using gps fleet tracking to increase worker productivity, profits & accountability

Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

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While many businesses recognize that their employees are both their largest costs and their greatest asset, few businesses take proactive steps to increase employee productivity and profitability.GPS fleet tracking provides a proven system to support business efforts to drive down costs, improve performance and increase profits.This ebook will investigate how to use GPS tracking to improve communications across business channels for bottom line impact, including:Increasing Worker Productivity by 19%Creating Company AccountabilityDecreasing Operating Costs by 21%Leveraging Effective Dispatching Increasing Overall Service Profitability by 29%

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Page 1: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

using gps fleet tracking to

increaseworker productivity, profits & accountability

Page 2: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

The Path to ProductivityPart 1 - The Productive Mindset

Part 2 - How Productive Are You?

Part 3 - Working Better Together

Part 4 - Make It A System

Page 3: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

Fast FactsOn average, businesses who utilize a GPS tracking solution for their fleet substantially increase their productivity and profits.

29% Increase in Service Profitability

21% Decrease in Operating Costs

19% Increase in Worker Productivity

Source: “Service Workforce and Fleet Management,” Aberdeen Group, 2009

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 4: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

PArt 1:The Productive Mindset

Page 5: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

The Power of FocusPeople are more productive when they know they are being monitored. ‘Big Brother’ concerns aside, research has shown that when workers know their behavior is being tracked their productivity increases (this is known as the Hawthorne Effect, after the study known by the same name).

By implementing a GPS tracking solution for your workforce, you’re helping your workers to focus and be more effective in the field.

Increased Accountability & Performance

By having an objective system in place the focus of the responsibility is shifted to the individual - people now can own their successes and mistakes.

This benefits your hard working employees, and corrects those who have let their productivity slide.

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 6: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

Accountability PaysProductivity is tied closely to morale and motivation.

By using a GPS tracking system, employers are in a better position to offer benefits not previously available to their employees due to fear of misuse or being taken advantage of.

Example Benefits Include:

✓ New incentives based on productivity and savings✓ Company perks (take vehicles home)✓ Higher moral - good employees do not have to suffer because of those

that dropped the ball

Rewarded behavior gets repeated. By using a GPS tracking system, employers can now accurately track their workers’ habits, and acknowledge and compensate their efforts.

When implementing a GPS tracking system it’s important to communicate these benefits to your employees. Those that work hard need to know you have their best interests at heart.

Setting the Tone

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 7: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

PArt 2:How Productive Are You?Establishing a baseline.

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Start Tracking A BaselineWhat gets measured can be improved upon.

To begin improving your workforce’s productivity you first need to know how productive they are, and the more accurate the better.

GPS Tracking Provides The Data You Need

Know when your employees’ days begin, end, and all job times in between. Using GPS tracking on your vehicles you can get independent verification of work times, timesheets and company vehicle use.

Get Automatic Timestamps with Geofences & Ignition Alerts

Part of being productive is having a more accurate understanding of where your time is being spent and where it isn’t.

Make data driven decisions by:

• Knowing office arrival times for company take home vehicles• See when your drivers start their days with ignition alerts• Set up geofences around job sites to accurately track work times

If you want to increase your workforce’s productivity you need to have a baseline understanding of how their time is being spent.

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 9: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

Understand Job Times to Better Plan Work OrdersOnce you have a baseline understanding of how productive your workers are, you can then take a closer look at how they are performing on job times.

Keep Track to Gain Insights

Take time to gather data on each driver, and track the time it takes for them to complete their work orders. Ask yourself questions such as:

• What is the average work order completion time?• How does this vary from employee to employee?• Are there certain employees who are better at certain jobs?• Do some job take longer than you originally expected? Why?• Are some jobs better suited to certain times of the day?

Plan for Productivity. Dispatch Accordingly.

As you answer these questions you can start to assign certain jobs to employees who excel at them, plan daily work orders better to reduce down time, and reward your hard workers for their efforts.

Another advantage of tracking job times is that it helps you avoid customer disputes concerning service dates and arrival and departure times. The facts speak for themselves.

