Untitled Novel (Two Chapters)

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  • 8/12/2019 Untitled Novel (Two Chapters)


  • 8/12/2019 Untitled Novel (Two Chapters)



    The blast of ice-cold air struck her heart. She remembered the calls, the voices and the beeping.

    Was it her own heart? Or was it the machine which kept her alive. She felt the knife prick into her

    sensitive skin to pull out the slug. Another series of shouting. Then darkness, voices, darkness.

    Agent argaret !raft awoke in a cold sweat. She checked the clock. "t was #$%% am. "n the

    distance, outside her window, she could hear the beginnings of the rush of &oston traffic, as well as the

    song of a house sparrow, chiming in the cool morning.

    Another bad, tumultuous dream. "t was the third one she had in 'ust over a week. Of course, the

    event happened a (ear ago. )ust one short (ear. !raft barel( remembered what had happened during the

    happening* 'ust that she had the component, the savior+s blood, to combat issension, the unstoppable

    malaria. That was that. "t was also when she was being led to the hospital, after ollins+ interrogation

    on her that the happening occurred. ollins, traitor, treason, hate, bastard. !raft wished he is rotting

    hard in hell.

    The bullet impact, of course, was out of the uestion. She still fears it, worries it, dreams about

    it* feels it. !raft deepl( remembers how she witnessed the flash, then felt the punch, then the sting, then

    the fall. The bullet of the S/ rifle missed her heart b( three-uarters of a centimeter. )ust a fraction

    which separated her life from her fate. "t was close. 0erhaps too close. uring cold da(s, !raft can still

    feel the tugging, a reminder of the in'ur( which keeps her on edge, on heightened sensitivit(. At times,

    when a loud noise bursts from nowhere, she still 'umps, frightened, helpless. Separated.

    And then there was imitri. 1er loving imitri. 1er bo(friend, her lover, her caring soul. 1ow

    ollins described imitri+s death. amn that ollins again. What the hell was there to kill imitri for?

    She didn+t know. She never knew. She never saw the bod(. She onl( saw the memories, faint, falling,

    inside her dreams, inside her mind. 1er love was gone. /anished.

    Walking across her flat to the windows, !raft looked at the picture of imitri ne2t to her bed-

    stand. The 32-4ussian sp( glanced back at her with his gra( e(es. 1e seemed so content, vibrant,

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    happ(. She could onl( imagine his fear as he was slit, decapitated and killed. Then the slow crawl of

    fresh blood creeping across the carpet. !raft pushed the negatives out of her e(es.

    She ran her fingers through the fine lining on the window curtain and parted them. The rush of

    traffic was beginning to curl about. "n the distance, the harles 4iver snaked its wa( across the cit(,

    parting it also. !raft stared at the cit(+s awakening. A patrol car rushed across &eacon Street. She

    wondered where it was going. When (oung, !raft had wanted to be a cop, for a period of time at least.

    She had one of those 5phases6 man( get within their (ears of growing up. Then she decided to practice

    ps(cholog(. "t was during her sophomore (ear in high school that she got the reuest. The reuest.

    7rom the president himself. 3arlier that particular week, !raft had won a medal on the cit(+s obstacle

    course challenge. She broke the record b( a full five seconds. 0roud for certain, but !raft still wonders

    1OW she obtained the letter from the president for earl( "A training. 8ater on, combined with her

    college struggles, it indeed was a tough dilemma, but she survived. To this da(, the uestion remains,

    but ever(one soon reali9ed that !raft was capable. She was smart, cunning and uite beautiful, but

    !raft never boasted much about an(thing. She 'ust did her training and entered into the "A+s satellite

    program. Then there was that one da( when she met the president himself. What a riot. The man loved

    her. 8uck was on her side and !raft was moved to the application for the 0SA, or 0resident+s Securit(

    Agenc(. 3ver(one had known of the :SA after the e2posure of sp(ing, but not all knew (et about the

    0SA. To an e2tent, the 0SA took the 5sp(ing6 to direct action. To another e2tent, the( simpl( shot and

    killed people which the( were ordered to shoot. Again, direct action. 7or !raft, that was the balance,

    (et, strangel(, she never reall( had an( dangerous encounters until the 4ussian-;nited States

    breakdown. While 0utin was, interestingl( enough, her original idol as a capable and stern leader, !raft

    was nonetheless tossed to counter his claims. What made an even bigger issue was the rise of the so

    called, 5Sabeem 1abalas6 or S1, a radical terrorist group founded after &in 8aden+s death. Their leader,

    the ever so m(stical :a'a :ivea, took new terms to combat the ;: and its actions to stop global

    terrorist activities. &( the simple fact that :ivea+s group originated in Southern Africa, the world

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    powers are now forced to direct new attention awa( from the iddle-3ast. Whatever the case, for

    !raft, she knew the finer details, but was sworn to secrec(. Then the ever unfortunate happened and

    :ivea partnered with /ictor hernkov, a 4ussian radical gang leader, who speciali9es in dealing

    weapons. hernkov utili9ed the lockdown of hernob(l as a weapon storage and creation area. 7or

    !raft, that was (et another anno(ing thorn. &ut for a downed ;S satellite with important codes, !raft

    was thrown in to retrieve it. So much for champagne, cocktail dresses and attractive men promised

    before. A whole debacle followed after the retrieval and the president reali9ed that the 4ussian

    armsdealer had captured information about a protot(pe drone. 8ess than a week later, the drone was

    seen at 'imbi Airfield in o9ambiue, strafing awa( at American soldiers and 0SA agents, who were

    en-route to deliver relief and supplies for villages which were suffering from the droughts. hernkov

    was* however, interested in testing biological weapons, or was that :ivea? She didn+t know. All she

    knew was that she was trapped, interrogated and 'abbed with a needle. &eforehand, r.

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    she left for the bathroom. The traffic echoed gentl( in the distance.

    The sting of the cold water on her sweat-drenched face was, to sa( the least, soothing. That was

    that. !raft was awake. !raft was about five seven, had chocolate brown e(es, burnt brunette hair and a

    slim bod(. Attractive one might sa(, and certainl( so, but she avoids attention most of the time. She

    turned on the shower. Oh the heavenl( shower. The perfect wa( to start the da(. :othing stops terrorists

    faster in their tracks than the sweet smell of lavender shampoo. She kept the water cold toda(. "t

    stimulated her nerves. She was awakened once more. A powerful hunter being revived within the bath

    of fro9en liuid. A trickle got close to her bullet wound. "t sent an odd sensation, almost like the feeling

    of electricit(, (et so positive, to her brain. She winced. Then the liuid touched her right chest. Another

    scar. This one was the result of a pen puncturing her warm skin. ollins. She vividl( remembers the

    crimson liuid which oo9ed down from the wound. :ear the front of her mind, !raft still felt the stab

    itself* the stab ollins ever so lusted for in his uest for information. What else did he want aside from

    ever(thing he has gotten? She never knew the answer. "t was a miracle !raft survived the debacle. &ut,

    it was an even more crucial miracle that ollins was later shot dead. Shot, killed, removed from

    e2istence...demateriali9ed. An applause. A happ( applause which entered !raft, twirled about, and left

    warmth, happiness and final closure. ollins was dead. 1e betra(ed the 0SA, the "A, the American

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    government has bent and shaped the material b( two-fold b( the time an( material reaches the media. "t

    was as if the government, the so lovable government with its capabilities, is acting as the base protein

    which bends the lives of the organisms > the people. So that was that. Another da( of news about

    someone getting shot. Another da( of news of some robbing that the viewer will onl( remember for a

    minute. And three more minutes of more arguing over a theor(. "t is what it is. Then there was weather

    and sports. Another newscast has moved on in c(clical fashion.

