January – April 2012 Volume LVII, Issue 1 Valley of Orlando Officers for 2012 CONSISTORY Master of Kadosh – Ill John N. Dickinson, 33° COUNCIL OF KADOSH Commander – WM. Ed Davidson III, 32° KCCH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX Wise Master - David M. Rosenthal, 32° LODGE OF PERFECTION Venerable Master - M. Ken Merideth, 32° KNIGHTS OF ST ANDREW Venerable Master -- Allen West, 32° KCCH Club Commander - Donald E. Martin, 32° KCCH

Valley of Orlando Scottish Rite Bulletin for Jan - Apr 2012

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Valley of Orlando, Orient of Florida, Scottish Rite Bulletin for January - April, 2012

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January – April 2012 Volume LVII, Issue 1

Valley of Orlando Officers for 2012


Master of Kadosh – Ill John N. Dickinson, 33°


Commander – WM. Ed Davidson III, 32° KCCH


Wise Master - David M. Rosenthal, 32°


Venerable Master - M. Ken Merideth, 32°


Venerable Master -- Allen West, 32°


Commander - Donald E. Martin, 32° KCCH

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The Scottish Rite BULLETIN

Hello My Brothers All: As we start the 2012 calendar year, I offer my heartfelt thanks for your support and participation during 2011. Each of you who participated, in some way, made a difference. Remember, at the January meeting I will be sharing an overview of the "State of The Valley." As an organization that derives its success from its members, you each need to know and understand where we are as a Valley. By so doing, you can become an active participant in the future of our Valley! We have begun the open installation of officers for the 2012 year, at the Lodges throughout Florida. In preparation, as a participant, at these installations, I have had to refresh myself with the "Introduction to Freemasonry" and the "Charge to the Officers and Members." In the Charge to the Worshipful Master there are several phrases which I have spoken many times over the years in delivering the charges, but for some reason at this point in time, they drew my attention. "Spread and communicate Light and Instruction;" "the Dignity and High Importance of Freemasonry;" "never to Disgrace it;" "Convince mankind of the Goodness of the Institution;" and "Practice out of the Lodge those Duties they have been Taught in it!" Each phrase and the words contained therein are different, yet the message and challenge is the same. The words light, instruction, practice and taught, all represent that we need to continue on the life long journey we are taking, of making ourselves into better men. The words dignity, high importance, never disgrace, convince, and goodness, remind us all that our actions, words and deeds, are what will be remembered by those who know us to be Masons, in particular Scottish Rite Masons. My Brothers I would ask that you take a moment and review the "Introduction" and "Charge" found in the Florida Masonic Monitor, and reflect on the words contained therein. In 2012, let's re-focus and rededicate ourselves toward convincing mankind - those who know us to be Freemason's - of the goodness

of our institution. We want to be known as one to whom the burdened heart may pour out its sorrow; to whom distress may prefer its suit; whose hand is guided by justice; and whose heart is expanded by benevolence. This will benefit each of us personally, and also go a long way toward growing our membership and attracting those men who will benefit from the teachings of Freemasonry, and who will continue their journey to and through the Scottish Rite. As a reminder, and in support of our Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida, Inc., if you have not already done so, please make your purchase of the newly released cookbook. Lady Rebba and the group who supported this effort, prepared a cookbook with over 450 recipes. Our language learning disorder clinics throughout Florida need the proper funding to continue supporting those children who come to us for assistance. A few of the clinics have a waiting list as a result of a shortage of funds to sponsor children who are in need of our assistance. The purchase of one of these cookbooks will go a long way toward helping this cause and would be greatly appreciated! As we each continue the travels of our Masonic journey, please remember that – “the spirit of fraternity reigns supreme” - it is the essence of why we became and remain members of this great fraternity of Freemasonry, in which the Scottish Rite serves as its “University.” Until next time, be safe in your travels and remember to “whisper wise counsel in the ear of an erring brother,” and respect the dignity of all, as it makes you and our organization stronger one action at a time. Fraternally, ILL Chester A. King, 33° Personal Representative

“People forget what you say, and forget what you do, but forever remember

how you make them feel!”

