Uw Ccs Blog Cases

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  • 8/11/2019 Uw Ccs Blog Cases


    These are the notes I made for ccs:

    For online cases:

    Foreign body aspiration: Methyl prednisone. Cefazolin. Rigid bronchoscopy

    COPD exacerbation: Albuterol, Ipratropium, methyl prednisone, lovefloxacin (PEFR q1)

    Bronchiolitis: Albuterol,nasotracheal suction,nss,epinephrine (one time). Observe.

    Croup: neck xray. Epinephrine. Dexamethasone. Humidified air.Acute bacterial Sinusitis: No test needed. Amoxicillin oral, Acetaminophen, Pseudoephidrine, Oral hydration

    PCP: ABG, PCP (sputum). BACTRIM (TMP-SMX), prednisone, LDH, G6PD. HIV western blot, viral load, CD4, Vaccine, HIV suppo

    Pulmonary Embolism: ABG, D-dimer, Cancel OCP, Spiral chest, Lovenox (if creatinine normal), Warfarin, monitor with INR, plat

    DVT: Lower extremity Doppler USG, D-dimer, Enoxaparin SQ, Warfarin, Percocet oral, medication side effect, no smoking, PT/

    Hemophilia: Factor VIII. PTT. Genetic consults.

    Cellulitis: Clindamycin IV, percocet, leg elevation. When improve change clindamycin to oral.

    Septic arthritis: Knee xray, Morphine (one time), acetaminophen,ceftriaxone,vancomycin. Ortho consult, Arthoscopy later canc

    Acoute gout: Indomethacin oral. No aspirin, no alcohol, low protein. Esr, pt, ptt, foot xray, synovial fluid (gram, crystals, c and s

    Temporal arteritis: Urine Culture, Blood culture, ESR, head CT, Prednisone, Temporal artery biopsy, Aspirin oral, Pantoprazole

    Polymyalgia Rheumatica: ANA, CRP, RF, CPK, CXR, ESR. Prednisone, Calcium, Vit D. Later ESR, CRP, CBC, Dexa Scan.

    Bacterial Meningitis: Head CT, Head Elevation, Ceftriaxone, Vancomycine, Dexamethasone, Phenergan, Acetaminophen, all IV

    improves, case ends.

    Cryptococcal meningtitis: Serum cryptococcal antigen, HIV elisa, head CT, LP, CSF, India ink, fungal culture, Amphotericin B IV


    Herpes simplex encephalitis: Head CT, LP, blood culture, CSF (dont forget PCR for HSV), Head elevation, Phenergan, Acetamin

    Major depression: Fluoxetine, suicide contract, pt education

    Alzheimers disease: Donepezil, Vit E, cognitive rehab, occupational therapy, support group, good nutrition, medication alert

    Panic attack: alprazolam sl once. No caffeine

    Bipolar I, acute mania: Olanzapine IM, lithium oral, suicide contract, psychiatry consult, psychotherapy, medication side effects

    TIA: Aspirin, Carotid Doppler, Cefazolin, CEA

    Essential HTN: Low fat, low salt, exercise, if lifestyle fails after 6 months, medication on 3rd high BP reading.

    Hypertensive emergency: Nitroprusside. Arterial lineUnstable angina: Aspirin. Nitroglycerine. Metoprolol. Heparin. Later oral metoprolol, simvastatin eptifibatide (iv) cardiac cathe

    Acute pericarditis: Ibuprofen,colchicine,echocardiogram

    Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: Cancel metoprolol, aspirin. Morphine, phenergan, Abdominal USG, Vascular surgery con

    Constipation: metamucil. High fiber,low fat.

    Irritable bowel syndrome: Lactose free diet, high fiber diet, loperamide, biofeedback

    Acute appendicitis: Morphine.phenergan. Cefoxitin. Laparoscopy.

    Perforated Duodenal Ulcer: Cancel Ibuprofen, NG suction, UO, Morphine, Phenergan, Pantoprazole, BACTRIM (TMP-SMX).

