Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Friend Zone Pg. 6 Girl’s Basket Ball Pg. 8 Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5 A Toast To The Yost By Gloria Mojica ASB did it once again, providing a memorable night filled with laughter and smiles. Tears were seen that night as Godinez brought in a new school tradition: hold Winter Formal King and Queen. The night was flawless at the Yost Theatre, located here in Santa Ana. When arriving at the theater, couples checked in and pictures were taken by the Yearbook Staff. The theatre pro- vided us with comfortable sitting areas where we could relax, sip cold drinks and enjoy appe- tizers, like cookies, celery with ranch, chips and dip and crackers. One unforgettable detail about the theatre was the lighting. Unique green lights went across the dance floor and the DJ did an amazing job playing a variety of music the entire night from hip-hop to cumbias. While waiting in line for photos, a slideshow of our school’s pictures were on display. Grizzlies gathered and took pictures with their friends and their dates. The boys looked handsome in their ties and formal attire, while the ladies looked gorgeous in dresses of bright reds, peachy colors, royal blues, vivid gold, and even turquoise, sequins, and lace. High heels and masks were a must for the Phantom of the Opera spectacular. Even though the night ended early, pure positive vibes were felt that night. The crowning of our Queen and King was nerve wracking, but once Victoria Reymundo and Freddy Jimenez were announced winners, everyone sang along to the song We Are Young by FUN, while the Queen and King danced together. Soon after the whole crowd joined in and danced the night away. Congratulations to our Winter Formal Queen Victoria Reymundo and King Freddy Jimenez! (Photo Collage Courtesy of Vi Luong) Grants Galore By Karina Servin What’s better than iPads, cameras, and books? FREE iPads, cameras and books! Our own school staff has accumulated useful resources for our school through grants. Whether it’s local district grants, Donors Choice grants, or even the Laura Bush Grant our Godinez teachers sure do know how to reel in the good stuff. Kling, our school librarian, received a $5,000 Laura Bush Grant. She wisely ordered books that were needed and she did so by looking through a list of the required reading that teachers assign. “Although we are a new school, we still have needs,” said Kling. She heard about the grant through the American Librarian Association and immediately jumped at the opportunity. Kling also heard at a meeting about dis- trict grants and she informed our teach- ers through an email. Two of our own teachers Ms. Tessa Brown and Mr. Andy Proctor won one of these grants and now have an iPad in their classroom. With this iPad students are able to look up words through dictionary.com and other apps very quickly. It helps greatly in the class- room. Another one of our own teachers who won a grant is Ms. Blash. She heard about the grant because of Donors Choice and after applying for an Orange County grant, she won twelve video cam- eras which her Advanced Placement Government class is currently using. The video cameras are an interesting way to learn while also having fun. Congratulations to all our winners! Ms. Terry Kling showing some of the books purchased from a recent library grant. (Photo Courtesy of Vi Loung) THE GRIZZLY GAZETTE

Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 THE GRIZZLY ... · Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5

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Page 1: Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 THE GRIZZLY ... · Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5

Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013

Page 1


The Friend Zone Pg. 6 Girl’s Basket Ball Pg. 8Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5

A Toast To The YostBy Gloria Mojica

ASB did it once again, providing a memorable night filled with laughter and smiles. Tears were seen that night as Godinez brought in a new school tradition: hold Winter Formal King and Queen.

The night was flawless at the Yost Theatre, located here in Santa Ana. When arriving at the theater, couples checked in and pictures were taken by the Yearbook Staff. The theatre pro-vided us with comfortable sitting areas where we could relax, sip cold drinks and enjoy appe-tizers, like cookies, celery with ranch, chips and dip and crackers.

One unforgettable detail about the theatre was

the lighting. Unique green lights went across the dance floor and the DJ did an amazing job playing a variety of music the entire night from hip-hop to cumbias. While waiting in line for photos, a slideshow of our school’s pictures were on display. Grizzlies gathered and took pictures with their friends and their dates.

The boys looked handsome in their ties and formal attire, while the ladies looked gorgeous in dresses of bright reds, peachy colors, royal blues, vivid gold, and even turquoise, sequins, and lace.

High heels and masks were a must for the Phantom of the Opera spectacular. Even though

the night ended early, pure positive vibes were felt that night.

The crowning of our Queen and King was nerve wracking, but once Victoria Reymundo and Freddy Jimenez were announced winners, everyone sang along to the song We Are Young by FUN, while the Queen and King danced together. Soon after the whole crowd joined in and danced the night away.

Congratulations to our Winter Formal Queen Victoria Reymundo and King Freddy Jimenez!