    She flipped on the coffee maker and listened to its cheerful hum as life-giving brown liuid

    dripped into her mug below. "t was beautiful. A miniature cascade of life. 8ife. 1er life. One of the

    drops bounced onto the edge of the mug and became stuck. "t was stubborn at best, but it hung on.

    !raft watched as the drop slowl( fell from the rim of the mug to the counter below. "t sank onto the

    granite. "t stopped. As she prepared herself and got dressed, the T/ continued to hum on about some

    unimportant news, while the coffee maker continued to drone about. She wondered how man( drops

    were lost to make a single cup of coffee. Wasteful...

    "t was a brilliantl( warm morning in &oston. !raft decided to walk to the "A office instead of

    taking her car. 8ikewise, the traffic was picking up and she worried about being stuck. Though rare, it

    does happen. The )une temperature* however, was e2tremel( negotiable. "t was one of intermi2ed

    5spring-summer6 da(s* before the engulfing blanket of burning heat, but after the deep free9e of the

    winter. "t was perfect. As she stepped out onto the street, cars uietl( swam b(, motionless, beautifull(

    timed. !raft smiled. So much turmoil in the world. =et, despite all that, oasis still holds even in an

    urbani9ed cit(. She began walking. The rush of fresh, open air overtook over lungs. The tugging was

    masked b( the sweetened tang of rich, late spring o2(gen. She walked towards the harles 4iver. A

    boat streamlined its wa( across the rich, dark waters of &oston. 8ike a shark, it uietl( sliced the

    water+s surface, sending riffles towards the shore. As the sun rose higher, some college students

    stud(ing at &oston ;niversit( began their dail( 'og. 1ow she missed those da(s. A few of them still

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    wore long shirts, but the temperature was on the rise, and others soon began showing up in shorts. The(

    began their 'og towards the 3ast campus, down through the bus( ommonwealth. !raft watched them

    as the( ran b( her. A (oung man smiled and greeted her as he ran b(. imitri. 1e used to 'og with her.

    A slightl( painful wave of sadness overcame her, but !raft pushed it off.

    And so her 'ourne( began one (ear later. 7rom that da( at the steps of the &oston ;niversit(

    4ich 1all, !raft initiated the track of (et another deed to 5protect and serve.6 So much for simplicities,

    the generali9ed notion for !raft was (et another da( of sitting behind the desk within her little office,

    tucked awa( at the west corner of of "A building in the downtown. parking. 0a(ing to park, not to

    mention finding a spot to park, was a horrendous ordeal she never wanted to have to deal with again.

    8uckil(, her flat was onl( a fifteen minute walk to the "A building.

    She touched her right pocket* a mm pistol sat uietl( within it. 3ver( step she took, the pistol

    would touch her stomach through her blouse+s fabric, reminding her of the fact that she was armed.

    !raft hoped that should wouldn+t need to pull it out for another (ear. Of course, that wasn+t the case, but

    she wouldn+t know (et. A second maga9ine fit snugl( into her purse. She didn+t need to check whether it

    was there. "t alwa(s was.

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    A helicopter flew above her. "t was a police helicopter. !raft wondered whether it was fl(ing to

    where the police car was going earlier that morning. An ambulance drifted across the road in the same

    location. She didn+t bother thinking what had happened. As she approached her destination, !raft

    caught sight of a &W parked on the side of the street. "t was a beautiful dark-green color. 1owever,

    there was a giant chunk missing from one of its headlights. !raft shook her head and moved on. Small

    parking spots, (et another reason wh( she didn+t want to drive.

    The Agenc( building didn+t even looked like an(thing special. "t was a nice tall structure, (es,

    but it didn+t e2press an( sort of importance. Whatever the case, the guards at the front seemed to give

    awa( the importance. !raft flashed her " and the guards nodded her in. The lobb( wasn+t what one

    ma( e2pect from a fanc( agenc(. "t was more like a hotel lobb( than an(thing with a front desk. There

    were some people milling about, as well as chairs, sofas and some plants. The (oung man at the front

    desk looked up from his work. !raft saw an 0# submachinegun+s back end sticking out from

    underneath a stack of tall papers.

    5Agent !raft@ Welcome@6 1e seemed friendl( enough. :ot to mention new.


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    As the doors began to close she heard running footsteps, then someone screaming,

    5WAAAAA"""T.6 She recogni9ed the voice.

    Agent 4(an &runner stuck his entire bod(, all si2-foot four inches of it, between the door,

    wedging it back open. &runner stepped in and looked at !raft. 1e was, indeed, one of the best the 0SA

    has to offer. "f it wasn+t for &runner, the overseeing in o9ambiue in the last (ear ma( have gone even

    more awr(. 8ikewise, &runner was the onl( one brave enough, or stupid enough, to enter solo into a

    heavil( defended terrorist stronghold to rescue a fellow agent. 1e was tall, had (ellow-brown matted

    hair, and a lovel(, (et anno(ing e2pression on his face. 1e seemed to cheer up a (ear after the incident,

    but !raft still sees him struggle from not being able to save man(. "t was a painful battle within each

    agent, but &runner bounced back.

    5;gh, m( coffee maker regurgitated all its abused contents on me this morning,6 &runner said

    as the( rode up the elevator.

    5And (et, despite that, (ou came on time, somewhat.6

    &runner fi2ed his tie. 5" tr( m( best.6

    5Agent 4(an &runner, the man who tries his best to get up earl( in the morning in the name of

    protecting the world, onl( to arrive on time to scribble on paperwork for the ne2t four decades of his

    life,6 !raft retorted with a smile.

    &runner sighed, 53ver since last (ear, it has 'ust been...empt(. We lost some good people. And

    the government decided to pull us from the action, for better " assume.6

    50ositives can+t outweigh the negatives on this one.6 !raft was calm.

    The two were silent on their ride up to the eleventh floor. A ding signaled the end of their

    morning meeting with the elevator. The doors opened to a hive of activit(. Tables, computers, monitors,

    and screens blasted across the spaces, perfectl(, hauntingl(. As people milled about, talking through

    headsets and watching events pla( out, the two agents stepped into the "A.

    "t was a beautifull( gruesome sight. On one hand, the agents were keeping tabs on the rest of

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    the unstable world. On the other hand, death, too, will be sent to the world over. 7air tradeoff, or so

    the( sa(. Whatever the opinion, the( were here to sta(. And no matter how much !raft was anno(ed

    with the "A, her initial entrance into it meant that the hatred had to be buried within an emaciated wall

    of smiles.

    &ut there was an eerie feeling of anno(ance toda(. 3ver(one around her shouted irresponsibl(

    into their phones. "t was worse than a 3mergenc( call room. A flurr( of nonchalant activit(.

