AND CLINTON COUNTY FARMER. VOL. L, ISO. PLATTSBURGH, N. Y M FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1904 WHOLE NUMBER 2577 OF sirBSClUBKltrt WORTHY OB.JKOT. CONTRACT FOR BUILDING TO BE LET. i on 11 mnionc 95.OOO ><• A City hi driiti 11 tl on low „) pit S,) is ill S Will K- ; lib- scrilM'd. At a meet ins of the trustee of the City Hospital held' recently a special committee was appointed to solicit .subscriptions to the building fund. The Board informally decided that as soon as $5,000 additional wns pledged they would let the contract lor the erection of the hospital build- ing. It is hoped that this amount may be subscribed so that the builder may ge.tj.he material on the ground during the winter. The committee have in a lew hours secured pledges for aearly $1,000. The work will be prosecuted from day to day, and sub- scriptions will be acknowledged through the Press. The following subscriptions have been received: . . $B500—The Delaware & Hudson Company. 91,000—L. L. Smith, New York; Capt. J. P. HodgHon, A. W. Emery. $«00—Rev. W. S. Kelley. 9500—Hon. A. Gulbord, Rev. J. N* Pelletier. $B00—P. Hanlon, Clayburgh. 9B5O—T. F. Conway. $800—John Haughra-n, Gen. S. Moffitt, James Farley. $114—Dannemora Prison Officers. $aa6—Saranac Lake Residents. $100—G. F. Hutchlnson, Rose A. Coagrove, Smith Brothers, George DeeSardins, E. G. Moore & Co., Dr. E. A. Barnes, J. N. Slower, A. Sharron, HOQ. JH/T. Kellogg," Dr. E. E. Larkin, MarcuB Miller, A. E. Kelley, Mechan- icvllle, P. C. Kelley, Port Henry, Oli- ver Gebo, J. C. Buckley, J. B. Riley, Dr. J. H, Laltocque. G. H. Carroll, J. A. Freeman, W. H. Howell, James Cavanagh, Mrs. M..P. Myers, Hon. J F. O'Brien, D. M. Callanan, Hon. J. H. Moffitt, J. O. Smith, R. O. Barber & Son, George C. Kellogg, C. Sund- strom. Weir Brothers, Rev. E. M. DePamw, Belgium, Dr. C D. Silver, F. B, Smith. $50—Thomas Costello, A. Senecal, A. P. Hughes, Hon. L. L. Shedden, A. T. Dominy, P. J. Tierney, F. J. Columbe, Dr. W. C. Thompson, Hen- ry, Wood & Marshall, P. J. Blair, R. H. Gvibord, J. Devlin, T. J. D'Arcy, T. B. Cotter, M. J. Hanlon, Clay- burgh, Haley & Delaney, C. H. Stack- pole, Hon. J. H. Booth, J. A. Schiff, I. Merked, Mrs. J. Conway, W. G. Wileox, J. N. Laundry, Cady & Co., W. C. Pike, F. M. Purdy, T. K. Mc- Cabe, Girard & Byrnes, M. J. Calla- nan, Keeseville, Dr. T. A. Rodgers, Rev. G. Belanger, Dannemora, J. W. H. Holcombe, Rouses Point, Rt. Rev. H. Gabriels, Ogdensburg, Rev. C. C. Laramie, Redford, W. M. Levy, Rev. B. Granothier, Morrisonville, Dr. W. S. Buck. 9S3—Soldiers. $30—M. E. Murtagh. 925—Hugh Brenan, A. Borde, P. JTMullin, S. Keiley, Keene, J. J. Fin- nigan, J. P. Tierney, C. J. Vert, C. F. Halllgan, C. A. Diefendorf, A. G. Sen- ecal, B. S. Ramsey, F. H. Graves, J. B. McGregor, H. B. Ransom, J. G. Burpee, A. F. Williams, E. T.Vaughn, T. F. Mannix, W. J. Myrnes, 1. F. Dwyer, T. E. Costello, Hon. R. E. Healey, Eugene Brown, C. P. Carpen- ter, Dr. C. M. Marnes, Rouses Point, Mrs. B. H. Bailey, A. McHattie, C. S. Raecoe, J. J. Fitzpatrick, W. F. Hal- ey, 3. H. Fercy, Parkhurst & Taylor, A. D. Boomhower, D. K. Gilbert, J. S. O'Brien, J. A. McCrank, H. A. Wood, S. K. Ryan, James Valley, E. F. Bots- ford, B. J. Robinson Rev. George J. Savage, Geo. N. Webb, M. W. Smith, W. Tindale, Keeeeville, J. P. Cun- ningham, Dannemora, Dr. M. P. Hol- combe, Keeseville, A. W. Boynton, Keeseville, Dr. W. J. Brenan, Peter Savage, Point au Roche, Rev. F. Ber^ geron, Chazy, Cedar Point Foundry, Mark Tierney, G. H. Myers, Charles J. Dale. $30—J. H. Donnelly, Vergennes, Mre. M. P. Dunning, L. Lombardoni, P. J. Hillen, M. D. Colligan, V. F. Boire, Dr. T. J. Cummins, E. B. Mc- Keever, A. Penningtou. ' $15—Mre. Rose Ryan, J. McKeefe, V. W. Straight. Keeseville, Friend. $10—J. A. Stration, S. D. Curtis, .1. Oullins, F. M. Murray, A. N. Hen- shaw, E. Janeiro, Dr. Uobarge, M. J. fJibony, Dr. Charbonneau, I. Crete, !)r. Haynes, R. E. Oibony, Mi\s. J. 1. A. Murphy, H. (•. LaUoeque, &[ Jandreau, C. E. Onion r, A H. (Jon- ners, F. M. Valley, .1. M. Pi an, T. McCarthy, Pcpin & Mouso, J. M. Connelly, M. Sowlea & Co., W. L. Pattteson, A. o. Hoag, S. S. Allen, F. K, Starks, R. & V. A. Lafountain, J. 8. Nash, O. T. Larkin, Mrs. J. Dor- Ban, G. M'. Brown, L. Maruslone, H. Seheier, E. J. Marks, S. S. Kempnei, F. Hagar, II. P. Gilliland, W. H. Fordham, R. E. Baldwin, L. A. La- plaat, C. McMastcre, .7. E. Judge, J. B. Kelly, C. Tut I on, II. H. Rogers, S. B. Fitzpatrick, George Rogers, W. H. Dengate, C. D. Moon, Misn M. Tal- lon, G. T. Woodward, J. Pannerter, P. O'Hagan, 1' McCadden, Mrs. J. Keatle, F. Fountain, John Martin, W. Farrell, R. Looby, A. Malboeuf. $5.OO—Edward A. Barnard, I. Scheier, F. Daley, Cash, W. A. Crooks M. B. Looby, O. MeNalley, A. E. Kav- anagh, J. T. Lavin, .1. Tuhe«, Mrs. T. loiivhi, J. A. Hoag, Mrs. L. Wool, M. Carwody, T. Kavanagh, T. B. Baker, Mm. N. Light, A. Varno, W. Valleaa, O. Sharron, Mra. W. Harris, W. ... Hornick, Mra. M. MeGowan, L. Thorn- ton, Rllen Sargent, tors. S. C. Mason, 3". a Pliice, A. Dupont, T. A. Wul- cott, C. Klmball, .!. Ilealey, T J. Miirnano, K. Maille. .1. M Lavlgne, A. Grant Smith. K. (). Donahue. Mi*H B. .}. Blewarf, It. I-:. Nowcomli, H11IH- r r » SlHK-rM. Minnie Ooji Krov<\ Horn McClo.skey, MI-K. A. Valley, Mra. J. HriggH, Mre. C. Lapont, N. Bordeau, W. F. O'Connor, George Pareso, T. Happen, O. ->ordeau, Mrs. H. G. Bur- ret t, Mrs. Jos. Fountain, i.ir.s. J. But- ler, M. (}. Walker, Mnry McCadden, Mrs. R. Looby, Jos. PaRsaneault. E. Charbonneau. J. V. Germain, Mrs. L. J. O'Connell, Mrs. H. Morrison, J. H. Longlln. F. Houvier, A. Brow, Mrs. K. P.unyea, 4«rs. F. Jock, C. H. Moon, Mrs. H. L. Deno, G. G. Decora, Mrs. Julia Gebo. A. Fleming. H. Thomas, 7<eph. Nor-do, R. C. Austin, A. W. Shields, Mra. F. A. Waleott, John Ca*(»y. Mrs. A. H. Taylor, J. E. Nulty, M. Mnllhjs. Mrs. C. Jett, Mary Dev- ins. N. Lacroix, A. Lascor, P. S. Varno. H. lilow. A. Baldwin, E. Sene- cal, Mrs. W. Hanlon, P. J. Tobln, Mrs. ! \V. Jones. J. K. Bunker, Mrs. W. I Barrey, Miss Z. Murray, N. Lefebvre, ! F. MisehlBr, Mrs. A. Travis, J. Le- I Coyer, Mns. E. Walter. Mark Devins, ;.?. Varno, Mrs. P. Flanagan, M. .). •O'Bryan, Mrs. J. Raymond, J. B. Gallagher, W. Blanchard, I. Roths- child, Mrs. P. J. Lynch, R. Doren- i burgh, Mrs. J. Dallaghan, George W. j Phifer, Mrs. J. Seltzer, J. B. Lemieux, J. O'Connell, Nancy Devins, C. Deni- rourt, L. Dignard, P. Lalumier, A. H. Enerette, Mrs. W. J. McCluskey, P. J. Kennedy, Mrs. J. Coulbron, J. Frederick, L. Murtagh, Mre. L Mur- itagh, S. Jandro, Mrs. P. Carrier, P. Ranfleld, Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mrs. J. Boswell, M. Norris, R. Dornburgh, A. Schiff, W. Keenan, John Foy, Mrs. M. L. Cammeron, M. McGaulley, Mra. H. Banfleld, J. Burdo, Mrs. M. Keen- an, D. J. Cleary, MTR. L. Gosselin, E. G. Vogan, J. Dormer, M. Monihan, Mary Glancy. $;j.(K)—L. Duval, M. Boucher, J. Garrant, F. Lemeux, Mrs. O. Ben- nett. C. M. Stoughton, Mra. S, Tur- ner, F. C. Funnell, Mrs. G. L. Aub- ray, D. Portrais, Mary E. Rowe, Mrs. B. Rourdo, Mrs. H. G. Dashenaw, John Holland. #2.50—Mra. W. M. Snow. $'2.5O—Friend. $2.00—Rose Lagoy, H. W. Wells, Mrs. D. Healey, L. Donovan, J. H. Hopkins, C. Manning, W. H. Myers, N. Lemieux. M. Whitney, F. H. Rea, E. R. Baldwin, J. Lavin,—M. E. 1 Marnes, R. L. Dupont, M. E. Lyn- i don, Mrs. F. Clark, Mm. J. Lemieux, ' J. Donah, Mrs. E. Good, Margaret 1 Smith, E. A. Larnard, E. Bruyette, jWm.'Brow, H. Tuis, J. T. Mulroy, J. iB. Demary, S. Fuller, A. B. O'Don- I nell, E. J. Lance, Friend, O. P. l<in- | nigan, H. Latour, Friend. $70—Redford Subscriptions. $80—Ticonderoga Subscriptions. $81—Morrisonville Subscriptions. $170—Keeseville Subscriptions. $160—Dannemora Subscriptions. $£0—Ausable Forks Subscriptions. $43«—Collections. TO STOP NETnNC OFFISH COMMISSION TO PREVENT PRAC- TICK IN LAKE CHAMPLAIN. Dominion 1'ailininent to be Asked to Co-operate With New York and Vermont in Thin Movement. The commission appointed oy the Senate and Assembly at their last session to take up matters with a like commission from Vermont and he Parliaments of Ontario and Que- bec, is composed of Senators Prime md Cullen and Assemblymen Knapp md Reeve and Chief Game protec- tor J. Warren Pond. The commis- sion organized on Tuesday by the election of Mr. Pond as chairman. One of the main objects of this commission is to secure the repeal by the Parliament of Quebec of a which now permits the whole- sale netting of iish in that portion of Lake Champlaln lying within the Dominion of Canada during the early part or the season when pike, pickerel and bass are on their spawning beds. The commission have been recently advised that re- solutions had been offered in the Vermont Legislature with a view of appointing a committee and that tne igialature of Vermont is enacting measures in the Interest of fish pro- tection in Lake ohamplain which pleases very much the entire popu- lation of this state where it borders Lake