mailing a vfsit nt tlio town of 3in. In tbis county, pur tinned a ticket tli ere

Iho other day fur New York. On his way lipaEsod, ofi'ourse, tbo cil.rofX^Tai-t, n-horolihappenoiJ to have aomo biiBinesa lo look alter,

KA (bore, and un concluding bio imsinfMgot into tbo noit train of tlio cotnirany to pro-coed toliiHJouraey'acnd. \Vhcn thocouiluclornflUedforniulm-clveil Iholii-liot purchased1 bytho pnxKsn^oi at Madisuu in Iho morning, boicdared timt it dul uot entitle {In holder toravol to New l'orb by any oilier titan tho train

in which bo bad performed tbo first part of Iboiouvnoy. Tlic piBflengcr romonRtralcd tliat Inilio first place ho hnuir nothing of tbo company'srulcBsml In Uio next pluco, that as tho companybad contracted to carry liim from Matllson toNow York, nud lu.l rccckcd his money in ad-

aticti fur pcrfonuii.g timt niTvicc, It war, prc-

or tlio ttitno ni.-rvli.-c. Tbu conduiilor Insistedin colloeling Ibo vecntid fare, ond finally, wLenic found it could not hucollcetod, stopped Ihorain uml put hfu paEHLVigor ofT, and ho linnn-oDglit suit ngaiunt Iho eotupunv, injlnj Iiielamasesnt M.OOO.

**• Tlw Dorer Musical Union,"Wo learn timt t lo Dreatiization of nMunieal

Society liaiibcon pcrfoetcd in Dover, iinilur Ibo>r "I l io Dm'cr Musical Union," it* num.

bcriiliip comprising t lo bent ninMlcal laicnt'olDevur, including also rcprCBontativcs of the

it talent of Bociiaivny ami Bit. Hope-undertho, leadership or Prof. Koflor or Morriutown,who ia well ami favorably known In tliia fom-

lutuly. Tlio " Union" ban Us inception undercrj flalti'i'lug auspices and it Is (ho ilcsiro ufjoso composing tlio organization to placo it onHiibstBtitial and iJcrmaiifiut basis, nud by iti

,iilliioiica tseullirali) ami cncoiirogu tho lantcitncinlcrH in tha weienc'a ond bring Ihom

i-tbo rcllniiig Itillucuco of thu higher nof rnuuic. Its members arc thotfo nho

I ready |>roll(iicut In music, THE AIM nct::o

s-^na, b t tu eultivhtc and advanca Uio interestnd nl.ililioi nf tliour, drondy aeivialuted vlio nrt. T1)O ofilcera nf ttio Boeloly aro :l'li'siilcnt—Jny H. Treit.Vico l'l-esldenl-ChBH. F .a tgo ..Sociotarv-H. D. U»mlil.Treasure-A. i t . Treat.1-hccittlrc ComimttcD—r. J . tlrtlulb, D K

.lltn, Oeorgo JUeCrackon.

Union's New Moral Sensation,'wel and versatile esluhiliou, will appear ii:llei'sOpi-ra IIOIIHO ou Wednesday.ovoninj,t. TJic Liulon Brotlitrii, Gtortfj ami Lomt,

will apiwar in ono of Iheir drawing-room HCID-COB,performing tlio moat aslouudlng featu of ino<lfin magie aud Hindoo spnrts,tinilPmr.Lcniiird,-ci.lriloiiiii.Ht end butiuirlit, will aituiso nil nilliis lTouilcrfur special Una. After a limy OIK'luternitiupnnijramnk', ilin eulorlftittnient lrillconclude with a •fienniiio* I-onibiii I'lim-li anJudy show. Ticktta, 23 luulSOcfa. llei^-vo

itn fur nulo at Mot-riflon's IJOOI; it ore.

lllietiinatiKni, S'cnralgin, Lunibagu, BNcn-ons aud Klilnoy DISCBSCH pofilin'I

itfietl etired by Ur. rillrr's Itlicnnintic Jaud rills. Jioucvt Ktllfforo.BttloaBctilfor

Fruit flavoring-«stract lemon, vaniitrawbcrry-of sujwrinr Ftrciifiib, at VlniRBtfttP, U Dover, N.J-

llir.iljfll :i:.:ii:i; •oliiil.lH iS tl.:.- lilfiiilf ill UiO

[ -.I..:; II.,! lii:ui,.;; i:.l..»ti;;ii, Tl ielai l l r.ni;:tit lli'i:

i iii !!..• liny l-.Ji. i.::.l l lu Mlj-iuiiii!,' kJifd ln-ll"-1']i ii, hli:>t tlKjfii.-iii ibi) !u,i;iuni!. Xlir- oii-in i.ii Miiii.ii!'d t" !-: !!'•-• ivorli cf mi incendiary, fromj llin Let tli:il l.«fli l.aruiind.u'ici! wrrudltieiivii"-

i it in l.i- <>!i llic M o r e tht-ii: I-JIIU have bi«n

nib. i1.Mr. Hiiiifi.1... • i.i r. ' .) an.l Mi1. 1-V..-mair.i

ibuut t l c s i i u . ' . ' ih- luniiM- ijaJ a partial bi-•ui'niiL-f, inil Ui.-Lilii- |;:id tmtiu at nil. _ J!r,ifflsli'ii !":-..< ij»-?.:iur.',fd a! n;:'.ii.v F i . twr /nmlA jurily fuvL-rul I>;. j-,inii:ii,i-,-.

itliul.) b!'>rlc fl.iidil i::i*u l i t tu i-u]ini;im.-il.

ft mu! fit; l !•<•;•> rti-d in D u n r Unit HiL-Cbtiivbiflbo nc:Wl-i, '.-i.mllw f | ,l-.v.:Iii0R imuiii s bailK-cti but in.".!, ci.Miiijtunii^iiiii-s.-ittwt-at.

Po/i'ca Nem-3. - •








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for bi'i



lyjailof li


iff ihu

r.i. Hodf I hoiII.: V. a

lii111 iiicr hu

(il l i i -iuii'.d

Mi, ui .Mineas Maililuiip;ottvdnti)i;


,iciilJo:;t mil

Jliil,for (t



liu). Jlc tiicu n i -tl.D roi'.il cursing viiilcnily

Jn lii111 Vfl

.1 lu : V.


