Unit Four Science & Technology 第四单元 科技 1. 对照阅读与译文分析 [57-75] 1) Aerobatic Insects [57] 1) Wind-up Radios [58-61] 2) Probability [62-65] 3) 香港科学家纳米领域再创突破 [66-67] 4) 中国为什么要搞载人航天 [68-73] 5) 中国森林可持续发展问题探讨 [74-75] 2. 学翻译 [76-78] 1) Miscellaneous Topics [76-77] 2) 森林生态区的生物多样性保护(节选) [78] 3. 作业 [79-80] 56

Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

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Page 1: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

Unit Four Science & Technology 第四单元 科技

1. 对照阅读与译文分析 [57-75]

1) Aerobatic Insects [57]

1) Wind-up Radios [58-61]

2) Probability [62-65]

3) 香港科学家纳米领域再创突破 [66-67]

4) 中国为什么要搞载人航天 [68-73]

5) 中国森林可持续发展问题探讨 [74-75]

2. 学翻译 [76-78]

1) Miscellaneous Topics [76-77]

2) 森林生态区的生物多样性保护(节选) [78]

3. 作业 [79-80]


Page 2: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

Aerobatic Insects Lydia Syson

New technology allows scientists to study how an insect flies and the design of its wings in detail. This could help develop new aerodynamic technology. How does a dragonfly twirl and dive in flight? How do flies loop the loop, spin upside down and perform tight rolls? The aerobatics of insects are truly amazing, but what enables these creatures to excel in flight beyond any human flying machines? Modern technology is starting to give some answers. Examined by high-speed film and scanning electron microscopes insects have revealed that one secret of their success lies in the design of their wings. Insects have thin wings made of tough membranes. Birds and bats fly with the help of joints and muscles inside their wings. However, insects become and stay airborne with wings that are moved only with the body muscles. Their wings change shape subtly, due not only to muscle power but also to a combination of rigid and flexible veins allowing varying degrees of elasticity. Not all insects fly in the same way. Bees and wasps whizz about easily because their rear wings are small and linked to their front wings. Flies have altered their rear wings to organs which help their sense of balance and which assist them in making extraordinary manoeuvres. Those wonderful fliers, dragonflies, perform astonishing feats with their front and rear wings operating independently of each other. So far, a parasitic wasp has been studied to improve the design of a turbine but many of the cleverest aspects of insect wing design have not yet been copied by man. Harnessing those tricks of the trade will push on the development of aerodynamic technology.

擅长特技飞行的昆虫 莉迪亚·赛森

































Page 3: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

Wind-up Radios Help the World to Listen A modern use of clockwork brings radio to remote and rural areas

The life of British inventor Trevor Baylis took a new turn when he saw a television programme

about Aids in Africa. He heard one of the Aids workers say that advice on how to prevent the

disease could be broadcast by radio – but that radio batteries were beyond the means of many poor

families in the countryside, often costing more than a week’s food for a whole household.

Baylis’s brilliant solution was to eliminate the need for batteries by designing a radio that

worked using clockwork.

The world’s first wind-up radio, which Baylis developed with a British company, Freeplay, has

captured the imagination of consumers around the world. The radio does not run on batteries or

electricity, but on a form of energy readily available all over the world – arm power. Winding up

the radio by hand, just like a child’s toy, charges it for up to an hour of playtime.

In countries like Eritrea, one of the poorest in Africa, the radios are being used for mass

education in rural and remote areas. But the radio is not just suited to countries where electricity

supplies are scarce: they are successfully selling at commercial prices in the UK, North America

and Europe.

The radio has environmental advantages too, since it cuts down on the need for batteries. Used

batteries are almost impossible to recycle, and often become a source of poisonous waste. They

are the largest single source of mercury pollution.

How does it work?

When the listener turns the crank handle, a spring inside the radio is wound-up tightly on to a

spool. The mechanical energy gained from turning the handle is converted into a reservoir of

potential energy, stored in the wound up spring and available for use later. The material in the

spring was invented for car seat-belt recoil mechanism, but the spring in the radio is much stronger.

It is about three centimetres wide, ten metres long but only 0.02 cm thick.

As the spring unwinds it turns a shaft. The shaft is connected via a gear system to a small

generator. The generator works like an electric motor in reverse to power the radio. The gearbox is

needed to covert the slow turning speed of the spring into the high rotational speed of the

generator. It works like the gears on a bicycle but has a ratio of 1:1,000.

The radio itself is a conventional radio but has a short-wave band. This short-wave facility

allows listeners to receive radio transmission from thousands of miles away.


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白利斯与英国的一家叫 Freeplay 的公司一起研制了世界上第一台发条式收音机,得到世











全带反冲机械装置而发明的,但收音机的发条要结实得多,有 3 厘米宽,10 米长,而厚度

只有 2 毫米。



电机的高转速。其工作像自行车上的传动装置,但转速比是 1:1,000。




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From radios to mobiles

Baylis and Freeplay have now applied the technology they invented for the radio to a wide variety

of products. They now have an entire wind-up range, from radios and flashlights to chargers for

mobile phone and even laptops.

One new product is the Ranger, a robust, stylish radio that can be powered by clockwork, solar

energy, or mains electricity. The radio can be powered using any of the three sources, and when

fully charged will operate for 50 hours.