Champlain. The commission's work with the Province of Ontario will be confined to recommending legislation for uniform laws along the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers also Lake Ontario. Supper and Cantata. On Friday evening of this week there wil be a chicken pie supper at 'the Methodist church served by the department. Supper from 5:30 to 8. , MENU. Chicken Pie, Potato Chips, Salad, j Olives, Plckels. Biscuit, Brown Bread, Jelly, Ice Cream and Cake, Tea and Coffee. Supper 25 cents; ice cream and cake 10 cents. The supper will be followed by a cantata, entitled, "Mother Goose and Santa Claua." The following, besides a large chorus of children, wil take part: Mother Goose . .Mrs. E. J. Robinson Jack Charles Stewart Jill Mettie Atwood Daffy Down Dilly. . .Jean Parmertei Bo-Peep Jolly Miller . , Jack Horner. . . (Sky (Sweeper.... Polly Flinders . Boy Blue Miss Muffett. . Edwin Viall Russell Bell .Margaret {Robinson . .Hazel Blanchard . . .Lester Dominy . .Viola Frazier Mother Hubbard. .Gretchen Bressette Mistress Mary . .Dorothy Robertson Tom Tucker Harry Frazier King Cole Harold Robertson Santa Claus . . Mr. George Southwick The cantata will commence prompt- ly at 8 o'clock on Friday evening of this week. Remember the chicken pie supper, cantata and date. IDEA MEETS WITH FAVOR IN VERMONT GOLDEN WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Dutton Re- ceive Many Congratulations on the Happy JOvent. Cadyville, N. Y., Dec. 1.—The lecond happiest day" in the life of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dutton was their golden wedding, Wednesday Nov. 30th. About one hundred and twen- ty guests were present to celebrate the happy occasion. A splendid dinner was served at three hand- somely decorated tables. The wed- ding cake was a very elaborate piece of confection, made by Mrs. Louisa Campbell, of Plattsburgh, a life- long friend. Mr. Dutton wore the treat in which he was married and with hie wife led a quadrille with a vigor that proved them many years young. So many beautiful and costly gifts were received that space will not permit enumeration. A somewhat novel gift was a heavily gold mounted whip from an eastern friend, also a bottle of golden; pills from G. D. Dare, M. D. Among the out of town guests were noted, Mrs. M. J. Hanlon, of Clayburg; J. G. O'Conniell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Case, Mrs. A. J. Fisk, of Plattsburgh; Dr. J. J. Robinson, of Saranac; J)r. G. D. Dare, Mr. and Mrs. J. Broadwell of Morrisonville. Many letters of congratulation and presents, from bsent friends were received. At a late hour the guests departed with the earnest wish that the genial host and hostess may continue to enjoy their present good health for many years and that we may all be invited to their diamond jubilee. STATE DAIRYMEN. Fumily Reunion. On the evening of Nov. 9, 1904, a very pleasant family party was en- lertained at the residence of Mr. Carnii Lyon on Lyon street, it having occurred to the participants that the month of November had been selected by the four brothers and sisters as (he month in which to be married. The party present were Mrs. Vic- )iia Keardtdey and tson Guy of Platts- .urgh, Mrs. Elizabeth Stave of Au- able Forks, Mrs. Euretta Bears and msband, two sons, Berton and Lewis, .1 Charlotte, Vt., Mrs. W. Cleveland >i Huntington, Vt., Mr. and Mrs. Menn Merrihew of Plattsburgh. Other members of the family were prevented from being present by 111- A bountiful auppe-r was served and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all.- It is the intention to ar- I'iinyo in future for a yearly reunion, and it now understood that the next i(Minion will be held at the residence of Mrs. Bears at Charlotte, Vt. Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention at Herklmer, December 13-15. Arrangements are now completed for the twenty-eignth anaual conven- tion of the New York State Dairymen' association, to toe heTd in Herkime December 13, 14 and 15. Speakers, with the subjects, have been arranged as follows: Ex-Governor 'W. D. Hoard Wiscon- tn; Hon. George M. Whitaker, in- Sipector United Sltaites department of agriculture, Washington, D. C, "Some Distinctive Differences in Methods of Supplying Three Cities With Milk;" Dr. Joseph L. Hills, director of the Vermont agricultural esperiment sta- tion, "Daiiry Insurance Policies; " Prof. V. A. Moore, Cornell un.ivers.ity, "Tuberculosis and the Tubercuiline Test; " iDr. W. iH. Jordan, diirector New York State experiment station, Geneva, "The Outposts of Agricul- tural Progress; " Hon. George L. Flan- ders, assistant com mission en- of agri- culture, Albany, "Oleomargairine and the Possible Attempt to Repeal the Ton-Cent Tax; " Prof. R. A. Pearson, Cornell university, "Productdon of Sanitary Milk; " J. D. Fredericksen, Little Falls, "History and Develop- ment of the Dairy Industry in Herki- mer County; " W. <?. Patrick, James- town, "Creamery Census." LOCAL JPARAGRAMS —Arthur A. Merrill, three miles from Cadyville, offers six fine Jersey iws for sale. —The annual meeting of Saranac Ohiapter of the Daughters of the Ameri- Hevolution, will be held at the home of Mrs. C. S. Johnson at 3 >'clook Saturday afternoon. —The variety of Christmas goods laid in at Medical Hall especially for demands of the season will lighten the task of deciding upon a uiitable present. —Do not ruin your eyes by strain- ng them. If you are troubled by leadaches or nervousness, visit Prof. Sanborn, the 6ptician, at Cumber- land House, on Monday aid Tuesday Dec. 5th and 6th. —H. S. Lasell, residing on Court street, has purchased from €k F. Tut- tle a building lot on Draper avenue, •wiest of the Normal school, and will at once begin the erection of a residence, somewhat similar to those now on the street —Mrs. Joseph Ladue of Schuyler Falls has just purchased from the ton County Carriage Repository, S. K. Ryan proprietor, a handsome Glens Falls Clrcicle. It is a two seated carriage in natural wood and is one of the finest vehicles owned in Clinton County. —Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick of lumberland Head gave a birthday party Thanksgivon 'eve in honor of their daughter Mabel fcnd Miss Rosa LaMora. About 50 guests were pre- sent. Manny Deautiful presents were received. Dancing was enjoyed and supper was served. —Clayton, Jefferson county, is in the throes of a crusade against danc- ing. Th© agitation against it is at fever heat among the church people. Those who are against it have sent out some literature, the character of which la considered ob- jectional, debasing and unfit to read by many householders. A union meeting of ministers is to be held and the anti-dancing crusade is to be carried to other towns. PERSONAL MENTION —(Six towns in Washington county offer sites for the new State hospital. . Morris Norris, of Redford, was in Plattsburgh on bustaess Tuesday. B. Connolly, of Beekmantown, was a visitor to Plattsburgh on Tuesday. Peter A. Tromblay of Redford spent a few hours here yesterday. John Downs of Peru transacted business in Plattsburgh yesterday. William Trudo, of Altona, was among Tuesday's visitors to the city. W. H. Dunn, of Champlain, was iu town Monday on legal business. G. A. Allen, of Peru, was among Monday's visitors to the city. John L. Martin of Chazy was in Plattsburgh on business Monday. F. Arthur Hay, of West Chazy, was a visitor to Plattsburgh on Monday. Martin Baker, of Harkness, trans- acted business in the city on Monday. Postmaster H. J. Bull, of Saranac, was among Tuesday's visitors to the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. White of Saranac were visitors to Plattsburgh yesterday. Capt. E. J. Hammond, of Rouses Point, spent yesterday in the city with relatives. Henry Fifield, of Saranac, was among Monday's visitors to Platts- burgh. Miss Marie Frechette and Miss Margaret Lavery, of Mooers, ate their Thanksgiving turkey in Plattsburgh Mrs. B. C. Low, who has oeen ser- iously ill in her apartments on Mar- garet street, is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Riley of Maio-e spent Sunday iu this city. Mr. Rdley left last night for New Yortv or busi- ness. Mrs. Frank Nicholson, of Brain- ardsville, spent Thanksgiving at the Moffitt farm, the guest of William McKenna and daughter Hattle, and returned home Friday. N. >B. Tarbell, formerly of Platts- burgh, has accepted tlhe position of traveling salesman for George A. Tay- lor & Co., of Ogdensburg, wholesale dealer in flour, grain, meal and feed. POMONA H E MEET OFFICERS ELECTED AT YESTER- DAY'S SESSION. DELEGATES TD THE STATE GRANGE. Subordinate Membership Expected to Reach One Thousand Before End of the Year. The Pomona Grange of Clinton Co., held their regular session in Court St. theatre yesterday. The meeting was well attended by Grange members from all parts of the county. The forenoon session opened by Worthy Master J. C. Falrbank, of Rouses Point; Secretary