Triple Bottom Lines Assessments Ensure Sustainable Development Will Be Reachable

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  • 7/27/2019 Triple Bottom Lines Assessments Ensure Sustainable Development Will Be Reachable


    Triple Bottom Lines assessments ensure Sustainable Development will be reachable. Triple

    Bottom lines focuses on aspects of environment, economics and social. Sustainable development

    are required to ensure a country, nations and the earth growth in term of economics, peoples

    knowledge, development in term of infrastructure, buildings and even information technologies

    are reachable without harming the environment and maintaining the biodiversity for our future

    generations. Current environmental issues such as Global Warming, sudden changes of weather,

    rise in the sea level and frequency of natural disaster such as flood occurring are in the alarming

    rates which are being caused by uncontrolled and unsustainable development.

    Sustainable development should include a cleaner environment, sustained level of economic,

    perfect balance for society growth, reduction in the waste production and pollution, where the

    natural resources and biodiversity should be protected. Even it seems to be something impossible

    to be done in real life, but with proper knowledge, planning, management and control.

    Development in all aspect can be sustainable.

    Sustainable Development objectives are to maintain the biodiversity, natural environment, air

    and water quality, plants and animals species for our future generations where all aspects can

    develop and grow. Sustainable Development also focuses on reduction on the usage of energy,

    reduction on waste and pollution. Green Building requirements and standards are being

    developed to make building development more sustainable. Environmental Impact Assessment

    and management plan are required to ensure sustainable development is reachable forconstruction, plantation and mining activities. All those are done to ensure the objectives of

    sustainable development can be reached.

    Lots of development, either on going or future planning is not sustainable at all. Huge plantations

    are being done, without the proper concern and balance between environment, economics and

    social aspects. Thousands of hectares of land are being exploited and converted into Oil Palm

    Plantation in Sarawak, where Oil Palm production had become one of the main factors to

    determine the economic status of Sarawak. Even with environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

    being done, the impacts towards the biodiversity and the environment are either overlooked or

    covered so the huge plantation project can still continue.

    Entire world are moving towards Sustainable Development and greener building and designs.

    Changes in any aspects require time for implementation and adaptation. Society in huge require

    time for adaptation to the new requirements and ideas. Lots of architects and engineers had

  • 7/27/2019 Triple Bottom Lines Assessments Ensure Sustainable Development Will Be Reachable


    started to in cooperate green building technologies and understanding in their design. Slowly,

    Sarawak is moving towards sustainable development.

    Sectors and industries like energy supply in Sarawak are still not sustainable. Sarawak Energy

    Sendirian Berhad still use coal power plant to produce electricity to some main areas in Sarawak.

    In Miri, gases are being used to produce electricity. Burning of natural gas and coal are not

    sustainable at all, even with the increasing number of hydroelectric dams being built in Sarawak,

    the energy produced from each of the working dams are still insufficient to produce the energy

    required by Sarawak. Dams constructions are not sustainable also, as dams require a very huge

    area to hold the water, lots of biodiversity and natural habitats for lots of forest living things are

    being destroyed in the process of building dams.

    In Sarawak, the developments of bio-diesel are still in the research stages, where lots of

    Universities had researchers working full time to produce a sustainable bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is

    one of the solutions to reach sustainable development.

    Recycling, reuse and reduce activities in Sarawak, are not that common yet as most people will

    only recycle materials which fetch high price such as aluminium and metals, while low pricing

    materials such as paper are not really being recycled properly. Usages of plastic bags are still

    very common for Sarawakians, even with numerous educations, exposure and free

    environmental friendly woven bags are given by lots of huge shopping complexes, government

    and non-government agencies, but it is still not widely practiced by most Sarawakians.