From the desk of the Personal Representative

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Brothers, Sisters, and Friends, Starting a new year and new term for the Consistory makes everyone consider what the future holds for each of us and our Scottish Rite and Masonic Fraternities. It is my goal to grow our Scottish Rite in members and stature, through communication. You know plain old talking to each other. Veterans of military service will tell you “war stories”, if you ask. If you ask at the right time and place they may even relate some of their horrors of war stories. Fraternal Brothers and Sisters who have been around at least a decade have stories to tell. To gain knowledge you need to get the old timers to relate their ideas, memories, and feelings. Then take younger people and build bridges into the future.

Gagging on the gnats of ritual and petty issues will drive Brothers away. If you feel strongly about an issue state what it is and why it is important. If it is not acted on to your satisfaction go somewhere more friendlily. Just because someone “had to put it in a book”, doesn’t mean it really is important. Making your Brothers feel you care about him will solve the problem of an empty room full of rule books. Our entire system of education classes have shrinking attendance due to the gagging on gnats of Masonic Education.

Yes the older Brothers and Sisters are dying of old age and don’t come out due to being infirm. Driving at night is a real problem for some. Please consider showing your Masonic Love and pick up an elder person and bring them with you to an event. It won’t tell you how to wear your ring but will expand your understanding of the other person.

What you learn about others “Masonry” will NOT give you Masonic Education, but will give you Masonic knowledge you will never forget. You will truly become your Brother’s Brother. I guarantee you that when another person puts their

hand in yours or arm around your shoulder and says from the heart “Thank You”; you will have absorbed a bucket full of Masonic Knowledge. You also grew the Fraternity by example, and yourself thru participation.

Don’t leave Brothers or Sisters by themselves at dinner, meetings, or anywhere. Always take a moment and invite them to your table or into your circle, talk to them. Hopefully your Masonic Love and Knowledge will bring them back or just strengthen their bond to our Fraternity. You are growing our Scottish Rite through the use of your time to strengthen and improve everyone’s understanding of what a good Mason is and does, by personal example.

Building a bridge of understanding between a lover of old classical music and a rapper of today will take great work and more than one try. The bridge of understanding will be what keeps our Masonic Fraternity and Scottish Rite growing and viable in the future.

I do not expect you to agree with me. I hope you will take your Masonic experience level and look at it. Is there a philosophy of Masonry that you are missing due to your quest for Masonic Knowledge and Ritual. Are you open to deeper philosophical words as taught word to ear, person to person, heart to heart, versa refining a word of ritual. Are you willing to be a better man and Mason? Ladies and Sisters for your benefit in reading this just change the gender to a female one.

Continued on next page…

A few words from the Master of Kadosh


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The Scottish Rite BULLETIN

A few words from the Master of Kadosh continued… Making someone feel welcome and cared about will increase our attendance at functions. It will also increase membership as outsiders will want to be part of our Society and Fraternity. Our January 27th meeting will be tyled. The February 24th meeting will be open and have the Double Eagle and Ring Ceremonies. March 23rd will be open and honour the deceased in the Ceremony of Renewal & Remembrance. All meetings start with dinner at 6:30 p.m. March 24 & 25 will be the Military Show starting at 10:00 a.m. March 31st and April 1st are the dates of the Spring Reunion. Please attend these events and bring a friend. Fraternally, Illustrious John N. Dickinson 33° Venerable Master of Kadosh of the Consistory

SPRING REUNION MARCH 31st & APRIL 1st Please join your Brethren, and our class of new

members, for the Valley of Orlando Spring Reunion the weekend of

March 31st and April 1st at the Orlando Scottish Rite Center.