III 111

ii: ami.1 ajfiiiii !»roiisiud to

1 ordt-i

II nnI i i*. w!

ts Ifii-•d cum

il to !.vxc. hi

Jl1f>lii:<Ml Ofli

h b i ' t liiili-n 1;. j.i-iit IM UIIIaimtUi-r n w

aLr ihu town

difonicrly. I

•jl before the

hrouliii.;; ilio

ni i l id l<i Ibolpi-nt-at R Inwsfitalscn tbo

CO 1)00 tlio


luiutnrJi-1 thoJtid-



norniiij,'-Ilia LrolhiT, J'lhii Jhtlduli, iilto boeamo

Jjiisiro In tbo fiflioc, v;!irreuiioii llto Juatifo toldlini l:o KhutilJ KHiiinit liim for contempt, at

wjiich Jolinilfpiifiwins fast us liiu logseould^i-ry lITlu. It is aald these tiro ftflov.-u .woreulrumcntal in procuring tbo recent indtct-icnt or TUru. fio-.Iiiii f.H- liePi»ii]{{ a diuordcrly •

UUHC.The jlsruhid 0:1 V.'idM^sibj1 nrroatiid (]eorj;u

T tittle—found pr j in j ; nbout town—011 aitapicion (

I ' lio m a t uioniiutf th'J Jnsi iec d inc lur fcJ iiltti,-itIi a c s u l i o u !o l a v a tuivn.Eilwanl Kelly, n dtrly looking young mau,

al ioat l ( i j -cr . r*orn3«, V.-JB brought in by the •ibnl, fur varo-ancy. IID aaul ho Lniloil fromuli.Trlicnil^M-l.univl.ulH^il liu hud hlok-n•tiirtlio won:. Tlw Jttftiico nidered himnod OTcr iiib-lil, inifmliug lo nsnd bi ia

down nes t dav. Bu t fltiilins him a foolish •

i^rjiittitQ n-ilb eharity!1 H o h o ^ i n p o l l o J hint

0 tako a t jocl bath, supplied liim uitli a clean

bi r t , sml t fmt i . l him uu the Imv pulh lo N'aw-


Morris County 'Courts,Tlic cast) o! Mcliitiblu Ililsoy -vn. "Win. J .

Har.lmll wiin ftintititicdlmt wed: nnlil Satur-il;ty cud tlio Court llicu uUoiimnd until yester-diiy itioniins, wlion the ww was again taken


XI10 Ktnick Jnry mm of Iho Iron Dink w . H.li. Condiet ™ IridovorunliiMaiiilayuiorniiig

:tK ivli:iiitivilt probnbly bo put off for Uio111. - , .

n the Conmiuu I'lunu, in Ibu ensa of ULT-d O'Conncll, npyollaut, and Honry M. Sovo-

reigu, appellee, Ibo Jndanncul bcluwiras ro-vnmud, aud a new judgment in favor of tho ap-iBllde, wlio IVUS ttidiiluintlllbi.loir, IVtrSSiUJ,

Don't Fool Yourselfiy jmn.-liai.ing lust ycBiV utyto or iiivts for Bum-

uerwear, wluu Picraou, acroEB Iho way from

tho pcHl oflica, liait too raoKt cotnpldu aesort-

X or Iho piYK.nt clegntit i-tjlef- to bo found

liu BcctiDii. »|lk, bluir oud felt lints or nil

a for Summer wear, and a wv slodtof alt

a (if KODIK' farnislilug KOQIIS—unrivalled

itylo or priii1. I'i'.-reon baa always Ihu

nml is milil.

l'Dwiicri-dWiiltu llullcboio cprinlilcd on JIO-.lonndcBcuiubsrvInce, ctirraut Inmhts, &e,. .

will liistantiy kill tlie bugs. Voarrbttbe driip- ,Risthns il. " It

VMNI7r'NEwZ~~Friday the first coal train of HO c m paaaetlret tbi> Eaatoii A Aiuboy Railroad, loovinghlilipcburg at 6: 0 A. H., followed By a pas-.n^^r trfifn conf.iiufnj; onH'Crs of ibo coitpany*

Tlio road ii cspcetca to be in full operation byllio first (if July, mi,! ITIII divert » largo amount 'jfcial friigbt fruit) Ibo N. J . Central, iho Bel-

\itlorc, at:U HonlH Canal, lint ihoeo nvontnwwill cm 1 iii tic ID bu ttufd for llm nipply ofprinls n'oiia thoir Iliii-B. Tlm Ibl-i-u rjada,liovo nainud ruwived tail yenr Trout tlic Lo« .113I1 Valley roail J,Gafi,Q13 tons, which will now-.,u OVLT their new ciU'iielun.. 'rim luBscnsur

track', instead otlmiug tnnisrorml to tho Coa- 'Lral mail nt Easl«n, will go directly over tbJHislcnsion and iwiteli on to tho I'eniifi.vlvania .

aidDUIetnchou, for Kow Yoi-L. 'ilio LobighilJey Coiniauy ban cspomlsdfa,O0O,l)50 Qtitbia.tom,ioii,nnd f3,000,000 wilt ho required lo

»lTilp the wort.

Tho OIIK liuiiilrclli birtlnlny of I1IL> v*uorablo[tnry iJoobm, finiiliaily known .is "l-'ather

To?bm," of tho Kewavt CVufdrotier, will occur1 Tliunuliy, iTitnu Bill, and ivill ho it ti iici'itslonrsrealmtorestlotlioincrabcrs of this Con-•reiu-'c, .li'wull a-i iho Methodist Clnircb In 'mcml. Tim ewiit will lw oeU-lirated Withipropriato ct-K'iHonies l.j- Mm Xuvrarit Con-.rence, in tlitt Trinity j r . f i . Clnicdi, Jersey

City^rhcru l-'aibcr Eoehm no ft- resiiUm. Invi-

BhavcLecii forvvniiled to Iho Doanl nf •3lebopn, ami all iiromltimit cl( ravinen of tbetf. E. ClinrVh.

