Typhoid Fever.pptx

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  • 8/16/2019 Typhoid Fever.pptx


  • 8/16/2019 Typhoid Fever.pptx


    Typhoid Fever

    Is a bacterial infectiontransmitted by contaminatedwater, milk, shell sh or otherfood It is an infection of the!I" a#ectin$ the lym%hoidtissues &'eyer(s %atches) of thesmall intestine

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    Sources ofInfection

    0 %erson who recovered from thedisease or one who took care of the

    %atient with the "y%hoid and wasinfected can be considered a%otential carrier. In$estion of shell sh &oysters)

    taken from waters contaminated bysewa$e dis%osal/ *tool and vomitus of infected


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    An to!y nd Physiology

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    Function of Peyer"sp tches

    Because the lumen of the$astrointestinal tract is e2%osed to thee2ternal environment, much of it is%o%ulated with %otentially %atho$enic microor$anisms 'eyer3s %atches thusestablish their im%ortance in the immune

    surveillance of the intestinal lumen and infacilitatin$ the $eneration of the immuneres%onse within the mucosa


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    #linic l

    $ nifest tions1. Onset a 4eadache, chilly sensation, achin$ all overthe body

    b 5ausea, vomitin$ and diarrheac By the 6 th and 7 th day, all sym%toms areworstd Fever is hi$her in the mornin$ than it was

    in the afternoone Breathin$ is accelerated, the ton$ue isfurred, the skin is dry and hot, abdomen isdistended and tender

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    f 8ose s%ots a%%ear on the abdominal wall onthe 9 th to th day$ On the . nd week sym%toms become morea$$ravated "em%erature remains in uniformlevel 8ose s%ots become more %rominent

    . Typhoid Statea Intense sym%toms decline in severityb "he ton$ue %rotrudes, becomes dry andbrown

    c "eeth and li%s accumulate a dirty browncollection of mucus and bacteria known assordes &%reventable by $ood nursin$ care)

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    d 'atients seems to be starin$ blankly&;oma vi$il)

    e "witchin$ of the tendon sets in s%eciallythe wrist & subsultus tendinum )

    f 'atient mutters deliriously and %icks u%aimlessly at bedclothes with his n$ersin continuous fashion &;ar%holo$ia)

    $ "here is constant tendency for the%atient to sli% down to the foot %art of

    the bedh In severe cases ramblin$ delirium setsin, often endin$ in death

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    P thogno!onic Sign

    8ose *%otsblanchin$ %ink macular s%ots.-/mm over trunk

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    St tistics in the Philippines

    > cases %er year &9>? in travelers)'hili%%ines: &5ov .>>@) 69A in 0$usan del

    *ur& ay .>>6) . . in Bacolod ;itysus%ected cases in of ty%hoid fever in8eal, CueDon is A6ty%hoid fever cases in Iloilo %rovince with@A6 cases already recorded from Januaryto July ./ this year

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    0reas with hi$h ty%hoid fever cases are thetowns of ;abatuan, A9 *ara, A6 *an ionisio,6/ uman$as, /9 ;once%cion, // aasin,/ 'ototan, / Gemery, .A 'assi ;ity, .9and ;alino$, .7he other cases were in 'andan &/), 8awis &/),

    'alnab del 5orte &/), *to 5iHo &.), *ta ;ruD&.), 'alnab del *ur &.), *an 8o ue & ), BGI**& ), "ib$ao & &) *an 'ablo & ), arcelo 0lberto& ), Im%erial 4omes *ubdivision & ),

    ;onstantino & ), *an 'edro & ), Bi$aa & ),a$nesia & ), and, oonwalk & )Other sus%ect ty%hoid cases were from *an0ndres &6), Bato &.), *an i$uel &.), !i$moto&.) and Ba$amanoc & )

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    Incu% tionPeriod "he %eriod is from veto forty days with amean of ten to twentydays

    9 to 6 days afterin$estion

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    Period of co!!unic %ility

    "he %eriod ofcommunicability isvariable 0s lon$ as the%atient is e2cretin$ the

    microor$anism, he is stillca%able of infectin$ others

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    P thogensis "he or$anism $ains access to the bloodstream throu$h the bowel, %rinci%allythrou$h the infected 'eyer(s %atches of thelym%hoid tissues

    . On the rst week these lym%h nodes areswollen 5ecrosis of the lym%h node follows,caused by %ro$ressive edema and eventualvascular obstruction from the center to the%eri%hery of the node, resultin$ in an ovalulcer alon$ the lon$ a2is of the bowel

    / In the second week, they form slou$hs whichare often bile- colored

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    6 On the third week, the slou$hsse%arate and leave an ulcerated

    surface7 4emorrha$e and %erforation may

    occur due to e2tension of the lesion

    and continuous erosion of thee%ithelial linin$ of the smallintestines

    @ *ince to2in is absorbed by the bloodstream, almost all or$ans of the bodyare a#ected, most commonly theheart, the liver, and the s%leen "hemesenteric lym%h $lands are red and

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    #o!plic tion4emorrha$e or %erforation- the two most dreaded

    com%lications. 'eritonitis- in ammation of the %eritoneum which

    may be due to chemical irritation or bacterialinvasion

    / Bronchitis and 'neumonia6 eteorism or e2cessive distension of the bowels

    &"ym%anites)7 "hrombosis and embolism

    @ Early 4eart failure9 K"y%hoid s%ineL or neuritisA *e%ticemia

    8eiter(s syndrome- Moint %ain, eye irritation, %ainfulurination that can lead to chronic arthritis

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    Di gnosticProcedure "y%hi dot test- con rmatoryIf illness is 6 days or lon$er


    I$ I$! &N) &-) 0cute infection &N) &N) 8ecent Infection &-) &N) E uivocal: 'ast infection

    or acute

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    . EGI*0 - En&y!e'lin(edi!!unosor%ent ss y &E)ISA ), also

    known as an en&y!ei!!uno ss y &EIA ), is a biochemical techni ue used mainly in immunolo$y todetect the %resence of an antibody or an

    anti$en in a sam%le/

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    $od lities of Tre t!ent

    ;hloram%henicol- dru$ of choice. 0m%icilin/ ;o-trimo2aDole6 ;i%ro o2acin or ;iftria2one7 If %atient does not res%ond to

    ;hloram%henicol, / rd and 6 th $eneration dru$ are administered

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    *ursing ! n ge!ent

    Isolation by medical ase%tic techni ue. aintain or restore uid and electrolytebalance in a small uantities at fre uentintervals/ onitor %atients vital si$ns6 'revent further inMury & fall) of %atient withty%hoid %sychosis7 aintain $ood %ersonal hy$iene and mouthcare@ ;oolin$ measures are necessary durin$febrile state 9

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    *ursingDi gnosis*elf-care de citFluid volume & iarrhea)

    ;onsti%ationnowled$e de cit

    4i$h risk for inMury &ty%hoid


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    Prevention nd

    #onrtol*anitary and %ro%er dis%osal of e2creta'ro%er su%ervision of food handlersEnteric isolation

    0de uate %rotection or %rovision of safedrinkin$ water su%%ly8e%ortin$ of cases to health authorities

    etection and su%ervision of ty%hoidcarriersEducation of $eneral %ublic on the mode oftransmission

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  • 8/16/2019 Typhoid Fever.pptx


    're%ared by:

    Angelyn Echi! ne+o!% se

    , ryll $yr Epres+on

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