    Sometimes, !raft wondered how ever(one copes with the shifts within the time. 1ow, a person can

    bounce so easil( back from loss. And, 'ust how, someone could drown out the big picture for a smaller

    perspective. Tunnel vision, a sure sign of an ob'ective+s downfall.

    !raft and &runner walked past the "A hall into their own 0SA wing. "t was much calmer

    without so much drastic drama and voices. The room, was, unfortunatel(, about the same as the "A

    one. "n fact, it originall( was a "A room. After some changes within the location for 0SA last (ear,

    much of the resources had been diverted over to &oston. Again, for a change of pace. What didn+t

    escape* however, was the tenacious aura that filled deep within the group of people. Whether the( were

    field agents or new recruits, all of them stood on edge, waiting for events where the( were needed.

    Targeting their pre( through computers, and through e(es high within the skies. =es, the( too, spied

    upon the common citi9ens, much like what the rest of the government is doing an(wa(. !raft originall(

    hated the idea, but once again, that was what she got herself into. That was her 'ob. And she was to

    keep that 'ob.

    So the( punched in their codes and the doors slid open. And the two of them stepped in. ost of

    the people simpl( nodded their head as the( entered, still trained on their monitors. irector )ohn

    Tenn(son, who at the time was talking to another agent, turned to come see &runner and !raft. The(

    e2changed their usuall( salutations.

    5So director, an( important news coming in from our agents across the pond?6 !raft asked.

    )ohn Tenn(son, a man in his fifties and had a head of cropped, white hair and a thinning

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    mustache, fi2ed his tie and stretched his bod(. 5Well, Agent 1addock reported that :ivea+s second in

    command, Okuwedir 39u, has moved into a few villages across o9ambiue+s :orthern borders. Told

    us that 39u and his men burnt all the crop fields and killed all the men and children. 1e said that before

    the( killed them, the( tenaciousl( raped the women and then gutted the women in front of their d(ing

    families. That was 'ust five hours prior.6

    !raft winced deep inside, but she never revealed it ph(sicall(. "t was her 'ob to hide her real

    self. :o 0SA agent could be him or herself an(more, but what he or she should become.

    5And none of this would make it into the new this afternoon " presume?6 !raft asked.

    Tenn(son sighed. 5=ou know the drill long enough for me to have to e2plain it again.6

    hanging the topic to some e2tent, !raft uestioned, 5id 1addock have an( information

    regarding :ivea+s ne2t plan of action aside from the slow +divide and conuer+ strateg(?6

    Tenn(son twisted his mustache then said, 5As far as 1addock knows, :ivea is still striding b(

    the old ropes. 1e+s continuing the same strateg( for the past decade, (et, despite the initial slowness of

    the concept of action, he+s picking up speed as he obtains more support. :ot to mention higher tech


    50robabl( from through hernkov and Aldolfo from 4io,6 &runner added.

    The team discovered in the past (ear that /ictor hernkov, the rogue 4ussian armsdealer, was

    trading mone( and drugs with the gangs in 4io for the construction of a drone. ;ndoubtedl(, the

    resulting drone was fault( but still capable. Aldolfo, leader of one of the most influential gangs within

    the 4io favelas, took the coin and continued on with the pro'ect. The team was deplo(ed into 4io to tr(

    and prevent the trade from continuing. 1owever, after losing Agent 7erguson to assumed capture, the

    president ordered them to be pulled back. 3nding without much success was a certain understatement.

    8ikewise, the( lost the rub(, which had the vault codes to the issension 5recipe.6 That was also taken

    b( hernkov and his men. "t was a massive 0SA failure, added on b( the fact that the( actuall( lost

    hernkov during a tacticall( planned ambush, e2ecuted b( Aldolfo and hernkov+s men, 'ust minutes

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    after successfull( detaining hernkov himself.

    Of course, for !raft, she never witnessed an( of that. While the entire event pla(ed out, she was

    back in Washington .., being chased down an alle( b( men* and not the good kind either. After a

    massive shootout during her last dinner with imitri, which turned out to be called on b( ollins, !raft

    went home, onl( to find her ke(s and phone missing. The alle(wa( lead to her safet(, but she was

    alread( followed. She didn+t remembered much as to what had happened. All she remembered was that

    she woke up in some airless room with two men that were arguing. What was one of their names? Oh

    (eah, it was 7rost. Then she blacked out and woke up in a cell, which lead to ollins+ interrogation. She

    could still feel ollins+ sharp pen puncture her chest. The wound tugged and she winced again, this time


    Tenn(son looked at her and saw her discomfort. 1e decided to move the sub'ect on. 5An(wa(,

    as far as we know, :ivea is still going about in his old wa(s. 1owever, " have 9ero news regarding

    hernkov. The issue with this man is that he+s a ghost. We, or an(one for that matter, haven+t seen his

    shit-bitten face show up an(where on the map.6

    50erhaps, he+s 'ust back in 4ussia,6 !raft suggested.

    5Or ma(be the iddle-3ast or South Africa. " heard it is :ivea who is calling the shots these

    da(s. a(be our +friend+ :a'a :ivea has successfull( made hernkov his lap bitch.6

    5Or,6 Tenn(son paused, 5he could be somewhere else.6 1e stared at &runner with slight


    5One target we can+t find or touch despite knowing appro2imatel( where he is. Another target

    we can successfull( touch and we don+t have a damn idea as to where he is.6 !raft sighed in

    disbelief...and e2haustion.

    5"t+s the c(cle of life. The animal is 'ust growing up. "t needs to start learning the skills to

    succeed, find and capture. This is the time to persevere. This is it,6 &runner stated.

    !raft actuall( smiled. 5Alwa(s keeping things optimistic. "s that what (ou told (ourself on (our

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    wa( to breaking in that mansion over a (ear ago to save Agent 1oll(?6

    &runner cocked his head. 5a(be " did sa( it, however, it was the ob'ective that mattered.

    Words and wisdom onl( bring,6 he paused, 5support.6

    !raft couldn+t agree more. )ust then, Agent !aitl(n 1oll( walked into the room. &runner stared.

    The agent+s long blonde hair fell in curls across her shoulders. 1e was mesmeri9ed again. !raft laughed

    and said, 5an unfortunate relationship for Agent 1oll(.6

    1oll(+s blue e(es pulsed in content fur(. 5"f onl( " could recogni9e m( failure to understand the

    negative moral of seeing &runner be(ond work.6

    3ver(one gave a chuckle and departed. !raft left for her office and left &runner to talk to 1oll(.

    She felt another pang of sadness deep inside. While she onl( hoped for the best between their

    relationship and she showed her dogged resistance to loss, !raft is secretl(, ma(be desperatel(, tr(ing

    to mend the gap left b( imitri+s death. &ut with internali9ed sadness and remembrance of the past,

    !raft, crestfallen for now, knew moving on would be improbable. So, therefore, she is biting her time

    and fleeing her dependence. On one hand, having someone to fill the gap for her would create a fast

    solution to her woes. 1owever, if something was to happen, all the sutures would be lacerated from her

    wound again. So she opted for the former$ self reliance.