XIwrcitMuriay concK[)jadcnl of tlio Apollobut week sayH: Tlm request i'lirmec Com-pany haro leaEud the mtneon ttie rann of Mr.

moH Hetty and i-oi;iiiienced opcrationa. Mr.harlea B. VTliIte, oniaclxttstowii, ia Bintin^

. unafl nit the F.;;l)trt fnnu. Tliu old MutCO-ictcoiig Hilling Co. lies bctu rcorj;auizc(], and

1011 rcnokv wiii-tion tlic SLaflVr furm. The-Mt Co, barn also luiijod tlio premises ol'J-

Over ibti'o lli..i-,ia:nl (Jaiifumia H.ibaua bnvo

Lueii put into l ie PiiultnH Kill nt tlinvreiit points

ily, by h, \V(;lkr,lbiiTinlMvni-il.'ii,s.lta.iiiee

of tbirtpca miles. Tliwso ilsh *-uro bruuHlil

fnmi rrontUiilein (h i t cotiuly, and i lr . Wullur

Iliinus tl1.1t .lot nvL-r twoitty-tivo died hi tliid re-


Alltliepaiwi-s in .thin vMnit* awivjuiiiiu),'

iii at Neivliin. "J'liii iii pretty ruugh to saddlelieuiiiHuf nil Ihu umhrcila men mul ivut.ieii11 tiiCiiD two <'ra:itllrcR, wo tbinii. IVo (ruiidci-

wliuro Dover's ''u iibivlla man end liia wire"nrc V

A ln-iilionnti on t!io I). L..A ^VrIt. I!., by thauno of Klurabt-rBtr was instantly kilted, Tavi-

day CVouing, orir.st ivei-k, nt lliiliijKtliiirj,'. i i jipon Un trai'It li!ivui5 lont hii kJniiti:,

md the vfliulo twU MU o w Wai. II- was 'Jii-r.ru (.[ P.I:U anil I w e a eo.il n-pitlati: ...

The Clovcni,ir bus ipptiiutcd Daniel Ihincn ufutHCS, Tlit'oiliiro Link- ul Mdri"! , ami .^leplicn

,-iKj tbu iuipr.iveim:il nK.f.'Kamctils nf tho c . /

W11 hbin:;!on uiil r-.-lclir.ik. tin; "I'mulli," onhe 5th nr Julj , and \,^ul-* having nn oldmliiiuiLil yiiiili'.'clK-n.illij I'l-it'liralioii will i!e- *


'i'bo ('i,iiirjL'iu'ii:iciil (if the Uafki'-lUlowii

tilli'^inlit liiitiiitti? latiCB plccoos Jitiiu £3th.

'J lie Haws. Kuail natv cnrrlos. «H..|I day, upm,

Tim cstioialnl i-aBt or Hai-icttolow,!^ new

cchool Imilding is J:JO,COD. •

Tbo Ncwloa Tea parly mllscd f 2D0.

Page 6: DOVEE, MORRIS-COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, SATURDAY JUNE 5, … · H'iicoalRavo Driver, olf-litiiiflon flint ant, on tlio im,'nl of tlin lh\, IMIAC'A WoRt.lt, 11. traltii Timu Now York in

BLH. Diekerson &V.- (u,\y ^mnnRh-jLr.iil r imt tlimr




'"'•" Capital. - g l3, - $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . ,lt°™!;:?•;-:;• ;r:;;:.-i.i:;i"-


ta me " l i i u m B.uiU .it Do

ATTENTION liivi;:; rn rii;-: III.':Ja n d : n [ M i i r - i l l l . . i i i l . i - In t l in .•;.llr'i-fniNY.'.-*. C L r c t f . A.: . A i m .V,'i-iit-< i n r •!»•

M iin.'i|n;ill»-il l-.y :iny in thin vii-iuiry. Ahv;iy* nn luip..l mi fix- u

Dress (roods for all Seasons! ;-PRINTS! CASSIMERES!! SHAWLS !!!J

md in short, everything in the Dry Goods line thut tile liuficH1 nueii. \



f 70 F F I c E 113:


Builders' Hardware of every description"WOOD AND WILLOW WARE


T^ c > <C *F Sf ^A~ !3 J1XI5 JS X2 ^ Jos SOf . . !£ /t/.V/XS -I.Vfl .lYZflt


Wall-Paper and Window Shades.;

ii A itr.iiiJTAIU.ON U. DICKEHSON -! W.vIUtiiS SEi.UH - -

' K. A. Hticklf,IJos. lUiilumr.! Dau<l JimkliiK,1 > » l D i b

CIIIM. If.Si.miu-n CJunii'H II.JaH. A. tiiWin. H.


i•The Miners' savings Bankj OF DOT Ell, >J. J.

SIX HIT .unit. iut.'N'.ti ivilllio pniil nn deprosiuaia.li* on or Ifi-fur.i tlmilrsl <luyu uf .\Lwini,

] JITXU, 3cm:)ini::i Mil Ducranmo.I o'i-Opnn daily t"«m 'J unlock A. a . to I

! 3 I A N . V G E B 3 ;


, i KPHRADI11 i r. w. eo>~

j • f A ^ 1 ? E -! " *

Cupitul 85,000,niHK

EOITE, - - " tinn.ono.

STAR, Jersey Ciiy, " fllW.000.

ffUDSDST COCXTT, Jursny City,Capital 3ai]i),()00.

STANDAED, Tranton,

PEOPLE'H. >Tuwur!;,





Clover and Timothy SEED,Plows. Bone Manure,

Supei'-Phosriliate of Lime,Cement, Plaster, &c.



The Haitian' ami Gentli»nii*n will plftase bear in mind that E. J. Bobei'ts'

Patent Parabola Needles,Tlin »«rj bout in tlio warlJ," lilvcrj in pnliili ami grncclul inslmiin; also BolierU'

Finest Rnzor Steel Pocket Cntlery, ScfsRors and Razors),Rlngant of Finiwh nllil Keen at Eilge.

Oi»o o» a call. Wo a»a BOT5I) bi snll for LESS PRDITT than any other hoaooin Dover.