(Photo Collage Courtesy of Vi Luong)

Grants Galore By Karina Servin

What’s better than iPads, cameras, and books? FREE iPads, cameras and books! Our own school staff has accumulated useful resources for our school through

grants. Whether it’s local district grants, Donors Choice grants, or even the Laura Bush Grant our Godinez teachers sure do know how to reel in the good stuff.

Kling, our school librarian, received a $5,000 Laura Bush Grant. She wisely ordered books that were needed and she did so by looking through a list of the required reading that teachers assign. “Although we are a new school, we still have needs,” said Kling. She heard about the grant through the American Librarian Association and immediately jumped at the opportunity.

Kling also heard at a meeting about dis-trict grants and she informed our teach-ers through an email. Two of our own

teachers Ms. Tessa Brown and Mr. Andy Proctor won one of these grants and now have an iPad in their classroom. With this iPad students are able to look up words through dictionary.com and other apps very quickly. It helps greatly in the class-room.

Another one of our own teachers who won a grant is Ms. Blash. She heard about the grant because of Donors Choice and after applying for an Orange County grant, she won twelve video cam-eras which her Advanced Placement Government class is currently using. The video cameras are an interesting way to learn while also having fun.

Congratulations to all our winners!

Ms. Terry Kling showing some of the books purchased from a recent library grant.

(Photo Courtesy of Vi Loung)


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Volume 4, Issue 3


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Everybody Has A Story: The Morgans By Yvette Mendoza

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, and whether some of you may or may not have someone to celebrate it with, there is one couple that will be celebrating over twenty Valentines’ days together.

That’s right, two of our favorite faculty members, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, have known each other since they were thirteen years old, and have been a couple since they were fifteen. “Junior year was the first time I took her to the Homecoming Banquet. It was sort of our first big date,” said Morgan.

With thoughts of Prom beginning to arise on our own campus, I asked Mr. Morgan how he asked her to prom. “It was noth-ing special back then. I just asked her,” responded Morgan.

After high school, they parted separate ways for college. “I used to write her let-ters when I was away.” When asked if he had any memorable events from college, Morgan said, “I went to Seattle first semester of college and that’s where I

figured out she was the one for me. So I came back after first semester.” Reunited once again, and attending Vanguard

together, Mr. Morgan was truly convinced that Mrs. Morgan was the one for him. “We were 22 and we went to a steakhouse in Newport,” said Morgan, “I got down on one knee, after I talked to her father, and gave her an antique engagement ring that I bought.”

Recently, they celebrated their 23rd anniversary. Mr. Morgan says he feels simply “great” knowing that he has been with her for so long. He adds, “it feels nice to know that we’ve lived our whole lives together.”

Though it might just have been fate that they met each other at such an early age, I asked him if he had any advice for young couples that hope to marry their high school sweethearts. “Honesty is the number one thing,” said Morgan, “tell your partner everything.”

Happy Valentine’s Day to the Morgans!

A Web We Go! By Karen Rodriguez & Adrianna Gonzalez

Many seniors would agree that the col-lege process is time consuming, stress-ful and overwhelming. In order to make it easier for underclassmen, we gathered some websites that can help you with the infamous journey of the college process.

If you don’t know what college or univer-sity you are interested in, consider mak-

ing a profile on www.collegeboard.org . You provide information about your SAT scores, what size your ideal college would be and facts about you. This way, when you search up colleges on College Board, your checklist compares and contrasts your likes and dislikes.

Another website you may consider is Cappex.com. A simple website that are online matchmakers that have borrowed features from Facebook. On both sites a student can create a profile that goes well beyond test scores and grade-point aver-ages that they can share with schools. Using these sites is a great way to discov-er intriguing schools that you didn’t know exist. Through Cappex, you can access Meritaid.com, which provides a directory of scholarships that thousands of schools offer.

A great website for asking questions and reading about college from high school seniors and experts in financial aid is a New York Times Blog called “The Choice” (http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/). This is a very unique and honest blog from several high school seniors all over

the world! Blog posts consist of articles about the stress and anxiety waiting for a letter of acceptance causes or about sum-mer plans and what to explore before col-lege. Experts can answer questions from students or parents.

This fun and interactive website will not only connect you with people from around the world (safely, of course) but provide you with insightful tips on how to survive college and the process.

If you like videos and testimonials, this website is best for you. Godinez alumni have contributed to Mytonomy.com. This website has personal videos from students explaining their first year in college with everything from room and board to first year classes. This website is bilingual, containing videos different languages including Spanish. Join today at mytono-my.com

Senior year is closer than you think. It’s never too early to begin planning YOUR future!

