FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER Relentlessly Issue 3 Friday 27th September 2019 Senior Leadership Team Update Our last newsletter was a curriculum special, updating you all on our exciting new curriculum. This fortnight, the newsletter has unintentionally turned into a positive feedback special as we have received so many compliments about the behaviour and conduct of our pupils recently whilst they have been on trips or had visitors in. You will notice an updated ‘Date for your diary on the side of this newsletter, including all dates up until Christmas We would like to thank all families who have supported our 48-hour rule and restriction of the distribution of fruit and bagels, along with sand and water play following the recent bout of sickness. We are hoping that normal service will resume soon! Our second parents’ evening of the term is taking place on Wednesday. Staff have been attempting to contact parents who have not yet made an appointment. If you are one of these parents, please contact the school as soon as possible to arrange. Following the opening of our library in the summer term, the use of this is now in full swing! Library monitors have been interviewed and appointed and classes are visiting to borrow books. Mrs Richardson and the library monitors will be updating you in our next newsletter. As the wet weather has arrived, please ensure that children come to school with coats and if your child walks to school in wellies that they bring their shoes with them to change into. Thank you www.delucyprimaryschool.co.uk Telephone: 0208 310 5290 Twitter @DePrimary DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OCTOBER 02/10/2019 Parents Evening 08/10/2019 Selected Year 5/6 Able Maths Day – Bannockburn Primary School 11/10/2019 INSET DAY 2 - school closed to pupils 16/10/2019 Year 6 - Trip to Natural History Museum 17/10/2019 Individual school photos 18/10/2019 De Lucy School and Family Association – Movie Night – Secret Life of Pets 2 3.30pm – 5.00pm 18/10/2019 Last day of term finish normal time 21/10/2019 HALF TERM 28/10/2019 Pupils return to school normal time 8.45am 28/10/2019 Democracy Week: Whole School 28/10/2019 Book Fair Week 29/10/2019 Open Morning Autumn 2019 for Reception Intake September 2020 at 10am 31/10/2019 Deadline to apply for Secondary School for September 2020 NOVEMBER 07/11/2019 NSPCC - Speak out, stay safe day 11/11/2019 Anti-Bullying week 20/11/2019 National Flu Vaccinations 26/11/2019 Open Morning Autumn 2019 for Reception Intake September 2020 at 10am 29/11/2019 INSET 3 - school closed to pupils DECEMBER 02/12/2019 Panto - Beauty and the Beast Year 3-6 04/12/2019 Panto - Beauty and the Beast Nursery - Year 2 06/12/2019 Winter Wonderland Event - De Lucy School & Family Association 10/12/2019 Open morning for 2020 Reception 11/12/2019 Year 1 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 9.15am 11/12/2019 Year 2 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 10.30am 11/12/2019 Year 3 & 4 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 2.15pm 12/12/2019 Year 1 Performance KS1 Hall 9.15am 12/12/2019 Year 2 Performance KS1 Hall 10.30am 12/12/2019 Year 5 & 6 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 2.15pm 13/12/2019 Year 3 & 4 Performance 9.15am 13/12/2019 Year 5 & 6 Performance 2.15pm 16/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Dress Rehearsal KS1 Hall 9.15am 16/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Dress Rehearsal KS1 Hall 2.15pm 17/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Performance KS1 Hall 9.15am 17/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Performance KS1 Hall 2.15pm 18/12/2019 Christmas Dinner 19/12/2019 Whole School Assembly 19/12/2019 Last day of term - finish at 2pm 20/12/2019 HALF TERM JANUARY 06/01/2020 Pupils return to school normal time 8.45am 13/01/2020 Open Morning Autumn 2019 for Reception Intake September 2020 at 10am Term dates can be found on our website: http://www.delucyprimaryschool.co.uk/Term-Dates

Issue 3 Friday 27th September 2019 FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTERfluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com/FileCluster/DeLucyPri… · Issue 3 Friday 27th September 2019 Senior Leadership

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Issue 3

Friday 27th September 2019

Senior Leadership Team Update

Our last newsletter was a curriculum

special, updating you all on our exciting new

curriculum. This fortnight, the newsletter

has unintentionally turned into a positive

feedback special as we have received so

many compliments about the behaviour

and conduct of our pupils recently whilst

they have been on trips or had visitors in.