Blacliwell Street, Dorer, N. J.


Intomst sliall «

[ r, t i l r r IJ (lrHl li[ii:n.;ii next aftvrtlii1 ilr[wii<ll iu nwilc.WAJUIEN SEUUlt - • - Tnmmin

1'ub. 11, lUT.l, Mt





Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,


Mining Materials of all kinds.STEAM AND GAS PIPE AND FITTINGS


Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.ALB0, DEALERS IN

r_.TTaac:BE!it A N D C O A L .





Dover, if. •'>

Orders for Sawing anil Planing

Stoves. Stoves.THE OT-.D STAND.


Of tim Intent iiul ninNt improved ntj-lnn, fiir»arm ing pulilin and nrlviitu liuililititfji, A lurffo

asfliirtnient of Htnvon, oil wan fur mall.COOK, PARLOR, HEATI.VG-

STOVES, RANGES,.ta. AIui & variety of

STOVES ! STOVES ! IReduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

n.irinTJt»irflwiv.iilaIiir^u3toU ofaiove»orov«rjdi!Hfrlplioii, wnarnnowprepared tn.i'Il a t

All lilntl* nf tho rery inU'st v!o» of

Cooking Stores, Parlor & Heating Stores, Ranges Sec.

, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing,





all Idmlrt nf Jobbing in a-.y lino,t n r n l ' "' • *

Copper lc*l ami po*Uir taken la usuliangi

"" B"m *" ALEX.XNDET1 WIGETON.Dccpmb<ir 114th, 1370. 1-Wr

• A very Hun ntuirlmrnt of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c,And a virioty of otlior ortlclcs iwiully knpt in i wrtll snpplleil Tin Btore.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGNiatlydduDanapifiinptly nttfln.Iu.I to. Wo gua ran ty tfl sit*a»ti»ra<tion.


Merchant Tailor,Blackwell Street,

DOVEB, .v. ,i.

J C , U l i . . plHaaurn In AiinnmicltiK U) tliu. ol t la in. of Dover ami Tlohliy th»t he

)in. Ukon llii> notr fltnro on ninr.k'all *tr*et, U 'joining VniitloflU A Jviwiti'. wlK-fc h« inhni l ieondiiotintr ft FliiST-CnAW

Merchant TailoringEstablishment,



DIAGONALS.A I S O I H H O Htrnof tlm C « t Anutrbun Onwlii.which hovriii mtko up t o orrtor in th« moit trnli-fnn&til* Btjien, »t Wonty per csnt hduw Broad-way prioai. Alsnafln* »t«jrtm«nt of

Ready-Maxle Clothingfor MonamlEoya'UKl

Gents' Furnishing Goods.






Liverpool, Qiieenatoivn

Bristol or Cardiff.Far TICKETS and FarlienliM ipp l j U>

E. LINBSIiEY & SON,I ) O V E U , N . J .:o:




OP 187 5.


TA1(O« pkiaara ia natlfjinf; tha public (Tuver in.l fictmlf t b t t bo m«s ton


in iflloctlnghiH liock I J F thoaboTfl los ianiTtgatii to STYLES and PRICES, camiitioffall kioilt *n.l gride* of tnaUrii l for


and BOYS'it prtcn to mil iverjbodj'i pockat, AIio



fur old ami young. AUo, con tUnt l j on h*nd ftfall line of


Thanking tbn public for p u t f*vori, I a




TiCA*, ronnra, jnreisw, m r a i , D U T D ' I I U ,BETTLMTn, ClillEnaf, initrTJ, M n U I Jlntocne; s m o t i I » D PCC»IX BUVIET IIIIW

OKBKiX i*D DOKUTIC SBTT SXI3CUH Clirm,WHITE OOODI, a u m , na«mT, u c n .


.f.VV fl. TIUIAT, Tci-, r,ili. IT. IHT:!.






Choice Lotd in Dover,


Glass Wnre,

V/ood & Willow "Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe .and Fittings,



Powder, Fnse

Hntcrlah constantly on


Cor. Blackwell and morris Streets.




Wines and Liquors,fur f-unily mojli^il nao. All wirraatml

genuine unit parfcetly purn.

Martell's and Hennessy's








KASPHERUV Sl'RUPSand ftTflry thing elaa in the linn of tbe i n d r .

A iel«eted itoclc orFOIIETOX ASD DOltF-HTIC SCOAHS,

Wholesale Orders

NEW BRICK BTTILDINOrtb aiJe of the River Bridga


11. L D. BCHWAn2.


A JOY FOREVER."And tbe prop)* of the northern port nf thliConntr will nnd that it will pay them to par-i b i i s mbaUntial rnrnltnrR, of the ncircs*

iifcni, of


Parlor, Dining-Eoom— i J T D -


OFFICE OUTFITS, ETC.Which «iH U diipoiedlof >t pricei tLat will

itUiniih then»tiT8*

HOUSEKEEPERS.rhether new bepnner i , or n!d relatx

PICTURE FRAMESof *U klndi a ipwli t ty .


la *ll 1U lirinchei prop«rl/ »ad cheiplr done.Tba er«at«it care uiil i t t^tkto nil), •* hertto-rore, be given to

UNDERTAKING.(ho ra*t«ri«« of ththorteflt ootlcn.modem ftppliinceihAviug<MtiM«nbl£ijpeTieneairteo\cooad«ii

I M T toward thoie who ronnira men i«ini«».54 P. C. XAWOER.








laving Cfltiaitkribly onlar^fil ILcir nuv atoro



>ii,l HOIHE F U n s B H I S n fKlODa or mvryd i t Tl l t b t i h '





An.1 unntlemfin'fl FIN'E DltrTTNCr. fitOVES.genninc Russia ami TrtrkfiT Iralh.-r L A D . E S 1


& sc»,


Lchigh, Scranton, & Bituminous

Delivered in all part* &t thn City an.l vidnity4t thn LOWTJSTJQP.KET lTtrCES, in

(|nintttisi t o t;iit purchasers.

CARBONITE.For 1>timing In oputi ^rattii. IJiirns with flim

*"' chT»pc7nt!ianOCaQnRlc"4>l.^[a i>' l t l



I'llti: BRICK and CL.AV,


Masons' Material, &c.