(Infographic Courtesy of Gardenia Zamacona)

An early high school photo of the cute couple (Photo courtesy of Mr. Morgan)

Riio’s Photography By Oscar Salinas

Mario Rosales a senior at GFHS and known as “Riio” has an eye for photo-graphing things he likes.

Taking a photo with a compact camera or your phone camera is way easier than

using a DSLR cam-era. Mario’s DSLR camera gives a photo that vivid scenario and Mario the qual-ity of the camera. Mario known for “Riio photography” which can be found online through social network sites: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter shows a variety of pictures he has taken. Here are

a few question for the photographer:

So how did you get into photography?I have always had an eye for it… it

always caught my attention.

How old were you?Around 17... I photograph typical stuff

around my house, mostly flowers.

Who was the first artist to influence you?

Well there wasn’t really a particular art-ist… well, not that I can think of but pho-tos were the influence.

Do you think you inherited photogra-phy genes from your father?

(ugh) yeah because in way he is artistic.

To view Mario’s photos you can follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and like him on Facebook by searching “Riio.”

(Photo Courtesy of Mario Riio)

Page 3: Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 THE GRIZZLY ... · Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5

EDITORIALSVolume 4 Issue 3

Page 3

With the number of referrals increasing around campus for making out behind the stairs, that can only mean one thing Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Love is in the air, and so is the loss of money on overpriced, unnecessary gifts. This time of the year is a crisis in a man’s life, and these are a few things that defi-nitely grow to grind a man’s gears.

1. Giving But Not Getting

Why is it expected that the guy ALWAYS has to be the one to give the girl a gift? I mean, I wouldn’t mind receiving a box of chocolates from a girl. For goodness’ sake,

girls in elementary school were nicer to me than girls in high school. I remem-ber receiving cheesy little Valentine’s Day cards from a girl in 2nd grade and think-ing that they liked me because the card said something like “Have a great day, Valentine!”

2. Money

I’d like to give high school girls a lit-tle lecture. Here it goes: (clears throat) MONEY DOESN’T GROW ON TREES! Most guys in high school are in their mid-teens and they’re still living of their parents. We don’t have money to go and spend on flowers that are going to die in a week and a huge teddy bear you’ll probably not even pay attention to after Valentine’s Day. Around this time of year, we don’t need to “fear fear itself,” as FDR once said, but we do need to fear going bankrupt.

3. Balloons

The worst part about Valentine’s Day at

school is... the balloons. There’s nothing more annoying than when I’m walking to class and the person in front me has a cloud of balloons trailing behind them, and into my face; or when that person sits in the front of class, but also has their batch of balloons obstructing everybody else’s view. There’s nothing wrong with giving someone a sweet gift for Valentine’s Day, but c’mon! Balloons are just annoy-ing.

4. The Making Out

Well, this doesn’t really grind my gears, but it’s awkward. Anytime during Valentine’s Day, couples will... appreciate each other, and decide to show it by stick-ing their tongues in each other’s throats. Not only will they get a referral for doing that, but it’s just awkward for anyone else who is around their public displays of affection. That should be done in private, not behind me in the lunch line when I’m going to get my spicy chicken.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

What Grinds My Gears: Valentine’s Day Edition By Mario Salazar & Edgar Uriostegui

Gummy Bear

Dear Gummy Bear, How do I tell my parents I’m gay? I’m serious. Sincerely, Stuck In The ClosetDear Stuck In The Closet, It is hard to answer this completely as I don’t know your

parents or what their opinions are; however you need to remember that they are your parents, not strangers; they will love you no matter who you are or who you choose to be. Just sit them down after dinner and talk to them. You should not hide who you really are or who you want to be, it is your life- so live it.

Sincerely, Gummy Bear

Dear Gummy Bear The things is, my boyfriend broke up with me the day after

New Year’s Eve and all my friends wont talk to my anymore, Did I do anything wrong? What should I do? Do I even want to know?

Sincerely, Live Above the InfluenceDear Live Above the Influence You have to remember that actions have consequences,

and if you do something knowing that it is wrong why do it at all? If you’ve really done something terrible and want to know what it is, just talk to your friends when you see them. Know that we solve problems by communicating, not ignoring it; however remember, friends come and go, we all have to accept that. If they suddenly stop talking to you and not give you a decent reason then they were never truly your friends in the first place.

Sincerely, Gummy Bear

My Dearest Gummy Bear, I have been pondering over this dilemma for the longest

period. I have had an acquaintance for the past three years to whom I have recently developed un-acquaintance like feelings. I fear speaking about this in his presence for I am ashamed and fear that I might corrupt our friendship. This has suddenly over-whelmed me due to the fact that he is making his way into the real world following this coming spring. Me heart aches for such tender loving companionship that I know he can provide me. I seek your help and advice to rectify this complicated math analysis equation of love.