W. G. Mooney, who is also County Deputy, made his annual report to the Grange showing a prosperous year in the work throughout the county. That subordinate Grange mem- bership in the county will reach one thousand before the end of the pre- sent year is fully anticipated. The new Grange at Schuyler Falls, or- ganized by Deputy Mooney on July 6 last with a membership of 60 is doing good work, they now having' over one hundred members with a class of 33 to begin the 3rd and 4th degree at their next meeting. Several matters of importance affecting the interests of the farm- ers were discussed during the day and at the afternoon session the election of three delegates to attend the next State Grange meeting was held. Delegate at Large—cW. G. Mooney of Eeekmantown. Associate Delegates—Mrs. W. R. North of CJhazy and W. S. White of Saranac. The annual election of officers re- sulted as follows: A GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN FREE! Given to Every SENTINEL Subscriber Paying One Year In Advance. This is the pen we are givipg away. A Hard Rubber Fountain Pen, 14k. Gold Plated Pen, Fancy Chased Barrel, Rubber Cap, Screw Section. Useful and Ornamental. Subscribe now and get one of these beautiftrl pens: This Pen For Two New Subscribers Beautifully Chased Barrel, 14k. Gold Pen. Fully warranted. Worth $1.25 each. Will be ;given as a premium to the person seeding us two NEW subscribers to the Sentinel. This Pen For a New and an Old Subscriber. T Elegant Fancy Carved Oriental Pearl Penholder. Gold Plated Nose and 14k. Gold Plated Pen. Each penj in elegant Velvet lined box. Will be given to each old subscriber handing in a new subscription. Address., THE SENTINEL, Plattsbnr ff li, N. Y. —A trial term of the Siupreme Court, Justice H. T. Kellogg presiding, will be held at Maione, commencing Dec 5th. —The Plattsburgh Lodge of Elks had a very successful social session and initiation last evening. Messrs. J. J. Flanagan of Malone, John P. Kavanagh of Montreal, and Calvin . J. Prairie of Derrick, were skillfully ln- ducted into the order. The social ! session, which preceded the initia- jtion, was attended by a number of j supervisors. ! —World's Temperance Sabbath hav- ing been appoiated for November 27th, the local Woman's Christian Temper- , ance Union made arrangements with the consent of the city - pastors, wl:o are accustomed to unite in Union Serv- ices, to have Mrs. Louise S. Rounds give an address babbath evening at Che First Presbyterian church. A tele- gram from Mrs. Rounds announcing the serious illness of her sister, pre- 1 vented her from fulfilling the engage- | ment, much to tfhe regret of the Union. National dirtinge. The National Grange at Portland, Om, Friday, decided to tb/*ld the next annual session in the State of New Jersey, the city to be named by the executive committee. The Grange went record as favoring industrial edu- lon in the country schools, especi- ally in the matter of agricultural train- ing. St. , Mo World's fair, lerney & Murphy, Plabtsburgh, >N. Y. Taking in the fair, a\airt eaat to njorrow, will lx> with you soon. t Yours. BA.NTA OLA US. Major Edgar A. Mearns, U. S. A. Major Edgar A. Mearns, surgeon, U.S.A., who is now in isan Francisco, was on the night of Oct. 21 presented with a soWd sliver loving cup as a to- ken of esteem from the officers, pas- sengers and crew of the steamship Lo- gan. The San Fnincisco Call, of date of Oct. 01, says: "The gift is from the officers and civilians. (Major ^earnB is highly esteemed thro-uglhout the Army. He is regarded as the leading orntlthologist and naturalist in the Service. He was compelled to return from the Philippanes on account of "ill- ness and it wtill ibe some time before he will leave the hospital." Army and Navy Journal, Nov. 19. When able to leave the hospital, Maj'"' Mearns will vinit bis mother, who Is at Mitrn tfper-y's, No. 75 Court Ktrwt, th:i« city. School Entertainment at Schuyler Palls. A very enjoyable entertainment was spent at Schuyler Falls on Nov. 2 3d at the school house in District No. 8, town of Schuyler Falls, the event being a Thanksgiving enter- tainment given by the school. The very excellent way in which the pro- gram was rendered attested to the 1 careful training of the pupils by their teacher, Miss Merilda Cox. At the close of the entertainment ice cream and cake was served, alter which the guests departed for home to dream of turkey and good things in store for the morrow. What dot\s Ooorge Eliot say? "It is better to be an old maid than an old fool." A Card. e, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund hs money on a 60 cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-oont bottle to prove satls-fiactory or money refunded. I). K. Gilbert, J. E. Hitchcock, O. T. Larkin, Cady Dnig Co. Mrs. R. J. McDowell returned to Mooers Wednesday after spending a week m Gloversville with her daugh- ter, Lois, who ds a teacher in mat city. Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick of Cumberland Head, gave a birthday party Thanksgiving eve. in honor of their daughter Mabel and Miss Kosa Lamara. About 60 giiests were pres- ent. Many beautiful presents were received. Dancing was enjoyed and ail elegant supper was served. George ingalls, C. G. MicUoy and F. H. Clough of Rouses Point, Fred Rowlson of Beekmantown and B. G. Moore of this city, members of Oriental Temple, Knights of the Mystic Shrine Tuesday attended a meeting of Karnak Temple, Montreal, when seventeen candidates crossed the hot sands. ] —The examination of Jacob Vas- sar on a charge of criminal assault was Tuesday adjourned by Justice McMasters, at the request of Vas- | sar's attorney, until December 20th. It now appears that Vassar's wife has repented for tae part she has taken in causing his arrest, and Is anxious to drop her case against him, but his friends advise him not to allow her to do so, but to push the matter and have everything connect- ed with his arrest brought out in court. Hon. H. Wallace- Knapp and Hon. S. G,. Prim© Wednesday returned from Albany where they yesterday attend- ed a meeting of the special committee of the legislature appointed to secure uniform fishing laws between this state, Vermont and Canada for fish- ing in Lake Champlain. The com- mittee received assurances from the Vermont legislature that a committee would next week be appointed by them to confer with the committee from this state and the first meet- Ing of the joint committee will pro- bably be held in Montpelier within a few days. There is now every, prospect that the uniform law desired by the New York legislators will be enacted. Worthy Master—J. C. Pairbank, Rouses 'Poinit, Overseer—J. W. Harkness, Hark- neus. Lecturer—Seth <}ordon, Chazy. Stewrad—W. T. White, Saranac. Asst. Steward—-L. B. Pardy, Beek- mantown. Chaplain—J. W. Hulbbell, Oh&zy. Treasurer—<Jeo. Rea, Beekmantown. Secretary—-W, G. Mooney. Gate Keeper W. 2b. North, Chazy. Ceres—Mrs. J. W. Harkness, Hark- ness. Pomona—Mrs. Fred /Rowlson. Lady Asst. Steward—Mite. B. 0. Leonard, iRouses Point. Executive Com.—T. :H. Wood and G. H. Wood of Plattsburgh, an H. O. Hayford of Champlain. Finance Com.—N. m. fardy of Chazy, C T. Bertrand c Rouses Point, Harrison Arnold of Peru. Among the real treats yt the after- noon session was an explanation of Prof. King's system of stable ventila- tion, by Lecturer Seth Gordon. The Grange voted to hold their m?etings with the suib-ordinate Granges of the county, as the Execu- tive Committee may. decide. Funeral of Late John H. Spellman. The funeral of the late John H. Spellman was held from St. Francis Xavier church, New York, last Mon- day. His Grace, Archbishop Farley, the celebrant of the Solemn Re- quiem High Mass, which was attend- ed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, the latter's >sence testifying to the high esteem which the deceased was held. In the sanctuary were Bishop GabrielB of Ogdensburg, Mgrs. Edwards and McGeau and over twenty-five priests from New York and Brooklyn. The honorary pallbearers were Su- preme Court Justices Morgan J. O'- O'Brien and James Fitzgerald, Wil- i Penny, Francis Higgins, John O'Sullivan, John Cavanagh, Judge Louis Conlon, Judge F. B. Delehanty, S. J. Cahill, M. H. Bannon, Thomas F. Conway and Dr. R,. E. Hyde. At the conclusion of the Mass the re- mains were interred in Calvary ceme- sry. By the will of Mr. Spellman Mrs. Annie C. Delehanty, wife of New York City Court Judge Francis B. Delehanty. receives a bequest of ?5,0d0 "in grateful remembrance of J are business men who know the value ;v her many acts of kindness to my of tlme and* will not waste any in the daughter Julia." After bequeating I transaction of the busifieaa «f *k~ sums to relatives he leaves the re- mainder of a large estate to his daughter. His brother, James Spellman, will continue the management of the hat business at Park Row and Chambers street. COUNTY LEGISLATURE IJC ANNUAL SESSION. STANDING COMMITTEES APPOINTED. The Plattsburgh Sentinel and PUtts- burgh Republican Designated «s Official Papers. The Board of Supervisors recon- vened Monday night for the annual session. As has been the custom in past years, the Board did no business at Monday evening, the new meipy bers merely familiarizing themselves with the rules and usages of the Board. Tuesday thie member© got down to work, and dt will be surpris- ing if they do not complete their baai- ness as rapidly as any Board the county has ever had, tor the are bui At the Plattsburgh Theatre. L, (New York, Nov. B8.