    She stepped into her office. A small room reall(. "t had a bookshelf on one end, a gra( desk with

    a large laptop propped onto it and a small trash can that sat ne2t to the desk. Aside from these, there

    was a coffee maker at the corner of the shelf, along with a painting of a countr( scene on her wall. She

    dropped her bag and her gun onto the desk and looked out the window. 0ast the building ne2t door, she

    could see the harles 4iver again, snaking its wa( across town and depositing into the basin.

    !raft dropped onto her chair. She flipped on the monitor. "t hummed then came to life. On her

    desk sat a photo of her father, who lost his ver( battle to liver cancer 'ust a (ear after !raft+s birth. She

    doesn+t remember him, 'ust his image. "t was trul( haunting* not knowing someone who was so close to

    (ou, but that was that. 1is father+s balding hair and scrunched e2pression onl( revealed partial

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    understanding. "f one looked carefull( enough, one could see the darkened, chestnut colored scar

    stream down from the edge of his e(e to his mouth. A wound from Afghanistan, where he served his

    tour without medals, but with dutiful honor. So thus her life stemmed from her single mother, who was

    a teacher at a local middle school.

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    onl( so unfortunate that rarel(, if an(, of these news actuall( made it out to the public e(e.

    ;ndoubtedl(, most of them didn+t reall( concern her all that much$ big 'ewel heist, mone( theft,

    massive credit card fraud, auto theft of a 7errari from a celebrit(, more stealing...

    She scrolled down to the section that ma( actuall( have some interest. Murder of South African

    Inventor and Scientist: Ashton Nelson.!raft clicked on the article, it was a news e2cerpt from a local

    South African :ewspaper. The title read$

    Murder Within The Research Community

    Ashton Nelson, 35, Inventor of New Water Channeling System as Well

    As Founder of the South American Institute of Disease And Human Health,

    Found Dead within His Home (Gunshot to Blame)

    The paper entr( went on to describe :elson+s findings and discoveries within West :ile virus as

    well as malaria. !raft instinctivel( opened her e(es, 9oomed in, and read the rest of the article.

    Dr. Ashton Nelson, founder of DHH, was found shot to death at his mansion overlooking the ocean at

    Cape Town. Investigators put blame on local anti-government organizations. No specific person or

    group has yet been suspected of fowl play. The bullet which killed Nelson was from a Glock 17...

    The rest of the stor( was prett( much descriptions of his past findings and a testament from his

    wife. 8ikewise there weren+t an( photographs. !raft forwarded the stor( to Tenn(son. She checked her

    schedule on her computer. 0aperwork regarding last week+s issues, then time at the gun range in the

    basement, ph(sical training and then lunch. 7ollowing that would be more training and paperwork. "t

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    seemed like another other da(. !raft went back to the news page to see whether an(thing was directed

    towards her. A giant 9ero on top of her emergenc( message inbo2 was self e2planator(. Similarl(, her

    phone was vacant of important emails, voicemails or te2ts. The emergenc( light on her phone, which

    signaled a distressed agent, was dimmed. She scrolled through the news page to the bottom.

    ;nfortunatel(, or perhaps fortunatel(, there wasn+t an(thing there that signaled an(thing of importance.

    She closed the page. On the opposing wall, a one (ear old newspaper clipping, titled,Remember

    Djimbihung in an oak frame. "t has been over a (ear since the incident that !raft didn+t get to see, but it

    was also the same incident that the( lost a'or O+oole(, attache 8iana !abins, 0SA researcher )osh

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    A!-BC. Toda(, the( are rolling with drones and Western arms.6

    !raft turned to scrutini9e. 5Are (ou sure, sir? " don+t believe the( have the full capabilit(, at

    least, not at this stage with the famine and ever(thing still going on.6

    5Ah, but :ivea is a smart one. 1e finds wa(s. 0lus, there is alwa(s the possibilit( that 39u

    saved a souvenir from last (ear.6 1e nodded solemnl( towards the 'imbi newspaper clipping.

    !raft sighed again. 5Or perhaps, it is indeed from :ivea and he+s sending us a preliminar(


    Tenn(son looked at !raft with an approving smile. 1e crinkled his thick e(ebrows.

    5"t $asa message wasn+t it?6 She seemed to rear up in fascination. "t was a brilliant sight.

    Tenn(son pulled his arms forward, revealing a photograph. "t was a photograph of r. :elson+s

    bod(. 5" think that link (ou sent me was missing some photos. 8ikewise, " 'ust got this from

    Washington .. from the leading director himself.6

    !raft took the photo and e2amined it, to her horror. r. :elson+s face was fairl( defaced and had

    a bullet hole in his forehead, but one could still see the once vibrant, intelligent and handsome man

    behind the destruction. &lood still ran from the entr( wound down to his neck, shirt and floor. 0arts of

    his brain splattered behind him on the floor, albeit unfocused within the photo. 1owever, the interesting

    bit was on his stomach. What appeared to be slash marks were actuall( words upon closer inspection*

    words lacerated from his ver( own flesh. !raft felt a slight chill down her spine. "t read$Dissension

    Shall Rise% The &est Shall all and It &ill 'e Total (ictor!. And the ne2t thing !raft saw stunned her.

    Within the corner of the frame, the black colored

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    !raft could swear she saw &runner+s normall( stead( hands tremble for a split second, then become


    Then, Agent !aitl(n 1oll( walked b( and looked at the group. The( looked back at her in

    surprise, interest and confusion.

    1oll( scrunched her brow and stepped in. 5"s something wrong.6

    5!aitl(n, take out (our handgun,6 &runner ordered.

    5&runner, what are (ou asking me to...6

    Tenn(son barged in, 50lease, Agentl( 1oll(, 'ust...6

    1oll( pulled out her black pistol and laid it on the table. "t landed with a small +plop+ as the

    stock hit the wooden surface. The gun slid a fraction of a centimeter and stopped on the edge, 'ust far

    enough so ever(one could see. There was deafening silence in the room. The letters, K.H., carved ever

    so carefull( into the plastic stock, gleamed radiantl( in the office lights. A siren sounded some wa(s

    awa(, followed b( distant, (et indigent, thunder. A tense mist fell upon !raft+s office.

    The( uestioned 1oll(. Oh the( uestioned her all right. And the process was wasted time in

    honest belief. 1oll( had no clue at first as to what had happened. Then she found out about :elson+s

    death along with the fact that it was herpistol that was used to kill him. ;ndoubtedl(, the team knew,

    before even the start of the 5interrogation,6 that 1oll( wasn+t the one to blame. She had the solid alibi

    of being in the ;nited States when :elson was shot. "t was as simple as that. 7or a few minutes, 1oll(

    didn+t know how the weapon could have gotten within the hands of the enem(. &ut a cold coffee later,

    1oll( remembered.

    5( capture,6 she said.

    Tenn(son looked up from the desk. 1oll( and &runner were outside the room, but the

    microphone meant the( could hear what she was sa(ing.

    5What about (our capture?6 Tenn(son asked.