Baylis’s mobile phone charger is destined to be even more popular. The chargers are small and

light, little bigger than a mobile phone, and have a handle a few inches long that must be turned in

a circular motion. They are quiet, emitting only a small whirring noise. In design, the charger

differs slightly from the wind-up radio. Instead of a spring, the chargers have a system of gears

connected to an alternator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Anyone who has

ridden a bicycle with a dynamo to power the lights will be familiar with the principle.

The mobile phone chargers are easy to use: crank the handle and a small green light goes on to

show that energy is being produced. The faster you crank, the greater the charge that goes into the


The chargers certainly beat conventional technology in emergency situations when people - on

a long train or car journey, for example - do not have easy access to an electricity supply. A few

minutes of winding give enough energy for a short conversation or some stand-by time to let an

important call come through.

Nor have Baylis and Freeplay forgotten why the technology was invented in the first place: to

bring communication to parts of the world that cannot at the moment afford them. Their real target

market for the phone chargers is in the developing world, especially in remote and rural areas,

where the hope is that the design will help connect people in areas with a poor electricity supply.

Future technology

John Hutchinson, Freeplay’s technical director, envisages small medical devices as the next

candidates for the wind-up treatment. Foetal heart monitors, for instance, or the machines used to

commute the pain of amputees, could be adapted to use clockwork technology.

Military applications are also in the pipeline. Hutchinson notes that modern soldiers can carry

up to 34lb of batteries to power their communications kits and devices such as night-vision

goggles. With a wind-up generator, that load could be reduced by half.


Page 6: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一


白利斯和 Freeplay 公司已将他们发明收音机的技术应用到种类繁多的产品。他们现具



为其提供电源,收音机可用这三种电源中的任何一种,充满电后能工作 50 个小时。










白利斯和 Freeplay 公司没有忘记当初为什么会发明此项技术:是为了给世界部分地区一




约翰·哈奇森,Freeplay 公司的技术部主任希望挑选几个用发条方式设计的小型理诊机


军事上的应用研究也在进行之中,哈奇森指出现代士兵可携带 34 磅重的电池为通讯设




Page 7: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

Probability Suppose we have a box containing ten plastic discs, of identical shape, of which three are red, the remainder white. The discs are numbered 1 to 10, the red discs being those numbered 1, 2 and 3. The game consists of shaking the box, drawing a disc, without looking inside, and noting both its number and its colour. The disc is returned to the box and the game repeated indefinitely. What proportion of the draws do you think will result in disc number 4 being drawn from the box? One draw in three? One draw in five? One draw in ten? Surely we would all agree that the last is the most reasonable. There are ten discs. Each is as likely to be drawn as the others every time the game is played. Since there are ten discs with different numbers, we should expect that each number will be drawn about one-tenth of the time in a large number of draws, or trials as they are often called. We would say that the probability of drawing the disc numbered 4 on any one occasion is one in ten, and we will write:

1 P(disc number 4) = 10 = 0.1

Instead of determining the probability of disc 4 being drawn in the game, we could ask another question, perhaps, ‘What is the probability on any occasion that the disc drawn is red?’ Since three out of the ten discs are of this colour, that is three-tenths of the discs in the box are red, then:

3 P(red disc 4) = 10 = 0.3

In the same way we can ask questions about the probabilities of many other outcomes. For example: (i) the probability of drawing an even-numbered disc, since there are five of them, is:

5 P(even-numbered disc) = 10 = 0.5

(ii) the probability of drawing a disc which is both red and odd numbered, since there are two of them (1 and 3), is:

2 P(red, odd-numbered disc) = 10 = 0.2

and so on. It is helpful to play such games to gain some insight into the relation between the relative frequency of particular outcomes in a series of trials and your a priori expectations based on your knowledge of the contents of the box. You could repeat the game 100 times and see what is the actual proportion of red discs which is drawn. It is even better if a number of people play the game simultaneously and compare results. Table 5.1 shows what happened on one occasion when 42 students each played the game 100 times. Although the proportion of red discs drawn by individual students varied from 0.20 to 0.39, the mean proportion of red discs drawn over the whole group was 0.2995, very close to the value one would expect, i.e. 0.3. It should be clear that the actual number of red discs is not the important quantity here. The properties of the game depend only on the proportion of discs of that colour. For example, if the box contained 10,000 discs of which 3,000 were red it would continue to be true that P(red disc) = 0.3. This has some practical relevance. Suppose that a village contained 10,000 people of whom 30% were male, though this fact was unknown to us. If we wished to try to establish this proportion without having to identify the sex of every person in the village, we could play the above game, but this time with people instead of discs. We would repeatedly choose a person at random (a detailed method for random selection will be given in the final section of this chapter)


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假设有一个盒子,里面有 10 张形状相同的塑料圆卡,3 个是红的,其余是白的。这些

圆卡分别标有 1 至 10 这 10 个数字,红卡标为 1,2,3。游戏过程是,摇一下盒子,然后从


环。那么,您认为上面写着数字 4 的那张卡被抽出的比例会有多大?3 次中有一次,5 次中

有一次,还是 10 次中有一次?