Bergen Street, near R. f).


DOVER lo 3K>r.\T HOPE,

By M. Sigler,

H.nv.v wan .H.nii)li;iiuin. »».l IVan: .r.autl Mivlv.-iiin iiw wil1.., lt.»;.i!ph K.ll.'i-;LIUWillinm lUta iir.- Dr fi ml.iut*. 11.'-1 iinmhln '.3tayT.-n«,.V.D.ltiT.1.

NT.iiiniiuL'it . v s i i m r , stiir'i.

BY vii tin- of *.! iiti.iv.. itat,..l writ «r Ilirfui'iim in iiivlisnilH, I Klmll f.snuw i'.M- HHII

'Mbllu Vemliiiv ;it tint ."ilaniiiiiii HDHWI li.it.tl

MONDAY, the lil.st , ky of JCNTS c s a .A. D. l«T.l, iM'twr-i-ii Hi.! limira of 1'JiI. iiml .lt'liliick P. M., tlnit in I.i .-tay al 1 uVlur!; in llnii,ifturnnnn or H.ml (iay, all (iitu tr.wt or JIBI-.TI nil

l d i l i m r i ' l l


Of OH!1 Hb

body. TS

ages _ii:-> i o

thercfoiT:buy iiiilH)




> • : • ; 3 , • • • : • .

:uld 1(»

l i t •:•:;:!

ihr.-.i il(!«ni«« anil llfiv luniuii-1 «vM .mi! luiu-.Ir.'tl and rifty f. i-t I.I n i m w r in the dilii-r

Freemaa Wood,o of tlio P«ra.:i> i.n.l Poli^n :'

ADJOUBNED SHElIriI» L'tauiTOrr nr .Vo»- J.ir»fy—Fl. r.i. F . i r .

iUi l jlw W. Sivaini; an, tlntlttt. Cliurl.'» P. Mmvott Jiniwife Jtirmniah Eiuliiiuc. .ruim-rt CuDi'lliimlEilwanl Di'U.AilinitiiBtraiijrs'il'JfD«ll. ilucwiHi-il: XcwtfHi S. liili-ln:)!, DnPli'Miin William Stvaiui' umlrtunli .Hif.iinrDi.futulantM. Hcummbh. Mny T.-nn. 1HT1

A« ''Jill'^™''ifWS?'ffi*rIH?S L . s G K | fhrir PAiU'1!I.l-:t:E0DK i n l n w u n i i i l i cili-MORRIS COUNTY

I Tim Main in lu'liuir '.f il«' ii

MACHINE & IRON Co. ailimiiiipil M tsilid jili. ••• :it rlih iH»t«Jt in JIurriHtim-D. S. T.. •»

MOSD.VY, J U ^ l i UV D 'if!.; hiH-(V.'llMSli, l». i l .


. ADJOUBSEEIn ( . l una r? or Xinr .IDOVER, N. J. ?

inurli.'nfitti iin-inim"i. wliimin I'.ml "iritninii< L'.mitiiiiituint. ...in! VMM 11. Wlntii iinii AlumT r I ' ' I - . \ ' I . . L i . ! I.I.. I . . ! _ . . * • 11 .F . . . I . . ' Tur !i.ii<:. Will ;:uv Id)

rciicn iaVouiiiliiiiiiuit anilTUuiutut L' Wanniirauil'Harali bin wifo. iin.l JInm'9 X. Applfj-nt.-

Tumi, A. 1). 1*7,1. ' Wm. HOLT, Hoi.Thn ^!« in hfh.ilfur lliu iitnivn mrtti'H HimIjuuniuil tn talitilul.m Uomat.nvii, S. J., on

3Ti; USfcli,

A. ri . litTiS, UiitwHun iliti himra nf 1'J ir . amiu'i!ii«!it, i*. ir .'J5-4iv .ITiiiHE HOFrir .L". Blicrlir.

MUIE. ui;:.roi;iihT PATTEI-.XK for yprinu

i>n and iil'tiT friiiav, 3f;in-li Wtb. fimd furCataliifpbi. " vr. a. B.1BBITT,


W. H. McDAVIT, AD\Ti:::TL;[S'(j. Si-mi-Woukly, S:t. W

Siyn and Grnamcntai POSTAGE FEEE TO THEIn tin! mutlnr of ftimimt D. ffi!trator uf .U;ilfnilu Clmu, dec

CiipiiiH niul AJ'.-i?rtiain;f Riti'ii*lubmif Hi) (irmi>re,Wirdilv, in ulubmif Hi) (irmi>re, only i l , post;i^it

puiil. *A.liiwa» TBE Tarai;»i!, N, Y.# 4-ly

ON apiiliiMli«.n.ir tin* iiUnvo-nanilntratnr,it IK ordiired liy ilu> rtur ORAiXIN'G .\:<I)

' :"'' i : '- ;v";;'' : i ; i,I;,, ; il" ILJII.U I'.i- ;-'-i'-

.Ir-iist'ir liivi win:):.) arr.s.it. bl. nL.'.'j

• , , - . , i i1 l» |1 , i i^ . - l--


l/'iVrt'l't ^"r''''*1

Livor Oil.,,|,. pmv; a l l li rVc.-ili,


c i !


V t


a i

i>fi i n




tlji'r':f"oiU 7.'lJlL:•> q-I-'ntii;!! !3aLi

v f'-movii' tht1 f!

lit tho n-ir i f >;'-'•

<Jur .iii.i-.Ta-''i','"'.='•PC ("if lliiTJl .-|i -n't.

iuut in.torcraliaih«oliu.<TheV"a;;;

1L(. aporf i 'c tHi i

U.c wni-Iit h;i.i:ndilit pc.jntJK iD>:,0l' Vl:.T3UH Ul

nrl'i"Pi:rf2nriTi;a.* Con \:'-.•!•. t on ovi?r iir.-l V::-ci*ra]

ii'f;;;-:i ••.':!! t1

:int i! '"r- r.r.xuI :,-.-,M r:M.>:a

ovjitur nn.lTiivTc' ~:r

T till! ffilllilffcil it; iV.Tnnsinli.'ii.inrt'-.. ' '

Iii(Uinini::noii'( •' •Orchis.,-;.

liavu n'.ockcil it with :

DRY GOODS,both foreign ami tlamcmtic, inctimivo of & linolion of LADIIU DltEKS GOODS at tlio latent



GROCERIES and PROVISIONS,indiitlinff tha fiocst )>riili>* at



FXOUI: in Tarimu branib, frnm tba butt mills


C A N N E D G O O D S ,ntrrTF.n, CHEESE, EGOS mi LVED.