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    58ast (ear, when " was captured, the first thing :ivea+s men did was take m( pistol, it was that


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    that. The connections are 'ust too strong for me, and (ou for that matter, to ignore.6

    &runner sighed, partiall( defeated. 5

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    her holster. 1e gave a static nod and went back to his monitor.

    argaret !raft felt a rela2ing chill after she left the room* the bu99ing room of "A operators

    that droned on relentlessl(. She pressed the down ke( on the elevator and waited. 0atientl(, carefull(.

    Thoughts rushed through her tried, emaciated mind. Was there true retaliation b( the S.1? What about

    the 5message?6 Were there connections between that and future strikes? And 1oll(+s gun. "s it 'ust a

    s(mbol of the events of the past? Or was it a signal to events within the future? The( must have left it

    there for a reason, right? 7inall(, what about r. :elson? oes his research have an(thing to do with

    his death? The connection between issension and West :ile superficiall( appeared too close for

    !raft+s personal comfort. 1owever, what was there to even prove at this instance? 7or the record, she

    can+t prove it.

    The elevator opened and !raft stepped in. She tapped the 5-6 ke( with her elbow and watched

    the metal doors slide close, entombing her with a bullet-proof shroud of metal and wood. "t was

    calming, but it was also vibrantl( tenacious. A deathl( loud silence encased !raft. The cells. ollins.

    When ollins chained her thin arms to the cell. Watching her, waiting for her to suffer, observing her

    energ( deplete. The ic( water that drowned her lungs. 1er wound bleeding voraciousl( into the fro9en

    ab(ss that was of the bathtub, filled with that same ic( water. The warm eli2ir of human red blood cells

    and spent platelets, clotting factors, diffusing warml( across the chilled water, onl( to be fro9en on

    contact with the salted liuid. /ibranc(.

    She breathed in deepl( to push awa( the fear. A trickle of sweat was wiped awa(. Within a

    second, the doors parted to a large room, furnished b( a glass and chain wall. A guard was within that

    glass case, reading a newspaper. 1e looked up at her, emotionless, and opened the door to the staging

    room. !raft opened her weapon case, put on the muffs and goggles, and breathed in the smoke charged

    air. The gun range, her friend and enem(. She was the onl( one there, alone, separated, silent.

    Agent !raft loaded the bullets and cocked the gun. "t was set. The loud click echoed across the

    large room, bouncing across the metal walls until it faded into the distance. A paper target down range.

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    Ten meters awa(, distant, but not too separated. !raft slowed her breathing, but didn+t stop it. imitri

    once told her that letting the o2(gen flow kept the brain alert. She fi2ed her right e(e on the target and

    suee9ed the trigger three times. Another series of echoes, but these times louder, sprinted boldl(

    across the everlasting silence and space. All three landed in the head region. She fired again. Three

    shots. All three landed in the chest region. !raft moved the target back to twent( meters and pulled the

    trigger, the bullets pierced the paper with vivacit( and alacrit(. A section of the spent target tore off and

    drifted downwards, floating like a slaughtered dove. "t was violentl( beautiful.

    She fired the last bullets and loaded a fresh clip into her pistol. !raft repeated the process with

    ferocit( and ease. 1owever, her shots began to arc after her third clip. Three strikes and dead.

    3ventuall(, despite valiant efforts, the bullets completel( missed the target itself. 1er hand trembled,

    tired, spent in itself. !raft lowered her gun onto the platform below, almost dropping it. The tugging

    within her chest raged forward, causing !raft to gasp air. She shifted under her clothes, tr(ing to

    massage awa( the pain. A painful grimace. Then, her hands were lowered onto the platform to stead(

    her breathing. There wasn+t an(one else, even the guard was gone. 1(perventilation. Was it a cardiac

    arrh(thmia? She believes not. !raft inhaled a deep breath, the smoke entered her lungs and she

    coughed. The tugging became even more prominent. &ut then it all stopped and she began to pick

    herself back together. She steadied herself and put the weapon and euipment back into the holster.

    !raft ran her hand through the edge of her hairline and pulled out the band. 1er brunette hair cascaded

    downwards. 1er breathing slowed down to normal. Out of nowhere, &runner walked in to the range as

    !raft steadied herself on the platform.

    1e bore a worried look. 5Are (ou oka(?6

    5"+m fine.6 She picked up her gear, coughed once, fi2ed her blouse and swifl( left the gun range.

    A down-point was over. &runner looked on in uestion, but decided not to press. 1e loaded a fresh

    maga9ine into his pistol and aimed down his sights.

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    Stars danced beautifull( across her head, but !raft was oka(. Sometimes, worr( onl( caused

    e2tra havoc. 7or her toda( the fear was almost revealed, albeit to &runner. 0erhaps, too close for

    comfort, but it is life. "t was time for lunch an(wa( and she needed some fresh air. !raft entered the

    elevator to get to the first floor. ;pon entering, she reali9ed that it was uite empt(. Whatever the case,

    !raft e2ited the building. Open air diffused into her lungs. 4elief.

    A few minutes of peaceful strolling led !raft to her destination. An overwhelmingl( pungent

    mi2 of smells drifted into her nose, strengthening her hunger. 1unger, how she desperatel( grasped for

    food a (ear ago. 1ow ollins tried to starve information out of her. 1ow, she didn+t consider the drug

    laced bread* how, that hunger drove her to insanit(, to pain and anger. &ut ollins was dead, and that

    was that.

    She dragged herself down the street, tr(ing to avoid the cigarette smoke which drafted itself

    across the cit(+s air in various, to2ic pockets. 1er lungs were tired* she was tired. Across the street,

    there was an open air cafe, one of the man( slowl( appearing across the whole of &oston, 'ust West of

    Duinc( arket. !raft sat down on a small metal table with two seats. She stared at the empt( one.

    3mpt(. &lindness, open confusion, dependence. "t was simple madness. :o, she can+t have that now.

    onseuentl(, despite the problems, there wasn+t an(thing !raft could do. And it was up to her to

    swallow the salt(, liuid reali9ation* and soon. So now it is simple$ observe, watch and wait.

    The waiter came up to take her order, behind her mind the image of her last supper with imitri

    rushed inwards. The bullet that should have killed her. The waitress that took the shot for her with her

    heart. The fact that one person was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The wrong place and time that

    allowed !raft to survive. eath right in front of her 'ust a (ear ago. eath that was meant for her.

    iverted, disengaged and tired. The waiter stared mannerl( into her e(es with a smile and asked her

    again. She decided to get a light salad with bread and some cod soup. od soup, how imitri ordered

    cod soup at her last dinner* the dinner that was never eaten. 1e scribbled the words onto the stained

    (ellow pad and moved off to another table. :o deaths toda(...(et.

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    She tasted the salt(, sweet concoction with her parched, thirst( tongue. The liuid bolus washed

    across her desperate mouth. She dug deeper, (earning for more. "t stimulated her senses of pleasure, of

    need and of dependence. !raft took more and more, simpl( for en'o(ment and want. Ten minutes later

    and her salad, soup and bread were histor(.

    She asked for the check, paid it, then left a small tip for the waiter before making her wa( back

    to the headuarters. 1e survived near her, he deserved it. So man( have died near her, so man(... The

    earlier events slowl( evaporated from her mind* into the holding bin at the least.