我们肯定都认为最后一种比例最合情理。圆卡总数为 10。每一张卡被抽出的可能性是

一样的。既然 10 张卡标有彼此不同的数字,那我们可以期望,在大量反复的抽取(试验)之

后,每一个数字被取出的次数将会大致为总次数的十分之一。因此可以说,上面写着数字 4


P(圆卡数字为 4)=1/10=0.1

我们可能要问另外一个问题:“在所有情形下,红卡被抽出的概率会有多大?”既然 10

张卡中有 3 个是这种颜色的,就是说盒子中的圆卡十分之三是红的,于是:



(i) 既然其中有 5 个偶数,那么抽出偶数数字圆卡的概率为 P(偶数卡)=5/10=0.5

(ii) 既然有两张卡数字为奇数且颜色为红色(1 和 3),那么抽出的圆卡数字为奇数且颜色

为红色的概率为 P(红色奇数卡)=2/10=0.2



卡的比例是多少。最好是一群人同时做这个游戏,然后比较结果。表 5.1 给出的数据是 42

个学生同时做这个游戏,每人做 100 次的结果。尽管抽出红卡的比例从 0.20 到 0.39 不等,

但从总体上来看,红卡被抽出的平均比例为 0.2995,非常接近我们的期望值,即 0.3。


圆卡所占的比例有多高。比如,如果盒子中有 10000 个圆卡,其中 3000 个是红的,那么,

P(红卡)=0.3 仍然成立。这一点有实际意义。设想一个村子有 10000 个居民,其中 30%为男



随机抽取其中的一个居民 (本章末尾将详细讲述随机选择方法 ),记录其性别。


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Table 5.1. Number of times a red disc was drawn from a box containing 3 red and 7 white discs in 100 trials by 42 students

20 21 22 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 2829 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 3233 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 39

Number of red discs Frequency

20-22 3 23-25 3 26-28 9 29-31 12 32-34 8 35-37 5 38-40 2

Mean of results of the 42 students is 29.952 per 100 draws Mean proportion is therefore 0.29952

and note whether the person chosen was male or female. If we repeated the process n times, we could use the proportion of males among these n people as an estimate of the proportion or expected relative frequency of males in the population. We saw from table 5.1 that it was possible to assess the properties of a sampling game empirically, when the proportions of different types are known. It is also possible to study the properties of sampling games theoretically. In establishing the proportion of males in the village, for instance, it is possible to find out how many persons should be sampled in order to give a reasonably accurate estimate, by using methods that are explained in chapter 7 (see especially §7.6). As we shall see, if we take a sample of 400 persons we can expect with reasonable confidence (a 5% probability of error) that the proportion of males in the sample is between 28% and 32%, and we can be almost sure (a 1% probability of error) that the proportion of males in the sample would not be less than 25% or greater than 35%. (Compare these figures to the actual proportion of 30%.) We should point out that, in practice, it is not common to use the sampling procedure we have employed in the game where each disc/person is replaced in the box/village after its type has been noted. It is more common to take out a whole group of discs/people simultaneously and note the type of every element in the sample. This is equivalent to choosing the discs/people one at a time and then not replacing those already chosen before selecting the next. Provided only a small proportion of the total (say less than 10%) of the total is sampled it will not make much difference whether the sampling is done with or without replacement.

(From Statistics in Language Studies, by Anthony Woods, Paul Fletcher & Arthur Hughes, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 59-61)


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表 5.1 42 名学生每人做 100 次试验红卡被抽取的次数 (盒子内有红卡 3 个,白卡 7 个)

20 21 22 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 2829 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 3233 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 39

红卡数 频率 红卡数 频率

20-22 3 32-34 8 23-25 3 35-37 5 26-28 9 38-40 2 29-31 12

42 名学生每人 100 次试验结果的均值为 29.952,比例的均值为 0.29952

重复这一过程达 n 次后,计算这 n 个人当中男性所占的比例,就可以获得关于男性在总体中

的比例的一个估计,或者叫做期望相对频率。从表 5.1 可以看出,当知道不同类型所占的比


比如,为了求得村里男性所占比例,就可以用第 7 章所讲的方法(详见§7.6)确定样本中应该

有多少人才能合理地估计这一比例。如果我们选取 400 人作为抽样,我们就有相当的把握(误

差 5%)来预期,样本中男性所占比例在 28%和 32%之间,并且几乎能确信(误差 1%)抽样中

男性所占比例不会低于 25%,也不会高出 35%。(请把这些数值和实际的比例 30%进行比较。)







北京语言文化大学出版社 2000 年版第 61-63 页)


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人民网香港 5 月 7 日电 记者林志文、陈少波报道:继研制出世界上直径最小(1 纳米











电子能带隙越大,若将纳米硅线的直径由 7 个纳米单位改为 1 个纳米单位,便可调控光波,





来源:人民网 2003 年 5 月 07 日 http://www.people.com.cn/


Page 12: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

HK Scientist Brought Out World Finest Nano Silicon Thread A nano-silicon thread with a diameter of one/50,000ths of a hair was recently fresh out from the research in the City University of Hong Kong. The result of the scientific research, the world finest nano-silicon thread has already been published in the internationally renowned magazine, the “Science”, being used as a front cover.

As learned, this is the first time that the “Science” magazine introduced in the form of a front cover the achievements from China’s inland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in nano-meter science and technology. Up to now, the result has already applied for the patent right in the USA.

Prof. S T Lee, in charge of the research center for the super-diamond and advanced films with the City University of Hong Kong said that they succeeded in bringing out the minute nano-thread having a thickness of one/50,000ths of a human hair. It is done by a new method to “assist the growth with an oxide” when carrying out the research.

“The result can be applied to most of the semi-conductor nano-threads.” It can be expected that the nano-silicon thread will pioneer a development in the field of an utterly new science. It will help open up a path of application in the aspect of electronics and photo-electronics since silicon is a kind of widely used materials in electronic industry, said Prof. Lee May 6 in an interview.