    Acute diverticulitis: Abdominal XRAY, CT, Blood culture, BACTRIM, Morphine, Phenergan, After 12-24 hours, if pt improves, dc

    Sigmoid Volvulus: Abdominal xray, GI consult, IV morphine, Flexible sigmoidoscopy, rectal tube, 12-24 hours, pt improves then

    Acute Cholecystitis: Abdominal xray, Abdominal USG, NG tube, Piperacillin-tazobactum, ketorolac IM, Phenergan, Pt improves

    Intussusception: Morphine, Phenergan, Ngtube, Abdominal Xray, Abdominal USG, Surgery consult, Barium enema.

    Renal Cell Carcinoma: (Dont forget:Serum Iron, Ferritin, TIBC), Abdominal CT, Chest CT, Cefazolin, Nephrectomy.

    Splenic hematoma: Cervical spine immoblization,morphine,phenergan,get ct result.

    Colon Cancer: Polyethylene glycol before colonoscopy, abdominal CT, CXR, CEA, Iron sulfate, Metronidazole, Ciprofloxacin, He

    Child abuse: CXR, or Xray of involved injury, CPS, Ibuprofen, chest physiotherapy, Psychiatry consult, if retinopathy ophthalmo

    Pregnancy tests: A BB CC HH P RR UU

    Uncomplicated cystitis with pregnancy: Nitrofurantoin

  • 8/11/2019 Uw Ccs Blog Cases


    Ectopic pregnancy: Methotrexate, (3.5cm or bhcg >5000 laparoscopy), Morphine

    Vaginal Candidiasis: Vaginal Miconazole/clotrimazole 14 days or one time oral fluconazole

    Fibroadenoma of breast: Mammogram/USG. FNA Pap. 3-6 m f/u

    PID: Morphine. Phenergan. Cefoxitin. Doxycycline. Acetaminophen

    Later dc all iv and give oral doxycyclin

    DUB (16year): Prolactin,tsh,pap then ocp(low estro low prog), iron.

    Menopause: Estrogen-progesterone, vit D, calcium, low salt diet, high calcium diet, exercise, pap, mammography, dexa, colono

    Simple Ovarian Cyst with torsion: Pelvic USG, IV Morphine, Phenergan, Laparoscopy.

    Ovarian Cancer: Pelvic USG, Abdominal CT, CA 125, Colonoscopy, Mammogram, Pap, CXR, Cefazolin, LMWH SQ, TAH-BSO by

    Turners Syndrome: Karyotype, FSH, LH, TSH, Fasting glucose, Skeletal Survey, Pelvic USG, Renal USG, Hearing test, Echocard

    Psychiatry for IQ test.

    For read out cases of uw:

    Atrial fibrillation: Pulse ox, IVA, EKG, Metoprolol or Cardizem IV bolus, (if copd), CBC, BMP, CXR, Cardiac enzyme q8*2, UA, LF

    Consistent carbohydrate diet, HbA1C stat, Accuchecks Q6, Echocardiogram, Cardizem IV continous drip, Heparin IV continous,

    repeat ekg, check in 6 hours, once hr 1 cm, need thoracocentesis), Consent, Thoracocentesis, Pleural fluid analysis (Gram stain,

    Protein, Rheumatology consult, Prednisone oral, safe sex, contraception counseling (AVOID OCPs), exercise, Low fat, high fibe

    Cardiac tamponade from MVA: NSS, Pericardiocentesis, Elevate

    legs, EKG, CXR portable, TTE, Pericardial fluid for cell count, ABG,

    CVTS consult, Shift to ICU, Swan-Ganz catheter, Foley, UO q2, PT,

    PTT, Omeprazole oral, Percocet, Type and screen, If Hb 92, wean

    oxygen, Pt education, Cardiac rehabilitation, Smoking cessation,

    Regular exercise, f/u 2 weeks.