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    She did her best to ignore ic( past. That was when she saw the four SWAT vans parked outside of the

    1eaduarters, flanked b( over a do9en patrol cars, lights flashing...ominousl(. She knew all too well

    that another down-point had begun.


    Suddenl(, !raft+s phone violentl( beeped. "t was the sounder connected to the headuarters in

    case of emergenc(. Well, it rarel( goes off but she guessed toda( was as good as an( da(. Or as bad as

    an( da( could get.

    She approached the formation and flashed her badge to a uniform with the name tag 5Smith.6

    5Sir, what+s going on?6

    5Agent !raft, "+m glad (ou are back.6 1e glanced at the waves of police uniforms and 7&"

    agents chatting awa( in the corner. 5We have a problem. =ou need to speak to Tenn(son immediatel(,6

    he checked his watch, 5as in three minutes ago.6 &rutall( abrupt, but he entered the crowd without

    further words.

    So, stubbornl(, !raft danced her wa( across the crowd, up the stairs, and into the main lobb(.

    Tenn(son, along with half a do9en other agents were crouched over a computer screen. rows

    clambering desperatel( on a carcass, feeding from it.

    5irector, " was...6

    Tenn(son rudel( cut her off, 5!raft, where the hell have (ou been?6

    5Sir, " was 'ust at lunch. The sounder onl( went off outside the building.6 She knew it was a

    mere e2cuse. A heav( sheet of worr( fell across her bod(.

    Tenn(son gave a disapproving smile. 5!raft, do (ou know a r. Stevenson?6

    5The r. Stevenson who geneticall( altered viruses to attack bacterial infections?6

    5"ndeed. Well, his daughter has been kidnapped.6 Tenn(son was blunt, emotionless and


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    !raft* however, was taken slightl( aback. onfusion, corruption, anno(ance. The( intertwined

    and struck at her brain. 5Sir, wh( am " needed for a kidnapping? True, r. Stevenson is a high

    profile...6 She paused, !raft had developed a hunch. A small hunch. Worrisome, perhaps, or perhaps an

    overstatement that shouldn+t even be said. eep within her, !raft uestioned as to whether to speak out

    her hunch, but decided to wait. :o need to develop more animosit( for the time being. "t had alread(

    been a long da( and certainl(, it will get longer. So, she kept it severel( blunt, too. 5Sir, what+s going

    on?6 A minute tinge of frustration rose deep within her voice.

    Tenn(son didn+t speak. 1e was unperturbed. "nstead, he motioned, with a swift gesture of his

    long arms, for the other agents hovering around the computer to part. The group separated, like a silent

    wave, and e2posed the vibrantl( silver monitor sitting in the center of the desk. The new computer

    hummed uietl(, silentl(, without e2asperation. 1aunting, how it stored all the information through an

    invisible tube deep inside. 3ver(thing else, ever(one else, was living silent.

    5!raft have a seat.6

    She obliged and sank her tired legs into the soft cushioning. 4eprieve, rela2ation, rest. "t

    overwhelmed her bod(. :o tugging (et.

    With a uick flick of his finger, Tenn(son flipped on the bright monitor. A slow, grain( video

    came into pla( on the dust( screen. The old camera was shaking violentl( and there were female

    screams in the background. The( heard random voices of men shouting, then a splitting gunshot.

    Silence, another deafening silence which engulfed and diffused across the driven crowd. The screen

    went dark, a darkness that further spread across the office. 7rom the ash( darkness, a message appeared

    without hesitation, without euivocation$ 5She+s going to be ne2t. Wait 7or "nstructions. Otherwise,

    issension Shall 4ise, The West Shall 7all and "t Will &e Total /ictor(. And She Will &e ead. And

    The Antidote Shall 7all Too.6 The end. &lack filled the screen, crawling haltingl( like carrion beetles

    drawn toward a rotting uail carcass, but onl( 'ust.

    And thus the silence continued to echo. Was it 'ust !raft? Or was it all. 0eople in the distance

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    dimmed. 8ights were shut off. 0anic arose. &ut it was onl( a hesitation within her thoughts.

    Tenn(son spoke first. 5" think we need (our help.6

    5So it has been confirmed...6 !raft felt a sudden flash of images. The blood came spilling back

    across the water, out of the cold bathtub, onto the moist, dew drenched ground. A ground which bred

    the ver( pests which sprang from the concrete walls.

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    want? Or is it 'ust a simple cash deal?6

    !raft skimmed through the data, slightl( revitali9ed. 5We know r. Stevenson has been

    working for almost a decade on reverse engineering bacteriophage viruses to target infections caused

    b( microbes. "t a))earslogical, after last (ear+s debacle with the issension malaria, that hernkov or

    :ivea would be interested in scientists with similar skills. r.

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    message of 5the antidote6 falling with the rest of the world made it onl( so personal. /igorous,

    tenacious, empowering. She reali9ed she had to be reborn again, awakened, if she was to find closure*

    for the world, for Sarah Stevenson, for r. Stevenson and for her. So, swiftl(, she grabbed the packet

    and entered the dark, tumultuous, conference room, but not before she took out a little file in her locked

    desk drawer.

    r. Stevenson, a man of fift(, gre( haired and spent, sat at the rear of the conference table, red

    e(ed, surrounded b( agents. She knew it was going to be another flashback to a (ear ago when she had

    to talk to the parents about their deceased daughter. &ut this time it was different. This time, there was a

    chance. 0erhaps. 0erhaps there was a chance.

    51ello r. Stevenson, m( name is argaret !raft, " work for a branch of the "A in charge of

    overseeing anti-terrorist organi9ations. "f " ma(, " would like to ask some uestions.6

    r. Stevenson turned to her. 1e tried to smile. She knew it hurt him. 5Sure.6 That was blunt.

    5Thank (ou.6 !raft tried to keep it sweet. She had to keep the impression. 5What do (ou know

    about issension?6

    r. Stevenson inhaled. 5=ou don+t think that it had to...6 1e paused.

    !raft let his sorrow push in her slightl(. She tried to balance out the aggressive uestioning

    before working the roughness in. 5We are all 'ust tr(ing to get our bearings.6

    1e nodded. 5r.

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    kill the parasite after it infected a person. 7rom what " know, the original cure host was actuall( prett(

    sick at the time. " heard she was shot up prett( badl( and that we had to give her the protot(pe

    antibiotic we created in order to prevent the parasite from manifesting her bod( and killing her.

    1onestl(, that is all " know. Wh( are (ou asking me this? " didn+t do an(thing wrong@ We were sworn to

    not tell the secrets and " didn+t@6 1e was getting tear( again.

    !raft smiled, ever(thing was falling in place. She kept her composure despite the new wave of

    shouts from Stevenson. 5r. Stevenson, tell me about (our work within the last few (ears.6

    1e sighed, 5" was working with the :ational "nstitute of 1ealth and the to develop a strain

    of controlled viruses to diminish bacterial infections within post-surgical patients. 8ikewise, that same

    technolog( could be used to treat patients suffering from necrosis, especiall( the skin eating necroti9ing

    fascitis. "t was all for good, Agent@6

    1e was teetering on the edge. 7irst denial, then aggression, then the silence. !raft needed to get

    to him before he hit the silence stage. 5ould this method be used for harm?6

    r. Stevenson leaned back. 5" guess if (ou biomedicall( engineered the virus to target health(

    host cells instead of the infectious bacterium, (ou can potentiall( create harm...6 r. Stevenson+s e(es

    opened. 5=ou don+t think...6

    !raft continued to keep her composure. 5Would (ou have the capabilit( to do this?6 She was

    getting warmer.