As introduced, in the nanometer research the research group discovered for the first time that hydrogen can help clean and stabilize the surface of nano-silicon thread, making its stability to be greatly over the normal silicon, thereby providing conditions for turning out nano-appliances. The surface configuration of a nano-silicon thread has for the first time been obtained by using the microscopic technology with a scanning tube of high resolving power. This has helped greatly the recognition by scientists of the surface of the nanometer silicon thread and also laid a solid foundation for the study of the nanometer thread. Because the thickness of a silicon-thread can affect the width of the forbidden band and so the diameter of a nanometer can help regulate and control the optical waves, thereby providing the probability of a luminous diode or laser. It has brought to light a new method for a mass-production of high quality nano-silicon thread.

Prof. S T Lee holds that the discovery of the stability on a nanometer thread surface and the quantum bigness effect has indicated a bright future for the application of the nano-silicon thread in the field of electronics and photo-electronics. The research achievement has brought to us a great opportunity in the research for an application of nano-sci-technology as with its thickness and the production of nanometer cells, thereby having delivered an important page in the progress of nanometer science and technology.

Starting from 1997, the Super-diamond and Advanced Films Center of the City University of Hong Kong has been engaged in the research of nano-silicon thread. In the field of nanometer science they’ve delivered more than 100 scientific theses and 4 patent rights recommended by the USA of which 4 articles have been published in the “Science” and “Nature” magazine.

Prof. S T Lee said, from now on they’ll focus their nano-tech research on the following three aspects: controlling the property of the nano-silicon thread, the superficial features of the property and characterization of the nano-thread and the exploration and development in the application of nano-silicon thread. By People’s Daily Online <http://english.people.com.cn/>


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1 月 7 日下午,北京北郊的航天城,“神舟”四号飞船的返回舱回到了它的诞生地。

“准确发射、正常运行、安全回收”,“神箭”———长征二号 F 总指挥、发射场副指挥

长黄春平如此概括了中国载人航天工程在正式载人之前的 4 次飞船发射。



说:“1 月 9 日,我就要去开一个会,准备载人火箭的工作安排。”黄春平告诉记者,俄美在

正式载人前发射了十几次,而我国只发射了 4 次就要进行载人飞行试验,感到压力很大,从




再试了,所以我们的原则是以 4 次试验为准,技术状态能不改坚决不改,以更加‘严、细、


另一项重要的准备工作是宇航员。黄春平说:“目前正在培训的宇航员有 14 人,其中 2

人是教官,当然,他们也能上天。”2 名教官曾在国外接受过培训,回来后再教其他人,“因

为全部都送到国外培训费用非常昂贵”。黄春平告诉记者,“神舟”飞船准备了 3 个宇航员的

座位,发射设计也是按照 3 人来考虑的。至于首次飞行上几个人,视具体情况而定。在未来,


香港《星岛日报》报道说,“神舟”五号载人飞船将在今年 10 月发射升空。黄春平表示,



原定发射的那一天气温低到了零下 28 摄氏度。黄春平说:“虽然我们的仪器是按照零下 35

摄氏度照常工作的标准设计考验的,但有规定低于零下 20 摄氏度不得发射。载人航天最重



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Reason for China’s Development of Manned Spacecraft The back cabin of the “Shenzhou IV” returned to its birthplace in the airspace city on the northern outskirts of Beijing on the afternoon of January 7. “Accurate launching, normal operation and safe retrieval” featured the launching of four spacecrafts before the formal launch of manned spacecraft of China’s manned spacecraft project, summed up by Huang Chunping, commander-in-chief of “Shenjian”-Long March-II F, and deputy chief commander of the launching site. Safety and Reliability Are the Most Important Things for Manned Space Huang Chunping was interviewed by a reporter in China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) where he works. This carrier rocket expert said: “I would go to attend a meeting on January 9 to make arrangements for the work related to the manned rocket.” Huang told the reporter that Russia and the United States conducted a dozen or so launchings before they formally sent manned spaceships into the orbit, whereas China would conduct manned flight test after only four times, so he felt enormous pressure, this was very insufficient from the angle of science, he said. Because safety and reliability of the spaceship are calculated by probability, so a definite sub-sample was needed. With regard to countermeasures, Huang said: The technological conditions of the “ ‘Shenjian’ and ‘Shenzhou-IV’ are entirely the same as the manned spacecraft, when directly approached, there wouldn’t be much problem, but we won’t let off any minor problem in data analysis”. He continued, “considering that no more test will be conducted, so our principle is taking the four tests as the standard, we are resolved not to change the technological state where it is possible, we will make the fifth launch a success in a more “strict, meticulous, prudent and practical” style of work. Another important preparatory work relates to astronauts. Huang said, “There are currently 14 astronauts under training, two of them are instructors, of course, they will also go up to the sky.” The two instructors had been trained abroad and they taught others after their return, “because we cannot afford to pay very high fees if all of them are sent abroad for training”. Huang said to the reporter that seats were installed in the “Shenzhou” spaceship for three astronauts, and the launching was designed by taking three persons into account. As to how many persons will be sent in the first flight, it will be determined in light of the concrete circumstance. In future, there will be scientists who engage in scientific research in the outer space. A report of Hong Kong-based Sing Tao Jih Pao, says: the “Shenzhou V” manned spaceship will be launched in October this year. Hung Chunping indicated the time still couldn’t be decided at present, in case a problem with data analysis arises, the entire work process will likely be changed. A colleague of Huang told the reporter that the time for the launch of “Shenzhou-IV” was postponed for one day because of Huang’s insistence, the reason for this was that the temperature on the day originally set for launching was below 28 degree C. Huang Chunping said, “Although our instruments were designed and tested by the standard for normal work at temperature below 35 degree C., however, there is also stipulation that no launch is allowed below minus 20 degrees C. Since the most important things for manned flight are safety and reliability, then why should we risk the danger to launch on that day? Because that would put off the completion of the man-carrying project at least two years.”


