October 27, 2013 Tone 1, Eothinon 7 18th Sunday after Pentecost On this day, we commemorate: Martyr Nestor of essalonika; Procla the wife of Pontius Pilate; Kyriakos, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves Divine Liturgy Pastor The Very Rev. Anthony G. Sabbagh Administrative Committee Albert Bitar, Treasurer Rehab Tabchi Robert Mimari Abe Assad Nasser Sabbagh George Nassoor Office Administrator Donna Becker Custodian Adnan Sabbagh Building/Planning Eli Mimari Dr. George Nassoor Altar Servers Peter Attar, Subdeacon Joseph Landino, Seminarian Anthony Youwakim, Altar Boy Captain Choir Naida Abraham, Treasurer Members: Kh. Minerva Sabbagh Mary Landino Christina Attar Jouhayna Al-Amm Mishleen Bashour Sean Thornton Wayne Burke David T. Davis George Nassoor Vilma Abraham Delores Edwards Helena Yurconic Ron Benner Amjed Khalil Chanters Hweida Moussa Marwan Sabbagh Antoun Saba The Fellowship of St. John the Divine Christina Attar, Chair Abe Assad, Co-Chair Rehab Tabchi, Treasurer Ladies Altar Society Diane Gharzouzi, President Suzanna Zoudeh, Vice President Ebtisam Richie, Treasurer Fay Moses, Secretary Children’s Relief Fund Kh. Minerva Sabbagh Sunday School Ebtisam Moussa, Director Teachers: Abe Assad Jennifer Alraei Sana Bitar Dr. Rehab Tabchi Mary Landino Nadia Davis Jaklin Sabbagh Reem Haddad Teen SOYO The Very Rev. Anthony G. Sabbagh, Spiritual Advisor Naife Khalouf, Advisor Khalil Yacoub, Advisor Karam Salibi, President Fadi Deeb, Vice President Mishleen Bashour, Treasurer Clara Yazji, Recording Secretary Mike Chekeif, Corresponding Secretary Hilda Souid, Media Secretary St. George Bookstore Mary Landino, Chair Kh. Minerva Sabbagh, Treasurer Rehab Tabchi Charitable Ministries Annual Appeal for Syrian Orphanages Kamal Abboud, Chair Pastoral Discretionary Fund The Very Rev. Anthony G. Sabbagh Albert Bitar Newcomer Committee Naim Dergham, Chair Ghassan Makdsi Antoun Saba Marwan Sabbagh 2013 St. George Church Staff and Organizations EPISTLE II Corinthians 9:6-11 (18th Sunday after Pentecost) Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us. Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous. e Reading is from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. BRETHREN, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work. As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteous- ness endures for ever.” He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righ- teousness. You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves Divine Liturgy

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Page 1: Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves Divine Liturgy

October 27, 2013 Tone 1, Eothinon 7

18th Sunday after Pentecost On this day, we commemorate: Martyr Nestor of Thessalonika;

Procla the wife of Pontius Pilate; Kyriakos, patriarch of Constantinople;Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves

Divine Liturgy

Pastor The Very Rev. Anthony G. SabbaghAdministrative Committee Albert Bitar, Treasurer Rehab Tabchi Robert Mimari Abe Assad Nasser Sabbagh George NassoorOffice Administrator Donna BeckerCustodian Adnan SabbaghBuilding/Planning Eli Mimari Dr. George NassoorAltar Servers Peter Attar, Subdeacon Joseph Landino, Seminarian Anthony Youwakim, Altar Boy CaptainChoir Naida Abraham, Treasurer Members: Kh. Minerva Sabbagh Mary Landino Christina Attar Jouhayna Al-Amm Mishleen Bashour Sean Thornton Wayne Burke David T. Davis George Nassoor Vilma Abraham Delores Edwards Helena Yurconic Ron Benner Amjed KhalilChanters Hweida Moussa Marwan Sabbagh Antoun SabaThe Fellowship of St. John the Divine Christina Attar, Chair Abe Assad, Co-Chair Rehab Tabchi, Treasurer

