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Utah Agri. Exp. Stat. Bull.248: 1-28 4 Alder,B. (1934), Mortality Pattern in Poultry ...shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1089/9/09... ·  · 2011-12-0910 Baker,R.J. and

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Page 1: Utah Agri. Exp. Stat. Bull.248: 1-28 4 Alder,B. (1934), Mortality Pattern in Poultry ...shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/1089/9/09... ·  · 2011-12-0910 Baker,R.J. and



1 Abramowitz M. Stegun ,T.A. (1970), Hand Bookof Mathematical Functions , Dover, INC,New York

2 Ahlawat, S.P.S. and Pal R.N. (1985), PoultryProduction in Andamans , J.Andaman Sci.Asson.1:45-48

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