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黄春平提到,中国的载人航天工程是于 1992 年 9 月 21 日经中央专委批准的。当时就确


验室,最终建立长期有人照料的空间站。在 21 世纪初使中国成为继美俄之后世界上第三个





















航天技术的集大成者,它对世界格局和国家的国际地位有着极其重要的政治影响。1961 年,

当苏联宇航员加加林乘坐“东方”1 号宇宙飞船安全返回,成为世界上第一个完成太空轨道


来,于是立即集中力量搞“登月计划”。直到 1969 年“阿波罗”11 号登月成功,他们才重



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Huang stated that China’s manned flight project was approved by the Central Special Committee on September 21, 1992. At that time, it was determined that China’s manned space flight project was to be accomplished in “three steps”: First, developing manned spaceship, then building a space laboratory under man’s short-term care, and finally setting up a space station under man’s long-term care. This will make China become, in the early 21st century, a third country capable of independently carrying out manned space activity in the world following the United States and Russia. Manned Space Flight Is a Scale for Measuring Space Strength There were very few domestic reporters allowed to conduct on-the-spot coverage of the launch of “Shenzhou-IV”, let alone foreign reporters. Nevertheless, these foreign reporters tried every possible means to inquire about related news, what they were most concerned about was the significance of China’s manned spacecraft in safety strategy. Huang said, “The aerospace industry of all countries are started from the research and manufacture of missiles, this is true of the whole world, the State has this need of safety. It was only afterwards that space technology rendered more service to the national economy and people’s livelihood, for instance, communications satellite, resources satellite, disaster-relief satellite, and oceanic satellite, etc. We develop space industry for the purpose of peaceful use of the space.” “National security” contains the concepts of territorial waters and territorial airspace, territorial air usually refers to space area within a certain height above the land and waters. Going further to above the atmospheric layer will be the outer space called the fourth human territory beyond the land, ocean and territorial air. However, internationally, there is no clearly definition about which piece of the outer space comes within the scope of which country. Huang Chunping said, “Just imagine, there are outer space facilities of another country at the place very, very high above your head, and so others clearly see what you are doing, and what you are feeling. That’s why we also need to develop space technology.” As a matter of fact, there is no country in the world, which develops space technology purely for civilian use. The United States once set out to build a formidable Star War operational platform. During the Gulf War, America launched numerous satellites and put Iraq under close surveillance. Each detachment of the US military was installed with receivers in its satellite positioning system, they were clear about where the man was and what instruction was issued, this is totally different from previous conditions wherein battles were fought by relying on short-wave radio for contacts. A Chinese military personage engaging in strategy research said because all technologies are the same, therefore specialists are aware what does carrier rocket, which can accurately send spaceship into the pre-set orbit, mean to missile and what multi-modeled micro-wave remote sensing technology mean to reconnaissance and surveillance. In the current and future State security strategy, if one wants not to be controlled by others, one must have considerable space scientific and technological strength, otherwise one will be bullied by others. Manned space flight is exactly a scale for measuring space strength. An American official report says that manned aerospace is epitome of space technology, it has extremely important political influence on the world pattern and a country’s international standing. In 1961 when Soviet astronaut Yury A. Gagarin safely returned from the “Orient-I” spaceship on which he boarded, and thus became the world’s first astronaut who completed the outer space orbital flight, the United States was greatly frightened, feeling that the Americans had fallen from the position of the world’s first power overnight, so they immediately concentrated their resources to make their “Moon-land Project”. It was only till 1969 when the “Apollo”-11 successfully landed the moon that they regained their sense of superiority and self-confidence.


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载火箭、发射场、测控和回收场七大系统,一共动用了 100 多个单位、3000 多个厂家的数







目标,“神箭”———长征二号 F 火箭增加了故障自动检测系统和逃逸系统。故障自动检测

系统里设定了 310 种故障模式分析,一旦发生危险立即自动报警,命令宇航员逃到安全区域。

谈到逃逸系统,黄总起身走到矗立在办公室内的“神箭”模型旁,指着其侧面 4 个折起的栅

格翼说道:“这是逃逸系统里最难的部分,我们曾想咨询一下俄罗斯专家,他们开价 1000



42 年,但并不意味着中国的航天技术比美俄落后 42 年。他分别从火箭、飞船、卫星等方面



飞船体积更大,内部设备更为先进,总体来说已经达到了上个世纪 90 年代的水平。中国的







国家加大投资,经过 15—20 年的努力,中国的航天事业完全可以赶上世界最先进国家的水


《环球时报》(2003 年 01 月 10 日第三版)