    5:ot with what " have right now. " assume if we strategicall( enhance the virus manuall(, we

    could potentiall( obtain potential. &ut that can result in simpl( a +weak+ virus that infects the host, onl(

    to be overwhelmed b( the host+s immune s(stem.6

    !raft nodded, wrote something down on her notepad, and continued. 5And how can (ou

    potentiall( make this virus +strong+ instead of +weak?+6

    5Well, if " was to make a virus unstoppable, " wouldn+t want to pla( around with 4:A all da( to

    find the correct seuences to enhance its capabilit(. While in theor( it is possible, in practice, changing

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    biological coding can tough. " would simpl( utili9e a virus that was alread( evolutionaril( powerful

    enough that not much evolved to combat or counter it.6

    58ike 3bola?6

    r. Stevenson sighed. 5Agent !raft, wh( are (ou asking me these uestions? o (ou think the

    terrorists want to make a bioweapon out of 3bola? &ecause, containment of 3bola, due to its power, is

    e2tremel( difficult. 8ikewise, it e2tirpates its hosts too uickl( for spread.6

    5:ot if (ou make it +strong.+6 !raft glanced at the doctor. Still composed.

    5Are (ou sa(ing that the( want...That can+t be.6 3ven Stevenson was doubting himself now.

    !raft stared at the other agents, then at r. Stevenson. 5

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    !raft was silent. The thought finall( sank in.

    58isten. r. Stevenson, we don+t know the whole truth (et. 1owever, (ou have to be one

    hundred percent prepared for this to be true. :ow we wait for the phone call.6

    5What am " supposed to do?6 1is voice raised into a higher octave, echoing directl( into the

    empt( room.

    5We have a talk with them.6 !raft knew this was going to be the worst part. Waiting for orders,

    from the enem(, so the protagonists could continue on.

    r. Stevenson frowned. Another tear streamed, desperatel(, onto his face. 5Are we negotiating

    with terrorists?6

    !raft managed a smile. 5Onl( if necessar(.6 "t was true, negotiation was sometimes needed. )ust

    not for the public to know. &ut !raft believe that this was a different situation.

    r. Stevenson was a mess. 1e was downcast, crestfallen and torn. &ut that was that. 1e was still

    a person, still living, and still able to help !raft save a life, or lives.

    5We wait now.6 She paused, 5Thanks for allowing me to speak to (ou. " apologi9e if " was too

    tenacious, that+s 'ust how we have to do things sometimes.6 She smiled.

    5Thank (ou.6 The octor slumped back into his seat. 1e continued to monotonousl( glance at

    his phone, waiting for the call, or an(thing, to happen. 1e was in the 5silence6 stage.

    As !raft was walking out the door, she paused again. 5&( the wa( octor.6 She walked up to

    him and looked down on the torn man. 1e glanced up at her. Their e(es met, not of love, but of respect.

    5r. Stevenson, thanks for saving m( life.6 With that she dropped her hospital release files along with

    her malaria test results from a (ear ago, the same paper written b(

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    5!raft, " want (ou to meet ason 3vanson from the "A* he will be assisting (ou on this case.6

    Tenn(son introduced the agent. 1e was tall, had brownish curled hair, and brilliantl( green e(es.

    !raft stood to shake hands. 5"t+s a pleasure.6

    51ello Agent !raft, we are working to ensure the safet( of s. Stevenson* however, "

    understand that (ou ma( be interested in utili9ing this opportunit( to intercept the S.1. and its


    5=es sir,6 !raft paused to switch on the giant monitor at the front of the "A meeting room. A

    map of the world appeared. 5We have reason to believe the two occurrences, first, of r. :elson+s

    shooting, and second, of Anna Stevenson+s kidnapping, are connected b( the S.1. and potentiall( /ictor

    hernkov.6 The images of Sarah Stevenson and r. :elson appeared on the blue screen. 5We onl( have

    a single vestige connecting the two crimes* however, b( conte2t, a conclusion can be drawn. One could

    call it a hunch. One could call it a clue. Whatever the case, the uest for :ivea and hernkov had been

    dr( for almost a (ear.6 She waited for a second, 5;ntil potentiall( toda(.6 !raft followed b( bringing

    up the picture of the dead r. :elson. 5:otice the words engraved into his skin.6 There was a murmur

    from the crowd of agents. 3vanson stood ne2t to her, watching, but silent. 5The sentence matches to the

    one within the ransom video sent to r. Stevenson earlier toda(. 0lease take a look at the mention of

    issension. There are onl( a few people in this world that know of issension+s e2istence. A large

    ma'orit( are, in fact, sitting right in this room.6 She cleared her throat. 58et+s go back to r. :elson for

    a second. 1e was (oung, innovative, and potentiall( a ne2t generation scientist that can save our lives.

    Similarl(, r. :elson worked with various institutions around the world for better understanding the

    cr(pts behind the West :ile /irus. While none of his findings proved astronomical, there was true

    potential, until earlier toda(. r. :elson was found dead at his ape Town home, shot with Agent


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    oincidentall(, or perhaps not 'ust so, her same gun was used to kill r. :elson. Was it a message?6

    !raft paced to the other side of the screen. 50erhaps it is.6

    5What proof do (ou have to S.1. action?6 An older gentlemen spoke out from the crowd.

    E 5

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    idea. eet me in m( office.6

    The( entered !raft+s office, which was still partiall( bathed within golden sunlight. 7or safet(

    measures, the( shut and locked the door. The +click+ of the lock sealed the three agents inside the pen.

    /oices disappeared from the outside world. The( were alone. Another vibrant silence diffused across

    the room.

    !raft was uick to break the ominous silence. 5What if we tried our own negotiation?6 A risk(

    uestion and she knew it.

    &runner instantl( opened his e(es and 'umped at the words. 5!raft, we haven+t the slightest idea

    of the ransom in itself and (ou are alread( suggesting that we negotiate with terrorists?6 1e was

    angered, and slightl( baffled to sa( the least.

    54emember when there wasn+t negotiation last time?6 She nodded towards the 'imbi assacre

    lipping on the side of the wall. 5Are (ou read( for another repeat, this time on American soil?6

    5"+m sorr( !raft, but " don+t believe (ou are thinking logicall(. We are not talking with the S.1.

    or hernkov about possibilities.6 A rising tension hit the office. "n a split second, the temperature

    appeared to sk(rocket. )ust for a moment.

    5So what &runner? Are (ou 'ust going to sit there and let innocent people die? Are (ou 'ust

    going to be so egotistical and patriotic that (ou let that patriotism reach nationalism? Are (ou going to

    watch world crumble across (our ver( e(es? Think about the uestions 4(an. We aren+t working

    against the pi99a deliver( gu(, we are working against :ivea and hernkov@ ammit, we have to

    balance out to both their favor, as well as our favor.6 !raft was elevated, but she knew it was going to

    be useless debating against &runner.