XOXO Wynter Shakespeare My Dearest Wynter, I write to you in regards to your dilemma of love. The time

has come for you to speak the truth for it has been long enough. I encourage you to let go of your fears and doubts for it is holding you back from your life. It is a shame that the ship you seek is sailing into the open world, however it will be more shameful if you let things go unspoken. There is no need to fear rejection for it is just a lesson learn.

Yours Truly, Sir Gummus Bearus

Save the date!!!

Sweeney todd the MuSicalPreSale: $5

at the door: $7

Show tiMeS: 3/21. 3/22. 3/23

(Photo courtesy of Gardenia Zamacona)

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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24 25 26 27 28 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

February/ March 2013

Top Rom Coms


Sweeney Todd

@ 7p.m. &

Honors Band

@Valley 7p.m.

Sweeney Todd

@ 3:30 & 7 p.m.

Sweeney Todd

@ 2 p.m.

Modified Day

End of 4th

6 weeks

Open HouseModified Day

St. Patrick’s


Wear Green!!



8 a.m.-12 p.m.

Valentine’s Day is near and congratulations! You have a date! You want to have a good time without breaking the bank but don’t know what to do. Here’s a suggestion: how about a movie night at your house? Invite your crush over for a casual date and snuggle up together. Stuck on what to watch? No worries! We picked out some romantic comedies that we think you might enjoy. Here they are in no particular order:

No Strings Attached: With a cast starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, this film by Ivan Reitman shows us that unexpected moment when a guy and girl try to take their “strictly physical” relationship to the next level.Easy A: High school is hard enough as it is and it doesn’t help when you’re rumored to be the town’s Hester Prynne (The Scarlet Letter, anyone?). Moonrise Kingdom: Remember your first crush when you were 12? Well, so do Suzy and Sam...and they won’t be forgetting it anytime soon. This indie film shares the cute tale of two twelve year olds who run away with each, turning the whole town upside down. A sweet, witty story of young love that you’re sure to enjoy!Friends With Benefits: Tired of disappointing relationships, these two friends decide to have a “strictly physical” relation-ship. Crazy Stupid Love: The boy in love with his baby-sitter, a broken down man, and a womanizer. Three love stories all tied together into one big mess, you’re sure to be laughing all the way.Juno: By the director of Jason Reitman , Juno a girl in high school ,faces herself with pregnancy, a mistake that she regrets and decides to make a decision giving us that moment of suspense. 500 Days of Summer: Everybody experiences a moment in life, where they don’t believe in love. Starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, this movie tells the story of a woman who lost all the possibilities of believing in love, until a young man, felt what she didn’t feel. If you’re one of them, you have to watch 500 days of summer!Valentine’s Day: This is a hilarious film with an A-list cast including George Lopez, Jessica Alba, and Ashton Kutcher. Val-entine’s Day is the movie where couples and singles in Los Angeles try to find their other half, by having either a breaking-up or making-up or both! They all have a deadline...Valentines Day!When Harry Met Sally: This classic love story is about two individuals who meet by coincidence on a ride to New York. As if tied by a string of fate, they keep bumping into each other. Both believe it’s impossible to be just friends, but that’s exactly what happens...but can they stay friends?

So we hope you have a good time and wish you luck on getting to that second date!

By Gardenia Zamacona & Ana Villanueva

Junior Push

In House


8th Grade

Verification Day

Pi Day



8 a.m.-12 p.m.



8 a.m.-12 p.m.

Volume 4, Issue 3

Page 5: Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 THE GRIZZLY ... · Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5

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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Can’t think of anything to get your special someone? You can never go wrong with a box of chocolates! Whether you’re on a budget or not, here are some of the best and most delicious brands.1. Hershey’s: Scared to give your

special someone a real kiss? Just give them a Hershey’s kiss this Valentine’s Day. A classic milk chocolate that comes in the shape of hearts with a cute note. Sweet and very affordable.2. Ferrero Rocher: chocolates

with crunchy outsides and smooth choco late inside that taste like Nutella. Comes in small and large collections, with 3 popular flavors. 3. Sees