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China Is Determined to Concentrate Its Human and Financial Resources to Speed Up Manned Aerospace Development It is precisely because space technology has so important significance to the national economy and people’s livelihood that China has set its mind to concentrate its human and financial resources to accelerate manned aerospace development. Today, its manned space project includes seven major systems-astronaut, application, spaceship, carrier rocket, launching site, monitoring and retrieval mechanisms, it has put to use over 100 work units, more than 3,000 factories and tens of thousands of scientific research, manufacturing and planning personnel, the entire project involves huge investments. Huang explained the usage of this amount of investment. The majority of which was used in ground construction, such as factories, bases and equipment. When this sum of money is formed into fixed assets, it can generally be used in many national economic fields. “The money which was really used in space was actually not much”. Manned Space Flight Is More Difficult Than Unmanned Aerospace Huang told the reporter that astronauts are the valuable assets of the country, so there must not be the slightest accident. To realize the goal of manned space flight, “Shenjian”-Long March-II F Rocket has added automatic fault-detecting and escape systems. In the automatic fault-detecting system are established 310 kinds of failure-model analyses, it can immediately give automatic warning once danger occurs, ordering the astronaut flee to the safe area. When speaking of the escape system, Commander-in-Chief Huang walked to the “Shenjian” model that stands in the office; pointing at a four-fold lattice wing on one side, he said, “This is the most difficult part of the escape system, we once wanted to inquire about it from Russian experts, but they set the price at US$10 million, finally we solved the problem on our own.” As regards the overall level of China’s space technology, Huang said that although the time for the space flight of our astronauts is 42 years later than that of Gagarin, this does not imply that China’s space technology lags behind that of the United States and Russia by 42 years. He made an analysis from the aspects of rocket, spaceship, satellite, etc. As the commander-in-chief of “Shenjian” rocket carrying the “Shenzhou” spaceship, Huang Chunping is self-confident that China’s carrier rocket is of the world’s first rate. In the aspect of spaceship, compared with the “Union” spaceship still in use in Russia, the “Shenzhou” spacecraft is bigger in size, the inner equipment is more advanced, generally speaking, it has reached the level of the 1990s. China’s satellite developmental level is relatively lagging. The service lives of US and Russian satellites reach a dozen or so years, whereas that of China’s is only several years, this is mainly because there is a disparity in the rocket propellant of the satellite self-carrying control system. Huang said to the reporter that China has so far relied completely on itself for the development of its space undertaking, “as scientific and technological personnel, we hope very much to enter into cooperation with our foreign counterparts, but based on the considerations of basic economic strength, intellectual property rights, political factors as well as national security, China’s aerospace industry can only develop self-reliantly”. In the opinion of Huang, what currently handicaps China’s space undertaking is the fact that the country’s overall economic strength is not particularly hefty, its production technological level is not high enough, and it still cannot put in sufficient funds, but he believe that as long as the State increases investments and, after working hard for 15-20 years, China’s space undertaking can fully be able to catch up with the level of the world’s most advanced countries.



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摘要 尽管几代林学家曾努力按“永续利用”原则来经营森林, 二百多年来包括中国在


森林可持续经营的概念及森林可持续发展的标准和指标体系的形成进行了说明, 并以作为


展标准和指标的草案已经起草完成, 需要仔细地修改完善。

文章在扼要介绍中国森林资源清查方法的基础上, 按森林可持续发展的要求对中国的

森林资源状况进行了分析, 根据最近一次森林资源清查材料, 中国的有林地总面积为 1.337

亿hm2, 森林覆盖率 13.92%, 总蓄积量为 117.8 亿m3。森林资源的绝对量还算不少, 但与中国

广阔的领土及极大的人口相比, 森林资源的相对量尤其是人均占有量是很低的。通过对连续

四次(1973-1993)森林资源清查的结果作比较分析, 可以看出一些发展趋势。中国森林资源

在八十年代以前是连续下降的, 此后先是森林面积后是森林蓄积逐渐回升, 最近几年回升速

度加快。但与此同时成过熟用材林的面积和蓄积仍在下降, 生产的原木平均径级小, 质量差。

近年来, 由于乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒及建设占用等原因, 林地逆转现象比较严重。虽然中国的

造林成就很大, 防护林体系建设成就享誉世界, 但林业的总体境况则仍不容乐观, 离可持续


在对林业部门的未来需求及可持续发展的迫切性进行前景分析的基础上, 作者提出了

几项行动的指导方针, 作为对《中国 21 世纪议程—林业行动计划》中一些内容的强调和补

充。(1) 必须坚持大规模植树造林, 并进行世纪性的努力以扩大森林资源。(2) 显著提高森

林生产力和效益水平是使林业满足可持续发展的关键所在。(3) 林种结构需经合理调整, 森

林需在分类经营的基础上做到生态系统的综合经营以发挥其生产及效益的潜力。(4) 要把森

林可持续经营恰如其分地纳入到区域(或流域)综合开发和治理的主渠道中去。(5) 把科教兴


(《面向 21 世纪的林业国际学术讨论会》论文, 1997 年 6 月 11-15 日)


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Discussion on the Sustainable Development of Forests in China

Shen Guofang Abstract

In spite of the great efforts of generations of foresters to manage the forests according to the principle of “sustained yield”, from 200 years ago up to the recent proclaiming of the principle of “sustainable development”, the forest resources world-wide as well as in China have been decreasing drastically under the pressure of fast population expansion and social-economical development. The concept of sustainable development of forest management was explained and the processes of formulation of the criteria and indicators for sustainable development of forests in different parts of the world were introduced with the illustration, as an example, of the San-Diego version of the “Criteria and Indicators”, accepted as the result of Montreal process. It was indicated, that the first Chinese draft of the criteria and indicators for sustainable development of forests in China has been worked out and careful discussions and refinement are needed to complete the drafting.