You will notice an updated ‘Date for your

diary on the side of this newsletter,

including all dates up until Christmas

We would like to thank all families who have

supported our 48-hour rule and restriction

of the distribution of fruit and bagels, along

with sand and water play following the

recent bout of sickness. We are hoping that

normal service will resume soon!

Our second parents’ evening of the term is

taking place on Wednesday. Staff have been

attempting to contact parents who have not

yet made an appointment. If you are one of

these parents, please contact the school as

soon as possible to arrange.

Following the opening of our library in the

summer term, the use of this is now in full

swing! Library monitors have been

interviewed and appointed and classes are

visiting to borrow books. Mrs Richardson

and the library monitors will be updating

you in our next newsletter.

As the wet weather has arrived, please

ensure that children come to school with

coats and if your child walks to school in

wellies that they bring their shoes with

them to change into.

Thank you


Telephone: 0208 310 5290

Twitter @DePrimary



02/10/2019 Parents Evening

08/10/2019 Selected Year 5/6 Able Maths Day – Bannockburn Primary School

11/10/2019 INSET DAY 2 - school closed to pupils

16/10/2019 Year 6 - Trip to Natural History Museum

17/10/2019 Individual school photos

18/10/2019 De Lucy School and Family Association – Movie Night – Secret Life of Pets 2 3.30pm – 5.00pm

18/10/2019 Last day of term finish normal time

21/10/2019 HALF TERM

28/10/2019 Pupils return to school normal time 8.45am

28/10/2019 Democracy Week: Whole School

28/10/2019 Book Fair Week

29/10/2019 Open Morning Autumn 2019 for Reception Intake September 2020 at 10am

31/10/2019 Deadline to apply for Secondary School for September 2020


07/11/2019 NSPCC - Speak out, stay safe day

11/11/2019 Anti-Bullying week

20/11/2019 National Flu Vaccinations

26/11/2019 Open Morning Autumn 2019 for Reception Intake September 2020 at 10am

29/11/2019 INSET 3 - school closed to pupils


02/12/2019 Panto - Beauty and the Beast Year 3-6

04/12/2019 Panto - Beauty and the Beast Nursery - Year 2

06/12/2019 Winter Wonderland Event - De Lucy School & Family Association

10/12/2019 Open morning for 2020 Reception

11/12/2019 Year 1 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 9.15am

11/12/2019 Year 2 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 10.30am

11/12/2019 Year 3 & 4 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 2.15pm

12/12/2019 Year 1 Performance KS1 Hall 9.15am

12/12/2019 Year 2 Performance KS1 Hall 10.30am

12/12/2019 Year 5 & 6 Dress Rehearsal – KS1 Hall 2.15pm

13/12/2019 Year 3 & 4 Performance 9.15am

13/12/2019 Year 5 & 6 Performance 2.15pm

16/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Dress Rehearsal KS1 Hall 9.15am

16/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Dress Rehearsal KS1 Hall 2.15pm

17/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Performance KS1 Hall 9.15am

17/12/2019 Nursery and Reception Performance KS1 Hall 2.15pm

18/12/2019 Christmas Dinner

19/12/2019 Whole School Assembly

19/12/2019 Last day of term - finish at 2pm

20/12/2019 HALF TERM


06/01/2020 Pupils return to school normal time 8.45am

13/01/2020 Open Morning Autumn 2019 for Reception Intake September 2020 at 10am

Term dates can be found on our website: http://www.delucyprimaryschool.co.uk/Term-Dates

Page 2: Issue 3 Friday 27th September 2019 FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTERfluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com/FileCluster/DeLucyPri… · Issue 3 Friday 27th September 2019 Senior Leadership

School Uniform Mapac supplies a comprehensive range of uniform via their internet shop and telephone order service delivery direct to your chosen address or to school. Due to popular demand, our school fleeces will be available again. The range available is:

De Lucy Sweatshirt with logo

De Lucy Heavyweight Cardigan with logo

De Lucy Polo shirt with logo

De Lucy Fleece with logo

De Lucy Reversible Jacket

De Lucy P.E. Hoodie

De Lucy PE t-shirt with logo

PE shorts

Plimsolls with Elastic Gusset

Swim cap Ordering online is very simple just visit www.mapac.com/education/parents, then select ‘Find Your School’ to select your preferences.