    DKA: Finger stick Glucose, CBC, BMP, Calcium, EKG, Amylase,

    Lipase, UA, ABG, Serum Osmolality, Serum Ketones qualitative,Regular Insulin iv, Phenergan once, Admit to ICU, NPO, Urine

    Output, KCL IV continuous, HbA1C, Serum Phosphorus, BMP q4

    then q12, ABG q2*2, After 4 hours, stop NS give NS, monitor

    serum potassium, once nausea decreased oral fluid, At discharge,

    NPH insulin sq, regular insulin, diabetic diet, diabetic teaching,

    diabetic foot care, home glucose monitoring.

    ARF: oxy, iva, nss, foley catheter, EKG, ABG, CBC, BMP, Magnesium,

    Phosphorus, UA, Urine C & S, Urine Na and Creatinine, FeNa, D/C

    lisinopril, d/c ibuprofen, transfer to ward, vitals q2, 24 hour urine

    protein, Heparin sq, Renal usg routine, daily weights, strict input &

    output, Accucheck q6, HbA1C routine, insulin, if pt does not respond

    to fluid lasix to increase urine output, if cause of renal hypoperfusion

    is heart failure start dobutamine and dopamine, once pt improves,

    d/c bedrest, out of bed to chair, d/c foley, continue renal diet, plenty

    of oral fluids, if fever blood culture.

    Nephrotic Syndrome: UA, BMP, CBC, LFT, Lipid panel, PT/INR, PTT,

    Complement 3 and 4, Input/Output, Consult Nephrology, Albumin,

    Furosemide, KCL, CMP in am, No salt added, High protein diet,

    Prednsone oral 4-6 wks, Repat albumin and lasix.

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    ADPKD: CBC, BMP, UA, USG of kidneys, EKG, (Renal failure can

    cause metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, anemia, EKG

    change (peaked T wave), Calcium gluconate IV bolus, D50 and

    insulin iv bolus, sodium bicarbonate oral continuous, kayexalate oral

    continuous, UO, Nephrology consult, Serum potassium, BMP every

    12 hours, serum phosphorus, serum iron, ferritin, TIBC, Amlodipineoral continuous, Calcium acetate? Not in software, Erythropoietin

    SQ routine.

    Jaundice (G6PD def anemia): CBC, BMP, LFT, PT, Admit to floor,

    IVA, NSS, Regular diet, ambulate at will, Reticulocyte count,

    Haptoglobin, LDH, UA, Type and cross, PRBC (2 units), G6PD blood

    quantitative, Coombs test direct stat, limit alcohol, f/u in 2 months.

    Cystic Fibrosis: Admit, Sputum (gram, C&S), Blood cultures, CBC,

    BMP, CXR, Sinus xray, Sweat Chloride, 72 hour fecal fat, Augmentin,

    Albuterol, Multivitamin, Chest physiotherapy, D5NS, Regular diet,

    Ambulation at will, D/C all iv, Influenza vaccine, Pneumococcal

    vaccine, Consult dietician, Pancreatic enzyme oral, Genetic

    counseling, high protein, high calorie diet.