On the stand point of the sustainable development of forests and with the indication of inventory methodology, the conditions of forest resources in China were analyzed. According to the latest national forest inventory, the total forest area in China is 133.70 million hm2 thus the forest coverage is 13.92%, and the total volume of growing stock is 11.78 billion m3. These absolute figures are fairly large, but to compare with the large area of territory and very large amount of population in China, the relative amount of forest resources in China is low, and the per capita possession of forest resources is very low. Through the analysis of the variation of forest resources during the period of 4 sequential national forest inventory (1973-1993) some tendencies could be observed. The forest resources in China had been reduced drastically before 1980s. Since then the forest area at first, and later the total volume of growing stock as well, have increased gradually with the considerable increase of forest area for the last 4-5 years. But at the same time the area and volume of mature commercial forests have been still decreasing and the average diameter class and quality of produced timber remain low and unimproved. Recently, quite a lot of forest area has been deforested because of illegal cuttings, agricultural encroachment and expansion of urban and communication construction. Though the achievements of afforestation and establishment of protective forest systems in China are impressive, the forestry in general remains in difficult condition and a big gap needs to be filled up to reach the target of sustainable development.

On the basis of prospective analysis of future demands on forestry sector and urgent needs for the sustainable development, several guidelines for action were put forward as the emphasis or complement to those already presented in the “Action Plan of Forestry, China’s 21 century Agenda”. (1) Large scale afforestation and tree-planting programs should be insisted for a century-long time in order to enlarge the forest resources. (2) Increasing the forest productivity and efficiency significantly is the critical point of forestry to meet the various kinds of demands and to improve the sustainability of the forests. (3) The forest functioning structure should be rearranged rationally and the forests should be managed scientifically on the basis of comprehensive management of forest ecosystems with differentiated orientations of management according to their originally proposed dominant functions. (4) The implementation of sustainable management of forests should be incorporated appropriately into the main stream of regional comprehensive development. (5) More input in the aspects of science-technical assistance and personnel education should be realized to support the sustainable development of forests.


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Miscellaneous Topics

1) For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences

dealing with the natural world (physical and biological sciences), and sciences dealing with mankind

(psychology, sociology, all the sciences of cultural achievements, every kind of historical knowledge).

Apart from these sciences is philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place, all this is pure

or theoretical knowledge, sought only for the purpose of understanding, in order to fulfil the need to

understand that is intrinsic and consubstantial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he

knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a

certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he would not be the

man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the

greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a

life increasingly more truly human.

But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the primacy and

autonomy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have

immediate and foreseeable success, but not the kind of important result whose revolutionary scope is in

large part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall a well-known example.

If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic sections,

zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been

possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could

not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually

lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life.

Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance.

But, in addition, it is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this

knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly.

2) The northern lights, or the aurora borealis, is one of nature's most dazzling spectacles. When it

appears, there is often a crackling sound coming from the sky. A huge, luminous arc lights up the night,

and this arc is constantly in motion. Sometimes, the brilliant rays of light spread upward in the shape of

a fan. At other times, they flash here and there like giant searchlights, or move up and down so

suddenly that they have been called "the merry dancers." Farther north the aurora frequently looks like

fiery draperies which hang from the sky and sway to and fro while flames of red, orange, green, and the

blue play up and down the moving folds.

According to scientific measurements, this discharge of light takes place from 50 to 100 miles

above the earth. But it doesn't reach its greatest brilliance at the North Pole. It is seen at its best around

the Hudson Bay region in Canada, in northern Scotland, and in southern Norway and Sweden. It may

sometimes be seen even in the United States as it flashes across the northern sky.


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Science is still not certain regarding exactly what these lights are and what causes them. But it is

believed that the rays are due to discharges of electricity in the rare upper atmosphere. The displays

seem to center about the earth's magnetic poles, and electrical and magnetic disturbances often occur

when the lights are especially brilliant.

3) Coral reefs are to the seas what rain forests are to the land. Teeming with life, these ecosystems

depend upon sunlight and an intricate relationship between plant and line animal to survive.

The brilliant blue of the Red Sea is an unexpected sight within the dry expense of the Middle

Eastern desert. Even more unexpected, however, is the myriad of colorful marine creatures which

thrive in its shallow reefs and deep slopes. Half a world away in Australia's Coral Sea, a pair of

clownfish will find protection in the reef as they patiently guard their eggs until they hatch. Strangely

enough, these fish are actually poor swimmers and seldom stray far from the protective cover provided

by the sea anemones which dwell in their coral reef homes.

Another colorful addition to coral reefs appears as a rose-like creation. It is actually a ribbon of

thousands of tiny nudibranch eggs. Nudibranches are a variety of very colorful, strangely shaped

gastropods which can be found in the world's warm seas and which feed on sponges, hydroid polyps,

sea anemones, moss animals, or sea squirts.