Ladies Altar Society Diane Gharzouzi, President Suzanna Zoudeh, Vice President Ebtisam Richie, Treasurer Fay Moses, SecretaryChildren’s Relief Fund Kh. Minerva SabbaghSunday School Ebtisam Moussa, Director Teachers: Abe Assad Jennifer Alraei Sana Bitar Dr. Rehab Tabchi Mary Landino Nadia Davis Jaklin Sabbagh Reem HaddadTeen SOYO The Very Rev. Anthony G. Sabbagh, Spiritual Advisor Naife Khalouf, Advisor Khalil Yacoub, Advisor Karam Salibi, President Fadi Deeb, Vice President Mishleen Bashour, Treasurer Clara Yazji, Recording Secretary Mike Chekeif, Corresponding Secretary Hilda Souid, Media SecretarySt. George Bookstore Mary Landino, Chair Kh. Minerva Sabbagh, Treasurer Rehab TabchiCharitable MinistriesAnnual Appeal for Syrian Orphanages Kamal Abboud, ChairPastoral Discretionary Fund The Very Rev. Anthony G. Sabbagh Albert BitarNewcomer Committee Naim Dergham, Chair Ghassan Makdsi Antoun Saba Marwan Sabbagh

2013 St. George Church Staff and Organizations

EpistlEii Corinthians 9:6-11 (18th Sunday after Pentecost)

Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us.Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous.

The Reading is from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians.

BRETHREN, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work. As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteous-ness endures for ever.” He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righ-teousness. You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

Page 2: Venerable Nestor the Chronicler of the Kiev Caves Divine Liturgy

Holy BreadThe Holy Bread is sponsored by:

Family of Elias Dayoubin loving memory of

Elias DayoubHoly BreadThe Holy Bread is offered before the Altar of God by Father Anthony for the living servants of God: The Family of Elias Dayoub; George and Sahar Dayoub; Tony Dayoub; George, Hiyam, Rehab, Resam, Simon, Melissa, Rahmeh, Fadi and Nidal Tabchi; Adnan Dib; Janet Hanna; Leo, Layla, Sarah, Neff; Macrina, Theropan, Hiermonk Calinic, Deacon Joseph, Mary, Gabriella, Katerina, Mario, Rosalia, Sofia Landino; Fr. Anthony, Kh. Minerva and Hope Sabbagh; Makoul Family; Attar Family; Mindea Family; Fr. James Geronda Pavlos; Michael and Mary Jo Makoul; Abraham Mamari; Mary Howrelook; Sarah Haddad; Sophie Cunningham and Family; Albert Charlie Jr. and Family; Faisal and Nadia Daher; Nick, Ida and Anesah Akari; Yousra Mamari; Naife Khalouf; Nour Atiyeh; Afifi Skaf and Family; Zakieh Hanna; Naziha Assad and Family; Lawahiz, Abe, John, Kate Assad; Mary Assad; Tom Pavlick; Joshua Assad Pavlick; George Assad; Mi-chael, Mona, Wail, Heather, Mitchell, Mallory, Abeer, Elyssa and Eyanna; Albert, Shadia and Christian Bitar; Ron Hanna; Charbel Elias and Family; Georges Bitar and Family; or the departed servants of God: Fr. George Khouli; Elias Dayoub; Brahim, Resmeh; Nawal, Mtanios, Maria and Alfred Hanna; Sueliman and Han-na Tabchi; Nawal, Danny, Elias, Rafiah, Nanoume, Jamileh, Salim, Issa, Sandra; Wadih Mamari; Gail Charlie; Hanna Daher, Jamileh Abboud; Wajih Hanna; Gaby Bakous; Elias and Danny Khalouf; Youssef Atiyeh; Fouad Assad; Zaki Skaf; Georges and Tony Hanna; John Ray and Sameer Assad; Badih Bitar; Ilona Hanna; Abdo Elias; Bassam, Khalil and Nizha Bitar.

GospElluke 8:41-56 (7th Sunday of Luke)At that time: There came a man named Jairus, who was a ruler of the syna-gogue; and falling at Jesus’ feet he besought him to come to his house, for he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying.As he went, the people pressed round him. And a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years and had spent all her living upon physicians and could not be healed by any one, came up behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment; and immediately her flow of blood ceased. And Jesus said, “Who was it that touched me?” When all denied it, Peter and those who were with him said, “Master, the multitudes surround you and press upon you!” But Jesus said, “Some one touched me; for I perceive that power has gone forth from me.” And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well go in peace.” While he was still speaking, a man from the ruler’s house came and said, “Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more.” But Jesus on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe, and she shall be well.” And when he came to the house, he permitted no one to enter with him, except Peter and John and James, and the father and mother of the child. And all were weeping and bewailing her; but he said, “Do not weep; for she is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But taking her by the hand he called, saying, “Child, arise.” And her spirit returned, and she got up at once; and he directed that something should be given her to eat. And her parents were amazed; but he charged them to tell no one what had hap-pened.