—This CJty took , to the ofpening night of "The Girl and j the Bandit," with dramatic "fervor, the atftendience beting large and most en- tlhlusTastic. The performance was smooth and well balanced, and 1 this effort of the Perley Opera Co. will un» doubtedly be a martted success. Eivery one expects splendid stage setting and beautiful costuming in the Perley pro- ductions, but the excellence of Viola Gillette and Alice Dovey as prima donnas, has been somewhat in the bal- ance. The young iwomen have settled it all iby scoring a marked success. Miss Gillette displayed gireat dramatic ability in her love scenes witih EHienry Bergman, who is not a singer, by the way. Mr. Perley has thus registered another innovation in the well es- tablished methods of comic opera. Possdfbly the lover iwill not of neces- sity in ithe future be a tenor singer. Mabel Hite was as funny as ever in tfhe fparit of the maid servant to t*e lady Violeta. Joseph IMSnor, Waiter Jones and (Alice Hosmer sustained ttiedr reputations as funmakers. The iT Opera w«l go to Montreal and open at V the Studebaker fn Chicago, January ndnth. THE ELKS' MEMORIAL. Program of Services to Be Held Son- day in Plattsburgh Theatre. In accordance with the universal custom of the Elks, Plattsburgh Lodge will hold its annual memorial services in the Plattsburgh Theatre, Ion of the. business of the county, but they will at the saaae time give careful consideration to every matter that eomee before them. C. E. Inman, Clerk of the Board, stated that the Only business on hi» desk was the bids of three physician* , of this city for tthja care of;-;the"Jtt*:^ mates of the couaty: Jail during tfce coming year. It was decided not to open these bids until this morning's session, when it is expected that the full Board will be present. The following standing committee* have been announced by Chairman Bowron: ^ t Footing Rolls—Messrs. Comstocfc* McGregor, Vaughan, Harney, Men-* delsohn, :': Sheriff's Accounts—-Messrs, Fftcl^ = Weaver, Moriartyv ^ Justices' and Congtablea' Accounts —Messrs. Lawson, Harney, Gomttdelc Miscellaneous A«»ttnt«r-*I Weaver. Lawson, Mendelsohn. Coroners' Accounts —-» 1 Childs, Morfarty. Ryan. r Printing and > Stationery—Meaara. Moriarty, Sherlock, Wood. ' Public Building^—Messrs. Bya*» Nash. McGregor. .:•";•; Supt. of Poor Accounts—Mesars- Mendelsohn, Fitch, Childs. , itch. Childs. Supervisors' Accounts Messrs. Sherlock, Lawson, Arthur. Legislation—Messrs, Arthur,Wood, ash Loans—Messrs. Vaughan. Nash; State n wtth Treajm Weaver, Moriarty, Ryan. Interment of Deceased' Soldiers- Messrs. Nash, Comstock, Vaugh*& Lunatic Asylums—Messrs. McGreg- or, Vaughan, .Harney. Grand Jury List—Messrs. Hsr- ney, Wood, Arthur. Orphan Asylums—Messrs. FItoh, Childs, Sherlock. Ratio and Apportionment—'Messrs. Wood, Lawson, Sherlock, Arthur, Sunday afternoon, beginning at 3 j Mendelsohn. o'clock. The following program will Equalization Messrs be given: .••.' Overture—Brown's Orchestra. Opening Exercises— Plattsburgh Lodge, No. 621, B. P. O. E. Quartette—"Nearer My God to Thee"—Messrs. Conaughty, Lang- don, Hornick and Dale. Opening Ode. Invocation—Rev. C. S. Robertson. Tenor Solo—"The Voice of Jesus" by Suteliffe-Mr. Theodore Tromblee. Lawson, Weaver, Childs, Fitch, Arthur, Ry- an, Harney, Mendelsohn, Nash* At Tuesday morning's sftssjkm the clerk read a communication from the State connptroHiar ,»_ the Board that the State Board Equalization bad fixed the ag valuation of property in this at $11,912,201, upon wthdea a- state tax of *1S4S50 must be levied, beta's 1* dll of mills on the dollar. Address—"The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, It's Aims 1 and Purposes"—Bro. L. E. Griffith, Troy Lodge, No. 141. Selection—Brown's Orchestra. Soprano Solo—"There Is a Cityj: Bright," by Loud—Miss Grace Bug- 3905. bee Brown. j The report of Hon. I* I* S—«,,w» Eulogy —"In Memoriam" — Bro. R. g. McCullough and J. W. HarkneSB, John B. Hagerty. I committee on the Armstrong echolar- Violin Solo—"Seventh Concerto," ' SMp, was read an1 adopted. The clerk was authorized to por- Ifae non-resident taxes eredtte£ to' the county /or 1903 is $915.09. The Board moist also raise by tax $344.99 for compensation of stenog- raphers of tfoe Supreme Court for th» fourth Judicial district, to Sept. 30, by Beriot—Mr. Gustav Mueller. Quintette—"Almighty God Before Thy Throne" by Byrnes—Messrs. Conaughty, Langdon, Cavanagh, Hornick and Dale. Closing Ceremonies—Plattsburgh Lodge. Doxology. Benediction—Rev. H. P. LeF. Grabau. "Auld Lang Syne"—Orchestra. Y. M. C. A. Notes. On Sunday afternoon ait the 4 o'clock meeting, Mr. William iB. Jones, Secretary of the Chamber of Com- merce of iAlBany, will speak, his topic bein^ '^Practical iliives." This meeting is for men and women, and any one will be Y.i&icoane. It is uure to ibe a gooa meeting, and a large attendance Is expected. Tib. recital by Mrs. E. C. Everest and pupdJs, supplemented with a choral section by the'Y. M. C. A. Glee Clu6, will be gd<ven on Friday, Dec. 16th. Please note the date. Trinity Chnpch Election. At the annual election of Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Episcopal church held on Monday, Nov. 28th, the following were duly elected: Wardens—For two years, John H. Booth; for one year, E, T. Gilliland. Vestrymen—For three years, Chas. H. Moore, Geo. S. Weed, W. J. Hor- nick; for two years, H. D. Hadley, George Andress, O. B. Bromley; for one year, Theodore Tromblee, B. S. Ramsay, Fred C. Funnell. At a meeting of the vestry for or- I ganlzation, Mr. Fred C. Funnell wa8 elected clerk, Mr. John H. Booth, treasurer and Mr. George Andress, assistant treasurer. Adirondack Construction Co. The Adirondack Construction Co., of Saranac Lake, has oeoen incorporated I witfh the Secretary of State tc do gen- leral contracting, building and excava- ting business. The capital Btock is (placed at $25,000, divided into shares of *100 each, and the directors for the first year are as follows: Sydney W. Barnard, of Bloomlngdale; C. F. Car- penter, William C. Leonard and Tuf- field iLatour, of Saranac Lake; Thomas J. D'Arcy and Robert H. Rogers, of Plattsburgh, and Victor W. Prime, of j/lizabethtown. You will enjoy Waltt & Bond's "TOTEM" 5 cent Cigar, Union Made. Fair at Schuyler Falls. The ladies of the M". E. church of Schuyler Falls will hold a fair in Everest's hall, Friday and Saturday, December 9 and 10. There will be a sale of useful and fancy articles. Supper will be served each evening from six until nine; also ice cream and cake. Mrs. H. E. CENTER, Pres. : GENEVIEVE AMES, Sec, chase assessment rolls and tax receipt* at fine lowest possible prioa The following bids were received tor medical attendance upon Inmates of the County jail for the year 1905: Dr. T. Ayvery [Roarers .... Dir. J. G. McKlnney.... or. F. 9. Farnsworth ............. 68 On motion of Supervisor Fitch, the contract was let to Dr. McKTnney at the price stated in his bid. On motion of Dr. W. J. Moriarty, the Board voted to allow the super-: visor of any town, where the asses- sors have made clerical errors In preparing and copying the assessment roll, to make the necessary correc- tions. Supervisor W. R. Weaver of the town of Peru, reported the indebted- ness of that town to be as follows: Notes given for roads and bridgns, and due as follows: $980,25 due Feb- ruary 25, 1905, bearing 6 per cent. interest; $500 due June 1, 1905; bearing Interest at the rate of 5 pag. cent. On motion of Mr. Wever, the fol- lowing was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the sum of $83.85,, to pay interest on notes due during 1905 be levied and assessed umm the town of Peru for the year 1904, and that said amount be paid to the supervisor on or before Feb. 1,1905. At Wednesday's morning session the Republican members of vh« Board designated the Plattsburgh Sentinel to publish the session laws in and for the county for the ensu- ing year, in accordance with the pro- visions of Chapter 715 of the laws of 1892, as amended. W. H. Fitch, L. A. Childs and F, ^prlock, tihe committee on Orphan asylums, reported that claims amount <ns to $4,552.85 h*d been presented for their consideration, and that ti»y had audited them in fufll. A communlcatikm was received fro«» Walter H. Benedict Post, G. A. R.* stating that they proposed to care for Continued on fourth page.