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Jan 27th 5:45 PM Knights of St Andrew Mtg

5:45 PM KCCH Mtg 7:30 PM Stated Mtg (White Coats) Feb 24th 5:45 PM Knights of St Andrew Mtg

7:30 PM Ring Ceremony, Knighting Ceremony & Double Eagle


Calendar of Events – What’s Happening Around Here ILL Keith W. Albright, 33°, General Secretary

Mar 23rd 5:45 PM Knights of St Andrew Mtg 5:45 PM KCCH Mtg

7:30 PM Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal

Mar 24th & 25th Military Show Mar 31st & Apr 1st Spring Reunion Apr 27th 5:45 PM Knights of St Andrew Mtg

6:30 PM Service Awards during dinnner 7:30 PM Stated Mtg (White Coats)

Rebba Goehrig, the First Lady of the Scottish Rite in the Orient of Florida, has initiated an exciting project that promises to be a popular method of raising much needed funds for the Scottish Rite Foundation. The ladies of the Orient of Florida have contributed their favorite recipes and a cook book has been published that is sure to be one of the most comprehensible books of this type ever published. The book is appropriately titled “Cooking From the Heart.” Four Hundred Seventy One recipes have been contributed covering the entire spectrum from appetizers, beverages and dips to Cookies, Candies and Miscellaneous. Also included are cooking and nutritional tips. The various types of food are indexed and alphabetized to facilitate easy access to a desired recipe. The Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida will receive all profits from the sale of the books. The cost of the books is $20.00. This equates to a cost of 4.2 cents per recipe, a bargain that is difficult to beat! Books are available at any Scottish Rite Valley in the Orient of Florida. Give the Secretary of your Valley a call to reserve your copy.

Scottish Rite Foundation for Florida, USA, Inc. Robert J. Morrow, 32° KCCH

Help Eliminate Language and Learning Problems in Children Please Support the Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida

Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal The Orlando Scottish Rite Bodies will host the annual Ceremony of Remembrance on Friday, March 23rd in the Scottish Rite Auditorium. The Ceremony of Remembrance combines the traditional Scottish Rite ceremonies of the Extinguishing and Relighting of the Lights. This ceremony is open to ALL Masons and their families, as well as non-Masons.

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By the time you read this, the Holiday Extravaganza will have come and gone. I wonder if many of you have given any thought as to how it happened. The decorations that were displayed and the wonderful food that was served, the question is, who did all this work? The answer is simple the Scottish Rite Food Team headed up by Paul and Patty Smith and volunteers. They do it each and every year. The fact is preparations began over a month ago. So many details had to be addressed. Paul must start with a menu for the event, then order the correct amount of food. Food preparation is a very big part of the process. Do you have any idea of how long it takes to prepare 200 salads? Or how long it takes to prepare 150 lbs. of roast beef, then cook and prepare it to be served? Talking about being served, did you know the food team routinely serves over 150 meals in less than 20 minutes? The next time you stand in line for one of our meals being served during a meeting, take time to note how long it takes to serve everyone. Talk about “fast food” and what about the quality of the food served. The food served during any of our meetings is of the highest quality anywhere. No one does it better, no one! When the meal is complete and you have moved to attend a meeting, work continues. Those plates, glasses and silverware you used have to be cleaned sanitized and put away. Do you know how many tables need wiping down and cleaned? Who does this? You guessed it, our Food Team! It’s hard work and it is hot, yet our Team goes about their work cleaning and putting away pots and pans preparing for the next event without complaint or pay! I have said many times, it seems that no two Masons can meet unless there is food to feed them. Our Food Team not only provides outstanding food during every Stated Meeting, but there are many other meetings that demand food as well. This work goes on almost seven days a week. You can find Paul Smith in the kitchen just about any day you wish to drop by! The next time you attend one of our meetings and after you have enjoyed another outstanding meal, come by the kitchen and let all of those who made it possible know you appreciate their hard work and you enjoyed the food! The Food Team is often forgotten as our members file out the door to their various meetings. They forget the Team has a lot of hard work cleaning up and putting things back into their places, to do before they can leave. Without their hard work there would be no hot meals served. I wonder if the meeting would be as well attended if an outstanding meal was not in the mix? It is often said you don’t know what you have until you lose it. Many of our Food Team Members are in their “golden years”. How many, and for how long, will they be willing or able to serve in the kitchen? Maybe you would like to volunteer to serve! If you do, you would be joining one of the most elite groups in the Scottish Rite. At any rate the work will continue and the outstanding food will continue to be served. Just give thanks that there are men and women willing to serve and work. Just as a suggestion: a “thank you” goes a long way to making their work seem worth it!