CROCKERY 4 EARTHEN WARE.X mil»cl.:ctc<l sUici al l!ae wi-l Tarn:; O.-f.ca

Ii.VKER & IJEEJIER.Mnrrh2Tt!i, IST3. 13-if


WARNED FLOUR DEPOT.Patflnt Parisian Finn.- 110 50 p«r Hbl.Pnrity, Tfry l*nt, 15 50pcrctTt.,*10 a ipe rbb l .7ioU,iiuleniliilprr»<:oaii, i t W per cu t . I1U SO •'CliicfUm P i ton t Piocran, $3 M pvr cwt., Ill) 00

perbM. .Clji tal , splemlid, « SOpercwt .13 30per bbl.Rflinol..!, ipIeBdul, I I !!3 p«r Lift., J9 53 "Half LIJIJ. Hiinr, (*omlT 14 ?.*iWhite nhitat, pur c t . - - - 4 fXlDon\)l,i Etlra, ' • • • • - . . - 3 73Bndtwheat Flonr, p*rc*t . - 3 73Wheat aiitiilling*, " •' - - . 2 13flood F(*il, " " - - - 2 OflWheat Bran, " « - - - 1 7.1Bnekwheat Bran, " " - . - l soBoiled Corn I I M I , " " - - , 2 23C'narun C n « Moal. - - . - - 1 DOCraclird Corn far Chicken*, - • 3 1(1Pure Rvft, Com ind Oi tPecd. - - 3 13Oatmnl . . . . . e j eentu pur Ib,OalA anil Cf>ni b^ llio btiab^li

rrirtiUt.>nr4.'l\i7otfreii\fsnMext>nU«i^^r'tlmeK No. 1 article, nfttlin? for 40ctnU. Kn-.h E(nt«from tiiii conn try, 30 rti. d n z . : iball krop enn-mantly r,n li.inJ. J . H. WA1WK,

a» WiiusM a t . , DOTIR.


At the Old Stand on Siuaex St..

DOVEU, N. J.IE HibNeribera, barinc roceatly formed acn-partr>Aralitp, in tha bnsinesi shore men-

tinned, wnulil re»puctfjlly Inform the pnblicthat they ire now batl*r prepicnJUiin *Ter tofnlfll bnritl nrden with Uia ntmoarfrcniptiuiH.Thn « r y belt *ppHan« now brought to beartn the preaenatlon nf tha iknj, n i j other im-prOTimenU in tha bniineantill bo foand ia ourpnoieufon anil ynctlciXj Uited witi the mmtu»tiif*ctorj renal t i .

u s i t inro . (S-tf) n x r t i . J. ISABITO

thin <int'>, ii? ai'tiinff up a v.npy nf tliw onli'r,within f.Vi.ntT iiavH burutifiiti-, in livtt of rlu'moitt public: nlaceit in tb,; County of Jlnrrln forhvomimtliH, ami .linn iritliin tins am.l tiwnty" 'A by aitvurliwhis tliu nn;iii! in tlin Inow ICUA

'canrtimo (tlm Hiimijiato'juiillln'J aiir niititiu to bu nnntM-THHii-v); mid i. .,._,ilitiir flliall negltirt ti) oshiltit htit nr Imr <lulit,

iltsmand and cluiin witlifu lliu anid period nf uinumiiutlm, nubliu notica buinn Riven an arnrnssia,

Huh croilittir Hhall bn (uruviT dubaiTfd of Iliar bur actior. tlm re fur ngainHt tin; naid Ailmin-itrator, A tnii! L'upy frum thii niLnutuH,Id-lllw E. E. WILLIrf, rtnrriisat.1.

IllorrU Cnui t ly 3orrnga.tr1* Oillcir,APRIL lOili, 1373.

In tlio matter of Aliralwm T. Kinni.:ntti and' mo Kiiinicntt, J^ocnturn of Hunan Kinni-

tt,ilcc'il. SiuTngnlB's Onl.rt.) tluiirL'riil-

tt of said

copy ntin llv

thattbo crcrlitora of tliii <brin^ in tlifiir dub(3, tlomindH .t

jnnDthii frnm thin'date, by flutting mtlijn nrtler, witbin twenty ilny* iiercaliur, in iivtiQfthomoHt pnblicplaRci, in the C(iiraiy<if I tur-

«ln;4 by aitvcrti>iin)t tliu siinu? in thoJ u A n n u o f t h . ) mswapaptira nf this Statu,

for tin) aftm.i Hpacii or t inn; (thn Surrugntc.jini~-i n s nn? fur ther notice to bu anncucm^ry) ; amiif any credi tor ttliall negk-ut to exhibit liU o rlittr (Iclit, i kmamt and clnini witbin t b u uldpnrioilaf nino mnnths , pnblicnotiL'i! LIHUR given

•fiiriisaid, HIICII crwlitor ah all lift fiiriirorirrpd ot Iii* «r liar action tliercfur againstnai.I Ex.;iaitM!J.

E . E . W K . U S , fjiirnifj-atfl.titiu copy irom tiio nunntoQ. 1^'LLIW

Murrb County siurrogute's Oillci-,a.VY 27th, IKS.