VOL. L, ISO. PLATTSBURGH, N. Y TO STOP NETnNC …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075730/1904-12-02/ed... · 2005-10-12 · VOL. L, ISO. PLATTSBURGH, N. Y M FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,

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K- ;


scrilM'd.At a meet ins of the trustee of the

City Hospital held' recently a specialcommittee was appointed to solicit.subscriptions to the building fund.The Board informally decided thatas soon as $5,000 additional wnspledged they would let the contractlor the erection of the hospital build-ing. It is hoped that this amountmay be subscribed so that the buildermay ge.tj.he material on the groundduring the winter. The committeehave in a lew hours secured pledgesfor aearly $1,000. The work will beprosecuted from day to day, and sub-scriptions will be acknowledgedthrough the Press. The followingsubscriptions have been received:. . $B500—The Delaware & HudsonCompany.

91,000—L. L. Smith, New York;Capt. J. P. HodgHon, A. W. Emery.

$«00—Rev. W. S. Kelley.9500—Hon. A. Gulbord, Rev. J. N*

Pelletier.$B00—P. Hanlon, Clayburgh.9B5O—T. F. Conway.$800—John Haughra-n, Gen. S.

Moffitt, James Farley.$114—Dannemora Prison Officers.$aa6—Saranac Lake Residents.$100—G. F. Hutchlnson, Rose A.

Coagrove, Smith Brothers, GeorgeDeeSardins, E. G. Moore & Co., Dr. E.A. Barnes, J. N. Slower, A. Sharron,HOQ. JH/T. Kellogg," Dr. E. E. Larkin,MarcuB Miller, A. E. Kelley, Mechan-icvllle, P. C. Kelley, Port Henry, Oli-ver Gebo, J. C. Buckley, J. B. Riley,Dr. J. H, Laltocque. G. H. Carroll,J. A. Freeman, W. H. Howell, JamesCavanagh, Mrs. M..P. Myers, Hon. JF. O'Brien, D. M. Callanan, Hon. J.H. Moffitt, J. O. Smith, R. O. Barber &Son, George C. Kellogg, C. Sund-strom. Weir Brothers, Rev. E. M.DePamw, Belgium, Dr. C D. Silver,F. B, Smith.

$50—Thomas Costello, A. Senecal,A. P. Hughes, Hon. L. L. Shedden,A. T. Dominy, P. J. Tierney, F. J.Columbe, Dr. W. C. Thompson, Hen-ry, Wood & Marshall, P. J. Blair, R.H. Gvibord, J. Devlin, T. J. D'Arcy,T. B. Cotter, M. J. Hanlon, Clay-burgh, Haley & Delaney, C. H. Stack-pole, Hon. J. H. Booth, J. A. Schiff,I. Merked, Mrs. J. Conway, W. G.Wileox, J. N. Laundry, Cady & Co.,W. C. Pike, F. M. Purdy, T. K. Mc-Cabe, Girard & Byrnes, M. J. Calla-nan, Keeseville, Dr. T. A. Rodgers,Rev. G. Belanger, Dannemora, J. W.H. Holcombe, Rouses Point, Rt. Rev.H. Gabriels, Ogdensburg, Rev. C. C.Laramie, Redford, W. M. Levy, Rev.B. Granothier, Morrisonville, Dr. W.S. Buck.

9S3—Soldiers.$30—M. E. Murtagh.925—Hugh Brenan, A. Borde, P.

JTMullin, S. Keiley, Keene, J. J. Fin-nigan, J. P. Tierney, C. J. Vert, C. F.Halllgan, C. A. Diefendorf, A. G. Sen-ecal, B. S. Ramsey, F. H. Graves, J.B. McGregor, H. B. Ransom, J. G.Burpee, A. F. Williams, E. T.Vaughn,T. F. Mannix, W. J. Myrnes, 1. F.Dwyer, T. E. Costello, Hon. R. E.Healey, Eugene Brown, C. P. Carpen-ter, Dr. C. M. Marnes, Rouses Point,Mrs. B. H. Bailey, A. McHattie, C. S.Raecoe, J. J. Fitzpatrick, W. F. Hal-ey, 3. H. Fercy, Parkhurst & Taylor,A. D. Boomhower, D. K. Gilbert, J. S.O'Brien, J. A. McCrank, H. A. Wood,S. K. Ryan, James Valley, E. F. Bots-ford, B. J. Robinson Rev. George J.Savage, Geo. N. Webb, M. W. Smith,W. Tindale, Keeeeville, J. P. Cun-ningham, Dannemora, Dr. M. P. Hol-combe, Keeseville, A. W. Boynton,Keeseville, Dr. W. J. Brenan, PeterSavage, Point au Roche, Rev. F. Ber^geron, Chazy, Cedar Point Foundry,Mark Tierney, G. H. Myers, CharlesJ. Dale.

$30—J. H. Donnelly, Vergennes,Mre. M. P. Dunning, L. Lombardoni,P. J. Hillen, M. D. Colligan, V. F.Boire, Dr. T. J. Cummins, E. B. Mc-Keever, A. Penningtou. '

$15—Mre. Rose Ryan, J. McKeefe,V. W. Straight. Keeseville, Friend.

$10—J. A. Stration, S. D. Curtis,.1. Oullins, F. M. Murray, A. N. Hen-shaw, E. Janeiro, Dr. Uobarge, M. J.fJibony, Dr. Charbonneau, I. Crete,!)r. Haynes, R. E. Oibony, Mi\s. J.

1. A. Murphy, H. (•. LaUoeque, &[Jandreau, C. E. Onion r, A H. (Jon-ners, F. M. Valley, .1. M. Pi an, T.McCarthy, Pcpin & Mouso, J. M.Connelly, M. Sowlea & Co., W. L.Pattteson, A. o. Hoag, S. S. Allen,F. K, Starks, R. & V. A. Lafountain,J. 8. Nash, O. T. Larkin, Mrs. J. Dor-Ban, G. M'. Brown, L. Maruslone, H.Seheier, E. J. Marks, S. S. Kempnei,F. Hagar, II. P. Gilliland, W. H.Fordham, R. E. Baldwin, L. A. La-plaat, C. McMastcre, .7. E. Judge,J. B. Kelly, C. Tut I on, II. H. Rogers,S. B. Fitzpatrick, George Rogers, W.H. Dengate, C. D. Moon, Misn M. Tal-lon, G. T. Woodward, J. Pannerter,P. O'Hagan, 1' McCadden, Mrs. J.Keatle, F. Fountain, John Martin, W.Farrell, R. Looby, A. Malboeuf.

$5.OO—Edward A. Barnard, I.Scheier, F. Daley, Cash, W. A. CrooksM. B. Looby, O. MeNalley, A. E. Kav-anagh, J. T. Lavin, .1. Tuhe«, Mrs. T.loiivhi, J. A. Hoag, Mrs. L. Wool, M.Carwody, T. Kavanagh, T. B. Baker,Mm. N. Light, A. Varno, W. Valleaa,O. Sharron, Mra. W. Harris, W. ...Hornick, Mra. M. MeGowan, L. Thorn-ton, Rllen Sargent, tors. S. C. Mason,3". a Pliice, A. Dupont, T. A. Wul-cott, C. Klmball, .!. Ilealey, T J.Miirnano, K. Maille. .1. M Lavlgne,A. Grant Smith. K. (). Donahue. Mi*HB. .}. Blewarf, It. I-:. Nowcomli, H11IH-rr» SlHK-rM. Minnie OojiKrov<\ Horn

McClo.skey, MI-K. A. Valley, Mra. J.HriggH, Mre. C. Lapont, N. Bordeau,W. F. O'Connor, George Pareso, T.Happen, O. ->ordeau, Mrs. H. G. Bur-ret t, Mrs. Jos. Fountain, i.ir.s. J. But-ler, M. (}. Walker, Mnry McCadden,Mrs. R. Looby, Jos. PaRsaneault. E.Charbonneau. J. V. Germain, Mrs.L. J. O'Connell, Mrs. H. Morrison, J.H. Longlln. F. Houvier, A. Brow, Mrs.K. P.unyea, 4«rs. F. Jock, C. H. Moon,Mrs. H. L. Deno, G. G. Decora, Mrs.Julia Gebo. A. Fleming. H. Thomas,7<eph. Nor-do, R. C. Austin, A. W.Shields, Mra. F. A. Waleott, JohnCa*(»y. Mrs. A. H. Taylor, J. E. Nulty,M. Mnllhjs. Mrs. C. Jett, Mary Dev-ins. N. Lacroix, A. Lascor, P. S.Varno. H. lilow. A. Baldwin, E. Sene-cal, Mrs. W. Hanlon, P. J. Tobln, Mrs.

! \V. Jones. J. K. Bunker, Mrs. W.I Barrey, Miss Z. Murray, N. Lefebvre,! F. MisehlBr, Mrs. A. Travis, J. Le-I Coyer, Mns. E. Walter. Mark Devins,;.?. Varno, Mrs. P. Flanagan, M. .).•O'Bryan, Mrs. J. Raymond, J. B.Gallagher, W. Blanchard, I. Roths-child, Mrs. P. J. Lynch, R. Doren-

i burgh, Mrs. J. Dallaghan, George W.j Phifer, Mrs. J. Seltzer, J. B. Lemieux,J. O'Connell, Nancy Devins, C. Deni-rourt, L. Dignard, P. Lalumier, A. H.Enerette, Mrs. W. J. McCluskey, P.J. Kennedy, Mrs. J. Coulbron, J.Frederick, L. Murtagh, Mre. L Mur-itagh, S. Jandro, Mrs. P. Carrier,P. Ranfleld, Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mrs. J.Boswell, M. Norris, R. Dornburgh, A.Schiff, W. Keenan, John Foy, Mrs. M.L. Cammeron, M. McGaulley, Mra.H. Banfleld, J. Burdo, Mrs. M. Keen-an, D. J. Cleary, MTR. L. Gosselin, E.G. Vogan, J. Dormer, M. Monihan,Mary Glancy.

$;j.(K)—L. Duval, M. Boucher, J.Garrant, F. Lemeux, Mrs. O. Ben-nett. C. M. Stoughton, Mra. S, Tur-ner, F. C. Funnell, Mrs. G. L. Aub-ray, D. Portrais, Mary E. Rowe, Mrs.B. Rourdo, Mrs. H. G. Dashenaw,John Holland.