    SLE with pleural effusion: Pulse ox, CBC, IV, BMP, UA, CXR, EKG,

    ANA, ESR, PT/INR, PTT, Anti-Ds DNA, Complement C3, C4,

    Decubitus film (>1 cm, need thoracocentesis), Consent,

    Thoracocentesis, Pleural fluid analysis (Gram stain, AFB, C & S),

    Protein, Glucose, LDH, Cell count, Cytology, pH), Serum LDH,

    Serum Protein, Rheumatology consult, Prednisone oral, safe sex,

    contraception counseling (AVOID OCPs), exercise, Low fat, high

    fiber diet. [C/I to thoracocentesis: PT or PTT >twice normal, platelet

    count 6], Pleural fluid pH

    ur wc, these are the rest, I couldnot post last night for internet

    troubles in usmleforum, if it

    helps, pray for me. I need lot of


    Sickle cell anemia: CBC, BMP,

    Blood cultures, UA, urine

    culture, sputum gram stain and

    culture, cxr, ekg, type and

    screen, D5 NSS, morphine,

    Cefuroxime, Azithromycin,

    Incentive Spirometry, Albuterol

    nebulization, Repeat H and H in

    4 then 8 hours, CBC, BMP next

    day, High calorie diet,

    Chronic therapy:Penicillin

    prophylaxis ( 4months to 3

    years), Pneumococcal vaccine,

    Folic acid, hydroxyurea for

    recurrent vasoocclusive crisis

    GBS Pneumonia: CBC, BMP,

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    Blood Cultures, CSF (protein,

    glucose, cell count, gram stain),

    CXR, CRP, D5 NS, Ampicillin,

    Cefotaxime, Input/Output, CBC

    &BMP daily, Change antibiotic

    to oral amoxicillin if sensitive to


    Lung Cancer: Pulse ox,

    osteoarthropathy indicate lung

    ca, oxygen, IVA, NSS, Urine

    output q4, CXR, Blood Culture,

    Sputum for gram stain, Culture

    and Cytology, CBC, BMP,

    Levofloxacin, albuterol q2 and

    ipratropium q6, Spiral CT scan

    of chest, Bronchoscopy, Consult

    Pulmonary medicine for

    bronchoscopy, CBC and BMP

    daily, LFT, PFT, Serum Calcium,

    CT of abdomen and pelvis, MRI

    brain with and without contrast,

    Bone scan, Consult oncology,

    consult radiation oncologist,

    quit tobacco, Supplement diet

    with high protein nutritional


    Bacterial Meningitis: NPO, Hold

    atenolol, Pneumatic, Urine

    output q2, Head elevation,

    Blood cultures, UA, urine C & S,CBC qd, BMP qd, PT/INR, PTT,

    Phenergan, Acetaminophen, IV

    ceftriaxone, Vancomycin, LP,

    CSF (cell count, protein,

    glucose, gram stain, fungal

    stain, culture and sensitivity).

    Vertrebral fracture: Toradol,

    ESR, CBC, BMP, Serum

    Calcium, Spine x-ray,

    lumbosacral, SPEP (to r/o mm),

    TSH, Naproxen oral, calcium

    carbonate, vit D, Fosamax

    (Alendronate), calcium enriched

    diet. In f/u 7 days, Dexa scan.

    TSS: Clindamycin. IV dopamine,

    iv phenergan one time, foley.

    Acute bacterial prostatitis:

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    Ampicillin, Gentamicin, later

    oral amoxicillin.

    Diverticulosis: Anoscopy, CBC,

    BMP, LFT, PT, PTT, EKG, Type

    and crossmatch, NGT

    aspiration, D/C if takingGlyburide, statin or lisinopril,

    PRBC, FFP, H and H Q6, Urine

    output, Accucheck Q6, Consult

    Gastroenterology for

    Colonoscopy, Golytely, High

    fiber diet, avoid nuts and fruits.

    Infective endocarditis:

    Vancomycin, Gentamicin. TEE,

    Daily blood culture, later D/C

    Vancomycin, add oral Nafcillin.

    Angioedema: Epinephrine SQ,

    stat, ABG, albuterol,


    Diphenhydramine, ranitidine,

    dopamine,all iv continous, urine

    output, d/c all IV, oral

    prednisone, oral

    diphenhydramine. At discharge,

    EpiPen. After 6 weeks, RAST.

    Avoid allergen, Immunology

    consult for anaphylaxis.

    Folic Acid deficiency: Fobt,serum folate, serum vit b12, lft,

    reticulocyte, iron sulfate

    therapy, thiamine oral,

    multiviamin oral, iron enriched

    diet, folic acid therapy.

    All postmenopausal: Cal, Vit D.

    Urosepsis: D/C foley, IV

    ceftriaxone, after 24 hours, oral

    bactrim or ciprofloxacin.