Job Times Bonus

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

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PArt 3:Work Better Together

Improving communications through technology.

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Improve DispatchThe Big Picture

One of our customers’ favorite features is viewing their fleet on the Maps view. From here you can see all of your vehicles and drivers, what they’re doing, where they’re going, and where they’ve been.

By viewing your fleet from ‘3000 ft.’ you’re in a better position to manage your drivers in real-time and respond to business needs as they arise.

3 Simple Benefits for More Productive Dispatching

1. Better Routing - be mindful of the traffic conditions, freeways and shortcuts as you navigate your workforce.

2. Pushed Directions - help your drivers stay on track by sending them directions to their next job site.

3. Closest Driver to a Location - when a job comes through find the right driver that’s closest, and increase your response times.

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 12: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

Streamline CommunicationsBeing agile and up to date in today’s fast-paced world is essential to success, and getting things done. Communicating in real-time, and reducing tedious tasks help you and your workers to spend less time talking, and more time being productive.

Here are three ways you can make your communications more effective.

Dispatch to Driver 2-Way Text/Messaging

Connect with your drivers in real-time, while being streamlined through your GPS tracking solution to keep all of your communications in one place.

Canned Messages

A 2-way messaging feature, canned messages let you create ready to use phrases and questions to send to your drivers so that you don’t have to retype them every time.

Web Forms for Easy Data Entry and Storage

Get the information you need to better manager your drivers - faster. Using web forms you can create custom questionnaires for your drivers to answer on topics such as:

• results of deliveries• customer responses• equipment needed

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 13: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

Track & Improve BehaviorBeing productive is not only about good time management, and getting work done efficiently; it is also about getting rid of any behaviors that take away from company profits and resources.

At the end of the day it’s about the bottom line. Smart business owners and fleet managers use GPS tracking to monitor for poor driving behavior, not only to protect the company, but their good employees as well.

Behaviors and Resources You Should Track

• Speeding• Idling• Hard braking and accelerating• Vehicle maintenance• Undocumented stops• Long layovers and breaks• Personal use of vehicle on company time• After hours use• Side jobs

Driver behavior not only affects your fleet’s costs, it also affects your insurance rates and your business’ brand reputation. Consider these factors next time your reviewing driver behavior.

Calculating True Costs

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

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PArt 4:Make It A System

Measure. Improve. Repeat.

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Summary Points for SuccessTools are only as good as they’re used.

While GPS tracking can very well help increase your workers’ productivity, and company profits, it will not be truly be beneficial until it is systematized into everyday practice.

Review Pointers for Getting Started

1. Productivity begins with mindset. Help your employees to get more done through open accountability and objective feedback.

2. Be transparent. If implementing a GPS tracking system for the first time take a moment to address the benefits with your workers so as not to alienate them. Through this you can reward the hard workers, and correct those that are missing the mark.

3. Productivity begins at the top. Your workers will only get as much done as the help they receive from you. Use advanced dispatching and communication features to make it easier to get things done.

4. It’s also about what you’re not doing. Track and monitor risky, costly and poor behavior to improve your fleet’s overall performance and profit.

By consistently using GPS tracking in your business you can raise your overall profits, productivity and accountability.

The real-time data and communications gained will help your workers get more done in a day, and improve your bottom line.

Now, you just need the right solution.

increase worker productivity, profits & Accountability

Page 16: Using GPS Fleet Tracking to Increase Worker Productivity, Profits & Accountability

✓ Reduce Costs: cut fuel, time theft, and insurance.✓ Improve Performance: manage service and fleet.✓ Streamline Operations: increase productivity.

GPSTrackit.com moves beyond simple GPS tracking to provide complete fleet tracking and business management software.

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“We love the fact that we can keep track of our service technicians throughout their

daily affairs. It also is a helpful tool when there is a problem with customer disputes about

time on the job. GPS Track It reports show the actual time on the job. Therefore, we

know if bill adjustments are needed based the report details. The e-mail feature helps to

determine vehicle use on after hours unauthorized use. Great system and easy to use.”

- Gene Littleford, Big Town Service

Empower your workers to be more productive