#2.50—Mra. W. M. Snow.$'2.5O—Friend.$2.00—Rose Lagoy, H. W. Wells,

Mrs. D. Healey, L. Donovan, J. H.Hopkins, C. Manning, W. H. Myers,N. Lemieux. M. Whitney, F. H. Rea,E. R. Baldwin, J. Lavin,—M. E.

1 Marnes, R. L. Dupont, M. E. Lyn-i don, Mrs. F. Clark, Mm. J. Lemieux,' J. Donah, Mrs. E. Good, Margaret1 Smith, E. A. Larnard, E. Bruyette,jWm.'Brow, H. Tuis, J. T. Mulroy, J.iB. Demary, S. Fuller, A. B. O'Don-I nell, E. J. Lance, Friend, O. P. l<in-| nigan, H. Latour, Friend.

$70—Redford Subscriptions.$80—Ticonderoga Subscriptions.$81—Morrisonville Subscriptions.$170—Keeseville Subscriptions.$160—Dannemora Subscriptions.$£0—Ausable Forks Subscriptions.$43«—Collections.



Dominion 1'ailininent to be Asked to

Co-operate With New York and

Vermont in Thin Movement.

The commission appointed oy theSenate and Assembly at their lastsession to take up matters with alike commission from Vermont andhe Parliaments of Ontario and Que-

bec, is composed of Senators Primemd Cullen and Assemblymen Knappmd Reeve and Chief Game protec-tor J. Warren Pond. The commis-sion organized on Tuesday by theelection of Mr. Pond as chairman.

One of the main objects of thiscommission is to secure the repealby the Parliament of Quebec of a

which now permits the whole-sale netting of iish in that portion ofLake Champlaln lying within theDominion of Canada during theearly part or the season when pike,pickerel and bass are on theirspawning beds. The commissionhave been recently advised that re-solutions had been offered in theVermont Legislature with a view ofappointing a committee and that tne

igialature of Vermont is enactingmeasures in the Interest of fish pro-tection in Lake ohamplain whichpleases very much the entire popu-lation of this state where it bordersLake Champlain. The commission'swork with the Province of Ontariowill be confined to recommendinglegislation for uniform laws alongthe Niagara and St. Lawrence riversalso Lake Ontario.

Supper and Cantata.On Friday evening of this week

there wil be a chicken pie supper at'the Methodist church served by the

department. Supper from 5:30 to 8., MENU.

Chicken Pie, Potato Chips, Salad,j Olives, Plckels. Biscuit, BrownBread, Jelly, Ice Cream and Cake,Tea and Coffee. Supper 25 cents; ice

• cream and cake 10 cents.The supper will be followed by a

cantata, entitled, "Mother Goose andSanta Claua." The following, besidesa large chorus of children, wil takepart:Mother Goose . .Mrs. E. J. RobinsonJack Charles StewartJill Mettie AtwoodDaffy Down Dilly. . .Jean Parmertei

Bo-PeepJolly Miller . ,Jack Horner. . .(Sky (Sweeper....Polly Flinders .Boy BlueMiss Muffett. .

Edwin ViallRussell Bell

.Margaret {Robinson

. .Hazel Blanchard. . .Lester Dominy

. .Viola FrazierMother Hubbard. .Gretchen BressetteMistress Mary . .Dorothy RobertsonTom Tucker Harry FrazierKing Cole Harold RobertsonSanta Claus . . Mr. George Southwick

The cantata will commence prompt-ly at 8 o'clock on Friday evening ofthis week. Remember the chickenpie supper, cantata and date.



Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Dutton Re-ceive Many Congratulations on

the Happy JOvent.Cadyville, N. Y., Dec. 1.—Thelecond happiest day" in the life of

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dutton was theirgolden wedding, Wednesday Nov.30th. About one hundred and twen-ty guests were present to celebratethe happy occasion. A splendiddinner was served at three hand-somely decorated tables. The wed-ding cake was a very elaborate pieceof confection, made by Mrs. LouisaCampbell, of Plattsburgh, a life-long friend. Mr. Dutton wore thetreat in which he was married andwith hie wife led a quadrille witha vigor that proved them manyyears young. So many beautifuland costly gifts were received thatspace will not permit enumeration.A somewhat novel gift was a heavilygold mounted whip from an easternfriend, also a bottle of golden; pillsfrom G. D. Dare, M. D. Among theout of town guests were noted, Mrs.M. J. Hanlon, of Clayburg; J. G.O'Conniell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Case,Mrs. A. J. Fisk, of Plattsburgh; Dr.J. J. Robinson, of Saranac; J)r. G.D. Dare, Mr. and Mrs. J. Broadwellof Morrisonville. Many letters ofcongratulation and presents, from

bsent friends were received. At alate hour the guests departed withthe earnest wish that the genialhost and hostess may continue toenjoy their present good health formany years and that we may all beinvited to their diamond jubilee.


Fumily Reunion.On the evening of Nov. 9, 1904, a

very pleasant family party was en-lertained at the residence of Mr.Carnii Lyon on Lyon street, it havingoccurred to the participants that themonth of November had been selectedby the four brothers and sisters as(he month in which to be married.The party present were Mrs. Vic-)iia Keardtdey and tson Guy of Platts-.urgh, Mrs. Elizabeth Stave of Au-able Forks, Mrs. Euretta Bears andmsband, two sons, Berton and Lewis,.1 Charlotte, Vt., Mrs. W. Cleveland>i Huntington, Vt., Mr. and Mrs.Menn Merrihew of Plattsburgh.

Other members of the family wereprevented from being present by 111-

A bountiful auppe-r was served anda very enjoyable evening was spentby all.- It is the intention to ar-I'iinyo in future for a yearly reunion,and it now understood that the nexti(Minion will be held at the residenceof Mrs. Bears at Charlotte, Vt.

Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention atHerklmer, December 13-15.

Arrangements are now completedfor the twenty-eignth anaual conven-tion of the New York State Dairymen'association, to toe heTd in HerkimeDecember 13, 14 and 15. Speakers,with the subjects, have been arrangedas follows:

Ex-Governor 'W. D. Hoard Wiscon-tn; Hon. George M. Whitaker, in-

Sipector United Sltaites department ofagriculture, Washington, D. C, "SomeDistinctive Differences in Methods ofSupplying Three Cities With Milk;"Dr. Joseph L. Hills, director of theVermont agricultural esperiment sta-tion, "Daiiry Insurance Policies; "Prof. V. A. Moore, Cornell un.ivers.ity,"Tuberculosis and the TubercuilineTest; " iDr. W. iH. Jordan, diirectorNew York State experiment station,Geneva, "The Outposts of Agricul-tural Progress; " Hon. George L. Flan-ders, assistant com mission en- of agri-culture, Albany, "Oleomargairine andthe Possible Attempt to Repeal theTon-Cent Tax; " Prof. R. A. Pearson,Cornell university, "Productdon ofSanitary Milk; " J. D. Fredericksen,Little Falls, "History and Develop-ment of the Dairy Industry in Herki-mer County; " W. <?. Patrick, James-town, "Creamery Census."


—Arthur A. Merrill, three milesfrom Cadyville, offers six fine Jersey

iws for sale.—The annual meeting of Saranac

Ohiapter of the Daughters of the Ameri-Hevolution, will be held at the

home of Mrs. C. S. Johnson at 3>'clook Saturday afternoon.

—The variety of Christmas goodslaid in at Medical Hall especially for

demands of the season willlighten the task of deciding upon auiitable present.

—Do not ruin your eyes by strain-ng them. If you are troubled byleadaches or nervousness, visit Prof.Sanborn, the 6ptician, at Cumber-land House, on Monday aid TuesdayDec. 5th and 6th.

—H. S. Lasell, residing on Courtstreet, has purchased from €k F. Tut-tle a building lot on Draper avenue,•wiest of the Normal school, and will atonce begin the erection of a residence,somewhat similar to those now on thestreet

—Mrs. Joseph Ladue of SchuylerFalls has just purchased from the

ton County Carriage Repository,S. K. Ryan proprietor, a handsomeGlens Falls Clrcicle. It is a twoseated carriage in natural wood andis one of the finest vehicles owned inClinton County.

—Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick oflumberland Head gave a birthday

party Thanksgivon 'eve in honor oftheir daughter Mabel fcnd Miss RosaLaMora. About 50 guests were pre-sent. Manny Deautiful presents werereceived. Dancing was enjoyed andsupper was served.

—Clayton, Jefferson county, is inthe throes of a crusade against danc-ing. Th© agitation against it is a tfever heat among the churchpeople. Those who are against ithave sent out some literature, thecharacter of which la considered ob-jectional, debasing and unfit to readby many householders. A unionmeeting of ministers is to be heldand the anti-dancing crusade is tobe carried to other towns.


—(Six towns in Washington countyoffer sites for the new State hospital. .

Morris Norris, of Redford, was inPlattsburgh on bustaess Tuesday.

B. Connolly, of Beekmantown, wasa visitor to Plattsburgh on Tuesday.

Peter A. Tromblay of Redfordspent a few hours here yesterday.

John Downs of Peru transactedbusiness in Plattsburgh yesterday.

William Trudo, of Altona, wasamong Tuesday's visitors to the city.

W. H. Dunn, of Champlain, was iutown Monday on legal business.

G. A. Allen, of Peru, was amongMonday's visitors to the city.

John L. Martin of Chazy was inPlattsburgh on business Monday.

F. Arthur Hay, of West Chazy, wasa visitor to Plattsburgh on Monday.

Martin Baker, of Harkness, trans-acted business in the city on Monday.

Postmaster H. J. Bull, of Saranac,was among Tuesday's visitors to thecity.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. White ofSaranac were visitors to Plattsburghyesterday.

Capt. E. J. Hammond, of RousesPoint, spent yesterday in the citywith relatives.

Henry Fifield, of Saranac, wasamong Monday's visitors to Platts-burgh.