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4.1 中国中部、西南部温带森林生态区, 在中国和世界的生物保护系统中占有重要的地

位。这一生态区北起甘肃白水江林区, 南至西南林区, 横跨暖温带、北亚热带和中亚热带, 是

中国生物物种最丰富的区域, 也是世界上温带生物物种最丰富的地区之一。具有十分重要的

生物多样性保护价值。把这一地区作为研究对象并实施保护战略, 对保护中国和世界的生物


个中国问题, 也是一个世界问题。这一生态区的生物保护需要引起更大的重视。

4.2 在这一地区, 生物多样性保护还不同程度地面临着威胁。当前的问题是: 部分生物

物种数量在减少, 还有一部分物种濒临灭绝; 更为严重的是, 较为普遍地存在着生物物种环

境不良、栖息地萎缩的状况。主要原因是: 过度利用自然资源; 放牧超载; 不合理开发利用

林副产品; 乱捕乱猎野生动物; 水土流失; 土地荒漠化; 工业生产活动产生的负效应; 社会

经济活动的不良影响(人口的增加; 过度依赖自然资源的产业结构; 落后的农业生产方式);


4.3 生物多样性保护的力度在加强。近些年来, 中国政府、各级地方政府、有关管理部

门采取了一系列措施, 做出了重大的努力, 力求从根本上遏制生态环境恶化、生物物种减少

的现象。这些措施包括: 加强立法, 加大执法力度; 建立健全机构, 设立自然保护区; 强化宣

传教育, 提高保护意识; 增加政府投入, 启动环境建设工程; 加强国际合作, 全方位实施生


通过上述努力, 这一地区的生物多样性保护取得了一定的效果, 已在部分领域和部分地

区呈现逐步好转的趋势。一些濒临灭绝的物种逐渐得到恢复, 种群数量有所增加; 一些地区

森林资源和其他生物植被面积开始扩大; 山区小流域治理成效明显, 生态环境有所改善; 通

过查处破坏野生动植物的案件, 使乱砍乱伐森林和乱捕乱猎野生动物的势头受到一定遏制。

总体上看, 我们没有理由不对这一生态区生物多样性保护中面临的问题与威胁保持清

醒的认识和足够的重视, 同时, 我们也有理由相信, 随着保护力度的加大, 这一区域生物多


(选自林业经济发展研究中心《我国中部、西南部温带森林生态区生物多样性保护报告》, 1998

年 5 月)

Page 24: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一


1. Translate the following extracts into Chinese: 1) Fundamental to the theory of plate tectonics is the assumption that while all the plates seem to be

moving at different relative speeds—ranging from a fraction of an inch to a maximum of five inches a

year—the whole jigsaw puzzle of plates is interlinked. No one plate can move without affecting others,

and the activity of one can influence another thousands of miles away: The Atlantic Ocean could not be

getting wider—as it is with the spreading of the African Plate away from the south American plate—if

the Pacific sea floor were not being consumed in deep oceanic trenches faster than it is created at the

Pacific ridges. The plates move rapidly by geological standards: two inches per year—to pick a typical

speed—up to 30 miles in one million years. It took only 150 million years for a mere fracture in an

ancient continent from the above selection.

2) The world above the forest floor can be observed by all of us. Rarely, however, do we take the time

to notice the teeming life and bustling activity that occurs beneath the ground we walk on.

Of all soil-dwelling creatures, the most abundant are mites and springtails, insect-like creatures

that literally eat their way through caverns of subterranean vegetation. The tiny, eight-legged mites lay

their eggs on plant matter, which their larvae eat and convert into fresh soil. The bright-colored

springtails are named for their ability to leap long distances during their search for decomposed plant

matter to eat.

Both mites and springtails are prey to a host of soil-dwelling predators. They thus anchor one end

of the food chain that extends to higher forms of forest “lowlife”, such as moles that feed on


Those mammals, in turn, dig tunnels that function as underground byways for other subterranean

species. Hibernating chipmunks, turtles, and salamanders sift and mix the soil when they burrow to

winter dens. Cottontails and gray foxes excavate shallow dens as sanctuary from predators and harsh

weather, while gray squirrels, hiding acorns for the lean season, further blend the earth. From microbe

to people, thousands of species work the land upon which all life depends.

2. Translate the following into English:

1) 播种

播种时, 必须注意把种子均匀散开, 这样种子在生长时就不过分拥挤, 每粒种子就可以


大自然也力求确保种子分散在广阔的面积上并远离母株。这一点很重要, 其原因有二:

一是如果母株被毁, 幼苗将有更多的成活机会; 二是幼苗和母株之间以及幼苗和幼苗之间不


在自然界, 种子的散播在很大程度上是碰运气的。大多数种子落在不适宜它健康生长的


Page 25: Unit Four Science & Technologywaiyu.bjfu.edu.cn/docs/20130923145415971344.pdf · 擅长飞行的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。 ... 英国发明家,特雷沃尔·白利斯看到一个关于非洲爱滋病的电视节目后,生活便有了一

地方。它们中的大多数不可能长期生存。为了茂盛地成长, 它们必须获得四样东西: (1) 适宜

的土壤; (2) 适合的温度; (3) 充足的水分; (4) 它们得以生长的其他条件, 如空气和阳光。

2) 蚯蚓

蚯蚓是一种有益的动物。在地面上它是其他动物的食物。在地下, 它为田野和花园制造


蚯蚓能挖洞, 而洞穴能使土壤疏松, 因而使空气和水更容易达到植物的根部。这些洞穴


蚯蚓把枯萎的树叶、草和花瓣拖进洞穴中。当这些植物垃圾腐烂以后, 就使土壤肥沃。

蚯蚓对制造优良的表层土壤所起的作用是其他任何动物都比不上的。据估计, 五万条蚯