Candy: A huge variety of

chocolates with all sorts of nuts and fillings. A cute and thoughtful gift is the Valentine Puppy Box, it comes with heart shaped chocolates and lol-lipops. If you want to go all out, then you can get a beautiful heart box assortment and choose the chocolates you desire. 4. Ghiradelli: If you are more con-

cerned with the looks and presentation of your chocolate, then Ghirardelli is the chocolate for your special some-one. The options for you range from Valentine themed gifts to elegant gift baskets and gift towers. There are some very affordable selections, so no need to worry about the price. The Valentine’s line begins from as low as $4 for a simple chocolate bar to $30 for a box of chocolates with a teddy bear. The chocolate won’t disappoint. It is delicious and smooth; simply a bite from heaven. You can’t go wrong with the caramel filled squares. Their online website even gives you recipes and tips!5. Dove Chocolates (in no way

affiliated with Dove the soap in case

you were wondering):This is for those who like to get to the

point. No fancy bows or decorations, just pure chocolate taste. There are 4 possible selections you could buy your Valentine: Dove Bars, Dove Promises, Dove Specialties, or Dove Ice Cream. Yes, in case your Valentine doesn’t like chocolate as much, there is an option of ice-cream, whatever makes him/her happy right? We personally recommend the Dove Promises. They come in little squares wrapped with a special message. Each message is different and sure to surprise your Valentine.6. Godiva Godliness: If you’re feel-

ing extravagant this Valentine’s Day Godiva is the chocolate for your part-ner. The cheapest one or two piece chocolate gift for Valentine’s Day starts off at $5 and the more luxurious boxes range upwards of $100. What is special about these chocolate boxes is that they each carry a wide variety of unique flavors and shapes of choco-lates.

Forever Alone

Sweet Surprises By Andrea Guillen & Evelyn Trejo

By Danielle Flores & Amber Ramirez

Volume 4 Issue 3

Finding yourself alone on Valentine’s Day? Don’t worry, we got your back! Get some of your single friends and take on the town. Here we have a list of things that you and your friends can do:

1. Movie NightFriend’s House Mall

2. Bonfire Friend’s house or yours Beaches: Corona Del Mar, Huntington

3. Game Night Friend’s house or your house

4. Bowling * Cosmic BowlingTustin Lanes (1091 Old Irvine Bd, Tustin, CA 92780)Fountain Bowl (17110 Brookhurst St, Fountain Valley, CA 92708)Lucky Strike (The Outlets of Orange)

5. Dinner with SIN-GLE FriendsLucille’s Smokehouse Bar B QueJohnny Rockets Cheesecake FactoryRed Robin

6. Laser Tag Knott’s The Outlets of Orange (TheBlock)

7. Single People PartyFriend’s House or your house

8. ShoppingSouth Coast Plaza Outlets of Orange (The Block)

9. Video Game TournamentFriend’s House of Yours

10. Stay at home with your family or go to a friend’s house!

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Scan & Check us Online!

Volume 4, Issue 3


“Can we be something more than friends?”

“What do you mean? Best friends?” When you fall for a girl, you get but-

terflies in your stomach but they swirl in a flurry when you realize one you’re stuck in the friend zone. It hurts to know that you wasted three months on her just to get a simple, “you’re a good guy” response. You bought her lunch, you spent your weekends with her, and you were there for her when she needed a shoulder to lean on. It hurts to be in that position; trust me, I’ve been there. Something inside of you tells you to go on but something else is pulling you away.

It’s fear. Fear is what eats you from the

inside and anchors you down into the friend zone.

You think, “Ah whatever, I might as well give up”. Your friends tell you to do just that. “Move on”, they say, “Don’t try with her. It’s like playing with the devil. She’ll just hurt you.” Yet you still want to, for some part of you still believes there is a chance you can be with her. You don’t want to look back in the future and wish you would have done something about it. Then live your life with regret because you didn’t even try.

You hear from your mutual friends that her relationship status has changed to single. You notice that another guy has come into the picture. You notice it, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, and you realize; she doesn’t care about you. She prefers him over you.

He connects with her more than you do. They have more things in common and he gets to see her more than you do. It kills you to know that, but you want the best for her; you want to see her happy. You told her you’d always be there for her and you will but something inside know feels different. You don’t feel like yourself any-more. You’ve liked her for so long now but you see her fading into the distance more

and more.Then you hit that moment when you just

stop caring. You see her walk down the hall 2nd building, first floor, with the guy. You see them two holding hands; wishing it was your hand she was holding. You try to ignore her because you know that any slight sign of hope you may find will drive you crazy. Now you just live day by day and put on a fake smile for her to see. The pain and loneliness of being stuck in the friend zone as you wait for the day someone else comes into the picture. When you see her smile, fall for her, and hope that you won’t be stuck in the friend zone again.

Now there is a way out. Simply go up to her and be frank, “Hey, I’m attracted t you. Now I don’t know where this puts us but I want to know if you have feelings for me too.” If she says no or if he says no, that is fine. You will be fine. Now you know where your relationship stands.