Miss Marie Frechette and MissMargaret Lavery, of Mooers, ate theirThanksgiving turkey in Plattsburgh

Mrs. B. C. Low, who has oeen ser-iously ill in her apartments on Mar-garet street, is somewhat improved.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Riley of Maio-espent Sunday iu this city. Mr. Rdleyleft last night for New Yortv or busi-ness.

Mrs. Frank Nicholson, of Brain-ardsville, spent Thanksgiving at theMoffitt farm, the guest of WilliamMcKenna and daughter Hattle, andreturned home Friday.

N. >B. Tarbell, formerly of Platts-burgh, has accepted tlhe position oftraveling salesman for George A. Tay-lor & Co., of Ogdensburg, wholesaledealer in flour, grain, meal and feed.




Subordinate Membership Expected

to Reach One Thousand Before

End of the Year.

The Pomona Grange of ClintonCo., held their regular session inCourt St. theatre yesterday. Themeeting was well attended byGrange members from all parts ofthe county.

The forenoon session opened byWorthy Master J. C. Falrbank, ofRouses Point; Secretary W. G.Mooney, who is also County Deputy,made his annual report to theGrange showing a prosperous yearin the work throughout the county.

That subordinate Grange mem-bership in the county will reach onethousand before the end of the pre-sent year is fully anticipated. Thenew Grange at Schuyler Falls, or-ganized by Deputy Mooney on July6 last with a membership of 60 isdoing good work, they now having'over one hundred members with aclass of 33 to begin the 3rd and 4thdegree at their next meeting.

Several matters of importanceaffecting the interests of the farm-ers were discussed during the dayand at the afternoon session theelection of three delegates to attendthe next State Grange meeting washeld.

Delegate at Large—cW. G. Mooney ofEeekmantown.

Associate Delegates—Mrs. W. R.North of CJhazy and W. S. White ofSaranac.

The annual election of officers re-sulted as follows:

A GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN FREE!Given to Every SENTINEL Subscriber Paying One

Year In Advance.

This is the pen we are givipg away. A Hard Rubber Fountain Pen, 14k. Gold Plated Pen,Fancy Chased Barrel, Rubber Cap, Screw Section. Useful and Ornamental. Subscribe now andget one of these beautiftrl pens:

This Pen For Two New Subscribers

Beautifully Chased Barrel, 14k. Gold Pen. Fully warranted. Worth $1.25 each. Will be;given as a premium to the person seeding us two NEW subscribers to the Sentinel.

This Pen For a New and an Old Subscriber.

T Elegant Fancy Carved Oriental Pearl Penholder. Gold Plated Nose and 14k. Gold Plated Pen.Each penj in elegant Velvet lined box. Will be given to each old subscriber handing in a newsubscription.

Address., THE SENTINEL, Plattsbnrffli, N. Y.

—A trial term of the Siupreme Court,Justice H. T. Kellogg presiding, willbe held at Maione, commencing Dec5th.

—The Plattsburgh Lodge of Elkshad a very successful social sessionand initiation last evening. Messrs.J. J. Flanagan of Malone, John P.Kavanagh of Montreal, and Calvin

. J. Prairie of Derrick, were skillfully ln-• ducted into the order. The social! session, which preceded the initia-jtion, was attended by a number ofj supervisors.! —World's Temperance Sabbath hav-ing been appoiated for November 27th,the local Woman's Christian Temper-

, ance Union made arrangements withthe consent of the city - pastors, wl:oare accustomed to unite in Union Serv-ices, to have Mrs. Louise S. Roundsgive an address babbath evening atChe First Presbyterian church. A tele-gram from Mrs. Rounds announcingthe serious illness of her sister, pre-

1 vented her from fulfilling the engage-| ment, much to tfhe regret of the Union.

National dirtinge.The National Grange at Portland,

Om, Friday, decided to tb/*ld the nextannual session in the State of NewJersey, the city to be named by theexecutive committee. The Grange went

record as favoring industrial edu-lon in the country schools, especi-

ally in the matter of agricultural train-ing.

St. , MoWorld's fair,

lerney & Murphy,Plabtsburgh, >N. Y.

Taking in the fair, a\airt eaat tonjorrow, will lx> with you soon.

t Yours.BA.NTA OLA US.

Major Edgar A. Mearns, U. S. A.Major Edgar A. Mearns, surgeon,

U.S.A., who is now in isan Francisco,was on the night of Oct. 21 presentedwith a soWd sliver loving cup as a to-ken of esteem from the officers, pas-sengers and crew of the steamship Lo-gan. The San Fnincisco Call, of dateof Oct. 01, says: "The gift is from theofficers and civilians. (Major ^earnBis highly esteemed thro-uglhout theArmy. He is regarded as the leadingorntlthologist and naturalist in theService. He was compelled to returnfrom the Philippanes on account of "ill-ness and it wtill ibe some time beforehe will leave the hospital." Army andNavy Journal, Nov. 19.

When able to leave the hospital,Maj'"' Mearns will vinit bis mother,who Is at Mitrn tfper-y's, No. 75 CourtKtrwt, th:i« city.

School Entertainment at SchuylerPalls.

A very enjoyable entertainmentwas spent at Schuyler Falls on Nov.2 3d at the school house in DistrictNo. 8, town of Schuyler Falls, theevent being a Thanksgiving enter-tainment given by the school. Thevery excellent way in which the pro-gram was rendered attested to the

1 careful training of the pupils by theirteacher, Miss Merilda Cox. At theclose of the entertainment ice creamand cake was served, alter which theguests departed for home to dream ofturkey and good things in store forthe morrow.

What dot\s Ooorge Eliot say? "Itis better to be an old maid than anold fool."

A Card.e, the undersigned, do hereby

agree to refund hs money on a 60cent bottle of Greene's WarrantedSyrup of Tar if it fails to cure your

cough or cold. We also guarantee a25-oont bottle to prove satls-fiactory ormoney refunded.I). K. Gilbert, J. E. Hitchcock,O. T. Larkin, Cady Dnig Co.

Mrs. R. J. McDowell returned toMooers Wednesday after spending aweek m Gloversville with her daugh-ter, Lois, who ds a teacher in matcity.

Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick ofCumberland Head, gave a birthdayparty Thanksgiving eve. in honor oftheir daughter Mabel and Miss KosaLamara. About 60 giiests were pres-ent. Many beautiful presents werereceived. Dancing was enjoyed andail elegant supper was served.

George ingalls, C. G. MicUoy andF. H. Clough of Rouses Point, FredRowlson of Beekmantown and B. G.Moore of this city, members ofOriental Temple, Knights of theMystic Shrine Tuesday attended ameeting of Karnak Temple, Montreal,when seventeen candidates crossedthe hot sands.

] —The examination of Jacob Vas-sar on a charge of criminal assaultwas Tuesday adjourned by JusticeMcMasters, at the request of Vas-

| sar's attorney, until December 20th.It now appears that Vassar's wifehas repented for tae part she hastaken in causing his arrest, and Isanxious to drop her case against him,but his friends advise him not toallow her to do so, but to push thematter and have everything connect-ed with his arrest brought out incourt.

Hon. H. Wallace- Knapp and Hon.S. G,. Prim© Wednesday returned fromAlbany where they yesterday attend-ed a meeting of the special committeeof the legislature appointed to secureuniform fishing laws between thisstate, Vermont and Canada for fish-ing in Lake Champlain. The com-mittee received assurances from theVermont legislature that a committeewould next week be appointed bythem to confer with the committeefrom this state and the first meet-Ing of the joint committee will pro-bably be held in Montpelier withina few days. There is now every,prospect that the uniform law desiredby the New York legislators will beenacted.

Worthy Master—J. C. Pairbank,Rouses 'Poinit,

Overseer—J. W. Harkness, Hark-neus.

Lecturer—Seth <}ordon, Chazy.Stewrad—W. T. White, Saranac.Asst. Steward—-L. B. Pardy, Beek-

mantown.Chaplain—J. W. Hulbbell, Oh&zy.Treasurer—<Jeo. Rea, Beekmantown.Secretary—-W, G. Mooney.Gate Keeper W. 2b. North, Chazy.Ceres—Mrs. J. W. Harkness, Hark-

ness.Pomona—Mrs. Fred /Rowlson.Lady Asst. Steward—Mite. B. 0.

Leonard, iRouses Point.Executive Com.—T. :H. Wood and

G. H. Wood of Plattsburgh, an H. O.Hayford of Champlain.

Finance Com.—N. m. fardy ofChazy, C T. Bertrand c Rouses Point,Harrison Arnold of Peru.

Among the real treats yt the after-noon session was an explanation ofProf. King's system of stable ventila-tion, by Lecturer Seth Gordon.

The Grange voted to hold theirm?etings with the suib-ordinateGranges of the county, as the Execu-tive Committee may. decide.

Funeral of Late John H. Spellman.The funeral of the late John H.

Spellman was held from St. FrancisXavier church, New York, last Mon-day. His Grace, Archbishop Farley,

the celebrant of the Solemn Re-quiem High Mass, which was attend-ed by a large concourse of sorrowingrelatives and friends, the latter's

>sence testifying to the high esteemwhich the deceased was held. In

the sanctuary were Bishop GabrielBof Ogdensburg, Mgrs. Edwards andMcGeau and over twenty-five priestsfrom New York and Brooklyn.

The honorary pallbearers were Su-preme Court Justices Morgan J. O'-O'Brien and James Fitzgerald, Wil-

i Penny, Francis Higgins, JohnO'Sullivan, John Cavanagh, JudgeLouis Conlon, Judge F. B. Delehanty,S. J. Cahill, M. H. Bannon, ThomasF. Conway and Dr. R,. E. Hyde. Atthe conclusion of the Mass the re-mains were interred in Calvary ceme-


By the will of Mr. Spellman Mrs.Annie C. Delehanty, wife of NewYork City Court Judge Francis B.Delehanty. receives a bequest of?5,0d0 "in grateful remembrance of J a r e business men who know the value;v

her many acts of kindness to my o f t l m e and* will not waste any in thedaughter Julia." After bequeating I transaction of the busifieaa «f *k~sums to relatives he leaves the re-mainder of a large estate to hisdaughter.