    &runner opened his mouth but stopped. 1e sighed impatientl(. 5What+s (our damn idea?6

    !raft suddenl( felt insulted, but she tried to internali9e it. 5" don+t have an idea unless we know

    e*actl!what the( are asking for. All " am suggesting is that we talk $iththem instead of letting them

    regurgitate their words tous, then have us work like lobotomi9ed monke(s to make their words come

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    true.6 !raft knew the response was futile the moment she said it. ;ndoubtedl(, it turned into the ever

    so wrong response.

    5Then for fuck+s sakes, !raft, stop wasting m( damn time with (our so called ideas. " don+t need

    to know (our process or how we should handle this situation. " 'ust need to know (our damn results. "

    am still in disbelief that, of all people,!ouare the one who wants to negotiate with terrorists

    considering the( put a bullet in (our chest.6 1e shook his head in agitated disbelief. &runner, with a

    stable flick of his hands, unhooked the lock and stormed out. The slamming of the door left an audible

    echo that caused some of the other people in the halls look, but that was that.

    1oll( looked at !raft, who ran her hand tiredl( through her hair and sat down heavil( on her

    chair. 5!raft, (ou know that he takes offense to that.6

    5" 'ust don+t understand wh( he was that tenacious. " mean.6 !raft tried to find the right words.

    After a few seconds, she reali9ed she failed to do so.6

    5What?6 1oll( pulled up another chair.

    5hernkov killed (our parents.6 !raft knew that was also blunt, but she couldn+t coat an(thing

    an(more for the da(.

    1oll( was slightl( taken aback b( the sentence. She had tried her best to forget, but the even

    over seven (ears ago still vividl( pla(ed across her mind. 5=es, hernkov killed m( parents and

    dragged me from m( house. 1owever, " don+t see what this has to do with an(thing?6

    !raft stared into her ceiling, contemplating, then looked back into 1oll(+s ocean-blue e(es.

    51ow do (ou deal with that? 1ow could (ou go on letting hernkov tell (ou what to do when he was

    the one who took awa( (our famil(?6 !raft+s breathing rose.

    1oll( took a long, deep breath, held it, then let released it from her nostrils. A long, pondering

    sigh. 5argaret, " know (ou miss imitri.6 !raft 'umped a little from the mention of his name. 1oll(

    cleared her throat, 51owever, to answer (our uestion.6 She paused again, 5With time, even the

    deepest of wounds will heal and mend. an all sins be forgiven? :o. &ut can we live in terms with it

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    and adapt to the new changes? =es. That, !raft, is the beaut( of the human race. We adapt, we change

    ourselves, we change our environment. Whether these changes and adaptations are for better or for

    worse, it is up to us as individuals, not as a species, to decide. hernkov killed m( parents, (es, it is

    true, but &runner is wrong. 4ules are rules, true. 1owever rules don+t have to be broken to be tested.

    One doesn+t have to pla( far awa( from the boundaries of rules. =ou can run a soccer ball at the edge of

    the line and it still would be in pla(. =ou are still obe(ing the rules, but (ou are pla(ing as(mptote and

    getting close to the edge. That is something " believe &runner needs to learn and (ou have alread(

    learned. "nstead of sta(ing awa( from the safet( of the open field, sometimes risking the edge of the

    rule itself ma( allow (ou to score (our goal.6 1oll( smiled, stood up, and left the room in a ghostl(

    motion. 1er heels echoed in the hall and faded around the corner.

    !raft was alone again.

    Another vast gap separated !raft from &runner during the ne2t hour. Awkward silence at most,

    or ma(be, 'ust simmering down for a night+s work. offee poured, tea warmed and minds cleared, it

    was (et another wa( to awaken the spirits. !raft sat uietl( inside the control room. All around her,

    motions of people, beeping of machiner(, the raucous calls of the printers. "t blended together in a

    s(mphon( of probiotic medle(.

    She glanced towards r. Stevenson, a pen and paper to his right, a mug of cold coffee to his left.

    Such a view of melanchol(. !raft wished she could help him more. 0erhaps, but probabl( not. :ow, the

    wait continues. Tenn(son came over and sat down ne2t to !raft. She didn+t look up.

    5=ou know (ou can+t save all.6

    !raft looked up, 5Sorr(?6

    Tenn(son smiled. 5!raft, " still remember the da( (ou matriculated into the 0SA. The moment "

    saw (ou, " knew there was potential. &ut sometimes, and now is one of those times, we can+t let the

    past erupt us into the present.6

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    !raft was confused, but she didn+t speak.

    5" know (ou are still hurt from a (ear ago. :ot 'ust ph(sicall(, but mentall(. "t+s showing and

    (ou need not hide it.6 1e was blunt.

    !raft put down the file on hernkov and let out a long, plunging breath. 5" 'ust can+t believe

    the( are targeting the person with whose knowledge has allowed me to be sitting here toda(.6

    5"t+s interesting how the world swa(s.6

    5" wouldn+t call it interest.6 She almost smiled, almost.

    58isten, if (ou need rest, " can put someone else on...6

    She cut in, deep. 5:o.6

    Tenn(son gave out a laugh. 5Tenacious, but don+t go through with an( thoughts (et, !raft. The

    battle is still fresh. 8et the pieces pla( out a bit.6

    50erhaps, or, perhaps the longer we wait, the farther we fall behind.6

    50erhaps,6 Tenn(son nodded, 5&ut inserting tacticall( into a situation without prior knowledge

    ma( allow one to fall faster.6

    5Sir, what happens if the( kill her? What then?6

    5" guess we don+t want to find out, do we?

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    backed out of the range. :o rises in heartbeats, no changes in tugging, ever(thing was oka(. Oka(. She

    repeated the words to herself. Thus, the long trek back to the control room.

    3vanson was directing his group while !raft entered. 1e turned towards her. 5Agent !raft, a


    The( stepped awa( to the corner. 5We want (ou to understand that the top priorit( is to ensure

    the safet( of iss Stevenson, not to find a connection for (ou to take down hernkov or :ivea.6

    !raft sighed. 5The connection to :ivea and hernkov has been dr( for the past (ear. This is the

    one opportunit( we have. "f we don+t take it, we might not get another.6

    5Which is wh( we greatl( appreciate (our support on this, but bottom line, this is mainl( a

    kidnapping investigation.6

    5Agent 3vanson,6 she looked him in the e(es, 5o (ou have someone (ou love?6

    3vanson was confused. 5" do?6

    5"f a person was to kill that person (ou love, what would (ou do?6

    57ind 'ustice.6

    5And no more?6

    5Onl( 'ust, unless necessar(.6

    5Then perhaps it is time to make it a necessit(, for all those who have had it happen to them.6

    5!raft, don+t make this some vendetta built upon (ears of antagonism. ake it an assurance

    polic( that allows a person to live.6 3vanson+s voice deepened.

    !raft looked down. 5"f this was a personal vendetta, " wouldn+t be sitting in this office, would


    3vanson was silent.

    5Thanks for the talk, " will do m( best to not get too in (our wa(.6 !raft stepped awa(, leaving

    3vanson to stare at her back. The uestionable negligence has been pla(ed.

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