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Special donations to the ChurchWe acknowledge families and friends who have honored dear ones withmonetary gifts given in the spirit of loving kindness.$ George and Sahar Dayoub to the Church in loving memory of “Abo Tarek” Elias Dayoub; for the good health of Tony Dayoub. May God grant Tony many more years and good health.$ Rehab Tabchi to the Church in loving memory of Fr. George Khouli; Brahim, Resmeah, Nawal, Mtanios, Maria and Alfred Hanna; Sueliman and Hanna Tabchi; for the good health of George, Hiyam, Resam, Simon, Melissa Tabchi; Rahmeh, Fadi and Nidal Tabchi, Adnan Dib; Janet Hanna, Leo, Layla, Sarah, Neff.$ Mary Landino to the Church for the good health of Macrina, Theropan, Hiermonk Calinic, Dn. Joseph, Mary, Gabriella, Katerina, Mario, Rosalia, Sofia Landino; Fr. Anthony, Kh. Minerva and Hope Sabbagh; Makoul Family; Attar Family; Hope; Mindea Family; Fr. James Geronda Pavlos; in loving memory of Nawal, Danny, Elias, Rafiah, Nanoume, Jamileh, Salim, Issa and Sandra.$ Mary Jo Makoul to the Church for the good health for Michael Makoul in upcoming surgery.

$ Abraham Mamari to the Church in loving memory of Wadih Mamari.$ Yousra Mamari to the Church in loving memory of Gaby Bakous.$ Mary Howrelook and Sarah Hadded to the Church in loving memory of Gail Charlie.$ Sophie Cunningham and Family to the Church in loving memory of Gail Charlie.$ Albert Charlie Jr. and Family to the Ladies Altar Society in loving memory of Gail Charlie.$ Faisal and Nadia Daher to the Church for the good health of Faisal and Nadia Daher; in loving memory of Hanna Daher and Jamileh Abboud.$ Nick and Ida Akari to the Church for the good health of Nick, Ida and Anesah Akari; in loving memory of Wajih Hanna.$ Naife Khalouf to the Church in loving memory of Elias and Danny Khalouf; Youssef Atiyeh; for the good health of Nour Atiyeh.$ Naziha Assad and Family to the Church in loving memory of Fouad Assad.$ Afifi Skaf to the Church in loving memory of Zaki Skaf.$ Zakieh Hanna to the Church in loving memory of Georges and Tony Hanna.$ Abe Assad and Mary Assad to Church School for the good health of the Assad and Pavlick Families; Lawahiz, Abe, John, Kate Assad, Mary Assad; Tom Pavlick and Joshua Assad Pavlick; George Assad; in loving memory of John Ray and Sameer Assad.$ The Bitar Family to the Church in loving memory of Badih Bitar and for the good health of Michael, Mona, Wail, Heather, Mitchell, Mallory, Abeer, Elyssa and Eyanna; Albert, Shadia and Christian Bitar.$ Ron Hanna to the Church in loving memory of Ilona Hanna.$ Charbel Elias and Family to the Church in loving memory of Abdo Elias.$ Georges Bitar and Family to the Church in loving memory of Bassam, Khalil and Nizha Bitar.

Memorial ServiceA Memorial Service is held for the rest of the souls of the servants of God:

Elias Dayoub(40-Day Memorial)

May the Lord grant rest to His servant and remember himin His kingdom, now and forever.

Coffee HourWe thank the following for sponsoring today’s Coffee Hour.Please join us immediately folllowing Divine Liturgy.

The Family of Elias Dayoub

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Within the ChurchWe wish each parishioner and friend of St. George Church a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. May God’s blessings shine down upon them throughout the coming year. Please keep the church office (610) 439-1232 informed of birth-days, anniversaries and special family events.

Best wishes for a wonderful Birthday/Anniversary and a year filled with good health and happiness! May happiness be yours on this special day and in the year ahead!

Happy Birthday 10/27 Jimmy Jarrah 11/1 Jamie Sabbagh Racha Dergham 11/2 Patrick McCarty10/28 Brittany Moussa Sam Wehbey Samantha Hadeed10/29 Alexa Rae Makoul Happy Anniversary Rhonda Aleid 10/28/200010/30 Nancy Atiyeh Fred & Nadia Davis Ava Hanna Nibal Khouli 10/31/198710/31 Peter T. Shahda Said & Reda Khoury

Daylight Savings Time – Fall BackRemember to fall back by setting your clocks back one hour on Saturday night, Nov. 2, as Daylight Savings Time begins.