His brother, James Spellman, willcontinue the management of the hatbusiness at Park Row and Chambersstreet.




The Plattsburgh Sentinel and PUtts-

burgh Republican Designated

«s Official Papers.

The Board of Supervisors recon-vened Monday night for the annualsession.

As has been the custom in pastyears, the Board did no business a tMonday evening, the new meipybers merely familiarizing themselveswith the rules and usages of theBoard. Tuesday thie member© gotdown to work, and dt will be surpris-ing if they do not complete their baai-ness as rapidly as any Board thecounty has ever had, tor thea r e b u i

At the Plattsburgh Theatre.L, (New York, Nov. B8.—This CJty took ,to the ofpening night of "The Girl and jthe Bandit," with dramatic "fervor, theatftendience beting large and most en-tlhlusTastic. The performance wassmooth and well balanced, and1 thiseffort of the Perley Opera Co. will un»doubtedly be a martted success. Eiveryone expects splendid stage setting andbeautiful costuming in the Perley pro-ductions, but the excellence of ViolaGillette and Alice Dovey as primadonnas, has been somewhat in the bal-ance. The young iwomen have settledit all iby scoring a marked success.Miss Gillette displayed gireat dramaticability in her love scenes witih EHienryBergman, who is not a singer, by theway. Mr. Perley has thus registeredanother innovation in the well es-tablished methods of comic opera.Possdfbly the lover iwill not of neces-sity in ithe future be a tenor singer.Mabel Hite was as funny as ever intfhe fparit of the maid servant to t*elady Violeta. Joseph IMSnor, WaiterJones and (Alice Hosmer sustainedttiedr reputations as funmakers. The i T

Opera w«l go to Montreal and open at Vthe Studebaker fn Chicago, Januaryndnth.


Program of Services to Be Held Son-day in Plattsburgh Theatre.

In accordance with the universalcustom of the Elks, PlattsburghLodge will hold its annual memorialservices in the Plattsburgh Theatre,

Ion of the. business of thecounty, but they will at the saaaetime give careful consideration toevery matter that eomee before them.

C. E. Inman, Clerk of the Board,stated that the Only business on hi»desk was the bids of three physician* ,of this city for tthja care of;-;the"Jtt*:^mates of the couaty: Jail during tfcecoming year. It was decided not toopen these bids until this morning'ssession, when it is expected that thefull Board will be present.

The following standing committee*have been announced by ChairmanBowron: ^ t

Footing Rolls—Messrs. Comstocfc*McGregor, Vaughan, Harney, Men-*delsohn, :':

Sheriff's Accounts—-Messrs, Fftcl^ =Weaver, Moriartyv ^

Justices' and Congtablea' Accounts—Messrs. Lawson, Harney, Gomttdelc

Miscellaneous A«»ttnt«r-*IWeaver. Lawson, Mendelsohn.

Coroners' Accounts —-» 1Childs, Morfarty. Ryan. r

Printing and > Stationery—Meaara.Moriarty, Sherlock, Wood. '

Public Building^—Messrs. Bya*»Nash. McGregor. .:•";•;

Supt. of Poor Accounts—Mesars-Mendelsohn, Fitch, Childs., itch. Childs.

Supervisors' Accounts — Messrs.Sherlock, Lawson, Arthur.

Legislation—Messrs, Arthur,Wood,ash

Loans—Messrs. Vaughan.Nash;


n wtth TreajmWeaver, Moriarty, Ryan.

Interment of Deceased' So ld iers -Messrs. Nash, Comstock, Vaugh*&

Lunatic Asylums—Messrs. McGreg-or, Vaughan, .Harney.

Grand Jury List—Messrs. Hsr-ney, Wood, Arthur.

Orphan Asylums—Messrs. FItoh,Childs, Sherlock.

Ratio and Apportionment—'Messrs.Wood, Lawson, Sherlock, Arthur,

Sunday afternoon, beginning at 3 j Mendelsohn.o'clock. The following program will Equalization — Messrsbe given: . • • . ' —

Overture—Brown's Orchestra.Opening Exercises— Plattsburgh

Lodge, No. 621, B. P. O. E.Quartette—"Nearer My God to

Thee"—Messrs. Conaughty, Lang-don, Hornick and Dale.

Opening Ode.Invocation—Rev. C. S. Robertson.Tenor Solo—"The Voice of Jesus"

by Suteliffe-Mr. Theodore Tromblee.

„ Lawson,Weaver, Childs, Fitch, Arthur, Ry-an, Harney, Mendelsohn, Nash*

At Tuesday morning's sftssjkmthe clerk read a communicationfrom the State connptroHiar ,»_the Board that the State BoardEqualization bad fixed the agvaluation of property in thisat $11,912,201, upon wthdea a- state taxof *1S4S50 must be levied, beta's 1*

d l lofmills on the dollar.

Address—"The Benevolent andProtective Order of Elks, It's Aims 1and Purposes"—Bro. L. E. Griffith,Troy Lodge, No. 141.

Selection—Brown's Orchestra.Soprano Solo—"There Is a Cityj:

Bright," by Loud—Miss Grace Bug- 3905.bee Brown. j The report of Hon. I* I* S—«,,w»

Eulogy —"In Memoriam" — Bro. R. g. McCullough and J. W. HarkneSB,John B. Hagerty. I committee on the Armstrong echolar-

Violin Solo—"Seventh Concerto," ' SMp, was read an1 adopted.The clerk was authorized to por-

Ifae non-resident taxes eredtte£ to'the county /or 1903 is $915.09.

The Board moist also raise by tax$344.99 for compensation of stenog-raphers of tfoe Supreme Court for th»fourth Judicial district, to Sept. 30,

by Beriot—Mr. Gustav Mueller.Quintette—"Almighty God Before

Thy Throne" by Byrnes—Messrs.Conaughty, Langdon, Cavanagh,Hornick and Dale.

Closing Ceremonies—PlattsburghLodge.

Doxology.Benediction—Rev. H. P. LeF.

Grabau."Auld Lang Syne"—Orchestra.

Y. M. C. A. Notes.On Sunday afternoon ait the 4

o'clock meeting, Mr. William iB. Jones,Secretary of the Chamber of Com-merce of iAlBany, will speak, his topicbein^ '^Practical iliives."

This meeting is for men and women,and any one will be Y.i&icoane. It isuure to ibe a gooa meeting, and a largeattendance Is expected.

Tib. recital by Mrs. E. C. Everestand pupdJs, supplemented with achoral section by the'Y. M. C. A.Glee Clu6, will be gd<ven on Friday,Dec. 16th. Please note the date.

Trinity Chnpch Election.At the annual election of Wardens

and Vestrymen of Trinity Episcopalchurch held on Monday, Nov. 28th,the following were duly elected:

Wardens—For two years, John H.Booth; for one year, E, T. Gilliland.

Vestrymen—For three years, Chas.H. Moore, Geo. S. Weed, W. J. Hor-nick; for two years, H. D. Hadley,George Andress, O. B. Bromley; forone year, Theodore Tromblee, B. S.Ramsay, Fred C. Funnell.

At a meeting of the vestry for or-I ganlzation, Mr. Fred C. Funnell wa8elected clerk, Mr. John H. Booth,treasurer and Mr. George Andress,assistant treasurer.

Adirondack Construction Co.The Adirondack Construction Co., of

Saranac Lake, has oeoen incorporatedI witfh the Secretary of State tc do gen-leral contracting, building and excava-ting business. The capital Btock is(placed at $25,000, divided into sharesof *100 each, and the directors for thefirst year are as follows: Sydney W.Barnard, of Bloomlngdale; C. F. Car-penter, William C. Leonard and Tuf-field iLatour, of Saranac Lake; ThomasJ. D'Arcy and Robert H. Rogers, ofPlattsburgh, and Victor W. Prime, ofj/lizabethtown.

You will enjoy Waltt & Bond's"TOTEM" 5 cent Cigar, Union Made.

Fair at Schuyler Falls.The ladies of the M". E. church of

Schuyler Falls will hold a fair inEverest's hall, Friday and Saturday,December 9 and 10. There will be asale of useful and fancy articles.Supper will be served each eveningfrom six until nine; also ice creamand cake.


chase assessment rolls and tax receipt*at fine lowest possible prioa

The following bids were received tormedical attendance upon Inmates ofthe County jail for the year 1905:Dr. T. Ayvery [Roarers . . . .Dir. J. G. McKlnney....or. F. 9. F a r n s w o r t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

On motion of Supervisor Fitch, thecontract was let to Dr. McKTnney atthe price stated in his bid.

On motion of Dr. W. J. Moriarty,the Board voted to allow the super-:visor of any town, where the asses-sors have made clerical errors Inpreparing and copying the assessmentroll, to make the necessary correc-tions.

Supervisor W. R. Weaver of thetown of Peru, reported the indebted-ness of that town to be as follows:Notes given for roads and bridgns,and due as follows: $980,25 due Feb-ruary 25, 1905, bearing 6 per cent.interest; $500 due June 1, 1905;bearing Interest at the rate of 5 pag.cent.

On motion of Mr. Wever, the fol-lowing was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the sum of $83.85,,to pay interest on notes due during1905 be levied and assessed ummthe town of Peru for the year 1904,and that said amount be paid to thesupervisor on or before Feb. 1,1905.

At Wednesday's morning sessionthe Republican members of vh«Board designated the PlattsburghSentinel to publish the session lawsin and for the county for the ensu-ing year, in accordance with the pro-visions of Chapter 715 of the laws of1892, as amended.

W. H. Fitch, L. A. Childs and F, W»^prlock, tihe committee on Orphanasylums, reported that claims amount<ns to $4,552.85 h*d been presentedfor their consideration, and that ti»yhad audited them in fufll.

A communlcatikm was received fro«»Walter H. Benedict Post, G. A. R.*stating that they proposed to care for

Continued on fourth page.