You’ll be free from that person and be able to move on. There are so many people out there. Everybody has a soul mate. One cannot leech on to one per-son and stay in the friend zone. It’s one thing being in the friend zone and another wanting to remain in the friend zone.

Stuck In The Friendzone By Jesse Ramirez & Boomer Vincete

Godinez Fundamental High School

3002 Centennial Road Santa Ana, California 92704

Editors:Jose Ochoa

Gardenia ZamaconaAdviser:

Joyce FeuerbornCopy Editor:Steven CortezPhoto Editor:

Vi LuongMiddle Spread Editors:

Danielle FloresHugo Salgado

Fernando PantaleonStaff Writers:Evelyn Trejo

Amber RamirezHugo Salgado

Karen RodriguezEdgar UriosteguiAndrea GuillenJesse RamirezBrian LinzagaRick Flores

Jocelyn AlvaradoAna VillanuevaAraceli Nevarez

Julian MedrandaOscar SalinasMario Salazar

Jose EvangelistaDasiy Garcia

Social Media:Yvette MendozaGloria Mojica

Boomer VicenteJamilah HosanKarina Servin

Jesse demostrating what it is like to be friend-zoned. (Photo Courtesy of Gardenia Zamacona)

Grizzlies Show Off Talent!by Daisy Garcia

Last Friday on February 8th at 7 p.m., we had some of our fellow Grizzlies take center stage. There were acts ranging from singing and dancing to comedy skits that had the auidence rolling in laughter. This show is an annual event put on by the Godinez Drama department to show just how talented our fellow Grizzlies are. With great hosts and entertaining acts how else would you want to spend you’re

Friday night? Here we have some pictures of the show, enjoy!

(Photos Courtesy of Daisy Garcia)

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Grizzly Gazette Editorial PolicyThe Grizzly Gazette is published six times per academic year by students in journalism class at Godinez Fundamental High School.Content is determined by the staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Godinez Fundamental High School’s faculty, administration, adviser or student body.Students are protected in their exercise of press freedom by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and California Education Code 48907.Signed editorials and columns reflect the views of the writer.Letters to the editor and guest commentaries are encouraged and must be signed, although anonymity can be granted on a case-by-case basis. The editors review letters to the editor, advertising, guest commentaries, reserves the right to edit and refuse material. Reasons can include length, clarity, libel, and obscenity, material disruption of the educational process at Godinez Fundamental High School or violation of copyright laws.


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Mmmm.......DonutsBy Rick Flores & Julian Medranda

Everybody likes to indulge themselves in donuts every once in awhile. Nobody, however, likes wasting time to decide where to go for such sweets. If you’re interested in donuts or other kinds of pastries, this list might be rel-evant to you.

Jax Donut House1021 S Fairview St:Don’t let it’s name deceive you, Jax is cer-

tainly not a donut house. In fact, calling it a donut apartment might even be stretching it. Upon coming to Jax around noon during the winter break, I was very disappointed to find out that there was a very small amount of donuts, none of which looked quite appealing. The one man that was there took his time to attend to my order, which ended up being 85¢ for a maple twist. It’s hard to mess donuts up, but this small donut “house” managed to do so. Unless you’re the kind of person that favors an overpriced mediocre snack, I

couldn’t recommend Jax.

DK’s Donuts 2610 W Edinger Ave:Ever walked from school through Edinger?

If so, you might have noticed DK’s Donuts. With a good selection and equally good cus-tomer service, DK’s is a good choice if you ever feel like having a snack after or before school. With that said, don’t expect it to be an extraordinary place you’d be visiting on a daily routine; it’s just good. Personally, I think it’s a much better place to grab some food at rather than the other nearby food joints because of the taste and customer service.

Yum Yum Donuts320 E 17th St:Yum Yum’s has it all. The prices are great,

customer service is solid, and, most impor-tantly, the donuts taste great. The only prob-lem, for most, is the distance. While it is a great place to get some delicious snacks, it just isn’t worth the drive. If you are one of the lucky people who just so happen to live near-by it, however, then this is probably your best choice for a cheap source of fatty goodness.

Duck’s Donuts 2307 S Bristol St :Of all the donut places one could go to in

Santa Ana, Duck’s is likely the best choice. The customer service is awesome:one time I didn’t have an extra 35¢ and I was allowed to pay for it on my next visit(which I did). Not to men-tion the fact that they throw in free donuts for no reason on occasion. Most importantly, the donuts are awesome, as they have the perfect softness one comes to love in a donut. Overall,

Duck’s is an awesome choice for a local, friend-ly donut shop.