2012 Orlando Scottish Rite Dues are due. Do you have a 2012 Orlando Scottish Rite Dues Card? If not, please pay your dues.

My Brothers, if you have a problem, let us know. We do not want to lose you as a member.

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Greetings Brother Knights!

I welcome you to Knights of Saint Andrew for 2012 and encourage you to participate with us to make this year in our valley special. I am very honored this year to serve as Venerable Master and look forward to working with each of you in doing all we can, to ensure the success of our Valley, most of all…. to enjoy each other and some fun! I am very proud of our fine line of incoming Officers and I appreciate all of our Knights who dedicate themselves unselfishly to this valley, its members and its programs.

For those of you who are new and do not know us well; we are involved in supplying Elite KSA representatives for just about everything that goes on here at the Valley; from backstage crew members to the front door greeters! You too can be in the court of our very Noble Honor Guard or on the Flag Retirement Team, or Sound Team, etc…. Basically, it goes like this; if you want to do it and feel good about it; we will have a place for you!!

We are a team of active members assisting in various stations of duty throughout the year with the functions, programs and operations of this Valley, and we enjoy the satisfaction that comes from being an integral part of its success!

So my Brother, if you are one who joined Scottish Rite to get off your laurels and want make a difference, then you need to join us in the KSA!!! We meet in the lodge room on stated meeting evenings promptly starting 5:45pm. Come be a part of the Black Hat Boys, KSA 2012.

Please allow me and our Officers the honor of shaking your hand at our next meeting!

Fraternally & Sincerely,

Brother B. Allen West , 32° Venerable Master Knights of St Andrew

Knights of Saint Andrew

KCCH Club Brethren, On behalf of the Officers I would like to take this opportunity to thank the brothers for their confidence and support for the upcoming year. We will have our meetings on the odd month starting in January at 5:45pm in the library. We will take suggestions and comments on a verity of subjects such as Fund Raisers, Socials, and our duty to the Scottish Rite. If you have anything that you would like to discuss Please contact myself at 407-538-0162, Lt. Commander Bob Morrow at 407-443-4575 or our Sec./Treasure Aldis Grauds at 321-239-2460. Fraternally, Don Martin, 32° KCCH Commander

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We’re on the Web!

Visit us at:


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Central Brevard Scottish Rite Club meets 3rd Thursday each month at Brevard Lodge #113 at 6:30 P.M. Covered dish dinner. Deltona Scottish Rite Club meets 2nd Monday each month at Landmark Lodge #383 at 7:00 P.M. Covered dish dinner. Halifax Scottish Rite Club meets 1st Monday each month at Halifax Lodge #81 at 7:00 p.m. Covered dish dinner at 6:00 P.M. Lake Scottish Rite Club meets 1st Wednesday each month at 7:00 P.M. Angelos Restaurant, 2270 Vindale Rd, Tavares. Contact Ill. Hank Link, 33° at 352-383-3078 for reservations. New Smyrna Beach Scottish Rite Club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at the New Smyrna Beach Shrine Club 7:00 P.M. for covered dish dinner.

Osceola Scottish Rite Club meets 2nd Friday each month at St. Cloud Lodge #221 at 7:30 P.M. Spaghetti Dinner at 5:30 P.M. Sanford Scottish Rite Club meets 2nd Wednesday each month at I-Hop Orlando Ave (US 17-92) south of the 417 at 6:00 P.M. Dinner meeting. South Brevard Scottish Rite Club meets 4th Thursday each month at Melbourne Lodge #143 at 6:30 P.M. Covered dish dinner. Titusville Scottish Rite Club meets 2nd Tuesday each month at Indian River Lodge #90 at 6:30 P.M. Covered dish dinner.



Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal. -- The Scottish Rite Creed

Orlando Scottish Rite Bodies Scottish Rite Masonic Center P.O. Box 5736 Winter Park, FL 32793-5736

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