Xn tlio n m t t c r of Jotin O. J^tPirson, A.lQiiniHti'n.'tor of Mil tmla Pierttnn, don'd. Murrosife'ijon!iLr to limit creditors.

fXX application ot tho abov.'-namoil Adminis-\ J trattir , it I* nnli 'red by tin! Hnrr*sat*i tli;ita . id AAml&iHtrater sive pnhhc sotict* tn thiscreditors nf tlio Mt i tu of said dm:mlent to lirin-in their duhtri, <llnuin[lj ami clnioij ncpiiiHt tliua.ira.-, nniler natli, within nine m o t u h i frnm tliixdatii, by •lil t ing np a cnj>y of ihii< OI-:1IT, wliliintwunty c h y i hnruafter, in five nf the most pub-lic pjacuii in tlic County i)f Iturrifi for ta-ivranniha, a n d also tvitliin r C ; jui.l tn^n:-.- i b r aby niUcrt inin- tlio MHOO i;j tlm inny E i u . urn;Ol' UliitlUrt'lpHIWMof thM SUti ' . fiT tin1 Mill.'ipMooftimiil thfti taffOjntftlndif 'n^ any r u n I . I Tnotice to bn nnnflncnnnry) ; ami if nry crixUtorshall neglect tn exhibit bw or li. r -lolit, d.-nmnclAnd claim within tbr- xnid pi-HcxlhT niu.' m.mili?pnlilic notiro l i t ing Rivi'n a r ar.iriMiid, KI|:1I.TPiliwr shall I,.- f.rrtivcr d.-bariTi! o rh in . ,r l i-raction thereror against this sail.' AUniimairat.ir.

E . E. Wir.LH,-,S!imi!ral.;.X trni* rmpy trom tho minurf:« t "21-ITJW






H A T S and CAPS,ALW.U3 A L.U1OE i

HT OHAFQEET OF MW JS2SET,To "The r.rliiKl, Tiilcy R.>iln.i;l C-rainar.v"

Snuitn M. ni'Caiiip, Allen F. I>,-i:jnit>, ^amn.'lW. Torrey. tianw A. Nnrwn, H M . lianw \..Xoitmi, Clns. Trstuain aii.l I'.ohcrt I'. Shatn.

•r>yTiriner^iinnnl- .T nf t!in Cui r t c f Cfcm-* I... .1^1.. 1. * - ^ _ ' . . . 1 ' . T-.-» Inrif, m

otuplaiuynu nr

, nd jnnro ivq:iirud to

(1,'ninr in ilia billI f i

.a th,huroin

i otnersappear a

o r « n i ldif.iidiph'ad, answer or (1,ninr in ilia bill or «nitl enm-plainatit nn i,r Imfore tin* twanU-thiid <Uj ofi n w nest, or ifaa a.,i,l bill will bu tat.-a ancnnfCHriml u^iinat j-fiii-

Tlic said bill U Ilkd to htM'AM! a siort-.!-..Bi»^ii hy Willtuu. ft. JJisCawii W «ai,l Ru:'lia.-.l.CLrorgc, dutuil Apill IIlU, A. D. 1ST0. ou 1:»:.Uin thn Cnnnty of ilorriH anil Htati> n! XQ TJerHcjr and yrm Urn aal.l '-Tb.! tclifoU Valli v

C m " t i r . l \T. Torrry, Ltiii.hacn, ar<: made •!.-

y nvered nniulry lr.il-'-ocrainst Israel D. Cdmlit, wliioli ar.i

iincumbrauecs npon laid lands. And ymt,OaniaA. Norton", tinwn M. DeC'uma mid Vlfc-nF. DcCanip arc mado dcfcndints, Itccinstf ji.nuwn uid Ijxuld or lomo part thcrco'. and tf>nSir*. CiiDi>i A. Sortoa nre madu a il^f^ndjnr.,became you cUira to havft, fir mar claim tobare, an inchnata riffht of (lox«r in suiil hr.d.ior louiii part thftrfnf.

s£innBocit A sMrrir,Solicitr,n of Complaiaint,

Datnd AprQ 22d,1S75. (21-f,w) Durcr.. S. ,1


SIORRI3 CTRCUn' COURT.Dorwtai L . Drysntvi . Clirntina GOMII-L Wii-

liflmina Qacdei, Freilrii-a. (Imvl;:!, Cnrl Ci.iuMhe in »t law atJlcoh UocJcl, il«:tM. l a ta-: •on foraigTi attichr lent.

"VTOTICE ii hweby RJTen tUnt a1 > tacbmeat at tt.i anil cf tlic*;L. Crvant bin btea iJHUcJ nt'icnit Cunrt S^aiaaftluQoeikl, ffilhcminiand Carl Oocil.-l, heir* at law of" Jacob ( W l - i '

•<l.m an actirm of trcBpa*( na thcrjH>) nn.jnnLtea f.ir tint »nm of fmr linnijrc.l »r.<'


- A S D -

TIIi: CHEAPEST.Tlio UamlKnmost and tlte B.ist.

.VLLEN, P^VLITEB & S02f,aru nowpreparuJ with ml ra fa.ilitius f«r pat-ting on SLATE BUOFESO in aU tbo Tariuua:nnibinauunn of *lj\o.n and culnrs wliicli mar l.nl.;Ni;iniidorre'inirL'«l andwUkb Btiiitiadtflatflii*i) .'tniaiitttly .innJiliud to prmliitH,Tho bent titiiility of Slatu will h*n»»d an.l

inr work warranted tn product) all tku jmiilitfcotsi of n tinUt and dnr.iblo niof.

ALLEy. 1'AUIEn .t SOS,111 tf D o w , N. J.



will Li! aii;.i)lifi.l Ilin present *!ajr,n with

Clioice Meats and Vegetables,


CIXCEOfATI HAMS,Uii> bpst in lUo marliHt Wa m;i!io a Biii'cialtyuf ItiULnff nil fltir uirn melt , auil tUeraf-n-u Iino^tbat i t ia of th.! !).ist. Al! kinds of

lippl. nn Uan'l a3 HOOH a* tliey appoar in tlicmartiits, anJsuKl at reasonable privcH.

TUu Inchest nurltRt prices paid in caaii, f.JV^r Hi<tes, VealSkinaand S L ^ p Skins,bcu sLtat tba market. Customers enppikil byOD Tneailayj, TlinriiUja and Saturdavn.

A call Kill aitirfy all that what wo keep Uoaly of tktf beat.



CROCKERY, Tin, Wooden andWillow Ware.