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Car Free Day On Friday 20th September, De Lucy took part in 'Car

Free Day', with Cookhill Road being closed for

prolonged periods of the day. Children were then able

to go outside with their classes and take part in some

fun activities, including running races, dribbling games

and hula hooping. The children discussed that, in order

to stay active and healthy, we should encourage each

other to walk to school.

Year 5 Bikeability Some of our year five children recently were given the opportunity to improve

their road safety and awareness whilst on their bikes. Steve, from Bikeability,

spoke very highly of the children who participated:

Feedback Received 25th September Dear Mrs Carter,

My colleague and I would like to compliment all the pupils from year five who took

part in the Bikeability training last week. Their behaviour was exceptional as was

their enthusiasm and learning skills throughout the week. As a result, we were able

to have a fun course and at the same time achieve the Bikeability outcomes.

We both look forward to seeing you again. Steve and Angie

Year 1 Black Taxi visit

As part of their "Bright Lights, Big City" work, Year 1 had another exciting guest last week. Terry and his taxi paid a visit to the school. The children were amazed when he drove right onto the playground! Terry told us interesting facts about his job and about the landmarks that he passes every day. To top it all off, Terry turned the meter off and the pupils got a free ride around the playground!

“Taxis have to be tall so that someone can wear a top hat inside. Terry sees the London Eye and Big Ben all the time. The ride was fun; I loved riding in the electric car.”

Angela Taylor, a Greenwich Road Safety Officer:

“It was great at car free day this morning and the children seemed to really enjoy the activities and get involved.

Please can you say a BIG THANK YOU to your wonderful JTA’s and helpers as they were invaluable”

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Inclusion Information Autism Gifted Hands Autism gifted hands is a business enterprise working with Autistic children (ASD) in the South East of London. We work with age 3 to 10 years Monday to Friday (4 to 7pm) after school doing sensory play in order to reduce overload (Community respite care). We also run a four hours Sensory interventions workshop monthly (last Saturday of each month 1-4pm https://shrewsburyhouse.org/ ) to support ASD children with strategies to learning (Attention activity, Lego therapy, Painting, Sensory play, Barrier games, Sensory circuits etc. Email your request at [email protected] Autism and our five senses Our five senses are critical to our lives, helping guide us through everything from the daily tasks of walking, talking and eating to the more complex functions like creative and artistic projects, playing sports and critical thinking. By stimulating the senses through what’s called Sensory Play or Sensory Activity, we can help develop our children’s creativity while also encouraging social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and linguistic development. Sensory play also helps strengthen the brain’s neural pathways and connections, which leads to greater learning potential. http://search3.openobjects.com/kb5/greenwich/fsd/service.page?id=NbxrgnZQpDw http://autismgiftedhands.com/


Feedback Received on 19th September from Mrs Malone, the principal at St Pauls’ Academy

Thank you for the opportunity to visit your pupils in Year 6 today.

It was a most enjoyable visit and I was very impressed with your pupils. Their behaviour was excellent, they were attentive and asked very interesting and thoughtful questions. I wish them all the very best for their final year at De Lucy and they have a successful transition to their secondary school next September.

Please thank your colleagues for the warm welcome I received.

I appreciate it can be very disruptive to the teaching and learning in the classroom having visitors to the school, but I hope it was of help to your pupils and staff.

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School Travel Plan - 2019 Gold STARS accreditation application

Dear De Lucy I am delighted to officially confirm that your application was successful, Transport for London (TfL) has awarded your School Travel Plan Gold status. Congratulations on this tremendous achievement! Thank you for all the work you do in your school to make a change and encourage more active, safe and sustainable travel to and from school. Your 2019 certificate and Gold star for your plaque will be distributed before Christmas. Please note that your Gold status will expire August 2022 but for your travel plan to remain valid, you will need to maintain your engagement in STARS at a minimum of Bronze level each year. This year Royal Greenwich have 39 schools accredited at Gold level, 2 x Silver and 11 x Bronze, so overall 55 schools have an accredited School Travel Plan. I am extremely proud of the work you have done to reduce the number of children coming to school by car; your high level of engagement has made a significant contribution towards the overall success of the School Travel Plan programme in our borough. Well done and again - thank you! Best wishes, Camilla Camilla Olofsson School Travel Plan Co-ordinator

Archery Club Feedback from ASG

Good Afternoon from ASG,

I am writing to give a little feedback regarding the Archery classes that have been running this term at De Lucy.