Donut Star2509 South Harbor BoulevardSanta Ana, CA 92704:Donut Star is a really great donut shop. It is

popular and I can clearly see why. Their selec-tion is really great and gives so much to choose from. Aside from selling donuts and coffee, they also sell great croissants and even Chinese food! Donut Star is a great place to go and is not too far away from school.

Christy’s Donuts1212 South Bristol StreetSanta Ana, CA 92704:Christy’s is a great choice if you live in the

area. They have a wide selection and their donuts have a really good texture. Aside from donuts, their ice cream is also pretty good. The customer service is great and so are the prices. You can’t go wrong with Christy’s.

Krispy Kreme330 City Drive SouthOrange, California 92868: Krispy Kreme just isn’t what it used to

be. Their once tasty donuts have been now replaced with tasteless, over-glazed donuts. The selection still has variety but most of these donuts just have too much glaze. Not only are these donuts smaller than most, they are also flatter and lack texture. While their prices and their New York Cheesecake are some good points, Krispy Kreme would be a good choice if you want a really sweet sugary donut.

An inside look at Duck’s Donut (Photo courtesy of Julian Medranda)

WATCH OUT! Valentine’s is heading your way. For those of you that are asking out that special somebody for a date but don’t know what to do fear not for I will show a simple 5 step plan to having a perfect date. This guide will also help those guys and girls finally ask out your special crush. Alright ready?

Step 1: Ask out your date. Now some may already have trouble on this first step, thinking “I like him/her but I don’t want to ruin our friend-ship blah blah blah.” First off

the key to this step is to be confident. If you think about it, there are really only two outcomes, either they say yes or they say no. Even if they say no, there’s an upside. You have successfully escaped from the “friend zone” since you have clearly shown them that you want a rela-tionship that is more than mere friends.Step 2: Plan!

After having ‘manned the heck up’ it’s time to start planning. What you need to do is gather as much infor-

mation on your date as possible (legally). Some simple things to find out are: “What type of food do they like?” “What music do they like?” “What are their favorite memo-ries as a kid?” “Are they shy in public or are they a total party animal?” You need to figure out just what type of person they are, what makes them tick, and what they enjoy doing.

Step 3: LocationNow in a normal date

the place might not real-ly matter but since this is going to be a perfect date, it’s time to break

away from the ordinary and set yourself apart form other guys and girls. Therefore the location is crucial, since it will be in charge of setting the atmosphere ;). Some ideas might be the movies, an amusement park, the beach, or a nice hill where you can lay down and stare at the moon and stars, or whatever they might like.Step 4: Give a giftTrust me guys, if you plan on taking out

a girl on Valentine’s Day and you don’t have a present, then be sure to be expect-

ing cupid’s loving fist in your face. The present needs to be more than just some-thing materialistic, it needs to be some-thing symbolic and yet romantic. Now before you help them commit chocolate suicide think really hard and put yourself in their shoes. Not everyone is the same and some might want a handmade gift rather than a new pair of sunglasses or earrings. Homemade gifts can be as cre-ative as handmade cards to personalized coupon books (hint: massage).Step 5: Attitude This doesn’t mean that you have to

become a completely different person; after all you should be relaxed around each other. So be confident and don’t forget to be courteous of each other. Remember, treat your partner with respect and dignity and it

should be a spectacular time to remem-ber.

(Photos courtesy of Google Images)

The Perfect Date By Jose Evangelista

Page 8: Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 THE GRIZZLY ... · Volume 4, Issue 3 Friday, February 15, 2013 Page 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Middle Pgs: Valentine’s Day Edition! Pgs. 4-5

Looking to repeat last year’s League cham-pionship, the girls basketball team is hard at work to accomplish their goal. The girls are currently (5-2) after a rocky start where they had a losing record of (1-2).

The team showed great chemistry when they defeated Calvary Chapel in their debut game in league with a score of 37-33. Senior Mercedes Munoz had a great game by scoring 10 points and helping the team play offensively.

“The team’s hope for the season is to win league and go to CIF. We want to prove to everyone that we can win and go far, but we need everyone to show their support and have

faith in us,” said Munoz. The team has also come on top by defeating teams including:

Laguna Beach, Saddleback, Costa Mesa, and Calvary Chapel with scores of 43-36, 29-21, 54-34, 37-33, and 33-26 respective-ly. (Two games against Calvary Chapel)

The girls also experienced a change of coach for this year’s season now that Mr. David Mendez, who is also the attendance administrator, is the new girls varsity basketball coach.

“Obviously it was hard to cope with it, but like the family we are, we put that aside and fought through the change together,” said Junior Savannah Laguna.