2014 Church Calendars are herePlease pick up a 2014 Church calendar today. There is a limited quantity and the calendars will go fast. There are four beautiful designs to choose from. Thank you to Nicol Elias Funeral Home for sponsoring our annual calendar.

Pick up your 2014 contribution envelopesOur 2014 offering envelopes are here and available for you to pick up in the church hall. These boxed envelopes are organized by number, not by alpha-betical name. If you know your envelope number, that will help our volunteer distrubute envelopes in a timely manner. If you do not know your envelope number, there is an alphabetical list of names with your envelope number lo-cated by the offering envelopes. All boxed envelopes are labeled with your name and address. A volunteer is needed each week to help with distribution. If you would like to help one week, please call Donna in the church office at (610) 439-1232. Help the church avoid the high cost of postage by not mailing your envelopes. Thank you for your cooperation.

Upcoming Events– oCtoBER –

Unangst tree Farm outing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today: Sunday, Oct. 27Sponsored by the Fellowship of St. John the Divine. See article on next page.

More info: Christina Attar (484) 359-0239.


teen soYo Business Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, Nov. 2, 11 am

sunday school All saint’s party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, Nov. 2, 1-3 pm

st. paul’s Church Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . Sunday, Nov. 3, 10:30 am-12:30 pm156 East Main St., Emmaus, PA (610) 965-2298

Annual Fall Bazaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday-Sunday, Nov. 8-9-10 See flyer in this bulletin

soft pretzel Fundraiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday, Nov. 24Sponsored by Sunday School

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Today: Oct. 27 visit to Unangst Tree FarmMembers of the Fel-lowship of St. John the Divine (FSJD) have planned a fun event at Unangst Tree Farm on today, Sunday, Oct. 27. Fall is a great time of year to visit. We invite you to come join us in celebrating the beauty of the fall season. Meet in the Church Hall and eat a quick bite together. You may bring your kids if you are a member of FSJD. Fall activities at Unangst Tree Farm: •A6-acreand1-acreCornMaze •Chickens(ObservationalArea) •PettingZoo(ComeFeedTheAnimals) •CornBuilding(Loosecornwithpails&shovels) •Hayridesto/frompumpkinpatch •Pumpkinpickingoffthevine •Fallaccessories:cornstalks,strawbales,Indiancorn,popcorn, broom corn, squash, baking pumpkins, gourds, mums, and apples •Largervarietyofpumpkins

Bring some money to participate in these activities. We are very excited to have new members this year. Thank you for signing up this past week to be a member of the Fellowship of St. John the Divine.

Questions or comments – Christina Attar (484)358-0239 or [email protected] out the Unangst Tree Farm website at http://www.unangst-treefarm.com/

St. George Orthodox Church1011 Catasauqua Ave. • Allentown, PA 18102

BazaarNovember 8-9-10Friday 5-9 pmSaturday 3-8 pmSunday 12-7 pm

Middle Eastern andAmerican FoodHomemade Baked GoodsWhite Elephant Sale

More info(610) 439-9972www.stgeorgeallentown.com


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Donations needed for our annual Fall BazaarOur Fall Bazaar, sponsored by the Ladies Altar Society, needs your support. Please help with a contribution to this event. •Home-bakedgoods •Financialcontributions •ItemsfortheWhiteElephantSale Accepted: household, baby, holiday and school items; toys, books, puzzles, nic-nacs, glassware, framed art, jewelry, small tools. We do not accept clothing, shoes or large items. Donations can be brought to the Church Hall, Monday through Friday, Nov. 4-8, 10 am to 5 pm. •InviteyourfriendsandhelppublicizeourBazaar. The Bazaar flyer is available on our website or pick up a flyer in the Church Hall.

Nanny neededPart-time nanny needed eight days a month for two boys in Macungie home. Salary negotiable. Please contact Janet Sallit-Laflouf for more information.(610) 739-6260.

2014 Parish Life Conference at Antiochian VillageThe 2014 Parish Life Conference will be held at the Antiochian Village on July 4-6. The theme of the conference is “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all you mind; and your neighbor as yourself ” (Luke 10:27). The Bible Bowl for 2014 will be centered on the Gospel of Luke. Materials to help prepare can be obtained at: www.orthodoxyouth.org/Luke. Information on the Oratorical Festival is avail-able at: www.antiochian.org/festivals/oratorical. Please go to www.antiochian.org/festivals for more information on the various Creative Arts Festivals.The deadline for submission is April 1, 2014.

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