Luke, the coach at De Lucy has passed on to me that the children have had very good first session this term. Luke

was impressed by their behaviour & there archery skills considering most of the children have not done it before.

The first session of this term, we have worked on the following.

Setting up the archery equipment. Packing away the archery equipment Learning how to use the equipment correctly Practising hitting the target. Playing team games such as first to get to 100 points.

The children are a pleasure to teach Luke has said, and Luke enjoys teaching them.

Luke is ever grateful and would like to thank De Lucy for making him feel welcomed.

With Thanks

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Class Date Star of the Week x 2 Home Learning


Driver of the week Writer of the week

1 Anthony Browne 20 09 19

27 09 19

Athalia, Ugne

Malik, Brian







1 Julia Donaldson 20 09 19

27 09 19

Mia, Swethana - Cathymarie Beatrice

1 Simon Bartram 20 09 19

27 09 19

- - - -

2 Dick King-Smith 20 09 19

27 09 19









2 Mary Hoffman 20 09 19

27 09 19

Joe, Richard

Temi, Kevin







2 Roald Dahl 20 09 19

27 09 19

Jack H, Wiktoria

Dylan, Betsy







3 Anne Fine 20 09 19

27 09 19

Esther, Henry

Charlie, Emily






Archie G

3 Eva Ibbotson 20 09 19

27 09 19

Hallie, Tommy

Alexia, Shasha







3 Ted Hughes 20 09 19

27 09 19

Aiona, Elizabeth

Liam Nikola







4 David Walliams 20 09 19

27 09 19


Faith, Rosie

Taqiyah, Harley






4 Gillian Cross 20 09 19

27 09 19


Summer, Georgie-Leigh





Harley D


4 Michael Morpurgo 20 09 19

27 09 19


Charlie, Michelle







5 Anthony Horowitz 20 09 19

27 09 19









5 Beverley Naidoo 20 09 19

27 09 19

Kayla, Ashukem








5 C S Lewis 20 09 19

27 09 19

Nicky, Kevin


Nancy, Zak, Andrei






6 Louis Sachar 20 09 19

27 09 19

Michael D, Iyanu








6 Malorie Blackman 20 09 19

27 09 19

Caleb Am, Vita

Dizana, Sneijder

Demi-May, Samuel

Faith, Johan





6 William Shakespeare 20 09 19

27 09 19

Tyler, Emmanuel P

Harry, Adeena





Tiffany K



The following children have passed an end of year spelling test this week and have received a certificate to celebrate their achievement. Children

are issued with individual spelling lists every week, which are stapled into reading records.

A letter will be coming home about the De Lucy spelling scheme restarting this term


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Class %

20 09 19


27 09 19

N Eric Carle 88.80 81.47

R Nick Butterworth 81.62 90.60

R Claire Freedman 69.83 83.76

1 Anthony Browne 83.76 85.47

1 Simon Bartram 84.19 85.47

1 Julia Donaldson 86.01 96.71

2 Dick King-Smith 89.30 94.65

2 Roald Dahl 94.44 97.22

2 Mary Hoffman 94.44 85.32

3 Ted Hughes 90.67 94.67

3 Anne Fine 86.67 91.67

3 Eva Ibbotson 96.00 97.33

4 Michael Morpurgo 95.24 98.94

4 Gillian Cross 91.43 94.44

4 David Walliams 89.37 93.72

5 Beverley Naidoo 95.47 97.12

5 Anthony Horowitz 95.06 81.09

5 C S Lewis 100.00 98.77

6 Louis Sachar 96.76 97.22

6 Malorie Blackman 90.67 85.33

6 William Shakespeare 92.18 94.44

Whole School 93.3 93.2

Minutes Late 264 607

When a child arrives late at school, they miss important events like assembly, teacher’s instructions and introductions. Children also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late.

How does it impact on my child’s learning? Lateness has a negative impact. Being late can:

- Disrupt lessons - Affect achievement - Embarrass/upset your child

Effect of late arrival The table above indicates how frequent lateness

can add up to a considerable amount of lost

learning. This can seriously disadvantage children

and disrupt the learning of others.