The girls basketball team shows great sportsmanship in every one of their games. They don’t let anything bring them down and there’s no doubt that they’re an example for all high school bas-ketball teams. No matter what the outcome of the game is, they always walk out with their heads held high.

Even though the team didn’t have the best start, they’re back on their feet and there’s no doubt they’ll bring glory and honor to Godinez once again. Go Grizzlies!

Page 8

Athletes of the Month By Brian Linzaga

SPORTSVolume 4, Issue 3

Girls’ Basketballby Araceli Nevarez

Girls’ Soccerby Daisy Garcia

The girls’ varsity soccer team has kicked this year’s season off to a great start with head Coach Sara Henderson. Being the head coach can be “frustrating at times but defi-nitely exciting,” Henderson states.

The team overall has done real-ly well and won some big games that definitely took hard work and dedication. As for the team, Coach Henderson thinks they definitely need to “come together and work hard for each other,” so winning games can be easy and straightforward.

Senior Sandy Jimenez is one of Coach Henderson’s “go to” players who dominates the field making her the team’s leading scorer. Another one of Coach Henderson’s go to players is Junior Jennifer Marin who is currently the team’s second leading scor-er. As for the team, their stats were impressive with 12 wins-2 losses-and 4 ties, making them ranked in first place at the end of January.

Sadly, one unidentified player on the team decided to play in an outside league which is against CIF regulation SS Blue Book, Article 60; rule 601. This rule states that “players can only play on their high school team and must have no participation on any outside organization during team season.”

Violation of the rule resulted in all their previous scores being revoked, and they were forced to forfeit every game the individual played in thus placing the team last in the league.

Coach Henderson said it was “devastating for the whole team, especially the seniors because they knew they would’ve taken first place.” She believes that “rules are put in place for a reason and shouldn’t be broken” but because of one person breaking those rules the entire team is paying the price which is extremely sad.

With hard lessons learned, the team can only look ahead and hope that something like this never happens again.

(Photo Courtesy of Vi Luong)

(Photo Courtesy of Vi Luong)


Girls’ Basketball: Yvette Mendoza 12th Grader. “She is leading by example as Yvette has 1 game with a triple- double and another game with a double-double! Her personal-ity is developing and she is now able to talk about things that work and don’t work on the court!” Coach Mendez

Boys’ Basketball: Brandon Smith 10th Grader: “Brandon has established himself as one of the top sophomores in Orange County this year. Brandon brings tremendous work ethic in an effort to improve his game. There is no doubt that Brandon will lead our team to many outstanding achievements over the next two years.” Coach Coombs

Boys’ Soccer: Omar Morales 11th Grader: “ Omar demonstrates leadership qualities, dedication, and a high work ethic. This is his second year as a varsity starter and is also a responsible student.” Coach Fernandez

Girls’ Soccer: Sandy Jimenez 12th Grader: “Sandy has played on varsity all four years at Godinez. She currently leads the team with 13 goals and 7 assists. She has helped to secure a first place standing for the Grizzlies!” Coach Henderson

Girls’ Water Polo: Aliyah Nunez 12th Grader : “Aliyah Nunez has passed the current school record for assists with over 10 games left in the season. Our team leader in every aspect, this young lady is a serious prospect for play on the college level.” Coach Sloan


Girls’ Basketball: Paola Mora 12th Grader: “Paola is our team liaison and organizer. Her dedication and responsibility are excellent exam-ples to all Grizzlies!” Coach Mendez

Boys’ Basketball: Cesar Quinonez 12th Grader: “Cesar is the heart and soul

of our varsity team. His work ethic and enthu-siasm stands out for all to see. Cesar is a great teammate, and represents the best of Godinez Fundamental.” Coach Coombs

Boys’ Soccer: Jose Martinez 11th Grader: “Jose is hard working and disciplined athlete both on and off the field.” Coach Fernandez

Girls’ Soccer: Jennifer Ramirez: 9th Grader: “Jennifer is only a freshmen but she plays like a senior. She always gives 100% and never complains. Jennifer is

currently leading the team in assists which isn’t surprising when watching how selfless she plays.” Coach Henderson

Wrestling: Rudy Antunez 12th Grader: “Despite playing with injuries and immense obstacles, time and time again this individual has stepped up to overcome immense adversity to get the win. Rudy is a smart individual and the unsung hero of our squad.” Coach Aguilar

Girls’ Water Polo: Colleen Sloan 11th Grader: “Not only is Colleen Sloan leading the girls’ waterpolo team in every category both offensively and defen-sively ; she took the time from her busy aca-demic schedule to help teach a new crop of freshmen, to swim and schooled them in the fundamentals of water polo. “ Coach Sloan (Photos Courtesy of Vi Luong & Brian Linzaga)