Groceries and Provisions.

l a u d Goo.!*, Drie.l FmltB,Mii.'ari. Hpieea and evurjmu iirriccry lino.



IlAJMVW'AIiE:ITCH, fctolaiM 3:ip.ia,*SlaUrial!ififaiil-'»l«.

Powder and Fn.w. rt.t-iim nn.( G.i» ft£i« ami

^ • ^ H s r V T - r " " " ' 1 1 MERCHANT TAILOR3OVEU, K. J.







T H O S . B O L I T H O ' SRestaurant and Eating House,



i dot. trjined t,i rsTmta in' DOVEIt, and basiMqner.tiT r^add greater pn'paratloa rbaar b - ^ i n ;.,r tint Spriu~ and Sasicirr trail-;.

t k r ! P

hai l.e.:n eirufuJW *.d>eU;d and eompricjailM au! qnaUtioa offluest



V E S T I X O S , ™-, ETC.

5i1AKE3 THE WEAK STBflHS,fit rc.riivtr.n Syrup, a Protect'

IJalutiGii of the Frotojcitfe oft;::. is so combined as to hatsc character of nn ailment, at

U itirjcstctl.amt usslmtlaterizLh tlm blood mi the stmidrsit'.ifxt. It Increases the qtmntlijof Xcturc'd Own VltatizUujA'ic.it, Iron in the blood, andcures "athousntul ills," aimpl'jtj>t Taut tiff up,InvtfforatU)ff andt "italiziiig the Sustem. Tfie c:i-vichctl and vitalized blood pe/.r.icatus every part of the body,repairing damages and waste,scarcUtiiff out worbtit aecrc*iic,:-.sr mut leaving nothing ftp<Uaer:.-ic to feed upon.

Sfiia in tha secret oftTia «,*o::«tlcfful success of this remedy i.icuring Dyspepsia, Uvcr Coop i Dropsy, Ciironic Duirhcoa, JSoiLj, 3S"crrou3 AiFcctiom,

lill and Fevers, H C Kcf Cocstitutlonal Vi

Cisoasc:3 of tlio Kidney andClasldsr, Fomalo Complaict-aml till tTldcut^i oi'l-jiiudUiy I,:.a bail stele of thn blood, or r.c-coinpa;:.ic<l by tlchilWj am lawelate of the system. Jicfnjfrcaj'rcui Alcohol, in any for::i,uienergizing effects tin] .not }'<}'.*tmfctt by eoPPc-ipoitrlliiff Vene-tian t hut arc peitnaitcntf infu-sing etiviifjt?:* vigor, <i;ul newlife into alljtiirt* cfiiiQSjstc:;:,c.:id hiilldbij t'p en Irc:i O"c'ututloii.

Thousa-.ulr.hnvcbccnrTicI"/ the itaa of tius remedy, frc::iivztzh, Blchly, sujTcriur/ ctir.-Hii'fSt lo Gli'os-g, !zcxZZli.:j, r.r. Ihappy -men ami vcov.ic:;.; >:::<',iurtzlitls car.v.r.5 rcrMWiaHy?!:::-'ilatc to give U a. t-.'lcl.

See that each faUU 7izi F;TlV- VIArJ SYRUP i^w.-iftiO:rJ.-..-


AGEHTSWAHTaitncU Imnorahlo wiiliim fjc.

CITCQ Jur no il Vcilimi'] •,-_.....„_ J O B . «a^8«mlToiifa«J-dn?>* wn pn^cal canl. Duuli-JInybut wrlto atoned t>»li t . iLEEED,STnai: . jmv«23.


JURUBEBAtiaa PBtablisrtw.l Itaolf «a a p.;pfcot riv^htcrHi'iiE iiEJtEt* ior ilistotiJjra of th« systemar.'

IT IS NOT A rriYSIC, bttliu st?i:ri!tivts t)rpan», cent.

I t ' l d KOTADQCTOHEDIirr i 'Er^.Li : : :

VEGETABLE TONICtbo'appulit.u for'fouil nutMtrpnssli to afl tils vital f.

i.h (^\rno4 it4 D^VII ru(?iJuiiuuiiii.*iii'Lii •• i •]ar;/r nml niri;'!]vin.Ti'*f|n'-!ii!.-«t'">!ifj. Tiemu dulhr alj.)ttl.>. Ask vunr ilrnp«iat f.:

^ p ^ r y , Auonta wnn!.Jua of working Ft;<iji|c of botii HDICS, y -oiil, n&kt! moruj nionoy nt work fur £'m a local!tcsi, dnriu" thtir spara nvuz:

l tin: timu thaa at any tiling tlae- We..oyuunt tliat will pity baadaumclyEir<'a worfc. 1'all particulars tunna AL\ •

Now ii tlii" lime. Doa'f Iuoli fioesa t:.«:wli(:ri>, nntil von barn l<i offi.T. 0 . STiNisOS & Co., IV

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£r, ha-t ar.p.ila;,.dlj . SEG.U13 of thu b ^ t Itm

i t r tlieruin.Wm. MrC.\r.XY, Clerk.

tiA StarcU 11th, 13T3. 21-10-

JJO UIlN'Eirs^ItifF 'S~SALE !. i . r r i i Circuit Conr t -F i . fj. d« l>on. <••. i , r

Hir l in T. Handf-rson VK. Dimi.l i; siil.MI^tiirnalili! to o^toUr Term, lfii l .

ffm. T. LEI'fJliT, .UVy.TI.C !wl« in lisLilf r,l tli,- aU.vo p lrti,..( ^i^U

•djonne.11» ULft p l K o » : Urn Manrfm HMI.OHutel, In 3tfHTi.iti.aii, N. J . , r,[i


A. D . Is75.1jctwean the honnt t,t 12 ll and Z.'clock P. 31.

XMw JILSflT;: HOFF3US, Sheriff.




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2 i . aUa r«rsc;ivts^!..-tws,i-fr,fl:n.l':IJV thn -nliscrib^r. Tlw II^H N situate.-; MImiWinR w'.-ti'-.irtl livLIni en Bl i^n .J ••lM • HASVSM-

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ClutUiets. wliptbrr vmi trisli to liny nriw'; ;.*.